#liberal government of canada
canadianabroadvery · 1 year
Almost everywhere in Canada, with the exception of three cities in Quebec, basic rental units are out of reach for Canadians earning minimum wage. 
The situation is bad throughout the country, but Toronto and Vancouver are the “worst culprits.” In those cities “even two full-time minimum wage workers cannot afford a one-bedroom unit without spending more than 30 per cent of their combined income on housing.”
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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This IS BEYOND unacceptable -FU to Doug Ford and ANY politician/public figure in the Ontario Legislature who agrees with this. A keffiyeh is a traditional scarf worn by many Arab people, and people in West Asian communities. It does represent/symbolize Palestinian resistance and solidarity (among many aspects, of course), but that's not a crime -and trying to censure someone's right to wear traditional garments because you'd rather pander to zionists (as this article notes, many wear religious wear every day in office), is the real issue here -this is discrimination. This is legislated discrimination and is hateful.
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I am so angry with leftists.
The punch nazi post reminded me of how badly things have been forgotten.
I grew up going fishing with an SS soldier as a child. He would take us to the beach and sit and drink. When he got drunk he would start to angrily mutter in German. He knew I was a Jew. But his grandkids liked me. I went fishing with this man until I was like 8-10 where I dropped a fish, he was very drunk at this point and he yelled you stupid kike you're good for nothing" then continued to rant in german as elder two of his grandchildren told me it was just an accident. I didn't know what "kike" meant. I always thought I heard it wrong. But after that fishing trip I never saw him again. I did not find out he was a SS soldier until after he died. I didn't know "kike" was a slur for Jews until highschool...
If you think the Jews deserve it, does a young child deserve to be yelled at and called slurs?
The leftists would have never actually punched a nazi anyways, lets be real, they act real tough behind a keyboard but probably couldn't throw a punch let alone handle a good right hook.
They keep saying "my rights! My rights!" While they support a terrorist government that gives its citizens no rights, no freedoms.
I saw a comment "if they didn't have to deal with a war they would be protesting"
. . .
False, they cannot protest, they cannot go against the government.
Queer people for Palestine is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. All the openly gay Palestinians either live in Israel or are dead.
One college is mad the campus is using drones for facial recognition to find the people responsible for over 60k in damage to the school and property. They are just mad that they are going to get caught and be known now. Pathetic.
I hate this country.
"we remain unbiased" bullscat! You give in to any demands on the pro Palestine/ terrorists yet ignore the fear in the Jewish community, and the community itself.
The local university agreed to some very uncomfortable things...
How is government being pressured by TEENAGERS
oy... Smh...
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Federal cabinet minister Pablo Rodriguez is seriously considering a bid for the leadership of the Quebec Liberal Party, Radio-Canada has learned. The minister of transport is being approached by Liberal supporters in Quebec and Ottawa, sources say. Sources indicate that Rodriguez is interested in those overtures and is reflecting deeply on the idea. A source close to the negotiations said Rodriguez could be "ready to move on" after two decades in federal politics. Rodriguez has begun consultations to gauge interest in a possible candidacy. Radio-Canada has learned that he has spoken about the possible bid to his cabinet colleague, François-Philippe Champagne, whose name has also been circulating at varying intensity for several months.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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Canada's privatised shadow civil service
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PJ O’Rourke once quipped that “The Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it.” But conservative parties have unlikely allies in the project to discredit public service: neoliberal “centrist” parties, like Canada’s Liberal Party.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The Liberals have become embroiled in a series of scandals over the explosion of lucrative, secretive private contracts awarded to high-flying consultancy firms who charge hundreds of times more than public sector employees to do laughably bad work.
Front and centre in the scandal, is, of course, McKinsey, consligieri to opioid barons, murdering Saudi princes, and other unsavoury types. McKinsey was brought in to “consult” on strategy for the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), a Crown corporation that gives loans to Canadian businesses.
While there, McKinsey performed as per usual, veering from the farcical to the grotesquely wasteful. Most visible was the decision to spend $320,000 on a livecast fireside chat between BDC president Isabelle Hudon and a former Muchmusic VJ that was transmitted to all BDC employees, which featured Hudon and the host discussing a shopping trip they’d taken together in Paris.
Meanwhile, BDC has been hemorrhaging top people, which leaving the organisation with many holes in its leadership — the kind of thing that would pose an impediment to its lofty goals of substantially increasing the support it gives to businesses run by women, First Nations people and people of color.
Hudon — a Trudeau appointee — vowed to “start from scratch” when she took over the organisation, but then went ahead and did what her predecessors had done: hired outside consultants who billed outrageous sums to repurpose anodyne slide-decks full of useless, generic advice, or unrealistic advice that no one could turn into actual policy. They also sucked up BDC employees’ time with endless interviews.
The BDC has (reluctantly) disclosed $4.9m in contracts to McKinsey. The CBC also learned that Hudon parachuted several cronies from her previous job at Sun Life into top roles in the organisation, and that BDC had reneged on promised promotions for many long-term staffers. Hudon also repeatedly flew a chauffeur across the country from Montreal to BC to drive her around.
In Quebec, premier François Legault hired an army of McKinsey consultants at $35,000 per day to advise him on covid strategy, for a total bill of $8.6m. McKinsey’s contract with the province stipulated that they wouldn’t have to disclose their other clients, even in the event that they had conflicts of interest:
The contract was kept secret, as was the long-running, $38m contract between McKinsey and the Hydro Quebec power authority:
Most of the bad press McKinsey gets revolves around the evil advice it gives — like when it advised opioid companies to pay cash bonuses to pharma distributors for every death-by-overdose in their territory (no, I’m not making this up):
But these rare moments of competence should be understood in the broader context in which McKinsey isn’t evil, they are merely utterly, totally fucking useless. The 2022 French Senate report on McKinsey really digs into this:
They find that a quarter of the work McKinsey turned in was “unacceptable or barely acceptable in quality.” This is in line with the overall tenor of work performed by consultants. For example, when it came to giant Capgemini, the French Senate found that the work it provided was “of near-zero added value, indeed sometimes counterproductive.”
And yet, despite the expense and “near-zero added value,” hiring outside consultants is a reflex for neoliberal centrist leaders. Trudeau has presided over a massive expansion of the Canadian government’s reliance on outside consultants:
After campaigning on a promise to reduce outside consultancy, the Trudeau administration increased consultant spending by 40%, to $11.8 billion. This shadow civil service is not just more expensive and less competent that the real civil service — it is also far more opaque, able to fend off open records requests with vague gestures towards “trade secrecy.”
Since 2015, McKinsey has raked in $101.4m in federal contracts, even as the civil service has been starved of pay. Meanwhile, federal departments insist that they need to “protect Canada’s economic interests” by not disclosing outside contracts, and list their total spend at $0.00.
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada estimates that between 2011–21, the Canadian government squandered $18b on outside IT contracting that could have been performed by public servants. In 2022, the Government of Canada spent $2.3b on outsource IT contracts, while the wage bill for its own IT staff came in at $1.85b.
It’s not like these outside IT contractors are good at their jobs, either. The most notorious example is the ArriveCAN covid-tracking app for travellers, the contract for which was awarded to GCstrategies, a two-person shop in Ottawa, who promptly turned around and outsourced it to KPMG and other contractors, whom they billed to the government at $1,000–1,500/day, raking off 15–30% in commissions.
For months, the origins of the ArriveCAN app were a mystery, with the government insisting that the details of the contractors involved were “confidential.” But ArriveCAN was such a steaming pile of shit, and so many travellers (a population more likely to be well-off and politically connected than the median Canadian) had to deal with it, that eventually the truth came out.
The ArriveCAN scandal is ongoing — just last year, it cost the Canadian public $54m:
Trudeau’s Liberals didn’t invent outsourcing high-stakes IT projects to incompetent grifters. Under Conservative PM Stephen Harper, Canada paid IBM to build Phoenix, an utterly defective payroll system for federal employees that stole millions from civil servants, bringing government to a virtual standstill. Thus far, the Government of Canada — which paid IBM $309m to develop Phoenix, as a “cost savings measure” — has paid $506m in damages to make good on Phoenix’s errors:
The Liberals didn’t invent Phoenix — but they did deploy it, after campaigning on the wastefulness and incompetence of the Tories’ outsourcing bonanza. And after Phoenix crashed and burned, the Liberals increased outsourcing spending.
All of this is well-crystallized in last week’s Canadaland discussion between Jesse Brown and Nora Loreto:
And on his Substack, Paul Wells proposes that the Senate — a largely ornamental institution in Canadian politics — is the unlikely check of last resort on the Liberals’ fetish for outsourcing:
There are former deputy ministers at the federal and provincial levels, secretaries to cabinet, a former Clerk of the Privy Council, a former chief of staff to a prime minister. A lot of them can remember the days when big decisions weren’t farmed out to firms that make their founders rich and are spared the rigours of accountability for their counsel. Surely some of them would like to shine a light?
Image: Sam (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Canadian_House_of_Commons.jpg
Presidencia de la República Mexicana (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Justin_Trudeau_June_2016.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
[Image ID: The legislative chamber of Canada's House of Commons; behind the speaker's chair, the back wall has been replaced by an enormous $100 bill. The portrait on the $100 bill has been replaced with an unflattering, braying picture of Justin Trudeau. The Bank of Canada legend across the top of the note has been replaced by the McKinsey and Company wordmark.]
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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"Reciprocity Benefits" cigar
"Uncle Sam - I'll smoke it, you may smell it."
From the Berlin (Kitchener) News Record, September 6 1911
[Context from my pal DN]: The 1911 federal election was the first "free trade" election. In office since 1896, Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier's Liberals sought their fifth consecutive sweeping majority. President Taft's proposal of lowering tariffs became the central political issue. Wrapped in the Union Jack, Robert Borden's Conservatives opposed free trade and argued that Canada would be taken over by the United States.
The election was close but the Conservatives came out ahead. The entrenched Liberal machine built around Laurier ensured the Liberals carried Quebec, but with a significant loss of seats to the Conservatives. The Liberals also carried Atlantic Canada, but just barely, signalling the crumbling of the old opposition to Confederation in the 1860s in which it was correctly predicted that losing free trade with New England would result in Atlantic Canadian industry being swallowed up by Montreal capital. The predictions came true, and Nova Scotia in particular suffered through a wave of deindustrializatoin in the 1880s and 1890s as Montreal capital bought up local concerns and shuttered them in favour of greater concentrations of industry in Montreal and the St. Lawrence Valley.
In the new prairie provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, the Liberals continued to dominate as colonization rapidly expanded the number of farmers who quickly found themselves locked into an east-west trade cartel controlled by the rail monopolies of CPR, Canadian Northern, and the Grand Trunk Pacific (the latter two would be nationalized and form Canadian National in 1919). The farmers were incensed that they were blocked from trading south to American markets at cheaper freight rates.
The Conservatives cut into Liberal support in Quebec and Atlantic Canada, but the bulk of its support came from Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia - the three Anglo provinces where industrial capitalism had taken hold during the "Second Industrial Revolution" that began in the 1890s. Not only that, but Ontario, Manitoba and BC were politically dominated by the most militant Anglo founders of Confederation. Through the Orange Terror of the 1870s against the Métis and their democratic allies, and a sustained political struggle against French language schooling rights, the bilingual and multicultural character of Manitoba had been legally and politically extinguished by the mid-1890s (and was a contributing factor to Laurier's Liberals winning the 1896 election, ending 18 years of Conservative rule).
Likewise, British Columbia was politically loyal to the project of Confederation. It had been aggressively established as a British colonial outpost in the 1850s for the Empire's project of a united British North America and establishing a British base in the northwestern Pacific. The 1860s was marked by a series of colonial wars and punitive expeditions by British gunboats, redcoats and settler terrorist groups. Colonial victory was achieved with the deliberate smallpox genocide of Indigenous peoples on Vancouver Island which spread to Haida Gwaii and the mainland. Estimates of 15,000 to 30,000 Indigenous peoples died in a year - half the Indigenous population of Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii. White people in Victoria, population 5,000 in 1862, were busy getting vaccinated, the smallpox vaccine having been discovered decades before available in the Pacific Northwest by the 1850s. By 1911, British Columbia had become a major coal and lumber exporter and the terminus of three new transcontinental railroads (CPR at Port Moody and Granville; Canadian Northern at Port Mann and later Pacific Central Station; Grand Trunk Pacific at Prince Rupert).
It seemed like the Conservatives had re-established their once-powerful "National Policy" coalition of British imperialists, Canadian capitalists and the Anglo working class. However, the Second Industrial Revolution, the two new transcontinental railways, and colonization of the prairies had radically expanded and altered the character of the industrial working class and the role of the state in society. The brewing rebellion of farmers, the Vancouver Coal Wars of 1912-1914, the great IWW strike of the Grand Trunk Pacific in 1913, and the success of state capitalist development (Ontario Hydro Commission - 1906, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway - 1902, King's Industrial Disputes Investigation Act - 1907) were all harbingers of radical change that exploded with the pressure cooker of the Great War.
Farmers struck out on their own after the war with farmer parties taking power in Ontario (1919), Alberta (1921) and Manitoba (1922). The working-class insurgency of 1919 shook the ruling class and forged a broad and complex vanguard of radical working-class politics and action that formed a foundation for the great class struggles of the 1930s and 1940s.
The Conservatives, during and immediately following the war, were pressed to concede the vote of women, albeit through opportunistic means to win the 1917 election in favour of conscription, nationalize the CNoR and Grand Trunk in 1919, and lose its popular "producer" base that had won it power in 1911 and undergirded its electoral success during the first 30 years of Confederation.
Ever the opportunists, the Liberals under King abandoned the free trade mantra and spent the next 30 years overseeing the renovation of the Canadian state in the interest of capital while playing a ruthless game of stick, carrot and more stick against the growing insurgency of the "producer" classes which had grown too large and self-conscious to contain within a bourgeois two-party system.
The next seventy years would hold to this pattern until the economic base of the farmer and labour movements had sufficiently crumbled by the 1980s, at which point the Progressive Conservatives (a name courtesy of a 1940s merger of the Conservatives and a section of the farmer-based Progressives) pulled the plug on the National Policy of protective tariffs and home market development in favour of free trade with the United States.
With Mulroney's victory in the 1988 "free trade" election and subsequent refusal of provincial governments to challenge the free trade agreement (Bob Rae promised he would during his successful 1990 election campaign), the old 20th century political arrangements have collapsed. The small farmer class has disappeared to political insignificance. The working-class has been radically transformed since deindustrialization and free trade. The three-party political system that dominated the 1919-1990 period has collapsed and been remade with new coalitions of forces and factions - even if the party names carry forward into a new century.
With one "producer" class still standing - the working class - and the colonial and capitalist failures of Confederation coming home to roost at home and abroad, can a new vision and program for Canada be forged by a new working-class movement?
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thebillyengland · 2 years
Are you a Canadian? Are you poor? Well, there’s good news, citizen! The Liberal Canadian Government of Justin Trudeau is here to help you as they have just released their cure to your poverty.
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
The single biggest flaw with democrat supporters is...
They think they are the 'left, progressive, for the people' party when they are not.
Sure, there IS a right party: the conservative, for the rich, republicans.
But if you did any BASIC research into canada, europe, australia, new zealand, etc, you would realize, by comparison, our 'left' party is 'centralist at BEST.'
Because USA democrats are not fighting for ALL the following (which those other countries, for the most part, ALREADY HAVE or are fighting for currently):
-free healthcare
-paternity leave
-decent wages (and stopping the BILLIONS stolen in unpaid wages)
-paid time off
-clean drinking water (they have better water than us too)
-less infant deaths (for a 1st world country, for the past 40 years, we have had some of the MOST infant deaths)
-earlier retirement
-low income housing for ALL (not some)
-mental health assurances
-disability assurances
-stopping our perpetual wars and war funding (both bernie AND AOC signed war bills)
-closing the federal reserve and big banking
-strict term limits
-ending lobbying and gerrymandering (democrats LOVE this as much as republicans)
-ending corruption (not just making a show of it.)
-slowing our ever growing police abuses and prison populations (especially victimless crimes)
-ending for profit prisons
-ending deadly drugs approved by the government (and toxic food the ABOVE countries BANNED)
-making schools actually EDUCATE and give them proper food
-holding news organizations accountable for spreading lies
and SO SO SO fucking much more.
So when USA democrats get even 1/2 of the above list started, you can maybe (MAYBE) call them the left. Till then, they are in the middle, closer to leaning right, and NOT HELPING ANYONE!!!
<I think that's what pisses me off the most: everyone agree the republicans work for the rich. But the democrat supporters deny that the democrats do it too. If they didn't, you would've had so much more by now, morons!!!>
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daisyachain · 11 months
What’s interesting in watching canpol this is year is that while the liberals are a fucking weathervane party that exists to serve the interests of landlords (its members) and support the US’ genocidal foreign policy decisions the weathervane is very very faintly starting to twist.
As empty as the gestures are, there are gestures being made. The Liberals are supporting attempts by the state of Israel to murder every Palestinian within reach and bury an entire culture under rubble, embracing hindutva supporters (MP Chandra Arya), and denying housing to Canadians in the midst of the worst housing market in the developed world, and at the same time they are—in words only and with no actual supporting action—condemning the Modi government (which the US and UK have refused to do), vaguely criticizing Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing (ditto), and failing to immediately fall in line with US-backed Israeli propaganda during the current siege of Gaza
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incoherent-orca · 10 months
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In ASL and SSL, this is the gesture for "Inshallah," which means means "God willing"; it's used to express hope that a specific future event will come to pass.
🇵🇸 Things you can do below 🇵🇸
🍉 SHARE posts from Palestinians, especially journalists on the ground (copy link on IG works just as well as sharing?). They're literally dying for that footage 🙃 let's make sure it counts
🍉 DONATE an E-sim @connectinghumanity_ on IG
🍉 DONATE to @CareForGaza (Twitter; donation links should be on their profile too). A lot of donation drives are just... making a grab at clout but this one is legit; a number of Gazans confirm that the food/produce is getting to them. The organizer seems to be Palestinian and living there as well
🍉 BOYCOTT brands listed by @bdsnationalcommittee on IG
Official boycott targets: AXA, Puma, Carrefour, Siemens, Ahava, HP, Sodastream, any products from Israel
Organic boycott targets: Domino's, McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Wix
🍉 PRESSURE your governments & officials to call for a ceasefire and #InvokeGenocideConvention at the ICJ (rootsaction.org)
🍉 PROTEST. If there are mobilizations in your area, show up to be part of the count. No heroics—do what you feel safe doing and listen to the organizers.
it was also important to me to include an Al-Qassam fighter in this, because they're often scapegoated by Western media, and also by well-meaning allies who say "but civilians are not Hamas"; there's this attempt to separate militant resistance from the process of liberation as a whole
Yeah, most civilians are not Hamas, but they don't denounce them either. Palestinians call them freedom fighters, protectors.
because the resistance is not a bunch of evil, violent outliers; they are as much victims of the occupation as the women, children, and non-combatants are. Most if not all of them were born under the occupation; a good percentage of them are also orphans.
I will never condemn boys who live along the coast but have never seen the sea.
And end to the violence can't mean a return to business as usual, where the occupation and apartheid continue and Palestinians are still getting displaced on their own land. it will still take decades to rebuild homes. priceless historical and cultural items & structures have been callously destroyed and can never be recovered. nearly all the children in gaza have been made disabled and traumatized and murdered—what kind of future will they inherit?
israel must be abolished. They, the US, Canada, and the EU, must pay
Inshallah, we will not stop at a ceasefire
Inshallah, we will see complete liberation for Palestine
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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When a bunch of white people (many of them white supremacists if not a majority) started a "freedom convoy" at a critical part in downtown Ottawa -and assaulted and harassed people endlessly (I know MANY people who were scared to go anywhere because of them and who were actually attacked), the cops did NOTHING. I have seen these convoy people go on lives getting up in cops faces -taunting and threatening them but screaming about their civil rights. And they did this FREELY for weeks on end (and still do their rallies without disruption). Wtf could elicit something like this? These bigoted cops.
I also heard the cops allegedly formed a protective line in front of a zionist minutes after he fired a NAIL GUN at the protest.
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An article was also released recently, and I think Amanda encompasses my exact thoughts:
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We need to hold zionists and white supremacists ACCOUNTABLE for the terror and violence they cause ALL around the world. Enough is enough.
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immunobiz · 1 year
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"Canada has signed off on the final contract to buy F-35 jet fighters to replace the air force's aging CF-18s, Defence Minister Anita Anand said Monday.
The final agreement for 88 warplanes — involving the Canadian and U.S. governments and the jet's manufacturer — won't see its first delivery until 2026 and the first F-35 squadrons will not be operational until 2029, senior defence officials said during a technical briefing before the minister's announcement.
The project's budget of $19 billion remains the same as originally forecast by the Liberal government when it signalled the purchase last year. Anand and other government officials are sticking to that projection despite the likely effect of inflation — which has caused budgets for other major programs to rise dramatically.
"The F-35 is a modern, reliable and agile fighter aircraft used by our closest allies in missions across the globe," Anand said in a virtual news conference. 
"It is the most advanced fighter on the market and it is the right aircraft for our country." 
A senior defence official, speaking on background, said the F-35 will be purchased in phases and that the first tranche of four aircraft will cost $85 million US per plane.
The deal represents a dramatic turnaround for the Liberal government, which promised not to buy the F-35 and to instead purchase a cheaper jet fighter and use the savings to bolster the navy."
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"WELL-KNOWN MEN SUPPORT HAWKES IN SOUTH LANARK," Toronto Star. December 2, 1913. Page 1. --- Messrs. Lindsey and Walsh on the Platform With Him in Perth Town Hall. ---- GET INTO THE FIGHT WITH GOOD REASONS ---- Audience That Packed Building Listened for Hours to Arguments for Candidate. ---- HE IS WELL SUPPORTED ---- All Speakers Were Given Good Hearing It Is Fight for All Good Citizens. --- Special to The Star by a Staff Reporter. Perth, Dec. 2. - An audience that packed the Town Hall to its window sills listened for three hours to Mr. Arthur Hawkes and his platform supporters explaining his candidature in South Lanark. The people have not quite grasped it yet, but the light Is on the way.
The Perth people gave Mr. Hawkes and his lieutenants an earnest and even sympathetic attention. They liked the big fellow's avoirdupois, his good nature, and his funny stories. They smiled at his sallies, applauded the eloquent patches, and altogether behaved, as Mr. Hawkes said, as if they were something better than human icebergs. Mr. Hawkes may not score enough votes to win, but from now on he is sure of a kindly hearing from the South Lanark electors, whose minds have been stirred by the fact that there are bigger issues in the campaign than a family quarrel in the Conservative party.
So much has the Canada movement accomplished in First South Lanark in a week. More than that, it has brought to the candidate's assistance of Mr. G. G. S. Lindsey, к.с. of Toronto, who has not taken part in a political discussion for two years, but who, being William Lyon Mackenzie's grandson and a staunch Home Ruler. Just naturally couldn't keep out of a fight for self-government. Mr. Joseph Walsh, formerly editor of the Montreal Herald, declared himself actuated by similar motives, and quoted that flower of English chivalry, Sir Philip Sidney, as his warrant for going to a good fight when he saw it.
Mr. Lindsey's Talk. Mr. Lindsey explained that although he was a Liberal and had not always seen eye to eye with Mr. Hawkes, he could not look on and see him fighting single-handed a cause which he had long believed in "Canada First."
Premier Borden and his followers, said Mr Lindsey, might do two things first to pay tribute to Great Britain to help out an alleged emergency: second, to lay down for Canada a permanent naval policy, in return for which Canada would have representation in some of the councils of the Empire. The straight question, as he saw it, was whether it was desirable that Canada should continue to man age her own affairs and accord the same privilege to Great Britain, or whether we request her to interfere In our affairs of the ground that we may in return interfere in hers.
Strong Arguments. Mr Lindsey took strong ground in favor of the former course for the reason that he wanted to keep Canada British, and he believed that this was the only way to do it. The other course, he declared, led inevitably to separation. In support of his argument Mr. Lindsey quoted from Conservative authorities the famous letter of Sir Charles Tupper in March, 1909, and address delivered by Premier Borden at Lindsay in March, 1902. Both were of the same general tenor.
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newsbites · 1 year
Faced with diminishing political capital, the federal Liberal minority government will be under immense pressure to control spending, observers say — including by cutting the public service.
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