#lawn steps
mypixelstories · 1 year
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Boston Poolhouse Poolhouse Remodeling ideas for a sizable coastal backyard with a rectangular lap pool
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wolverwhore · 1 year
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Container Garden Landscape Inspiration for a large traditional full sun backyard stone formal garden in spring.
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kiapet2 · 19 days
If you didn't watch the US presidential debate the best way I can describe it is Kamala was playing 5D chess while Trump played chutes and ladders
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milkweedman · 6 days
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Made another spindle. It's very small. Also very irregular and lumpy due to the wood (I wanted the raised brown lines to stay and erred on the side of caution in how much I cut away...but that did lead to a very irregular spindle).
It also wanted to crumble as I carved, so pretty much all the fine tuning I just did by sanding it, which helps to compress the fibers down as well as remove material without crumbling or splintering.
It really came to life when I oiled it. Probably will be best after a few good coats and some time. My woodburning kit seems to be totally gone, which is a bummer. So I'm not woodburning anymore.
Spins well. Obviously being so tiny and light it was always going to be a fine spinning spindle, but effortless thread from an unprepped piece of fleece is pretty indicative as well. I seem to find myself carving mostly thread spindles at the moment. They're always so small and light in the hand, they remind me of holding baby birds.
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gynandromorph · 1 month
My mom loves to garden and she spends all day outdoors... She's also lethally allergic to insect stings. I dunno how she does it. She says that as long as she leaves them alone they leave her alone which makes sense but I stg every time I'm out there just trying to walk 20 feet from point a to point b I have to do this "omg get away from me" dance with at least one wasp. They really don't have a lot of brain cells. So they will just like keep heading in the same direction I am and then it looks like I'm hunting them. Don't know if I'm allergic, never been stung by one because I also leave them the hell alone, but sometimes "leaving them alone" entails walking all the way around a building because they won't move out of some tiny enclosed space by a doorway. It's wild because an intense fear of bees when you're allergic to them is not even considered a phobia, it's considered a rational fear by definition. It's like having a loaded gun flying around, obviously it's understandable to be scared when it's anywhere near you. She has not yet been stung while gardening though. I'm just hoping she doesn't try to walk it off if she is stung one day
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moomeecore · 25 days
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jasontoddsgaythoughts · 2 months
I love Jason Todd. I would bully him even if he had a gun pointed at me
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lizarr7 · 1 year
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The song I had on repeat while drawing this: ZAYDE WOLF x NEONI - Oblivion (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
So I guess I'm posting DC stuff now . . . WOW it's like the whole rwby thing all over again. Maybe this will b a one off, maybe it won't, only time will tell.
Credit for this particular design of supergirl goes to @rontra although . . . I did take some small artistic liberties.
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jimmyspades · 5 months
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iraprince · 2 years
do you find it harder to draw well when you're stoned? that's my experience, and I wind up putting pressure on myself and that fucks with the enjoyment of being high in the first place. if that has ever been your experience... any tips on how to Not go that? and how to handle decreased artistic abilities when blazed constructively so I can enjoy both being stoned and making art simultaneously? thank you!
well like not to be a killjoy but in all seriousness: i rly can't give other ppl advice on drug use! i'm not u and i'm not in ur body, and it's all too individualized for me to rly be able to talk abt it meaningfully.
what i can say re: my own habits is i've occasionally had cool experiences w weed + making art, but generally those experiences have not been consistently replicable (ppl who follow me on twitter have probably seen me joking now and then about "hitting the ballmer peak, but with weed"; the joke is that this never happens and u usually just end up overshooting it and getting couchlocked. lmfao.) again, super individualized, but for me i've found that a rly important part of keeping my relationship w weed safe and healthy (esp as a habitual stoner) is to keep it purely recreational; it's better for me when i don't use weed to adjust my mood or like, try to "improve" or "enhance" anything outside of like, the experience of eating a burger. if art happens, cool! if not, then it's not in the cards for me that evening. and so i can't rly speak to any experiences outside of that!
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BPD culture is feeling like violets are growing from your knees, like clovers are sprouting in your lungs, like dandelions are blooming around your nails. i want to be pretty, and nice, and smart and kind and funny and thoughtful and worthwhile and enough! but i’m just a weed!
i’m just a weed
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hoppinkiss · 5 days
went over everything in the bathroom Outside the shower with disinfecting wipes, cleaned the mirror, took care of the worst parts of the floor with the intention of properly cleaning the Whole floor another day, and I was gonna clean the shower immediately before cleaning Myself but I ran out of energy so I just took a regular shower
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108garys · 2 years
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@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @mistmoose @ivycross @cupofangst @oblivious-troll-main @somewhereinthepines @myscprin After drawing a young Dar I figured I'd draw a current year version, he'd be in his mid 60s at this point, at least that's where I'd put him 20 years post hoa
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bunnyb34r · 4 months
Why is my drs office calling me NOW ab a referral my dr was supposed to have sent like two weeks ago??? And I already made the appt sgdgdgdgd like guys I fucking called you, they said it wasnt a referral it was a recommendation, said it was still okay that they would still set up the appt, AND MADE THE APPT!!
It's literally in my chart??? That I see him in July??? Hello???
Anyway I'm not calling them back and being like yeah thanks already scheduled bye
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labradorite-princess · 5 months
I hate loud noises.
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rowenabean · 11 months
Sad this whole becoming a real adult thing <- person who bought a lawnmower
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