#lilly kay
cinemedios · 4 months
¿Por qué no te puedes perder "Your Honor" con Bryan Cranston?
No hay excusas para no verla.🤨🍿
“Your Honor” la serie protagonizada por Bryan Cranston anunció su llegada al catálogo de la plataforma de streaming Netflix, y nosotros te damos las razones suficientes para que no te la pierdas. El día de ayer, 28 de mayo de 2024, se anunció que la serie “Your Honor” protagonizada por el talentoso actor estadounidense Brian Cranston y creada por Peter Moffat dejaría de ser exclusivamente del…
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RECEFLASH | Your Honor - Stagione 2
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Il nostro parere sulla seconda ed ultima stagione di Your Honor.
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uttaqa · 3 months
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The ninjago's chronology is very off, so let's pretend they were all together at the same time.
And since Lily doesn't have a normal canonical costume, I made something with a season 13 theme. Like mother, like son.
I also think Lloyd would have been a long-liver. But mentally and physically, he would have grown as slowly as possible.
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chaellooo · 2 months
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Hrrhhrh doodles. I have some kind of internal crisis drawing kai's hair. Also, Nya...my beloved...
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kindaasrikal · 12 days
I have a small AU where on the Day of the Departed some souls are able to go down to Ninjago to see their loved ones.
(Such as souls who have recently died, souls who are remembered, or souls who are trusted enough to go down (when a dangerous soul is one of the first two they either are not allowed to go down or must travel down with a ‘Guardian’ such as Garmadon with Morro (yes this is a Morro AU are you actually surprised)))
So imagine how Cole feels when years down the pipe line something triggers his previous ghostly-ness (maybe evil Garms resurrection) and he sees Morro and Garmadon bickering near a Lloyd, Cryptor making fun of Zane and Pixal, Dr Julien admiring all the changes that has occurred, his mom admiring how big he’s gotten, and the damn First spinjitzu master snorting at Wu and (evil) Garmadon bickering.
No Kai he’s not hallucinating Harumi’s birth parents and adopted parents hovering over her what the hell.
Imagine how baffled he would be when he sees some random blonde woman and a guy who looks way too familiar babying a Jay who has no idea why Cole both looks traumatised and amused when looking at him.
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robodove · 7 months
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A buncha doodles!! + A Christmas thinkfast picture I made for my best friend that I wanted to share.
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ronithesnail · 11 months
i cant explain it but this moment is so gay of them. just look at em. standing next to eachother and posing like that. synchronized and on cue exactly at the same time without hesitation or needing to communicate. they just know. Its a reflex its so natural. gay as fuck
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mx-julien · 6 months
ninjas' relationship with a home
Zane is used to moving on from places, as an amnesiac orphan he was used to getting up and carrying on, then his only temporary home, the Monastery, burns down (ref: s1 ep2 Home) and the others blame him for it. granted, he seems unaffected from these accusations and proceeds to find the Destiny's Bounty that day so all is forgiven
I wonder if some of this longing for a home was intensified after he regains his memories in Tik Tok (s1 ep7). because then he would be able to remember a time of prolonged safety and living with people you love
Kai and Nya lived at the blacksmith shop presumably since their parents got kidnapped by Krux and Acronix. Nya even had enough time to create a whole secret room of armor
the first years must've been especially hard given all the reminders of their parents being around. did they leave their bedroom untouched, save for the occasional cleaning?
did Kai have to pull up a stool to the stove to cook until he hit his growth spurt? are most of Nya's memories in that house of Kai making her lunches and tucking her in at night and sending her off to school?
who takes care of the shop while they're gone? and when they come back do they notice everything looks a little smaller- each corner thick with dust and the fingerprints of afternoons when they were 12 and only had each other?
Jay lived with Ed and Edna in the scrapyard since he was little and he can visit back there whenever he likes, but now he has another family to think about: the one he never had, the one that gave him away
however after Skybound he knows he has other parents as well. does he ever sit in the kitchen he grew up in and wonder if his biomom had any recipes she wanted to pass down? if she ever saw families or little kids and thought of him? if they have the same smile or same freckles or same laugh?
sure he can learn about Cliff all he wants and he loves his Mom and Dad dearly, but was there more? could he have learned to master lightning with his Mom? where was she when he was growing up? was she unable to see him or unwilling? is she even alive?
Cole's house is likely the same as when he was little, so he too can go visit, but I wonder if he went off to "boarding school" because after his Mom died he couldn't stand to be at home
what was a place to laugh and paint became gray when Lilly got ill. it turned into a place of hushed voices and packed bags for the hospital. after she died it was the home of yelling, of arguments, of tradition vs. passion. smiles became forced and doors only slammed shut.
with more time having passed, I wonder if Cole is glad that so many things of his are mostly untouched since his Mom died. he can find her neat handwriting on some notes in his desk, in books on the shelves, and point out decor she bought
Lloyd only had a complete home for a small part of his childhood before Misako left him at Darkley's. then, he must've lived somewhere close to the school. when he was doing Pythor's bidding, he seemed to be mostly homeless
after growing up deserted at a boarding school (that he clearly didn't like) and manipulated into long treks and homelessness to do the bidding of a snake, perhaps his misbehavior at the beginning of his stay on the Bounty was because he couldn't imagine it lasting. him? a place where he felt at home? better the devil you know than the devil you don't- just toss me back out on the streets I don't CARE!
when do you think he realized that the others weren't going to leave him like his Mom did or take advantage of him like Pythor? how many months in did it take him to realize that his uncle Wu wasn't the only one who wanted him there?
any particular ninja y'all want me to focus on drop in the tags or replies- I'm real interested about this now
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yunmaobao · 6 months
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i miss when people made fankids so BOOM lava fankids
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asherbakugou · 4 months
Okay, so this is a story i might write but I do want to get it out there and see if anyone is interested in reading it.
So the series would be about the previous two sets of Elemental Masters of Ninjago, since some got their Element earlier, others later, and its a whole jumbled mess. The main focus would be these characters.
Keahi Kalama, The Master of Fire, and known as the Wildfire Archer, for when his arrows strike they wrupt into flames. He is also known for using different pouches full of powder to change the color and deadliness of his fire and to make the smoke itself poisonous. (Father of Ray Kalama, Grandfather of Kai and Nya Kalama)
Jiang Daiyu, the Master of Water, and known as the Tide-Bringer for she swept an army from the beach when they threatened her home village. She prefers to use a fishing spear as a weapon, simply because she knows how to use it best, and she is one of the strongest Elemental Masters of the Alliance. (Mother of Jiang Mei Lien (Maya), Grandmother of Kai and Nya Kalama)
Gerald D'Angelo, the Master of Earth, and known as the Shield for his control in forming shields to defend his allies. Most commonly seen using a massive war hammer to manipulate the earth and is naturally strong, breaking bones in a single punch. (Father of Lilly D'Angelo, Grandfather of Cole Brookstone)
Aspen, the Master of Ice, and known as the Bringer of Winter for he rarely is seen during missions in summer but once he begins being seen it means winter is coming. Used two long blades coated in poison that left his enemies rotting but frostbitten, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. (Unknown relation to Zane Julien)
Petir, the Master of Lightning, and known as the Blue Serpent for his powerful strikes using the Imperial Adder fighting style. So fast, very few of his oppenents stand a chance when facing him outright even when they outmatch him in strength because he has experience and speed. No known weapons used. (Father of Lyn, Grandfather of Jay Walker)
Eteri, the Master of Wind, and known as Tempest for in battle she could summon massive tornadoes that left gouges in Ninjago still seen in modern day geography. Rarely every used weapons, but carried Tessens, war fans, with sharp blades in case her element became disabled or she needed to fight without it. One of the strongest members of the Elemental Alliance. (Mother of Morro)
Aryan, the Master of Smoke, and known as the Ghost Samurai, for his ability to turn himself to smoke and travel quickly made people believe he was a ghost. A samurai that teamed up with the Elemental Alliance, because they were being threatened by the Emperor of Ninjago. Wore black armor and had a sword passed down to him that was still as sharp as the day it had been forged. (Father of Morro)
And Garmadon.
I wanted to do a series about how Elemental Masters weren't trusted or revered until recent years and that's why Morro never used his Element on the streets. It would show the Emporer basically deciding he wanted all elemental masters dead, not understanding very well that the elements would simply pass on, and sent out his army creating a period of war and strife.
A lot of the secondary Elemental Masters stayed in hiding with Wu, who did not wish to fight, while Garmadon led his own group to fight back and try to force the Emporer to leave them alone.
The main characters though would be Eteri and Aryan, Morro's parents, and we would see what happened leading up to him being 'abandoned' in Jamanakai at the base of Wu's Monastery. I thought it would be interesting to explore if his parents did not actually abandon him but circumstances happened and he ended up alone.
Parts of the story would flash forward to when Garmadon is talking of his old friends, finally sharing the information all of the ninja wanted before revealing Morro's parentage. (He's there because he's trying to redeem himself.)
So, what do you think?
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
Cole headcanons, because apparently when I’m bored I think about Cole (and Morro, and Cryptor, surprisingly enough):
Cole is annoyingly acrobatic. In fact, when they first started doing their ninja stuff he was the most flexible and acrobatic, when it would make more sense if it was Jay or Kai due to their builds or elements. Not once did he ever share the reason as to why being Lou putting him into ballet, gymnastics, and having him train at home to peak flexibility because Lily was the one who did it before, so Lou was not gonna stop until Cole reaches Lily’s expectations. (Lily used to do the splits easily in front of Cole and Cole was determined to do that too, no one could stop the force that was baby Cole. As much as Lou started the idea, he wanted to stop because he kept thinking it was too much. It was Cole staring him dead in the eyes and saying ‘Mama wants me to’ that pushed him to continue. The dance stuff was all him though). He actually helped Jay train into being more flexible pre-pilots and later helped Nya do the same.
Cole understood Lloyd’s desire for sweets a bit too much, and instead of pushing it down and making Lloyd learn control, he encouraged it and now Wu had too deal with two sugar rushed ninja.
Cole used to argue with Kai all the time when they first began training together, until one day he had had enough. When Kai huffed and walked away after a particularly heated argument where not even Nya could get Kai to calm down and Zane and Jay couldn’t pull the two apart, Cole stomped up behind the shorter male, picked him up, and teddy bear hugged him until Kai apologised. It’s Cole’s version of when older siblings keep you head locked until you apologise. Kai was an embarrassed mess because Cole wouldn’t stop complimenting him and sharing his point of view like a healthy adult whilst he was still huffing. He didn’t argue with Cole for the next week and agreed each time the other told him to do something. Nya couldn’t stop laughing each time Jay and Zane mimicked the moment. The only reason Cole did that was because he remembered a big argument between his mum and dad when he was younger, and when it got heated from his dads side, his mum just picked Lou up and held him until he calmed down and she was able to think with a clearer mind.
Cole absolutely LOVES throwing dirt at people, and when they found out Nya’s element, he was able to convince her into helping him make mud to throw at people. They had to run when Zane had enough and froze the mud to chase them with it.
Cole likes to pop out of the ground at random times. Lloyd had to quickly learn to watch where he stepped, less his foot connects to Cole’s face again.
Cole actually planned to sell fake ‘special, one of a kind rocks!’ During that one time they were poor as dirt. It would’ve worked amazingly well too, seeing as everyone knew he was the earth ninja. Despite Wu not being there to tell him off, Kai had fun smacking Cole over the head for that idea.
Cole is probably the only ninja completely willing to commit crimes, especially fraud and theft.
Similarly to how Jay had to teach Zane how to live a tad more normally and how to understand society, Cole had to do the same with Kai and Nya. Wu could not be trusted because everyone realised he was just a tad of a recluse.
You know how Nya stepped onto that soulmate machine thing and it said Cole was her perfect match? Well, after Cole threw away his weird need to prove it right (lowkey think he was just matching the energy Jay had given and got petty) he called his dad up and explained it all and how they somewhat worked it out but it was still weird with Nya, and Lou lowkey just laughed at him, and reminded Cole of all those fairytale book’s he used to read and how they tended to explore the topics of found family and friends. Cole didn’t understand, but Lou explained that soulmates aren’t just the people you love romantically, but the people you love platonically. Cole and Nya sat down together just an hour later and Cole had to share this epiphany to the person he considered a sister, and understood him just like he understood her.
Cole is usually dragged into helping Pixal in her personal projects due to his strength, but he knows she also enjoys his company.
Cole and Vania share late night texts about their lives after not talking for weeks and they talk for HOURSSS just sharing everything they’ve been through recently.
Cole struggled to learn how to swim. Mainly because his element enjoyed making him more sinkable rather than floatable.
Cole went through the phase of having decently tight curls as a child, to loose and flowy hair, to extremely tight curls. He likes having a new hair style every week, from wavy hair and ponytails, to dreads and puffs.
He wears hoodies in the hottest of heats just to prove to Kai that he can. (He can’t its all sweaty by the end of the day)
If Morro stuck around Cole would absolutely force him into living and healing. Ghost duo my beloveds 🫶
Yes these are head canons leave me alone ajdghdhd
Cole the man that you are.
Edit: guys why is it telling me this is a mature post i swear its just cole being a lil loser
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Infodump about dark sorcerer Cole because yes
he tries to find his biological parents after s13. it doesn't go well, Lou doesn't want anything to do with him and Lilly is dead so. not fun
in s6 he's having a really bad time over Clouse being back. he still remembers the alternate timeline (everyone does) and has a breakdown over not knowing Clouse's whereabouts after defeating Nakhadan
Cole and Skylor weren't very close on Chen's island, but after s4 they bond over shared experiences. they're besties here
he hates noodles with a burning passion
everyone jokes about how Cole looks a lot like famous performer Lou Brookstone. it's not as funny when they figure out who his parents are
the ninja don't officially start dating until s7, since they were dealing with Lloyd being kidnapped, the alternate timeline and Cole was still adjusting to being a ninja
Cole is much more suspicious of King Vangelis because he can sense magic. when they get thrown into the pit he's not even surprised
Harumi knows about his backstory and tries to get him on her side, but it doesn't work.
he has a teddy bear named Rocky Dangerbuff, hence why he went with that pseudonym in SoG
said teddy bear was given to him by Jay to match Mr Cuddlywomp
he's considered dead in absentia and never bothered changing it
Cole doesn't exist in the legal system other than a birth and death certificate, so it's a pain for the police to arrest him in s6 and 16
he makes a hole in the monastery walls multiple times while learning to control his powers
Kai is very blunt about having found the master of earth. when they go to tell Wu he just says "we found the master of earth" with no other context. Cole isn't even in the room at the time
he was kidnapped at about 3 years old so he doesn't have much memory of his parents other than them dancing
Jay jokingly got him a wizard costume for day of the departed. he's dressed as one for 3 years in a row now
he can actually cook in this au. he thinks of it like potion making except it also tastes good
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I've been thinking about how in dr Lloyd wanted to be like wu , but what he didn't realise is that he was in the same ( or similar ) situation that wu was in at the start of the pilots -
He used to be part of the ninja team ( for wu the Elemental alliance) his " brother " has left ( Kai for Lloyd Garmadon for wu ) he starts up a team of the next generation of elemental masters , while slowly finding out where the old ones are , he finds kai and nya like wu found his brother , Garmadon, and the previous masters of fire and water , ray and maya
as of today Lloyd still hadn't found jay or Cole , like wu still hadn't found libber or Lilly ( she's dead but you get the idea )
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shortdevil-sans · 5 months
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Translated version: Everything is going to be perfect
Is going
To be
is going to be
to be perfe-
Well that's sus 🤔 and bad 😰😰
What does that mean?
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isthatrightkiki · 1 year
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Mama's with their baby's
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