#light tribe
demaparbat-hp · 21 hours
short hair katara and long hair zuko !!
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They're talking shit about Jet
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thod0rakis · 7 months
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Anaïs Nin // so coquette <3
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shaps · 1 year
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glitter-stained · 2 months
Lantern AU part 2
(This is part of an AU in which some of the lantern corps work differently for a bunch of reasons, here's a post explaining it:
Kon: Holy shit, Rob, what's with the makeover?
Tim: Um yeah, so I guess I'm a Green Lantern now.
Kon: Well damn, I die and you become a whole new superhero? When did that happen?
Tim: Uh, somewhere between attempts 76 and 88 I think...
Kon: What?
Tim: What?
Cass: ...
Floating indigo ring:...
Cass: *squints*
Floating indigo ring: *flickers*
Cass: *tilts her head*
Floating indigo ring: *flips around itself*
Cass: *blinks*
The double dozen of goons she was busting: ...we could... Leave you guys to it?
Cass and the floating indigo ring: Shhh.
Steph: Hey dad, it's visiting hour.
Arthur Brown: Stephanie? What are you doing in jai-
Steph: *punches him in the throat*
Steph: *kicks him in the shin*
Steph: *punches him in the face with a bright green giant fist construct*
Steph, looking down at the green power ring on her finger: Now where did that come from
Hal, coming back to earth after hearing there's a bunch of new lanterns in the rough that spawned around the same time: So what's been up with Gotham?
Bruce: My blood pressure
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shadelorde · 5 months
Why do so many people unironically think the Fire Nation is the misogyny-less “girlboss” nation. What the fuck.
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madcat-world · 2 months
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Silent Tribe (1 of 2) - Christian Bravery
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verrixstudios · 3 months
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Epic: The Musical but in Wings of Fire
yes I have more ideas to this
yes I am stretching the limits of how wof dragons work
shhhhhhh, pretty red :)
[ID: A monochrome piece made with various shades of red. the background is the darkest with a circular fade to the lightest red in the middle to show a light source. However standing in front of that light source is a massive, heavily built dragon based on Mudwings and Seawings from Wings of Fire. It’s twisting its body and facing the screen with a toothy scowl. Closer to the screen is a much skinnier dragon (based on a Skywing) with an open mouth snarl, looking at the massive dragon. To show a size difference, three similar dragons are around the big one, two flying and holding spears while another is on the ground, snarling with outstretched wings. there is a spear and a wing under the massive dragons foot. END ID]
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niteshade925 · 2 months
When can Genshin's character designers catch up with the composers
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he’s just a little guy
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birues · 5 months
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Candy Queen (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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I love the darkness, it’s beautiful. I feel whole.
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keifyseadragon · 1 year
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A sunrise years back in Colorado. I miss the mountains.
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lemnnshark · 3 months
"Jagged Lightning is a long-legged black-and-white tom with amber eyes."
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improvised-finish · 18 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Prompt #17 - Sally
Content Warnings: Lehon'a is referred to with he/him pronouns, as this takes place before her transition in Shadowbringers, but not in a transphobic way.
Spoiler Warnings: None
Summary: Can it really be called a 'happy nameday' if you're getting forced to leave your tribe? Asking for a Lehon'a Nhavareh.
Check it out below or on Ao3:
As the light of dawn began to slip into his rooms through the breaks in the shutters, Lehon'a awoke to a feeling of dread. Today was the day, after all.
In truth, he'd dreaded today's coming for some time, passing from willful ignorance to rage to a melancholy that he could never quite shake. Something about it felt wrong.
The day should've been one of celebration. It was his nameday, or at least the closest thing he'd had to one. The anniversary of the day his mother had taken him in from the road where he'd been abandoned. Eighteen years it had been, apparently. Supposedly, that made him an adult, a ‘man’ in the eyes of the tribe. 
He'd always hoped that that word would come to fit him, that he'd grow into it like an ill-fitting shirt handed down from an older family member. Yet today was the day, and he felt no more a man than any other day he could remember. 
Traditions left little room for feelings, no flexibility for confused youth or anyone who might dare to question why. 
And so, in the traditions of the Miqo'te he'd been raised with, his eighteenth nameday would be the day he was expected to leave the tribe.
He could return every so often, of course, and he certainly planned to. But the expectation was that he would go and see the world, meeting other tribes and gaining worldly experience until he one day found a mate. And that expectation was mutually exclusive with the strong bond he'd formed with his mother, not to mention his female peers who he would also be leaving behind.
It felt like dying, like leaving behind the person he was in search of some vague notion of cosmopolitan knowledge. And he didn't want to die.
His bag had already been packed the night before; he'd correctly guessed that he'd feel no motivation to do it in the morning. A freshly washed white and tan tunic hung from a hook and his reliable pair of thighboots sat near the door, waterproofed and ready for the road ahead. More reminders of the impending journey.
Maybe if I just don't move or make a noise, it'll just pass me by, Lehon'a thought, knowing full well such juvenile logic would never actually hold up in a situation like this. Anything to keep it from coming, to keep it from happening. He felt every single second pass in a silence he knew would break, sooner or later, and it was almost a form of torture. Instead of spending this time with his mother, cherishing the moments they had left, he was here, hiding away from everything in bed. 
Not long after these thoughts came a knock at the door.
“Lehon'a? Dearheart, are you awake?” his mother called through the door. He couldn't bring himself to remain silent, but his lethargic voice betrayed his emotions.
“Yeah, mom… I'm up.”
She noticed immediately. “Can I come in?”
Nothing seems to matter, so might as well, he thought. “Sure.”
The door opened slowly, and Lehon stepped through, carefully closing it behind her to avoid making more noise than necessary. She crossed the space between them and sat on the bed, at his side.
“I know this isn't what you wanted, and to be truthful, it’s not how I’d like to spend your nameday either. But I am determined to make the most of the morning before you go, so I made some breakfast for the both of us, and I’ve got something to give you before you go.” She paused for a second. “I’ll give you a bit more time on your own, but the food will get cold eventually, so the quicker you’re through that door, the better breakfast will be.” She gave him a kiss on the forehead, as she’d done many times before, and then got up to finish the cooking, leaving Lehon’a on his own once more.
After another moment in thought, he pushed himself up to a sitting position, let out a heavy exhale, and then kicked his feet out from under the covers and onto the floor.
It wasn’t much longer before he’d gotten dressed: undershirt, tunic, pants, boots, one after the other. Getting ready had a certain momentum to it, even under these circumstances, and he found it easier to keep moving forward once he’d started. After some quick checks of his pack, he stepped through the door and into the kitchen.
It was far from a panacea, but he would’ve been lying if he’d said the aroma of breakfast food didn’t improve his mood at all. It was all his favorite smells, wrapped into one: eggs with cheese and fresh vegetables from the garden, a tuna spread with lemon and herbs on toast, and a pitcher of La Noscean orange juice, which was a rare treat in this part of the Shroud.
“I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause I might’ve gone a bit overboard,” Lehon said with a laugh.
“Smells great, mom.” Lehon’a stopped to set his pack down next to the table. “Thank you.”
Lehon quickly dished up a couple of plates while Lehon’a was busy pouring the juice, and they met at the table moments later.
“I know I was just making a big fuss about the food getting cold, but I’d rather do this sooner than later, on the off chance we run out of time eating,” Lehon began, fishing for something in a pocket of her apron. “I got you a proper gift for your nameday, and for the road ahead, too.” She extended her hand, which held a small box. Lehon’a took it and began to gently untie the ribbon that held the two halves together. He gingerly separated the lid from the base and set it down on the table as his mouth fell open in shock.
It was an earring, a crescent moon made of bronze inlaid with a small pearl that featured two thin crystals that dangled beneath it. The symbols of Menphina, he thought.
“Oh, it’s beautiful…”
“I’m glad you like it, dearheart. My hope was that it might remind you of me, of us, when you’re far away, and that you might walk under Her protection wherever your travels take you.”
Without missing a beat, Lehon’a took the earring out of the box and clipped it to his ear, subconsciously wiggling it a bit as he got used to the slight difference in weight.
“It really suits you,” she said as she got up from her seat and opened her arms for an embrace, which Lehon’a gladly accepted.
“Thank you,” Lehon’a replied, trying not to let the tears in his eyes escape.
“Save the tears for after breakfast, all right? I don’t think the eggs need any more salt.” The joke snapped the tension in the air, and they both let out a hearty laugh as they went back to their seats to start eating.
Lehon’a still was far from excited to be leaving home so soon, but even he had to admit that knowing he had Menphina watching over his travels made him feel a little better about venturing into the wide unknown of Eorzea.
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maulfucker · 1 year
Yeah yeah jedi Maul au we've all seen him. But what about senator Maul au. Representing Dathomir, a neutral world like Mandalore that is still somewhat hostile to outsiders. Wearing fancy clothes that show a bit too much skin for the cold climate of Coruscant. Falling in hate at first sight with Padmé, the only other senator who brings a gun to the senate floor "just in case". The two of them having a weird rivalry because Maul doesn't trust the Jedi and is neutral in a lot of subjects that Padmé is a vocal defender of.
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THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE in the second outfits of the Ray of Light tour
A gift for @exiled-otome
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