ffverr · 5 months
Each issue of classic NM that I read makes me even more obsessed
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jewishcissiekj · 1 month
fav x-men characters so far
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au (part9)
N/A: The ending of this au.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Times heals many things, that´s a cliché Kitty is hearing lately by Rachel, Meggan, Brian and even the New Mutants. Kurt, for his part, is offering a nice chocolate cup and didn´t speak the cliché because he knows Kitty does not need to hear it.
Pete Wisdom won´t be missed, but, it opens a can of worm for Kitty. As her insecurities are peaking. She takes a time to think about and Kurt would love for Kitty to be in Excalibur, yet, all the elf can say is one solid advice that his therapist did give to him.
“Katzchen, sometimes, we do need a break to think about life and our decisions, if you want to go home and think, if you want to stop, you deserve it this time for yourself,” Kurt states gently “but never forget, Excalibur is here. I´m here for you, if you ever need us if you ever need me. Don´t hesitate in contacting us, you have people that care deeply for you,” Kurt concluded and Kitty hugs him.
The hug has a bittersweet taste for Kurt, however, the elf can appreciate this moment as Kitty does need time for herself then a new relationship. Kitty does not need more confusion and Kurt does not want to be a rebound.
Kitty said farewell to all the Excalibur´s members. And leave and as she leaves Kurt feels a longing and a strong desire to see Kitty happy. “Love is a tricky thing” Kurt mutters to himself amused.
Kitty Pryde is back with her mother, who opens her arms to her only daughter, as Kitty speaks about the hardships she did face and her own insecurities. Teresa Pryde only listens as her daughter needs to vent.
“You love this man?” Terry asked once her rant is over. The question is so simple, and at the same time, so complex, that prompts Kitty to think on how to reply because the answer is obvious, but, there´s a problem with the answer.
“I´d but I´d not think I´m his type, that stupid elf likes bombshells and Pete often told me how I would be prettier if I completely change and mom, I´d not want to change for anyone, I´m Kitty Pryde and I´m proud of this” Kitty declares strongly tired of people often commenting on her looks on her relationships.
Terry only smiles at her daughter. “He would be a fool if he didn´t notice you, and for what you just told me, I´d not think he´s a fool. I know, Kitten, I know you´ve a bad view on love because on my divorce with your father, but, Kitty…Don´t be afraid of love, is the best feeling in the world and I can guarantee there´s some out there who loves you deeply and I´d think this elf does love you”
Kitty blinks at this statement and watches her mother walk away as she gives one last advice. “Either way, Kitten, if you want to be proud of yourself, you must know that hold on feelings is never wise, so, think about that”
And now Kitty has a lot to mull over.
Rhane and Doug are getting well enough to the point the other members of Excalibur can joke about a new romance blooming in Excalibur. Kurt still does therapy and finally gather the courage to apologise to Rachel for their first meeting and for another thing.
Rachel did forgive him so easily. But, in the end, she accepts his apologies and warned him if he did that again Rachel will murder him. Kurt doesn´t doubt.
Brian and Meggan won´t ever be friends with Kurt, however, Kurt is working to be on the civil level and is working.
And finally, Kurt talks with his real sister, Rogue, to say sorry for their first meeting and Rogue forgive him easily. “You´re my brother. But, if you do that again, I´ll kill you” Rogue states jokingly and Kurt doesn´t doubt she will do that. “I´ll hold on your word”
Rogue then askes something no one dares to make to him. “Do you miss Kitty?”
Kurt didn´t falter or hesitated in any fashion. “Yes”
One day, a woman with short chestnut hair shows up in the doorstep of Excalibur knocking on the door as if she´s not a titular member. “Hi, do you still need a ninja that can phase through things?” Kitty asked and Kurt only replies by hugging Kitty and even swirl the woman carefully.
Excalibur has Shadowcat back and that´s more than enough to warrant a celebration. Beers and soda(Doug and Rhane are still underage) as well as music and the good atmosphere. Rachel´s hair is long as Kitty´s short, they make jokes about this.
Meggan and Brian are engaged and Kitty feels happy for them. As she enjoyed teasing and meeting Doug and Rhane a little. Of course, she has one thing to do before going party with her friends.
Kurt is drinking his beer and put down as Kitty is coming closer to him. It was only 2 months they didn´t see each other, yet, it seems time to never stop for them. She´s here as he´s finally here.
“You cut your hair?” Kurt asked looking the haircut and remembering Pete´s words and is fearing the worse.
“Yes, I did for me, is my hair, I let it grows, I can cut, no one bosses on me,” and she adds “plus the hair was extremely long and I have to cut a little” she explained as Kurt, once asking for permission and get her permission, touches her new haircut. “You look beautiful, naturally, but to me, you always look beautiful, long hair, short hair, no hair…no matter, you look beautiful Kitty Pryde” Kurt speaks looking into her eyes.
Kitty´s eyes soften as she takes a deep breath. “Look, I need to confess something, and you can´t laugh at me, you can´t!” she warned him by pointing her finger at his face and the man makes the cross signal on his heart.
A blushing Kitty then speaks in a soft tone. “I love you, Kurt, and I need to take this out of my chest, so, yeah, I love you and deal with it” she replied not in the most Hollywodian ways. Kurt smiles as he palms her face gently and speaks. “I was in a bad place a few months ago, and did really bad things, those things almost cost me you and then I realize, I can live without all those things, but…I can´t live without you. I´d take you for granted and that was a big mistake” Kurt speaks calmly trying to summarize what is in his heart and mind.
“And it makes me realize how I feel about you, I love you, Kitty Pryde, I know I was a manslut back then, however, I want to be worthy of your time, of your love, can I ask you out?” Kurt asked a crying Kitty Pryde who promptly makes the elf jump like a cat and worry if she´s alright.
His worries are silent as Kitty kissed him. The kiss was different from Pete, from her other exes and it was a good sensation. “Look elf, I want a nice date, hear me?” she said a bit boss and breaking the mood by smiling so happily.
Kurt makes a salute. “It will be a good date, I promise”
Doug and Rhane are relieved with the new couple no one will tease them anymore.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au (part 3)
N/A: Kurt is time to be a better person and reconize the abuse and get health copy mechanism.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The mission in London take the time Kitty expected and for once, in her entire career in Excalibur, that is a good surprise, the mission lasted 3 months. All the while, catching the bad people, in this particular case, a mafia of old wizards and during the time…Kitty questioned herself about Kurt Wagner.
“Kitty, is ok, is ok to feel this and you shouldn´t feel ashamed to talk about this with me” Meggan once told her in a kind fashion “ you miss Kurt, don´t you?”
 “Very much,” Kitty responds and then her compact communicator, Excalibur is a bit paranoid with communication and safety and Kitty is always happy to offer alternative solutions. It was Kurt calling Kitty, and Meggan does not appear bitter as Kitty is talking with the elf.
 “Katzchen? I want to talk with you….I want to apologize for what I did, with you, Meggan and Brian…I…don´t want you to be upset with me” Kitty didn´t show her emotions easily, at least, not now.
 “Yeah, well, don´t apologize to me, apologise to Meggan” the blonde woman is not showing a friendly face, yet, the feeling is not toward Kitty, Kurt on the device continues. “I know, I know …I realize I was acting just like them…just like Amanda”
 Meggan weird out the name. Yet, Kitty knows who it is and she shows some sympathize. A soft smile graced her lips as Kitty let the elf speak (she isn´t denying the claim, Meggan noticed, and she can conclude this Amanda is a bad person)
 “I´m reflection on my life and I really don´t want to be like Amanda or Margalia, this is a plight I can´t ignore, but, if I continue on this route means losing you…then I must do something” Kurt confessed and Kitty has a soft expression, yet, she´s still firm.
 “Nice words Kurt, but, is not only me who need to know you won´t be …an Amanda, but we´re also coming back, me, Meggan, Rachel and Brian and…can you behave?” she didn´t like how she asked, yet, she needs to know…the last thing she needs is to see Kurt pinning over Meggan or some random woman.
 She´s Kitty Pryde and will have pride no matter what.
 “When Brian and Meggan arrives, I´ll apologise with them and try to make up for that…incident” Kurt promised not knowing Meggan is there and is judging his words, not seeing his face(no need in this case) and detected no fault play…yet.
“Well, it will be a long way to go…Brian and Meggan don´t have the best image of you, and…I want to have the best image of you, elf, so, please…be a more mature person in the future, elf” she said with a firm tone and Kurt nods promising he will, and then Kitty starts to talk about the mission.
 “We get help from the MI-13, a man named Pete Wisdom help us…it helps a lot” Kitty explained and give the details, Meggan then leaves the room and never once Kurt ever asked if Meggan was near. Suddenly the blonde wonders about something Brian said. Sometimes, man can be stupid in regards to their own feeling.
 Yea, Brian you´re really the one to talk.
  Kurt´s legs are better and Rogue is there to fill the role of the best sister in the world and give tips to what to do, either to clean the room, something Rhane needs help too or how to respect boundaries, something Doug is really good at it.
 Excalibur arrives at the familiar lighting house and Kurt arrives with his legs healed and a shy smile on his face. Kitty wants to hug him, but first, she needs to know if his talk was genuine. Will he try to do anything with Meggan?
 Brian and Meggan are looking at Kurt as if daring him to do anything. The elf is many, many things, but a coward is not. “Brian and Meggan…I want to apologize for what I did” Meggan is not detecting any lie or ill feeling coming from him, yet, mere words don´t hold the same power as actions. “I know I did something horrible, in fact, I was unwell for while…I´ll spare from details, but, let´s just say…I lied when I said my family didn´t traumatize…it did and only now I realize I´m being just like Amanda” his golden eyes are glittering and Brian and Meggan know he´s not lying. “I´m sorry and I promise that type of behaviour won´t happen again…I´m a hero, not an Amanda”
 “You want a second chance?” Meggan asked breaking the silence. “Brian?” she looks at the blonde man for a moment.
 “Then don´t ruin your second chance, Kurt Wagner, you can´t save the others if you´re still under peril, I´d know nothing about the Szardos, but, I know they have a bad fame” Meggan as a Roma did give some details about the Szardos and nothing is pleasant to hear “ whatever they did, I think you´re better than this” Brian shake Kurt´s hand a gesture to solidify the second chance(Meggan nods for Brian as if the situation would only happen if she´s ok with that) “but don´t test us again, Wagner” Brian squeeze the hand a little hard. Meggan smile a little.
 Kitty smiles and now she can hug the elf. Rachel is ready to ignore the elf as usual. Kurt can say that as much Brian´s strength (and Meggan´s) are something to bummer anyone´s day, but having Kitty Pryde smiling at you again is worth.
 Rachel goes to talk with Rogue, Rhane and Doug and the two teens confirmed two things, they want to be members of Excalibur and Kurt was on his best behaviour.
  Kurt´s way to redeem himself was to get more mission as Meggan and Brian get more time to be alone, a gesture appreciated by the couple, as they want to talk about the future. Kitty Pryde is with him and the man can be grateful as the most boring or a strange mission gets better when she´s around.
 One day, as Kurt and Kitty are back from a mission. Someone is knocking on the door, something new as usual people just materialized inside the lighting house. It was a British man from MI-13, that is Pete Wisdom and somehow Kurt Wagner does not like the man.
 Pete is wearing a white, which by the way, is completely kneaded and a cigar in his mouth, normally, Kurt wouldn´t care about someone´s outfit, but, something in this man profoundly annoys Kurt Wagner.
 Pete goes to kitty, of all people, and speak in a more calm tone letting his accent roll (is that for real? Kurt never forced his accent) and is taking Kitty´s hand, much to Kurt´s dismay, and kissed, and really, whom this man think he is?
 “Kitty, I told we would see each other again, the MI-13 sent me here, and turns out one of the criminals we arrested escape and moved here, so, Kitty I need your help” Pete speaks ignoring Rachel and Meggan and focusing on Kitty.
 And Kurt notices how she´s blushing as well he noticed how his knuckles are turning white by how much he was squeezing. Kurt Wagner really does not like this Pete Wisdom.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au part 2
N/A: Time to make Kurt reevaluate his time.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The time flies fast as Kurt starts to finally notice some changes. Brian and Meggan refuse to acknowledge his presence, Rachel was the one, without subtle or care, to inform his position in the team is in tightrope, and one more mistake and Kurt is out.
Kitty has sad eyes, whilst asking if his legs are still hurting. Kurt feels out of place by her tone. And Kurt feels lost, his world view was challenged as Kitty is no longer smiling at him. Cold politeness is something he never wanted from Katzchen(his dear Katzchen) and gazes to his toes. Gulping as Rachel explained the mission.
"We´ll have to go to London, and Kurt, we do not include you, "The tone is acid and Kurt can´t answer as he feels the weak one, yet, Katzchen did just that. "Rachel, don´t be mean, Kurt, you won´t go with us because of your injuries...As we´ll be in another place, the big city of London, we ask for Doug and Rhane to look out for you. I trust you all will get along" Kitty explained and Kurt mutters a soft thank you. "I´ll keep in touch, but, don´t forget to take care of yourself"
Kurt looks into her eyes and saw that previous sadness from before, a little mask, but, Kurt can see it. Now, he feels worse, much worse. Rhane and Doug arrive and they can sense the bad mood, Meggan a person who is full of good feelings is ignoring Kurt and Brian is not giving any good feelings for the blue elf, Rachel is looking at Kurt as if he´s an insect and Kitty has a forlon expression.
"We´ll be back from a few months, take care Kurt" she replied with that cold politeness as Doug and Rhane got instructions on what to do, later, Rogue will arrive to keep an eye on the kids and Kurt too.
Kurt Wagner is looking as Kitty is walking away. Hardly caring if Meggan is looking at him or if Brian or Rachel is giving him evil stares, you know, Kurt realizes that he may be a difficult member...not because of his looks.
Rogue arrives and was ready to see her little brother doing anything weird, maybe trying to the jungle or trying a new acrobatic move, yet, when she spotted the lighting house all she sees is Kurt crying.
And Doug and Rhane are confused but trying to console the adult Kurt. Rogue knows this is time to be the best bigger sister now. "Elf, hey, I´m here, tell me to your big sister what happened?"
And this prompts Kurt to cry even harder as Amanda/Jimaine never EVER spoke to him like that. And suddenly, that idyllic image of Errol Flynn travelling with his lady love and forming the perfect live crumbles as perfection is not real.
Oh god, Am I lost in fantasy like THEM?
"So, let me get this straight, you thought Meggan would leave a boyfriend she loves deeply for you?" Rogue asked feeling a bit disappointed, then again, as flashes of her first meeting with Kurt comes to mind "you have a problem with boundaries" Rogue concludes.
"She was pretty and..." Kurt can´t say what else there´s to Meggan. Rogue interjected "Let me guess, she was pretty, and she´s nice with you, and then you thought she was flirting with you...newsflash, little brother, a woman can be friends with a man without second intentions" Rogue crosses her arms and she´s aware Rhane and Doug are listening to the conversation.
"It was supposed to be fun, it usually is fun...why is not fun anymore?" Kurt asked forlon and drying his tears as the image of Kitty walking away is ingrained in his mind.
"Because you hurt people, how you would feel if someone tries to come between you and the person you love?" Rogue asked quickly and without hesitation. And then she adds softly with a tone of nostalgia and something else "Didn´t the Jean x Scott x Logan didn´t teach you anything?"
"How can I make Kitty stop looking at me in that way?" Kurt asked now looking at his older sister.
"First thing, how to apologise to Meggan and Brian, what you did was awful, and sure Kitty must think so" Rogue instructed in a bossy tone and Kurt offers a weak smile. "But, before saying sorry, think, and be honest with yourself, do you understand what you did?"
"I..I´m starting to see ...I may have a problem...and I can´t be a hero if I don´t face it" Kurt declares with hesitation and awry smile as he continues "have I ever told you about my time with the Zsardos?"
Rogue is a bit unclear. Logan mentioned something, but, she does not think Kurt ever mention his foster family. "No, I don´t think so?"
"Ok, let me tell you about Amanda/Jimaine and one more thing, " Kurt gesture to where Doug and Rhane were ill-conceived " Doug, Rhane come here. This is not a secret, but, I hope you won´t gossip about what I´ll tell now" Kurt asked and Rhane swears holding her crucifix, sensing this is something extremely important, and Doug can read the room and promise to not tell anyone, not even Yana.
"Ok, it all starts when I was young and stupid, and Margalia saw me a fit puppet" Kurt starts and slowly tells his tale and no one is smiling. As the tale is over, Kurt realizes he´s still crying.
Oh god, Was I acting just like them?
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kurtty-drabbles · 7 years
Belasco au ( odd family)
N/A: Yana did have a hard time in the family department, her brother is a huge jackass in this AU(canon too) and I want to give Yana a family…sadly, this family consists of Belasco!Kurt. Staring the New Mutants.
In the New Mutants´s headquarters in Ireland, the group is telling a bit of their home life before and after the big bang, as the group label the reality shifting.
“And then my mother ended up have to adopt all the cats and dogs in the place” Roberto da Costa finished an exciting tale about how his mother saved several dogs and cats in their city.
“That so cute, ” gush Rhane making no secret that she likes animals, especially dogs. The group consists of Rhane, Roberto da Costa, Dani, Dough and Warlock, Yana is not presented for a very good reason.
“Family is family” respond Roberto and after looking side to side to make sure the room is indeed free “ speaking in the family, I´m wondering something about our favorite sorceress supreme…She did get a new family”
“Is this a sappy way to say us?” asked Dani sitting next to Rhane and drinking something to warm her up, the weather is getting too cold for her taste.
“No, I think what Sunspot means is that Yana has a mother and father now, right Buddy?” asked Warlcok to Doug who nods and is too drinking a hot beverage to warm up.
“What do you mean?” asked Rhane confused, she knows Yana has only a brother that went a bit insane in this timeline, but a mother and a father? this is new to her.
“Well, Kitty basically raised her, right?” everyone nods “this makes her Kitty´s mother figure in this timeline” explained Roberto starting to feel the cold as well and accept the hot beverage that Warlock is offering.
“Ok, makes sense, but who is the father?” Doug asked not getting the point of this analogy.
Roberto did look towards the room to make sure if the room is indeed saved to drop the bomb, once it was deemed safe, no reservations were spared in the revelation.
“Well, if we go with logic here…Kurt is the father figure here” the others let the information sink in and quickly the information become the hot topic of the conversation.
“You are right, it does make sense,” Doug said, “wait, But Kurt is now Belasco…but, not the Belasco that hurt her?”
“ Yeah, the big bang change everything” explained Dani and adds “ now, it explain what happens this morning”
“Is time for a flashback, my friend?” asked warlock that receive a nod from Dani.
In this morning in the headquarters of New Mutants, Dani is moving to the kitchen to make the breakfast when Yana is there with her usual uniform and soul sword.
“Hi, Yana, are you going to use demonic powers to make breakfast again?”
“No, my critics and I have a quarrel of the sort” her voice left little to the imagination, sure her critics won´t do whatever they did in the first place ever again “ I´m going to do a thing and I may not return until…dinner, Dani, I count on you to not let the others eat my cake”
“You plan to eat the whole cake?”
“The cake is not a lie, Dani”
“Ok, you play Portal again, but, sure, I won´t let the cake be eaten, by the way, can I ask where are you going?”
A new voice appears along with a new portal, nothing that Dani haven’t seen before. The voice has a demonic tone as well, but, again, is nothing that Dani haven´t seen before.
“Ilyana, hurry up”
“Shut up, Kurt” Yana huffed like a child and then explained to Dani" me and….Kurt, is going on a mission to find some crazy Satanists, don´t worry I won´t take long"
And Magik entered the portal leaving Dani behind, the girl realizes that today is Tuesday and demonic portals and satanism usually happen on Wednesday.
Must be a special occasion.
“The end of the flashback” stated Warlock and everyone is amused by this revelation, including the flashback.
“So, Yana is in a murderous adventure with her new demonic father?” asked Doug wanting to clear the situation for everyone involved.
“Yes, I believe so, wait, didn´t Kitty was attacked by a group of crazy Satanists last week?” asked Rhane putting two and two together.
“Oh man, it is a murderous adventure with her new father to protect her mom, that cute and scary, just like her” Roberto mentioned impressed.
everyone in the room agrees, while happy that Yana does get to have a more stable family, even though, the new father figure is a Demon Lord who used to be Nightcrawler.
“Do we tell her this?” asked Rhane and everyone ponder for a minute remembering how she reacts to the mere name Kurt or Belasco and decides that the smart thing is to not mention this ever.
“Aww, she has a family, wait, there´s cake?” Roberto knows realize the important fact of a hidden cake. The others groan when he starts meme the cake is not a lie, Portal is a very popular game with the New Mutants.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
DOn´t lose your head au (check out the body)
N/A: something short about Kurt D, the squad and Ariel seeing the body. I did flip the coin here.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
The sweet tone pairs in the air indicating that fresh pies are ready for a new day, while, some will be delivered Ifood style, and the saccharine aroma certainly makes the sweet tooth worth of the moniker, yet, one head has no time to truly appreciate the smell (although he wish he could the apple pie certainly makes even a bitter headless horseman want to take a bite)
“So…Are you really going to do it?” Kurt asked trying to not sound to trouble as Ariel may be a scary lady, but, she never truly face a dark fae and Kurt is a strength of nature if he can say so.
“Worried for me?” her head gentle turns to his as now they are in the same level with Kurt D being on the first shelve. Now, she smiles smugly mimicking his style. “Don´t be, I´ll be fine” and adds “plus, I won´t be alone” and she picks up a pink cake box that is on Kurt´s head size perfectly.
Kurt is bemused. “pink?”
“Are you saying your masculinity is that frail that a pink box is a big menace to you?”
“Of course not…you´re having fun with this, aren´t you?”
And Ariel offers a nice smile at him beaming and Kurt only sighs as the pink box is staring at him. “Look, I may be lack common sense to fear you, but, I´m well aware that going to rich parts of the city with a talking head is not the way to go”
Kurt can see her logic, but, voices one question. “Logan told the police will be inspecting the place…I think your disguise is not as well thought as you think”
“Well, Kurt, you can do magic, can´t you?”
“…yes, so that means the plan is not entirely stupid”
The squad is formed. Dani and Rhane will be with section two, Logan and Sunspot will be with the central park, Yana and Karma will be in the boutiques and Ariel will walking around as if she´s doing a deliver herself. Kurt still thinks the plan is dumb but not as dumb as he initially thought.
“Yana and Karma have synchronized our thoughts so if anyone spot the body of Mr Sunshine just calls us mentally and we´ll face this together” Logan states knowing this word is a catchphrase of a teen movie that Jubilee loves to watch religiously.
Everyone nods even though Dani is not showing the same feeling the others are to Logan and is very noticeable she takes the second route to be away from him.
He knows it.
“Still mad at Logan?” Rhane asked cautiously as Dani is not in a good mood as she´s marching instead of walking and stops to gaze to Rhane.
“Yes, I can forgive the man responsible for Doug´s death, Rhane, I can´t…”
Ariel and the pink cake box are walking in the nicest part of this town. Since there is almost no one and people are too caught up with paranoia to notice a woman talking with a pink box and getting replies from there.
“Is the fae world like this?” Ariel asked now curious.
“Uhm, no, but, I think the sentiment is the same…they prefer luxury over anything…” his tone is sombre and Ariel can see the corner of his face turned into a grimace.
“And your house was like that?”
“Uhm…” now the grimace stops as the fae is pondering “I don´t have a house, per se, I feel more at home riding and killing”
“Oh…I see you like it?”
“Like it?” Kurt repeats the question.  "What you mean by that?“
"Well, I work in my bakery but I certainly don´t do only that…” she trails off as Kurt is silent and Ariel was sure he wouldn´t say anything, yet, the fae replies. “would you teach me how to make that apple pie?”
“Of course, once you get your body back…”
The sound of hoofs are making its own soundtrack in this area as the fog is the curtains covering the horse and the creature riding. And the smell of death is giving a wild berth to it silent stalk the next victim.
And the merry conversation stops as the woman and the pink box notice the fog. And as she turns, there´s no surprise on her part, but, the body was really surprise(incredibly hard to tell) to see its own head being held.
“You´re taller than what I imagined”
“I get that a lot”
And maybe Ariel is being cocky as she forgets or deems not necessary to call back-up and that was a mistake as the body, once appearing to want to be united with his own head, now, is being pulled away by a dark energy, well, a purple hue energy is literally glowing from Kurt´s body.
Kurt growls at the same time his chanting words are being used, sadly with little success as the body does not seem to move. And Ariel notices that the body is vanishing as the fog is lifting.
“Kurt, can you keep a tracking spell or something on the body,” Ariel asked and Kurt didn´t reply until the body is out of the sight.
“Yes and I already did…Son of a bitch” Kurt curses for 3 minutes until he´s calmer now. “That was a doing of the most pathetic fae I ever have the displeasure of meeting. Dark Beast…he has my body…damn”
“Is my fault too. I should have called for back up…”
“No, is not your fault, even if you had called them …Dark Beast´s spell is too strong”
“I´m sorry Kurt, we´ll get your body”
“I know and…thank you”
Ariel was properly scowled by Logan who offers no excuses for her mistake, meanwhile, a new plan will be formed and the media will have a nice time saying that the crazy serial killer didn´t take anyone´s life …tonight.
The bells ring in the port as the morning arrives and the good neighbours are still in peace with humans, while, one fae is searching with determination for someone and she has no qualms in killing if is necessary.
“Rogue, Rogue, Rogue!” Deadpool waves at her getting the fae´s attention. Deadpool is a fae that is unknown even by the ancient ones, but, there´s a rumour that he really speaks with Death.
“What´s it, Deadpool?”
“I found your brother”
“I know where Abyss is and I know he´s already dead…killed by his own stupidity” Rogue states coldly.
“So cold and here comes the nice twist, no, Rogue, I know where your grumpy brother is…a pretty lady named Ariel catches his head”
And now Rogue is listening with all the attention. This Ariel woman makes a big mistake in capturing her brother´s head.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Babysitter au
N/A: Based on a prompt and this idea is too cute. Different AU for this EW Kurt and different kids.
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The situation in the mission room is getting heated, not in the negative sense, but to be accurate, in a sense of victory. People do believe the necromancer can reclaim Valoris, the ancient city and the last point of the Kingdom of Dracaris.
Beast, the adviser and a wise man(modest and humble is adjectives he can´t teach to the necromancer and gives up to) and can see how to conquer this ancient city can be a benefit to everyone, while, urging Kurt to not go to violence.
In reality, Beast has some ethical issues in the conquering part, but, the necromancer gives his word he does not want to interfere in their culture, this is a political move and nothing more. A chance to see why people should be afraid of the evil necromancer.
"We have everything set to go" Ororo states wearing an armour. The vampire may be the strongest vampire in her kin, yet, she understands the importance of a good armour " and we had the element of surprise in our hands" the vampire smiles at Hank showing her fangs and Hank aka Beast nods smiling at the woman in front of him. Only Ororo manages to make any task seems better, then again, Hank is biased when it comes to Bloodstorm aka Ororo.
Logan is looking at the map and then at the necromancer, and points up something that no one mentioned before. "The trip to the ancient city of yours...will take a week, if everything went alright and the campaign will take more than that. You´ll be out for a month, again, if everything went alright, who will take care of your kids?"
The necromancer has a sombre aspect in his handsome face and closes his eyes. He wants to conquer the city, but, he can´t take his kids with him, so, the only option would be "I´ll have to call a babysitter. That team of yours, Excalibur, do you genuinely trust them?" there´s a warning in his tone and Logan don´t need to have an animalistic power to know this.
"I trust them with my life" no hesitation in his tone. And the necromancer accepts the answer.
"Then call them, I want them to look after my kids while I´m out and is better they do a good job" the treat is more visible than ever. Again, Logan shows no hesitation.
Kitty Pryde wakes up to Brian and Meggan discussing violently with a new welcomer, in fact, the couple is so loud that the others are spying the conversation too. Rachel Grey waves at Kitty and fills her in.
"That Logan!" Rachel shakes her head "the man promised, without consulting us, that we would take care of the necromancer´s kids and Brian and Meggan are understandably angry with this. They don´t like him at all" she pauses and gives more details "oh, right, you weren´t there. Lucky you! The guy is a leech, tried to hit on Meggan and she beat him up and Brian wanted to follow suit, but, the necromancer didn´t seem to care and move on to the next target, poor soul"
Kitty blinks wondering if the man did that to piss Brian off or if he´s that imbecile to hit on a married woman. Then, it finally clicks. "Wait, that necromancer? How Meggan and Brian aren´t cursed or worse?"
Rachel shurgs "I think he likes to get beat up by woman, which, is weird and he must have to get beat up by them a lot, also, the other woman seems way more into him than Meggan, who by the way, transformed into a freaking cool monster it was so cool Kitty, anyway,  maybe the punch didn´t hurt as much the others wish or his dick is stronger and the other woman saved the couple"
Kitty frowns at this tale. At this tale´s period, Kitty was teaching the X-men more healing spells and only returns later hearing tales of the necromancer but never actually seeing the man.
Finally, Meggan has enough and said some pretty bad words about Logan and the necromancer and Kitty is pretty impressive that someone so bubbly can say something like that.
"And tell that to your horrible pervert friend" a very pregnant Meggan shows up next to Brian, who, is trying to be the leader but his aversion of the necromancer is too big.
"I already promised" Logan states not minding being throw out by the couple. "he does not want to let the kids alone"
"Then, how about not go into conquering mode?" Brian suggests sarcastically and Logan while losing patience can´t do much. Kitty is looking at the scene and how no one is there to help Logan.
"Did" she speaks gaining everyone´s attention "has to be the whole team? I can do it" silence regains in the room, until, Brian states that she does not need to do this, yet, Kitty only let the corners of her mouth twist slightly as she mentions the practicality of not having a necromancer as the enemy.
Somehow, Brian and Meggan think she´s mentioned, ironic, the whole truce with Hellfire. No one likes Emma Frost and Kitty can say that again, but, no one needs to have Emma Frost as an enemy, especially as they have a common enemy. A truce was forged but nothing was forgiving.
"Meggan and Brian couldn´t do the job as they have their own kid to take care of, Rachel does not need to be there and Doug and Rhane are too young and inexperient, I was a sitter before joining the X-men and I can take care of his kids" Kitty promised and adds "You owe me big, Logan, really big"
The necromancer is not at home when Kitty arrives and spots Talita, Damien and TJ waiting for her. 3 blue kids that are adorable and Kitty introduces herself. "Hi, my name is Kitty Pryde, I´m a healer and a cool member of Excalibur and I´ll take care of you from now," she said kindly.
"It depends, do you know how to cook? And how are your instance on video games and zombies movies?" Talita asked crossing her arms.
"Yes, I know how to cook, I think video games are awesome and, modesty apart, I´m good with video games and zombies movies are cool, a bit tiresome, but, cool"
"Uhm, good answer" Talita now smiles and shakes her hand and Kitty smiles as this is the begin of a great deal.
Much later, after one month, the necromancer is back and the victory is as sweet as his entourage promised, but, he wants to stay with his kids, however, when he arrives in his home the kids didn't greet him, instead, they are with Kitty Pryde, a petite woman with brown eyes and rounded face, who is reading a book to them.
"Hi?" the necromancer clears his throat and the kids finally noticed he is there and goes to hug them, his golden eyes are fixated on Kitty who is not afraid in the slightest(far from that, she´s fascinated, the kids and him have the exact same eyes)
"Daddy, you´re back" the kids chanting and give details of this one month he missed. TJ lost her baby tooth and Damien is getting taller and Talita change her hairstyle.
"Yes, I´m here, and you´re the babysitter, right?" the necromancer asked looking deeply at Kitty and she´s amazed at how he is not blinking.
"Yes, my name is Katherine Anne Pryde, but, people call me Kitty and the kids call me Kat" she replies in good humour. "And you´re the necromancer" she speaks with a soft tone and the kids are quick to tell all they did in THE necromancer´s absence.
Her face, the necromancer notices, light up, as she did give details too. And, when Damian told how he learns how to climb on the old tree and meet the birds. Kitty gentle caress his face and kissed his forehead kindly "and he learned not to do that again, birds don´t like to be bothered" Kitty explained and the necromancer´s eyes are glued on her in total awe.
"My name is Kurt Wagner, I´m the necromancer and I believe we never meet before," he said charming and taking notes as how he never witness something as beautiful as Kitty with his kids.
"Of course not, you´re busy conquering things, well, now you´re here and I can return to Excalibur," she said and Kurt, if he was in his younger days, would definitely not allowed that, however, he´s wiser now.
"Of course, but, can you return to visit us, if you want to" Kurt speaks and the kids are reaffirming the sentiment making Kitty smile again. "Oh, ok, if the necromancer won´t mind, I can return to visit you 3"
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au (part 8)
N/A: Amanda is dumb and wants a new dog.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Amanda Szardos is not pleased. The mage is calling Kurt on her phone and is not being answered immediately like it used to be, to the point, Amanda result in using a magic contact to speak with Kurt, yet, it only serves to show how Kurt is really ignoring her. “Stupid, mutt, ok, if you´re being difficult I´ll use other ways” Amanda mutters.
Kurt was her dog, her slave and it only requires a good brainwash and kind words(and sex a la gaslight) and Kurt should drop anything to do her bidding. Lately, Kurt is not entering in contact with her and Amanda can see that maybe someone get his undivided attention. “Oh, mother, he was a useless dog anyway, his demonic blood may be useful, but, now…he has no need to live” Amanda speaks looking at the wand her beloved mother give to her. “But rest assured, mom, I´ll find a better dog” Amanda promised.
And using her crystal ball she spots Piotr aka Colossus. The image shows a past battle, Piotr in his metal form is breaking the spine of many enemies in defense of his little sister, even though said little sister is Magik and she got a bigger pile of defeated foes, still, is impressive to see him fighting and Amanda can smile satisfied as she has a new dog in mind.
And if she plays her cards right, the great Magik will bow to her, after all, Yana adores her big brother and will do anything he says(if Kurt continues like that, he used to be a competent dog) and those are her thoughts.
“You´re right, mom” Amanda feels chastised “I can´t go there without a plan, he does know me and the X-men, for some reason, are protective of the dog…yes, you´re right, I´ll use a glamour and they won´t notice, yes, I know...I´ll get the soulsword, it belongs to us” Amanda promised and then she gives a longing kiss on Stefan´s photo, her beloved brother, her lover, needed to be sacrificed in order to manipulated Kurt. “Don´t worry, my love, it will be all worth in the end”
Piotr was tending the garden when a red hair shows up and smiles at him, there´s something familiar in that woman that makes Piotr uneasy. “Hi, you´re Piotr? I was thinking if we could chat” Amanda smiles pleased as the Russian, while unsure, ended up agreeing with the offer.
Kurt will complete one month of therapy and he can say he does feel a bit better, there´s no magical cure for his problem and it is a struggle, but, Kurt believes he can be better(Kitty said that and increase his belief) so is all worth in the end.
He can admit, at least to himself, he´s happy Pete is out of the picture; yet, Kurt is not going to flirt with Kitty now as the woman is dealing with the fallout. The Doctor´s good advice ring into his mind (“Sometimes, even bad relationships, need time to be mourned”) and Kurt can do that, Kitty does not need flirtation, she needs support and Kurt can give that.
Kitty is resting her head on his shoulder as Kurt is flicking the TV channels absently of anything else, Rachel is talking on the phone loudly(a telepath never saw the need for telephone until she has to use one) and Brian and Meggan are drinking tea and sharing stories of their childhood. Rhane and Doug are talking about their mutations and how they got it in the worst ways possible (“I turned into a wolf in my own birthday party” “I start talking Latin for a week and no one noticed until a guy was sure I called him a bad name”)
Until, of course, the peace is broken by Colossus who broke the wall and is screaming in Russian, and Doug is happy to translate his screaming (“I want to kill you all for my mistress” “Really?!” “Yes, that´s what he said”) and this prompts Rachel to call her phone down(“Dad, a dumb monster shows up, is Colossus…he must being controlled by someone else, ok, we talk more tomorrow, say hi to mom to me”)
Kurt and Kitty are ready to face Colussus as the man keep repeating the same line that Doug translate (“I´ll kill you for my mistress”) and Kurt has a dread feeling on his stomach about the identity of this mistress, he wanted to be wrong so much, however, fate is not as kind as Kurt would like as Amanda shows up smiling devious and order Piotr to kill Kurt.
“How dare you, dog? How dare you to ignore the great Amanda?” Amanda speaks in her usual fashion and Kurt steps back, he knew she must think poorly of him, but, hear the words so freely still hurt(his mind goes to that innocence he loved so much, that idyllic childhood where everything seems so perfect, he remembers Stefan and Amanda calling him their little brother and that was the best time of his life)
Kitty takes out her soulsword and has no problem in the attack first, Piotr is as heavy as he looks, yet, Rachel and Meggan and Brian are more than enough to face off the giant. Kurt does not want to be useless, so, he helps the team as Piotr manages to knock down Brian and Meggan, Kurt for all moments, goes to help Brian first.
Rachel is using her powers to stop the Russian, an idea comes to Kurt. “Rachel? Tries to talk with his mind, maybe he can break off her spell” Kurt suggested and Rachel tired to contact Piotr, and, the man´s mind is a downright mess. It takes a few minutes(hours for a telepath as good as Rachel) to finally contact Piotr.
Kitty didn´t let Amanda cast any spell as her soul sword cut all of her powers and Amanda is using Piotr as a shield, saying if Rachel doesn´t stop she´ll explode the man. Sadly for her, Kitty can know when a desperate person is bluffing and Amanda is clearly desperate here.
Piotr opens his eyes one, two and three times until he finally understands what is going on. Now, Amanda has no protection and Piotr does not take kindly in being used. Amanda is corned and Kitty and Rachel have no qualms in killing.
Brian, for once, is not going to intervene and Meggan look one time for Kurt as he does not show compassion for Amanda, but, she can sense how he´s relief he´s not the one who´ll kill her.
Kitty opens a portal to Limbo, not before Rachel, using her powers, give a taste of her own remedy to Amanda. Amanda can say that being controlled is not as fun as being the one in control. Amanda is no longer in control of her body and Kitty is sending a lovely(or not) present to Belasco. Fresh meat to the dire wrath.
“She won´t return ever again, not, even her soul will be spared” Kitty announced and Kurt is shaking as he´s drying his tears. “She won´t come back? Are you sure?” Kitty then nods gently still with her sword. “Is over elf, she won´t hurt you or anyone else ever again” and Kitty hugs the elf as his tail wrapped around her waist (and still there) and cry freely, Amanda is gone and Kurt is happy but mourning that childhood he loved so much.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Swan au (the confrontation part1)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336 @sailorstar9
N/A: The final confrontation  is coming and I´m building something here
Princess Illyana is no more, no, now she´s Queen Illyana and has at her dispose all the resources of Xarnax at her beck call, Proteus is smart enough to take a hint and leave and cutting ties with Xarnax completely, Magik is pleased to know that once Proteus is gone so does the ties with the Necromancer.
Karma enters in the throne room, normally, the coronation would have more flare, however, the blonde woman was itching to rule and to purge any contact the Necromancer may have. Karma has the report in regards to the last mission. Of course, Karma did the obeisance in respect and to tease Magik as she does not like such formalities.
“Yana, the last sympathizing of the Necromancer was expelled from Xarnax, now, they only serve the crown, as long the crown serves them” Karma explained as she too comes from a kingdom where the rulers decided to workship fake gods and let the people starve, and in retaliation, the people make a revolution.
“Now, comes the hardest part” Yana speaks as a ruler “Make sure the Necromancer never dares to put his filthy hands on Xarnax ever again”
“How to do that? An alliance with Genosha won´t be enough, Vision and Wanda weren´t enough to face Loki, Loki! of all people” Karma gestures as Loki does not have a good reputation.
“Yes, I know that Loki is a trickster and a self-aware coward” Yana speaks breaking the arm of her chair, it seems, Karma mentally concluded, the confrontation with Loki was a blow to Yana´s ego. “But this does not matter for now” and Yana gives a smile that resembles too much of her father.
“You look like you have a plan, should I read your mind to break the suspense or can you share it?” the tone is polite but is always nice to tease(and not be torn to shreds) Yana.
“Yes, Roberto told me about them…”Yana closes her eyes and speaks Portuguese in a slow tone “boto cor de rosa” she tries again to see if is correct and continues “is a story of an animal who can shape into people...The necromancer is dating a human swan” and Yana silently adds, who defeated Loki…
“Oh, and your brother did mention a swan…”Karma speaks slowly getting Yana´s line of thinking “you will accuse her?”
“Is a way to gain leverage, but, I want to wait a little more, get more information, Amara and Roberto are helping me with that as Rhane, Dani and Doug are with Excalibur as well” Yana explained and she can see the logic behind this decision, no one would suspect Dani Moonstar or Rhane and adding Doug it is easier to put them as innocent triple (Doug already knows Kitty, the Swan, likes to hang out with Excalibur)
“But I admit, accusing her of my brother´s actual situation is unfair...he wanted to do far worse than marry a swan” Yana replied darkly. Karma nods, the incest incident is still talked about(and think about, as Karma found out)
“You´ll try to accuse the swan of something else…” the question is left in the air as Yana is merely ponder, once again, resembling too much her father.
“Is an option, now, enough of plans, tell me, Karma, are you liking your new home?” Yana asked as if a minute ago she wasn´t just plotting against the powerful and evil necromancer.
Truly, Zaorva, what odd girl you lead me to. Thought fondly.
__________________________________________________________________________ Epilogo
In the New Hell, has no need to holiday as time is an illusion, however, the Queen of the land(lands) wanted to have a moment with the family, hence Belasco and Yana sitting together and crossing their arms as they ignore each other.
“Oh, don´t make such face, you two” Kitty puts a cake on the table and before anyone could ask she ads “is my birthday and I want to celebrate with you two, my family”
Belasco and Magik share the same expression as time is irrelevant for them, but, for Kitty time still matters.
“Mom!” Magik speaks not wanting to admit she forgets and is followed by
“Katzchen!” Belasco speaks once again sharing the same sentiment of Magik
And they celebrate the moment with the only person in the universe that can make such a feature. Kitty Pryde.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Tosca au
N/A: Ok, so a few warnings. First off, I never watch the Tosca, it´s an opera and I get the plot on a website. I found the main lead, Tosca, very annoying and stupid. That´s why I´m taking some liberties here                                                      Second thing, Tosca in Portuguese is a somewhat derogatory word, maybe not to such extent, like, Tosca means, in Brazil, dumb, stupid and many things alike. So....yeah.                                                       Plot twist here:
In the atelier full of spectacular paintings, one new painting is outshined the other ones, the student of the master behind such masterpiece certainly think this is the epitome of beauty.
The portrayed of Countess Teresa Burgotalli is a woman that is many consider the next Venus and the portrayed certainly proves the statement to be true.
However, Rhane Sinclair, the student, watches as Doug Ramsey is paying more attention to his locket than to the portrayed.
"Master Ramsey?" Rhane Sinclair speaks breaking the man from his daydreaming.
"Ah, Rhane, hello" the man speaks cheerfully "I´d work all night to give the final touches to the painting, do you like it?"
"Yes, is marvellous, the countess will be delighted" Rhane speaks then notices the locket and replied, "many think the countess is the most beautiful woman in the world, but, I think you don´t believe in that statement" Rhane now smiles as the man takes his cue to speak about his favourite subject.
"No, to me the most beautiful woman is my girlfriend, Kitty Pryde" and show the picture in the locket with such tenderness "she´s the most beautiful and amazing singer of the all opera"
Rhane laughs at this and shakes at this.
"Calm down, Doug, remember what she said, don´t overreact" Rhane replied and the man just chuckles. Then noticing the picture, as if the first time, adds "how odd, only now I notice the similarities between the countess and Kitty"
"Yeah, Kitty did mention before, however, to me, the countess is nothing comparing to her"
"Doug, if you start singing I´ll throw you out"
__________________ Countess Teresa Burgotalli is a woman that many consider beautiful. Her green eyes are so rare, a hue that no one ever has seen before, her caramel skin looks so delicate, her bust is modest (and catches the eyes of many admirers) as her round face is perfectly for smiles.
Too bad the woman rarely smiles sincerely. The general of the Lighting Force, an organization that the Burgotalli´s family is sponsoring, has the task of guarding the noblewoman.
Kurt Wagner, with his blue fur, his red outfit and the trademark sunglasses is bored as the countess is gushing over her new painting and make obvious innuendos to the blue man.
Brian, you so own for this.
The carriage is riding without a bump, but, Teresa claimed otherwise as she clung to his arm.
"I´m so happy you´re here, I want you to see my portrayed" Teresa whisper seductively and Kurt remains silent, his organization needs the money.
"Yes, I´m sure is a lovely thing just like you" Kurt replied flirtatiously. Teresa clings to him deeply.
Not my type at all.
____________________ Countess Teresa arrives in the atelier arrives and is greeted by Rhane Sinclair, the student explains the great master of painting expended his entire night doing the final touches on his masterpiece.
General Wagner cut himself as an intimidating figure and Rhane gulps in fear as Teresa exclaimed how she´s pleased with the picture.
"I´d rather thank the master himself"Teresa speaks ignoring Rhane´s explanation "go fetch him to me or I won´t pay"
Rhane reluctantly goes to take Doug, but, to her surprise is no need. Coming down from the stairs the connects his atelier to his loft, comes down Doug being held by a woman with chestnut hair, brown eyes and a tired smile.
"Countess, fret not, the great master of such art is here" Kitty explained and the general stop giving his smirk.
"Who are you?" Kurt asked now in a good mood. Taking Kitty´s hand and kissing, Kitty is not thrilled by this gesture but his uniform is enough to make Kitty bite a cruel reply.
"My name is Kitty, I´m not the centre of this conversation, Doug is " Kitty replied dryly as countess paid Doug and asked Kurt(the general) to get so they can go.
Kurt did take his sunglasses for a moment and Kitty didn't flinch by seeing his golden eyes.
"Have a nice day, Kitty" the general speaks in a sotto voce and leaves the atelier with the countess.
"What the hell was that?"
"I´d hope I´ll never find out, Doug, come on, let´s take you to the bed" Kitty replied calm with a lazy smile and Doug tries to make an innuendo but yawning and closing his eyes take the effect away.
Kitty Pryde is indeed a famous singer in the opera, but, she rather has her private life as a secret. People gossip she has tons of lovers, even though, most of those rumours make no sense.
How can I have an affair when this man is dead by 2 years now?
Tonight, Kitty is going to sing an original ballad, however, Emma Frost, stops Kitty with a malicious smile on her face.
"Kitty, Kitty, when I hired you I never thought much of you, now, I have to take all that back" Emma begins "you manage to snare an important figure"
Kitty is half naked as she is having difficulty to tie her dress. Emma does not offer help, not that Kitty was expecting.
"Go this way, he´ll love it"
"What are you talking about?"
"The great general of Lighting Force is here and wants you to sing only for him" Emma makes the intention know and Kitty feels sick to her stomach "No, NEVER!"
"Kitty, he´s not the type of man you can say no"
"Guess I have to be the first, let me guess if I don´t do his bidding...my career is over"
"Yes, pretty much"
"Then, goodbye, Emma Frost"
And people wonder why the biggest star is not singing for them. General Kurt Wagner is thinking about the same thinking and demands answers.
"General, she refuses to do it, she leaves the opera..." then she amends" if you want company, one of my girls can entrain you"
"No, I want her"
"She has...a boyfriend and is not the type to do this, general, she said no"
"I want her" his voice is final and smiles wickedly "and I´ll have her" _____________________________
A few weeks later, Doug Ramsey is arrested under the accusation of helping enemies of the state and throw in jail without so much a trail. Kitty goes rushing to the prison to see him, sadly, someone was waiting for her. Kitty narrow her eyes at him.
The general seems amused at her reaction. Is full of life, something the countess lack.
"What´s the charge?" Kitty asked almost spitting.
"Basically? Treason" Kurt smiles taking his sunglasses down and Kitty looks at his haunting eyes "and you know what we do with traitors"
"And I know he´s innocent and you frame him" Kitty replied angrily "you wouldn´t frame him for nothing, what do you want?" she speaks slowly.
"Well, you!" Kurt walks and only stops once he´s face to face with her.
"I want you, your body for his life"
"You´re gross, but, do I have your word that Doug will be safer," Kitty asked and Kurt nods "I don´t believe in your word at all, I want a guarantee  that he´ll be alive and free"
"So suspicious, don´t you believe in my word?" Kurt asked amused and Kitty shakes her head "Oh, you´re lucky you´re so cute" And call to the responsible of Doug´s cellar saying to not execute Doug...Kitty catches the last part(in German) where he said to do in another time.
Kitty takes his hand and takes him to the bed. She let this man touches her body, showing a clear signal of disgusting.
As Kurt is far too busy, Kitty takes the knife, hide in her inner thigh, carefully so, as Kitty stabs him recently. Not mind the blood that is dripping on her chest, nipples and aureola.
She only stops when the body in front of her is irreconcilable. Without minding the blood, Kitty phases to where Doug is(she did catch that part of the conversation ) and spot Doug who is being held captive.
Taking him out of there was easy. Taking care of the guards was no problem. And, as Lighting Force´s enemies are getting more land and defeat their last crusade and are near them, no one is paying attention to the missing Doug and Kitty.
In the end, Lighting Force was defeated and the remains members committed suicide to not have to deal with the consequences. The countess´s family lost tons of money for supporting the Lighting Force and Teresa´s beauty didn´t save her.
Kitty and Doug leave this country for good.  There are stories of a painter and a nice singer in Genosha, who enjoy their art and the safety Genosha provides.
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