#flame rambles
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a-flaming-idiot · 10 days ago
The centaur body plan is so fucking wild. It's just like: "Let's decapitate that horse and stick a legless man on the stump!"
And then two thousand years later the furries found it and were like "Ok but what if instead of a man, we made it more horse? And then we also replaced the horse with anything besides a horse?"
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flames-tstuff · 7 months ago
goddammit, Al... I already loved you an unbelievable amount. you didn't have to do this to me 🙃🙃🙃
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#canon lee!Alphonse supremacy ✊️
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flameultra04 · 9 months ago
what are you tfh guys' names? i know red is cardinal (right) but i dont know the other two
i love your art style :)
Oh, thank you! I’ve said their names in a few posts but they actually do have full proper names.
As you said, the Red one is named Cardinal. His full name is Cardinal Hayes.
Blue one, his real name is Royce, but people interchangeably call him “Navy” as well. His full name is Royce “Navy” Ivan Fletcher.
As for the green one, he’s the Link from A Link Between Worlds, but no one calls him that in Hytopia yet. He goes under the name “Sage” instead to hide his identity. His full name is Link “Sage” Bryn.
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flamedraco · 1 month ago
The Abyss Glows Red
^ That's the current running title for the TNT Duo multichapter fic I'm working on for that mermay TNT Duo takeover I've been rambling about. I've been sick for the past week so I haven't been able to work on it, but I want to talk about it a bit now.
So, I've had this AU in my back pocket for years now. Ever since 2023 I think. It was a Spring night. Like eighty something in my room because I woke up from what I can only describe as a fever dream. And that dream is what inspired this AU.
I don't remember it very well now, but as is with most things I looked at this cracked out TV show pilot episode looking ass dream and said "so how do I make this TNT Duo". I started calling it my Eldritch Mako AU since it takes some inspiration from the Mako Mermaids franchise. Which I should probably rewatch since I'm using Mako Island as a location in the fic, but I digress. I had this dream, right? And it was about this woman who had an accident out on the ocean. And she keeps seeing this weird red glowing light. And eventually some people come up to her to talk about it.
So I slapped Wilbur into the leading role and I ran with it. This idea about some eldritch siren in the water that Wilbur doesn't remember but knows is out there waiting for him. As for the two people who approach him to ask about the accident, I was debating for a long while on who I wanted it to be and eventually settled on Karl and Niki as the 'paranormal investigators/friends' who will be helping Wilbur on this little adventure.
It's taking a while to build up to the TNT Duo since Quackity is technically the fic antagonist, so he's not going to get dialogue for a while. But eventually these two idiots are going to make out in the water. I don't make the rules I just enforce them.
Anyways, I've gotten up to four chapters now, over 10k words of content. I'd have more if I hadn't come down sick as fuck (damn you Covid, I had a streak going). I probably need to take a slower time with this fic since it'll be more slow paced, but I also have so many other projects I want to post in May. And I've already basically lost a week to being sick and incapable of doing much of anything.
But yeah. I'm working on it. And working on other things too. Including a smaller multichapter fic that has a bit higher TNT Duo to Plot Ratio XD
So that's what I've been working on for this upcoming Mermay.
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flamestar126 · 1 month ago
I love commenting on fics.
No, I don't know if they'll ever see them or get my message.
No, I have no idea if my words of appreciation will freak them out and ignore them.
Yes, it makes me good inside when I can tell someone their writing has made my day and/or possible years to come.
There are and will permanently stick with me, and I need to let them know that I am deeply in love with their writing.
Sometimes, I do end up getting a reply back and it's fucking euphoric. Especially the farther it dates back to and getting one after all this time? Let's me know if they appreciate it and a stranger doing okay wherever they are.
Even unintentionally got a few inspired to pick up after it was long abandoned just by a simple word of appreciation for what we had then.
I love commenting on fics.
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shatteredblueflame · 1 year ago
I love talking about my fics and vaguely threatening characters. It's so fun. :3
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a-flaming-idiot · 1 month ago
I can also recommend the Voidpet App. Basically raising pokemon that teach you mindfulness and self care.
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guys. please
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a-flaming-idiot · 1 month ago
I hate that a regular fandom experience is that you'll discover a BREATHTAKING fan comic for your fandom that will emotionally obliterate your for a few days. And then you'll discover it got cancelled two years ago in the middle of the huge plot point.
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flames-tstuff · 10 days ago
I'm hella late to the party but here are some fun superpower ideas in relation to tks
Originally this was going to be an ask sent to @ticklepinions (in relation to these posts) buuut I got a bit carried away. So here we are.
Animation/puppetering - being able to physically control someone to some degree, blood-bending style (or maybe it's a subcategory of telekinesis, idk)
Some sort of truth-telling ability, either coaxing confessions or maybe just preventing a person from lying
In a similar vein, persuasion or power of suggestion, i.e. charmspeak in the PJO universe ("mind control" and "brainwashing" both feel like too extreme of words for what I'm thinking of lol)
Having an inhuman degree of dexterity or fine motor skills? Reflexes? Idk but I'm imagining a person who can control their movements way too well
Invisibility! Sneak attacks and shenanigans. 'Nuff said
Healing abilities that just so happen to cause a sort of tingling sensation with contact (inspo from this). Maybe it lingers for a certain period of time. Maybe it's worse the more pressure that's applied
An ability that causes some degree of temporary paralysis or slowed/weakened movement. Could be caused by physical contact or not. I find the idea of paralyzing bites or saliva especially fun and interesting (i.e. the shirshus in ATLA and Miguel O'Hara i think?)
Literally any sort of animal characteristics: wings, claws... you get it
Some sort of recall or summoning ability? In the same way the HP universe has "accio [item]", except I'm imagining in a chase scenario the pursuer is a little shit and can just *poof!* teleport the lee back to the pursuer every time they start to get away hehe
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flameultra04 · 2 years ago
Oooo ALBW Link how cute..
NOW DRAW HIM AND RAVIO KISSING 🔫 /j (I wanna see Ravio in you style)
Here’s a pencil doodle of Ravio and Sheerow for you Anon, but quick heads-up for you.
I know you were joking, but I’m not comfortable with Link x Ravio (It’s okay because you couldn’t have known) but I’m just making people aware.
Nonetheless, thank you for the request! I love Ravio so much.
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I headcanon Ravio’s physical appearance isn’t great. He’s extremely thin behind his outfit because that’s very typical for Loruleans due to lack of food and such, as a result, most of them are malnourished. Ravio also dealt with Sleep deprivation after leaving Lorule because of paranoia (why his eyebags are so bad) which is why he always lies on Link’s floor after he sells everything. He’s trying to get some very needed sleep (also because he literally broke down Link’s bed, the idiot)
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fallenflamess · 21 days ago
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I had a vision
inspired by this
part 1 part 1.5 (here) part 2
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flamestar126 · 6 months ago
It finally hit me that I'm moving
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a-flaming-idiot · 6 months ago
This response fucking kills me because this is exactly how I feel about writing. The only issue is that I regularly lose the ability to write for weeks or months on end....
How can you still draw while being so stressed? There aren't even times where you just give up and you broke your tooth because you were gritting it due to stress. You can post 1 fully coloured drawing at least once a week/2 weeks and you're having one of the worst times in your life. How?? How do you do that??
if im ever so far gone i cant put pen to paper, i want you to ritualistically shoot me behind a laundry shed. the day i cant express myself thru my art even with the overwhelming burden of existing is the day im not human anymore. making shit is apart of my function, like how a printer prints or a fridge keeps things cool or the way your eyelid flickers and your pupils contract when the lights get turn on. i make because i must because i breathe
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badtzbot · 7 months ago
i have to say the relationship that smoker has with the asl brothers is fucking hilarious. luffy pissed him off so badly one singular time that he followed the guy halfway into the grand line and then also into the new world just to track him down. he had to accept help from his crew in defeating crocodile and luffy did it via becoming a water balloon. and then tashigi, who he's responsible for, cried about it. he hates luffy and luffy calls him smokey and doesn't gaf. ace.... do i even have to say anything. they did it nasty sloppy style. ace annoyed the fuck out of him and you KNOW it. smoker tried to confront him in alabasta and luffy SMASHED ALL THREE OF THEM THROUGH A WALL. and then luffy escaped because ace played diversion! and smoker can't even Actually do anything because ace is a wb pirate and he canNOT afford to anger them. and sabo. i just know when smoker met sabo in movie stampede he was already like fuck me why is the ra here and then sabo was like "luffys my little brother" and smoker just wanted to straight up kill himself. he was like FUCK ME theres ANOTHER ONE OF THEM ????? and then he has to fucking work with the guy for the greater good. again.
and the rest of the family too. he can't even yell at garp because he's one of the few superior officers smoker respects. smoker's life is just a constant aneurysm and you KNOW it's bad when the one he, a marine, has the least beef with is the fucking LEADER OF THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY. smoker i hope your blood pressure goes down because between this and the cigars you're gonna die before you reach 40
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ninesugars · 16 days ago
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hello to all 5 people that still care about fates. guess who’s replaying conquest
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flames-tstuff · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag, @gaybananabread! :D
You wouldn't be able to tell from this list but I DO actually listen to a variety of music... the soft and/or sad ones just happen to be my favorite. oops :')
Frown (mxmtoon)
Laundry Day (Cavetown)
As Good As It Gets (FIZZ)
Magnolia (Laufey)
Everybody Dies (Billie Eilish)
Sorry (dodie)
Two (Sleeping At Last)
Start Forgetting Death (Adam Melchor)
To The Mountains (Lizzy McAlpine)
Underground (Cody Fry)
Floating (chevy)
Frozen (cover by lyn lapid)
I never know who hasn't been tagged already (or who doesn't like being tagged), so if you wanna join this is your sign to do so :)
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Tagged by @sailforvalinor, and thank you this looks like fun!
Remember and Proclaim (Andrew Peterson)
All I Ask of You (Jackie Evancho)
Innocence (Nathan Wagner)
Níl Sé'n Lá (Celtic Woman)
I Still Need a Savior (Billy Sprague)
No Strings (Ed Sheeran)
Take Me Back Road (Tim & the Glory Boys)
How Great is Our God (Chris Tomlin)
Everything Sad is Coming Untrue (Jason Grey)
El-Shaddai (Amy Grant)
Voice of Truth (Casting Crowns)
Endlessly (Amaranthe)
Not Alone (Red)
I'm an Open Road (Paul Brandt)
Never Leave Your Side (Sam Tinnesz)
Good to Be Alive (Skillet)
Hoo boy, can I think of sixteen people?
@griseldabanks @kraytwriter @kingofattolia @catkin-morgs @clawedandcute @nerdychristianfanboy @steampunk-archer @sergeanttomycaptain @smhalltheurlsaretaken @scribblermerlin @authortobenamedlater @stainedleather @mrtobenamedlater @mrgartist @get-loved-nerd @a-fount-of-blessings (Ignore if this is a repeat tag. Unless you want to do it again. Up to you. :)
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