#does this count as fanfiction at this point
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Okay so I might have fully developed Supernatural brainrot with everything going on but bear with me as I ramble, okay?
So I made this post yesterday freaking out about Jared and Misha guest starring in The Boys s5 at some point, right? And I've come up with the most batshit insane headcanon/theory about what could happen. If it does happen, I might perish. If it doesn't happen, well, at the very least I have the basis for a really cool fanfiction once I finish The Boys and my rewatch of Supernatural. So here's the thing: in Supernatural, Chuck is a writer, right? In the TV series, Sam and Dean find this whole book series based on their lives written under the pen name Carver Edlund and they find out the author is Chuck and they think he's just a prophet but they later find out he's God. And in 15x12 Galaxy Brain, Chuck reveals to a random Radio Shed worker that he's created hundreds of alternate universes where Sam and Dean exist, but the universe that they are currently standing in, that Sam and Dean, they are his favorite. They excite him. They disappoint him. This version of Sam and Dean, our version of Sam and Dean, is his favorite. He then decides that all other versions of Sam and Dean and the stories that he wrote for them in those alternate universes were "failed drafts" and that it was time to "cancel" them. Of course the gang is able to defeat Chuck by the end of the show, but not before he goes on a rampage destroying all these alternate universes and versions of Sam and Dean (and other key story members). However, it is revealed in the prequel show The Winchesters that after Jack was instated as the new God, he reverted the multiverse to its original state.
Which leads me to The Boys.
What if The Boys is one of Chuck's alternate universe's where he's playing with Sam and Dean as his favorite toys, but he decided to really spice things up in this one, so they aren't even Sam and Dean, they're Sam and Dean playing other characters that Chuck has designed? I mean, we're looking at Jared, Misha, and Jensen all working together in the final season of The Boys, I don't see why this couldn't happen. You could argue that Vought Rising could get in the way of that happening but that's going to be a prequel series. There's no telling what Jared and Misha's roles are going to be in The Boys and when in s5 they'll show up and what will happen after the show. What I'm implying is that this is our segue into Supernatural s16. Because what if The Boys was Chuck's backup Sam and Dean? What leads me specifically to question this (aside from the fact that it's another Eric Kripke show and we're getting a Team Free Will team up) is an interaction in Supernatural 3x10 Dream a Little Dream of Me. While helping Bobby in his comatose state, Dean runs into a nightmarish demon version of himself that prods at his deepest insecurities. The interaction goes as follows: "I mean after all, you got nothing outside of Sam. You are nothing. You're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog." "That's not true..." "No? What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean your car? That's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket? Dad's. Your music? Dad's...do you even have an original thought? No. No all there is is 'Watch out for Sammy! Watch after your little brother boy!' You can still hear your dad's voice in your head can't you? Clear as a bell..." "Just shut up." "Think about it...all he ever did was train you, boss you around; but Sam? Sam he doted on. Sam he loved." "You made it. I'm getting angry." "Dad knew who you really were...a good soldier and nothing else...Daddy's blunt little instrument. Your own father didn't care if you lived or died, WHY SHOULD YOU?!" (Part 2 in reblogs bc of character count)
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crystalandrose · 7 months ago
So my idea for my version of evil ford is that his timeline splits at the science fair incident. This ford was paranoid enough to know stanley would somehow fuck up his chance, so he fixes the machine and takes the toffee peanut bag as evidence (maybe he also pulls security footage). So ford makes it into his college and stan gets punished (but not kicked out). Stanley runs away of his own volition due to the anger at ford leaving him behind and also ratting him out to their parents. Stan partly wants to prove hes just as good as his brother and also wants to prove it to himself.
This means Ford never met Fiddleford in college. Instead, after getting a lot more grant money than from Backupsmore, he goes to Gravity Falls and works alone. Eventually, after he makes the deal with bill, he realizes he doesnt have enough experience making computer things (sourcing parts and such) to do this alone (even if bill is helping him). So he puts an ad for a research assistant good with computers. Perhaps some of this extra grant money went towards pay, and Fiddleford took the opportunity. But having no real connection to Fiddleford, Ford is more up to use him as a tool to get what he wants. So when Bill says his use is up and its time to get rid of him, Ford obliges.
Maybe since he went to this fancy college he had an easier time making connections or doing schooling quicker. So this extra time means he spends more time in partnership with bill and the connections make it easier for him to make side money he can also funnel into the portal project.
This Ford also learns more about Bill's backstory because he connects more to Bill (disconnect from family, not feeling recognized, wanting a home with people that get him/etc). So this guy is more sympathetic and knows more about Bill's desires (create a nightmare realm). Maybe Ford rationalizes it as a good thing or thinks he can talk Bill out of some destruction, or maybe at this point he wants some revenge on the world himself. So hes still on board with the portal when Bill reveals its actual purpose.
However, maybe Stanley needs another place to sleep on the couch at and sees his brother in some headline or mentioned as an inventor for some product. Or his brother needs a test dummy that can speak for the portal so he calls him. Or maybe Ford wants to potentially say his last goodbyes before he goes into what he knows is potentially the end of earth.
Fight still happens, Ford wants Stanley to thank him for money hes sent the family, for not completely ostracizing him from the family after what he did, offering him a place to stay, idk. Ford fights him, Bill possesses Ford at some point as another try to prevent Ford from getting sucked into the portal. This freaks Stan out and he pushes him. Ford, holding journal 3 (which does not have pages ripped out), chucks it at stans head (not to help him but to literally hurt him). Stan is like "wtf did i just do" and shuts the portal down, reads through the journals and thinks Ford is unwillingly possessed by a demon and spends his days trying to get him back.
Ford and Bill are now stuck in the portal, going through dimensions trying to get back to Earth in order to reopen the portal and finish what they started. I think Stan is fully anti-cipher-ified, planning on killing bill as soon as he shows up again in order to save his brother. Im thinking this Dipper and Mabel got killed by zombies or something. So when Ford does get back, stan is there super unhinged and angry and somehow eventually kills bill, leaving no statue behind. Evil ford is like "wtf" and devastated, but keeps looking for a way to bring him back. Maybe this Bill, having not gained sympathy from the axolotl, decides hes not worth rehabilitation and so hes actually dead in this reality.
(Then "canon" bill opens up a reality rift and evil ford comes through, hoorah)
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vulpinesaint · 2 months ago
kind of unfortunate that so many fantasy epics are also war novels because i will be honest i just do not like war novels that much... the grand clashing of forces is compelling obviously but it requires characters to talk about so much practical battle strategy and while i can get my brain to comprehend all these fantasy maps and kingdoms and borders and battalions and front lines and army movements it takes up. so much space in the book. feels like i'm fighting a war of my own trying to get through it sometimes
#this is about the witcher books rn but also about book four of the inheritance cycle#roran is hot and i like seeing him with his hammer and his dedication and love for his wife!#also i am here for dragons and it is kind of a major tonal shift watching this man try to navigate becoming a military general!#like i'll learn all the names of the witcher kings and queens and learn where their provinces are and which towns are in which kingdom#and who borders what and where and how all those political machinations work. it's important to the plot.#damn it's a lot of names though#meve is the queen of lyria and rivia is in lyria. this much i know. because she is the only queen.#completely irrelevant information most of the time.#cintra is north of nilfgaard. nilfgaard is south of fucking everything.#cintra is like? middle of the map i think? there are other southern territories that got conquered by nilfgaard before cintra fell#other southern places. um. toussaint. i know this because this location is often referenced in fanfictions about aiden thewitcher#my favorite character that does not actually appear anywhere in canon aiden thewitcher#man i'm thinking about him again... fucking miss him... (<— guy who never met that guy to begin with)#anyway. what other witcher politics do i know. i can keep the wizard politics pretty clear in my mind.#total fucking lie i just realized i've been picturing stregobor instead of vilgefortz all through the last half of blood of elves#whateverrrrrrr i'll figure it out... this is why i can't pick things up this much later. i'm not restarting this reread though#other kings. suddenly all their names are gone. demawend? he is not very important rn i don't think.#vizimir. of. redania? perchance?#yes. because i think he's who dijkstra works for. and phillipa eilhart. i think that's the redania crew.#there's the king who is caught up in. incest. foltest. that's that guy's name. fuck if i know what kingdom. triss worked with him i think#oxenfurt is an independent city-state in my mind i don't think that's actually true though#just reread the story where geralt is delivering a message for the kings that border brokilon but could not tell you for the life of me#which kings and kingdoms those actually are. nor who ciri was supposed to marry there#anyway point is. man. War Novel#lord of the rings counts for this too btw. if i have to calculate the numbers for the armies it is a war novel to me#valentine notes#witcher reread
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fishhateme · 4 months ago
okay fine let's address the elephant in the room i've abandoned this blog BUT i needed to cope after singapore yall after a good two months of no contact with any media of my pookie danny and the subsequent exposure to THE maxiel paddel date (ft. temporarily adopted paddel prodigy??) i'm ready to be back on my bullshit
this time? angsty introspective danny and max comforting him, aka ao3 hasn't been hitting and im in crisis
if it sucks it's because i haven't written fanfic in ages (started uni and it kicked me in the teeth, the only reason i can justify spending time on this is because at this point it's a Coping Mechanism™)
also i know the whole part things is a pain in the ass but tumblr wont let me write posts as long as i want them to idk i hate technology i was born in the wrong century (id rather die of the black death at 20 than have to deal with hyperlinks again thanks for asking)
read it here
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novella-november · 6 months ago
Novella November 2024 Announcement Post
Hate AI, but love writing challenges?
Want to take part in a global, fun project to write a Novella in one month?
Grab some friends, and take part in Novella November, by writing 1,000 words a day for the month of November, ending with a 30,000 word Novella to test and stretch your novel-writing skills!
Your goal is not perfection, but merely getting into the habit of writing a litte bit every single day :D
No website, no sign-ups -- Just a community initiative to write using only your own word!
What are the rules? Just Three so far!
#1 - No AI
#2 - No Plagiarizing
#3 - Wordcount for the month should only come from what you write during the month.
What does that mean?
Only words written during November should go towards your Wordcount for the month... but! Feel free to use your 30k words as a continuation of previous writing, or just make it the first 30k words in a longer novel!
Don't think you can write a whole entire 30k word story? Write a series of short stories that total up to 30k!
Not ready to write original works yet? Write a 30k word fanfiction that you can post after the month is over!
Share your writing experience, tips, encouragement, and questions in the #Novella November tag!
EDIT, from the tags: Want a progress tracker? Track your progress with TrackBear!
Don't have a word processor? Use LibreOffice , the free and open-source alternative to Microsoft Word!
Want to organize/storyboard your Novel and don't want to pay a subscription? Try 7writer by Simon Haynes!
Want to be able to listen to your story aloud for proofreading using TTS (text to speech)? Try Balabolka!
Or, create some custom progress / Goal Cards in advance you can fill out as you reach word goals! For ideas and templates, search this blog for "goal cards" :D
Want to do a writing challenge in more than just November? Check out my ideas here for year round challenges to keep you writing consistently! Got feedback? Send it in, I'd love to see everyone's ideas!
EDIT 2: I almost forgot to mention, if you are unable to write/type your story, you can also narrate/dictate your story to your preferred recording device!
If you're doing a Recording only and it doesn't automatically generate a transcript, it would obviously be hard to judge the word count -- but you're also working with a lot of obstacles, so I'd say if you're able to complete your story via voice recording from start to finish, you've definitely achieved the goal!
Edit #3: added the title "Novella November 2024 announcement post" to the top to make it more standard with my Ominous October and Drabble December posts (will be updating Outline October shortly) , added "Official Announcement Post 2024" to the tags so people can easily find the monthly events for 2024, and added a bit of bold to the third bullet point in the original post from September 2nd 2024 for emphasis.
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i-dont-r3member · 8 months ago
Ah fuck I’ve accidentally stayed up until 5am reading about silly gay people on my phone again
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unhingedkinfessions · 2 years ago
Gonna be honest I cannot tell if this is a new kintype or a combo of two kintypes that I phantom shifted to at once.
This is what writing fanfiction of yourself does to you /hj
as it goes. shit gets confusing when youre writing for yourself
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fanfic-reading-challenge · 2 months ago
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The 2025 Fanfic Reading Challenge
Welcome to another year of the Fanfic Reading Challenge (FRC)!
I won't bore you with the history of the challenge, this year, but I will welcome you to check out past posts that do explain some of it, as well as include a brief overview of what, exactly, this challenge is, though it does change year to year. (Essentially you read fics to complete goals and win bragging points and an artsy badge.)
This year is especially different, as I had the extreme pleasure of having @noxsoulmate as a partner in crime in keeping me hostage on track to completing this year's FRC. Another valued member of the mod team is @jandjsalmon and speaks for all of us if you need questions answered!
As for the challenge....
This is, indeed, a challenge. Of course.
First of all... you must obviously read fanfiction. As if you don't already!
You also need to download and make your own copy of the spreadsheet, which can be found here, as well as below in the important links section.
To participate in the challenge, you read fics that match the tasks in the challenge. An example of a task can be: "read a fic with a title containing the word purple in it." Should be easy! Of course, there are harder ones.
Which is why there are different modes of challenge to the FRC. These are as follows:
Participation (Complete 1 task)
Regular Mode (Complete 80 tasks)
Hard Mode (Complete 150 tasks)
Extreme Mode (Complete 220 tasks)
Complete (Complete 250 tasks)
The challenge lasts from January 1st, 2025, to December 31st, 2025.
There are badges that go with the modes completed, and even a secret 6th badge that will be fairly obvious if you look at the spreadsheet! Doesn't mean it'll be easy to complete though. *smirks* (Blame Noxy)
Most important of all: this challenge operates on the honour system. We don't check your work, or your reading logs (see below), so I mean, I guess if you want to be slippery with the rules, you do you, and that's on your conscience, but honestly it's so much fun to see how much you can get done by following the letter of the law/tasks! You can be slippery even with following the tasks fully. It's great fun. ;D
I think that's enough for an intro, really, maybe too much.
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Important Links and Reading Logs/Trackers
As there is a component of the FRC that includes tracking numbers of words read, most of us use a reading log/tracker to keep count of how many fics we read, including data such as words, of course, chapters, month completed, ship, author, title, fandom, link to the fic, and such. It's a great place to mark what fics you want to read in the future as well!
This year we have FOUR trackers on offer, quite different from one another, so take a look, play around with them and check out their "intros", and choose according to what you think will work best for you!
Fic Tracking Sheets
Juulna's 2025 Reading Log
Noxy's 2025 Reading Log
2025 Jandy's Fic Tracker
Taru's Fic Tracker 2025
We have a blast on Discord. From general chatter to sharing pet pics to being there for each other during the tough times to forming lasting friendships and making friendships you’d never make in a ship- or fandom-specific Discord, to asking for help ‘rolling the dice’ (pick a number between 1-10!) to choose the next fic to read, to finding some of the really challenging task fills in fandoms people might not have ever read but are willing to try, or finding fandoms someone has never read and is very tentative about stepping out of their box, but they’re being 100% supported and know they don’t need to complete the fic for it to count for the task, stepping out of their comfort zone… we’ve formed a very odd group of, if not friends, then companions (but there are definite friendships that have formed!! Just ask the people who have started watching NHL and NFL together in our off topic channel!).
In any case, our Discord is not necessary, but it is a worthy and tactical element to completing many of the tasks of this challenge. 💙
And.... without further ado....!
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The 2025 Fanfic Reading Challenge! (link)
There is an info/rules page as the first sheet on the spreadsheet that should fill in any further questions you have. It also has more contact info than just this page if you have any further questions and perhaps need a more immediate answer for your needs.
*Occasionally you will run into something that looks like an error, and it may in fact be one! Let us know if you see it. It's hard not to make a mistake on as large a spreadsheet as this.*
Please, first of all, have fun and just read fanfiction that you enjoy! I (Juulna) did that last year and didn't even come close to completing the entire challenge, and I still had a blast because I was enjoying what I was reading and rereading. Others took the challenge right to the completed end. Others forgot about it halfway through but still had fun, and some even went back and filled in the sheet for a really good showing! The challenge is what you make of it, what you want from it. So... just have fun. Read fic. Smile. Enjoy. :)
Second of all... well, we would love if you signal boost this post!!!!
Third of all, we do have our pinned post that includes a link to this page and that will include a link to our Discord and all our trackers as well, including past links for memento and informative purposes.
Thank you, and a blessed 2025 to all!
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shinebyeoli · 11 days ago
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✶PAIRING: Spiderman! Yunho x Fem! reader
✶WARNINGS: superhero au, spiderman! yunho, Best friends! wooyoung and san, fighting (spiderman), smut, pet names, cursing, wooyoungs a fangirl over spiderman.
✶A/N: I want to do Ateez fanfiction as them as superheroes, and so, obviously Yunho is Spiderman.
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The city always felt different at night. The once-bustling streets had quieted down, save for the occasional honking of taxis and the distant chatter of late-night wanderers. The streetlights buzzed softly, casting a warm glow over the pavement as you, Wooyoung, and San walked along the sidewalk, the three of you lost in conversation.
"You’re crazy if you think that’s the best Marvel movie," Wooyoung argued, waving his hands in the air dramatically.
San scoffed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I’m just saying, the storyline actually made sense. Unlike the mess of a plot twist your favorite one had."
You laughed, watching the two bicker for what felt like the hundredth time that night. It was always like this—Wooyoung and San found the most random things to argue about, and you somehow always got stuck in the middle.
"Alright, alright, let’s call a truce before one of your heads explodes," you teased, nudging Wooyoung’s shoulder.
He huffed but grinned. "Fine. But only because I’m too hungry to keep fighting."
"Didn’t you just eat?" San raised a brow.
Wooyoung clutched his stomach dramatically. "That was, like, two hours ago! Do you know how long that is in Wooyoung time?" He says pointing to himself with two fingers.
You rolled your eyes as San shook his head with a laugh. The three of you turned the corner onto a dimly lit street, the atmosphere shifting slightly. The sidewalks weren’t as lively here, and the sound of distant sirens echoed faintly through the air.
Something about the silence felt off.
You felt it first—a strange uneasiness creeping up your spine. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as your gut twisted, an instinct screaming at you that something wasn’t right.
"Hey, does this street feel…weird to you?" you asked, slowing your steps.
San glanced around, his playful demeanor dimming as he too seemed to sense the shift in the air. Wooyoung, usually oblivious to danger, actually frowned.
"Yeah… we should probably—"
Before he could finish, a loud crash shattered the silence.
A black van skidded to a stop in the middle of the road, its tires screeching against the pavement. The doors were thrown open, and within seconds, several masked figures jumped out, their movements quick and calculated. They were armed with guns.
Your breath caught in your throat.
"That’s bad," Wooyoung whispered, stepping back.
"Very bad," You muttered.
"Fuck," San cursed, grabbing your wrist instinctively. "Run."
But it was too late.
One of the men barked an order, and suddenly, the air was filled with chaos. A shot rang out—probably not meant to hit, just to scare—and screams erupted from the few people still lingering in the area. The three of you turned on your heels, sprinting in the opposite direction, but they were fast. Too fast.
The night erupted into chaos behind you—yelling, footsteps pounding against pavement. A gunshot rang out, shattering the silence. Your breath caught, your pulse hammering against your ribs as you sprinted down the street, barely processing what was happening.
"Shit, shit, shit!" Wooyoung cursed as the three of you ducked into an alleyway, your backs hitting the cold brick wall. But before Wooyoung could make it, a strong hand grabbed him by the arm, yanking him backward. He let out a sharp yelp as he struggled, twisting and kicking in their grasp.
"Let him go!" you shouted, instinctively lunging forward.
Another man grabbed you before you could reach him, his grip bruising as he pulled you back. You thrashed against him, panic surging through your veins, but he was stronger. San tried to fight off one of the others, managing to land a solid punch before getting overpowered.
This wasn’t just a mugging. They were organized. They were looking for something—or someone. And you were trapped.
Then, just as your captor tightened his grip, something—or rather, someone—dropped from the sky.
A red and blue blur crashed onto the scene, landing with a force that cracked the pavement slightly.
For a moment, everything stilled.
"Hey, fellas. Now, I know we’re all having fun here," the masked hero quipped, standing to his full height. "But I have a strict policy against terrifying innocent civilians. Superbad look, guys."
The men froze in place.
And then all hell broke loose.
The first guy barely had time to react before Spider-Man shot a web, yanking the gun straight out of his hands. Another moved to attack, but the hero was faster—ducking, twisting, landing a solid kick that sent the man sprawling.
"Tsk, tsk." Spider-Man shook his head. "Guns? Really? That’s just lazy."
The scene erupted into chaos.
Spider-Man moved fast—faster than you could keep up with. He flipped and twisted through the air, his webbing shooting out in rapid succession as he took down the masked men one by one. Wooyoung managed to break free in the commotion, stumbling toward you to break you free. You both ran to San as the three of you watched the fight unfold in stunned silence.
Wooyoung let out a breathless laugh. "Holy shit, that’s so cool."
San nudged him. "Now is not the time to fangirl."
It didn’t take long. Within minutes, the assailants were either webbed to the walls or unconscious on the pavement.
Spider-Man landed a few feet in front of you, tilting his head. "Everyone okay?"
Wooyoung, still breathless, gave a thumbs-up. "That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen."
San nodded, still shaken but managing to find his voice. "Yeah… yeah, we’re good."
The casualness of his tone made you blink. He had just taken down multiple armed men in a matter of minutes, and he was talking like he had just finished a workout.
San let out a low whistle, still catching his breath. "That was… a lot."
Wooyoung, on the other hand, was practically buzzing with excitement. "Dude. You. Are. Freaking. Amazing." He gestured wildly at the unconscious men. "Do you even realize how freaking cool that was? I mean, you—" He mimicked web-shooting with his hands, making whooshing noises. "—and then you did that insane flip, and—"
Spider-Man chuckled and patted Wooyoungs shoulder. "Glad you enjoyed the show."
Spider-Man turned to you then, and for a moment, you swore he lingered. Even through the mask, you could feel the weight of his gaze.
"You good?" His voice was softer now.
You swallowed, still feeling the remnants of adrenaline in your bloodstream. You couldn't help but feel a rush of heat go up to your cheeks. "Yeah. Thanks to you."
There was a small pause. Something about the way he was looking at you—studying you—sent a strange warmth through your chest. But then, as quickly as the moment had come, he stepped back.
"Alright then," he said, clapping his hands together. "My job here is done." And just like that, he shot a web to the nearest building, leaped up, and vanished into the night.
Leaving you standing there, heart still pounding. For a second, none of you spoke.
Then Wooyoung let out a breath, shaking his head in disbelief. "That was—holy hell."
San ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. Holy shit sums it up pretty well." He let out a deep sigh.
You exhaled slowly, trying to ground yourself. "Let’s just go home."
They both nodded, and together, the three of you started walking.
At the next intersection, Wooyoung and San turned toward their own apartments, each of them giving you one last look.
"You sure you’re okay?" San asked. "I mean, that was a lot to process..."
"I'm fine San." You managed a small smile. "Yeah. I’ll see you guys tomorrow."
Wooyoung gave you a playful salute before they disappeared down their street.
And then it was just you.
The city was quieter now. The excitement of the night had dulled into a hum of distant traffic, the occasional flicker of headlights passing by.
You pulled your hoodie tighter around you as you walked, your steps steady but your mind still racing.
Everything felt surreal, like a fantasy dream. One second, you were hanging out with your best friends. The next, you were running for your life. And then Spider-Man swooped in, saved you like it was nothing, and disappeared into the dead of night.
Your fingers twitched at your sides and you could still feel the ghost of his touch—the way he had held you when he pulled you away from danger.
Shaking the thought away, you turned down a quieter street. It wasn’t too far to your apartment now. Just a few more minutes. But then there was a noise...
Tick. Tick. Tick.
You stopped. You cocked an eyebrow. The sound was faint, almost drowned out by the night and the noise of wind. It was coming from the building beside you.
Slowly, you turned your head. The alley next to the building was dimly lit, shadows stretching across the pavement. But the sound—that sound—was definitely coming from there.
A slow, rhythmic ticking. Like a countdown.
Your stomach twisted. Your instincts screamed at you to move. But you couldn't. it was like your legs were paralyzed and—
The explosion shattered the quiet night. The force of the blast hit like a shockwave, sending a fiery burst of heat through the air. The impact knocked you off your feet, throwing you backward before you even had time to scream.
For a split second, you were weightless—falling, the world tilting...
But before you hit the ground, something caught you.
No, not something... Someone
A strong arm wrapped around your waist just as a web shot out, pulling you up seconds before debris rained down onto the street below. Your breath hitched.
Your mind barely had time to process what had just happened before you were soaring—high above the city, away from the destruction.
The wind roared past your ears as you clung to the one person who had just saved your life again.
And then, just as quickly as you were pulled away, you landed on a rooftop. You gasped, heart hammering as your feet touched solid ground.
Spider-Man was still holding you, his grip strong, steady—protective.
For a long second, neither of you spoke. The distant wail of sirens echoed below. The glow of the city lights cast long shadows across the rooftop.
His chest rose and fell with controlled breaths. "You okay?" he asked, voice quieter this time.
You swallowed, trying to steady yourself. "I—yeah. I think so."
His hold on you didn’t loosen immediately. It was as if he was making sure—like if he let go too soon, you might slip away again.
The realization made something in your chest tighten.
Slowly, he pulled back just enough to look at you. Even through the mask, you could feel the intensity of his gaze.
"You shouldn’t have been there," he murmured, almost to himself.
"I wasn’t exactly planning on walking past a random explosion," you said, attempting to lighten the mood. Your voice came out more breathless than you intended.
His jaw tensed slightly. "You could’ve died."
You weren’t sure why, but the way he said it—low, edged with something almost like frustration—made your breath catch.
His fingers twitched against your waist before he finally let go. The absence of his touch left the night air colder.
"Thank you though," You breathe out as you look at him. You wondered what he looked like under the mask. "For saving me... again."
"You're welcome."
He then exhaled sharply as if debating something. Then, reaching into his suit, he pulled out a small, folded piece of paper.
Wordlessly, he took your hand and pressed it into your palm.
Your fingers curled around it automatically. "What is this?"
His voice was quieter now. More certain. "A lifeline," he said. "Just in case."
Your pulse jumped. You looked up at him, searching for something—anything—in his masked expression. But before you could say anything, he stepped back.
"Stay safe, Y/N..."
He winked at you and then, in one swift motion, he shot a web and disappeared into the night. leaving you standing there, gripping the note, your heart still racing.
Far below, the city continued on, unaware of what had just happened. But you knew this wasn’t the last time you’d see him.
Your phone buzzed violently in your pocket, snapping you out of your daze.
Still gripping the note, you fumbled to pull it out, your hands shaking slightly as you answered.
“Y/N!” Wooyoung’s voice practically exploded through the speaker causing you to flinch a little. “Did you hear that?!”
San’s voice followed, equally frantic. “Forget hearing it, we felt it! That explosion was huge—where are you? Are you okay?”
You swallowed, your heartbeat still uneven, and a tiny bit of sweat dripped down your forehead. “Yeah… yeah, I’m okay.” You glanced down at the note in your hand, the small folded paper feeling heavier than it should. “Spider-Man—he… he saved me.”
A pause. Then Wooyoung, in complete disbelief: “Wait- again?”
San exhaled sharply. “Holy shit, you have got to stop getting into life-threatening situations.”
You let out a shaky breath, your fingers tightening around the note. “Yeah, well… at least this time, he gave me something.”
Wooyoung gasped dramatically. “Oh my god, a gift?, a love letter?”
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Not exactly.”
Carefully, you unfolded the paper, the streetlights casting just enough of a glow for you to see what was scribbled inside.
A phone number.
Your breath hitched slightly. “He gave me his number,” you murmured, more to yourself than to them.
Dead silence.
“WHAT?!” Wooyoung shrieked so loudly you had to pull the phone away from your ear.
San sounded equally stunned. “Hold on, he just gave you his number? Like—"here call me sometime." type of shit?”
You swallowed, staring down at the digits. “I… guess?”
San groaned. “Give her a second to process, dude.”
Your fingers traced over the numbers absently, your heart still hammering in your chest. “Yeah,” you muttered, barely registering their bickering. “I think I will.”
Because something told you this wasn’t just a random exchange. This was the beginning of something else. Something big.
And for the first time tonight, despite everything, a small smile found its way to your lips.
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Three months had passed since that night. Since the explosion. Since the moment Spider-Man slipped you his number and changed your life forever.
Because Spider-Man was Jeong Yunho.
And now, he was your boyfriend.
The warm glow of your bedside lamp flickered gently against the walls, the soft scent of candles filling the dimly lit room. You sat cross-legged on your bed, your laptop balanced on your thighs as you mindlessly scrolled through your work. The night was calm, the city humming faintly in the background through your slightly open window.
Then there was a familiar thud. You barely had time to glance up before the window swung open, and a tall, breathless figure climbed inside.
His suit was slightly dirty, the red and blue fabric stretched taut over his muscular, tall frame. His chest rose and fell heavily as he pulled his mask off, tousled dark hair falling over his forehead. He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his damp hair before looking at you., panting a bit.
You smirked, resting your chin in your palm. "Rough day, Yun?"
He let out a dry chuckle, tossing his mask onto your desk as he padded toward you. "You have no idea."
You shut your laptop, scooting over as he all but collapsed onto your bed with a dramatic sigh. He stretched out beside you, one arm draped lazily over his face. His eyes closed briefly as he relaxed beside you. The air between you both felt thick with something more than just the comfort of being together. He had been gone all night, and it had become routine for him to come to you like this—exhausted, a little broken, and yet still somehow whole in your presence.
You watched him, his chest rising and falling in time with his breathing. There was something about him tonight—something that felt different.
He turned his head to face you, his brown eyes meeting yours in the dim light. "I missed you," he muttered, his voice quiet but carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken words.
Your heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t the first time he had said that, but tonight, it felt heavier, more real.
"I missed you too," you replied softly, your breath catching as you leaned closer, just barely brushing his arm with your fingers.
He smiled then, a slow, almost lazy smile that had a way of making your heartbeat quicken. Without a word, he shifted, moving until he was hovering above you, his body pressing down gently against yours. The familiar warmth of his chest, the scent of him—like cologne and sweat, and the faint hint of something stronger—surrounded you.
His hands, large and sure, braced on either side of your head as he looked down at you. His gaze softened for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability passing through his eyes before it was replaced with something darker—something that made your breath catch in your throat.
"Is it okay if I..." he trailed off, his voice barely a whisper, his face inches from yours.
You swallowed, nodding. "Yeah, Yunho. It’s okay."
And with that, he closed the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was soft at first but quickly grew more desperate, more urgent. His hands slid to your sides, fingers tracing the curve of your waist before pulling you closer as if he couldn't get enough of the feeling of you beneath him.
The kiss deepened, his body moving against yours in slow, deliberate motions that made your heart race, and your senses heighten. Every part of you burned for him, and he could feel it in the way your body responded to his gentle touch.
His lips left yours, trailing hot kisses along your jaw, down your neck, the soft exhale of his breath making your skin tingle. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging him back to meet your lips again, pulling him closer as if you never wanted to let him go.
Yunho groaned against your lips, his hands sliding beneath your shirt, fingertips grazing the soft skin of your stomach. The touch sent a shockwave of heat through you, and you couldn’t stop the small gasp that escaped your mouth.
"You drive me crazy, y'know that?" he murmured, his breath hot against your ear as he nipped lightly at your earlobe.
You couldn’t help the small, breathless giggle that escaped your lips. "I could say the same about you."
His hands moved lower, tracing the curve of your body, and for a brief moment, there was a sense of hesitation in his movements. But only for a moment.
"I want you," he whispered, his voice raw with desire.
Your heart skipped again. You could feel the tension building between you both, the anticipation crackling in the air as you gazed up at him.
“I want you too,” you breathed, your hands sliding up to pull him closer, your body arching instinctively toward his.
The world outside, the city, the noise, the chaos, faded away, leaving only the two of you, tangled in each other. The kiss deepened once again, more desperate this time as if you were both starved for each other, needing this moment more than anything else.
The dark-haired boy's hands were everywhere now—on your back, your waist, your legs. His fingers finding the hem of your shirt and pulling it off, desperate to feel more of you. you groaned as he did, your body shuddering slightly at the contact, and for a moment, you lost yourself in the sensation of being this close to him, of having him like this.
But before things could escalate further, Yunho pulled back just slightly, his forehead resting against yours, his chest heaving as he tried to regain control of his breath.
“I don’t want to rush this,” he said softly, his voice low and filled with a tenderness that only seemed to make everything more intense.
You nodded, your hands still tangled in his hair as you gazed up at him. “We don’t have to. I just want to be with you, Yunho.”
He smiled, his lips pressing against yours one last time—slow, gentle, a kiss that spoke volumes. And in that moment, it wasn’t just about the passion. It was about connection. About how, no matter what, you both had each other.
Yunho’s body pressed against yours, the weight of him both thrilling and intoxicating as he kissed you deeply, his lips claiming yours with an urgency that made your heart race. You felt the cool air of the room against your bare skin, every inch of you alive with anticipation. His suit was still intact, but the tension between you was palpable, and you could sense his desperation.
With a mischievous glint in your eye, you pushed your hands down to the fabric of his suit, feeling the smooth material beneath your fingertips. “Yun,” you whispered, your voice low and teasing. “What if we take this off?”
He paused, his breath hitching as he looked down at you, a mix of desire and amusement in his gaze. “And ruin it? I just got this suit,” he replied, trying to maintain his composure, but you could see the hunger in his eyes.
“Who cares?” you challenged, your fingers gripping the fabric tighter. “You’ve got more important things to focus on right now.”
With a swift motion, you tugged at the fabric, your determination making you bold. The sound of tearing fabric echoed in the room, and you felt a thrill rush through you as you ripped a hole in the crotch area of his suit, revealing the toned skin beneath. His already hard cock sprung out and hit his covered stomach.
Yunho’s eyes widened in shock, and then he blushed, the tension breaking momentarily. “This is the second suit I’ve been through with you” he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and amusement.
You couldn’t help but laugh too, the sound ringing through the air as you looked up at him, your heart racing. “What can I say? You make it too easy to get carried away,” you teased, your fingers brushing against his exposed skin, feeling the heat radiate from him.
He shook his head, a grin spreading across his face as he leaned down, capturing your lips again in a heated kiss. “You’re insatiable,” he murmured against your mouth, his hands gripping your hips as he pressed his body harder against yours.
“I learned from the best,” you shot back, the playful banter only heightening the tension between you. The sound of fabric tearing had only fueled the fire inside you, and you could feel the need building again, stronger than before. You ran your finger over his leaking tip.
Yunho pulled back slightly, glancing down at his ruined suit with mock seriousness. “I- I might need to start keeping a spare suit at y- your place,” he breathed, his tone teasing but laced with genuine desire as he panted a bit.
“Or maybe just skip the suit altogether next time,” you suggested with a smirk, your fingers trailing down his chest, feeling the muscles flex beneath your touch.
He chuckled, leaning down to kiss you again, the urgency returning as he pressed his body against yours, the remnants of his suit only adding to the thrill of the moment. “If you keep this up, I might not be able to hold back,” he warned, his voice low and filled with promise.
“Then don’t hold back,” you challenged, your heart racing as you met his gaze, your body aching for him. “Such a pretty cock, hm?” You coo.
With a growl, Yunho wasted no time. He closed the distance again, kissing you fiercely, the remnants of his suit only serving to heighten the tension between you. His hands roamed your body, exploring every inch as you surrendered to the moment, the laughter and playful teasing giving way to something deeper, more primal.
In that heated exchange, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of you—lost in each other, tangled up in passion, and utterly consumed by desire.
As Yunho kissed you deeply, the rip in his suit widened, and you could feel his hard member rub against you, throbbing. The thrill of the moment sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn’t help but smile against his lips, the laughter still lingering from your earlier banter.
But then, as if the tension of the night had reached its peak, you felt the unmistakable sensation of his arousal pushing through the tear in his suit. Your breath hitched at the intensity of it, and Yunho’s gaze darkened as he pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto yours.
“Guess I’m not the only one who’s a little too eager,” he murmured, his voice low and husky with need.
With a swift motion, you pushed him back just enough to sit up, and before he could react, you tore at your own bottoms, fabric ripping away with a satisfying sound. The sudden exposure made your pulse race, and you reveled in the way his eyes widened at the sight of you.
“Now we’re both ready,” you teased, your voice sultry as you leaned closer, your body radiating heat as you pressed against him, skin to skin.
Yunho growled low in his throat, the sound sending a thrill through you. “You’re going to be the death of me,” he said, his fingers curling around your waist as he pulled you closer, his body flush against yours.
He quickly shifted, his hands gripping your thighs as he positioned you, and you could feel the undeniable heat of his desire against you. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” he confessed, his voice thick with lust as he pressed his body against yours, the remnants of his torn suit hanging around his hips.
“Then don’t hold back,” you urged, your breath hitching as you felt the weight of him pressing down, the heat radiating between you both. You needed him, needed to feel him fill the void that had been growing inside you.
With a fierce determination, Yunho pushed forward, capturing your lips in another searing kiss. The taste of him, the urgency of his movements, sent waves of pleasure coursing through you as he nestled deeper between your thighs. You gasped at the sensation, the heat building as he ground against you, seeking more, wanting to lose himself in you completely.
“God, you drive me crazy,” he murmured against your lips, his breath hot and heavy as he moved to kiss down your neck, trailing hot kisses along your collarbone, down to your chest, igniting every nerve ending in your body.
“Yunho, please...” you begged, your voice a breathless whisper as you tangled your fingers in his hair, urging him closer, craving more of him.
With a growl, he positioned himself, the moment stretching between you as anticipation crackled in the air. “Are you ready?” he asked, his eyes searching yours, filled with a mix of lust and tenderness.
You nodded, your heart racing as you whispered, “More than ready.”
In one swift motion, he thrust forward, the heat of him enveloping you completely. The sensation was overwhelming, and you gasped, the pleasure coursing through you as his long and veiny cock filled you, stretching you in the best way. You could feel him deep inside, and everything else faded away—the world outside, the chaos of life—until it was just the two of you, lost in each other.
“Yunho,” you moaned, your body arching instinctively against him, urging him on as he began to move, his rhythm steady and intoxicating. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure crashing over you, and you felt yourself spiraling, surrendering completely to the sensations. He kept hitting your G-spot causing you to whine and moan.
He matched your movements, his breath ragged as he lost himself in you. “Y- you feel so good, tiny” he groaned, his voice filled with raw desire, his hands gripping your hips as he pulled you closer, wanting every inch of you.
The room was filled with the sound of skin hitting against skin, the heat between you rising with each passing moment. You could feel the tension coiling tighter, the world around you fading into nothing as you lost yourself in the rhythm of your bodies.
“Yu- Yunho, don’t stop-” you gasped, each thrust igniting a fire within you, pushing you closer to the edge. You could feel the heat building, the pleasure reaching a peak as you clung to him, urging him on, wanting nothing more than to feel him completely.
Yunho filled you completely, a gasp escaped your lips, the sensation overwhelming in the best possible way. He held you close, his breath hot against your neck as he began to move, his thrusts deep and deliberate, each one sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body.
“God, you feel amazing,” he groaned, his voice thick with desire. His hands gripped your hips, guiding you to meet his every thrust, the rhythm building between you as passion grew.
With each movement, his thrust grew more sloppy and hard, whines and moans filled the room. The taller boy grunted as he gripped onto your hips. You could feel the heat pooling deep within you, the tension building with every thrust, every stroke. Yunho’s eyes were locked onto yours, filled with a mix of lust and something deeper, something that made your heart race even more.
“Yunho,” you gasped, your fingers gripping the sheets as you surrendered completely to the pleasure he was giving you. “I- f— fuck.”
He responded with a low growl, his thrusts becoming more urgent, more demanding. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air, the primal rhythm echoing in the room as you lost yourself in the intensity of your connection. You could feel every inch of him, every powerful thrust igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume you whole.
Suddenly, with a wicked glint in his eyes, Yunho shifted his grip and pulled your hands above your head. “Let’s make this even more interesting,” he murmured, shooting out a silky web from his his hands—a playful reference to his alter ego. In one swift motion, he tied your wrists together, securing them above your head.
A thrill raced through you at the sensation of being restrained, the vulnerability heightening the intensity of everything you were feeling. “Yunho, what are you—” you started, but he silenced you with a fierce kiss, his body pressing down against yours, pinning you to the bed.
“Just trust me,” he said, his voice low and teasing. The possessiveness in his tone sent another wave of heat through you, and you nodded, surrendering completely to him.
With your hands tied, Yunho resumed his movements, his thrusts becoming more powerful, more demanding. The sensation of being held down while he drove into you was exhilarating, and you could feel the tension building higher and higher with each powerful stroke.
“Yunho, yes,” you cried out, the pleasure overwhelming as he hit all the right spots, the intimacy of the moment enveloping you completely. You could feel every single inch of him, the way he filled you, stretched you, driving you closer to the edge.
“You like that?” he asked, a smirk on his lips, his eyes dark with desire as he watched your reactions. “I want to hear you.”
“More,” you begged, your voice breathless as you writhed beneath him, the pleasure coiling tighter within you. He was relentless, and the way he took control was intoxicating. Each thrust was a reminder of his power, his desire to consume you completely.
“More, huh?” he teased, his thrusts deepening as he leaned down, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, swallowing your moans. The connection between you sparked with electricity, and you felt yourself spiraling, losing track of everything except the way he was making you feel.
Yunho picked up the pace, his movements becoming more frantic, His length hit the spot, making you whimper from it. the sound of your bodies colliding filling the room. You could feel the pressure building, a delicious tension pulling tight within you, and you knew you were getting close.
“Yunho, I’m—” you gasped, your body arching against him, desperately seeking that release.
“Let go for me,” he urged, his voice a husky whisper in your ear. “I’ve got you.”
With a final thrust, the world exploded around you. Waves of pleasure crashed over you, your body trembling as you cried out his name, the sound echoing in the air as you let go completely, surrendering to the intense ecstasy that washed over you.
You open your mouth as you came on him. squeezing his member, making his grip on your waist tighten.
Yunho followed closely behind, his thrusts becoming erratic as he reached his own peak, the sound of his groan filling your ears as he buried himself deep inside you, riding the waves of pleasure together. He painted your walls with his cum, groaning as he does so.
As the intensity faded and you both collapsed against each other, he quickly untied your hands, pulling you close. The warmth of his body enveloped you, and you could feel his heart racing against yours.
“Now that was something,” he said, a satisfied grin on his face as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face.
You laughed softly, the exhilaration of the moment still lingering in the air. “You definitely know how to make an impression.”
s the waves of pleasure subsided, you found yourselves tangled together, hearts racing, breaths mingling in the aftermath of sex. Yunho collapsed beside you, pulling you close, and you could feel the warmth radiating from him, the remnants of your shared intensity lingering in the air.
“Guess I’ll have to invest in some sturdier suits,” he chuckled, glancing down at the remnants of his attire, and you couldn’t help but laugh, the sound echoing in the dim light of the room.
“Or just come to me without one next time,” you suggested a playful grin on your face.
“Now that sounds like a plan,” he replied, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he pulled you closer, the warmth of his body wrapping around you like a protective cocoon.
And in that moment, as you lay together, you knew that this was just the beginning of many more adventures to come.
Yunho chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Just wait until next time. I have plenty more tricks up my sleeve.”
With a playful smile, you snuggled closer to him, knowing this was just the beginning of many more unforgettable moments together.
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pinkolve · 13 days ago
Better-A Spencer Reid Fanfiction
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
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Summary: Penelope drags you to a bar to meet one Spencer Reid, insisting he's 'just your type.' (She was right.)
Genre: Fluff fluff fluff!!!!
CW: Reader acts a little overstimulated and socially anxious, reader wears glasses, fem!reader, very awkward!reader (to match spencer's freak), use of y/n, first person point of view, early seasons spencer reid because he's my baby, reader is very insecure, reader has an inner monologue, ooey gooey mushy cheesy fluff
Word Count: 1,065
A/N: Hello again!! I'm kind of proud of this one, I think it's pretty cute. I'm thinking of making a part two where you guys go on a nice little date, lemme know if you'd read it!!!
“These heels are fucking stupid.” I groan to Penny.
“At least they look super hot.” Penny shrugged, trying to make me feel better.
“Yeah, not on me.” I groan again, stumbling a little.
“Oh don’t give me that.” I nod right away, waving off her comment.
“Right right, sorry.” Penny had told me I need to stop being so negative about myself. Clearly, I wasn’t doing very well.
“I’m so used to flats, how does any woman manage this?! Jesus Christ!” Penny just laughed.
“We’re almost there, sugar, just take it easy.” We rounded a corner and the bar came into view. We walked up the sidewalk towards the door.
“Remind me why I let you convince me into doing this?” She offered me a hand when my ankle bent a little.
“Hot nerd, remember?”
“Right, right. Spencer’s his name?” I ask.
“Yup! You’re gonna love him, everyone does.” She opens the door and we walk in, the loud music reaching my ears within seconds. I can somehow smell every single person’s drink at once. The music is already starting to get on my nerves. This guy better be as hot as Penny insists he is.
“Please tell me he’s here already. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stand the smell in this place.” My face sours.
“Yeah, yeah! He said he’s somewhere at the bar with Derek!” She looked at me with sympathy. “I promise everything will be alright, I’ll drive you home whenever you’re ready to go.” She smiles and grabs my hand gently.
“Thanks, Pen.” I smile back and let her lead me to the bar. I look down as a bit of hair gets stuck in my lip gloss. I sputter, trying to pull it away. Right when I look up I’m face to face with the infamous Spencer Reid. I notice Penny’s hand is no longer holding my own but I can’t look away from his gaze to find her.
“Hey.” His cheeks are dusted pink, and he offers me an awkward smile. All the words I could possibly say back get caught in my throat. My face is impossibly hot and I can feel every single part of my body practically light on fire. Penny was right…He is insanely hot. I push my glasses up on my face and shake my head.
“Hi, sorry!” I giggle nervously, already embarrassed with myself. “I’m Y/N.”
“Spencer.” He replies. His voice is soft and quiet, like he’s telling me a secret.
“So, Derek and I are gonna go get our groove on!” Penny’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look over at her as does Spencer. “You two lovebirds have fun!” She squeals before dragging Derek off to the dance floor. I stare at them as they walk off, feeling almost betrayed that she would leave me to fend for myself like this.
“Did she drag you here too?” Spencer’s voice pulls me back in. I look over and his eyes are already locked on my own.
“Yeah, she did.” I laugh. “I mean, I can’t say she had to force me. I was looking forward to meeting you. She did have to force me to put on these devil heels though.” I scowl down at my feet. Spencer lets out a breathy chuckle. I look back up at him with a wide smile.
“She did have to force me. I’m not really good with social interactions. But I’m glad I caved and came anyway.” He looked down at his hands, smiling.
“She talked you up a lot, she really wanted me to come tonight.”
“She talked you up too.” He nodded to himself.
“Oh god, what’d she say about me?” I cringe, remembering all the horrible things she knows about me.
“She said you were sweet, and funny. She also may or may not have used the term, ‘smoking hot,’ when referring to you as well.” Spencer huffed out a short laugh, still staring at his hands.
“Oh geez.” I rub a hand over my forehead. “She always makes me sound way better than I actually am.” Spencer finally looks at me again, his smile suddenly gone.
“What do you mean?” His eyebrows furrowed. I worry I upset him somehow.
“Well-” I take a big gulp. “I just mean that she always says I’m ‘super hot’ and makes me sound like some kind of super model, but I’m very far from it.” My reply is met with silence. Great, you already scared him off with your self-deprecation. Can you be normal for even a second?!
“Honestly, how she described you wasn’t correct at all.” Spencer pauses. And this is the part where he admits that he thought I’d be much hotter than I am. “She said you were ‘smoking hot,’ but I’d say you’re much more…’a goddess who walks the earth.��” He thinks for a second before laughing. “God, that was so cheesy wasn’t it?” He brings a hand up to cover his face. I’m beyond stunned. I can’t even bring myself to move a muscle. I can’t even make my fingers so much as twitch. Spencer’s smile fades and his face is still covered by his hand. I start to realize he probably thinks he’s ruined this, just as I did a couple seconds ago.
“I don’t think anyone’s ever said something that kind about me.” Spencer moves his hand and meets my gaze. His face is just as red as mine feels. “Guys always tell me I’m hot or…Something along those lines. But no one has ever said something so…” I pause. “I don’t even have a word for it. I feel like I’m about to burst into tears like a fuckin’ idiot. That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard.” My eyes are watery as I stare up at him. He’s so different. Spencer’s smile returns and his eyes practically fucking sparkle.
“I’m surprised no one’s ever said something like that to you before. Were all the people you met blind perhaps?” I burst out in a fit of giggles. Spencer watches me laugh with the most dopey smile on his face.
“Apparently they might have been.” I laugh. I take a deep breath. “You know…How Penny described you wasn’t quite correct either.” His face falters.
“Am I better or worse than she described?”
“Better.” I respond without missing a beat. “So much better.” I sigh dreamily.
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imraespace · 4 months ago
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SLEEPING OVER ! - having a sleepover with them
THIS includes : fanfiction genre: fluff, crack NOTE: a sneaky break from writing rin shshshs
PAIRINGS: ISAGI, NAGI WORD COUNT: 1.3k, 1.3k, (2.6k in total)
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ISAGI YOICHI sleepover during a storm.
"Are you sure your parents are okay with this?"
Your words caught Yoichi off guard, too deep into his snack, the sudden voice broke his concentration.
The couple was currently out on a date and the sudden thought came into Yoichi's mind,
"Wanna sleep over tonight?"
It was most certainly out of the blue, but who are you to turn down your boyfriend? You agreed to his proposal but no matter how many times he tells you that it will be okay, that thought in the back of your head can't seem to leave you alone.
Your worried face came into his view as he looked up from his snack to focus on you. The afternoon sun made home onto your face, blinding you a bit but it didn't bother you that much it seems. Before, you two were taking strolls here and there during the day but decided to take a rest at the local park, not many children were around anyways.
In your point of view, his half-eaten popsicle came into your field of vision, causing you to look up and was greeted with his comforting smile.
"Of course they will be okay with it, I already told them about you maybe once or twice.."
"You did!?" You blurted out.
You heard a small laugh coming from the male in front of you as your cheeks grew a bit warm from embarrassment.
"You're worried over my parents, have you told yours?" He asked.
Oh right..
"I.. forgot.. They would be okay with it anyways.. if I lie." You confessed, muttering the last part.
He stared at you for a bit, taking in the small moment. His eyes shifted to the phone in your hand, watching as you searched for your mother's contact.
To pass time, Yoichi checked his phone as well and noticed a notification from his mother.
[4:09 P.M.] there are mentions of a storm soon, please come home soon!
A storm? He thought about it for a bit then turned to face you.
"There's a storm coming." You brought up, catching him off guard.
"Did you read my mind?"
"Huh?" You looked over at your boyfriend, accidentally locking eyes with him.
"No, my mom just told me." You simply said.
"Same with mine, can you come over?"
You nodded at his words but then dropped some news.
"She told me to not come home right now, she's scared I might get caught up in the storm.." You muttered, causing Yoichi's eyebrow to raise in confusion.
"Does she not know that you won't have any clothes?" He asked.
"..I told her I'm going over to a friend."
You huffed at his silence, rolling your eyes and then looked up at the sky.
"You think she will let me go if I told her it was a boy? And on the same day as well?"
"Well.." He muttered, having nothing to back him up.
"I can go, that's all that matters, right?"
"I mean, yeah.. But next time don't lie to your mom!"
"Yeah okay, I won't."
He, too, looked up at the sky, noticing that the afternoon sun that rested on your face is now slowly being blocked by gray clouds.
"Shall we go?" He asked.
You nodded at his words, gathering your belongings with the help of the boy beside you, mostly him taking everything.
Soon, you both made it to his house and his parents were the first thing you were greeted with as soon as you entered the household. You took in the shocked expressions and then Yoichi got to work explaining everything.
In the end, they were okay with it and warmly welcomed you in, sadly it was all covered up by the gloomy weather.
And now here you are, in the middle of a thunderstorm in your boyfriend's room. You stared out of the window, watching the raindrops forcefully make their way onto it, all to just slide down to the bottom.
The opening of a door broke you out of your zone as your head turned in the direction and saw Yoichi entering with a few clothes in his hand.
"I got some of my clothes from the clean laundry, you can use them for the night." He said, walking up to you and shifted his eyes on the window besides you.
You took the items out of his hand, staring at them for a bit then back up at him.
"Thanks Yoi, if you don't mind, I'll get dressed now." You muttered, with a small smile.
He nodded at your words, taking it as a sign to give you privacy and left the room. As soon as the door closed, you walked up to his bed and placed the clothes on it then began removing yours.
Placing the clothes over your body, the thoughts flew in. Every time you think about using his clothes, it always ignites you all over your body. It's not the first time, but the feeling will never die down, no matter how many times, it just grows.
The sound of the rain banging on the roof grew louder with every raindrop, deafening you from everything else. Storms are comforting in a way, the coldness and the sound lulls you to sleep, but this storm.. seems to be a bit different.
As soon as you pulled his hoodie over your head, the power went out, leaving you in complete darkness.
You asked out as if someone would respond. You blinked a few times, trying to adjust your eyes in the darkness but then thunder was heard, causing a small yelp to leave your mouth.
"Y/n?" You heard from outside the door.
As soon as you heard the familiar voice you ran up to the door, feeling for the knob and finally opened it. You were then greeted with a figure that resembles your boyfriend.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah.." You muttered.
He sighs out a small smile understanding the situation and grabbed your hand, guiding you towards his bed. He sits you down, placing himself beside you, and then reached out for his blanket, wrapping it around you both.
Another thunder was heard, followed by a flash of lightning, scaring you yet again and this time you grabbed onto your Yoichi, shoving your face into his chest.
He wrapped an arm around you as the other holds a flashlight he brought in and decided to turn it on. The sound of the click caused you to peek out, noticing the small light in his hand.
Still, no matter what, you refuse to let go of the boy, resting your face back into the comfort of his chest. He placed the flashlight at the end of his bed and wrapped both arms around you, covering your ears using his slightly larger frame, and slightly tighten his grip around you for comfort.
The storm grew louder, no signs of dying down anytime soon. As the raindrops filled his ears, he slowly put force onto you, guiding your back onto the soft mattress and rested your head onto his pillow. He shifted his body a bit, looking down at you and made out your relaxed expression and chest slowly rising and falling.
He stared at you, there was no need to protect you from the storm, yet he felt the need to hold on, stay close and cover your ears. Even though his ears are still filled with the raging storm, staring at you gave him a peace of mind, lulling him to sleep. Soon you both were wrapped together, no longer bothered by the storm.
The forgotten flashlight in the background, the beating of the raindrops on the window, and flashes from lightning filled the small bedroom yet the couple rested comfortably in each other's hand, peacefully snoring away.
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NAGI SEISHIRO playing video games with him.
".. You're going to die.. moron.."
You heard for the umpteenth time. You let out a sigh, groaning on your boyfriend's bed.
You stared at the back of his gaming chair, wishing he could magically witness your boredom and annoyance behind him, but sadly his headphones were on..
"Why invite me over if you're gonna play with your online friends.." You muttered, glaring daggers at the back of his head.
Yet again, you rolled over on his bed, burying your face in the blanket, and let out another sigh. During your wallowing moment, your ears perked up at the sound of his chair shifting.
You stole a peak, checking to see what happened this time and saw his fist up in the air? Ah wait, he's playing with his friends, he probably won the game..
But what catches you off guard is him actually turning to face you with his signature blank stare, yet this one hid something.. His eyes lingered on your frame, taking in your slumped mood.
"Y/N.. come here for a second.." He muttered.
"Hm?" The sudden request, yet the first one for the night made you waste no time following his words, pushing yourself up and off the bed and slowly making your way towards him.
He stood up from his chair, disconnected his headphones from the PC, and grabbed your arm.
"What are you doing?" You asked yet still gave him permission.
He guided you to sit on his chair leaving you even more confused as to what he's trying to do here. He spun the chair, making you face the PC.
"I'm gonna teach you how to play league.."
This.. isn't your first time experiencing this, in fact this isn't the first time Seishiro insisted on teaching you how to play his favorite games, but you always turn down League of Legends, only because..
"This game is too hard to learn! The controls are so different and what do you mean the characters have their own difficulty level.."
"Stop the complaining.. you'll understand it. Promise."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his pinky. Using the chair, you turned to face him with a small pout and locked pinkies but seeing your expression, he took his large hands and squished your cheeks.
"Don't pout, it will be fun."
"Okay fine.."
His hands left your face and then pointed towards the screen.
"Choose your champion."
Seems like a hard decision.. and he noticed your hesitation.
"If you wanna, I can show you the easiest ones."
"Please do that.."
With the guidance given, you were able to choose a champion called,
"Vex it is, are you ready?"
"Sure.." You muttered.
You heard movements from behind and then you felt his presence, leaning onto the chair, hand reaching out to guide you but then you heard a huff from him.
"What's wrong?" You asked him.
"This chair is gonna get in my way.."
You looked up, noticing his gloomy expression and then the obvious idea popped up in your head.
"Well then.." You started, standing up and invited him to sit.
"You'll simply become my seat!"
"Oh, that's smart."
And so, he sat on the chair and invited you into his lap.
"Now this would be easier.." He muttered, pulling you both up closer to the desk and started back his teaching. But, you were so eager to invite him on the chair, that you realized how much closer he is now. So much for teaching you, you're barely gonna pay attention..
With his body so much closer this time, pressed up against you, hands over yours, guiding you and teaching you the controls, the only thing you got out of his so-called teaching is nothing but misery..
But slowly, you ignored the warm feeling, realizing why he always seemed so angry while playing this game..
After the entertaining teachings, he decided to let you play your first match, with his online friends who had no clue who you even were. You let him do his thing, switched the tab onto Discord, and messaged in his group chat, all while you slowly died every time he leaned in closer and closer.
Just then, the signature discord ringtone was heard, causing you to look up at the screen and stay quiet, deciding that Sei should take control now.
"What's with the sudden call, didn't you log out first?" His friend asked.
To be honest, this is the first time you've even heard them.
"Yeah, but I need you all to hop on league again." Your boyfriend confessed.
"Why?" Another one asked out.
"I'm teaching my girlfriend how to play."
After that bomb drop the call went dead silent.
"What girlfriend?" One of them joked.
"My girlfriend? The one that's here right now.." Seishiro muttered.
"..Wait really?"
"Y/N.." He softly said, giving you the go-sign to finally speak.
"Um.. I'm here.."
And then yet again, a silent call.
"Can we just play..?" Sei asked.
"Oh, yeah sure."
So now, finally with a team acquired, Seishiro switched back to the game, waiting for his friends to join the lobby.
"Y/N are you ready?" He asked behind you, tilting his head towards the side to view your current expression.
"I think so.."
You couldn't see, but Seishiro held a small smile on his face, wrapping his arms around your stomach and resting his chin on your head, taking in the moment of you finally playing one of his favorite games.
He thought of you bonding with his online friends but as soon as the match started, there wasn't much bonding happening..
"Welcome to summoner's rift."
You heard, and you did just as what you were told before. Your teammates made their way to their own lanes as you made your way to mid-lane.
Slowly getting through with the minions, you met the other team's mid-laner and the chaos started, as in you died.
"What the.."
"It's okay.."
Yeah, it is.. You told yourself, pouting a bit.
Here you are again, this time you started the fight! Then died.
"..It's okay," Seishiro told you, again.
This time, his hands reached up for the mouse, placing his palm over yours and guiding your movements.
"Let's play together." He said, cheering up your gloomed mood.
"Yes please.."
Soon, the game went your way and you actually began to enjoy it. His friends, your teammates, had some words to say here or there but without Seishiro getting the say in, you talked back. Soon.. you started sounding like your boyfriend.
The way you glared at him as he bad-mouthed his teammates or cursed randomly when he died, here you are doing the exact same thing with Seishiro behind, following your same actions.
He removed his hands, letting you take the lead, and placed them back on your stomach, leaning into you as he took in the game in front of him.
Without his help, being so deep into the match, and bossing around your teammates, you won your first match ever!
Your bright smile made its way onto your face and with that, you shifted in his lap and gave him a big hug.
"Can we play again? This time I want you as my teammate." You confessed.
"We can.. You need your own account."
"I'll make one."
And with that, the night ended with you becoming a secret league player and Seishiro buying you skins for Vex and other champions you've never played, but only mentioned them once or twice.
"I had no clue your girlfriend was bossy.."
"That sucks for you." Seishiro joked, in his own way. You flashed him your bright smile as you sat on his bed, using his laptop to look through whatever skins he got you. He turned back to his monitor and simply said,
"She's not even mean.."
"Yeah right."
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haikyu-mp4 · 3 months ago
word count; 394 – f!reader
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You leaned your bum on the desk beside Tsukishima’s, since the original desk owner had long gone to get some lunch. Tsukki was once again reading on his Kindle, and you squinted to catch some words that didn’t give you much of a clue as to what it was about.
“What’s the latest fanfiction you got there, Suckyshima?” you cooed, leaning one arm behind you on the desk to get comfortable. You also knew it made your skirt rise slightly, so you locked your ankles together and swung your legs cutely to ensure his eyes went there when turning to you.
“I’ll have you know this is the latest scientific paper by the great-” he stopped when his eyes finally made the journey from your legs to your free hand, which was moving like a bird's mouth with every word he said.
“Yeah, yeah.” You got off and leaned both arms on his desk instead, which made him lean back with a defiant look on his face. You kept smiling. “I was just chatting you up, doll.”
Tsukki huffed under his breath, looking out the window instead so you wouldn’t see his smile. He wasn’t sure how to answer either, how to make your cheeks flush like you so confidently made his.
The day before, Tsukki had told his brother that there was one topic he hadn’t found any well-sourced papers on, and he wondered if he could lead him in the right direction.
Imagine the shock on Akiteru’s face when his closed-off brother asked him how to woo a girl he likes.
“How is your club project going?” he finally asked you.
Your head tilted slightly. The cocky edge seemed to leave your expression and was replaced with a softness he decided he liked even more.
“You can get very lost in your own thoughts, Kei. Make sure she knows you care about the stuff she does. Even the stuff that isn’t particularly logical to you.”
“It’s great, actually! I uh-” You stood up properly, pointing over your shoulder. “I was wondering if you would help me with it, just didn’t know how to ask. I know it’s not your area of expertise, but I could use an extra set of hands.”
Tsukki turned off the Kindle, getting up and smoothing out his uniform. “Of course. Let’s make it the class’ best one.”
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descendant-of-truth · 6 months ago
I completely agree, Shadow never uses nicknames for people and Sonic does it a little less often than fandom (and newer releases) would have people believe. Even Knux/Knucklehead isn't present in the Japanese version, to my knowledge, though it definitely feels more like something Sonic would come up with.
I think the fandom use of "faker" as a nickname between the two might've started before this, but my guess is that it was popularized by the Archie comics, where Sonic calls him that somewhat frequently and I can recall at least one instance where Shadow did, too. It's even sneaked its way into one of the TailsTube videos, the seventh one to be exact.
What I find sort of funny about all this is that the word "faker" sounds much more distinctive in English than the word they used in Japanese, ニセモノ (nisemono), which is basically just "imposter."
Between the two words, you don't tend to hear "faker" in other media as often, right? But the official dub of the game has Sonic throwing it around left and right, he calls Shadow a "fake hedgehog" rather than "jerk imposter" which is more accurate, and it stands out because it's unusual.
So in English, I'd say it feels more feasible for Sonic to turn it into a teasing nickname due to how specific of a term it is, but I don't think it would've caught on if he used "imposter" or "impersonator" or something of the like. The fact that he never did, though (until very recently), suggests to me that he saw it less as a nickname or a title and more of like... an accusation. So, since he has no reason to accuse Shadow of copying him anymore, he just uses his name.
Meanwhile, Shadow tends to have a formal speech style, to the point where he refers to Eggman exclusively as "Doctor" (or "the doctor" when he's talking about him). I can't remember when/if he's ever called Sonic just "hedgehog," but since he usually uses his name when talking to him, I feel like he'd only resort to that when he's trying to put some kind of distance between them.
Anyway that was a lot of rambly trivia to put in a reblog, but the point is that you're correct and also more correct than you might have realized
#1 pet peeve as a shadow enjoyer is that "faker" is not shadow's nickname for sonic, it's sonic's nickname for shadow. shadow never calls sonic faker once in sa2, and i don't believe he's done it in any other media either?? sonic only called him faker in the first place because the news thought he was responsible for the crimes shadow was committing.
besides, having an insult-turned-friendly-teasing type nickname doesnt really. fit? shadows personality at all?? but it DOES fit sonic's perfectly
if anything, shadow would go with a dismissive "hedgehog", but he's a straightforward guy and usually just calls people by their names
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fishhateme · 4 months ago
maxiel(ish) drabble pt 1
Daniel's sigh was so loud he wasn't even surprised when Sassy looked at him, perched atop one of Max's book shelves ("Why do you have so many, Maxy? It's not like you actually read" raised eyebrow, thick lips parting for a beat before quirking up shyly "Shut up" "These days you just meow on livestreams, right? Busy schedule" a full smile then, pink tongue darting out to wet his full, chapped lips, so wonderfully feminine "Shut up, Dan" "Is it like when you bought that Hermes bracelet and you just never let it go? Is it about being all fancy? Maybe we should ask George for some vocab tips" a full laugh, head thrown back against the pillows and crinkled corners of his eyes "I think it makes perfect sense, no? Why would I not have bookshelves. They're classy, and the cats like them. Who doesn't have bookshelves?" oh, okay, his voice is more nasally in the morning, it's more noticeable when he says more than two words. Yeah, it's been years and Daniel knows this already, but he could still drown in the raspiness of it, suddenly back to day one and awkward chuckles in hotel rooms "Who meows on a livestream?" "Shut up, Daniel"). The way Sassy looked at him wasn't even concerned, it was mostly annoyed. And, sure, Daniel hated dogs - er, hated, was terrified of, had been chased by back home, same difference -, but there was a certain autonomy about cats that unsettled him. Those lucky bastards didn't need attention like a wilting, desperate plant needed fresh water, like Daniel needed love to breathe. Enchanté, nice to meet you too, did I tell you I'm jealous of my boyfriend's cats? No, I don't go to therapy anymore, how did you know?
Ugh. Daniel scowled at himself for that shitty self-pitying monologue. He briefly considered calling his therapist again, but he didn't like feeling like he needed a crutch, and he wasn't as distressed and hurting as he was back in the McLaren days. He could manage, really, and he'd rather that than going through the shameful motion of crawling back to his therapist after assuring (read, lying) to her he could cope perfectly fine on his own, with his stupid little journal (abandoned shortly after Belgium, because everything was blindingly bright in his future and he'd get to write it down later, now he just wanted to focus on the feeling of being on top of the world) and his stupid little breathing techniques. He was fine, really. He was just... ugh.
He sighed again, still staring at his phone screen, prompting Sassy to send him another one of her patented annoyed looks. Her feline eyes, already perpetually displeased as if inconvenienced by the existence of her owners (oh, we only feed, shelter and pamper you, I'd be annoyed too, you expensive little brat), seemed even more judgy in the stuffy Mediterranean heat of the afternoon. The living room was so poorly designed (as was most of Monaco, because money couldn't buy enough space to build a decent apartment when every single millionaire on Earth decided to cram themselves in the same five or so blocks) that Daniel was beginning to run out of air in his lungs, but maybe that was because of his own... shit ("Yes, of course I'll remember my breathing techniques, I'll be fine, besides, you'll be late for your next client. I promise I'll be fine").
It came so easily to lie, sometimes.
part 2
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focusonkayjay · 2 months ago
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Wildly Wealthy Koreans (7); inspired by Crazy Rich Asians
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: photographer/ filmmaker! jungkook, rich girl/ fashion designer! reader, established relationship, angst, fluff, smut
Series summary: When you invite your boyfriend, Jungkook, to accompany you to your brother's wedding in your hometown, Daegu, he’s overjoyed, eager to meet your family and experience a side of your life you’ve never shared with him. However, once he uncovers the truth about who you really are, he’s unable to grasp the full extent of your reality. The situation becomes even more complicated when a certain someone makes him feel profoundly unwelcome, leaving him to question not only your world, but also his place in it.
Disclaimer: This series is heavily inspired by the movie Crazy Rich Asians, with the storyline closely following the original film's plot. However, I wanted to reimagine it as a fanfiction, where Jungkook and OC take center stage as the main protagonists. While I’ve kept the core elements and themes from the movie, I’ve added my own touches here and there, such as altering certain character dynamics and incorporating a few original settings. Some scenes are directly inspired by the movie, and I’ve worked to recreate them in a way that it hopefully resonates with the fans of the movie. Hope you enjoy!!
Word Count: 7.7k+
Chapter Warnings: i'm assuming there are no warnings but if i need to add anything pls do lmk !!
A/N: my fav part about working on this series is having to rewatch the movie repeatedly to make sure i’m capturing its essence just right. at this point, i feel like i could recite every line by heart without even watching it lmao. anywaysss, this series is wrapping up soon, and I’m going to miss it SOOOO MUCH. pls do read this part and let me know your thoughts! <3
part 7
"I don’t want any part of your family." Jungkook announces, his voice sharp. Before you, your mother, or your grandmother can respond, he turns on his heel and strides away.
You gasp softly, a lump forming in your throat as you spin to face your mother and grandmother, your eyes glistening. "Was this really necessary?" you seethe, your voice trembling with anger and disbelief.
Without waiting for a reply, you rush after Jungkook, your heart pounding as panic and hurt collide within you. The music and laughter of the party feel like a cruel backdrop as you weave through the crowd, calling his name.
Jungkook, however, is already far ahead, his chest tight and his breathing ragged as he pushes through the sea of dancing bodies.
He doesn’t stop, doesn’t look back, his mind reeling from everything he’s just heard. The weight of the accusations, the humiliation, the betrayal... it’s all too much. He crashes into shoulders, mumbles hurried apologies, but keeps moving, driven by only one instinct... to escape.
You, meanwhile, search frantically, your eyes darting through the kaleidoscope of lights and people. “Jungkook!” you call out, your voice barely audible over the music.
You somehow manage to spot Taehyung and Miyeon, who are laughing with your cousins, their cheeks flushed from champagne and joy.
"Have you seen Jungkook?" you ask breathlessly, your desperation apparent. They all exchange confused glances, clearly dazed and unaware of the storm brewing inside you. "No, I haven’t..." Taehyung answers, his brows furrowing. "Is everything okay?"
But you’re already stepping away, scanning the room, your pulse quickening with every passing second. You press through the crowd, ignoring the curious looks from partygoers as dread settles deep in your chest. You silently curse yourself for letting him slip away, knowing how deeply this moment must have wounded him.
Jungkook, now outside the hall, stands under the open night sky, his chest heaving as he tries to steady himself. The cool air stings his skin, but it does little to numb the chaos inside him.
For a fleeting moment, he thought he had found a place to belong... someone to belong to. But tonight, the cracks have grown far too wide, and all he can feel is the ache of being an outsider again.
If your mother’s disapproval had ended with him, he could have taken it... he had prepared himself for that. But dragging his only family into it, accusing his mother, the one person who had given up everything for him? That was unbearable.
The words your mother spoke play on a loop in his head, tearing at his composure. His mother... the woman who worked tirelessly, who sacrificed her dreams for his future, who always made sure he had what he needed, no matter how little they had... how could anyone think so little of her?
He clenches his fists, trying to dispel the anger and confusion threatening to consume him.
And yet, there’s a tiny seed of doubt buried beneath the pain, watered by memories of the sudden move to New York. How his mother randomly quit her job in Busan one day and told him to pack up. How she never offered a real explanation, only saying... "It’s for the best."
Jungkook shakes his head, his trust in her unshaken, but his mind remains clouded. He doesn’t know what to think, what to believe. He feels lost, untethered, as though the ground beneath him is crumbling away.
There’s only one place he can think of going right now... away from this party, away from all these people, away from the echoes of your mother’s piercing words, and that’s Yoongi’s place.
The city noise fades into the background as Jungkook walks, his steps heavy and mechanical. The streets of Daegu blur together, unimportant and indistinct, as he trudges forward, his blazer hanging limply from one hand while the other is buried deep in his pocket.
By the time he reaches Yoongi’s estate, his shoulders are slumped, his head bowed, and he looks like a man carrying the weight of the world.
The massive iron gates screech open, revealing the familiar expanse of Yoongi’s mansion. Jungkook steps inside, dragging his feet across the paved path.
The grand doors swing open almost immediately, and Yoongi rushes out to meet him. "Kook!" Yoongi’s voice is filled with concern, and it’s obvious that the guards must have informed him of Jungkook’s unexpected arrival.
As Yoongi jogs towards him, his expression shifts from confusion to alarm. He slows down when he’s just a few steps away, studying Jungkook intently, trying to piece together why his friend is here instead of at the wedding.
But when Yoongi looks into Jungkook’s eyes, he immediately knows better than to ask. The storm of emotions written all over Jungkook’s face... hurt, betrayal, and exhaustion speaks volumes.
Yoongi doesn’t press for answers, doesn’t push him to talk. Instead, he closes the remaining distance and pulls Jungkook into a firm, securing hug.
Jungkook stiffens at first, but then he lets out a shuddering breath, his tension easing just slightly as he leans into the warmth of Yoongi’s embrace. He shuts his eyes tightly, as if holding them closed can stop the emotions threatening to spill over.
You click your tongue in frustration, shaking your head as the voicemail drones on again. You lower your phone, staring at the screen, your heart sinking with every passing second.
Taking a shaky breath, you dial his number again, your hands trembling. "Please... please pick up, Kook... please." you mutter, but just like the 36 times before, the call goes unanswered.
Standing just outside the wedding venue, the muffled sounds of the party echo faintly behind you. The heavy bass of the music vibrates through the ground beneath your feet, a constant reminder of the celebration you’re supposed to be a part of.
Yet everything feels distant, blurred, inconsequential. Your mind is consumed by only one thing, only one person... Jungkook. His face. The look in his eyes when your mother and grandmother shattered the fragile sense of belonging he had.
A part of you knew your mother wasn’t exactly thrilled when you brought Jungkook home for the first time. She had always envisioned someone who fit her rigid mold of perfection... someone polished, wealthy, and born into a family with status.
Jungkook, didn’t exactly align with her ideal type for you. But you convinced yourself, naively, that in time she would see what you saw in him. That after witnessing how much you loved him, she would come around.
What you didn't expect was this. This level of cruelty. A literal background check? Digging into his family’s past? And then to humiliate him so mercilessly in the middle of a celebration? The memory of it makes your stomach churn, a fresh wave of guilt crashing over you.
But you don’t care about his past. You never did. Whatever your mother uncovered, whatever reasons she thinks she has to deem him “unworthy”...none of it matters to you. What matters is him... the man you know, the man you love.
You don’t see Jungkook as a blemish on your family’s pristine reputation or a potential "threat" to your social standing.
You see him as the man who stole your heart the day you met him in New York. The dreamy photographer whose eyes light up when he talks about the things he’s passionate about. The man who sees the world through a lens most people couldn’t even imagine.
You love him for his little quirks... for the way he fusses over perfect lighting, the way he scrunches his nose when he’s deep in thought, the way he pouts his lips to hold himself back from crying while you both watch sappy romcoms in his little apartment, the way he makes you feel truly seen. Not as the rich girl born into privilege, but as you. Just you.
And now, you’re terrified you might have lost him. Terrified that the person who made you feel whole might be slipping away because of the very family you’ve tried so hard to reconcile him with.
Your phone screen dims, and you realize with a jolt that your call has ended... voicemail again. Your breath hitches, and your vision blurs as desperation claws at your chest.
A tear trickles down your cheek and all you can think about is where Jungkook's gone, how he is and what's going through his mind.
“Kook… you gotta eat something, man.” Yoongi calls gently from the doorway of the guest room, his voice low and laced with concern.
His eyes scan the dimly lit room, landing on Jungkook, who remains curled up under a thick blanket, his back turned to the world. The younger man is a still, silent figure, lost in the folds of the bed.
There’s no response. No shift. No acknowledgment. Just the faint rise and fall of Jungkook’s shoulders as he breathes.
It’s been a full day since Jungkook showed up at Yoongi’s doorstep, looking like a ghost of himself. He hadn’t offered much explanation, but Yoongi didn’t need one. He’d pieced it together soon enough.
“Alright...” Yoongi murmurs, almost to himself, noticing how Jungkook doesn’t so much as flinch. “Maybe later.” He steps back, pulling the door shut and makes his way to the living room.
“He’s still the same.” Yoongi says as he steps into the room, his tone subdued. His gaze shifts to you, perched on the edge of the couch. You’re sitting so still, your hands clasped tightly on your lap, your knuckles pale.
When Yoongi called you earlier in the morning, informing you that Jungkook was at his place, you hadn’t hesitated. You came immediately, in hopes of seeing how Jungkook was doing.
But now, sitting here, your chest aches with a mix of guilt, worry, and helplessness. You’ve already told Yoongi about what happened at the party... how your mother humiliated Jungkook, dredging up his past like it was some dark secret to be weaponized. And now, the image of his face in that moment... hurt, exposed, betrayed, still haunts you.
Every instinct screams at you to go upstairs, to see him, to explain, to apologize. But fear holds you back. What if you make it worse? What if he doesn’t want to see you? What if he blames you, even though none of this was your doing?
You force yourself to take a breath, the air shaky as it fills your lungs. “Okay then…” Your voice is quiet, almost trembling, as you stand up from the couch. “I’ll leave now.”
Yoongi watches you with a mix of empathy and reluctance. He doesn’t try to stop you, though you can tell he wishes he could offer some kind of comfort.
You make your way to the front door, your footsteps slow and hesitant. But when you reach the door, you pause, turning to face Yoongi. “He’ll... be okay, right?” you ask, your voice soft, fragile. Your eyes search his, pleading for reassurance you desperately need.
Yoongi’s lips press into a thin line before he offers a small, tentative smile. “Hopefully.” he says gently. “I’ll keep you updated. Don’t worry too much.”
You nod, though his words do little to ease the ache in your chest. Your smile in return is faint, barely there, as you turn and step out to leave
Once you’re gone, Yoongi lingers at the door for a moment, watching your car drive away. Then, with a deep exhale, he retreats upstairs, returning to the guest room. The room is as it was... dim, still, heavy with silence. Jungkook hasn’t moved an inch.
Yoongi approaches the bed, sitting on the edge, careful not to startle him. “Kook...” he begins, his tone soft but steady. “Y/n was here.” That gets a reaction, albeit a subtle one. Jungkook’s shoulders stiffen ever so slightly, but he doesn’t turn around.
“She’s worried about you, you know.” Yoongi says gently, his voice cutting through the thick silence. “Said you haven’t been answering her calls.” He pauses, his eyes fixed on the back of Jungkook’s head, waiting for any sign of acknowledgment. When none comes, he exhales softly. “Maybe you should talk to her.”
Jungkook remains motionless, his eyes locked on the faint glow of light outlining the edges of the curtains. The world outside feels distant, unreachable, like a place he no longer belongs.
He’s seen the missed calls, the messages, each one a silent plea from you. He knows you’re worried, he can feel it even in your absence. But the thought of facing you now feels impossible.
His mind loops through the events of the night before... the way your mother’s biting words had stripped him bare in front of you. The sting of humiliation burns fresh in his memory, each detail sharper than the last. He knows it wasn’t your fault. You had no part in what happened, no idea of your mother’s cruel intentions.
Still, the weight of it all... the shame, the vulnerability, the fear that you might look at him differently now, keeps him rooted to the bed.
He misses you. God, he misses you so much it hurts. He wants nothing more than to bury his face in your shoulder, to let your presence soothe the storm raging inside him. But right now, he feels too raw, too exposed.
Maybe he just needs time. Space.
Yoongi watches him closely, waiting for even the smallest reaction. When it doesn’t come, he lets out another sigh, long and heavy with understanding.
“Alright...” he says softly, standing from the bed. “Call me if you need anything. I’ll be downstairs, okay?” His voice is calm, reassuring, as if he’s trying to lend Jungkook some of his own strength.
With that, Yoongi turns and walks towards the door, leaving the younger man alone once again. The sound of the door closing echoes faintly, a quiet reminder that the world hasn’t stopped, even if it feels like Jungkook’s has.
“He still hasn’t responded?” Taehyung’s voice is tinged with worry. You don’t reply, your gaze fixed on the open window of your bedroom, the soft rustle of curtains doing little to calm the storm inside you.
Miyeon sits beside you, her arm wrapped gently around your shoulders, her thumb tracing slow, soothing circles. She doesn’t say anything... she knows words won’t reach you right now.
Taehyung, Namjoon, and Seokjin stand nearby, their expressions heavy with concern. Seeing you like this... so pale, so fragile, so utterly shattered, breaks their hearts. It’s been three whole days since everything fell apart.
Three days since the party. Three days since you've seen Jungkook. Since your world crumbled.
According to the initial plan, you and Jungkook were supposed to leave Daegu yesterday to board your flight back to New York. However, the unforeseen turn of events derailed everything.
These past three days, you’ve visited Yoongi’s house every day, hoping… praying… to see Jungkook, to catch even a fleeting glimpse of him. But each time, all you’re met with is Yoongi’s somber shake of the head, a silent confirmation that Jungkook doesn’t want to see you.
Your chest aches with a pain so profound it feels etched into the very fabric of your being. You miss him so fucking much but what haunts you the most is the uncertainty. Where does this leave the two of you? Does he want to end things? Does he want to break up?
The mere thought of never seeing him again feels like an unhealing wound, a chasm that devours every sliver of hope. It’s unbearable... the kind of pain that steals your breath and leaves you hollow, trembling, and utterly lost.
Suddenly, you rise from the bed, startling the others.
“Y/n?” Seokjin’s voice is hurried as they all follow your purposeful strides towards the door. “Where are you going?”
You don’t answer. You don’t even glance back. Your steps quicken as you walk past the hallway and descend the grand staircase, the sound of your footsteps echoing in the tense silence of the house. Your eyes dart around until they find her.
Your mother.
She’s seated by the pool in the garden, sipping tea and reading a book as if nothing has happened. As if she hasn’t ripped your life apart with her calculated cruelty.
Something inside you snaps.
You shove the glass door open with a force that makes it clatter, storming out onto the lawn. Your mother looks up, startled by your sudden presence. She carefully sets her teacup down on the table beside her, a composed expression masking the chaos she’s caused.
“Y/n darling—”
“You’re horrible.” you blurt out, cutting her off. Your voice trembles, not with weakness, but with the sheer force of emotions clawing their way to the surface. Her calm demeanor falters, just slightly. “Y/n—”
“Did you really have to go that far?” you demand, your voice rising with each word. “Really, Mama? A background check? Was that necessary?”
The others... Taehyung, Miyeon, Namjoon, and Seokjin exchange uneasy glances. They stand a few steps behind, unsure if they should intervene, but they know better than to stop you now.
“Do you honestly think digging into his past, dredging up something so personal, and throwing it in his face was the answer?” you continue, your voice shaking with anger and heartbreak.
“Did you think that humiliating him, tearing him down in front of me, would make me change my mind? If you did, you’re wrong, Mama. So, so wrong.”
Your mother opens her mouth, but the fury in your eyes silences her.
“I don’t care about his past!” you cry, your voice breaking. “I don’t care about what his mother did or about your stupid obsession with our reputation. I don’t care if you think he’s a ‘threat’ to our image. None of that matters to me! All I care about is him. I love him, Mama. Don't you understand that? I love him more than anything, and I can’t—” Your voice cracks, tears streaming down your face now.
“I can’t imagine a life without him. And you’ve made him feel like he’s nothing. Like he’s not worthy of me. How could you? How could you be so cruel?”
Your mother’s calm facade begins to crumble under the weight of your words, but you don’t stop.
“You’ve destroyed the one thing that made me happy, the one person who truly matters to me. And for what? Your pride? Your precious image?” You shake your head, your voice now quieter but no less intense.
“You didn’t just hurt him, Mama. You hurt me. And I don’t think I can ever forgive you for that.” Your words hang in the air, heavy and final, as you stand there, chest heaving, tears streaming freely down your face.
Your mother looks at you, her expression frozen, as though struck too deeply to formulate a response. She simply stares, her composure faltering under the weight of your outburst.
Behind you, the others remain silent, their own hearts aching at the rawness of your pain. No one moves, no one speaks. They simply bear witness to the moment you finally let it all out... the moment your anguish and love refused to be silenced any longer.
Yoongi peeks his head around the door, his gaze landing on Jungkook, who is lying in the same position as always... curled on his side, back facing the door.
It’s been a week now, and nothing has changed. Jungkook remains silent, unresponsive, and withdrawn. At this point, Yoongi is just relieved he’s started eating again, even if it’s only small amounts.
"Hey, Kook..." Yoongi calls out softly, his tone hesitant, careful. He watches as Jungkook’s shoulders tense ever so slightly, a subtle acknowledgment that he’s heard his voice.
But still, Jungkook doesn’t move. His eyes remain fixed on the curtains ahead, their edges glowing faintly in the daylight. He feels like he’s become one with the bed, as though his body has fused with the mattress, drained of all energy, all will to do anything.
Every day, Yoongi tells him you’ve come by to see him, and every day Jungkook reacts the same way... he doesn’t move, doesn’t speak, doesn’t give in. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you... he does. God, he does.
But the thought of facing you feels like scaling a mountain he’s not ready to climb. The humiliation, the pain, the anger... none of it has faded. He knows it wasn’t your fault, knows you didn’t know what was coming, but even so, the wounds are still too raw.
He knows he’s hurting you by shutting you out. He knows this isn’t the right way to handle things, that his silence is only amplifying the ache for both of you.
Yet he feels paralyzed, trapped in this endless loop of shame and sadness. He’s been telling himself he just needs more time, but deep down, he wonders if any amount of time will be enough to make him feel whole again.
By now, he should’ve been back in New York. His flight was almost a week ago. His work is piling up, responsibilities waiting, but none of it seems to matter.
His body feels heavy, his mind clouded with everything that’s gone wrong. Moving, talking, doing anything... it all feels impossible. The future feels distant, unreachable, while the present keeps pulling him under.
“Someone’s here to see you.” Yoongi says, breaking the silence.
Jungkook sighs deeply, his shoulders slumping further. He doesn’t need to guess who it is. He already knows. And just like every other day this past week, he mutters the same words. “I don’t want to see her.”
“It’s not her.” Yoongi says quickly. Jungkook freezes at that, the words catching him off guard. There’s a brief pause before he slowly turns his head, curiosity breaking through his haze. He shifts slightly on the bed, looking at Yoongi standing by the door.
Yoongi steps aside and pushes the door open wider. Jungkook’s breath catches when he sees who steps into the room. His eyes widen, and he’s off the bed in an instant, his movements uncharacteristically quick.
“Ma!” he exclaims, his voice trembling, filled with surprise and a touch of desperation.
His mother stands there with a soft, understanding smile, her presence warm and familiar, like a balm for his aching soul.
But Jungkook doesn’t smile back. He doesn’t speak again. He simply rushes towards her, crossing the room in a heartbeat, and throws his arms around her.
“Ma.” he whispers again, softer this time, his voice breaking. His arms tighten around her as he buries his face in her shoulder, his eyes squeezed shut. She holds him just as tightly, her hand gently stroking the back of his head.
"Here, eat this." Jungkook’s mother says gently, holding a plate of food as she sits on the bed, facing him. Her voice is soft but firm, carrying a motherly authority that Jungkook doesn’t dare defy. She picks up a spoonful of rice, bringing it to his lips.
"How can you go on like this, Kook? Not eating, not taking care of yourself..." She shakes her head softly, a small sigh escaping her.
Jungkook opens his mouth obediently, letting her feed him. He chews mechanically, his gaze fixed on her face. Her expression is calm, unchanging, the same serene smile he’s known all his life.
Her eyes seem to study him with quiet concern, yet there’s an unshakable strength behind them. It’s comforting in a way that almost makes his chest ache more.
It’s been twenty minutes since she walked into his room. Twenty minutes since he buried himself in her arms, his emotions spilling over for the first time in days.
Yet, he hasn’t uttered a word about the storm brewing in his heart. He doesn’t know how she got here, doesn’t know why she’s here. Did Yoongi call her? Does she know what happened? More importantly, does she know what he’s learned about her... about their past?
His thoughts swirl in a relentless loop. He keeps telling himself it can’t be true, that it doesn’t make sense. But the questions claw at him, relentless, demanding answers.
His mother lifts another spoonful to his mouth, and he opens instinctively. He chews slowly, his mind racing as he watches her. She seems... the same. The same gentle demeanor, the same patient smile.
Finally, after a few minutes of silence, Jungkook speaks, his voice hesitant and shaky. “Ma...”
She hums softly at his voice, acknowledging him but continuing to feed him. He swallows thickly, his throat tight. “I... I need to ask you something...” he says. The words feel heavy, like they’re scraping their way out of his chest. “Y/n’s mother... she told me a few things.”
Her hand pauses for a fraction of a second, the spoon hovering in the air, a few inches away from his mouth. But her expression doesn’t falter. She places the spoon back on the plate and looks at him directly, her calm gaze unwavering. “I know.” she says simply.
Jungkook’s heart skips a beat. Of course she knows. She always knows. But it doesn’t make it any easier to hear. He searches her face for a hint of denial, some sign that it’s not what he fears. “If... If you’re wondering if any of it is true...” her voice trails off, and she looks at him with an unspoken apology in her eyes.
His breath catches. He can feel the words coming before she even says them, but he’s still not ready. “They’re all true, Kook.” she says softly, her tone gentle.
Jungkook stares at his mother with wide eyes, the weight of her confession pressing down on him like a heavy storm cloud. His thoughts are a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief, and the depth of her words only leaves him more perplexed.
But before he can even form a coherent question, she continues, her tone soft but firm, as if determined to finally unburden herself after all these years.
“When we were in Busan....” she begins, her gaze drifting towards the window where sunlight filters through the newly drawn curtains, illuminating the room with a brightness Jungkook hadn’t seen in days.
“It was hard, Kook. Being a single mother… it wasn’t easy. People weren’t exactly kind, and landing a decent job was a struggle. But somehow, I managed to secure a position at a respectable company. It felt like a turning point.”
Jungkook listens intently, noticing how her voice wavers slightly. “Life became a little easier after that.” she continues.
“I could give you a proper allowance. I was able to afford your photography courses in high school. I even started saving money... something I never thought I’d be able to do. For the first time, I thought life was finally falling into place.”
She pauses, her lips curling into a bittersweet smile. “And maybe, in hindsight, I got a little greedy. I started thinking... now that we were stable, maybe it was time for me to think about myself for once. To find love again.”
Jungkook’s brow furrows slightly, confusion flickering across his features. She notices but presses on, her voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and regret. “My manager at the time… he was a kind man. At least, I thought he was. I don’t know if he pitied me or if his feelings were genuine, but... one thing led to another, and we fell in love.”
She pauses, exhaling softly. “For a while, everything was perfect. You were thriving in school, my bank account wasn’t empty anymore, and for the first time in years, I felt like a woman again... like someone who was cared for. I even thought about introducing him to you, about telling you that I’d found someone who made me happy.”
Her expression darkens slightly, the corners of her lips twitching downward. “But all of that changed one night. I was working late, staying overtime to finish a project. I stepped out to the coffee room for a quick break, and on my way back, I heard noises coming from one of the conference rooms. It sounded... strange... like someone was yelling.”
Jungkook feels his chest tighten, the anticipation growing as his mother’s voice lowers, tinged with unease. “I got curious and peeked in. What I saw... I still... I still wish I hadn’t. My manager... the man I thought I wanted to build a future with... was berating an employee." she pauses, letting out a soft breath.
"But it wasn’t just yelling. It was violent. He was shoving the employee, slamming papers onto the desk, threatening them. At first, I thought it was a one-off, maybe a moment of stress. But the more I watched, the uglier it got. He was kicking their knees, smacking their face, saying vile things like they were less than human.”
Jungkook’s jaw clenches, his fists tightening at his sides. “Did you... did you saying anything back then?” he asks quietly.
“I should've... but I didn't because honestly, I wasn’t sure what I’d seen... ” she replies, her voice steady but heavy with the weight of the memory. “But something inside me told me it wasn’t an isolated incident. So I started paying attention. Watching him. Watching others in the company. And, Kook... it wasn’t just him.”
Her gaze drops to her hands, now gripping the edge of the plate in her lap. “It was everywhere around the company. Managers and higher-ups abusing their authority, taking advantage of their employees. Screaming at them, humiliating them, even threatening to ruin their careers. And worse... when I started digging deeper, I found financial misconduct, embezzlement, and exploitation.”
Jungkook feels the air grow thick with the gravity of her words. “I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. So, I started collecting evidence... voice recordings, videos, emails. Anything I could use to expose them. And eventually... I did.”
She smiles faintly, but it’s laced with bitterness. “I went to the authorities anonymously and leaked everything. At first, it seemed like justice might prevail. The company took a massive hit, and several higher-ups were investigated. But it didn’t end there.”
“What... what happened?” Jungkook whispers, his voice trembling.
“The company was owned by a powerful, influential family and the scandal bothered them... a lot.” she explains, her tone growing quieter and Jungkook immediately knows who she's referring to.
“It didn’t take the company long to figure out who had leaked the information. And when they did... everything came back to me. The media had a field day. My name was dragged through the mud. People called me unprofessional, accused me of sleeping with my manager to gain favors. They twisted everything to make me look like the villain.”
Her voice cracks slightly, but she takes a deep breath, steadying herself. “I didn’t care about my reputation, Kook. But I cared about you. I was terrified that you’d be dragged into it, that kids at your school would bully you, that your life would change because of my actions. And I couldn’t let that happen. So, with what little savings I had left, I made the decision to leave. To move far away, to a place where I could give you a better future. It was hasty, yes, but looking back... I don’t regret it... at all. I’d do it again to protect you.”
Jungkook’s throat tightens, his chest aching as he watches the quiet strength in his mother’s face. Her sacrifices, her pain... it all begins to make sense, to sink in, piece by piece. “Ma... I didn’t know...” he murmurs, his voice breaking.
“I never wanted you to.” she replies, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from his face. “All I ever wanted was for you to have a life free from the burdens I carried. And if I had to do it all over again, Kook, I wouldn’t hesitate.”
Jungkook feels his vision blur with tears, and before he can stop himself, he leans forward, pulling his mother into a tight hug. His arms tremble as they wrap around her, and he buries his face into her shoulder, letting out the sobs he'd been holding back.
"I'm... I'm so sorry, Mom." he cries, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. His mother strokes his back gently, her touch soothing even as her own tears threaten to spill. "Oh, sweetheart, don’t be sorry." she chuckles, her voice soft yet steady. "You don’t need to apologize for anything."
A few quiet seconds pass. "You know... I really thought she was the one." Jungkook whispers. "But it... it just got too much. I tried so hard to be strong... no matter how much her mother tried to walk all over me." He pulls his mother closer, his grip tightening as his emotions spill over.
"I love her so much, Ma." he cries, burying his face against her shoulder. "But now... I just... I just want to go home." His voice drops to a quiet murmur.
His mother says nothing, holding him still, her presence grounding him as he clings to the one person who has always been there.
They stay like that, wrapped in an embrace that feels timeless. Jungkook feels like a child again, sheltered in the safety of his mother’s arms, a refuge against the storm raging in his heart. The room falls silent except for the soft hum of their breaths, the world outside momentarily forgotten.
Eventually, his mother shifts, gently pulling back just enough to meet his eyes. She cups his face in her hands, her thumbs brushing away the tears that streak his cheeks. Her lips curve into a soft, loving smile, though her eyes glisten.
"I may not have had much luck in love..." she begins, her tone tender. "But you, Kook… you don’t have to carry that fear. You’re not me."
Jungkook blinks at her, his sniffles the only sound breaking the stillness as she continues. "I know this is a lot to take in. And I know things have unfolded in ways neither of us ever wanted." she says.
"But you’re stronger than you think. And you deserve to let yourself love, even if it feels terrifying." She pauses, letting her words settle. Then, after a moment, she smiles again, her voice soft but purposeful.
"You know… Y/n was the one who called me and brought me here." she reveals. Jungkook’s brows knit in surprise, but he stays silent, his eyes searching hers. "That girl… she cares about you so much, Jungkook. More than I think you even realize."
Her smile falters slightly, replaced by a solemn look. "I know it’s hard." she says. "Facing her, facing everything after what’s happened... it’s not easy. And knowing the challenges her family brings into the picture… it must feel overwhelming."
Jungkook lowers his gaze, his hands curling into fists in his lap. His mother reaches out, gently covering one of his hands with her own, her touch warm and reassuring. "But shutting her out, ignoring her... that will only hurt her." she says. "And it’ll hurt you even more."
Her words feel like a lifeline, cutting through the fog clouding his mind. He looks up at her, his heart aching at the sincerity in her expression. There’s no judgment in her eyes... only love, hope, and unwavering belief in him.
"You don’t have to worry about me anymore." she continues, her voice soft but firm. "I’ll be okay, Kook. I’ve made my peace with the past."
She leans forward and presses a soft kiss to his forehead, lingering for a moment before pulling back. "So do what your heart tells you." she whispers, her voice filled with gentle conviction.
"If you still want to go back, I’ll understand. But I still think you should go and talk to her, before we go."
Jungkook closes his eyes, letting her words sink in, and for the first time in days, he feels the faintest flicker of clarity, a spark of hope amid the chaos.
The cool evening breeze brushes past your hair as you gaze down at the glimmering water, the rippling reflections of streetlights dancing on the surface of the tranquil sincheon river. The world around you feels quiet, yet your chest churns with restlessness.
Jungkook had finally reached out. He had called. And you had begged him to meet you. You needed to see him because frankly, you were practically unraveling without him.
Now, here you are, waiting by the walking trail that winds along the river. A soft sigh escapes your lips as you lift your gaze up to the sky. The sun has long set, but its remnants linger, smearing the horizon with hues of violet and amber, like a bruise spreading across the heavens.
You're nervous, scared even. You don’t know what you’re going to say or what he might have to tell you. You just hope that his mother, whom you had called in desperation, was able to ease some of the burden you knew he was carrying.
Your mind is a chaotic swirl of emotions, tangled in fear and anticipation but the sound of approaching footsteps halts the train of your thoughts. You whip around, your heart leaping to your throat. And there he is. Your boyfriend.
His presence seems to anchor you and unmoor you at once. Your breath catches as you take in his appearance... he looks drained, exhausted. His eyes are shadowed by evident dark circles, and his shoulders droop with a weariness that tugs painfully at your chest.
All you want to do is pull him close, to hold him, to protect him. Without hesitation, you do just that.
"Baby... oh my god." you breathe out, your voice trembling as you jog up to him. Wrapping your arms around his frame, you cling to him tightly, pressing your face against his chest. His familiar scent, warm and grounding, fills your senses. "I missed you." you whisper.
His arms move just as quickly, circling your waist with the same desperate fervor, holding you as though letting go might shatter him. "I missed you too." he murmurs, his voice low and rough.
The warmth of his breath grazes the curve of your neck, and in that moment, something inside you unravels... a knot of fear and longing dissolves into the solace of his embrace.
The world around you melts away, leaving only the sound of the river lapping gently and the steady beat of his heart beneath your ear.
The two of you stay entwined in that embrace and minutes stretch into something timeless, and slowly, reluctantly, you open your eyes and carefully pull away. Your gaze meets his, and the weight of your emotions crashes over you like a tidal wave. Tears spring to your eyes, unbidden.
“Kook... I’m sorry.” you begin, your voice trembling as your lip quivers. “I’m sorry for everything. I don’t know what my mom was thinking—” Your words catch, a sob escaping your chest, breaking through the dam you’ve tried to hold steady.
“Hey...” Jungkook breathes out gently, his hands coming up to cradle your face. His thumbs brush away your tears, though they continue rolling down your cheek. “It’s okay.” he whispers, his voice steady yet tender, a soothing balm to your frayed nerves.
But you shake your head, overwhelmed. “I’m sorry for everything, Kook. I really am.” you choke out, your voice cracking under the weight of your regret.
“It’s not your fault.” he murmurs, his dark eyes searching yours, shimmering with his own restrained emotions. “Shhh...” he hushes you, pulling you close again.
His embrace is solid, a haven, and you wonder how someone can carry so much grace. Even now, when he should be the one comforted, he holds you together.
The tears spill freely as you bury yourself in his arms, your body trembling against his. Jungkook’s hands move gently along your back, his touch rhythmic and calming. “This past week... it’s been so hard, Kook. I missed you so much.” you manage between sobs, your voice cracking.
Jungkook feels his heart splintering, guilt threading its way through him. He tightens his hold on you, his own breath hitching as he battles the storm inside. He knows he hurt you by shutting you out, but at the time, it felt like the only way he could cope. He was drowning too.
He pulls back slightly, just enough to see your face. His hand stays warm against your damp cheek, his thumb gliding across the soft curve of your cheekbone.
When your teary eyes lock with his, something magnetic draws you closer. You tilt your head upward, closing your eyes, and press your lips to his in a kiss that feels like both an apology and a plea.
Jungkook responds instantly, his lips meeting yours with an intensity that leaves no room for doubt. His hands anchor you in place, one cradling your jaw while the other settles at your waist.
The kiss deepens, raw and full of unspoken emotions, and you can feel in the way his lips move against yours just how much he’s missed you, too.
When he finally pulls back, breathless, his chest rises and falls rapidly. “I’m sorry I shut you out...” he exhales.
You shake your head quickly. “No, Kook. You had every reason to. What my mom did... it was unforgivable. She had no right to come at you like that... and... and disrespect you like that.”
Stepping back slightly, you look up at him, your hands still resting lightly on his chest. “I had no idea she’d been scheming all of this behind my back. When I brought you here, I just... I wanted to introduce you to my family because you’re so important to me. You’re everything to me.” Your voice softens, but your words are laced with an ache that refuses to go away.
“I should’ve seen it coming, though. The first time she was rude to you in the kitchen, I should’ve taken the hint. I should’ve warned her to stay out of this.”
He exhales deeply, the sound heavy with a mix of resignation and lingering pain. Slowly, he moves past you as he edges closer to the riverbank.
"I knew she never liked me..." he starts, his voice low, carrying the weight of a truth he’s held in for too long. "It was so obvious. She didn’t even try to hide it." A humorless chuckle escapes his lips, but it’s laced with pain, not mirth.
You follow him quietly, closing the distance, until you’re standing right next to him. The cold bites at your cheeks, but the ache in his voice hurts even more.
Together, you gaze at the dark river ahead, the water shimmering faintly under the moonlight and the surrounding streetlights.
"A part of me understood her..." he continues, turning his head slightly towards you. His eyes, glistening but guarded, meet yours for a fleeting moment before he looks away. "She had every right to be worried. I mean… I’m dating her daughter. Of course, she’d be protective."
You hold his gaze briefly but remain silent, sensing he needs to say more.
"Maybe she doubted my intentions..." he admits, his tone soft but raw, like he’s peeling back layers of himself for you. "Maybe she thought I could never be good enough for you." His shoulders rise in a small shrug, his expression distant.
"All of that… it’s valid. I could accept it, you know? I would’ve tried. Tried to prove myself to her, even if it felt impossible."
He stops, his jaw tightening as he stares at the water. The moonlight catches on his profile, illuminating the subtle tremor in his lips as he fights to hold himself back from brutally cracking open.
"But when she brought up my mother..." His voice wavers, and he turns his face away, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard. "She said she didn’t want to be linked to a family like mine. And that…" He exhales sharply, his shoulders slumping under the weight of the memory. "That broke me."
You feel your chest tighten at his words, your heart aching for the pain he’s trying so hard to contain. He doesn’t need to explain further because you already understand what he's trying to say.
"Kook..." you call out softly, inching closer and placing a gentle hand on his arm. "She was so so wrong... so wrong. And it wasn’t fair to you at all."
He turns his head slightly, his gaze flickering to yours, the sadness in his eyes now tinged with something else... perhaps relief at being seen, or maybe the fact that he can finally open up.
"And I’m done." you say, your voice firmer now, though it still trembles at the edges. "I’m done making excuses for her. For her actions, for the way she treated you, for the way she handled things."
You reach out with your other hand, cupping his jaw and guiding his face towards you. His eyes, meet yours fully now. "Kook..." you whisper, your breath hitching as his name falls from your lips.
"Your past, what your mom did, my reputation… none of that matters to me. It never has, and it never will." Your thumb gently grazes his cheek, and you see the tension in his jaw loosen, ever so slightly. "All that matters to me is you."
His lips part as if to respond, but the words seem to fail him. You press on, your voice shaking with sincerity.
"You matter so much to me..." you confess, your heart pounding as you take another step closer, until there’s no space left between you. "And I’m ready to leave all of this behind... I'm ready to walk out of everything if it means I can be with you. None... of this matters without you."
He looks down at you, his brows furrowing as he tries to process the enormity of your words. His chest rises and falls heavily under your touch, his breath warm against the cool night air.
"Let’s start over." you say, your voice soft but resolute. "Let’s start a new life together in New York... our home. That’s where we belong, Kook. That’s where I belong. With you."
Your words hang in the air, suspended between the two of you, and you can feel the shift in him... his walls crumbling under the weight of what you're saying.
"Let's elope, Kook."
<- part 6 // final ->
series masterlist
taglist: @mirinaeii @taetaecatboy @tsukiesimp @lovingkoalaface @taekrve @jaytheatiny @loverofannabeth @jaerisdiction @whoa-jo @parkinglot-nights @reneeblack6230 @rrosiitas @shellyyy177 @majesticjung-97 @wobblewobble822
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enha-doodles · 9 months ago
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Note : AHH I WAS SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS ONE , I got this as a request in my messages and loved it !! It's my first mtl so I hope y'all like it and if you guys do then I'll probably do more of these 🤭🤭 Also i ranked them first and the reasons are written down in the same order they are ranked :)
Pairing : (mattheo , Tom , theodore , Lorenzo , Draco) x reader
Warnings : cursing , a bit toxicity ? mention of killing in one part
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Most likely ↑
Least likely ↓
。    ✧  REASONS  ⁺     。 .
1. Okay starting with Lorenzo I just feel like he's a very fluffy , very poetic , knowledgeable guy (my bros a nerd🤓-) . He really understands and observes people , sometimes it can be a bit stalkerish but eh doesn't matter because it's not like he's one with good intentions , he's in slytherin for crying out loud ? But in the process of this if he sees you and you are exactly his type which is exactly like him then BAM!! You're his new obsession . He thinks he's very smart but he's just gullible in my opinion.
2. Theodore nott . Guy who is just as romantic as he is monotonous . I just feel like because he wasn't loved that much by his "family" he seeks it out where and offcourse he likes pretty girls . So if you're caring , outgoing and basically just pretty he'll fall in love with you very quickly . I also kinda feel like he's a bit naive in those things - like he's the type to date a girl he liked at first sight and if she's not good / cheats on him / acts like she's his mother - then he'd break up and become a manwhore . Still very much up on the list to do it again .
3. Draco seems like a lovesick puppy to me solely because he's never recieved any love properly except for his mother which doesn't really count but whatever. He'll probably fall in love at first sight if you're badass but that doesn't mean he'll admit it ? He'll bully you to get close to you then somewhere between just admit due to too much pressure and teasings from his friends . Don't expect him to apologise tho , i know we're all wise enough for that . And please don't be in gryffindor and dream about a malfoy , like seriously please .
4. Mattheo in my opinion is just a born manwhore so he's not most likely to fall in love at first sight . I just see him hooking up alot but then again there's a chance he might if you're different to him than other girls. But I also feel like he'll mistake his love as a challenge and just blow the whole thing out 😭😭 Plus point if you're a slytherin and you're flirty , that could definately grab his attention and make him fall in love with you and GOD FORBID if you also smoke then you'll probably be married to him .
5. You are either on weeds or highly delusional to even think this man is capable of falling in love . Or you've just read too many fanfictions lmao . Tom is super hardworking and overall a very work oriented person so i don't think he interacts with girls much ? Only to connections that can help him , so yeah he's the least likely one . Forget about frst sight , even a love potion won't make him fall in love . Also I feel like even if he DOES fall in love which would be impossible , but if he does then he'd either ice out the poor girl , kill her or force her to marry him . There's no in between "trying out" bullshit here .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
TAGLIST : @sugarcandydoll @helendeath
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