#le sérieux
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pigeonneaux · 1 year ago
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Let him have a fucking break or whatever
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maybefrench · 1 year ago
As-tu un compte aux Impôts / CAF / Améli / Pôle Emploi / Ursaff ? Ceci est pour toi :)
So, La Quadrature du Net a réussi à mettre la main sur 2 versions de l'algorithme de la CAF et c'est effarant. Et oui, ça te concerne quand même tu n'y es pas. Parce qu'ils utilisent tous des altos. Lit la suite vite fait ( ou passe direct à : Lutter contre les algos de contrôle )
La version longue mais très intéressante :
Notation des allocataires : l'indécence des pratiques de la CAF désormais indéniable
Mon résumé perso :
En gros, la CAF ne cherche pas à prévenir la fraude, elle cherche les indus. Pour ça, elle te score selon que t'es supposé être un profil de fraudeur ou pas. T'es AAH ? T'as le gros lot. T'es une mère célibataire ? T'as aussi un score élevé. T'es un couple qui gagne bien sa vie ? Même pas t'es inquiété.
So, selon ton score, l'algo décide de check ton dossier ou pas. Il flag ton dossier, un petit monsieur/madame regarde ton dossier en partant du principe que si l'algol t'a flag, c'est qu'il y a bien une raison non ? Et ils vont chercher la merde.
Là dessus. Ils vont cross tes données avec les impôts, l'assurance maladie, même tes comptes bancaires ( illégal ça non ? bah comme de te filer un score parce que t'habites le quartier pérave de ta ville et pourtant ! )
La CAF déconne grave. Et comme son algo "il fonctionne", Pôle Emploi s'est dit qu'il allait aussi le test depuis le début de l'année. Et comme ça marche bien, l'assurance maladie s'y est mis aussi. On rappel que l'assurance maladie a genre des tas d'infos sur toi que tu voudrais pas que le type de la CAF ou de Pôle Emploi puisse voir ?
Si tu veux lire la version courte et te dire qu'on a bien dépassé le stade de la dystopie ordinaire, c'est ici ( CAF, Assurance Maladie, URSAFF, Pôle Emploi, Assurance Vieillesse, Impôts, etc... ) :
Lutter contre les algos de contrôle
Tu as envie de ne pas trop te laisser ? Ca te branche un peu d'emmerder légalement les institutions ? Tu aimerais connaître le score de ton trimestriel salto ? Good ! La Quadrature te fourni les outils : 2 gabarits pour envoyer aux institutions afin d'avoir ces infos. Et si tu te sens d'aider, forward tes infos à la Quadrature pour qu'ils puissent saisir l'étendu des données ( okak'on aurait pas tous les même critères de sélection ) Vazy c'est par ici :
Demande ton score ( mais t'as pas de médaille à la fin )
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codename-adler · 2 months ago
i hate u French people who come to Montreal and think our curse slang is all there is to the culture
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girlywave · 3 months ago
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leur l'existence
ph. tajima kazunali
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this-is-a-name-dont-worry · 4 months ago
"Vous êtes heureux?"
"Ben... c'est plus compliqué que ça, mais ça va venir."
putain mais le pignouf il vient juste d'échanger sa femme pour avoir Mevanwi et il est déjà plus à fond
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gay-impressionist · 5 months ago
ça me fume que les seuls à avoir la légitimité pour gouverner seraient le NFP ou le RN mais Macron ne teste que des noms de sa coalition ou des LR. allo???
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fragiledate · 2 months ago
j'adore j'adore tellement le fait que le directeur de yoroi soit david Tomaszewski psq les bangers absolue que cet homme nous a sorti oh lala j'ai trop trop hâte
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randomnameless · 11 months ago
So considering how feudal nations work and if one is willing to focus on the lesser nobles, actual people (so not just showing Edelgard loyalists but those who dislike her too) and if Ludwig manage to escape capture, it would be reasonable to have a civil war happen?
I think it can since Hubert wouldn't just be able to get the network system of his father after murdering him, and the nobles of Adrestia are the worst in terms of opposition to social mobility and primitive form of gender equality, so the lack of civil war is stupid.
I base my thoughts on how France (I'm French too) had the Vendée rebellion and subsequent massacre and how devotion to the Church fueled support to the Spanish nationalists.
Adrestia is somehow the least interesting nation because of how it lack any of the noticeable internal strife shown, and Hubert being so effective at killing dissidents despite being only 20 (before the war) and having been at odd with many of the Seven who would actually have networks on their own is really Mary-sue ish.
I was a Edelstan at first (though I don't think too extreme) , but the more I see things, the more CF, SB and Edie annoy me (though the toxic fans are key in me stopping from preferring Edie).
Cher compatriote,
Thing is, Fodlan has been shown to be... not so feudal at all, especially the Empire.
I mean, Ludwig is jailed by word of the newest Emperor, when Ludwig is the PM and Edel was only the Imperial Princess at that time.
If we assume PM is just a big title (like the Fraldarius being Dukes) and in a feudal setting, Ludwig would have had a lot of lesser Houses and feudal Lords under his authority - the Emperor jails him? I can't see his bannermen - especially since this imprisonment isn't in reaction to anything he did (recently?) - just stand still and continue with their lives - how come no one reacts "wrongly" when he is jailed, in his territory, or the people affiliated to his name (maybe cousins, cadet branches, or what not)?
FWIW, Ludwig managed to escape and sort of mount a small army of men in SB... But that's nowhere what I would expect from the former PM - when we are told he was the one running things at the end of Ionius' rule - to have/raise, the number 1 of the country drops to a nobody by the heir of the puppet ruler, and apparently, the only ones number 1 can have to help him is 15 guys ?
I mean, Ferdie can have his Aegir personal battalion when he ends his paralogue (i know, it's a gameplay mechanic!) - can't we imagine the Aegir Astral Knights would have been something else than 10 dudes following Ferdie in gameplay, and be instead an entire battalion Ludwig could have used to defend himself, or at least run away with? Or imagine those knights tried to locate and liberate him from his prison in Enbarr?
Adrestia is so not developed that, as you say, it ends up being the most boring place of the three (even if I'll argue on this point : both Adrestia and Leicester are completely empty and without interest, but at least, Adrestia had some history landmarks to imagine things, when the Alliance has... Gloucester and his sheep, I guess?) - but at the same time, it could have been much more : Adrestian Emperors claim to descend from Jesus... but there's an Archbishop around (who is actually Jesus and not their ancestor (or is she?), but that's a secret!) so, to everyone who is supposed to buy the official story... Why should the CoS be administred/ruled by a random archbishop, when Jesus' direct line is still alive and kicking? Why should the Emperors share Fodlan - that was liberated by Seiros herself from corrupted people in the North ! - with the descendants of those corrupted people in the North?
The game instead gives us MAGA "Make Adrestia Great Again" with a resentment for the CoS that isn't explained (in Nopes, it's suggested the Emperor who disbanded the Southern church already was pissed with the Central Church!) and we can only guess it's either about Faerghus existing or something else...
I confess my only interest in Adrestia stems from the country being seemingly, during the WoH and post WoH the country were people are happy and peaceful etc "country of a blue lord", and then, 10 years after the end of the War of Heroes, instead of having some "and Renais was rebuilt and Ephraim became the new King of Restauration and helped everyone" we have "and then Lycaon dies mysteriously and the political situation is so "stable" that his successor duels for her throne", complete with a novel having in the background "and Adrestia still didn't leave the Roman Ludi and had northerners being torn apart by beasts as a form of entertainment"* which is, uh, very very very far removed from Marth'n'Tiki finishing their adventures and returning home.
As you pointed out, Adrestia, for what is developed in-game or mentioned about the place, is incredibly bleak and involves child prostitution, heavy class divide and an extreme misoginy in the current times... when it was created/overlooked, at least in the beginning, by Rhea herself ! When Rhea's current home is a rather peaceful place, Adrestia by comparison is a chamber pot, so what the frick happened there? 1000 years are 1000 years, but damn.
We don't have any intel about it - only mentions here'n'there that Hubert and Supreme Leader (but mostly Hubert because he can be criticised in game having a very... biased view of events and refusing to reconsider, but in the end, Adrestia... cannot be developed or have a civil war, because Adrestia isn't the focus of the story - from what we have, we already know it's a bleak place before and after Edel's coronation so... Her goal is to bring reforms to the world, but it's fitting enough that she doesn't deal with her own turf before bringing "reforms" to the rest of Fodlan.
There's also the very doylist reason of Edel having to be marketable, so in Houses, we cannot have people rebel on-screen for what happens in the Empire, else the Emperor... will not sell. Hell, Nopes had to have her brainwashed to have people react to Agarthans killing her randoms right and left, while the Nobles aren't doing a thing - always hammering the fact that "she's brainwashed so it's not her doing this or condoning this by not moving her army to protect her people it's Thales's fault".
Hubert being hyper-competent is an assumed trait at this point lol, unless he really really works with the Agarthans who lend him their tech and spy reports and whatnot. FE isn't a "realistic" as, say, ASOIAF, but without Hubert, Adrestia doesn't function and Edel's plans don't work so Hubert is both a McGuffin plot device (apparently he can pinpoint shambala because Thales fire nukes? Without access to any satellite?) and the character we all love.
Given how Supreme Leader planned her coup coronation and subsequent attack on GM - especially since Leopold already was in her pocket during the mock battle - I'm pretty sure Hubert, or Leopold's army or hell, some of her "allies" already envisaged this, and had either Aegir's "close allies" Hubert'd or monitored.
Or worse, imagine a scenario where Aegir runs to his friend Varley to explain him what happened, how the Emperor sent an army against him to usurp the throne and how they must warn everyone and Leopold to raise the army against her... Only to have Varley reveal he is now the Bishop of the Southern Church, and Leopold sided with her since the beginning...
I know it's not comparable, but Seteth (or some nuns?) mentions how he hasn't heard a thing about the faithful in the Empire... so either they were killed because they were practicionners of the Seiros faith, or because they rebelled/protested against the war and were, uh, disposed of (tfw the games never care about telling us who were the humans used to create the various imperial demonic beasts we see).
FWIW, I have a plotbunny idea where someone pretending to be Hresvelg bastard - with a crest of Seiros - wants to ask for Nopes!Rhea's help to support his claim to the throne, since Supreme Leader declared her war against the Church, he can put an end to it if he becomes Emperor, right? The CoS is torn between accepting "it would create at least some instability in the Empire, so the Kingdom could breathe a bit and maybe use this opportunity to finally fend them off if the Emperor calls back her troops in Enbarr" and "the CoS doesn't meddle in the affairs of humans like succession issues and only does so if it's to prevent a war but here you want us to create a civil war??"
*it's a novel so historical accuracy isn't that high, and yet, even if it's a porn book, why adding this detail in the background - just like people listening to music - I doubt it was written by a Faerghian writter so what, was this detail "northmen were slaughtered by beasts in the background and it was very funny lol" added just as a background thing, like fish being served as a meal ("historical" detail that might have been true!) or...?
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girafeduvexin · 10 months ago
Sondage dangereux (mais j'y pense trop et ça me fait rire) (à ne pas prendre au sérieux) (il y a beaucoup d'ados sur tumblr donc statistiquement ???)
(Si oui, va réviser le brevet/bac !)
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kelthoumrambles · 4 months ago
hier matin, jsuis allée voir mon psy et je lui ai littéralement parlé non-stop pendant 2h15. je suis sortie de ma consultation en me sentant bien. il y a du progrès, si sii! je marche dans la rue pour aller prendre mon bus et là, un gars me frôle et me murmure limite à l'oreille "vous avez l'air perdue" ET TA MÈRE ELLE EST PERDUE CONNARD
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 2 years ago
current state of my french studies:
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patoune-prod · 2 years ago
Ici Vont Les Morts déménage!
Surtout parce que je suis une abrutie et que j'ai oublié de renouveler les noms de domaine (et j'ai la flemme)
L'ancienne URL n'est donc plus accessible MAIS le webcomic existe toujours ! Vous pouvez continuer de le lire à cette adresse
L'url est donc https://valeriane.org/ivlm/
Je me demande si je reposterais pas l'histoire du début sur un planning bi hebdomadaire, quelqu'un serait partant?
Et sur ce, à bientôt et bonne lecture !
(C'est pas marrant, j'ai réussi à caser plus de blagues sur les morts vivants dans la version anglaise)
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lesangdesrats · 6 months ago
Bon si on réussi à avoir un peu de soleil je vais faire sécher de la sauge en masse, si quelqu'un veut un peu de tisane gratos pour cet hiver j'en envoie partout en france, goût riche, pas du tout herbeux et légèrement anisé, un poil d'amertume, 100% cultivé sur ma terrasse avec mon compost de haute qualité
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unionizedwizard · 8 months ago
lu un article (en français) sur la "révélation de la vraie identité de banksy, un certain robbie banks" d'après une interview de 2003 (où lui-même laisse planer le doute sur le fait que ce soit une blague, d'ailleurs) et je suis tellement vénèr que l'article ne mentionne pas LE JEU DE MOOOOOOOOTS. ROBBIE BANKS. BANK ROBBER. NON ???? VOUS L'AVEZ PAS. OK JE VOIS. JE VOIS
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gay-impressionist · 6 months ago
Paris my beloved ❤️
(texte et voix d'oxmo puccino)
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etsicetaitmavie · 1 year ago
Alors bon, ça suffit bien maintenant.
La voie de droite sur l'autoroute n'est pas le triangle de Bermudes.
Vous n'allez pas subitement disparaître si vous l'utilisez.
Nan mais franchement c'est insupportable et surtout dangereux !
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