#like for HER she has lost a LOT of her vision and can see much less than she used to
god tywin lannister deserved worse
just remembering elias death and i wanna puke and the way tywin talks about elia and what happened is so damn gross
but rip tommen and myrcella we all know what’s about to happen in the next book :/
the cycle of violence just keeps spinning and damn you tywin for beginning it
(i got a bit crazy in the tags 💀)
#rest in peace elia and rhaenys#i’m one of those crazy ppl who thinks jaqen h’ghar is aegon 💀#literally lost the teeny tiny amount of credibility i had#anyways i think doran’s in on it and i think rhaegar switched out asharas child for aegon paralleling the baby swap jon does#the pact made in braavos about viserys and dany marriages is a half truth half lie#and arianne being sent to faegon is simply doran testing his heir. if she messes up then whoever’s spying for doran will correct her#gerold dayne knows too much that’s why doran thinks he’s too dangerous#but this would make the dornish plot sooooo much more interesting and would show that no doran hasn’t been doing nothing#it would also automatically make the daynes more important#jaqen (aegon) was in kings landing to kill robert but got caught by varys. syrio was sent to find him. ned cleared out the black cells tho#saving aegon in the process. fun how we’re actually introduced to this character through lyanna starks mini me arya#aegon was able to kill robert with a boar tho so mission accomplished.#now he’s in old town trying to hatch his dragon egg. the stone beast taking flight in danys vision is aegon being symbolically depicted…#..as a spinx#i’m crazy delusional. but ppl who think faegon is actually aegon are even more delusional than me#plus the real aegon being alive fulfills the suns son part of quaithes warnings#i like this theory bc it makes the dorne plot more interesting and it explains whatever is going on with jaqen h’ghar cause he is sus#yes yes i know i’m delusional 💀 i just think it’d be a very interesting twist#kinda hoping no one sees this post at this point bc i know no one will take this theory well lol#i do think this theory can be supported by the text tho#and cerseis throw away line about ned stealing asharas baby would suddenly become peak foreshadowing#barristan comparign dany to ashara would also be peak foreshadowing bc ashara would take the place of gilly in this parallel and she was dis#dishonored by someone at harrenhall. likely aerys and then she turned to a stark probably brandon for comfort#tbh i think it was ashara who lied to brandon about what happened to lyanna. perhaps she was trying to mess with brandon’s wedding and#was trying to get back at rhaegar for humiliating elia at the tourney. i highly doubt it was baelish who lied to brandon cause brandon#has little reason to believe him and no reason to trust him. ashara tho? arthur daynes sister and elias lady in waiting? also his lover?#anyways varys the spider potentially stealing aegon away (if he did take a child it was the false aegon) is there to parallel the others#who ride ice spiders taking crasters sons. tbh i think it was aegon who decided he wanted to train as a faceless man so he could get revenge#on his own terms. and the sea lord of braavos at the time was in on it and helped aegon with his plans#the unveiling coming up is going to be a lot more important than arya just reclaiming her identity. yes im delusional lmao. rant over
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themyscirah · 3 months
Started thinking about the Amanda Waller + Ben Turner relationship again.... fuck, I'm gonna need a minute
#I JUST- SHDIAUDJSHDSHEYEYRYRYRY guys. guys#i know none of you see my vision and thats okay. i will make you see my vision. i will force you to see my vision. i will-#like jesus fucking christ oh my god. its so interesting and gives me so many emotions and just!!!#i know im not making sense bc none of my moots are sui sq fans and also like half of the content fucking me up specifically here is in my#head because i cant stop thinking about my absolute power fix it au but like!!!!!!!#also the fact i have a fix it for a comic that isnt out yet is so funny to me. its literally fucking real though. god knows we need it#may my own content carry me through the dark times (extreme villain waller arc)#anyways this fucks me up so bad you dont even know. someday ill actually explain it#dc hire me to write a suicide squad ongoing PLEASE. i could do it so good it would be so fucking good dc PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭#also like this isnt me shipping them btw. like 110% not that. just to clarify.#i wouldnt even call it a friendship bc like. theyre not friends really. he has the most equal dynamic with her i would say but it still isnt#equal. shes v much his boss even though they have an understanding and respect there#like she believes and trusts in him much more than anybody really even himself. like she sees the good man and the leader even when he#doesnt. but she isnt nice about it. and there is a lot of conflict between them when there needs to be#like as much as ben is “wallers man”--the team leader she wanted from the beginning before rick flagg pushed his way in#ben i would say is still a very moral person even when lost and unsure of himself and his goodness (which is like one of his main things)#like i feel like while amanda can lean very into a “the ends justify the means” mindset in her worse moments and do bad things to get#herself out of a corner ben has like a deep and meaningful understanding of how the choices of your methods and how you act can weigh on you#like even though he was brainwashed and whatnot (thats still the story right? i cant remember) he holds a lot of guilt and baggage over his#actions and i think is able to temper amanda's worse tendencies in terms of that by calling her out when he recognizes that behavior#idk. i just really think that amanda waller and the suicide squad as a whole has lost its way without a more moral authority presence there.#like someone who can call her out and keep them more on track. which i really thing ben is and could be#i just very much am interested in their dynamic and how that would look like as equals and how i think they could help each other.#which ofc is what my wip is about and revolves around#blah#sui sq
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ecoamerica · 3 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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rpvlix · 2 years
//Kenny drops things a lot. He's not as coordinated as he used to be, sometimes signals get mixed up and he loses sensation or control or just spasms. Surgical work is much harder now, I'm sure you can imagine. His temper's always been rotten, but it's perhaps a bit worse on bad days.
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saggitary · 5 months
Some Bad Batch Headcanons
Tech snores like a dad
Wrecker actually is a quiet sleeper
Hunter does the bare minimum to care for his hair, like he uses hand soap for it, and it still looks amazing
Omega being born with a blonde mutation and not having any developmental issues led the Kaminoans to allowing more blond clone troopers to live to deployment
Wrecker is the one that initiates picking up and carrying Omega mostly because it is easier for him to keep an eye on her this way
Wrecker has lost Omega in crowds more than once because she is barely hip height to him in S1, couple that with little to no vision in one eye and a trashed ear, he struggles a little bit (hence the picking up and carrying)
Despite not liking regs, the Batch had a lot of respect for the 501st and drew many of their battle strategies from 501st tactics
Echo didn’t share much about his time with the 501st until Omega came around, this lead to multiple story times which had the whole bad batch circled around him listening and fangirling
Crosshair cannot see things close up, as his eyes were modified for long distance, he needs classes or contacts for reading things but refuses to wear glasses
That being said he will steal Tech’s goggles because they do help quite a bit
Given the choice, Omega will choose Wrecker’s bunk to sleep in over Hunter’s
This is due to A) Wrecker actually likes cuddling and barely moves in his sleep, B) she noticed that Hunter doesn’t sleep as well with someone else in his bunk
That doesn’t stop Hunter from pouting that she chooses Wrecker
Echo is really good at sparring after his ARC training, being down 3 limbs only motivated him to get back to his peak form as well as he could. He can and will put anybody in the Bad Batch (including wrecker) on their shebs
Tech is ordained and can officiate weddings (no one knows when he did this or why)
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ellecdc · 2 months
I come with wolfstar comfort thoughts <3
When you're sick remus is wonderful, he hates seeing you ill so he does everything he can to help: makes you tea, maybe some soup, gets you some meds and puts you on the sofa with a blanket and a pillow (sirius's chest)
Sirius on the other hand is less sure of what to do but he still wants to help so he let's remus tell him what to do, he's in charge of physical stuff like carrying you to the sofa (even if you're perfectly capable of walking) and being your human pillow while remus is busy in the kitchen, he's also tasked with moral support which mainly consists of stupid jokes and funny stories (he has many of james being a total drama queen when he got ill in the dorms)
I hope you feel better soon <3
poor Siri - I had a vision for this and now that it's written, I'm not sure I quite hit the mark, but let me know what you think! and thanks for your request <3
poly!wolfstar x sick!reader who they plan to nurse back to health
CW: fem!reader, cold/flu symptoms, brief passing mention of Sirius' childhood (no details), fluff
Sirius closed the door behind him and tossed his keys haphazardly into the dish that Remus insisted they go in, causing a loud clanging which echoed through the hallway. 
He realised only then how quiet the flat was in comparison which was rather unusual for this time of day as you and Remus always managed to beat Sirius home. 
Sirius felt some tension ease from his face (and body and soul) when he saw a familiar head of tawny curls over the back of the couch. 
His plans for a surprise upside-down Spiderman style kiss - to what he had assumed was a sleeping Moony having fallen asleep reading a book - was foiled when Sirius came around the top of the couch to see you - looking particularly pathetic - curled up and resting your head in Remus’ lap fast asleep. 
“Wha-?” Sirius asked dumbly, looking between Remus’ sad smile and your sleeping form - you seemed flushed and were breathing with your mouth open, likely because you couldn’t breathe from your nose.
“Hey Pads.” Remus offered quietly.
“What happened?”
Remus grimaced as he looked down at you and brushed some of your hair away from your face; you didn’t even stir. “I don’t think she ever made it to work today; I got home and found her on the couch.”
And Sirius could see that this was likely true, based on the vast amount of evidence that you’d been living on the sofa. 
You’d tried to contain your used tissues to a paper bag but there were a few stragglers from where you no doubt lacked the strength to put much effort into aiming anymore. A half empty waterbottle and a bowl of soup with a layer of film on the top sat dejectedly on the coffee table along with a packet of Benilyn with a few missing tablets.
“Poor babydoll.” Sirius cooed as he rubbed Remus’ shoulder. 
Remus turned to press a kiss to Sirius’ hand before gently lifting your head in order to stand.
“We’ll nurse her back to health in no time.”
Sirius felt his eyebrows furrowed as he watched Remus gently lower your head onto a throw pillow; still never managing to rouse you from your sleep. 
“How do we do that?” Sirius asked.
Remus hummed as he made for the kitchen and Sirius followed him much like a lost puppy. “Well she needs lots of rest, and we should try to get her to eat before we give her anything to bring down her fever; she hardly ate any of the soup she made earlier. Maybe some Chamomile too. But I want to start by bringing her fever down.” He said with finality as he started puttering in the kitchen. 
“What should I do?” Sirius asked like a child helping their parents in the kitchen; he felt worse than useless, he felt like he was in the way.
This is what happens when you don’t have a loving family; you don’t always know how to love - the verb to love, the action of loving someone. 
Sirius feels love, he knows that much. He just doesn’t always know what to do with all of that love.
Luckily for him, he had two of the loveliest partners in the world to help him on that end. 
Remus turned to smile softly at Sirius before leaning down to peck a kiss to his head. “Go change into some comfies and I’ll put you to work.”
And well, Sirius didn’t need to be told twice. 
Officially donned in his favourite pair of sweats and a long sleeve band tee, Sirius returned to find Remus knelt in front of you on the couch as he whispered. 
“I know, Dovey.” Sirius could hear Remus coo quietly as he approached. “Think you can try for me, though?”
You made a sound halfway between a groan and a sob as you pulled yourself into a seated position and accepted a cup of tea from Remus. 
“Too much honey.” You protested meekly without even taking a sip; Sirius was sure he could smell the honey from where he was standing.
“It’ll help your throat, love.” 
You groaned again but took a dutiful sip which earned you a beaming smile from Remus. 
“I feel horrid.” You croaked, and Remus - god love him - managed to not grimace at the sound; Sirius was thankful he was stationed behind the sofa where you couldn’t see him, because he was not as gracious as your other boyfriend. 
“I bet. When did you last take these?” Remus asked as he motioned towards the medication.
“It was early, I think around eleven.” 
Remus hummed in acknowledgement as he stood from his crouched position. “You should be okay to have more once you’ve got something in your stomach, then. I’ll make soup, okay? Here Pads.” He pointed towards Remus’ now vacated spot on the couch. 
Sirius offered you a sad smile as you turned to look at him. “When did you get home?” You queried.
Remus scoffed in response. “I’m surprised he didn’t wake you, sweet girl, the way he comes in and throws his shit everywhere.”
Sirius scoffed in faux offence. “I am very graceful, thank you very much.”
Whoever said laughter was the best medicine was a sodding liar, because though Sirius got what he had sort of wanted (which was to see you smile), your chuckle quickly turned into a coughing fit. 
“Alright, that’s it.” Remus chided jokingly. “Sirius, lay here please.”
Sirius dutifully followed Remus’ direction and laid back on the sofa with his head resting on the arm and his legs spread, welcoming you into his arms as Remus encouraged you to lay back down with your head resting on Sirius’ stomach. 
“Neither of you are to move until Y/N is better.” Remus ordered with severity no one truly believed. 
“I hope she never gets better then.” Sirius harrumphed as he burrowed further into the sofa beneath him and rubbed loving strokes up and down your back as you wormed your hands around Sirius’ middle. 
“That’s mean.” You pouted.
“I was just saying that to our tyrant, dolly; you get better but pretend you’re not so we can trick him into letting us stay like this forever, deal?” 
“Deal.” You agreed with a sniffling sigh, causing Sirius to tsk in sympathy. 
“My poor sweet girl, so poorly. S’breaking my heart.”
Sirius could feel the heat radiating from your forehead as you hid your face in his stomach.
“I feel a bit better now.” You barely got out without coughing. 
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you, babygirl.” Sirius said with a sad chuckle. 
“It’s true.” You insisted sleepily, turning your head again so that your cheek was pressed against Sirius as you looked up somewhat dopily at him. “It’s always better when you guys are here.” 
And you were likely a little loopy from your fever, feeling more than vulnerable in your current state, and sufficiently doted upon by both Remus and Sirius; but Sirius couldn’t help but admit you were certainly onto something.
Sirius always felt better when the two of you were around too.
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rxmqnova · 5 months
Winning you
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Story: It's Wanda's birthday and Y/N is trying to win her over Vision… ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV It's Wanda's birthday today and Y/N's been super excited for it. She's planned a lot of things for the day and plans to finally confess her feelings for the witch at the end of it.
Y/N has a huge crush on Wanda ever since she met her. She's been wanting to tell her for a long time, but every time she's tried something happened, so hopefully she'll finally tell her tonight.
But Y/N is not the only one who has a crush on Wanda. There's also Vision who always happens to somehow drag Wanda away when her and Y/N are spending time together.
According to Y/N's plan, she starts with making breakfast for the birthday girl. She makes some pancakes, knowing Wanda loves them.
And once everything's ready, she picks everything up and starts walking upstairs to Wanda's room, meeting Vision half way through and receiving a not very nice look from him.
Y/N couldn't care less though. She's determined to win Wanda over for good.
As quietly as possible, she sets everything up on Wanda's desk, adding a little sweet note for Wanda when she wakes up.
Leaving Wanda's room again, she makes her way over to her own room to get ready for the day.
Holding the first gift for Wanda, Y/N makes her way back to the kitchen. Wanda should hopefully be there soon.
"Someone's in a good mood today" Natasha teases, seeing her best friend walk into the kitchen.
"Mhm. You know well why, so stop teasing. The day needs to be perfect" Y/N states, taking a seat on the barstool to wait for Wanda to come.
"Wanda will have the perfect day with me, don't worry" Vision interrupts, a smug smile on his face.
Before Y/N can respond, Wanda steps into the kitchen, a bright smile on her face, making Y/N's worries go away immediately as she gets lost in Wanda's beauty.
"Yeah, sure" Wanda's sweet voice gets Y/N back to reality, her eyes widening when she sees Vision talking to her and handing the brunette a bouquet of roses.
Vision's quick to send Y/N a smirk when he turns around to walk aside. Y/N shakes it off, making her way over to Wanda, a warm smile on her face.
"Happy birthday, Wands!"
"Thank you" Wanda smiles, her cheeks turning red a little bit. "And thank you for the breakfast. It was delicious"
"That was nothing. I-I got you something" Y/N says, nervousness taking over her as she hands Wanda the box she's been holding.
She watches nervously as Wanda opens the box and gasps when she finds inside an entire The Dick Van Dyke Show sitcom collection.
"How… how did you know?" Wanda asks, trying to stop the tears that are filling her eyes as this sitcom reminds her of her childhood.
"You mentioned you used to watch it with your family when you were small, so I thought you might like it" Y/N explains, immediately getting pulled into a tight hug by the brunette.
"Thank you so much, Y/N/N" Wanda nearly whispers, giving Y/N a warm smile which Y/N returns.
"I. Hm. I-I was hoping that maybe you and I could have lunch together? I-I have planned something and-"
"Sorry to ruin that for you, but Wanda's already going out for lunch with me" Vision jumps in, cutting Y/N's sentence off.
"Oh… well, maybe when you come back we could spend some time together?"
"We'll go straight to Tony's party" Vision answers for Wanda who was about to say something. "Go get ready, darling. We should head out soon"
Vision rushes Wanda out of the kitchen, Wanda only having time to shoot Y/N an apologetic look.
Cursing under her breath Y/N watches as Vision disappears along with Wanda.
"He ruined everything, I planned a picnic for Wanda and he just needs to ruin it" Y/N sighs, looking at Natasha. "Why would he even take her out on lunch? He doesn't even eat food… Calm down, Y/N. You still can do it. Surely you'll have a chance to dance with her on the party. Then you'll take her on the balcony and give her the bracelet" Y/N takes a deep breath, calming herself down before turning around and going to her room, leaving an absolutely confused Natasha in the kitchen.
Spotting Wanda dancing with Vision Y/N heads straight to the bar, ordering a drink and taking a seat, watching the pair having fun.
But when two hours pass and Wanda is still with Vision, either dancing on sitting on the couch and sipping a drink, she stands up, deciding she needs some fresh air.
Tears fill her eyes as she sits down on the balcony, taking out of her purse the bracelet she bought for Wanda.
Wanda's always looked at this exact piece of jewelry every time they were passing the jewelry store and Y/N's been super excited to see Wanda's reaction once she would give it to her.
Thinking she completely lost her chance and Vision won Wanda's heart, the sweet voice speaks up behind her.
"There you are, I've been looking for you" Wanda says, taking a seat next to Y/N on which Y/N's quick to wipe away her tears. "What are you doing here all alone?"
"Just thinking" Y/N mumbles out, looking down on the ground to avoid any possible eye-contact with the witch. "Why are you here? It looked like you're having a good time with Vision"
"Well, having a good time is not how I would describe it" Wanda sighs.
"I… I have one more gift here for you. Can you close your eyes?" Y/N mumbles out a requests.
And just like Y/N wanted, Wanda closes her eyes, so Y/N takes Wanda's hand in hers, putting on the bracelet.
"Y/N" Wanda sighs. "This is too much. It's really beautiful and I really wanted it, but I know the price. I can't take it"
"Wanda, I'm not going to return it. I know how much you liked it and I want you to have it… I like the green gemstone in it, matches your beautiful eyes" Y/N smiles, noticing the pink color on Wanda's cheeks.
Instead of getting a verbal response, Wanda connects her lips with Y/N's. She's been wanting to do this for as long as Y/N has and today only proved her right… that Y/N feels the same way.
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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melodic-haze · 1 month
Personally how touched starved do you think Arlecchino and Furina are? Like one has been alone for 500 years and the other killed her best friend and probably doesn’t think she deserves love.
☆ — DEMO TRACK: Arlecchino x Reader, Furina x Reader
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Oh I think they'd be VERY fucking touch starved, except the two are like. On two different sides of the scale
On one end, you've got Furina. On the other end, you've got Arlecchino. What they're on a scale of? How "vocal" they would be in terms of it
Furina would be on the VERY vocal side, and by that I mean she WILL monologue to you about how she needs your touch or else she will PERISH from a lack of you-contact
Furina puts the back of her hand on her forehead, "My beloved wants to leave me be! Oh, you torture me..."
"Babe, I'm literally only going to get a glass of water."
"You forget my domain over the element!" She moves to throw herself onto you, wrapping her arms around your neck and causing you to laugh as you caught her, "I can satisfy your needs easily!"
"At that rate I'll be better off taking a shower!"
"It gets the job done!"
But she's not vocal for no reason :((( 500 years spent in self-isolation in order to save her people takes a HUGE toll on you so the moment Furina had realised that she doesn't have to do the whole song and dance all over again, she just can't help the want—the need—to basically be attached to you
It's not just because she wants to make up for lost time after FINALLY being able to do so, but also because she's scared that one day it'll all just go poof and disappear in a distant dream. She doesn't speak of her troubles until either she decides it herself that she should or one of the members of her Salon Solitaire (Crabaletta lol) decides to conk her for it
Sometimes she'll ask if she's being a pain in the ass bc she IS aware that she's constantly wanting for you to at LEAST be near her which. If you say she is then I need to sit you down personally and slap you in NOT a fun way
Meanwhile, Arlecchino on the other hand, is VERY quiet about it. She won't say anything, nevermind doing anything. She'd restrict herself from clinging onto you as much as she'd like to
You were a vision to her, a lovely sight to see and a lovely voice to hear as you recounted your day's events. Even when you did something so mundane, something that isn't necessarily something special, Arlecchino still looked at you with such adoration.
She almost didn't notice her hand inching closer towards yours from her warm daze.
Before she could draw it back unnoticed, however, you turned your head at just the right (or wrong) time.
"Arlecchino? Is there.. something wrong?"
..She shakes her head instead of admitting her desires, "No, my apologies, darling. I was rather captivated by your tale. Do tell me more about your friend's predicament."
And so you do, but you couldn't help but notice the longing look in her eyes.
It takes a while before she starts warming up to the idea of letting herself actually do SOMETHING. And that'll take a lot of time, patience and encouragement from her❗️❗️❗️ But trust when I say it's worth it bc she practically treats you with so much more affection and devotion than the literal archon she serves HAHA
She doesn't thinks she deserves to show physical affection, to touch you, to truly worship you and your body in every way she can—not when she has the power to hurt you, not when she's killed off the person she had cherished the most all those years ago :(
You gotta reassure her that everything's okay and that you won't disappear bc once you've done that? She's SO TOUCHY she will NOT go through the day without havign some form of contact with you
She won't do it as much in work though she has a reputation she wants to keep lmao
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Hello girl! how are you? doing well?
Can I request a E 42 yandere miles X reader? Am yes, E 42 reader is dead, omg how original XD
But the E 42 reader had this "church girl" or "flower girl" innocent type persona. And when E 1610 reader arrived with miles, she is a loud, cusses out a lot and has a hammer with her at all times.
E 42 miles sees her and while stunned to see such drastic personality change, he still sees his beloved in her and wants to keep her in his world and in his life? Add flashbacks if ya like! you can change it if you want! whatever makes it be awesome! luv you! <3
Hey, love!! I can totally do this
Suerte- Miles G x Reader
A/n: I hope y’all enjoy this!!
Warnings: strong language, angst, suggestiveness, reader being a spider person, descriptions of blood and yandere behavior, kidnapping, lmk if I missed anymore
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You were falling off of a building, it seemed your screams would never end as you looked up into the endless sky waiting for someone, anyone to save you. Miles watched as he tried to run and save you but by then it was too late, the sound of your skull hitting the pavement and the crimson blood that flowed from your nose was enough to indicate that you were gone and there was no saving you. Miles cradled your softer skull as the police and ambulance arrived.
Suddenly, Miles woke up in a cold sweat. It was Sunday now, and he had to get ready for church the only reason he was going was because you convinced him too
You managed to convince Miles to do just about anything; he just couldn’t say no to your adorable face and he hated disappointing you. You two seemed like an odd couple at first, with Miles being tough, cold and closed off whereas you were bright, happy, innocent and it seemed like you could do no wrong. You went to church every Sunday, you prayed all the time, you helped everyone and everything and Miles fell for your soft innocence and your warmth. He fell for your simplicity, your poise, your patience and how you felt like a piece of heaven.
The day he lost you was the day he lost himself. Miles was never the same after you left; he closed himself off completely and adopted the Prowler moniker. He felt like he failed you and that you would be so dissapointed if you saw him now. Miles would have flashbacks to you telling him how much you loved him and how you would always love him in every universe, so he decided to pray and beg God for you back and eventually, he got that.
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“I’M TRYING TO FIGURE THAT OUT, Y/N” Miles shouted back
You and your Miles were best friends since you both came to Visions. He found out you had powers the same as him and you two clicked immediately. It seemed you two were fated to be together; same music taste, fashion choices and morals its just you were a bit more harsh than him
“I think we’re home?” Miles questioned
“I don’t remember Brooklyn looking this shitty” you said
“It’s just dark, come on, we can go to my house. My mom loves you” you said
Mrs. Morales loved you because not only were you quick on your feet, you also made Miles happy and you made a great first impression. She thought you were exactly like Miles, just more abrasive and she thought you were sweet.
You went to Miles room and it looked different, almost more grown. Your spider-sense went off and just as you went to tell Miles, Rio was there and greeting him. She looked at you like she had seen a ghost, tears spilling from her...green eyes??
“Y/n?” she whispered
“Yeah? Hi Mrs. Morales” you went, going to give her a hug which she reciprocated just more eagerly
“Oh Mija, I thought you were dead. Gracias Dios, you answered my prayers” she said, sobbing and looking up at the sky
Her and Miles had a conversation and you both revealed your identities in which she was indifferent about. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal an Uncle Aaron.
He saw you and his eyes went wide. He stalked closer to you before grabbing your shoulders and shaking his head
“Is it really you, y/n?” he said
“uhh yeah last time I checked” you chuckled, grabbing your body as a joke
“Where did you go? How are you here?” he asked in disbelief
“Well interesting story actually, we used something called our legs and walked here” you joked, usually Aaron could appreciate your humor because it was one of the things he told Miles before he died
“Miles, you won’t find another girl like her. Girls like y/n don’t come around like that so I’d advise you to keep her"
“Got it” Miles would say
It was like you were looking into a portal of dead people, your entire body clenched when his gaze suddenly went cold.
He lead Miles and you to the roof when suddenly, you felt a strong stinging in your neck and just as you were about to hit the floor, a strong pair of arms grabbed you and you heard voices
“She’s not your, y/n man. She’s meaner”
“I don’t care"
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You awoke with a splitting headache on a couch. Your limbs were handcuffed together and it was dark; your eyes immediately went to search for your Miles when you saw him tied to a bag
“He won’t be up for a bit, hes out cold. Maybe we can keep him that way” a voice said
“He’s not the only one who’s gonna be out cold. Who the fuck are you and what do you want?” you snapped
“Hm. So hostile, my Y/n would never speak like that” a man said approaching you
“Dawg are you smoking crack? Speed? Bath Salts? Because you gotta be fucked up if you think-“ you started
“la muchacha sucia(dirty girl), I should’ve put that gag on you while you were out” he said, taking off his mask to reveal your boyfriend just more gaunt
“Listen here you Rick and Morty knockoff, if you try that, I will bite your finger off, comprende?” you said
“Si. Eres muy bonita pero tu boca es tan asquerosa. I can tell you aren’t from here” he smirked
“Just so you know, just because you called me pretty doesn’t mean I won’t crush your nuts the second I get out of these chains. Listen, your knockoff prowler suit doesn’t scare me and neither do these chains, I could break out right now but I’m intrigued” you said
You heard groaning and saw your Miles move
“MILES” you screamed into the other Miles’ ear
“Y/N. GET AWAY FROM HER” your Miles shouted
The other Miles ignored him but he grabbed your throat and forced you to look up at him
“It’s not a knockoff mami and unless you want to find out just how powerful this suit can be, I suggest you pipe down. It’s gonna take a bit of work, maybe force” he tightened his grip at force, causing your eyes to water and your tongue to come out
“But I think I can make it work. You may not be exactly like her, but you’ll be close enough” Miles said, lowly
If the circumstances weren’t what they were, Miles would’ve found your position hot, you were tied up, tongue hanging out a bit and your eyes looked so pretty; in his mind, you were giving him the “fuck me” eyes but in reality, you were using this as a way to escape
The idea of playing along until he got his wish came to mind but you realized this was deeper than that, he wanted you in every form and if it wasn’t you, what’s to stop him from taking another version of you that may accidentally come by.
“What happened, mami? You had so much to say, say it.” Miles taunted, hand still flush against your throat
“Yeah its kinda hard when you’re choking the life outta me” you said
He took his hand off your throat and you coughed.
“Dude just leave her alone, okay? You can have me, kill me just please let her go” your Miles said, his voice faltering at the end
“Oh but where’s the fun in that? Plus cabron, I don’t want you at all, its not about you. It’s about her and her making a promise
“What promise did I make?” you asked
Miles got a flashback of you laying next to him, playing with his braids and giggling
“I’ll love you in every universe, Miles Morales” you said sweetly
Miles teared up and explained this to you
“Okay well bud, I’m not her and in a way, I do love you in every universe, I love my Miles but” you said before he slammed his fist next to you, causing you to yelp
“I am your Miles, mi amor. At least, I will be. I’m never letting you go again” he said close to your face, hovering above your lips before getting up and striding over to your Miles
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blindbeta · 2 months
So, I've been writing a blind character who cooks. So far, I've written him as being someone who relies a lot on routine and habit, who navigates the kitchen by touch and by memory. He's a bit rigid, and insists on using his own tools, which are color coded (he can see them up close with what residual vision he has) and marked with braille, but I was wondering what other tools a blind person might use when cooking.
A Bunch of Stuff For Blind People Who Want to Cook
I don’t know where and when your story takes place, so what is used might change depending on the character. Here are some options to get you started. There are many tools and techniques devoted to making cooking easier. I don’t know as much about the subject, so I’ll do my best. Please add any other ideas in the notes.
First, the creator @canseecantsee on YouTube and TikTok is an excellent resource. She has lots of videos showcasing how she cooks and does various daily tasks. She demonstrates the use of many tools, such as heat resistant gloves and high contrast items. Here is a video in which she demonstrates chopping vegetables.
Notice the high contrast items such as the yellow chopping board and purple knife. In the video, she demonstrates use of the towel or a place mat beneath the cutting board to prevent slipping. As she cuts a cucumber, tomatoes, and onions, she also uses a technique that allows her to feel the edge of the item so that she knows where she wants to cut and how thick the slices will be.
Here is a video by TheBlindLife showcasing his accessible kitchen. He has excellent points on the importance of contrast, from color contrast to shape contrast. The video includes
bump dots
high contrast colors of tools
high contrast plates and bowls
talking scale and thermometer
heat resistant gloves
and alternatives for glass cups
High contrast is important and can be created by being mindful of the kind of countertops or tables used. For example, in the video, there is a triangular plate that is decorated like a pizza slice. Eating on this plate might cause food to get lost visually, especially food that has the same colors as the plate. Much like the plate, counters or tablecloths with busy patterns might cause items to be harder to see due to lack of contrast. Plain counters, tables, or tablecloths make items stand out more.
Additionally, creating contrast between surfaces and the items on them is helpful. The table is a dark wood? Light plates, bowls, and cups it is. The counter is plain white? The plates and bowls are a dark color.
For glass cups, the video offers solid, colorful plastic cups that offer better contrast. The fact that glasses are clear makes them even more of a challenge and colorful plastic alleviates that concern. However, if someone wants to use glass cups, they can use some that are either made with colorful glass or have color somewhere on them. This might help depending on the contrast and lighting.
In addition to memory, your character can also use labels and various markers. Sharpie, different colors and shapes, textural elements like bump dots, actual Braille or large print labels, tape, stickers, string, or ribbon. Label makers are great, but plenty of other options exist, particularly considering the aesthetic the kitchen has. He may also enjoy decorating this way since he has residual vision. Ribbons tied around containers of sugar, salt, and flour can be cute and functional.
A few other ideas after searching cooking stuff:
talking items, such as a blender, rice cooker, or microwave oven
marking speed on electric mixers or other devices
talking, high contrast, or large print timers
funnel or liquid level indicator
Braille or large print labeled measuring cups
individual bowls for portions, such as soup, rice, sauces, proteins, etc. Different shapes, sizes, or color could also indicate what food item typically goes in what bowl.
You can also come up with other ideas by thinking about what your character would use and how that might be done more easily. While I prefer characters use blindness techniques and assistive devices, people also naturally make things easier for themselves through organization and creating their own labels. A person who cooks might also be able to distinguish certain ingredients by smell or texture.
Another tip I have is to watch blind content creators on social media. Chances are, some of them show themselves cooking or discuss how they do it.
Lighting is also going to be a big deal. The kitchen will need good lighting, both overhead and under cabinets. Natural lighting is also great, although this is not as reliable or constant.
What he uses might also depend on various factors such as income; how often a character cooks; amount of available space; time period and setting; cultural practices around cooking, eating, and utensils used; access to the blind community; willingness to use assistive devices for blind people; any internalized ableism or ableism from family; and level of vision.
Hope that helps.
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destinysbounty · 6 months
A lot of people wonder why Zane's sixth sense became less prominent over time, and a number of theories have been thrown around without the fandom ever really reaching a consensus on the matter. So allow me to throw even more gas on the fire by adding my own speculations into the mix!
Looking at the timeline, Zane's sixth sense began to decline shortly after being rebuilt. Of course he did still experience visions for a short while thereafter - the vision of the titanium dragon being an iconic example of this - but then his premonitions gradually became a scarcity over time, to such a point that Jay straight up didn't believe him when he had that vision in s11.
So why did that happen? To answer that question, we first need to talk about Pixal.
In the season 4 episode "Versus", Pixal states that she is fascinated by Zane's ability to dream, and has "always wondered what that's like." Implying that at this point in the series, she wasn't able to dream.
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However, her dream sequence in season 11 "A Cold Goodbye" demonstrates that at some point between s4 and s11, she eventually developed the ability to do so.
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(Side note: it makes a a little bit emo how Pixal used to think dreams were an amazing thing that she longed to experience - but when we finally see her doing so, she has a nightmare instead.)
Within the context of canon itself, Pixal's dream in this episode is the only instance throughout the series of a nindroid having a non-prophetic dream.
...or is it?
Let's take a closer look at that dream, shall we? Most importantly, the part where Zane slips from her grasp.
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Pixal is holding onto him, but she loses her grip and he falls into some sort of vortex/tunnel of light and cloud. And yes, of course, my Pixane-loving heart is aching at the sight of this - but pay close attention to the appearance of the vortex itself.
Look familiar? No? I'll give you a clue.
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Yeah, you're seeing that right. The vortex from Pixal's dream is uncannily similar to the Never Realm portal that opens up at the end of that same episode.
For those of you who haven't seen s11 in a while, allow me to clarify exactly why that's so remarkable: Pixal had this dream before they opened the portal, before they even knew Zane was actually alive. Somehow, within her dreams, Pixal managed to construct a replica of the Never Realm portal without even knowing it existed.
Like, really sit and think on that for a minute. Pixal had a dream in which Zane falls into a strange vortex that just so happens to look like the portal to the Never Realm. Y'know, the same portal Zane got blasted through just an episode prior. Without Pixal herself being aware that this had happened to him.
Do I think it's a coincidence that Pixal's dream just happened to represent Zane's true fate with an eerie level of accuracy - that he hadn't died, but instead been lost in a portal to another realm? You're certainly welcome to think so, but I sure don't.
So here's what I think happened: in season 4, Zane placed Pixal's neural drive into his processor. From that point on until season 7, they effectively shared a brain. Maybe the experience of sharing the same mind for such an extended period of time caused them to inadvertently...share Zane's sixth sense as well . Maybe it slowly began to split between them. Zane's ability would slowly decline over time as portions of it bled into Pixal - while Pixal slowly developed the ability to "dream", unaware of exactly what that ability entailed.
This would explain a number of things:
Why Zane's premonitions become much more scarce from s4 onward.
Why Pixal is suddenly able to have dreams in s11 when she wasn't able to before - and why that dream is so uncannily prophetic.
Why the Scroll reacted to Pixal. Given the fact that it didn't react to Kai, we can assume it doesn't do anything when someone without any kind of power holds it. which suggests that Pixal has some kind of power (be it prophetic or otherwise).
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(Of course, that last point is dependent on the validity of certain interpretations of how spinjitzu, forbidden spinjitzu, and elemental power work within canon. And yes, you can rest assured I have theories for that too. But I'm still fine-tuning the kinks to that theory, so don't ask me to explain just yet.)
If this is true, I highly doubt anyone has realized that this premonition-sharing happened at all. Zane probably just assumes his decline in prophetic ability was caused by the spiritual damage he sustained in his fight with the Overlord (which is another viable theory), and Pixal simply assumes that her newfound ability to dream is a result of her developing humanity. Meanwhile the rest of the team is none the wiser.
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sixlane · 2 months
james potter fan club
bartylily microfic | 785 words | NSFW | inspired by that one scene in challengers | this is my attempt to introduce the masses to jartylily. you may not see the vision yet, but you will.
special ty to renn @malchai and laurie @itsjaywalkers for letting me yell at you about this <3
“I saw James today,” Lily says from where she’s straddling Barty’s lap, running her fingers through his hair. It’s not overtly sexual, but Barty’s hoping he can get it there in the next two minutes.
“Yeah?” He lets his eyes close, lets himself focus on the sound of her voice and the feel of her soft thighs under his hands. She’s only wearing her underwear and an old t-shirt of his, which isn’t doing much for his self control.
“Mmhm,” she responds, lightly rolling her hips forward. “He was asking about you.”
“I just saw him a few days ago.” Barty moves his hands around to grab Lily’s ass, sliding his fingers under the thin fabric, encouraging the pressure building between them. “What was he asking about?” He’s not really paying attention to the conversation if he’s being honest, but sometimes if Lily is in a chatty mood during sex, the dirty talk can get really nasty, so he tries to encourage it as much as possible.
“Just asking if we’d see him again before you go. He misses you.” She tugs the hem of Barty’s shirt up and over his head, then starts kissing a trail down his neck all the way to his shoulder. She reaches up to run a finger around his nipple, something she knows always gets a shiver out of him.
Barty lets out a groan as Lily rocks into him harder this time. “Fuck me too.” He doesn't even really know what he’s saying, just whatever will keep Lily talking.
“I know baby, I know you do,” Lily says, planting a hand on Barty’s chest to push him down on the bed. She leans forward to kiss him, and it’s slow and smooth as she slides her tongue into his mouth. He just feels himself getting lost in it when she pulls away. “Tell me how much you miss James.”
“Lily—” Barty starts, but he’s cut off as Lily’s hand travels down to his briefs, slipping under the waistband just a bit, teasing. “You want it?” she asks.
“Yes,” he says, grabbing her wrist, always so greedy about the way she touches him. “Come on, princess, no games.”
“No games.” She shakes her head, dips her hand even lower, just grazing the tip of his cock. “Tell me how much you miss him and you can have whatever you want.”
God, she’s intoxicating when she gets like this. Bossy and determined. And Barty is powerless to it.
“Miss him so much, Lily.” It’s not even untrue. It’s been months since he’s come to visit James, and now Lily since they started seeing each other. They call and text here and there but it’s nothing like it used to be, when they were attached at the hip as teenagers.
“Good boy.” She grabs his cock, collecting the precum with her thumb so her palm slides easily over him. “That feel good?”
Barty’s eyes roll back and he bucks his hips up into her hand, always needing more with Lily. “Mmhm fuck, so good. Keep talking, baby.”
Lily smiles, huffs a laugh. “You think about him a lot?” Her hand speeds up, just the right amount of pressure. She’s so fucking good at this.
Barty can barely think through the haze so he just says the first thing that comes to mind, not that he has much of a filter anyway. “All the time.”
“Yeah you do,” Lily says, rewarding him by reattaching to his neck, licking up to his ear where she bites at his earlobe. “Thinking about him right now while I’m touching you.”
Barty moans, letting his mouth fall open as he lets his mind wander. Lets himself imagine just for a second that it’s James on top of him instead of Lily. “Ngh, yeah, fuck. Don’t stop.”
But Lily does stop, just for a second to tug Barty’s briefs down and out of the way, freeing his cock, putting on display the mess she’s made of him.
She sits up over him, hovering just above his hard length. “Now, I want you to imagine, when you’re inside me, that it’s James you’re fucking into. Can you do that for me?”
Barty’s hands squeeze hard at her hips as he takes her in with hungry eyes, but he’ll do what she says. He always does, in the end.
He nods, licks his lips, seals the deal. “Wanna be inside him so bad, Lily.”
Lily reaches down, uses one hand to pull her soaked underwear to the side, and uses the other to line up Barty’s cock with her dripping cunt. “Whatever you want, baby,” she says with a devious smile before sinking down on him.
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ecoamerica · 3 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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small-z24 · 1 month
One-Shot: Shadows of Destiny
Amidst the turmoil of a heated argument, an explosion forces Y/N to protect Azriel, resulting in both of them being injured. As Y/N tends to Azriel's unconscious form, the mating bond snaps into place, revealing their deep connection. When Azriel awakens, he must confront his feelings and the bond that has been hidden for years. Together, they face their newfound reality, united by a love that can withstand any challenge.
Word Count: 1118
Warnings: This story includes scenes of violence and injury, emotional distress, and themes of fear and guilt. There are mentions of medical procedures and some explicit language. If any of these topics are triggering for you, please read with caution.
The training room echoed with the clash of steel and the heavy breathing of the two combatants. Azriel and Y/N had been sparring for hours, their frustration and emotions fueling every strike and parry. The tension between them had been building for weeks, and tonight it had finally reached its breaking point.
"You're holding back!" Y/N shouted, her voice trembling with anger as she swung her blade at Azriel.
He deflected the blow with ease, his expression hard. "I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N."
"I don't need your protection, Azriel!" she snapped, stepping back to catch her breath. "I need you to treat me like an equal."
Azriel's jaw tightened as he lowered his sword. "You are my equal, but that doesn't mean I want to see you hurt."
Y/N’s eyes flashed with fury. "You don’t get it, do you? You never do! I’m not some fragile thing that needs to be coddled. I’m a warrior, just like you!"
Azriel’s shadows swirled around him, mirroring his agitation. "I know you’re strong, Y/N. But I can’t just turn off my feelings for you. I care about you too much."
"Care?" Y/N scoffed, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. "You think this is about care? It’s about respect. If you can’t respect me as a warrior, then what’s the point?"
Azriel took a step closer, his eyes burning with intensity. "I respect you more than anyone else. But watching you get hurt... it tears me apart."
Y/N’s breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest. "Why? Why does it matter so much to you?"
Before Azriel could respond, a sudden explosion rocked the training room. The walls shook, and debris rained down around them. Y/N’s eyes widened in horror as she saw a large piece of the ceiling break free, heading straight for Azriel.
Without thinking, she lunged forward, pushing him out of the way. The debris struck her instead, knocking her to the ground. Azriel scrambled to her side, his shadows wrapping around them both protectively.
"Y/N!" he cried, his voice filled with panic.
She groaned, pain shooting through her body. "I'm fine," she managed to say, her voice weak. "Just... get us out of here."
Azriel scooped her up in his arms, his heart pounding with fear and guilt. He carried her out of the training room, his shadows helping to clear a path through the rubble. Once they were safe, he laid her down gently, his hands trembling.
"Stay with me, Y/N," he whispered, his voice breaking.
She nodded weakly, her vision blurring. "Azriel..."
As she lost consciousness, Azriel’s heart shattered. He had failed to protect her, failed to keep her safe. The guilt and fear consumed him as he held her close, his shadows wrapping around them both in a protective cocoon.
Y/N awoke in the healing quarters of the House of Wind, her body aching but her mind sharp. She tried to sit up, but a gentle hand on her shoulder stopped her.
"Easy," Majda, the healer, said softly. "You’ve been through a lot."
"Azriel," Y/N gasped, her heart racing. "Where is he?"
Majda’s expression turned somber. "He’s alive, but he’s in bad shape. He shielded you from the worst of the explosion. He hasn’t woken up yet."
Y/N’s heart clenched with fear and guilt. She had pushed him out of the way, but he had still been injured protecting her. "I need to see him."
Majda nodded, helping her to her feet. "He’s in the next room. But you need to rest too, Y/N. You’re still recovering."
Y/N nodded, but her focus was on Azriel. She moved to the next room, her heart breaking at the sight of him lying unconscious, his body covered in bandages. She approached his bedside, tears streaming down her face.
"I’m so sorry, Azriel," she whispered, taking his hand in hers. "I should have been more careful."
As she touched him, a sudden warmth spread through her, and she gasped as the mating bond snapped into place. It was an overwhelming sensation, a connection that went beyond anything she had ever felt. She knew, in that moment, that Azriel was her mate.
"Azriel," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Please wake up. I need you."
Days passed, and Y/N stayed by Azriel’s side, her heart aching with the knowledge of their bond. She spoke to him, telling him stories and sharing her feelings, hoping that her voice would reach him.
Finally, one evening, Azriel stirred. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, disoriented. When his gaze landed on Y/N, a wave of relief washed over him.
"Y/N," he croaked, his voice weak.
She leaned forward, tears of joy streaming down her face. "I’m here, Azriel. I’m right here."
He reached out, his hand trembling as he cupped her cheek. "I thought I lost you."
She shook her head, her heart overflowing with love. "You saved me. You always save me."
Azriel took a deep breath, his eyes filled with emotion. "Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you."
She nodded, her heart pounding. "I know. I felt it too."
His eyes widened in surprise. "You did?"
She smiled, her tears falling freely. "Yes. The bond... it snapped into place when I touched you. I know you’re my mate, Azriel."
Relief and joy filled his eyes as he pulled her into a gentle embrace. "I’ve known for a while," he admitted, his voice trembling. "But I was afraid. Afraid of what it would mean for us."
She held him close, her heart bursting with love. "We’re in this together, Azriel. Always."
Their lips met in a desperate, passionate kiss, the weight of their words and the bond between them igniting a fire that had been smoldering for too long. They poured all their frustration, love, and longing into that kiss, finally allowing themselves to embrace the bond that had been waiting for them.
When they finally pulled apart, their foreheads remained pressed together, their breaths mingling. Azriel’s shadows wrapped around them both, a protective cocoon that shielded them from the world.
"I love you, Y/N," Azriel whispered, his voice filled with reverence.
"I love you too, Azriel," she replied, her heart full and whole.
In that moment, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united by the bond that had finally snapped into place. Their love, forged in the heat of argument and tempered by their shared strength, was unbreakable. And as they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, they knew they had found their true home in each other.
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ok like my last ask but opposite
f!greaser who looks all pretty, haunted and scared and the gang + Tim and Curly being attracted to her. She has big doll eyes, low haunting voice- you have fun
Heck yeah I’m thinking like pretty dead girl aesthetic kinda vibes
Ponyboy Curtis
-thinks you’re super intriguing
-liked just watching you and seeing what you do
-he draws and paints you fr
-he just finds you hauntingly beautiful and fascinating
-you immediately stood out to him as a person
-you have super deep conversations with him at night
-looking at the stars with him while he softly kisses your cheek
-has written poetry about you and never showed you
Johnny Cade
-you both met at the lot
-he saw you sitting there, just looking at the fire you’d created
-he saw something in your eyes… sad and beautiful
-you reminded him of himself
-he tentatively walked over to you, and got the strongest urge to hold your hand
-which he resisted, silently sitting next to you as you turned your attention towards him
-with your big doll eyes
-they reminded him of Two Bits sisters only doll growing up, an antique porcelain one, a bit creepy
-you both have a silent understanding of each other that no one else quite understands
Sodapop Curtis
-sun and moon istg
-you were in the gas station, stopping by to grab something quick to drink
-as soon as he laid eyes on you he was pretty much in love
-he loved the way you looked
-people often told him his eyes were something you could get lost in
-but man, they didn’t meet you
-he immediately started hitting on you
-and when you reacted a bit startled and unsure of what to do
-he was like okayyyyy won’t do that again
-but over time his comments made you smile more and more
-until you somehow managed to say yes to a date with him
Darry Curtis
-he was walking to the store to pick up things for breakfast
-when you walked past
-no one else was out this early in the morning, everyone was inside having breakfast or sleeping in late
-but you were strolling through for whatever reason
-and you turned his head
-he noticed the subtle way you flinched
-when he tried calling you for your attention
-and when he finally looked at you he thought you were surely one of the most pretty broads he had ever seen
-something so mysterious yet beautiful, scared yet brave
-he does most of the talking for you, and yall are very cute together
-he’s so overprotective
Dallas Winston
-he was smoking in an alleyway when he saw you
-he whistled at you, and you flinched as he continued with some remarks
-“Well that’s a damn fine broad if I ever saw one”
-you seem uncomfortable
-“C-can you please stop?”
-you say, not much louder than a mouse, flashing him those big, scared, haunting eyes of yours
-it hit him like a bus
-and he did stop
-less out of respect and more out of shock but whatever
-later he approached you still with a cocky grin, but a less… asshole attitude
-you didn’t like him at first
-but he learned to have a soft spot for you just like Johnny
-you guys are so cute, and he’s super protective over you like Darry and Tim
Two Bit Mathews
-when he first met you
-he made a shit ton of jokes what do you expect
-“Damn, Dolly, how do you fit those eyes on your face?”
-“I bet you have some 20/20 vision with those telescopes.”
-“My sister has a porcelain doll just like you.”
-and at first you were a bit uncomfortable
-but shyly started cracking a small grin at his quips
-which boosted his fucking ego my guy
-made it skyscraper high
-you guys are cute together tho
-you always be there to silently giggle at his jokes
Steve Randle
-it was his shift at the gas station instead of sodapops
-and when he saw you he was like whoa
-he would pretend not to care and secretly memorized lots of things about you
-he notices the small behaviors everyone misses
-your flinching, your quiet nature, the way you always paid in only coins for everything
-your pretty brown bag you carry everywhere with you
-one day he asks you out, and you say yes
-you liked Steve quite a bit
-such an awesome couple
Tim Shepard
-ok so yk how you and soda are opposites like sun and moon?
-well you and Tim are opposites like fire and ice
-he saw you whenever he was in the middle of jumping a Soc
-you looked terrified and ran away at the mere sight
-he dropped the soc and instantly ran after you
-which you noticed and silently picked up your pace
-eventually he caught up and asked you to slow down
-you hesitantly did
-you looked up at him with those big doll eyes and he knew he was in love
-you flinched when he tried to grab your hand and he instantly felt bad
-he explained that was only someone who didn’t pay him back for something and he’d never hurt you
-you’re quite wary of him
-but the moment you kinda realized you liked him back was whenever he defended you
-from some creeps saying vulgar things
-you help ground him and calm him and he helps you be a bit braver
Curly Shepard
-you met in detention
-you were getting in trouble for something that wasn’t your fault because you couldn’t speak up for yourself
-and he was in there for lord knows what
-he’s never seen you around before or noticed you
-but now that he does…. Wow
-you look like you belong in a poem
-one of those fancy worded ones he’ll never understand
-you start playing with the paper on your desk, folding it as he kicks your chair you jump up
-“Sorry. Didn’t know you were so… uh- jumpy.”
-“Please don’t do that again.” You say softly, giving him earnest eyes
-he nods, not really paying too much attention to what you said and more focused on your eyes
-when you sit back down, he realizes how much he’s intrigued by you
-he moved to sit next to you, smirking
-over a bit of him trying to get to know you and you ignoring him
-you finally tell him your name
-“Y/n, huh? I like that. It fits you”
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mistywaves98 · 1 year
Omg double request???????? slay??????? Whatabout,,,,,, yan albedo,, kidnapping reader n keeping her in a cage for stress relief,, like he'll occasionally feed her and give her water ofc, but a lot of the time he'll lace it with aphrodesiacs and let her suffer in the cage until she's begging to be fucked- boy makes absolutely sure she humiliates herself- like girl's fighting for her freedom? He'll just make her so desperate she has nowhere to turn to but to him.
-the amazing super awesome best anon ever/jjj
Sorry for taking sooo long with this, I lost motivation and when I got it back I decided to rewrite the whole thing 💀 and I'm finally back from the dead!
✧・゚:* Yandere! Albedo x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ¡Warnings!: NSFW, Yandere/Darker Themes, Kidnapping, Fingering, Making out, Aphrodisiacs, Teasing, slight sadist! Albedo, that's all I think!
✧・゚:* Minor writing smut! DNI if uncomfy!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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You hadn't even known him for that long or that closely, yet he felt a constant yearning whenever you weren't around. You were just another adventurer that completed commissions for the guild, so why did he like you so much? This want for you was hindering his research since he couldn't focus when you were on his mind 24/7. Weighing his options he figured it would be pointless trying to persuade you to stay with him forever since you enjoyed your freedom, it was really obvious. So what was plan B?
Why to keep you with him by force of course.
As adventurous as you were, you could also be a little to trusting and oblivious at times. Everything was calculated down to the smallest detail. Eventually he had formulated the perfect plan to make sure you were his. Due to Albedo's precision, it wasn't long before you were in his lab, unconscious.
Upon stripping you of your weapon and vision, Albedo realized that he missed one crucial thing. He didn't plan on what to do with you after kidnapping you. It's not like you were there for any reason other than to satisfy his desire for your company.
Eventually he settled on a cage he happened to have when he wanted to observe live monsters he captured for research. He cleaned and even cushioned it a bit before placing your limp body inside. Once he locked the gate he decided that all was good and he could focus again now that you were under his surveillance 24/7.
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It had been months, maybe even years and although the likely answer to how much time had passed was the former, the latter was definitely what it felt like. Although it was unlikely you could have escaped, Albedo decided to cuff your arm to the bars just in case. The bindings were tight and made your wrists sore but there was nothing you could do about it.
It made you furious that all you could do was sit there like a doll on display, only taken out to be tampered with from time to time. But again, you were helpless.
You were snapped out of your sulking as the hinges of your cage creaked open and a plate of steaming food was placed into it. As quickly as it was unlocked, it was shut once more. You stared at the meal with a sour look, as good of a cook he was you didn't trust his food because of numerous.... occasions.
But you were so hungry and you could feel your mouth watering at the smell. So as always, you reluctantly gave into your needs.
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Why did it end up like this? You already knew the answer. Aphrodisiacs. In your food. That's what lead you here, completely naked on his lap with your back against his chest, two fingers shoved in your mouth while three more are shoved up your pussy not moving an inch. You desperately try to grind your hips onto them for any sort of friction to help you reach your high but you just can't. You can't even begin when the pads of his gloved hand flatten your tongue against the bottom of your mouth. The most you can do is pathetically whimper in hopes he'll get the hint and he does but would rather see you suffer so you just have to sit there, waiting until he decides what to do to you.
"I assume you want me to move my fingers,hm?" A sharp thrust makes you gasp. "C'mon, tell me darling, what do you want from me." He chuckles cruelly when all that escapes you mouth is muffled whines and incoherent noises. "Ok ok, I'll let you talk." As soon as the fingers leave your mouth you speak,"Please, please let me cum! I-I'll be good, just—" You're cut off by another thrust of his fingers into your tight cunt but this time they continue plunging in and out making you moan in ecstasy as you feel your orgasm building up.
Albedo's free hand traveled down your neck and began fondling your exposed breasts making you arch your back at the added stimulation. In doing so you slightly shifted your positions and you couldn't help but cry out as you felt him hit that sweet spot inside of you. "N-ngh f-feels soooo good 'bedo! Please don't s-stop!" Hearing you say his name always made something stir inside of him, something that told him to go harder. "C-cumming!" With that you gushed all over his fingers, coating them with cum that dripped onto his lap, soaking his clothes but that was the least of his worries. You couldn't see the ways his eyes darkened form the position you were in but when he moved a hand to tilt your chin to face him you were met with that scary smirk that, even through your dazed state, had learned to fear because it always meant nothing good.
"Who gave gave you permission to cum? I don't recall saying you could orgasm, now look at the mess you've made." As if there wasn't already a mess," 'm sorry...I—" you were cut off as his lips met yours. His hand shifted form your chin to hold your face in a way that give him firmer grip. Drool ran down your chin as his tongue entered your mouth, licking everywhere it could reach.
When he finally broke the kiss, you were panting heavily. Albedo observed your face as you gazed at him through half lidded eyes. Dried tears stained your face as a bright red blush covered it, beads of sweat ran down your face and your eyes we're puffy and swollen. You were certainly a sight for sore eyes, Albedo made sure to make a mental image of it to paint later.
Lifting you up into the desk, be shoved everything on it aside as he laid you on your stomach. Now your lower half was hanging over the edge and you tensed as the cold surface met your hot skin. You gasped as something big and hard pressed up against your pussy's entrance. "You wanted to cum so bad so you did so without my approval, how disobedient of you... but don't worry, now I'll give you all the orgasms you want."
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prying-pandora666 · 4 months
Who is Izumi’s Mom? Copium Edition
So we all know that Bryke have refused to confirm who Izumi’s mother is. Even when they released family trees, the conspicuously left Izumi’s mom blank.
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So incredibly frustrating!
So since Bryke insists on baiting us and not giving us closure, here’s a dose of copium for all shippers.
First off! Izumi’s name means “spring fountain”. Remember that.
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Secondly, she looks like this:
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Mai - She looks the most like Izumi. She canonically dated Zuko (until they broke up AGAIN). The former comics’ writer believes they will make up. She and Zuko have a history surrounding fountains. Even with all the drama, she remains the most likely candidate.
Katara - It should be self explanatory why a child named “fountain”, as in water, may be a reference to the one water bender Zuko dueled with most. The two of them clearly developed a connection by the end of the show, and Katara once even offered to heal Zuko’s scar. This one is all but debunked due to Kataang being canon, but it’s still nice to dream! And no one can deny they look great together.
Jin - Zuko and Jin shared lovely chemistry on their one date. Zuko was even willing to risk getting outed as a firebender in the Earth Kingdom and imprisoned, just to make her smile. This scene is also significant because it involved a fountain. Considering the bulk of Zuko’s redemption happened in the EK and the plot continued into the comics dealing with the blended FN/EK colonies, I can see why this would be a good thematic choice.
Toph - A rarer pair but one that one storyboard artist snuck in a reference for! Toph and Zuko have a lot in common. They both come from families of status that abused them for their failure to conform. Toph was born blind while Zuko has a disfiguring facial scar that realistically should affect both his vision and his hearing to an extent. Toph also has a friendship with uncle Iroh and was the first member of the Gaang to successfully understand and comfort Zuko as well as she did. Some point out that Zuko’s daughter Izumi has vision problems (like Toph) while Toph’s daughter Lin has a facial scar (like Zuko). The name Kanto, the alleged father of Lin, can also be written with the characters for “crown capital” so some speculate it’s an alias for Zuko. Spring fountain could be a reference both to the Earth element’s season of spring as well as to a volcano, which is like a fountain combining fire and earth. This scene is the most telling, with two doves representing Zuko and Toph. When Zuko walks away from Toph, the two doves kiss, signifying that perhaps a romance between them is destined for the future. Luckily, Toph knows how to listen and wait. Everything that applies to Jin about making peace with the EK applies even more to Toph since she’s actually from a noble house.
Suki - A bit of a wild card since she’s dating Sokka! But the comics showed Zuko and Suki getting much closer. When no one else was on Zuko’s side during the conflict in the colonies, and even Mai dumped him over his desperate visits to Ozai, Suki stayed by Zuko’s side. She never lost faith in him and tried her best to be there for him. The two have clearly developed a close friendship and bond of trust. Some even see it as romantic, which spells bad news for our boy Sokka. However, seeing as the book Legacy implies Sokka and Suki broke up, perhaps Zuki shippers have more evidence to stand on than originally thought! Everything that applies to Jin about making peace with the EK would also apply, since Suki is also from the EK. Perhaps she could fan the flames of his passion?
Sokka - Okay we all know it’s not going to happen but they’re really cute and I get it. The fountain claim applies to Sokka same as it does Katara! Hey there’s always a chance! Korrasami proved that!
Ty Lee - Not a lot to go off here but it’s undeniable that the two have a weird, unspoken tension. Why is Zuko quietly beefing with his sister’s bff? It’s never explained. Something is definitely going on there! We just don’t know what it is. In the comics, Zuko does lament not playing with Ty Lee and the other girls more as a kid.
Azula - I mean… okay I get it. The features that Izumi has in common with Mai, she also has in common with Zuko. So it’s not impossible to see why some would think she looks like Azula too. But can we please not make ATLA into Game of Thrones? This certainly isn’t helping:
Jet - He’s dead now so it’s not possible. But did Jet actually have a thing for Zuko? You know… it was really unclear.
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atinylittlepain · 2 months
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Little Pinch
nurse!marcus pike x f!reader
she needs to get bloodwork done. one small problem, getting bloodwork done never goes well for her, especially not when she's distracted by the very kind, very handsome nurse doing it.
wordcount | 3.3K
content info | 18+ discussions of getting bloodwork that includes needles, fainting, nausea, mostly fluff, nurse marcus to the rescue, this is just a fun time, also an un-beta'd time so like, be nice pls
a/n | shoutout to the girls (gn) that pass out every time they get blood work done (me). I have to get new labs tomorrow morning, and writing this is how I coped with that prospect :') this one is for the fainters, the thin veiners, the "just do it in my hand"-ers - i see you, i am you, gawd bless
Here’s the thing, this never goes well. It wasn’t always like this though. She has a vague memory of being a kid and taking it like a perfect champ, testing for mono after a rash of cases at school. But then, well, something changed. 
It runs in her family. Thin veins that are hard for even the best nurses to find, lots of oh, I just lost it, and well, let’s try your other arm, and always, ultimately, hands? Should we try the hands? No, the nurses never listen when she tells them to just start with the hands, and without fail, somewhere around the third or fourth time they try to get the needle in, a cold sweat breaks, and the room starts to filter through a fuzzy pinhole of vision. It’s embarrassing, she thinks, because, really, she has no problem with needles. Can watch it go in, no issues with piercings, et cetera, et cetera, but getting blood drawn? Yeah, forget about it. She usually comes to with paperwork around her feet that she had been holding, and a well-meaning nurse pressing a damp paper towel to her forehead and breathing the remnants of her lunch over her face and alright, hon? Usually a box of apple juice and an escort out to her car to make sure she doesn’t go offline again. 
The other thing is, unfortunately, she’s pretty sure her little fainting, fading thing has gotten worse over the years. A conditioned response, she thinks, that cold sweat starts the second she walks into the waiting room, already anticipating what comes next. And today, well, even worse than some of the others. Twelve hours fasted, and no, that certainly won’t help her case, no matter how much water she downed before she came here, no matter how tight she squeezes her fist in the hopes of pumping even one vein up enough to be tenable. She looks at the woman sitting across from her in the waiting room, reading a back-ordered issue of Cosmo, flipping and flippant and really, why can’t she be like that? Why can’t she be normal like that? Instead, her heel is doing a frantic tap, whole leg jerking with it, and everytime she checks her watch she feels her heart creep a little further up into her throat. 
If she’s being honest, she thought about canceling her labs. No, doc, all good, doc, don’t need to know, doc. And then a friend pointed out, frustratingly, that avoidance is only going to make it worse. Right, so, right, so right, so, here she is. And here’s the nurse opening the door and right, calling her name, and it’s a man nurse, male nurse, though she’s pretty sure she’s not being PC by making that specification in her mind because really, twenty-first century, and really, anyone can be a nurse. But not anyone, right? Lots of schooling, right? Right. She realizes a bit too late that she hadn’t responded to the nurse calling her name, jerking up out of her chair and trying for a smile that she thinks probably looks more like constipation. And that’s just great because now man nurse, sorry, just nurse, probably thinks she’s constipated and she’d rather not have the, actually, very handsome, just nurse, thinking that on top of whatever she’s got going on that necessitates lab work she also can’t take a shit. Right. 
“We’re going to be in this room right here.” Handsome just nurse has a nice voice too, deep but kind, and a strong jawline, and a patchy beard but she likes that it’s patchy, and he’s tan and he’s got one of those big watches that tells you how hard your heart was beating on your run and he probably runs in the afternoon after clocking out of the needle-in-arms gig and that’s probably why he’s so tan, probably has a golden retriever who runs with him too, because he looks like a golden retriever guy, dark flop of wavy hair and that smile and oh, oh, he just asked her a question and now she’s supposed to answer it. 
“I’m sorry, could you say that again?” He smiles, nods, being nice, at least, about her whole scared prey animal situation. She presses her palm down hard on her knee to keep it from bouncing any more. 
“It says on this order that these labs need to be taken fasted. Can you confirm to me that you haven’t had anything to eat or drink besides water in the last twelve hours?” Oh yes, yep, she can confirm that for you, Marcus, his name is Marcus, says so on his little lanyard badge. Thanks for the easy one, Marcus, pitch right down the middle, Marcus, with your nice smile and your clipboard and your, well, needles and tubes. But before he can get started with his, well, needles and tubes, she makes a strangled, sort of despondent sound because in situations like these, she comes with a warning label. 
“I should let you know I have, um, bad veins? Honestly, you can just start with my hands, I don’t mind it. And also, I’m a fainter, yeah, so, it happens every time, just so you know.” And usually, usually, her spiel is given very little notice, mmmokay, hon. Sure, they’ll lay her back, how merciful, so she doesn’t crack her skull open on the way out of conscious orbit. That’s about it, though. But this time, she thinks, might just be different.
“Okay, thank you for giving me the heads up. If you’re sure you’re alright with starting with the hands then it’s fine by me to get it done that way.” So, so fine, Marcus, and maybe, just maybe, she thinks she might not pass out this time. He sets the exam table at a reclined angle and she wills her rigid spine to settle against it, trying to find the balance between breathing so deeply she starts to get light headed, and not breathing at all. In case you were wondering, yes, she is on medication for anxiety, it just doesn’t seem to presently be working. 
“Just gonna feel around a bit here for a good one.” She only feels a little insane for the kick and clench in her heart when he takes her one hand in both of his, because he’s just palpating the back of her hand to find, as he said, a good one. Yes, the word for it is palpating, and there is certainly nothing romantic nor, hello, sexual about anything that’s called palpating. But, hey, taking wins where she can get them, and even through the latex gloves, his hands are warm and big and very know what they’re doing about the whole thing. And she’s no expert, obviously, but he’s got a very nice, very visible vein in his forearm, and she bets phlebotomists love him, bets that when he gets blood drawn, he’s in and out no problem, bets that even she could draw blood from him. Nope, nothing sexual about that, nothing weird about that, right? Right. Nothing sexual either, when he ties off the tight band around her arm and she watches his one bicep flex a little with the effort. 
“I can count you down, or you can look away and I’ll just get it done, whichever you prefer.”
“Uh, no preference, I’ll just look away and you can do whatever you want to me.” Jesus. Jesus fucking Christ. She realizes exactly what she just said a bit too late, him, Marcus, nice nurse Marcus, letting out a laugh that fizzles out into a cough. Great, now she’s made her fucking phlebotomist uncomfortable, possibly one of the last people you want to make uncomfortable. But if that, whatever that was, lingers, he doesn’t show it, already swiping an antiseptic wipe over the back of her hand and pulling his little cart of tubes closer to himself. And she knows this part, she’s good at this part, letting her eyes sweep up and to the right, because he’s on her left, and willing whatever vein he decided is a good one to stay a good one. Little pinch, little prayer, she lets out a held breath when he says a quiet alright and keeps the needle exactly where it is. Hallelujah.
“This might take a little longer, just because we’re drawing from your hand.”
“I’ll bleed as fast as I can then.” At the very least, he laughs, even though she wishes she had kept that one to herself. 
“Do you live around here?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“Sorry, I’m trying to distract you.” 
“Didn’t they teach you how to do that in like, phlebotomy school?” She still has her eyes turned up and away, only a little wince when he switches out one tube for another. He hums at her question.
“Not really, I could ask you about the weather, is that better?” 
“It’s cloudy. Not much of a conversation starter.” 
“Well, why don’t you ask me something, since you’re such an expert on starting conversations.”
“Do you have a golden retriever?”
“Sorry, you just, you look like the kind of guy who’d have a golden retriever.” Another tube clicks into place, but she’s not paying any attention to that now. 
“Uh, no, no golden retriever. I do however have a very old, very deaf pit mix named Lucille.” Goddamnit, somehow that’s hotter than the golden retriever. 
“Great name.”
“Yeah, I thought so too. She came with it when I adopted her.” God. Fucking. Damn it. What next, is he a volunteer firefighter on the weekends?
“Alright, that’s the last one.”
“Wait, really?” She chances a skittish glance but, sure enough, the needle is out.
“Yep, just let me get a band-aid for you and you’re all set.” Is he? Is she? Really? Going to make it out of here with no blackout? She considers, very briefly, as Marcus is smoothing a band-aid over the back of her hand, whether it’s possible to put a phlebotomist on retainer. 
“If you want to sit for a minute and make sure you’re feeling alright before getting up that’s totally fine. I can also get you water or juice if you’re getting lightheaded.” 
“Oh, no, I’m fine actually. Which, hey, thanks for not making me faint and stuff– that’s a first for me in a very long–” Oh, oh, stops herself mid-compliment because oh, oh, maybe stood up too fast, because the room is going a little dark, a little sideways, cold prickle and nauseous and–
“Easy, easy, I’m gonna help you sit up, okay?” His voice is a little fuzzy around the edges. To be honest, he’s a little fuzzy around the edges, though she knows right away what happened. No, not her first rodeo, like she blinked and then came to in a strange sprawl on the end of the exam table. Marcus presents a dixie cup to her, holds it right in her line of sight because clearly, she’s still a little slumped, still a little vacant, and a little warm, actually, which is new, and a little pleasant, and, oh, it’s because his arm is curled around her shoulders, firm palm held there to help her sit up. Oh. He smells like clorox and something woodsy, and it shouldn’t, but it kind of works. 
“You feeling okay?”
“Mmmhmm.” She’s afraid of what might come out of her mouth if she doesn’t keep her lips pressed in a thin line, mmhmms again when he asks if she can sit up on her own, only a little despondent when he takes his arm away. 
“So, you really weren’t kidding about that happening every time, huh?” 
“Nope, wish I was. It’s– I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
“That you had to deal with that.”
“You don’t have to be sorry about that, it’s part of the job. And actually, you fainted about as perfectly as I could’ve asked you to.”
“I didn’t know you could faint like, well.” 
“Right before you went down you said I’m gonna faint. That’s a lot better than getting no heads up and turning around to find my patient unresponsive on the ground.” 
“Oh gee, I bet you say that to all your patients.” Lord, if there was ever a time to put her out of her misery it’d be now. She probably still looks green from her little trip to outer space but sure, flirt with Marcus, handsome nurse Marcus who just watched you absolutely eat it. Kick your feet and bat your eyelashes while you’re at it. 
“I take it you’re feeling better then? Are you okay to walk out to the front desk?” And the rest is, mercifully, easy. He walks her to the front desk, squeezes her shoulder and gives her a good job today that she likes a little too much. She makes a mental note to herself to never come back to this clinic for any future bloodwork, lest she make a fool of herself all over again in front of a man who, with any luck, she will never see again. 
“Yes, this is she speaking.” This is she speaking in the middle of the cereal aisle with a half-filled grocery basket at her feet. She sets her gaze on a hyper-realized image of a granola cluster (now with real strawberries!) while the woman on the other end of the phone tells her that her lab results came in and were sent over to her doctor. 
“Oh, great, thank you for letting me know. Do you know– did things look okay?” 
“We don’t interpret the results, ma’am. Your doctor will go over that with you.” She doesn’t quite catch that, doesn’t catch the woman’s ma’am? either, a little preoccupied with staring down the aisle, because is that? Is he? He looks good out of the scrubs. 
“Sorry, no, um, of course. Thanks again.” If the woman had anything else to tell her, it’s a little too late for it, already hung up, and she’s trying to decide if she wants him to see her, or if fleeing immediately is the best course of action. He probably wouldn’t even recognize her, she thinks. It’s been a couple of weeks since the whole ordeal. And actually, she’d prefer if he didn’t recognize her. Oh yeah, the one who, well, ate it. But it seems the choice has already been made for her, because he saw her, walking down the aisle toward her, with his chin tilted down and part of a smile like he isn’t sure, but he’s pretty sure. He says her name like a question. Guilty as charged.
“Marcus, right?” Like she forgot his name, ha. His smile stretches, a little brighter, palm to the nape of his neck, and while she got the golden retriever part wrong, she totally clocked the rest, watch on his wrist and nice-looking athletic shorts and just-right-tight t-shirt with the little swoosh on the chest. She thinks his hair might even be a little sweat-damp, curled ends nearly getting in his eyes. In other words, she’s a goner. 
“How have you been since we– you, well–”
“Since I passed out on you?” Yeah, that, he laughs out and yeah, she likes him, sue her. 
“Just for the record, I believe it was you who said I passed out perfectly, so.” Shrug, so, he takes a step closer, leans in a little like he’s going to tell her a secret. In the cereal aisle, of all places. 
“Just for the record, I really don’t say that to all my patients.”
“Nope, just the nervous, pretty ones.”
“I was not nervous.”
“You weren’t?”
“Are you just gonna blow past the other thing?”
“What thing?”
“The pretty thing.”
“Yep.” Something a little giddy, like being back in high school, shared, shit-eating and smug grins. He shakes his head and she rolls her lips back in her mouth to stop her smile from getting any cheesier. 
“So, you do live around here then?” 
“Mm, yeah, I do. And so do you?”
“I do.”
“Nice, nice.”
“Lovely weather we’re having.”
“What? I’m making conversation.”
“You’re still not very good at it.”
“I’ll keep working on it for you.”
“Sure, okay. What kind of cereal do you get?”
“What kind do you think I get?”
“You look like a Kashi guy, if I’m honest.”
“Somehow I feel insulted.”
“You’re not even right either.” 
“No? What do you get then?” He just smiles, steps away and reaches up to the top of the shelf and she is very grateful to General Mills for being located on the top shelf because his shirt rides up just enough to see a bare hip. In cheerios we trust. 
“Apple cinnamon, seriously?”
“What? It’s a classic.”
“Actually, you know what, that tracks.” 
“What do you get?” She waggles her basket in front of him in response, goods already procured. 
“Peanut butter chex, respectable choice.”
“Thank you, thank you.” 
“You know, I’d say we’re pretty good at this conversation thing.”
“Yeah, we’re not bad.”
“Do you want to do this again sometime? Not in the cereal aisle?”
“What, you mean like in the produce section?” He smiles at that, rolls his eyes, his basket lightly bonking against hers. 
“I was thinking more like dinner, or drinks if that’s your thing?” 
“I might be free on Saturday.”
“I might also be free on Saturday.” 
“Well, sounds like we’re both free on Saturday.”
“Can I get your number?” His lockscreen is a picture of a dog. Lucille, he tells her, before she was very old and very deaf. She can’t help how big her smile gets at that. 
“Text me, and we’ll do this whole conversation thing again.” I will, he says, phone tucked back into his pocket, though he seems to think twice before asking her can I see something really quick. Not entirely sure what he means when she nods, but then his hand sort of hovers over her forearm, may I? He really does have nice hands, she doesn’t think twice about nodding again. 
“Oh yeah, we didn’t have to use your hand. I could have totally gotten it from here.” His hand curled around her elbow and his thumb lightly pressing into what she can only assume is a vein, and he says it so earnestly that she can’t help the incredulous laugh that rises up in her chest. 
“Really? You’re still stuck on that, huh?” He smiles something sheepish, pad of his thumb rubbing an apology into her skin before pulling away. She didn’t really want him to pull away.
“Sorry, occupational hazard, I guess.” 
“Kinda weird, you know.”
“Did I just ruin this whole thing?”
“Mmm, no, I kinda like it.”
“So, Saturday?”
“Looking forward to it, Marcus.” 
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