#like i think parts of the journal 3 pages did happen
wingsmould · 2 months
the book of bill is interesting because you cant take any of it at face value
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 months
So, for Starters: Book Of Bill Spoilers warning. Another opinion from me below. (Here's my first opinion I shared, if you havent seen it) This new one is about the lost journal pages again, of course.
Originally, I wanted to make a super big crazy essay about all the reasons I think the journal pages in BOB (The Book of Bill’s given name) are fake, and show off my super-cool totally completely sound deductive reasoning techniques in the process.  
Unfortunately, knowing myself I’m not sure I’m actually capable of accomplishing such a feat. You all know how I tend to post things in parts, sometimes out of order, often never finished. However I would like to share something in particular that’s been eating at me that I’ve seen… partially discussed, but only partially. And certainly not the part that I would like to discuss. 
It’s about the rats.
You know, the rats.
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I saw these rats being talked about since before I was even able to have a look at the book myself. 
But before I get further into it all, I would like to start off with a joke: 
Why did dead rats, eggnog, a land orca, shrimp colors, It’s a Small World After All, and an Anti-Cipherite Suit cross the road? 
Well, that’s easy. To get to the other side. 
Of the book, that is. 
If you’re anything like me, you probably skipped right to the journal pages upon contact with the book. And if you’re even MORE like me, you were probably left a little confounded by them. Not only did they seem… wrong somehow. But they also felt random. Full of odd choices of subject that didn’t make a lot of sense. Could these pages really have come from journal 3? If so, why do parts of them feel so… completely out of context? 
And this is where the rats come in. As I mentioned before, I saw many people discussing them. In particular, they were noting their connection to this passage from earlier in the book:
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Many of the related discussions also felt odd to me. Though I lacked the knowledge to be able to articulate why at the time. UNTIL, I read the book for myself from start to finish. That's when I realized something:  This is not the only time something from earlier in the book connects back to the journal pages. In fact, it happens many, many times throughout the earlier passages. (Here is a small collection of them for your perusal.)
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And then it started clicking into place. The reasons the pages felt like they were so abnormally out of context… is because they WERE lacking context!
Now, before you can finish saying “Gin, you’re an idiot.” I would like you to ponder these three questions: 
1) Why, if these pages were taken from Journal 3, should they require context from outside of it to be able to be completely understood?
2) Why is it that this context can be found in what Bill Cipher has been writing in the preceding passages up till now? 
3) If you put food in a mogwai’s mouth at midnight EST but drive it over the CST time zone line back to 11PM before it can swallow, will it still transform into a gremlin? 
Okay, you caught me, that third one is unrelated. But the first two I believe require further thinking. So let’s delve a little further into the idea. Consider this the real third question: 
3) Are we to seriously believe that these, the only pages of J3 still lost to us, just so happen to tie into the new topics from the rest of the Book of Bill over and over like this?  
And since you’ve done so well thinking thus far, I’ll ask a fourth question: 
4) Are you aware of the concepts of Watsonian and Doyalist analysis? 
Assuming you don’t and you won’t google it, I’ll skip to the important part. Watsonian analysis is to analyze a story from within it, as if you yourself were Watson making deductions in a Sherlock Holmes novel.  
Now, from a Watsonian point of view, what happens when we try to answer our earlier questions? Why should it be that the Book of Bill provides so many of these points of reference to the journal pages? 
One possible line of thought could be that Bill wrote the earlier passages of his book *around* the idea of what was contained in the pages, but I think this doesn’t work for a few reasons. For one thing, the purpose of the book is to get the reader to make a deal, not to take a whole novel to set the stage for a 3 day mini Ford adventure. For another, not all of what I described prior is really fit to be called “context”, is it? The rats, the “Small World” cassette, and the Bill-Suit are one thing, but Eggnog? Shrimp colors? Land Orcas? I certainly wouldn’t define them that way. If anything, they’d be better suited to being called “references”. And unlike the more contextual ideas, there’d be no real need for Bill to sneak mere references to the pages into his grand story.  And lastly, there are a great deal of Bill pages that have nothing to do with the content in the journal pages at all.
So what exactly am I trying to say here? 
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If we do intend to think of the callbacks outlined above as references, the only logical conclusion within the story is that the journal pages themselves are referencing back to the Book of Bill, not the other way around.
But… how? And why? Something Ford has written in the 80’s shouldn't be able to reference something Bill is writing post-weirdmageddon certainly. 
That’s because “Ford” isn’t referencing it at all!
And as for why… Well, have you ever noticed when you're writing a story on the fly, things you wrote earlier all come crashing back to you as you try to wrap things up? I believe personally that the journal pages are nothing more than a strange endcap on Bill’s crazy train of thought! And the "references" are just fuel that further the pages creation. Almost as if, to quote someone much more knowledgeable than me on this subject…
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In the end, all I've described above (as well as other aspects of the pages I've not mentioned here) leave me with the impression the pages are not real.
As I stated only a bit earlier, the idea that these pages, the only pages of J3 purported to be lost, should be so connected to the rest of the book is beyond coincidence to me. Not to mention that in order to take these pages as total truth, you must give credence to several other passages of Bill's book as well. And I'm not too keen on having to trust him that much.
To all who have read this far, even to those who may have scoffed at the ideas in here or think I've only written up nonsense. Thank you for reading and considering my thoughts.
I am not saying anyone must agree with me on this. I know some people have found the pages to be important and meaningful to them, and I do not wish to give the impression that I think my view is the end all be all correct one, or that I think lesser of those who believe in them. I only want to share my own opinions. And to anyone else who found the pages to feel "off" somehow, possibly validate their feelings too.
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praisetheaxolotl · 2 months
The Arsonist Theory, Part 4: Blame The Arson, Not The Fire
Part 1: Mandibles!
Part 2: We Get It, The Billboard Was A Metaphor
Part 3: Journey To The Vicious Spiral Nebula
Welcome to the end.
Before we start, I just want to shine a light on some interpretations of the billboard in relation to part 2 of the theory right here, and an observation about "Trust no one" that relates to the theory right here.
Once again, for those new to the theory: it proposes that Bill wasn't alone in destroying his dimension-- he had a partner, one that used him like he used Ford. The previous three posts are crucial to understanding where I'm coming from with this.
This post will mostly be some miscellaneous things that I think could support the overall theory, honestly. So I'm just gonna get started with it. And, as always:
Let's finish this.
So, something that was in the original Arsonist Theory from years ago was that Bill, oddly enough, seemed afraid of his own fire powers. He never uses them in combat, even though it would be a major advantage to him to do so. In fact, he really only seems to use fire as little more than cosmetic flair, lighting his hand on fire to make deals and other situations like that. There are really only three times he uses his fire to directly effect the environment--
Ford's dream sequence, destroying the journals, and burning up the Cipher wheel in the finale.
It's a bit strange, though. All three of those times, he didn't use his signature blue flames. He used orange flames instead.
Another thing is, remember when he died? The second the room lit on fire, he panicked. He's a dream demon, he should have been able to get the hell out of there the second he realized something was wrong! He's not powerless in this situation, so why is he acting like he is? Unless, for some reason, something about the environment reminded him of a certain... other time he was surrounded by fire? A time where, unlike now, he was powerless? Curious!
That on its own doesn't support the theory directly, however it points to lingering trauma from the destruction of Euclidia regardless.
Now... I saw a theory that made an argument that the repeated motifs of "mandibles" points to the idea that Bill might have eaten his own family.
And honestly, I agree. But...
As another layer to it, we only know that Bill had a mutation that let him see the third dimension, along with most likely fire powers since birth. So where did this sudden interest in devouring people come from?
Maybe whoever was with him was the one that taught him it. The one that told him that consuming souls meant that you would never be alone, as they would always be inside of you forever. Because, to me, it seems like an odd leap from "wants to show everyone the third dimension" to "eating people as everything burns around him." So maybe, he was influenced by something? Someone?
And another thing: When Bill is dying, in the Book Of Bill, we see two ciphers on the page.
One of them is "AXOLOTL" over and over, as to be expected.
The other? "Just fit in."
That absolutely sounds like something Euclidia would have pushed upon him! Ergo, he was remembering Euclidia in that moment, ergo the fire did definitively remind him of Euclidia, ergo he seems to get flashbacks when he sees his own fire.
This next part is pure extrapolation, so bear with me here.
Bill, on one page, mentions a highlight of his glory days as being "disassociating, and waking up to find [he'd] conquered another dynasty." Score!
Except... disassociating? Think about it.
Bill had just made a mention to disassociation, implying that he knows that he does it and knows what it feels like for him when it happens.
But when he was talking about Euclidia... he says there's a "loud buzzing in [his] ears and [he] blacks out for 30 seconds."
If this was how his disassociation usually presented itself... wouldn't he just say so?
This doesn't sound like his usual denial, either. When Bill denies something, he remains perfectly cognizant of the events that occurred, merely twisting around some details and/or justifying it to himself.
...Remember back in part one, I said I'd discuss what Bill said about his weaknesses? About how he's been touchy about them ever since... something? And how the obvious interpretation is-- especially considering that he Gatsby's us after the memory gun is mentioned-- that he's touchy ever since the Pines defeated him?
Another thing this book teaches us is that multiple versions of the same object can exist. Mainly, there have been many different iterations of the portal over the centuries.
Perhaps... multiples of some other object can exist, and have existed, and have been used against Bill?
A loud buzzing in your ears. Do you know what makes a loud buzzing noise when it's used?
"No!" You're probably thinking.
"Yes," I say.
Okay, "Probably likely" I say, but that's not as good for dramatic flair.
Sure, the buzzing isn't that loud, but once it's up to your ear... it'd be plenty loud.
One of the ciphers regarding Bill says "EVEN HIS LIES ARE LIES." Meaning, there's a secret, deeper layer to even his lies. Maybe it's that, at least here, this isn't necessarily a lie, moreso that he's operating under missing information.
And furthermore- Bill remembers some parts of what happened, judging by the text that wasn't blocked out, which does line up with how the memory gun works-- at the end of the clip, McGucket makes a reference to Bill himself, the very thing he wanted to forget.
And wouldn't that be another instance of some kind of damaging cycle? Something took away Bill's memories, now Bill has stolen the memories of another? I know, I know, it's kind of a long shot.
But you have to admit, it is interesting to think about.
Now, there might be one final thing you might be wanting from me.
If Bill was someone's accomplice, who is the bigger fish?
And to that I say...
I have no fucking idea.
Not a single clue. Bill says on his "weaknesses" page that anyone whose figured out his weaknesses haven't lived to tell the tale, but that's already verifiably false with Stan still being alive, and with the added bonus of his memory possibly being tampered with... are we sure?
I'm... not sure if the thisisnotawabsitedotcom.com lost files will have anything to do with Euclidia or not. I'm not sure what they'll be at all, honestly.
But at the end of the day, I do think this theory holds some sort of ground and is an interesting angle (pun intended) of looking at Bill's past.
Hope you all liked the theorizing, folks! Let's all wait for that countdown!!
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crystalandrose · 1 month
So my idea for my version of evil ford is that his timeline splits at the science fair incident. This ford was paranoid enough to know stanley would somehow fuck up his chance, so he fixes the machine and takes the toffee peanut bag as evidence (maybe he also pulls security footage). So ford makes it into his college and stan gets punished (but not kicked out). Stanley runs away of his own volition due to the anger at ford leaving him behind and also ratting him out to their parents. Stan partly wants to prove hes just as good as his brother and also wants to prove it to himself.
This means Ford never met Fiddleford in college. Instead, after getting a lot more grant money than from Backupsmore, he goes to Gravity Falls and works alone. Eventually, after he makes the deal with bill, he realizes he doesnt have enough experience making computer things (sourcing parts and such) to do this alone (even if bill is helping him). So he puts an ad for a research assistant good with computers. Perhaps some of this extra grant money went towards pay, and Fiddleford took the opportunity. But having no real connection to Fiddleford, Ford is more up to use him as a tool to get what he wants. So when Bill says his use is up and its time to get rid of him, Ford obliges.
Maybe since he went to this fancy college he had an easier time making connections or doing schooling quicker. So this extra time means he spends more time in partnership with bill and the connections make it easier for him to make side money he can also funnel into the portal project.
This Ford also learns more about Bill's backstory because he connects more to Bill (disconnect from family, not feeling recognized, wanting a home with people that get him/etc). So this guy is more sympathetic and knows more about Bill's desires (create a nightmare realm). Maybe Ford rationalizes it as a good thing or thinks he can talk Bill out of some destruction, or maybe at this point he wants some revenge on the world himself. So hes still on board with the portal when Bill reveals its actual purpose.
However, maybe Stanley needs another place to sleep on the couch at and sees his brother in some headline or mentioned as an inventor for some product. Or his brother needs a test dummy that can speak for the portal so he calls him. Or maybe Ford wants to potentially say his last goodbyes before he goes into what he knows is potentially the end of earth.
Fight still happens, Ford wants Stanley to thank him for money hes sent the family, for not completely ostracizing him from the family after what he did, offering him a place to stay, idk. Ford fights him, Bill possesses Ford at some point as another try to prevent Ford from getting sucked into the portal. This freaks Stan out and he pushes him. Ford, holding journal 3 (which does not have pages ripped out), chucks it at stans head (not to help him but to literally hurt him). Stan is like "wtf did i just do" and shuts the portal down, reads through the journals and thinks Ford is unwillingly possessed by a demon and spends his days trying to get him back.
Ford and Bill are now stuck in the portal, going through dimensions trying to get back to Earth in order to reopen the portal and finish what they started. I think Stan is fully anti-cipher-ified, planning on killing bill as soon as he shows up again in order to save his brother. Im thinking this Dipper and Mabel got killed by zombies or something. So when Ford does get back, stan is there super unhinged and angry and somehow eventually kills bill, leaving no statue behind. Evil ford is like "wtf" and devastated, but keeps looking for a way to bring him back. Maybe this Bill, having not gained sympathy from the axolotl, decides hes not worth rehabilitation and so hes actually dead in this reality.
(Then "canon" bill opens up a reality rift and evil ford comes through, hoorah)
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sage-nebula · 1 month
Mabel despises Bill, send post.
Okay, I'll say more than that.
One thing that I haven't seen people talk about (and that I've in fact seen some fan content ignore) is the fact that The Book of Bill makes it explicitly clear that Mabel Pines despises Bill Cipher as of the end of the series. I think there's a tendency to view Mabel as a bastion of love and forgiveness, and while it's true that Mabel does have a lot of love and kindness in her heart, a.) she's not actually an all-forgiving heroine (see: she never comes close to forgiving Gideon for attacking Dipper in "The Hand that Rocks the Mabel"), and b.) we're given explicit text on multiple pages in The Book of Bill that outline just how much she hates Bill and will actually do violence unto him (again) if she ever gets the chance. (Because remember, she got him in the eye with spray paint with extreme prejudice.)
We're first told about this when Bill recounts the story of how he visited Mabel's dreams days before Weirdmageddon in the hopes of making a deal. (Which, side note -- how was that possible? The unicorn hair spell was supposed to prevent that sort of thing from happening. I guess she must have been at a sleepover at Candy's or Grenda's house when this little dream jump occurred.) Bill at first gushes about how much he likes Mabel and would like to sway her to his side, but then:
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"Unfortunately, her mind had Wanted posters of me everywhere -- just because I possessed her brother one time!"
Mabel wasn't a fan of Bill's even before "Sock Opera," but as of "Sock Opera" it seems that there's no chance of forgiveness from her for him. And this tracks; in "The Hand that Rocks the Mabel," Gideon treated her horribly. He pressured her into the initial date with him, and then continued to use public pressure and guilt trips in order to keep her locked into successive dates and a suffocating relationship that she couldn't escape from. He was emotionally manipulative, possessive, selfish, and cruel. Despite this, Mabel still felt bad for asking Dipper to break up with him on her behalf and initially went to the factory to apologize to Gideon, until she saw him attacking Dipper through the window. It was only at that point, when he attacked her brother, that Mabel's opinion on Gideon did a 180 and he was no longer worthy of any sympathy or forgiveness in her eyes. Regardless of how he treated her, it was hurting Dipper that Mabel could not forgive.
So it makes sense, then, that possessing Dipper would be the breaking point for Mabel with Bill, particularly considering the note that Bill left for her (and specifically for her, part of it was addressed to her) to find in the car on the way back from the play at the end, as revealed in Journal 3:
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"Note to self: Possessing people is hilarious! To think of all the sensations I've been missing out on -- burning, stabbing, drowning. It's like a buffet tray of fun! Once I destroy that journal, I'll enjoy giving this body its grand finale -- by throwing it off the water tower! Best of all, people will just think Pine Tree lost his mind, and his mental form will wander in the mindscape forever. Want to join him, Shooting Star?"
(Yeah, I sure believe Bill that Mabel's a kid he likes. 😬 Maybe "likes" is more appropriate . . . even his lies are lies . . .)
So Bill possessed Dipper on purpose, threw his body down stairs, stabbed forks into his arms, poured soda into his eyes, slammed his hands in drawers, and then had planned to throw his body off a water tower, killing him in what would look like a suicide attempt. I don't think it's any wonder that after this, Bill crossed the point of no return in Mabel's mind. Bill recognizes as such by the time he's finished in her mind as well:
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"That was it. She'd never make a deal with me."
It was why he had to possess Blendin in the first place and make up the lie about a way to extend the summer; because thanks to Craz and Xyler, he knew that Mabel was sad about summer ending, and that she could be tricked by someone she thought had a way of extending summer, like a time agent. Bill had to possess a known time agent, because Mabel wouldn't have believed anyone else could do it, and it had to be Blendin because Blendin wore goggles that obscured his eyes (and thanks to fighting against Bipper, Mabel knew how to look for possession eyes, and would never make a deal with Bill). Bill using Blendin to trick Mabel was calculated, and extremely so, because Mabel hates his guts because of what he did (and wanted to do) to her brother.
But it doesn't end there, because then we get to Mabel's letter. (And Dipper's as well, but mostly Mabel's.) Some might be thinking, well, if Mabel knew about Bill's backstory, she might regain some sympathy for him. However, I don't think that's the case . . . because Mabel does learn about Bill's backstory (or at least his history with Ford), and she doesn't feel sympathy for him. Ford's letter not only states that the entire family was reading the book when he exited his lab (and laughing so hard they were crying at it), but Mabel's letter in specific has her write this:
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"Anyway, Bill seems to me like a super-needy ex."
We have all laughed and enjoyed this line because of how it further cements Billford as canon toxic old man yaoi, but think about what this means for a moment. This means that:
Mabel has read Bill's backstory, at least re: everything that went down between him and Ford and how heartbroken Bill was over it (she knows about O'Sadleys and the intergalactic Taco Bell incident)
She doesn't feel sympathy, in fact, she's calling him super-needy, which is insulting
Mabel isn't sympathetic toward Bill; she's patronizing. She's one step away from calling him cringe. Her "helpful tips" for how to move on are her condescending to him as she tells him to get the hell away from Ford -- and speaking of which, let's not forget that she says "if you're reading this from space or hell or wherever," indicating exactly where she thinks he very well could be. If she felt sympathetic toward him at all, knowing what she does about his past, I really doubt she'd think he'd be burning in hell.
Mabel ends her letter with this delightful gem.
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"Anyway, Bill -- you tried to kill my brother. If I ever see you again, I'm doing this! [illustration of her biting him in half] Deal with it!"
There is no love for Bill Cipher in her heart. There is only a wish to sever him in half, preferably so that his precious eyeball is split in two, with her teeth.
Now, this is in her letter. But we also get some of this in Dipper's letter, too, since she interjects over there. Dipper also delivers a death threat to Bill, and Mabel comments on it. Her commentary praises Dipper's threats (and confident in making his threat):
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Dipper: "Come at us again and I'll end you." Mabel: "Wow, Dipper!! So confident!!" Dipper: "Was it . . . was it too confident?" Mabel: "No, it was just right! 13 looks good on you!"
Now, again, this is mostly praising his confidence. But the "it was just right" could also apply to the threat, considering she made a very similar one herself. Many people focus on Dipper's threat to Bill, considering how cutthroat Dipper seemed toward Bill in the show (and how it was their relationship that was focused on because Dipper was the primary protagonist).
But this book has made it explicitly clear that Mabel hates Bill's flat yellow ass with her entire sparkly heart. She wants him away from her grunkle because she knows how badly he treated Ford. And she especially wants to rip him to pieces herself if she ever sees him within a 100 mile radius of her brother again. The idea that Mabel would be forgiving of, or sympathetic to, Bill because of his backstory just doesn't jive with what we know both of her character or her actual, canonical feelings toward him as of the most recent canonical material. Mabel is a loving, kind person, yes -- but she has her limits, and those limits come with those that cause serious harm to her family, just like the rest of the Pines. She's not a two-dimensional, all-forgiving heroine. She's a well-rounded character who forgives when things are forgivable, when it's warranted, when it's deserved. And it's been demonstrated that in Mabel's eyes, certain things -- like trying to cut out her brother's tongue with lamb shears, or possessing him and threatening to throw his body off a water tower -- simply aren't forgivable.
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ros3ybabe · 4 months
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Daily Check-in: May 14, 2024 🎀
Tuesday was a slow day turned long day. I was supposed to go into work from 10 to 2 and then they asked me to stay for the night shift so I needed up working 10 to 7:30, with an hour break. So my 4 hour shift turned into an 8.5 hour shift. I was so tired when I got home last night that I showered, did skincare, and fell asleep.
🩷 What I Accomplished
completed a 7 min abs workout video, an 8 min ans and arms video (did not like it), and half of a 5 min abs video. so about 17 minutes of a workout overall.
read and annotated like, 3 or 4 pages of Atmoic Habits
had a really yummy "snack box" breakfast (it was 41 grams of protein and uggghh so yummy)
did my morning journal and morning skincare
walked over 11k steps (I didn't check the exact number but my watch notified me)
worked an ~8.5 hour shift
did my full night skincare routine
💞 Good Things That Happened
checked my final grades and I passed my classes with all A's! This is the first spring semester I've ever done that!
my GPA also went up a little bit so that's exciting!
I tried some of the potatoes they were serving at my work in the evening, and they were so delicious
my dad told me he was so proud of me for how hard I worked and my grades this last semester, I could've cried
💗 Stuff For Wednesday
study Spanish!!! I have an italki lesson on Tuesday the 21st at 9am so I need to get on my study grind!!
read and annotate Atomic Habits a little bit
wash my comforter and other blanket
wash my laundry and put away
finally cook my meal prep dinner (chicken, mashed potatoes, and brocooli!)
perhaps attempt to bleach/dye my hair again (I tried on Sunday and the bleach didn't do much so I need to do it again, I'm trying to dye parts of my hair pink at the moment)
do my morning + night skincare
I woke up sore today (wednesday), which I think is partially due to the 8 min abs and arm workout that I did not enjoy. Like it's a more painful kind of sore, so yeah, taking that video out of my rotation.
💕 Song of The Day: NewJeans - Super Shy
I love summer time kpop music. that super girly, feminine summertime bops are everything!! I should make a summer vibes playlist omg.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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I love how the book of bill turns Letting The Triangle Into Your Dimension into more of a moral dilemma than it was in the show, or even Journal 3. “To Bill this is only a game, but to us, it would mean the end of the world.” Except that actually, to Bill it’s his home, and it’s the ragtag gang of scrappy orphan rascals that he took charge of, gave purpose to, and became the protector/leader of, and all of their lives at stake. He tried to brush it off, but it seems like he genuinely feels responsible for them. They’re scared. Of course, they’re still criminals. If you did let them in, they would wreck your home and end/ruin lots of people’s lives, and that would be wrong. But just leaving them to die feels messed up.
I love that the book humanizes Bill without trying to convince you that anything he did wasn’t as bad as we thought. (Well, Bill is constantly trying to tell you that, but we’re all very well aware that he’s an unreliable narrator.) But he doesn’t know how the Edge of the Nightmare Realm came about. He gets defensive. (this was touched on in weirdmageddon, but I don’t see nearly enough people talking about how he can’t take what he dishes.) He’s not some master manipulator who knows you inside and out, better than you could ever know yourself or him, he just scans some of your memories for some stuff you might care about and runs with it. The only reason it worked so well with Ford was because they already had similar trauma and compatible personalities. I honestly think that if Bill had just told the truth about the true purpose of the portal that they would have been great friends. Ford -knowing what would happen this time- wouldn’t have ever tried to build the portal, but he would help Bill problem-solve to find a way to not be eaten by the Edge. Bill could get him all the information, and the context, and the what the living there was like without ever getting interdimensional travel involved, because you know he could, and then nothing bad would’ve happened, and how it really went was fucking tragic.
I love that we get even more psychological horror journal pages, even more intense than Journal 3 had. And I love that it shows us that Bill made a mistake and the consequences of it were so traumatic that his memories of that day are repressed. He’s just . . a guy. Who has too much power how ill adjusted he is.
But I am deeply annoyed at how Bill all but told us that his relationship to Ford was romantic in nature. I maintain that Ford never thought of Bill in a romantic way, because he is aroace. It’s very clear in the show, but especially in Journal 3. Anyone who tells you otherwise either has no reading comprehension skills or is retconning something. But I can’t deny that Bill clearly outlined how he would court someone, and that he has done those things to Ford. Can I pretend that was just him screwing with us because he knew we would come to that conclusion? *deep dramatic sigh* Probably not because of how how he acted when he was drunk. To yoose guys this is delightful, I know, but to me all the stuff above that I said I did like were enough to make this a fascinating dynamic. The romance part is just kind of there. All inconveniently. Making it feel less interesting and meaningful.
Will definitely do an essay on what the book of Bill implies about Billy’s home world at some point. Might make a comic about The Good Timeline where Bill was honest to begin with.
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I know you're on hiatus So you don't have to answer this now if you don't want to. Take your time. But this idea just popped in my head and I gotta tell you before it forgot about it.
So sub yandere jisung who has a crush on you and has journal. He writes all of his fantasies about you in that journal because hes too shy to actually tell you how he feels. Many are very wholesome fantasies about you and him. Cooking/baking together, watching movies together, going on cute little dates. And then there are the "not so wholesome" fantasies, where he explains in great detail what he wants you to do to him. Pegging, bondage using toys on him and lots of other ✨️juicy✨️stuff. He hides his journal in his room hoping no one will find it, But one day he gets careless and leaves a it out in the open where you happen to find it. And when he discovers that you've found it and you read every single page of that journal he just crumbles.
i literally just finished writing the sub yandere jisung hcs and THEN I READ THIS
you would get complete whiplash reading that journal, the first page is just him gushing about how much he loves you and would do anything for you, a scenario where he confesses his undying love for you and imagines everything you could be,
the next page is ideas, notes about things you like and places you mentioned that interested you, like the museum or a restaurant you've wanted to try. it's filled with hearts and cute date ideas, a rating out of ten on how much he thinks you'd enjoy it,
and then the next page is straight up porn, damn boy would put us in shock with the filth he depicts on the page, imagining how it would feel for you to peg him, describing exactly how he would want it and the size dildo he wants (he's also ordered it, already all tied up in a pretty box in his closet, waiting for the day that you'll finally use it on him)
the next page is movies, date ideas with shows he thinks you'll like and one's that you've already said you like that he's planning to watch so he can talk to you about them<3
the next page is straight up sex toys he wishes you'd use on him. vibrators and dildos, cockrings and ropes, gags and lingerie (you don't really know if he wants you to wear it or him to, or even both of you to)
it goes back and forth, with each new page you'll never know what you'll get, the filthiest smut out there or the sweetest fluff. a scarily accurate recounting of how your body looks or a love song he's written for you
there's two options after you've read it really, put it back and pretend it never happened, act like you never found it and never ever bring it up to him
or confront him and fulfill some of the depraved perverted fantasies that he's written about...
his blush would be really cute if you did tell him, but he would either be absolutely mortified or maybe, secretly, deep down some part of him wanted you to find it, some part of him knew that leaving it out in the open would result in you finding it
and the same part of him would sing and gloat in pleasure as you make him act out just how he would ride your thigh like he wrote in the margins of his journal
anyway, yes, sub yandere jisung hc will probably be out soon and i dunno who i'll do next yet but we'll find out soon enough
(also isn't there a song where the singer talks about finding someone's journal at their house, something like, 'read those pages, you really love me baby?' or smth? idk, i could be tripping)
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aemondslefteyeball · 2 months
In The Flat Field (3)
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Masterlist Future!Aemond x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Gore, traumatic c-section, spooky shit, death, gun usage
Summary: Aemond and Y/N have entered an ancient Library at their own peril. Galaxies away from home with no possibility for communication with people they know, they are stranded in an ever-worsening situation.
Word Count: 3.9K
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Camera eye flick shudder within
The smell of mildew and maple syrup clung heavily to the air as you and Aemond idled through the library. In this section old books sweetly scented the air despite their rough state. But it was silent and that gave you a minute amount of comfort. “It was like, bottled books but they snitch you out to the Lords if you open them.” You explained, half wondering why you were adopting the terminology of a madman. You flipped through the pages of the journal as you continued onwards, keeping your steps light. 
“And what was the… Lord like?” Aemond questioned, his eye boring into the left side of your face. He lowered his gaze to glance at the page you were skimming. After you finish a half-coherent line you purse your lips in consideration for a moment. 
“You know how when you’re a child you want to pet a dinosaur so badly?” You questioned. “But then you get to Jurassia III and realize that you’re actually good staying behind the plexiglass? Sort of like that.”
“I meant what did it look like” He stated, amusement pulling at the corner of his lips.
“Oh.” You considered for a moment. “Well it changes color, sort of like those octopuses off the coast of Myr.” You considered for another moment, almost wishing you had a cybernetic implant yourself. “Maybe a little under 3 meters tall, but it puts off this weird sort of energy.” You tensed at the memory. 
“What, like bad vibes?” He teased.
“No.” You shook your head, slipping the journal back into your bag before Aemond zipped up the pocket for you. “Thanks. It’s like a… you just get a general feeling of what the Lord is feeling as well. Directly in your brain whether you want it or not.” 
“Do you think it could be pheromone based?”
“I don’t think so, I know it sounds silly but it felt how psychic abilities are described.” Aemond paused to consider for a moment, implant flashing yellow as he glanced at you. 
“They must be a social species then.” You hummed in agreement.
“I’m not sure if their vocal cords are as developed as ours are though. It just kind of wheezed and clicked at me. Sounded like your Dad on a bad day.” Aemond smirked at that for a moment before shaking his head. 
“Is there anything interesting in the journal?” You shrugged in response to his question, lifting one hand in a 50/50 motion. 
“What is actually decipherable is still kinda crazy. The dude thought parts of this library would eat him.” 
“Mmm,” Aemond responded, a wry chuckle following. “With everything that’s happened so far, I’m not so sure we can count out being eaten by some books.” He pointed out. You rolled your eyes playfully in response before reaching to grab one off a shelf, opening it to mimic the snapping of jaws and guiding it closer to an unamused Aemond. 
“No,” You giggled. “A row that eats you, apparently. Much better, isn’t it?”
“Mmm.” He responded with raised brows, gently grabbing the book from your hands as the two of you stopped momentarily. He flipped open the pages and you leaned in close to him, following the same path his eyes were. As the two of you stared down at the book the letters shifted from an alien script into recognizable letters. The common tongue. Unease filled you for a moment and apparently, Aemond took notice of it, as he gently brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. You hoped you weren’t blushing. “If you aren’t shedding all over Vhagar, you’re blocking my view.” He teased, his fingers lingering where your neck met your jaw for a few more moments. You shifted your weight on your feet before he snapped out of it and started reading. 
“Jungfrau.” Aemond corrected, a yellow light blinking onto the pages briefly. You gave him a pointed look, raising a brow. “Another word for virgin.” You hummed curiously, taking a closer look at the page. An androgynous man rippled across the page, shining chestnut curls seeming to radiate their own light as his features shifted. You chalked it up to the book and looked at the glimmering aura around him. It shone with every color of the rainbow and some you weren’t even sure you could comprehend. For the hundredth time, you questioned whether you were on some sort of psychoactive substance before pulling your eyes away from the man’s aura to look at the text. “Apparently he’s the Dreamweaver,” Aemond said softly, turning the page to read more. For your part, you were grateful there were no more portraits of him. As beautiful as he was, it weirded you out. “But he can also bestow magical swords upon people.” You pulled your lips back approvingly before nodding. 
“Be nice if he bestowed one on us.” Aemond let out a dry laugh in response. 
“And what good would we do with a sword against a 3-meter tall shapeshifting monster.” 
“Well, it’s a magic sword, Aemond.” You said, leaning into the ridiculousness. “Maybe you hold it up and say some magic password then you get, like, an outfit change and your hair gets even more fabulous..” 
“Ha ha.” Aemond cut you off before you could finish, gesturing to the pistol that still sat on his hip. “This will be more useful than any magic sword.” 
“Oh, speaking of.” You murmured before grabbing yours, releasing it so the clip fell out. “Do you need any more ammo?” Aemond hummed approvingly before you pulled out a few bullets from the magazine, passing them to him so he could load them into the pistol. “Is it like shooting a phaser?” You asked, Aemond looked at you for a moment before smirking. 
“Yes, which is why the thought of you holding one is terrifying.” You let out a mock gasp, playfully hitting his arm. 
“Your implant has what, a gazillion terabytes of data but apparently no manners in the default program.” 
“Oh, no, it did,” Aemond responded, a wolfish grin splitting across his face. “I deleted them so I could save room for more important things, such as the time you shook a Whituan’s knee.” You let out a dry laugh, rolling your eyes. 
“Worst damn part about that thing, you’ll never let either of us forget any time I embarrass myself.” Aemond chuckled in good humor, putting an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer, giving you a light squeeze. 
“It’s adorable that you think I’d need the implant to do that.” You flipped him off in response and he stared at you for a moment before a red light flashed out of his implant. Concern twisted across your face as you reached to touch it. Aemond pulled back. “We ought to keep moving.” He said abruptly. 
“Uhh..” You let the silence hang in the air for a moment. “Are we going to talk about this?” Aemond shot you a weary look as he started walking towards a new row. “I wasn’t born yesterday, you know. Your implant’s usually got a green light.” 
“It’s just the distress beacon.” He responded curtly. “My implant keeps trying to send it out but it’s unsuccessful so now it’s doing this. I plan to recalibrate it when we get back to the room.” A lie. You pursed your lips in response, figuring it was better to let it be for now. You could grill him later. You absentmindedly wondered if he knew you knew he was lying, but judging from the speed he kept up it was likely. You decide to let him squirm a little longer, figuring that if he could lie to your face he could enjoy the nervousness. You put your hand up to Aemond’s chest suddenly, pausing where the two of you were. A rhythmic thudding could be heard in the distance and you knit your brows in confusion. It was different from the Lord’s footfalls, at least the one that you encountered. Either way you figured caution was best. You and Aemond ducked behind a row as you moved to peek your head out in the direction of the noise. Aemond tutted disapprovingly and placed an arm around your waist, swapping places with you. You shot him a look before he shot you one in turn. Rolling your eyes, you acquiesced. 
“Can your eye pick up on anything from this distance?” Keeping your voice in a low whisper, you rested a hand on his left shoulder blade. He nodded, looking for a few more seconds. Your watch pulsed quietly against your wrist as the transmitted image popped up. Okay, so it was too small to be a Lord. But that didn’t necessarily bode well either. “Should we check it out?” Aemond set his jaw for a moment before nodding. He reached to grab his pistol and you reached for yours in turn. The two of you shared a brief look and Aemond moved to step into the row before you paused. Gesturing for him to wait a second you holstered the pistol once more then pulled out the map of the library from your backpack and grabbed the journal, making quick work of scanning them into your watch. Imposing the madman’s notes on the map, you saved the complete version before transmitting the data to Aemond. You figured he already had a download of the map but the former resident’s notes may be useful. With that done the two of you stepped out from behind the row, grabbing your pistol once more and keeping it pointed at the floor. The Archaeologist’s Guild leaned on weaponry only for self-defense but the two of you figured a creepy library with shapeshifting monsters in it justified staying armed. Stopping behind each row to scope out the humanoid you were shocked after a few more rows to find… a human man. It almost took you off guard more than a miniature Lord would. What was even worse was the Guild uniform he wore. You shot an unsure look at Aemond before he tilted his head to keep going. When you checked through the logs before heading out into Juliet Quadrant only a few Archaeologists had actually been there. A few had gone missing. The two of you figured it was the usual and that they had found a planet to settle down on or died due to catastrophic ship failure but the idea that one of them ended up here was even worse. 
“Y/N.” Aemond whispered, his right eye widening. You looked over towards him before your watch pulsed against your wrist. The two of you knew him. Not well, but you had bumped into each other at a few fundraisers that required you to kiss sponsor ass. You swallowed hard before running your lips over your teeth, praying he had some answers for whatever the hell was going on here. As the two of you approached your colleague he seemed ignorant of your presence, picking books up off the shelf, flipping through the pages, and dropping them into what remained of the sack on his shoulder. Without fail they fell out of the large hole in the bottom and onto the ground, resulting in the heavy thudding you heard earlier. Aemond held an arm out in front of you when you were a few paces away, hesitantly holstering his pistol. Following suit, you lowered Aemonds arm but held onto his hand. 
“Tommen?” You questioned. He looked worse for wear but was still recognizable. Gray, matted curls hung around his face before he turned to look at the two of you. You let out a gasp of horror. An unnaturally wide grin split his face as he glanced at the two of you momentarily before he turned back to the shelf, grabbing the next book to drop it on the floor. 
“Tommen,” Aemond stated more firmly, but the man in question continued in his movements. The two of you shared a look at each other as the automaton dropped another book. “Do you know where you are?” 
“Library” He didn’t stop his actions, the Cheshire grin looking painful across his face. “Lords.” You couldn’t honestly say that you had enjoyed too much of your time in the library but this pushed it to a whole new level of unsettling. 
“Do you know how you got here?” You questioned lightly, running your eyes up and down his emaciated frame. Gods, what in the seven hells had this place done to him? And what would it do to us? Tommen’s movements slowed briefly, yet did not stop. His face contorted slightly around the unnatural grin that split his features, looking unable to properly form the words needed.
“Found.” He rasped out, voice gravelly from what seemed to be years of disuse. You shot a worried look at Aemond, who seemed much more collected than you. Was this your fate if you stayed in the library too long? He wasn’t even blinking. Just dropping another book with another ominous thud. “Crrrhhhhhhh” He wheezed out, mouth unable to move to form whatever word he was thinking of. 
“Tommen.” Aemond said, his voice having a dangerous edge to it. You glanced over at him and saw unease flickering in the back of his eye. “We need to leave this place. You need to leave this place.” Tommen ignored him, making a few more wheezing sounds before Aemond lost his patience and closed the distance between them, grabbing him by the arm. “It’s dangerous here.” Distress flickered across the shriveled man’s face despite the unsettling smile carved into it and he tried to reach for another book to no avail. “Walk.” Aemond commanded and for his part, Tommen did, though it was with an unnatural gait. His steps didn’t match the rhythm of your footfalls, adding to the tension. You knew the two of you couldn’t leave him behind but you were wondering how much of Tommen was still in there. “Do you know anything about the Lords?” Aemond questioned, ignoring the look you shot him. 
“Lords.” He responded with a low wheeze, apparently unable or willing to answer Aemond’s questions. His uniform was raggedy, but the tatters of it that did cling to him reeked to high heaven. BO and something else that you couldn’t quite place. 
“Did you leave the box back in the room?” Aemond prodded as you shook your head. Tommen shuffled along, not answering. “Did you see the map?” His tone was growing more irritated with the old man. 
“Aemond. Maybe that’s enough questions for now.” You suggested, keeping your tone gentle with a slight edge to it. 
“Keeeeepp” The man wheezed out between cracked, rotting teeth “eeeeerrrrrr” Aemond was clearly trying to refrain from shooting you a smug look. The three of you continued onward as the man went back to silence. But thankfully he seemed to stink less as you progressed. That or you were becoming nose-blind to it. If you didn’t know better you would almost say it was starting to smell like maple syrup more, but with a slightly herbier edge to it. You looked over to Aemond wondering if he smelled that too, apparently so as he sniffed the air before shooting a wary look at you. Tommen started to let out more wheezes as the scent of maple hung heavier in the air. You shot a look back to Aemond, a deep pit of anxiety forming in your gut. You stopped for a moment, grabbing Tommen as he let out an excited warble. Between his wheezes, you heard the heavy footfalls that sent primordial terror through you. Looking at Aemond, you mouthed what you could tell he was starting to fear too. A Lord. 
“Creation!” Tommen explained, his mouth struggling to form the words as his cloudy, unblinking green eyes lit up. “The Keeper knew!” He started laughing as loud as possible, the sound barely being muffled when you clapped your hand over his mouth. With madness in his eyes Tommen started to scream about whatever incoherent thoughts he could muster, you looked to Aemond before the two of you nodded at each other. Letting go of Tommen, you pushed him back only for him to start screaming ecstatically. The two of you drew your pistols before you booked it in the other direction. Heavy footsteps grew closer as Tommen stumbled towards you two, still shrieking. Aemond moved to raise the barrel of the weapon in Tommen’s direction before you put a hand over his wrist, shaking your head. Tommen still stumbled after you two as quickly as was possible for him, cackling and shrieking simultaneously. As much as you were against the idea of killing a fellow Guild member, you wished you had a gag on hand to at least shut him the hells up. Thankfully you and Aemond had speed on your side and at least with Tommen’s screaming it provided a cover for your footfalls. You ducked behind a row momentarily to catch your breath, peeking back behind you to see Tommen stumbling as the Lord gained after him. It didn’t appear to be the same one you initially encountered but was around the same height as the other, the same clicking noises emerging as deep blues and reds bled into the all-consuming grayness of its body. An overwhelming sense of thrill wriggled its way into your mind as the creature advanced, catching up with Tommen. You and Aemond looked at each other for a moment, and you clicked your safety off. No sooner than you could do that had the Lord slapped the old man into a bookshelf, unable to restrain the gasp of horror as he knocked his head on the edge. Tommen’s jaw barely clung on and it did little to stop his shrieks, just interrupted them with gurgles of quickly coagulating blood. The Guild member tried in vain to lift the ruined left side of his jaw back to where it had been attached. Despite that, he dropped and the light began to fade from his crusted eyes. Apparently having heard your gasp, the Lord looked over in your direction. Shakingly raising a hand you cleared your mind and pulled the trigger three times.
Okay, maybe Aemond did have a point about your phaser skills. Thankfully he wasn’t going to gloat about it, and he did not miss. Yet despite hitting the being in what you assumed to be the eyeholes it continued on as if nothing happened. You put your pistol back into the holster as you started to run in the opposite direction. Without Tommen to cause a distraction there was no doubt it would have an easier time chasing the two of you down now. You ran until every muscle in your body burned and Aemond pulled you into one of the spots that Tommen had emptied with his antics earlier. He gestured to your wrist, having pinged onto the spot where the madman had marked the man-eating row. It would require a lot more running but given bullets seemed little more than an annoyance to the being it was your best bet. You nodded as you started running in that direction, refusing to look back as you pushed your body beyond its natural limits. You knew exhaustion would hit hard later but for now if you tired you would die. After what felt like an hour you were approaching the area and banked suddenly to the right as Aemond shifted to follow in your path. You took the row next to it as heavy footsteps gained on the two of you but you simply pumped your arms faster and refused to look back. When you finally got to the far end of the man-eating row you took a second to catch your breath before yelling. Whatever you could do to draw it into the row, you simply had to. Putting two fingers in your mouth you remembered a whistle your Dad had taught you as a little girl. You grew up on a planet that was mostly covered in water, and the landmasses that were there were covered in thousands of turquoise lakes. Ionic clouds interfered with radio signals so whistles were used by fishermen to communicate across the lakes. You blew as hard as you could, your heart dropping as the Lord looked to be following the path the two of you had taken there. Looking at Aemond, you glanced back over at the heavy wooden shelves. 
“We have to climb.” You panted out, reaching to pop a foot on the lowest shelf available before getting a handhold and hoisting yourself up. Aemond simply looked at you like you were insane. “It said not to step foot in the row.” You argued, and at the very least it hadn’t eaten you yet. You moved further upward, your arms burning as you hauled yourself up. Aemond followed suit as you moved closer to the middle of the row. When the Lord emerged where the two of you had been, it looked around in confusion momentarily and your heart dropped further. If the madman was wrong about this you were at perfect grabbing height for the creature. It would be like a shopper picking their preferred snack off the grocery shelf. As you moved right and up you stopped for a second to grab a book and throw it down onto the floor. An overwhelming sense of delight filled you as the Lord bounded two paces into the row. But when it did it let out a piercing shriek. Aemond pulled you into a crevice he had cleared for the two of you and you watched the Lord struggle against whatever had it. But the predator of your predator wasn’t so keen on letting up and a surprisingly hollow crack filled the air as the creature's leg was snapped clean off. Going into a frenzy, you acutely felt the Lord’s fear and rage as it slammed into the shelf opposite yours with enough force to send it wobbling. As the creature thrashed continually the other leg met the same fate. Aemond put an arm around you and pulled you as far into himself as he possibly could, pressing your backs flat against the wall of the shelving. The shelves on the other side wobbled again and toppled over in the opposite direction as the massive creature fell, an otherworldly shrieking filling the air. As the torso started to tear open a bright image was cast above the being. A woman with hair as silver as the moon was being cut open by a dagger, the rippled metal seeming to swallow the light. The creature screamed and you clapped your hands over your ears, Aemond moved to cover your eyes but you shook your head before he could. He moved to gently rub between your shoulder blades. A man dressed in dark green and red reached into the woman’s bulging belly and pulled out a slimy, scaly thing. The creature and the woman seemed to wail in unison, oil spill and red blood pouring out as they grew softer in volume. The man cleared the slime away from the little creature and you watched as it spread its wings. Shrieks softened until there was little more than gurgling with intermittent clicks, but up until the bitter end, you felt every depth of emotion the Lord did. Whatever cosmic abomination had brought forth that scene had disappeared with the dead creature. When you lowered your hands from your ears they shook before Aemond gathered them in his own. You lay your head on his shoulder, happy that at least the sea of emotions within you now were yours.
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Taglist: @chainsawsangel
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preciadosbass · 1 month
11/8/24 [PARAGRAPH 3 & 4!!! — draft from sunday. key & significant photo/s at end]
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woke up at 10:20 and made myself breakfast. i ate it outside with boris in the sun and tried my best to be productive while being on my phone [e.g, make a fursona/oc/journal entry etc.] but failed miserably. i just scrolled on tiktok and saved a few videos i could use for outfit inspiration. i went back inside after 30+ minutes, got dressed [skinless shirt, dark cargo jorts + matching bracelets consisting of spiked cuffs and band bracelets, motorbike socks] and looked up a couple can tab bracelet tutorials. i know that i don’t have enough for the particular design i want to make, but i’m getting there. my dad’s sister, my aunt, has multiple pepsis a day and has been collecting can tabs for me.
i went back next door with my sister after giving up on the bracelet for the moment and saying goodbye to boris. when i arrived i just sat on my own while my sister went on the swings. a group of girls my age walked past and laughed at me and after a few minutes i got called over with the other kids to make a keyring. i honestly much preferred that but i think the staff thought i was a part of the actual camp anyways so i don’t think i had much choice either way. i picked out a star shaped template and a blue floral sticker to go on it. i stuck it on, but couldn’t cut around the star completely — so i put it in my bag for another time at home where i can use one of those tiny knives to carve all the imperfections out.
once id done i went back over to the bouncy castle. this time round, only 8 people were allowed on it at a time and this younger girl was being really bratty about it, as in acting like she owned the place, which was odd, because yesterday it was fine and nothing bad happened. but kids are just like that. she kept on going around to people and launching herself onto them, she also decided to boot me over and over again on my bruised shin which was fun 😭. i tried telling her we don’t even know eachother and ive just been sitting there but she didn’t care. she kicked me and almost everyone else off using her sister that was my age so i got off and just sat beside it while people watching.
the same member of staff from the keyrings sat next to me and just exclaimed ‘panic! at the disco?’ — reffering to my panic! band bracelet. i nodded and she started speaking about liking that type of music too. more when she was younger, but she’s still into it, she said. she took out her phone and started asking me if i’ve been to see any live bands. i told her about me seeing the mcr + fall out boy tributes, pierce the veil, cavalera conspiracy, and my upcoming concerts. [slipknot, falling in reverse, possibly the tributes again but idk was its the day before fir]. she started speaking about how she has family in scotland and therefor goes to festivals there a lot and then casually says she’s seen fall out boy 4+ TIMES??? i literally could’ve curled up and died right there and then after hearing that come out of her mouth.
she also spoke to me about seeing slipknot 20 years ago, and then she showed me one of her friends instagram pages. then she came out with that that friend, has another friend, who is the sibling of someone from PIERCE THE VEIL?? WHAT THE FUCK. i was so taken aback but she unfortunately couldn’t remember what their name was because they were told years ago now — and she couldn’t find pictures of them together despite trying as the friend is a concert photographer and it’s importable to sort through the thousands of photos.
i out of interest asked if she’d seen linkin park and she said she did at milton keynes in 2008?? with jayZ?? RAAA. i got told that everyone was leaving in 30 minutes so i stayed speaking to her until people started loading themselves onto their coach and i set off for home. it was really cool speaking to that woman and its a shame i’ll probably never see her again or get to know any more info. although it was awesome meeting someone like me that was quite a lot older. when i got home i fussed boris on the driveway and had a 20 minute nap before leaving for my other aunts house [6pm]. i said goodbye to boris, and on the way to the car, my dad showed me this injured butterfly. it was a shame because it looked so young. i held it and then placed it onto a bush before leaving. [photo at end]
since the concert, i’ve been listening to the setlist on repeat. so i obviously did even more on the way to my aunts, although the drive is really short. once i got there i stayed in the living room for a bit and greeted the family of mine that was there. there was only my grandad, his fiancé, my aunt + uncle, and one of my cousins girlfriends there. that cousin in question is on holiday, the other moved out, and the other also moved out. i didn’t really know what to speak about and my parents sparked a conversation between the others anyway so i went to see what my sister was up to. she was playing fnaf security breach so i watched her.
i had my phone out ready to record her getting jumpscared and i caught a video of her doing exactly that over moondrop. i’m surprised that i’ve never watched anyone play security breach before even though i was really excited when it came out. i don’t usually watch my sister play stuff unless it’s the last of us/the evil within/silent hill at 8:30 i stopped watching jay and went for a walk with my mum, dad, aunt, + grandads fiancé. [+ archie and my aunts dog, charlie.] we couldn’t be too long because charlie has bad diabetes and can’t do much now. we came across one of my aunts friends on our way, she accidentally called me he and didn’t correct herself which made me feel SO euphoric considering i’m not out.
she spoke about lifeguarding or something and once done, we went round to this field i used to always play in as a kid. i went in the park to spark some nostalgia and my dad pushed me on a swing for the first time since i was like 7. we walked for about 40 minutes. once i got back to my aunts i went on pinterest to look at some diys. i saved a photo example of how to make a can tab bracelet, a cardboard minecraft sword, a cardboard coffin shelf, a little fairy/elf house thing made up of pebbles, a cardboard direction sign, a bottlecap tortoise, and a number of other things i dont know how to explain. after i couldnt seem to find anything else, i watched my sister play fnaf a bit more. we had to leave so i stopped and got ready for home at 12.
i don’t really remember what i did when i got home, but it would’ve been the same as always. maybe a small nap, then obviously questions about boris, then i say goodnight to boris. i went to sleep at 3.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, archie/my family’s dog
have a good day/night O_o
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kamiversee · 6 months
IK THIS ISNT GOING TO HAPPEN BUT I HAD SUCH A GOOD THOUGHT! Imagine this whole book was actually a movie that they were filming. So gojo, choso, sukuna, the reader and everyone else are just actors. So like when the book ends, it’s interrupted by a “Cut!” and then everybody js breaks character and start telling eachother great work and congratulating everyone for finally finishing this movie. And gojo and the reader are actually close friends so while everyone’s busy cleaning up and getting ready to go home, he asks her if she could get him his bag from his dressing room. She says sure and makes her way there. She enters the room and spots his bag, while picking it up, a book falls out. Originally, she was going to grab it and js place it back inside but her curiosity gets the best of her and she opens it. She realizes its a journal and while she’s skimming through it, shes giggling to herself at the first silly pages her best friend had written. But then she gets to a rather odd page. Covering the whole sheet, leaving no spaces of white whatsoever, is her name. Just her name. Over and over again. And it went on for atleast 4 pages. After turning the fourth page, she finds something very disturbing. The funny and silly man you knew as your good friend had written about how obsessed he was with you. He wrote that he would look forward to seeing you everyday, obsessed with your scent, hair, eyes, legs, hands, mouth, etc. Basically every single part of you. While you kept reading it, it js kept getting weirder and weirder. When you turned the page, there was hair taped to the book. YOUR hair. SEVERAL strands. Your face twisted in disgust and your hand flew to your mouth. There was more writing on the next page and smth disturbing had caught your eye at the end of the entry. “If you think about it, I really don’t have to do much acting for this role. Part of it is being an obsessive freak who would do anything for the woman he loves. And that’s exactly me. Can you really blame me? Look at her. Shes so pretty. Especially when she’s sleeping. But lately she’s been getting a little too close to Choso..i really don’t like that. But it’s fine! I’ve gotten rid of that problem already so i dont think he’ll be talking to her anymore..” Her eyes grow wide and you realize..Choso hasn’t been here these past few days. Someone had called in saying he was sick and wouldn’t be showing up for the last few scenes you guys had to film…that’s why you never grew worried. But now..now you know that choso was probably never sick. Oh god..was he..? Before you could finish your thought, someone broke you out of your trance. “what are you doing.” Your head slowly turned towards the door of your room and there stood gojo, lifeless, serious look on his face. You couldn’t speak. He continued to stare at you with dead eyes until he smiled at you. A wide creepy smile. “Guess you know my little secret now, huh? Sweets.”
& funny because I like to think of all my fics as movies that I’m directing & everyone’s just an actor💀
I do rlly love this concept tho, 10/10, ty for this <3
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shuobox · 11 months
Heyyyyy *twirls my hair as i make your happy canon life doomed by my narrative *
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God. Rewrite aiden in my au. Where do i start w him
In my little rewrite version, he's like. His entire life is doomed from the start. Grew up with a neglectful and pushy family where he felt constantly scared and weak in, making him seek control in other parts of his life (why he's so aggressive and rude, later becoming outright violent)
During sky city, it's Lukas who's fighting against him on the bridge, and after a struggle and Aiden's whole shpeel about Lukas abandoning them (aiden, maya, gill) like nothing for the new order of the stone
Anyway . Copper golems (that belong to the founder) appear and latch onto the guy's legs, and yk the storm during that bridge scene? Yeah. The dude gets struck by lightning with the force of five dying neuron stars and then just... wobbles back and forth.... before the copper golems let go, and he falls off the side into the water
While the blazerods are stuck in Sky City as it is being rebuilt on the ground they find an opportunity to break out and they book it to the portal, get lost for a little bit in the Atlas (remade portal hallway. Imagine those images of like, illusion staircases where gravity is weird. And theres stairs and halls full of portals wherever you look. Like that.) And they pass into like the worst possible place ever that is just CRAWLING with illagers
They get trapped, thrown in jail, tortured a wee bit before maya and gill are taken dor experimentation and Aiden was supposed to be the next (his arms were already cut off, and he saw what became of maya and gill after they got experimented on) but two new arrivals were found so they decided to stop temporarily
I AM NNNOT going to continue the story from there . Because it includes another character and an oc i want to like. Build up towards
In any case, skipping ahead like a few pages when aiden manages to get out and is now travelling with 2 people (one of which is more than happy to use him as bait or a human shield), guy really just wants his arms back and feels stupid and scared without. Arms. Hes losing hope UNTIL they get to a certain dimension with a city full of these advanced redstone-loving folk
In aiden's endless luck they get into the equivalent of the black market and they find people willing to give aiden new limbs for free IF he agrees to the terms and conditions
... the terms and conditions were "we can freely experiment on ur ass for as long as we want :3" and thats. Yeah thats what the tinkerers did. They were super proud of themselves and even slapped on their logo on him
Aiden is completely useless at walking and using his mech spider legs for a long while till he eventually manages to grasp it enough to keep going. Hallelujah !! He eventually gets time to process everything that happens to him lol (he feels miserable for a while)
Other hcs down here vv
- enjoy embroidery. He's kind of shabby at it, but it takes his mind off of things. He also writes small anthology stories in a wee stolen journal he makes up when his mind drifts
- The jacket he's wearing is stolen, lmao
- when his jaw was ripped out and replaced, so was his teeth; they make a loud clank noise if he snaps his teeth. Like a beartrap!! Also a strong bite strength
- i like to think he made a small makeshift funeral for maya and gill despite having nothing of them. It helped him cope a lil
- is surprisingly kinder to kids who aren't like, loud, or overly annoying.
- misses having hands sometimes (misses being able to hold pencils normally, or feeling the fur of animals, or warmth and cold, or holding things, etc etc...)
- Loves fighting without a weapon in stupid amounts. He'll scrap w a skeleton for fun, and it's even easier with his edward scissorhands ass implants. The reason his jacket has that fire charge burn is because he got distracted with "playing" w a ghast
- in a similar fashion, likes play-fighting (i say play-fighting, but i mean like, full-on blood and bruises but without ill intent when i say fighting)
His fav mobs are creepers. Has attempted to get close to one before. In addition, really likes the nether as well.
- Given he can't yell as much anymore (though he will still be the loudest man on earth if something scares him) (think incyn from neocranium streams), he's overly condescening and sarcastic instead.
- His right pupil is all janked up because his face got slashed; the reason why was because he was trying to fight off the illagers that were taking Maya + Gill. Still believes he could've tried harder.
- occasionally loses sleep either because of adrenaline, stress, nightmares, or just because of his already abysmal sleep schedule.
^ not a morning person.
- is, in fact, still super competitive and will brag about any victory ever. Still learning not be a sore loser (its a work in progress, but its there)
- has dark humour in the sense he'll try and joke about things in the worst moments, also a bit grim or rude in the same way. He'll laugh about stupid shit in general, though.
^ when he laughs loud enough and for too long, steam will also come out his jaw vents/mouth (not to the same amount if he was to scream and overload his throat implant, its lighter and not as obtrusive)
- has a really good knack for stealing things and negotiating with traders. He likes doing it, too. He feels awfully proud of himself when he manages to pull it off.
- His little antenna thing at the side of his head emotes (whirrs up and down or twists slightly from side to side. Think warrior cat fanart or something.)
- can come off as rude (and he is, dont get me wrong), but sometimes it is just genuinely being blunt or like, brutally honest with his thoughts. He doesn't even do it intentionally, it just becomes a reflex lmfao
- Will ramble on about the history and art and process regarding architecture if he can. He'll get embarrassed about going off on a tangent for so long and will shut up but like a couple months later he will absolutely start up again
- likes using his mech spider legs to skewer zombies. Morbid stress relief, but it's still mildly satisfying to him.
- has a really bad fear of storms after the whole sky city thing; it makes him have what is essentially flashbacks to everything to the bridge fight and after it (aka, deaths of his previously closest friends). Feels similarly to copper golems and will like, discreetly knock them over or push them away using his mech-spider legs
- wont admit it for the life of him but actually really enjoys feeding birds. Wont say it because he feels like thats something people over the age of 60 do when they're having a late-life crisis.
- easy to annoy thanks to his temper
(Next design will be of a certain .,.. pumpkin-related lady ....)
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povivekara · 3 months
OC(in your pov) x Neteyam
Word count: 1,173
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You and Neteyam are rivals. You two always compete with each other, trying to beat one another. It was so satisfying for you when you beat him, your hands on your hips, a smug grin plastered all over your face, shoving it in as he desperately tried to think of a come back.
It’s been 3 years since the RDA had attacked again, and you have reached the age where most na’vi have mates. Although, you don’t have one, and your parents are pressuring you to get one.
The worst part is, that if you don’t find one soon, deals will be made and you are to be mated with your RIVAL. Ever since you were young, your parents and the Toruk Makto and his wife have yearned for you and Neteyam to be mated (unless you and Neteyam already have your own mates).
You and Neteyam have learnt of this, and you both are desperate to find a mate on time. Unfortunately, luck isn’t on any of your side.
Random day in 2173
You stroll through the forests, trying so hard not to just turn around and go back. Kiri told you that taking a walk would improve your stress levels.
To you, this was just making it worse. You had so much to do, so much weight on your shoulders, and all of it was just making your stress reach its peak.
You tried to think of things to calm you down, like that one time you learnt how to ride an ikran before Neteyam, and how proud of yourself you were.
That’s when your thoughts shifted to Neteyam.
You were thinking about all those times you beat him, and how satisfying it was to see that one look on his face when you did.
You always thought of when he beat you, and how you just wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. And also to the times where you weren’t competing or anything just oddly… being friends.
You remember that one look he gave you when you had pissed him off but his father, the Toruk Makto, was calling him and he couldn’t do anything.
His jaw clenched, he gave you that one glare and he gave you a Quick Look up and down before walking off to his father. You never wanted to admit it, but that was quite attractive.
You smile without realizing, feeling all giddy as you bit your lip. You felt a big hand reach your shoulder, sending you into a shock and a snap back into reality.
Neteyam bent forwards to reach your level from behind you, and leaned into your ear, whispering; “did the mighty warrior scare you? I felt your flinch.”
You turned around, immediately recognizing his voice.
“What is it you want, Neteyam?” You asked, raising an non-existent eyebrow and folding your arms.
He handed you a journal full of lists of herbs. “Kiri asked me to give you this.”
“Oh. Thanks.” You replied, flipping through the delicate pages worth of notes.
Neteyam stared at you, walking beside you as you flipped through the pages. It was obvious he was bored by the fact he was still beside you. Neteyam slowly put an arm around your shoulder, looking down at the journal as well.
You put the journal in his hands, as you found the right page. “Read out the list of ingredients for me.”
He did as you said.
You ventured through the forest, looking for each ingredient that he read out. You were now on the last ingredient, looking through every bush and branch.
“Txana..” Neteyam called.
You turned around to see Neteyam holding a slightly poisonous fruit in his hands. What concerned you is that he decided to take a bite out of it.
You rushed up to him, taking the fruit and dropping it onto the ground. He just knew what to do to stress you out.
“Why didn’t you ask me if this was safe to eat?!” You yelled in frustration, pacing around him, running your soft fingers all over his body, trying to find the rash.
“What’s gonna happen to me?” Neteyam asked, looking at her as she placed her hands on him.
“I’m just glad it wasn’t anything too bad. This is just gonna give you a big rash.” You sigh, as the rash slowly started to appear on his chest.
You grab his wrist and lead him somewhere near a stream and sat him down on a rock. “Why would you eat it?”
“It looked good, okay?” Neteyam looked away, embarrassed.
You huff out of annoyance as you grab some of the herbs, mush it up and all that and heal his rash.
For some reason, you felt Neteyam’s eyes on you the entire time you treated the rash on his chest. “Did you find a mate yet?” You ask, looking up at him and meeting his gaze.
“No. Have you?” Neteyam mumbled, as you finished up. He stood up from the rock as he watched you clear everything up.
“Not much luck yet.” You reply, standing on your tippy toes as you inspect his face. “Are you feeling anything?”
Neteyam’s heart skipped a beat as you inspected. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, and your lips. Neteyam finally shifted back to reality, “I’m fine.”
Neteyam returned back to the hut after a long day.
Lo’ak walks in, grinning from ear to ear. He watched carefully as Neteyam stretched his arms and yawns. “How was it?”
“How was what?” Neteyam asks, clearly confused as he sets himself down on a snonivi (hammock).
“Your walk with your girlfriend.” Lo’ak says in a teasing manner, placing his hands on his hips.
“She isn’t my girlfriend, baby brother.” Neteyam looks up at Lo’ak.
“Whatever you say, Teyam.”
The next following day
You walk into a tent, as the clan’s tsahik, Mo’at, called you.
Your eyes darted around the room as you saw Lo’ak being treated by Mo’at, another Na’vi warrior about the same age being treated by Kiri, and Neteyam who locked eyes with you.
“Tsahik, why did you need me?” You ask, as she turns around by the sound of your voice.
“Ah, Yawne (beloved), I need an extra hand to help my grandson, Neteyam.” Mo’at smiled, before turning her attention back to the na’vi warrior.
You nodded and went up to Neteyam, getting on your knees. “Where were you injured, youcareless skxawng?”
“Hey, don’t call me careless. This is a sign of bravery.” Neteyam said.
“Don’t make me repeat myself. Where were you injured.” You say firmly, annoyed.
“On my back and on my chest.”
You took some dapophet and slowly but cautiously rubbed it where his injury on his back was, making sure it stung.
“Ow, ow.. ouch.” Neteyam groans.
“It doesn’t even hurt that much,” you mutter. “Anyways, how’d you get injured?”
Neteyam was relieved as you finally finished up on his back. “Me, Lo’ak and another warrior were hunting and got attacked by a herd of yerik (type of pandoran deer).”
You can picture that, probably hurt. You put your hand on his chest and push down, making him lay over.
You grab some more dapophet and other herbs as you slowly start to treat his chest.
You mix some of the ingredients with the dapophet so it would sting less. Your fingers trace along the large cut, as you lock eyes with him again.
“Does it still sting?” You ask.
“No, thanks.” Neteyam answers.
You turned to your left to see Neteyam’s mother with yours, intently watching as you treat Neteyam. They chatted, and you knew well what they were talking about.
You look back down at Neteyam, trying to quickly finish up on his chest. After you were finished, “get up. I’m done.”
Neteyam sat upright, groaning as he did. You handed him a cup of tea.
You stand up, telling the tsahik and Kiri that you’re leaving, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.
You decided that today you would find a mate. It had to be today.
To be continued
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doloresliddell · 1 month
I wanna say thank you for knocking some sense into me. I've been struggling with the after affects of a toxic friend group that consisted of 7 girls who all were proclaimed 'nymphets' after a while they roped me in their mindset and it kinda went downhill from there. I never wanted to turn out like this and what you said really kinda opened my eyes to the really morbid and disgusting reality that is this 'nymphet' community. I want to get better after this realization I really do but I have no clue where to start because I want to be able to enjoy the community around the book and the movies (even if they were poorly told) ((Dolores was a ton boy not some girly girl in dresses or skimpy clothes)) I think im going to talk to my therapist when we meet in 1-2 weeks but until then do you have any advice on how I can heal?
First of all I think you should stay away from the movies.
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These are not "poorly told". They are intentionally softcore CSEM (child sexual explotation material).
Sue Lyon was just just TWELVE when she was casted.
And for Lolita 1997:
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You are literally posting stills of softcore CSEM. You are posting stills of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY, and talking how much you want that to happen to you. The producers/directors literally wanted to make CSEM and had to restrain himself just a tiny little bit because anti CSEM laws.
Did you know Menarche has gotten lower in the last years, right? Female puberty starts at around 8 years old, Humbert nowadays would want to rape 8 year old girls.
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This is what Humbert speaks of when he talks of Nymphets.
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Humbert is attracted to early breast development (8 to 12 years), to menarche (8 to 13), early armpit hair and so on.
When Dolores has the normal body development of a 13 year old in the 1940's, he calls it advanced age and begins to get tired of her. Do you know why? Because he is fixated on 1920's european little girls who were stressed and starved during WW2.
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Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. Part 1, Chapter 5.
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Anarchy: A journal of DESIRE ARMED (Issue #19, May-July 1989, "Save the children" by Richard Walters), a pro CSA publication, WHICH ARGUED FOR EVEN THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF NEWBORNS.
When you like Humbert, this is what you like. You can trace back ALL of his arguments to actual real life pro contact pedohebephiles. Is that what you want?
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When you see this, do you call her a "nymphet"? You should, since you believe they are real. This is what Humbert thinks is a "demon child", not this
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When you post stills of poor Sue Lyon, do you stop to think this child had her life ruined and was raped on set? When you post Dominique Swain, do you think about how she said the role ruined her life?
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When you think of your handsome Humbert Humbert, do you think of this? How he calls himself foul smelling? How he calls himself hairy, with aging ape eyes?
And above all, do you think of people like me, who had the "fortune" to be what you want to be when we were as young as 2, 3, 5, 10 year old? Do you think of incest victims? Did you ever think of the fact Dolores was being raped by her dad?
When you think of calling yourself Lolita,nymphet, do you ever think of the CSEM forum "Lolita City", the ages shown here, of all these girls whose rape was filmed? If you wanted to be "Lolita" or a nymphet so bad, why weren't you going out of your way to do this to yourself? I am sure you would find a Humbert there!
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Or better: Don't.
Do you remember how Humbert married poor Charlotte and then killed her to gain acess to little Lola? Well, I do.
Do you know who Peter Scully is?
He is currently serving a life sentence in the Philippines for trafficking, child pornography, the murder of a 12-year-old girl, and the torture and sexual abuse of at least eight girls, including a 1-and-a-half-year-old girl.
He is the author of the infamous Daisy's dest...do I even have to say it?
And was the owner of Hurt2TheCore, a snuff/pedosadism csem page. He is also accused of creating the pedosadist and murder and torture international net No Limits Fun.
Anyways, why the mention of him and of Hurt2TheCore? Well, of course, here is the people who post there:
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Oh, yes, Humbert in real life. Is this what you want?
Stay away from the movies and go back to the novel. Get into the musical. Read analysis of the book. Go read books about CSEM forums. Memoirs of real life incest victims. of rape victims. That's how you "enjoy" Lolita.
And from a real Life Lolita to you, a wannabe, I hope the world NEVER teaches you what being Dolores Haze in real life is like.
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arokel · 2 months
10 questions for 10 writers
thank you so much for the tag @strangethings-everywhere ! secretly I've always wanted to do one of these
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
Way of life for sure; I'm basically never not thinking about it. I start to feel awful and purposeless if I go too long without writing at least something.
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
Clean completed manuscript, unfortunately. I wish I could be less persnickety about my first drafts but so far that hasn't happened. I do sometimes make extensive outlines though and those are always by hand, but they're usually pretty clean too :/ no scribbly scribbly for me
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
I've been writing since I was five years old and telling stories since I could talk, so I guess I'll say that when I was first reading chapter books I asked my parents why books always have a few blank pages at the end and they said it was so you had space to continue the story yourself if you wanted. They made it up on the spot and they don't remember saying it at all, but it's always stuck with me.
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Listening to me sing, 100%. I post my barely-edited first drafts on ao3 all the time lmao. But I also feel like with a first draft it's easy to say hey this is a first draft, if there's stuff you don't like I'm happy to hear criticism! Whereas with singing, that's just your voice. You can practice the song but at some point whether they like it or not just comes down to something about you that you can't change. (Although I am a hashtag classically trained singer so my feelings of needing to live up to that might not be universal.) (Don't ask me to sing opera for you because I don't actually like opera.)
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
I think most of the perspective changes that have come out of stories have been from reading for me? Like the first time I was really exposed to the idea of transness was a Harry Potter fic (suck on that, JKR) and that obviously really stuck with me. But I think the desire to write from queer povs really helped me come to terms with my own sexuality, maybe more than actually doing it. I guess writing narrative essays, which I do less frequently than straight up fiction, is usually a way for me to explore things I feel about myself and about the world.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
AO3 foreverrrrrrr. I was on ffn in my misspent youth and Very briefly on lj, but ao3 has been my home since 2014 and it would take a lot to get me to move.
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
646,046, and soon enough it'll jump another 100,000. Honestly not sure how I feel about that.
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
I will never not love Tamora Pierce's Tortall series. I know they're kind of dated and don't hold up in some places, but they've been in my bloodstream so long that they're basically a part of my understanding of the world. They shaped so much of my ideas on literature - how to create compelling characters and relationships, what makes a world believable, what fantasy even is - and honestly I think they're responsible for about 50% of my sense of humor and at least a quarter of my relationship to gender. They were my first fandom and in the end I'll always come back to them.
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
One of my plays deals with a very difficult emotional subject and is quite frankly pretty depressing the whole way through, and after the premiere a friend of mine came up to me and said "it was so so funny; I was laughing the entire time." That's what I always want my writing to do, not so much in fic but out in the world - I want to give people catharsis, and I hope they leave the reading or viewing experience feeling a little better than they did going in. And also I want people to laugh at my jokes.
10. What defines your writing style?
Can I say inconsistency? No but really it's definitely dialogue. I struggle with descriptive prose sometimes, but I never have to work at dialogue. I think it's my strongest area and people always tell me it's snappy (thank you Tamora Pierce). Other than that uhh... too many commas probably.
tagging @violasmirabiles @fregata-magnificens @kjxlll @borealopelta @uwu-dowoon @teaforarteza @icegreyrose @shadowquill17 @ris-d-deridex and using my 10th tag for anyone else who wants to participate!
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pleb-the-original · 5 months
Day 3: Construct
(ok so I kinda didn't want to do another a- monster but the entry just intrigued me too much.) Alright welcome to Agrippa duty. How bad did ya fuck up? Don't play coy, you had to fuck something up to end up down here. Ah, there it is. Yeah, I can see why they sent you down here. Anyways, this is your orientation as a new employee working for the care and keeping of the Elders' agrippas. What is an agrippa you may ask? Well, have ya heard of the Liber Primus? Big magic book with a human soul inside? Think of that, but a demon soul instead. Basically a long long time ago back when the humans up in Europe were in castle times, a bunch of priests managed to capture some demons and stuffed them into books. You'd think this would've been an issue, since, ya know. Humans stuffing us into books. But instead of doing something actually helpful with the potential crisis on our hands, the Elders decided they wanted in too. Now soul manipulation back then wasn't as refined as it is today, especially dealing with hellfire remnants. Research hadn't gone too far into figuring out the specifics in using hellfire remnants to form a soulfire with only a few successes such as that cat gal. But the Elders tried anyways. They plucked a handful of flames from a couple fires, placed them between the pages of a book and closed it shut. No I am not joking that is actually how they did it. The worst part was that it worked. I could go on about intention powering magic and the Elders heightened capabilities but who gives a shit about that? Not the Elders after having new toys to play with. They basically used the agrippas like journals, documenting their sacred knowledge inside. Some of them actually did useful things with their agrippas like collecting research notes. But some of the others one just wrote whatever the home was on their mind. Before you ask, the only one that didn't participate was Dantalion. I'm surprised he actually didn't say anything considering everyone was ripping him off. Maybe he knew what was to come. Because yeah, turns out stuffing an entire demon into a confined prison and feeding it untold wisdom does in fact lead to bad things happening. The agrippas got hungrier for knowledge. They soon became feral and started eating anything with information they could find. They even managed to trap normal demons within their pages by shutting them inside. It was mayhem! Once the Elders got their agrippas together, they locked 'em away down in the deepest bowels of Pandemonium so no one ever has to learn about one of the many times they fucked up. Oh yes this isn't the only incident, trust me. Working down here, you get to learn a lot about their dirty laundry. You can't ever let them know of course but trust me, you'll learn a lot. As for what we actually do, we just do rounds to make sure the locks are stable and the books are complacent. If they do get rowdy, you just gotta swing on by a booth to find a book to read to them. I am not kidding. Does this face look like it kids? No? Good. We do get assigned specific agrippas to deal with just in case they get out. And you gotttttttt……Vassago's. Eh, not bad. His gets a little testy sometimes but it ain't too bad. They must've gone easy on you. Yes, this is going easy. Trust me, things could be a lot worse. You could have gotten Andras'. I know right? If you do see any of the guys working with that one, just give them a hug. Or a pat on the back. Or anything really. Just don't make any sudden movements around them. Or the agrippa itself. Actually just stay as far away as possible at all times. You can tell which one it is by the caution tape…and the acid stains…and the paint. But I don't think things'll too bad for you. I mean you're only assigned down here for a couple months. Just make sure when you get outta here not to do anything to make them wanna send you back. I hate it when I get repeats.
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