#like a lot of the ‘monsters’ in tma are just people with powers. they can be reasoned with to a degree. they can be killed. they have intent
pyrotechnicdarts · 2 years
god i really want to recommend the hotel podcast to everyone bc its really good and and its the first horror podcast that actually freaked me out, but its *because* of that that i cant just recommend it bc theres no way to introduce it to people without being like “okay so theres like 100 TWs and its really gory and upsetting a lot of the time but its REALLY good i prommy.” so i am just auuugghhh
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doberbutts · 7 months
I think the terms TMA/TME work best when they're used as rules of thumb, rather than expected to function as strict categories. They're often helpful, but occasionally they can become obfuscatory, and there are edge cases where they can't be neatly applied. In those cases, they should be set aside, but with an understanding that they will be brought back into conversations when helpful.
To give a personal perspective - I'm a trans masc individual who has, upon occasion, experienced misdirected transmisogyny. I was on T for 5 years, then came off it (partly due to health problems, partly due to starting to identify as nonbinary rather than as a man) and began presenting in a more feminine manner, and people would regularly mistake me for a trans woman.
When people thought I was a trans woman, I did notice an increase in hostility, harassment and unwelcome advances from strangers. Groups of men would shout at me in the street, mothers would glare at me and physically pull their children further away from me if I came near. I also started getting catcalled and couldn't enjoy a night out in a club without being groped. I'd experienced some of these things as a trans man and as a girl, but probably never at such a high frequency or so intensely.
I definitely think I got a taste of transmisogyny and people do still assume I'm trans fem from time to time. But I still wouldn't describe myself as TMA. I don't shout it from the rooftops, but if it feels relevant in the context of a conversation, I will say I'm TME. Because I think the terms are about overarching dynamics, rather than whether or not an individual has ever faced a single instance of transmisogyny.
For me, there was always a sense of distance between myself and any negative experience, that came from knowing they'd misread my AGAB - "that lad just called me a chick with a dick! How funny! I'd be so lucky!" / "You're harassing me for using the female showers at the gym when I am literally menstruating. Are you going to stop being a creep, or do I have to show you my bloody tampon?" There's a degree to which I can sidestep or disavow their idea of me in a manner trans women can't.
I also don't know what it's like to deal with many other elements of transmisogyny, or deal with it as an overarching narrative in one's life rather than a freak episode.
I think it's fair to say I have at times been a grey area and I could use my experiences to argue against the validity of TME/TMA, but I don't want to do that. I don't like it when the terms are just used as a way to say AFAB/AMAB while being perceived as less problematic. But I think it is helpful to have little shorthand reminders about specific power dynamics that do have an impact in our communities. I have absolutely seen transmisogyny play out in queer spaces, both online and IRL, and I think it's worth having vocabulary that emphatically reminds people to check themselves and to not assume they don't have internalised bias against trans women just because they're trans masc.
Trans women are a boogeyman in popular culture and the collective unconscious in a way trans men never have been (at least, not to anything like the same extent). Trans women face an intensity of monstering that I think most people won't understand unless they spend a lot of time sharing space with and listening to trans women. The rapid adoption of TMA/TME feels like an attempt to fast-track that understanding en masse. Maybe it's a bit clumsy, but I do think it's having an impact and important conversations are happening. I don't know if the terms will stick or fall out of use. Having been in the trans community for over a decade and seeing how our vocabularies evolve, I'm inclined to think they'll stick around for a few years and then largely disappear. But I feel that while trans women are finding them useful, we need to be respectful of that fact.
Idk sorry to rant in your askbox, I wanted to give my two cents. Feel free to ignore lol
I'm going to be a bit blunt here: in the span of time I've been off tumblr to, you know, sleep... I've gotten 20 different asks trying to convince me to like the usage of tma/tme and also several transphobic asks about my top surgery. The transphobic ones I blocked and deleted because I'm literally 3 weeks out and will not be dissuaded. But I'm simply not willing to continue arguing a point I've made very clear that I don't love the usage of this particular theory the way it's currently being used.
You can like it for yourself. I have said this over and over again. I do not like it for me, and do not think it is accurate for my life or my experiences or the reality that is what I have to go through on a regular basis. True to everything else that I've posted, I don't really care what you call yourself. If you want to call yourself TME and you believe that framework works for your experience, more power to you. Just don't label me that, because I don't think it works for mine.
Trans women are absolutely a boogeyman in a way that trans men often aren't. That is, unfortunately, one of the ways that hypervisibility is such a curse. Everyone knows what a trans woman is, and a good majority of those people also think the only good one's a dead one. That's bad. That's transmisogyny, and we should ally with trans women to help fix this problem.
Also unfortunately, as trans men become more and more visible to the world, instead of facing mass erasure and dying in silence or escaping to live in stealth, trans men are also beginning to become a boogeyman as well. Now we are a social contagion, a craze, with rapid onset gender dysphoria, mutilating ourselves and ruining our precious bodies, carving out our wombs, simultaneously debasing ourselves and also becoming predators lurking to snatch daughters up and forcefeed them our ideology, betraying women by becoming a mockery of men. What's worse, we tend to politically close ranks with trans women and cis women alike so it's harder for transphobic lawmakers to divide and conquer as they're used to with cis men, so instead they have to demonize us to prevent any further allyship.
That's the conversation trans mascs are trying to have.
Genuinely, I do agree that trans women face an othering that most people do not grasp without understanding transmisogyny theory, which is why I think everyone should have at least a basic understanding of it. But I also think that's true of many other demographics, and that if we want to get out of the pit that bigoted society put us in, we've got to work together to do so. It was, after all, the combined efforts of Marsha P Johnson AND Storme de Laverie that brought us out in the open. And among me friend group, we have people from all different races and backgrounds and genders and more locking arms to ensure the safety of each other, wanting to understand and know each other, lifting each other up.
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boneyardbob · 8 days
Whoops I said I’d post this like three days ago my bad. Head canons for the masks in Marble Hornets! I may post a bunch of shorter stuff that are general headcanons soon. Also if you want more details on this lmk I’d love to dive deeper @forgottenporkbun @monszsterz
Here's my headcanons for the masks. Honestly I could go on like a huge, rambling essay about why I think these things, my inspo for these ideas, down to the details of what they feel like and how they work but Imma try and keep this short. I plan to put all that other stuff in my fics anyway and if you're reading this you'll probably wanna read my MH fics so you'll figure it out eventually. The idea that Tim and Brian made their mask with stuff from Hobby Lobby is REALLY funny but I have to stick with the idea the masks are gifts from The Operator (TO). Tim got his in college because if he was given it at any point while in the hospital, it would probably be found and taken away. TO waited until Tim was free before gifting it. Its when their "relationship" begun. TO switched from this unfamiliar, constantly looming monster into this warped guardian angel. This is obviously very fleeting because by the time Jay runs into Tim in MH, he's forgotten this entirely, or repressed it, and is back to viewing TO how he did his entire childhood.
During the tail end of college, while filming Alex's project, is when this Masked Era began and it ended for an unknown reason a quarter of the way into MH. My timeline isn't great but roughly that's the situation we're talking about. This is when we get all those videos of Masky and Hoody stalking Jay and Alex. I don't think I could fully call Tim and TO's relationship that of worship but that's the closest I can get. Tim knew what he was dealing with was some kind of unimaginable creature, but it could feel human emotions FOR HIM. At least if he listened. If Tim did what TO wanted, then in return he got benefits. At some point he understood TO needed him-either to keep living or to stay grounded to earth, and things got a little extra toxic. I imagine its a LOT like the Fears and their respective Avatars in TMA. I use you to get food, I give you powers that make it easier for you to get food, win win.
These benefits were really only accessed when wearing his mask. The more he wore it and the more work he put in for TO, the better things got. At the very least it instantly cleared up his lungs so he could breathe easily, he no longer suffered from migraines, he didn't have any hallucinations that weren't purposeful messages from TO, and most debilitating affects from mental disorders were gone so he wouldn't feel depressed or anxious. Fuck if I had a magical mask that made me neurotypical and took away my chronic illness I'd kill people in the woods too/j. More benefits were added on with time like growing stronger, healing faster, its kinda giving the vampires from Twilight ngl. My RP partner and I make a LOT of Twilight vampire jokes about them. It also spiraled Tim into a euphoric mania, giving him the energy and desire to sprint around the woods all hours of the night. This was an addictive sensation that had him craving his mask. He had to share it with someone.
His closest (and really only) friend at the time was Brian so he opened up to him about it and eventually got him involved. Because of Tim's medication and natural resilience to TO he eventually got OUT of this cult-like situation but Brian couldn't. He got to the point he was constantly under that mask and if he took it off for long enough, he'd probably suffocate and die. This explains why he ends up homeless, constantly in his mask state, and seems to have uncanny abilities. He just disappears into thin air, he seems to be doing physically GREAT despite living on a mattress in the woods with no source of food or money, and we only ever hear him cough. That ties back into my idea their vocal cords melt due to the TO disease. He can take the mask off for short bits of time. Its not like an astronauts helmet, more so an oxygen tank while hiking a tall mountain.
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spewing whatever shit pops into my head for all my fav tma characters
ALRIGHT babes a whole entire six people wanted to see my opinions on characters so far (i just finished #103), but i don't rlly have a direction to take with this. i was thinking about giving them ratings but idek what i'd rate them ON lmao. SO!
Jon-ohoho he's so DRY and so FUNNY and somebody needs to bitch slap this man. how am i supposed to get a goofy workplace drama if he's so genre-aware?? i don't like him THAT much, but honestly the whole show would be a lot more boring without his paranoia. also was his skin rlly so bad that it took an entire MONTH to get him thoroughly moisturized? ur body is a temple, johnny boy :(
Martin-omg he's such a bean. i relate to this man a lil too much for comfort-he's bullied waaay too much by absolutely everyone in this podcast. if he reads too many statements and turns into another jon or smth i'll SWIM to the uk specifically to yell at the writers, this man is to be PROTECTED at all costs! also he SOUNDS like a fucking redhead. you can hear it in his voice. and it shows very clearly in his poetry.
Tim-hehehe ICON. s1 finale tim was honestly the greatest thing ever, the way he's changed is absolutely breaking my heart. prancing into the office during a worm attack and immediately sitting down on 20 cans of CO2 sounds EXACTLY like smth i'd do, honestly props to him for staying so calm during the whole thing. and the fact that he's fucking all these cops for information is just *chef's kiss* tbh, his entire EXISTENCE is a power move. he's got a statement coming up and i'm kinda terrified. he's been so.. depressingly realistic lately and i'm scared for him :(
Sasha/Not Sasha-sasha seemed so sweet, i wish i'd gotten to know her better before the switch! all i remember from her first vocal appearance is staring into space afterwards, trying to remember how i used to pronounce 'calliope'. i feel like her death/switch didn't hold as much gravity as it should've-i rlly wish i'd seen more of her! also, the way not sasha was the LEAST suspicious to jon-that monster's got acting CHOPS. we need her in the local theater group, HOW TF can anyone be that convincing?!?!?!
Monster Pig-last statement i listened to, so it's VERY fresh in my mind lmao. this pig deserves DEATH. i don't fucking CARE if it's "friendly", it ATE a FUCKING CLOWN. KILL ITTTTT. i am a VEGETARIAN
Michael-by FAR my favorite, the best character i've come across in quite a while, god's favorite princess <3 i adore this wonky man, he's such a legend. PEAK laugh. and he's so chaotic lmao!!! (no he absolutely did not die, what are you talking about???? that didn't happen. or Michael Shelley's tragic backstory that had me literally crying over a gd podcast, no way. i'm in DEEP denial) i adore how his first vocal appearance was just strutting into Jon's office, kidnapping a realtor, monologuing abt his identity issues, stabbing the archivist, and sashaying away. SUCH a funky dude, i adore him
Elias-he gives me bitter oldest kid vibes, this man needs therapy. what a kooky asshat, stop peeping on people.
Jude-hot in every way possible. sorry but it's TRUE. a rlly bad liar tho. not only does she speak in fucking italics, but you can tell she's giggling kicking her feet twisting her short little hairs as she's trying to get jon to shake her hand. bitch, you're sexy and you know it, SPEAK UP!!
Wormy Jane-an icon, honestly. the whole EMBODIMENT of ick. not to mention if i actually saw this woman i'd lose my SHIT, she terrifies the bejeezus outta me. her statement was what made me (sorta) stop picking at my face (for a little bit at least). i honestly wonder what she was on that made her stick her whole fucking arm in a HAUNTED WASP'S NEST. it's also so hilarious that she was camped outside Martin's apartment for WEEKS and nobody rlly questioned it-this woman is on a MISSION. slay, ick queen.
Melanie-this woman has more balls than anyone else on this damn podcast (ahem, elias mostly). we stan a girlboss with a knife-the way she was just planning to JUMP him??? melanie's 100% RIPPED, she SOUNDS like a gym rat i think. i wanna see her beat the shit outta all these ghosts :3
You're A Lighter-idk how to spell his actual name and i'm too lazy to look it up, so this is what y'all're getting. the snotty old library dude with such a kooky voice, all i could think of when i first heard him was the Kool-Aid man lmaoo. and he needs to take better care of his assistants!! EXTREMELY unsustainable :( he's like a bowerbird collecting all the shiny homicidal books.
Helen-she ATE my babygirl??!!!!?!?!!?! COMPLETELY unacceptable. i won't deny the girl's got guts for just.. chilling in Michael's creepy hallways, but COUGH UP THE CREEPY BLOND for christ's sake.
Trevor Herbert-10/10 honestly. i LOVED his statements, the vampires are SO CRAZY CREEPY and i love how he just kinda fucks around? does some light stalking? and usually ends up with a bunch of dead monsters! in essence, he looked an eldritch horror in the face, called it a slur, and whacked it with a stick. legend.
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squircatlies · 6 months
Here's a crossover nobody asked for, but has wormed its way into my head and won't leave: Good Omens × The Magnus Archives.
To clarify, not characters taken from one and put in the other's setting, both characters and settings put together in a weird soup.
I know the crossover doesn't make any sense, but the thought of the Them and the NotThem existing in the same universe greatly amuses me.
Further ramblings below the cut.
I've been debating between the Fears being an invention of Hell that has gone out of control and them being completely unrelated, outside beings with a power level closer to God, I feel like the first option diminishes their status a bit, but it is funnier. Maybe there could be a connection between them and the four riders of the apocalypse?
I want there to be a concrete divide between the divine/occult and eldritch, so that it's not just Hell's horror department and Angels and Demons are separate from monsters and avatars. But in universe not a lot of people know about the existence of either (aside from faith of course, which isn't the same as knowledge), so the ones that do encounter them have little to no basis for telling them apart. Also the Fears have a more active presence on Earth, so Angels and Demons often get mistaken for avatars by those in the know about the Fears.
The broad strokes of both narratives stay the same, so the GO apocalypse is prevented, but then TMA eyepocalypse happens and GO's characters are really salty about it. The eyepocalypse doesn't trigger a war between Heaven and Hell because of a legal loophole.
Tadfield is completely immune to the influence of all the fears because of Adam's powers, like Salesa's safehouse during the eyepocalypse or like how Aziraphale and Crowley hid Gabriel from Heaven and Hell with a miracle. Aziraphale's bookshop and the building with elevators to Heaven and Hell are the same in that aspect due to the concentration of divine/occult energy. This also applies during the eyepocalypse.
Aziraphale is Jurgen Leitner's biggest hater. He drunkenly made the Jurgen Leitner rant™ in universe while Crowley was cackling and wheezing on the floor. He's been "in correspondence" with Jonah Magnus 200 years ago and is the reason Jonah got obsessed with immortality in the first place. They first met each other at a discreet gentlemen's book club. Aziraphale deeply regrets ever talking to him. He had to fight off Mike Crew with a broom, when he was still looking for a Leitner to call his own. People in the know about the Fears, but not the existance of Angels and Demons assume Aziraphale to be an avatar of the Eye, possibly another Archivist.
Crowley's assumed to be an avatar too, but noone can agree what fear he serves. For a time Desolation was a popular theory, which he hated. Now they lean more toward the Web, the Stranger or the Spiral. He knew Maxwell Rayner back when he was Edmond Halley, because they were both in the astronomy circles at the time. A lot of the things he takes credit for on his reports to Hell are actually the doing of Fear avatars, it works out, because Hell refuses to acknowledge the Fears as a point of pride and noone bothers to check.
Gertrude thought about blowing up the bookshop, but Aziraphale convinced her otherwise. They had tea.
Jared Hopworth called Aziraphale a slur once and had to promptly change career paths.
Jon and Martin passed through Tadfield at some point during the eyepocalypse and met Adam. It was kind of awkward, but they got to pet Dog.
Agnes Nutter wasn't an avatar, she was just like that. Her prophecies mostly didn't concern the Fears, aside from telling one of her descendants not to go to the hundred and fifth house on a road atop a hill.
Anathema and Newt stay as far away from the Fears as possible, especially after Newt's encounter with Sergey Ushanka (Newt accidentally deleted him).
Everyone thinks Shadwell and Tracy are avatars, of the Hunt and the End respectively. They're not. They're just scammers. Tracy likes that it makes her seem more legitimate. Shadwell doesn't like the Fears, but he doesn't count them as witchcraft (except for the Flesh, because nipples, obviously), so he doesn't really care.
Nina and Maggie on the other hand are avatars. They're pretty good at hiding it though. Not sure which ones, probably the End and the Vast. Nina's ex is an avatar of Corruption.
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douglysium · 1 year
What would Avatars of the Extinction be like?: A TMA Speculation
Extreme spoilers for the Magnus Archives. If you haven’t heard it and want to hear it, it’s a horror podcast that can be listened to on Youtube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdiUHYacaRI&list=PLSbuB1AyaJk-GJV4d3AdvBMJHYiXUEDfI&ab_channel=RustyQuillPodcasts). If you want to read this article in the form of a google docs you can do so here(​What would Avatars of the Extinction be like?: A TMA Speculation).
I’m going to be honest. I’m a little late to the Magnus Archives party, and I’m about to be even later because of how long it usually takes for me to write these articles. However, I desperately need more people to talk with in regards to my thoughts and speculations about TMA and none of my friends listen to the podcast, so this is the closest thing to a healthy outlet I’m going to get for that. It also just so happens that the Magnus Protocol was announced for next year during the writing of this article. 
Anyways, One topic that has basically every TMA fan’s brain gears turning is the titular “entities” or the “dread powers.” Especially, when it comes to the emerging of a new entity known as the Extinction, or Great Change. Part of the reason it sticks so deep into every TMA fan’s subconscious is because the audience sees so little of it due to the fact that it never fully emerged by the time the podcast ended, and even then it’s still questionable how much of it we actually saw. We know very little about it and it’s possible that it didn’t yet have enough power to create any avatars or monsters that could hint at, or potentially explain(well explain as much as you can with entities beyond human comprehension born from our collective conscious and unconscious fears) any aspects of its nature. However, we do see a domain aligned with the Extinction in the post-apocalyptic fear hellscape that was created after the Great Change. Which confirms that it at the very least existed in some capacity. But we still don’t know for sure if it was on the same level as the other fears or would even have gotten there if given enough time. As we all know, these domains are meant to feed their respective fears, so this domain does give us some insight into the Extinction(even if it’s not very much). This leaves a lot of how the Extinction could manifest up to the imagination of the viewers, something that has inspired me to make this article. So in this article, I will theorize about what the Extinction’s avatars and monsters might look and act like if it ever fully emerged and talk about some of the symbology and traits I think might be associated with it. But first, we need to get a couple of things out of the way.
Defining the Extinction
Like with all the dread powers, there’s not really a way for me to create a definition that cleanly defines everything said entity embodies. All the fears have so much overlap and endless amounts of nuances and tangents regarding the fear they embody. However, there is still a rough idea for each fear, what they relate to, and some commonly recurring themes in what they embody. Plus, I kind of NEED to define the Extinction or else everyone is going to be asking stuff like “Um, this sounds like it would just be under the domain of the End” or something. Which, don’t get me wrong, it’s a good question. I just need to make sure I address it, or else this article isn’t going to go anywhere. 
So what does the Extinction probably feed on and embody? Well, it's kind of on the tin for the most part. The fear of going extinct. Google defines an extinction as ”(of a species, family, or other group of animals or plants) having no living members; no longer in existence, and the process of a particular thing ceasing to exist.” I’ve seen some people argue that this sounds like it would just be an aspect of the End, which is a reasonable point but I have several thoughts on that matter. First, as Gerard Keay pointed out in statement 111, the fears are like colors in the sense that sometimes they are divided somewhat arbitrarily due to the fact that the human mind and our respective fears and emotions can also be arbitrary. We treat light red as pink but if something is sky blue or baby blue we just refer to it as some form of blue instead. Even though we probably should refer to pink as “baby red” or “light red” or something more often. Still, this isn’t the most satisfactory answer for a lot of people, so here are some other perspectives. Sure dying is one thing but I would argue the fear of extinction is a distinct enough fear. It’s one thing if you die, or even 100 people die, but imagine all of humanity goes extinct. Imagine honey bees going extinct or apples being wiped off the face of the Earth. One could argue that since it still involves dying it should fall under the purview of the End. However, this applies to a lot of the fears and it is even stated that none of fears can be completely separated from each other because they are inextricably linked to each other, and also blend together a lot. Couldn’t the fear of what’s in the Dark often just be grouped in with the fear of the unknown with the Stranger? The Eye is stated to feed off the fear of being followed but doesn’t the very act of being hunted and chased typically involve the fear of being followed even if it’s supposed to feed the Hunt? Doesn’t the pain, destruction, and suffering caused by the Desolation almost completely overlap with the pain, violence, and suffering the Slaughter feeds on. Meanwhile, the Web and Buried both have themes of being trapped. Yes, the Buried tends to revolve around being trapped physically and the Web also revolves around manipulation but both entities also have themes of being metaphorically trapped. Not to mention so many of the powers threaten to kill you as a form of creating fear anyway. For example, being bloodily murdered could easily embody the Slaughter, Desolation, Hunt, Flesh, and End all at the same time while the fear of being crushed to death could sustain the Buried and the End, the fear of catching a fatal disease could feed both the Corruption and End, the fear of falling to your death could be attributed to both the Vast and the End, the fear of war could feed the Slaughter, Desolation and End, and so on and so forth. I mean the Flesh is literally feeding off the fear of being slaughtered and consumed, and not just body horror and dysphoria, but I haven’t seen anyone argue that because it involves killing it shouldn’t be its own entity. It is even pointed out by Jurgen Leitner in MAG 80 that it's not usually about what imagery, action, or object specifically is being used by an entity to gather fear but rather how it’s being used. Don’t get caught up in the what but the why. If supernatural bones are being used it could be to remind you of your death and mortality and/OR your flesh being harvested and devoured. Sure, maybe the entities use death a lot as a way to create fear but it's important to look out at how they use it. A bloody violent death is probably attempting to feed the Slaughter, while someone threatening to maim and devour you is probably trying to feed the Flesh. In this regard, I would argue that the Extinction is potentially distinct enough, while also having enough of a widespread fear in its own right to have an argument made for standing on its own. And simply overlapping with other existing fears doesn’t discount its credibility or concept immediately. Trying to think of the fears as completely and utterly distinct and separate beings that have little to no overlap is a losing battle and will only warp what little understanding we as the audience may have of them. It is also possible for certain kinds of human fears to feed both the End and the Extinction. The idea that every human on Earth might be wiped out in a devastating nuclear catastrophe could easily be right up the alley of the End, Extinction, and Slaughter.
But before we go on, what are some of the other fears the Extinction may embody? I mean yeah the Flesh feeds off the fear of being killed for meat but also body dysphoria and body horror. The Eye is the fear of being watched but also being followed, etc. We already defined one fear as “(of a species, family, or other group of animals or plants) having no living members” but I think there are a couple of other kinds of fears that could contribute to the Extinction. One is the fear of just things in general no longer existing. Maybe that old technology you were so attached to is all destroyed or thrown out, maybe a technique your family spent years perfecting is forgotten, or maybe that language with deep roots to your history and land is in danger of being forgotten forever or wiped out. Here we can see potential fears relating to the Extinction that don’t just involve the death of an entire species or the fear of global warming killing all of humanity. These kinds of fears also more clearly set it apart from the other entities, such as the End. Another potential fear that could theoretically feed the Extinction can be interpreted from one of its other names, “The Terrible Change.” This could just refer to extinctions themselves being massive changes but also points to a potential connection to a fear of(an often catastrophic) change. Something that actually goes pretty well with some of my previous examples of things falling out of fashion, becoming obsolete, replaced, or going extinct. This theme of change is actually pretty explicit in TMA itself. First, the Extinction has a couple other names, those being “The Future Without Us,” and “The World Is Always Ending” which further reinforce its themes of negative change. Where the End tends to focus on just dying or y’know the end of a life, the Extinction has more of a focus on what comes after something has been removed or added to the picture and what the future may look like because of that. The world will still be around but will be fucked up or be worse off, maybe even irreparably so. In MAG 134, “Time of Revelation,” Adelard Dekker says this in regards to his theory about the power “But now the fear is not of a rapture or a revelation. It is of catastrophic change. Mankind will warp the world so much it kills us all, and leaves only a thousand years of plastic behind. Technology will strip us of what it means to be human, and leave us something alien and cold. We will press a button that in a moment will destroy everything we have ever been. Animals are witnessing the end of their entire species within a single generation.” This makes it pretty clear to me that similar to say the Flesh, Slaughter, and Desolation, the Extinction has more aspects to it than just death or dying. Another of the more obvious Extinction themes is the end of the world or an apocalypse of some sort. This can be seen in MAG 144 where the strange numbers Gary Boylan receives on his phone can apparently be deciphered using a Polybius square to mean “THE WORLD IS ALWAYS ENDING.”
Thinking about Some of the Similarities and Differences Between the Other Entities
As mentioned earlier, I’ve seen a lot of people just assume the Extinction has to fall under one of the other dread powers. It is also important that I draw attention to some of the noticeable similarities and differences from the types of fear and symbolism the Extinction might feed on and use in order to better understand how a theoretical Extinction avatar, artifact, or creature might work.
The Buried, The Dark, The Eye, The Hunt, The Flesh, The Spiral, and The Web-  These are all in the same category because, honestly, I can’t think of that many massive similarities they did or could have outside of very specific types of world-ending or extinction event apocalypse imagery. I guess in fairness to the Hunt there have been plenty of creatures that have been hunted to extinction and since the Flesh is the fear of being butchered and/or consumed it could also overlap with a similar theme of being eaten or hunted to extinction, and maybe there’s an argument for overlap in being trapped or destined for a seemingly unavoidable and terrible future/fate that cannot be avoided with the Buried or even the Web. If you want to lean into the Extinction’s theme of change you could also focus on many different dystopias. For example, the Extinction and the Eye may overlap in imagery regarding a dystopian future society/world where people are under constant surveillance or uncover some sort of cursed/forbidden knowledge.
The Corruption-  This is one of the entities that had its influence directly compared to that of the Extinction and was held up as an explanation for possible Extinction related events that may have actually just been the Corruption. I think things like plagues, rotting corpses, and zombies are all well-known apocalyptic scenarios that could probably fall pretty evenly in the imagery of both entities given the Corruption’s connection to rot and disease. As for differences, the Corruption is basically the fear of things we find disgusting and would probably lean more into that aspect(i.e. rot, decay, pandemics, diseases, parasites, etc.) while the Extinction could lean more into the raw destructive aspects of the things that harm or destroy various species or the entire world. Such as how pollution and disease can destroy or permanently alter the environment. how they can change people and things into something else(like zombies or mutants) or focus more on killing people on a mass scale. In essence, it could focus more on the raw destruction or paradigm shift brought about by those things. It would also probably usually lack the whole “toxic love” and unhealthy relationships the Corruption often has, and have less focus on just being disgusting. On top of that, disease and rot are not the only things that can cause extinctions or massive change and thus the Extinction could probably also manifest as other less traditionally disgusting things, and would honestly probably do so more often. I would argue that the Corruption’s overlap simply comes down to specific forms of extinctions or apocalyptic events overall. The Extinction also tends to have more technology-based imagery than the more organic(such as disease and worms) imagery the Corruption is more prone to use. This makes sense when you consider the fact that things like diseases, bacteria, and parasites are all alive as well as the fact that if something is rotting things like bacteria and mold(which are living things) often accompany it.
The Desolation-  I feel like the Extinction and Desolation would have a lot of overlapping imagery because things like being driven to extinction or the world ending often go hand and hand with destruction, loss, and pain. Think of things like nuclear wars, super volcano eruptions, or maybe even meteorites destroying the lives and well-being of everyone on the planet. The Desolation seems to often influence things in the form of heat and sometimes fire, as it is even described as being like "blackened earth, the destructive agonizing heat of burning flesh and land scoured of life, the light with the comfort of fire stripped from it, leaving nothing but the terror of its approach." by Jude Perry in MAG 89. I think the main difference would be that the Extinction is going to more often be focused on the idea of things being completely wiped out or rendered redundant or unneeded and that doesn’t always need to manifest as raw destruction. It could simply be something going out of fashion or being lost to time. As I said, Extinction could potentially also have themes of change and replacement or becoming obsolete since it isn’t necessarily just about destruction.
The End- I don’t think the similarities here need much explanation since the End and the Extinction are compared by fans all the time and are directly compared to each other in the podcast itself, and it goes without saying that in order for living things to go extinct they usually need to all die. It is even speculated within TMA by Adelard Dekker that the Extinction may have been an aspect of the End and/or Corruption originally but split off when enough people generated the corresponding fears for the Extinction. This ties in with how we know that the dread powers are known to split off or emerge from other entities when the fear of something reaches a certain level or becomes distinct enough. Which in turn ties into the fact that all the entities are sort of connected and are actually just parts of a much bigger entity. While both the End and Extinction probably overlap heavily and often with themes and imagery regarding death, the Extinction has more of what comes after something dies and a more technological and artificial component to it. Something that makes sense when you consider that while death can and does often occur artificially it is ultimately a natural force that can never really be truly avoided. Even if someone isn’t shot or drowned they will still eventually die. When it comes to the End, the fear is more on just dying or the inevitability of death and the end of your life, but the Extinction focuses on the death of an entire species and often what comes after the fact on top of that. You’re not just dying, all of humanity is going to die or maybe even get replaced by something. Even if humanity is driven extinct the world continues to turn. As mentioned earlier the Extinction could also have more fear and imagery regarding change and replacement in general and not just death. So the extinction could easily extend more so to non-living things than the End tends to. Also, the Extinction tends to use symbols of the end of the world or the apocalypse with things like Apophis and Jörmungandr while the End tends to use things like the grim reaper, and psychopomps(the spiritual guide of a living person's soul) and it has a habit of granting people forms of immortality so they can continue to fear death for as long as possible, and I feel like the Extinction is less likely to do that. Interesting note, Apophis would later have an asteroid named after it(asteroid 99942 Apophis). This is because said asteroid is a near-Earth asteroid that could really fuck things up if it ever manages to hit our planet. However, there is no need to start bringing in the newest dread power into full fruition just yet because that asteroid still has an extraordinarily low chance of hitting anything and I’m not an avatar of the Extinction who gains sustenance from giving people heart attacks. Well… not yet anyway. I could also maybe see an overlap in the emphasis on bones with the End and the Flesh due to an association with fossils, bones, death, and extinct creatures. I think in the Extinction’s case it would probably tend to be more fossil-based as a way to remind you of long bygone eras.
The Lonely- I think this is another one of those fears that has an obvious connection because of the imagery the Extinction likes to use. A good way to show something going extinct is by showing places where that thing is no longer around to inhabit or hang out in. So if you are a human being touched by the Extinction and you get pulled into a place where the rest of humanity has apparently ceased to exist then it would give off the vibe of being completely and utterly alone. However, I imagine the Extinction would use way less fog, rain, and mist imagery than the Lonely unless it was tied to some sort of apocalypse or great change. The Extinction would probably have more smog, and pollution just to remind us how badly humanity managed to fuck both itself and an entire planet over. The dread power would probably still make use of more monsters or creatures being present than the Lonely typically does since there are plenty of apocalypses or extinction events that have weird mutants, robots, animals. aliens, etc. Plus, it would probably tend to have way more dead bodies lying around than the Lonely, as the Lonely doesn’t use as much death imagery as the End, Slaughter, or Desolation unless it wants to let you know you’re probably going to die alone.
The Slaughter- I ended up giving the Slaughter here its own section because I feel like a massive bloody conflict or war is a common enough form of apocalyptic imagery to warrant at least mentioning some of the potential overlap here in its own section. Outside of how violence, pain, and war may signify the end of the world or an extinction level conflict I really don’t see a lot of overlap outside of that. Nuclear weapons could easily work as imagery for both the Extinction and Slaughter. Since it is a weapon that was first used during a World War to inflict violence on a previously unimaginable scale, many fear the power of nukes as something that could easily end the world or wipe out humanity.
The Stranger- The Stranger is another one of the entities that has been directly compared to the Extinction. Specifically with how both powers often use man made or artificial imagery and themes of being replaced and/or changed(as mentioned in “MAG 149: Concrete Jungle”). I think there are some key differences even with this major overlap. The Stranger deals specifically with the fear of the unknown. So when something aligned with the Stranger larps as your grandpa by wearing his skin the fear more so comes from not only the fact that this person has been replaced but you have no idea who the new person is or what they want. The Stranger also has a strong connection to artificial objects and creations due to the fact that it also embodies the fear of the uncanny valley(which according to google is “a phenomenon whereby a computer-generated figure or humanoid robot bearing a near-identical resemblance to a human being arouses a sense of unease or revulsion in the person viewing it”). Which I assume relates to the idea that you can’t quite tell if something is human or not and that uncertainty leads into the unknown, i.e. your brain does not know what it’s looking at. In this regard I feel like the Extinction could be somewhat differentiated due to the fear being more focused on the act of changing itself or the end of something in particular. So you might be more likely to recognize whatever has been changed or replaced by the Extinction or at least the fear created would be more related to your time/era coming to an end and the like. The Extinction would also of course have more apocalyptic imagery and probably rely less on the uncanny valley.
The Vast- I feel like the Vast is actually one of the entities that could have a more “positive” or symbiotic relationship with Extinction, kind of like how the Lonely and the Eye or the Lonely and the Vast can often supplement each other because according to John in “MAG 159: The Last”- “The Lonely and the Eye aren’t too far apart, are they? Not really. What good’s being alone if you don’t know how alone you truly are?”. In regards to the second example, Peter Lukas points out that it is easier to feel utterly alone in a large place. Where does the connection between the Vast and Extinction come in? Well, the Vast ultimately embodies the fear of insignificance or really big things. This can be literal in the form of great heights or massive entities beyond human comprehension but it can also be metaphorical. The idea that you mean nothing and having your entire species or group wiped off the Earth could be even less than a fucking speck on the cosmic scale could definitely feed into that insignificance. Simon Fairchild, an avatar of the Vast, doesn’t seem that concerned with what the Extinction will or won’t do precisely because he views everything as insignificant anyway. To him, whether or not humanity lives or dies is ultimately a meaningless blip in the grand scheme of things that changes very little. I think the Vast would still lean way more into the imagery of falling, massive oceans, and the sky a lot more than the Extinction would though.
Abilities, Powers and Attributes
With some of the differences between the other fear entities narrowed down we can begin to discuss some of the powers, abilities, attributes, symbols, etc. that the Extinction either has manifested as or could manifest as. Before I continue it’s important to remember that when it comes to symbols and powers all the entities can really manifest as just about anything as long as it helps produce the fear they feed on. Now the entities tend to rely on certain symbols more than others to get the job done(like the Desolation with fire and heat and the Web with strings, addiction, and spiders) but no entity has a monopoly on any given symbol. Thinking of the End as “the bone one” and the Vast as “the sky one” misunderstands how the entities work and limits one’s understanding of their true horror and scope. When it comes to avatars and monsters, while each Avatar can have any number of abilities and powers based on all kinds of factors their powers usually symbolically connect to their entity. For example, if one is an avatar of the Eye/Beholding their abilities will typically revolve around eyes, espionage, knowing things, forcing other people to know things, or having ways of gaining information and/or knowledge. Meanwhile, the powers of say the Dark will often revolve around… well darkness, shadows and things that may lurk within them. So we can at least get a general sense for what kind of abilities being aligned with the Extinction may grant even if two avatars for even the same dread power can have wildly different powers. I’m making a list to give a general vibe of a hypothetical Extinction aligned creature or person’s abilities and not some hard rule like “These are exactly the only 15 different powers an Extinction avatar could have.” Also, there’s going to be an obvious limitation in that I really doubt that even an Avatar of the Extinction could single handedly end the world with nothing but their own powers without some sort of weird ritual or the most insane teamwork known to man.
We haven’t seen much of the Extinction but we do know based on what we have seen of it that it tended to manifest as man made objects, typically things like pollution, debris, trash and other things that can remind humans of the damage we are dealing to the planet, creatures we are wiping out, and the potential doom we may face in a future where we don’t exist. Out of all the powers the Extinction seemed to use technology symbolism the most as it has manifested as numbers being sent from a strange signal. The entity was also seen manifesting as mutants in a postapocalyptic domain after the change. It also tends to use any imagery that can be used to get across the destruction or wiping out of humanity or the destruction/breakdown of nature and the natural order. It has also manifested with imagery relating to world ending creatures from mythology(such as Apophis and Jörmungandr from Egyptian and Scandinavian mythology respectively). I think this imagery could theoretically extend to things like metamorphosis and shed skin. While yes there are the previously mentioned world ending snakes one of the most notable features of snakes is their ability to shed their skin. Shedding skin can and has been used as imagery for change or growth which I feel could work really well with the Extinction. Metamorphosis also fulfills a similar role and could rope in imagery like that of butterflies and moths.
As for even more hypothetical or fan-theory based ways I personally think the Extinction might have manifested if it was a fully fledged entity is through clocks and ticking/tocking noises. Now this may seem like a weird and confusing hypothesis but let me introduce you to the concept of the Doomsday Clock. What is the Doomsday Clock? Well as the wikipedia article states “The Doomsday Clock is a symbol that represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe, in the opinion of the members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Maintained since 1947, the clock is a metaphor for threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technological advances. A hypothetical global catastrophe is represented by midnight on the clock, with the Bulletin's opinion on how close the world is to one represented by a certain number of minutes or seconds to midnight, assessed in January of each year. The main factors influencing the clock are nuclear risk and climate change.” If that doesn’t scream potential Extinction imagery I don’t know what does. I think the clock also ties in very well with the Extinction’s theme of change and being the “The Terrible Change.” What better way is there to remind people of an incoming change than something that measures the passage of time? It could also be used to represent the inevitable end of humanity approaching. I’m sure everyone can relate to the anxiety of an upcoming event and just watching the clock in anticipation and fear.
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I would also argue that for a similar reason this symbolism would extend to hour-glasses. Also, apparently an hour glass is also used as a symbol to represent the threat of a mass extinction event caused by humanity. So there is definitely a lot of potential time imagery there.
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With those symbols nailed down we can use them to guess what kind of broad categories the abilities the Extinction grants would usually fall under.
The first is abilities regarding various forms of technology. I imagine this would often take the form of being able to incorporate technology into their bodies in various ways to lean into the Extinction’s themes of change and replacing humanity both metaphorically and/or literally. This could also extend to even being able to understand and maybe even potentially control various forms of technology to a degree. It is also not out of the question that some might even be able to change one or more parts of their body into machinery. Imagine cutting someone open only to find that their “weak and outdated fleshy organs” were being replaced with new strange technology. I feel like these ideas could apply to any technology to a degree but would probably most often relate to aspects of weapons of mass destruction(think of radiation from nuclear bombs or a nuclear holocaust). It would be unsurprising to see avatars of the Extinction who have become more machine or metal than human, or what was once human anyway. Replacing limbs with things like metal cables, eyes with camera, and skin with leather. You could also lean into a Mad Max style vibe if you really wanted to as a way to really hammer in the apocalypse energy.
The second hypothetical ability relates to mutations and change or being replaced. I imagine that when these abilities relate to organic things they often have to do with mutations. Either inflicting some sort of mutation on the user or a victim that causes the affected to undergo monstrous physical changes that are usually supposed to “improve” or change them in horrific ways. These mutations would usually cause the person with them to become less and less human and more like a monster straight out of a post apocalyptic story. Some avatars could probably return to a form that resembles their human selves in order to hide in plain sight, even if a lot of them probably could have a lot of off putting inhuman features even when in human form. I could also see some sort of mutation-esque ability revolving around extinct lifeforms in some way. For example, maybe trapping someone in the body of an extinct lifeform being killed or just unleashing the “wrath and fear” of creatures that are about to go extinct or have gone extinct(such as a wooly mammoth or dinosaur). I can also see weird change or mutation abilities relating to technology. I already pitched being able to do things like incorporate technology into one’s body but maybe there exist avatars who could impart pieces of themselves onto certain forms of technology in order to either control the technology or transform it into something else entirely. Maybe sometimes it would be an odd assortment of flesh and metal and at other times it would transform into a piece of technology that seemingly shouldn’t exist. I could also see some having the ability to simply treat technology like it's alive. As if they can talk to it and occasionally one could see things like computers thrashing about in an attempt to come to life or phones calling out with distorted voices reading out numbers and messages. This also ties into the fear a lot of people have about being replaced by technology. Whether that be the more fantastical robot uprising or the more grounded idea of automation rendering your job unnecessary or obsolete.
As alluded to earlier with the whole clock and hour-glass theme, I could also see a sort of passage of time theme. Now since the Extinction is all about things changing I really doubt it could say rewind time, time travel back through time, or anything of the sort but I could see it accelerating how time flows around specific targets to make things age and wither away as they become obsolete in seconds. It could even have ways to slow down time in order to force someone to experience the world changing and moving on without them as they and their knowledge becomes obsolete. Or maybe they are just forced to watch the world they know and love die in various ways around them. I could also potentially see this extending to some sort of ability to speed up time to make things erode or age to rubble and/or dust in order to show the inevitability of change and how time continues to march on. Likewise, I think there would also be cases where the Extinction or one of its avatars/monsters can mess with one’s perception of time by either slowing it down and/or speeding it up to mess with how they experience change. A neat aesthetic for this could be the tick tocking of a supposed doomsday clock that fills some with dread and/or a feeling of inevitability and maybe even simply drives them mad as they are constantly reminded of each second passing. Imagine a book/Leitner that as you read it time around you seems to move faster and faster until before you know it the entire world around you has completely and utterly changed into something alien and scary.
I think fossils are also associated with extinction heavily enough for there to be an argument for abilities and symbology regarding fossils to be present in the Extinction’s influences. There might be books that once read slowly reduce you to a fossilized husk or Avatars with the ability to turn organic material into fossils within seconds via touch. Imagine creatures composed of fossilized remains of all the bones of each species humanity had a hand in driving to extinction.
Finally, another more obvious ability the Extinction could bestow are those revolving around common factors that cause extinction events. I did a tiny bit of research(so feel free to add to this list) and some of the most common ones are overharvesting of natural resources, pollution, habitat destruction, the introduction of invasive species, overhunting, etc. I feel like messing around with themes of invasive species and overhunting can get really interesting when you involve humans. I mean think about what kind of weird fucked up shit an invasive species would need to be to threaten driving humans to extinction. Such beings could easily seem alien or maybe even godlike. The pollution could manifest as living globs of oil, sludge, smog and other things deadly to almost every lifeform and one could see avatars that leak disgusting cancerous oil from the pores of their body or cry polluted water that is more potent and destructive than any sort of acid rain. Overharvesting could be represented via a form of endless hunger. Like an avatar who feels the burning desire to devour almost any resource they come across or with the ability to constantly absorb things into their body as a way of feeding themselves. Imagine that weird friend crashing at your house who seems normal at first but begins to not only eat all your food with a never ending hunger but all your pet’s food, your air conditioner, and maybe even your neighbor's stuff. Like are you really about to try to tell him to leave? Representing habitat destruction is kind of difficult without coming off as being almost exactly like the Desolation. I guess you could lean away from fire and heat and more towards specifically man-made disasters like acid rain that eats away at everything or radiation slowly killing all the organic life.
What would Avatars of Extinction be like?
Now, this symbolism and power set theming is cool and all but we can go even deeper and ask another interesting question. What would Avatars of the Extinction tend to be like? This is an odd question but it's important to remember that certain entities tend to attract, or reach out to, certain kinds of people. We also know that to one degree or another it is possible to have a potential affinity for certain entities(like how Annabelle pointed out Martin had an affinity for the Web). Plus, we know that certain personality traits tend to be encouraged or attracted to the idea of becoming Avatars for certain entities. Avatars of the Web tend to be good at manipulating others, Avatars of the Eye tend to be those who are obsessed with seeking out knowledge and observing people, Avatars of the Buried often loved cramped and claustrophobic spaces, Avatars of the Lonely often prefer to be… well alone, etc. So what kind of people could we expect to see among Avatars of the Extinction? As always this isn’t supposed to be a hard definitive list and I imagine that like with all people who serve the powers there can be plenty of exceptions and most people would probably fall under multiple categories.
The Eco-terrorists- The first category isn’t just eco-terrorists but a broader category of people who basically despise humanity because they see humanity as either unnatural or a parasite/blight on the earth. Thus, they see all the terrible things humans do and believe that they should be wiped off the Earth, and potentially replaced with something that could do better than humanity. This can possibly be seen with Garland Hillier in TMA and his essay titled L'Avenir("The Future") that was detailed a speculation about the human race’s end in a future where a corrupt humanity was completely wiped out by a new category of beings he called "Les héritiers" I imagine a noticeable amount of people within this category would see the Extinction as a manifestation of Earth’s wrath or nature’s vengeance and the like.
Doomsday Preppers- Another one that’s simple to explain. This category is basically for doomsday prepper-style folk and those who revel in preparing for the end of the world or the apocalypse. Probably often hoping to have some sort of power fantasy in an apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic world. I imagine doomsday preppers fall into a very weird category because I feel like a lot of them are actually really afraid of the world ending, hence the preparing, and thus may actually be very common targets for the Extinction and its ilk but at the same time I think there are plenty of doomsday preppers who sort of look forward to the end of the world as a way to feel validated in their preparation or live out a fantasy. Some may even see it as a chance to give humanity a clean slate.
Apocalypticism- My apocalypticism category is what it says on the tin. It refers to those who have a religious belief that the world will end at some point in their lifetime, usually accompanied by the fall of civilization and the like. Imagine an Extinction avatar awaiting something like rapture. I would also say this category of people who associate themselves with the Extinction has already been seen in The Magnus Archives series itself with Garland Hillier, who(along with the Millerite Movement) believed that the world would end on October 22, 1844. Of course, the apocalypse did not occur but they are still a good example of what I mean. I imagine many would see the Extinction as some sort of god or divine will. People seeing the entities as gods has already happened in TMA with people like Peter Lukas referring to their respective entities as some sort of god.
Ascension- This is a category I made for people who believe in the world ending but more in the sense that it’s changing. Think of a rapture-style situation where the world ends and the worthy ascend to something higher while the unworthy die or are sent somewhere else, or maybe a being comes bearing enlightenment or truth that changes everything. The Extinction has themes of change and replacement so from the perspective of avatars in this category if they prove themselves they might be seen as worthy enough to become one of these “new” or “future” beings and live in the Extinction’s new world. Similar to the previous category, I imagine many in this category might see the Extinction as some sort of god or divine entity.
Acceptance- Not really much to say about this category. This is just for people who see Extinction as an inevitable part of the universe and that there is often little point in fighting against it. They may see humans as doomed or fuck ups that are beyond saving so see no point in struggling against the end of humanity or other creatures.
Power Hungry- A type of person we see serving all the entities are those that turn to them in order to obtain power or to extend their life with the supernatural abilities the dread powers grant. There is not much to say beyond that because what the entities offer these people is very basic and self-explanatory. Jonah Magnus himself is a good example as he turned to the eye in an attempt to prolong his life and potentially make himself immortal by fully bringing into the physical world.
As mentioned earlier, I’m sure there would be plenty of exceptions but here’s the majority of the types of people I think the Extinction would attract. 
But what are some of the common side-effects being influenced by the Extinction may cause? It is well documented that the dread powers are known to have some sort of influence on those who serve them and may exaggerate or emphasize certain aspects of people and/or their personality. For example, the Slaughter made Melanie King more rageful by playing up her existing frustrations and rage at her situation and the Hunt can make you more animalistic or obsessed with chasing and catching others in general. I think a lot of the side-effects can probably be guessed based on the type of people the Extinction would attract to serve it in the first place. Such as starting to find humans disgusting, parasitic, inherently corrupt or evil, becoming obsessed with changing the world in some sort of weird and often apocalyptic way, being obsessed with the future, or seeing Extinction as inevitable in the same way that an Avatar of the End could see death as inevitable or an avatar of the Vast may see life as insignificant.
Designing Avatars
Okay, I have basically finished the core meat and potatoes of this speculation. So here comes the fun part. Designing and writing concepts for one or more Extinction avatars in order to help get my points across.
After scouring some of the statements given to me I came across one by the name of Drogo Apotha. Odd name I must say. But what’s interesting is how he first appears in these records in 1864. Apparently, a boat somehow became trapped beneath the waters of Cuyahoga River in Ohio the day before the river caught on fire from the almost inhuman amount of pollution that had built up in the body of water. The boat didn’t sink into the water and oil though and some claim the captain had rocks in the place of teeth and a tongue made of mud. But Buried aside, someone traveling along the river about 1 year and two months ago saw what they thought was a dead body. In a panic the police were called and the body was taken for testing. I had to pull a lot of strings and all kinds of favors to get the autopsy report but most agree that there was some sort of error. The body was severely burnt. The official documentation doesn’t know what caused this and assume it was some sort of murder or failed attempt to discard the body before throwing it into the river. But I believe these burns may be connected to the fire of the Cuyahoga River. Tears constantly leaked from the eyes of… Drago? I will call him “Drago” for now. But it could easily be something that took his place or body. Anyway, these tears were incredibly acidic. With a ph low enough to burn through some of the gloves worn by the people operating on the body. They were immediately taken for proper treatment. As the body was cut open the insides seemed… fresh? Despite the age and burning of the outside of the body, all the internal fluids of the body had been replaced with oil, as in the fossil fuel. And the heart seemed to be beating, albeit really slowly. Baffled by this and not knowing what to do, the body was simply preserved and stored. However, one of the people who had been burned by Drago’s acid came to me asking to perform an investigation and/or exorcism(whichever could make the problem go away). After they had been burned by the acid the pain caused by it never faded. Also, whenever they dreamed they would have the same dream every night since they got the wound. A disgusting polluted river that was more garbage than water up in flames. The river would slowly rise as a loudspeaker played a bunch of numbers… 59375630583928464749162830165049564846474827. I don’t know their meaning but they remind me of the numbers played in a statement #0090310 that Dekker had provided me. The body of Drago has since gone missing and with its disappearance there have been reports of a rancid smell on some parts of the Cuyahoga River along with the appearance of drowning victims. All bodies found have been afflicted with acid damage and have had several of their organs replaced with nearby trash. They also had signs of being force fed oil. The authorities believe it to be a serial killer but that doesn’t completely add up to me. Personally, I believe our mysterious “Drago” is the culprit and he may have even become the first avatar of this “Future without Us.”
To be frank, I’m not 100% sure where I should even begin with this one. These recordings are supposed to be a short compilation of evidence and signs regarding the Extinction for Dekker as opposed to full length statements. Despite the fact that this case isn’t even finished there is so much for me to say, but I will save most of that for its respective statement. Anyway, I have received reports from yet another client. I was hesitant to believe them at first but if the sound in my hearing aids and the activation of some of those tapes I snagged from the Usher Foundation is to be any indication then they are probably telling the truth. Which could mean we now have the existence of the first Extinction avatar on our hands. The description of their appearance by each client seemed different each time(so I originally believed each report to be a separate incident). However, there were some key features they always had. They always wore a hat, sunglasses and a face mask of a certain design and made to obscure their face. The weird thing was of course, when they sweated they smelled like gasoline and whenever they spoke it sounded like it was coming from a radio filled with static. The few times they were seen without a mask dark gray vehicle exhaust poured out of their mouth. Several clients have made complaints about them, potentially stalking and assaulting themselves or other people. Each person who was assaulted harbored strange wounds. Limbs that had been mutated into something hairy or reptilian. Some victims refused to leave their house due to how horrid they found their mutated appearance and others attempted to chop their mutated body parts off. That is not even the weirdest part… There have been at least several reports of this assailant being killed, but they continue to show up. The first death account involved the, being found burned alive in their own home after it had caught fire. According to the autopsy report this person was identified as a woman. But this very same autopsy report is strange because it keeps mentioning how she embraced the “Terrible Change”. At first, I assumed this might just be the work of the Illusion, or the Spiral as Dekker called it, attempting to confuse me again. Upon further evidence and reflection however, I ended up coming to the conclusion that the attacker might be connected to the Extinction. Me and Nancy even decided to perform a stake out to gather some more information on this person. We ended up bringing Bridget just in case we had to “exorcize” something by force. I even pulled that old Eye-aligned camera out of storage just in case. The artifact is surprisingly agreeable as long as you are okay with being recorded while you are using it. Tame as far as artifacts go but it should still be handled with caution. It is extremely useful for recording the truly supernatural, I have even caught invisible things on camera by using it. But, anything that doesn’t have to do with a person who doesn’t want to be recorded or the supernatural will be deleted after about 24 hours. Outside of that the camera seems to have an infinite amount of memory space. During our escapade the camera managed to catch something… unexpected. We witnessed our target walk into the street without flinching and get hit by a car. The person who hit them of course freaked out and began to panic. When they got too close to the body the target reached out and grabbed them, causing the driver to scream and panic as they hit the target and backed away. I could not get a good glimpse of it but it appeared that there was a patch of fur on the victim’s arm. In utter shock they ran down the street screaming and crying while our target simply stood up and straightened her clothes. Something appeared to be wriggling. At first I thought it was something under her clothes but I realized it was something bulging and whirring from under her skin. As it did all the bleeding coming from her body stopped. They looked like a completely different person. This time a tan teenage boy of some sort. He eventually walked for several miles towards a different street. Getting purposefully hit once again, sending him flying several feet through the air. This time he got back up immediately. No broken bones, no blood, no nothing. The driver looked horrified of course but drove away. Probably to avoid being accused of a crime. Our target would wander the streets and come across someone burning a pile of leaves and branches. Much to their horror he walked onto their property and into the burning pile only to come out unscathed. He then began talking about promises of evolution and change as the person ran away. It is this obsession with change and evolution that seems to be unlike the other dread powers and forces me to acknowledge that the Extinction may be at play. I speculate that the power of this specific person revolves around some sort of idea of accelerated evolution. If they would die they simply evolve into something else and they can force other people to evolve, but more research is needed.
I have received several reports in regards to medical malpractice performed by a doctor who went by the name Dr. Dagny. Of course, when people call me it’s either because no one else will listen or something supernatural is happening. This one happens to be the latter. Their clothes were stained with black oil in every report. Not perfume oil mind you, but the fossil fuel. An obvious biohazard in any medical facility worth its salt. However, Dagny seemed to prey on those who were extremely desperate emotionally or monetarily. Dagny would offer potential patients “true and everlasting change” and would promise to permanently fix all kinds of problems by making them “cyborgs” or showing them the “future of medical technology.” I’m not really sure what many of these listed fixes were supposed to do. One time she replaced someone’s entire nervous system with copper wiring, another time she replaced someone’s eyes with camera lenses. I even had one report of a person having their lower half replaced with that of some disgusting mutant or monster so that they could apparently walk again. By some ungodly miracle it worked but the pain was too unbearable for the patient. That’s another thing, while some of these procedures work about as well as you would expect, some of the procedures sort of actually worked. Well, if you consider being in either terrible agony or being described by all friends and family as coming back inhuman or robotic in their mannerisms while not displaying an ounce of emotion as “working.” One Jane Doe states that when her father returned he would move from place to place like a program. Not even acknowledging anyone or anything as he did so. He would just wake up, move downstairs to eat breakfast at exactly 7:15, go to work at 9:05, etc. on the dot daily without missing a beat. I managed to put together some of the reports by clients and statements from the archives to compile a description of Dr. Dagny and track them down. Their face and head did not actually move all that much and mostly just hung limply to the side. When the doctor spoke the sound was electronic and clearly did not originate from their mouth and/or vocal cords. They wore sunglasses that obscured their eyes no matter how dark the room was. Taking these glasses off only revealed lifeless eyes that remained stuck open as black oil stained near their tear ducts. Almost, as if they had been crying. Some clients even caught glimpses of a bright electronic light, like that of a computer screen, flashing from underneath the doctor’s clothes. Some, what I guess you could describe as unlucky souls, managed to see what was under those clothes. It was a computer embedded into their stomach. While Dagny’s head seemed almost dead, the faces on this screen more clearly displayed their emotional state. Flashing horrifically distorted pictures of whatever emotion they were feeling. Whenever they talked this face’s mouth would just rhythmically open and close in a poor mockery of speech. Of course, the computer itself seemed like a fusion of flesh and technology. Some parts of its screen seemed like glass while others seemed like some sort of translucent flesh. Countless wires emerged from the screen and violently connected the machine with the rest of the body. I suspect this doctor may yet be another person aligned with the Extinction. I admit that I am well aware that this might simply be the work of the Stranger given the presence of the uncanny valley. But I also cannot rule out the possibility that this may yet be another person or entity aligned with Extinction. The obsession with change and technology is quite out of the ordinary for the likes of the Strange and its ilk in my humble opinion. But only time will tell. If only Mr. Dekker was still here to look over my findings… but alas.
This case is most interesting. A police officer themselves came to me asking for aid in regards to a murder. It was a case involving the murder of one Darwin Herslac. A murder that occurred several times within the past month, one involved a car crash, another a knife stabbing, another a gun, etc. There have been several confessions to the murder and several bystanders claiming he had died in each murder. There are even medical records confirming it, but Darwin himself claims to have no memory of these murders occurring. I suppose it's not impossible that this person is simply one of the luckiest people I have seen in my life but more recent information I have gathered points to one or more of the dread powers at work. After some searching I have found ominous piles of skin and hair that were shed like a snake. However, the skin and hair of these sheddings were definitely human. These piles of skin were also all relatively close to the scene of all the murders that were reported. Other than that my investigations brought me dead end after dead end. Eventually, I was forced to take matters into my own hands and ran an experiment. With the help of my glass eye I was able to confirm without a shadow of a doubt that something was going on with Darwin and I had Bridget light their house on fire. Darwin made no attempt to put out the fire or even run from it and just stared at it as it consumed his body and the entire house. Upon returning to the scene I saw nothing but a blackened charred corpse where he had been. After a few minutes I heard what I thought was a car exhaust from the body before it transitioned to gasps of air. Then, like a caterpillar emerging from a chrysalis, Darwin crawled out of his own charred remains wet but fully formed, leaving nothing but a pile of shed skin behind. He had a wide grin on their face and started explaining to me that change was inevitable and I would have to turn to serve the “Terrible Change” if I wanted to survive the new era that was to come. Bridget managed to restrain Darwin for the time being. There is not a lot of information to work with here but thanks to my glass eye I have concluded 2 things. 1. It appears that whenever Darwin dies they are revived with no unseen adaptations rendering them all but immune to what killed them previously. 2. The Terrible Change probably refers to the Extinction or something adjacent to it. I believe the Extinction to be tied strongly to themes of change and I cannot find any matches with a name like “the Terrible Change” and any other of the dread powers. I can’t say for sure if Darwin is a fully fledged avatar of the Extinction or if that is even possible but something is definitely afoot, especially as the Extinction continues to emerge. Which I suppose could play a factor but I don’t know enough of the specifics. More research is needed…
Designing Creatures
Similar to the avatars I figured I would design and write a few concepts for Extinction aligned monsters.
Simply known as “The Smog” by most who have encountered it, it is a monster that is most definitely aligned to the newly emerged Extinction Adelard Dekker was so adamant in warning me about. In appearance it takes the form of a thick smog. However, upon walking into it any victims will quickly realize the acidic nature of the cloud as it burns away at their flesh, lungs, and eyes. Blinding them and leaving them screaming and flailing through the cloud as factory soot pelts them. No matter how many people they entered the cloud with, no one would respond to their pleas and wails. Eventually, after what seems like an eternity, the burning subsides and the victim will be left to gaze upon their neighborhood or city. But it will be empty and desolate. Every person gone and every house worn away by an unholy cacophony of radiation and acid from centuries ago. Every person I’ve talked to in regards to this “creature” says that years passed as they wandered the wastelands. While I might have found this preposterous upon seeing what one of my clients looked like just two days ago when compared to now… well let’s just say it speaks for itself. Some people mention, and even have tape recordings, of strange mutated creatures wandering the waste. About 1/4th of the people that came to me mentioned something about there being other actual living people in these lands. However, they either take the form of bleached skeletons from days long gone or marauders and doomsday enthusiasts, of which have seemingly gone mad or just embraced the new world they have found themselves in. Despite many of the smog’s more supernatural elements hunger still persists when in it. Forcing those trapped within the smog to scrounge for oddly placed rations and cans of expired food or resorting to feasting upon the flesh of whatever they can find. Whether that be the “animals” or… humans… All victims who have survived the smog are covered in chemical burns and various DNA tests clearly show that they have all aged one year or more. Some are left blind by the acid. I shudder to think about this Smog as the survivors I have encountered are probably the minority. So who knows the amount of people that either died to the acid, died to the hellish landscape, or still wander those wastes. I have set about attempting to track the smog as best as I can. There has been very little success as it does not move as one cloud but instead dissipates into mere vapor and pollutants before forming somewhere else. It has the ability to change its color to match the surrounding and tends to show up in cities that are victims of pollution. Most of the statements that the Magnus Archives have provided me mention Hong Kong as an area it often appears in.
As the Extinction continues to swell and emerge I have gotten more and more clients coming to me with strange reports. Well… stranger than usual anyway. There have been people and events that fail to show any signs of the presence of any other powers despite their supernatural nature. Which leads me to conclude that they might be in fact tied to the Extinction. Someone who will remain anonymous came in reporting about a strange cloud hanging over their house. It was a sickly yellowish gray and held the exact same shape without ever moving with the wind. It completely blocked off sunlight from reaching the area around the house, leading to the death of all the plants in their carefully tended garden. Whenever it rained the cloud would “mimic” the rain around it by pouring acid rain onto the area below. I managed to get a sample of some of the water and soil in the area and took it to a lab. The ph was frighteningly low and acidic. Whenever the cloud “rained” any attempt to use wi-fi, tv, radios, or phone calls would just lead to a constant stream of “the world is always ending” accompanied by the ticking sound of a clock to play from the device in question at fall blast with no way to turn it off. When it wasn’t raining all the tvs and radios would become stuck on a news channel that only talked about global warming, pollution, and man-made natural disasters, nothing else. The voices of the news anchors were robotic and parts of their body were replaced with plastic(but they did not seem to notice or react). Each time the client saw them more and more of their bodies would be replaced with plastic and/or trash but this did not seem to affect their ability to speak. The client was forced to leave after the constant barrages of acid rain rendered the structure of their house unstable. The final night they slept in their own home they were awoken by the sound of a loud vacuum sucking up water. They looked out their window and saw hundreds of tubes all surrounding the house and lapping up the water and biomass from around their home. When they left that day their yard was now a completely blank square of sickly dirt. None of the neighbors seem to recall any sort of strange cloud, only that it rained slightly more than usual. Like the smog mentioned in my previous interview it would appear that this cloud can also dissipate and reappear but more research is needed.
This report baffles me and has me pondering the reach of the dread powers. It is yet another… artifact???... entity??? And seems to parallel some of the theories about the Extinction provided by Adelard Dekker. I have received a couple of cases from clients talking about a red star. In all these cases the clients were either stargazing or looking up at the sky only to notice what appeared to be a red star. Said star in question did not appear in any sort of records. Whenever they tried to tell someone else about it the star would seemingly wink out and nobody else in the area except for a select handful of people and… things that I can only assume were once people seem to recall seeing such a body in the sky. Interestingly, all these witnesses had been targeted or aligned with either the Eye, the Vast, or a third entity that I believe to be the Extinction because these people were definitely aligned with A power of some sort. But one that did not match any of the other entities. All those who witness this “star” first assume it to be a planet, such as Mars, only to find that sometimes it actively moves through the sky like an airplane. But it never blinks like one nor makes any sort of sound. One client found radio signals coming from the star. All the signals did was play a bunch of news reports from all across the world in all different kinds of languages. The one thing they all had in common though is they all talked about the end of the world, pollution, climate change, or a doomsday clock. I went to go check up on those who had seen this star only to find that almost all of them had either gone mad or become unhealthily obsessed with space travel and/or the future. Attempting to build rockets or freeze themselves so that they could escape our supposedly doomed Earth. Ironically, their attempts created a lot of the pollution and destruction they claimed to be so afraid of around their residence or operation. As for my speculation… well, my current hypothesis is that the thing in the sky is not in fact a planet or star but a satellite or space station. Perhaps akin to that of the Daedalus put together the Rayner along with the Fairchilds and Lukas families. Heck, it might even be the Daedalus itself considering how hard it is to find information on the space station. But there are some contradictions with this theory and I have yet to find a reason why these people would want to ally or accelerate the emergence of the Extinction. Doing so sounds like it would only further complicate the power plays between all the dread powers. It could always be a separate satellite altogether though. Only time will tell I suppose.
I believe these 4 creatures might be connected. So while it may come off as disorganized to mention them all in the same case file there is a method to my madness. Each of these creatures appears to take inspiration from the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse that the Bible says will arrive to herald the end of days. Thusly, I have referred to them as “Pestilence,” “War,” “Death” and “Famine,”I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I didn’t immediately realize the connection. There are plenty of cults or groups that worship or follow each of the powers but in hindsight all these cults seem to have formed relatively recently and surprisingly close to each other. While I originally assumed three of these “horsemen” to belong to the Corruption, Slaughter, and the End respectively, the appearance of Famine has me suspect that all of these creatures might actually be connected to the Extinction. Furthermore, Pestilence, War and Death show that the Extinction might be trying to metaphorically piggyback off of the following of other dread powers to further its own agenda. Which is not completely unheard of, especially with regards to the Web and its ilk. 
Pestilence had followers of the Corruption worshiping it as some sort of god or herald of a new age. What remained of the creature after Bridget Gudet was hired to deal with it resembled a horse. But it was rotting like a corpse despite being freshly dead. Its entire body had not a single muscle despite the fact that it could apparently move. It looked beyond stick thin with the exception of its stomach. Which was bloated in a manner that resembled pregnancy. However, while the embryo appeared organic everything was shaped like a machine. It almost resembled a computer or radio and I don’t want to imagine what its purpose may have been. But the members of the cult that worshiped this thing seemed convinced that it was to be the first “new human.” However, I consider them very… shall we say biased though, to say the least. Accounts detailing this creature mention that all those who touched it or even breathed while too close to it turned into zombie-like creatures straight out of a horror film. When in the presence of others they had a pretty convincing imitation of their former selves. But the smell of human blood would cause them to fly into a frenzy and attempt to infect the source of the smell. They also smelled rancid despite their appearance. I managed to come across one of these remaining zombies and, at least the one I came across, didn’t seem to feel pain. If someone was bitten by one of these “zombies” they would turn into one of them. Then, after a period of about 25 hours they would make their way towards Pestilence before physically fusing with the creature. I believe this biomass is what the embryo was composed of. Like the other 3 horsemen cults, this one seemed obsessed with some form of apocalypse. In this case they were fanatics about zombie apocalypses and fantasized about starting one so they could live out some odd idealized dream.
“War” doesn’t seem to actually be alive. It is composed purely of what looked like scrap and shrapnel that had been fused together by some sort of superheated blast to resemble a horse. A cult formed around it composed of followers of the Slaughter. However, this cult seemed obsessed with a nuclear war leading to the end of civilization. I found evidence that they were trying, and horribly failing, to get their hands on nuclear weapons. War rarely moved, often sitting around like a statue. I even saw some unfortunate bystanders mistaking it for some sort of art piece. But when it did it would launch shrapnel and bullets in every direction, making it very dangerous. Anybody who managed to survive being hit by this debris would begin to dream of a nuclear holocaust ending the world every time they slept. Supposedly they could feel the slow agonizing death of every irradiated creature. They also began to sweat profusely and become more and more aggressive and violent, attempting to start fights or harm people. Most concerning however, is that some of them would begin to produce some amount of radiation. First, it is virtually unnoticeable but it eventually reaches dangerous levels. Despite this the one afflicted with the condition doesn’t die from the radiation like one would think. They continue to function until randomly collapsing into a pile of irradiated cancerous and mutated mush. This is an obvious biohazard and local officials chalked it up to some sort of leak in a nearby power plant or something. Which sent the city into a panic. Unfortunately, Neither me or Bridget have been able to catch or kill this creature due to how dangerous it is. But rest assured we are keeping our eyes on it.
The horseman of Death was worshiped by a cult that followed the End. They would kidnap anyone they saw as potential initiates, or enemies, to this creature and force them to gaze upon it. When they did one of two things would happen. Most of the time the person would simply fall over dead. However, occasionally someone would be found “worthy” and would find themselves plagued by dreams of all the life on our planet being snuffed out in some way. Whether it be through food shortage, asteroids, war, so on and so forth. They also found themselves obsessed with extinct species and sought desperately to harvest DNA and body parts from remains of mammoths, dodo birds, dinosaurs, etc. Somehow, they were able to… mutate themselves. I saw one with a disgusting disproportionate jaw full of teeth that were as big as their own hand. After Bridget managed to “nab” a tooth I did some research and took it to a local museum. It appears to be a fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. One of my clients managed to get a picture of the horseman before dying and it appears to look like a bunch of human corpses forced into the shape of a horse. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a way to trap or kill but I have my eye on it. Adelard Dekker has responded to the few inquiries that made it to him. Currently the solution I am cooking up for both War and Famine involves a lot of concrete. Unfortunately, I am going to need to rent a cement truck.
Finally there is Famine. This “horsemen” is what finally made me realize that these creatures may not be what they seem. Well, besides being manifestations of entities that are born from and feed off human fear. Famine doesn’t seem to relate to any of the other powers. Leading me to presume that while there are arguments for the other horsemen belonging to different powers, this one must be aligned with the emerging Extinction. It resembles a bone thin human that has been twisted into the shape of a horse. It seems mostly organic except its neck is made up of plastic pipes and oil slowly drips from its nostrils and it has misshapen horseshoes on. The creature has a supernatural appetite. It can eat seemingly anything and I even caught it eating bricks from buildings and tree trunks until the plants fell over. It can also drink literal gallons of water. However, once it is completely full and bloated it will vomit them up as a disgusting downpour of rancid smoke, plastic, and pollution. Its followers would often feed it and then attempt to consume this byproduct. I was made privy to its existence when I was called to investigate what was assumed to be an illegal lumber operation that was leading to the deforestation of the land. However, I found no equipment. Only disgusting amounts of trash, plastic, and this thing eating a tree. I have heard stories in the area of a haunted lumber machine and I may have to look into those for a possible connection. Most frighteningly, I have received a couple testimonies and witnesses saying that they saw a horse that matches this description seemingly communicating with the other horsemen. It didn’t neigh but let out a strange static radio noise whenever it came across one of the others. Furthermore, they refuse to attack each other and their cults never came into conflict even when they came into contact with each other. Despite supposedly serving different entities. Leading me to believe that they could all even be the same creature or manifestations of the Extinction given that they all seem to connect to apocalypses and the end times.
Today someone submitted a book to me from the library for exorcism. It is a copy of “Man After Man” by Philip Hood but the cover is almost completely eroded except for the title and the author credit is typed out in binary. I interviewed my client about the book and they said their child read the book and they fell in love with some of the speculative creatures in the book and would pretend to be them. However, overtime the child began to go through physical… changes and the client refused to elaborate any further. After locating some tapes I found that the original book contains numerous hypothetical evolutionary paths for humanity in a possible future. But all the victims of the book I was able to find gained traits that resemble the creatures in the book. Supposedly, “evolving” them into one of humanity's future forms. I suspect this to be a Leitner having to do with the Extinction given its themes of the future and mutation but more research is required. 
This book has piqued my curiosity even more than usual as it was given to my client by a strange librarian with webs in her hair. While I was expecting a Web related Leitner this book appears to have nothing to do with the Web. In fact it has more in common with the creatures, and avatars of the Extinction. What the Web and its ilk seek to do with this dread power is beyond me. But it’s not the first time that the Web, and all the other dread powers for that matter, have sought to manipulate, ally or just take advantage of each other. Some powers seem to usually get along as well as fire and water, see my last report on the Buried and Vast in the respective section. However, some dread powers seem to almost supplement each other, like the Vast and the Lonely and maybe even the Web and the Eye. The feeling of manipulation and being watched or having information about yourself being revealed often go hand in hand. The Eye cares only about gathering information and fear and the more information you have on someone the easier it becomes to manipulate them. But I will save further speculation between the Web and the Eye or Extinction for another time. Most likely, this is a one off coincidence or situation. It could also be that this particular person just so happened to care about the Extinction. However, the book they are in possession of is an odd one. The cover art implies that it has to do with pollution and global warming but it is so faded that I cannot make out any other details. It was most likely a textbook. I managed to find a report of someone reading it from the Usher Foundation’s more recent records. According to that record and my client reading it does odd things to one’s perception of time. Both victims report that as they began to read it time seemed to flow around them faster and faster, even though they aged normally. It wasn’t obvious at first but they began to notice the world moving like a blur out of the corner of their eye. This process would not stop until they finished reading the book in its entirety. After they closed the book they were forced to reckon with the fact that about 20 years had passed and virtually everything and everyone they had known or loved was gone. Understandably, a lot of their knowledge seemed out of date but I’m not sure 100% if that was because of the leitner or not, because the book itself was reported to seem several decades out of date in terms of information. According to all the reports from the era these people who I suspect to have read the book simply vanished and were presumed dead. I managed to find the “librarian” and was able to find out that if the book is read within buildings built by Robert Smirke it allows one to control their own perception of time and/or that of others. Which is interesting since I wonder if Smirke’s architecture was built with the Extinction in mind. This investigation has yet to come to a full close so any new information I find will be reported immediately.
I have come across yet another leitner that I postulate is connected to the Extinction, considering its themes of evolution and the fact that it seems to be related to the fear of change. I suppose it is not impossible that it is related to the Stranger but I must remain extra vigilant and wary of this Extinction entity. The book I came across seems to be a copy of “On the Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin. According to the clients I’ve interviewed, there is a date on the first page of the book that is supposed to mark when it was written. Strangely this date is always a future date. Once someone reads the book this date will be set about a year in the future and will remain so for said person even if the date changes for others. It would appear that as the respective date draws closer and closer the reader will slowly begin to mutate into… something. On the date they see the transformation will be complete. What that thing is seems to vary depending on various factors but seems to help them overcome, or beat, their biggest fear(s) at the cost of becoming something monstrous and inhuman. Some are completely organic while others have had machinery merged with their form. Most will also lash out at anyone who knew them before their transformation. According to the statements I managed to gather before each client’s untimely transformation the book alternates between pictures and typed pages. With each writing corresponding to a picture of a species that has gone extinct or a speculative path of evolution for various currently existing species. I have yet to hear any mention of entries regarding lifeforms that currently exist but this book has only recently cropped up and more information is of course needed…
Upon further reflection, I have to wonder where one can precisely draws the line between what is and isn’t leitner. I mean books are an obvious but if there was some weird supernatural writing on a brick would that count? I am getting off topic, the stress must be getting to me. There has been another leitner discovered but in the form of a worn out newspaper. I have only managed to gather one statement from a single client in regards to it. The newspaper is made from a sort of yellowish paper that signifies it as something printed long ago. It is discolored by some sort of water damage but the words on the newspapers are perfectly legible despite some of the ink being smudged. The newspaper showed up on this client’s front porch and they mistakenly assumed it was that day's newspaper. They are old fashioned and in their 97s so they much prefer to read the newspaper over watching the news channels. However, it was quickly made apparent that the newspaper they received was several decades out of date. The headline had mention of the fire of Cuyahoga River in Ohio that was caused by the sheer amount of pollution in the river on June 22, 1969(Something that the client had apparently witnessed first hand) as well as the creation of the doomsday clock on another page. After reading it they also quickly realized that the newspaper had been delivered on the wrong day to begin with. They eventually threw it away but it appears the damage had already been done. Whenever someone turned on a radio or tv this client would suffer a piercing headache accompanied by the sound of static and what sounded like a radio beaming straight into their brain. It seemed no one else around them could hear it but it would always continue to play reports and announcements having to do with pollution, global warming, the doomsday clock, and the possible extinction of mankind. Overtime they even began to hear this broadcast in their dreams. This has obviously taken a toll on their mental state and they eventually came to me for an exorcism. Unfortunately, I am afraid fixing the problem isn’t that simple. Especially, since some would argue that the Extinction doesn’t even exist.
Other Artifacts
Yet another cursed object was brought to me for exorcism. But this one is of great interest to me because I believe it may be aligned with the Extinction. It is a big and old grandfather clock with rotten wood that should have crumpled to pieces under its weight centuries ago. I would advise wearing earbuds when dealing with this artifact as the clients I managed to find report that upon hearing the clocks ticking they would enter a panic, realizing that the clock was apparently counting down to the end of humanity. Likewise, the clock’s hands do not correspond to any particular time zone but rather the doomsday clock used to gauge how close the world is to a man-made global ecological disaster, with the clocks ticking getting louder and louder the closer it gets to midnight(and it has been very loud lately). Those who have heard the clock are plagued with dreams of skies choked with smoke and oceans of oil and plastic. However, more research will be needed if I wish to determine any other side effects and potential transformations/physical alterations to any of the inflicted. I have offered to act as an exorcist for several of the victims in order to keep a close eye on them.
My observations show that the Extinction seems to have an affinity for more modern and advanced technology than the other powers. That is not to say the other powers don’t often take advantage of the new worries and fears created by advancing technology, just a half week ago I dealt with a computer camera aligned with the Beholding. However, the Extinction seems to take this to another level. I imagine because it is related so closely to fears having to do with the future and artificial disasters that have been created and cultivated by mankind. In my eyes this is further reinforced by the most recent of those cursed artifacts I have come across. An odd computer given to me by a client for exorcism. Upon physically opening up the computer it quickly became apparent that there was something “living” within it. A disgusting burnt mound of flesh strewn about and fused with the computer’s innards. This fits with their report mentioning how the computer smelled burnt whenever it was turned on, and sometimes smoke would leak out of it. But of course, as you can guess traditional repairmen couldn’t seem to find the source of the issue. When this client attempted to use the computer it would bombard them with strange ads not belonging to any existing company or scam that I could find. These ads would detail global warming, pollution, and the extinction of man. It also constantly showed videos relating to all the things that could destroy Earth and/or the life that resided on it. Supernovas, asteroids, etc. The computer itself seems extraordinarily out of date and my client bought it because it was hilariously cheap. The client also reported that the computer would turn itself on at night and play distressing sounds. I found out that these sounds were numbers and binary that when properly translated detail extinct species and man-made disasters as well as the position of the hands of the doomsday clock. The client also began to have gruesome dreams in which the computer merged with his body. A fear that wasn’t helped by the bugs, animals, and plants in and near his house seeming to have had bits of machinery shoved into them by someone. Most of the animals were dead but some seemed to live in a painful existence. At one point while using the computer the client received a mysterious call from an unknown source despite not having Skype or Discord. Then, despite not having accepted the call, someone or something attempted to talk to him. The client of course refused to answer and attempted to destroy the computer but, considering he gave it to me, I can only imagine how that went.
Well there you have it, I hope you enjoyed my TMA speculations/predictions/hypothesis/fanfiction. Do you think the Extinction will show up in the Magnus Protocol, and if so how do you think it will usually manifest? If you have any ideas for any sort of Extinction avatar, creature, or artifact feel free to comment below.
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rainbowchewynuggets · 2 years
TMA Encore #11a
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The group walks timorously through the tunnels with Not-Martin. Sasha has the map this time. Jon and Tim bring up the rear with Tim holding the flashlight. Martin, in the middle, cautiously occupies the space between them and Not-Martin. He has the second flashlight.
Not-Martin recounts the day he and Not-Jon first realized they had a second chance and a duty to prevent the apocalypse. They reasoned that if they couldn’t stop what had happened to their world from in the thick of it, they would have a better shot coming at it from the outside. They had tried to be subtle at first, so as not to disrupt the lives of those involved. Despite their best efforts, it ended just as badly as before. So, they tried again and have been trying ever since. They became more and more adamant until they were inserting themselves right in the middle of things–with little more success. It took them a long time to figure out how the rules they knew applied to their situation. They hadn’t realized there was a new consequence for overtaking avatars.
NM: I couldn’t feel it until his hold over it started to slip. By then, it was too late.
Silence fills the corridor as the team studies Not-Martin. They let his story settle into the air, waiting to see what he’ll say if he thinks it wasn’t enough to convince them. He says nothing and keeps walking, not even looking at them.
Jon: But the Fears aren’t controlling him. That’s not how it works. He’s doing this himself.
NM: It’s the pain. Without an entire world of people to feed on, the Fears are starving to death. They pass the feeling on to us to motivate us. I don’t think they’re picky about which of us gets to be their avatar at this point, but Jon’s been keeping their attention on him this whole time.
Sasha: Why?
NM: To spare me and hold himself accountable for what happened at the end.
Sasha: No, I mean… I can understand pain making a person a little irrational. But this is so premeditated and extreme.
NM: That’s the problem. He thinks that he’s mastered it. So he takes warning signs as encouragement. To feel assured that he’s still himself.
Martin recalls the time he spent with his mother through her chronic illness. She had often worded it exactly that way when he couldn’t get her to rest. Not-Martin slips a knowing glance at him.
Tim: And manipulating and tormenting people is just part of retaining his fundamental character, apparently.
The words are already out by the time Tim remembers Jon is walking right beside him in the dark.
Tim: I just–I meant that he didn’t have to do it this way.
Not-Martin doesn’t reply.
Martin’s double further exposits that Not-Jon can’t be allowed to pursue his goal any further than he already has. Even if he does manage to prevent the apocalypse, the vacuum created by the consumed avatars would inevitably be too much. He would fully succumb to the need to satisfy his hunger.
Tim: And he’ll, what, become as big a fear monster as Jonah?
NM: Oh, he’s already a lot bigger than Jonah. I’m terrified to think what that much power would look like manifested. That is, if he doesn’t die first and leave it all with me.
Tim: Joy.
Sasha: So, what’s your solution?
NM: Convince him to share the burden with me and entomb the both of us in the nearest, deepest hole in the ground before anything else can happen.
Tim: So, your original plan. Which you’ve tried before?
NM: Many times.
Tim: And why will it work now?
NM: Because it’s the only option. It’s just a matter of trial and error.
Tim: Uh-huh. Then again, if you’re a Fear ghost like him, then we shouldn’t be listening to what either of you say, should we?
NM: *shrugs* I’d agree if I didn’t know that my Jon has it a hundred times worse than I do. Your odds with me are much better.
Tim: Which could be a lie.
NM: If it were, you’d have no reason to believe any of what I’ve said so far.
He answers the interrogation readily and casually, though not as if he’d rehearsed it.
Jon shakes off his precaution to ask a burning question.
Jon: Am I really what makes things fall apart every time?
NM: I’m sure that my Jon would like you to think so. It’s much more complicated than that. He’s just punishing you for things you haven’t done yet.
A little irritation creeps into his voice. It’s also the first plainly obfuscated thing he’s said so far, Jon notices.
Jon: It never made a difference to remove me from the equation?
NM: Again, it’s complicated. We ended up agreeing not to.
The group continues to ask questions about the details and history of the situation, especially things that Not-Jon prescribed to them as truth and things that he refused to tell them. Not-Martin answers all of it politely and patiently enough, giving no sign of duress or deception. There are no earth-shattering revelations. It only cements the places where Not-Jon and Not-Martin’s perspectives overlap. Whether or not he’s telling the truth, it’s comforting to get clear answers without the immediate pressure to cooperate for once. In fact, it gets Sasha’s attention.
Sasha: Are we… expected to help in your plan?
NM: No. It doesn’t really matter what any of you do from this point forward.
They ask him to elaborate. He says that their part in Not-Jon’s plan is over. In scenarios where they stay in the tunnels or the archives, they’re penned so that they can’t interfere. When they leave, they’re unable to change the outcome at all and are left to deal with Jonah’s machinations once he escapes. There’s nothing they can do.
Tim: Wait, yes we can. Don’t we still have the lighter?
Everyone turns to Jon. As he wraps his fingers loosely around the device still in his pocket, he feels the tiny piece of plastic he took from Jonah’s office. He nods.
Tim: If the fuse is long enough, we could light the dynamite on our way out and do away with the lot of them while they’re chasing each other around down there.
Not-Martin scratches his chin thoughtfully.
NM: I can’t say it’s been done before. But I won’t object as long as I’m down there with them.
Sasha: Have we tried it before?
NM: Yes.
The group’s optimism deflates.
NM: Sorry. I’m not sure what gets in the way. I don’t usually stop to talk to you guys.
Martin: Have you come close before?
NM: Very.
Martin: How? It sounds like he’d be untouchable at this point.
NM: Because he can’t scare me. None of this does anymore.
Martin studies his counterpart. It’s not just talk. He’s steady. Dispassionate, but not overly calm. The determination with which he described his task betrayed a steep understanding of the consequences for failure. Yet, he approaches the ordeal ahead as if going to do laundry. It’s kind of terrifying. Martin feels like he’s watching an alien creature walk around with his face painted on it. His memories inside it. Although, wouldn’t it make sense to need an alien to combat an alien threat? He wonders if this is how Jon felt meeting his other self.
He checks on Jon, who has his eyes turned toward the tunnels as they pass. Martin just then notices how deep and rhythmic the murmuring noise has become. Almost like chugging movement.
The group arrives at the dynamite area. There are still boxes strewn about with leftover materials in them–including plenty of fuse that could be tied on. The tunnel leading out is situated opposite some others that lead down to the Panopticon. The four of them nonverbally determine that it’s time to decide whether to stay or go. Meanwhile, Not-Martin examines the prison remains, looking for anomalies.
The vote is not as quick as before.
Martin, unexpectedly, is the one to pipe up first. He wants to stay and try to stop Not-Jon. He feels that the stakes are too steep not to try. Tim and Sasha argue against it, and he defends his choice. Not-Jon could easily stop the dynamite from working just as he stopped them from escaping. Whether Jonah escapes or doesn’t, they’re likely doomed if they just leave. They’re stuck no matter what. He doesn’t want to feel like he didn’t try to push back when he could have, especially after everything Not-Jon has put them through already. At the very least, it would give him another thing to have to manage.
Martin’s voice shakes even as he says it out loud, but he manages to hold himself in place.
Tim is quick to remind him that they don’t have a hearty reason to trust Not-Martin. Martin proclaims that he might then be trying to get rid of them. The one thing they can say for certain is that Jonah and Not-Jon are too dangerous to be left to their own devices.
His anxiety prompts him to keep talking, but he makes himself leave it there.
Jon quickly says that he’s staying too.
The others fall into silence. Sasha visibly wavers in two minds before letting out her breath.
Tim: Sasha, no.
Sasha: Yeah, I’m sorry. I think I’m with Martin. But just barely.
She says she’s getting tired of trying to take the safe route on purpose, only for them to wind up getting separated and nearly killed anyway. If there is no good sane way out, as Martin had said, their only way is through.
To be fair, Tim does look at them as if they’ve all gone insane.
Tim: I’m not saying we do nothing. Even he knows it--*gestures at Not-Martin* --we’re not gonna be able to do anything about this if we’re in the middle of it. If the dynamite doesn’t work, we’ll find another way.
NM: No, you won’t.
Tim: You be quiet.
Try as he might, Tim can’t convince them to change their minds. He stands there, unable to follow but unwilling to leave them behind to die.
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The vague rumbling ramps up and draws close. The walls around them begin to shift, but not like in an earthquake. Stone and cement slide frictionlessly over one another with heavy clicking sounds. The floor is perfectly stable aside from some vibrations. The walls of the exit tunnel and the one they came from advance inward, herding the occupants further into the junction of passages. Not-Martin glares at someone who’s not in the room.
NM: Oh, goddamn it, Jon.
Jon leaps through a nearby passage before it closes.
Goddamn it, Jon, Martin thinks.
The others move to catch him, but there isn’t enough clearance by the time he gets there. The clamorous stone is so loud, they can’t hear each other. But they can make out Jon mouthing “I’m sorry” in the feeble light of the spider web lighter just before the gap closes.
(I forgot what I was doing and gave Sasha the second flashlight in the third page. Pretend Martin has it.)
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a-dumbass-jester · 10 months
Witch’s heart x The Magnus archives au!!!
Claire - Vast
Ashe - Spiral
Wilardo - End/Hunt
Sirius - Eye
Noel - Flesh
Charlotte - Slaughter
Zizel - Stranger
Lime - Desolation
Rouge - Web
!!Also quick disclaimer it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been into wh so some things might be incorrect!!
First off idk if this is just wh but with the entities of if it’s entirely tma’s world. It’s probably going to be the first tho
Also all the demons are human(or at least used to be)
Also for non tma meowtuals here is a chart of the entities and here is a video essays for them(it’s unfinished, there’s still two entities to cover) i also linked the wiki pages for the entities mentioned, if anyone is interested (I’d recommend listening to the actual thing but if you don’t wanna watch 200 episodes to understand this, here you go)
- Vast!claire was actually the second to last one I came up with. If Wilardo’s still immortal/ 500 years old she realizes that in a few hundred years no one will remember her and that she doesn’t matter in the big picture. And while initially it scares her later she instead finds comfort in it. She becomes a lot like Simon. Becoming a very “live in the moment” kind of person. “I don’t matter in the long run why not have some fun”. I can also she her having fun with the falling thing. There’s a hc I remember seeing for the vast avatars (specifically Simon) where their eyes changed depending on the sky. Claire already has blue eyes, just add clouds or stars!!
- Spiral!Ashe because they have a lot if similar themes. Spiraling mental health, hallucinations, fake friends, manipulation. I can see him trying to bring his family back and accidentally sacrificing himself to it instead. Also it’s avatars are typically very tall and thin(and colorful). I also like the idea of Ashe being a surreally tall, thin and colorful hallucinatory headache. The spiral has a fake place called “Sannikov Land” and I can imagine him saying he’s from there
- End/Hunt!Wilardo. Idk witch one to pick so I’ll explore both. The end is mainly if he’s still immortal. If he is, he finds comfort in it and that the end will take all eventually. It might be centuries but it will take him and he will finally get to rest. I also rlly like him with the ends powers. Like the dreams of peoples deaths, THE ROOTS (That show how people DIE!!!)
For the hunt, it’s mainly if gramps is alive (and their both mortal) mainly because I’m assigning them to Julia and Trevor. At some point them meet probably dealing with the end or another entity and end up sticking with each other in a similar was Julia and Trevor did (idk how they met I just assume that’s what happened), and both of them end up becoming part of the hunt
- Eye!Sirius, idk how he got marked but I assume maybe messing with Dorothy’s stuff or a leitner. I think the wanting to know, see and understand thing fits with Sirius very well. I can see him using it to call bs on some stuff Ashe says. Like going back to “Sannikov Land”, Ashe says he’s from there and Sirius is like “no your not. That’s not a real place.”
- Flesh!Noel is the last and most difficult one I came up with. It’s also a bit weak but it fits the best. Originally I chose it because of the flesh monster he becomes. But the rest of it kinda fits as well. The flesh is strongly associated with dysphoria, and even if you don’t hc him as trans that would still be a lot of dysphoria he would of had as a kid. I also rlly like Noel having a more animalistic fear. He became an avatar when he was cursed in cannon
- Slaughter!Charlotte. It seems a bit easy giving the war criminal the war and (sudden) violence one but anyway. She’s probably still (mostly) human. just a bit more (openly) violent, and quick to do so. The slaughter is also strongly associated with music, specifically air(?) instruments so I like to picture her walking onto a battlefield (especially no man’s land) in an actual war/military uniform playing the flute or something.
- Stranger!Zizel. This one was kinda a bias because the stranger’s my favorite(and I love Zizel) but I also LOVE uncanny valley doll Zizel. Idk if she was ever human because the stranger seems to prefer manifestations over human avatars. And either would work so idk. I feel like it adds to the lack of identity tbh. But anyways uncanny valley doll Zizel <3<3
- Desolation!Lime. This one was probably one of, it not the easiest to assign. From the fire themes, to the destruction of others and their lives. I can see her with a similar role to Jude Perry. She encounters the cult of the lightless flame sometime in her 20s (specifically 25 because that’s when she becomes a demon in cannon) and falling in love with their beliefs. I can see Lime following Jude’s story in general. She joins the lightless flame in the 80s/90s and after becoming an avatar she becomes made of wax. I like to imagine her and Sirius as that one scene where Jude and Jon meet. They make a deal where Lime would tell Sirius (pre eye) something important but they have to shake hands, lime, made of wax, burns his hand.
I can also see Matty being part of the lightless flame. Like the burning down Ashes house and destroying his life is something they would do
- Web!Rouge. I feel like control theming fits well with Rouge. If anyone were to create structured plans on how things could go I feel like I would be her. The web also has stong themes of addiction, puppets, and that your actions aren’t rlly yours, which I can see fitting. I also rlly like a spider like Rouge. Like her with multiple spider like eyes and arms. The web is also called “the mother of puppets” which I can see fitting her. I also sometimes see people draw her with a web on her jacket so
Other side stuff (world building kinda)
I’m rlly glad I assigned Web and Desolation to Rouge and Lime because their known to not get along. They constantly clash because of the Web’s intricate plans and the Desolation’s destructive chaos
I feel like do to how close Noel is with Rouge, he was also marked by the web. Not a very strong mark but still a mark.
Dorothy plays a similar role to Gertrude because she deserves to be an absolute badass. She’s spent a good majority of her life fighting the entities, stoping rituals, etc.
Fiona and Sirius’s parents were still accused of being “witchs” and burned but this time the main motivator was that Nicholas would accuse people of serving an entity
Speaking of Fiona Elford I’m giving her Fiona Law’s role because they share a name
(Also I would link Fiona Law’s wiki page but she doesn’t have one apparently)
Fiona would pass out when she got scared which helped her survive against the entities. She would be unconscious so they couldn’t feed off of her fear, and left her alone
Giving more to the role Gramps is going to play, Trevor is a vampire hunter, so Gramps would probably take that role, and and fell victim to the hunt first and later finds Wilardo.
That’s basically it!!
I don’t have much for plot. It’s jut wh characters in tma so I assume it’s like just that plot
Wait actually they still meet in the mansion but it’s connected to the entities
There’s no murder or timelines but it was genuinely the rain!
The entities mess with them for a bit and are let out a bit later either before the change or as it’s happening
The five of them wonder a apocalyptic world where the entities have taken over (and maybe meet the “demons” again)
That’s genuinely it!!! If anyone has any ideas, please say something, I’d love to talk more about this
Thank you for reading!!
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crit20art · 1 year
OC lore drop
An overview of my OCs and the settings they belong to! The settings range from “fully-outlined/partially drafted novels that i genuinely intend to write one day” to “loose string of scenarios to put my guys in.” 
Casey and Vincent
(she/her, he/him)
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Premise: Casey lives in the middle of nowhere Texas with an elderly woman (Margie) for whom she’s a live-in caretaker. Vincent shows up on her doorstep with a shovel in hand, asking if he can dig up something of his that’s buried on Margie’s land. Casey tells him no, and don’t come back. A few days later, while visiting a neighbor, Casey is attacked by monsters. They tear the neighbor to shreds and almost get Casey, but Vincent comes out of nowhere and distracts them while she runs for home. When she gets there, she realizes that the monsters can’t seem to cross the property line. Vincent gets badly injured, but Casey drags him to safety. 
They are then stuck indefinitely on this square acre of land, unable to leave lest they get torn to shreds by the many-toothed creatures prowling the invisible barrier. Casey nurses Vincent back to health and in doing so realizes that he is definitely something Other Than Human. She also learns that he’s really weird, but really sweet, but mostly really weird. He starts to dig up the land but still won’t tell her what he’s looking for. 
genre is romance and soft horror, very similar vibes to my tma fic "resigned" if you’ve read that. Vincent and Casey’s dynamic is p much "it's not body horror, not to me, not if it's you."
Max and Braiden
(both he/him)
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These two are from a story that was basically my highschool big brain take on "what if superpowers happened in the real world but people who had them got EXPERIMENTED ON??" That’s still the setting but the plot has taken a sharp turn into classic American road trip. Max has the power to generate, manipulate, and breathe various gasses, and Braiden can make copies of himself. 
The basic premise is that, while escaping the facility where he’s been trapped for a number of years, Braiden meets Max for the first time. Max already knows him, however, and is in fact madly in love with him. It turns out that Max was in a relationship with one of Braiden’s copies who was recently killed, and meeting the Original(™) Braiden is the first time he finds out that there’s more than one of him. Cue lots of questions about nature/nurture, what makes a person inherently themself, and Star Trek style philosophical ponderings on the personhood of clones. All of this happens in a ragtop convertible against a backdrop of late summer highway.
(if braiden reminds you of my martin design, no he doesn’t <3 (actually he does because he is a character i put a lot of my own struggles with depression into, and his personality is adjacent to martin’s s5 I’m A Huge Bitch Because I Have Boundaries Now vibe, so martin ended up reminding me of him and i committed IP theft on myself about it))
Fantasy / DnD OCs
I’m bad at fantasy worldbuilding so i just kinda toss all of these guys into scenarios in my head and mix them like salad. I’m trying to put together something with a cowboy/western kind of energy but i haven’t gotten far <3
I have a group of OCs from a scrapped fantasy setting who I’ll add to this when I have more recent sketches for all of them. (If you’re wondering where the lesbians are. They are here. I’m sorry I don’t have more drawings of you on hand, lesbians)
More dnd OCs can be found just in my dnd tag but here are the honorable mentions:
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Half-elf bard. He has been the icon on my personal blog for years and, in retrospect, playing him was absolutely my first step towards questioning my gender. He has 18 intelligence and 10 wisdom. He once hooked up with an NPC and scored a 24 on his performance check. He even has a meme. Party on, king
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(2nd image is before i gave him horns. ft. fiancé Pesh, they/them)
Aurelian is a pirate. He’s an outlaw. He’s a horse girl. He’s been looking for his mysteriously vanished fiancé long enough that he has trouble picturing their face. He exists because I heard Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae and had to make a dnd character about it.
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Angsty wild magic sorcerer who started as a hostile NPC when i DMed for some friends. Took on a life of her own and ended up in lesbians with the party’s orc fighter. Since that campaign ended I am trying to find her a gf like Mrs. Bennet matchmaking for her five daughters
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draculagerard · 15 days
You know how sometimes I send questions I could easily Google to your inbox because it’s more fun to hear a friend talk about their interests than see what the internet says?
Well anyway today it occurred to me that despite having absorbed a lot of spn knowledge through tumblr osmosis, I know basically nothing about Sam Winchester, one of the main characters of the show. Like I feel like I’ve got a at least a vibe of what Dean is like just from like … seeing memes and Destiel posts and stuff, but I could not describe Sam to you. Which feels like a shame.
So what’s his deal? What’s his personality like? What kind of character arc does he go through? Any Sam Winchester hot takes?
HII yes I would absolutely love to talk about him. so basically to explain his Thing, I need to give a little lore drop (bear with me).
Before he was born, his mother made a deal with a demon to let him in her house in 10 yrs. So when Sam was 6 months old, Azazel came into the Winchesters' home, fed baby Sam his own blood (and then killed Mary). Now, this ritual basically gave Sam psychic powers that he discovers in his early 20s, which is where the show begins.
Now time for an essay. Im sorry you ask me about Sam Winchester and I cannot shut up.
Anyway his whole thing is that he is The Freak and that he feels Unclean. And even before he knew it was the demon blood, he was like there is something inherently wrong and dirty about me and stuff. Theres a quote that kind of puts together all the scenes of him talking about that
"I remember looking at this picture of Sir Galahad [as a little kid] , and, and, and he was kneeling, and— and light streaming over his face, and— I remember… thinking, uh, I could never go on a quest like that. Because I'm not clean. I mean, I w— I was just a little kid. You think… maybe I knew? I mean, deep down, that— I had… demon blood in me, and about the evil of it, and that I'm— wasn't pure?" And then he talked about how something that was slowly killing him was "purifying him".
And no matter what he did or where he went, he didnt fit in. Not in his family, not in any of his schools, and not even when he ran away from home to go to college to live out his "normal life".
Personality wise, he's the kind of guy who always can make other people talk about their own feelings, and he acts all sensitive and kind, but also he's a fucking hypocrite because he never tells anyone how he feels. It's very fun comparing Dean and Sam because Dean is like No i Cannot tell anyone how I feel and then spills his guts and then Sam is like Sharing feelings is healthy :) and then takes every genuine emotion to his grave.
More on his personality: Overall he's pretty like sarcastic and bitchy but in a younger brother kind of way. In the beginning he started off very angry and explosive and always jumped headfirst into problems. As the show went on, though, he just got visibly exhausted and tired of being angry and became the full opposite, where he's the one who never got angry while Dean became the angry one.
Also, veryyy important, he is the Nerd One. Like his catch phrases are "according to the lore" and "so get this", both said while looking at his laptop screen, reading through a bunch of stuff. He's the one who does the research and shit.
Actually wait. youre a tma fan. I can explain him very easily by telling you that he's like if Jon was a SPN character. Yk how Jon starts getting powers and it's a horror thing and he has crises about how much he's human and how much he's a monster. Exactly that. And also yk Jon's guilt thing? Sam has that too. Ofc with the human/monster element, but also you know how Jon blames himself for starting the apocalypse but in reality he was just a pawn who actually set off the last trigger? Sam did that EXACTLY and blames himself too. Also the nerd thing lol.
Sam Winchester hot takes? I have literally so many but none of them will seem hot with my curated tumblr. Like saying that Sam's thing about being impure is literally just a metaphor for being queer. Not intentionally queercoded but wow is it fucking queercoded. Oh actually a hot take is that I love late-seasons Sam as well and will defend him to my GRAVEEE.
I have so much to say but no way can I fit it all on this post soooooo... hope that gave you a basic understanding of him !!!!
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blood-injections · 9 months
I've been brainstorming the tma au i was going to start writing it but now. The hunger games au brainrot has taken over sorry im starting that instead. Basically its a fusion of the two worlds since they're like super similar anyway, bat city/the capital, same difference. Dracs/scarecrows/peacekeepers/etc. Snow/the director. Same thing. And both had wars that the younger generation experienced only a sliver of but are still being punished for. Battery city is just like on a smaller scale and more condensed than panem obviously. The districts are like the different sectors of battery city- city center, the highrises, the neon district, a few others ill come up with names for, and the slums, which is like the district 12 of battery city. Theres some infrastructure like technically outside the city like farms and power stations to the north and east that people work at, but its all walled and connected to the city keep Battery citizens in and rebels out.
Rebels, or killjoys, fight not just the games, but all of Better Livings bullshit, but some definitely have a personal vendetta against the games and the director. Theres not many killjoys yet since it hasnt been crazy long since the wars, theres only been so many games, most current killjoys are veterans of the wars or children born in the desert by them, or survivors that managed not to get rounded up, or lastly, those that have managed to get out of battery city to join the rebelion. Lots of which rebelled after losing someone important to the games or just realizing how fucked it all is. Theres the underground rebeion inside the city, the juvie halls, but they're different.
The arena for the games.. I'm figuring it out. My initial thought was that maybe they just dump them in the desert, but that'd make it too easy for the rebels no matter what defences and monsters there are. Thats the killjoys domain. Besides, the games are very high tech despite being relatively new, because its bli and theyre futuristic and shit, theres laser guns. Im thinking either the arenas dead in the center of the city, a big dome that the levels of battery city are build around. Or its oitside of the city like the infrastructure is, to the north or somewhere hard for the rebels to get to because of radiation and bad land and and stuff in the way, but bli just fly the contestants in easy. And maybe the arenas like in what used to be a giant football stadium.
The games are pretty much the same as the since material, two people picked from every district, every level of the city. Theres not twelve of them though, there'll probably end up just being eight or so. But I think I might make a twist, that the zones kind of count as another level, and if Better Living has any killjoy prisoners at the time, they'll be thrown in as contestants, or maybe not, maybe targets, so that its just a very elaborate execution. Theyre thrown in to be hunted and whatever contestant takes them out gets a reward that could help them win.
I'm gonna make the Phoenix Witch a huuge thing in the games. Like shes not something many battery city born and raised people know about, only some droids and slums people and juvie halls, and they only know stories passed on by killjoys or zomerunners or past victors of the games. But no matter who you are, once you step foot in the arena, you can feel her presence. Contestants will see her in their dreams or out of the corner of their eye, they'll see her at night collcting the souls of the fallen even if their bodies have already been cleaned up by bli. They'll see her when they die and whoevers left standing in the end will go home with her great sorrow, but also her forgiveness for what they've done to win, to survive. Each and every tribute will pray to her at some point, even if they dont know her name yet. They just feel her, and they allow themselves to find a sense of safety in believing in a higher power. And they pray that the other tributes do not suffer, and that if the times comes they pray to go quickly themselves, and if that times does not come, they pray to be forgiven for the blood on their hands. Or maybe not, maybe they pray for a divine punishment, a reckoning for their sins. But no such punishment ever comes, only the witch wiping your tears and telling you that you will heal.
Just. Love and hope and sorrow and grief perceiving in the face of slaughter and horror and the hatred of those in power that dont believe in the inherent goodness within every being.
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ok since everyone else is doing it i’m gonna throw my hat into the ring with my own completely unfounded, vibes-based tma theory that’s probably not right but would be cool as hell:
a magnus archives ttrpg!
how cool would it be to have a system where players can choose between being the archivist, an assistant, an avatar, or even just a victim! aligning yourself with the powers gives you certain abilities and weaknesses as does working at the institute. i imagine it would be a very lethal system. most characters will die and every time someone fails a roll against a malevolent force they come closer to being claimed by one of the powers.
all the characters have two meters kinda like honey heist, human and monster. every time they make a connection or reject power they gain a point in human. every time they break a bond or give in to darkness they take a point in monster. if a character maxes out human they are saved from the powers and can be retired into safety. if they max out monster they lose their humanity and are now under the gm’s control. i imagine it would be a cross between powered by the apocalypse and call of cthulhu. they would probably also set up a game with cast members to promote it, maybe on the main feed or a new one (which could be what “the magnus archives 2” is referring to).
some possible class options
archivist: you know but do not understand. automatically eye aligned. you have the power to compel people and to read minds. you have a reputation within the avatar world whether you’re aware of it or not and they will do favors for you. you are dependent upon the Eye for continued survival and will slowly lose your humanity unless you can do something about it.
assistant: you didn’t sign up for all this. you have research skills and a secret that motivates you to keep going. however, you don’t have the notoriety of the archivist and it’s your job to keep them grounded. you are also very easy to kill.
avatar: you fully signed up for this. depending on your alignment your powers could range from invisibility to being a human candle. you are vulnerable to the archivist and possibly something mundane like fire extinguishers.
monster: i am not a who archivist, i am a what you remember very little about who you were before you were what you are now, if you ever even were anything else. you have more powers than the avatar but you are even more vulnerable to the archivist and if you are somehow cut off from your power you will cease to be. (i think it’d be so fun to play as the not-them personally.)
i also think it’d be fun to toy around with the idea of being a monster hunter, cultist, messiah, victim etc but i need to stop now cuz i have work to do and if i don’t cut myself off i’m just going to create my very own magnus rpg right now
•jonny and sasha literally run a ttrpg company
•alex is a gm who loves hurting his players in new and exciting ways (source: literally all of rqg)
•a lot of the main cast/crew are otherwise involved in ttrpgs and would probably be totally hyped for this
•it would be fucking awesome
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zazzander · 2 years
The Seven + Others in The Magnus Achives (AU)
Some ideas for a TMA AU for the Seven. Some of these might be a little controversial.
Jason Grace = the Lonely
Cares deeply for people but is always distant, sometimes it's just easier to embrace the Lonely rather than fight it...
Nico di Angelo = the End
In this AU, Nico is touched by the End after the death of his sister. He seaks out a means of bringing her back. Eventually he comes to the understanding that the End comes when the End comes.
(Inspired by how Nico justifies killing Bryce because Bryce "escaped" death + how he was ready to what Octavian die without trying to stop him "some deaths should not be prevented").
Piper McLean = the Web
In canon, she uses her powers to help her friends - calming them down before a fight. And while that is useful, it also crossing a line into manipulation, especially because she doesn't actually inform them. I think she hates it though.
Percy Jackson = the Buried, specially regarding drowning
In canon Percy starts to fear drowning, obviously he's got water powers and while the Sea can definately veer towards the Vast, I think under the water is where you'll find the Buried. The crushing pressure of the deep ocean... Also, Percy lives his life trying to fight a tide that feels impossible to resist
Frank Zhang = the Desoluation
In this AU, he carries with him a Artefact which means he will die if it ever burns out. Unlike with Leo, the piece of firewood feels a lot more like the Lightless Flame.
Annabeth Chase = the Eye
Books. Architecture. The pursuit of knowledge. Enough said. Annabeth would be a modern day Smirke (but less evil).
Octavian = the Eye
While he could felt be a canditate for the Web, I think Octavian ultimately falls into the Eye. He's noted to be obsessive regarding finding the Sibylline books and his reaction towards Ella feels like ver Eye-like. While Octavian does us his knowledge to manipulate, I think that's just a by-product and he would absolutely search for knowledge for knowledge's sake.
I think Annabeth and Octavian would be rivals and be constantly trying to stop the other's plans.
Leo Valdez = The Stranger
This one is hard and I'm not sold on anything in particular. Leo's main thing is building machines - which doesn't really collect with anything.
The Desoluation (fire powers) and the Lonely (feeling like the seventh wheel) are definitely options.
But then I thought about how Leo looks exactly like his granddad, Sammy Valdez. And that's kinda spooky if you think about it... Like it could definitely give "I Do Not Know You" vibes, because while the face is the same every generation - the person is different.
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano = The Hunt
This one doesn't really fit her but I think she might join the Hunt in a similiar way she joins Artemis's Hunt in Riordanverse, like searching for a new purpose gets locked into the Hunt for "Monsters". I can see her becoming a vampire hunter...
Hazel Levesque = The Spiral
The obvious option is the End, because she was literally dead for a while... but Hazel escapes death, which is very much not an End thing. Because the End is the End.
However, this process left her with faiting spells where she re-experiences her past memories. In canon, she fears that she is in the wrong time. In the AU, this element of her character could manifest as the influence of the Spiral. Slowly being dragged into the memories of a past life that might not have really existed at all.
She wouldn't be an Avatar, since they tend to be all-or-nothing, but she would be touched by it.
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glassfullofsass · 8 months
Do you like Tamora Pierce? Do you like horror?
I've convinced Leverage watchers to listen to TSCoSI (and vice versa), now let's see if I can convince my Tortall babes to listen to The Harrowing of Minerva Damson.
Prepare for: Lady knights! Magic! Powerful cat-shaped creatures! Monsters!
Did you read In the Hand of the Goddess and think "but what if it was only the bits where they fight the Tusaines over the River Dell? What if the monsters were here already? What if Roger was only a shape in the mist but still as evil and powerful?" Did you get to Lady Knight and say "Yes, more death. More unkillable creatures. More terror."?
Listen to S1, The Knight of the Unquiet Dead. Trench warfare. Vampires. Sorcerers. Ghouls. A magical cat. Made up magical spells that work by the power of friendship and sheer necessity. A Lady Knight (Minerva) who Is The Authority Here, Thank You, and also is So Tired (TM). Alanna's personality facing Kel's war.
Not quite ready to commit, but horror is your flavor?
Try the first inter-season arc, Chevalier, which features the same setting but different characters. One necromancer, two Lady Knights, three magical horses, four (?) vampires (and some nauseating gore), and healing from your grief by learning to survive. Still a lot of those Alanna and Kel vibes, but also giving Bekka Cooper: gritty, dark, bare-knuckled and bloody. Cat not included.
Missing the cat?
It's back in S2, Black as Knight. It's smug, dangerous, and clever, but so is our returning heroine Minerva. Also my TMA girlies will feel right at home in the cave episodes (Buried babes can I get an amen?). A friendly (and dilf-able) werewolf garwalf, binding terms and conditions, gargoyles tearing the absolute shit out of some soldiers. Again, giving Alanna in her Rides era, but put that attitude in the plot of Rampant. Also giving Kel's willingness to sacrifice just about anything to save people.
Need a different pace?
Inter-season arc 2, Goliad Gabby is all Verlidaine (just Daine) Sarrasri. The plot is literally country bumpkin sharpshooter slays the big bad monster with help from her trusty animal companions. There's even a real rom-com shaped happily-ever-after for this one! (for real though. The gore? a little icky. The Big Romantic Speech? I couldn't make it through.) Gabriella Gabby is just your average Texas Trickshot, until the Order of Joan recruits her personally to put her skills to use. Also reminded of Bekka's grit here too. No isn't really an answer when there's work to be done.
Now, I have read Circle, but I don't have those stories soaked into my bones well enough to pull comparisons out as readily... I will say the very grim and horrific realities of war that Pierce digs her pen into in Melting Stones and Battle Magic are very present throughout the podcast. It's labeled horror for a reason. Check the CWs and take care of yourselves <3
Also, did I mention, the premise of the universe is based on Joan of Arc inspiring a cloister of nuns to become knights and fight monsters?
The production team has more projects in the works, and hopefully the third Minerva season will be released in the next few months (early 2024). They have a website, patreon, instagram, a rather defunct tumblr (@the-joaniverse), and all the usual podcast platforms.
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chaoticpinetree · 2 years
Okay so I listened for a whole bunch without writing posts about it but in my defence let's just say that it's been hectic, going back to both studying and working :C
So, let's make one thing clear: the bits with Sasha and Tim broke my heart. 'Nooo, you took it too far! I'm unforgettable!' OH YE MAYBE JUST RIP IT OUT OF MY CHEST HUH. ;-; But also oh god, Elias's whole behaviour on that tape. Did I already mention that Elias's motivation is evil in a very simple way? Oh yeah I did. Oh wait I'll add the read more because this will be a bunch.
So. So every single human being in the world is now tortured except for the ones who are doing the torturing and Jon because he's <checks notes> Ceaseless Watcher's Special Boy and Martin because Jon basically protects him. And maybe Basira who is chasing after Daisy apparently. Gosh it's like. Obviously it's fiction, obviously when you think about it, it's horrible. Throughout the whole four seasons I was really chill about the statements and well, objectively I still am because it's not that easy for me to find something in fiction 'scary' but it is a bit easier for me to find something 'disturbing' and a lot of these domains quickly become such if I think about it for a while.
Since this is honestly my first proper, deep experience with horror, I have to admit that it's a feeling I'm not very used to when consuming fiction but it's also a very interesting one.
Anyway, this aside... I mean this feeling will likely follow me for a while but you know, it's not all I think about this season. So this aside, a bunch of other stuff.
CEASELESS WATCHER, TURN YOUR GAZE UPON THIS WRETCHED THING. Oh that scene was so damn cool, love it, Jon can just smite people <3 The way Martin's reaction was an immediate whoa! omg we gotta do it again! Jared was so chill with being smote lmao
Helen is such a shipper of Jmart and she's so valid for it. My friend described season 5 as only fluff and comedy and I was like literally no way. And it is very much NOT oh god. I mean she has really strong powers of denial. I told her hey you... Know that TMA generally is more of a tragedy right... And she said that it really only hit her once she started reading fanfics heh. I mean she's valid for her denial powers, that's for sure, but STILL
AND ALSO OH GOD EPISODE 170. I got so emotional over this one. There was just something about the way Martin kept losing his train of thought and starting over again and again and he realised something was wrong a few times and called out to Jon but lost that thought too, it was. Damn. Damn.
By the way, I see the way Jon finds it all horrible and fascinating at the same time, the way he kind of... Does want to drink all that fear in. He told Martin 'you are my reason' regarding the quest, regarding walking through all of it but I think it also applies to not... Losing himself, so to speak.
And also oh damn the children. There is something... I mean it's like, it's like the danger almost doesn't exist. Are those monsters there or is it just their imagination that Callum nudges into even scarier directions? And the fact that they're basically cultivated by the fears until they grow up and their fears become something more interesting to the Eye. Damn.
Things also sound rather tense between Jon and Martin at times, but honestly I'm not surprised, considering... The whole situation. I'm just glad they can be there for each other even though the world sucks :C
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vinegar-on-main · 1 year
1. Full name, age, gender, height, etc. Just bio info really.
2. What kind of world do they live in?
3. Are they good or evil? Protag? Side character? Villain? Hero?
4. Magic powers of any kind? Skills they have?
5. Favorite fact about them
6. Character arc?
7. Any other info you desperately want to tell someone
Putting this under a cut cause this is Loooooong
Also tagging @meme-boys-blog cause he’s heard me brainrot about her :p
1. Okay so that’s a bit complicated cause she uses three of em, depending on form. If she’s a human person, that’s Kuze, if shes humanoid, that’s Kuma, and if shes Shadow Creature, that’s Kurokami. It’s all the same person, just presenting as different aspects, you know?
Also she frequently uses bynames so watch out :p
Beat answer for age is Yes. She’s older than literally everyone and anything due to being a creature that is made out of the stuff that exists between realities.
Her gender is whatever you want it to be, but she generally prefers she/they. But she can manifest as any gendered human person as Kuze. The only exception is pronouns of it/it’s, mostly because of some Hollow Knight Stuff.
Also!!! Kuze fun facts: there’s some Rules that Kuze has to follow when manifested, it’s not a lot, but it’s just enough to tip off observant persons that they’re not exactly the Most Human. For example: all forms have to follow the basic template of white hair, pale skin, black eyes, black clothes. Of course, the black can be any dark shade of gray, so there’s some variation in the outfits. Eyes do not reflect light, skin doesn’t get cut like flesh and instead cracks like porcelain, bleeds Void, body temp is always room temp, etc.
Here’s a drawing I did of each one, from right to left, it’s Kuze, Kuma, and Kurokami
Tumblr media
2. Yes? Yes. She’s kinda my proxy into fandoms. An op SI oc. But she has her own personality sorta??? It’s A Lot.
3. Lawful neutral. She has her own personal values and sticks to them like glue, but overall she enjoys the concepts of freedom. She has the potential to be the scariest thing ever with eldritch horror shenanigans, or the wine aunt with weird eyes. She tends to make the worst kind of friends (See: Michael Distortion from TMA) because of her loose morals.
She’s not really on the side of destroying worlds, instead going for the cosmic horror angle of “not yet”. And even then, the Void doesn’t really need her direction.
She also travels to diff universes cause she likes the connection, and also she fears becoming a true monster. I mean, wouldn’t everyone?
4. She’s basically the God of Shadow in all its forms, but she doesn’t control it directly. All forms can stop time with ease due to a visit to jojo and stealing DIO’s stand for herself, Names have Power and she can stop it for an infinite duration. Also she can invoke someone’s true name to tell them what to do, this can manifest in different forms, but she tries to make it subtle :p. All forms are also skilled in every instrument type because music is kinda a huge deal for her, and also can create constructs that fall under the same restrictions as Kuze’s form. They can be pretty much anything. But she usually abuses it to make musical instruments on the fly. Almost forgot about the child in the room, during certain plot parts of Transformers Prime season 3, she made a trade with Rafael to repaint Bumblebee in exchange for his knowledge of computers. And given that this kid can hack The Pentagon… yeah.
Kurokami has the power to change her size to be as large as she wants, but the low end is 7 feet, plus horns. Power to dwell/hide in things/peoples shadows, only consequence being that the shadow itself is darker than normal.
ALSO!!! Soul shit, it’s a lot, but it’s a called direct interfacing. She dislikes the process cause it’s Very Invasive (think of it like forcibly issuing commands to someone)
Also also dream shit, she has a major influence over it cause when Radiance died, they left a power vacuum.
Kuze and Kuma have the previously stated abilities, as well as being overall weaker than Kurokami. The time it takes to get from either of these back to Kurokami is quite literally nothing, as the form can either melt or straight up explode, but going from Kurokami to Kuze/Kuma takes longer, even longer if it’s Kuze.
5. When as Kurokami, there’s some Special Voice Quirks!!! She can speak as any person that she has met or knows the Name of, and usually speaks with more than one voice. Her default is usually some kind of femme fatale, but they could also be a confident businesswoman type beat. Also, she speaks in plurals, using we/us/our instead of I/me/my. I just think it’s neat!!!
Also whenever she arrives in a new place that she’s gonna Chill in, she makes a card that automatically charges a random bank account that’s on an internal list. She mostly picks billionaires. She also can eat but she doesn’t need to but food is good.
Coffee addiction. Lots of coffee.
6. Okay so it’s a bit hard to pinpoint her timeline, but I’m gonna try my best.
- In the Before times, before Kurokami was Kurokami, she was something else, think of it like a Guardian Angel on crack and also omni-dimensional.
- She basically was that before she started looking after the cast for Persona 5, 4, and 3 in that order. When she was done with Persona 3’s main plot, something… spoilery happened that made her have an epiphany and was basically the catalyst for her to begin her search
- the search being, of course, to become her own functioning person. She eventually found her way to HK universe post Dream No More, and traveled down to The Abyss to dunk herself in Void.
- the most recent adventures were, in this order:
- TMA, where she made friends with Michael distortion and also became a menace to Elias. She rearranged his books and moved his shit semi-weekly
- Octopath 2, where she had huuuuge beef with the final boss for kinda encroaching on her domain cause she’s petty. Also she asked the gods pretty please for her to say hi to their chosen and give ‘em a boost
- A revisit to personas 3, 4, and 5 Royal, where she revisited the place and could do what she actually wanted with Joker and Co. also fucked with Kasumi a little because she wanted to know Her Deal early.
- SMT IV, kinda visited it while passing through, but ended up making friends with Hikaru, so there’s that. So now she’s here to play music and kick ass. Also probably provide moral support for Neutral route via fun music times
-Pokemon X/Y: Yeah this was meant as a bit of a one time thing but here we are. She’s here to hang out with Sycamore (who highkey thinks she’s a Zorarark but doesn’t leave her because science!!!! Breakthroughs in Zorarark behavior!!!) and also spend an entire day working on her new holo caster because SOMEBODY decided to listen in on them. Also she’s there for the main events of the plot and I’m trying to justify Sycamore having fully evolved Kanto starters.
-SMT IV: Apocalypse. She’s gonna go hang out with Hikaru and also hang out with a different traumatized kid. But this one has a knife and is a gremlin. Nanashi gives her wicked flashbacks to TMA and ends up alerting Dagda when she tries to figure out the kids deal. Either way, Nanashi has a new stalker and Dagda has a new nuisance.
7. I have some documents saved on my laptop that are literally just Shit I Wrote for discord friends but I can post em here if you want. They’re kinda mismatched and scattered, but they give the sense of “shit happening in the background.”
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