#like yeah it does affect my gender identity
the-pea-and-the-sun · 3 months
sry to engage w goofy ass discourse but im kinda tired of seeing the phrase "afab intersex people used as a gotcha" abt ppl who dont like phrases like tma and tme like. i dont think thats whats happening man ur talking like intersex ppl arent actively on the site and talking abt their own experiences we're not using ourselves as a gotcha. like a lot of intersex ppl r talking abt it themselves u dont gotta keep pretending we're a fringe hypothetical case. intersex ppl are just often not included in these types of conversations and applying a label to someone based on their agab is fucked up no matter what its just more obvious when you're an intersex person and you know that sex is not binary and your agab doesnt reveal some intrinsic truth abt ur biology or identity
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jewish-sideblog · 7 months
Pinkwashing as a concept is astonishing to me because it operates under the assumption that everything Israel does is for global PR.
Jews have a 6,000 year history of being more chill about gay people than (most) other religions. Jews overwhelmingly favour Queer rights in the diaspora, where Israeli law doesn’t affect us. Kabbalah regards Adam Kadmon, a genderless or multi-gendered being, as the first human, and says that their gender identity made them significantly more divine. Ancient Israeli laws documented in the Talmud make room for multiple different forms of intersex conditions.
But yeah Israel having a pretty good record on Queer rights is just because the Jews care desperately about our global image in the media. Israel having the biggest pride parade in Asia is exclusively a marketing tool that somehow convinces people to hate Palestinians. And clearly the Israeli government just handed down these Queer rights from on high to please the West. It’s not like normal Queer Israeli citizens have organized well-documented, long and difficult struggles against their government for equality and representation.
“Pinkwashing” my ass. Queer people in Israel fought hard for those rights. If Israel ceases to exist, those rights will disappear. They have good reason to be scared of Hamas, the Houthis and Iran, regardless of if they’re Queer Jews or Queer Palestinians or Queer Bedu. And yet Queer Israelis were protesting Netanyahu’s government and policy decisions before October 7, and they continue to protest what’s happening in Gaza now. They should be the sort of people you look up to instead of the sort of people you dismiss offhand. They aren’t a PR stunt. They’re human fucking beings.
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nyancrimew · 3 months
oo if we’re doing queer confessions i got a bit of a long one
first relationship, classic story of not realizing we were into eachother for the longest time, even after regularly kissing and cuddling for almost a year lol (calling him bf 1). went really well actually after we properly got together
after about a year or so, bf 1’s ex (not on any sort of bad terms INITALLY) (calling him bf 2) who was my best friend asks if we wanted to just be in poly relationship together since we all had confessed to eachother at once point and we say yeah sure we still all like eachother, it took bf 1 a few months to think over first which was fine by all of us, so we just continued all being close friends for a few months till then. few months later, he says yea sure that’d be fine and so we started trying it out since we had all been really happy with eachotehr up to that point
literaly the same exact night that happened, bf 2 changed his attitude towards me completely and despite being very good friends before this and loving eachother he started ignoring me and claiming he just didn’t have energy to do anything ever, while constantly showering bf 1 in overwhelming affection and hundreds of smaller things like that where i’d get left in the dust while he would get mounds of attention. he was just as unnerved by it as i was.
i was a bit dumb and so didn’t really act on this for a while despite realizing immediently it was weird, and after a few months me and bf 1 started talking about it privately and realized he was just flat out lying to both of us and expected us to like. not talk about it?? like super blatant things llike telling me he didn’t value sex in a relationship at all and didn’t want it with me while minutes later telling bf 1 that sexual intimacy is the thing he valued most and wouldn’t want a relationship otherwise
one of the worst thing though (atleast in terms of how much it damaged my understanding and acceptance of myself)) was despite him being nb (he/they) and even experimenting with being a girl for a while he started constantly hanging our own gender identities over our heads and sayin shit like “well i’m gay so if you start identifying as a girl i’m gonna leave” to me when i brought up to him, the first person i talked to it about, that i wanted to be a girl which stunted myself growth by years and similar things to bf 1 who was very openly nb (which, wow i’m relazing as i’m typing this how casually mysoginsitc he was, he made all sorts of “jokes” about how inherently disgusting traditionally feminine bodily features were)
after about a year of this (me and other bf were just too scared to leave, but we definently should of) he actually broke up with me , and tried to speak on behalf of bf 1 claiming they just both wanted me out of the polycule, also just a straight up lie as when i talked to him about it . after talking for a while and asking some mutual friends we figured out he told literally every single person a different, conflicting story and putting the pieces together we came to conclusion that he was just using me as a throwaway tool to get back together with bf 1 to squeeze himself in the relationship, and tried dumping me out so he could be monogamous with him only.
needless to say bf 1 dumped his ass less than a week later after we finally were able to decipher the literally 10 different conflicting stories, and this story actually does have a really happy ending!! me and bf 1 are still besties and kiss a lot while he found another much sweeter and nicer boyfriend, i got another girlfriend with a shared pet kittygirl shortly after that helped me through the whole thing and i’ve never been happier about my body image/self image and gender identity in my life. IM FINALLY A CUTE GIRL WITH A CUTE GIRLFRIEND WE MADE IT NYALL :3!!!
(and as a nice bonus ontop, the only time i hear about him now is from other people realizing how scummy he was and cutting him off, leaving himself to rot in a hole of his own making surrounded by people jus like him. feels great to be away from that whole toxic friendgroup in general. freedom.)
(anyway thanks, “but we stay silly :3” was a quote regularly said to myself during the recovery of all this )
yipppeeee, we really do stay silly!!!
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azullumi · 9 months
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“grocery shopping” ; genshin men
summary — a certain notion appears inside your mind, like a lightbulb on top of your head as if you were having an eureka moment when in fact, you weren’t. it was just a silly idea in which you are curious to know the answer to. alternatively, just your average grocery shopping with him with a little twist and that being placing every item that you see into the cart.
includes — various genshin men (w/gender-neutral reader)
tags — fluff, established relationship, a sprinkle of domestic, set in a modern setting ; headcanons
words — 1215
note — honestly this is just me and my mom whenever we go out for groceries (i always put everything that i see in the cart) ; this is the first time i’ve written after so long, aside from those stupid essays i have to do for school
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;; Will let you be, however, he will put some of the items back
He doesn’t show an ounce of care and will just let you have your fun, for now. Because yeah, sure, you can add that box of mugs that are identical to the ones you have at home, dear, but that doesn’t mean you’ll see it getting packed into the grocery bags; Oh, that ladle set sure does look nice (you won’t see it in your place ever). He’ll let you indulge in your pleasures and won’t deny you of it, however, so much can only one do in this economy and some of the things that you are putting in is exceeding that. He’ll put some of the things back whenever you are not looking, trying not to get noticed. Perhaps you won’t notice it at first when a few things are missing and somehow, the cart doesn’t seem to get full no matter how many you are adding to it. He’ll act so innocent and naive when you ask him about it, however, smiling at you softly and asking you what you are talking about. He’ll only tell you of it once you’re on your way back with the bags, expressing an apology that he has to remove some of the things in the cart that you added and you two will get it again next time.
Thoma, Baizhu, Tighnari, Venti
;; Will get another cart
Oh no, dear, the cart is full already? You just have to wait there and he’ll get another one for you, so for the meantime, you can scope and look out for other items that you want to get. One word, supportive. Or maybe he just loves to spoil you a lot. Either way, he clearly lets you do whatever you want; he’s a little bit of an enabler, perhaps. The weight of the groceries is nothing compared to the affection he has for you. You don’t even have to look at the price either—he advises you not to do so because that’s not really a concern (for him, atleast). Really, he loves you a lot to the point that he is willing to just watch you as he pushes the quite heavy cart and carries a basket like how you would carry a bag with just your arm (need yourself a man who’ll willingly push the cart for you and follow you around). He doesn’t mind it, it’s only one of the many things that he’ll do for you. There’s just one thing, however. You don’t know what you’re going to do with the pile of things you got so before paying it on the counter, you’ll have to return many of them.
Ayato, Pantalone, Diluc, Childe
;; Will be silent and confused but will let you be
At first, it starts off just like how it usually would: you grab some of the things that you need and want then place it in the cart as you two walk around the store and he simply lets you do as you want, just like your normal day of grocery shopping with him. Until several items were placed into the cart later and he had to question himself, why? Are those needed? What would you need a new blender for when there is a completely functional and working one at your home? He’s visibly confused but he will simply let you be because how could he stop you when you’re clearly enjoying whatever you are doing and he adores watching you in such light—you, simply, just walking and being with him has him falling head over heels for you. In lieu of that, it’s probably the reason why he’ll let you get away with doing some things including whatever you are doing (but that doesn’t mean he won’t be having any questions). Oh, how long the receipt will be. He will have to stop you as soon as the cart gets full and there is no more room for other important items, however. I mean, come on, there are more knives and cups there than there are for eggs and milk together.
Diluc, Zhongli, Xiao, Alhaitham
;; Will question every item you’ll put in
Is that really necessary? What’s that? Do you want it? He’s quite verbal on what is happening, becoming (your) voice of reason on this whimsical notion. His reaction is a mix of everything, he’ll let you add whatever you want but at the same time, he’ll place some of it back and would’ve stopped you from adding a few—perhaps he’ll also express his confusion, but never will there be annoyance: “Where are you going to use that for?” He’ll act more like a mother asking their child what in the world are they adding into the cart, just without the scolding part and telling you how it is expensive and you’re not the one paying for everything. He doesn’t mind you placing many things as long as they are essential and of necessity. He’ll let in a few of your wants here and there but not so much that it will consume half of the space of the cart. He’s more on the rational side of things, keeping you grounded to reality and that reality being the costs, the amount of things you’ll have to carry on the way back, and where you will even place some of those products that you completely don’t need.
Wanderer/Scaramouche, Cyno, Xiao, Kaveh
;; Will join you in adding those random things
All became a game of fun with him just as quick as you placed that one vase in the cart. Well, everything feels like a game with him even if it’s as simple as who’ll finish their food first. It’s silly, if you are going to be honest. You two were acting like children whose both of their parents lost sight of them at the store and are now running around the place, each with their own cart of their own (random) items. The competition? Who fills their cart first is the winner (with no duplicate items). Whenever you two would have an accidental encounter, you would check each other’s cart and see who has more then proceed to tease one another of who is the winner. However, the reality of the situation dawns over you two when you remember that you have to bring these things to the counter and pay for it—and the fact that you have to return, if not all, most of the items back to their proper places. By then, you two would have to start over the grocery shopping adventure again but this time, only with what is completely necessary in your cart. You’ll still have your own fun with him in this busy place, nonetheless.
Itto, Childe, Heizhou
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
ill do anything for something about Prismo, relationship Hcs or PDA Hcs, I don't care if it's sfw or nsfw, I love Prismo
Of course! Prismo is such an underrated character, Im so glad he’s getting more screen time and I can’t wait to find out more lore like who’s his boss! I’ll keep it SFW for now, but feel free to send in another ask for some spicier headcanons ;) Enjoy!
Prismo the Wishmaster x Reader General Headcanons
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• I hope your love language is receiving gifts because hoo boy he is constantly showering you with presents
• Saw something you liked in a store but didn’t have enough money to get it? Bam, it’s right there in front of you. Craving a specific food? Here’s five servings of it.
• It gets to the point where you have to tell him to dial it back a bit, because getting everything you want whenever you want it can start to make life a bit anticlimactic.
• On a more serious note, part of the reason why he gives you so many things is because he’s afraid that you might leave. I mean yeah,he’s an extra-dimensional godlike being, but he’s also very lonely because of this and hasn’t had many serious relationships in his life. This has caused to think that the only way to keep you with him is to grant your every wish. He needs you to reassure him that you love him for who he is, and you don’t need all those things to want to be with him.
• Like Scarab, he can take on a human-like physical form sometimes, though this form is harder for him to maintain as he does it a lot less often than Scarab. In this form, he has dark skin, curly pink hair and bright blue eyes like he usually does, and he wears a comfortable pink kurta and pants.
• He uses this form for physical intimacy, which you’ll have help to teach him as he isn’t familiar with all the different ways humans show affection.
• “So this is how a hug feels! Haha, it’s a little weird, but I like it!”
• His TV isn’t just for watching over the multiverse, he can also pull up programs from any universe to watch, so expect regular movie nights/binge watching shows
• He also loves playing board games! He’s really good at them too, though he’s not that competitive. He just has a lot of time to practice
• If you started dating when Jake was alive, then he loves to hang out with both of you! Nothing is better than chilling with his partner and his best friend.
• Makes special batches of pickles just for you, and asks you to sample different flavors and give him notes on what to adjust.
• In the most non-stalking way, he likes to keep an eye on you whenever you go back to your universe. He just wants to make sure you’re safe, and if you ever told him you’re uncomfortable with this he’d definitely stop asap.
• He’ll only step in if he sees you in serious trouble, zapping you to the time room to get you out of whatever situation is causing you distress.
• For my trans, nonbinary and gender non-conforming folks, he is of course accepting of all gender identities, and if you aren’t happy with how your body or features look he’d be happy to change them for you! Only with your absolute complete consent though, he doesn’t want to permanently change anything about you unless you are absolutely sure it’s what you want. And of course, he’ll still love you no matter what you look like <3
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gaddaboutgriffon · 25 days
Superwoman AU So, I have been seeing a lot of Justice League Gender Bent art lately and couldn’t help but think that for characters like Wonder Woman and Batman it doesn’t really work for. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that the change is REALLY interesting for one core member in particular. Superman.
Given the kryptonian power set the change doesn’t affect the fighting much, but it does change workplace relationships and social aspects of the civilian ID a lot.
For example, Clara Kent would most likely have a rivalry with Lois that borders on antagonistic. Not at all helped by Clara getting scoops that should be damn near impossible. Sure, when Clara is still new at the paper she likely would act as a mentor figure. But that would change really quick if Clara starts beating Lois to scoops and stories.
Clark Kent's sweet and dorky behavior on a male reporter is cute and charming but on a female journalist that is just neon sign to take advantage of her.
Jimmy may be her only good friend but given her physique that is hindered by Jimmy probably developing a crush on her. Which seen him more like a younger brother type friend is not reciprocated.
Then there is villain gallery. Again, the ones where is find there hidden whatever and then a physical fight to win. That is pretty much the same.
No, the villains things are different with are the ones that like to outsmart and play mind games.
Aka Lex Luthor.
And in Lex’s case the major difference again is in the interactions with Clara the civilian ID.
My thinking here is that while Lex Hates Superman because he can’t see anyone being that altruistic with so much power and it must an act. He actually really likes Clark Kent the mild-mannered reporter who in Lex’s eyes overcame humble beginnings and became a self-made successful reporter.
In this AU with Clara that gets amplified. See in a few different versions Lex attempted date and, in some cases, actual got so far as nearly marrying Lois. The attraction was largely based on the fact that she was a driven woman who was climbing in a difficult industry. It is part of Lex psychology is his value of Humans overcoming things with intelligence and will. and the difference with this AU is Clara has the farm girls start as opposed to Lois typical city or military daughter origin depending on the version. In Lex's eyes, Clara is starting out from a disadvantage to Lois and rising up to be just as successful a writer. In short, a better example of something Lex values.
It is just too good not to explore. So, if we go ahead and have Lex take interest in Clara, it would only take a good conversation for her to know there is something is wrong. But what if during her crime fighting, she ran across something that the talk with Lex makes her think he may behind it. So instead of the immediate rejection she wanted, she agrees to go out with him for opportunity to investigate.
Lex is a narcissistic egotist, and in most versions his parents were not a good example of love. and in most versions his Idea of love is a bit more like conquest. (Yeah, warning now, this is not going to go down in a good way.) He is also smart and knows how to cover his tracks. I don't think it would take him long to realize that Clara is looking for something. Here comes the dark idea I had. What if he arranges things so that if Clara tried to expose his crime empire it would look like it tied back to her instead. This also gets used to keep her from leaving. and if this is far enough in the timeline where Lex already is keeping kryptonite in a lead box in his pocket, Clara has to keep her secret identity tightly held. which means she has to go along with this until she can figure out how to bring him to justice.
Unfortunately, Lex did too good a job and Clara needs help. She turns to Jimmy and Lois. at this point Lois has been an antagonistic rival, for sniping stories from her and seemingly to have gotten the most eligible bachelor in metropolis. But once Clara explains what actually has been going on, Lois' attitude changes and is all on board for taking down the rich creep. thus, this AU's beginning of their friendship.
(well this is where I am ending this initial post. I'll add on or do a part two later. @emacrow thanks for listening to the initial idea. this post is the continuation.)
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
hey skyen, you mentioned about kuina that she seemed transmasc to you and in my experience i think more people see zoro as a transmasc person, the reason being is his want/need to break gender stereotypes rather than enforce them. through kuina, his story to become the greatest swordman is inherently about breaking gender roles. and personally i think a lot of transmascs see this as their relationship to cis women. (especially in how kuina pushes zoro into the "weak" category with him and parrots sexism without knowing how it affects him) i also think his story is WAY more satisfying from a gender perspective if you see him as transmasc, regardless of if its intended or not. (the truth is that theyre BOTH transmasc, actually, why not?) (idk if you read fanfiction, probably not, but the fanfiction Burning Man on ao3 really goes in depth with transmasc zoro. its also the best fanfiction ive personally read for op)
Yeah, I can absolutely see that.
On related lines, I've also seen an interpretation of the story that Kuina and Zoro are the same person, and that Zoro's flashback depicts a metaphorical series of events rather than literal, where he battles with his assigned identity over and over as a child and can never "beat" her, never overcome or break out from under her.
But when he realizes that his assigned identity is miserable and in pain, and that all that even she wants is to be a boy, he has to go through the trauma of seeing her die, and go out into the world as truly himself. Through that lens his quest to become the greatest swordsman in the world is, in part, a quest to spite every motherfucker on Earth who told his past self that he would never be able to transcend his assigned gender.
So long as you assume that Kuina's father is playing along with it to the point of setting up a grave for his dead daughter who never was, it does explain why he would let Zoro take away the Wado Ichimonji, an incredibly important and valuable family heirloom, and treat Zoro so much like a direct son.
The Three Sword Style already represents Zoro carrying Kuina's spirit and memory with him always - his two-sword style in the hands, her one sword style in his mouth - and in this reading the style would be carrying the memory and pain of his childhood with him, and letting it empower him to become greater than anyone without his experiences could ever be.
It's one of the nice things about One Piece, I think, that it is open to these kinds of interpretations. Luffy being aro/ace is basically canon, which I appreciate a lot, and nobody can tell me Nami and Vivi didn't have a mutual crush going during Alabasta, and there is no understanding of Ace I will accept where he wasn't the most bi/pan wandering disaster the Grand Line had ever seen since Roger.
I do hope the actual explicit text of the manga will catch up to that someday... I was really happy to finally see some actual transmasc rep with Yamato, and a bit more playfulness with gender in general in characters like Izou and Kikunojo in the Wano Country arc, and honestly canonically transmasc Zoro or Crocodile would be enriching to both of those characters, I think.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 4 months
something i find so fascinating about grace chasity’s brand of christianity is that there’s not much sexism in it? let me explain what i mean.
i come from a christian background and a denomination which, in my state, has allowed women in eldership positions for my whole life. i’m friends with other christians whose denominations Don’t have that and also us christian fundamentalism is very sexist, i know bc have access to social media.
aside from mark’s job being mentioned and karen’s not, as well as her doing the cooking, there’s not a real sense of gender hierarchy in the christian circles in hatchetfield. this applies greatly to the purity culture that pervades abstinence camp and npmd, with the jerris saying that “this is a progressive ministry. we believe men and women should just say no!” often, in fundamentalist circles, while men are encouraged to wait until marriage, so much more pressure is put on the women to “stop the men from stumbling” (yes, it’s bad, this isn’t a post about the horrors of purity culture).
however, in npmd (and even ac to an extent), grace is the one at risk of “stumbling” and blames men. in npmd she very much blames max for her corrupted purity (from her perspective) and that is her motivation for revenge, even before she has sex with his ghost. the responsibility is not on her to “gouge out her own eye”, so to speak, at least not without a greater risk to max. even in ac, she makes tiny sweaters for their Jesus status, which reminds me of when i would scroll down to the comments of a youtube video bc i was scared of being attracted to people (1. not a purity culture thing 2. id like to say that this was a me being scared of liking women thing, and to an extent it was, but i also remember doing it to men. 2017 was a weird time and something was probably awakening in me ngl).
as slightly more proof, she is the only one advocating for removing homecoming in npmd, and in ac she ends as the sole leader of the camp. now, an evangelical’s view of women in ministry varies on person to person (source: like two weeks ago when i was desperately trying to not get myself into a debate with other christian women), unless she’s in an ultra-conservative environment (which she isn’t, it’s middlingly conservative frankly), she would be able to do these on her own. however, this is theatre, it’s a demonstration of her desire for power and acquisition of it. she does not view herself as needing to be subservient to a man. also i think northern baptists (my hc for her) are a little less Bad than southern baptists but anyway.
the interesting thing about this, to me, is that she does share views that i would put in those less “yay women” denominations (yes this about the catholic line i guarantee you it annoys me even more when i encounter it in the real world). there’s the (internalised) homophobia. but not the internalised misogyny. this could be related to the respect given to trans identities by the depictions of idontwannabang and the chasitys in hatchetfield, creating the sense of a more egalitarian Biblical perspective than complimentarian.
like grace has this terrible relationship with purity culture, yeah, but she’s the active agent in it, and she shames the passive object of her affections, the man. that doesn’t happen that often. there are countless videos of “what women should wear to be modest” but men can go to the gym shirtless if they so choose. maybe it’s only interesting to me but still
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this-is-exorsexism · 3 months
When binary trans people deny the oppression of nonbinary people or say something exorsexist, and then defend it by saying "I'm a little bit nonbinary!" I'm all for people realizing where exactly they fall on the gender spectrum, and nonbinary people don't have to be gender-neutral or perfectly androgynous to be valid, but these people will identify as 100% a man or woman, live as a trans man or woman, and call themselves only a trans man or trans woman, until it's time to talk over nonbinary people about their oppression, and then suddenly they're all nonbinary and thus the #1 authority on exorsexism and how it totally doesn't exist or affect people as badly as transmisogyny or anti-transmasculinity does.
this is exorsexism.
ugh, yeah. these are usually the same people who say "everyone is nonbinary" or "actually, binary trans womanhood is the OG nonbinary gender" (this is an actual take i've seen) too when called out for exorsexism. it's because they see nonbinary as synonymous with breaking gender roles or even just disliking gender roles (which is also a TERF talking point - to them nonbinary people are just GNC men and women), or that it's the same as not being your AGAB (we already have a word for this: transgender) or that it's simply not liking the idea that there are only two genders.
and regarding the latter: i wish people actually understood that not liking the idea that there are only two genders isn't what makes you nonbinary, because being nonbinary is not an ideology. if you're strictly male or female and you don't like the gender binary, you're an ally and we need more allies! but as you said, these are often people who are invested in upholding the gender binary but say they are nonbinary when called out for it.
and it's not my job to decide for them whether they are nonbinary or not - after all, womanhood and manhood don't inherently mean binary, nonbinary men and women don't owe anyone the "full explanation" of their gender, and the idea of "nonbinary people weaponising their gender and coming out at such convenient times" is way too prevalent. at the same time, completely ignoring what nonbinary means and pulling the "everyone's a little nonbinary" bit is harmful.
but also, being nonbinary does not absolve you from exorsexism. this is true for people who just said they are nonbinary 5 minutes ago as well as for nonbinary people who have been out for years. bringing up your own nonbinary gender doesn't make your exorsexism go away. you can actually be part of a group and still be bigoted towards your own group. your identity is not a shield.
as i said, after all a lot of nonbinary people are very invested in exorsexism, which also disproves this idea that nonbinary is supposedly an ideology that is synonymous with disliking the gender binary.
it's valid for nonbinary people to be more affected by antitransmasculinity or antitransfemininity than exorsexism - but this experience is not universal and it doesn't make exorsexism less important or less oppressive. especially people whose experience is primarily defined by exorsexism are often talked over, a lot of the time even by other nonbinary people.
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livegastrodonreaction · 4 months
drops mmj pronounce and queer headcanons and runs
establishing right off the bat that All of Them are lesbians and polyam. so I don't have to individually list that in their bullet points
she/it/clover transfem agender
realized her lesbianism and gender identity from a young age. seeing Haruka for the first time made her realize that she wanted to be a girl and Minori's family has been nothing but supportive. Later on, Haruka was also her lesbian awakening.
also resonates a lot with xenogenders, specifically many of the animal related ones
she is very proud of her queerness, but that pride in its identity was used against her in conjunction with the other things about her that could socially isolate her. like her bad luck, constant enthusiasm and passion for her interests, clumsiness, eccentricity (cough cough neurodivergency cough co- *dragged away*), etc. In my head this would contribute to her, in the past, being that person who everybody knew and said hello to but not many people bothered to stop and really befriend and listen to. Besides her few close friends that were accepting of her quirks (like the girl we see in Dear Me, From Back Then), I think Minori would have been kind of socially isolated - it wouldn't have affected her majorly but it definitely would have influenced her low base level of self-worth and the way she perceives herself. whoops JESUS CHRIST I went on a tangent there huh maybe i'll just make another post about this it lives in my brain
they/he transneumasc nby
likes playing around with his gender expression but he still feels a little apprehensive about it. In general, he has trouble being accepting of themselves and their identity both as a lesbian and genderqueer person. It's very tied to his fear of change, his need to keep up a certain image of themselves, and his previous experiences in The Industry. he's come a long way in expressing himself with MMJ's support though!!
wears a binder often. "Yeah, I'm just wearing a binder to further enhance my disguise in public" -> "huh. huh I like this. oh wait. huh."
"I'm probably on the ace spectrum but I have a show in 3 days so I don't really care about that right now"
she/her transfem
started transitioning from a pretty early age, like Minori
specifically is a femme. the femme label is very precious and affirming for her
i'm pretty sure this is just canon but Airi ties her transness and girl-ness to her idolhood, and worth as an idol, a lot. MMJ is helping her work on undoing this self-damaging outlook on her identity. it'll take a hot minute but she's getting there :)
Sort of bullies Haruka and Shizuku into letting themselves experiment and express themselves freely. Minori then makes sure Airi is following her own advice about this topic.
they/she/fae (+ a whole lot more neos) egogender
They struggled with finding a label for themselves for a while until Minori helped them do more research on the topic. and then she realized that her gender is just. Her. She likes just thinking of her gender as just. being herself :) *I am we are starts playing*
plays with her gender expression A Lot. Like Haruka, but More. she does as a part of discovering herself beyond the image her old agency had forced her into and letting herself express herself more and realized that her perception of how her identity manifests changes quite often. Also like Haruka, she is still nervous and apprehensive about fully going with the flow and expressing herself.
she plays with her gender perception often enough that she's questioned whether she's genderfluid. fae does not have a definitive answer to that yet
Like Minori, also resonates a lot with xenogenders
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theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
Current hero oc’s who have control of my brain:
Hero 1: Started out as a completely Human child superhero, works in the shadows, no one had any idea this was a child, or that they were just. a regular Human. or any idea of gender or any other defining characteristics.
At some point, they got into some supernatural business, and now they have supernatural abilities, but at a great cost to themselves. it’s essentially like. if they had that crown from cotl. The hero uses the “crown” (I haven’t actually settled on what physical item it is, I think an actual crown would be conspicuous for a civilian identity) to make sure its powers don’t fall into the wrong hands, if they don’t use the power ever then it’s no longer “bound” to them and anyone can grab it for themself, but again, using this dark and evil power just. sucks. In order to not fully succumb to it, they have to be the closest thing to a saint that they can be
They wear a long cloak that looks like shadows are pouring out of it, and they rarely speak, everyone thinks it’s because they’re just quiet, but they actually got a horrible injury to the throat at the start of their career and the rare times they do speak they have to use their power for it and it’s very draining for them, but they don’t want to tell anyone because then it’ll just be easier to connect the hero to the civilian with a large throat scar who speaks using asl. so yeah. they just gotta play up the “can totally speak just doesn’t want to” angle
Anyways, they’ve been on the scene forever since they started as a kid, but everyone just assumes they’re a well established adult who’s always been supernatural
Hero 2: Joined the scene as an adult, is a completely Human hero, no superpowers in sight, who uses tech to fight with, loves to make comparisons between her tech and the other hero’s “magic”, tries to mimic the other hero’s abilities which gives them a mini heart attack because if she does, will she also suffer from the horrible side affects?? Is actually a year or 2 older than the other hero, but no one, not even she, knows that
Wish I had more for her, but the prev hero is an established oc with various versions and she was barely brought into existence an hour or so ago
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girl4music · 9 days
INTERVIEWER: “Dom you’ve often said playing Waverly started a journey of discovery for you personally. What does it feel like that parts of your own journey have affected Waverly in the way that Emily wrote her in the special?”
DOM: “What a lovely question. It was such an incredible experience going back this time and having conversations with Emily and just seeing how willing she was to work with my own personal evolutions. Just something as simple as the haircut, you know? On other shows maybe we would have got me back into a wig and back into the role where we left off. But just the fact that not even for a single second was she like ‘yeah, let’s put a wig on’. She was like ‘are you kidding? No. It looks so cute. Let’s go’ and like really embracing that I think says so much about the environment that we’re in and definitely helped me feel safe in making that transition for the character as well. ‘Cause it’s one thing living it in your own life and feeling like it’s right and authentic for yourself but then making what is quite an iconic shift, you know? Especially for somebody who has rocked their gorgeous long hair for such a long time and like, you know, is now stepping into a different stage of her expression. I wanted to make sure that that felt right for Emily and for everyone. But just having that support like I guess grounded me into going ‘oh no, this is absolutely okay’ and then watching it back going ‘oh, actually I’m really proud to represent a beautiful feminine character who’s also rocking short hair and I think looking really cute in the end. I was like “oh no, she looks really cute’.”
INTERVIEWER: “From the stills. Definitely, yeah. It’s nice that you both feel supported in both ways that you came back. That was really nice.”
Emily, I will love and respect you for forever for this.
Thank you so much for caring about and embracing Dom’s gender identity as non-binary and genderqueer.
This matters to me more than anything else regarding ‘Wynonna Earp’ coming back and you definitely made the right decision in not putting Dom in a wig for the special and in allowing all the characters to evolve by meeting them where they’re at now following the last time we saw them all. This is so incredibly important.
It is definitely about embracing our evolutions and ‘Wynonna Earp’ itself has always had that message so ‘Vengeance’ feels like a return to form in that way too.
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(same anon as about the difference in m&f ROs & attraction) Thank you for your reply! It was an interesting read. I will add that some of what I was thinking about was also based on fashion choices and looks (based on the previous art breeder images) - f!G and f!Sam both looked aesthetically very feminine to me, which is not my style, while if I remember correctly from a different post f!Rayyan dresses more sporty/masc-leaning/gender neutral. But behavior/personality/energy is also an important part of this of course. I don't know if the characters themselves would identify as more feminine or masculine, if either (or if the art breeders even were a very good representation re: make up and styling and such)... but it's something that really affects my own attraction to ROs, so I sort of go off whatever impressions I get when it comes to that! Things like, "would this woman wear a dress or not" and long versus short hair and styling etc... Like, for even more context, my ideal female ROs are butches and studs -- but those specific identities are extremely hard to find in anything hahah...
Ooohhh that totally makes sense. I go into more detail on how I picture the F!RO styles in (slight) relation to the ask, but let me know if you guys are interested in M!RO styles too.
I'd say F!Rayyan definitely dresses more masc (a longstanding sore spot with their traditional muslim parents) BUT as I mentioned previously, in casual "civilian" clothes, F!Rayyan does wear a headscarf at the very least, and tries to avoid outfits that show their midriff. Just a nod to their upbringing. They go for a more outdoorsy/tough look.
But yeah f!Tobin doesn't dress femme per se, in casual clothes they'd be just as likely to wear something like a simple t shirt and jeans or a thrift store find, but they clean up nicely and would go to say, a formal event in something more femme, like a low cut v-neck dress. They go for comfort, yes, but of all the f!ROs they're probably the most stylish (perhaps tied with G when G is "trying".)
F!Sam's eclectic in their dressing and goes through different phases / is versatile in their style, but I'd say their go-to is something a little more casual/nerdy/laidback, like graphic tees with funny slogans, video game/book references, and/or something fun and unique.
F!G straddles edgy-chic (leather jackets and skinny torn jeans) with femme-chic, can rock anything from boots and a pantsuit to a full-on femme fatale gown to an ordinary cotton shirt /jeans combo.
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angelxd-3303 · 7 months
Soo..i saw your TFP oc, Mason so i decided to ask questions about him
How did he found out about autobots?
What's his favourite thing?
Who's his favourite autobots?
Does the autobots like him?
How does mason view the autobots
Does mason have a favourite person?
I'm so hyper about your oc so much :D
You're asking me about my OCS???? Oh my Primus, I've been waiting for this!
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Mason is a character I've had floating in my mind void for awhile; he's originally from northern Wisconsin, but moved to Jasper to distance himself from their ex. (No, Miko, he's not going to talk about it.)
He has vitiligo, but it doesn't really bother them. He used to be really self conscious as a kid, even stealing his mom's makeup to try and cover it up. As they got older though, Mason came to accept and love his skin, because it's ultimately a part of him, and what makes them unique. (Ratchet found it fascinating, and that ended with them having an in depth conversation about dermatology)
Mason uses He/They, although he doesn't have a preference. His parents got him into geology and bushcraft, which is how he met the bots. (See above; I may write a drabble, idk)
As for favorite bots, Mason will never tell you openly. Honestly though, Ratchet and Optimus hold a special place in their heart. He has a strong bond with his parents, but those two have kind of become stand-in Dads for Mason.
His favorite thing? Probably his jean jacket. It was a gift from their grandpa, given after they came out. It was a reminder that he was loved and accepted by their family, no matter what the world said.
As for the Autobots, they like him plenty. Mason introduced a lot of new concepts to them, like gender identity and orientation, so there's no shortage of interesting conversations. As a diagnosed autistic, there are many times where they have to explain to the bots how it affects him as opposed to a neurotypical. (And if Optimus learned a few things about himself over the course of these conversations, well...)
Mason and Jack get along the best; they bond over their shared love for bushcraft and survivalism. He's almost positive that Miko is giving him gray hairs; but he admires her bravery. Even if it is a bit misplaced. As for Raf, yeah Mason's basically adopted him. Raf is his child now. ("How have none of your parents noticed you guys gone all the time?!")
They've honestly become the Dad of the group as the oldest guy besides Agent Fowler, and this extends to the bots. Mason can often be found scolding someone for doing something stupid or talking down some argument in the base. Their piercing glare is the reason Agent Fowler doesn't dare shout at Optimus anymore. Bro barely got one "PRIME!" out before Mason was nearly at his throat. Optimus may be a big bot, but Mason looked at him for half a second and immediately identified him as baby™. He and Fowler are ok now, mostly. Mostly.
That's basically all I've put together; thanks again for asking about my characters! I was kinda on the fence about sharing my ocs, mainly since I haven't made a lot of them since I was younger. I may explore that more often now.
Hope this was satisfactory, lol. I'm not the best at explaining certain things. I'm just a nerd who likes big robot Bois.
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azullumi · 2 years
kamisato ayato — modern relationship hcs ☆彡
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summary — kamisato ayato, the school's student body president and your boyfriend.
pairing — kamisato ayato /gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, established relationship, modern au ; headcanons
word count — 700+
note — this was supposed to be 3 characters in one but yeah. i'll focus on requests once i get some time ^^
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"Hello, sweetheart, when are your classes going to end?"
Not surprisingly, he is in a position of power—once the people learned that he's going to run as president, nobody competed against him and he won by default. He is quite famous in both students and teachers due to his charismatic personality and charming face, as well as the intelligence he holds.
How did you even bag this man? That is the question you ask yourself every time you see him because, Archons, he's so perfect and amazing. But, him, hearing and knowing your thoughts, he makes sure that you don't feel small or insecure and lets you know that you're perfect and wonderful in your own kind of way. He's the one even wondering how he ended up with such an amazing person like you.
"Is (Name) here? Oh hey, there you are. You forgot something in my house so I came to give this to you."
He doesn’t tell you but he likes to show off even when it's just through subtle actions like walking you to your class during the morning or taking you out during lunch so you could eat with him. Definitely likes to wear the gifts that you give him and if someone asks him about it, he'll immediately say it's from his lovely s/o which is you.
He occasionally asks you to come over to his home, reasoning that his sister misses you already even if he's the one who actually does. What will you do there? You could just watch, play games, or anything with him, depending on either of you two's moods. Sometimes, you'll just spend some time cuddling and gossiping about the students in the school.
He would also schedule a study date in a nearby library or just in his home but the thing is, the two of you won't spend your whole time studying—occasionally being distracted by the things around you and flowing through a different plan than the one intended, you'll end up doing something else that is not in any of your plans.
"Did you know a student beat up their friend after they lost the student's favorite pen?"
"What? Is that the one that happened in the cafeteria?"
And not surprisingly, instead of falling asleep in each other's arms, the two of you are just chatting in bed while holding one another, telling stories and everything that you know to him.
The two of you wouldn't even notice the time and how you spent hours chatting and gossiping but it's fine because you got the juiciest and delicious tea of all and it's exclusively just for you.
"Did you know that this girl, a student from another school, was being cheated on by her boyfriend?"
"You know that's common, right?"
"Not when the guy was cheating on a dating app and it turns out that the girl the guy was cheating with was still actually her girlfriend who was using a fake identity."
Despite his busy schedule, he always manages to make some time for you. He takes you out on dates, helps you with your schoolworks, and anything. Loving, affectionate, and sweet, he dotes on you and makes sure that he is able to convey his feelings of affection to you.
He'll make sure to always accompany you home so that he is assured that you returned to your house safe and even has your schedule memorized so he knows what classes you are going to take for that day (since the two of you are in separate sections)—honestly, he just loves reminding you over text that you're going to have next the subject you most hate with your whole blood and entire family tree and seeing you be filled with dread and despair as soon as you'll learn about it has him chuckling.
If ever he'll be unable to accompany you though due to duties and tasks holding him back, he'll tell you as soon as possible while apologizing, however, you have a choice to stay and wait for him to finish, lending him a hand on the area he needs help on. He'll be happy if you decide to do so but would feel guilty as he might be bothering you or anything and he'll just have Thoma or Ayaka accompany you—you'll have to reassure him and tell him it's fine.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, let's go home already, hm?"
One thing that he loves to do while you two are walking together is holding hands or linking arms, he likes the feeling of his fingers laced with yours or how you would cling to his arm and be close to him. 
You two would also occasionally eat at a cafe or drink in a boba shop if you have some time left and it's still not dark while going home, often visiting newly-opened ones. Oh, but if you don't have money? Not a problem really since he'll be glad to use his wallet for you. He loves spoiling and treating you to anything even when you won't ask him to do so.
In the students and staff's books, he is the definition of perfect.
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skmr24 · 6 months
did maru ever struggle with his gender identity or sexuality? he gives off those vibes in some way shape or form but i can't put my finger on it...
also sidenote; HOW IS SAKI SO TALL. does he like, crush maru (accidentally) sometimes oh my cod
youre in the right track anon LMFKANDWKFN yeah he did but i wont say anymore
saki's physique was affected by the ooze residue. he was transitioning during that time so the ooze side effects definitely boosted his growth spurt 😭
he would kms on the spot if he ever crushed anyone though 💀 hes too aware of his surroundings to do that
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