#kurt stop being a hoe
songbirdlopez · 1 year
Santana and Brittany should’ve been senior prom queen and king.
This is something I've believed since Prom Queen 2x20. 
Let's start with why I believe this would be a perfect full circle moment for Santana's high school experience. 
Santana Lopez had from the beginning wanted to be McKinley High's "top hoe". 
In season one we are introduced to her as Quinn's second in command, but it's made obvious that she wants the full glory. 
Of course we don't know why popularity is important to her yet, but we'll get there. 
When Quinn becomes pregnant Santana takes the opportunity to take over the cheerios. 
She does support her friend with the New Directions, but as far as one-on-one chats and encouragement go, she gives nada. She is even out right cruel about Quinn's situation, there's no denying that. 
Throughout season one she focuses her attention on the two most popular guys. Noah Puckerman is her on-again-off-again boy toy who she feels nothing for until someone else wants him. Finn Hudson is purely a conquest to cement her place on the Cheerios.
Onto season two. We find out why Santana is so cagey and cruel. Santana is in love with her best friend Brittany Pierce. But with raging internalised homophobia and the general homophobia of the time and place she suppresses these feelings. 
We finally get insight from Santana herself, she's scared of being herself and the consequences. 
As she starts to address and deal with these feelings she lashes out, but she also shows her soft side. We begin to see that she can be a "hardcore friend" when she wants to be. 
Then we get to Prom Queen. After Kurt is announced Santana breaks down and tells the last of her insecurities. She has been an outcast all her life and believes she always will be. She wanted to be prom queen so that there would be one night where she felt normal and accepted. That's why popularity has been so important to her.
Finally, season three. Santana and Brittany start dating officially, yay! But in secret as Santana isn't ready to come out publicly. 
Then disaster strikes and she is outed to the entire state by Finn Hudson. I will not start talking about this event because I will never stop. Because of this she comes out to her parents who are supportive, but up next is her abuela who is suggested to be her main caregiver, and definitely the person Santana looks up to the most. When she comes out to her she is rejected and disowned. Santana's worst fears have come true, being herself has had terrible consequences. 
Despite this heartbreak she moves on. Throughout this season we get to see Santana Lopez's friendship in full force. 
She gives Brittany the confidence to run for Senior Class President, she helps Kurt when Blaine is assaulted, forgives Finn for his unforgivable act, makes up with Rachel, goes to help shut down Sebastian's bullying, etc. Now to Senior Prom. 
Promasaurus is the perfect episode to complete Santana's high school arc. Her and Brittany winning prom queen and king, respectively, would show her that being herself isn't something that always ends in rejection. 
Her whole life Santana has known she is different from the norm and wants to feel fully accepted by her peers, this is how it happens. Unlike Prom Queen, where she doesn't win, she is finally being her full self and for once she is being rewarded for it. 
Her metamorphosis from a conniving, cruel, scheming mean girl to an open, warm, still snarky, out-and-proud lesbian is complete. Now she isn't popular because she's feared, she's popular because she's herself and she's brave. 
The relationship with Brittany that took her so long to come to terms with in fear of rejection is being put on a pedestal.  
There are also the real world effects. Seeing a sapphic couple be Prom royalty and be celebrated by their peers would be instrumental to young queer kids, even in a TV show.
In conclusion Santana Lopez and Brittany Pierce should have been Prom royalty. The story line was set up for over a season, and it is much more meaningful than what actually happened. Thanks for your time.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 2 years
Back again with questions. Only it’s about Mayans…as I said before I never returned after the s3 finale. I have bolded the questions because it somehow turned into a rant post as well.
1. Was Manny Montana being brought to Mayans worth it? OR was his addition a tactic to garner more attention back to the show?
With him being freed up from Good Girls, I keep thinking they brought Manny in because they know he can play someone who can fit into an outlaw role (ie Rio), but can also a lovable soft side (ie Johnny T). Ya’ll know I follow Manny from fan base to fan base, and love to see my guy booked & busy. But I’d hate to pick Mayans back up to find they’ve shoveled in a temporary character to avoid developing the old. My guess is he’s from the charter that showed up at the end of S3. So his character is probably just to fill in for S4 to distract us from the poor writing of S3. Probably won’t make it pass a season, kinda like how they used the prospect character for a bit and tossed him away in S3.
2. Do they ever focus on Miguel being Felipe’s child???
That storyline alone could have saved Mayans. I think Elgin could learn from “less is more.” I liked SOA and definitely noticed its faults BUT….You know our boy Kurt would have cut out all the extra “mini-shocking” storylines like Angel being a hoe (and disrespecting his momma’s memory by giving her ring to Nails), Coco’s trip to Meth Mountain (when he could have just been a father to Letty and adopt Mini), Ez and Gabby (Sutter would’ve had Ez pining for Em with them sharing some long lost love stares across town like Jax and Tara in S1), and Bishop’s dead son (I’m sorry but they could have used that screen time to develop Bish into a bad ass Prez. That “bad ass Prez” was implied when I just wanted to see Bishop fuck shit up). Used ALL that wasted screen time to develop Miguel into the central character opposite of Ez. How would this simple tactic develop a far more interesting plot than what we were served in S3? Miguel be the father of Adelita’s baby. Fuel source #1 to the fire in the ultimate brother show down. Angel has a reason to hate Miguel. Fuel source #2 to the ultimate brother show down? Miguel fathering another woman’s child…easy plug to push Emily back into Ez’s arms. Which would have given enough ammo to push the original premise of this being a battle between brothers….Fuel source #3 Miguel wouldn’t have chickened out of killing Emily. He would have had Miguel drown her. Not saying this because I don’t like her character. Just saying that Sutter knew one thing “less is more.” It takes a simple act to tip a characters motives and the plot. Prime example: Opie being killed lit a fire under Jax’s ass and started pushing him toward’s the main goal of Jax dying. If they had taken that route they could have easily killed two birds with one stone. Miguel would have finally “crossed the line” separating him from his father. They made big deal saying he wanted to be different from his dad, but in the next scene show he was a lot like the man he was running from. With Emily being dead Ez would have a motivation in the Miguel and Ez tension they pushed the entire first season, only to randomly leave it at the end of S1. My guess is instead, Elgin has Gabby killed because she was Ez’s love interest when I stopped the show. But if he did I as a viewer wouldn’t buy that as enough for Ez to tip like Jax did. He knew Gabby for what…a year??
3. Lastly, did Hank get away from Nails?
Male show runners love an age gap. I’m still salty they didn’t just give Miguel someone his age instead of someone as young as Emily. Danny Pino deserved better. I don’t know why they gave Hank that weak storyline of falling for a girl young enough to be his granddaughter. They should have given him an old lady his age. If you want to know what I miss about SOA…all the old heads had old ladies their age. Some Gemma’s and Luann’s would have sprinkled in our weekly spice of drama. You caught a glimpse of it with the shitstorms Dita was able to stir when she was alive. We needed some legit old ladies to save this plot man
4. Am I the only one who feels we were pitched an entirely different show than what we got?
I hate when shows deviate from the original plan. I came to Mayans the second I saw they added Danny Pino. Seeing him play detectives half his career let me know he was going to serve as Galindo (and he did all of season 1). Can’t believe this Danny Pino opportunity was wasted like that. I came for the deadly Galindo Cartel and poor writing served a half baked drug king pin and a MC that can’t get shit done because they spend all their time focusing on personal shit instead of securing the bag. For an MC that strives solely on the Galindo transactions, I didn’t see a brick of coke more than twice the entire three seasons I watched. Elgin tried to turn the Mayans plot into something poetic. Sir. People don’t watch shows like SOA for half baked poetry. We want you to stick to the outlaw shit. That other stuff?
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au (part 5)
N/A: More pain for Kurt.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The following days, Kurt´s mood has been facing a shift as Kitty and Pete Wisdom are getting way too close. Kurt is not enjoying the new couple and is often sulking and muttering in German.  Pete´s mission was concluded, as Claudius was finally arrested, thanks to Excalibur, well, Kurt can say it was more Excalibur than Pete as the man is downright useless.
And Kurt was right in another regard, Claudius proved to be Mystique in disguise, another of her many aliases and Kurt has to deal with his biological mother and is not in the mood for her lies.
Yet, with the mission finally over, Pete still remains in Excalibur and Kurt is gritting his teeth, showing his fangs to anyone who can see it, and complains about one thing. “the mission is over, why he´s still here?”
Brian, as the leader of Excalibur, only replies “The MI-13 did say he is free to stay here if he wants and I´d not see why he should go back, he´s being a good member of Excalibur and we need all the allies we can get” is a logical explanation, yet, Kurt mutters something in German, something nasty by the looks of it, and bamfs away.
The following days has been hell for Kurt, in fact, his nightmares consist of Kitty Pryde, wearing white(resembling an angel) and often to marry Pete Wisdom(and giving that lovely smile to him, and only him…leaving Kurt behind) and the last nightmare consist of Kitty and Pete and it was enough to make Kurt stay in the kitchen sulking.
Rachel Grey enters in the kitchen and only rolls her eyes, promising to herself, she can ignore Kurt as she´s making her breakfast, is only when Rachel starts singing a morning song(one that the radio is often playing) that Kurt realizes the sun is up to either again.
“Rachel, can I ask something?” Kurt asked and the woman looks aware of him, for a moment, but using her powers, is glad to see he won´t hit on her. “Sure, I guess”
“Do you like this Pete Wisdom?” Kurt asked rubbing his eyes and Rachel can give an honest opinion on the man. “In my personal opinion,” Rachel starts “man like Pete are jerks, but, I care not for man´s opinions…so, I´m a bit biased here”
“Do you like that Kitty is dating that dumbkoff?” Kurt asked again wanting a confirmation he´s not alone on his dislike on the man. “No, but, I want Kitty to be happy, if that dumbass makes her happy, then, sure I can ignore him” Is a mature response and it should be to this line, however, Rachel adds “God knows you made her suffer a lot, so at this point, Pete looks better than you”
Kurt claps his hand on the table strongly, not phasing Rachel at all, who is making her breakfast thanks to her powers. Kurt looks straight to Rachel´s eyes and adds furiously. “I´ve never made her suffer, never, and I´m way better than Pete Wisdom”
Rachel is bemused. “At least, Pete can take a hint, you, on the other hand, you go telling Kitty about your sexual encounter with Anjulie, you go make a move on Meggan, who by the way, never give you any indication of wanting you” she brings the toasts and eggs to her plate and is eating with a smile on her face, yes, it´s just how her father make the breakfast “And all the while you never notice how Kitty feels about you. Again, Pete is winning against you”
Kurt is silent and is contemplating Rachel´s words, who is loudly crunching the toast with childish glee, and now replied, “Of course I noticed, Kitty is my best friend, and Anjulie was just one-night stand…why she would be upset?”
Rachel rolls her eyes. “You´re dumb, incredibly dumb, if Kitty is just your best friend, by the way, you need to learn about boundaries because the Anjulie´s case was…bad in many levels, why are you so rotten in jealousy?”
Kurt has no answer for that. He can only imagine Kitty leaving him behind and going with Pete, giving that smile Kurt always loves to see it.
Rachel again is bemused. “You take her for granted. Kitty is full of pride and wouldn´t be here to listen to your next conquest, she deserves to be happy and if you´re a dumbass to notice or to love her…there´s plenty of men and women who can do just that”
Rachel is ready to leave the kitchen having finished the breakfast and as well as cleaning the dishes. “A piece of advice, Kurt, don´t go stalking them, is creepy and that will make Pete 10 times better in her eyes. Just admit you´re jealousy and you take her for granted. After all, what Kitty Pryde means to you?”
Kurt for once replied. “She means everything to me” the answer was honest and at the same time, it comes as a revelation, as this is a plot twist worthy of a novel.
“You sure as well didn´t show that to Kitty” Rachel replied and then Kurt bamfs away. Brian and Meggan arrive and they can say they did hear the conversation; Brian only sighs and asks, “Will he stalk them?”
“Fret not, Brian, I´ve read his mind and he won´t …he´ll visit Piotr to talk, of all people, what a dumbass, by the way, we´re out of eggs” Rachel explained and Meggan and Brian exchange comical stares.
Piotr Rasputin is working on the X-mansion, nothing fancy, just painting the walls of the front yard to give a new look, new year, new X-men is what he believes. Kurt bamfs right away and luckily spots Piotr painting and the Russian man stops to greet Kurt, but notices his state.
“Kurt, are you alright?” the Russian asked noticing and waiting for Kurt to speak first as he really wants to say something.
“I need to know, why you and Katzchen didn´t work out,” he asked a bit desperate and Piotr finds this a bit odd, but, obeys.
“Me and Kitty have nothing in common, except for our love for Yana, what we´ll do in a relationship? Talk about Yana 24/7…that´s would creepy” Piotr makes the comment remembering the Jimaine/Amanda´s story.
“But…were you once crushing on her?” Kurt asked and Piotr shakes his head and answers simply “Not really, I guess what I liked about her is how she and Yana bond, in a way, it was more gratitude than anything else. Yana didn´t make friends until she enters in the New Mutants, so, I´m grateful that Kitty did look out for her and still do”
Kurt´s face shows a bit of desperation and euphoria. “Piotr, can someone fall in love without noticing?”
Piotr now gives Kurt is undivided attention. The wall can wait, as well as his painting material, and the Russian replied without hesitation. “Yes, especially in your case, Kurt, your love life, if I can call that as such, is a joke…you always go for the ones that you KNOW won´t give a damn about you. Even if you´re only after sex…is like you can´t have even a normal nightstand, it has to have a borderline abuse in the relationship and after Amanda…this gets worse…yes, I´d believe you have fallen for Katzchen, I know that for while…but only you wouldn´t notice your own feelings” the line is cut as Kurt is absorbing each word.
Kurt hugs his shirt, for a moment, unsure of himself and the word love, sex is easy, sex is something Kurt can relate, even if it has dubious connotations, however, love is far more complex.
“I´d know what Amanda did was bad, I´d know what the Szardos did was bad, but, I never try to think about and never thought it would affect me for real, when the hero defeats the villain the victory is the reward and it gives a sweet ending, but, is not like that in real life. Sometimes, I still hear what Amanda and Margalia did to me” Kurt shudders remembering what Amanda once confessed (“Mother did take my body once when you were here…did you notice it?”)
Piotr then gives him a card. Is a therapist´s number. “Look, Kurt, I won´t lie and say I understand what you're going through cause that would be a lie, however, everyone in the X-men has their own skeletons in the closet to deal and we all need help to healthy cope with this, I used to have anger issues, in fact I still do, but, Neena did give me this number to help me to control this anger and how to use in a more positive way, what the Szardos did to you, what Mystique did to you…you don´t need to face it alone” Piotr hand the card and Kurt looks at the number with hope.
“Do you think she can love me?” Kurt asked with hesitation.
“You know, Kitty used to tell stories about pirates and fairies to Yana and one thing she often did was put you, it was obvious you, as her main love interest, yes, she obviously self-insert in the stories. But, Yana once told me Kitty take a while to realize her own feelings too” Piotr chuckles at that amused at Kurt´s reaction, and then continues “but, before asking her out, first, improve yourself, is not fair to Kitty, ok?”
“Ok, when you get all sage?” Kurt asked a bit amused and Neena chooses this time to appears and screaming that the TV is not working again. Piotr sends her a fond smile and an apology. “Well, I guess Betsy was right about that TV all along” and Neena sighs and agrees as she´s back to the house.
“Are you coming?” Piotr asked and Kurt denies as he hugs the shirt he´s wearing. A gift Kitty give to him last year and Kurt treasure as it is precious jewellery. Yes, Kurt is not a love expert. He needs to change and be a better person in order to get a healthy relationship, in order to stop being Amanda´s shadow.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
hii can I get some kurt x reader fluff where she tells kurt that she's rlly into him and Kurt's in denial bc he thinks it has to be a joke but it's rlly fluffy and the readers promising she really likes him and he's all cute and shy 👀
“i like you” “no you don’t” - K.K
i’m sorry this is so short, i’ve had a lot going on today and it’s just messed me up a bit. hope this was okay <3
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you were laying in bed with Kurt, his head on your chest as you played with the hair on the back of his neck. "that feels nice" he whispered as he closed his eyes. you laughed slightly and carried on playing with his hair. you sat there for at least another hour before Kurt decided it was time to do a vape review which he insisted you left the room for. you got up off the bed and decided to go talk to his mum who was sat on the sofa. "hey y/n, you okay?" she said, wondering what you were doing out of Kurt's room. usually when you were there, Kurt did not want to leave you alone. "oh yeah i'm fine, Kurt wanted to do a vape review so i left him to it" you said, sitting down next to her.
"oh i see, that boy and his bloody reviews." she laughed, you laughed too and nodded your head, agreeing with her. "i want to thank you y/n." she said, pausing the show she was watching. "what why?" you replied, you'd never really spoken to his mum but when you did, she was always kind to you. "you've made him so happy and i've never seen him like that." she said, patting your knee slightly. "oh no don't thank me, i really like him" you said, giving her a small smile. "y/n? you can come back now" he shouted. "i guess that's my cue to leave" you said, standing up from the sofa and walking back into Kurt's room.
"can i lay on you again?" he said as you walked to his bed, you nodded and laid down, he instantly got on top of you which made you laugh. "i really like you" you whispered as you kissed his forehead. he looked up from your chest and you saw the bright crimson blush which had covered his whole face. "what?" he said, now looking anywhere but at you. "i like you" you replied, you wanted him to know. he'd never had many friends growing up, let alone a girlfriend, so when a stunning girl like you had just told him that, he was in denial. "no you don't" he said, getting up off you, sitting next to you instead. "what? Kurt yes i do. do you really think i'd stay around if i didn't like you?" you said, he couldn't meet your eyes. no one had ever told them they like him and he was shocked that such a pretty girl like you liked him back.
he put his head in his hands and fell back onto your chest, shyness taking over him. "you're so pretty Kurt" you whispered, putting your arms around him. "stop it. you're making me blush" he said which made you laugh. he looked up from you, the bright red blush still covering his face. "why does someone like you, like someone like me?" he said, it sounded like a genuine question which broke your heart. "what do you mean a girl like me and someone like you?" you said, stroking his cheek softly. "what i mean is, hoe can a girl as smart, pretty, caring as you like someone like me? a greasy weirdo who isn't famous." he said. you didn't like it when he spoke down on himself. "do you really think i care about you not being famous? Kurt i like you for you. please don't talk bad about yourself love, i don't like it" you said, your eyes never leaving his figure. "does that mean you really like me?" he whispered.
"of course i do Kurt." you said, giving him a genuine smile. once he saw that he lent down into your chest again. "you're really pretty" you carried on. "again, stop it you're making me blush. i'm the one who should be making you blush" he replied, pushing his head further into your chest. you laughed out loud and pulled his face to look at you. you lent in for a kiss which he gladly reciprocated and once you pulled away you put your hand on his cheek. "i want to be your boyfriend" he said, scanning your face. you smiled brightly and nodded your head. "i want to be your girlfriend" you replied. he smiled and fell back into your neck. he was shy but you loved him.
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theyaskedmeto · 4 years
what i think each og new direction member's social media presence would be like
basically i’ve been doing nothing all day and i’m way too addicted to social media and i started thinking about this so here we are. also i’m just gonna pretend social media was a big thing when they were at school (it obviously wasn’t but lets pretend this is set in like 2016 or smth)
rachel berry
lets be honest rachel would be so damn annoying on social media (not like that’s a surprise tho she’s annoying anyway)
she’d definitely use instagram the most
she’d post photos of her and finn holding hands and caption it like ‘My world, I love this boy 🔐❤️🌏✨’ and then deletes them all when they break up
EXCESSIVE use of emojis 
posts selfies and quote song lyrics in the caption
posts what she’s listening to on her stories (usually boradway) and feels very entitled because of it
posts singing videos 
santana and brit probably bully her in the comments of her posts lbr
honestly i can’t see her having any other forms of social media tbh, she just always uses instagram
auto caps stay ON at all times bc it’s ‘against the rules of basic grammar’
tries to talk in the nd groupchat but no one likes her or listens. like ‘What song should I do for a solo this week’ and then it starts a massive argument
finn hudson
one of those boys who just takes photos of The Scenery™ and no photos of him
maybe posts some photos of him and rachel when they’re together though
actually he probably does the same thing as rachel like ‘Can’t believe this girl is mine 😍💗’ and commenting ‘Love You ❤️’ on her posts but it just seems v high school
probably not very active but uses instagram the most
does a lot of those ask thingys on instagram like ‘send me an emoji and i’ll say what i think about you’ LMAO
i feel like he’s not very involved with it because he prefers video games more lol
uses ‘😂’ unironically
auto caps on and doesn’t even know having them off is a thing
noah puckerman
USES SNAPCHAT. nothing else. but he does have insta
has sent streaks to everyone he’s friends with on sc and will continue to until he’s like 25 
posts way too many mirror selfies with the flash on without his shirt off (ew) 
literally never talks in the nd groupchat
auto caps on - actually he probably Types Like This All The Time
has A Rule that if he’s talking to a girl he has to not reply for at least 2 hours but if it’s a guy then he has to reply asap (bros before hoes type vibe)
blaine anderson
i really don’t think he’d use it that much??? i feel like he’d get too overwhelmed ahdkjhdjs
he’s probably very involved with tumblr and is part of the star wars fandom/marvel fandom
his ao3 history is between him and his computer only
ppl wanna be his friend on tumblr because he’s just nice and kind 🥺
he’s probably quite popular on there - has a lot of followers
but he doesn’t really use any others - has an instagram but there’s no posts on there
maybe he tries to spread awareness on his insta stories???
hates snapchat with a passion 
uses :) :( <3 ;_; way too much (he’s on tumblr)
has auto caps off. like he’s a fanboy okay he’s on TUMBLR fgs. 
occasionally talks in the nd groupchat but is normally a bit intimidated by all the arguments it causes 
v open about his sexuality on his insta (has a 🌈in his bio🥺)
brittany pierce
she uses all of the main ones (insta and snapchat)
posts loads of photos of lord tubbington on there and adds loads of gifs on her stories
such!! a wholesome!!! insta page!!!!!
lots of mirror selfies with the flash on
bad spelling 😔
tries to do those story bingo things but gives up when she gets confused
also has another insta account to build her fondue for 2 channel 
auto caps OFF
uses all the pretty emojis way too much like ‘went to the park 🏞 it was so ✨💗 fun!!! 🌸🌈☀️ we had a good time 😍’
is the QUEEN of the nd groupchat along with santana. tbh her and santana would just use it as their place to talk about everything rather than private messages
santanna lopez
her whole instagram is just selfies
uses snapchat quite a lot but when she gets older she stops completely and deletes it ‘snapchat is for straight ppl’
cyberbullies rachel ajhfdsjhd
does ops on her story and is just brutally honest to everyone who asks 
auto caps stay on but sometimes she forces her keyboard to type all lowercase
NEVER uses emojis. not even :( or :) she just never uses them ever
has a tiktok addiction for when she gets sad about britt (especially s2 when britt isn’t with her)
kurt hummel
uses instagram to show off his outfits 
especially when he gets older and lives in ny!! 
there’d be such cute lil videos of him and blaine on his story like taking videos of his ootd and then blaine photobombing and then he zooms in on him and laughs ok i’ve thought about this too much
compliments all his besties on their photos like ‘So gorgeous 😍’
auto caps stay religiously ON but uses a lot of abbreviations like ‘btw and ily’ etc
in the early days of him and blaine being together, he’d be quite private about it but around the time just before he leaves for ny they get more public
only uses emojis for reactionary purposes eg. to compliment friends
posts photos of anything. honestly i want to see his insta it’d be so cute
has a private instagram for his close friends where he shitposts his whole life like ‘Dad’s taking us to get mcdonalds!!!!’ with blaine
sam evans
posts shirtless pics and all the girls thirst over him ajdhksjdk
uses insta more than snapchat but always sends streaks (maybe when he’s younger tho like around season 4 i don’t think he would be anymore)
also v wholesome though??? like i think he’d post pics of what flowers he got his mum for mothers day 
posts pics of mercedes on his story when they’re together 🥺
posts his favourite songs on his story
auto caps ON bc he doesn’t know having them off is a thing lol
uses 😂 unironically
mercedes jones
doesn’t post much on any social media platforms but is always liking everyone elses posts and complimenting her friends
posts more on her story than anything else
when she gets more confident in herself tho, she posts more (especially when she moves to new york)
occasional photos of sam when they’re dating with a lil love heart emoji on her story
lots of emojis but she uses them when necessary
auto caps on!!!
tina cohen-chang
THE SAME AS RACHEL WITH MIKE but like 10 times less annoying and people actually care
literally the cutest couple on instagram with the new directions group
uses the nd groupchat quite regularly bc people actually LISTEN to her there
has a cute lil gc with sam and blaine with some weird ass name
switches to auto caps off after she goes through her goth phase 
uses :) and :( and also a few pretty emojis eg. 💗☀️✨🌟💐🍬 to make her captions looks pretty
v quick replier
quinn fabray
this bitch has too many emotions for social media ok?
just watches tiktok to cheer herself up but it makes her more sad
has an instagram but never posts on there
if you wanna message her just text because she’ll never reply otherwise
disappears off the face of the earth during her skank phase. deletes her instagram and everything
auto caps on but it doesn’t even matter because she never even needs to use her keyboard 
(we’re talking s3 tho. in like s1 she’d have been into it to keep up her persona lol. her insta would’ve defo had over 1k followers)
mike chang
uses insta more than sc and posts photos of him and tina on his story 
fast replier - loyal king
fully ignores the nd groupchat because he avoids drama 😌✨
non caps because it ‘looks friendlier and not like you’re shouting’
will help you with your homework if you have any questions 
like ‘hey have you done this english homework?? i can’t find any good quotes that’ll help with the question’ and he’ll reply fast with a whole list bc he’s an academic KING
would love to post some dancing videos but gets too scared :(
artie abrams
has no social media and is rlly annoying bc its so hard to contact him
auto caps on. i mean like how would u know having them off was a thing if you don’t have any socials
fully punctuates every text
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angelhummel · 3 years
movin' out and i am unicorn!
movin out - 
My favorite song: Just The Way You Are. It’s literally the only song I remember. But it’s so many of my faves just having a good time and i adore it
My favorite quote: “I can’t stop you from falling, but I can promise to make it safe for you if you do.”
My favorite moment: Kurt hyping Blaine up this entire episode, and giving him his encouraging speech. And also JTWYA with all the great characters having fun at the loft
My least favorite moment: everything else. seriously, what even happens this episode?? i will never know
My favorite character: Kurt. He’s so encouraging and amazing
i am unicorn - 
My favorite song: I’m The Greatest Star
My favorite quote: “First step to becoming an adult: stop punishing yourself for things you did when you were a child” another step to being an adult is not fucking a teenager but i guess shelby missed that memo oops
My favorite moment: Kurt’s song, and how amazingly talented and diverse a performer he is. He’s just amazing. Also skank!Quinn in general, and the Quinncedes hug near the end
My least favorite moment: Artie, Emma, and Beiste being absolutely HORRIBLE about Kurt and laughing a kid out of his fucking audition holy shit!!! Also Brittany hanging up those posters without Kurt’s permission and hurting him even more and facing no consequences what else is new. Just the whole unnecessary cruelty to Kurt that goes on for the whole fucking season. It starts here
My favorite character: Kurt. It doesn’t matter what shit he’s put through, he still outshines all these hoes
send me a glee ep!
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heronpoxed · 4 years
Idk man, the show’s been over for 6 years but still BEWARE
So I’ve been thinking a lot about Jax and Tara and about how fabulous Tara is and what an ass Jax is for cheating on her more than once because well, I’m a simple hoe and I love them more than life and they’re the reason I started watching SOA in the first place and I’d literally die for them no matter what.
So! Kurt Sutter stated in his IG Q&A that cheating on Tara was Jax’s way to punish himself because deep down he knew that he wasn’t worthy of her love (see the screenshot below). Well, y’all, it does make sense and it’s is refreshing for a simple hoe like me to know that cheating was Jax’s self-punishment and that he knew like the rest of us that Tara was too good for him (if you haven’t already noticed, this post is mainly for Tara stans and if you don’t have the heart for reading the praise of my girl, I suggest you stop reading), but I think there’s another explanation that goes along with the ‘self-punishment‘ thing.
Bobby Munson, the absolute legend, who was actually the only one who fully appreciated everything that Tara did for the club, states in s6: “Jax is someone who needs to be with someone.” Jax hates being alone and feeling lonely. He hates being emotionally and ideally contradicted and it’s shown numerous times in the show. So whenever he’s upset with Tara like a little child he goes to the arms of women that will definitely worship and make him feel like a big boy, but all this is always based on his sadness and hurt feelings (his hurt ego too, but I believe it’s mostly his hurt feelings) whenever Tara ‘upsets’ him.
The first time he cheats on Tara is with Wendy right after Donna’s murder. Jax and Tara are in a fight during that time and after THAT GLORIOUS SLAP he’s hurt and his ego is damaged. Wendy is there, offering him comfort and pleasure. I don’t think anyone doubts that if Jax and Tara knew exactly where they stood in their relationship, he would’ve gone to Tara for comfort and consolation. And an episode later he delivers this legendary line: “...because when I’m inside someone there’s only one face I see.” -and we’re automatically calm.
The second time he cheats on Tara is with Ima when Abel is kidnapped. He knows it’s not safe for her with SAMCRO during this hard and dangerous time, knows that she’s too stubborn and too in love with him and Abel to just pack up and leave. So he does one thing he’s sure will push her away to protect her, but right after Tara leaves the house with this iconic line: “...well, guess what?! The prince doesn’t always get his way.” - he goes after her with a pained and anguished face, clearly wanting to apologize and make things right, but he’s too late because she’s already gone.
Then he cheats on Tara with Colette when Tara’s in jail. Of course, he feels responsible for her arrest, but he’s also hurt like a little kid (again) because Tara doesn’t want him in court and goes to Colette to feel like a big boy again. (Ugh, bitch, the immaturity of this!! Tara was doing time FOR and BECAUSE of him and he couldn’t keep it in his pants for 10 fucking days when Tara was faithful to him for 14 months when he was inside)
So the last time is with Colette again when he finds out Tara’s divorcing him and taking the boys. I think that even though Jax stuggles to admit it, deep down he knows that he’s the reason for driving Tara away and making her act so radically. He says as much: “I understand why you did everything you did. I’m sorry being with me took you to that place.” and let’s not forget his face when Tara says: “...what happened to me?” Right after she walks in on Jax with Colette.
Winsome is the first person Jax sleeps with after Tara’s death and we all know how he breaks down when he realizes that the woman he was making love to was imagined and not present there physically in flesh. I think this was the first time I realized that “because when I’m inside someone there is only one face I see” proves true. And the scene is extra heartbreaking when you know that Tara’s actually dead this time not just away in Chicago.
Jax sleeps with Wendy right after he kills his wife’s murderer. I do think that it was the first time he truly enjoyed intimacy after Tara’s death but I feel like it was just like the ‘Donna’s death situation’. Anyway, though, the scene speaks for itself.
Okay so why the fuck did I write all this you ask. Well, one of the reasons is that I have way too much free time to spare but the main reason is to show that Jax cheats on my baby girl whenever he feels even the littlest bit upset with her. His infidelity is driven solely by loneliness which he can’t stand, so it’s clear that he uses sex as a coping mechanism, which, I think is the most immature way to deal with relationship issues but no one asked for my opinion right?
Anyway, neither Jax nor Opie btw is capable of dealing with their relationships in a mature way so they both use sex and women unjustifiably to avoid confrontation. This, too, is confirmed in season 1 when Jax says “Eh, you really wanna talk about this, huh? Cause one upside of Wendy, she was usually too wasted for relationship chats.”
I’m not justifying Jax’s infidelity or behavior. I’m just saying that his unfaithfulness has other deeper and twisted explanation that stems from Jax’s inability to cope with being alone and to face relationship problems maturely. You may not even agree with me and not think that Jax is wrong in the matter and that opinion is totally valid. But this is how I personally see this side of Jax.
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blackevermore · 4 years
|| Welcome to my blog (like seriously read this) ||
x Hi I’m Tzar (formally Cev) // She/Her or They/Them // Pansexual as fuck // 18+ (I’m still trying to process that I’m not 17 anymore pff) // and currently jumping around my fandoms like a kid dope up on candy. This blog is for my self shipping maddess but also for my rambunctious rambles and thoughts. If you get likes/reblogs/replies from mellocentric-teardrops that’s me!
x I will say off the wall shit, you have be warned, so don’t get all uppity when you should have read this before following me
x I shit post a lot 
x I cuss a lot so fair warning if we’re talking, I swear I was once a sailor
x I write for all my ships and you can find them on my A03 and Wattpad
|| My fandoms are ||
x Johnny Depp (Is my kinnnnnng!!!)
x Charlie in The Chocolate Factory (Mostly just a Wonka hoe)
x Hazbin Hotel
x Hetalia
x Transformers (Mostly for Bumblebee)
x X-Men
x Undertale (Mostly for Mettaton)
x Homestuck
x Danny Phantom (Mostly Vlad)
x Twisted Wonderland
x Disney
x Melanie Martinez (But you wont really see me post about her here)
|| My ships are||
Mains (Romantic)
x Nathanael Abcott (Oc) [Tag: Drugged Love💵👜 ]
x Russia // Ivan Braginski (Hetalia) [Tag: 🌻Optimistic Tragedy🌻 ]
x Willy Wonka (CaTCF) [Tag: Dark Candies🍫🍬 ]
x Alastor (Hazbin Hotel ) [Tag: 🔻Red Thread🔻 ]
x Kurt Wanger (X-Men Movies) [Tag: Night Eyes✨🌃 ]
x BumbleBee (TF) [Tag: The Hive🍯🐝 ]
x Michelangelo (TMNT) [Tag: Orange Soda🧡🥤 ]
x Dominique Dalmatia (Disney Villain Recruit) [Tag: Paws & Prints🐾🐕 ]
x Mettaton (Undertale) [Tag: Glamorous Disco🕺🎇💃 ]
x Vlad Masters (Danny Phantom) [Tag: 📖Ghost Stories👻 ]
x Bruno Bucciarati (Jjba part 5) [Tag:  🍝olive garden🍾 ]
x Yagi Toshnori (BNHA) [Tag:  S.I.D🌻💪 ]
x Taishiro Toyomitsu (BNHA) [Tag:  Food Fight🥡🥢 ]
x Sal Fisher ( Sally Face ) [ Tag: Guitar screech🎸⚡ ]
Minors (Romantic)
x G.H.B. (Homestuck) [Tag: Curel Messiah💀♑ ]
x Dualscare (Homestuck) [Tag: High Waters☠️♒ ]
x Piers (Pokemon) [Tag:  🎤Musical Master🤘🏾🤘🏻 ]
x Gyro Zeppeli ( JJba part 7) [Tag:  🧶 wild wild west 🏇 ]
x Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland) [Tag: Prophecy of The Fae 🌙⚰️ ]
x Rook Hunt (Twisted Wonderland) [ Tag: Beauty's Chariot🏹 ]
x Iida Shroud (Twisted Wonderland) [ tag: 🥶 Fire Royale 🎮 ]
x Glamrock Freddy (FnaF SB) [Tag: We Rock At Dawn 🎸🎤 ]
x Hobie Brown ( Spiderman) [ Tag: 🎸Underground Topic🕷]
x Hopefully this long ass introduction will stop people from randomly following me and being disappointed when they see I’m not vibing for them I’m vibing for me >:##
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20xbetterthanu · 4 years
why do they just jump on top of the pianos?
Kurt just screamed genderqueer rights and I love him for it
yes, Rachel and Finn. get your shit together.
lock them in a room together until they communicate? sounds a bit sue sylvestery to me.
cheated on Kurt? where the hell did she get that idea? ugh fucking Rachel. Someone throw her like a fucking football already.
oh. santana did that. 
don't get any ideas, Blaine. he won’t talk to you for months and then almost fuck you in the back of a Prius if you cheat on him.
get over yourselves and just talk. or make out. or fuck. i don’t care. stop being dumbasses
both of you are hopeless romantics and that shit’s adorable.
i love them so much i love them so much i love them so much 
s o u l m a t e s y e s  y e s y e s yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 
aw. i love it here
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Kissing Powers
Pairing: Scott Summers x fem!mutant!Reader
Warnings: none, I believe, question mark??
Author’s Note: Yo, this is the oldest piece in my drafts you guys. Hopefully it is enjoyable :)
Tags: @thotyana-in-this-hoe @neeadinghugs 
*          *          *          *          *
"Really? You've never heard of her?" Scott questions Kurt and Peter. The two boys shake their heads, making Scott sigh in frustration before walking away. After a second lap around the mansion, Scott settles for grumbling his way to the library, peeved that not a single one of his peers could or were willing to tell him about you.
Just as Scott goes to sit down, Hank calls out to him, “Hey, Scott, the professor wants you in his office.” Scott groans as he places his hands against the armrest of his chair and drags himself up. The last thing he needs right now is to be in trouble with the professor. Is he in trouble because he glued Peter’s shoes to the ground last week? Is it because he ate the last of the Lucky Charms and convinced Jubilee that she had the last bowl?
All the way to the office, Scott thinks of what Charles could want him for, and all of the options help to sour his mood more. The door to the office is open, and the first thing Scott notices is you, sitting in the chair in front of Charles’s desk. “Ah, here he is, Scott, I’d like to introduce you to Y/N. She is our newest addition and I was hoping you could show her around as I have an important meeting to attend to.”
Scott smiles softly, knowing what Charles is doing - he’s been asking around about the kissing mutant arriving all day - but still can’t stop his mouth from being skeptical, “I thought you held your meetings after dinner?” Lifting his eyebrows, Charles gestures to you, “You’re right. Would you prefer I held off my meeting and show Y/N around myself?” Now, Scott’s brain is all on the same page. He actually almost rolls his eyes at his foolish comment, but instead, he waves a dismissive hand at Charles, “No, no, you’re right. I’m happy to show you around, Y/N.”
Spinning in your seat, you give a short nod to Scott before turning to Charles, “Thank you for everything, Professor. I’m excited to work with you.” Your demeanor changes completely as you join Scott. Truthfully, he’s a bit offended. Yeah, sure, maybe the Professor was impressive in his heyday, but he can’t be so great now that even looking at Scott nearly disgusts you.
“So, is there anything you wanna see first? Rooms, the land?” Scott asks after ten steps of agonizing silence. Your answer surprises him more than anything he’s ever encountered, he believes. With a completely straight face and not a chuckle in sight, you rest your hand on Scott’s arm, “Yeah, hey, do you mind if I kiss you?”
For a moment, Scott just opens and closes his mouth, trying to make sure he heard you correctly, but then, just as he’s sure his mind - or Jean’s - is playing tricks on him, you ask again, “Scott. Can I kiss you?” Yep, definitely real. “Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you want to you can, you can kiss me. If you want.” Scoffing, you shake your head, “I have to more than want to. Do you care if I kiss you on the mouth, or do you prefer somewhere else? Each kiss is different and will have different effects on our relationship and what I see, so you can choose whatever you think will be the most comfortable.”
It is absolutely blowing Scott’s mind how nonchalant you are about kissing an absolute stranger on the mouth, an act so intimate and emotional - “Oh! That’s what you do right? Kissing people, you get emotions and stuff.” Scott doesn’t let you answer before he’s nodding, “Okay. You can kiss me on the mouth.” At the thought, Scott’s heart starts accelerating it’s pumping speed.
You, on the other hand just give an anemic smile and cup your hand around the back of his neck. The approach is much more tender than he thought it’d be. Scott was expecting a quick, hands-free peck or a tug of his shirt, but pulling him closer the way you are - he may be reading into it - definitely seems like a romantic move more than one born of necessity. Your lips press together slowly, and Scott thanks everyone above him that he has been remembering to regularly moisturize his lips because he will make it his mission for you to be thinking about kissing him again once you’re through here.
Cradling your face gingerly like he’s seen guys do in the movies his mom loves to watch, Scott inhales a large breath through his nose before taking control of the kiss. He doesn’t speed up or try to shove his tongue down your throat, but instead, meshes your lips in long, soft sessions of sparks before slightly readjusting for the next installment. He isn’t a kissing expert, but Alex always said that kissing was as natural as walking once you got your feet on the ground or your lips together.
Scott doesn’t pull away until he runs out of breath - this takes a while as he spent lots of time swimming and hoping to develop gills and the ability to live underwater as a child - and when he does, he does it slowly, first separating your lips while still keeping his nose and forehead pressed to yours. Dropping his hands, Scott breaks all contact and gauges your expression. Your eyes are shining and a smile is tugging at the corner of your lips. Scott, of course, doesn’t want to toot his own horn but root-a-toot-toot.
“That was different than any other first kisses I’ve had.” You say to Scott as you resume your walking. He’s a bit upset that you’ve caught your breath so easily, as he still feels like he’s run a marathon, but Scott just lets those thoughts roll off of his shoulders and he catches up to you, “Because it was so good?” Scott asks. You see his eyebrows lift behind his clunky glasses and can’t help but laugh a bit, “Mostly because I pull things from whoever I’m kissing. I got what I needed to develop a relationship for us in my mind, a lot of how you feel about me, if the kiss wasn’t telling enough, your thoughts did it all.”
At your confession, Scott groans, “I didn’t know you could do all of that... But it was still good, right?” Before you can answer, Ororo steps out of the door on your right and leans against the doorway, “Was what still good, Scott?” Knowing she was eavesdropping since you rounded into the long hallway, Scott groans again, but you have absolutely no qualms about what you do or have done, so you happily speak up, “I had to kiss Scott and he was asking how it was after I commented on how different it was from the other times I’ve kissed people. Do you mind if I kiss you?”
Scott just barely holds in a gasp at your question. Sure, he knows you have to do it, but he was hoping you’d need some time to recover from your kiss, or at least savor the taste a bit, but here you were, merely seconds later requesting to kiss Ororo. Part of Scott, that slightly selfish part, is hoping she’ll say no, ask you to wait, but instead, Ororo shrugs, “Sure.” And just like that, with no more questions or nerves to shake out, you step towards Ororo and kiss her mouth chastely. There is no touching or holding, which is a relief for Scott, and when you step back, there is an emotion in your eyes for her rather than the level-eyed boredness you addressed her with before. Ororo knew well who you were, Scott had spent all day talking about you, so sending him a sly smile, Ororo clears her throat, “That was good, right?”
You can’t help but to chuckle, but Scott just takes your arm and continues pulling you down the hall, “Very funny, Ororo, you should take your jokes on the road, away from here." Straight ahead, Scott sees two people who heard him rambling on about you this morning and he knows that if they see you, they’ll stop you and if they stop you, you’ll ask to kiss them, and honestly, he doesn’t really feel like watching you kiss anyone else just yet, so he does what makes the most sense. Scott takes a sharp left and pulls you into his room.
"So that, you, you have... Are you gonna kiss everybody?" He asks, releasing you and doing a quick pace of his room. You give him the most apologetic smile you can muster, "Pretty much. It's like an itch, you know? It almost burns to meet someone new and not at least ask them if I can kiss them. It's how I open up, Scott. I have no emotion towards people I haven't kissed before, and a genuine lack of any emotion is difficult. If this is about our kiss, I did really like it, and I would like to do it again -" Scott perks up at this, smiling proudly, "You would? You did?" His enthusiasm is adorable and you can't help but laugh a little as you answer, "Yeah, but that won't nor can it diminish my need to kiss other people, especially ones I interact with on a regular basis. I only have to do it once, but it still has to happen.”
Scott nods his head sheepishly, feeling himself being called out in the explanation. “Yeah, yeah, that makes sense, sorry.” Giving him a pointed look, you show your acceptance with a small smile and a twitch of your eyebrows before heading towards the door. Making a quick, and probably dumb, decision, Scott rushes in front of you and presses his back to the door, “You said you only have to kiss someone once, but are you allowed to kiss someone more than once? Is that okay?” You know where he’s going, but you level your face and play ignorant. If he’s going to do this, you’re going to make him work for it. “I suppose, I wouldn’t really gain much. Unless of course, the person in question is very good at hiding their emotions or motive, then it may be revealed in the second kiss, but ultimately, yes, it’s alright. Did that answer your question?”
Scott sputters for a moment, because technically, you did answer the question. “Well, yeah, but I was - can I? Do you mind if I kiss you? Again, I mean.” You roll your eyes fondly and connect your mouth to his. This kiss doesn’t last anywhere near as long as the first one when you hear a popping noise and look behind you to see a blue mutant standing there. He begins to apologize immediately, and Scott tries to open the door and pull you out of the room before it’s too late, but before he can grab hold of you, you step away from him and towards Kurt, as Scott called him. “Do you mind if I kiss you?”
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Ok girlie I see your tags on the prompts and I’m. Here. For. It. Please do i’m the only one who gets your costume and apparently that makes you wanna rip my clothes off with my baby Peter maximoff I’m so freaking thirsty for him
i’m the only one whogets your costume and apparently that makes you wanna rip my clothes off +we’re secret friends with benefits and you accidentally wore my shirt to theparty so you’re pretending you came as me and it turns out your impression ofme is on point and you know me better than I know myself are you sure you’renot in love with me??
Word count: 1, 845
“I thought you said you weren’t going to dress up forthis,” Peter appears before you with a gust of wind that blows your loosehair back.
Raising an eyebrow at him, you lift your arms up at theelbows and reply, “I’m not…?”
The corners of his mouth curl up in a smirk as he looks youup and down, and realizes you aren’t aware that you’re wearing his shirt. Thelook of utter confusion on your face changes slowly as you look down to see thefamiliar Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moonalbum cover print on the front of your— well, Peter’s t-shirt.
“Shit.”You curse under your breath, hoping no one else will notice that the shirt yourwearing isn’t yours.
“Hey, isn’t that Peter’s shirt?” Jubilee chirps,popping up out of nowhere with Kurt by her side and you start to panic becausethat really didn’t take long. Normally,you probably wouldn’t make a huge deal about wearing a friend’s shirt, butPeter isn’t like the rest of your friends, given the circumstances whichresulted in you wearing it. You had stayed in Peter’s bed while he was gettinghis costume ready after your, ehm, activitiesearlier. Long story short, you must have left too quickly and picked up thewrong shirt from the pile of clothes on the floor as you made your swift exit.
“Uh, y-yeah—” you stutter, completely caughtoff-guard, and as if on cue, the rest of the squad shows up. Great.
“Is Y/N wearing Peter’s shirt?” Scott asks,slightly confused.
“Yeah,” Peter interjects, saving you from beinggrilled. “I’m so much cooler than all of you that she decided to dress upas me.”
“Wow, Y/N,” Warren dramatically puts a hand overhis chest. “I thought we had something special.”
“Way to put some effort into your costume,” Jean snorts,her lips curved in a teasing grin.
“Yeah, it seems like she’s just missing a little—”Peter zooms off before finishing his sentence, and as per usual, he’s back asfast as he left. You don’t have time to blink before you find yourself with hissilver leather jacket around your shoulders and he’s grinning down at you as hegently places his goggles on your head. You smile back up at him, silentlythanking him as you slide your arms through the sleeves of his flashy jacket.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Jubilee asks, examiningPeter like he’s a foreign entity.
It takes you no time at all recognize Peter’s costume; apin-striped suit, the jacket a little wide and boxy, his hair is slicked down,and to top it all off, a pencil moustache. You and Peter spent hoursmarathoning the Addams Family on old recorded tapes, how could you not know?
“I think he’s supposed to be a gangster like from thoseold movies you showed me,” Kurt guesses, and Peter shakes his head inresponse.
“I’m actually—”
“I think you gangster costume is missing a fedora,”Scott comments, and Peter drags out an exasperated sigh.
“All right, I give up,” Peter throws his hands upin surrender. “I’m gonna go get a drink.”
The crowd parts as he speeds his way through to therefreshments table— which at this point, is a punch bowl mixed withgod-knows-what, with  a stack of cups anda few bottles of different drinks and alcohol. Meanwhile, you and the rest ofthe group start to converse, dance, and play Halloween-themed party games. Uponrequest, you start doing your impression of Peter— which you totally nail— andhave everyone in a fit of laughter as the night goes on.
You can only dance around and play party games so muchbefore you become a sweaty mess, so you make a short trip to the bathroom tocool down. When you exit, you see Peter leaning back on the wall of thehallway, waiting for you with a red cup in each hand, one of which he holds outto you.
“Merci,”You accept the cup with a sly smile, and he seems taken aback. You eyes don’tleave his as you bring the cup up to your lips and you see his slightlysurprised expression change to a pleased one. “Don’t think I haven’tnoticed your costume, mon chérie.”
“Cara mía,”A smile takes over his features and there is nothing he can do to stop it. Infact, he’d be telling the biggest lie he’s ever told if he said that you beingthe only person to get his costume andspeaking French didn’t turn him on.
“So, what do you think of my impression of you?”you ask, a playful smirk curving your lips.
“It could use some work,” he says nonchalantly, shiftingso that his side leans on the wall.
“Please,”You roll your eyes, and punch him lightly on the bicep. “I totally nailedyou!”
“Yeah you did,” he smirks, as you mentally slapyourself because you should have seen it coming. “Speaking of which,”He takes a step closer to you and his voice takes on a mischievous tone. Yourchests are mere inches apart, and as the seconds pass, Peter  gets increasingly impatient. All he wants todo is tear your— err— his clothes offof you. “We should totally go somewhere and get weird with eachother.”
Dismissing his last comment, you take another sip of yourdrink. “I’ve got you pinned—”
“Yeah you will—”
“I know you better than you know yourself.” Yourgaze bores into his big brown eyes . His pupils are totally blown and there’s ahint of something else you can’t quite put your finger on. The tension onlythickens between you and him, and it feels different than the usual sexualbuild up. It’s the same feeling that made you rush out of his room earlier.
That feeling was so small when you and Peter first startedyour— for lack of a better word— arrangement.You were friends, but not that close; he was attractive, but not someone yousaw as a romantic prospect. As the weeks passed, you started hanging aroundmore with him afterwards, and him with you. Like every friends-with-benefitsagreement, you’re supposed to call it off the second someone catches feelings,but as you realized that afternoon, it turns out you’ve been repressing a lotof feelings for a while now.
To make things more confusing, it was something so simplethat brought on your great epiphany. You had stayed in his bed after sex,clothed in nothing but your underwear and one of his oversized sweaters whilehe showered. He came back to find you had fallen asleep, and woke you up withthe sweetest kiss. His lips felt softer than usual, he smelled of soap, and thewet tips of his hair tickled your cheeks. The smile you saw when you openedyour eyes, made you feel like you were exactly where you were supposed to be.The second he turned around and headed to his closet, it hit you all at onceand you panicked. That’s when you ditched the sweater and left in a hurry,picking up the wrong shirt in the process.
Going through your memory, you swear there are times wherehe had those feelings. Every time, you got scared and must have thought aboutcalling the whole thing off a dozen times, but you and him fell into a grooveand somewhere along the way you subconsciously got attached. And now, as hestands in front of you, you search his eyes for that same spark and you’re moreconfused than ever.
“So you’ve been paying attention to me,” You snortat the cocky expression on his face, once again repressing the hell out of yourfeelings and keep up the back and forth flirting game the two of you alwaysplay. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re in love with me.”
“Don’t flatter yourself—” You tip your cup andgulp down the rest of whatever liquid is in it— it tastes like rum and coke,but not quite the same. “We made rules for a reason, remember?” Ruleswhich you’ve already broken.
After all this time you’d think you’d be used to it, but itfeels like all oxygen has escaped your lungs when you notice that his lips are real close to yours. His eyes dart downand come back up to meet yours. “Are you sure you’re not in love with me,Y/L/N?” He’s giving you major heart palpitations and your stomach is doingsome crazy flips, but you definitely can’t tell him that.
“Don’t push it, Maximoff.” You crush the empty cupin your hand and watch it turn to dust and eventually disappear as you vaporizeit. “I’ll see you later— my room.” He’s not sure what it is aboutthat that kind of turns him on, but he definitely doesn’t hate it. Spinning onyour heel, you call over your shoulder as you make your way back to the party, “Andget rid of the pencil stache!”
Before you can join back with the rest of the squad, you’restopped by your best friend— and she just about startled the crap out of you.“So, were you ever going to tell me about you and Peter?”
“Were you eavesdropping?!”
“How long have you guys been a thing?”
“Were you— uh we're— we’re not a thing—”
“I’m gonna take a wild guess… three months?”
You and Jean keep going back and forth, her firing questionsat you, and you trying your best to dodge them until she asks the one thatstops you.
“How long have you been in love with him?”
You freeze for a moment before turning into a stutteringmess. “I-I- love? P-Peter? No— I don't—” You think your heart mightjump right out of your chest and you jump to the first conclusion you can thinkof. “You read my mind?!”
“Not yours,”she specifies, eyes darting over to where Peter is dancing like a mad man.“It’s hard not to hear histhoughts when he’s pretty much screaming them, trust me I’ve tried.”
“I swear I wanted to tell you, but we agreed on certain,ehm, terms and conditions when thisstarted— we thought it would be better if no one knew.”
“It’s okay,” you’re a little surprised, but gladthat she’s hugging you instead of being salty about not telling her. You’re notsure why you expected anything different, she’s always been supportive. “Butare you sure you’re not in love withhim?” It’s almost chilling; those same words came from Peter just momentsago. You look over to where he’s dancing like a total dad, and that samefeeling washes over you again. You’re not sure whether or not you can lie toyour best friend— it wouldn’t make a difference even if you did because youboth already know the answer to that question.
Masterlist | Request a Halloween/Autumn drabble!
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Things people have said in my classes over the course of the 2016-2017 school year
“One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a military officer is try to invade Asia”
“Napoleon looks like he’s about to dab”
“No you have to do it in a Scottish accent. It’s Donkeh”
“Eric. Do you want carrots? Diced,,, carrots”
“How many couches do you have?”
“I don’t… I don’t want to talk about it”
“I think the cereal aisle is amazing. I do”
“I’m a hoe for Obama”
“So what you’re gonna make him turn into the next Bill Clinton?”
“Wow. The sass. Didn’t I say there was always one delinquent?”
“Is Neanderthalian a word?”
“It’s not a word, Sufana, don’t be an idiot”
“Can we just like… abolish death?”
“Let’s just take it and,,,, fling it into the sun”
“It’s not a race if I don’t care" 
"I didn’t know what you were asking me”
“Yeah, but you acted like you did so confidently. ‘Yes! Sí, señora’
"You’re Muslim? I thought you were Indian”
“Guys, I’m gonna take a spaceship… and I’m gonna land it on the sun. And if it gets too hot I’m gonna take a parachute back to Earth”
“No, no, they’re too dumb to think like this”
“You’re crushing my heart. The more you go on the more I know I did something wrong”
“So let me get this straight. You quoted Hamilton at dinner. At your boyfriend’s house. In front of his parents. And he’s still your boyfriend?" 
"You’re being a racism”
“Sometimes I turn my os and us into a single character. It’s because I’m efficient. /Not/ because I’m illiterate”
“It’s about personal growth! I like to challenge myself! It’s not because my brain’s broken!”
“It is the wagon void”
“Up until I was 5 I was a wanderer. I was raised by seagulls”
“Honestly I don’t ever try to be dumb. It just comes naturally”
“But we aren’t octopi, unfortunately”
“Wouldn't  be a Monday morning if I wasn’t ruining his life”
“My dad works so he escapes the living hell that is my house”
“Was it fine?”
“Yeah, I got food”
“Is that a 7 or a live chicken?”
“I’m not from America, but I’m from the United States”
“Oh yeah I drove a go cart with a wheel made out of a Quaker Oats container”
“What do you mean you’re not fluent in Indian?”
“Well I wasn’t about to eat the tampon”
“If Satan Spoon starts talking to you let me know”
“Did he just say blame the gays on the mafia?”
“Dude we should test arsenic as a cure for Alzheimer’s”
“You dated him”
“Yes, well that was before I learned he was racist. And gay”
“Get off me I need to make a meme”
“I’m going to be that one awkward person who ends up sexually attracted to pianos”
“I don’t kms, I pms”
“Put that in your quotes I think it’s a good one”
“I really meant people conception. Misconception is gender exclusive”
“So what’s your point?”
“I don’t know”
“If your results end up to be true, like yes”
“Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany”
“Wait who?”
“It’s a giant concrete chicken in Vietnam. Read the fucking caption”
“At least it won’t be Cold War part 2 because Trump’s in bed with Russia”
“Wow that is actually hot”
“Well it is fire”
“Well let it be the best stick it can be”
 "I had an English muffin today. It just wasn’t the same"
“Doesn’t covering your head make it harder for God to hear you?”
“No that’s tinfoil, Michael”
“Publishificating is good”
“Out-publish Bill. Cause Bill is the devil”
“Why are cheeseburgers such sexist objects?”
“Wait I just drew the Canadian parliament building”
“He looks kinda like a mop and I like”
“I could never be a murderer it’s just so confusing”
“Alex stare at her chest not her butt. Will is already staring at her butt”
“Russia is Serbia’s sugar daddy”
“Did they convert to Muslim?”
“What other fairies do you know?”
“Twinkle toes! No wait. Tinker bell”
“Captain America is Wartime Propaganda”
“Yeah man that’s yogi bear! Wait what the hell?”
“What’s that brown potato?”
“That’s a squash”
“Bob Marley died and so should I”
“Melanoma’s a disease”
“That’s not a disease that’s a cancer”
“What was the turning point of WWI?”
“The Versace treaty!”
“Don’t put orange juice in your iPad”
“We’re making cubes and he’s talking about concentration camps”
“Where do you think the Paris peace conference happened?”
“Anything’s a UFO if you try hard enough”
“Jesse what are you working on right now?”
“The ICarly theme song”
“Why are white people so extra?”
“Is it offensive to call Rasputin daddy?”
“Zoie can you stab me?”
“No, sorry, that’s a Friday activity”
“Are Israeli passports made out of couscous?”
“What’s that thing from BFG called..? Cumberbumber?”
“So my sister’s a Russian major..”
“Can you major in a country?”
“Mown, like freshly mown grass”
“You can tweet from dead people”
“Wealthy farmers have fists”
“So do other people”
“Hitler killed Hitler, so he can’t be that bad”
“Three billion fists died”
“Everything’s a sphero to me now”
“Hey kids wanna buy some zip-ties?”
“There will never be a time where both of you are in the boat.. /amphibious assault vehicle”
“Did you know Italians get 8 weeks of paid leave”
“You know what fuck Italians. Actually wait yeah let’s /fuck/ Italians”
“What’s worse than the Gulags?”
“My favorite satellite station is Hitler and Stalin. Hitler played the bass, Stalin played the spoons.”
“Shit. I missed my ass”
“Are you gonna sue me?”
“Are you gonna sue my kids?" 
“How are you a Jew and an atheist?”
“I’m a jewthiest”
“He deserves to be hugged. By an 18-wheeler speeding down the highway”
“My talent is…”
“Deepthroating a cinnamon stick”
“Does anyone know what the 21 game is?”
“Is that when you turn 21 and get to drink?”
“What’s next year’s musical?”
“Connor Gale: The Musical, starring Lisa Liubovich as Connor Gale”
“Somebody just compared Germany’s republic to the republic from Star Wars”
“The darkest blanket of Bill Nye”
“And her beauty was that of Medicare”
“Alright homework tonight, research vampires”
“Well I wasn’t gonna follow his mom’s twitter”
“28 lockers is inside your gastrointestinal tract”
“My dad hates Jews. Not actively though”
“That sounds like a cat choking out a hairball. Catholicism.”
“We’re catholic. And we’re not batshit insane”
“It’s not crack, Ms. Wright”
“Do they even know what vegetables smell like?”
“Why is there a cabbage in your backpack?”
“Hannah. Egg”
“Nothing’s fun when donald trump is president”
“What kind of gum is that?”
“I’m better than Justin Bieber at guitar. I’m Kurt Cobain now”
“If George Washington tried to rap his dentures would fall out”
“Why did he come over here was I not Jewish enough?”
“Alright so we have bird images, and we have death images”
“You just fuckin stabbed me in the leg with a plank of wood”
“I have a velvet Jesus in my cupboard”
“Cow vigilantes?”
“There’s a meat ban”
“What did they ban?”
“I’m wrenching, bitch”
“What were they on?”
“This kebab guy looks like wolverine”
“We have a common Jew”
“That’s like Hannah being gayphobic”
“According to my zodiac I’m light, hot, and wet”
“Haroon dropped his wood”
“I’m not racist I’m just ignorant”
“Why do people even harvest organs when they could harvest corn?”
“I’m not saying that cone heads is super high quality but let’s be real here”
“It is almost May don’t talk about snow or I’ll backhand you into the fucking sun”
“People are hanged, pictures are hung”
“People can be hung too”
“Jello monster incest”
“I just hit myself in the head with a boat”
“Dentists are people too”
“Really? I thought they were just a bunch of teeth stacked together in a lab coat”
“An interloper is someone who interlopes”
“Guys enough with the atomic bombs”
“I had weaponized the name quiz”
“Sin is a polygenic trait”
“Revenge is a dish best served under a tree”
“There’s Vaseline.. but it looks shady”
“Where’s the Cape? Is it in Maine?”
“The Soviet Union is cheese”
“Gets tetanus on boobs”
“Where’s that video of that woman aesthetically biting pickles into a microphone”
“I was too lazy to shave so my solution was socks”
“Anything is right if you can pull it off”
“Do Brooklyn have accents”
“Meme is my native language”
“When you smell me I don’t even feel uncomfortable anymore”
“That sounds like a great job. I’m gonna be a dick disector”
“My right pinkie is stronger”
“What if I just face slam on the keyboard, will my essay write itself then?”
“I wrote nyet instead of net on my paper. Figurative language dot nope.”
“Can I just remove both of my uteri?”
“Hannah you have one uterus”
“I’m dumb completely independently from the fact that I’m old”
“Why dinosaurs do not have the capacity to be fascist”
“Amanda and I are on team daddy”
“What are you talking about?”
“Hydra kink”
“My eyelashes are too short”
“Like your di- I mean, I’m fasting”
“Walmart brand eighth grader”
“Does anyone know who the daughter of Zeus is?”
“Give your partner a hand-job from a million miles away for only $88 plus tax”
“The vase is thicc”
“Do you not recognize my supreme overlord?”
“Dr. Doofenshmirtz?”
“Stop sensually licking the mango”
“Triangular foot bath”
“I’d rather be peed on by a sheep than eaten alive”
“What’s the place where planes go?”
“Oh yeah. I thought they were called plane stations”
“Did you say egg or dick?”
“They would give you a gallon of the white baby vomit and then you have to drink it”
“I have nightmares about Russian grammar”
“You could tell I was ignoring you, right?”
“I hear you talking about your grades in my sleep”
“Freshman salads”
“I wanna be a song… singer person”
“What do door locks keep out?”
“Your insecurities”
“I’ve never been attacked by a gang member”
“The gays worship the Babadook”
“I love Joe Biden, he’s so cute. I want a pocket Joe Biden”
“Surrogate sneezing”
“Golfing doesn’t require ankles”
“You guys all have boners but you don’t have any notecards you’re all useless”
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roxiera · 8 years
different // kurt wagner
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request: Hi since I'm trash for POC representation and fandoms could either one of you please do an imagine for any marvel or DC character where the reader is super intelligent but since they don't speak English perfectly people don't think they are smart and then the reader proves everyone wrong and sasses the people who doubted them. (Sorry if it doesn't make sense) (by @thegirlwiththestories)
a/n: im such a hoe for kurt hes so cute omf so hopefully you dont mind this pairing !! also omg fun fact yall i actually took german as a third language in my first year in secondary school and i sucked ass at it whoops :’-)
- roxanna
It was frustrating.
You weren’t stupid - that you knew for a definite fact - but sometimes people treated you like you were an absolute idiot.
From innocently intrusive questions about your heritage to comments whispered laughingly smack in front of you when people thought that you didn’t understand English at all to racial slurs you had been called while out in public which left you flushed and furious.
You had proven yourself over and over again, and it still wasn’t enough. 
You had been brought to Xavier’s a year ago, excelling both at school and out on the field. You were a mutant, just like everyone else in the school, but you were still different.
The colour of your skin and your different facial features still drew curious stares of newer mutants, and a month ago, it had gotten out that you had been struggling with your classes because you couldn’t grasp half the things being taught in rapid English. You could understand it printed out on paper, sure, but you struggled to keep up with the language you had only begun picking up a few months before you had been picked up by Charles.
You had found yourself getting less and less hours of sleep as you struggled to stay up all night pouring over messy notes, the translations making absolutely no sense whatsoever as you stared at them heatedly. Getting a D just two weeks into school had been an awful blow to the gut. You had been a straight-A student back in your old international school, and you had always been ahead of everyone in your class - and, hell, you were a year ahead of everyone else your age, for god’s sake.
You were one of those kids, the ones who stuck out in a way that was annoying and embarrassing and made you want to cower in your bedroom with an oversized sweater and a good book, away from the persistent curiosity and intrusiveness of everyone in the school.
Then Kurt happened.
He was wonderful and understanding and patient and he knew what it was like to not be normal.
Both of you would spend the few moments you had along snuggled up together on the rooftop, gazing at the stars and recounting memories and exchanging feather-soft touches which left your skin tingling and your heart feeling like it was about to burst out of your ribcage and leave a gaping hole in your chest.
 Kurt made everything okay again.
It had been another simple day when you finally snapped.
You had been horribly stressed over a History project which required a lot of writing, and you had been moody the entire week, anxious for your first Advanced Biology class. You had finally managed to get your grade back up to an A+, and Charles had made an exception and transferred you into the class midyear.
Kurt threaded his fingers through yours gently as you two made your way to the classrooms from the cafeteria his presence a welcome distraction from the nagging thoughts swimming through your mind.
You parted ways with your boyfriend at the entrance of your classroom, pecking him on the cheek and grimacing slightly, before sagging your shoulders and rushing into the classroom, wanting as little people to notice you as possible.
As if.
The entire class went drop-dead silent as you strode over to the seat in the farthest corner of the class, keeping your eyes trained on your shoes. You felt stares boring into your body as you pulled out your notes and stationary, determinedly averting your eyes from your classmates, who were beginning to whisper among themselves.
Is she seriously in this class?
She can’t even speak English properly.
Have you seen her assignments? My sister could do better, and she’s ten.
The snide comments didn’t get any subtler nor did they cease as the lesson progressed. Your cheeks were beginning to flush and your knuckles were pale and your fingers were trembling as you tried to shut out the words thrown around the room.
Your rapid scribbling of notes had stopped, and you found yourself staring at your notebook, your veins feeling oddly hot as blood roared in your ears and your heartbeats echoed through your bones.
Your feet were halfway out the door the instant the bell rang, but you found yourself stopped by cold fingers firmly wrapped around your wrist. You glared at El - a blunt mutant with no brain-to-mouth filter whatsoever who was able to manipulate the earth - daring her to keep her hand on your skin.
“Look, (y/n), no offence or anything, but are you sure that you can cope in the class? I mean, you’re cool and exotic and all, but your English isn’t, like, you know-”
“Just go back to your dirt and neither of us will have a problem, okay?”
As you stormed away from a gaping El and her little squad, you found the anger in your veins dissipating, being replaced by a soft glow of pride and smugness, a little smile finding its way to your lips.
Maybe you would be able to cope after all.
a/n: rushed af but my weekends are just as packed as my weekdays and i have piano lesson tmrw and i haven’t practised shit ? like crap im going to die ohwells also idk why i put kurt in here owgnnortbb im so stupid omf
- roxanna
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au (part9)
N/A: The ending of this au.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Times heals many things, that´s a cliché Kitty is hearing lately by Rachel, Meggan, Brian and even the New Mutants. Kurt, for his part, is offering a nice chocolate cup and didn´t speak the cliché because he knows Kitty does not need to hear it.
Pete Wisdom won´t be missed, but, it opens a can of worm for Kitty. As her insecurities are peaking. She takes a time to think about and Kurt would love for Kitty to be in Excalibur, yet, all the elf can say is one solid advice that his therapist did give to him.
“Katzchen, sometimes, we do need a break to think about life and our decisions, if you want to go home and think, if you want to stop, you deserve it this time for yourself,” Kurt states gently “but never forget, Excalibur is here. I´m here for you, if you ever need us if you ever need me. Don´t hesitate in contacting us, you have people that care deeply for you,” Kurt concluded and Kitty hugs him.
The hug has a bittersweet taste for Kurt, however, the elf can appreciate this moment as Kitty does need time for herself then a new relationship. Kitty does not need more confusion and Kurt does not want to be a rebound.
Kitty said farewell to all the Excalibur´s members. And leave and as she leaves Kurt feels a longing and a strong desire to see Kitty happy. “Love is a tricky thing” Kurt mutters to himself amused.
Kitty Pryde is back with her mother, who opens her arms to her only daughter, as Kitty speaks about the hardships she did face and her own insecurities. Teresa Pryde only listens as her daughter needs to vent.
“You love this man?” Terry asked once her rant is over. The question is so simple, and at the same time, so complex, that prompts Kitty to think on how to reply because the answer is obvious, but, there´s a problem with the answer.
“I´d but I´d not think I´m his type, that stupid elf likes bombshells and Pete often told me how I would be prettier if I completely change and mom, I´d not want to change for anyone, I´m Kitty Pryde and I´m proud of this” Kitty declares strongly tired of people often commenting on her looks on her relationships.
Terry only smiles at her daughter. “He would be a fool if he didn´t notice you, and for what you just told me, I´d not think he´s a fool. I know, Kitten, I know you´ve a bad view on love because on my divorce with your father, but, Kitty…Don´t be afraid of love, is the best feeling in the world and I can guarantee there´s some out there who loves you deeply and I´d think this elf does love you”
Kitty blinks at this statement and watches her mother walk away as she gives one last advice. “Either way, Kitten, if you want to be proud of yourself, you must know that hold on feelings is never wise, so, think about that”
And now Kitty has a lot to mull over.
Rhane and Doug are getting well enough to the point the other members of Excalibur can joke about a new romance blooming in Excalibur. Kurt still does therapy and finally gather the courage to apologise to Rachel for their first meeting and for another thing.
Rachel did forgive him so easily. But, in the end, she accepts his apologies and warned him if he did that again Rachel will murder him. Kurt doesn´t doubt.
Brian and Meggan won´t ever be friends with Kurt, however, Kurt is working to be on the civil level and is working.
And finally, Kurt talks with his real sister, Rogue, to say sorry for their first meeting and Rogue forgive him easily. “You´re my brother. But, if you do that again, I´ll kill you” Rogue states jokingly and Kurt doesn´t doubt she will do that. “I´ll hold on your word”
Rogue then askes something no one dares to make to him. “Do you miss Kitty?”
Kurt didn´t falter or hesitated in any fashion. “Yes”
One day, a woman with short chestnut hair shows up in the doorstep of Excalibur knocking on the door as if she´s not a titular member. “Hi, do you still need a ninja that can phase through things?” Kitty asked and Kurt only replies by hugging Kitty and even swirl the woman carefully.
Excalibur has Shadowcat back and that´s more than enough to warrant a celebration. Beers and soda(Doug and Rhane are still underage) as well as music and the good atmosphere. Rachel´s hair is long as Kitty´s short, they make jokes about this.
Meggan and Brian are engaged and Kitty feels happy for them. As she enjoyed teasing and meeting Doug and Rhane a little. Of course, she has one thing to do before going party with her friends.
Kurt is drinking his beer and put down as Kitty is coming closer to him. It was only 2 months they didn´t see each other, yet, it seems time to never stop for them. She´s here as he´s finally here.
“You cut your hair?” Kurt asked looking the haircut and remembering Pete´s words and is fearing the worse.
“Yes, I did for me, is my hair, I let it grows, I can cut, no one bosses on me,” and she adds “plus the hair was extremely long and I have to cut a little” she explained as Kurt, once asking for permission and get her permission, touches her new haircut. “You look beautiful, naturally, but to me, you always look beautiful, long hair, short hair, no hair…no matter, you look beautiful Kitty Pryde” Kurt speaks looking into her eyes.
Kitty´s eyes soften as she takes a deep breath. “Look, I need to confess something, and you can´t laugh at me, you can´t!” she warned him by pointing her finger at his face and the man makes the cross signal on his heart.
A blushing Kitty then speaks in a soft tone. “I love you, Kurt, and I need to take this out of my chest, so, yeah, I love you and deal with it” she replied not in the most Hollywodian ways. Kurt smiles as he palms her face gently and speaks. “I was in a bad place a few months ago, and did really bad things, those things almost cost me you and then I realize, I can live without all those things, but…I can´t live without you. I´d take you for granted and that was a big mistake” Kurt speaks calmly trying to summarize what is in his heart and mind.
“And it makes me realize how I feel about you, I love you, Kitty Pryde, I know I was a manslut back then, however, I want to be worthy of your time, of your love, can I ask you out?” Kurt asked a crying Kitty Pryde who promptly makes the elf jump like a cat and worry if she´s alright.
His worries are silent as Kitty kissed him. The kiss was different from Pete, from her other exes and it was a good sensation. “Look elf, I want a nice date, hear me?” she said a bit boss and breaking the mood by smiling so happily.
Kurt makes a salute. “It will be a good date, I promise”
Doug and Rhane are relieved with the new couple no one will tease them anymore.
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Jay-z Hot 97 Grammy Family Freestyle
I been crushing the buildings since Izod socks I’m so independent, shit I might buy Koch I might not stop, places to cop 76 floors you can call me the Doc…
Inspired by Basquiat, my chariots of fire Everybody took shots hit my body up I’m tired Build me up, break me down, to build me up again They like Hov we need you back so we can kill your ass again Hov got flow though he’s no Big and Pac but he’s close How I’m supposed to win they got me fighting ghosts…..
Same sword they knight you they gone good night you with Shit that’s only half if they like you That ain’t even the half what they might do Don’t believe me, ask Michael.
See Martin, see Malcolm You see Biggie, see Pac, see success and it’s outcome See Jesus, see Judas See Ceasar, see Brutus See success is like suicide Suicide, it’s a suicide If you succeed prepare to be crucified Hmm, media meddles, niggas sue you you settle Every step you take they remind you, you ghetto So it’s tough being Bobby Brown To be Bobby then, you gotta be Bobby now Now the question is is to have had and lost Better than not having at… man.
Everybody want to be the king til shots ring You laying in the balcony with holes in your dream Or you Malcolm Xed out getting distracted by screams Everybody get your hands off my jeans! Everybody look at you strange, say you changed Uh, like you work that hard to stay the same Uh, game stayed the same, the name changed So it’s best for those to not overdose on being famous Most kings get driven so insane That they try to hit the same vein that Kurt Cobain did New dangers, so strangers invited to the inner sanctum of your chambers Low chained them, the enemy’s approaching so raise your draw bridge and drown him in the moat In the spirit I’m evoking kurt with…(unintelligible)
Everybody screaming they want the old Hov But the new and improved Hov hit like Albert Pujols Everybody wanna hear me talk that money like Phil Rizzuto But my mind is on Pluto Bills that I do fold I now invest on trying to find some loopholes in the IRS So where I used to have a few hoes I am just Concentrating on making a new Hov through sex I’ve awaken just to try to school those putos Trying to follow in my shoes with jewels-froze Better adhere to this text ‘fore you go Broke spending more than you accrued on silly baguettes I know silly begets, silly you learn on your own At least my conscience is clear I’m no longer steering you wrong Ain’t nothing wrong with baguettes after you get a home Take care of your home, you can go back and um….
I’m getting courted by the bosses, the Edgars and Doug Morrises-sss Jimmy I and Lyor’s-sss Gotta be more than choruses-sss They respecting my mind now, just a matter of time now Operation take over corporate Make Oval offices-sss Then take over all of it Please may these words be recorded To serve as testimony that I saw it all before it Came to fruition, sort of a premonition Uh, uncontrollable hustler’s ambition Alias superstitition like Stevie, The writing’s on the wall like my lady, right BB? Saw it all before so they all thought I was crazy Maybe, like a fox I’m cagey Ah, ah, the more successful, the more stressful The more and more I transform to Gordan Gekko In the race to a billion, got my face to the ceiling Got my knees on the floor, please Lord forgive him Has he lost his religion, is the greed gonna get him? He’s having heaven on earth, will his wings still fit him? I got the Forbes on my living room floor And I’m so dope to the core, fucker I want more Time’s most influential was impressive Especially since I wasn’t in the artist’s section Had me with the builders and the titans Had me right with Rupert Murdoch The billionaire boys and some dudes you never heard of Word up on Madison Ave is I’m a cash cow Word down on Wall St. homie you get the cash out IPO Hov no need for reverse merger The boy money talk no need to converse further The baby blue Maybach like I own Gerber Boardroom I’m lifting your skirt up The corporate take ….nigga. source
The post Jay-z Hot 97 Grammy Family Freestyle appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/jay-z-hot-97-grammy-family-freestyle/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=jay-z-hot-97-grammy-family-freestyle from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/187493919673
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ilakw-blog · 5 years
Hova-Most Kingz
Young Hov in the house It's so necessary Green Lantern in the house So necessary Why ya frontin' on me, Is that necessary? You know you've become a star Because you're the biggest target out there Right? When everyone's on the court, they're coming for you When the opposing player walks into that arena They're thinkin of upstaging you You're, you're like a trophy to them They're thinkin' "if I'm better than this guy, The spotlight turns on me" So, you know you're a superstar because you're a marked man And everyone's coming for you The, the, the king They wanna be the, the, the king They wanna be the, the, the king They wanna be the, the, the king (king) Uh Inspired by Basquiat, my chariot's on fire Everybody took shots, hit my body up, I'm tired Build me up, break me down to build me up again They like "Hov we need you back so we can kill your ass again" Hov got flow though he's no Big and Pac, but he's close How I'm 'posed to win? They got me fighting ghosts Most kingz get their heads cut off With the same sword they knight you they gon' good night you with Shit, thats' only half if they like you That aint even the half what they might do Don't believe me, ask Michael See Martin, see Malcolm See Biggy, see Pac See success and its outcome See Jesus, see Judas See Caesar, see Brutus See success is like suicide Suicide, it's a suicide When you succeed, prepare to be crucified Media meddles, niggas sue you, you settle Every step you take, they remind you you ghetto So it's tough being Bobby Brown To be Bobby then, you gotta be Bobby now Now the question is, "Is to have had and lost Better than not having at all?" Because dawg, Most kingz get their heads cut off Keep on climbing 'till you reach the top Keep on coming if they ready or not Most kingz get their heads cut off The, the, the king They wanna be the, the, the king They wanna be Er'body wanna be the King then shots ring You laying on your balcony with holes in your dream Or you Malcolm X'd out, get distracted by screams Er'body get your hand off my jeans Er'body look at you strange, say you changed Like you work that hard to stay the same Uh Game stays the same, the name changes So it's best for those to not overdose on being famous Most kings get driven so insane That they try to hit the same vein that Kurt Cobain did So dangerous No strangers Invited to the inner sanctum of your chambers Low chain 'em as the enemies approach So raise your draw bridge and drown them in the moat And the spirit I'm evoking There's kings who've been awoken From shots from those who was most close to them They wont stop until you ghost to 'em But real kings don't die They become martyrs, let's toast to 'em King Arthur, put a robe to him Like James Brown know the show aint over Until rows roll in To the republic it's over, though To my loyal subjects it's over, hoe Long live the king No, the rain won't stop They want my head on the chopping block I wont die, nah Most kings get their heads cut off Keep on climbing 'till you reach the top Keep on coming if they ready or not Most kings get their heads cut off Keep on coming if they're ready or not Long live the king No, the rain wont stop Long live the, the, the king They wanna be the, the, the king Long live the, the, the king They wanna be the, the, the king Most kings get their heads cut off Keep on climbing 'till you reach the top Keep on coming if they're ready or not
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