#like it starts off so normal and then you get total whiplash
undead-potatoes · 2 years
Very normal things to put on your Skyrim modding profile
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biibini · 9 months
okay so not many people explore this often but i think so hard about the softer side of mizu like when she was married to m*kio (🤢). Yes, we get a lot of the butch lesbian mizu content where shes the tough gf and all, but what about with a gf just calling mizu pretty!!! calling her beautiful and holding her face!!! telling her that shes the most gorgeous woman!!! MIZU DESERVES SOME SOFT COMPLIMENTS TOO ABOUT HER BEAUTY BC SHE IS GORGEOUS ! ! ! 😭❤️
fluff modern!mizu x reader headcannons
tags: fluff, mizu x reader, modern au, cute moments, pretty mizu, compliments, kissing, kisses on the cheek, gifting, flower bouquets, safe relationship, mizu deserves this :(
a/n: FUCK M*K*O !! she is my gorgeous beautiful girl!! ok school isn’t that bad but i do have a weekend trip so i'll be lowk MIA :(
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modern!mizu tries to put up a tough front
but with you, the barrier breaks down and she feels comfortable exploring new aspects of herself
she's never felt that kind of safety
she barely felt it with m*k*o after learning his true nature
as time passes by with u, she begins to bring her guard down
compliment modern!mizu and she immediately doesn't know what to do or what to believe
earlier on in ur relationship, u helped her get dressed for a sports-day after party held by the school
in celebration of a well balanced and eventful day, there was a formal event for athletes and their plus ones
and mizu didn't know how to present herself
yeah she had the clothes
but she had trouble styling it
u came over to fix her clothes in ur beautiful blue dress that totally didn't compliment her eyes
mizu showered u with compliments, saying how her "pretty girl was so dressed up beautifully"
or calling u a "beautiful sight"
without thinking, u called her "my beautiful girl" as u fixed her hair
she immediately went quiet
"Mizu?", you questioned. She had gone silent after your compliment. "Did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry, I'll just-"
You look up to find her, her mouth agape. Not out of disgust. Instead, Mizu whiplashed by your words, her face flaring red. Only three words and she's suddenly out of commission.
yeah, mizu would def short circuit
and she did for a brief moment
until she snapped and kissed u
and totally not ruin ur makeup
modern!mizu loves it when u cup her face while y'all kissing or make out
mizu mainly is the one talking and touching during heated moments but even the soft feeling of her significant other’s touch makes her stomach fill with butterflies
or if ur just chilling in bed and u start tracing her face
externally, she’s relaxing
internally, she’s mesmerized by ur touch
when u trace around her eyes and lips and play w her hair, she has never felt such softness and safety
or even if u cup her face to give her a kiss on the cheek before u leave for work or class
it makes her feel secure and happy
modern!mizu loves being called pretty
she still likes dressing more masc but that doesnt mean she isnt pretty
especially if u compliment her eyes
or her strangely healthy hair
the fact that its long and still shiny
sometimes u pray u had her hair genes bc wtf this isnt fair
“Your hair is so pretty, it’s not fair.”, you say as you play with Mizu’s hair. It was late at night and while she was busy figuring out calculations for a project, you were busy relaxing.
She hummed in acknowledgement. With her back still turned, you ran your hair through her scalp, feeling the silky texture of her raven hair.
Normally, Mizu would just tie her hair up to focus late at night. Tonight would be a little different since you were still up.
As your hands sectioned continued to run through her hair, Mizu relaxed. In a calm state, she solved the equations with ease, listening to the faint lofi studying music guide her thoughts into the night.
Time passed yet Mizu never felt it until she realized your hands had slowed down. She turned back to see you, eyes heavy and ready to doze off.
She looked back at her nearly completed homework. One problem couldn’t hurt in the morning.
Mizu shut off the desk lamp and silently collected her things in a neat pile. She rests your head on your pillows and pull the covers on top of you. With one foot into dreamland, Mizu gives you a kiss on your forehead.
modern!mizu’s favorite places to get kissed are her cheeks
she loves any kisses from u tbh
whenever u would give a goodbye kiss, she always forgets ab the “final” kiss
it’s so simple yet so endearing
when u guys first started dating, u were a little hesitant on ending the first few dates with a kiss
so u choose a simple peck on her cheek instead
u could see blush form on her cheeks afterwards
and they still flush to this day
after mizu went back to her place after the date, she would not stop smiling
it lowkey threw off ringo for a while
modern!mizu enjoys fresh flowers
it seems small but it’s a pretty reminder of ur love
she never got flowers as a gift in her previous relationship so she wasn’t use to these gifts
(yeah fuck u m*k*o)
it makes her heart warm every time she sees the vase on her desk
preferably, she likes peonies bc of how fluffy and full they bloom
but if u bring a new bouquet, she’ll gladly clean and take care of it
u insist that u will do it
but once u saw her carefully pluck and cut the bouquet, u let mizu have her way
she just looks so joyful getting new flowers to take care of
when the flowers start to fully bloom, mizu likes to check and make sure they have enough water
basically she gives them the love and care they need
(im crying sobbing while writing this)
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satyricplotter · 5 months
pairing: dick grayson x reader
word count: 3.2k (i think?)
warnings: rape mention (as per dick's canon)
notes: i keep thinking of applying one of my favourite manga/manhwa tropes with dick specifically, because it works so well, but i don't particularly care to put in the work of setting up that it'd take for it to land as well as it could. maybe later. as it is, i'll give you the quick rundown because i spent two days writing it lol
something ugly about you has made you undeserving of romance. you have spent your entire life puzzling out what it is and how to fix it. nothing much is special about you: the matter’s far from isolation, or becoming any particular sort of pariah. perhaps that'd be easier to explain. no. people leave you alone, your friends cherish you, your family loves you. it is not that you have not known affection, but that you have and so when you crash against the wall that horrible first time, it hurts all the more.
nothing changes after that. there is always a limit to where your interest can reach, unnamed but palpable. a line you cannot cross. it seems to you as if the entire world has reached a silent consensus during a meeting to which your attendance was not required and your input unnecessary. why would it be? this is not about you. after all, your ability to love has not become impaired. you like people. you’ve fallen in love. but who has ever loved you back?
this one facet of life has been closed off to you entirely, and you’ve been chased away from all attempts to form a romantic bond with unspoken threats of shame and implications of disgust. (a bit much of a display just for the offense of being little old you. you come to regard the matter so as you grow older and start curating some self-respect. it still stings as badly as scrubbing your skin raw under hot water, but not all the loathing is directed inward nowadays.)
regardless, you’ve learnt that you are undesirable, and nothing you can say or do will change that. you must be content with the other shapes that love can take. nothing that you want matters whatsoever.
you meet dick grayson one summer evening under exceedingly normal circumstances. you do not know about heroes or rogues, no batmans or nightwings. the person that crosses the threshold is none other than dick grayson, the handsome young man. suspicion does not cross anybody’s mind, and if it does, it comes only a good couple of thoughts after his darling smile and shapely thighs.
obviously you like him immediately. what’s not to like? he’s gorgeous.
you react to him with the tense wariness of someone hardened by years of useless crushes. trying to avoid him. trying to be normal when you invariably cannot. it’s fine. it’ll be fine.
you still crush on him.
it’s inevitable, at this point. he’s too pretty, too smart, too kind not to draw you in. every interaction comes a rush of exhilarating fear. at times, you manage to subdue yourself into normalcy, hang out with him with as much naturalness as you can muster. but then he does something particularly attractive and you’re back in square one, shoulders drawn together and so short with him he probably gets emotional whiplash. it’s as exhausting for you as it must be for him, and he still reacts to it with grace. it doesn’t help.
through your concerted efforts to be normal, or at least appear as much, you and dick become friends. not great friends, mind you, but good enough that you start hanging out on your own without any of your mutual friends present. and you only spend about three hours total pondering the meaning behind the phrasing of his texts. that’s gotta be some form of progress, right?
he sits at a little table away from the window, and beams when you arrive. coffee’s on him and conversation’s on you. you’ve got more in common than you first thought, but you go back and forth between imagining it must be fate and squashing down delusion, telling yourself you’re blowing it out of proportion.
at one point in time, a beautiful, sultry-looking woman approaches the table.
you and dick tense immediately, like you both know what’s coming. sure as ever, the woman smiles and asks for his number. you look away politely, sip at your drink. the proximity makes it useless to pretend you’re not eavesdropping (though it can hardly be called that when she came to your table), but you take care not to make any faces that’d give away the little storm brewing in your stomach.
this sucks, you think, glancing away from dick’s bland mask of politeness. all of it is hopeless and it still sucks.
you think about running off to the bathroom, get as far as shifting on your seat when dick shoots you a troubled look. the woman’s been at it for a little more than is appropriate. a minute or so more of insistence and she’ll be stretching the boundaries of her own dignity too far. you look away with pressed lips and move your hands under the table.
your alarm beeps.
“oh, shit, dude,” you gasp, hoping to land somewhere in the ballpark of realism. “It’s almost seven. we’ve got to go, or else we’re gonna miss the movie.”
dick gives the woman his apologies and swiftly runs out of the café with you hot on his heels. on the way to the movie theatre, you wanna ask the million questions running through your head—why’d he reject her? didn’t he like her? did he not think she was pretty? who is pretty for him? what’s his taste in partners? is he seeing someone?—but you know it’s a futile endeavor. what will you even get out of that? it’s clear dick didn’t enjoy the interaction either. you make small talk about something else, trying to draw his attention away from whatever conflicted feelings he’s moored in right now. just because you like him doesn’t mean you can’t be a good friend to him.
it’s a short walk. soon enough, he’s all smiles again. in the line for the popcorn stand, another two girls come up to him, this time much younger than you two. he’s nicer with them than he was before, but he rejects them all unequivocally.
“doesn’t it annoy you?” you can’t help but ask. when dick raises an elegant eyebrow, you panic and backpedal so hard you might as well have driven a truck through a storefront.
“a bit,” dick says, ignoring your rambling. you shut your mouth firmly closed when he gives you a sidelong glance, and continues, so very casually, “it’s worse when it comes from a friend rather than a stranger. so many people just try to befriend me because they’re looking for a relationship, or they want access to my body. it’s… tiring. i’m sure you can relate.”
“ah,” you say. your tongue feels numb, but you’re burning up under the weight of his gaze. “no. I don’t really get harassed like that or, um, asked out.”
“huh.” dick blinks. “really?”
“yeah,” you force out. blessedly, the attendant calls your attention. you jostle dick forward. “look, it’s our turn.”
dick orders popcorn. you get a large slushy that you’re not gonna finish. you make him pay. he complies with no question. inside the theatre, you spend all two hours and sixteen minutes of the showing in absolute silence. it is not so strange to be fixated on the movie, but you’re usually a little more chatty. under normal circumstances, you’d eagerly take the opportunity to lean closer to him, whisper something about the main character’s penchant for gummies and its relation to the degradation of the American working class. he’d glance at you and thoughtfully smile, and you’d catch a whiff of his cologne when you straightened.  for the rest of the movie, the twinkle of his eye as he forwent the film for your conversation would be all you’d think about.
such is not the case now.
you can tell when you’ve been summarily dismissed. in fact, you appreciate when people are subtle about their rejections. it’s always all the more humiliating when they feel the need to bring it out into the open, like your affections have been so blatant they must be commented on, debated.
the rest of the evening is spent convincing yourself that this is good, that this means it’ll be better for yourself going forward. you’ll be less distracted, if anything. dick’s attempts to discuss the movie with you afterwards fall flat, as the only thing you really want is to get home and stare at your ceiling.
when you’ve reached your apartment door, and are turning to enter after a hurried goodbye, dick calls your name.
“look,” he says, running a hand through his hair unsurely. “I don’t usually do this.”
oh, no. dread fills you up. he’s breaking up with you and you’re not even dating.
you swallow. “dick—”
“I like you a lot,” he interrupts. your teeth clang the way you shut up so fast. in fact, you feel a little dizzy. he continues before you can even process that first sentence. “I think you and I could be really good friends, and I’d love if we could continue seeing each other to, you know, hang out and talk. I do truly appreciate your insight. is that okay?”
you blink fast some three or four times. it must be comical, the face you’re making, because the corner of dick’s lips pulls upward despite him trying to keep a serious air.
“I thought we were already friends…?” you say, at a loss for anything else to say.
“yes!” he beams. “we are.”
“okay,” you respond, perplexed. this is so far out of left field. “um. text me when you’re home?”
“yeah.” he grins. gorgeous grin, to be sure, but why? “for sure.”
“cool.” you give him an awkward thumbs up and scurry inside.               
it is… baffling. you spend all of that night wide awake and pondering. dick must’ve misconstrued something, or either you missed a crucial step in your relationship. otherwise the end to that evening makes absolutely no sense. the only thing you can conjure up is that dick must reject a lot of people who, like he said, try to befriend him only to get with him or worse, only to fuck, and it’s not very likely most of those people stay in his life once it is clear he won’t budge on the matter. the fact that you didn’t immediately turn your back on him must’ve come to him as a pleasant surprise.
it’s sad. like, really fucking sad, actually.
that very sadness—and the memory of his handsome, bright grin—turns your outlook inside out. why do you like dick? clearly he’s got the looks and the personality, but do you really know him? what do you know of him? you make a list of things you’ve learned about him in the short time of knowing him. it’s not long.
you come to the conclusion, mortifyingly so, that you don’t, in fact, like dick grayson. that, if anything, the only thing you like is the idea of the boyfriend he could be, which is not the boyfriend that he is (you know nothing about that). it’s the social acumen inherent in bagging such a hottie, and the sparkling sexual attraction bound around it, that really prompt your crushing. it’s not dick as a person. frankly, you think, a little hysterically, could be anyone, really. didn’t even have to be dick. he was just there, the handsomest person in the room. an apt target for the voracious hunger of your heart. you’d mooned and mooned over him for ages and it turns out it wasn’t even about him.
god, you’re such an asshole.
in penance, you endeavor to actually get to know dick without the embarrassment of a crush between you. and it does, in fact, help. dick’s eager to get to know you too, now that you’ve both formally acknowledged you’re friends (such a weird practice, fresh out of kindergarten behavior, but, as you soon find out, dick is weird about plenty and not entirely well-adjusted as an adult). you go on outings together, attend one another’s events, text sporadically throughout the day. you learn which video games dick likes, you tell him which movies are your favorites. it’s fun and light and uncomplicated now that you’ve freed yourself from the constraints of romantic expectation.
not everything’s good. dick’s got bad habits, which grate on you. is it so difficult to put the stupid toilet seat down? can he not learn to chop vegetables in chunks smaller than an elephant’s baby teeth? can he, for the love of god, stop yelling at the tv during horror films?  he’s got some serious character flaws, too. you find about those a lot more slowly, but they don’t cause too much trouble.
you fight one or two times due to dick suddenly abandoning you in the middle of an outing with no regard for your safety, and his tendency to get pissy instead of saying whatever’s upsetting him upfront when he knows, you’ve warned him that you’re stupidly thoughtless about your actions at times. all those are things you wouldn’t have come to experience if you hadn’t given the man a chance to actually be a friend. it’s kind of heartening, actually, to have come so far.
sometimes your crush rears up its head in the middle of nowhere. it’s kind of hopeless by now, but you can’t help the fact that dick’s attractive. neither can he, anyway. you just watch him sometimes, the way the sun hits his eyes, lashes sweeping over his cheeks. it makes you go tongue-tied and silly, but the moment always passes. it has to pass. you struggle against it, recall every time dick has upset you or insulted you in one way or the other. some days it’s easy as buttering toast, others you can barely think around the searing heat of your desire. those are bad days for all involved.
one evening, when you’ve grown close enough you’ve begun to think about dick grayson as maybe, possibly, only-if-he-says-so-too your closest friend, he tells you about catalina.
he does it over the phone line, during your almost-nightly calls. over the months, you’ve taken up the practice of teasing him about handsome people he clearly finds attractive in a desperate bid to divert attention and train yourself for when you have to do it for real. this is not one of such cases, and as soon as you realize this, you sober up immediately.
he says it so simply. talks about it like it’s just a hazard of life. there’s a tight hardness at the edge of his voice, but other than that, he speaks like it’s normal Tuesday for him.
not so much for you.
“is it okay if I come over?” you request over the line.
for a moment, the only thing you hear is dick breathe. “yeah,” he croaks, and you’re bolting out the room immediately.
you don’t know how to react to this other than with a shaky sort of desperation. it’s been years since it happened. there’s nothing you can do about it now. there’s something big he’s leaving out, which you notice but don’t point out. a big lump forms on your throat as he speaks. dick tells you when you arrive that the woman is behind bars for an unrelated crime and the only way you stop yourself from wishing ill on her out loud is the fact he looks so politely disjointed, you know your fury will only startle him.
and you feel it so frightfully, the fury.
you love dick, you realize. beyond the fancies and the underlying attraction, you love dick as a person, as a friend. he’s one of yours now.
the evening morphs into a casual sleepover. you don’t interrogate him, and he seems torn between wanting to say more and grateful you’re not prying. you keep yourself open to the possibility, but also try to comfort him as best you can. you make dinner. you put on a movie. you talk and joke and quietly watch. he invites you on the bed with him because his couch is a nightmare to sleep in and his guest room is “unavailable”, whatever that means. you don’t even think about it, just follow.
lying together under the sheets with the lights off, the rest of your feelings bubble up to the surface.
you ask before you clasp his hands between yours and look into his shiny eyes in the darkness. you try to tell him, how this single evening and all those that came before turned over your loyalty to him. how he can come to you for anything he ever wants or needs—your ear, your care, your protection. how much you appreciate his trust and how much you wish you could make anything, everything better for him. how much he deserves it.
“I’ll never leave you now,” you vow with fierce conviction, searching his eyes for any signs of doubt. any other time you would’ve questioned this statement with the sheer weight of infinite possibilities, but not now. tonight, truth is absolute and in your hand. “they will never take me from you. I will always be on your side, by your side. i’m serious, grayson. you’re not getting rid of me.”
a glimpse of  a watery smile is the only thing you see before dick throws his arms around you and buries his face in your neck. “couldn’t dream of it,” he whispers into your hair.
you hug him back as tightly as he is, murmuring platitudes and running your fingers through his hair. he falls asleep like that, in the cradle of your arms. he feels secure enough to do so, and you feel both proud and nauseous about it considering the secret you keep.
that he’s told you this at all, that he’s trusted you with such a thing—you know how big it is. you know you can never betray him.
you consider your inherent monstrosity, that little unspeakable thing that bars your from that special kind of love. you understand, firmly, that any desire you feel will never be received eagerly and joyfully. not by him or anyone else.  in silent fury, you vow to die before you be like her, to bestow upon this man your grotesque wanting with no regard for his own desire, for the integrity of his being.
that night, you press a kiss to dick grayson’s hair and let him go forever.
the next morning, dick watches as you leave. you turn back one last time to wave at him from the parking lot, a bright smile and tussled hair you didn’t bother to brush. you wear out the clothes he lent you to sleep, so harried last night in your haste to come over that you’d simply forgotten to pack pajamas. he suspects you hadn’t planned to stay the night at all, but he’d been damned if he’d let you go yesterday.
you’re pretty. he’s always thought so, but this morning, you’re prettier than ever. it’s the radiance of your heart shining through.
I will always be by your side, you’d said last night. you’d meant it completely, then. dick had been dazed, overcome. he couldn’t take the brightness of your eyes, the surety of your affection. he’d buried his head in your neck and fallen asleep breathing in the smell of your shampoo. in the morning, he’d woken up with your fingers carding through his hair and the gentle warmth of your body against his.
that was nice. he wonders what he has to do to make it happen again.
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2knightt · 1 year
can u do a johnny cade fic where he gives readers maximum princess treatment ?? like helping take off ur shoes and giving u a piggy back ride when ur feet hurt, and getting genuinely frustrated when u won’t let him open doors for u. HEHEH AHH🤭 pleaseeee and thank you sm sm !!
↳she just went to heaven and back!₊˚✧
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➬ johnny cade x fem!reader
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he’s so whipped for you, let’s get that out of the way.
he does anything and everything for you.
he helps you get out of cars, like he’s rushing to your door.
“wait a second, babe!”
then he comes tearing around the corner to open your door, holding his hand out for you to take it.
he said, bowing down with a fake british accent as you accepted his hand with a chuckle.
“why, thank you sir!”
no but like, you’re so right. he totally takes your shoes off before his.
like, he doesn’t even think of taking his shoes off unless yours are off.
you just sat down on a chair to take off your shoes, as normal.
until johnny kneels down infront of you, and takes them off himself.
“what are you doing?”
you asked him, laughing a little.
“takin’ off your shoes so you can go lay down faster.”
he answered, taking the other shoe off.
you had been walking all night with johnny, in not the best shoes.
they hurt your feet after walking for 20 minutes, you don’t even know why you picked them.
so, like anyone would do, you started to complain.
“ugh!! my feet are killing me!”
“these shoes i picked! they suck, man.”
you looked at johnny and he was looking down at the ground.
until he asked you a question.
“well, want a piggyback ride? i know your house ain’t too far.”
you whipped your head to face him so fast, you could’ve sworn you got whiplash!
johnny just looked at you, confused.
why are you so shocked? he loves you, don’t he?
“yeah, really.”
he answered with a sigh, as you jumped on his back.
he definitely ran for awhile just to see you smile or hear your laugh.
even if you don’t like your smile or your laugh, johnny thinks it’s the most beautiful thing ever.
you two were walkin’ into the dingo a week later.
for a cute date, he said.
and who are you to decline a date from the cutest boy in tusla?
you were walking ahead of him since he picked up his cigarette box he dropped.
and since you were ahead you opened the door yourseld, and that made johnny cade stop in his tracks!
he raced into the dingo and ran right in front of you.
“what do you mean, ‘what?’ you opened the door.”
“so? i had to get in.”
“yeah but, i always open doors for you!”
he said, looking like a toddler that didn’t get his way.
you sighed at his behaviour and chuckled.
“would you like for me to go back outside just to let you open the door for me?”
johnny thought for a minute before opening his mouth,
you sighed at your boyfriend and turned around to walk outside, but you couldn’t help but smile.
you walked outside and waited as your boyfriend ran outside and then ran towards the door, again.
johnny then opened the door for you, smiling so bright.
you, yourself, couldn’t help but grin at your boyfriend.
johnny cade can and will treat you like royalty if you ask him too.
well—not ask, more like, you being blessed by the gods.
but overall, johnny thinks you’re absolutely perfect in every way and should be TREATED that way!
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may 28th, 2023. 12:00PM
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
Fluff 13 with Alucard!
-from the same anon who requested tentacles with him xP
A/N: tentacle anon there's no way you're giving me whiplash like this rn. This is on the shorter side so I'm sorry for it but I wanted something just silly goofy and cute for Alucard and the love of his life! Enjoy! MWUAH
“What are you doing?” “I was trying to make pancakes but it didn’t exactly work”
Way early in the morning.
Normally, Alucard was the first one up in the morning. You’d be asleep for another hour or so, thinking that his seven in the morning internal clock was entirely too early and you’d ‘be hitting snooze until you were ready’. Today was a little different: you were awake, and out of bed. Two things that Alucard would have to pry out of you any given day. Especially this morning. The night before had been a late night filled with..certain activities that left bruises on your hips and clawed scratches on his back. The dhampir sighed thinking back on it, snuggling deeper into the bed. Just five more minutes... he thought to himself. Whatever you were doing you’d be back shortly. Maybe you were just in the bathroom. And he didn’t need to be up, there was nothing to be done. So, really, what was the harm in it? 
Ah, there was the harm.
Alucard shot up, eyes scanning the room as if you were in it, hearing your voice carry through the castle, nearly tripping out the bed when his feet got tangled into the sheets. He didn’t bother putting on a shirt, running out the room and being hit with the smell of smoke and...burning? Maybe? His panic heightened, following the smog deeper into the castle, leading into the kitchen. “My love?” He called out, hoping he’d hear something back from you and--
“In here, Adrian!” followed by a much lower “Shit” and cough.
Rounding the corner he found you fanning smoke out of the window, currently unusable pan doused in water in the sink and scrunched up face. “Angel, what are you doing?” he questioned, opening up the window more and helping fan out the smoke until it was a more tolerable level of foggy. 
“I was trying to make pancakes but it didn’t exactly work” you huffed. “Trying?” He commented, and you looked away with the heat on your neck rising. “Uh well...”
You woke up, feeling simultaneously exhausted and refreshed. It was the first time you think you’d ever woken up before Adrian, glancing over and seeing him in all his gorgeous glory asleep. Your eyes dipped lower and lower until they were graced with the beautiful view of his adonis belt, feeling flush all over. ‘Ugh’ you thought, ‘i’m no better than a man with these thoughts’. You decided to get up and start your day early. You’d give yourself a nap later on. After washing your face and brushing your teeth (you realized you looked no better than the night creatures) you set off to do something nice for the love of your life: make breakfast!
It would be something simple, your brain still mushy from last night, plus being so early you didn’t think you could even comprehend the complexities of anything else. So you made a comfort: pancakes! Well, started to. The batter was where you’d like it, ready to make yummy fluffy pancakes! You poured one into the pan, waiting for it to cook before flipping--it looked perfect. Yeah, you could totally do this a handful more times. So you did it again, and then started on the third, when your eyes got heavy. You brought a seat over to watch the stove and leaned your hand on the counter, dozing off...waking up face to face to a fire that kindled from whatever remained of the third pancake you set off making.
“I fell asleep.”
The silence in the room was loud, Alucard blinking as he took in your excuse before bursting into laughter (even with his cackling he was the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, unfair.) “You fell asleep?” You groaned, shoving him away. “Shut up! I wanted to be nice and cook you breakfast in bed like you do to me after we--oh never mind.” He couldn’t help but laugh, he didn’t mean to! You just looked so cute standing there with your hair a mess and a bit of black soot on your cheeks. His laughter quelled, bringing you closer by the hips and peppering your face with small kisses until he felt you smile against him. “That was very sweet of you, my love. Thank you, I know how you hate getting up so early in the mornings.” You hummed, reciprocating the kiss once one landed on your lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck, swaying lightly as you felt the breeze wisp away the last of the smoke. You parted when you needed to catch your breath, nuzzling into his neck as you did so.
“How about I cook breakfast darling?” “Yes, please.”
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onboardsorasora · 1 year
That video 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 made me want to write more tennis Dan. He is so so soft... I just. Here's some soft tennis Dan 🥺
I'll tag everything properly tomorrow
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Part 1 l Part 21
Part 22
"DR, I need an answer." It was Blake, calling into the kitchen from the living room. Daniel peaked out above the open fridge door in confusion.
"The WTA, the meet starts tomorrow."
"Oh." Daniel closed the door, his brow furrowed as he looked at his hand, it wasn't swollen anymore and the surgical scar didn't look so severe. "I thought you were joking about that."
It was the complete end of the season, the US Open had ended weeks ago with total Djoko dominance. The only thing left on the docket was a tournament held by the World Tennis Association, where they invited the top six men and women in the world to play essentially dinner theatre for a cash prize at the end.
As the world number 1, Daniel was automatically invited, but with his injury he had been ruled out and replaced. 
"No, Matteo dropped out. He hurt his ankle– so they asked if you're good. I told em your doc signed off but it's up to you."
Blake watched as Daniel got that deer in headlights look and sighed. He turned back to his laptop, preparing to reply in the negative. 
"Daniel, are you ok?" Max exited his sim room, eyeing Daniel's shell shocked form curiously, almost worriedly.
Carefully, Blake filled him in when it seemed like Daniel was having a conversation with his palm— as if he was willing his bones to give him the answers.
"You should do it." Max said simply. He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge– nudging Daniel out of the way as he did so.
"Wait what now?" Daniel's head whipped up, his shock returned.
Max shrugged, he said what he said and he knew Daniel heard him.
"You can grip the racquet, you're right hand dominant anyway so it'll just be if you want to power through your back hand– which you don't normally do a lot so I don't think you're going to all of a sudden want to, maybe." Max stated matter of factly with a small shrug of his broad shoulders. Blake and Daniel stared at him as if he grew another head. 
A loud crunch sounded behind them and Daniel almost got whiplash from turning to see Micheal sitting on the island countertop eating an apple. "He's right." Is all he added, his mouth full.
"What if— what if I like fall or something?" Daniel's voice was small, insecure. His shoulders sagged a little.
"Don't fall." Was Michael's oh so helpful reply.
"Just like…tuck?" Blake was marginally better but still received a deadpan glare.
"I can't think of crashing when I drive, or else I won't drive to the best of my abilities. You never used to think of falling when you play, you shouldn't start now." Max cupped Daniels cheek with his cold palm– wet from the condensation.
"Max—" Daniel felt nervous, helpless. But he wasn't sure if he was ready. He wanted to play, don't get him wrong. The fire was in his belly and watching the US Open had been an exercise in torture. But now that the opportunity was in front of him, he felt hesitant to step forward and take it.
Max watched him with a quiet confidence that was just all Max. Daniel looked around and saw Blake and Micheal also looking at him with a silent belief. They believed he was ready but they were ultimately leaving it to his decision.
"How soon can we leave?" Daniel asked after a moment, bolstered their faith and conviction.
The group of men cheered, apologizing swiftly and contritely to the cats who scattered in fear at the sudden noise.
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death-in-a-handbasket · 9 months
Ooh on the topic of drinking !!
What would Ayatsuji's favorite drink(s) be? Is he a fruity margarita guy or straight vodka
And any other characters you have in mind I love reading your thoughts!!
Yukito: liquor and whiskey. more on the sweet side than not but it def burns, takes a bit for him to get drunk but when he does it is the most vulnerable state you’ll ever see him in, doesn’t drink often but might indulge if there’s something worth celebrating, a lot of his alcohol he has on hand ends up as a cooking ingredient
Tsujimura: likes a good tasty martini but prefers harder drinks because she wants to be badass like all the spy women in her favorite works, can both settle down with a good beer and also do straight vodka if she’s feeling bold (relatively low alcohol tolerance though and passes out after the latter) drinks after work sometimes with coworkers from the special division
Ango: mellow drinker, starts off with whiskey and sips it throughout the night, too responsible most of the time to drink past slightly tipsy, his body is mostly comprised of caffeine instead, might put a little alcohol in the coffee to take the edge off sometimes (only if the day is going really bad and it doesn’t work tbh)
Nikolai: could drink paint thinner if he wanted to (he has) gets rowdier and slightly more emotion when drunk but can somehow still function impeccably well even when plastered, he’s just deeply more chaotic LMAO, probably drinks vodka cut with the fruitiest mix on planet earth because this man likes pizazz, alcohol tolerance so deranged no one is sure if can actually die from alcohol poisoning
Fyodor: doesn’t drink often because he doesn’t want it to impair his mind plus he’s anemic and like 7 pounds soaking wet, it goes right through him like water so he’s fairly lightweight, but if need be he’ll sip on a little vodka throughout a night and go nap after he’s done
Fukuchi: could down a barrel of sake like a boss but the minute he gets drunk old man peepaw is a damn party animal, drinks socially and for sport but it bites him in the ass every time though we know this man gets WHIPLASH fuckin hangovers
Bram: doesn’t want alcohol but doesn’t dislike it either, cannot get drunk by any stretch, mostly just samples shit from time to time for the flavor
Sigma: liquor and wine boy, prefers not to drink but will do it for show while at the casino, can hold his alcohol but prefers not to go past tipsy, a moderate and chill man
Teruko: can outdrink Fukuchi and remain fully lucid on command. everyone is scared of her
Jouno: not much of an alcohol man, will sample a little sake but he doesn’t especially care for it plus his tolerance is super high, passes on drinks most times
Tecchou: can drink his weight in alcohol, has a preference for beer and sake, but instead of getting rowdy in any way he just takes a nap directly afterwards and wakes up normal the next morning with no hangover, no one is quite sure how he does it
Tachihara: more likely to go out drinking with the pm than the hunting dogs, will drink the fancy stuff if need be but he’s a beer man at heart, you can take the scruff off this boy but it’s still there in his heart, slow drinker but once he gets going he’s super happy and rowdy as shit, not immune to doing shots, helps balance out Chuuya’s bitchiness at times
Hirotsu: old fashioned whiskey man, sips on it throughout the night but never gets drunk, the most sober man drinking in the bar tbh, mostly does it to relax, the guy there to keep Chuuya from being a total dick
Chuuya: a wine guy as we all know, starts out slow and savoring it but then gets emotional and pissy and start downing the damn glass, prone to being an angry drunk and yelling like a little bitch before getting shepherded home
Mori: has seen his fair share of alcohols in his time but prefers to remain sober
Verlaine: likes white wine and vodka, also gets angry tipsy and will judge the quality like a megacunt, no one likes to drink with him
Ranpo: prefers not to drink as he despises most alcohol tastes but can be persuaded into amaretto with how much it tastes like candy, gets loud and affectionate when drunk, will call you an idiot and pass out on your arm
Dazai: will try and drink any and every alcohol, can remain entirely lucid no matter what he’s ingested but he loves acting drunk and passing out anyways for the experience and also to be inconvenient for some people (Kunikida)
Fukuzawa: sake enjoyer, doesn’t drink often but drinks slow and steady, high alcohol tolerance, rarely gets drunk
Yosano: wine lover, gets loud and rowdy when drunk, is a social drinker but also samples different kinds of wine in her free time just to judge the flavors
Higuchi: doesn’t drink often but might mellow out and get sad over a beer or whiskey
Oda: drinks slowly and methodically throughout the night, also a beer or whiskey man, prefers to mostly take in the ambiance of the bar than the experience of the alcohol, might get buzzed but hasn’t taken it much further than there
Francis: drinks socially and mostly champagne, gets more energetic and egotistical the more alcohol enters his body, will spend money on progressively stupider shit as the event goes on because he has no sense of consequences while drunk
Sober gang:
Atsushi: low alcohol tolerance and lowkey kind of scared
Akutagawa: he coughs every time because it burns his throat, could have a decent alcohol tolerance if he wanted to but his body can’t take it
Mushitarou: despises being drunk and hates the taste
Poe: too scared to do it
Nathanial: to religious to do it
Gin: not really her thing
Lucy: could hold her own if she wanted to but she hates the way alcohol makes people act and prefers to pass on it
Kunikida: designated driver and wouldn’t touch alcohol because it violates his ideals
Tanizaki: also too scared to do it but if Naomi was allowed she’d get tipsy for fun
Lovecraft: alcohol has net zero effect on him so he simply Doesn’t
THIS WAS SO FUN y’all feel free to request any of your faves I forgot 🙏
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Actually, how I'm imagining Natsuo telling Enji - Enji is struggling to explain & apologize, Natsuo calls him a hypocrite for [insert incident here]. Enji's head snaps around so fast he gives everyone whiplash by proxy, "They fucking WHAT!?"
No I need to go into this for a hot minute because like.
(quick disclaimer I have to put on for the general 'I'm not excusing things' bit: Enji /did/ do some shit that he needs to answer for, but there's a lot of surrounding circumstances and miscommunication that made it a lot worse but he didn't know about/it was out of his hands.)
Anyway! This got a little long so
For /years/ Natsuo thinks that Enji is aware of this situation. That Enji was the one who sent the PR jackals after him. As angry as Natsuo was in the first place, justifiably so, he's even more angry after this. It also intensifies the 'oh you don't actually care about me' because he already got that in general being the middle child and being the one that didn't really have a 'purpose' in the family, but thinking Enji sent guys who would threaten him? Wow he must really not care about him and only keeps him around because he can't exactly get rid of him. (another reason Natsuo leaves the second he can. He expected to get kicked out the minute he was 18.)
And Natsuo /kinda/ brings it up, but never quite so explicitly because he thinks Enji knows what he's talking about. Enji does not, in fact, know what he's talking about, and is not always the best with subtle things, so he doesn't pick up on the situation.
Anyway. Skip ahead to how in Chaos Children they find out about Toya a little earlier at the end of the Hideout Raid arc and that kinda just decks Enji in the face with what all he's done and he starts trying to fix this shit as best he can.
And Natsuo has two reactions to this. Firstly, calling bullshit on Enji 'seeing the light' and wanting to change because clearly he doesn't actually care because of the previous incident with the PR Team this is just manipulation and he's not falling for it. And a secondary 'what if he /is/ realizing he fucked up, but ofc my attempts to point this out meant nothing he doesn't care about my opinion but when /Toya/ goes finally tells him to fuck off once.....'(reminder that Toya, pre-death, was only barely unpacking the 'bad' parts of the family dynamics and still very much looked up to Enji and adored and idolized him).
This confusion lasts until the Agency Arc where he got a little bit kidnapped and held hostage(as is typical for this family). And I make this a little bit worse in the fact that he almost dies which is a Big Problem. (This also involves how Enji finds out that Natsuo is actually fireproof haha....)
But like during that whole thing Enji is very fucking concerned about him which has Natsuo like '??? You care about me? The fuck??'. And it's in the aftermath at the hospital where Enji properly sits down and talks to Natsuo about some things and really like. Not only does he apologize but he also opens up about how much he thought what he was doing was totally normal and that, if he knew, he wouldn't have and wishes he could fix it. And how it doesn't excuse things, but still. He loves his kids, all of them including Natsuo, and he never intended to hurt them the way he did.
Natsuo is still very much not ready to 'forgive' (I don't think any of the kids truly 'forgive' in a way), but he's really seeing the sincerity of this situation.
But that's.... at odds with the incident with the PR team.
And Natsuo is looking at this like 'one of these things is wrong here' and the more and more he sees Enji genuinely /try/ with him and with the other siblings and even with Rei and with Rei backing up what Enji says..... he realizes the PR Team thing is weird as fuck.
So yeah just. Spills the beans.
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Kalon | Pt. 5
Beauty that is more than skin-deep.
Jimin x staff!reader
Summary : you have been working at hybe for/with BTS for a few years and have become great friends with them. Suddenly Jimin starts acting different with you and you can‘t help but get upset because you secretly have a crush on him:(
Genre/Tropes : angst, jealousy, friends to lovers (more like idiots to lovers tho), painful blindness of the two…
Word count : ~4.6K
A/N : The last part of this story! I hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster of feelings<3 
Series masterlist<3
The many strange occurrences between you and Jimin were totally giving you whiplash. One second he’d be acting normally, cracking jokes and smiling, and the other he seemed as if possessed by the devil himself, his eyes would get dark and his soft lips would start spewing venom.
Every day walking into work you didn’t know what to expect and with each interaction your confidence has been diminishing. Getting ready in front of the mirror has become your own personal hell and the fact that you spent 90% of your time surrounded by walls covered in mirrors didn’t help either. Every time your eyes lingered on your own reflection in the mirror his triggering words spoke out in your head as if he was standing right there beside you.
There was just something so convincing in the way Jimin said all those things to you... or was it your adoration for the man that made you take every word he was saying to heart…
You rub your forehead with your hand trying to scatter the insecure thoughts from your head once again as you reach the studio where all the boys were waiting for their lunch.
Before you could enter you heard your name being mentioned and decided to listen in, needing to silence your rising insecurities to know whether Jimin was the only one not fond of your presence or not.
“What do you have against her then!?” you could make out your best friend’s enraged voice.
“She’s always around and annoying us… the least she could do is give us some space gosh…” Jimin answered the older man, his voice void of interest.
Your eyes dart to the ground tears already prominent, creating waterfalls on your cheeks as his words imprint themselves in your head. Your mind instantly runs trough all possible encounters where you could have come off as annoying, wanting to find the error faster than one of then can mention it to you.
All you can think about is how you physically cannot enter the room, your feet have planted themselves in the spot too scared to move. Your mind runs a thousand miles a minute creating a headache that even Jin’s following words can’t calm.  
“It’s her job to be around us and I don’t find her annoying. At all because she IS our friend.” Jin’s voice cut through the air of the room.
“No she’s not. She’s just a staff that is annoying us every fucking day, deluding herself into thinking that we are her friends.” Jimin lights up like a match, explosively getting his insulting words out for everyone to hear.
While at first the other boys paid no attention to the small bickering between Jin and Jimin thinking that it was harmless now everyone’s mouths were hanging open, eyes wide. Not only was it shocking to hear these particular words leave Jimin but for them to also be directed towards you was beyond disturbing.
“You can’t possibly mean that hyung…” Jungkook stared at Jimin unable to recognize his friend of several years.
“Whatever man…” Jimin rolled his eyes and stood to leave the room. Suddenly Jin stood before him visibly mad, towering over the younger man.
“Don’t you dare talk about her like that.”
“Sorry hyung but not all of us can be blindly in love with her the way you are.” He grit his teeth pushing a confused Jin out of his way and escaping the small room that was making his head spin.
Pushing trough the door he stumbles into someone and loses his footing falling over to the ground with that someone.
“Oh I’m sor-” his voice cuts off when he sees that the someone is you. Your tear stained cheeks come into view sending a painful sensation piercing trough his heart. You definitely heard everything that he said.
“Y/n are you okey?!” Jin came out of the room offering you his hand that you do not take. You do not break eye contact with the ground as you rise from the ground, pick up the bag full of food and hand it to Jin.  
“Y/n I’m so so-” Jimin can’t help himself but melt in your breaking vision, apologizing for his words promptly, his mind coming to a conclusion that enough is enough, it was time to stop his actions that were actually hurting the one he loved with his full heart.
It felt like the clouds that were in front of his eyes the past few months dissipated, everything sat in their places after he saw those broken sad eyes. No more self-pity was left in his body when now all he wanted was to see you smile again, to see you shine the way you used to in his close vicinity, to joke around with you like good friends, to at least be your friend if he could not be your lover.
You turn to Jimin, pain and anger mixing together inside of you giving you confidence to say your last words to him.
“I’m so sorry for being a nuisance to you mister Park, I’ll be sure to give you all the space now” you bow slightly to the man and turning away abruptly to completely isolate yourself from the man you still wished to be your lover.
The rapid tapping of Namjoons foot was the only sound in the eerily quiet studio.
“Nothing you want to talk about?” Namjoon’s voice broke the silence.
“Not particularly…” Jimin let out a sign resting his locked arms on his thighs, eyes moving from his leader to every corner of the room, afraid that the hyung’s fierce gaze will make him spill all the secrets he’s been keeping from all.
“Do you know why I asked you to come here?” Namjoon’s low voice hinted at the significance of this conversation, but Jimin only remained silent.
Jimin turned his head to the left, Namjoon’s form leaving his perifery vision.
“Be respectful and look at me when I talk to you” his voice was louder this time “You’re almost never at the dorms and no one ever knows where you are. I get that you like to have fun outside of work but you could keep it to a low when we only have a month before the tour. Also I didn’t want to mention it before for obvious reasons but have you been eating? Because in all honesty Jimin you do not look good… like you don’t look healthy, you’re beyond thin nowadays, which makes me question whether or not you’ve been eating lately and that is not acceptable. I understand… we all understand that you want to look good for our armys but you’re going too far with all the practicing too…” Namjoon’s whole being radiates frustration as he tries to get the younger man to see the problems.
“Also you have distanced yourself from the group… it’s really hard to work together when someone is outside of the whole system, whenever we’re practicing it’s like you’re not actually here, not to mention all the meetings where you have not uttered a single word with the group...” Slowly Namjoon tries to approach the most uncomfortable of topics. “and Y/n…”
The mere mention of your name makes Jimin tear up and lock eyes with his hyung.
“I don’t know what happened between the two of you… was it her or was it you that started all of this… but as much as I love you Jimin I can’t stand behind your actions. You have been unreasonably cruel to her and I can’t understand why. I would ask you to fix the situation but like I said, I don’t know anything abou-”
“I’m so sorry hyung” Jimin drops to his knees in front of the older male hugging his legs, begging for forgiveness. ”I’ll try to be better hyung… I’m so sorry for everything… I’m so sorry that I am not good enough”
Hard sobs escaped Jimin’s lips as he continued apologizing to an alarmed Namjoon.
“Everything is gonna be okey…just let it out, it will be better soon” Namjoon slid out of the chair and hugged his younger friend, holding him in a strong grip, making sure to stick his broken pieces back together.
“it hurts so much hyung… I can’t hide it no more…she… hurts so much” Jimins body was shaking with every tiny breath he took and the hard crying was making him dizzy and he felt like he might just fly out into the space. But he was no longer alone the only thing holding him down now was his friend, a friend who wants to help him, who wants to understand.
The revelation that he is not alone calms him down enough to give him back the ability to form sentences. That is when everything starts to spill out of his lips. Jimin tells Namjoon everything from his major crush on you to the horrible way he has been treating you and to the main reason why.
Thw two of them don’t even notice when the dead of night changes to the sunny morning. The entire night has passed as Jimin utters the last words.
“-and that is how I ended up here, in your studio, on the floor, crying my heart out because she chose him instead of me…”
“You have to fix it Jimin. I don’t know anything about what’s going on between Y/n and Jin, but that does not matter, you still owe her an apology for the way you treated her” Namjoons wise words initiate an intent inside Jimins heart, one that has to do with making it right with you.
“I promise hyung, I’ll do everything to make her forgive me… even if it means that I’ll never have her.” Jimin narrows his head at the thought that you might not forgive him, because, in all honesty, you have every right not to.
 It has been 2 weeks after your last incident with Jimin and you have run out of excuses to skip work. To your displease you had no vacation days left and yesterday was your last official sick day, which meant that today at 8 AM sharp you’ll walk through the doors of the infamous Hybe building and greet numerous eyes that you’ve been actively avoiding.
The missed calls and texts are still unanswered, creating a pile of notifications on your phone screen, but in all honesty you barely had any strength to get out of the bed this morning, let alone respond to hundreds of messages from your best friend and others.
You did see a couple messages from Jin. He was threatening to show up at your house with police if you don’t let him in and continue to ignore him, but thankfully you had been keeping yourself locked away from the surrounding world in your friend’s apartment that has been vacant for months and Jin knew nothing of.
Although now as you step into the building after a long lunch hour you wish you had responded at least once to let him know you were alive and well. The unreadable expression on Jin’s face scaring you more than the devil himself. He struts over to you and grabs your arm without a notice before dragging you to a nearby room.
His back is to you as he closes the door and immediately you begin apologizing.
“Jinnie I’m so sorry I didn-”
Your breath gets knocked out of you from the sheer force of Jin‘s embrace.
“Thank god you’re still here. I- we all thought that you left or that something happened to you. But I’m so happy now, even though I was so mad at you for not texting back.”
“I’m sorry really, I just haven’t been in the best of headspace lately… I needed to work with myself a bit… alone ya know” you offered him a soft reassuring smile and watched his bread cheeks rise as he nodded at you acknowledging your statement.
“I understand. Now let’s go back to work before we get fired- oh and dinner at our dorms tonight?” he asks leading you out of the room and toward the elevator.
“Absolutely” you beam at him.
“Oh one last thing” Jin put his hand between the elevator doors “you need to talk to Jimin today” he says nervously.
“I know” you nod determined to solve all the problems that have been weighing you down, ready for your new chapter to come.
It’s late when you finish your work that had piled up during your absence. You check the time on your phone, a single new message from Jin reminding you of the dinner that was in about an hour. You take your bag and coat into your arms and exit your cubicle.
Since practice time is over you decide to walk through the practice rooms having forgotten their spacious feel after the scrutinizing two weeks at a small apartment.
A particular beat catches your ear as you walk down the hall. You identify the music as a BTS song which peaks your interest. You near the unclosed door and take a peek inside. You’re greeted with a sight you definitely did not expect to see.
Jimin is kneeling on the floor his head narrowed down. Your first thought is that he’s once again perfecting a routine like he usually does but a painful cry and a harsh shake of his frame alarms you.
You instantly drop your bag and coat to the ground and run to him and get down next to him putting your hand in his shoulder, shaking him to get his attention.
His head snaps up at you and then is when you notice his eyes full of pain causing distress to build in your chest. You pull him into a tight hug tears now forming in your own eyes. His body continues to shake against yours and you hand begins to soothe his back while your own tears run dampening his shoulder.You pull away first to check up on him.
“Are you hurt?” Your voice laced with concern speaks out as you lock your eyes with his searching for an answer.
He looks at the space between the two of you and nods his head confirming your question, which makes you panic.
“What!? Where?! What hurts?!” You frantically start scanning from his face running down to his hands and legs that are curled beneath him.
“Here” he points at his chest right where his heart is located.
“Did you fall and hurt it? Let me see maybe I can fix you up…” your eyes lock on the location and your hands lift from your lap to examine the place but before you can get any closer his voice stops you.
“No.” he stressed.
You promptly straighten up and away from him putting your hands in your lap caving in yourself to keep your distance from him.
“I’m sorry…” you mumble.
Now Jimin became panicked seeing you distancing yourself from him.
“Nonono that’s not ... unhh you keep taking everything wrong Y/n” he runs his hands through his hair frustrated with himself mostly for not being able to communicate his feelings with you.
“I didn’t fall.” it comes out with a sign.
“Do you know why it hurts then?” you question him full heartedly, all you want to do is help him with his pain.
“Yes, I know”
You look up at him again “well what hurt you?”
“You did.” He meets your gaze and watches the horror encrust your features realizing that he could have worded that better.
Your first thought was that maybe you squeezed him too hard while you were hugging him, but he was crying even before you came in… And then it hit you. He wasn’t talking about you physically hurting him…
“Me? I-I don’t understand Jimin … you were the one who told me to act like a staff because we weren’t friends” you were fighting your body trying to keep your compose saying those words in front of him when all you wanted was to let your tears flow.
“You disappeared. For weeks.” His tone strained.
“YOU wanted me away”
“No that’s not what I said”
“That is exactly what you said”
“Okay I did, but that’s not what I meant … I’m not sure I even meant anything by that. Maybe I just hoped that you’d stop being with Hyung so much.”
“What? Jimin I don’t think I understand” your eyebrows furrow at his last statement.
“Well I didn’t understand you for a long time too and I don’t understand you still”
Silence engulfs both of you as you think of what to say next.
“Why didn’t you take my hoodie?”
“Back then at the cafe. You were cold and I wanted to give you my hoodie to keep you warm because I care about you and I-I didn’t want you to get sick, but then you refused me, not because you weren’t cold, because just seconds later you took hyungs hoodie…so I… my question is why not me? Why him?”
You didn’t know what perplexed you more the question or his note to a certain hyung that he believed you were involved with, but before you could get a word out he continued.
“Also the time when you were over at the dorms making us food and once again you chose his help over mine”
“Aaaand you even stayed the night at the dorms which you NEVER do but because HE gave you HIS clothes to sleep in.” he takes a deep breath trying to put together the last of his rant.
“Y/n I just want to know why I couldn’t be the one to make you warm, help you cook or have you stay with me whenever I wanted, why your eyes couldn’t look at me so lovingly why couldn’t your smile be directed to me. Why can’t I be the one for you to love?”
He’s still on his knees in front of you tears streaming down his cheeks. Now you can see what your best friend and the boys and even some older staff have been telling you for the past year. Park Jimin does love you.
“Jimin” you begin with a small voice. He’s still breathing heavily after his emotional rant.
“Do you love me?” your question comes out smooth like butter making Jimin frown even further.
“I know you love him.” he stands “so I’m gonna spare your heart Y/n out of respect for you and Jin hyung...I won’t stand between your happiness” he turns away from you, but before he can step away and leave you distraught on the floor, you catch his hand jumping onto your feet. You knew exactly what to say to Jimin now.
“I don’t love Jin.” You beam at him “well I do but in a way I love all my friends”
“There are no buts. He’s my friend, he understands me and he knows a lot about me, and he knows about my crushes, and how crushed you made me feel, and he even pushed me to talk with you! I don’t like him in the way that I like you Jimin, I never did and I never will” your eyes sparkle as you stare intently into his eyes watching him connect all the dots inside his head.
“You chose him over me Y/n, many times…” he can’t shake the insecurity.
“I didn’t choose him over you. Jimin you have to understand that a girl like me isn’t supposed to like a boy like you. But I still did and it made me so self-aware...in literally the worst way… Whenever you were close or paid any form of attention to me it’s like a little voice would recite me all that’s wrong with me inside of my head” tears began to develop again as you remembered all the beautiful moments that were smudged with self-hatred.
“Y/n there is nothing wrong with you” he pulls you closer to him by your interlocked hands.
Your gaze is on your feet as your mind is still clouded with ancient worry. Jimin softly places his hands on your cheeks and makes you face him.
“There is nothing wrong with you. There has never been anything wrong with you. I wish you could see yourself for the way I see you” he speaks with intent, not letting you miss a beat.
“Jiminie I like you, I only ever liked you but I just wasn’t sure you’d like me back…” your lips form a little pout, which makes a smile break out on Jimin’s face.
“But that’s alright now. Because I do like you” his warm thumb caresses your cheek making a smile light up your face.
“I’m sorry I was rude to you Y/n, I was so jealous of hyung for the relationship you shared. Please forgive me?” he gives you his puppy eyes, the one’s you could never say no to…
“Of course I forgive you, but only if you forgive me for taking Jinnies hoodie”
“I’d rather have you in his hoodie than freezing” he wraps his hands around your waist hiding his face in your neck and takes a deep breath in. War is finally over.
“I think it’s about time we went home, you need sleep” you pull back from him.
“Do I look that bad?” he frowns.
“You actually do, sorry sweetie” you offer him an apologetic smile at which he only laughs and packs up his stuff quickly.
You put your coats and gloves on and exit the building together, both Jimin’s and your bags slung over his shoulder. It’s snowing slowly and the air is crisp with the dry cold.
“Are you hungry? We should get you something from the store” you turn to him. He turns to you and takes your hand in his.
“It’s okay, I’m full” he gives your hand a squeeze and gives you his warm smile and you smile right back at him, warmth filling you up inside.
When you arrive at the dorms he helps you out of your coat and slips out of his quickly.
“I need a shower” he smells himself and you chuckle making him go beet-red in the face.
“Then go take one, I won’t leave you” you reassure him with a smile.
“I’ll be quick, you can go to my room if you want, also the boys are out at the movies so feel right at home” he smiles at you again before entering the bathroom.
You instantly go to the kitchen and prepare him a quick meal with minute rice, ramen noodles, warm pork belly and some kimchi. You had completely forgotten about the said dinner that was happening tonight, must have been one of Jin’s ploys to get you and Jimin back together. That thought makes you chuckle now.
You gather the bowls and bring them to his room, placing them on the table right when he enters. He only has a towel wrapped around his torso leaving the rest of him to be observed.
“Yah why aren’t you dressed!” you panic and cover your eyes with your hands.
“I forgot to take clean clothes with me, you’re really distracting to me you know?” he smiles at you and you shake your head laughing.
“Get dressed and come eat you casanova”
“You made me food?” he clutches a t-shirt to his chest.
“Yes so don’t let it get cold.”
He quickly picks up few articles of clothes from his huge closet and runs out of the room returning only seconds later fully dressed in a black T-shirt and lilac sweatpants.
You smile at him.
“Let’s eat” he rubs his hands together and sits at the table where you’re already sat waiting for him.
He overlooks the table a genuine smile pulling at his lips. He looks at you again. You look between him and the food.
”Is something wrong? Why aren’t you eating?” you get nervous that he doesn’t find the food appetizing.
“Y/n I need to say something to you and you don’t have to say it back okay.” He breathes out.
“I love you Y/n, I truly love you. Thank you, for everything”
You’re left speechless by his words and bite your lip to keep your mouth from falling open.
After he’s done shoveling every bit of food into his mouth and asking you about a hundred times that you should have some too he lets out a breath his hand resting comfortably on his stomach.
“You didn’t have to eat everything Jiminie, it might have been too much” you take notice of his comical position.
“But you made it for me, I couldn’t leave anything behind“
You caress his cheek and he melts into your hand closing his eyes and putting his hand on yours.
“You should go to sleep minnie, you’ve been working hard”
He locks his pleading eyes on you “will you stay?”
“I can if you want me to” your words make him nod his head like an eager child.
“Although I don’t really have anything to sleep in…” you tap your finger on your chin deep in thought “I could ask Jin for some pjs..” you think aloud and Jimin almost falls out of his chair.
“Hey! I’m right here! You’ll wear my clothes only!”
“I thought you said that’s it’s alright if I wear Jin’s clothes” you decide to annoy him a little bit.
“I changed my mind. You can only wear my clothes” he stands from the table and brings out a matching lilac hoodie and black sweatpants. He stands before you handing them to you.
“Jimin… I won’t fit into that” you tell him truthfully not wanting to go running around circles again.
“Well you can look into my closet I’m sure you can find something that you’ll like” he gives you the most reassuring smile, you can’t help but submit to him.
You open up the closed and rummage through his T-shirts grabbing a black one that looked large enough to fit on you and some lilac shorts (secretly wanting to match with Jimin). You put them on in the bathroom and surprisingly they fit… of course the shorts hug your curves but they aren’t glued to your skin and very comfy while the shirt fits almost perfectly.
When you return to the room the dishes are gone and Jimin is lying on the bed. The click of the door takes his attention and his mouth falls open.
“What?” You ask confused, getting hot in your face.
“You look so beautiful in my clothes” he obsesses with the image of you standing in front of him in HIS clothes. His heart beats like crazy seeing you turn red at his compliment and he stands up to drag you into bed with him.
You lay together now eyes on one another hands interlocked, smiles covering your faces.
“Yes jagi?” his use of the nickname makes you blush again.
“I love you too”
His face becomes serious as his eyes look down at your lips before he descends at you. The next thing you know his hand is cupping your cheek and yours is on the back of his neck both of your lips interlocked in a warm embrace of each other.
And at that moment the two of you smiled into the kiss, you both knew that no matter the circumstances your love was each other’s kalon.
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la0hu · 2 months
skz ate first impressions
something extremely 2015 about this beat… something very NEFFEX/imagine dragons adjacent… i think it’s objectively maybe terrible but i also actually have two entire spotify playlists dedicated to this genre of music bc i love it. league of legends AMV music. 6/10
Chk Chk Boom
dude these tones are so different from what they normally do??? changbin, jeongin, seungmin, chan? all in a row?
wait hold on this bumps... actually. guys i think it bumps?
not the la vida loca lmao
the best parts are the verses but they’re excellent. chorus is okay; i’m guessing the choreo will make up for it. i hate how short the song is though. 7.5/10 (btw SO much better than lalalala)
oh fuck yeah. this is what i signed up for. same table as ITEM and DOMINO just from the opening beat. prechorus is boring though.
GOTdamn! lol the chorus is so silly i love it… all the food references are reminding me of Cheese
my synesthesia is really confused right now. i worry this song isn’t super cohesive and it’ll be forgotten in the archives (e.g. get lit, top line). or maybe it’s gonna be a certified hit. it’s walking that line… i like the half-assed EDM breakdown in the bridge! 9/10*
I Like it
snoreeeeee. this song sucks lol. 2/10*
(it reminds me too much of Charlie Puth or contemporary Jungkook. i hate the pop elements. they should’ve leaned into the drill more, or done Hanpop, or whatever they did with Ex or Chill or Mixtape: OH or literally any other type of pop. i thought it was super fun and sexy they wrote a song about flings but they fumbled the production here)
i am getting the cyberpunk vibes chan was talking about, it’s nice i guess. wait no the chorus is bad. they should’ve made it actually edgy, not this inspirational major key schlock.
rare case of me disliking felix’s verse
it’s giving Blind Spot, which i didn’t like for similar reasons. the song isn’t done yet but i’m already sure it’s a 4/10
it’s alright i guess? never been a ballad girl. i think i liked Cover Me more. 4/10
Stray Kids
it’s my kryptonite… drum and bass with felix’s higher register… beautiful angel
to be completely honest i cannot rate this song objectively. despite all the cynicism and harsh reviews i give them, i’m still a stay and i feel so sentimental at the chorus i can’t think past that lol. maybe the beat is boring but does it matter? it’s a tribute song. they say “hellevator” and i’m already sold. 8/10
Chk Chk Boom festival ver.
wait hold on. i didn’t hear this choral instrumental. actually this is good lol you could totally play this at a festival! i thought it was just a sped-up version but now i’ve completely changed my mind; this is extremely valid. still don’t love the sped-up verses but i love DJ VXNILLX. 7/10
some final notes: i was trapped on the I-90 after work today and blasted the album the entire time, and upon further reflection, JJAM is cohesive and is thus a certified hit, and although i still think I Like It is still kind of bad, i also think it's catchy and i like the despicability of the lyrics.
unfortunately i do think this album is just another variation on a theme that was established with Rock-star, where it's a mini album with one title track, one JJAM/ITEM/COMFLEX, one I Like It / Blind Spot / Leave, one ballad, one Megaverse/Mountains to start off the tracklist (they're literally the same song actually), and a couple semi sentimental tracks to close out the album (compare Runners to Social Path to Stray Kids the song). it's a formula and it's not completely divorced from what they did with Maxident for example, but their sound isn't really changing much since 5-star dropped. i miss the whiplash i got when they went from Oddinary to Maxident. and as much as i do actually like Chk Chk Boom, it feels like they're definitely trying to make something to market, and the sub-three minute duration makes the song suffer for it
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binary5tar1117 · 5 months
I'm rewatching Pit Babe to write a fic and I'll try not to make it everyone's problem
I'm just gonna keep updating this post when I get the urge to share instead of making a million posts
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Look at Way glaring daggers at Charlie when he compliments Babe after the bet with Winner 🤣🤣
Going from watching Benz being sweet and emotional during Boy's Journey to beating the shit out of Pooh is giving me a bit of whiplash. Clearly hes a good actor though lol
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More glares. If they fuck in the car in Way's garage I can just picture the salty annoyance
Damn Nut is such a good actor. I'm rewatching specifically for him basically so I'm noticing all the little things. When Babe is in the hospital and starts to realize he lots his powers, Way notices and hesitates to leave with Alan... though he does cuz Charlie is there.
Ya know Way gets hate for kissing Babe while he has him under his control (and yes it's implied he was going to do more but he never actually did and we don't know he would have gone through with it) BUT Charlie also gives Babe a sponge bath while he's "asleep" after Babe as explicitly told him to stay away. That seems as bad or worse than a kiss. Both should count as sexual assault at least even if you don't say one was worse or not. But Charlie gets forgiven and Way gets crucified (almost literally in that he has to die to make up for it while Charlie the fucking stalker floats of to his happily ever after)
Okay I was feeling a little disappointed that everyone is so keen on Kim/Kenta and Pete/Way but like... come on
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Ignoring the knife they look like they are about to make out! And we know they kissed as teenagers. There was no where near this level of sexual tension when Kenta had the knife to Kim's throat just saying. Like I get that Garfield and Benz are "paired" but ... they should have thought of that before doing this casting.
(Complete side note but I don't remember thinking Kenta/Garfield was hot on my first watch but my love for Kenta has grown and I guess so to has my attraction.)
So in this nobody cares post I'm going to point out:
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This is Way giving Babe water. Someone on youtube made an edit showing all the times Way gives him alcohol and Charlie gives him food or water or takes the alcohol away. Thus implying that Charlie is better than Way.
It doesn't bother me that people point out issues with Way. He definitely has them. In fact that video made me think about this and notice this small gesture. But it irks me to no end that people do it by saying Charlie is so much better when he just fucking isn't. He is also a manipulative liar that SAs Babe. It's just played off cuter so people ignore it.
AAAHHHHHGHGHGHGH Charlie is such a manipulative little bitch! Jebus You'd think Way would be the manipulative one but Charlie is such a fucked child using his kicked puppy pouty face whenever he doesn't get his way and this if he doesn't just completely ignore what's being said and does whatever the fuck he wants.
Like listen, your fuck buddy not quite boyfriend is giving you a car after having known each other for a grand total of like at best 9 days or something. And you pick a car, fully knowing the importance of a car as the first one he won in, and get told no and immediately pout like a goddamn child. Instead of the normal reaction of like, oh yeah okay that's fair there are a bunch of other cars here. I wouldn't want to take something with such huge sentimental value when we barely know each other.
Charlie and Way are canonically (in the show i don't know about the novel) nearly equally shitty to Babe but Way is the bad guy and Charlie is a fucking saint. This will never not irritate the crap out of me.
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I love Nut because this is the face Way made when Babe asked if Way was there to find a hook up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not so much Babe
Thought: if you had no idea what omegaverse was and you watched pit babe... you would still have no idea what omega verse is. Like watching the show and then reading some like real mpreg knotting/slick/heat/mating bites type smut... they do not feel like the same thing. And like I get that it's for like actual TV so probably why tamer but... it feels like the bromance of abo. Like yeah there's a hint of it but it's not explicit about it. The only part that gets explicit is that Way can get Babe pregnant but even that isn't 100% clear? It refrences Babe’s kid, not necessarily Babe getting pregnant? I though Way was an Omega and hed be the one pregnant for the longest time and enigma was just a translation thing. Which is mpreg yes but still kinda fades into the background of the general just vaguely Sci fi feel? Maybe this is the geologist meme thing though.
Worth noting and I should get screen shots. But I can see where people say Way uses his powers on Babe earlier.
Anyway second thought. I'm gonna need to block the tag when season 2 comes out. I suspect everyone cooing over Charlie and shitting on Way will drive me up a wall. And make me not enjoy the show. I suspect from the old posts that are showing up in the tag on my dash that I'd have hated the show as much as I hate kp if it'd watched it as it aired.
It seems like Garfield and Benz are paired up (along with Nut and Ping) but in Pit Babe they make Kenta and Pete more of a thing. Way Pete is kinda hinted at but Kenta and Pete actually kiss. And Kim feels like he should be with North and Sonic of something.
Watching Boy's Journey sometimes I try to consider how I would have cast them if it were up to me.
Pavel IS Babe that's no question. And Nut is sooo good as Way and apparently has personal experience with the whole unrequited love thing. The only real options for Alan are Sai and Ping and I think Sai suits Alan better. Also Micheal and North are like the same person. I dunno if they rewrote that character to be like that or what.
After much deliberation I think I'd also leave Benz, Topten and Pon as Kim, Sonic and Jeff. But I'm shuffling Ping, Pop, Garfield and Lee. My reasoning is... Kenta and Pete should be an established pair and Dean and Winner should be paired with Kim and Way because all four never really pair up in the show. (Though I ship Kim with North and Sonic and SO MUCH way with Babe and Charlie.) So that means Ping and Garfield as Winner and Dean respectively. Which leaves Pop and Lee as Kenta and Pete and it could really go either way, though I lean more toward Lee as Kenta and Pop as Pete.
Though this is assuming the ship have the stay the same. If I were pairing them up from scratch... I dunno I have to watch more Boy's Journey.
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
hello katsuki has a slight crush on your bratty ass and so he's the first to notice how into you sero is and when you attempt denying "any chance sero is interested" katsuki rolls his eyes and offers like, really specific examples lol
he'll be like "yeah sure that's why he looks at yah after every stupid joke he makes to denki to see if it made you laugh🙄🙄"
and you're like... does he... do that?😳🙈
the man basically accidentally gets yall together by how many things he points out hahaha
Hello Gracie, my darling dear, what a lovely little gift you have left me! I hope you don't mind if I expand a little, do you?
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Katsuki didn't even mean for this crush to start; especially not after the horrible first introduction, he had with you. Where you so rudely slammed the door in his face when he stopped by looking for Kirishima; unimpressed by him and his presence interrupting your day.
And it wasn't like he could grumble about it and move on, oh no of course not. It wasn't like your roommate was dating his best friend or anything, not like he now had to be dragged along to hang out with them every now and then, and not like your roommate would bring you to fill out the pairs.
He was stuck with you. And likewise, you were stuck with him.
And he really truly didn't know what your problem was with him, why you would scrunch your nose up at him, furrow your brows, whenever he moved to be next to you; or whenever the suggestion would arise to go off into pairs separately to enjoy the whatever event you both were dragged to. Or why you had this horrible habit of sassing him whenever would try and talk to you - that every time he spoke highly of himself, or tried to compliment you, you would always snap back with a retort - hating that sometimes they were clever or spot on.
You were an absolute total brat, and Katsuki hated that he liked it so much. Hated that he found himself doing small things to make your life easier, like grabbing you a warm drink before meeting up with you and your roommate. Or bringing an extra jacket or mittens whenever there was an activity outside and you were ill-prepared for the cold. Or that he would tell Kirishima, and the rest of his friends, to "quiet the fuck down" whenever they got together for drinks and games at Kirishima's place because he knew the noise would penetrate through the walls and keep you from sleeping soundly.
And god did he hate the way you acted around Sero.
How that same calm, cool. collected and bratty girl you were around him would melt into a flustered puddle around Sero. The first time he witnessed it Katsuki swore he got whiplash. What was he doing differently? What did Sero have that he didn't? He didn't know, but he certainly didn't like it at all.
How his eyes would glare in Sero's direction whenever he heard you giggling up at him. Scoffing whenever you deliberately make your way over to Sero at every get-together, despite the fact he was the reason you were there in the first place. And certainly would clench his fists whenever he saw Sero place his hands on your waist or back when an action like that would normally lead you to a slap of his hands off.
He was whipped, utterly and totally by you and he hated you couldn't see it. Hated that you couldn't even see that Sero was interested too; that you were so totally blind when someone was interested in you, what their intentions were. Katsuki knew you were smart, but this was starting to question that notion.
Especially when you dragged him off to a secluded corner at the usual bar you all hung out in and asked "any chance Sero is interested"
He felt a lot of emotions at that moment. Annoyance at your obliviousness, confusion as to why you would even think to ask such a dumb question, and the sinking feeling in his heart of hope being dashed away.
Katsuki grew to like you, a lot. But at that moment he knew for certain that it was all one-sided - that any feelings you may have towards him were platonic at best. That those sweet eyes of yours, that were blinking up at him, would never hold the same kind of want and desire his eyes held when he looked down at you.
But he couldn't let you know that. Not like it was your fault this was happening anyway. So he scoffed, rolling his eyes as he took a swig of his drink; doing his best to keep any sort of emotion from leaking into his expression.
"Yeah sure that's why he looks at yah after every stupid joke he makes to Denki to see if it made you laugh."
Katsuki knew he was putting his foot in his mouth, ruining any and all chances he could possibly have to call you his, as he rambled off the list of small things his friend was doing to gain your attention; to gage whether or not you specifically were giving him the time of day.
But he wanted you happy, and if that meant you were with Sero and not him; so be it. If it meant he had to stand at an arm's distance and be your friend, so be it.
Katsuki loved you after all, and that is the sacrifice one does for love.
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I know you said accidentally, but I read that as angst.
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bisluthq · 3 months
But that's exactly it. Ofc I wasn't expecting Tree to give away Matty as the affair. But during the relationship, she downplayed the whole thing to the press as yk they are just having fun, it's just a crush. I remember we would get weekly articles about how they were just having fun and written in such a way it made them look like high schoolers. I also remember everyone getting annoyed by the amount of articles and then having to see him at the weekend.
Which is funny because ever since the Travis thing started to happen we also keep getting a new fluff piece every week, but that was never seen as ridiculous. Like why even now we keep getting a weekly update to ensure everyone they are still together? I would tell you why but anyway...
This was during the relationship. Then it ended and still then, it was said to us it was never even a relationship. I remember everyone panicking because Tree even said "who knows what could happen again" and she never left the door open like that with anyone else. In the meanwhile he fucked off, so it was the least friendly scenario.
Oh and she also managed to even defend him and say none of the controversies about him were that serious and Taylor understood that. When has Tree even defended an ex like that? It wasn't just defending Taylor. She also said Matty didn't mean anything in a bad way as if he was just minsurdestood by everyone. That's not normal procedure, so it looked a lot like it wasn't a definitive breakup at all.
If you think about it, wouldn't it feel a bit insulting to be in a relationship with someone and is supposed to be serious to both of you yet she has her publicist putting out articles that it's all fun and games? how do you think Taylor explained that to Matty?
So that was the state things were left in early June. It was never serious and yk maybe it happens again. Tree only shut the door with full force a month later when the sun posted about a reconciliation. Then, she was deadset they weren't even talking anymore. Think of a whiplash. A lot of people didn't believe, because it was so sudden and different from the first
And ofc the cheri on top was TTPD, which defied all this narrative and the people who said Tree never lies to the press so if she says Matty is not serious then we should believe her
I mean she’s a publicist lol. Her job is to spin things. Not lie necessarily but certainly spin. Which she tried to do lol and then Taylor released TTPD and wrecked her plans 🤣💀😅
I think also in a TTPD world, she HAD to leave the door a bit open because she probably wasn’t totally sure if they’d get back together lol? I don’t think she wanted to say “Matty dipped but Taylor’s still down bad for him” because no one would say that in a press release? lol.
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icharchivist · 11 months
Imo Ragazzo is a relatively normal character, so he's the straight man to most of the weirdos he's surrounded by (mainly Feather)
He has that in common with Randall, but Randall is a lot more used to the insanity by now
But it just makes for a fun dynamic
And I can definitely picture Ragazzo screaming while those weirdos are working on his arms and coming up with insane ideas
yeah totally please.
Like Ragazzo has its own edge and everything, but he's also like. strictly into it so he's always thrown off by people bringing their own vibes into his bullshit
(like Feather SSR's FE where Ragazzo tries to be so snarky by threatening someone in a way that, in itself, makes him stand out, but Feather keeps interrupting him like "yo you can't mean that that's mean" and Ragazzo's flow genuinely gets interrupted there because "wtf are you ruining my vibe dude, i worked hard on this, read the fUCKING ROOM")
But once you get out of his wheelhouse (which isn't a big wheelhouse, it's snarky murder, and he doesn't even plan on doing murders anymore), he's like, a regular guy. And he is okay with himself shaking up the vibes, but when others do it, even if it's in the same way than him, he's just "???? tf you're doing you weirdo"
So yeah him and Randall are basically the most normal of the group, while also still being little weirdos who have like One Specific Topic that will have them act off, and Randall is more likely to accept this side of his than Ragazzo is. (which probably is because yeah Randall is so used to the weirdos at this point he can't just deny he's one too, even if he's more normal than the rest of the gang. Ragazzo is too new on this, he's really "i'm the most normal person in this group of freaks")
so Randall is used to the weirdos around him, Ragazzo still has to get used to them. It also means just that Ragazzo can actually take more lowkey weird moments, but the moment they get intense he's just ???? what. problem is, our crew is full of intense people. So he never has a "can just take the lowkey weird" moment anymore.
(and yeah Randall and Ragazzo have a funny dynamic, in Ragazzo's FE he literally has this moment of "Randall my man. The most sane person of this crew. help me out." it's hilarious. So happy for them.)
So yeah i feel like, one day the mechanic crew will ask if he wants some revisions for his hands, and after the whiplash of being cared about, Ragazzo would be down to it. One of them will gleefully mention perhaps adding some weapons to his hands without entering into details, and Ragazzo's love of being flashy would be like "hell yeah i'm down". But then he sits down and all the mechanics surround him and they start to bounce off crazy ideas to crazy ideas while already grabbing onto his arms so he can't move and suddenly he's like "wait i'm in danger" and then he's constantly screaming.
So the second time it happens and someone gleefully mention taking care of his arms, he's learnt his lessons and he's highly suspicious of anyone now.
On the plus side it means he's extra careful with his arms so that he doesn't have to go through a weird maintenance period again. so hourray for that?
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Rio & Buster Pt.1
Rio: [Okay, so, depending when your birthday falls and when this getaway has been booked for, telling you when we’re told, which is assumedly when you’re like oh I might have a party and he’s like nope, you can’t]
Rio: I’m going on a minibreak for my birthday, thought I better let you know
Buster: Yeah, flights are non-refundable so
Rio: I had to ‘ruin my own surprise’ to find out, sorry
Buster: Of course you did, don’t worry about it
Buster: like I said, I hadn’t booked anything yet
Rio: Good stuff
Buster: As long as you have a good birthday
Rio: Cheers
Rio: sure I will
Buster: See you at Christmas then
Rio: Can’t wait
Buster: Me either
Rio: It’s always good, whatever family drama is happening any given year, no one cares for at least one day
Buster: That’s the spirit, babe
Rio: You know me
Rio: any excuse to be merry
Buster: Right
Rio: [let him go girl, shh]
Buster: [that wasn’t awks at all and his OTT gift isn’t gonna feel so out of the blue or anything after how you left that, oh lads]
Rio: [the way we’re gonna have whiplash about this like what, you don’t hate me again]
Buster: [a very confusing vibe to have to walk into christmas with]
Rio: [I’m like do you say something or wait because lowkey it’s such a massive thing you’d be better to wait in person but also hello, what do I say, oh lads lol]
Buster: [thank god that there are gonna be so many people there so you can avoid each other for a bit without it being obvious until you collect yourselves/have some dutch courage]
Rio: [and people do start their merriment in the AM like savages on Christmas so by the time lunch is there and been consumed, we’re all a little cray, even the children with the sheer excitement lol]
Buster: [He is defs one of those savages because clearly dreading having to see her and also Liam knowing she’s done absolutely fuck all about this and Edam are having an adorable fam christmas moment right in front of y’all’s eyes]
Rio: [Mhmm, there isn’t weird energy at all, totally not simultaneously avoiding and staring at Liam like why and why, not to mention doing the same with Buster for different reasons, what a day, don’t really blame you for getting drunker than you normally would]
Buster: [but if he’s a dick to Liam in some way, she’ll have to say something/take him aside before everyone else is like ??! cos can you not please]
Rio: [a good place to start, at least there’s plenty of places within a pub so areas are quieter than others without it being like why are you chilling here ‘cos sometimes we all need a breather from family fun times lol, not wanting to just push you away so lowkey pulling you to the bar like let’s make you a drink rn haha it’s all fun and games, nothing to see here people]
Buster: [looking at her like excuse you when they get there because he’s the one who pulls her around places usually lol ‘What’ll it be?’ like y’all really are here for drinks but we know that’s not the case because if it was he’d have just got her one she likes without asking]
Rio: [‘please don’t’ quietly but firmly, because the last thing we need is you and Liam having any kind of fight, not even answering about the drink because not the point but we’re not going to stop you making your own]
Buster: [‘I swore I wouldn’t hit him’ like I haven’t and therefore I’ve done nothing wrong]
Rio: [‘you said you’d stay away from him, it’s not hard’ because we know they’re in their own bubble, better and worse]
Buster: [‘for you’ because we’ve noticed you hardcore avoiding that man and also us, obvs]
Rio: [shrug like yes? Like you’re really owning that decision and it doesn’t just feel necessary to the point the opposite is impossible ‘there’s so many people here’ gesturing off to the main function room where basically everyone is, as if we can just pick anyone else and have a gay old time]
Buster: [‘not enough’ because the tea is that there could never be enough people around anywhere at any time to make it easy for him to ignore her or Liam rn but soz hun you’re less important as we’re blurting this out]
Rio: [we can never just outright lie, even if it would make the concept of y’all ignoring/getting over each other so much easier, we just can’t, soz ‘I know’ looking over at said room of fam now, thinking ‘may as well have a [some festive twist on a cocktail ‘cos the only one I can think of is a snowball and that’s a lot to commit to so I won’t be specific lol]’]
Buster: [making that drink for her like the gentleman he is as though he isn’t heartbroken she didn’t spend her birthday with him]
Rio: [aren’t we all boy, aren’t we all, it was clearly a terrible trip before the being outshone fiasco ‘that must’ve been so much money…’ literally as you’re thinking about all this because you have no clue how to bring this up so may as well be accidentally]
Buster: [‘that isn’t what matters’ soz but he doesn’t care about money that’s his level of privilege]
Rio: [‘but it does mean something’ like you wouldn’t just spend a load of money on a literal holiday for anyone, boy, we’re not convinced]
Buster: [‘I meant what I said’ because he did about wanting her bday to be memorable, not making that clear but we know you’ll remember]
Rio: [‘it was me who didn’t stick to what I said’ the I’M SORRY thankfully not being shouted but you know it’s there in how we sound about it ‘I don’t know how to say thank you, though’ ‘cos the word is not enough]
Buster: [‘your birthday should be special’ calling her special and making it blatant she deserves it specifically with the amount of emphasis on the your and there’s also the unspoken no matter what/if I’m there or not and you don’t need to say sorry or thanks being all in his tone and mannerisms rn]
Rio: [‘it’s not like it’s your job to make sure it happens, shouldn’t be’ because we know it really was you doing the most there, despite this]
Buster: [‘I wasn’t going to let [whatever her bf is called whether he’s got his name right or it’s just close enough because not even trying to be shady or funny here with it you’re simply that irrelevant to us hun]’ as if her flop bf could frankly but you’re too !! about it to be cocky ‘it definitely shouldn’t be his’]
Rio: [‘it isn’t, wasn’t’ too fast but we don’t have to be nice about your trip now because you’ve shown your true colours since with all the fallout so ‘I’d have rather stayed home’ like legitimately would have rather have been with our family than what that turned out to be, and that’s not shade by comparison it’s like, at least my mum would’ve given a shit and got me nice things etc]
Buster: [‘You could’ve-’ stopping himself because he’s not so drunk he actually believes she could’ve just told him what a flop this bf was being and dropped it all and gone off with him]
Rio: [‘I’m not good at ending things’ as a fact because yeah, we should’ve but we would’ve felt too bad and this felt easier but it’s not like that did her any favours in the long run]
Buster: [‘I don’t have a problem with it’ because he is that cold bitch or so he projects, we can drop our flop sister like a stone and be unfazed, ignore the whole Chlo/James/Jay situation etc etc, saying this as if he could’ve dumped her bf for her, I lol]
Rio: [‘what’s that like?’ as a genuine question and not a slam]
Buster: [‘necessary’ it sounds like he’s dissing her and calling her a soft touch or something but that’s just how he feels with the life he’s been living]
Rio: [do a breath out like yeah, probably]
Buster: [doing his own like a little sigh ‘go and enjoy yourself, yeah?’ meaning on this ski trip because I doubt very much you have yet with all that bf drama going on]
Rio: [thinking he means right now like oh, okay ‘to the point’ like lol, I got it]
Buster: [doing a wrist grab to stop her from going as if she was gonna leave rn immediately before he can stop himself, excuse us everyone because it’s so soft but so !! ‘No, go skiing’ in such an oh you manner]
Rio: [do a little soft lol because truly not what we thought you were saying ‘right now? Can I have time to pack?’]
Buster: [shaking his head like nope leave get out, but he’s clearly as amused ‘I’ll send you [however many outfits she would need for however long this trip is, just being listed cos you know he’s thought hard about every aspect of this trip and imagined her there in every possible scenario not at all casually and we’ve gotta spell that out to her]’ as if that’s nbd and not the most daddy vibe]
Rio: [sitting down as he’s speaking and not taking your eyes off him like you are literally entranced by this story he’s telling you right now because it’s too everything you’re about ‘you’ve already sent me outfits’ as if any of those date night lewks will serve you well for a ski hol but you have to remind him so he doesn’t think you’ve forgot either]
Buster: [‘you’ve already worn them’ which sounds like outfit repeating is a crime and that’s the only reason they won’t do but likewise gotta remind her that he’s seen the pics of when she has for the absolute mood that is]
Rio: [‘I wore [one of our faves] on my birthday’ really blurting that out but we have to because the point is we were thinking about you, not whatever we were doing]
Buster: [giving her a compliment really specific to that particular outfit whether the colour brings out her eyes or it’s flattering in some other way, the point is, he’s letting her know he remembers said outfit vividly because he does every outfit she tried on and he bought that day + leaning in to say this basically in her ear so nobody else hears it so that’s an added mood]
Rio: [closing your eyes because if you look at him right now you know it’s going to be THE most ‘I’ve missed you’ because something you could say, not technically a cause for concern]
Buster: [how innocent that is not would make him die though, saying her name with so much feeling in response but quiet enough it’s just for her thankfully]
Rio: [reaching out to hold his hand because there’s a bar y’all are basically hid behind so it’s not gonna be noticed and maybe you’re just trying to move him so you can squeeze past on the off chance it was ‘will you forgive me about my birthday?’ seriously because we do feel bad about it]
Buster: [looking down at their hands and back up at her as if she only did it to be forgiven but he can’t help but play with her fingers the exact same way he did when they were on their dinner date because he knows she’s being serious actually ‘Will you spend the next one with me?’ since we all remember when he said he’d spend his 19th with her, so promise to do the same, thank you]
Rio: [a face like who, me? So innocent it is now the opposite, nodding SO enthusiastically ‘if I have a new boyfriend, I’ll dump him’ so casual, not like this paired with us resting our other hand on your leg is giving the most loved up vibes ever ‘I swear’]
Buster: [‘Don’t get a new boyfriend’ as if that’s so casual and not the most possessive thing you’ve ever said, boy, and paired with him doing the kind of move where he’s acting like he has to get past/go behind her to reach something on this bar purely so he can brush up and press against her]
Rio: [we’re pushing back against you because there’s no world in which we’re capable of doing anything but ‘I don’t want one’ on the gasp you also HAVE to do; like boyfriends just happen to you, kinda, but the what we actually want is blatant and there’s no point denying that]
Buster: [meanwhile we can’t deny the noise that’s escaping from him when he tries to answer her by saying good or whatever he was gonna say, thank god this pub is noisy and full of peeps always when y’all are around each other, it wouldn’t be loud but there’s no styling it out if anyone else heard it]
Rio: [looking back at him like you didn’t realise how in his way you were like oh no, flipping round to face him to do the dance of moving him one way and yourself another like there we go, lemme help you but really you’re just pressing against him in another way ft eye contact]
Buster: [I love this for you both, dangerous and ridiculous though it is and we’ve gotta add to it him lifting her up so she can reach something because she is smol and that’s believable, not at all just seeing how many positions y’all can be in and how it feels, nope]
Rio: [acting like the noise you’re making is you struggling to reach something as you stretch and not what we all know that it is, pass whatever random thing you’ve now picked up to him ‘teamwork’ like you’re just getting on exceptionally well and this is very platonic and you’re not holding the thing between your chest and his so you’re that close]
Buster: [also sitting her on the bar at one point like she’s so in your way you’ve gotta for a sec but we all know the real reason and if you wanted her out of your way sir you wouldn’t be standing as close as you are still]
Rio: [never wearing a long enough dress/skirt for all this so we know that you can see a lot right now and we’re absolutely fine with that and our face is only red because it’s warm with all these people around, grab a bag of crisps and share them with him by popping them in his mouth at random intervals]
Buster: [I’m so relieved that those crisps are shutting him up somewhat though it won’t stop him asking her ‘Do you need me to take you outside for some air?’ like that’s not TOO dangerous and I forbid it lol, just being a concerned cousin btw, if anyone’s listening in haha]
Rio: [putting his hand on your forehead like am I hot, do I feel hot? When you know you do because you casually feel like you’re on fire ‘it’s the wine’ like wine is a code now because of your dinner date shenanigans, wrapping your own arms around his neck to help yourself down off this bar because any way you can touch him and get him to touch you without it being ‘too far’ is what we must do in this moment]
Buster: [managing to stop himself from going too far with touching her entire face and neck despite how much he wants to because he does have that opportunity to help her down from the bar that he’s ofc making the most of and he’s also shamelessly gonna put an ice cube in her mouth because again can’t get away with rubbing it all over her body but it could just be another crisp or a moment like it, so we are kidding ourselves here]
Rio: [having to hold his fingers between your lips, even for a split second, because yeah, you could be fakeout biting him for bants, but we’re barely even thinking about the excuses at this point]
Buster: [y’all are spiralling and I can’t even blame you with how insane the levels of tension between you have been for the longest time, but thank god there are loads of family members around to cockblock y’all from going outside anywhere together without even realising that’s what they’re doing because we simply wouldn’t be able to stop you from hooking up rn otherwise]
Rio: [mhmm, too much family, not enough randoms and distraction, like some child is gonna come over and want crisps themselves in a minute or an adult is gonna want another drink, so you have to stop, because we’re literally tugging at the hem of whatever he’s wearing on his top half, like are we trying to get you to take a layer off because you’re hot too or are we simply pulling you into us]
Buster: [I’m too here for this I’m like yes do it, Junie no, we cannot, I’m not rewriting st paddy’s it was great, get away from each other for a bit, thank you]
Rio: [as long as you don’t fully hookup, and lbr, we know you’re both into the idea of getting away with as much as you can in front of the fam so, go take your moments to calm down before it’s not undetectable and we know it won’t be long before you gravitate back together]
Buster: [mhmm we all know you would have been getting up to shit at the christmas dinner table if you weren’t trying to ignore each other at that point, we’re gonna have to say some of the fam get together to play cards or something so you can have a moment like that cos I love a cliche, not soz]
Rio: [that’s a very real vibe, for now, to separate you for long enough, gonna have to say Grace has found and thus cornered you to paint nails or something because that’s not something you can do together without raising eyebrows]
Buster: [me immediately like stay away from Nancy please Grace, knowing what’s coming for y’all]
Rio: [knowing that that kicks off the upcoming Summer, ew, literally like 12, grow up, yes we would throw your nails under the bus right now but we aren’t to know how strange you’re gonna get lmao]
Buster: [do anything but fight Liam to the death, meanwhile, Buster, I know you lowkey don’t wanna spend time with anyone else ever but find something]
Rio: [it’s the way that once we allow ourselves to start, we literally can’t stop checking for him, like he’s not going anywhere and yet 👀]
Buster: [it’s so mutual though, to the point that someone really should’ve clocked it, so many of y’all like Tess and Ali are out here calling themselves observant and knowing but here we are again]
Rio: [the lies we tell ourselves like this hasn’t happened before lmao, oh lads]
Buster: [they gotta be on the same team for whatever game this fam are playing so they can sit really close together with bent heads and all that jazz as well as being on opposite ends of the table for something else, hitting all those poss cliches]
Rio: [absolutely, how you’re going to concentrate in any of these games is another thing entirely but you have to try]
Buster: [this boy is so competitive he’ll find a way to still win somehow lol, god bless]
Rio: [love that for you, as does this girl because we’re not here to downplay any of your achievements just because people think you’re too cocky for their taste]
Buster: [not soz he is actually smart and hardworking and good at things and not just cocky because he’s hot and rich or for no reason whatsoever]
Rio: [we’re here for him for so many reasons and not just because he’s hot and rich, soz haters, and we will have a glorious time despite the still palpable tension]
Buster: [there’s nothing you both love more than doing the most in front of this fam, like we said, and every chance to push every possible moment as far as they can is being taken during every game that’s being played, for sure]
Rio: [sorry it’s basically their kink, we wouldn’t have got this far otherwise]
Buster: [exactly and soz but she’s also had a shit bday and all round shit time lately so she deserves this, imo]
Rio: [my boo says let her have her incest lmao but seriously, the way we’re no longer freaking out about Liam or our breakup, wasn’t going to happen any other way huns]
Buster: [nobody talk to me btw about how he’s putting protective distance between her and Liam at all times in such a deliberately subtle way so that nobody else will be able to say anything but he knows she is and feels safe because that’s so adorable and important]
Rio: [it’s so fine, not at all killing us because of course we can feel it]
Buster: [like, if there was any doubt about how deeply he actually cares, we can’t act like it’s purely a lust thing when he’s doing all this thoughtful chivalry] 
Rio: [oh we know y’all are in love, even if you’re now on the, we just wanna fuck, train of thought to rationalise it]
Buster: [the question is, can we think of any more xmas traditions and activities y’all can use to flirt indecently lmao] 
Rio: [hmm, what else do we do on xmas, it is mostly drinking and games and telly, there could be a movie put on and y’all can either watch and be cosy or use it as a chance to piss off for a minute whilst most are distracted?]
Buster: [I was thinking that because pubs have tvs, also karaoke is always an option that you could use to piss off for a bit because he’s not gonna wanna be involved in that haha] 
Rio: [a good shout, even if it’s gotta be all xmas songs for those of y’all wanting to belt ‘em out]
Buster: [so let’s do the best of both worlds and say you watch the film but piss off during karaoke though you might not be able to be as cosy and couply as you want during said film depending what babies and young kids exist because we all know they gravitate towards Rio because she’s that maternal gal] 
Rio: [that works, I don’t think there’s a huge amount of kids here because it’s the Bibi part of Gen 4 which is mostly non-fam peeps, Libi is nearly 1, Ro is preggo and Toni and Archie exist, that’s about it? Because the younger part of Gen 3 are still tweens, basically so yeah]
Buster: [how awks she’d feel around Libi rn makes me sad] 
Rio: [it is sad because you’re so the bitch to be after cuddles normally so it’s noticeable but literally Toni is the only one old enough to be toddling about and I’m sure you’re kinda clingy to your mother for obvious reasons so]
Buster: [you’re welcome for the lack of fam cockblock for once though lads] 
Rio: [it’s a relatively good time for y’all to be sneaking, unintentional but very helpful lmao, like to think you have a spot by the fire for that christmassy cliche]
Buster: [yes, I love that, also a good reason for y’all to wanna leave that spot when karaoke starts because it’s just too hot by a fire] 
Rio: [it’s a very good excuse that is more legitimate than just pissing off because he doesn’t smoke and we don’t smoke weed to the level we need to do it Xmas day thank you; but whilst the movie is on no one is gonna raise an eyebrow at blankets and being closer to share said blanket because that’s the point]
Buster: [you’d honestly look weirder if you weren’t snuggling is the excuse, tis the vibe] 
Rio: [not sorry we’re taking this and running with it because when else are we having the excuse to be lying our head on his chest]
Buster: [enjoy how wild his heartbeat is because there’s no controlling that however calm and collected he acts all the time] 
Rio: [we really would be because if you needed any confirmation he was also in this and not just playing, there you are, squeeze his hand for that hard same]
Buster: [so glad that a blanket means he can put his arms around her so tight without anyone knowing about it because that’s what’s going happen] 
Rio: [making a happy little squished noise like when you are bear hugged, but literally not louder than the volume of this TV so only he’s gonna hear that]
Buster: [moving like we’re just settling and getting comfy but really he just wants her to keep making happy noises only he can hear because we know he’s so about it] 
Rio: [we definitely are, it is who we are, wrapping our arms around your middle in this snuggle, looking up at him]
Buster: [can’t really get away with her being fully on his lap but getting as close to that as we can, she’s on his leg definitely, very unintentional santa vibes of me there lol] 
Rio: [soz we can’t sit still because you know exactly how we feel about that festive vibe]
Buster: [doing the playing with her necklace move again from their date but this time moving the clasp back round to the back of her neck and really doing the most to touch it and her hair + breath on it which isn’t even deliberate at this point] 
Rio: [thank god for the cosy vibe because we are red as fuck right now, crossing our legs so we’re even more sitting on you without it being super apparent we’ve really got comfortable]
Buster: [gotta touch her leg and just leave his hand there when she’s drawn all that attention to them, can’t not] 
Rio: [little sounds from the effort of not moving excessively to move his hand further]
Buster: [don’t want her to shh ever but doing one in her ear purely because of how hot it is] 
Rio: [pushing your head into his chest like you’re headbutting him for shhing you but again it’s the effort of having any chill]
Buster: [gotta make his own sound about it, we’ll pretend it’s like she’s winded him with that headbutt but it’s so not] 
Rio: [tap his lips literally as fast as that to shh him so it looks purely like bants and not because you wanna feel his breath again]
Buster: [shamelessly pulling at her dress under this blanket the way she did his top before as if it’s not short af and barely there already because of how she’s sitting] 
Rio: [the intake of breath we do as we instinctively push against you, cannot let it out casually]
Buster: [this boy just throwing what caution there was to the wind and bringing her the rest of the way into his lap because duh] 
Rio: [having to cover your mouth like you’re stifling a yawn so the ‘fuck’ doesn’t fully escape because we are dying now]
Buster: [as per it’s beyond mutual and he’s just trying to fully bury his head into her neck and hair, regardless of how not at all casual that is rn, saying his own ‘Jesus Christ’ so quietly but so !!! and on that baby’s bday as well, sir, putting that necklace clasp in his mouth for a sec, blink and you’d miss it but she obvs will not] 
Rio: [gripping onto his legs so hard under this blanket because we can’t handle how this feels and how you’re acting rn AT ALL ‘Buster’ like you’re just whispering for him to stop hogging the blanket or something and not that your brain has malfunctioned at this contact]
Buster: [he can’t even say her name back rn because he’s too !! we’re all just trying to cum and simultaneously not cum in front of our entire extended fam and by all I mean you pair of utter feral savages, the way he has so dramatically manoeuvred her so that they can make the most intense eye contact for a sec because he can’t speak, if any of y’all see that, no you don’t] 
Rio: [it is only sheer dumb luck you do not kiss him because this proximity and intensity demands it but luckily you remember in time and your head lands by his ear instead ‘I want this’]
Buster: [literally, it’s a miracle you both can still keep some awareness of where you are and the things you absolutely can’t get away with, almost proud of you tbh ‘I know what you want’ because he do and he wants it just as much, please whisper that, thanks so much, even though you are moving slightly to make the point and that’s not very subtle] 
Rio: [‘please’ like it’s feasible and you can when you’re already both too close to losing control here]
Buster: [‘we can’t’ as he’s continuing to behave in a way that totally contradicts what he just said]
Rio: [‘you can’ moving further back on him like see]
Buster: [when you were gonna do another shh in her ear like no no don’t be silly but then she moves and he’s dying and trying not to MOAN so he ends up just grazing her earlobe with his teeth for a sec, very much like the quick bite of the necklace clasp, thank god for all her hair so it just looks like you’re trying to whisper very quietly and be considerate]
Rio: [biting the inside of your cheeks so hard because it’s like you passed on the MOAN with that earlobe attention, shamelessly letting his body entirely support yours at this point as a must]
Buster: [he knows what she’s doing because of course he does and even though he isn’t allowed to hear her MOAN fully right here or right now he cannot help desperately wanting to because this is the feral point they’ve reached, so obviously moving in a basically involuntary way like please do it]
Rio: [soz we have to touch ourself because there’s just no way to stop it, its not like you can see from your POV because the point is no one should be able to, moving his hand to his lap like go on]
Buster: [you’ve got this far, boy, there’s likewise no way you’re gonna stop now and be like um no that’s my limit]
Rio: [making your little whimpering noises every time you make accidental contact here]
Buster: [he can’t even shh her any more soz everyone but he’s as close to losing it himself]
Rio: [excuse us everyone nothing to see here, just doing our best to silently masturbate]
Buster: [mhmm, not like the way he’s breathing on her skin again is indecent af because he really wants to kiss her and can’t, no no, and it’s not as if you’ve set yourself an impossible task here]
Rio: [not like it’s entirely too close and would be so easy to take this even further but you cannot]
Buster: [you’re trying to hold onto that last fleeting piece of self control and we respect it]
Rio: [if this film ends before y’all, you’re gonna be fuming]
Buster: [realistically I doubt that even with how careful and near silent you’ve gotta be with all your touching you’re both so ridiculously turned on rn it’s only a matter of time]
Rio: [being able to feel everything you’re doing is all it would take, never mind the situation of where you are and how you’ve been all day ‘you-’]
Buster: [Exactly, I’m honestly surprised it didn’t happen as soon as y’all started touching yourselves, lowkey impressive of you both tbf ‘no, you’ the childishness of that response isn’t lost on me and isn’t reminding me of y’all’s truth or dare moment, it’s fine]
Rio: [just saying ‘you’ over and over, not doing more than mouthing it but with increasing desperation in our expression]
Buster: [whispering her name back the way he could not when he was too overwhelmed as such a definitive no, you because !!!]
Rio: [‘holy fuck’ under your breath because you will never not react the hardest to him saying your name]
Buster: [just like he will never not be so into the way she reacts to it or over getting to say it in this context]
Rio: [‘give it to me’ because a thing you could say if he’d taken your phone or snacks or anything because we need to make you cum and we know how loud in comparison we could say that will get you because it does us]
Buster: [it really would, she knows him so well, you’re gonna have to like fake a sneeze or something sir idk because of how you’re gonna move when you do and there’s no stilling that with sheer force of will]
Rio: [a casual ‘coughing fit’ so we can smack you on the back, by which I mean hold you SO tight whilst we ride this out with you]
Buster: [I was literally like aww as if that was the most romantic thing ever, calm down Junie, a great idea though my boo]
Rio: [calm down is right lmao, I don’t even know how you’re gonna]
Buster: [mhmm, take the rest of this film to try and recover from how intense all that was, physically if not emotionally, because yeah idk how you’re gonna even begin to process any of that]
Rio: [like really, we cannot just sit here and finish this film with y’all like that didn’t just happen so get up, even if you have no real aim of where you are going, just take a sec]
Buster: [soz that you can’t also immediately get up because that’d be weird so you actually are gonna have to sit there and pretend that didn’t happen and hope the fam are engrossed in this film enough that nobody catches your eye or anything because idk how you wouldn’t simply pass away if they did, you’ll have to wait for a while before you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up, but please eventually do, hoping you don’t cross paths with Rio because that’d be awks]
Rio: [soz only one of you can piss off at a time and we moved first because we needed to, nobody come talk to us, thank you]
Buster: [Especially not Edie or Libi or Nancy thanks so much]
Rio: [At least Nancy is the only real candidate for that, even though we’re gonna wanna literally die for that, she’s oblivious]
Buster: [too real and he can’t even come and save you this time because can’t be in the proximity to you rn soz gal]
Rio: [let her brag about her presents probably like she’s a child, you don’t need to really listen, be in your own head about what just happened there and what’s happening now]
Buster: [the other girl from the posh school who I ended up friends with after my german work experience but did not like did that to me once and we were also literally 18, girl no, I hope you gals aren’t propping the bar up because when he’s cleaned himself up he’s gonna drink some more, bad idea though that is and if y’all are he’s gonna have to go direct to the cellar and we all know what’s happening down there on st paddys so that will send me if that’s where you end up hiding for a bit, boy]
Rio: [y’all can be outside ‘cos I’m sure you smoke, all posh girls do and you have a complex about trying to be skinny so you’re welcome boy]
Buster: [again, someone should really question why he’s drinking like a savage again but in this fam that isn’t gonna happen, we all know who your dad is]
Rio: [we all know y’all got your blindspots and this is deffo one of them lmao]
Buster: [I’m sure you and Nancy are still beefing so you can’t steal her stash this time, unlucky hun]
Rio: [when you simultaneous want to talk to him but also never have to see him again so you gotta say something, good idea or nah
Rio: Don’t be weird, yeah
Buster: I’m not, I’m being merry
Rio: I didn’t mean you were
Rio: just that there’s no need to
Buster: You either think I already am or I’m about to be, neither are nice of you
Rio: No, I don’t, don’t question my niceness
Rio: ‘cos I meant weird specifically around me, not in general
Rio: not that anyone here would notice anyway…
Buster: specifically around you is what makes it not nice
Rio: It’d be rude of you to ignore me, yes
Buster: No, it’s rude of you to imply I’m going to ignore you now
Rio: Okay, rude of you but understandable
Rio: I just asked you not to, really
Buster: Understandable because you’re assuming I got what I want and that means I’ll just dismiss you
Rio: Nah, that’s not what I’m saying
Rio: it’s fine, you’re fine, I’m fine
Buster: You’ve called me out on my bullshit for using the word you just used 3 times in a row
Rio: I’m trying not to be awkward, because we don’t need to, that’s all
Rio: but I’d get it if you were, how’s that for better wording?
Buster: You don’t have to try so hard to be or not be anything
Rio: Oh, great
Buster: You know what I mean
Rio: that in trying not to be weird, I’ve been massively weird, yep, thank you
Buster: Well, you are talking to my sister, of all people
Rio: You think that was my idea?
Rio: I was cornered
Buster: You’re allowed to tell her to fuck off
Buster: What else is Christmas for?
Rio: you could, sure
Rio: I can’t
Buster: Fine, I’ll do it for you
Buster: hold on
Rio: Not what I meant, no
Buster: Still, you’d be lying if you said you don’t want me to
Rio: In the fantasy where your sister isn’t also my cousin and someone I’m gonna have to see and talk to, as well as the rest of them
Buster: No, in our real lives where she’s a fucked up person
Rio: I’m not in the best place to judge her now
Buster: Don’t, it’s not even close to a similar situation
Rio: It’s not but it’s still not good
Buster: It’s not a crime, there’s no need to punish yourself as if you’ve committed one
Rio: I’m not, I can’t avoid her any more than I could before though, it’s unrelated but true
Buster: Yes you can
Rio: If I acted like you, people would notice
Rio: it might seem like everyone’s completely oblivious but
Buster: You care more about making a scene, when it suits you, than you do holding people accountable
Rio: When ‘holding people accountable’ achieves nothing, sure
Buster: Playing fake nice achieves nothing
Rio: I’m fake now
Buster: Yeah, sometimes
Rio: I don’t have time to not get along with people just because
Buster: It isn’t just because, it’s distancing yourself from someone for a valid reason
Rio: You have to live with her, for the time being, I see her occasionally, of course it’s different for you
Buster: Jesus, at least counter what I said with your own valid excuse
Rio: This isn’t about Nancy
Buster: Not exclusively
Rio: I’m not dumb, I know you’re talking about the Liam thing
Buster: It isn’t just about that either
Buster: it’s about you, putting yourself, and how you actually feel, last all the time
Rio: How can you even say that when I just did exactly what I wanted, despite how much of a problem it would be for everyone else if they ever found out
Buster: You did the opposite of what you wanted on your birthday, to keep the peace
Rio: It doesn’t matter now, he’s dumping me anyway
Buster: Of course it matters, it’s your whole mindset
Rio: You are too drunk to be trying to fix my life
Buster: Tell me to shut up like you mean it, at least
Rio: I dunno why you’re being so mean to me
Buster: I’m trying to help you
Rio: I don’t need help, but it’s always nice to know how shit you think I am
Buster: You don’t think you do because you don’t see it as a problem
Rio: I’m not sitting here telling you your whole personality is a problem
Buster: Mine is only a problem for other people, it doesn’t cause any for me
Rio: That’s really nice
Buster: I told you, I’m not, and it wouldn’t get either of us anywhere right now if I was
Rio: We aren’t going anywhere
Buster: You wishing I would stop doesn’t mean I’ve hit a wall
Rio: Shh, go drink some more
Buster: Have a drink with me instead of being passive aggressive as if I’m one of your least favourite relatives that have cornered you
Rio: Are you sure?
Buster: About how much you still like me? Very sure
Rio: You’re such an idiot
Buster: I know your mouth is hurting from having to stay so quiet
Rio: you got that one right, okay
Buster: if I was an idiot I wouldn’t have come up with a fun solution that’ll numb and clean it simultaneously
Rio: 🙄😏
Rio: that’s the excuse, huh
Buster: I don’t deal in excuses, I deal in opportunities and this one is perfect for getting to see you
Rio: and if anyone asks why I was biting the inside of my cheek…?
Buster: Why would they?
Rio: I mean, don’t ask if you don’t wanna know, pretty obvious
Rio: so I’ll have a drink with you but I don’t know about you looking at me
Buster: Are you daring me to make [her fave drink] with my eyes closed?
Rio: That would be pretty impressive
Buster: It’s too late though, I’ve already made it and it’s waiting for you here, like I am
Rio: so let me distract your sister quickly or she’ll be asking you to make her her own drink when she follows me
Buster: She can ask but she won’t get
Rio: just me
Buster: There’s different rules for you, our own rules
Rio: I like that
Buster: But it’s a shame they have limits or I’d have another solution for how sore your mouth is
Rio: It’s rude to tease me with what I can’t have
Buster: It’s not my fault if you aren’t using the mistletoe to your advantage
Rio: it’s a bit late to go ‘round the party and make that look like it’s not personal, you could’ve set out the ground rules earlier
Buster: You could be taller and then I wouldn’t have to be the one reaching up to steal it
Rio: Are you being serious
Buster: No, I don’t really want you to grow [however many inches lol]
Rio: 😅 Not the part I was referring to
Buster: Well, I seriously want to kiss you, I thought that was obvious
Rio: If anything was going to change your mind, it would’ve been what we just did, that’s what I thought
Buster: Did it change your mind?
Rio: not at all
Rio: and I would have to die if you felt the opposite
Buster: Please don’t, it would definitely ruin Christmas for me
Rio: And everyone else’s, not to big myself up or anything
Rio: I want to kiss you so badly
Buster: Everyone knows I only care about myself, babe
Rio: That’s not true
Buster: How else do you explain the fact that I got you something but decided against bringing it after you didn’t shower me with thanks for your birthday present?
Rio: I didn’t want to just send a message, it didn’t feel like enough
Rio: then everything blew up with [flop boyf]
Buster: Fuck him and your lack of communication, I’m gonna go home and get it
Rio: And leave me? I just convinced Nance she NEEDED to do karaoke
Buster: We’ll have our drink together first
Rio: [Come join him at this bar like oh hey, as if there���s anything casual about how !! you are to be this close to him again]
Buster: [passing her this drink that was not at all casually waiting for her with such a lingering touch because if Nancy is doing karaoke there’s no way everyone isn’t watching how hilarious that is]
Rio: [I dread to think like oh honey you humiliating yourself but you pop off hun because we’re too busy being distracted and having a moment, cheers with eye contact as you sip always]
Buster: [normally he’d love nothing more than to witness Nancy’s humiliation but that has not even registered to him as happening and he could not care less, soz our only priority is LOOKING at her] 
Rio: [‘you know how much I love my birthday present, don’t you?’ putting a hand on his shoulder ‘cos that could be casual enough but it is not right now]
Buster: [‘As much as you’ll love your christmas present’ cocky but true, whatever you’ve bought her, I’m trying to think of something that could be a reminder of y’all’s date but like I don’t wanna just hand her a bottle of wine]
Rio: [‘you don’t have to go get it’ but not in a I DON’T WANT IT way just like, I don’t need it if you don’t wanna go, btw, leaning ourself against your side, so casual, sipping, not LOOKING at you every chance we get]
Buster: [‘of course I do, I should’ve given it to you as soon as we got here’ because kicking himself that he didn’t bring it, we know why you didn’t but it’s bought and wrapped and everything]
Rio: [‘maybe not that soon’ like we had to sit through the meal and socialising with other people, because we know your gifting slaps and we’ll be in no mood for any of that nonsense after ‘give it to me in private, somehow’ looking around like I know there’s people everywhere but]
Buster: [leaning against her like a lil nudge because we know exactly what you mean but he’s also impatient af ‘You should come with me, you can open it there’ that’s how you know he’s drunk just suggesting a casual trip the baze gaff as if she has any business going with him when he says to them he’s going back for a sec for something he forgot/needs]
Rio: [when everything in you wants to grab his hand and run basically but you also know what would happen and are thinking over every possible thing it could mean for you both, biting the side of your mouth unthinkingly then being like ow lol ‘you wouldn’t want to come back’ after a while because true, neither would we]
Buster: [when he just knows, drunk or not, that she’s biting her mouth even before the ow reaction so doing the softest don’t gesture in the form of how he’s touching her wrist before he grabs some ice off the bar and puts it in her mouth the way he did earlier except not because it’s so lovingly, and all this is the lull of time before she speaks again ‘we don’t have to’ you very much do have to come back though, soz hun]
Rio: [as if you weren’t thinking about kissing him before, now it is ALL you can think about as you’re letting him take care of you with the biggest hearteyes ‘you only leave early when you have somewhere else to be’ because neither of you is a, I now wish to snuggle at home with a hot chocolate and a TV special type, so yeah, it’s not being bought]
Buster: [‘I’ll lie’ sir you cannot Nancy will know even if nobody else does that you don’t actually have plans]
Rio: [‘What if your parents or sisters come back?’]
Buster: [‘Ava wants to be here and my parents have to lie that they do too for slightly longer’ not mentioning Nancy because she can clearly be heard doing this karaoke and we know the messy flop isn’t going home early ever]
Rio: [the cinematic vibe of her just wailing in the background is tres amusing, thus we have to do a little giggle because wow, just looking at him like can we, I don’t think we can but maybe ‘you’re hard to say no to, you know’]
Buster: [it’s giving that gal singing when her little brother is absolutely losing it and I’m so amused, like, they couldn’t be more in love here, he’s giving hearteyes and a half at how adorable her giggle is while that performance is going on ‘give in to me then’ didn’t have to say that in such an intense way either did you sir]
Rio: [😳 ‘I want to’ the tone underlying how much of an understatement those three words feels to us ‘I want what you want’]
Buster: [I’m sorry that I simply refuse to let this happen, lads, she’s gonna have to have some kind of sibling crisis or something that starts occurring right that very sec so they don’t run, lord knows there’s enough of you and it makes his point of her putting everyone else first even more valid]
Rio: [it’s easily done and plausible, you can be snatched away by anyone literally right now, we don’t need to specify or have it be any sort of actual drama, just family nonsense]
Buster: [the point is, it’s a dose of reality before she gets chance to get carried away and plot device to send him on his own and separate y’all even though he’ll be lowkey fuming and more in the mood to throw it at her now lol, sulk on your way there and back hun, you have time]
Rio: [hence I better not even message you when this inevitably gets resolved before you’re back because we know what you’re going to think to that happening lol]
Buster: [mhmm we all know it’s not that deep and you should’ve just said fuck it and gone but it just isn’t who you are, at least him needing to go back to the baze gaff is more believable now he’s lowkey angry af because it’s like oh you really are annoyed you don’t have such and such and absolutely should go and get it yeah you big grump]
Rio: [everyone like you go calm down sir and we’re just stuck here now like thanks guys, definitely knocking back more drinks ourself]
Buster: [she’s gonna have time to get drunker herself and level the playing field here because he isn’t rushing back the way he would’ve when he first said about going to grab it, he’s probably gonna take twice as long as he should and I’m definitely gonna say that he has a massive row with his flop twin when he does return because no he has not calmed down enough, though he did try, and I’m sure you’ll say something bitchy or whatever gal if you’re outside smoking again but because you’re also a diva you’ll carry it on when he tries to walk away and just go inside]
Rio: [big yikes, when you know this mood is your fault but also if you intervene, it’d have to be you taking Nance away to bitch and that’s also going to piss him off so you’re just watching like I hope an adult tells you to shh Nance because I’m not able to put myself in the middle of this one]
Buster: [I’m so sorry baze you don’t need your children going at it to the level they are when you already don’t wanna be here, at least they can threaten Nancy with being taken home like a child if she doesn’t stop acting like one because how nasty this would and could be getting is a BIG yikes, but I do like to think that Ava could take him aside and calm him down since Rio cannot]
Rio: [this is true, save the day girl, baze tell that bitch off, casual family domestic, everyone else look away and pretend you do not see]
Buster: [Poor Ava should not have to but the reality is baze are busy and nobody else is gonna get through to him, so soz gal, thank GOD that preggo Ro would have already left because the last thing anyone needs is her getting involved/sitting there holier than thou like a judgy bitch]
Rio: [you wouldn’t handle it if they turned it on you hun so pipe down]
Buster: [gonna have to say whatever his gift for Rio is, it’s small enough to fit in his pocket because he can’t be doing all this whilst swinging a gift bag around because that is TOO MUCH visually for me to handle and also everyone would be like UM who is that for]
Rio: [imagine, no, we can’t be having that, Nancy would have literally snatched it, it’s too much for now hun]
Buster: [I’m cackling at the thought, lord knows when or how he’s gonna give it to her though because this is AWKS]
Rio: [when Ava has left you we can take that as our cue that you’re at least calmed from the Nancy of it all and come over with a drink as a peace offering]
Buster: [taking it and downing it so he can immediately walk away from her to make the point to her that he’s still annoyed at her specifically as if that was not obvious, without actually making it really obvious to everybody else]
Rio: [sit down wherever he was sat like well, that went well, didn’t it]
Buster: What have you got to say that isn’t a bullshit peace offering?
Rio: Why does it have to be bullshit?
Buster: Because you’re not sorry and you don’t want what I want
Rio: because you get to decide all that for me
Buster: It was your decision and you’d make exactly the same one again, you always fucking do
Rio: If I didn’t, then [whichever sib/sibs came over and ruined this] would’ve seen us go together, could’ve followed, any number of fucking things you don’t want to happen either
Buster: If you didn’t they would’ve had to solve their own problem and god forbid they do anything without involving you
Rio: If Ava needed anything, you’d do it without hesitating
Rio: it happens more because I have more brothers and sisters, I can’t help that
Buster: I’d die for Ava, the difference is she doesn’t need me to because she’s allowed to be capable and can sort her own shit unless it literally was life or death
Rio: Don’t talk about my siblings like you know anything about them
Buster: I know you
Rio: I missed the part where I fucking asked them to come over and distract me
Buster: I didn’t realise you’d also missed the glaringly obvious established pattern
Rio: You know what, fuck this
Rio: you blame me for everything
Buster: Christ, take some responsibility, you shoulder enough of theirs
Rio: Maybe you’d get it if your sister had a baby when she was 16
Buster: My sister wouldn’t, so I guess I’ll never get it
Rio: [walk away from wherever you are to the bathroom for your storm off]
Buster: [I know you’re in a mood but OUCH that was uncalled for and v rude actually, sir]
Rio: [not in the mood for our fam to be slut-shamed, thanking you lol]
Buster: [that went well, oh lads]
Rio: [when you do just wanna piss off home now but instead you have to come out and go sit with your fam to make a point]
Buster: [when you knew you’d gone too far and regretted saying it like the second you said it but you don’t wanna just come at her with a drink peace offering after calling hers bullshit so you’re just looking over at her like !]
Rio: [obviously we notice because even though we’re doing our best living my best life with my family act, we’re also sneaking peeks at you because duh]
Buster: [Eventually coming over when he can stand it no longer and being like ‘Can I talk to you for a minute?’ because he do know her and she’s not gonna make a big scene in front of the fam, gotta chance it]
Rio: [thank the lord, not unhinged like your sister because imagine if we just started brawling you here and now; but no, get up and go like okay]
Buster: [find some privacy please, nobody needs to be overhearing this convo, the awks silence as you have to walk to wherever you’re going RIP]
Rio: [lmao the awkwardness just die]
Buster: [when you get there ‘I shouldn’t have said that’ because no you shouldn’t]
Rio: [‘say what you like’ with folded arms because we’re not impressed ‘it’s what you meant’]
Buster: [‘It’s her life, she can live it how she likes, I didn’t mean to bring her into it, none of this is about her, not really’]
Rio: [‘well, all my family are beneath you in various ways but I know I’m the biggest problem, you mentioned it’]
Buster: [‘No they’re not, they were just in my way’ blurting out that truth because not that much of a snob actually, underneath it all]
Rio: [looking at him to see if he’s being truthful and not just trying to cover himself, even though he’s not really that bitch and you know it, so just nodding like alright ‘they exist, the whole family does’ shrugging like it’s in any way casual ‘there’s nothing either of us can do about that’] 
Buster: [‘I know’ lowkey so frustrated and sad that there’s nothing they can do to make this alright with the fam and be a normal couple because he hates being that bitch, he’s always had options before]
Rio: [do a sigh because it is both of those things ‘It’ll never be different, there’s no point pretending’]
Buster: [‘So what is there a point to?’ like okay if that’s the case what do we do, like should I just walk away now or what]
Rio: [a lowkey look of disbelief ‘why do I have to work it out?’ because we’re both headfucked here, boy]
Buster: [‘Because it’s always me’ blurted out in the manner of Effy’s why don’t I get to be upset moment but slightly less dramatically, because we’re having a full identity crisis here as he’s always the bitch who knows what to do and suddenly he isn’t and it’s really !!! ‘and I can’t-’ we’re having so many emotions today]
Rio: [immediately softening because we don’t like being mad and especially not at you ‘hey, it’s okay’ squeezing his hand like listen to and believe me there ‘no one is ever going to find out about what happened, there’s no pressure to work it out from anyone but us, there’s no time limit, like’]
Buster: [‘I’m sorry’ when does he ever say that but likewise when does he ever almost have a breakdown like he just did a sec ago so]
Rio: [rubbing his arm gently like I know ‘me too’ because we are in terms of it being a headfuck of a situation but we also know not everything you said about us is untrue we just didn’t want to hear it right now ‘look, if it isn’t worth it, then don’t but-’ making eye contact because obviously we want to and we aren’t going to say otherwise or you’d never go there lads ‘all we’d have to do is some planning before seeing each other, it’d be so much easier’]
Buster: [giving that eye contact back in a way that means YOU’RE WORTH IT without actually saying it because you cannot rn or you’ll end up ruining all our excellent cockblocking and I won’t allow that mr + handing her over this beautifully wrapped gift because whatever it is will defs prove how true that is because of the date reminder and how feelsy it is]
Rio: [I vibe that you pull him somewhere even more private just to be doubly sure to open this gift and not be interrupted by anyone, because we are going to have EMOTIONS and y’all don’t need to see and we need the time and space to fully appreciate, tah, gonna have to hug you because what else and how else can we convey how !! we are ‘thank you’]
Buster: [this hug being everything though because you both have EMOTIONS and nowhere else to put them]
Rio: [we are SQUEEZING you and burying our head into your chest]
Buster: [really giving this his ALL for someone who isn’t a hugger and god knows when he last did hug somebody, probably one of baze when he was a little child, proud of you, hun]
Rio: [well done boy, we love to see it, literally, looking up at you]
Buster: [resting his chin on the top of her head adorably while she does that because simply must]
Rio: [doing a happy sigh instead of a sad and frustrated one, although yeah we’re still frustrated but in a different way than a sec ago]
Buster: [let her go before there’s a kiss which isn’t allowed lol, instead fix her hair that you just messed up as a shameless excuse to just play with it and be soft]
Rio: [close your eyes and enjoy that sensation ‘I should’ve gone with you’ quietly, after a while of just chilling]
Buster: [‘I forgive you for not going if you forgive me for being a cunt when you didn’t’ because so many shoulda woulda couldas already and there’s gonna be so many more at different points cos this is a headfuck]
Rio: [just nod because of course we do ‘but I might not forgive myself for it’ like I’m mad, fyi]
Buster: [‘if you don’t, I’ll have to make you’ oh the daddy energy is back okay then]
Rio: [‘yeah?’ in the most please tell me more tone ever]
Buster: [‘I’ll have to guarantee all your regrets are distant memories and the only vivid ones from today are [and obviously recounting all your extra antics, not just during that film but before too which obvs I don’t need to because we can re-read it if we need to remember]’]
Rio: [the way this has your breathing noticeably getting faster and shallow ‘it’s been a really good christmas’ after having to swallow dramatically to calm down enough to speak]
Buster: [touching her throat after she swallows, as dramatically, there’s no need ever ‘the best so far’ because always gonna top it and y’all can enjoy thinking about what next year could be like and all the ones after, why not]
Rio: [melting into your touch like he can keep his hand there forever ‘it’s nice being friends again, so we can stick together’ because need to have no excuse to be seen with you all day]
Buster: [‘I’ve never had a friend like you’ because true in every sense, saucy and actual]
Rio: [‘I’ll be your best friend, if you want’ likewise all the ways we could mean that]
Buster: [‘I do want us to be that for each other’ so sincerely because it’s lonely at the top sis]
Rio: [smile so big because you care about him and he cares about you and it’s everything to get that confirmation]
Buster: [the actual intake of breath because her smile is so beautiful and he can’t deal before he’s then trying to get a not at all subtle look at the bitten inside of her mouth because he’s a drunken nerd and he cares that much bye]
Rio: [laughing and playfully pushing his face away like what are you doing ‘so weird’]
Buster: [‘I’m not, I’m being friendly’ the way that’s said though and then a he's putting his finger in her mouth and really softly feel where she’s bitten the inside of her cheek to shit, obvs checking the other side too and the inside her lip because gotta be v slow and indecent and thorough about this]
Rio: [the moans you can’t hold back literally with how you are in this moment ‘it hurts’ however distorted that is by his literal fingers in your mouth because we must]
Buster: [dying about it because you’ve been able to make so little noise ever, be it on your date or on this day so it’s really new and !! and of course feels like she’s being louder than she is and like y’all are closer to being caught than you are which we know you’re both into, so the way he not at all casually pushes her against a wall or whatever surface wherever they are rn like gotta hide even more is a response to all those things as much as it’s also just him being overwhelmed]
Rio: [‘OW’ ing like that also hurt way more than it did so you don’t make more indecent sounds about it but the way we’re LOOKING at you, you’re going to know how we’re actually feeling]
Buster: [the LOOK he’s giving making it known that he’s not at all sorry despite how soft he’s being holding her atm as if to make up for lowkey slamming her into something]
Rio: [‘you’re so determined to show how nice you aren’t’ standing on your tiptoes so you can ‘fix’ his hair aka run your hands through it]
Buster: [‘I want you to know so badly’ because when she said she wanted to kiss him so badly, the exact same energy, picking her up slightly so she can reach easier the way he helped her at the bar before]
Rio: [‘I want what you want’ saying each word deliberately because we do and you said we didn’t when you were pissed off so hear it, tugging his hair just slightly because we’re serious ‘You’re so-’]
Buster: [‘I shouldn’t have said that either’ likewise saying each word as deliberately because he’s as serious, at the same time as using the same fingers he put in her mouth in the same manner but running them along her flaps, for lack of a better word lol, as if we gotta know how wet her underwear is from the outside never mind the inside and that isn’t already a well known fact by this point] 
Rio: [When this contact is the realest and furthest you’ve gone so far because there’s absolutely no flimsy excuse for it, should you be caught, and this has you stunned into silence, even if you cannot help moving towards his touch]
Buster: [you’re gonna wish that you were stunned into silence sir because that same thought would have the opposite effect on him cos he’s extra, we know, and it’s your turn to make a SOUND that is too loud for where you are and soz but this isn’t the feral free for all of st paddy’s so you’ve simply gotta either hear somebody go past/talking or something and therefore be like !! about if they heard you, because this cannot be a hookup moment and it will if y’all don’t get scared straight] 
Rio: [it’d be a total amateur move to jump away from him like you’re on fire, so you just about manage that but as close as we just pushed ourself against you is how far we’re getting away, trying your best to look casual and not like you’re on the highest alert for two reasons now]
Buster: [both of you not breathing just here like 👀 but he’s always the boy with a plan who can get himself under control so ‘I did say a minute’ because he did to your fam you were sat with like maybe you should go because it has been longer than that and you can’t keep pushing your luck like this, lads, not tonight at least] 
Rio: [nod, in a daze at first but as you’re pulling your clothes back into place, nod more confidently like yeah, you’re right ‘why did you wanna talk to me?’ like what’s the story because it’s not what it actually was]
Buster: [the cogs in his head visibly turning like oh yes we need a cover story because truly you do, obvs it’s easiest to blame Nancy because everyone saw that fight with her and things have been rocky between y’all since your bday and she do be a huge bitch so it’s not inconceivable that you act like something she said/did was Rio related because she’s a mess she won’t remember and nobody would be on her side if she said she didn’t, just thinking all these things out loud, putting together the pieces in a conspiratorial whisper vibe] 
Rio: [that all tracks ‘I can make up the rest’ putting your present in your bag carefully ‘make you look bad but not quite as bad as her, like’ with a lil smirk like sounds about right, yeah?]
Buster: [his own confident nod like yes exactly because he knows she knows what she’s doing and he can trust her obvs or none of this would be happening]
Rio: [wave at him as you get out of this hiding place like okay then ‘see you later?’]
Buster: [when you really wanna pull her back in and just stay here and even start to do that before you can stop yourself + all the moves to lean in to kiss her but then you remember that you absolutely cannot start down that road again so you’re like ‘yeah, see you later’ whilst your lips are close enough to brush against hers, nbd but at least it feels like a to be continued/promise that way so that’s nice]
Rio: [‘why-’ when you likewise can’t stop yourself from starting to ask a question you already know the answer to, not that you mind the continued sensation of brushing your lips against each others, tortuous though it is]
Buster: [‘You know why’ didn’t need to say that remotely but we’re prolonging that sensation and this moment shamelessly]
Rio: [‘I forget’ because that’s the truest thing you could possibly say]
Buster: [‘It’s really fucking easy to’ because same]
Rio: [‘If we got caught now, we’d be the only ones who knew we didn’t kiss’ because you basically are]
Buster: [‘If we do, we won’t stop at a kiss’ too true ‘and we’ll still get caught before we want it to be over’ again true, you have no chill and mid hook up would be so frustrating you’d actually die]
Rio: [when you know so you don’t need to say anything ‘you didn’t let me go’ as if you made big attempts to leave]
Buster: [‘I tried’ because it would really feel like he made such a big effort to because that’s how hard it is rn and how much they don’t wanna leave each other]
Rio: [‘Third times meant to be a charm, so-’ walking away like you can bring me back this time and you better lol]
Buster: [Doing it with such a !!! move, if she thought she was getting thrown around before it’s nothing compared to this moment here ‘It should’ve been me making you cum’ pinning her hands above her head as he says this like he’s so offended at them for doing it during the film instead and it goes without saying that he’s also dry humping her to within an inch of her life in the way they could not then because they were barely able to move and this time he’s doing the absolute most]
Rio: [‘It was’ blurted out as you’re shifting all your weight onto him, pulling him closer by his belt ‘it’s been you for ages now’]
Buster: [‘on your birthday’ not a question because we know it, she wore an outfit for you despite the fact you weren’t there so]
Rio: [‘how could I think about anyone else?’ soz not soz flop boyfriend but we know he won and it wasn’t even a close competition]
Buster: [sucks to suck flop and he’s SO into it as evidenced by his v enthusiastic responses rn, telling her about his absolutely savage behaviour when she left to go to the airport and he was left to his own devices because whatever you did to deal with how turned on you were, we know it was beyond extra]
Rio: [we’re moving ferally fast because 1. We don’t have time to waste and 2. This is how hearing this makes us feel ‘did it feel as good as this?’]
Buster: [‘nothing feels as good as this’ really emphasised by how difficult it would be to get that sentence out and how it sounds when he does]
Rio: [having to bite his top because you can’t bite him yet but you also genuinely hurt your mouth before and you also want him to know how hard holding back is for you too ‘no one has done it like you’ almost mad at how true that is]
Buster: [idk how her dress isn’t getting ripped in response to all of that, sheer luck and luck only because love everything she’s doing and saying so much ‘no one does anything like you do’ the truest thing, everything she does however mundane or not is next level compared to anyone else]
Rio: [‘you don’t even know yet’ because we have done nothing in the grand scheme of things even though it feels like everything ‘I wanna be in your head as much as you’re in mine’ pressing our forehead against his, continuing to grind against you as we use the movement for leverage]
Buster: [‘You’ve been in there for years, you never leave my thoughts’ because aware that she is gonna have to go fr in person in a sec as much as we don’t wanna be thinking about it]
Rio: [hiding your face in his neck, doing frustrated little whines because yes, we do not want to leave, thanks family and universe ‘it’s so stupid’]
Buster: [doing everything he possibly can rn so they don’t have to think about it and frustrated isn’t how she feels, he’s a man on a mission, including another hot shh of course but in a there, there, I’m gonna make it okay and you feel better way not like shut it please]
Rio: [grip onto the back of his shirt like your life depends on it because you’re dying ‘I can say your name, not just think it’ and proceeding to do so, in his ear so you aren’t being as loud as it would seem to y’all in this moment]
Buster: [biting his lip so hard but the moan escapes nevertheless because that’s how into it he is and always will be, excuse us everyone]
Rio: [looking at him the most 🥺 ‘you’re the most attractive boy I have ever known’]
Buster: [saying her name back with all the feeling in the world because 🥺 likewise always kills him]
Rio: [‘we should’ve done this last year, and the year before…’ just going on and on, matching the time of your thrusts, forever and always is the vibe]
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Doing Day 7 of Dick Grayson month on Day 14 because this a totally normal and reasonable approach to time and calendars, shhh, its fine.
But this will always be my favorite Dick and Jason interaction and the source of why ‘Dick hated Jason before his death’ has never passed muster with me. I read and internalized this dynamic between them well over a decade before Jason even returned as the Red Hood, so its just like whiplash. If you grew up on this dynamic or accepted it as the norm between Dick and Jason before fandom started on their ‘Dick hated Jason’ thing, like, there was never ANY chance of that ever making any kind of sense whatsoever, lmao.
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I’m sorry but Dick throwing himself under the parental disapproval bus to get a sibling off the hook will always make 100000 times more sense to me than a Dick Grayson who takes a ‘there can only be one’ approach to hoarding Bruce’s affection and resents any sibling who gets more attention than him. Because as we all know, if there’s one thing Dick hates and is opposed to in life, its having more family. That’s definitely why he collects found families and builds communities around himself literally everywhere he goes, whether its teams like the Titans or becoming the favored neighbor of everyone in his apartment building.
And just look at how fucking soft this interaction is and try and tell me this gesture doesn’t mean the world to Jason, and is central to why no matter what he might have said to Bruce ABOUT Dick when he returned and was actively trying to get under Bruce’s skin in any way possible.....he specifically DIDN’T go after Dick personally, and even with how weird and bizarre Brothers in Blood was, when he DID first interact with Dick after his return, it was in the form of an attempt at reaching out.
I maintain that going with this take on their dynamic pre-ADITF can only ever add to Dick and Jason’s dynamic post-Red Hood, and add poignancy and pathos to it. Two brothers who remember a simpler time for them, when showing affection to each other was the easiest thing in the world, struggling to hold on to that and figure out how to move forward in the wake of tragedies that left their mark on both of them in different ways and just made everything so much more complicated without ever actually eliminating that fundamental bond of brotherhood that exists between them.
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