#lesbians never win
missswag · 1 month
RIP to all the lesbians who’re obsessed with Hailee Steinfeld.
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canisalbus · 6 months
Your gay dogs have reached the Revolutionary Girl Utena -level of yuri, where the dogs are yuri so obviously clearly except they aren't.
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s4ndg3m · 5 months
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hear me out on scag x split guys. they both start with "s" it's practically canon.
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sweetstuffiemilk · 5 months
Doodles from a while ago..... My fave sapphics..... Ueueue
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dailyedgeworth · 1 year
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today, a faraskye doodle...
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puckeruppetra · 3 days
Jesstra nation ARISEEEEEEEE!
cw: sexual audio
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saltyloafy · 1 year
madoka magica teaches us to never lose hope even in the face of absolute and definite failure bc there is nothing worse than succumbing to despair. it teaches us that there is always a way out and that the only way to truly overcome overwhelming fear is by continuing to shine through it. there is always a way out if you just keep believing that there is one
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mushed-kid · 2 months
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i tried rendering and turns out i fucking hate it !
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tchaikovskygay · 1 year
the only reason they had lady danbury sleep with violets dad this series was to keep her from finally eating violet out
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gideonisms · 4 months
There have to be two and only two lesbians in this workplace at all times so as soon as one gets let go they simply go out and find another
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shopcat · 7 months
people always dress the gang WAY too stylish in modern au things... like i get sometimes it's not about the au itself and they're just putting them in nice clothes but oh my god. they can't dress themselves. any of them. azula Would probably wear really put together outfits and maybe mai but ty lee wouldn't be seen out of some sort of amalgamation of gym clothes to a concerning level. zuko would not wear a leather jacket he would wear the same hoodie for 2 weeks and then switch to another one and they're all like missing the string or the pocket is broken or something. and it's absolutely covered in cat hair just an unreasonable amount. and like hand me down workout shorts. sokka would wear exclusively cargo pants because he has to have all the pockets to put shit in but he never has what he needs when he wants it. like he'll be like i definitely have lip balm or some change hold on and he'll pull out a spare truck part covered in grease a rock and a crushed ziplock bag of limited edition fire flake skittles. katara would wear sokka's clothes. she's NOT wearing a pinterest moodboard... ever...
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steelthroat · 9 months
I was thinking about the fact that it's very funny that my parents had more problems with me being atheist than with me being queer.
"Sure hon, you have a weird perception of your gender and you could possibly bring home women, men or everything in-between... fine, love is love we will take you to the pride and stuff ^w^. BUT WHAT ABOUT JESUS CHRIST HUH?????"
And when I say they had 'more problems' I mean they were like "ow... so you won't come to church on Sundays with us anymore? At least the holidays?🥺"
like idk it's so funny to me
#sometimes I gotta acknowledge the fact that I'm lucky#if my catholic parents were bigoted I would have had such a shitty childhood and adolescence#I mean adolescence sucked anyway#but it could have been so much worse with shitty parents#steel rambles#also lol I forget how much having been a religious person influenced me?#like lmao “local tumblr user discovers that going to church for 15 years every sunday influenced them in some way”#but like not in a negative way#just in weird ways#funny ways?#like I read the bible thrice in my life#once because I wanted to know the story in general and the book I had was full of pretty pictures so nice#I've always been curious about religions an myths anyway#the second I was 13 and I was proving a point#yes I read the bible to win an argument#one about lesbians never being demonized or even cited in the bible#the third time I read just the apocalypse because it was cool and I wanted to impress a girl with cool references...#“local tumblr user tried to impress a girl with cool quotes from the apocalypse” you can laugh but I have no regrets#I also “complained” to God a lot lool#like dude if you actually exist I'm so sorry for the 15 years of gossips and complaining you had to endure#like idk for example my teacher was being unfair?#me mentally: “see God? see what I have to put up with??? like I can't belive she said that!!!!”#I treated God like an imaginary friend or something I think? am I being blasphemus??#ahahshjshdhfhg
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katelynnwrites · 5 months
Hopefully BNG bid for the next WWC it’s way more reasonable than USA and Mexico or USA Mexico and Canada. I’m American and living on the east coast most of the games they would host would be on the west coast and in areas where everything is far too expensive. We also don’t have the transportation really to go from country to country or even state to state in a reasonable time. But then again it’s FIFA anything that is logical and would bring more money and eyes to the sport is always overlooked simply because of the bids made one countries federation. It’s truly dumb especially when looking at the bigger picture and how much he likes to tell the women to prove themselves. Like dude host it in places and countries where transportation won’t be the biggest issue or where Idk human rights are being violated and taken away left and right. This is why I don’t understand men they think small and don’t look at the big overall picture. While I’m happy it’s in Brazil (Brazil needs the boost) I just think it would have been bigger and better in BNG and would have brought more attention and a different atmosphere to the games. I bet the one after will be hosted by the US and Mexico (unfortunately because again FIFA will look at the bid but not the logical money maker)
i agree with you, safe, reliable and affordable transportation definitely plays a big part. not only for the players and staff but for the travelling fans as well. the public transport available definitely needs to be efficient because it contributes significantly to the overall experience the fans get.
take this most recent wwc for example. idk about the rest of the hosting cities but when i was in melbourne, it took only 20 minutes to get from the city centre to the stadium via public transport. it was the same for the reverse trip and that definitely made it a good experience for me because i didn't have to worry unnecessarily about the travelling logistics. there were also plenty of staff who did the directing so that the whole process went smoothly for everyone.
now i come from singapore which has extensive public transportations. you can literally get to anywhere within the country in under an hour, an hour and a half at a stretch, via the public transport. the government prides itself on it and has invested millions if not billions over the years. my point is that i'm not easy to impress and i was impressed with how melbourne worked the transportation out.
now that they're confirmed as the host, hopefully brazil are prepared to work their transportation out too and develop it sufficiently if necessary. the rest of the infrastructure, eg. stadiums and training facilities for the players as well. given how much the women's game is growing, it's only right that they do so.
i'm really glad that south america finally gets a chance to host a wwc because they completely deserve to. it will be great for their tourism and will definitely help showcase their players on a whole, not just legends like marta.
but as you said, fifa definitely ignores important issues like human rights and lgbtq+ rights in favour of money. the 2022 men's world cup in qatar clearly showed that.
however, unfortunately or fortunately, at the end of the day, fifa's decision has already been made and all we can do as fans now is simply hope that brazil and fifa invests properly in the 2027 wwc to make it a brilliant experience for all. it's what the players and fans deserve.
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sentientsky · 1 year
was getting dressed this morning and couldn't find my little silver snek necklace. so i was just wandering around my room going "where the fuck is my snake motif?? i need people to know im gay"
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