#language translator app
games2go · 6 months
google play : https://lnk.bio/s/incinet/translate_app
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With what's happened with Duolingo, I'm looking for a new language app, but need some help.
Is there a Japanese language app that is:
Great for people with learning disabilities (my brain struggles with language and has to learn it very slowly)
Kid friendly
I've seen a bunch of posts with all these recommendations, but it's super overwhelming and I have no idea where to start.
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discocleric · 1 year
kinnporsche timeline notes
just putting these here for my own reference
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Episode 2:
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With these episodes airing in April 2022 and filming sometime in 2021, I'm gonna say for now that they take place in late October. I guess specifically October 2021, but so far I've been assuming Fall 2022 so I'll probably stick with that.
I don't think these are the ones they mean, but just in case:
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ETA: Ahhh I just found the post about Chay's birthday being in July 2003.
tbh I think that confirms the show takes place like October-December 2021.
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orpheuslament · 1 month
soit j'apprends bientôt le français soit je me [redacted]
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Russian Poetry!; Or, Birthday Gifts, Plus Some.
I studied Russian in college and, despite my Duolingo efforts, miss it, so I figured the most approachable way to Get Back Into That was to read dual-language poetry. Rationales: It's nice to have someone (read: the translator) hold your hand when you're out of practice; Poems Smaller than Novels or Short Stories and therefore bite-sized/less intimidating; I can do a couple poems a session without risking Losing The Plot like I might for fiction (and isn't that how you're supposed to enjoy poetry anyway??); I can take notes and jot down new vocab words in this handy little journal! (Do I read much poetry in English? No. Are we ignoring that? Very much yes, thanks.)
The three books on the top are Actually Dual Language, with Russian on one page and English facing. THIS IS US LOSING COUNT is contemporary, but Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva are decidedly not, so I'll be starting with LOSING COUNT.
The two on the bottom are English only, but the whopping 948-page complete Akhmatova as All Her Poems, plus context, which will definitely be helpful (the Selected Akhmatova above is a companion volume!), and the Parnok is a combination of context + translated poems and she was a lesbian, Harold.
I'm planning on making a year(s)-long (however long it takes!) study of this, and chipping at it regularly. Expect to see volumes pop up in my "Books of [Year]" posts intermittently!
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existennialmemes · 4 months
It's distressing how deep I have to get into a suggested video before I understand whether I'm looking at food, soap, or wax melts.
"And now we're pouring this luscious Rose Vanilla into the mold" ok but can I lick it?? Or more pertinently, am I supposed to lick it??
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going back to home country (unfortunately) for summer so customizing AAC board for first/native language and many feelings and Do Not Like
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chasani · 2 months
get me a language learning app that teaches you words along side their sign language counter parts
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emmet-appreciation · 2 years
I remember someone mentioning some quirks that were in Ingo and Emmet’s Japanese dialogue so I was just wondering..................
Has anyone done an in-depth analysis of the train bros’ Japanese dialogue? Or in any other language for that matter?
Idk, they have pretty distinct speech patterns in English (I’ve talked about Emmet’s in particular already, sorta) and I want to see how that kind of speech was translated into different languages
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actual-corpse · 4 days
But... what if someone doesn't have use of one of their arms? I straight up do not know. Please tell me.
But I WILL FIGHT ANYONE who bitches about phones EVER. They are VERY helpful for communication....
Language barrier
Hard of hearing
Can't talk
Convince me that phones suck.
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blkkizzat · 14 days
Me gusta mucho como tienes tus… ¿decoraciones? No se como decirlo pero como arreglas tu perfil y tus publicaciones cuando haces un fanfic se me hace tan bonito y creativo! Quedé muy impresionada con como está echa “The nursery” los banners de Netflix? El video donde se selecciona a Toji? Muuuuy bueno!!!
Hola nonny!! (i don't speak any spanish besides that and calling choso "chosito" fkhfsdkjhbsjkd so im so sorry thats all i can say😭😭. i took japanese in school)
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AHHH TYSM!! I love creating banners. I originally wanted to be a graphic designer but in college my design program (i didnt go to an art school) was basura (wait i remembered another word!) so i just did advertising and photography. But honestly I have the banners done way before the story since I like creating them so much.
The netflix one is one of my favorites. I wanna do a hulu and a youtube one too!
Thank you so much pookies!!
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rigelmejo · 3 months
Okay for some reason my brain has forgotten how to figure out percent, so just correct me if I'm wrong ToT
I read 默读 chapter 1 last night. I wanted to see if I understand more this time, compared to around a year ago when I read some of it. I read while listening with Microsoft Edge's Read Aloud (best TTS voice), and then opened up 默读 in my KursX Smart Book app (which I recommend as a parallel reading tool). The Smart Book app gives me statistics like: how many words I looked up, how many words I read per minute, percentage of the book I finished etc.
I read 135 words per minute, for 12 minutes, looking up a word (on average) for every 7 words. I did look up some words I knew (since I am refreshing my memory lol on rusty words I once knew in reading) and I mainly looked up words in descriptive 4 hanzi chunks because I've forgotten the meaning a lot of those types of phrases and wanted to listen to them a few times to remember their pronunciation . Since during the initial read in Edge, I was just guessing those 4 hanzi phrase meanings. So 1 lookup for every 7 words means... okay how the fuck do i do percentage? So 7 is in 100 a little over ~14 times, and so 14/100 is the amount I did not understand %14, so the amount understood was 86%. Is that how to calculate that?
And then... based on my own judgement, I did lookup some words multiple times or vaguely knew them and was just confirming, So lets guess my actual comprehension at 90%. 1 because I'd like to be optimistic... but 2, because I really did understand it fine while reading in Edge - except for 矛盾, and a few 4 hanzi descriptions. Or of course, I could just stick with the lower estimate of 86% understood and focus on trying to improve from there.
To compare: when I read 镇魂, I only look up a word for every 23 words. So... for percent comprehended that is... 23 is in 100 about ~4.35 times, 4.35/100 is about 4.35% i did not understand, or 95.65% of the text I do understand. So for me 镇魂 is within the range of 95-100% comprehension where a person can read extensively (not look words up) without intense effort and can understand what is going on and pick up new words. I was already aware my comprehension is around 96% of the text, because back when I was reading the print version a lot i manually calculated how many hanzi I did not recognize per page versus did.
So on the upside? I only need to work on learning 9% more words (whatever that ends up being in actual count) to read 默读 comfortably in print, or just without feeling the need to look words up.
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 3 months
How can I have started a book, read the blurb on the back, the title and 30 pages, but only when I’m tracking my progress on the StoryGraph and only finding an English version of the book when searching by isbn I realise that the book is in fact in English and not in Dutch as I’d been convinced?!?!
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tragedry · 5 months
Random question does it bother you when I keep yapping in arabic on your ig notes?🧍
no, not really. i'm not the type to be bothered when i see words that aren't in english lol
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itsamepatches · 11 months
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Not pictured: Chelsea about to jump Rico, hiding her simpining
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Duolingo will try and convince you that practicing for a few days when you feel like you can’t take a new lesson yet is a failure, that you aren’t doing as well as you could and “oh no! The ranking”
The owl lies. I have taken three near perfect practice lessons the last three days because I want to make sure I have the stuff I’ve learned seared into my brain better. If i don’t take a week or two for practicing old lessons I’m going to forget how to spell pharmacy in Norwegian and then I’ll fail a future one. You can’t expect me to just learn new words constantly without brushing up on old ones and NOT forget how to spell something or the word for something else, you dumb bitch. This is about me learning how to listen and read, not about how long I can stay in the sapphire league. The notifications about it are super annoying but I can’t shut them off or I’ll forget when I’ve spent the day doing something different than usual and my schedule is thrown off
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