#Lee & Kya AU
demaparbat-hp · 7 months
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Felt like sharing some Lee & Kya From The Tea Shop AU sketches ✨🍵
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stardust948 · 5 months
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The Firelord’s New Groove
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
i love your team avatar rewrite! can you talk more about kids?
You don't know how happy this makes me🥹 I'll break it down like they're OCs (even though the only technical OCs here are Tyro, Suma, and Lian).
(Link to the original Gaang post: https://www.tumblr.com/sapphic-agent/747738712838995968/rewriting-the-gaang-in-lok?source=share)
Kya (major changes to canon):
Earthbender (Lavabender)
Firstborn child of Katara and Haru
Green eyes, brown hair; resembles Katara the most
Temper like Katara, but lacks her caring and nurturing nature. Blunt and to the point like Haru. Can come off as rude, but that's not her intention. Her mouth got her in constant trouble as a child. Loved probending as a child and looked up to Toph
Probender (later Manager of the Probending Arena)
*Notes: I like canon Kya just fine. But similarly to Katara, I feel like LOK really just didn't bother to do much with her. She's mainly there to give Tenzin a reality check and reaffirm that Aang was a shitty father. So I really just built her up mainly from scratch. You can resonate her with canon Kya or think of her as a completely different character. Katara was always going to name her first daughter Kya, so to me it makes no difference. Also, I made her a lavabender instead of a metalbender to match her temper*
Nonbender (Chi-blocker)
Firstborn and only son of Katara and Haru (middle child)
Blue eyes, brown hair; looks a lot like Sokka
Calm demeanor like Haru, but empathetic and softhearted like Katara. The most sensitive of his siblings, but also the nicest. Learned Chi-blocking from the Kyoshi Warriors after visiting Kyoshi Island for the summer. Very interested in law and politics from watching his mom
Attorney, President of Republic City
Sexuality undetermined, closest guess is pansexual
*Notes: Tyro loves his sapphic aunts (Mai and Ty Lee). I like to think of him as that friend that's always there for you, even when they're going through hell (but not parentified like Katara). Why did I make him president? I don't know*
She/They (I know I wrote daughter, but she doesn't mind being referred to as daughter or sister by her family)
Waterbender (Healer)
Youngest child of Katara and Haru
Blue eyes, brown hair; looks like Haru (same complexion as his mother)
Finds it hard to understand emotion, doesn't pay attention (spaces out when people are talking, can't focus on classes that don't interest her in school, etc.). Comes off cold, even to her family. Most assume they don't care about anything. It was a shock when she chose to become a Healer, but her patients usually love her
Healer at the Republic City Hospital, Head Healer at the Republic City Hospital
*Notes: Suma is probably way closer to canon Kya than my Kya is. But they're also a lot less emotionally invested in people than Kya. They're definitely on the spectrum in case you couldn't tell*
Lin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Earthbender (Metalbender)
Firstborn child of Aang and Toph
Green eyes, black hair; resembles Toph
Grouchy, tough, and a hardass like Toph, but has a strong sense of fairness like Aang. Bosses her siblings around. Butts heads constantly with Suyin because of this. Studied under her Aunt Suki to become an officer
Republic City Police Officer , Republic City Chief of Police
*Notes: As you can see, I didn't change much about Lin. The biggest thing is probably that she didn't become a police officer to impress Toph, she did it because of her own sense of justice. I love that for her*
Tenzin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Firstborn son and second born child of Aang and Toph
Gray eyes, black hair; resembles Aang
Tries to be calm, but has a short fuse. Feels like he has to live up to being the only Airbending child of the Avatar. Can be distant with his family because of this, especially Aang. Finds it hard to connect with his siblings
United Republic of Nations Councilman
*Notes: Tenzin is way more of a black sheep here than the golden child in canon. Him and Aang having a hard relationship because of the expectations placed on him is one thing I'm very proud of. I think he feels like he has to be this perfect son and feels like he can't approach Aang about it. And Toph is a less than understanding person, so he can't really talk to her either. His biggest regret is never opening up to his father before he died. So he suffers in silence (lmao)*
Suyin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Third child of Aang and Toph
Earthbender (Metalbender)
Brown hair, green eyes; resembles both Toph and Aang (has the complexion of Toph's father)
Free-spirited and fun-loving like Aang, but extremely stubborn and hates rules like Toph. Very clever and innovative, a troublemaker as a kid. Clashes with Lin heavily due to her issues with authority and competes with her. Leaves Republic City (of her own volition) to travel the world and creates Zaofu and the Metal Clan
Leader/Founder of Zaofu, Head of the Metal Clan
*Notes: I'll be honest, I love Su and think she's over hated in canon. Maybe it's because I see a lot of myself in being the youngest child and having a bossy and condescending older sister. But anyway, her backstory is one of my favorites in the show, so that's why I didn't feel the need to change it too much. Also, her choosing to travel the world similar to how the Air Nomads did is a nice touch with Aang being her father. Although, a fight with Toph might have been what made her leave, I'm not sure. Demi because I can't see her loving anyone she doesn't share a deep, personal connection to like Bataar*
Bumi Beifong (slight changes to canon)
Youngest child of Aang and Toph
Gray eyes, black hair; resembles both Toph and Aang
Extremely intelligent ("mad genius"), but absolutely can't take anything seriously. Prankster, the bane of Lin and Tenzin's existences. Looks up to Aang and is very close with Su, drives Toph crazy. Very interested in combat, war, and strategy
Soldier in the Second Division of the United Forces, Commander in the Second Division of the United Forces
*Notes: Nothing you guys say or do will ever convince me that Bumi isn't a man kisser*
Only child of Sokka and Suki
Waterbender (+Chi-blocker)
Blue eyes, auburn hair; looks like Suki but has Sokka's complexion
Playful personality, loves bad and corny jokes. Easygoing for the most part, but knows when to get serious. Trains with the Kyoshi Warriors like Tyro does
Firefighter, Chief of the Southern Water Tribe
*Notes: I love Lian a lot. It's so weird that Sokka of all characters didn't have kids. Out of everyone, I would think it would be Toph. So I obviously gave him one with Suki. I don't think I said so in the Gaang post, but yes she's a Waterbender. Also, why are both her and Tyro pan? The Kyoshi Island affect, it's something in the water*
Izumi (basically the same as canon):
Only child of Zuko and Jin
Suspected Firebender, unconfirmed
Amber eyes, brown hair; mostly resembles Jin
A calm, rational person. Loves history. Painfully non-violent because of that history. Her heart is to the Fire Nation and repairing the damage her country has done. She also has a deep love for Ba Sing Se because that's where her mother is from. Some might call her reserved before they get to know her, to her friends she's one of the nicest people ever
No one knows if she's actually a Firebender or not, she's never confirmed or denied it even to her closest friends. Doesn't feel the need to. Looks at it like a political strategy; no one can say she's favoring benders or nonbenders. She is a master swordswoman, though
Archeologist, Historian, Fire Lord
*Notes: I decided not to choose if Izumi's a bender or nonbender. I like the theory that she keeps is secret in canon as a political move. I don't know if they kept it vague in canon on purpose, but I like it that way. I kind of based her off Nico Robin from One Piece*
That's pretty much it for the Gaang Kids! I'm pretty proud of how everyone came out. Hope this satisfied you!
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
Avatar AU - A world where Kya is never killed and she, Hakoda and Bato are out hunting one day and they see a wrecked Fire Nation boat. No one is on board except an eight year old girl who says her name is Ursa.
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sayurin44 · 1 year
Avatar Girls Become Joo Dee Smut Story/Series Challenge
(This is an idea that I have been intrigued by for a long time and wanted to publish to see if someone is willing to take a crack at it; basically, an ATLA smut idea involving Dai Li, female characters on the show, and hypnotism. If you'd like to know more or take on the challenge, read the short story inside for more details on what to know and do. (note that this is a challenge))
Hello Readers and Authors
So this is just a heads up, but this is an Avatar the Last Airbender Smut series challenge that involves various girls and women from the show being hypnotized by the Dai Li into Joo Dee and forced to do both practical services in Ba Sing Se but also more personal stuff for them and Long Feng.
You can pick what characters you choose first in the series(stories) and decide how it goes as long as you remain true to the core of the challenge itself. Since this is the first time anyone has developed the idea for this kind of smut series, I would put it out there and let someone write the content based on this challenge.
If someone on this website takes on this challenge, make sure you send a PM or leave a comment about it to tell me that you are taking it on and writing.
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sproutingliliums · 2 months
What are some Zutara fanfics you like?
thank you for asking anon! rubbing my hands together and laughing diabolically rn. most of these fics are completed, but i have a few incomplete or ongoing ones listed at the bottom.
The Color of the Stars by bluenebulae this is my zutara bible... i have read this 3 times, and i think it's still my favorite zutara fic. it diverges from canon during the day of black sun. katara and zuko are both captured and thrown into prison and after breaking out together, they become reluctant allies and travel the world in search of the gaang while also trying to warn the other nations about ozai's plans.
they call you refugee by akaiiko
an arranged marriage alternate universe where when zuko is banished, he leaves the fire nation with—actually, the summary does a pretty good job of explaining it: "Zuko goes into exile with a scar, a mission, and a wife." i think i cried the first time i read this.
refraction by caroes3725
this one's my post-war zutara bible. it is maybe the post-war swt ambassador/politician katara slow burn of all time. it is 200k+ words and it's all worth it, i promise! i prommy!!! read it now!!!! <- this along with The Color of the Stars are maybe my favorite zutara longfics. period.
Mending Wounds by FictionIsSocialInquiry
canon divergent fic where katara sees visions of zuko in the foggy swamp. except in these visions he is older, the fire lord, her husband, and he is gentle and loving, and katara feels sick to her stomach! one of my favs!!!!
lost and found by Smediterranea
hakoda discovers a young zuko, injured, and takes him in. beautiful alternate universe fic where zuko grows up in the southern water tribe with sokka and katara.
The Things We Hide by Lykegenia
katara is held in the fire nation as a political prisoner following the southern water tribe's defeat after an assault launched by fire lord ozai during sozin's comet. the swt, however, will not go down with a fight. love, love, love this one! it has painted lady katara, blue spirit zuko, a sweet romance, political intrigue, and betrayal!!! it's a fun time. also i love hama's inclusion in this :)
The Blackfish and the Dragon by ama
during the day of black sun, iroh takes matters into his own hands and becomes fire lord. shortly after, a marriage is arranged between zuko and katara in order to secure the peace. it's a beautiful arranged marriage au where everyone is so perfectly in character. i really think this fic is one of the best zutara fics out there with a natural and rewarding slow burn romance. and azula is there and she's perfect.
Smoke & Mirrors by sansonnets
blutara bible!!!!!!! that's all i got... blutara go CRAZYYY
so i can die where i met you by irridescence
canon compliant. zuko and katara, eighty years later. the fic is centered around major character death(s), so don't read if you can't handle it but i was sobbing like a fucking baby by the end of it. such a beautiful gorgeous fic that will haunt me forever.
if you don't mind incomplete or ongoing fics:
But Who's Counting? by halfhoursonearth
katara thinks zuko's going to need at least 100 healing sessions after the agni kai. lovely prose and characterization and it's so tender and sweet. just read it!!!
so let us melt, and make no noise by LittleLostStar
zuko is sent on a mission to bring back the heart of the last waterbender so he can restore his honor and return home. but when he nearly dies while in the south pole, a healer named katara saves him and nurses him back to health. (the author describes this as a kinda-sorta frozen AU, and i think it's a pretty good description haha). it's an incredible AU with so much mystery and intrigue and tension!
forgetting is a kind of mercy by nerdylizj
"Five years after Katara and Zuko go missing in Ba Sing Se, Kya and Lee are found living peacefully in the Earth Kingdom countryside." finally, i gotta plug liz's silly n goofy dai li brainwashing fic. it's so good. so painfully angsty. it's about the pain of remembering and about making hard choices and identity and parenthood!!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
hello!!!! I need to know how you imagine ppl from atla dressing in a modern universe.. I think you were the one who said katara was punk and i’d like to see more of that.. and the rest of the gaang!! and even azula mai, ty lee and jet if you have ideas for them too!😋😋😋
mostly ive been wondering abt sokka.. i’ve seen so many different versions of him in a modern setting! same for zuko though I don’t really see him wearing suits like a lot of the modern au art i’ve seen ??
NOT PREP ZUKO😭😭😭😭😭PLEASE THAT'S SO FOUL(and tysm,i've actually been meaning to post about this!!!)
Aang:Solarpunk.Long flowy skirts,shawls,crop tops with radicalist messages,etc.I also imagine he'd wear doc martens with yellow laces(anti-racist)!!
Katara:From rezcore to punk kid!She started making her own clothes and aesthetic getups at 12 with diy skills and dressses pretty typically punk!Spike bracelets and chokers,baggy ripped jeans,edgy ahh shirts,long sleeved stripped tops and her precious battle jacket,which has patches for Kya,Hakoda,Sokka,Aang,Nia,Toph,Zuko,Jet and Mai!!
Zuko:Tradgoth.FUCK normie Zuko,let him be an authentic goth guy with weird ass interests!!Masc-leaning but dosen't mind femiminity so he'll wear chunky skirts and tank tops like he does cargo pants and chunky gothic tops of all variety and ofc wears the makeup too but with japanese twists
Sokka:From rezcore to skapunk!He took a while to catch up to Katara but he got there and blows white skater boys out of the water with his swagger and knowledge
Nia:Pastel punk and kidcore.He dresses and does his makeup completely accurately but with afro/japanese accents to it so closer to a y2k edition than a 2010s one and he also has a pink and black battle vest with patches for Aang,Zuko,Katara,Sokka,Toph,Azula,Ty Lee,Mai,Jet,Yung and Dahla!!Also pink laced Draculaura boots-(Zunia is Dual Kawaii-coded fr fr)
Toph-Cottagepunk and butch.He's basically walkin' around lookin' like a lesbian farmer(flannels,backwards hats,chunky hunter boots),which is accurate because Yung owns a farm and adopts her eventually!!
Jet-Crustpunk.He has a battle jacket that ends up with patches dedicated to the entire Gaang as he joins them and looks like he walked straight out of punk dude redraws memes(acts like it too LMAO)
Team Azula-Visual Kei(Azula),Tradgoth(Mai)and Scene(Ty Lee)trio!!They used to buy their stuff but Nia taught Azula DIY so she passed down the knowledge to her besties!
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blorboazula · 4 months
Prompt #078 of 100 Days of Azutara Drabbles Challenge | masterlist | post-canon, omegaverse AU, cw: implied past child abuse & mental health issues, minor mental breakdown I guess
Azula’s laughing like a maniac.
She knows she’s scaring Ilah, the girl clutches what was left of the turtleduck plushie that had caught fire just now. The first time she actually firebends, and she burns a toy, it’s painful. And Azula can’t stop laughing as Katara comes, probably attracted by the noise and by the smell of burning fabric. She can’t stop laughing as Katara puts off the fire, says something soothing and leaves, probably handing Ilah over to one of their visiting friends, more than probably leaving her to play with Kya. She doesn’t stop laughing until she’s sobbing on Katara’s lap.
It’s very humiliating, actually, she’d care if she was still trying to be the alpha her father wanted her to be.
They’ve known Ilah is a Firebender since she was born, even if she’s almost a perfect copy of Katara except for the bronze eyes, the test done in newborns was proof enough. The small cotton ball caught fire as soon as it was close to Ilah, not very different from how it had been when Azula was tested, she was told. And at six, she’s also as young as Azula was when she first actually firebent. 
A turtleduck toy, too.
It’s her earliest clear memory, Azula has told Katara about it one night, before they even decided to have a child. Playing alone with the wooden turtleduck – before she met Mai and Ty Lee, after Zuko had already decided she was his enemy. The servant keeping an eye on her ran to fetch her parents.
Ozai was absolutely ecstatic about it, Ursa reacted like she burned a real, living turtleduck.
(Azula never had a chance of not being a monster in Ursa’s eyes.)
“It’s fine, it’s fine, you’re safe. It’s fine,” Katara repeats like a mantra. Her hands warm as the go up and down Azula’s back, her voice, her scent, and her warmth sooth Azula more than anything.
It still takes a few long minutes for her to calm down, and she doesn’t want to move away from the comforting bubble that being on her mate’s lap provides. Like that, it’s easy to fully forget the unspoken expectations on her shoulders.
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No,” feels bratty, feels whiny, but it’s just honesty.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry, Ilah won’t be scared of you.”
That’s a surprisingly unexpected fear, her children scared of her (maybe because she had been taught you are supposed to fear your parents). She nods, she hopes Katara is right.
For now, she avoids looking at what was left of the plushie, as to not remember of the ashes and broken pieces of wood that cemented her fate as anything but her mother’s daughter.
buy me a coffee?
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phoenix-king-ozai · 6 months
I don't think Ozai was like inherently evil but Iwhen imagine how he was as a child, I imagine he very competitive, very stubborn child and when he thinks he's gonna lose...well um..it doesn't go well. Even in a happier AU like the one listened below, this becomes a problem as Hakoda and Kya demonstrate.
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I believe that when Ozai was young he was kind, caring, and compassionate like young Zuko was as well. I believe Ozai's ruthlessness, brutality, and cruelty were taught and instilled by the nature of imperialistic propaganda brainwashing along with child abuse and neglect by Fire Lord Azulon. My personal headcanon is that Fire Lady Ilah died in a disastrous childbirth accident and Fire Lord Azulon resented Ozai because of that. Making the poor boy more aloof, cold, ruthless, and cunning compared to his older brother Iroh who had the love, affection, and compassion of their father and especially their mother’s love. Ozai as a child probably was extremely sweet, kind, and well-mannered. However, became aloof, distant, cold, and vicious later into his teenage years. If the Hundred Year War, Fire Lady’s Ilah death, along with Fire Lord Azulon’s child abuse and neglect didn't happen. Ozai probably would be a happy and good child if these circumstances didn't happen. Child abuse & neglect along with fascistic imperialism is a horrible combo…
I personally don't believe that children can be born a naturally cruel and evil monster. Sure, Azula can be mean-spirited and tormenting in her teasing of Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee. However, she genuinely cares about and values her time with her friends and her brother. This is why she also brought him back to the Fire Nation as a hero as well albeit with Zuko taking the pressure of slaying the Avatar possibly being a failure and unknowing lie.
Regarding your comic. Ozai attitude towards Hakoda and Kya depends if the HYW happened or not. If HYW happen as in canon then Ozai would probably view Water Tribes as inferior savages and enemies of his father and nation. Ozai would not be friends and would despise Hakoda and Kya without even knowing them based on his imperialist brainwashing and fire supremacy superiority complex. If the HYW didn’t happen in an AU. Then Ozai would probably be pretty kind, charming, and friendly with Hakoda and Kya especially with Fire Lady Ilah being alive. If for some reason Fire Lord Azulon and Fire Lady Ilah brought Ozai to the Southern Water Tribe. Fire Prince Ozai would probably become fast friends with Hakoda and Kya despite the cultural differences.
However, honestly, I would ABSOLUTELY ADORE a Fire Nation Royal Family & Hundred Year War Prequel covering Sozin, Azulon, Ilah, Iroh, Ozai, and new characters complex and dark characters that serve as allies and foes to our two main "protagonists" Iroh and Ozai. Iroh as Grand General of the Fire Nation Army slowly becomes disillusioned and changed due to the cruelty, violence, and death surrounding the HYW whereas Ozai as Commander of the Southern Raiders and later Fleet Admiral of Fire Nation becomes consumed by the hatred, violence, suffering, and death surrounding him in his teenage years. Iroh is 30 and Ozai is 15 whereas Azulon is 55.
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thevictorianghost · 4 months
Okay Zutara Fandom, I need your help
So it’s been a while since I’ve written Zutara fic, and since I’ve watched Stardust (2007) this weekend, I want to make a Zutara AU for this amazing movie!!
If you’ve never seen it (go watch it!), it’s about a young man named Tristan who decides that, to win the heart of the prettiest lady in his village, he must go and find a shooting star that fell on the other side of a magical wall, only to find out that the star is, in fact, a young woman named Yvaine, who is being hunted by both evil witches and murderous princes.
Now, my question for the Zutara fandom is: who should be Tristan and and who should be Yvaine? Because I know it would seem like a no-brainer that Zuko is Tristan and Katara is Yvaine, but I am also torn with the idea to make Katara Tristan and Zuko Yvaine (like my Zutara Titanic AU, where Zuko was Rose and Katara was Jack).
If I were to have Zuko be Tristan, the characters would be like this:
Tristan: Zuko
Dunstan: Uncle Iroh (or Noren, from the comics?)
Old Man at the Wall: Bumi
Yvaine: Katara
Victoria: Mai
Victoria’s friends: Azula and Ty Lee
Humphrey: Chan (The Beach episode guy) or maybe Jet?
The witches: Hama, Lo and Li
The princes: 7 OCs
The King: Ozai (or Azulon?)
Sal: Joo Dee
Una: Ursa
Captain Shakespeare: Aang (or Uncle Iroh? Depends on who I pick for Dunstan)
Pirate crew: Sokka, Suki, Toph, Appa, Momo
Star who talks to Tristan: Yue
But if it were to be Katara as Tristan, then the cast of characters would be like this:
Tristan: Katara
Dunstan: Hakoda
Old Man at the Wall: Bumi
Yvaine: Zuko
Victoria: Jet
Victoria’s friends: Smellerbee, Longshot, Pipsqueak
Humphrey: Jin? Or Song??
The witches: Azula, Mai, Ty Lee
The princes: 7 OCs
The King: Chief Arnook
Sal: Hama
Una: Kya
Captain Shakespeare: Uncle Iroh
Pirate crew: Zuko’s crew + the Gaang
Star who talks to Tristan: Yue
I can’t decide which one to choose!! Can anyone help me, please? Thank you!!
(I’ll also tag a few people who could help, and if I forgot to tag you, I’m very sorry!!)
@cynical-mystic @sunnylune @juldooz @burst-of-iridescent @darkcrowprincess
Also, as you can see, I’m mostly brainstorming here, lol. But it sounds like a cute idea!!
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kawaiichibiart · 6 months
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You voted for it, let's develop my Kya Lives AU
For those who haven't read through it, my Kya Lives AU explores the idea of Kya being kept alive in the FN as Ursa's servant, rather than in prison. While she could have been locked away, they didn't want to give her that luxury. It was also because they wanted her be around when the real last SWT waterbender was found. They'd be killed and Kya would be forced to watch as they die. That way she'd see her failure before she, too, was ultimately killed. This is also why, when they find out she isn't the real last SWT waterbender, she isn't killed on the spot.
From there, she Ursa develop a mutual companionship, which turns into a cautious friendship, neither woman wanting to lower their guards at first. After all, while both are nonbenders, both must have skills elsewhere that should be taken seriously.
Time goes on and the search for the last SWT waterbender becomes an afterthought. The FN has a war to win, chances are they might have killed the last waterbender from the South Pole and not known. Kya's living on edge, careful when she speaks of her family and home to Prince Zuko who has taken an interest in it.
And then Prince Lu Ten dies. The Siege of Ba Sing Se fails and Prince Iroh goes "missing" after he pulls back his men. Ozai goes to present his children to Azulon, and we know how the rest goes. Azula overhears Azulon tell Ozai that he has to feel the pain of losing a firstborn son by losing his own, she tells Zuko Ozai is going to kill him, Ursa intervenes and kills Azulon after making a deal with Ozai so he can become Firelord. Not the best retelling of what happened, but you get the idea.
This where we once again, leave canon behind. Because they're sorta friends now, Ursa tells Kya about what she plans to do and offers to make a deal with her. Help her get her children out of the FN, and she'll help her go home. It's risky, but Kya jumps at the chance to go home. She gets Zuko, Ursa gets Azula, and they get the fuck out as fast as they can.
At first, things are tense. Azula is fully blaming Zuko for what happened, fighting with her mom, demanding to be returned home, and snapping at Kya whenever she tries to intervene. She's upset she got dragged along, because had she been asked, she would have preferred to stay in the FN with her father.
Zuko is also blaming himself, knowing, whether his father was actually going to kill him or not, he should have just not let Azula get to him. They're on the run because of him. For once Azula has to be right, right?
Ursa and Kya are just trying to get by. They'll separate the two kids whenever their fights get bad, and will take turns watching them as one of them goes gets supplies. It isn't an ideal situation for either of them, honestly why they hadn't split paths earlier is lost to them. Would they split once they find a ship? Would Ursa and her kids literally follow Kya to the South Pole and see to it she reunites with her family? (yes)
Both women have wanted posters up. Posters that paint Kya as a witch, a savage who caused Ursa to kidnap the Crown Prince and Princess. Posters that paint Ursa as an usurper. Since she took the kids, the deal she made with Ozai is essentially void. Her murdering Azulon soon becomes public knowledge and Ozai "worries" she plans to kill his "heirs" as well. This makes traveling more difficult, as know all four of them need to be heavily disguised.
And because they have to be so careful now, a journey that, at longest (like extremely long) it should have been roughly half a year to a year. And it takes them longer. They're doing what they can to get by, but they have several points in time where they have to stop and lay low.
The three FN Royals use fake names (Noriko (obviously), Lee (again obviously), and I haven't chosen one for Azula yet, but part of me really wants to choose Loh for the irony). Kya ends up going by Mera.
As time passes their relationship evolves. Azula and Zuko still fight, but Azula no longer blames him for what happened (he hasn't stopped blaming himself yet). Their fights are moreso petty (not the word I was looking for but whatever, I can't think of the right one) fights (one called the other a name, one was being annoying, one kept making faces at the other, etc.). Kya and Ursa have settled into their friendship. Their journey to the SWT has slowed significantly, and they've lived in several places temporarily, but they do, eventually, reach the South Pole.
Once there, they have to track down Kya's tribe, which in itself is, thankfully, an easier journey. It takes them about a day to find someone who recognizes Kya. And, while weary of the 3 people with her, they lead all 4 of them to the tribe.
Kanna is overjoyed at Kya's return, and upon being asked where Sokka and Katara are, tells her about the Avatar. How he returned and was found by her children. That they left with him to stop the war. And Kya's heard the rumors. But she didn't want to consider the Avatar was traveling with her kids. She'd hoped they were home, safe.
But they were gone, they left to help the Avatar, and as proud as she should (and later would) feel, worry takes a front seat in her mind. Her children were the one thing she hoped to see when she arrived. And they weren't there. She ends up sitting with Kanna, listening as she tells her about what had happened while they were gone. The men had left to help fight the war, something she'd suspected would happen. She knew there a chance Hakoda wouldn't be around when she returned. She'd hoped her family was waiting for her, that Hakoda, Sokka, Katara and Kanna would all welcome her home. That, maybe only her husband would be absent. But only Kanna was there. And while, yes, the rest of the tribe welcomed her home, it's not the same thing. Kanna does her best to reassure her that things will work out. That she'll see all of them again.
If you're wondering about Ursa, Zuko and Azula, yeah they're just sorta...standing there. They don't know what to do. Or rather, Ursa and Azula don't know what to do. Zuko thinks he has the solution.
While some Kya and Kanna go about helping the FN ex-royals settle in, Zuko takes note of where the canoes are. That night, he leaves a note, takes a canoe, and leaves in hope of finding Sokka and Katara. And maybe the Avatar. Maybe. (Queue another mother becoming worried sick, because what the fuck?)
Through his random, whatever the fuck you wanna call it, luck, Zuko manages to survive and arrive in the Earth Kingdom. And we enter the second half of the AU which focuses on Zuko looking for, and eventually joining, the Gaang. The first one he finds is Sokka and that's by pure chance. Sheer luck. And Sokka becomes the first between him and Katara to learn Kya is still alive. That she's home. And he's learning this through this boy, this FN boy who spent a few years living with his mom. This boy who had heard stories about him and his sister. Heard his mom speak about them with so much love and decided he had to meet them. It's a bit overwhelming but...mom's home. Waiting. Waiting for him. For Katara. Maybe even for this weird boy.
Katara, takes this revelation differently. Since Zuko isn't their enemy here (that role belongs to Zhao), her animosity towards him isn't because he's chased them around. It's because, all this time, all these years she's spent blaming herself. Believing she'd gotten her mother killed, that her mom died protecting her. Her mom had been alive this entire time. Telling a FN boy, no, the FN Prince, all about her and Sokka. And while she knows chances are Kya couldn't leave without being hunted or being followed, she hates that she apparently bonded with members of the Royal Family. It wasn't fair. It's not fair. He has no right talking so fondly of her mother. He has no right saying her hugs were comforting. That she told the best stories. He had no right being close to her mom.
Katara is hurting, so a lot of what she says comes out because of that. Things she doesn't mean. Things she knows aren't important or will matter in the end. But she watched as her mother was taken away. As her betrothal necklace was ripped off her neck and tossed in front her crying daughter. Told she might as well have a last reminder of her mother. Her mom was gone and it was all her fault. If only she hadn't been a bender. If only the NWT actually helped them. If she'd just been born earlier or never at all. She doesn't mean what she says.
She knows her mother loves sharing stories, of course she'd tell a little boy if he asked for one. She knows her mom's hugs are comforting, she's been held in one every time she hurt herself, like when she pricked her finger on a needle, or when she got scared, such as the time she accidentally broke the ice under Sokka's feet and he fell through. Her hugs were warm and loving.
She can't help but feel hurt. And it takes her time to apologize, not for how she feels, never because of how she feels, but because of how she let those emotions made her act. For the things she said out of anger. Not just to Zuko, but to her brother, to Aang and Toph.
But she spent 6 years blaming herself and she still blames herself. And she can't help but just feel afraid. She's scared Kya blames her as much as she blames herself. That, when they go home, her mom will look at her in disdain. With nothing but hatred, any love she had for her daughter gone. It's so, stupid, but...
And Katara does eventually become friends with Zuko. The two take to talking, listening as the other vents. She thinks he's a moron for deciding to look for them via a fucking canoe (and now understands her brother's constant prayers to Yue to help him deal with this, he wasn't asking for more crazy benders even if they were cute, and wow was that a way to find out her brother liked boys). But it's also kinda nice, that it was solely because of Kya's stories and worry for them that he decided to look for them.
Not like she can get rid of him, they all got attached.
I've written a lot, so the rest will be in bullet points, feel free to ask about this AU, relationships (the only one I was sure I had planned was Zukka or Zukki):
Kya definitely wanted to leave earlier but wasn't sure how to go about doing so
Because they left the night Azulon left, Zuko doesn't have his scar
That being said, he gets captured in Ba Sing Se with Iroh and upon arriving home, gets one chance to reveal where his mom, sister and Kya are at. When he refuses to say, Ozai burns his face and ships him off the Boiling Rock, which is where he meets Suki for the first time.
Katara's guilt is something she's been hiding for a while. So when Sokka shows up with Zuko and says their mom is alive, that he was told by the FN boy next to him, her emotions slowly begin to break through the wall she built until it broke and she let everything out on everyone. She was hurting and wanted everyone else to feel hurt so she used her words to do that. And while she knows she was wrong to speak to them in the way she did, she was not going to apologize for how she felt.
That also being said, she's genuinely afraid of reuniting with her mom, because she can't help but think of it going wrong. She keeps imagining what her mom will say. How she'd look at her. And when the day comes she can finally see her mom again, she's the last one to do so.
Azula does, eventually, track down her dumdum brother's new friends. She'd hoped he was with them and was more than a little pissed when she learned he got captured by Zhao (I can't remember it correctly, but I think originally I had her catch up with all of them, so prior to Zuko being caught, but I like this more).
Zhao just barely made it out alive. First was his escape from the NWT and his failed siege. The next was when Ozai gave him one last chance to redeem himself. Now he's on his last chance. And he was sure he redeemed himself. He killed the Avatar, he caught the traitor Iroh and brought Prince Zuko home, who then revealed himself as another traitor. His last task? Find Ursa and Azula and the savage woman. Hopefully before the two women corrupted her as they did the Prince.
That's all I'll be sharing for now. A lot of it is things I've written before, some of it is changes I've made and some of it's new. This AU will still go through changes and I do want to go over the relationship between characters, so feel free to ask for certain ones!!
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demaparbat-hp · 3 months
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atla-confessions · 2 months
I normally dislike a/b/o stuff (mostly because of how it’s usually an au for purely sexual reasons) but to be completely honest my brain has been stuck thinking about a/b/o in ATLA, to the point I’ve made around five plus google documents about it, three being unpublished and rushed fics plus two being rambles. My mind focuses on the weirdest of things. Anyways, since I can’t stop thinking about it, I just wanted to put it down here so that my mind hopefully starts being so focused on actual important things.
NGL, I’m an Omega Sokka and Alpha Katara truther. I just feel like it makes more sense to me than them both being Alphas or both being Omegas or whatever, ya know? I want to explain more but I, unfortunately, would make a fool of myself because it just shows goes to show much I’ve thought about this all if I already have an explanation prepared. But yeah, while I can handle the idea of an Alpha Sokka, whenever I think of him as an Omega my mind is quick to be all ‘Well, it makes sense, considering how he acts in canon, his choices, blah blah blah…’ same with Omega Katara v.s Alpha Katara.
Personally, I think that in ATLA, pups would present some time after they become 12 (can take weeks, months, maybe even a year or two), so for the entirety of ATLA Toph and Aang are unpresented. But in the comics and such, I’d say Aang would be a Beta and Toph either a Beta as well or an Alpha, but I lean more towards the idea of her being an Alpha.
I think Suki could be a Beta or Omega, but I usually see her as a Beta. She could possibly be an Alpha, and I wouldn’t mind hearing what people think she could be, but I mostly assume she isn’t an Alpha because I feel like it wouldn’t make exact sense. Her wariness of men and how she protects and supports girls so much makes me think if a/b/o were a thing, she’d also feel the need to protect Omegas/Betas from bad Alphas… and it would be a little strange to make her an Alpha if she was trying to protect her girls from them, wouldn’t it? I’m not sure. Either way, I think Sukka would still happen; Betas/Omegas can be with Omegas as well, not just Alphas.
I know that with most a/b/o ATLA fics people tend to make Zuko an Omega, but I seriously think he’d be an Alpha. It makes a lot more sense to me than him being an Omega does, but it’s hard to explain myself considering that this has been in my head for around a week or two now and this whole post is just a random thing I made. I’ll try my best though; I feel like he doesn’t embrace his Alpha tendencies much because of how Azula and Ozai (both Alphas) act and treat others, and he’s afraid of becoming like them. Before his redemption he was deadset on trying his best to be like them, but there was always an underlying disgust he felt at trying to fit into shoes that were a size too big for him. But he continued trying to be a manipulative Alpha anyways because he thought his feelings were cowardly and weak. Does that make sense? I want to explain more, I really do, but I already feel so awkward talking about this all. It feels like I’m nervously rambling to a judge who could throw rotten tomatoes at me at any moment and shout, ‘OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!’ for being dumb 🥲.
I’m not gonna give each of Ozai’s Angels a whole paragraph, nor the side characters, so I’ll just put what I think their second gender is here:
Jet, Azula, Ozai, Iroh, Hakoda: Alphas
Mai, Bato, Hama: Betas
Ty Lee, Yue, Kanna plus Kya, she’s important even if she’s passed long ago: Omegas
There’s probably more characters I missed but who cares! Sorry for the ramble and the scattered ideas, and if you guys don’t like a/b/o please don’t throw a tomato at my anonymous face. Still hurts, even if it’s not directly to me. I’ll maybe speak more about it if it interests others? Maybe? 😅 Like I have a whole document ready of stuff that isn’t even close to finished but that I’d still be willing to talk about!! But I don’t know, just like… if you care to know more… I DON’T KNOW!!! Ahhh! Don’t throw tomatoes and boo at me I’m a sensitive little dudeboygirlthing !!!!
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So, I know you have an AtLa au for Miraculous Ladybug, but do you have the reverse? Like.
Aang is Ladybug. Zuko is Chat Noir. Ozai is Hawk Moth. Azula is Mayura. That kind of thing. cause my brain wouldn’t stop spinning this idea around last night, so like. All the random shit I came up with:
- Gyatso, who here is actually an old member of the Order that dipped out cause the Order kind of sucked, actually. He found and adopted Aang. Owns his own bakery. Also does martial arts. Is less than thrilled that his kid was chosen to be the Ladybug.
- half-baked idea that Gyatso replaces Fu here? But like. Still raising Aang. Also, he’s a touch less paranoid? Maybe?
- or, we have that random monk who was supposed to help Aang master the Avatar State be Fu? Or Roku, Roku could be Fu.
- Toph kind of has Corner!Chloé’s Aura Vision. She gets the Turtle.
- Toph’s dad is the mayor. Her mom runs a charity.
- Sokka gets the Fox. The flute doubles as both a boomerang and a sword.
- so like. By process of elimination, Katara SHOULD get the Bee? But. I know I said “Azula as Mayura” but instead, I think Azula should have the Bee & Katara should get the Peacock. Like. Either there’s a swap at some point, or the Bee got lost instead of the Peacock. Bee lost instead is probably easiest.
- You could also do Sokka as the Ladybug, Aang as the Fox.
- Or Aang has the Cat, Zuko the Ladybug. So many options.
- Suki with the Tiger? The Dragon?
- Sokka with the Dragon?
- Zuko with the Dragon. Sokka has the Ladybug. Katara has the Cat. Aang has the Fox. Toph has the Turtle. Suki has the Bee?
- Ty Lee and Mai are here, what Miraculous do they get?
- wait, Yue wouldn’t be dead, she’s here too. The Rabbit?
- Or Teo, the Kid with the flying wheelchair.
- the match-ups are too many.
- … in so many ways, actually.
- no one is straight.
- Zuko absolutely still has the big, F-off scar. It was absolutely inflicted by Ozai.
- Piandao as the school’s teacher, also coach of the local fencing/sword-fighting club.
- Pakku’s the principal.
- Bumi’s the gym teacher.
- Hakoda, Kya, and Bato live together on a boat in the Seine. Katara and Sokka have grown up on the water. I see boat tours, or maybe their job is to clean the river? Fishing? (Can you fish in the Seine?)
- Katara wants to be a doctor. Or therapist? No, Doctor.
- Sokka will probably be an engineer? Inventor isn’t a profession, is it? He’s also the DM anytime they do a D&D campaign.
- Iroh has a roving tea & pastry cart. He’s well known for giving out delicious tea, and sage advice. He has an ongoing rivalry with that annoying ice cream man, who Iroh is CONVINCED hasn’t ever heard of a health inspection, and who he constantly gets into fights with about his supposed “soulmate ice cream”.
- Azulon knew about the Miraculous, spent most of his life hunting for them. Imparted the knowledge and desire into his kids.
- Iroh and Ozai spent a lot of time when they were young adults looking for the Miraculous, but eventually Iroh met someone, fell in love, and had Lu Ten, so stopped caring as much for the Miraculous. When a car accident killed his wife, and crippled his son, Ozai tried to dangle the possibility of bringing Iroh’s wife back, or healing Lu Ten, to get him to help again, and Iroh shot him down. The pair are now quite tense with one another. (other idea, wife dies, so Iroh DOES agree to try and search for the Miraculous, but the resulting search ends with Lu Ten dying, so Iroh gives up the Miraculous entirely)
- (if we don’t go with option two, or sort of combine them) Lu Ten is still around here, he’s in a wheelchair from a car accident. He can TECHNICALLY walk, but it causes him so much pain if he tries for long periods, the wheelchair is easier.
- this is definitely a Team Miraculous Sort of vibe.
- Azula has a heel-turn, obviously.
then, I can’t decide between:
- Ursa and Ozai are divorced, which was a HUGE scandal for Ozai’s company. Ursa took Zuko, and tried her best to get Azula too, but Ozai “Won” that one, so Zuko and Azula don’t see each other much. Ursa and Zuko live with Iroh, who supported them during the divorce. Ursa has since remarried, and had another child, Zuko and Azula’s half-sister.
- Ursa is dead, it’s a tossup whether Ozai killed her or not, but he wants to revive her, so is seeking out the Miraculous. Azula eventually either gets told, or figures it out, but Zuko doesn’t. Ozai’s desire to revive Ursa is less “I miss my wife” and more “How dare you try and get away from me”/Show of power. He’s used the Butterfly for years to make his company blossom, but he wants more power.
- Ursa is either dead or missing, and Zuko lives with Iroh rather than Ozai. Iroh filed for custody after the Scar Incident, but while he managed to get custody of Zuko, he couldn’t get custody of Azula. 
Thoughts, feelings, Opinions? New Ideas?
Okay okay okay:
Love the idea of Gyatso taking Fu’s role. I think he wouldn’t choose Aang at first but Aang would get involved later.
Sokka as Ladybug is 100% perfect and beautiful.
Zuko I feel comfortable narrowing down to the Cat or Dragon. I think it kiiiiinda depends on where his mindset is at but we’ll come back to that because I did have Thoughts™ on a S1/2: Atla Edition before so I have ideas on the family.
obvs Ozai has to be Hawkmoth but I think his motives are more pure wanting more power. Maybe add in like. Instead of ruler of a nation he’s just head of a company. The family business he ‘inherited’. Except he’s running it into the ground because he fucking sucks at making good business decisions. I’ll come back to my thoughts on Ursa later.
Toph as the turtle seems like a decent idea, but idk if it fits her right. I think the Ox would be better for her.
Aang with the Turtle though! Both in reference to the Lion Turtle but also how he’s very protective?
Katara has to get involved…. hm. I’m not sure there’s a Miraculous that would fit her. I think having a sibling LB/CN duo could work if I don’t give Zuko the cat. On the flipside the Dragon could ironically work as the ML Dragon is more Water than Fire.
Suki, on the other hand, has so many options. The Tiger if Toph doesn’t get it. I could see her with the Snake (she’s a leader and good strategist in her own right, so she’d do well with it.). Tempted to leave the Peacock on the Heroes’ team and give it to her because ya know fans but idk how she’d handle the Sentis.
Yue 100% gets the Rabbit. Both have Moon Connections™
Azula - I get where you’re going with Bee and that works but she’s also on board for the Dragon. Or the Monkey because she knows the art of Derision.
Ty Lee - BEE. Hands down she gets the Bee. Paralysis motherfucker!!!
Mai - I actually think I’d give her the mouse? Like, her hair. Quiet as a mouse. She’s the one person on this crew with multiple tiny weapons.
I’m bringing Jin back in and giving her the Pig!!
I love how we’re letting most people live lmao. But yeah without a war or spirit nonsense our only options are like. Gang violence? But yeah anyway
Gyatso is being low-key. Idk how exactly he got Aang. Like Aang probably has less trauma in that I’m not gonna be like ‘ah yes he was in an orphanage that was victim to arson’ but like. Does he have parents that he lost and were presumably friends with Gyatso to leave Aang in his custody, or did Gyatso just find an abandoned baby on the doorstep?
Aang could actually have the Adrien plot of wanting to go to school! Like, he was homeschooled by Gyatso for most of his life because while Gyatso isn’t /as/ paranoid as Fu, he’s still a touch ‘let’s err on the side of caution’. But Aang decides he wants to socialize more and school is a great place for that!
I think most of the various leaders are going to be part of the City Council. The Earth King is the City Mayor, and yeah he’s being manipulated by half the council. Long Feng is chief of police ofc. While I have Ozai as owning some mega company rather than directly in politics, he does fund the city to get what he wants and has Mai’s father on city council to essentially be his proxy as he can’t be bothered. Tbh probably the only sane and good council members are Hakoda and Arnook like bruh. The other good but not sane one is Bumi and no one’s sure he’s actually on the council he just shows up to meetings and the mayor counts his vote.
the Kya/Hakoda/Bato polycule? Beautiful. And yes they get the houseboat lmao. You mentioned cleaning the river so I think I’m gonna give Hakoda a bit of a lean into trying to make environmental changes to the city.
Toph’s parents are still rich af. And yes they still both baby her and want her to be this demure debutante when she’s here to throw hands with anyone and everyone. Does trade Earthbending for Magic Synesthesia
Okay now the Fire Royals because let’s have fun with them:
Search for the Miraculous probs started with Sozin. Passed the torch and the company to Azulon.
No idea why Ozai and Ursa married but it probably wasn’t a good reason.
Switching up the stuff with Lu Ten so he’s alive. But he’s in a coma and the doctors know that even if he does recover he’s not going to go 100% back to normal. (he wakes up after a few months. And while physical therapy goes well, he’s mostly in a wheelchair. Can use a cane for short distances if needed.). But yeah while it’s unsure if he’s gonna make it Iroh’s a wreck.
Which leads to a similar to canon thing of Ozai going ‘hey how about I inherit the company instead?’ and then having Ursa kill Azulon. Still similar in part of the deal is her leaving and Ozai tries to have her killed but she disappears too well.
With Ozai getting all the inheritence, Iroh just low-key cuts all losses in the family and  opens his own tea shop. Technically he could retire and live a grand lifestyle, but he likes doing things. So Jasmine Dragon it is!
You know that post like ‘you correct your dad on his zoom meeting so he kicks you out and says you can only come home if you find Bigfoot’? That’s kinda what goes down for the Agni Kai situation. Zuko gets burned and Ozai throws him out. 
Zuko goes to Iroh’s place because he has nowhere else to go. Due to this being  a modern au thing there’s some of a custody battle deal. But like. Ozai  is a manipulative little shit who frames it as ‘oh I didn’t kick him out, he ran away! such a bad kid. If he wants to live with an uncle that coddles him then fine!’.
I’m gonna shift from canon slightly in the sense of that Zuko and Azula never cut contact. It’s easier because they’re still in the same city, in the same school, and have technology. Ofc Ozai forbids it, but while Azula is scared of him the differences in the AU mean that she’s not fully cut off from them regardless of anyone’s wants. (this gets even easier with the Miraculous when they can hang out as Heroes together)
Neither Zuko nor Azula know about the Miraculous stuff in the family history. Because Ozai either doesn’t think they’ll be helpful, or doesn’t want to risk them double crossing him. He does use Azula to set up secnarios for Akumas tho
I don’t know why Iroh wouldn’t go ‘oh a butterfly villain? Probably Ozai being a fucker’.
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waterfire1848 · 2 years
Avatar AU - Where Azulon decided he didn’t want to take any chance with the Water Tribe and killed them all off. Flash forward to a month or so before Aang is found when a good number of them return and have to operate in this new world.
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edy-lyy · 5 months
Acabo de encontrar tu blog buscando AU's donde Katara es capturada joven y es criada en la nación del fuego (y que no terminara con Zutara). Algo más que compartir con este AU? 👀👀
Okey, si ves un poco de inconsistencia en esta publicación, es porque estoy bastante emocionada, es la primera vez que me mandan un mensaje en mi bandeja de entrada. 😭
Haber, en realidad no tengo todo planeado para este AU, pero si tengo mas o menos la base, y si no te haz dado cuenta, es Azutara.
Ya he mencionado en un comentario que Kya en este universo no muere, queda muy herida y con quemaduras permanentes, pero eso Katara no lo sabe, ella piensa que su madre está muerta.
Katara al ser una niña inofensiva el Señor del Fuego Azulon no la ve como una amenaza, no le interesa en lo más mínimo y casi ordena que la encierren en una celda común y corriente, Azula en ese día está escabullida en la sala del trono para espiar y ver quien es la supuesta última maestra agua de la Tribu Agua del Sur, está casi decepcionada de que sea un niña y no alguien increíblemente peligrosa como lo fue la maestra agua control que escapó en luna llena.
Aquí no tengo aún planificado lo que sucede después o cómo, pero termina con Azula exigiendo a Katara como regalo de cumpleaños y a Azulon no le importa mientras la niña sepa cómo manejar a Katara.
Katara obviamente está asustada en todo el proceso, no entiende lo que pasa y solo termina siendo sirvienta de una princesa caprichosa.
Es un proceso largo, pero terminan siendo amigas muy íntimas y cercanas, por parte de Katara porque Azula es la única que la quiere cerca y no la mira como si fuera la apeste al ser de la Tribu Agua, aparte de que es la única niña de su edad y tiene que estar cerca de ella casi las 24 horas al ser su sirvienta.
Por parte de Azula, Katara es la única que no parece temer decirle lo que piensa (Más bien porque Katara no entendía el concepto de que tienes que ser respetuosa con la realeza o tu vida corre peligro), y no la mira como si le fuera a prender fuego (Katara en un principio no sabe que Azula es una maestra fuego, porque la misma Azula piensa que Katara sabe y no tiene la necesidad de mostrarlo), también Katara en ese momento es la única niña de su edad al no conocer aún a Mai y Ty Lee, Zuko no está dispuesto a jugar con ella como le gustaría y su madre está ocupada con Zuko, así que la opción más entretenida para pasar el rato es Katara.
Azula le permite a Katara tener la misma educación que ella desde niñas (No podía creer que Katara no sepa escribir ni leer) y prácticamente es adoctrinada con la mentalidad de la Nación del Fuego, esto solo se refuerza más al tener a alguien como Azula de compañía quien es leal y casi devota por su nación. Katara también es entrenada por unos cuantos maestros que la princesa escoge para ella, pero tiene por completo prohibido usar agua control, la única exigencia que le dio Azulon a Azula para permitirle tener a Katara. Eso no significa que Katara no lo haya intentado a escondidas.
Katara pasó de ser solo la sirvienta de la princesa Azula a ser su guardaespaldas personal y mano derecha. Ambas saben que Azula no necesita a alguien para protegerla, pero fue su excusa para pasar más tiempo juntas cuando Ozai pasó a ser el Señor del Fuego, él no tendría razón para exigir que Katara se aleje de su hija sin parecer irracional.
Uno de mis dibujos es de Katara con una lanza, esto tiene una pequeña historia de fondo. Katara eligió la lanza como su principal y única arma porque es de lo poco que recuerda del Polo Sur, vio a su padre y a los hombres de su tribu tener una similar para las cacerías, su máscara que tapa la mitad inferior de su rostro es una representación del maquillaje tradicional de su tribu. (La idea la tuve al recordar el maquillaje de Sokka que usa cuando llega Zuko a capturar a Aang)
Y eso es todo, tengo más cosas pero por ahora me detendré aquí, siento que puse demasiado 😅. ¡Espero que sigas disfrutando de los dibujos futuros para este AU! Me hace muy feliz que la gente quiera saber más.
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