gaddaboutgriffon · 25 days
Superwoman AU So, I have been seeing a lot of Justice League Gender Bent art lately and couldn’t help but think that for characters like Wonder Woman and Batman it doesn’t really work for. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that the change is REALLY interesting for one core member in particular. Superman.
Given the kryptonian power set the change doesn’t affect the fighting much, but it does change workplace relationships and social aspects of the civilian ID a lot.
For example, Clara Kent would most likely have a rivalry with Lois that borders on antagonistic. Not at all helped by Clara getting scoops that should be damn near impossible. Sure, when Clara is still new at the paper she likely would act as a mentor figure. But that would change really quick if Clara starts beating Lois to scoops and stories.
Clark Kent's sweet and dorky behavior on a male reporter is cute and charming but on a female journalist that is just neon sign to take advantage of her.
Jimmy may be her only good friend but given her physique that is hindered by Jimmy probably developing a crush on her. Which seen him more like a younger brother type friend is not reciprocated.
Then there is villain gallery. Again, the ones where is find there hidden whatever and then a physical fight to win. That is pretty much the same.
No, the villains things are different with are the ones that like to outsmart and play mind games.
Aka Lex Luthor.
And in Lex’s case the major difference again is in the interactions with Clara the civilian ID.
My thinking here is that while Lex Hates Superman because he can’t see anyone being that altruistic with so much power and it must an act. He actually really likes Clark Kent the mild-mannered reporter who in Lex’s eyes overcame humble beginnings and became a self-made successful reporter.
In this AU with Clara that gets amplified. See in a few different versions Lex attempted date and, in some cases, actual got so far as nearly marrying Lois. The attraction was largely based on the fact that she was a driven woman who was climbing in a difficult industry. It is part of Lex psychology is his value of Humans overcoming things with intelligence and will. and the difference with this AU is Clara has the farm girls start as opposed to Lois typical city or military daughter origin depending on the version. In Lex's eyes, Clara is starting out from a disadvantage to Lois and rising up to be just as successful a writer. In short, a better example of something Lex values.
It is just too good not to explore. So, if we go ahead and have Lex take interest in Clara, it would only take a good conversation for her to know there is something is wrong. But what if during her crime fighting, she ran across something that the talk with Lex makes her think he may behind it. So instead of the immediate rejection she wanted, she agrees to go out with him for opportunity to investigate.
Lex is a narcissistic egotist, and in most versions his parents were not a good example of love. and in most versions his Idea of love is a bit more like conquest. (Yeah, warning now, this is not going to go down in a good way.) He is also smart and knows how to cover his tracks. I don't think it would take him long to realize that Clara is looking for something. Here comes the dark idea I had. What if he arranges things so that if Clara tried to expose his crime empire it would look like it tied back to her instead. This also gets used to keep her from leaving. and if this is far enough in the timeline where Lex already is keeping kryptonite in a lead box in his pocket, Clara has to keep her secret identity tightly held. which means she has to go along with this until she can figure out how to bring him to justice.
Unfortunately, Lex did too good a job and Clara needs help. She turns to Jimmy and Lois. at this point Lois has been an antagonistic rival, for sniping stories from her and seemingly to have gotten the most eligible bachelor in metropolis. But once Clara explains what actually has been going on, Lois' attitude changes and is all on board for taking down the rich creep. thus, this AU's beginning of their friendship.
(well this is where I am ending this initial post. I'll add on or do a part two later. @emacrow thanks for listening to the initial idea. this post is the continuation.)
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uscarssince1935 · 4 months
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1946 Gadabout Roadster
My tumblr-blogs:
www.tumblr.com/germancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/frenchcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/englishcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/italiancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/japanesecarssince1947 & www.tumblr.com/uscarssince1935
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Capitalism has outdone itself this time—by turning “wandering” into a lifestyle brand, it’s officially lost the last shred of sanity it ever pretended to have. Gadabouting, once a charming pastime of aimless exploration, has been hijacked and monetized into an industry of overpriced travel gear, curated Instagram feeds, and endless "authentic" experiences sold to us like collector’s items. It’s not enough to simply exist and enjoy life; now, you must consume your leisure, package it, and sell it back to the world. Because in the grand game of capitalism, even your downtime is up for grabs—your freedom, just another commodity.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 10 days
"I've no time to talk to every gadabout. We want no strangers here. Be off, or you may find a dog at your heels."
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"The Illustrated Sherlock Holmes Treasury" - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Ein gadabout es un individuo qui errant pour placer und various lucrando ni enjoyer y numerous.
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decoding-narcissism · 1 month
You think you're smart enough to see through me, but you're not.
That's where the art of being a gadabout comes in. As a narcissist, I thrive on moving from place to place, person to person, leaving a trail of confusion and chaos behind me. It's not just about travel or socializing—it's about control.
When I show up at a new gathering, I charm the room. I’m the life of the party, the one with the stories, the one everyone’s eyes follow. But don’t be fooled. This isn’t about making connections. It’s about ensuring that no one gets close enough to see the real me. The constant movement, the flitting from one group to another, allows me to keep everyone at arm’s length.
Here’s the trick: in every new place, I reinvent myself. I take on whatever persona fits the moment. You’ll think you’re meeting someone new and fascinating, but really, you’re just another pawn in my game. I make you feel special, like you’re the only one who really understands me. But I’m already planning my next escape, my next conquest.
Gaslighting? That’s just another tool. I make you doubt your memories, your perceptions. Did I really say that, or did you imagine it? Wasn’t it your idea to stay behind while I went off on another adventure? By the time I’m done, you won’t know what’s real anymore. You’ll be questioning everything—except me.
Identifying someone like me isn’t easy. My charm is intoxicating, my stories are captivating. But pay attention to the patterns. The inconsistencies. The way I shift the blame when something goes wrong. Notice how you feel after every interaction—drained, confused, like you’re always the one at fault. That’s how you know you’ve encountered a true gadabout, a master manipulator.
So, go ahead. Try to keep up. But remember, I’m always one step ahead. And you’ll never catch me.
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churchofnix · 1 month
A gadabout is not what you'd expect to see in a lab. Yet, its whimsical nature mirrors a critical part of the scientific method: exploration. In science, the journey often matters as much as the destination. Like the gadabout who wanders, scientists must be open to discovery, allowing curiosity to guide them to uncharted territories.
The scientific method is not just a rigid process. It thrives on curiosity and the unexpected. Each hypothesis and experiment is a step in an unpredictable journey, much like a gadabout’s wanderings. This method is not a straight line but a path filled with twists, turns, and occasional dead ends. The willingness to explore, to follow the unknown, is what fuels scientific breakthroughs.
Embracing the spirit of the gadabout reminds us that science is not just about answers. It’s about the questions we didn’t even know to ask. The essence of the scientific method lies in this balance between structure and curiosity, in the dance between the known and the unknown. So, next time you think of science as rigid, remember the gadabout. It’s the exploration that often leads to the most profound discoveries.
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Ever wondered how you’re swayed without even knowing it? Meet the gadabout, a social butterfly with a hidden agenda. They charm, they mingle, they influence. You think it’s harmless chatter, but every word is a calculated move. The gadabout knows where to be, who to talk to, and exactly what to say. It’s all about shifting opinions, shaping thoughts, without anyone suspecting a thing. They don’t just socialize—they subtly steer the conversation, planting ideas like seeds. By the time you realize it, the gadabout has already made you think it was all your idea. Stay aware, or get played.
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so-true-overdue · 1 month
Vaccines: A Masterclass in Ignoring Centuries of Scientific Progress
Vaccines—those trifles of medical ingenuity—are often relegated to the shadowy realm of mistrust by the self-appointed sages of pseudoscience. These microscopic elixirs, birthed from the meticulous labor of immunologists, have a peculiar track record. They’ve only eradicated smallpox, nearly banished polio, and saved an estimated 2-3 million lives annually. But who’s counting? Certainly not the gadabout who, in their relentless pursuit of enlightenment, stumbles upon the murky corners of the internet where fallacies about vaccine-induced maladies reign supreme.
The science is as clear as the night sky untainted by urban smog: vaccines are statistically safer than the quotidian activities of daily life, such as driving to the nearest organic market to procure non-GMO kale. According to the World Health Organization, adverse reactions to vaccines occur in roughly one out of a million doses. Compare that to the one in 103 chance of perishing in a car accident—yet, we are not drowning in a sea of abandoned vehicles. The chasm between reality and perception widens when one considers that a significant portion of these adverse reactions are mild and transient. But alas, fear has an unrivaled capacity to amplify the infinitesimal into the insurmountable.
Perhaps it is the allure of danger that draws the gadabout into the thrall of misinformation. The notion that they, armed with a smartphone and a Wi-Fi connection, can unearth truths that have eluded the collective might of the global scientific community is a siren song too seductive to resist. Yet, in their fervor to evade the perils of vaccination, they overlook the silent sentinels of herd immunity, which protect the vulnerable—the elderly, the immunocompromised, the infants—whose fragile lives hang in the balance.
In the grand theater of life, vaccines are the unsung heroes, performing their roles with quiet dignity, while the gadabout, mistaking the safety net for a noose, pirouettes on the edge of reason. The statistics are not merely numbers; they are the echoes of lives preserved, of pandemics averted, of futures safeguarded. The choice, as it were, is not between safety and danger but between reality and the mirage conjured by the idle musings of those unburdened by the weight of empirical evidence.
In the end, the narrative of vaccines is not a tale of risk but a saga of resilience, a testament to humanity’s triumph over the caprices of nature. It is a story best told not in whispers of dissent but in the clear, unwavering voice of scientific truth.
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faith-in-democracy · 1 month
Civility is dying, but it doesn’t have to.
In a world where division is the norm, finding ways to connect with others is more crucial than ever. Gadabout, a simple act of exploring places, talking to strangers, and experiencing life outside our echo chambers, can be a powerful tool for promoting civility and restoring faith in democracy.
When we travel and engage with people from different walks of life, we begin to see the world through their eyes. Gadabout encourages this—stepping out of our comfort zones and immersing ourselves in the unfamiliar. These experiences teach us empathy, a quality essential to any functioning democracy. By understanding others, we become more civil, more willing to listen, and less quick to judge.
Democracy thrives on dialogue and mutual respect. When we gadabout, we’re reminded that every person we meet has a story, a perspective shaped by their own unique experiences. This realization can break down the barriers of prejudice and ignorance that often fuel division. It’s harder to hate someone you’ve shared a conversation with, someone whose world you’ve briefly stepped into.
The act of gadabout can be a quiet revolution. It’s not loud or confrontational, but its impact can be profound. Each journey taken, each conversation shared, chips away at the walls that divide us. It fosters the kind of understanding that’s the bedrock of a healthy democracy.
So, let’s embrace gadabout. Let’s wander, listen, and learn. In doing so, we can rebuild the civility we’ve lost and strengthen the democracy we all cherish.
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wurds-fur-nurds · 1 month
The Wanderer’s Heart
Restless feet and a soul untethered, you wander where the winds beckon, drawn not by roots but by the whispers of the unknown. In every step, the world unfolds its secrets, each horizon a new promise, each sunrise a reminder that to live is to journey beyond what you know.
You move through life like a river, never still, never stagnant, carving paths through the landscapes of being, leaving traces of yourself in every place, yet belonging fully to none. The world, your canvas, painted in hues of moments— some vivid, some fleeting, all a testament to the beauty of impermanence.
In your wandering, you find a freedom that eludes the rooted. For in your hands, time stretches and bends, each day a possibility, each night a dream unbound by the need to return.
Gadabout, they may call you— a soul that strays, a heart that seeks, but do they see the wisdom in your steps? The truth that to wander is to know oneself, to embrace the uncertainty of the road and find solace in the journey itself.
You are the wind that refuses to be caged, the flame that dances with abandon, the essence of life’s untamed spirit. For it is in your wandering that you find home within yourself, in the ever-changing landscapes of the world, you discover the constant that is your own heart.
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extremely-moderate · 1 month
Compromise isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s the engine of progress. In our divided world, good-faith compromise is the key to moving forward. It’s easy to cling to ideology, to dig in and refuse to budge. But progress isn’t made in echo chambers. It’s forged in the spaces between opposing views, where different perspectives meet, clash, and ultimately, blend into something stronger.
When people come together with genuine intent, remarkable things happen. Consider the most significant advancements in history—civil rights, social safety nets, and even scientific breakthroughs. These didn’t emerge from rigid, one-sided visions. They were born from the willingness to listen, to understand, and to find common ground. This is not about diluting principles but about recognizing the value in others’ experiences and ideas.
Good-faith compromise is the antidote to polarization. It demands we engage with those we disagree with, not to defeat them, but to understand them. It’s about seeing the humanity in others, even when they challenge our beliefs. This isn’t just idealism; it’s a practical approach backed by evidence. Research shows that societies with strong democratic practices and a culture of compromise are more stable and prosperous. They’re better equipped to tackle challenges, from climate change to economic inequality.
The gadabout—the wanderer who explores new ideas and perspectives—is crucial in this process. They challenge the status quo, push boundaries, and bring fresh insights into the conversation. In a world where dogma often reigns supreme, we need more gadabouts who are willing to bridge divides and foster dialogue.
Embracing compromise doesn’t mean surrendering core values. It means recognizing that the path to a better future is often winding, and requires us to walk together, even when we don’t always see eye to eye. This is how we build resilient communities, where differences become strengths rather than divisions.
In the end, good-faith compromise and the spirit of the gadabout aren’t just political tools; they’re the foundation of a thriving, inclusive society. If we want real progress, we must be willing to meet in the middle, to explore the unknown, and to work together for the common good.
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gaddaboutgriffon · 2 months
Going to work on turns this into a master post of prompts I’ve made. Prompts I like, and things I alike and would be willing to write things on.
My own Posts. Superwoman AU
Super Phantom DCxDP
Future Son?! DCxDP
Super X-man
Series and media I like or liked and enjoy fan discussion and fics on (may include Cartoons, Books, Movies or Games.)1 How to train your dragon2 Transformers Prime (cartoons, NOT the movies)3 Avatar the last air-bender. (Not including Korra)4 Teenage mutant ninja turtles (cartoon series)5 Spectacular Spider-man (cartoon Series)6 Redwall (cartoon and book series)7 Pokemon (cartoon and game)8 Sonic the hedgehog (cartoons, and comics.)9 Justice league (the 1990 animated series. NOT the live action movies) And batman animated. 10 My Little pony FIM (G4 cartoon) 11 Marvel Cinematic Universe (before Disney bought it)12 Wings of Fire (books)13 Ben 10 (cartoon)14 Star wars (past liked not present)15 Star trek original series (past liked not present)16 Neo-pets ( Toys. great concept but not the best executed game)17 Kungfu Panda (cartoons)18 Teen titans (original Cartoon, not go)19 Rangers apprentice (books)20 Kim possible (cartoon)21 Lilo and stitch (cartoon)22 American Dragon (Cartoon)23 Big Hero 6 (cartoon) 24 Guardians of Ga’Hoole (books. don’t bother with the movie)25 Epic (animated movie by Blue Sky studios)26 Atlantis the lost Empire (Disney cartoon)27 Big bang theory (TV)28 Lord of the Rings (movies and books.)29 Dragon Quest (games)30 Wild Krats (cartoon)31 The Fluppy Dogs (cartoon)32 Zootopia (cartoon)33 Nelvana Care bears (cartoon specifically the 1985 to 1988 series)34 Last man standing (what can I say he reminds me of my dad)35 Bones (TV)36 Warrior cats. (books only read up until power of three arc)37 Flash (TV)38 Home improvement (TV)39 Steven Universe (cartoon. concept was good but poorly executed story)40 Phineas and Ferb (cartoons)41 Milo Murphy’s law (cartoon)42 Amphibia (cartoon)43 Emperors new groove. (cartoon)44 Harry Potter (books)45 Chronicles of Narnia (books)46 Dinotopia (TV movie, and books)47 Encanto (cartoon)48 Jane and the dragon. (cartoon)49 Gravity falls (cartoon)50 Swat Kats (cartoon)51 Chip and Dale rescue rangers (cartoon) 52 Ducktales (cartoon) 53 Prince of Egypt. (Animated movie) 54 Danny Phantom. (Cartoon) 55 Puss in Boots (dreamworks movies)56 Young Justice (cartoon have not read the comics) 57 Batman Wayne family adventures (web comic. 58 Tower dungeon farmer (web comic)
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dailymtgflavortext · 5 months
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"Stand aside, nobodies."
-Pompous Gadabout
Four times as powerful as your average Soldier (token).
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I could be making a mountain out of a metaphor molehill here but when pjõl said that Julia shouted at the music at the end of her life ‘like a young girl’… did she feel as though she was forced to grow or mature too early in her life? Did that make music some kind of escape for her? did she love music but never really had the opportunity to listen? implied innocence but also excitement- running into the next world with joy and anticipation.. specifically not music but a dance. With new people. Because it was too late for them- but only where they were? At the end of everything they worked for? washed-up, failed, half-dead… and yet she still ran for it, and Jean followed as always … I’m reaching but there is little to no info about her at all so I’m working with what we have
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Uh, so a "gadaboot" is like, um, when a person jus' can't stay put, ya know? They's always runnin' 'round from here to there, nevur stoppin'. Like, they don' evun sit down or nothin'. It's like they gots ants in their pants or sumthin', always lookin' for sum new place to be. Sum peepul say theys jus' really bored, but I think they jus' got too much juse in theys legs or sumthin' like that. Gadaboots don't kno how to chill, not even a lil' bit!
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