rpvlix · 4 months
//Most of the siblings don't really like answering prayers (or whatever they're called in their native tongue, i dont have the brainpower to make an entire conlang for some silly ocs, sadly) except for Braso and, weirdly enough, Astathis.
Make no mistake, Astathis does not answer prayers out of the goodness of anyone's heart, but just for the ego boost. Ast likes to steal prayers meant for the other siblings, taking all the credit, of course.
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rpvlix · 7 months
//Kenny wants to be kept on a leash because he, like a wild animal, sees it as a challenge. Braso wants to be kept on a leash because he wants to be controlled. They are not the same.
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rpvlix · 9 months
//man, Fouskotos was such a huge disappointment to Aton because he was the oldest son with promise. He had so much potential. Kenny was always unpredictable and defiant, never wanted to inherit anything. He was sort of silently ruled out, though Aton couldn't bear to eliminate his first child, even as cruel as he was. Kym was a girl. And one with attitude issues at that. She was out. But Fous could've BEEN something. He was strong. Obedient. Didn't ask too many questions. Until he did.
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rpvlix · 1 year
//I do think that in a lot of ways Kenny is acting out deliberately. There's an extent that's genuine. His lack of morals, the way he bounces from focus to focus, the way things sort of blur together into a smear of thought, the fascination with anatomy and death and morbidity. But he also definitely overstates how 'crazy' he is. He's playing a part. His role in the family has always been 'the eccentric one' and he tried so hard in his youth to make his way of life seem... respectable? to try and make his siblings or his father understand the way he sees the world.
But they didn't. They couldn't, or maybe didn't bother to try. If they're going to treat him like a crazy person no matter what, he might as well lean into it. Which, of course, has only convinced his family that's he's lost it. They know he used to have a handle on things. Used to keep it together. Now that he's acting so differently it seems like something has snapped, but he's always been like this. Just not trying to hide it anymore.
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rpvlix · 1 year
//damn. Just realized like actually half of the siblings are attracted to conflict like moths to a streetlight.
Kenny likes fucked up little guys because they're incredibly interesting, lots of questions to be answered. Kym is only happy when she's pissed so she finds a fight everywhere she goes. Ast doesn't enjoy arguments but does enjoy having new gossip material and the fact that conflict makes life more interesting. Braso doesn't like it when people are mean to him but he's a competitive sort and doesn't mind a good natured tease or some trash talk.
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rpvlix · 1 year
//Was thinking abt it weirdly in depth last night and I honestly think Kym would be the hardest one to kill.
They are very much mortal, don't let their superiority complexes fool you, they are just long-lived and very sturdy creatures but they can be slain
Ken can heal himself so long as he either has a functioning body, OR his brain has a supply of energy. He has his own natural generator in there, so you'd have to like, decapitate and then lobotomize him or something. Idk. Difficult, since theyre all also hard to crack open. Doable though.
Astathis is also probably a pretty tough one, I fell asleep before I got to Ast I will not lie. But I think with proper timing Ast could easily save himself from any situation, god of the infinite, infinite possibilities. Insta-replace oneself with a clone and teleport into deep space or something, redirect the weapon with a delicate manipulation of the air and surrounding matter, etc.
Braso I think you can kill, but he would probably reincarnate with his memories and abilities intact (in his own verse, unclear what would happen in this one, since it isn't the universe that entrusted him with this ability)
Sol, Andras, Fous, they don't really have anything special to prevent their deaths. For Sol its skill and first aid knowledge, for Fous it used to be strength, and Andras hasn't found her talent yet.
But KYM. Oh man. She has wormed her way into the minds of her entire family, taken root in there. She's essentially become a part of all of their minds. Killing Kym would be like trying to kill a thought. Her domain is the mind, as long as she exists in someone's psyche she can probably just re-manifest like nothing happened. Its easier, I imagine, the stronger the memories of her are or the longer that she's spent rooting around in your brain. But it would work even with someone she met in passing at a grocery store, just slower. Much slower. You want Kym gone for good, you would have to kill everyone who's ever known her first, then her, then yourself, probably, or she'd just use your own memories to come crawling back.
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rpvlix · 1 year
//Kenny's removed a lot of things on a lot of occasions, some on purpose, some accidents. The one thing he won't cut off/out and let grow back, or the two things, really, are his hands. He's already lost so much coordination over the years, there's always the worry in the back of his mind that they wouldn't be quite the same when they finally healed... It's just not worth the risk.
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rpvlix · 5 months
//the thing is that Kenny and Andras really could've bonded, potentially, if they hadn't been so separated by time. The thing is that all of the siblings could've bonded if it werent for xyz reason that they dont get along, or just dont interact with each other.
Like they don't even seem to realize they are all so deeply connected by the same feelings of loneliness and inadequacy, perhaps just because they all manifest in different self-destructive tendencies. The only siblings that do get along are the ones that have realized this. Ken and Kym because theyre so close in age there's no denying their shared experiences. Fous and Andras because they're both the self-isolating types. despite the age difference the effect its had on them both is, again, undeniably similar.
But Kenny and Andras ughhhh the first and the last. the oldest and the youngest. Both measurably inadequate in their father's eyes. One too powerful, the other not powerful enough. Or perhaps, both too powerful, and yet not powerful enough.
And the art. The art. Besides maybe Astathis, they're the two most artistically-inclined. Creating and consuming almost obsessively. And with Ast, it's a sort of posturing. Astathis' only desire to create is for an impressive final product, something to brag about. But Kenny and Andras create to create. The process is meditative for them. the product is secondary, but often inspires thought. Andras loves to analyze her brother's pieces, the ones that she gets the chance to see anyway. thats some of the only connection she gets with him. the only real connection she gets to any part of the world. Kenny keeps making art. only way to get out all of the everything in his head.
If they would just TALK TO EACH OTHER they could have had something special but thatll never happen. itll never happen. UGH
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rpvlix · 6 months
//was thinking more last night about Sol's vision loss and how he navigates being a god of light considering she cant. you know. see light. but i think probably, its something similar to Kenny's ability to feel electricity. Sol can for sure feel light and color information. But it doesn't translate exactly perfectly. like, 'feeling' the color of something doesn't work the same in her head as 'seeing' a color would, this is an entirely different sense i dont think i could explain if i tried. Humans cant do anything like that. And it also isn't instantaneous. They have to analyze it in his head, remember what colors/shapes/etc. are associated with that sensation She is a young god, after all, and even though this is her aspect, and should come more naturally, it's just not the kind of thing that can replace eyesight. Which he doesnt want, and I also dont want. They are nearly blind and that's that, what's done is done and theres no going back. Vision is gone and thats it. it's gone. But this is one of the many ways he has to cope with that. It was more of a party trick before she lost her sight, but it's been helpful to have ever since. They're also insanely organized, which has also helped a ton.
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rpvlix · 6 months
//Kym gets mad if you call the labyrinth a maze
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rpvlix · 6 months
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//Fascinating discoveries in my Kenny notes.
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rpvlix · 6 months
//in the human au, Ast is the one that alerted the authorities about their father's homicide. and all of the other crimes. And still to this day, over a decade after the fact, tries to be the center of the narrative. Talks about how scary it is being related to such a monster. Barely anyone cares. But when someone does, oh man, Ast milks that for all the sympathy and attention they're willing to give
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rpvlix · 8 months
//honestly i did not have much sympathy for Kym or Fous before i started this blog and started thinking more seriously about their motivations and whatnot. They both just make me sad now. Kym's tried her whole life to be perfect to impress a father literally incapable of caring, because, like all her siblings, she has much more emotion than she'd like to believe, and its really not so crazy to think she'd want her father to be proud, even once. Fous was basically just a kid still when his girlfriend got murdered and he allowed himself to succumb fully to depression, which he still hasn't found the strength to pull himself out of. He found someone that understood him and that cared about him in ways his family never did and never could, had all of his beliefs and budding suspicions about how much better life could be proven right, and then ripped away from him. And it worked. It taught him happiness isn't for him, but knowing it so intimately has forever changed his psyche. What's the point of doing anything if it won't ever feel as good again?
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rpvlix · 1 year
//Kenny doesn't have much of an eye for decorating, never has. Kym doesn't, either, but she's in charge of the house. And so its very bland. White. Sterile. A noticeable lack of signs of life.
The statues only find their way into the halls because Ken runs out of room, eventually. And what is she going to do, stop him?
All of this kills Astathis, of course, who may not have the best taste, but at least has taste. Astathis would decorate this place to the nines, if given the chance.
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rpvlix · 1 year
//this is actually everything you need to know about them tbh
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rpvlix · 1 year
How the sibs feel about you shortening their names:
Ekentros: please for the love of god just call him Ken. does not enjoy his full name at all, nor his title, really. he's just Ken now. you can call him Kenny if he likes you.
Kymatix: she barely accepts being called 'Kymatix' by anyone outside of her family. she'd much prefer her full title: The God Prince Kymatix, Son of Aton, The Willful, The Watchful, The Warrior, The Wise. Anything less is disrespectful. Ekentros gets away with calling her 'Kym' because she has no real authority over him and he isn't afraid of her.
Fouskotos: unsure how to feel about it. It's... strange to even hear his own name, these days. It'd be nice to think he's close enough with someone for a nickname to be deserved, but at the same time he would probably push away that level of friendly intimacy.
Astathis: ohhh he's in your little head isn't he? a nickname? for him? you think about him? you like him? goodness, what an honor~Really though, if the nickname is not flirtatious in nature it might just piss Ast off. Astathis is a very beautiful name, and it should be respected enough to at least be fully pronounced.
Braso: I will be honest, I don't know how you would even shorten his name. Bra? Fucking Bra? He'd probably be fine with it, he would for sure laugh about it because no one has ever shortened his name before, but it would be fun for him im sure. He'd likely come up with some dumb thing to call you in return.
Solinas: she doesn't mind it when it's respectful. as long as you arent shortening his name in some sort of mocking way, he doesn't really care. it's not the kind of thing she'd prompt someone to do, but he will respond to 'Sol'. Other shortenings or nicknames may flummox her the first few times they are said. he will not reciprocate, you will be referred to by your full first name until you literally tell her to call you by some other name.
Andras: Again, not sure how you'd shorten this one? Andy, maybe? If you could figure it out, I think she'd be flattered. Terribly terribly confused the first time, since she's never really been called anything but Andras, but oh my god she'd be delighted that you chose to nickname her.
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