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flames-tstuff · 7 months ago
goddammit, Al... I already loved you an unbelievable amount. you didn't have to do this to me 🙃🙃🙃
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#canon lee!Alphonse supremacy ✊️
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helleboretks · 2 years ago
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HERE’S MY GIRL IN ACTION-hot damn, why she so pretty-
I decided to make her a very famous pianist, because whilst I was drawing this I thought ‘huh, she’s got pianist fingers’ and then it went downhill from there XD
She has such an elegant way of speech as well, with a low teasing tone it’s fuckin’ terrifying, Jesum-
ANYWAYS!! Her name is still pending cause my ideas are dead qwq-BUT I’LL FIND ONE EVENTUALLY
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maybealittlesnuggling · 27 days ago
Hey by the way, Extremely underrated clip from Neverafter imo
The way he says “we fucking died” has been stuck in my head for so damn long
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flames-tstuff · 3 months ago
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ehehehehe yeeeessss!!! Thank you thank you thank you! This is absolutely perfect! <3
Totally okay that it's short n sweet, and I understand most people haven't even thought about FMA/B in ages, so I'm more than happy to recieve and devour any little thing they have to offer :)
🌈 - Bestie you KNOW I'm always on the lookout for any scrap of FMAB tk content 👀 (I'm not sure exactly what you're working on, but best of luck to you!)
Flames!!! Hiii and thank youuuu <3 so sorry for taking so long to answer but I wanted your ask to be my final reward and!!! The project is finished!!!! Time to celebrate and pass out on the bed!!!
I'm going to be honest kiugtfdfghyujik I haven't watched FMAB in 8 years but it's still a beloved anime of mine <3 pls forgive me for any out of character scnearios!
🌈- I can't help myself, everytime I think about Alphonse I NEED to have that boy giggling and smiling and laughing and feeling all the joy in the world that is there to be felt.
🌈- Thinking about Al sometimes just forgetting about not being a giant empty armor anymore and just keep getting cats and shoving on his shirt, which is all fun and games until the kittens realize that there is warm soft and safe and deciding that hey, it's real free state. Therefore Al can no longer just have a nap anywhere in the house without a ball of fur just jump and shove themself under his shirt and wake him up with the soft feeling of fur and whiskers brushing on his torso kjhgfdfghjk
🌈- Also, Ed definietly finally used all that free time they had to regain old sibling rights of Being A Menance and they would get into all the kind of silliness and trouble, finally having time to enjoy the simple joys and be a kid so, picture with me. Al reading pacifically on the couch, almost sleeping, a cat taking a nap on his lap and Ed just passes and freezes, taken over by the Time to Destroy That Peace spirit that takes over every sibling seeing the other just doing nothing at all and decides to start tickling lightly his feet and that horrible spot he has under his knee. Of course, there is a CAT sleeping on him so Al can't move or do any loud sound at out so he has no option but stay there, muffling his snickers and shaking his head and trying to frown and send his older brother away but falling into even stronger giggles everytime he look up and just sees the giant smirk on Edwards face
🌈- Now, when he gets revenge you better freaking RUN for your life! I can't see him being like, very rough in his tickles but I can feel his teases would be absolutely killing!! He has no shame! He will bring games and teases and praises and has a giant curiosity that can only be satied when he discovers all of your tickle spots. Idk why but I feel like surprise tickle attacks delight him so his friend/ed can just be chilling around and them ZING two hands dig on their sides and start tasering and then ZING he disappeared and they're now cofused and giggling and dying on the floor. rip <3
🌈- I can see him using a dirty trick or two because Ed WOULD use them against him and he had to learn how to survive under such diring condictions (/j)
🌈- He loves being physically afffectioned so receiving and giving tickles are no different to him! They are actually a little bit more special because he can use them to see his brother finally loosing up and Winry to take a break (her revenge will be unmerciful though rip) and anyone else to just see more smiles and bring more fun into life!! He also just loves letting go and laugh and feel again so <3 <3 yeah it's a rather giggling life they have from now on.
🌈- He wouldn't have it any other way
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emiko-matsui · 2 years ago
in my heart i know it was orange top hat fairy that cursed alphonse
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keirashark · 2 years ago
Imagine being the most cringefail mule who has ever existed. Imagine that you in fact weren’t always a mule, but were actually a prince cursed to be a mule. IMAGINE the UTTER FUCKERY you had to get up to in order to have the reversing conditions of your curse be “A CRICKET NEEDS TO SHOOT A ROCKET AT YOU.”
Also, you knew plot-critical information the whole time and just didn’t share it for unknown reasons. You are Alphonse the Mule Prince.
Also, Brennan is a comedic genius and he deserves a kiss on the forehead for this bit.
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islandoforder · 2 years ago
zac being like “look alphonse has his problems but he’s my oldest friend” and then going into hysterics bc he completely forgot that those problems included straight up knocking pinocchio out
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say-hi-intrepid-heroes · 2 years ago
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every time brennan plays a horse he absolutely slays
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18catsreading · 3 months ago
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dramaqueer-commie · 4 months ago
i dont think ive ever laughed as hard out loud watching dimension 20 as the in the land of giants episode of neverafter
when cricket fires a firework at alphonse the mule, Pinocchio doing everything to kill him and instead rolling a nat 20, killing everyone around him, saving his life and freeing him from captivity, alphonse - who has been *so* useless until now- doing some epic fucking gymnastics, landing with two hitpoints as Brennan completely improvises that he was a cursed prince. and i get that that needed to happen to truly reward that nat 20 but that means the fairy who cursed this prince Alphonse to be a mule (extremely specific btw) set the event to break the course to be some combination of a dehydrated familiar cricket on the verge of passing out shooting a toy island firework at him, which would under normal circumstances definitely kill him. who was that fairy i need to meet her
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flames-tstuff · 1 year ago
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the simple joys of being human :)
Tagging the few fma peeps I know of in this community because the fandom is long dead :') @skribblz @kanene-yaaay @lovelymessybubbly @otomiya-tickles
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mitskimaniac · 10 months ago
The ‘I’M A GIRAFFE’ vine as a Neverafter clip.
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helleboretks · 2 years ago
Cute/funny art idea:
Fisseha takes the Elric's to a fish spa for some Zen/peace. Problem is, it tickles Like. A LOT.
Look, so-
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She didn't expect them to be THAT ticklish. Honest-
Written Dialogue:
Ed: "You sehehet us up! Dahahamn you!"
Fis: "I honestly didn't expect you two to be this ticklish. Apologies, my dears..."
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c-k-mack · 2 years ago
The way Brennan used the dice storytelling to turn the comic relief of Alfonse to move the story forward. That’s game master eloquence right there.
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saphic-with-t · 2 years ago
I love how weird and near impossible and nonsensical the cure to Alphonse’s curse was cause, like, yeah. If I was a magical fairy who was just cursing people by turning them into animals in hopes that they die before they cure it, I’d give them chaotic nonsense cures as well.
Imagine getting turned into a chicken and then a witch goes “Your curse can be reversed foolish one, but only if a tiger throws an axe at you!”
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silverspadesss · 2 years ago
sobbing over how pib doesn’t blame alphonse for running away because that’s just what’s expected of him. he didn’t do anything wrong. he was just scared. he had every right to run away.
but puss in boots? fearless trickster, designated helper animal? running away was the worst thing he could have done. being scared isn’t an option when there’s someone who depends on you. he let his fear overrule his duty to the hero of his story and now whatever has happened to him is all his fault.
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