#leftist extremism
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jackass-democrats · 7 months ago
The Violent History Of The Democrat Party!
As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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azuremallone · 8 months ago
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eristottle · 1 year ago
Phrases like ACAB are extremely dehumanising and encourage needless violence. Killing cops is still murder and is not justified. We should replace the call to "abolish and defund" with a call for reform. And burning it all down is NOT a viable soloution. But i don't think ya'll are ready for that conversation yet.
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gingerswagfreckles · 15 days ago
It's weird how in the past 5 or so years the left's understanding of decolonization devolved into some kind of weird Nazi era eugenicist thing about how people's "true places" are something encoded in their DNA and no one in the history of the world should have moved anywhere and anyone decendent from people who moved at some point should be shot.
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 7 months ago
This whole Kamala Harris debacle has shown me how many leftist talking points are coming from privileged people whose only connection to politics is the (usually surface level) theory they’ve looked up.
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chamerionwrites · 4 months ago
Also it brings me zero pleasure to be Cassandra here, but “mass deportation” is a synonym for murder. I need you all to understand this. Even in the absolute best case scenario, it means large numbers of people being warehoused in slapdash facilities where illness spreads quickly and medical care is inadequate. It means government contractors providing food, trying to make a killing, and inevitably cutting corners on costs/quality/safety. It means police violence against people being rounded up. It means US citizen children being removed from their families or deported with them. It means people being returned to countries they fled in fear of their lives, and killed by domestic abusers/gangs/governments. It means bureaucratic mixups (/apathy/malice) that result in people getting dropped off in dangerous cities that they’ve never even visited late at night.
It means all of this and more, and if the government comes for your neighbors you should respond as if you are witnessing an attempted murder.
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weemietime · 5 months ago
No one cares, dipshit. Keep coping, because there is nothing you can do or say that will have any impact on Israel's existence and delusional terrorists and simps such as yourself have lost every single war you've tried to wage.
You people are perfectly willing to protest on your campus but you're still going to collect that degree, aren't you, buddy? You cosplay radicalism but stop the second you're asked to experience discomfort from the safety of your home. This perfectly epitomizes your disgusting privilege.
You get away with this shit because you've surrounded yourself with other Nazis, but the rest of us all see your miserable cowardice. You have failed, your movement has failed, and you'll move on to the next white progressive performance art soon enough.
But the rest of us won't forget your dangerous, insidious degeneracy. Go crawl back up Al-Husseini's asshole where you belong. Frothing and foaming on Tumblr because Jews have the audacity to keep existing on October 7th is a perfect demonstration of what kind of callous, Nazi ghoul you are.
Fuck the Israeli state and all the depraved freaks supporting its genocide. When this horrifying Zionist extremist project inevitably falls, the world will rejoice.
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weemietime · 4 months ago
Okay okay, I’d like to preface this by saying that I’m already deeply ashamed and embarrassed of myself for my behaviour and all, so if you think I don’t feel guilty and am bandwagoning, I’m not, I’m genuinely upset about what I did and there’s no one who could possibly hate myself more than me. And also, I’m not Jewish myself, but you could probably tell by what I’m about to say next.
So I was one of the many people who was a radical supporter of whatever has become of the pro Palestine movement (yes, I know, embarrassing behaviour) and I was perpetuating a lot of antisemitic things and would get super defensive about it because I truly didn’t think that what I was saying and/or doing was antisemitism and I also thought that I was genuinely helping people by being so… radical about things. A few months ago, I took a break from social media and on that break I sort of realised how much I don’t know about the harmful radical movement I was supporting and the Jewish and Israeli people that I was actually hurting by not listening to, and I truly am sorry and I do wish to become an ally, a good ally at that, but I do wonder if I’ve done too much damage already, I probably have. So yeah, I guess I was just wondering how I could possibly do better. I probably shouldn’t even be asking you this, you can totally block me if you want, I swear I’m not trolling or anything, but yeahhhh
The best thing that you can do for yourself and your community is to be honest about your perspective! How it happened, how you got radicalized, the things you said and why you said them. Some people won't be ready to forgive you and that's ultimately their prerogative. But people like you are the reason I am here, because I believe it is possible to form a bridge between our people and find a way to dialogue and call people back in from the extremism they've been indoctrinated into.
I'm fairly open about my history on here, but when I was a child I got indoctrinated into a violent gang. I adopted a lot of extreme beliefs and engaged in horrible, violent acts both under duress and of my own volition. So when I talk about indoctrination I am talking about something I have personal experience with. The people who I victimized to this day probably still have legitimate hate for me, and that's their right. I don't need to convince them I'm a good person or a changed person or whatever, you can't really undo harm or make up for harm like that, that's not how it works.
Once you put that out there, that's it. But at the same time, kind acts and good acts stand on their own, too. So I try and do outreach like this, to share my perspectives, to educate people on how extremism and radicalism and appetitive aggression work because I can't fix what I broke. All I can do is serve as a warning beacon for others going down a bad path, and I don't have any ability to know if that makes me a cosmically good or bad person.
Baruch dayen ha'emet. It's what we say when people die: G-d is the true judge. Only G-d knows those answers and I just have to have faith that G-d will judge me with compassion and understanding, and allow me to state my case. It's an ongoing conversation, you aren't ever just one thing or another thing. You grow, and learn, and that slowly changes the landscape.
I hope this helps in some manner! And I appreciate you sending this, we need to keep these avenues open, we have to build these bridges or else nothing will change. It's that simple.
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dontwakeup-ishu · 7 months ago
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Despite facing violence and discrimination all because we are a minority and "HINDU" the world remains largely silent on our sufferings. Many support the deeds of Muslim communities while neglecting the suffering of Hindus and calling the news report as fake and a pathway to invoke riots
Breaking temples and idols? Setting houses on fire? Burning hindu people alive? Torchering hindu women untill they die?
But now the so called liberals and seculars won't advocate for equal support and protection for Hindu minorities.
#are we all that unsafe for being HINDU?
Bloody Shame on y'all
now no one will talk about humanity ?
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ty3dy3x · 26 days ago
Some names and addresses of some known members of the far-right fascist group Patriot Front 💯 ... ..
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xclowniex · 1 month ago
musk wants defund Wikipedia which i find idiotic
I wasn't sure if it was true as I know elon is fucking brain dead from neurolink but I didn't think he was that brain dead but I found the tweet. I'll include it at the end
Firstly the government doesn't even fund Wikipedia. It's rich donors who fund most of it with your average people also donating some money.
Secondly, the right has had more instances of extremism than the left, which is why it is mention more.
There is an issue of bias surronding Wikipedia, however better controls in who can edit it would be a lot better instead of just defunding it.
Like a lot of pages surronding judaism and israel have been edited and a lot of the edits break the rules of Wikipedia surronding reputable unbiased sources too. And you have the changes of jews people like being labeled as being "of jewish descent" and jews people don't like labeled as "jewish". Like people are legitimately erasing the jewishness of jews they like because apparently being jewish is bad.
And this isn't even a problem solely with jewish and Israel pages. If you search my blog you can find the post, I would search myself but I've had a long day and can't super be bothered, but a while ago I reblogged a post exposing similar edits being made to native amercian pages and aborigine pages too. There was even proof of a crossover where an editor editing jewish pages in an antijewish way was also editing indigenous amercian pages in an anti indigenous way.
I remember when the purim page was edited to add that it was a Palestinian holiday. Like ah yes, Palestinians celebrate a holiday where jews survived a genocide attempt where we were attacked for being jewish 🙄.
The data of both right wing and leftist extremism is probably not accurate to how many instances there actually are of both, and definitely leftist antisemitism extremism is left put, but it's honestly not enough to make a huge change in the data as it's in the thousands. Like the gap would likely close a bit but not by much relative to the data amount.
Like Wikipedia very much has a bigotry problem, but that's very much not what elons issue is. He's just mad because it paints the ideology he believes in as this super violent ideology, which is correct. Smelon musky does believe in violent ideology.
Fuck elon musk
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gingerswagfreckles · 13 days ago
Not really loving how my post about the left's love affair with eugenics and blood and soil ideology framed as "decolonization" got coopted into another "wait it's all Christianity??" "It always has been" post." Y'all are sticking your heads in the sand if you think this is a problem with "cultural Christianity." This is the exact same pattern we saw play out in the 1979 Iranian revolution and much of this ideology was coopted from the Nazis by the Soviets and reframed as progressive. This is not an issue with Western "cultural Christianity" and it would be great if Jumblr could stop engaging in the same "there's actually one secret root cause of every problem in the world and if we get rid of it we will have utopia" thing that antisemites have been using against Jews for 2000 years.
#i stg some people really dont understand that the problem with that ideology is not ~we are blaming the wrong religion/people~#there are recognizable patterns of oppression and social issues that have to do with Christianity but not every problem in the world is#rooted in cultural Christianity and the only reason you see so many issues with cultural Christianity is because you live in a majority#Christian country where Christians are in charge#i promise the samd ideology that we see antisemitic ~activists~ in Lebanon using are not caused by their extremely oppressed tiny Christian#community. i promise that the Iranian revolution that found roots in much of the same ideology and thought was not caused by their tiny#oppressed Christian community either#the similar arguments about who is indigenous to the contested areas of Pakistan and India and therefor who can kill which civilains and be#justified has 0 to do with Christianity#and im sorry but the concerted effort by Hamas to insist that Jews are not indigenous to Israel and that therefore it is acceptable to kill#Jews is not rooted in Christianity it is rooted in the co opting of Soviet antisemitism to justify their very much not Christian religious#extremism in a way that appealed to the communist bloc and now appeals to the Western Leftists that have adopted this ideology as well#jumblr#antisemitism#leftist antisemitism#soviet antisemitism#im sorry but the only reason you dont feel the need to be sensitive when talking about Christianity is because you do not live in a country#where Christians are a oppressed or scapegoated minority but i promise that does not mean those countries do not exist or those communities#do not exist and scapegoating Christians or cultural Christianity for problems that have very little if anything to do with Christianity is#the extact same shit people have been doing to jews for 2000 years#this eugenics shit has become a very common argument for the murder of jews and other communities living in the Wrong Place#all over the world and it is not at all contained to ex Christian leftists#this exact anti imperialist rhetoric was used to justify the expulsion of the jews from egypt in the 1950s#and from Iran in the 1979 when jews were charged with being imperialist spies for Iran and America#do you think those countries were Christian? lol#this eugenics shit framed as anti imperialism is not rooted in Christianity or ~cultural Christianity~ and has basically nothing to do with#Christianity at all#christianity#jewblr
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emotional-moss · 6 months ago
i feel like what a lot of online leftists don't know or don't understand - not without reason; it's kind of an overlooked point - about rightwingers and conservatism is that conservatism is based entirely around the notion that humans are fundamentally bad at their core. why restrict abortion access? because people will use that as an opportunity to go have a bunch of unprotected sex and fill the world with too many people. why not give homeless people money? because they'll use it to buy drugs and they should just get a job. why don't we like queer people? because if we normalize queerness then we'll start normalizing sexual deviancies like bestiality. etc etc etc you know? like it's all based around the principle that humans will always go the immoral route when given an opportunity to do so.
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shamebats · 3 months ago
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meatmunching · 1 month ago
Finished Heavenly Tyrant yesterday. Absolutely fucking incredible, made me weep, extremely powerful and complex and beautiful
Also reminded me why leftist men make me want to rrrrrip EVERYYYYY follicle of hair!
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weemietime · 5 months ago
Israel is a horrible no-good very bad country, every day its citizens wake up, eat corn flakes (worst breakfast for the worst people) and just start slaughtering people with machetes. I lost a toe myself. (Everyone share my GoFundMe please, it is VERY legitimate. I've been personally vetted by Sharknado666 on Tumblr.com, that's quality you can trust.)
Do you think I would LIE on the internet about this? Just go on the internet and write lies??? Isntreal needs to be opposed by any means necessary. Think about it, Hitler and Al-Husseini were best buds. He obviously would want to free Palestine! Girlboss, gatekeep, gas chambers ✌️😜
That's right, I'm talking about ISIS. You're all just Islamophobic and racist and that's why you won't accept the natural order of things. Oh, glory to the Intifada except you won't support a literal Islamic State?
Fake activists.
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