#leveling up. the smp!
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sol-rambles · 11 months ago
Hi I'm Ivor or Sol (<-fandom account)
Dimension 20.
D&D in general.
Hermitcraft, currently only Joel's pov.
mcsr. :3
Most Dropout shows.
Critical role.
Games, such as Stardew Valley, Hades, Minecraft, BG3 and probably other ones.
Reading, mainly fantasy novels, or sometimes mangas.
-=-=-=-=-fancy break thing-=-=-=-=-
If you wanna see other things
@abyssdevotions is where I reblog.
@solglas is my main (i post non fandom there)
@trustapple is just all my art reblogged into one space.
-=-=-=-=-fancy break thing number 2-=-=-=-=-
Tagging system-
#solglas speaks all my posts, besides art.
#solglas art all my art.
#sol rambles longer posts, usually theories or analyses.
#sol ls liveblog, #sol d20 liveblog, #sol dropout liveblog, #sol cr liveblog, #sol event liveblog, #sol realms liveblog, #sol unsorted liveblogs, #sol mcsr liveblog various liveblogs.
#nmt: [variable] for unsorted liveblogs, sorting them.
#subcat: [variable] sorting the sorting tag.
#sol plays games talking about games I'm playing right now.
#deadly cat posting lifesteal and adjacents.
#rolling some dice any ttrpg/actual play posting.
#imageing allover the place any pictures/images.
#letterbox any asks.
#freaks. devotions posting.
#freakwizards shadowgast posting.
#haterisms hating, probably mute this if you don't want negativity.
#pacifisim and stuff of that nature pacifist zam :3.
#thinking things or something personal project yaps, anything I'm working on and wanna talk about even a little.
#aaaaaaaaa running! mcsr tag, about just me and also streamers.
#leveling up. the smp! realms tag :3.
#eventing and shit event posting.
-=-=-=-=-fancy break thing number 3-=-=-=-=-
Warning and Stuff-
!!!! Lifestealers mute #sol ls liveblog and possibly #haterisms !!!!
Art requests open :3.
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concidineart · 1 year ago
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“What did you do?!” Was feeling some way about fWhip and his salmon. He put the souls of the slaughtered into mechs and no one talks about it.
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rakkuntoast · 2 months ago
I love seeing clown in other smps cuz like in lifesteal he was the villain everyone feared and unsettled every time he spoke
but in realm? blorbo that schemes but still blorbo, he's just a silly guy, he's doing silly voices with sneeg
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saphflare · 3 months ago
I feel like there is something to be said about how Rat and Lux chose their final stand against Blake. Making themselves look less like people by submerging themselves in ink, letting themselves die and be reborn into something deviating away from how players would usually fight and be something inhuman.
Monsters so to speak.
And how it is when they fight and lurk beneath the ink, the world looks just as dark to allow them to fit into it, like doomsday and that something is ending. So only when finally one of them lays dead and the other unable to continue that the rains stops and the color comes back. And the one remaining becomes something more recognizable in his defeat and more human as he feels something achingly terrible for the first time since the world started.
I know there is the whole unreliable narrator thing and depending on which side you see it from, you get different mileage on each character. But just there is something so fascinating how the fight is. In how Lux and Rat, the two that have changed so much together, had started this fight with the shared intent to make things right so they can finally leave it behind them and made themselves look so alien and different in the process. While Blake and Nox, two that were never even on the same side, and who both were too unrelenting in what they want to ever stray from their own desires, had remained as they were and drew the same weapons they fought with all this time (albeit it a few enchantment changes and all that) to face this fight in front of them.
I don't think I have quite the right words to form a good and meaningful conclusion, but like the tonal and thematic dissonance goes crazy (in a good way).
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bigmoon-is-bigwife · 17 days ago
I actually think TR!Tango is on such thin ice with Ros and his constant jabs at her. He intends them as jokes but there are so many times today where they did not land with Ros. There's obviously the one during the event where Sneeg and Clown immediately jumped to her defense but in even later afterwards he continued to make jokes and rile her up. Ros even went to Foolish about it after he made a joke about her making the walls and Foolish waved it off by saying Tango couldn't have known Owen made them (which, fair, he did not) but it actually upset Ros to not have her building skills and work on the castle recognized.
Building is like the one thing Ros takes pride in. She is so horribly insecure in nearly everything else, but building is her comfort zone. So for someone to not acknowledge her work and consistently tease her about it really made her frustrated and she even had to walk away and calm down. Interestingly enough, when Tango made a joke about the newspaper saying Ros doesn't have a backbone she very calmly told him that it was false and that people lie. This is something Tango and many others have teased her about in the past but this time she is finally standing up for herself. Ros is not the same person as she was when Tango left and I think he's going to find that out real quick.
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freakinator · 2 months ago
KAB: "The thing about Mapicc is that he gives up."
KAB: "He gives up real fucking fast."
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yb-cringe · 2 months ago
btw i didnt watch pilis stream last night but i saw a Lil bit and he is absolutely killing the alchemy skill tree. like hes almost prestiged in the span of a DAY. hes a master alchemist and he started all of this like a day and a half ago.
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ever-so-slightly-monstrous · 4 months ago
I desperately need art of Grian setting up and falling victim to his own traps ala Wile E. Coyote. Because that was the vibe of this week's Wild Life.
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djevelbl · 4 months ago
hear me out y'all:
THIS rendition of Sincerely Me (which is GREAT btw) - but it's the LifeStealers--
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yuridemon · 11 months ago
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the frost, it looks like we've been left in the attic. / but you're not here to see.
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sol-rambles · 20 days ago
mmmm I forgot there's a part of me that latches onto owen owengejuicetv every time he plays the type of character he's currently playing on realms. You do not understand how much I miss outsiders owen, jester owen has reawakened a part of me right now. I'm reading fucking owen centric outsiders pics again (everyone tires to fix him :( i want him to be silly and evil.)
I could just do it myself. I need to flesh out my outsiders+jester same guy in my head, might rewatch some later outsiders vids. Or I could just wing it. Hold. Ima wing it.
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proudfreakmetarusonikku · 1 year ago
genuinely baffling that people listen to c!dream going “oh I hate tommy i don’t care about him he is nothing to me” and think “oh he hates c!tommy and wants him gone” when his LITERAL WHOLE THING is that everything he claims to hate or not care about is like his BIGGEST ATTACHMENT. if c!dream is randomly bringing up “i don’t care about x” then x is something or someone he cares about to the point of unhealthiness, that’s why he’s all like “no i hate them” because he recognises that they can be used to control him. if in random situations c!dream brings up hating or not caring about something it’s because he’s trying to convince HIMSELF he doesn’t care. unless you think he actually doesn’t give a fuck about spirit or his friends like he does the exact same thing and people who recognise the first two are a lie go “but uwu he clearly doesn’t care about c!tommy he’s just a pawn in his schemes” YOU KNOW THATS HOW C!DREAM TALKS ABOUT SHIT HE ACTUALLY DOES FUCKING CARE ABOUT??? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS
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a-moth-called-mof · 2 months ago
Like I know I'm being overly negative and I know that it's hard to film and edit a video essay and I know the dream smp is the hardest to consume piece of media on the planet but i guess I wish this creator just clearly framed it as his personal opinions and biases. I know he partially does that by saying from the getgo that he's not going to focus on other characters and will be centering the video essay on c! Dream, c! Tommy and c! Wilbur but that kind of rings hollow when he actively insults other characters for being "boring" WHEN?? HE DIDN'T EVEN WATCH THEIR STREAMS?? OR TRY TO UNDERSTAND THEM (He admits he didn't read much of the wiki as well)
Like it's fine and understandable not to want to cover everything in the dream smp and I understand people's inherent tendencies to latch onto a "main" and I do think c! Tommy has one of the easiest stories to follow, which is why I wouldn't have minded if he had just focused on him, wilbur and dream from the getgo. BUT?? THE ISSUE IS?? JUDGING OTHER CHARACTERS FOR HOW THEY APPEAR IN C! DREAM, TOMMY AND WILBUR'S STORIES??? DOESN'T FULLY WORK IF YOU DON'T HAVE A FULL PICTURE OF THE CHARACTERS??? OR IF YOU'RE GOING TO TRY TO ANALYSE THEM ON THEIR OWN?? Also. Again the dream smp is probably one of the furthest things you could get from a traditional linear story so trying to judge it on that level, kind of falls apart after a bit? Because like. I don't think you really can without just trying to make it fit into that and at that point it's not the dream smp anymore
I guess I feel like maybe I'd be more open to this creator's critiques and lack of knowledge on things IF THEIR SNARKY JOKES WEREN'T SO?? HARSH?? AND IRONY PILLED(?)?? like. Yeah I can agree that some of the acting isn't amazing and that the minecraft visuals can break tension sometimes (especially if youre not used to it) but like? That's part of the charm yknow? And it isn't for anyone but you're not gonna see me bashing the visuals or acting. I guess? It sounds cheesy and kind of like a nothing critique but I guess I just feel like the video wasn't made with love?? And I know frustration with a story's understandable and I'm sure the creator is passionate about certain characters (EMPHASIS ON CERTAIN/hj) but?? A lot of the first fifth of this video is just really harsh?? And it just feels like its something he's being forced to sit through?
Also I think the other thing is? The dream smp is interesting because it's unique? It's interesting because of its own weird medium? It's interesting because it makes a lot of its darker moments almost more palatable because of the interent absurdist nature of it being in minecraft?? There's also so much you could say about the concept of live improv and how much tension that adds? Like there's things to discuss and I feel like ignoring all that is a missed opportunity I guess? Idk. I wanna be fair to this creator (I also haven't finished the video yet <- but he didnt watch most lore streams sooooo/petty /lh) but I just feel like there's a lot of things that could've been approached a lot better??
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littlefoxwithbighat · 1 year ago
Gosh Grian IS sweatin this episode man
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 11 months ago
I really hope Cleo gets a proper Life Series win soon after this, because this April Fool's one is just fundamentally not at the scale and hype a normal win would be and gosh darnit, I want to see the whole fandom celebrate her some day!!
I would go so feral about a properly dramatic and hyped up Cleo Win it would be. So Cool
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aro-throughyourchest · 2 years ago
Those “how to pick up a duck” videos but instead it’s cWilbur needlessly bothering cQuackity
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