#like. that guy will have two “childhoods”
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motorsportbarbie13 · 3 days ago
The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - Theo's First Race
Having a child changes Max in a way he never could have predicted.
warnings: none, this is 100% self indulgent fluff. Pairing: max verstappen x podcaster!reader word count: 3.1k words
yourusername posted
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459,029 likes liked by maxverstappen1, assistantshannon, jennythenanny, and others yourusername texas will always hold a special place in my heart. last year, we learned i was pregnant for the fourth time with what we hoped was our miracle baby. this year we get to bring that miracle baby to the track with us for the very first time. my entire heart is so full watching this all come full circle. i cannot wait to show theo how amazing his daddy is when he gets in that car. maxverstappen1 my two favorite people here this weekend. i can already tell this is going to a good race <3 user0198 i cannot handle the amount of dad max content we get. user111 max carrying Theo kangaroo style in a baby carrier??? sobbing rn >>>user0019 SERIOUSLY jennythenanny ah! so excited to be with you guys this weekend!!! >>>yourusername theo is so excited to be back with his bestie! >>>jennythenanny eeeee! cannot wait! >>>user020 why is this the cutest exchange i've ever read
“Maybe we should leave Theo here with Jenny today instead? Max says, concern settling into the corners of his eyes. 
You look over at him, eyebrow raised, from your seat on the floor of the hotel suite. In front of you, five month old Theo is on his tummy staring up at you with his signature gummy little grin. The three of you were in Texas for the US GP, which was supposed to be Theo’s first time in the paddock but apparently, your husband was having second thoughts. 
“What? Why?” You ask, confused. 
Max had checked the weather (multiple times) this morning and had declared that it wasn’t going to be too hot for Theo to be out and about. The sun was out and there was a gentle breeze whispering through the trees outside your hotel room. Max was leading the championship for the first time this season and he was starting on pole. COTA was historically a really good track for him and you were confident in his chances at winning. Plus, COTA meant a lot to you. It was right here in this very hotel that you had found out you were pregnant with the little elf that was babbling up at you right now. 
Max wrings his hands together, casting a worried glance down at his two favorite people in the world. With how dramatic Theo had come into the world so early, Max had found himself being a little extra protective over him. And you for that matter. He had refused to hear any talk about bringing Theo to the track before this weekend and after seeing all of the crowds at the track yesterday for the practice and sprint qualifying, he was having second thoughts 
“There were just so many people and I don’t want him to get lost.” 
You chuckle before reaching forward to take Theo in your arms. Standing up, you cross the room to where Max stands and hand him his son. Max instinctively reaches out, cuddling Theo to his chest. Watching Max become a dad over the last five and a half months had been one of the most rewarding things you’d ever been privileged to witness. He had slipped into the dad role so effortlessly it had surprised Max, probably due to his own childhood and difficult past with his father. You weren’t surprised though. You had known the moment that Theo was born that Max had been born to be a father. It really was that simple. 
“Baby, he can’t walk. He won’t get lost, I promise he’ll never be out of his sling for more than five minutes.”
“No one holds him other than you and Jenny?” 
You blow out a breath, unsurprised at how he’s gone into papa bear mode. You had seen it on his face yesterday during sprint qualifying. He had surveyed the paddock crowds with a deeper than usual frown on his face, making comments whenever he heard an errant cough or someone clear their throat. ‘Cesspool of germs’ was a phrase he used more than once, now that you thought you it. 
“Yes, my love. He will stay in the sling with me and Jenny no matter what. I have his ear defenders here too and we’ll keep to hospitality. But I know he’d love to see where daddy works. You know how much the sound of those engines sooth him.” 
Max pokes a finger into Theo’s chubby cheek, cooing nonsense at him as Theo giggles back. His mind flickered back to one particularly hard night right after you had brought him home from the hospital during the summer break. Theo had been a bit of a colicky baby back then and the hours between 1 and 3 am were often the worst. He would scream and cry for hours, unable to be soothed back to sleep despite all of his needs being met. This night, in particular, was difficult and you had been on hour four of trying to get him to settle. In a desperate attempt to try something, anything that might work, Max had turned on an old race, but just the ambient sounds of one of his wins from YouTube, without any commentators voices. The sounds of the engines revving had instantly calmed Theo down. 
Both you and Max had stood there in your apartment, lights dark with the exception of the glow emanating from the tv in front of you, as Theo had stared unblinkingly at the television, tears still puddled in his little neck folds, but totally quiet and enthralled. 
Max’s eyes dart over to yours and you smile, reaching out a hand to touch his elbow. “I know you’re nervous, baby but Theo will be fine. He’s going to have so much fun, and I know once you get to the paddock with him in your arms, you will too.” 
He sighs, knowing that you’re right. You usually are when it comes to matters involving Theo. “Okay, but first person to cough on him gets banned from the paddock.” 
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The Miami sprint race had been your first race all those years ago when Max had swept you off your feet that very first weekend he flew you to him so it seemed fitting that Theo’s first trip to a race was also a sprint race weekend. Max parked the sensible but giant Ford Explorer that he had insisted on driving this weekend in his designated spot before hopping out, telling you not to move. 
You giggle to yourself, amused that even after all this time, Max still insisted that you never touched a door handle while he was with you. Even on hectic days like these, you and Theo were always in the front of his mind. 
When Max opens your door, his hand immediately finds yours as he helps you out of the tall car. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” He asks, dropping a kiss onto your forehead before moving to the back seat to get Theo from his carseat. 
“I’m so excited to be back, it feels like it’s been forever.” 
Which was true. After Theo had been born, he had needed to stay in the NICU for quite a while. Max had nearly missed the race in Spain the weekend after Monaco because he had refused to leave your side. In the end, it had been Daniel that had convinced him that missing Spain would be detrimental to his championship hopes. Max trusted Daniel with his life and knew that his friend, someone who he knew had a good head on his shoulders, wouldn’t give him bad advice. He knew what missing a race would mean to everyone on the team and back at the factory. 
He had won the race with a 15 second lead. 
Your credentials hang heavy around your neck as you pull the diaper bag out of the back of the car, Theo already nestled securely in Max’s arms. It always made you chuckle, the way Max always seemed to have Theo. You swore whenever he was around, that baby never touched the floor or his crib. 
The pressure in your chest squeezes as you watch Max tote his little boy towards the paddock entrance. Both you and Max had made a conscious decision to keep Theo’s face out of your social media, with the exception of very carefully curated images that you and Max tightly controlled so this was the first time Theo would be photographed by anyone but you and Max. You knew the fans, both yours and Max’s, wanted to see Theo and you hoped that bringing him into the paddock despite him being so young was well received and a positive experience. 
“Max! Who’ve you got there?” A photographer yells the moment Max scans his badge at the paddock entrance. Several photographers are standing by the gates, waiting on the driver arrivals. Max is dressed in his team kit, of course, and you’ve got your traditional navy blue on, today in the form of a loose maxi dress that would allow you to maneuver while caring for Theo during the race. Even Theo had a Red Bull onesie on with gray shorts pulled on over his chubby little legs. 
“The best team mascot in the paddock.” Max jokes, a smile crinkling at the corner of his eyes as he pauses to show off a now giggling Theo. 
Your heart catches in your chest when you see the look of pure happiness on your husband’s face. There were few things that brought out a smile that bright on Max and the fact that him showing off your baby to the world was one of those things had your heart hammering in your chest. You watched as Max showed Theo off to several of the photographers and Red Bull staff members, seemingly forgetting all about his hesitations from earlier. Theo loved it too, the sights and smells and sounds were so much for him to take in and he was so content to be in his daddy’s arms just taking it all in. 
“Mon petit lion!” A voice rings out as the three of you walk towards Red Bull’s garage. You grin, watching as Charles fusses over Max refusing to give up custody of Theo but eventually relents. “Give me my godson, you heartless man. Keeping the poor little man away from the track for five months! Horrific!” 
“He’s a literal infant, Charles.” Max argues, a full on pout popping out of his full bottom lip. You suddenly have to quell the urge to bite it, he looks so handsome. 
“Your gorgeous wife told me how much he loves the sound of my Ferrari.” Charles argues back, bouncing Theo up and down, eliciting a peal of giggles tumbling from your baby’s lips. 
Max shoots you a glare that has ‘you’re a traitor’ written all over it. All you do is reach up on your toes to peck him on those full lips of his, completely ignoring the annoyed look he still regards you with. 
“It was the sound of my Red Bull that calmed him the first time.” 
“Keep telling yourself that, Max.” Charles chuckles before handing Theo back to you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “I’m so glad you two are here, the paddock ins’t the same without you.”  
“Thank you Charles.” You say, cuddling Theo into your shoulder just a little tighter. 
As the three of you continue on, your final destination being the garage so Max can check on the car, your pace is just a bit quicker than Max’s. He watches you for just a moment, the way Theo’s chubby arms wrap tightly around your neck as he takes in the buzzing activity of the paddock. His heart squeezes fiercely at the way your hips sway back and forth as you carry his baby on your hip. This was how it was always meant to be: his wife and his child at his side while he worked. He had always pictured this day in a way that always seemed like it would come sometime in the future. That was the strange thing about how life progressed. Suddenly, some day is here and you’re watching your wife cuddle your miracle baby. When Max thinks of that afternoon in London all those years ago when he made his way into the recording studio to be on some silly little podcast, he had no idea that this was where that interview would lead but here he was, every single one of the fantasies he had dared to hope for right in front of him. 
You turn back to Max, sensing that he’s fallen quite a bit behind. The look of awe on your husbands face as he watches you has your heart aching. You knew that the past few months had been hard on Max. He hated being away from you, had even tried to float the idea of retiring mid-season. You had flatly refused, saying that everyone in the factory and the garage was counting on him and eventually, he had agreed. But you knew being here was a balm to his lonely heart and you were wildly happy that Theo was finally old enough to accompany Max on this triple header. 
But looking at the way his eyes shined with unshed tears as he stands stock still in the middle of the paddock, just staring after what you know is his entire world, you feel something lock into place. Something that you’re going to have to discuss with him later tonight. 
“Come on, Maxie.” You call as you hoist Theo up higher on your hip. “You’ve got a meeting with Horner and I don’t want him yelling at me because you’re late.” 
Max seems to snap out of the trance he’s in then and chuckles. “Christian is terrified of you, liefje. He’d never yell.” 
You shrug, “I suppose you’re right.” 
Max slips his fingers into yours before giving them a squeeze. “Come on, let’s introduce the little lion to the garage.” 
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Max wins the sprint that day, just like the first sprint you watched him win all those years ago. The nostalgia you felt watching him pull up into that first parc ferme spot had something twisting deep in your stomach. It was so satisfying watching Max do what he loved while you held his little boy in your arms. 
It was a whirlwind of media after his win and then he was swept off for race debrief before qualifying for the Grand Prix the next day. By the time Theo’s bedtime rolled around, Max was still busy in engineering meetings. You sent him a quick text telling him you were taking Theo back to the hotel to put him down. Max had wanted to tell you to wait, he’d be right there, but he had known this wasn’t true. He knew that it was going to take several more hours to wrap up all his duties on the track so he reluctantly agreed. 
This was the part of racing he hated. The late nights, the long flights to every corner of the world except to where it mattered most, the danger that lurked on the track. He hated being away from you, had always hated being away from you. Despite his reservations about you quitting your job all before you had gotten pregnant with Theo, he was glad that you had spent those few years traveling with him. It wasn’t about the fact that you ‘followed him around’ like some publications liked to taunt. It was the fact that Max was able to do what he loved while providing for his family and keep you close at the same time. 
But things had shifted when Theo had been born and his priorities had changed. Having you at the track wasn’t an option anymore, not with how little Theo was. And even now, at 5 months old, he knew that this wasn’t sustainable. The options of what to do after this season all played in his head as he got into the car late that night to head back to the hotel. He knew he had a big decision to make, one that had been many years coming. 
It’s dark by the time Max fishes the keycard to the hotel room out of his back pocket. You have a two bedroom suite booked this weekend so he’s not worried about waking Theo, although he still holds out a little hope that he might be awake. It’s been hours since Max has seen him and the only thing worse than being away from you for an extended period of time is being away from both of you. 
The door whispers open and Max spots you laying down on the couch, staring blankly at the tv in front of you. On the coffee table sits the baby monitor and a bottle of wine. 
When you hear the door snick closed, you pick your head up, blinking sleepily towards the door. “You’re home.” You whisper, sitting up so Max can join you on the couch. 
He immediately pulls you into his lap, nuzzling deep into your neck. “I’m home.” He breathes, letting your perfume settle over his senses like a warm, familiar blanket. 
“I’m so proud of you. Sprint win and P3 for tomorrow.” 
“Thank you, schatje. How was your night? How’s the baby?” 
You hum softly, your lips finding Max’s in the dark. They’re warm and inviting and everything that sets your soul on fire. You’re fairly certain that you’ll still feel this way when you’re 90 years old kissing Max late at night. “He’s good. Just finished his last bottle of the night, went down like a champ.” 
“That’s my boy. I’m sorry I missed bedtime tonight.” 
You pull away so you can look at Max’s clear blue eyes. You’re a little surprised to see a bit of sadness sitting in those baby blues you love so much. “It’s okay baby. He did just fine without you.” 
Max frowns before pulling you closer. “And that’s what breaks my heart. I don’t want him to grow up without me.” 
You chuckle, “Oh, Max. He’s not going to grow up without you. If you really want, you can do the middle of the night feeding. He’ll be up in a few hours anyway.” 
Max nods, he usually did those late night feedings anyway. He loved the way the entire world was hushed and asleep. He felt cocooned in the most calming way and those nights where it was just him and Theo were some of his favorite. 
Silence stretches out between you. Your heartbeat matches up with Max’s eventually and your eyes get a little heavy with his warmth pressed up against you. You’d missed this kind of calm presence that Max brought to your life. It was always there, of course, but sometimes it was a little further than you liked during the season. Having him here now was so soothing, making you feel like you could conquer anything that came your way. 
After a few quiet moments, Max’s deep voice finally breaks the silence. 
“I think I’m done after this season, liefje.” 
You’d had this conversation countless times over the years, so much so that the words don't even make your heart race anymore. There’s something different in Max’s voice tonight, though. He sounds tired, worked over, resigned. Like the years spent on the road are finally catching up to him and you know, deep in your chest that it’s time. 
“I know, Max.” You whisper, dropping your forehead to his before brushing a kiss against his nose. “Come home to us. Theo and I are ready to have you all to ourselves now.” 
And that's exactly what happens.
maxverstappen1 posted
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5,039,504 likes liked by yourusername, redbullracing, f1, and others maxverstappen1 this sport has been part of my life for most of my time here on earth. i started in karting not long after i started walking. motorsport brought me to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. 7 championships. the love of my life. my child. this sport has brought me to all of the most important milestones of my life. but all good things must come to an end. i've achieved everything i set out to do all those years ago and my priorities have shifted. at the end of may, i became a father and suddenly that pull to retirement got stronger. @/username knows how many times i threatened to quit mid-season so it wasn't a surprise to her when i came to her after texas and told her it was time. after twelve seasons racing in the pinnacle of motorsport, i'm officially announcing my retirement. to my team, thank you. you have forever shaped who i am. to my wife, i love you. you are all the good things in this world and i am so lucky you chose me to be your husband. to my theo, you changed me in a way no one else has. being your dad is the most important job i've ever had. i can't wait to watch you grow into the person you're destined to become. to my fans, thank you. your devotion means the absolute world to me and i would not have made it to where i am today. thank you, from the bottom of my heart. yourusername theo and i are so so proud of you. welcome home, my love. >>>user9292 *sobbing* charlesleclerc congratulations on a lifetime of acheivments. can't wait to see what you do now, my friend!! lando congrats GOAT. excited to finally not be asked 'how does it feel to lose to max verstappen?' EVER AGAIN >>>charlesleclerc now it'll be 'how does it feel to lose to charles???' >>>lando stfu redbullracing we're not crying, you're crying!!! lewishamilton you will be missed, max. enjoy retirement with that gorgeous family of yours!
Tag List: @shelbyteller, @martygraciesversion381, @samantha-chicago, @stelena-klayley @dark-night-sky-99 @luckylampzonkland, @aykxz98 @forensicheart @cheer-bear-go-vroom @lieutenantchaos @willowsnook @linnygirl09 @meglouise00 @mixedstyles @secret-agents-stole-my-bunnies @mrosales16 @charlesgirl16 @leclercdream @daemyratwst @dramaticpiratellamas @mochimommy2002 @llando4norris @iamaunknownsecret @maxivstappen @imlonelydontsendhelp @nina-or-anna-or-nora @a1leexxa @littlegrapejuice @sunflowervol18 @freyathehuntress @finn-dot-com @swiftie-4-lifes-stuff @chirasama @lauralarsen @dr3wstarkey @saskiaalonso @rbv3rstappen @ilovechickenwings @guaaafiiburg @mcmuppet @mindless-rock @piastri-fvx @mel164 @schumi-angel @myescapefromthislife @supertrashbread @sunny44 @tinystudentblaze-stuff @sarx164 @lestapiastrisgirl
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promiscuousg1rl · 1 day ago
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Rafe Cameron x Childhood!Bestfriend!Reader Social Media AU
Summary: Since sandbox days, it has always been you and Rafe. The only person who can put up with his selfish bastard ways, you became one of the boys. However as the two of you grew older, you started to realize you don’t see him as another one of the guys. Harboring a crush on someone is universally awful, but having a crush on your best friend is worse. Especially when he doesn’t reciprocate. Deciding to save your friendship, you settled on time apart, spending your summer in the Bahamas. When you return, you are a whole different person—jewelry, makeup, and chic clothes—you became an ugly duckling story turned right. But time apart have given you insight, and you aren’t sure if you still love Rafe.  While he realizes he's loved you this whole time.
Content: social media au, unrequited love trope, inspired/based on Love Me Not by Ravyn Lenae
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Rafe anxiously taps his against the wheel as pulls up across the street from your house. He can't even tell if you're there or not, but your parents' cars are gone.
He huffs as he puts his truck in park and pulls out his phone. Every single text still unanswered.
He recalls the apologetic look you gave him as Kiara pulled you away from him, and it further makes him wonder why you haven't reached out yet. If you were having regrets then what was keeping you from him, from explaining what the hell that was last night.
Just as he goes to open his car door, the familiar sound of your cackles coming from across the street stops him in his tracks.
A smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he watches you.
Just like last night, you're dripped out in your newfound wardrobe; a tight corset-looking top with a jean mini skirt and some kind of heel that matches the top. He's never seen you wear this many gold bangles before but they look good against your skin-tone.
He almost steps a foot out of the truck, until he sees that you're not alone.
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taglist: @zyafics @inthelibrarybtw @st4rkeyl0ver @memoirofasparklemuff1n @drewrry @dreamybabbyy @m1-na @angzls @drewstarkeyslover @emdstarkey @hannaa20002000 @crvcified-kinx @hannieskzzz @jkrafe @love4mattheoriddle @marinrscomplex @vmpt1ts @congratsloserr @wtfisastiles @mattyskies @sluttybrigitte @locallyhateddoll @pulchraa @vicki1031 @pogueprincesa @flirtism @the-oracle-at-delphinitely-not @mofusandme0w @melody1370 @saviorcomplexrry @jjasmiineee @laniirackssss @doompost @ltristessedureratoujours @aaronhotchenerswife15
let me know if you'd like to be added 🩵
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flowerandblood · 22 hours ago
The Song of Promises [1/3]
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: loss of virginity (both characters), sex content, unprotected sex, oral sex, targcest stuff, smut, angst, abduction, description of eye loss, mourning, child abuse, Aemond being a self-absorbed, vain guy ]
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[ description: Aemond's childhood is filled with loneliness and regret until Daemon arrives in the Red Keep with his first-born child, daughter of Rhea Royce. The fact that neither of them has a dragon of their own binds them together with a thread of understanding, and their slowly developing relationship gives birth in the young prince's mind to a plan of which she is a part. Slow burn, childhood companions to lovers, first intimacy, rude, insolent, arrogant Aemond with big ego. ]
This is story that describes the events of what would have happened if Aemond had met Daemon's daughter earlier (i.e. as a child). The characters are exactly the same as in the original The Price of Pride, but still, this is a standalone story that can be read separately: you don't need to know that story to read this one.
I have tried to show how the need for closeness matures in adolescents as they get older until they fully understand what they want and how to achieve it. Decide for yourself what happened between them when and at what age so that you feel comfortable with it (let's agree that the ages from the books and the series do not apply here, because at the end of the chapter we are still before Helaena and Aegon's wedding: everyone is simply older than in the source material, decide for yourself by how many years).
A big inspiration for me to wrtie this story was my relationship with my husband (everything was going very slowly for us and each new base was an achievement and a great event). That said, this story you will read alternately from two perspectives (not the same events tho).
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
That night he slept exceptionally badly: he wriggled in his bed for a long time, struggling to hold back tears of anger, thinking of what Aegon and his nephews had done to him. His older brother was spiteful by nature, but until now he had believed that they would support each another in the presence of the Strongs.
He was mistaken.
The pig with wings he had been given by them – according to Aegon's assurances, as a consolation prize – was eye-watering proof of the humiliation he had suffered at his hands for years. The way they all laughed out loud while he stood completely petrified with shame and the fact that they considered it amusing made his whole body begin to shake.
He wished the sun would never rise again.
When he woke up the next day, his meal was served as usual: to his delight, his mother, although she did not usually allow it, ordered his favourite sweet cinnamon rolls to be brought to him. While he still felt miserable, eating them made his spirits lighter, as the pleasant thought went through his head that his mother loved him.
During the sparring, Aegon acted as if he had forgotten what he had done to him the day before: he said something to him and laughed, as if he expected him to feel like replying to him after the humiliation he had suffered at his hands.
His silence, unfortunately, was not met with understanding from his brother either.
“Must you always be such a twat?” Aegon asked.
Again he did not answer, pressing his lips into a thin line with rage, and hit one of the targets with all his strength with a wooden sword.
He did not utter words that Aegon or his nephews could use against him.
He thought he would never give them a reason to mock him again.
Silence was safe.
However, he was snapped out of his reverie by the voice of Jace, who had been speaking to Luke during one of their short breaks.
“Mother said they would be arriving today. Daemon and his firstborn daughter. He killed her mother.” His nephew spoke in a whisper, clearly excited, but he stood close enough to understand what he said.
Daemon's firstborn daughter.
It was true that he had heard of her and knew that she existed, however, her person did not particularly concern him: she had no dragon and she was a girl, so she did not threaten him in any way, yet she also had nothing that would make him find the subject of her arrival interesting.
Or at least that's what he tried to tell himself, as he involuntarily strained his hearing, standing with his back to them, pretending to stretch before his next routine, paying no attention to the fact that Criston Cole was shouting something to him and Aegon.
“He killed her mother?” Squealed Luke, and Jace shushed him and tapped him on the head, clearly wanting his little brother to be quiet.
“It's gossip. Mother says we have to be kind to her. She won't have here anyone but us.” Jace explained to him.
Although he kept telling himself that he didn't care about some pathetic little girl without a dragon, the next morning he sat with his face pressed against the window, waiting for them to arrive.
He didn't know what he was actually waiting for: Daemon had always seemed intriguing to him. His uncle was confident and ironic, on top of which there was no one, except perhaps Ser Criston, who could match him in wielding a sword.
Deep down he admired him and the possibility of seeing him again thrilled him.
He twisted in his seat, rising higher on his arms as the gates to the courtyard opened and indeed, he saw his uncle on a white horse and a little girl with long, dark hair sitting before him in the saddle.
He snorted at the thought that, like his nephews, the gods had not bestowed upon her the Targaryen colour that he wore proudly on his head.
However, she was a legitimate child and had certainly inherited the colour of her hair from her mother, so he felt that this was not reason to mock her.
After all, his mother also had dark hair, and he held her in high regard and respect.
Daemon jumped off his mount lightly, then grabbed his daughter under the arms and helped her down, without waiting for the servant to run up to them.
He saw that she had started to look around – he thought that she was certainly enthralled and overwhelmed by the beauty and grandeur of the Red Keep, but when she turned her face towards him he recognised that her facial expression was more one of uncertainty and fear.
She will have no one here but us.
He killed her mother.
For some reason, for a moment, but only a moment, he felt pity for her.
Although she was not a princess or anyone special, news of her arrival and the reason for it had spread through the fortress very quickly; he usually preferred to stay in his chamber or in the library, but on this day he had left his safe places to stroll the corridors and the castle, hoping to see her.
He wanted to judge her carefully in his mind: he had formed an opinion about everyone, and she could not remain an exception.
A sting of disappointment spread across his chest when, to his displeasure, he did not see her until the next day during sparring, in the company of Jace and Luke. They spoke to her, gesturing vividly, apparently showing her everything they could, she, however, simply looked at them with big eyes, terrified, and said nothing, looking where they told her to.
“My Princes. Come over here. Let's begin.” Criston Cole called out towards them, clearly impatient.
He grinned under his breath with satisfaction, feeling a pleasant pride at the thought that Ser Criston preferred them to the Strongs and was clearly showing it.
Jace and Luke stepped closer, and Daemon's daughter approached with them, her eyes wide, her small hands clenched into fists from anxiety.
Looking at her closely, he decided she was not ugly: her face seemed pleasant to him, her eyelashes and eyebrows long and dark, accentuating her skin tone in some interesing way. Her cheeks were pink from the cold, as were her lips: she was a little shorter than Jace, but like them, she was dressed in a training garment.
“Our cousin used to practise archery in Runestone. We thought she could do it here too.” Luke said.
Cole straightened up and sighed, clearly frustrated.
“Consent would have to be given by Prince Daemon himself. I cannot make that decision alone.” He replied matter-of-factly, causing the girl to lower her head, disappointed.
Jace, however, was not giving up.
“Then we'll ask him.” He said with vigour, glancing at his cousin, who shook her head.
“I don't know where he is. I can't find him anywhere.” She muttered.
“Prince Daemon, from the information I have, set off to Essos before dawn. Without his permission, I cannot take responsibility for your safety, my Lady.” Ser Criston explained, already a little softer.
An uncomfortable silence fell around them, one he'd experienced for the first time in his life: it wasn't filled with irritation or rage, but with the fact that it seemed to him that neither of them knew how to act in such a situation.
Usually when Jace or Luke didn't know or couldn't do something, it was a source of pride and mockery for him and Aegon: their nephews reacted similarly to failures on their side.
However, he didn't know what he should feel or think upon hearing that a little girl didn't know that her father was now with his second family.
He looked at her to witness her reaction and felt a strange squeeze in his throat seeing that she obviously did not know about it – her lips were slightly parted in disbelief, her gaze wandering from one person to the next, as if she felt humiliated and abandoned, left alone in a place foreign and frightening to her.
“With your permission, I will return to my chamber.” She mumbled and bowed, only to turn and move towards the cloisters, disappearing into one of the corridors.
“Did you see that? She is crying like a little baby. Would you like to join her, brother? You two fit together.” Said Aegon and patted him on the shoulder, making his cheeks flush scarlet with shame.
“That's enough.” Cole said. “Get back to practising.”
Although he occupied his head with various activities for the rest of the day – mostly reading books on Westeros history – his thoughts kept returning to her face then, when she found out her father was gone.
She wasn't as annoying and provocative as Jace and Luke, of that he was sure – nor had she inherited Daemon's aggressive manner, at least not in the way he'd expected. As much as he wanted to assign her to the Black party, as Daemon had always supported Rhaenyra, he wasn't sure she was even aware of the division between them and that she had to choose.
She was thrown between strange walls and strange people, left alone.
Even for him, it was quite cruel.
But it was not his concern, he consoled himself in spirit, trying to start a chapter concerning Winterfell.
For the first time in a long time, he looked forward to the supper with excitement: he knew that his father-king would surely invite his niece to it and say a few warm words to make her feel at home.
He hoped she would be seated close to them and not next to the Strongs.
She shouldn't spend time with the bastards, but he didn't blame her for doing so – he guessed that she simply didn't know who they really were.
Perhaps I should tell her about it, he told himself in spirit sitting down at the table in his seat, recognising that, in fact, he would be doing her a favour by doing so.
Indeed, there was one more chair placed at the table than usual. His cousin walked into the chamber, accompanied by his mother and sister. Helaena was saying something to her, and Daemon's daughter was smiling, looking down at her feet, apparently trying not to fall over in her long, brown gown.
Once again he felt a sense of pride, for it was his sister and not his nephews who had made their guest feel better.
To his satisfaction, which, however, he did not give expression to, trying to keep a stony face, his cousin took a seat next to his sister, that is, opposite him and Aegon. When she looked in his direction he did not leave her gaze for a moment – however, when she smiled, he turned his face away, feeling embarrassed.
He felt a sense of distinction because she had paid attention to him.
No one ever did that, because he was a second son without a dragon.
But she didn't have a dragon either, he consoled himself in his mind, and for some reason he felt relieved.
They were alike.
As he expected, his father greeted her in the presence of everyone, apparently wanting to give her courage.
“As I'm certain you all know by now, we have a guest. It is my brother's daughter, whom I welcome with great joy and love. From now on, the Red Keep will be her home and I ask you to treat her with kindness and understanding. A strange place, even more so for a little girl, can seem frightening. I trust each of you to care for her as best you can.” He said, then nodded and allowed everyone to begin their meal.
One more interaction occurred between them that evening: when he tried to reach for a pate that was too far away from him, she helped him by handing him a platter. She smiled at him again then, and he reciprocated the gesture awkwardly, feeling that for some reason his palms had started to sweat.
His king had said they should be kind to her, so he simply followed his order as any good son would do, he assured himself in his head.
Then Jace suddenly spoke up.
“My King. Our cousin is an excellent archer and we think she should be able to practice with us in the Red Keep as well. Ser Criston said that without her father's permission this is not possible. Wouldn't the King's order be more significant?” He asked, and all eyes fled towards his father.
“Little girls shouldn't be involved in such things.” Said Queen Alicent, taking a sip of wine, for some reason casting a long look at Rheanyra, sitting across the table.
“Why?” His half-sister asked. “Are all women in this world the same?”
His father decided to put an end to this brief argument by giving his own opinion on the matter.
Viserys decided that she could practise archery during their sparring, if it didn't interfere with their training.
She usually stood on the side and shot her bow at targets standing in a completely different part of the courtyard, so everyone quickly forgot about the dispute and stopped paying attention to her.
Or at least that's what he tried to convince himself.
He often looked at her, because when their gazes met, she usually smiled.
It was a warm smile, devoid of prejudice or malice: he did not usually reciprocate the gesture, fearing that Aegon would see it and find another reason to mock him.
She spoke to Jace and Luke, also occasionally smiling in their presence, but when she did so while looking at him, she looked different.
Perhaps it was just his childhood desire to be special to someone, to be noticed, that made him live in the belief that his cousin wanted to know him better.
He craved it too: confirmation of his suspicions, of the fact that, indeed, he had caught her attention. The reason, after all, could have been any feature of his personality that no one had noticed before: his intelligence, his knowledge, his rhetoric, his calmness and composure, how different he was from his brother and nephews.
His pride, however, prevented him from taking the first step: he knew that if anyone found out he was seeking her company, his brother would again call him a twat and say that he liked to play with girls because he was one himself.
That left him internally torn.
The opportunity fell upon him like a thunderbolt from a clear sky when one afternoon, as always eager to search the library for more reading for the dull, monotonous evenings, he saw Daemon and his daughter sitting at the table, bent over a thick, old volume that he knew intimately.
High Valyrian.
His cousin lifted her head upon hearing someone enter the room and bestowed upon him a broad, soft smile – Daemon's expression was not as friendly and expressed boredom.
To his relief, she spoke up first.
“My father is teaching me the language of our ancestors. Would you like to join us?” She asked, surprising both him and her father.
Daemon sighed, but did not protest, spreading out comfortably in his chair, giving him a look as if challenging him.
On the one hand, he was terrified and just wanted to run away, but on the other, this was his chance to get closer to both of them.
He nodded, embarrassed, feeling his hands involuntarily clench into fists.
The fear of humiliation was greater than the excitement.
“Sit down.” Daemon commanded.
No one had ever spoken to him this way, not even his own father; for some reason, however, it did not frustrate him, but made him feel even more respect for his uncle.
I want to be like you, he thought in the back of his mind.
Confident and fearless.
So he sat down on the other side, in the empty chair next to Daemon, and moved closer to the table – he was ashamed that his legs still didn't reach the ground, but he hoped it wasn't apparent yet.
Just a few more years and he would become a man.
He felt much more confident when he saw that they had just reworked a chapter he had already read before.
“Perzys zaldrīzī ossēnagon daor.” Said Daemon, glancing at his daughter expectantly, apparently wanting her to translate the sentence.
“Fire cannot…” She started, but fell silent, clearly not knowing what one of the words meant.
“Fire cannot kill a dragon.” He spoke up, proud to show his uncle how broad his knowledge was.
“Good.” Daemon said.
He swallowed quietly, glancing at his cousin: her downward gaze and her hunched figure told him that she was sad that he hadn't even given her time to think.
He decided that perhaps he shouldn't come out in front all the time, lest he come across as vain.
“Zaldrīzo ānogar.” Said her father – he stirred in his chair, excited, knowing exactly what it means and that it is a fairly simple, even obvious phrase.
Daemon did it so she could respond too.
“The dragon…” She muttered, incorrectly constructing the sentence syntax.
When she looked at him, his lips uttered quickly the soundless ‘blood of the dragon’. She drew in a loud breath, an expression of relief flashed across her face.
“N-no. Blood. Blood of the dragon.” She quickly changed the order of the words, and Daemon nodded, moving on.
He didn't know why he had helped her then, but he liked the way she looked at him from then on.
With curiosity and gratitude.
In secret from his mother, grandfather and brother, he would sneak off to the library to learn with his uncle and his daughter about what he had been studying with the Maester earlier. He didn't admit that he had a kind of advantage over her, but he would sometimes pretend that he didn't know something in order to give her the opportunity to prove herself to her father.
Daemon seemed to him the embodiment of everything he himself wanted to be. Unlike his father, who did not find the strength or time to teach him about the history of their lineage, his uncle shared it extensively with him and his daughter, seeming indifferent and matter-of-fact at the same time.
Daemon was a demanding teacher, but this made him turn on his natural desire to compete: his cousin, however, did not have as much knowledge as he did because she could not have it, so he did not treat her in the same way as Jace and Luke.
They did not speak with each other outside the library; sometimes she smiled at him, but he only reciprocated this expression when the others could not see it – the corner of his mouth then lifted slightly upwards in an attempt to present some pathetic caricature of cordiality.
He wanted to be liked and admired, but didn't know how to achieve it.
One day, to his surprise, his cousin visited him in his chamber when the sun had long since set – he was already lying in his bed while reading a book.
He didn't like anyone invading his private space, but he couldn't say that the sight of her made him uncomfortable either.
He remained silent, deciding to listen to what she had come to him with.
“Tomorrow I am leaving to Essos. My father wants me to meet my sisters and stepmother.” She muttered, lowering her gaze as she spoke the last sentence.
She didn't want to see her replacement.
He grunted quietly, fiddling with the page of the book he held in his hands, feeling some kind of regret and disappointment.
“I see.” He replied, not knowing what more he could add.
She, however, was still standing in the same place, as if expecting to hear something more from him.
“I want to thank you for... for helping me then. Before lessons with my father, I repeat everything he taught me, but when I sit next to him, I suddenly forget the words. My head is empty.” She choked out finally, making him involuntarily look at her, surprised.
He felt a pleasant wave of pride and self-satisfaction ripple deep into his chest.
He lifted his chin higher, wanting to look more mature and dignified.
“You're welcome.” He hummed, hoping to hear even more praise from her lips.
“Sleep well, cousin.” She said and turned away, leaving him once again with a cold feeling of disappointment.
He realised that he hadn't asked her when they were coming back.
As she and his uncle disappeared, he felt with redoubled intensity how invisible he was to the inhabitants of the Red Keep: or at least that was how he perceived it. Even if he had wanted to, he no longer had anyone to show his intellect and knowledge to, no smile waiting for him when he sat down to supper in the company of his loud nephews and his half-sister, whom he deeply despised.
He was the embodiment of all his father's dreams, he was the reason he opened the womb of his first wife while she was still alive: he was the son he was always waiting for.
But his father could hardly eat on his own, let alone pay attention to him or the other children Queen Alicent had given him.
“Pass me the porridge platter, sweet Aemma.” He said to her once, pointing his blue finger at the dish he was thinking of, causing everyone around him to freeze.
He felt some kind of constriction in his throat when he saw his mother swallow this humiliation with difficulty, reaching for the platter and handing it to her lord-husband without a word.
He lowered his gaze to his plate, trying not to think about it, realising that he would like to see her comforting smile again.
He was beginning to grow impatient.
It had, after all, been several weeks.
As always when something was bothering him, he went to the only person he truly trusted.
“When will uncle Daemon return?” He asked, feigning indifference, fiddling with one of the flacons of expensive oils that had belonged to his mother.
Alicent looked at him, sighing quietly, clearly tired and embittered, probably by what his father had done.
He didn't know how he was supposed to help her, so he remained silent.
“The longer he's gone, the better.” She replied, surprising him.
“Why?” He asked, and she sighed again.
“He's a dangerous, unpredictable man. I pity his daughter. He drags her around all the continents like an object.” She said with a kind of impatience that made him unsure if she really meant what she said.
Adult people often spoke in riddles, which frustrated him constantly.
He preferred it when someone was direct.
The conversation with his mother brought him neither answers nor relief; the only person who showed interest in him was far away, and he was once again learning High Valyrian alone.
That night he prayed to the gods to help him tame a dragon and for his cousin to return quickly to King's Landing, so that she would continue to be kind to him.
The gods listened to his requests, or at least some part of them.
After a few days, Daemon, his daughter from his first marriage, Baela, Rhaena and his wife, lady Laena, reached the Red Keep.
He came to see them because he hoped to see her.
Indeed, when he stepped into the chamber, where his mother, Rhaenyra and Helaena were also present, he spotted her at once, standing behind her father's back. She was looking at Daemon, as if hoping that he would turn his attention to her, but he did not – his uncle was looking at his brother, who was holding Baela hand in his.
His only child who had a dragon.
Although no word was spoken, he understood what had happened.
She had only regained her father for a moment and lost him again.
A pleasant shiver ran through him as she looked around the room, but her gaze stopped on him when she noticed him: he offered her a sad smile of comfort, and she reciprocated the gesture.
Although everyone at supper that evening was loud and chatty, she sat quietly, staring at her plate, immersed in her thoughts. He could see that she had not eaten much; her lips were tightly clenched, her gaze fled again and again to the silhouette of her father, who was talking aloud about the magnificent mansion they lived in Essos and their desire to stay there.
He felt an unpleasant twinge in his stomach at the thought.
“Do you like insects?” He suddenly heard his sister's voice leaning over their cousin.
Her question seemed absurd and out of any context, but Daemon's daughter was clearly trying to focus and answer the question.
“I like butterflies. And bumblebees.” She said after some thought.
Helaena twisted in her seat, delighted, and invited her to come to her chamber later that evening so that she could see through her large collection of dried moths.
He sighed, trying to hide the unpleasant sting of jealousy that an object that raised his self-esteem had just been stolen from him.
He wanted her back for himself, so that she would say nice things to him.
He wanted her to admire him.
He wanted her to love him and cry for him with longing when they were separated.
He would never reciprocate this, of course, because these were tender, feminine concerns, but it would certainly satisfy his vanity.
He noticed, watching them from the sidelines, that a strong, cordial bond developed between her and his sister after that day: otherwise it would surely have caused his irritation, but at some point he began to see it as an opportunity.
The more she became attached to them and to the Red Keep, the more she would desire to stay with them.
To his surprise, Helaena too had begun to care that her new companion remained in King's Landing; she shrewdly tried to address the issue as they set off together to the Great Sept with their mother.
“I have no trusted lady of the court, Mother. I don't like the fact that they put things in different places than I want. They disturb my order and speak too loudly. She is kind. She always asks my opinion first before she touches me or my things. We embroider together and watch insects. I would like her to stay with me.”
Though his mother easily denied him and Aegon, to her only daughter she could not.
To his satisfaction, she turned to her lord-husband, and he convinced his younger brother that his daughter needed stability and a girl her own age as a companion.
Though reluctantly, Daemon agreed.
He couldn't say that everything had gone according to his plan: now his cousin was his sister's lady-in-waiting, spending a lot of time with her. This meant that she couldn't give him as much attention as he would have liked.
However, one day everything changed.
“Helaena said the Maester is teaching you High Valyrian. I was wondering if you could teach me too, as my father is not here anymore.” She mumbled, clearly fearing that her offer would not be attractive for him.
He sighed, pretending that her words made no impression on him.
“What can you give me in return?” He asked defiantly, though he knew he would have agreed even if she had not been able to give him anything.
“...and what would you like?” She answered question for question, staring up at him with her big eyes, playing with her fingers in a nervous reflex.
“You will obey all my orders without complaining.” He replied at last, feeling that satisfaction, not blood, was now flowing through his veins.
His cousin furrowed her brow at his words, clearly worried and concerned.
“What if you make me do something bad? Or something that will bring me disgrace?” She mumbled.
“I won't make you do such a thing. I am a man of honour.” He said proudly.
He blinked, shocked to see that she nodded at his words.
That's it?
“When can we begin?” She asked, and he pressed his lips together, struggling not to smile.
“Come to my chamber tonight. I'll draw you a map so you can get to it through a side entrance. And don't you dare tell anyone about this, or I will kill you with my own hands.”
She was clearly unaffected by his threat, because she smiled broadly, her face beaming with joy.
Indeed, his quarters could be accessed not only through a door, but also from the side of his bed: there was a small tower with stairs leading up to one of the rarely used corridors of the Red Keep.
He was worried, waiting for her, sitting over a mountain of books, whether the journey through the dark alleys of the fortress would prove too difficult for her: for some reason he was relieved when he heard quiet footsteps in the distance, and then saw her in the passage, looking up at him with big eyes.
She smiled broadly at the sight of him, apparently happy that she had managed to find the right way and not get lost; he grunted as she sat down beside him, pulling off the thin grey cloak thrown over her shoulders.
“Where did you and your father finish?” He asked, forcing himself to be indifferent – he swallowed hard, noticing with horror as he reached for one of the volumes that his hand was trembling with excitement.
He had never yet invited anyone to his chamber, much less without the knowledge of his mother and father.
It was their secret.
“On chapter twelve.” She said lightly, moving her chair closer to him so she could better see what they were about to discuss.
He felt relieved at the thought that he and Maester were already on chapter forty.
“Very well.” He hummed, pleased that he would be able to show off his knowledge and proficiency in this area.
His cousin, when her father wasn't around, proved to be a focused and curious student. She would ask him lots of questions and go back to things he had mentioned earlier, giving him proof that she was really listening to him.
He liked the role of teacher very much: he felt that it added to his esteem, while reassuring him that his time spent over the old tomes, contrary to what Aegon had said, was not time wasted.
He didn't know who he was really doing it for: whether for himself or for her. Certainly, in his own mind, he was convincing himself that the fact that he had agreed to teach her in Daemon's absence was an act of his favour, something for which she should be eternally grateful.
In fact, she was grateful to him.
He found it harder and harder to pretend he didn't see her during sparring or supper; some part of him, to his dismay, had come to the conclusion that he was enjoying her presence.
She cared for his older sister and was her faithful companion, but she also found time for him and his perpetually praise-hungry ego.
He was embarrassed by the way she smiled at him when their glances met in the courtyard or at the table: he had the impression that her eyes shone with joy for some reason, the expression on her face gentle and warm.
He chastised himself for these thoughts and the strange yet pleasant feeling that filled his chest every time he lowered his head, stopping the corners of his mouth from rising with difficulty.
Then it was revealed that lady Laena was expecting another child, and something in her suddenly faded.
She felt less and less visible in the eyes of her father, who was far away, on another continent, while she was here, all by herself.
Looking at her and his own mother, Queen Alicent, sitting near her, he compared the shades of their hair, their eyes, the shape of their noses, hands and faces.
After thinking about it for a while, he decided that differences between them were not that great, and that if he had forgotten that she was the daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Rhea Royce, his cousin could be the daughter of King Viserys Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower.
His sister.
In truth, he was only a month older than her, but that did not change the fact that this would make him her older brother: this, in turn, would mean that since it was Helaena's destiny to marry Aegon, it would be his younger sister's destiny to marry him.
He lowered his gaze at this thought, feeling a burning red blush of embarrassment spread across his pale cheeks at the thought.
His heart thumped harder in his chest when he realised that nothing in that thought had rejected him.
But what if she didn't want it?
If she felt disgusted at the very thought of marrying him?
Rejection was something he couldn't afford.
It was safer to remain silent.
He felt his own blood under his tongue when his teeth involuntarily bit his lower lip at the word that her father wanted to take her to Essos.
“You have been away from home for too long. You should spend more time with your sisters.” He heard Daemon's voice outside her chamber door a few hours after her father had arrived in King's Landing.
Eavesdropping was not in good taste, but for some reason he couldn't help himself.
“What should I say to Helaena? I don't want to leave her.” Mumbled his daughter, clearly trying to come up with something quickly that would allow her to stay in the Red Keep.
“That you will now spend time with your true family.”
Your true family.
He didn't know why, but his jaw clenched in rage when he heard those words, a sharp pain piercing his heart, which beat harder in his chest.
And then Daemon took her away.
The first months without her presence had been the hardest for him, as he'd forgotten she was gone: he'd flipped through the books, wanting to prepare for their lessons, reminding himself angrily after a while that they weren't going to happen after all. Her chair had disappeared from the supper table, and her silhouette was not standing in the courtyard, aiming at a target with a bow.
It was as if she had never been there.
And then word reached King's Landing that lady Laena had died in childbirth.
It was a time of sadness in the Red Keep: previously Rhaenyra had mourned the death of her lover and father of her bastards, Harwin Strong; now, however, someone who was related to them all by blood, a close part of their family, had died.
He was ashamed that during the journey they had taken the whole family on to attend lady Laena's funeral, he had struggled to hold back a smile, feeling excited at the thought that the largest dragon in the world had just been left without a rider.
Although he tried to fool himself, he was enjoying not only the opportunity to claim a dragon, but also to see someone else.
The sea journey he had been forced to make, unlike his siblings, had dragged on mercilessly. When they finally reached the shore, he vomited: however, he quickly pulled himself together, recognising that neither she nor his nephews could see him in such a state.
His family were welcomed into the fortress with honours; he felt his heart pounding hard as he looked around the courtyard, hoping to see her. As he raised his head, he drew in a deep breath, catching sight of her silhouette in one of the open windows.
When their gazes met, she smiled.
Despite the fact that he should be concentrating on grieving, all he did during the funeral was listen for any sounds of the dragon that might be coming from afar and glanced at her, shocked that she seemed slightly taller to him – he also had the impression that her figure had become more girlish, whatever that meant.
When she caught him staring at her, he lifted his head up, embarrassed, pretending to look at the sky.
During the feast, which took place in one of the courtyards situated high above the sea, all he could think about was how to get her to speak to him. He did not want to be the one vying for her attention, running after a woman: this was foolish and, most importantly, unworthy of a man.
A man was supposed to be strong and proud, cold if necessary, but never weak.
Nevertheless, he longed to spend time with her, though she did not know it: she watched from the sidelines her half-sisters, embraced tightly by their grandparents, drenched in tears. Daemon and Rheanyra had disappeared somewhere, and she was left alone, not knowing what to do with herself.
After a while, their gazes met again – this time, though with difficulty, he did not look away. They continued like this for a while, until she made a slight movement with her head, as if pointing to the stone steps that led behind the wall, and then walked down them.
She wanted him to follow her.
He swallowed hard and glanced at his bored brother, who held a refilled wine cup in his hand.
“I'm going to take a walk. I have no desire to stay with these people.” He said to him dispassionately.
Aegon shrugged his shoulders.
“Do what you want.” His brother replied, looking intensely at one of the servants in the distance.
He sighed silently and moved ahead, feeling his heart in his throat.
What if someone sees them?
Was this a good idea?
Maybe he should turn back?
Hundreds of thoughts beat against each other in his head, but his legs led him to the stone stairs anyway, and then down to where no one could see them.
His cousin stood by the wall, looking beyond it to the sea; her long hair was partly tied back with a blue ribbon, the rest of it was blown by the wind. When she heard his footsteps, she looked up at him and smiled in a way he knew very well.
She was glad to see him.
“I'm glad to see you, cousin.” She said softly when he stopped in front of her, as if she was reading his mind.
He nodded, embarrassed, feeling for some reason that despite the cool sea breeze around them, he was hot.
“My condolences.” He muttered, reminding himself that his mother had ordered him to say it to everyone he met.
His cousin lowered her gaze and nodded, accepting his words.
“Thank you.”
They both fell silent, looking out at the sea, simply standing side by side. He was afraid that he should say something and was thinking hard about what neutral topic he could raise, when he suddenly heard her voice beside him.
“She was a good woman. She never tried to replace my mother, but she did everything she could to make me feel that she cared about me. I regret that I never thanked her for it.” She muttered, her voice breaking more and more with each sentence.
He looked at her uncertainly out of the corner of his eye, fearing that she would cry.
He wasn't good at consoling, so he remained silent.
“But I couldn't love her. Nor my sisters. I couldn't form a bond with them. My stepmother died, and I don't feel anything.” She said in a breaking voice, tear after tear ran down her cheeks red from the cold.
“If you don't feel anything, why are you crying?” He asked, looking ahead, straight at the setting sun hiding behind the horizon of the sea.
“Because I'm ashamed.” She confessed, making him feel a squeeze in his chest for some reason.
“You don't have to. She was not your mother, and they are not your sisters. You don't owe them anything.” He replied matter-of-factly, feeling that this was exactly what he believed.
Contrary to what Daemon had told her, they were not her true family.
They only pretended to be one.
“Who then is my family, if not my own father, his wife and daughters?” She mumbled with difficulty, as if his words frightened her even more.
He pressed his lips into a thin line, wondering if he should say it.
“Unlike my nephews, you are a true blood of the dragon. You can decide for yourself who you will love and who you will despise.” He replied with emphasis on the last words, involuntarily glancing in her direction.
She looked at him in disbelief, her dark eyes larger than ever, as if what he was saying shocked her.
“We don't control who we love.” She said, looking him straight in the face.
“We don't control. We choose.” He finally stated and drew in the air loudly, folding his hands behind his back. “You also have to choose. If you wish, I will take you with me back to where you belong. To King's Landing.”
Her lower lip twiched at his words, as if he had stabbed a dagger straight into her heart.
“I don't believe you.”
He wanted to answer her, but he flinched when he realised that he had heard the screech of a dragon in the distance – he raised his head and followed with his eyes the small, dark silhouette flying between the clouds.
Then he made his decision.
“I will take you to the Red Keep on the back of my dragon.”
She did not understand what he meant, however, he preferred not to initiate her into his plan: she had promised to obey him, so when he commanded her to go to sleep and worry about nothing, she did so reluctantly.
He, on the other hand, set out under cover of darkness to meet his destiny.
The trip through hills full of sand and stones was difficult and exhausting, but what he saw was sufficient compensation for his efforts. Vhagar was frighteningly beautiful: she was big, magnificent, and she evidently saw in him what none but his mother and cousin could, for although she opened her maw to burn him, when he spoke to her in High Valyrian, she hesitated.
Climbing onto her back, his palms were sweaty from nerves and terror, his body trembling as he tried with great effort to reach her saddle. When he finally succeeded and lifted into the skies with her, he realised that the gods had given him a sign, revealing to him his fate.
He had made Vhagar his dragon, and in the future he would make his cousin his wife.
In that moment, as he screamed with happiness, flying between the clouds, it made perfect sense to him. He didn't see this idea as something to do with physicality, but rather the conviction that since they both held affection and respect for each other, someday they would surely be able to beget offspring together, to create a lineage they would both be proud of.
In that one moment, he felt like he was holding his destiny in his hands, only for the gods to flip a coin again.
As soon as he landed back on the ground his nephews were already waiting for him and gave him another gift, this time one he was never to forget.
If he had to explain to someone what the pain of his eye being pulled out of his eye socket was, he wouldn't be able to describe it: it seemed to him that not only he was screaming, but his whole body as well, that his fingernails would pierce the frame of the bed he was lying on, that he was about to die and would never wake up.
He feared death.
“Mother, don't let me die.” He mumbled out, choking on his tears, his hands clenched into fists on the sheets.
His mother squeezed his arm harder, giving him courage.
“You will not die, my brave son. One day we will have our vengeance.”
Though Luke had taken his honour and his face, he had gained something more: a dragon.
A dragon that no one could challenge.
He knew that what happened after he returned from Vhagar's liege had nothing to do with Daemon's daughter: he had ordered her to stay in her chamber until he came for her, and so she did.
When he walked into her quarters, she rose from her seat, her face flooded with tears.
Daemon had already told her what had happened.
“I –” She began, but he would not let her finish.
“Fly with me or stay. I won't give you a second chance to choose.” He said coldly.
He was a man of honour and he kept his word.
He was sure she would refuse.
He was sure she was a coward.
But she nodded her head.
Neither of them knew how furious Daemon had been when he and his daughter had taken to the skies without his knowledge: when, in his eyes, he had abducted her as it was in the tradition of Old Valyria for centuries, to one day make her his wife.
Lady Royce
Her father punished her escape with his silence: the very thing he knew would hurt her most. He didn't answer her letters or explanations, and for months, then years, he didn't visit the Red Keep even at the invitation of his brother-king.
She knew that he considered what she had done a betrayal, and she suffered greatly because of it.
Nevertheless, she could not lie to herself and pretend that returning to King's Landing did not bring her relief. Between her half-sisters, she felt invisible, her father's person crushed her, and now she was free again.
At least in theory.
Queen Alicent was enraged when she saw her in the company of her son as soon as they returned to the Red Keep: she considered it their act of disobedience and a reason for Daemon to take revenge on her and her children. Her husband, however, was not so harsh about their misdeeds.
“They are just children, my love. My niece can stay here as long as she wishes. My brother and his daughters are in mourning. Let her not surround herself with sorrow and death.”
Although, in fact, King Viserys was partly right, her father was not really focused on mourning, but on marrying another woman as soon as possible.
Only then did she feel as if someone had drawn a clear red line between one part of her family and another: the one that supported Queen Alicent and the one that supported Princess Rheanyra.
She herself wasn't sure she supported anyone: all she cared about was keeping Helaena safe. She was unable to bond with Baela and Rhaena, but she treated the king's daughter like her true sister.
She was calm, quiet and kind, full of warmth that gave her a sense of safety.
“I'm worried about Aemond.” She said one day, bent over her beautiful embroidery depicting a spider. “I feel that he is retreating more and more into the darkness of his mind.”
She lowered her gaze at her words, understanding perfectly what she meant: she answered nothing, however, as her cousin forbade her to speak of anything they discussed or did behind the closed door of his chamber.
He had kissed her for the first time when they were thirteen; he was respectful and gentle when his hands cupped her soft, pink cheeks during one of their lessons in his quarters, his caress slow and warm.
He was clearly nervous and excited, his breath heavy as their skin pressed together in a wet, sticky act she had only heard about from girls older than her.
She was convinced that this gesture was not a proof of his affection for her, but jealousy that Aegon had more experience with women than he did.
Nevertheless, since then, there had been a change in him that she had not expected: he had apparently regarded that incident as a turning point of some sort.
He began to speak not of his lineage but of their lineage, not of his heritage but of their heritage.
“From now on, I will be to you like an older brother,” he communicated to her proudly, looking down at her, having long been much taller than her, “I will protect you and surround you with the care a man should bestow on a woman.”
She accepted his words with joyful disbelief, feeling her heart flutter like a bird in her chest.
On more than one occasion, she had witnessed Aegon encouraging him to join him in a brothel – according to his older brother, only intercourse with the body of a mature, experienced woman could make him a real man.
It seemed to her that her cousin was inwardly torn listening to these words – some part of him clearly wanted to prove to Aegon that he could be as good a lover as he was, but on the other hand he dismissed him, saying that he was interested in the arts of war and sword, not old courtesans.
Occasionally he would glance at her out of the corner of his eye, as if the fact that she was listening to this exchange of words made him uncomfortable; then, for a moment, the thought would cross her mind that perhaps she was the reason he was refusing him.
She realised then that there was some kind of plan in his head, a vision of which she was also a part.
She craved it and was terrified of it at the same time.
She was not a mature woman, let alone an experienced one.
When she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw with sadness that, compared to the other ladies of the court, she still looked like a child; the delicate outline of her breasts under her gown could not compare with the full, plump shapes of the other women's chests, as much as with their wide hips and coquettish smiles.
She didn't know what to do to make the change inside her happen faster, until one day she found out that transforming into a woman wasn't as pleasant and beautiful as it might seem.
“You are bleeding, my love,” Queen Alicent told her, trying to reassure her after she woke up, all sticky from the blood leaking from between her thighs, “your flower has blossomed. It means you are fertile and can become a mother. It's natural, although unpleasant.”
“When will it end?” She muttered, twisting in her seat, already dressed in clean smallclothes, filled inside with materials that were apparently meant to stop the bleeding.
“In a few days. But it will happen again in a month. It will continue to happen for years, as long as you and your future husband do not conceive a child.” The queen explained to her.
“For years?” She squirmed, feeling that something in that thought had broken her.
She did not know why she had cried that day, lying in her bed. She resented her father that neither he nor his second wife had warned her what the woman's fate was.
She did not know that she would feel painful spasms in her lower abdomen, she did not know that the warm, disgusting liquid would flow out of her again and again, making her uncomfortable.
She felt that there was no glory in it, no reason to be proud – on the contrary, for some reason she felt an overwhelming, deep shame.
She shuddered and covered herself more tightly with a fur when she heard the door to her chamber open – her cousin stepped inside without a word, striding towards her with his hands folded behind his back.
It was the first time he had come to her, rather than she to him.
“My congratulations.” He said, stopping beside her bed, looking at her with some kind of curiosity and satisfaction.
“I don't follow.” She mumbled, surprised by his choice of words.
“Fertility is a reason for every woman to be proud.” He stated, cocking his head to the side.
She lowered her gaze, realising that he knew what was happening to her.
“I didn't know it would be so painful.” She finally confessed, wondering if he would scold her for self-pity.
He, however, was silent for a long moment before speaking again.
“That's because you're not carrying a child inside you. When you become my wife, I will see to it that you no longer suffer.” He replied at last, struggling to remain calm – she had known him long enough, however, to know that he feared her reaction.
She looked at him with big eyes, feeling her heart pounding like mad.
“What do you mean?” She muttered without thinking, even though she understood perfectly well what he was implying.
She just couldn't believe he'd said it out loud.
She saw that he swallowed hard, struggling to keep a stony face.
“Do you wish to marry someone else?” He asked, a hint of frustration in his voice that sent a cold shiver down her spine.
She shook her head quickly, horrified at his suggestion and the direction their conversation was going.
“N-no.” She mumbled.
“Good.” He said and turned away without another word, leaving her alone with his suggestion of what he truly desired.
Despite his words, he didn't try to kiss her for a second time; apparently his pride wouldn't allow him to ask again for something that, in his mind, was no more than a naïve female fantasy.
That he was incapable of expressing and showing his feelings openly, she had known for a long time; anything that might make him be seen as weak or naive was an unnecessary risk for him.
His older brother watched him closely, mocking and commenting aloud on any behaviour he found amusing and worthy of his attention.
To her cousin, the thought that he was constantly being watched, and thus could not afford to make a mistake, was completely petrifying.
This was the reason he avoided using words; it frightened him how many undertones and misunderstandings they involved, how easily he could destroy his reputation in the eyes of others with one ill-considered sentence.
She was then left with no choice but to use her intuition, carefully observing his subtlest gestures and glances to understand what he was trying to convey to her wordlessly. It was a difficult process, because he too often did not know what his needs really were and what they stemmed from.
“I don't want to strain you. We can discuss this chapter another time.” She said uncertainly, seeing that ever since she had crossed the threshold of his chamber his figure had tensed and his face expressed cold displeasure.
He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye in a way from which she felt a squeeze in her throat.
“If you want to leave, then do so.” He replied, making her blink in astonishment.
“I just want you to rest properly.” She muttered, playing with her fingers in a nervous gesture.
She felt around him like she was with her father, never knowing what would satisfy him.
“Are you afraid of me?” He asked at last, forcing the words out with some strange difficulty, as if this thought had been weighing on his heart for a long time.
She swallowed hard, completely surprised by his question.
“No. I just… I just find it hard to comprehend what could possibly please you.” She choked out with difficulty, feeling ashamed at hearing how pathetic that sounded.
She thought he would laugh mockingly at her words, but his face was completely grave.
“Your kiss will please me.” He said with some kind of regret, as if he was suffering from having to ask her for it.
It hit her that he simply wanted reciprocation when, at the same time, she was afraid that if she offered it herself, he would consider it undignified behaviour on her part.
She sighed, trying to calm herself down and moved closer to him – she saw that he drew in air loudly through his nose, as if he was trying to mentally prepare himself for what was about to happen.
He shuddered as she took his face in her hands, exactly as he did then – her thumbs stroked his cheeks and he closed his eyelid for a moment, as if he felt relieved. She took advantage of the fact that he wasn't looking and leaned in, letting their lips join in a moist, soft kiss – he surprised her when he parted his mouth and gently deepened the caress, making his warm breath fill her throat.
She closed her eyes, for some reason not wanting to pull away from him – she let his fingers run through her long, loose hair, let his hands roam tentatively over the back of her head and neck, while their lips brushed and teased each other with the quiet, sticky clicks of their saliva.
Eventually they ran out of breath, so they broke the kiss, however, their foreheads remained pressed together.
“Leave, if you want to.” He whispered, clearly indicating that he had no intention of taking advantage of her in any way.
“I don't want to leave,” she mumbled, embarrassed by her own words, “I want to fall asleep by your side.”
“My mother would kill me.” He mumbled out, as if he was fighting the strenuous urge to succumb to her.
“Then I will leave. I don't want to be the reason for you two to disagree.” She said, stroking his cheek with her palm, trying to comfort him.
“No,” he breathed out, his fingers digging harder into the fabric of her robe at her back, “stay.”
So she stayed.
There was something naïve about the way they lay far apart on his bed, the way his hand grasped hers and squeezed it, as if he wanted to find out if it was really happening.
“Don't tell anyone.” He asked, a sort of childish desire in his eye, from which her heart filled with warmth.
“I won't.”
That night it seemed to her that he didn't fall asleep even for a moment – she felt his hand run over her fingers, over her shoulder, and when he was sure she was immersed in a dream, he smoothed her cheek with his thumb.
What surprised her was that every time he did this a warm, pleasant shiver ran through her body – she wished he would never stop, because this was the first time in her life she had felt so comforted by someone.
This event had changed him; clearly the realisation that she reciprocated his affection had emboldened him in some way.
When they finished their lessons, they often lay on his bed facing each other and talked, touching each other's hands, faces and hair at the same time. Her heart pounded like crazy as his fingers combed through her curls, as his hand closed around the back of her neck, massaging it gently.
“I like the way you smell,” he said once out of nowhere, surprising her completely, “and the fact that your skin is so pleasantly soft.”
She realised he was trying to offer her a compliment – the thought of the two of them taking a walk through the royal gardens or showing interest in each other in public filled him with embarrassment, however, he had clearly found that in the privacy of his chamber he was willing to give her something he was not offering anyone else.
His words.
She smiled broadly at his confession, feeling a pleasant warmth in her lower abdomen spilling over her insides like a wave.
“And I like your big hands,” she replied shyly, stroking the skin of his wrist with her fingers, “and your beautiful white hair.”
She saw that he swallowed loudly, and his lips tightened in an involuntary attempt to stop himself from showing any reaction to her words; nevertheless, his eye betrayed him – it grew large and full of something she understood perfectly.
He needed to hear that something of value could be seen in him too, including physically.
That he wasn't a cripple in her eyes.
The way he slowly leaned towards her, his lips that barely brushed hers in a gesture full of invitation, their hands that clasped in their hair seemed as natural to her as breathing – the caress of their lips was hotter and more intimate than they had ever been before, deep, filled with something she was yet to discover.
Kisses were a form of reward for them, but also some kind of consolation on difficult days; in this way, although they could not speak openly to each other about this subject, they gave each other a sense of mutual care.
Over time, although it carried a high risk of being caught, they took this caress beyond the thresholds of his room; it was enough for him to catch her in one of the less frequented corridors of the Red Keep for their brief – even rough on his side – exchange of words to end with his tongue invading between her plump lips.
He liked it when their tongues met and licked, because he was obviously aroused by how perverse and passionate it was; his healthy eye was closed when his body pressed hers against one of the cold stone walls, while their hot mouths melted together again and again.
It was a warm, wet experience, filled with their loud, raspy breaths, their hands tentatively trailing the silhouettes of their bodies, giving them only the promise of what they both desired.
In that moment, in some strange, chaotic way they were devouring each other.
Her cousin evidently believed that he did not need to explain or confess anything to her; no words of affection, if he had any for her, ever left his lips. On the contrary; as he grew taller and his physique grew stronger, so did his ego, and with it the impression that he could not afford to show what he thought was a mere feminine sentiments.
Perhaps this would have been the reason for her distress, had it not been for the fact that he paid more attention to her than to anyone else anyway; above all, to the despair of the other ladies of the court, she was the only person besides Criston Cole and members of his family with whom he spoke in public of his own free will.
He usually approached her when he had something to say to her and announced it to her as simply and quickly as possible – he would then stand erect in front of her with his hands folded behind his back and look off somewhere into the distance, glancing at her only occasionally, usually driven by mere curiosity.
“A wild dragon has been seen in the Vale regions lately.” He said to her one day, as she happened to be heading to his sister's chamber to help her change before supper. “He is said to be larger than Meleys.”
She blinked, feeling her heart begin to pound like mad – she looked around quickly, wanting to make sure no one had heard what he had said.
“Help me.” She whispered. “Please.”
Her cousin cocked his head and hummed, looking at her with his mouth formed in the shape of an o, as if he wanted to whistle in satisfaction.
He liked it when she begged.
“Hm. How can I be sure you won't use this dragon against me and my family one day?” He asked offhandedly, looking down at her, a kind of challenge in his voice.
She blinked, feeling cold discomfort in her chest at his words.
“I am your family.” She mumbled.
An uncomfortable silence fell between them – she could see in his gaze that he was thinking about something, at the same time unable to deny her words.
“We leave tomorrow, at dawn.” He finally communicated to her in boredom, leaving her bewildered.
“And the Queen and your grandfather? Do they know what you intend to do?” She asked, and he rolled his eye, clearly frustrated by her remark.
“Sheep don't understand the ways of dragons. It's beyond their comprehension.” He recognised with some kind of pride, from which she pressed her lips together to keep from expressing her disbelief.
Clearly something in the expression on his face must have betrayed her, for he looked at her suddenly with a piercing, watchful gaze, his jaw twitching in a reflex she knew well.
“Come to my chamber tonight.”
Just as she had done in their childhood days, to leave her rooms now she had to wait for the watch to change; only then would she slip out and take advantage of the moment to make her way down a dark, rarely used corridor through a side entrance to the prince's quarters.
She had no idea if anyone but her knew about it; presumably if they did, the guards thought the additional door remained locked. However, her cousin had left them open for her, and it was through these that she entered, stepping into his chamber, enveloped in the warm light of the fire.
She spotted his silhouette at once – he was sitting at the top of a long table, on which lay stacks of maps and letters, a thick, old volume in his hands.
When he heard her footsteps, he lifted a glance of his healthy eye to her, and then returned to his reading again, carelessly turning the page over.
She was not bothered by this; he was often in the habit of pretending not to see her at first. From her perspective, it was his attempt to cope with the fact that, although accustomed to solitude, he was hosting someone else in his private quarters.
She untied her cloak, placed it on one of the richly decorated oak chairs and, wearing nothing but her nightgown, took a slow, quiet step towards his bed. She knew she could do it, and that she was certain to stay with him anyway, so she simply lay back on the soft sheet and closed her eyes, listening to the pleasant sound of the sizzling fire.
For a moment, all she could hear was that and the rustle of pages being turned – the smell of him and the parchments pleasantly filled her nose, calming her.
The quiet creak of wood woke her from her half-sleep and she shuddered, opening her sleepy eyes – she spotted his silhouette heading lazily towards her. His hand rose to the belt of his tunic, undoing it with the quiet click of a buckle.
“Tomorrow. You must promise to obey me. Otherwise I will not fly with you.” He said calmly, looking at her with an expression on his face that pretended to show indifference.
“I will.” She said.
“Mm.” He hummed under his breath, finally pulling the leather material off his shoulders.
She made room for him and moved sideways on the bed as he sat on the edge of it and leaned over, pulling his boots off his feet. She watched wordlessly as he did the same a moment later with his eye patch, finally throwing it carelessly onto the stone floor. He sighed and hid his face in his hand, massaging the area around his scarred eye socket in some subconscious reflex.
Stress was causing discomfort to return to the left side of his face.
“You are in pain.” She whispered softly, raising herself up on her elbow.
He didn't reply, just swallowed hard and froze in stillness.
“Let me.” She insisted, and he finally looked at her and nodded.
She raised herself up on her knees and moved towards him, sitting down so that she could see his face. He looked at her silently with some kind of melancholy as her hands gently grasped his face and her thumbs began to massage his temples.
He immediately closed his eye and flinched as her thumbs moved over his brow arches and cheekbones – he twitched when she did it the first time, but relaxed more and more with each subsequent stroke, and his face took on an expression of relief.
“I wouldn't object if you did this to me all night.” He said quietly, his eyelid still closed. She smiled involuntarily at his words, running her fingers over his forehead, nose and cheeks, going back to the beginning – to his temples and brows.
“I can.” She said warmly, but he shook his head.
“We need to rest. Come. I want to sleep.”
She nodded and held out her hand to him, shifting back towards the middle of the bed – he moved obediently to follow her and literally fell into her arms, pressing his nose against the space between her breasts.
She wasn't sure if he was able to breathe in that position, but she could see that his chest was rising and falling, so she didn't comment on it, combing her fingers through his white hair.
She knew that he was hiding from the world now: he wanted to disappear for a while and simply not be, like a small, defenceless child.
The control that he, in his mind, had over his life had a high cost that he did not speak of – it superseded any of his other needs unrelated to survival and victory, whatever that victory would mean.
While it may have seemed complicated, in fact the truth was much simpler: he was tired. It wasn't so much a physical fatigue, however, but rather a spiritual one – the self-imposed compulsion to remain silent when he was still a child was something that kept him safe, but also imprisoned him in his own head.
She mused on this as she watched him in silence, playing with strands of his long hair, feeling his body grow loose in her embrace, the tips of his fingers wandering lazily over her bare arm, his eye remaining closed.
He craved her closeness, but in more ways than one; preferably ones he could see as safe in his mind.
Lying in her embrace was such; he could just lie there and let her stroke him, listening to the slow beat of her heart. He could smell her scent and feel the warmth of her body, hear her breathing, have her to himself and know that she would fall asleep with him.
It calmed him.
In the middle of the night, she was awakened by the touch of a familiar hand – when she opened her eyes, she was in the midst of darkness. Her cousin was still snuggled up against her body, and he was obviously convinced that she was deeply asleep – it was only because of this that he allowed his fingers to travel up to her breast and squeeze it gently, as if checking to see if it was as soft as he imagined.
She couldn't stop the hot shudder that ran through her body or the pulsing she felt deep between her thighs. Other than that, she didn't move; she felt him freeze for a while, but after a moment, when he recognised that she had reacted in her sleep, he went back to stroking her plump bosom with his fingers.
A soft, shaky breath escaped her lips, her hands tightened on his back, holding him close; she felt him flinch and he froze again, taking his hand quickly off her chest.
She heard him swallow hard as she grasped his wrist and, in a gentle, slow motion, placed his hand where it had been – her fingers intertwined with his, allowing him to sink into the softness of her flesh again.
She thought it was a very intimate experience, one from which her whole body grew hot and her cheeks lit up red. She closed her eyes, hearing both of them breathe a little louder, their bodies pressed tighter together, seeking closeness.
Her wordless consent apparently made him feel bold, because he leaned forward, closing his lips around her nipple, clearly visible under the thin material of her nightgown. Something between a moan of surprise and a sigh escaped her throat when she felt him begin to suck as if he were a baby – her fingers clenched on his hair, holding him close.
“– lēkia (big brother) –” She whispered and flinched as she felt something long and hard pulsate in his breeches, pushing against her thigh.
She didn't quite understand the purpose of what he was just doing, but it was pleasant; she thought perhaps it was one of the secrets Aegon had told him about the pleasures of the female body.
She kissed the top of his head as his hand slid down her waist, slipping uncertainly under her linen shirt to finally touch her bare knee.
She felt that something throbbed hard deep inside her, that something sticky ran down her buttock to the sheet beneath their bodies.
They both began to pant as his broad hand went higher up her thigh and then to her hip, squeezing it finally between his fingers.
She shuddered as his wrist slid lower, between her legs, and his hand immediately froze – exactly like her body – when he touched her moist, pulsing womanhood.
“May I?” He asked in a whisper, still snuggled into her chest, not daring to look at her.
“What… what do you want to do?” She answered question for question, unsure of how much she herself was ready for.
She heard him swallow hard, as if he was terrified of having to answer her out loud.
“I want to give you pleasure.”
She felt her heart pounding like mad under his cheek, her fingers gently stroking his head.
She wondered if she should say it.
“I'm afraid.”
He took his hand from between het thighs at her words.
“What are you afraid of? I would never hurt you.” He assured her with a kind of surprise and regret, as if he didn't believe he had to say it.
“It's such a… private place. I…”
“I didn't mean to rush you. Forgive me. Do not be afraid.” He whispered, his voice strangely soothing, as if he understood what she meant.
“I'm sorry.” She mumbled in shame, feeling that she had ruined something that could have changed everything between them.
Her cousin raised himself on his elbow to look at her, but her big, red eyes made him freeze.
“Daor, hāedar (no, little sister). Gaomagon limagon daor (do not cry).” He said in a quiet, melodious tone, his large hand gently cupping her hot cheek.
“It was happening so fast. Your hand…”
She didn't finish as he leaned over her and placed a soft, gentle kiss on her lips. They stayed like that for a while without separating their bodies, her fingers grasping his, holding him close.
When he finally pulled away from her, his gaze was calm.
“I should have prepared you better. Explain what I want to do.” He said with a kind of weariness from which she felt a squeeze in her throat.
It was the first time he had spoken openly.
“Can you explain it to me now? So that I understand?” She asked, and he swallowed loudly, lowering his gaze for a moment.
He began to play with the material of her nightgown between his fingers, apparently struggling to find the right words to describe his desires.
“The source of a woman's pleasure, from what I understood from my brother's babble, is deep between her thighs. It is hidden there and must be found and caressed for a woman to achieve fulfilment.” He choked out finally, looking at her womb and hips, now hidden again under her shirt.
She twisted in her place, intrigued.
“The ladies of the court say that a man's tongue down there can perform wonders. But I don't know what they meant by that.” She said lightly.
She saw that he looked at her in shock, his nostrils twitched in a deep breath.
“You've heard about it too. From whom?” She asked amused.
He grunted and shrugged his shoulders, turning his head in the opposite direction.
“Aegon likes to brag about what he does to his whores and servants.” He muttered, feigning indifference, but his breathing, deep and uneven, betrayed him.
“Would you like to try it? That tongue thing.” He suggested suddenly, glancing in her direction out of the corner of his eye.
She drew in a loud breath, twisting in her place again, feeling her womanhood swell suddenly and pulsate around nothing at the very thought.
His mouth, down there.
“Doesn't it disgust you?” She mumbled in shame.
“You took a bath before you came to me, didn't you?”
“…I did.” She admitted, looking at him with wide eyes.
“So I can try. To satisfy our curiosity.” He proposed, apparently wanting to find any justification for what he wanted to do.
She nodded, feeling her heart in her throat, her stomach no longer filled with fear but with pure, hot excitement.
“If you don't like it, say so. I don't want to force you.” She said in a voice breaking with tension, watching in disbelief as he moved down, kneeling between her legs.
He threw her a meaningful look, in which she saw some kind of mockery.
“As if it's easy to force me to do anything against my will. Who do you think I am?” He asked with a wince, a slow, lazy movement of his hand lifting the material of her nightgown above her hips.
She had never been so exposed to anyone before in her life; she had to turn her gaze away to avoid looking at it and closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing. Her hands tightened on the pillow on each side of her head when she felt him gently take her thighs in his rough hands and spread them slightly apart.
For a moment nothing happened; she thought he was just looking at her, or rather at what was between her legs. She sighed and flinched, surprised when his thumb ran down the length of her opening, apparently wanting to collect what had managed to leak out of her.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asked uncertainly, clearly not understanding if her reaction was due to discomfort or not.
She shook her head quickly, looking up at him only to close her eyes again a moment later, overwhelmed by the helpless position she had just found herself in.
She was at his mercy.
He won't hurt me, she assured herself in spirit.
He promised me that, and he is a man of his word.
This thought calmed her.
Her heart thumped harder in her chest when she heard the bed creak loudly under the weight of his body, and then his hot breath enveloped her throbbing womanhood – a quiet moan of surprise broke from her throat when she felt his slick tongue run over her flesh, causing an aggressive shiver to pass down her spine.
She didn't have time to calm down after that first, shocking sensation, and his tongue again clung to her smooth, dripping cunt, licking it like a cat drinking milk – her hands involuntarily reached into his hair and clenched on it, her hips made a motion forward as if trying to sink into his face.
“– oh – yes –” She breathed out, but it seemed to her that this voice was not her own, its tones squeaky and girlish, full of surprise.
She thought her body was on fire, arching as it rocked to the rhythm of his caresses – she heard him sigh, obviously feeling her wetness begin to run down her buttocks. His lips closed gently around the sweet spot she felt most strongly and began to suck, making her cry out loudly, throwing her head back.
“– Aemond –” She whined out pleadingly, though she didn't know what she was really asking for – all she could hear and feel were the wet sounds of slurping and licking, lazy and unhurried, full of a thoroughness that drove her mad.
As she glanced down at him, for some reason wanting to see him now, she noticed that his eyelid was closed and he was completely absorbed in his task – his head was moving back and forth, disappearing again and again deep between her thighs.
It felt like a bolt of lightning pierced her lower abdomen when she felt his tongue burst inside her body and begin to thrust between her fleshy, hot walls.
“– g-gods – gods, oh, fuck, fuck, yes, yes, brother, here, right here, yes –” She begged, completely losing touch with reality, feeling nothing but overwhelming pleasure as again and again the tip of his tongue teased a spot deep inside her, from which the tension in her loins became unbearable.
She felt that some sort of peak was approaching, that if it lasted even a moment longer, her poor womanhood would simply explode.
“– ah! –” She almost screamed out in pleasure as a convulsion shook her body – she threw her head back, feeling a wonderful, overpowering, tickling wave of heat spread across her insides, flowing through her mouth, her breasts, her belly, down to her throbbing, leaking cunt.
She panted for a moment longer, wishing the feeling would never go away, until she froze powerless, breathing heavily with her eyes closed. She only looked up at him when she heard the quiet rustling of fabric, followed by quick, rhythmic, sticky splats – before she could make any sound his mouth was on hers, tasting foreign, salty and sweet at the same time.
She moaned into his throat, surprised when she felt something warm and long rub against her womanhood again and again – at first she was frightened that he craved fulfillment inside her, but contrary to her assumption, he did not try to take her. He caressed himself with his hand, squeezing his manhood at the very root, teasing its smooth tip by running it over her moist, oversensitive slit.
She murmured contentedly, sinking her hands into his long hair, letting it fall lightly against her body. Knowing that he was balancing on one hand and just giving himself pleasure with the other, she decided to help him achieve satisfaction, exactly as he had helped her.
He looked at her with his mouth wide open, breaking the kiss for a moment when he saw her slide her nightgown off her shoulders, revealing the fullness of her breasts to him. He closed his eyes and gave her a quiet little moan as she lifted his shirt up, exposing his chest, and with a gesture of her arms, encouraged him to let their bare skin touch.
“– hāedar – mmm –” He breathed out into her mouth, sliding his tongue deep into her throat, his free hand grasping her breast so that with every movement of his hips her nipple rubbed against his chest.
Her body was all flushed from what she had experienced with him earlier, and his uncontrollable, almost animalistic movements were giving her some strange kind of pleasure. She knew he didn't want to take advantage of her – on the contrary, he no longer knew what to do with the tension he himself felt in his loins and was looking for a way to take her while not depriving her of what should not yet be his.
She didn't know what he thought of it, but she let her hands roam over his bare neck and down his back under his shirt, to his exposed buttocks from which he had slipped his breeches off. His body twitched each time her fingers explored a new region of his skin that no one but himself had ever seen or felt before – the slaps of his hand became faster and harsher, his breath heavy in her throat, the bed on which they lay began to creak loudly under their weight.
And then suddenly he made a sound of strange relief, as if he had sighed deeply and was about to cry – she squealed quietly, surprised to feel something warm and sticky spill over her abdomen and thighs, realising after a moment that it was his seed.
His body fell inertly on top of her, as if what he had done had cost him all the strength he had left, and he drew in deep breath, apparently trying to calm himself. She felt his heart pounding hard in his chest, pressed tightly against hers – his manhood, still twitching and pulsing, now lying between his body and hers, was nestled against her stomach.
She stroked his hair and his back, cuddling her cheek into his temple, trying to calm down with him and comprehend what had really happened: their bodies were hot and wet with sweat, she felt a drop of it run down her spine.
She had never been more exposed, but she had also never felt more safe.
She wasn't sure if she should say anything – she really wanted to, however, she feared that the barrage of words that would flow from her mouth would simply overwhelm him after what had happened.
She suspected that, like her, her cousin was in a state of some sort of shock.
She blinked and shuddered when she suddenly heard his voice near her ear.
“Forgive me.”
She swallowed hard, feeling discomfort at the words, for some reason filled with guilt and resignation.
“What should I forgive you for?” She asked in a whisper, looking uncertainly in his direction.
Their eyes met.
“I was supposed to protect you. I didn't keep my word.” He said finally, startling her completely.
“You can't protect me from lust. You can only make it a pleasurable experience for me, in your strong, safe arms.” She replied with a kind of conviction that evidently impressed him, for he remained silent for a long time, looking at her with wide-open eye.
“You don't resent me?” He muttered, and she shook her head, smiling for some reason.
“No. I am happy that we are discovering these fascinating mysteries together. I could not imagine a more beloved and trusted companion for this journey.” She whispered, and he snorted, but she noticed in the darkness of the chamber that the corner of his mouth twitched upwards.
“Let's sleep.”
When he woke up, the sun had not yet risen on the horizon – he always got up before dawn. The order of his day was predetermined and he didn't like anything to change his plans. First he would eat his morning meal, preferably one that would give him energy before sparring. Then he would move on to training his body, spending long hours in the courtyard with a sword in hand.
When this was behind him, he would take a nice hot bath in the privacy of his chamber, spending the rest of the day delving into old, thick tomes that smelled of dust. He was not fond of suppers with his family, for they bored him and were a time of mere, even simpering courtesy which he did not understand, he endured them, however, because he could then look at her in peace.
As in their childhood, she was sitting in exactly the same place now – opposite him, at the side of his sister Helaena, at the very end of the table.
To their right sat only Daeron.
Helaena was fond of her, because their cousin understood and respected her barriers. It was something he himself deeply valued in her – the fact that she could watch someone carefully and knew the boundaries she could not cross.
It made him, as well as his sister, enjoy being in her company – they knew they would not be surprised in an unpleasant way or put in a situation that would be uncomfortable for them.
In the case of her and Helaena, a sincere, warm friendship had grown between them over the years; he didn't mind this turn of events because he knew that his cousin didn't gossip about his sister with the other ladies of the court and that she kept her secrets, like his, deep in her heart.
He, of course, was not such a fool as to share his worries or thoughts with her, however, he would be lying if he said that he did not enjoy speaking with her, though he usually tried to give that impression.
“Will you stand to fight in a tournament in honour of our king's Name Day?” She asked him, putting her bow and arrows back in place while he sharpened his dagger, which he always carried with him.
Ever since she managed to tame Sheepstealer she has been more brazen than usual.
“Do you want to annoy me?” He answered dryly with a question to a question, not even looking at her despite his overwhelming desire to do so – her familiar scent reached his nose, making his manhood pulsate softly in his breeches.
His tongue swirling around her hard nipple, his two long fingers thrusting deep into her throbbing, hot cunt, all leaking with desire.
He felt a pleasant shiver run down his spine and he swallowed hard, trying to keep a stony face.
He heard her laugh behind him.
“No, but my wreath will have to fall to someone else. Pity. Perhaps I'll give my blessing to your uncle.” She said lightly, and he struggled to hold back the grimace of displeasure that pressed against his lips.
Gwayne was fond of her, and his affection was reciprocated – when he came to the Red Keep to visit his father and sister, he often chatted with her during supper and teased her in ways that drove him mad.
Usually, however, one sharp look from him over the table in her direction was enough for his cousin to turn to Helaena and pay no further attention to his uncle.
“Do what you want.” He burbled coldly, and she sighed heavily.
“Just don't be surprised.” She said disapprovingly, but before he had time to answer her anything she turned and disappeared into the depths of the castle, leaving him with her words and the discomfort he felt in his heart.
Did she really have to give anyone that fucking wreath?
On the other hand, what would it look like if she refused to give it to anyone?
What would his mother have said?
Whether he wanted to or not, he had to watch the next day as his uncle, proud in his armor, sat on his gray steed, holding aloft his lance, on which his cousin had placed a wreath of field flowers.
He looked ahead as she sat back between him and his sister, pretending not to feel how she pressed her arm against his. His gaze involuntarily fled to the side, to her hand, when he felt her little finger brush over his.
He swallowed hard and crossed his legs, shocked that this public expression of intimacy aroused him.
Did the people sitting behind them see it?
Rumors about the nature of their relationship had been spreading around King's Landing for years anyway.
His fingers involuntarily began to pluck the cuticles around his fingernails in some subconscious, nervous gesture full of excitement, the source of which he did not understand.
That night he took her for the first time.
At the beginning, it was simply a coupling similar to others they had experienced so far, but more fiery and loud, full of his frustrations and her assurances that she was faithful to him.
But then, instead of just rubbing his long manhood against the space between her thighs as usual, he decided to experience the warmth that was hidden deep inside her.
“– now I will receive my wreath – the only one that matters –” He exhaled into her ear, involuntarily pushing the tip of his length, swollen with pain and desire, against her moist, pulsing opening.
She let out a moan full of surprise and effort, her nails digging into the bare skin of his back.
“– Aemond – we can't – we can't –” She mewled and gasped as she felt that with a steady, slow thrusts he began to force his way into her hot, fleshy interior.
“– fuck –” He mouthed, feeling his heart pounding like mad, thinking that he shouldn't be doing this, but he had to, because he couldn't bear it any longer.
“– just let me –” He asked in a breaking voice, and she complied with his request.
She stared at him with her mouth wide open, trying to catch her breath as he began to move inside her, sinking deeper and deeper into her body with each deep push.
He pressed his forehead against hers, panting along with her, and stroked her sweaty cheek, looking at her with desperation, wordlessly asking her for forgiveness.
He expected it to be pleasurable, but didn't know it would be that much – her insides were warm and moist, enveloping his manhood on all sides, while squeezing him so tightly that he had trouble taking a deeper breath.
He had the impression that he was in some kind of trance, and the sounds that left their throats were not their own – their moans were high-pitched, similar to crying, her fingers clenched on his buttocks, her hips seeking rhythm with his thrusts, rocking back and forth.
“– I need this – do you understand? – I need you –” He mumbled in pain, imposing a faster, sharper pace on her, finally filling her completely.
His hips pounded against her buttocks with loud, wet splats, her moist, hot walls throbbing around his manhood, clenching against it in a way from which he felt like howling with pleasure.
“– here – please, here, brother –” She sobbed, arching her back so that the entirety of his manhood brushed against the upper wall inside her hot, spasming cunt.
“– here? – here it feels good? –” He panted with excitement, grabbing her hips in his hands, deliberately teasing the area she had showed him now – she threw her head back, her girlish cries of pleasure had to be enough of an answer for him.
“– yes – g-gods – ah –” She whimpered out, clearly experiencing it as extremely as he was, wriggling under him in pure ecstasy.
He just stared at her as his thumb ran over her swollen, plump lower lip, as her breasts bounced lightly with each of his deep, sharp stabs, until he finally felt what he so craved approaching.
An almost animalistic sound of relief came from his throat as he reached his peak inside her – he heard her sweet sound of pleasure and felt the shudder that shook her whole body, her leaking womanhood squeezing his cock greedily, sucking his seed deep inside her.
He collapsed on top of her and snuggled into her warm, sweaty skin, letting their arms embrace their figures tightly. They were both panting and quivering, feeling each other more than ever, wanting to stay that way.
As one.
He had promised himself, however, that he would never beget a bastard, and having his cousin drink moon tea was not an option for him.
He was not going to kill his own blood, his own heritage, his own child.
Then he decided that the time had come.
“Marry me.”
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 1 day ago
Baby Preparations
Sam and Dean & pregnant little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: you’re pregnant, that’s literally it, that’s the plot
Warnings: short and sweet, pregnancy and tooth-rotting fluff
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Your voice calling out Sam’s name had him doing a 180, heading back from the direction he’d came to find you. You were sitting on the floor of the War Room, and instead of the usual newspaper clippings and lore books, there were dozens of paint sample cards.
“You need something?” He asked.
You held out your hands to him, as if you were 6 years old again and asking to be carried.
“I can’t stand up,” you huffed. At Sam’s light snicker, you scowled. “It’s not funny! I can’t move!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” But Sam couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he helped you to your feet. “How’s my nephew doing?”
“He kicks like he’s a dang Winchester,” you grumbled, rubbing your stomach. “And every time he moves I have to pee, and he—“
“Ok, ok.” Sam stopped you, holding up his hands in surrender. “I get the picture, and I really don’t need to know more.”
“Coward,” you scoffed.
“Hey, when it comes to my baby sister’s pregnancy, you bet I am,” Sam admitted.
“Has anyone seen my pie?” Dean’s question could be heard before he even entered the room, a quizzical and grumpy expression on his face.
“The baby wanted it,” you answered, drawing an eye-roll and a huff from your oldest brother.
“Is that always gonna be your answer?” He demanded.
“Not always,” you admitted. “Just maybe another two months until this guy is eating his own food, not mine.”
Dean face twisted, but he didn’t argue—he never did anymore, and you took full advantage of it. Sam saw right through how you were playing Dean like a kazoo, but he didn’t comment on it; it was too much fun to watch.
“Fine,” Dean grumbled. “I’m gonna go on a run.”
Without a word, you pulled a piece of paper from your pocket and handed it to Dean.
“Again?” He demanded. “It better not be full of weird snacks again.”
“Last time wasn’t that weird,” you insisted.
“I’ve never bought so many pickles or marshmallows in my life,” Dean scoffed.
“It’s marshmallow fluff, not marshmallows,” you corrected.
“Remind me why I’m doing this again?” Dean asked.
“Because my stomach doesn’t fit behind the steering wheel anymore.” You grinned. “And you never let me drive Baby anyway, so you get to make the runs.”
“Fine,” Dean caved. “But if I see orange-flavored beef jerky on here again, I’m throwing the list away.”
“Hey Sam?”
Sam glanced up from his lore book to see you still staring at your paint samples.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“I can’t pick a color. Can you help?”
Sam shrugged, ditching his book and coming to your side.
“You really can’t pick?”
“I just…” you huffed. “I want it to be perfect.”
“I don’t really think the baby’s gonna care,” Sam argued.
You were quiet for a long moment, and Sam watched as you started to pick at your hands.
“Hey.” Sam’s hand over yours stilled you. “What’s got you all worked up?”
“I mean…we-we never got anything like this. You know, the rooms and—and a house. But Charlie will…and I want it to be perfect.”
Sam smiled—he loved hearing his nephew’s name, the one you’d chosen to honor your best friend—and rested his hands on your shoulder.
“Charlie doesn’t need the perfect room paint to have a happy childhood. He already has so much more than we had—he has a home, and he has a wonderful mother. He’s gonna grow up so happy—it’s not gonna be like how it was with us.”
“Ok.” You took a deep breath. “Ok, thanks Sam.”
“Any time. And you should totally choose the green.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee @987coley @deadlymistletoe @wayward-impala83 @whump-loverz @johannelis2302nely @studiogrimm810 @tell-elle
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cherryheairt · 2 days ago
The Line
Viktor x reader slowburn
chapter one
baby Viktor is on my mind today and I wanted to write a childhood friends to lovers trope (my absolute fav because of its softness). Like wdym this kid is just on his own most of the day and his only friend is a deranged scientist GET AWAY FROM HIM. and THEN what do you mean he grows up to also have his only friend/situationship be his lab partner who prioritizes his gf 😭🙏 then I happened upon a small detail that someone pointed out, which was that Viktor (child) always paused before he spoke because he was mentally translating from his native tongue to English.
also, Tyler Joseph you will always be famous (his life action singing of The Line inspired this)
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"My body's on the line now
I can't fight this time now"
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Years of living in the Undercity had made you grow to expect three certain things. One, that everyone always wanted something from you. Two, that no one is trustworthy. And three, that only you can help yourself.
You considered yourself lucky to have someone to raise you. Not your parents, who either died or left before you could remember, but a woman who was tough as nails and didn't take shit from anybody. Tiff, the name she told you but never quite matched her, worked at Babette's brothel during the night and slept most of the day. This left you sleeping with a knife under your pillow, knowing that you were ever more vulnerable without an adult in the home. During the days while she snored away in the only bed in the studio apartment, you went off to waste the day away. Not being homeless was a fortune you hadn't expected to be granted, especially when Tiff never mentioned any connections to your parents. No debts or favors to be fulfilled, just a child plucked off the damp streets of the lanes.
The best place to be was the river. It was small compared to most, but shallow water was safe water. In the upper part of the lanes, where sunlight actually hit and water wasn't as polluted, many children of the Undercity made it their safe spot to hang out. You came every day to pick up canteens of fresh water from flowing falls between the rock formations. Two canteens every day for you and Tiff to drink until the next. After filling them, you spent the hours Tiff slept observing the children you'd grown up with. You made a point to sit on the sidelines, never mingling with them or making friends. You knew the time might pass faster, but something always prevented you from making the first steps.
Perhaps it was your fears of being an outlier or your penchant for stuttering when you were nervous or excited. Tiff always hated that habit and just waved you off to stop talking entirely. You'd taken to staying quiet unless spoken to first, although you never really talked to many people in the first place. Tiff, the guy down the street, Pato, who made the best and cheapest takeout food, and the occasional visiting coworker of Tiff's who crashed at the apartment. With all the free time you had, you filled it with random hobbies.
First, there was reading. With whatever books you could find lying around, you taught yourself the basics of language. Although you couldn't get far past that, considering Tiff was also never taught how to read as a kid. She comforted you by telling you no one needed it down here. Reading was a topside luxury. You moved on to drawing, which also didn't last very long. Supplies cost money that Tiff was unwilling to spend on wants instead of needs. You used rocks as your utensil and walls as your canvas, stopping only when your hands were dry and bleeding from the grip you had to use on them.
Stealing was your calling, Tiff had told you. With your quietness and keen eyes, you were skilled at sneaking around. After giving up all other options, you tried to help around the house with bills and rent instead. To earn your keep, which you knew wouldn't last forever. You started with pockets, your small size and nimble fingers making it all too easy. Wallets, jewlery, pocketwatches; all made their way from unsuspecting victim's hands and into Tiff's savings. A nice man by the name of Benzo bought whatever valuables you showed him, shaking his head all the while in slight disappointment at your thievery. You moved to the occasional house that had a cracked window or broken door lock. You never took enough to be devastating to the owners, but just enough to make a difference with every person you took from. The guilt quickly went away after the first few times, with Tiff validating that "hey, everyone's got to get by, kid. It'll teach them to keep their shit tighter."
You watched with satisfaction as Tiff was able to work shorter shifts occasionally. Once a week, she would take you past Pato's shop and to a place that served sweet milkshakes. A small delicacy that never failed to make both your and your guardian's mood shine.
Today, you were back at the river. The sun rose lazily from the time you arrived, watching it the entire time while waiting for other kids to file up in the area. The peace and quiet of the morning turned into a rowdy afternoon. It seemed busier than usual, children of all ages splashing around and tossing toys around while boisterously laughing.
Curled up in your space on a batch of rocks, you soaked the sunlight in. Parallel to you, on another raised batch of stones that kids like to stand on and 'fight' over, climbed a girl your age. With tan skin and curly hair, you remembered her as Sky. She tried making friends with you months ago, but your tense silence led her to give up after days of one-sided conversation. Still, you liked seeing her thrive among the rest of the kids. From a distance—like everything else you observed.
Today, another had caught her interest. Peering over the edge, you saw a mess of dark brown hair holding something in his lap like a precious heirloom. Briefly, you wondered if what he guarded would sell for anything good. The two stared at each other for only a few moments before Sky was called away by the group. Hesitantly, she left back over the rocks.
You stayed at the ledge. Inching ever so closer, you squinted to try and peer over his shoulder. While he focused on it and twisted a few metallic gears, you noticed the cane sitting by his side. Handmade, presumably, and likely by himself, judging by the contraption in his hands. When it made a loud 'click!', you startled enough to be thrown out of place. With a yelp, your grip on the rock had loosened, and you fell to the sand in a heap.
Groaning, you raised yourself pathetically to your hands and knees, spitting out sand from your mouth and wiping the rest off your face with the back of your hand. Not very well, from the indents you felt on your cheeks and chin. Glancing over at the boy, you saw him staring at you as if you were a ghost.
More than embarrassed, your face and ears burned stove-hot. Sitting up with scratched up palms and knees, peaks of raised white skin and red mixed together through the grains of sand.
"...Are you alright?" A heavily accented voice asked. Bright amber eyes continued staring down at you, but he made nary a move to assist. In fact, he clutched his thingy, which you now know as a boat, even closer to his torso as if you'd take off with it.
Grimacing, you nodded. Scooting past him to the water, you cupped up some and washed it over your scrape. Wincing at every touch, you cringed at the scolding you were in for at home. Can't run from angry bystanders after an unsuccessful theft.
No, not with your legs burning like this. It would be at least a week before you could be on the streets helping Tiff again.
"Your nose is bleeding." He pointed out from next to you. You jerked your head up, meeting his eyeline. Narrowing your eyes, an annoyance flowed through you. When did he move? Why had you not heard him?
Wiping at your nose roughly, you indeed found red dragging from your hand to wrist. Before you could dunk your head unceremoniously under water, a piece of cloth was thrust in front of your face. Winding back, you were surprised to see the boy merely offering it to you instead of taking advantage of your distracted mind to attack. You didn't carry anything but the water flasks, anyway, but still you stayed cautious.
"Hold your head down, not up." He instructed. Eyeing him, you almost scoffed outwardly at his assuredness, as if you didn't know how to handle a nosebleed. Grabbing the cloth, you cupped it around your nostrils and sat forward. Dizzy, the water in front of you seemed to spin.
He took a moment to adjust himself, slowly sitting next to you with a safe distance. The stream steadily flowed with a calming tune in your ears as time seemed to pass eternally slow. He kept the boat in his lap idly, legs crossed politely to take up less space even in the empty area.
After minutes of silent waiting, you uncovered and held the cloth away. Finding it absolutely unsalvagable, you glanced to the boy apologetically. He shrugged, not moving to take it back. "Keep it. It's only a hankerchief."
Folding it to wet and wipe excess blood from your face, palms, and knees, the sting lingered on, but the pain from tiny pebbles digging into your skin stopped. From your peripherals, you saw him staring. Turning, you raised your brows as if to ask, 'what's your problem?'
Again, he nearly flinched back. "Ah—my name is Viktor." His accent sharpened on the end of his name. It was considerably thick but not entirely foreign to you. Many people congregate in the lanes and hailed from other countries, including those of different languages or species, like Vastayas or Yordles. His mother tongue wasn't one you spoke but instead heard flowing through the markets on a lively afternoon. "What's yours?"
Pursing your lips, you bit your tongue. Unsure if the words might fumble coming out of your mouth, you resigned to write it in shaky letters in the sand grains. It wasn't neat or even, but you at least knew to spell your name and Tiff's in case of emergencies.
Viktor spoke your name aloud, feeling the syllables roll off his tongue in his accent. You nodded once, confirming that he pronounced it correctly. You pointed towards the mechanical boat in his hands, curious to know whether it worked or not, considering how it had only sat lamely in his lap since you first saw him.
He looked down in surprise, remembering he had been working on it the entire morning. "I named it Sunny." He started shyly, cheeks turning pink from the attention on him. "I finished working on her today."
You smiled slightly, urging him to go on. Looking between the boat and the stream, your eyes sparkled with curiousity. He seemed hesitant, perhaps embarrassed at the possibility of the small ship not working. After some careful thinking in his own little space, he finally sat up and wrapped his hand on a little crank, the same that startled you off the ledge.
He winded it a few times, slow and steady. When he popped the lever out and it made a loud 'crick!' Yet again, you held yourself from flinching. Mesmerized, you watched as the boat's winded gears turned the ship's paddles forward. He smiled brightly, tooth gap showing itself from between his lips as he giggled softly. He placed the boat gently into the water, allowing it to row itself downstream. Quickly, he beckoned you up at the same time that he took hold of his cane to lift himself.
You both followed after Sunny. Sand turned to rock and your knees burned as you trailed behind Viktor, always keeping your eyes on the boat as it sped faster than you expected. The water got deeper when the overhead rocks turned into a cave, one that you'd been too fearful to explore alone before. As it sped and the water became more of a current than a stream, you and Viktor had to start into a run.
Unfortunately, due to his leg and needing the cane just to walk, Viktor couldn't keep up. He tripped, yelling out as he fell to the rocks. "Viktor!" You yelled too, surprised at your own concern for the stranger. He was quick to recover, focused on the boat still heading further into the stream. You offered a hand as he used the other for his cane, seeing his ears brighten from what you guessed was embarrassment at the fall.
"We're even now." You mumbled out, quiet voice echoing in the small cave.
He stood taller upright, fixing his gaze between you and the now-dissappeared boat. "You can talk?" He asked, looking frustrated at the loss.
Fighting to urge to bite back a sarcastic response, you sighed and nodded. You had to remind yourself that most might assume you were totally mute or unable to speak for a physical reason, like Viktor had. You might assume the same if you met another like yourself. It was simply easier not to.
"Oh." He deflated, disappointed that you had stopped. "Let's find Sunny. I can't lose it." He turned around, determined to find his special project even in the dark and damp cave. Truthfully, although you often ran around the lanes on your own, the dark still scared you. Huddling closer than acquaintances should, you were nearly clinging to Viktor's arm as he led the way.
If he was bothered by the shoulder-to-shoulder touch, Viktor did not say a word. In fact, you could hear his breaths grow quicker as you decended. He was equally as frightened as you were, but he put on a brave face despite it.
Descending the cave, Sunny continued its drift downstream faster than either of you could keep up. You only heard the mechanical sounds whirring and turning in the internal parts of the machine and the water wheels against the surface. Finally, you heard it stop like it was jammed on something. A dim but frankly pretty purple light came from your destination. When entering another opening of the cave that widened from the narrow entrance, you found yourself in awe of the naturally growing violet flowers on the stone walls.
Flowers or fungus? Either way, they were luminescent and possibly the best thing you'd ever seen in the lanes.
A slithering caught your attention, and Viktor pulled you down to hide behind a jutting stone. You gasped, and Viktor was quick to slap a hand over your mouth regardless of the fact that the man and his large lizard companion definitely knew you were there. You both kept your eyes glued to the pink creature, wondering what it was and if it was aggressive or not. You knew that in a moment of great adrenaline, you could run away from anything, but your new friend could definitely not.
The creature roared, spotting you both huddled together. You clutched his hand tight, squeezing your eyes shut and bracing yourself for an imminent attack.
A voice, not your own or Viktor's, startled you both. "Don't be afraid." Soothing, almost fatherly.
"Did you build this?" It was the man, possibly in his early 30's or so and human, sitting on a rock that was bathed in sunlight from a small opening in the top of the cavern and inspecting Sunny in an impressed way.
Viktor stood up slowly, wary of the pink lizard, but even more curious.
"Why aren't you two playing with the others?" He continued, seeing as neither of you answered verbally.
Viktor stepped out, letting the cane speak for him. The man hummed thoughtfully, running a hand over the mechanisms. "Loneliness is often a byproduct of a gifted mind."
"What—" You swallowed harshly, scolding yourself internally for stuttering in front of both of them, but forced yourself to finish now that their eyes were on you. "What is that?"
"Oh," he started, looking sideways at it as if he'd forgotten it was there. "This is Rio. She is a rare mutation that I cultivated myself." He said, sounding almost somber.
Viktor and you exchanged a glance as the pink lizard named Rio blinked at you both. It was cute, as cute as a beast five times the size of you could possibly be. You'd rarely see pets around the lanes—far too expensive for the normal citizen to keep around.
"Here," he stood, plucking one of the purple flower things from his pocket. "Would you like to feed her?"
Viktor stepped forward first, cane tapping with every small step he took. The flower was tightly clutched in his small hand as he approached the lizard, carefully eyeing her mood to see if the flower or himself might be her meal. To your amusement, Rio eagarly gobbled the flower up and left a string of thick saliva on his arm. You giggled, moving to pet her now that you were sure she was friendly. The lizard purred under your gentle touch, yellow eyes blinking innocently up at you and sniffing for more treats. Viktor joined you as Rio settled down on the rock like the movement exhausted her greatly.
"She's dying." The man said simply. You gasped, protectively stroking behind her ear spikes as if the comfort might protect her from his blunt statement. "I am trying to provent that. The mutation must survive." He said darkly. You disliked his tone, thinking of how ominously he spoke and how detached he viewed the beautiful creature. Like it was an experiment and not a being.
"Can I help?" Viktor spoke up.
He seemed surprised, but smiled slightly at the offer. "You want to assist me?"
Viktor shrugged, but you could tell he was eager to help Rio get better. And possibly just have a friend, even if that friend was an old man in a dimly lit cave.
"And you?" The man's grey eyes found you, still petting the lizard and pretending you were invisible. It was easier that way, to stay in the shadows and be unheard and unseen.
You struggled to find the words for a moment, face hot at your admittance. "I'm not smart, like Viktor is." You glanced to the boy next to you, who seemed to smile and crinkle his wide amber eyes at your words.
The man held a comforting hand on your and Viktor's shoulders. "I'll find a role for you both." He didn't even mention your useless stumbling or give you a nasty look for taking too long to speak. Tiff wouldn't have let you get two words in before rolling her eyes and ignoring you. For some reason, you felt a strong attachment to the strange man.
Happily, you nodded. "I want to help, too!"
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Stutters are complicated to write and tedious to write the stereotypical format of "S-s-stutter" which is often not accurate. Based off experience of knowing someone with a chronic (?) stutter, people with a stutter often repeat the entire word until they can move on with the next, which is what I imagined the mc to do. Its not written out but implied for the sake of smooth formatting. Her stutter is neurological and stems from her caretaker not properly taking time to speak with her and teach her language beyond clipped sentences. As mc grows older and more confident, she grows out of it as most children do (though thats not to say people with stutters can simply grow out of it as if its a bad habit, every case is different)
I legit dont even have Netflix anymore but keep started these series (Alice in borderland, squid games, Arcane) that NEED netflix to write scenes from ughhh but its so overpriced for even the Ads version of subscription, so basically this is now a one-shot until I decide to buy Netflix again bc I started this when I had it 😇
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blue-iced-tea · 1 day ago
Thanks for the tag, @aghostnamedclamity @ehhhh-119 @opossumherd & @gentlelass !!!
3 ships I like: ummm idk huhu mostly oc x canon
First ship ever: Those two guys from Doukyuusei (and my first BL movie WAHHHHH)
Last song: "The Fox's Wedding" by MASA WORKS DESIGN
Favorite childhood book: I have that Magical School Bus book where Ms. Frizzle and her students meet the scientists
Currently watching: Those creepypasta stuff and viruses throughout the history lol
Currently reading: University Physics with Modern Physics (15th Edition) by Hugh D. Young (sobs)
Currently consuming: Bananas and bread roll with choco filling
Currently craving: meat, grapes, kisses, hugs, and sleep huhu
Tagged by the lovely @jalapenobee!!! Hi Bee!! <3
3 ships i like: LoidxYor from Spy x Family and just all my OC ships who have been living in my head rent free for years. Mainly AdamxOlivia (EverHart), MarigoldxSolomon (MariSol) and HollyxNate (Hate). I could talk about them for hours so if anyone has time to waste...
first ship ever: Jeroen and Mara from Het Huis Anubis (the original Dutch/Flemish version of House of Anubis). The enemies to lovers was amazing!!! And then they didn't happen!!! It's been like 18 years and I'm still bitter
last song: Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift
favorite childhood book: I honestly have no idea... But my mum used to read from a Winnie The Pooh book when I was small and there was this poem in there about Piglet going on vacation and going to England and France and Africa and all... And would still be back that evening and I still know it by heart :)
currently reading: My Vampire Plus-One - Jenna Levine
currently watching: A advent calendar unboxing on youtube. I haven't really watched any shows lately (if anyone has recommendations, let me know!)
currently consuming: Tea
currently craving: Some peace and quiet!!
Tagging the following lovely people!!
@silversoulstardust @actually-the-devil @currentlyinflames @keeeegs
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bambisnc · 3 days ago
      I'LL LIKE YOU ♡ kickflip and meet cutes!
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### . STARRING ⌢ OT7 ⋆ fluff + 0.4k // no warnings! ˖ ✧
🗨️ .. ⌞ XOXO ⌝ kfp post#2 im on fire chat. minje's is long af inspired by jungwon in the romance untold drama, amaru's n juwang's tropes taken from here + [m.list]
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౨ৎ ˖ 이계훈 — ❪ LEE GYEHOON ❫  
let's talk about skater boy!hoon who frequents skate parks often with his friends, just hanging out and chilling, etc. his first meeting with you would be the classic literally falling for a person trope. bro would be trying out some sick, new trick in front of the others and you'd yell out a quick hi to someone there, only for your voice to Distract him and cause him to trip and fall right at your feet... not the best impression, but it's okay because he's more than happy about the outcome : you patching him back up <3
          ⋅ ˚ ଳ ₊ ‧ others utc
౨ৎ ˖ 満行亜丸 — ❪ MITSUYUKI AMARU ❫  
being a little specific here, but seeing childhood best friend amaru (i'm never Getting over this trope sue me), who you have kinda lost contact with, come in to the convenience store you work at. it's bound to be a little awkward, you haven't spoken in ages, after all. but after he keeps coming to the store, specifically during early hours (think 4 AM) almost exclusively during your shifts only, you end up (amusedly) striking a conversation ><
౨ৎ ˖ 이동화 — ❪ LEE DONGHWA ❫  
being at a thrift store and reaching for the same item. could be a cute hoodie, piece of jewelry, cool shoes — you'd maybe be a little annoyed at first but when you guys would get to talking, you'd find out both your tastes are actually pretty similar? plus his sense of style is kinda fire if you're being honest... you'd end up spending the whole day shopping together (probably even get a bite to eat ><), with plans already made to meet up again soon 🫣🫣
౨ৎ ˖ 장주왕 — ❪ JANG JUWANG ❫  
i'm such a sucker for strangers to lovers. pretty boy juwang who you see during your commute almost everyday and who naturally has your attention drawn towards himself with practically no effort. however, the most you do is exchange glances or smiles, occasionally. until one time you both happen to be the only two people stranded on the bus/metro/train and can't help but start talking because the vehicle hasn't moved for almost two whole hours now and you're bored...
౨ৎ ˖ 최민제 — ❪ CHOI MINJE ❫  
basketball team captain minje who's known for being just the absolute epitome of perfection. he's nice to everyone, great at sports and number 1 in his grade for all subjects. it's a little intimidating, making him to hard to approach, even. but one day, you chance upon the school roof with its usually locked door slightly ajar. curiosity finds you venturing outside .. only to come face to face with minje. minje, with his collar unbuttoned, tie loose, hair messy due to the breeze (and an adorably shocked expression). and suddenly, you've become the one person he's comfortable showing his other, not-as-perfect side to .. <3
౨ৎ ˖ 岡本圭樹 — ❪ OKAMOTO KEIJU ❫  
gamer keiju gamer keiju!! you're both avid fans of the same video game and have a vague sense of competitiveness between each other which is only fueled when you end up playing together (via means of mutual friends). there's definitely tension brewing, considering he most definitely considers you his rival, but eventually cue him having to eat up all his words and ask you for help because of this one boss fight he just can't seem to win :/
౨ৎ ˖ 이동현 — ❪ LEE DONGHYEON ❫  
DUDE OKAY. him in his hockey era right? you, being nothing if not a diligent student with a shit ton of school spirit, go to show your support to the school team during one of their home matches... only for donghyeon, the star player, to end up bumping into you right before and spilling his water all over your clothes... he ends up having to give you his jersey to wear and, yes, everyone does think you're dating. lowkey, neither of you really deny anything and before you even know it, you've been crowned the it couple of the school. huh?
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𐙚 . regulars : none yet! ⋆
[@bambisnc] 2k25
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swimming-karyss · 3 days ago
Sabo: loneliness, connection and affection
Trying to organise my thoughts on this matter hehe
I just thought that Sabo's relationship with loneliness and connection are very interesting, and not much people talk about how terribly lonely his childhood days were(even compared to Ace&Luffy).
Ace has been alienated from people from the beginning. Raised in the middle of the jungle, by bandits who never showed much affection, and who repeated the same hurtful words as others did. The state of loneliness is the norm for him. He has never known any other life. Naturally, he'd be protective of what little he has(Sabo) and reluctant to open up and accept new connections(Luffy).
As for Luffy, he has been left alone. Shanks left him after a year staying at Windmill village. Garp constantly took him out of his regular life only to leave him alone in the jungle. And he as well took him away from the village and Makino, after he ate his devil fruit. And while he didn't have [present] parents, he had been cared for. Luffy knows the difference between loneliness and companionship. Which is why he chased Ace's recognition so much.
Sabo's situation is more similar to Luffy's.
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But do you ever think that Sabo loved his parents? That he wanted them to love him too? He wouldn't have drawn them if he didn't. He wouldn't be so disheartened at their dismissal if he hated them from the start. But his parents made their love conditional. Sabo had to earn their love and his happiness, while they ignored his pain and attempts to connect. 
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And as you know this kind of relationship could leave a lasting impact on how one navigates their future relationships! But on that later😊
Now, Sabo ran away and that opened a whole other can of worms. He's a child, that for five years didn't have anyone to rely on. Of course, Ace was with him, but after he left for the day, Sabo was left completely alone. I mean, at least Ace had Dadan and occasionally Makino and Garp, they shared meals together, he could turn to them in case something happened and they provided him with company and a roof above his head. Sabo lived on the Gray Terminal by himself, in a place where people considered him either a troublemaker to avoid, or a pest to get rid of (those like pirates and bandits). So through Ace and Luffy Sabo gains not only brothers but also other connections and people who care about him! And he welcomes both Dadan and Makino with a bright smile :) Now that I think about it, just like Ace told him about Luffy, he also must've told Sabo about them too🥹
And while all this is nice, his previous problems didn't go away magically. 
(… But his issues aren't stated or shown as explicitly as Ace and Luffy's, so they are easier to dismiss.)
Even though Sabo trusted Ace with his life, he still kept his origins a secret from him, whether it was because he felt them insignificant compared to Ace's or because he feared abandonment in case Ace would be disappointed. And he was more than willing to keep his secret until the very end - Luffy&Ace literally had to beat(strangle) the truth out of him. Sabo also put distance between them in another way too: Ace thought the two of them would sail together, Sabo didn't.
That is honestly also a point to how controlling his parents were. Sabo wanted freedom so much that he didn't mind the loneliness that came with it. Well, he got what he wanted ;) 
Now it would be easy to say that his amnesia also erased his trauma. But it didn't! Sabo still felt hid parents' influence. (And unlike the other weird amnesia case (the sea sure likes to take people's memories huh) - Big Mom - he didn't revert to his younger self, he only lost access to his memories, his feelings and 'character development' remained). If anything it only led to Sabo not being able to identify the cause of his issues → not being able to treat them properly. Now, the RA seem like decent guys, they very well could be the needed support system for Sabo, but again, it's an army with a whole lot of other issues to deal with. So either way his trauma most likely was allowed to fester for a while as we see its consequences show in his adulthood. 
Even though Sabo seems to be doing well as an adult, there's still some signs of emotional distance. He has never reciprocated a hug, even though he doesn't have a problem with physical touch in general, he didn't even think about approaching Luffy in Dressrosa at first and was very tense when actually talking to him. And it's honestly fascinating just how stiff his body language was in Dressrosa (maybe I'll talk about it in general some other time) - be it shock or anger he keeps his arms to his body, unlike Koala or Hack, who choose violence.
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He also showed barely any reaction during Vegapunk's speech despite the panelling focusing on him specifically. I'd say he mostly keeps his negative emotions in check, bc in Robin's little flashback he was quite expressive! The main counterpoint is 'special Luff' where he is very open about his anger, but he has a really decent reason for it: his feelings being made fun of. And as you'll see later it's a very sensitive topic for him →
To begin with, he avoids talking about things that have emotionally impacted him in any way.
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1.This one might be a stretch, but he begins to talk about his encounter with Fujitora, only not to say anything in the end, idk what's wrong with him; 2. After a very emotional fight with Burgess Sabo dismisses any worries without even mentioning the fight; 3. He refuses to talk with Hack about Luffy, even though we know that he loves to yap about him to Dragon. And that is right after he didn't want to wake Luffy up to even say goodbye! He also changes the topic quickly so Karasu wouldn't be able to further question him.
Even though these scenes are played as gags, he really seems to have trouble with emotional intimacy and opening up about his feelings. And that makes him seem inattentive and irresponsible, thus affecting his relationships with others even more… 
And speaking of which, he is accustomed with either suppressing his feelings or at least just keeping them in check. He hides his worries from his colleagues, appearing as cheerful as always. And during his meeting with Dragon and Iva he brushes aside his guilt and grief for king Kobra (but, I mean it's a work meeting, they need to be professional) and never once he acknowledges his injuries.
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And if he's willing to disregard such a thing as grief, how do you think he really feels about his new title, which was gained by the blood of a man he failed to save?
And frankly, right now we don't know much about Sabo! We know about his childhood, and the way he presents himself now(and that is some material to work with), but the 12 years in the Revolutionary Army are a mystery, and again it's an army, I bet he's seen many things, especially considering how high his position is!
tldr: like Luffy, Sabo has a special relationship with loneliness and abandonment. But unlike Luffy, who especially in pre-ts hated separation, Sabo pushes people away. And what makes it even harder for others to connect with him, is that he tends to hide his feelings and problems.
(like a cat)
but again, I might be reading something wrong, my bad
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seokminfilm · 2 days ago
seventeen as my memorable school experiences
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♫ pairing, seventeen x reader ♫ warnings, fluff, unserious/crack, non-idol au, very short, headcanons, debut/high school age seventeen, cliches, cursing, kind of dramatic, my personal stories
♫ author's note, hi everyone 😞 school and deadlines have been driving me insane so i'll be semi-active until further notice 🧍 ANYWAYS wanted something fun (slightly unserious) and quick, so i thought of this idea! these are all in good fun so don't worry 🤍 without further ado enjoy these headcanons (and tell me if you like them/want more of this format!)
seungcheol would definitely be the type of guy to hold the littlest things over you 😭 definitely one to pull the "I'm older than you" or "I'm stronger than you" card in literally every situation 🧍 you know the kid that was like "i'm so fast i can run here and back in three seconds"? seungcheol would be the one doing that, and trip over something and face-plant 💀 i would not take him seriously let me tell you that
jeonghan teacher's pet 100 percent LMAO definitely the type of person to tell on someone when they're not doing something they "should" be doing. has to be the teacher's helper, passing out papers and running errands for them. jeonghan would be the sly one that is actually one of the most unruly ass students but gets away because he sucks up to the teacher 😭
joshua he'd be the popular transfer student that everyone would be focused on for like a week. he's the talk of the school okay 😭 has that generic 2010 gelled/swooped to the side hair with a button-up for sureee joshua is the kid who's really polite and sweet and has the teacher singing his praises, but when he gets around the right people, he cannot be stopped
jun jun's the really quiet one you forget even exists sometimes 😭 your teacher is taking attendance and says "who are we missing" and you say someone jun, while everyone else is yelling another person 🧍like no jun's sitting right behind you, he's just really quiet. (part two of getting around the right people and being loud)
hoshi hoshi is that one kid that cannot be embarrassed by himself. he will do the most cringy things known to mankind, and still be able to walk away normally after it 💀 does not care about what he likes (definitely an anime kid i feel it in my soul), and makes references that no one gets. people are scared to have to be his class partner let me tell you 🧍
wonwoo not be overused or anything but i seriously do see wonwoo as a gamer boy 💀 my childhood best friend (who goes to school w me & is in my class) is an absolute dork when it comes to video games. wonwoo would be the person to bring a sketchbook skilled fo video game characters 🧍 would also be the person to listen to video game osts while doing homework/assignments
woozi part two of "the really quiet kid you forget even exists sometimes" LMAO woozi is definitely to be the one in the back of the classroom minding his business, doing his work, or sleeping. woozi can be funny, but just doesn't feel like trying 🤷 has great timing with the things he says and makes the whole class laugh
the8 did (or do) you know that one kid that would correct your grammar or pronounciation without your consent? the8 would SO be that kid omg 😭 lord forbid you stutter around him cause he'll go straight to mocking you for it. the8 would be such a stickler w that i fear (i can just imagine you having him read something you've written and there he is correcting your run-on sentences 💀)
mingyu there's this one kid i see walking around in the hallways of my school with a mop of curly hair shielding his eyes 🧍 that just screams mingyu to me LMAO idk he tries so hard to be cool and hip but it just doesn't work 😭 considered one of the more popular people of the class, even if it's just because he's "mysterious".
dk he's definitely the type of person to make you come undone with an "are you okay?" or bunches of compliments CHANGE MY MIND i have a friend who's so good at coaxing feelings & tears out of me w a simple "hey, are you okay?", and i feel like dk would be the same way 😭 gives you a hug every day when you're leaving, and texts you on school holidays/breaks because he "misses human interaction" ("i miss you so bad ☹" "seokmin it's been 2 hours since i last saw you")
seungkwan theatre kid or choir kid 🤷 also probably has his mom working as a teacher so has those privileges to where he can visit his mom's class and participate in a bunch of things since his mom is already at the school 🧍probably also a generic popular girl too LMAO hears things from other people and spreads it professionally (probably to the8: if you see them two conversing and looking at you, 9/10 you're being secretly roasted)
vernon debut vernon to me screams "random boy every girl in your grade liked with a windshield wiper laugh and thick, brown wavy hair" 🤷 had this one boy in 3rd grade that EVERY SINGULAR GIRL THOUGHT WAS CUTE. also probably says cringe things (ex: dude, bro, fire, lit, sike, etc) unironically because he has an image to uphold or something. please don't make him laugh really hard (you'll hear this squeaky grating sound that makes you want to stuff your head in your backpack)
dino dino is the popular boy by association 😭 he's not really popular on his own, but when with vernon/mingyu suddenly multiplies in popularity. he's actually a really chill, down-to-earth dude LMAO lord forbid he makes a terrible joke though 💀 he'll be so embarrassed he'll shut down and never come back. would friends with vernon and probably practices the windshield wiper laugh in his bathroom at home 🧍
a/n: lowkey very cliche and personal but still fun/comforting to write (speaking with experiencing most of these things firsthand LMAOAOOA!! tell me what you think about it LMAO
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ninadove · 3 days ago
Just realized that Werepapas might coincidentally shed some light on Felix and Adrien's relationship? Or explain it better?
The first time Felix was ever mentioned was on Adrien's official Instagram; he posted a picture of the Couffaine twins with the caption that they reminded him of himself and his cousin. But then their old dynamic is never really addressed in the show, and a lot of people wondered how exactly Felix was different from Chloe's role as Adrien's childhood friend.
The Werepapas flashbacks paint a picture of a household that was only half full, most of the time. It was just Emilie and Adrien. So like... I could totally see Emilie trying to fill that void with the only other family she has. Amelie and Felix were probably coming over all the time, because they were alone too. She might have wanted Adrien to firmly have that same sense of never being alone that she's always had by virtue of being a twin. I think Felix and Adrien were consequentially raised more as siblings than as cousins. Chloe is the (honorary) cousin here.
YES I think Emilie’s memories of growing up with a twin might even have been one of the reasons she wanted to “help” Amelie conceive! It was the only way she found to give Adrien a younger sibling… Emilie probably also suspected or outright knew something was wrong in the Fathoms’ marriage, and having Amelie and Felix come over was the best way to get them out of danger, at least for a little while.
From a doylist perspective, I really think making Adrien and Felix cousins was a way to give Adrien a quasi sibling while avoiding the obvious plot issues that would come with Another Guy (especially This Guy) being in the same house as Chat Noir and Monarch 24/7. It’s clear these two love each other so much — I like to say Adrien wants their bond to go back to what it was when they were kids, while Felix is trying to build it into something new and stronger and brighter, free of the horrors they experienced back then. And doing everything wrong, of course.
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swifthorne · 1 day ago
Luigi's Escape Plan incorrect quotes
Based on the comic by the incredibly talented @jelly-fish-wishes. The following were all made using ScatterPatter's Incorrect Quotes Generator (some being edited slightly).
King Penguin: "If Luigi and I were drowning, who would you save?"
Lumalee: "You two can't swim?"
Luigi: "It's a hypothetical question, Star Child! Who would you save?"
Lumalee: "My time and effort."
Bowser: "I was arrested for being too cool."
Princess Peach: "The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence."
Doug: "Is stabbing someone immoral?"
Felicity: "Not if they consent to it."
Cooper: "Depends on who you're stabbing."
King Penguin: "YES!!!"
Koopa Guard: "Where are you going?"
Cooper: "To get lunch, or commit a felony. I'll decide on my way there."
Luigi: "Jail is no fun, I'll tell you that much."
King Penguin: "Oh, you've been before?"
Luigi: "Once. In Monopoly."
Lumalee: (sees KP's missing foot) "How would you rate your pain?"
King Penguin: "Zero stars. Would NOT recommend."
Mario: "I've come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck."
Bowser: (to Peach) "I'd like to offer you moral support, but I have questionable morals."
Toad: "If I die, my funeral is gonna be the biggest party ever, and you're all invited."
Lumalee: "If?"
Doug: (post face-heel-turn) "Great. The only party I've ever been invited to, and he might not even die."
Random Kong: (in Bowser's dungeon) "So, who should we call?"
Marcelo: "I'd call my brother....but he's been deep fried."
Luigi: "What's a word that's a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?"
King Penguin: "Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-"
Lumalee: "Smad."
Luigi: *screams in Italian*
Cooper: *screams louder in Koopish to assert dominance*
Doug: "Should we do something?"
Felicity: "No. I wanna see who wins this."
Jelly (aka the comic's author): "Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life."
Luigi: "Self esteem, haven't seen you in years!"
Lumalee: "Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!"
Toad: "I knew I lost that potential somewhere!"
Bowser: "My moral code, is that you?"
Jelly: "I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me, but do you guys need a hug?"
Doug: "Looking left, 'cause my colleagues didn't treat me right."
King Penguin: "Looking right, 'cause I've got one foot left."
Luigi: "Looking up, 'cause I refuse to bring my friends down."
Bowser: "Looking down, 'cause you just fucked up."
Luigi: "Hey, can I get a sip of your water?"
Lumalee: "It's not water."
Penguin King: "Vodka, I like your style!"
Lumalee: "It's vinegar."
Luigi: "Wha-"
Lumalee: "It's vinegar, COWARDS."
Kamek: "I'm a reverse necromancer."
Cranky Kong: "Isn't that just killing people?"
Kamek: "Semantics."
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narcfyodor · 3 days ago
Got this comment telling me I'm abusive but it actually mentions a topic I wanted to talk about
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For context this was on a post where I was acknowledging the fact that I get urges to hurt and control others as it is a part of my disorder. I further on said that it doesn't make me, or anyone, a bad person. What would make me a bad person is giving into thoes urges. I never mentioned not telling people or "tricking" people into being close to me... the two people I consider close in my life know about this btw 😭
There are two important things I want to talk about.
When I feel the urge to hurt or control other people, is that what I really feel?
To put it simple, no. It is not what I really feel. When I feel the need hurt someone it is for a reason, that reason is to protect myself. Due to my traumatic childhood I've learned in order to protect myself I have to hurt others and if I don't want them to even have the possibility to hurt me I have to control them. My brain deems alone the presence of another person as a danger. Behind the need to hurt or control others will always be that scared child.
What I really feel is fear. I am scared that what once happened to me could happen again.
I don't feel that fear when I feel the need hurt or control others as the secondary feeling, anger, lays over the primary feeling, fear, immediately and automatically. That is also a protective mechanism. My brain sees every person as someone who can hurt me and with that has to protect me from every person. This made sense in my childhood but now it doesn't, my brain doesn't know/understands that though.
Am I abusive for hiding behind a false version of myself?
Not adding the rest of it as it makes me sound like some mythical super villain 😭
To answer the question, no. I am not. I do mask A LOT but that does not make me abusive. I will NOT tell people that I don't consider close my deeply personal problem that's caused by my childhood trauma. I am not "manipulating" or "tricking" people into being my friend. I have big problems being vulnerable and opening up which is one of the reasons I mask so much. I don't get close to others when I'm masking with them. When I actually let a person close to me I will tell them about my problems with time, but I always let them know what disorders I struggle with. A import aspect to mention is that it doesn't affect the other people as I don't act on my urges. I do not choose to have these urges and I am working on them in therapy but as explained prior, my brain believes I still need this to survive.
Anyway stay safe guys and don't let ableist affect you. Your disorder doesn't make you a bad person, having thoughts and urges to control others doesn't make you a bad person.
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honeyblackberries · 7 hours ago
there's always someone else
yandere(?) caleb x reader angst (w mentions of the other leads)
cw: caleb being consumed by his repressed feelings and as a result is kinda mean, hypocritical, entitled, and just generally a liar. he’s also such a hater and does slander the other guys. basically caleb's intrusive thoughts.
caleb wants to fly you to distant skies, far from anyone who knows you. he wants to hide you away, keep you in a place where not even the gentle breeze can kiss your skin.
please understand that this is all he can do to keep you safe.
for even though he always seemed big and strong in your childhood home. when it comes to the outside world, he is nothing but a mere man in the face of monsters. a mortal against demons disguised as the kindest most alluring of dreams. and yet here you are wholly unaware. ever the foolish little girl he’s always known. he has to wonder whether you’re just stupid or in denial to the threats that circle you. eagerly feeding the vultures who seek your affection for themselves.
it’s upsetting the way that coworker is so casually familiar with you. sharing books, eating together, napping in your apartment– caleb hates the way it all seems so natural for him to do, like you were once close lifetimes ago.
it’s irritating the way that artist clings to you, whining like a child when you don’t pay attention to him. caleb hates the way he touches your hand, his own lingering on your ring finger like he wishes something were there.
it’s concerning the way that criminal gifts you the most expensive of things, all paid for with blood money. caleb wants to rip you away from the arms of that killer. you should realise that men in power are the worst kind.
but most of all it’s aggravating the way that doctor looks at you, like he has the right to know you. caleb never liked him, a leach always hanging around when there was clearly no space for him between the two of you.
it drives him mad to think about the lies they feed you. it makes him sick to imagine what poison dipped terms of affection they call you.
nevertheless caleb will sit in silence. bite his tongue until it bleeds and hide the hands that itch to sink into your flesh. always left having to remind himself that they’re your friends who have done nothing wrong. that you are your own person. that he doesn’t need to be involved in every aspect of your life. 
but you must know that they can’t love you. they don’t love you. not like him. 
maybe that’s the worst part.
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moniericreative · 2 days ago
Goro Akechi: A Mask of Heroism
Part 3 of my multi-post series: "The Universally Hated Futaba Line: Biased Opinion to Throw Out, or a Valid Point Taken Too Literally?"
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The posts will be in the following order:
Part 1: Clarifying the meaning of the line (link) Part 2: A Mask of Lies (link) Part 3: A Mask of Heroism (this post)
Please check out the first two posts of the series for more context, as it'll help explain the direction I'm going in when discussing this subject.
Without further ado, enjoy the final part!
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So you guys might be asking why I started with the "Mask of Lies" first, and not this one. Especially since Akechi's childhood dreams of being a hero are stated very explicitly in his Royal confidant.
Well, it's because when you ignore the lies aspect (i.e. Futaba's words), and focus exclusively on this single portion of Akechi's character... A lot of people tend to think that's all Robin Hood represents. That he's the "Good Shoulder Angel™️" to Loki's "Bad Shoulder Devil™️" and nothing more. Sound vaguely familar?
It's the other unfortunate extreme that's full-tilt in the opposite direction.
By fervently ignoring Futaba's observation, you accidentally horsehoe right around from pigeon-holing Akechi's persona(s) with a convenient, singular label to... pigeon-holing Akechi's persona(s) with a convenient, singular label. This time it just sounds cuter because it's childhood nostalgia flavored.
But both Robin Hood and Loki are far more nuanced than that, and nothing's a bigger example of this than how Akechi's ideals of a "hero of justice" grew up with him (even if he himself can't see it).
How his methods of helping others gradually evolved from playing pretend with a toy gun and saving imaginary people...
To expertly utilizizing his crafted image and its connections, as well as his own resourcefulness and cunning, to help real people even if it doesn't his benefit his revenge against Shido in any way.
Much like the actual hero of legend that Robin Hood is based on (or at least, it's more modern interpretation).
Let us go back to the previous examples in a different light, shall we?
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Let's Discuss: The Game
So we've already covered Akechi's absolute masterclass of subterfuge and cheating a rigged system to benefit the Phantom Thieves.
Is he only doing this to win their trust in order to pull the rug out from under them?
Perhaps, but that ignores the elephant in the room: His relationship with Sae.
While he does have a single line of "foolish woman" before the interrogation room, there's one small detail that often gets overlooked.
Why didn't he remind Shido that Sae was a loose end in their plans?
While he didn't know about the Phantom Thieves' actual plans to keep Joker alive, that still doesn't change the fact that the Sae now has direct ties to the Conspiracy's actions because they used her palace as a trap, and she presumably has a Change of Heart.
With how close Sae was to uncovering The Conspiracy already, and with a determination to keep digging until she found the truth, it would make sense for Shido to order her death. After all, he did so for Kayo (Ohya's friend), Kobayakawa, and the SIU Director and they arguably knew just as much.
So why didn't he?
Because Akechi kept his focus on the Phantom Thieves, and not once did he ever remind Shido about Sae.
"Well, maybe Akechi was riding the high of victory and simply forgot? He seems pretty egotistical during that timeframe."
True, but then you have multiple scenes following the Interrogation Room.
The first is his phone call with Shido on 11/20 (while he's in the elevator), where he tells him he'll take care of the Phantom Thieves:
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And then the second scene is during Shido's arc, after Shido becomes paranoid due to the Thieves destroying his cognitions of people in his palace, and he and Akechi are in another call:
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Notice something specific about both of these interactions? Not once does Akechi give any specifc info about when or how he eliminate these people. He instead keeps giving vague half-answers wrapped in a villianous bow, downplays the threat of the remaining thieves (especially Morgana), or tells Shido "why not wait until after the election?"
The election that he's already planning to ruin Shido on.
Both moments are such a blatant attempt at damage control to ensure less blood is spilled in the long-run, and recontextualizes everything beforehand with Sae.
Throughout the game he says he respects her, and that's no more evident than this. Despite tricking her, he's not interested in killing her or inducing a breakdown/shutdown in her.
In fact he went along with the plan to Change Her Heart and left it at that, only knowing that by stealing her treasure, she'd hopefully re-evaluate her actions leading up to this and go back to normal.
He didn't know that the Thieves never planned to actually steal her treasure. He just trusted their methods, knowing it helps more people in the end than his own. He even asks Makoto herself this:
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Which, while it could be seen as him just pretending to be comforting her, gains a more genuine layer with the above context behind his question. The guy loves his double-entendres after all. He put his faith in them, and lied on their behalf to Shido to keep the remaining thieves and Sae safe, regardless of whether he was aware he was doing such or not. On another note, there's also some cut Mementos lines as well (implying that it's not just Joker he opens up to, but everyone else as well):
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And finally, we can talk about that Cut Mementos Request as well.
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In a way, I understand why this was cut despite being nearly finished. It doesn't leave the players feeling accomplished, but rather like they just made the situation worse and can't take it all back.
But that's the point, and it's a very important lesson they sorely need.
Akechi intentionally chooses targets similar to his situation with Shido, and any information he gives to the Thieves is superficial. Past work history, past connections, etc. As far as investigating goes, he even says he'll do it himself, which the other thieves agree to. Then when they all discuss a game plan, he hangs back while the other thieves come up with their own narrative for what's happening, and doesn't correct them.
The entire point behind this long charade though?
He doesn't want the Thieves to get hurt any further by people like him.
One very important thing to note about this request is that it only occurs during Third Semester. Maruki's Reality. The same reality where, once they defeat him to restore the true reality, everything that occurs during it will be reverted.
Including the events of this request.
Which is probably the actual reason why it got cut other than time-constraints. What's the point in learning it if your mistake can be undone in the end, right?
But again, that's the point. It's a means of giving the Thieves a reality check to be more careful in the future, without them carrying a permanent weight on their shoulders like he has. To let them actually feel first-hand the consquences of their powers when used recklessly, or blindly putting their faith in anybody, and hopefully learn from it to save others more effectively.
He's giving them the lesson and out that he never got before he started working with Shido, and was in too deep to quit.
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Let us discuss: P5: The Animation
This time, we've actually got two instances instead of just one.
The first is Yusuke's situation with Kawanabe: (Episode 13 · Dreams and Desires) The second is Futaba's situation with her uncle: (Episode 24 · A Challenge That Must Be Won)
In Yusuke's case, Akechi's main argument to convince Joker into helping him with the investigation into Kawanabe is this:
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Of all the people he could've gone to for assistance on the case, he went directly to Joker because he knows Yusuke is his friend, and if they don't do this, Yusuke, a child with honest aspirations, will become yet another casualty of a corrupt individual in power.
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He's solved plenty of cases without needing Joker's presence, case in point his entire years-long Detective Prince career (which the anime shows isn't just the cases involving the shutdowns). But he's still willing to ask for his help anyways because he knows Joker will also do anything to protect people in need, even if it means bending or outright breaking the law.
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In Futaba's case meanwhile, the dynamic is flipped around completely: Joker asks Akechi for help. The whole situation starts with Akechi being the one to initiate the topic on Futaba acting off due to her uncle:
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And Joker responds to him with this sometime later:
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The day after, they both have this exchange while discussing the matter:
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The entire time, Joker's very open about not wanting to share much information about Futaba's situation to Akechi, who at this point the thieves are well aware he's the Black Mask. It's only after Akechi shares his own experiences with his mother and the foster care system that Joker finally gives him the info he needs to look into Futaba's uncle. Akechi never asks for more context, he trusts Joker's judgement that this is another awful person who needs to be stopped and goes along with it without question.
And all to help a girl that he's aware is in this whole situation because of his actions, too. You could probably argue this is way of atoning for what happened to Wakaba.
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Let us discuss: Mementos Mission
Here we can actually talk a bit of the grander plot in the manga, rather than focusing on an iconic yet minor part of it. To give a brief summary, Mika is accused of a murder, and Ann and Joker (followed by the rest of the thieves) want to clear her name and find the true culprit. To this end, Joker decides, against the judgement of the other thieves, to ask Akechi for help in looking into this whole mess.
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One key thing to note about this is that Akechi goes out of his way to look into this in between his own cases, including that of the "Double Fanged Murder Demon" that they find out later on is connected to it. And the kicker? It's not even remotely connected to The Conspiracy at all, either. Nor Akechi's revenge plan against Shido (which does get hinted at in this story). There's no subtle clues indicating that some parties might be tied to the conspiracy, or need to be taken out like Okumura was. It's just an entire cast of people in their own smaller spider-web of coincidences, that Joker and co. happen to stumble into. Akechi has absolutely nothing to gain from indulging in Joker's request to look into police files or clues, but he still chooses to do so anyways, even if he's technically not supposed to share details due to confidential information.
The only thing he asks for in return? More coffee and curry. That's it. Surprisingly simple pleasures for a very complex guy.
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Akechi's honestly one those characters that's fascinating to see others react to. When people hear the "lie" comment, they tend to jump straight into two categories afterwards:
The people who take it too literally, and proceed to loathe him with every fibre of their being and doubt every word he says (and end up falling for his black mask "being his true, more likeable self" by Third Semester when it's yet another distancing tactic).
The people who write it off completely, and proceed to victimize him to the point that it takes away any agency he has over his crimes (in spite of how frequently Akechi accepts the blame for his own involvement, or says that it wasn't solely Shido's manipulation driving him forward).
Even Akechi himself says it: It's not that simple.
He's a liar, but he lies for a damn good reason.
It's just such a shame that there isn't much room to have nuanced discussions about this, because of the two sides and the admittedly knee-jerk reactions to anything opposing them.
Because everything involving the Robin Hood side of Akechi is honestly fantastic. It's a middle-ground on justice between blind righteousness (like the Phantom Thieves) and tunnel-visioned "might makes right" (like Shido, Yaldy, Maruki, and to an extent Sae).
It's the stance of someone who's crawled his way up through a living hell with pleasant smiles and a gun behind his back, but still has enough faith in humanity to put his trust in Joker: The closest person to his idealistic image of a hero, moreso than himself.
The Detective Prince and Black Mask may have been public images, but underneath both is a kid who just cares deeply and painfully about others.
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tracksuitponytail · 3 days ago
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These were the fics I read in February 2025. This month, I was once again amazed by this fandom's talent and how stories written years ago can still bring so much joy today.
🩷 feed a fever, starve a heart by @insightfulinsomniac [E, 12k, omegaverse]
When Louis turns twenty-one, he receives a call from the National Secondary Gender Services alerting him to prepare for his first rut. Everyone presents two to three days after their twenty-first birthday, and all heats and ruts require medical supervision just in case one thing goes wrong:
Rut fever.
Louis is certain his first rut will be normal. He hasn’t seen the only person he ever had a crush on in childhood in nearly three years, and besides, they were only ever best friends.
Everything will be fine… right?
🩷 Bijou by @kingsofeverything [E, 6k, friends to lovers]
Being in love with his best friend wouldn't be so awful if Harry didn't have to listen to him constantly complain about how the guys he dates don't measure up.
🩷 Too Young by @jaerie [E, 18k, omegaverse]
Accidentally bonded as 8 and 10 year olds, Louis starts resenting Harry once they were old enough for him to realize what had been taken away from him and now they're roommates who fuck out of obligation,
🩷 Click by @allwaswell16 [E, 5k, college/university AU] via @podfic-pals
When Louis got assigned a roommate, he wasn’t exactly thrilled, but as far as roommates go Marcel was a pretty good one. That was until Marcel started clicking a counter everywhere he went...
🩷 Dear Blue by TheIfInLife / @larryismyotpuniverse [NR, 9k, omegaverse]
Harry wasn’t sure what he was expecting to be on the living room table but a stack of papers definitely wasn’t it.
The paper on top was a plain piece of notebook paper, Louis’ scrawl all over it.
‘Some people collect coins or knick knacks or even dolls. Me? I collected Valentine’s Day cards. When I was six years old, I met the love of my life, my mate. The very same day, he wrote me a card. I saved them all and this year, I wrote back.’
🩷 Chaos by @haztobegood [100 words, mature, drabble]
Against the barricade, it’s complete chaos.
🩷 I Trust You by @neondiamond [teen and up, 1.8k, omegaverse, asexuality]
As an asexual Omega, Harry deals with his heats a little differently than most. His Alpha Louis is nothing but supportive.
🩷 incalescent by @eleadore [E, 5k, omegaverse]
The onset of heat is something Louis still hasn’t learned to recognize.
🩷 When you look at me like that, my darlin', what did you expect? by INnenaHeart / @thechavier [M, 1k, bi awakening]
Louis realizes he's into men because of a long hair, chelsea boots wearing, Harry
Be sure to check the tags if there are any topics or tropes you prefer to avoid, and if you enjoy a fic, consider leaving kudos or a comment to show the author some love 🩷
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jaytalking · 1 year ago
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Warmups from today doubling as a design study of sorts
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