#leo's sacrifice
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shaotie · 2 months ago
**WARNING** this comic does NOT have a happy ending
What if Leo didn't survive the prison dimension?
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"Took You Long Enough"
- masterpost for my rottmnt ao3 fanfics and art
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kazaleas · 9 months ago
Leos sacrifice riff
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haematoclan · 11 months ago
Leo's relationship with death
Leo really doesn't like to think about death.
I mean, we all saw how much impact Karai's death had on all of Mad Dogs but Leo was the only one that had to be dragged from her, yelling after her, he really, really didn't want to lose her.
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And I think when he lost her it left a deep scar.
I saw posts talking how Leo wants for things to get back to normal and pretend nothing happened, which I completely agree with. I think it's in big part because of his fear of repeating losing a close one.
He REALLY doesn't want to even acknowledge death.
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Here Raph seemed to be getting through to Leo-
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-but the moment he mentions possibility of his family dying?
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Nope, time to deflect, joke and feign ignorance.
Leo's aware that death is a big part of being a responsible hero and that's why he'd rather goof off with his brothers and not train.
Because obviously when you ignore something it just dissapears, right? So if they ignore severity of certain situations and possibility of dying it won't happen, right?
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If they don't treat it seriously they'll be fine! Totally!
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Then Raph shields Leo from the Krang and sends him away.
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And it's as if Karai's death stared right in his eyes.
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So Leo picks up the slack of leadership in order to save Raph. He behaves carelessly during this time but can you really blame him, he desperately wants to save his brother, to stop yet another family member from death that he is so scared of.
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He still tries to be positive and nonchalant, that "pfff obvioulsy everything will turn out alright!" but at the end of the day, it's not that simple.
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Casey's speech had hard time to really hit Leo, he's still avoiding confronting resposibility, literally and metaphorically turning away from it. But the moment Casey says Leo's whole family died?
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Now that made an impact.
And every time his family is in terrible danger he looks absolutely terrified and basically every time Leo has to be dragged away to not just return and try to save them again.
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And when there's nobody to drag him away?
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First thing he does is sacrifice himself. Because I don't think Leo is scared of his own death, or at least he is not as scared of him dying as his family. He'd rather give away his life than live through another grief.
Obviously I'm not sayin that the rest of the fam isn't terrified of close ones dying. But while they seem less aware (Mikey) and/or more ready for the possibility (Raph)...
Leo's wholly aware but he'd rather not be and ignore his fears until he can't anymore.
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leo-artista · 1 month ago
I decided to compare my 2 blorbos and realized they've got a lot in common
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year ago
Imagine little Leo having trouble sleeping so he ends up watching tv and movies with Splinter to pass the time. Splinter often just passes out in his chair, but Leo likes the company anyway.
One day, Leo’s rifling through the movies his dad brought back for them (usually 70s and 80s stuff - Splinter has a bias) and he gasps.
Leo runs over to Splinter and holds up a copy of The Last Unicorn, begging that they watch it that night.
Splinter remembers absolutely nothing about the movie, but hey it’s got a unicorn and it’s animated so it’s gotta be fine, right? So he turns the movie on and passes out near immediately.
He’s woken up roughly an hour and a half later by Leo climbing up onto his chair and sobbing hysterically into his chest.
The movie is now one of Leo’s favorites.
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tepli-mravenci · 2 years ago
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guys I'm rewatching tmnt 2012 and I'm having a fucking moment rn
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royalelemental · 8 months ago
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Did I ever tell anyone about my crack Winx Rottmnt AU where the turtles are somehow flung into the Winx’s magical dimension and accidentally separated? Enjoy an old sketch.
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yki-dolls · 2 years ago
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The grind never stops 💪💯
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Pixel art Commissions
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valzhangism · 8 months ago
i think it's interesting that frank zhang is someone who lost a loved one but instead of questioning the system or ideologies that caused said loved one to die, he buys into it completely.
for a series that repeatedly dogs on the gods for using demigods as their soldiers and tools, not only is emily zhang's death portrayed as completely heroic, but the military as a whole is.
in fact he starts the series cynical about it—his attitude to his mom's medallion is generally "man how the fuck is this supposed to make me feel better?"—but he ends the series saying he truly understands "duty and sacrifice". he becomes a military leader, and of course most egregiously, lets someone he cares about sacrifice himself for the sake of saving the world.
he really did become a true roman!
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side-effect-alien · 7 months ago
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UNCLE LEON!!!! @bettertwin1
I have no self-control so we're posting this late at night. Anyways, guess who got an art style glow up!!
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shaotie · 3 months ago
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the Movie - Krang vs Leo
Death Theme X Kai Theme | EPIC MASHUP (Puss in Boots X Kung Fu Panda 3)
I've been wanting to do this for such a long time but kept getting sidetracked by other projects, enjoy!
- original audio (YouTube)
- masterpost for my rottmnt ao3 fanfics and art
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astro-nomaly · 7 months ago
MK 🤝 Rise!Leo Sacrificing themselves to save their families
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demigod-of-the-agni · 6 months ago
redrawing characters i first drew in seventh grade for my novel (link for some background info)
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the original cover is... terrifying. so. under the cut it goes
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bro smiling like CRAZY man it's absolutely devastating
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incorrect-ikevamp-quotes · 1 year ago
Leonardo: Hey, no, you stay out of this, this is between me and MC!
Literally anyone: So MC knows about this?
Leonardo, walking away: No, this is between me and me!
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iluvchick3nz · 2 months ago
Have some (late) Christmas cheer. Finn would make a great HAB (husband and boyfriend) during his retirement!
All credits to @lumosinlove !!
Finn waved a hand to the guards outside of the players box, flashing his pass and quickly jogging to the door. He was panting a bit, running late from a department meeting at school, and stumbled through the doorway a bit. Pascal and Celeste Dumais turned to look at him, both with matching amused expressions, as he made his way to his seat. 
“Hi, hi, sorry I’m late,” he breathed. He gave Celeste a kiss on the cheek and clasped Dumo’s hand. “Did I miss warm-ups? We had a meeting after school, last one before the Christmas break, and it went way over.”
“Ouais,” Pascal said. “Puck drop in a couple.” His eyes were mischievous. “You know, it’s okay if you’re not here for warm-ups every time. Your boys look good.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t give them a good luck kiss.”
Celeste snorted slightly. “They’ll be fine, Finn.”
He nudged her gently. “You don’t know that. Logan gets very upset when he doesn’t get a good luck kiss.”
Pascal was shaking his head. “He’s got you wrapped around his finger, mon fils.”
Celeste scuffed the back of his head. “As if I don’t have you in the same position.”
Finn watched as Dumo’s eyes lit up and he leaned over to kiss the side of her head. “Ouais, you do.” He nudged his chin towards the ice. “Allez, puck drop.”
Sure enough, the players were taking to the ice for the start of the game. Leo was in goal, and Finn watched him jump up and down a few times to warm up his legs. Logan was on the outside of the circle, bodying up to an Anaheim player, while Sirius took the face-off. Another forward, a young guy by the name of Ethan Binesi, was their other winger, eyes intently on where Sirius’ stick was splayed across his knees. It was a trip, still, seeing Logan in a Lions jersey again. He’d taken back the number 10, which looked just as gorgeous on him now as it had on his first Harvard jersey. He saw Logan look to Leo briefly, give a nod- I love you- and then he readied his stick. The ref hovered the puck above the dot and the game began.
Sirius won the face-off, immediately snapping it back to Logan, who shot off and stick handled his way around an Anaheim player. He had his head up, searching for a lane, finding Binesi who had faked out his own guy on the opposite side and was hanging out by their offensive zone dot. Logan sent the puck flying onto the Binsei’s stick blade for a slap shot, but the Anaheim goalie blocked it.
It was a physical game, Logan and Thomas getting sent to the box after someone got a little too close to Leo, who held his own spectacularly in the five on three that resulted. Finn couldn’t help but be absolutely smitten as he watched them, as he always was when he got to come and see them play. He loved the game, he missed it, and he was happy teaching, incredibly so- but there was something else about being able to spectate his husbands like he was, being able to finally watch them together after so long of Logan being apart from them for the majority of the year. They were all deliriously happy, sparking that same insatiable feeling they’d had when they’d gotten together, engaged, married- Finn’s heart stopped in his chest every time he saw their shoes paired together by the door, every time he looked up from grading at the table and found Logan sitting on the counter, keeping Leo company while he cooked them dinner. He wanted them forever- which, he guessed, was already implied by the whole marriage thing. But he wanted to marry them over and over again, preferably every day, if he had his way. He’d dance with them like he had at their wedding, spinning Leo around the dance floor by his hips, holding Logan close during softer songs. He’d kiss them like he had at their ceremony, when he had taken each of their faces in between his palms and kissed them so deeply he had almost knocked them over, even Leo, who had a few inches on him.
Finn watched them shake hands with the other team after a demanding third period. They’d won 1-0, a shutout for Leo and an assist for Logan, but it wasn’t much of a lead. Logan would inevitably want to seethe a bit in the car, Leo going over everything that could have gone wrong that would have made them give up their lead. That was one thing Finn didn’t miss about hockey: the constant reviewing every little thing he’d done and feeling like the weight of the entire team was on his shoulders. He found it easier, though, to help Logan and Leo let loose from those experiences, having gone through it himself. He kept finding creative ways to take their minds off of it- asking Leo to read him his students’ essays out loud so he could fairly grade them, rubbing Logan’s feet while he colored in an adult coloring book (he’d really taken to them recently). He’d gotten really good at mocktails, too, so when his husbands were in between games or intense training sessions, they didn’t have to drink alcohol but could still enjoy the taste and the conversation that came with Finn mixing them drinks. 
He gave Pascal and Celeste each a hug, waving good-bye to other family members in the box, and scurried down to go to the locker room. When he entered, it felt a little like he’d never left. There were a few new players, a few not. Sirius, Remus, and Thomas each came up to give him a hug, and little once-rookie Cole held out his fist for Finn to bump. Even Kuny was still there- although, it seemed like he was never going to leave. He was almost a permanent part of the structure of Gryffindor Stadium at that point. 
He spotted Logan and Leo, stalls side-by-side, at the other end from where he’d entered, and walked up, placing a hand on Leo’s head as he was unlacing his skates. He jerked his head up in initial surprise, which softened immediately upon seeing Finn. His blue eyes twinkled out at Finn from his otherwise flushed and sweaty face. “Hi, sweetheart. How are you?”
“I’m sorry,” Finn said. He pressed a hard kiss to Leo’s forehead. “I’m sorry, my meeting ran over, and I wanted to be here to kiss you good luck, but it went so late-”
“Sh, it’s okay, honey,” Leo said. He looked amused and leaned up to kiss Finn properly. Finn felt the tension in his body melt away and he rested his hands on Leo’s strong shoulders. “I’m happy to kiss you whenever you have time.”
“All the time,” Finn said, nodding eagerly. “Preferably all the time. What do you say we all quit working and just make out all day, every day?”
Leo blushed. “Well.”
“Ouais, I like that idea,” Logan chirped. He was smirking when Finn turned to him, even as he leaned over to kiss Leo’s cheek. “Especially if it makes you blush like that.”
Leo rolled his eyes but was smiling at Logan. “Stop that.”
“Non, non. You can’t return me.” He kissed Leo’s cheek again, then his lips. “Forever.”
Finn’s heart jolted at the words, even at Logan’s sarcastic tone. “You hear that, Knut? Grumpy says forever, so I guess that's the verdict.”
“Non, I’m not grumpy,” Logan retorted. He looked at Finn petulantly. “And if I am, it’s only because I missed out on my good luck kiss.” 
“I’m sorry.” Finn pouted. “Forgive me, baby? It’s almost Christmas.”
Logan smiled, his nose scrunching. “Ouais. Bisou.”
Finn complied, taking Logan’s face in his hands like he’d been thinking about doing all game and tilting it back as he kissed him hard. Logan smiled against his mouth and rested a hand on Finn’s side, rubbing up and down slowly. When they pulled apart, Finn kissed his forehead and looked down at him. “Better?”
“Ouais,” Logan said with a soft smile. He went back to unlacing his skates. “But I think we would’ve won by more if you’d kissed me before the game.”
Leo snorted. “Right. Because that’s the reason we hardly had any net.”
“Sh, nut,” Logan said. “No jinxes.”
“What jinxes?”
“The superstitions.”
“I thought we’d established that we didn’t adhere to our superstitions, and that’s why we only scraped by?”
“Okay,” Finn interrupted. They both looked up at him suddenly. “No more hockey talk. Time to shower, home, dinner, sex, and bed.”
Sirius, who was in the stall next to Logan, choked a little on the water he was sipping. “Jesus, O’Hara,” he said. “I did not miss your locker room talk.”
Finn stuck his tongue out at him. “You’re just as bad with Loops and you know it.”
Sirius rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it. “Stop distracting the boys while they get undressed.” He seemed to realize what he had said the second he said it. “Wait-”
Finn’s eyebrows shot up with a mischievous grin. “With absolute pleasure.” He turned to his husbands, who were watching him with fond smiles. “You heard the captain. Get undressed, let’s go.”
Sirius just sighed roughly and went to the showers. 
Leo smacked Finn lightly on the hip as he stood up to remove the rest of his padding. “You’re such a mence, you know that?”
Finn just watched appreciatively as more of his body was revealed with each article taken off. “You love me.” He grinned wider. “You married this menace baby.” He put his hands on either side of Leo’s hips, now free of everything except his thin Under Armour layer. “No take backs.”
“Hm, I’m not so sure about that,” Leo said, but he kissed Finn gently. “I’m going to shower, then we will go home.”
“And then we’ll have dinner, and then-”
“D’accord, rouge,” Logan laughed. “Ouais, sounds good.”
“Yay! Yay, yay, yay, my favorite.”
“Tu est fou, chérie.” Logan let out a sigh as he pulled off the rest of his clothes, too, then grabbed a towel from his locker. “D’accord, we’ll be right back.” He kissed Finn’s shoulder as he passed. “Stay out of trouble, oui?”
“No promises, babe, you know that.”
Logan just pinched his hip as he and Leo walked to the showers. 
An hour later, when Finn walked into the living room after his own shower, he encountered his boys not following his ‘no more hockey’ instructions.
“Ouais,” Logan was saying, sat at the counter. He was talking to Leo, who was working on dinner. “We weren’t maintaining our triangle shape in the attacking zone, Le, it just made it-”
“Whoa,” Finn interrupted. He wrapped his arms around Logan’s shoulders to squeeze. “Time out. I thought I said no more hockey talk?”
Leo, at least, tried to look a little sheepish. “We were just-”
“Nope, nope. You already reviewed it all with coach, I’m sure of it.” He pressed a hard kiss to Logan’s cheek, the muscles tense with a smile under his lips. “Home time is for relaxation. Home time is Finn-time.”
Leo laughed as he stirred something on the stove. “Finn-time?”
“Mmhm,” Finn affirmed. “Because I don’t see you all day, so home time is for hanging out with Finn, eating dinner with Finn, cuddling with Finn, and doing you-know-what with Finn.”
Leo’s eyes were bright as he looked over at him. “You-know-what? What’s that exactly?”
“You know exactly what that is, my beautiful nutter butter baby.” He rested his chin on Logan’s shoulder. “So no more hockey talk tonight. Just Finn-time.”
“Ouais,” Logan sighed. He leaned his head against Finn’s. “Sounds good.”
“Finn and Logan time,” Leo whispered. He leaned across the counter to press a kiss to each of their foreheads. When he pulled back, he was smiling so gently at them that Finn thought he would seep into the floorboards. “My favorite.”
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jellyvibes710 · 1 year ago
Will Leo remember anything from his past? I mean about Kraang, that he was older and in a prison dimension. Or he just gonna become a kid who has no idea about what happened and that he got a new body?
Merry Christmas btw!
He remembers everything.
He definitely remembers the kraang and the mistake he almost made, he remembers throwing himself right into death, he remembers the sound of the portal closing behind him, he remembers the red glow of the kraangs eye on him in the void of darkness, he remembers the endless beatings, their scream of rage still rings his ears, he remembers always feeling hungry and thirsty but his body never changed, only ever feeling the effects, he remembers realizing that the prison dimension was doing something to his ninpo, he remembers constantly fighting the effect to reach his brothers which ultimately led to the kraang always finding him and barely escaping with what little he had left, he remembers the sound of paper ripping as the only light emanating from the kraang illuminated the only thing he had left of his family now carelessly falling to the ground in pieces. Then he remembers blue.
He remembers aimlessly floating throughout darkness before a light appeared before him, he remembers reaching out and remembering his brothers faces once again, he remembers hearing his voice for the first time in what felt like years, he remembered being saved at last, he remembered when everything suddenly hit at once, the pain, the bleeding, the shock. He remembers smiling because he was alive and he was home.
He remembers everything.
It’s still his life.
It’s still Leo.
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He’s just smaller.
Although the only thing he doesn’t remember is dying in Donnie’s arms and falling into a coma, he faintly remembers stopping Mikey from losing his arm for his sake. though, not without sacrifice.
Beyond that he remembers everything clearly ✌️
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