#like i KNOW a lot of my mutuals have some of these things on a dream bucket list and im over here like
salemlunaa · 21 hours
No matter what your aims are, shifting is for you and will always be easy.....
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There are many things people can do with the void state/the state pure consciousness, and no matter what you are doing you need to know that shifting is owed to you. And in my asks and dms it’s made clear that a lot of you don’t know the different forms that shifting can come in
So before i get into it, Let’s get acquainted with the different ways you can utilise the void in terms of shifting!!…
Standard shifting
A person who will shift with the intention of coming back to where they are now aka their base or current reality. Being this person, you may have multiple drs you want to go to and will have “safe words” which can bring you back to your cr when you want
example: having a winx dr, having a kpop dr and a nepo baby dr at the same time, frequenting between each one, or which ever one is their “main” dr
A person who has one reality that they want to shift to, forever, perma-shifting= permanent shift, you can still have ties to your old reality and have memories from it but ultimately you can’t go back unless you tried to by shifting again, which wouldn’t be that much of a hassle because you still have some recollection of your old reality
example: Leaving your old reality while still having some recollection of the life you live before. You live this life recognising that you have shifted to get here and you are still somewhat tied to your old reality
Being this person, you will have one reality that you live in forever. It’s kinda in the name, you reset, as soon as you shift consciousness to you desired life, it was always your life, you will cut ties with whoever you were before and live this way forever. A lot of people script a time stamp in which they forget everything, you will have pre prepared memories from birth up until the day the present day. You are expecting to live the rest of your life in this reality.
a smart example from a dm from one of my consenting mutuals: “I’ll shift there and it will be 02:00 I’ll be all excited about the fact that I shifted, have time to give my success story and bawl my eyes out from sheer happiness, and around 4 hours in (about 06:00 ) I will forget everything and fully cut ties with who I used to be and the life I used to live”
I want you to resonate with one and apply your knowledge where you need to because shifting consciousness is owed to you. Whether you’re doing it for a small while, going to multiple realities or one big shift of your consciousness cutting ties with where you were before. It doesn’t matter, it is owed to you and it is easier than breathing.
If you have a conscious mind, which yes you do or you wouldn’t be reading this, then you have a subconscious mind, and that means that shifting consciousness is a basic ability for you.
There is no such thing as something too big, one form of shifting isn’t “easier” or “harder” than another so whatever you wanna do, don’t be scared, you’ve got this!! There is a reason you’re here. Your subconscious mind knew you didn’t deserve all that you went through and all that you are going through and it led you here. Because of the horrible way humans have been conditioned, we live in a world where people mock shifting which is ironic , as it is a basic ability just like walking and talking, except it uses the mind and not the physical body. I want you to think of your desired reality/realities, whether you are thinking of 12 or 4 or 1, you need to understand that your desired life already exists, you already have it. It’s not a dream, you’re god, you give life to all that you touch with your mind.
I don’t think you really understand so I will say this again:
what you see: script + void/“I AM” state ➯ my dream life is finally real, me and my physical body are finally in my dream reality
you see yourself and some small part of some bigger process, when in fact, you are everything and everything is instant
what actually happens: i’ve created my dream life in my head ➯ as god i give life to everything my i touch with my mind, there for it is real
it’s an immediate chain of events, not a process. stop relying on the I AM state to give you something you already have, the void state helps you shift consciousness to a reality that is already there, and nothing more than that , it doesn’t create, you have already created. you have the power, the void is just a state of pure consciousness that helps you shift your awareness to which ever reality you wish to go to.
side note: As a respawner, all are welcome here, especially my fellow respawners and my permashifters (it’s nice to see both communities grow as i never used to see posts for permashifting or respawning)
no matter what you intend to do with the information you have learned on this app, your desired reality is yours, it was owed to you the second you thought of it
so stop doing nothing about the information you have, you don’t have to struggle in life, throw the teachings of society out the door and realise you can have all that you want, whether that be 1 dream life or 20!! LOCK IN MY LOVES
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the-thing-of-worms · 6 hours
Check this out this is the greatest entertainment in history
So, here's how it started:
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This anon sent me an ask telling me my good friend @annotated-catastrophe was homophobic and racist, and that I should block her. You can see how I responded, wanting proof. This is the next ask I get:
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These are some pretty bold claims you know! I asked for proof in DMs, and, excitingly enough, they came into my DMs with a burner account!!
I don't have many screenshots for this next parts, but me and @/redracecars start talking. They're still making a ton of really bold claims, saying Catastrophe is homophobic and "doesn't care about mental illnesses" but this really isn't enough to alter my opinion, kids, never believe someone you don't know just off of their word, even someone you do know shouldn't be trusted just off their word, that's why I asked dear redracecars to provide me evidence! A screenshot of a conversation, it's all I needed really, I even told them I would post the screenshot to show all my friends, and I'm sticking true to my word! I hope you see this from your main redracecar, I'm keeping my word.
Here's what they sent me after about 30 (?) minutes of waiting.
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Annotated Catastrophe, under the side blog "Blueracecars" (where have we heard that name before??? 🤔🤔🤔) sent a ton of messages to our poor Redracecars.
Oh, wait,
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Redracecars? Buddy? Did you not see that your messages with Blueracecars were timed to today, after when you first sent me an ask? Are you.... GASP??? A FAKER??? NO IT COULDNT BE!! REDRACECARS HOW COULD YOU!!! *Sobs and faints like a Victorian*
Hold on, hold on, let me see what blue race cars has on their blog, knowing Annotated catastrophe as I do she'll definitely have a lot of writing posts on this side blog... Huh... Wait
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THESE ARE THE ONLY TWO POSTS ON THE BLOG? ANNOTATED CATASTROPHE WOULD NEVER! AND WAIT- SHE'D NEVER TALK WITH CURSE WORDS, SHE HATES SWEARING!! Redracecars you didn't even do a good job of disguising yourself! This is awful buddy, real embarrassing too, it really is .... It really sucks though because I started to realize what you were doing, trying to make a transgender person believe that one of their friends is a terf, trying to convince me she's racist, homophobic, transphobic.... Buddy are YOU a transphobe?? You blocked me before I could ask this but, Why are you so dead set on convincing me, a trans man, that my friend secretly hates me?? That's incredibly mean of you. The only thing in your heart, redracecars (or should I say purpleracecars since your red AND blue?) is malice. You only want to make people unhappy, is it because you're unhappy buddy? I'm sorry if that's the case but leave other people out of it, go touch grass, or better yet, go talk to a therapist about whatever you got going on. Your behavior IS NOT NORMAL!!!
And rest assured I'm sending this to my mutuals so they all know that there's some troll running about and trying to hurt people, because that's what you're doing, you're hurting people and I just KNOW you live for it. Go get a better life bro.
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proof that lumax is NOT bones
ok look, i know we’re all freaking out a bit right now (see here for context), but i feel i have tangible proof that lumax will have a satisfying ending come s5.
1. she was listening to his game
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i don’t know if we fully acknowledge how meaningful this is. max doesn’t go to lucas’ game because there’s a big crowd and she’s very depressed. BUT she knew the game meant a lot to him. even earlier in the episode she was the one who explained the tournament to the boys. she doesn’t care for sports (except skateboarding obviously), but she cared for lucas enough to know what was going on. and she cared enough to listen to the game on the radio even after the fact.
2. her letters
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tell me she didn’t write some sentimental shit to him in that letter. we have yet to see what was in it, but my guess is that whatever’s in it, max will get a chance to say some of those things aloud. like if she wrote “i love you” or something to that effect, it’ll show growth for her character to say it aloud to lucas. which brings me to…
3. the cemetery scene
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the entire point of this scene was to show that lucas doesn’t only want the good parts of max. he wants ALL of her. even the sides of herself she views as ugly. and even as max is struggling to just TELL lucas how she feels, lucas is letting her know it’s okay. he just wants her to talk to him. all this is the crux of what i believe will be one aspect of max’s arc next season. learning to SAY how she feels. especially to lucas.
4. THIS moment
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another reminder that LUCAS IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO MADE MAX SMILE OR LAUGH LAST SEASON. this is another aspect of the lumax arc that i think is important. lucas makes max FEEL things, which is why the whole thing terrifies her. one of max’s reckonings in s5 will be with her own feelings. and if she ends up permanently blind or disabled, those feelings might explode out.
5. “i see you now. i see you.”
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apart from the cruel irony we’ll get if max ends up permanently blind, this again echoes the idea that lucas sees max for exactly who she is and loves her completely. even in her darkest moments.
6. rv scene
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lucas is the impetus of max’s HAPPIEST MEMORY. i mean writers don’t do that shit on accident. her happiest memory is KISSING HIM. that won’t change overnight.
7. cute as shit notepads
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they have mutually agreed to go on a date again. you think the duffers would leave us hanging on that? have they ever let us down before? mike told el in s1 they would go to the snowball, and they held onto that shit until the end of s2.
8. fuck vecna
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here’s my prediction for the “going left” that caleb mentions. while i don’t think they’ll break up or not be together in the end, i do think that vecna will possess her and use it to physically attack lucas. like i get the feeling they’re going to pull a mockingjay on us. this scene foreshadows that. she’ll be clawing at him and he’ll just be holding her off looking devastated. cue waterworks
9. i don’t even want to talk about this scene
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why would they have max die in lucas’ arms if we WEREN’T getting s5 lumax in some capacity? lucas’ trauma from that will have ripples in s5, leaving him vulnerable to vecna’s attacks. because he now has that something haunting him.
10. and finally…
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ok COME ON. the duffers even posted a bts picture with this in it. combine that with the other bts we’ve gotten so far? i'm not worried.
max's arc in s5 will be about connection with her loved ones. namely, her finally being able to break through her own walls to tell them how she feels. and both her and lucas' arc in s4 will lead up to that eventual conclusion. which is why we're getting our damn endgame.
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sca-nerd · 2 days
War of the Wings XVII
I didn't want to come home. I have never had a more carefree, joyful, relaxing, and lovely War.
I wasn't able to fight, because I didn't have room for both my armor AND my nephew, so I had to choose. He won. But when he asks for a flamboyant hat for his birthday, you can understand why I chose him over fighting this year.
It was the first year in our new camp site in the woods, and I loved it so much. It was quieter, and felt more like we were in our own little world away from everyone on the savanna where we have been in the past. It was also a lot smaller with it being almost exclusively just our immediate Household.
Things were run a little... different this year. Some things I liked, some things I felt they have done better in years past, other things I see where there can be an improvement. I really liked that there was a dedicated tourney field. The fighting scenarios were all very cool. I really hated that the battlefield was moved to the back 40 again. I really wish they would add an additional section of parking for over-sized vehicles.
Sitting around the campfire, hearing the 'hail camp' from the gate, never knowing what old or new friend would be coming through was the best. I met a fellow Tumblrina and have a new mutual. I have a new camp bestie. I have been introduced to Mint Chocolate Chip Whiskey (and it fucked me up). I had a baguette thrown at me while being yelled at, "MARIE! THE BAGUETTE!" I am going to fight a Duke. I got my Knight, who does not like curry, to eat my curry and enjoy it. I now have a 'frequent buyer' discount with a hat merchant. I have a billion new memories and inside jokes with people I love.
I lived the dream and I didn't want to wake up.
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screampied · 11 hours
do u have any tips for starting out your own blog? i’ve been writing for awhile now and want to start sharing my work, i just wanna know how to post and make everything look good 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
sureeee nonnie !!! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
so some tips i can give you to start, have a pinned post to start. it doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a simple pinned with important things your readers can access—view, like rules, byf / dni, masterlist, if requests are open or closed, and if you’re a mdni blog. this stuff’ll be important after you start posting and receiving interactions on your work ☝️
tag your work properly!!! tumblr runs on a tag system, and it’s important to use the right tags so you reach the audience that you want. there’s different kind of tags, like smut / fluff / angst. for individual characters, you’d tag it like (character x reader ) + ( character x you ) etc. for a fluff piece i did, here’s an example on the tags i used—
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there’ll be different tags for different fandoms. so if you’re writing for the one piece fandom, it’ll be a tag like #one piece x reader | ALSO !!!! this is kind of optional, but i usually tag my works with fem! or female reader, in case others don’t want to see my stuff on their filtered tags. always specify what you’re writing for, whenever i write angst or fluff it’s usually gender neutral reader but for smut i always write fem! reader. you’ll notice how in my works when i tag the warnings, i add fem! reader near the very beginning so people know what they’re getting into !!!
as for the aesthetics go, you wanna sorta ‘stand out’ i would say. hentai / doujinshi banners are pretty known around the smut community, and you can find a lot either on twitter on tumblr by searching under the tag #mangacap . one popular manga i could recommend is called ‘lady k & the sick man’ and i made a tutorial on how to color them here !!!!
don’t base your works off notes. always remember, it’s not a competition but it’s completely normal to feel happy whenever you receive traction !!!! 💗 if you’re just starting out as a new blossoming writer, it’ll take a bit for your work to reach an audience but you just have to be patient. writing is meant to be a hobby, and it’s important to have fun while doing it!
INTERACT WITH PEOPLE 🫵🫵. this goes for reblogging other people’s fics, commenting, sending sweet asks, etc. throughout your time, you’ll get some nice encounters from people. you’ll even get some anons !!!!! making mutuals is my favorite part of tumblr i think, and yes it can be scary. im still shy to make mutuals but i looooove interacting with different people !!!! you just gotta remember, everyone’s been in your shoes before so don’t be shy.
i think the last piece of advice i can say, is to just have fun :) of course, tumblr isn’t all positive. there’s lots of negative sides about this platform and one of it is the harsh reality that not everyone will like your work. that’s just something you have to accept, you cannot cater to everyone and that’s fine! but, just remember there’ll always be that one person that genuinely loves your work and gets excited whenever you post. once you start posting, you’ll see what i mean 💗. don’t be discouraged if you feel like you aren’t receiving interactions right away, that’s normal and growth takes time. just know that i believe in you, and i wish you luck on your writing journey nonnie!!! mwah <3
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ryuichirou · 2 days
14 years of RyuKatsu????? What's your secret on a long lasting relationship 🎤
Also don't feel the need to answer this part,,,but who asked who? 👀
Hehe yes! This is what that anniversary art we posted on 10.10 was referring to, in case you missed it. Realising that it’s been 14 years feels kind of weird, it honestly doesn’t feel that way, but at the same time I don’t even remember the times when we weren’t together lol
It feels a bit weird giving any kind of relationship advice, and I really can only speak for our situation (and I know (guess?) your question is half-joking, but I’m going to reply to it seriously), but… Hmm, it might sound cheesy or obvious, but I really mean it: I think the most important things are mutual respect, empathy, and ability to have fun together. Different people have different things they find important in relationship, but I feel like these three things are always important. Everyone has differences and difficult moments, fights are also inevitable, and if you’re together all the time, there are going to be moments when you annoy each other. What’s important is that you remember that you love that person and be empathetic and compassionate, but also give them space when they need it. Both people should do that, of course, the point is meeting each other in the middle and being willing to compromise if you feel disconnected. It’s all about giving each other space, but also all about actively and genuinely enjoying your time together. Being together shouldn’t feel like a chore and instead should be your comfort place, where you can both feel safe and have fun.
You don’t have to always love the same thing, but there should be something both of you are passionate about together. Both in terms of projects or just hobbies, there should be something both of you can yell about together. Katsu and I both love anime, love horror, love our ships and love creating. My art is my self-expression, and Katsu’s stories are also personal to Katsu, and all of those things tie together in such a tight knot, in a good way. It’s all connected, and we are always preoccupied with those things. But also, I am very lucky because even if Katsu isn’t into something that I am into, I can still yap about it without Katsu getting annoyed, and that’s fair for the things that Katsu likes too.
So yeah, uhhh, watch movies together and ship incest together, it makes relationship stronger lol
I don’t mind answering your question! But the problem is, I am not even sure how to answer it. Just for the record: we aren’t married, and unfortunately we can’t get married here. So I’m talking about asking each other out…
Katsu was the first one to get a crush, and it took me a while to notice lol It’s always funny remembering this story because poor Katsu confessed to me pretty directly, and somehow it still flew completely over my head. I guess I just couldn’t believe Katsu could like me (such an independent and smart person…), or maybe I was just as oblivious as I was stubborn. Only after Katsu got frustrated with me during some other conversation weeks later and said something about me not understanding someone else’s feelings, I started thinking that maaaaaybe Katsu kind of likes me? I was genuinely so surprised. I was so bad at noticing all the flirting…
And if that wasn’t enough… After we got closer and became obviously romantic with each other, after a certain point Katsu had to gather courage and to actually ask me directly if this whole thing is mutual. I didn’t even notice that I hadn’t told Katsu a single “I love you”, I just assumed that we were already dating after a certain point, and that everything else was already implied.  😱😱😱 Katsu YOU POOR THING
In my defense, both of us were very young when this whole thing happened, and I gained a lot more emotional intelligence since then lol Thanks to Katsu.
So yeah, our anniversary day isn’t actually the day we started dating (it’s kind of difficult to pinpoint when that happened LOL there are a couple of dates…), but actually a day when I got tired of my ex-friend and ex-gf mistreating me (we were still dating) and decided that I would rather spend time with Katsu instead, and we had a wonderful time together and it was the first time I felt such a strong genuine emotional connection with someone. I made a choice that day, and I even though it took some time for my head to figure it out, now I feel like my heart decided everything on 10.10.10.
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bunnyboy-juice · 3 months
#personal#i am emotional yes#over the years ive had this blog I've made a few posts abt being femme#nd whether they're serious or jokey..... inevitably someone in the tags goes “ohhh yeah bc pink”#or in the case of what inspired this post: someone going “what about the pink ones” on my praying mantis post#and im just.#sick of it. im sick of femme being equated to pink and frilly girlie behaviors.#im sick of femme being equated to skirts and heels. to makeup. to skincare. to pristine nails exactly almond shaped.#im sick of ppl acting like All femmes aspire to this shit. im sick of femms being reduced to this shit.#and i love pink! i love pink! my phone theme is quite literally just black and pink all over.#im just. so tired of any expression of Femme identity being shoehorned into being a Specific type of femininity#especially as someone who DOES get dysphoric wearing skirts. wearing dresses. embodying the femme aesthetic yall are so set on making#if u guys wanna rb this i truly dont care#i just needed to scream#and this is one small thing#but the 2nd largest category of anon hate i have gotten since making this blog is str8 up homophobia from other “queer” folks#saying i cant be femme bc of how i present. calling me slurs (and using them as such) bc they cant understand femme as anything but that#my wife and i have our users in our personal discord server set as 2 different things of anon hate ive gotten#i have had OTHER FEMMES tell me i am not femme. femmes who Know im femme who still call me butch. femmes who ive corrected and been blocked#-by bc of it. the number 1 largest demographic of queerfolk who have me blocked rn is TME femmes who embody pink also#and i dont think its a coincidence at all. (and i know this bc i go to try and follow these ppl bc they get rbed on my dash & i cant)#and ik their blogs arent deleted bc some of them don't block my wife (tall. white. butch) and it cant be politics cause her and i rb#a lot of the same political shit (fuck. i think she rbs More than i do even. this is genuinely mainly a nsft blog)#and usually i don't say anything but im having a bad day so i get to be angry about this and if anyone fucking tries me i will block u#idc if we've been mutuals 4ever. im judt so tired of feeling like i am not Enough as a femme bc i dont embody this shit#im sick of this lameass lip service to he/him gnc femmes etc when the thin white 50s housewife femme is still what is preferred and loved#im sick of this lamesss lip service when y'all feel entitled to theorizing on other femmes genders bc u cant conceptualize a femme who does#wanna be hypetfeminine. im sick of it. im sick of it. im sick of it.#celebrity bun
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nemmet · 6 months
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🩵🌻 another year, another happy (belated) autism acceptance month to my favourite autistic character!! he’s off in search of his next niche hyperfixation :)
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cruelplatonic · 4 months
ruminating on 'the vees died despondent nobodies' thoughts
velvette interrogates vox after she hears him give various conflicting and bombastic accounts on air. a selection of these include: blew his brains out on live television, administered the death penalty for killing his "bitch wife," a tragic accident involving two shetland ponies, dubiously legal iranian yogurts, and a whole lot of cocaine. the actual cause was shockingly ordinary- a heart attack in front of the television, alone, his corpse only recovered after two weeks passed. he was watching a game show and his last mortal regret was never even learning who won, because he died during the commercials.
#vox#velvette#haven't settled on what i think is a satisfying cause of death for velvette#running on 'a fight that escalated with her shitty then-boyfriend while trying to film something'#mostly bc i'm thinking of her recounting this to vox and telling him the thing she most regrets is that he was ugly as sin#and now his mugshot is permanently stapled to news of her death#but i'm not mega attached to this or anything#(the thing she ACTUALLY most regrets#is that the people she knew probably took more interest in how she died than who she was alive#that the most notable thing about her was something she didn't even do#and even the tragedy of her death to those who heard about it is in how bitterly commonplace it is)#wait this is actually thematically perfect. because in hell she's STILL in some ways defined by her proximity to two men#/yes/ her followers and fans are captivated by her separate from voxval. but she's inescapably regarded through the lens of the vees#both in the 'what's the niche velvette fills in the vees' sense but also through her relationships to val and vox#she's velvette. but she's never Just Velvette. she is always One Of The Vees#who she is to vox and valentino is what Velvette(tm) is#she can play every role to the public. their beleaguered 3rd wheel. their Sane Friend. partner (business). partner (romantic/sexual)#how do i fit that alongside:#'the people of hell like velvette because she's unfiltered. raw. authentic. mean girl who says what she wants w/o caring'#with a hammer and a lot of grit#i do think that's usually what she thinks of herself. at least consciously and these actually aren't mutually exclusive#you know how i said i'm not super attached to this backstory. whoops i have convinced myself of it!#if not the above specifics the 'the most remembered thing about velvette's life is how she died' angle#as it turns out this post is actually about velvette. i need to think about my evil babygirls Themes#i had something to say about vox and gameshows but thats enough footnotes for now i think
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nebuladreamz · 1 year
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Birthday time :D
I doodled this on the 18th, figured it’d be nice to save for today.
This past year has been the most wildest year of my life. To everyone I’ve come to known, old and new.
You mean the fucking world to me. Here’s for an even better rest of our year, together.
@f0rtunesfuture @amberluvsbugs @garbagechocolate @darkxsoulzyx @kandidandi @just-a-drawing-bean @cacaocheri @bunmuffin @sleepykas @xitsensunmoon @justaduckarts @skizabaa @starsketchez @fernzwing @smoljeanius @ilsole @tuzesdays @magicclownjuice @ohno-the-sun
(If I haven’t tagged you there is a Very(tm) high chance I am either unsure if you’d want to be tagged or too much of a coward to do it anyways but that does not mean you’d mean less <3)
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 6 months
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"Cuhut it out- you guys!" "Nu-uh, not until you're all perked up first! You don't want those gym challengers meetin' with an ol' mopey leader, do ya?" "Whitney's right, dear friend. No need to hide that beautiful smile of yours, alright?~"
What it takes to cheer up Johto's beloved ghost boy 👻💕
#some incredibly self-indulgent fluff for my own sake SKJDFSNDFS#Morty was having one of Those days where the weight of his responsibilities as leader and expectations as someone meant to bring back Ho-Oh#-felt a little too heavy to handle (more so than usual)#luckily his best friends (and mayhaps crush of nearly an entire decade) are here to take a stand against his low mood 🤼#I've been having brainrot of Whitney's dynamics with these two alrighttttt they all deserve to be silly with each other#best wingman award goes to this girlie for putting up with these two's mutual pining antics for years sdkfjskjdfh#the way I see it Morty and Whitney were besties way back before they had even become leaders (with Morty being the older between them)#there were definitely rumors going around between their towns about how they're an item#when the reality is that Whitney's more focused on winning the affections of the other cute girls she hangs out with#while Morty's a repressed gay lad burdened with religious guilt SDJFHUISJDNFS /LH /LH#the second Whitney caught wind of Morty actually developing a crush on someone you just Know she was on his ass Immediately#asking about aaall the details--who he is- what he does- how he dresses- if he could even conceivably pass her standards of how a--#--fitting partner for her best friend's meant to be#to which an incredibly exasperated Morty struggles to answer because Eusine is just beyond his comprehension /affectionate#when Whitney does eventually get to meet him in person the first time she most certainly takes a jab at his fashion sense SDKJFSDFNS#BUT they do end up getting along a lot better than Morty braced for- which was a huge relief to him#it soon reaches that point where Eusine's secretly asking her for details on the things Morty likes and how to possibly impress him#all the while Morty's asking her for advice on how he could cope with his feelings when he's still unsure on whether they'd be requited#Whitney finds the whole ordeal simultaneously very funny and perhaps one of the most frustrating things imaginable SDKJFSKDNFS#enough of me yapping thouuughhhhhh I should save that for its own post 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️#pokemon tickle#gym leader morty#morty pokemon#gym leader whitney#whitney pokemon#mystery man eusine#eusine pokemon#eusine#lee!morty#ler!eusine
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ilovedthestars · 2 months
i understand and appreciate the sentiment behind them but god, as someone in the process of getting an art degree and intending to pursue a career in art, those "don't get a job doing what you love because you'll start to hate it" posts are depressing
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frobby · 1 month
okay so ive been into jeweler richard for a while now, i watched half of the anime when it came out and found it unremarkable (now it fills me with rage) but i didnt start actually thinking about it until the manga came out and i actually read it. I stand by my reccomendation of the manga and in still looking forward to reading it when more volumes come out (volume 6 got delayed till next year). I knew OF things in the LN and they intrigued me but i wasnt really into light novels cuz i read on my phone but i didnt know how to get books(for free) on there. Untill i started reading orv that is(thanks dokja). Its really not that important for the story but recently ive been ravenously reading the jeweler richard LN (im on volume 5 now in the past like weekish)
And uhhhhh wow its so good. Like acutally good i totally get what people say about seigi now he is absolutely unreliable about......everyone around him. This is my reccomendation if you watched the anime and liked it or read them manga pleaseee read the light novels. It is the ideal JR experience
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wayfinderships · 2 months
To any Aro Mutuals that ship romantically, I have a question! Do you still call your s/is Aromantic? Or do you consider them something else?
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
Many men had offered her many things in the past, love and friendship, luxury and jewels, entertainment, dogs, amusements, homage--some she had accepted, some refused, but no man before had offered her work. Peter had offered her that, he had offered her a share of his--not noble or inspiring or fascinating work, just his work, what he had. He had offered it her, called her great energies into play, and set her to work beside himself in a furrow. And she was glad; for some reason she found it very good.
--Desire by Una Lucy Silberrad
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starflungwaddledee · 10 months
which ocs in the fandom do you find the most interesting? also, which ocs do you think have the most aesthetically pleasing designs? finally, which ocs have you only heard of but would like to know more about?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooo ha haaa noooo i can't possibly answer this because it would be soooo unfair to have favourites wouldn't it's comet knight by @kittenvirus
#sorry it's the colour scheme and the glitter and the fluff. i'm unfortunately so so weak to all these things 😭#even a little bit of pastel rainbow star theming specifically... comet really has everything i'm sorry to say#i think starstruck would faint immediately if she saw him. could they be friends?? i'm not sure i think she'd just be like this: 👁️👁️#he is also one of (if not the very) first designs i saw when i started picking around the kirby community#so i'll always have a soft spot for him no matter who else i discover.#there are also a dozen other OCs that i love and adore but the more that i list the more folks will feel that i didn't list *them*#and i really really don't want to do that! my mutuals have some absolutely banging designs as do some folks who i don't follow!#there are also a lot of REALLY cool designs that are 'semi' oc but are more like redesigns? from folks AUs or comics or so on#many great morpho-esque redesigns out there too i'm always a fan of those!!!#please understand i'm listing only ONE design that hits all these prompts (bc i also don't know the creator well hence 'only heard of')#and one that always stands out to me personally because of the sentimentality i mentioned above#but i love MANY many many. if i started listing them i would never stop!! if you have an oc or a design i probably love them!!#i realise that is a bit of a dodge of the breadth of this question but i just... yknow? haha#i'd be happy to learn more about any ocs really!! i would actually love for starstruck to start having some relationships with others too?#if folks are interested in that!! she has relationships with the dream land four but not so much with ocs; and that might be fun too!!#others ocs#asks
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