#the brazuca of the team
dumist · 1 year
Thins about Richarlyson
So, since apparently I like to post curiosities about brs in QSMP, let's talk about the new egg: Richarlyson
- The first name suggested for him was Brazuca, which is the official name of the world cup ball of Brazil in 2014;
- The boys at first thought that the egg was an NPC with AI, they were very surprised to learn that it can communicate by signs;
- richarlyson is the name of one of the players on the Brazilian team, known by the nickname pigeon. so, pigeon = egg, you get the point;
- Cellbit and Felps were responsible for Richarlylon's first death, but in their defense, both didn't expect such ops monsters in the caves;
- Cellbit decided to blame Richarlyson's death on herobrine, because Pac and Mike have a certain trauma with him;
- yes, all 5 are Rich's parents, we hope they can take turns taking care of him well;
- Forever was a little too worried about Richarlyson's first death, and kind of trapped him in a small room with reinforced stones, but DON'T WORRY! IT IS NOT A CAPTIVITY! (at least according to forever)
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writingshushf1 · 2 years
don't have a specific request but would loooove to see anything more from you about felipe, there's such a shortage about him on here 😩
Summary: being srunched up on the same team as your rival since karting days doesn't go too well.
Rating: +16
Warnings: some angst, bit of asshole reader and drugovich, enemies to lovers, hint of a smut.
Word count: 2.5k
Note: since there was no theme or something more than drugovich, i made an idea from a friend, she was very specific with things so it did help me to create something more than a blurb, enjoy it!
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Aston Martin announces its reserve drivers, both Brazilians, Felipe Drugovich and you. 
Everyone on the team was happy for the addition, however, you two couldn't stand each other since karting days. Literally, since you two were kids, in the south of Brasil, you two made clear that a negative feeling existed. Growing up as a girl in the middle of motorsports was hard - and being latina? Even harder, so you had to fight five times as everyone around you. When you two reached Formula 2 in 2020, that was the moment of your career, it was going to be awesome. 
You placed well in those years, even a championship, but the only moment you could get closer to Formula One. And yet, he was always right behind you. He won in 2022 and then what? Aston Martin decided to hire you two.
You wouldn't look him in the face, not even if you needed to, they were too many memories to forget. Obviously, you could be civil to him in front of the team, but the bickering never stopped - and sometimes it annoyed you too much, he didn't understand what it was like to be a woman in this world, so you had to be serious and controlled, but he didn't help.
First race of 2023, he was tipped to take Lance Stroll's place, but the Canadian was cleared by the FIA to race - which left him disappointed, but he knew his place. As much as you knew how frustrating it was, the urge to tease him was greater, as Drugovich made sure to rub it in your face that the one making a Formula One debut would be him and not you.
"How are you? After being benched even though you tested the car?" You cracked a smile, sipping your coffee.
"Vai ver se eu tô na esquina, guria.” (Go see if I'm around the corner, girl.)
"What a sweetheart, get pissy and start speaking Portuguese?" You lift his chin with your index finger. "Não esquece que eu sou brazuca também, fofo.” (Don't forget I'm Brazilian too, baby.)
"Então vai se foder!” (Then fuck you.)
Someone on the team must have noticed the childish bickering you were having, because after you spent a few more days picking on each other, a "relationship coordinator" called him into a meeting and when you walked into the room, he was there, sitting with his arms crossed. Before you could protest, the woman raised her hand and ordered you to sit in the chair next to him. She began to explain that officials have seen the two of you having moments of disagreement, as well as talking over each other, not greeting each other and in general frowning when the other was present. And according to the coordinator, that was unacceptable coming from two exceptional runners who were looking for a future in the sport, that type of attitude wouldn’t be tolerated. That wasn’t even the worst part, you could hold yourselves and not whine like two kids, but what she obliged you two to do was the cherry on top.
“You’ll have to work together not just into the car and simulator development, but also into PR stuff, so we build a positive atmosphere around your relationship. Two Brazilian reserves working on their dreams of motorsports.”
Well, let’s say that the first week didn’t work at all - ended up in you two arguing outside of the Silverstone factory, in portuguese, which made some employees very scared of how intense that got.
Later that night, you called Novalak to dispose of your Felipe drama.
“Dude, he’s insufferable! He thinks less of me, disagrees with every single thing I say and I just fight back!” You threw yourself against the hotel bed. “Or even… His freaking face makes me angry!”
“Woah, woah, calm down, chère.” He said, chuckling. “I’m friends with him and I know he’s too much sometimes… But c’mon, you’re grown ups, so solving things like your age is an idea.”
“Then if he’s your friend, talk to him about it!”
“I will! I will!” You laughed at his reaction. “Besides that, how's it going?”
“Good. Feeling positive about this year. You?”
“You know… Trident is okay, but I miss the MP family.”
The next weeks it sucked less than you thought it would be, it wasn’t easy, but the teasing was lessening each day to the point it came to indifference, you two didn’t fight, but barely acknowledged each other in the room unless you needed to do a video - that’s when your pretending skills were at its max, the fake smiles and the nice words just wanted to make up puke. 
Felipe wasn’t dealing with it easily, he wanted to make snarky comments and tease until you exploded, however after a conversation with Clément, he thought why would he do that? Indifference was more pleasant for the team and if he stopped it, you would too, so never needing to do those boring tasks again.
That afternoon, You were called into Lawrence's office, which was full of important people and he thought that maybe you were going to have your contract ended and probably he would have it too - or no, but he was more afraid of the idea of not having all of this anymore. What actually happened was that you were given the chance of a seat in Formula E for the next season, still affiliated with Aston Martin drivers academy, but representing the team in another category - and bringing the team as a sponsor. It wasn’t your idea at the beginning, going to a different category, but at the same time, the feeling of finally doing it, going to a major category with more visibility than ever - it would still be the same, only woman in the sea of testosterone, on the other hand… A once in life opportunity, a door opened because of it.
You left the office with the biggest smile, messaging your family before laughing alone - it was a seat! In a professional, big category and you were going to rock it.
From afar, Felipe saw your happiness, getting confused why you could be so happy after a conversation with Stroll. He got closer, almost towering you.
“Happy that you got fired?”
“Better. A seat!” You squealed. “Eu vou para a Fórmula E.” (I’m going to Formula E)
“Yeah!” You stopped smiling as you saw his reaction. “You can mock me or whatever, I’m allowed to be happy, because things have never been easy for me.”
“Congrats. Good luck with electric cars.”
He just left you there.
Drugovich didn’t understand why that caught him up, you going to another category and finally leaving you alone. Then why was he feeling like he was losing something?
So he ignored you for months. Barely would exchange words, look and only be actually around you when PR needed everyone around. The atmosphere between you two passes from hate to… Nothing, all those years of hate or any social interaction disappeared. You missed that, the bickering and getting all stressed over him, it was funny, the hate moved you to do more, to be better than he was. And now? Just waiting.
The Aston Martin end of the season gala was tonight, you were wearing a deep purple dress that hung into your body perfectly. It was a bittersweet moment for you, saying goodbye to the team - for a while, at least. On the other hand, being the happiest you could ever be, even though there was something in your chest that didn’t feel right. You begged for Novalak to be your plus one, because everyone was going to take, so it would be weird for you to be the only one alone. Well, Felipe didn’t think of that, when he arrived, it was just him and no one else - immediately he looked at you and your friend in common, walking towards him to say hi.
“Clem! Looking handsome, eh?” He smiled, hugging him, while you stood to the side. When his dark eyes landed at you, he gulped and gave you a small hug - PR rules. “You look beautiful tonight.”
“Just tonight?”
“Yeah, just tonight. Usually you look like someone who could use some sleep.” He smiled. That was new, but at the same time nostalgic, the teasing.
You two spent the night flirting/bickering towards each other, like old times were coming alive again, remembering all the hate it used to happen, but in a softer tone, like everything was this big joke and only you could understand it. That… ignited feelings on you, such as an old fire being lit again.
During your Formula 4 days, you developed a big crush on him - and honestly? He was the most handsome there, it wasn’t your fault, however you never thought about going forward, scared that he would treat you as a joke or the feelings would be not reciprocated, so you let the hate you’ve always had dominate you and let this feeling die, until that moment.
Seeing him wearing a suit, drinking whiskey and laughing along with some many people awoke that burn inside of you. And again, you wouldn’t do anything.
Meanwhile, Drugovich had to look away from you, your body was like a magnet to his eyes and he just couldn’t stop looking at you. Every few minutes he had to remind himself why he wasn’t going to do anything: you hated each other, it had always been that way. His chest was getting tighter and it was getting harder to breathe, so he excused himself from the table - earning confused looks from you and Clément, soon after he left, walked right behind him.
When you walked outside, he was sitting down on the staircase, breathing heavily. You let the French go first towards him, touching his shoulder and calling him. Slowly, you walked to them, your heels clicking on the floor made his head rise up, scrunching up.
“Why are you here?”
“To see if you’re okay.”
“You’ve seen me, you can go back and rub your happiness for other people.” He mumbled and you cursed under your breath, sitting by his side.
“You’re feeling hot.” Novalak commented.
“Thank you?” He chuckled, sniffing.
“No, like, feverish.”
Without him being able to refuse, you put your face against his forehead. “Yup. C’mon, we’ll get you to the hotel. The important speeches and shit already has happened, we can go.” “You two can stay, I’ll go alone.” Please don’t.
“No way, Felipe. We’re staying at the same hotel, Clem will drop us there and I’ll at least give you some medication.”
The car ride to the hotel was awkward, he refused to speak and you tried to distract yourself with the radio music and the poor friend had to stuck up with your childishness. When you arrived at the hotel, you picked up his keys and went to his hotel room.
“Shower, go.” 
“Leave me alone. I don’t want your company.”
“Oh.” You crossed your arms. “We’re back to the sourness? I forgot how a little bitch you can be.”
“Please. You don’t understand.”
“Tell me then, make me understand, Drugo.” Hearing the nickname was the last straw for him.
“Make you understand? Okay then.” He got up, getting further from you. “Eu sempre peguei no seu pé a minha vida inteira, desde que a gente era criança porque eu odiava que você era melhor que eu. Odiava que você era muito mais séria e tinha muito mais potencial, eu odiava que você tinha capacidade e derrubava todo mundo sem fazer esforço. Eu odiava não ser tão bom quanto você! E eu quis aliviar isso, mas esse sentimento ruim me consumiu por todo, eu até queria ser seu amigo, mas eu descobri há um tempo atrás que eu não consigo isso e sabe por quê? Porque eu não quero que você vá embora! E eu sei que isso é extremamente egoísta, mas eu não quero que você vá embora porque por mais que tenhamos nos odiado esse tempo todo, eu amava a provocação, era um incentivo! E agora você vai seguir seus sonhos e eu fiquei aqui, para trás novamente. Eu nem sei se vou conseguir um assento para o ano que vem e isso também está me matando por dentro. O erro foi deixar aquela coordenadora tornar algo indiferente e eu perceber que sem você, não tem Drugo, não tem paixão! Só tem um garotinho brasileiro assustado e com medo que o futuro não seja brilhante, mas sim medíocre enquanto a pessoa que ele poderia ter só escapou das mãos dele. Pode me chamar de egoísta, de filho da puta, do que quiser, mas é a verdade.” (I've been picking on you my whole life, ever since we were kids, because I hated that you were better than me. I hated that you were so much more serious and had so much more potential. I hated that you had the ability and could take everyone down without making an effort. I hated that I wasn't as good as you! And I wanted to relieve that, but this bad feeling consumed me all over, I even wanted to be your friend, but I found out a while ago that I can't do that and do you know why? Because I don't want you to leave! And I know this is extremely selfish, but I don't want you to leave because as much as we've hated each other this whole time, I loved the teasing, it was an incentive! And now you're going to follow your dreams and I'm left here, behind again. I don't even know if I will get a seat for next year and it is killing me inside too. The mistake was letting that coordinator make me indifferent and I realised that without you, there is no Drugo, no passion! It just has a scared little Brazilian boy afraid that the future won't be bright, but mediocre while the person he could have just slipped out of his hands. You can call me selfish, you can call me a son of a bitch, whatever you want, but it's the truth.)
When he stopped talking, you could see tears pricking up on his eyes, so without thinking, you walked to him, hugging his body against yours and letting his head on your shoulder, pampering kisses on his head.
“Você pode me ter, meu bem.” (You can have me, my dear.)
He raised his head, looking at you and feeling a weight off his shoulders, grabbing your waist and pulling you into a deep romantic kiss. You yelped at first, surprised at his bold move, however as soon as his lips were moving against yours, you melted into his touch, holding his face and letting his tongue explore yours. Even if his body was feverish - which was a totally emotional reaction, he was feeling good, dropping kisses on your jaw.
“Let me take care of you…” You murmured. 
“I certainly don’t refuse that.”
“You too.”
You both laughed and he took off your dress and shoes, soon being only in his trousers, pushing you against the bed and starting to kiss your neck.
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monbanana · 2 years
Pes 2019 ppsspp com brasileirao download
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#Pes 2019 ppsspp com brasileirao download how to#
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Are you looking for where to download the ISO PPSSPP version of PES 19? Well you’re on the right page, below i will be leaving the links for you to download the game and enjoy.
#Pes 2019 ppsspp com brasileirao download how to#
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kurtty-drabbles · 7 years
Belasco au ( odd family)
N/A: Yana did have a hard time in the family department, her brother is a huge jackass in this AU(canon too) and I want to give Yana a family…sadly, this family consists of Belasco!Kurt. Staring the New Mutants.
In the New Mutants´s headquarters in Ireland, the group is telling a bit of their home life before and after the big bang, as the group label the reality shifting.
“And then my mother ended up have to adopt all the cats and dogs in the place” Roberto da Costa finished an exciting tale about how his mother saved several dogs and cats in their city.
“That so cute, ” gush Rhane making no secret that she likes animals, especially dogs. The group consists of Rhane, Roberto da Costa, Dani, Dough and Warlock, Yana is not presented for a very good reason.
“Family is family” respond Roberto and after looking side to side to make sure the room is indeed free “ speaking in the family, I´m wondering something about our favorite sorceress supreme…She did get a new family”
“Is this a sappy way to say us?” asked Dani sitting next to Rhane and drinking something to warm her up, the weather is getting too cold for her taste.
“No, I think what Sunspot means is that Yana has a mother and father now, right Buddy?” asked Warlcok to Doug who nods and is too drinking a hot beverage to warm up.
“What do you mean?” asked Rhane confused, she knows Yana has only a brother that went a bit insane in this timeline, but a mother and a father? this is new to her.
“Well, Kitty basically raised her, right?” everyone nods “this makes her Kitty´s mother figure in this timeline” explained Roberto starting to feel the cold as well and accept the hot beverage that Warlock is offering.
“Ok, makes sense, but who is the father?” Doug asked not getting the point of this analogy.
Roberto did look towards the room to make sure if the room is indeed saved to drop the bomb, once it was deemed safe, no reservations were spared in the revelation.
“Well, if we go with logic here…Kurt is the father figure here” the others let the information sink in and quickly the information become the hot topic of the conversation.
“You are right, it does make sense,” Doug said, “wait, But Kurt is now Belasco…but, not the Belasco that hurt her?”
“ Yeah, the big bang change everything” explained Dani and adds “ now, it explain what happens this morning”
“Is time for a flashback, my friend?” asked warlock that receive a nod from Dani.
In this morning in the headquarters of New Mutants, Dani is moving to the kitchen to make the breakfast when Yana is there with her usual uniform and soul sword.
“Hi, Yana, are you going to use demonic powers to make breakfast again?”
“No, my critics and I have a quarrel of the sort” her voice left little to the imagination, sure her critics won´t do whatever they did in the first place ever again “ I´m going to do a thing and I may not return until…dinner, Dani, I count on you to not let the others eat my cake”
“You plan to eat the whole cake?”
“The cake is not a lie, Dani”
“Ok, you play Portal again, but, sure, I won´t let the cake be eaten, by the way, can I ask where are you going?”
A new voice appears along with a new portal, nothing that Dani haven’t seen before. The voice has a demonic tone as well, but, again, is nothing that Dani haven´t seen before.
“Ilyana, hurry up”
“Shut up, Kurt” Yana huffed like a child and then explained to Dani" me and….Kurt, is going on a mission to find some crazy Satanists, don´t worry I won´t take long"
And Magik entered the portal leaving Dani behind, the girl realizes that today is Tuesday and demonic portals and satanism usually happen on Wednesday.
Must be a special occasion.
“The end of the flashback” stated Warlock and everyone is amused by this revelation, including the flashback.
“So, Yana is in a murderous adventure with her new demonic father?” asked Doug wanting to clear the situation for everyone involved.
“Yes, I believe so, wait, didn´t Kitty was attacked by a group of crazy Satanists last week?” asked Rhane putting two and two together.
“Oh man, it is a murderous adventure with her new father to protect her mom, that cute and scary, just like her” Roberto mentioned impressed.
everyone in the room agrees, while happy that Yana does get to have a more stable family, even though, the new father figure is a Demon Lord who used to be Nightcrawler.
“Do we tell her this?” asked Rhane and everyone ponder for a minute remembering how she reacts to the mere name Kurt or Belasco and decides that the smart thing is to not mention this ever.
“Aww, she has a family, wait, there´s cake?” Roberto knows realize the important fact of a hidden cake. The others groan when he starts meme the cake is not a lie, Portal is a very popular game with the New Mutants.
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jolivira · 4 years
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If you see this post please don’t ignore it.
Amazonas is one of the states with the biggest indigenous population of the country. Manaus is famously called “Indigenous Capital”.
What is happening is not a coincidence.
The governement knew this crisis was coming and did nothing to stop it. They don’t care about indigenous lives (read more here).
Donate 6 USD / 30 BRL and you will get a sketch of your choice from either me or one of my very talented friends that volunteered to help. Our team consists of @neottia-orchids​ @brilliantfantasticgeronimo​ and @sadgician​ !
DM me if you have any questions or want to donate!
Here’s the information to donate directly to the Bora Ajudar Project.
at the end of each they they post all the receipts and information regarding the donations. I have spoken to them and they are 100% trustworthy.
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gringos: donate through PayPal [email protected] (the donations will be under the name Diego Senapeschi Blanco)
brazucas: doe pelo PIX do presidente do Projeto, CPF 910.764.712-34 (Gustavo Melo Medeiros)
please, even if you can’t donate, spread the word, talk about it, share this post
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brazucabarbers · 6 years
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dearsenna · 6 years
AAAAAAAA brazuca team is missed! Sinto uma saudade de papear com vc! Mto Obrigada querida
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heronetworkgg · 4 years
Team Cruelty son los campeones de la ALGS Playoffs otoño
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El pasado fin de semana se jugó el último torneo del circuito de otoño de la Apex Legends Global Circuit (más conocido como ALGS) donde compitieron los mejores equipos de la región como Team Singularity, Brazucas, Loto Gaming, Carnage Gaming, Elite BR y Team Cruelty. Tal como dice el título, fue el equipo chileno el […]
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cypher2 · 7 years
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Boasting an orange and black design, the new Adidas UEFA Euro 2017 Women's football honors the host team, the Netherlands. Apart from the colors, the football features the same graphic as the Adidas Krasava 2017 Confed Cup ball.
the Adidas UEFA Women's Euro 2017 ball features the same characteristics as the Adidas Brazuca 2014 World Cup ball and the Adidas Euro 2016 football. The Adidas 2017 UEFA Women's Euro Official Match Ball (OMB) features a premium surface structure, enhanced grip and in-flight visibility.
The ball is designed with 6 panels, also seen on the Fracas and Beau Jeu from EURO 2016 and the Brazuca from World Cup 2014. The football’s surface is thermally bonded and therefore has no seams. This treatment of the surface gives a more stable swerve, a more predictable trajectory and less water intake. A micro texture on the upper allows for greater friction and therefore better control on the ball.
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shwni-blog · 5 years
Lionel Messi Signed Merchandise
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Cheap Lionel Messi Signed Memorabilia
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  There's no better time than now than to buy some Lionel Messi Signed Memorabilia Let's face it... He's probably one of, if not, the best player that has ever graced the beautiful game we call football Or soccer, depending on where you are from in the world
A Child's Hero
You can walk past nearly every park with children playing football And 9 times out of 10 you will hear an argument about who was going to be Messi If they're anything like my children they are all bloody messy! Looking at the player Messi, and the person behind the player This man will be a Footballing Legend in my eyes for as long as I live Even though Cristiano Ronaldo and Andres Iniesta are 2 of my favourite soccer players at the moment But what do you all think of him? If you want a bit of an incentive to be able to be half as good a player as this man is It might be worth taking a look at this short video of Lionel Messi's signature skills which might rub off on the way you play the game So, We all know what he does, but do we really know who he is?
The Lionel Messi Story
Lionel Andrés Messi was born on the 24th of June 1987 in a place in central Argentina called Rosario Growing up in a football-mad house it was inevitable that he was destined for great things on the football pitch He has played football since the age of 4 for a local team where his father was his coach At the age of 6, he went on to play for his favourite local team "Newells old boys" where he stayed and played for them for 6 years
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Just firing up that passion that he already had for the game he loved. At the age of 10, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency But the treatment was too expensive Unfortunately, his father's medical insurance only covered 2 years worth of treatment which was $1000 He then had to find another way to fund his treatment Newells did offer to pay for the treatment but later backed out of the agreement leaving Messi and his family stranded with medical bills He had family in Spain so they arranged for trials for Barcelona But as he was so young, the director's were reluctant to sign him At the time it was very rare that European clubs would sign foreign players at such a young age In 2001 he was finally signed to the club because the directors were given an ultimatum to sign him And with no contract papers anywhere nearby The contract was written out on a paper napkin as it was the only paper to hand He and his family then moved to Spain to a small apartment near Barcelona's ground Camp Nou Thankfully, Barcelona offered to pay for his medical bills.......and the rest is history!!!
Celebrating to The Skies
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Although he is known as being one of the "greatest footballers of all time" Winning many MANY trophies, personally, for his club, and home country He was very accident prone early on in his career missing a lot of games Think of how many more goals he could have scored if he didn't miss so many games The scoring machine has a well-known celebration whenever he scores Looking up and pointing to the sky in memory of his much-loved grandmother Who used to attend every game and training session with him until she sadly passed away when he was 10
Lionel Messi Position And Team Stats
Position: Forward Number on Jersey: 10 Current Team : club/Barcelona    international/Argentina  Newells old boys from 1994-2000 Barcelona C from 2003-2004                   Barcelona B from 2004-2005                    Barcelona from 2005....... National team from 2004...
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For more facts about the man himself you can take a look at this great site called whoscored.com Every young aspiring footballer wants to be him!!! Now if you can't be like him, you can definitely dress as he does on the field With many places online selling Lionel Messi merchandise So if you love Lionel Messi you can... GET HIS NEW ADDIDAS NEMEZIZ 18.1 FOOTBALL BOOTS HERE!!!
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Or take a look at the 17+ 360 version here
The King of Playmaking!!!!!
You have to check out the amazing skills that he can perform in this short video!!!  ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
The 2017/18 Barcelona Home Shirt
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This man is a legend!!!
Classic Shirts
I have even found some classic vintage shirts that go back as far as 2005. There are some lovely looking shirts that Messi and other legends of the game used to wear back in the day. You will be surprised what you find so why don't you do a bit of browsing and reminiscing over the good old days when football kits weren't just about the advertising Want more? Now if you are not happy with just having things similar to Messi..... What about owning his actual signed items? In the list below are only a few items that are genuinely signed by the legend himself and all come with a certificate of authentication
Lionel Messi Signed Soccer Cards
Lionel Messi Signed Photographs
Lionel Messi Signed Shirts
Lionel Messi Signed Cleats
The Argentinean who currently plays number 10 for Barcelona is an icon of the footballing world for fans all across the globe who would love nothing more than to own something that has been signed by such a great player It's not just signed football memorabilia, it's also an investment for the future Let's say you have some spare cash just laying in the bank doing nothing building a tiny bit of interest for you If you bought one of the legends signed balls (take it easy ladies) further on in his career the price of it will surely only go up, wouldn't it? I have managed to find four authentic signed football's by the legend himself which all have an AUTHENTICITY GUARANTEE Lionel Messi Argentina Autographed World Cup Brazuca Soccer Ball - $656.99
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from: SportsMemorabilia.com Lionel Messi Barcelona Autographed 2016-17 Champions League Soccer Ball - $674.99
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from: SportsMemorabilia.com Lionel Messi Signed 2016-17 UEFA Champions League Final Football ICONS Messi COA - $870.99
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from: SportsMemorabilia.com LIONEL LEO MESSI Autographed UEFA Champions League 2017 Soccer Ball ICONS - $1,065.99
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from: SportsMemorabilia.com You read all about the RETURNS AND EXCHANGES HERE of SportsMemorabilia or the SHIPPING POLICY HERE All the signed footballs have been genuinely personally hand-signed by Lionel Messi and come with an individually numbered tamper evident hologram from Fanatics Authentic.  The hologram can be reviewed online so you can ensure authenticity. Get $100 off when you spend $1000 click here This process helps to ensure that the football that you have purchased is authentic and removes any possibility of duplication or fraud They also come with a fully certified certificate of authentication backed by sportsmemorabilia.com Anything else you need? If there's anything else you would like finding to do with LIONEL MESSI if you just message me in the comment section and I will do my very best to help you. Or if there's anything you have to say about this post or want me to add to it I would love to hear from you
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Make an investment in your future while owning a piece of football history Why not take a look at what other autographed items sportsmemoribilia has to offer here in this post Read the full article
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skateesujo · 7 years
Hoje a resenha do Blog Skate é Sujo foi dedicada ao novo vídeo da New Balance que saiu ontem e não passou despercebido aqui no escritório, os caras (filmmakers) sabem como filmar e editar um vídeo de skate muito bem, basta acompanhar as produções anteriores como “tinto de verano” ou “the second narrows”, quem acompanha e gosta de vídeos de skate, sabe que são ótimos.
Todos nossos comentários efetivamente vão para o novo vídeo da New Balance, foi escolhido o nome “tricolor” para o título, devido a ter três partes no filme, são eles em ordem de aparição: Franky Villani, Flo Mirtain e PJ Ladd, além de dois chaos/montagens com o restante do time entre as partes.
O vídeo começa com todos os skatistas fazendo uma rápida aparição, cada um dando uns impulsos pelas ruas e calçadas acertando umas manobras de solo. Para nós aqui do blog, a personalidade de um skatista se cria através de sua remada, como ele escolhe fazer uma linha, o movimento dos braços, o jeito que entra e sai no acerto das manobras. Todos esses ingredientes vão criar os traços de um skatista, o que ele realmente quer mostrar para nós que estamos assistindo um vídeo de skate.
Afinal, o que nós queremos quando vemos uma parte de skate, é sair empolgado pra sessão e no final do dia, comentar com os amigos sobre aquela determinada parte e/ou full lenght vídeo de skate. Esse é o propósito, observar todo o contexto, as manobras, edição, trilha sonora, select tricks, cada um tem um jeito de ver um vídeo de skate, nós aqui do blog Skate é Sujo somos assim, e alguns amigos próximos também. Se você acha que vídeo de skate é só acertar manobras, tudo isso que nós falamos é besteira, então “fafavo” e faz o seguinte, vai assistir alguns vários canais de skate que só estão preocupados com conteúdo de falação e não se importam nem um pouco com as características que nós citamos para um bom vídeo. Essa é a opinião do blog, direto como um bom “kickão estralado e caindo nas 4”.
A surpresa do vídeo é a contratação do Brandon Westgate, que saiu da Emerica depois de muitos anos, para agora fazer parte da New Balance. Certo/errado, core/mainstream (multinacionais/marca verdadeiras de skate). Não vamos entrar nesse mérito, já está muito desgastado esse assunto, vamos falar de skate e brisas pessoais, para isso serve esse texto. Evidenciamos apenas uma coisa, assim como o Minecraft e Frozen são uma realidade para os seus filhos, filhas, irmão e sobrinhos, as marcas esportivas que entram no mundo do skate também são, temos que avaliar as coisas boas (e deixar as ruins para outro texto, porque elas existem claro...) como a resenha deste vídeo de skate.
A primeira parte é do skatista chamado Franky Villani, você o conhece? Para quem acompanha os campeonatos amadores de Tampa, pode até não saber quem ganhou o evento ano passado, mas se você é um skatista que acompanha a cena, vai se lembrar de um cara que mandou a manobra mais surpreendente do campeonato, foi um frontside no comply to fs nosegrind saindo de fakie flip descendo um caixote na pista. Eu também não lembro quem ganhou o campeonato, mas sei bem que foi esse skatista, seu nome: Franky Villani. Preste atenção, não foi a primeira parte a toa. Saudações ao Jamie Thomas que mantém o legado da Zero Skateboards intacto ao ter também esse skatista em sua companhia.
No 1º chaos (montagem) aparece o restante dos skatistas da New Balance, vários manos como o Jordan Trahan (veja sua parte que fecha o último vídeo da 5Boro, [5BNY], com o bombástico kickflip 360º de final, pulando uma mesa de picnic table de frente ao som de Gil Scott-Heron, faça isso, sua memória afetiva vai lhe agradecer), Marquise Henry, os brasileiros Pedro Biagio e JP Souza. Tem até o dublê do Stefan Janoski acertando um varial flip pulando uma cesta de lixo, veja em: 7m17s, a semelhança é incrível (risos).
Logo em seguida, entra o skatista francês Flo Mirtain com a segunda parte, muitos devem se lembrar dele andando para Cliché Skateboards e DVS Skateboards, a primeira marca fechou as portas recentemente e a segunda infelizmente não vai nada bem. Desejamos boa sorte a DVS, que sempre teve uma equipe gigante assim como a NB e já fez ótimos vídeos, como o clássico “skate more” e “dudes dudes dudes” (naquele saudoso formato Mpeg-1). Felizmente, skatistas com personalidade e poderosos com suas manobras, mais uma boa dose de sorte (nós acreditamos, lugar certo, na hora certa...) não ficam sem patrocínios, assim Flo Mirtain está na NB estreando sua videoparte e também usando os shapes da Habitat Skateboards (fizemos uma pesquisa e nós parece que ele ainda é flow, esperamos estar errados :)).
No 2º chaos, algo incomum em vídeos de skate, a aparição de uma mulher, a surpresa é maior pela manobra ser na rua. Muitas poucas marcas de skate colocam mulheres em seu time principal, isso que estamos em 2017... Além das manobras de alto nível e edição apurada, o vídeo “tricolor” vem quebrar alguns paradigmas juntamente com a aparição da skatista feminina Alexis Sablone, os skate rats devem se lembrar dela no grande vídeo do começo dos anos 2000, o “Coliseum - PJ Ladd’s wonderfull, horrible, life”, parabéns a NB pela iniciativa. Outro skatista nessa montagem que se destaca é o Chad Tim Tim, se existisse um clube da elegância nas manobras, com certeza ele seria sócio vitalício, que legal ver imagens novas desse exímio skatista, o blog Skate é Sujo agradece, inspiração since “millianos”. Entre vários outros skatistas do time, citamos o Levi Brown, afinal que outra companhia de skate teria um team manager com tamanho pop nas manobras? Nos não conhecemos.
Por fim, o protagonista da 3º e última parte, é o PJ Ladd, skatista que dispensa apresentações, o cara é tão sinistro, que involuntariamente foi citado no parágrafo anterior, devido seu nome fazer parte do título do vídeo que citamos da Alexis Sablone. Nós do blog observamos todas as manobras em sua parte fielmente. Ele não voltou nenhuma trick dois tempos, todas foram na “régua” nas “4” de verdade, leve-se em conta a dificuldade técnica de suas execuções, seria até normal uma manobra sair quase perfeita, exemplo quando você acerta uma trick e encaixa o truck de trás primeiro ou quando se dá uma batida de leve para o lado na conclusão porque o corpo pendeu para esse lado. Mas não foi o caso aqui, todas as manobras saíram em pura harmonia e com o adendo de casar várias vezes com a batida da música, ótima sacada da edição. Tem skatistas que merecem estar no topo do game forever, PJ Ladd é um deles, com certeza.
P.S. Nossos parabéns ao videomakers Russell Houghten e James Messina, por filmarem e editarem um belíssimo vídeo de skate. O blog Skate é Sujo gostou bastante da película!
P.S. (II) Depois de muito debate entre a equipe do blog, a melhor manobra do vídeo não foi a última trick do Pj Ladd, mas sim o backside grind to frontside flip do Flo Mirtain, muito foda!  
P.S. (III) Nos últimos minutos de escrita, percebemos que não teve nenhuma manobra do Arto Saari, ficamos felizes por ele ter se tornado um grande fotográfo e tristes ao mesmo tempo, por cada vez menos aparições em vídeos, mas seu legado visual manobrando em vídeo partes está fincado para sempre em nossas memórias. Assim o skate segue...
P.S. (IV) Perdoem nossos erros de português e gramática, não é o forte do blog. Estamos providenciando um curso online 0800 (grátis) para sanar nossas deficiências, hehe.
Errata (bem atrasada por sinal, 07/11/2017)
* Existe sim, uma manobra do Arto Saari no vídeo, é frontside boardslide (rock de front, na versão brazuca). Agradecemos ao Douglas Pietro, pela correção!
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genevieve6392-blog · 7 years
The very best 10 Younger Gamers You need to Sign up FIFA 18 Career Mode
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While the 2017 version of EA Sports FIFA is about to return to an in depth with the release of 2018, his improve prediction is an extra source of joy for his followers. Can't be accomplished whereas operating and likewise results in unwanted drag backs. The OMB has the same panel because the Euro 2016 Ball and Adidas Brazuca 2014 World Cup Ball, but with a unique design that includes followers in the middle with a stunning pink/ white/ grey print, whereas coming into a stadium. Russian mannequin Natalia Vodianova celebrates with members of the Russian delegation on the victory of Russia to host the 2018 World Cup. If you have any kind of inquiries pertaining to where and exactly how to utilize fifa 18 xbox 360 (lindsaymegan.blogolink.com), you can contact us at our web-page. Best to say he is top-of-the-line gamers on the earth. Squad Battles - Compete towards other squads from the FUT group, transfer up the leaderboard and even sort out the squads of celebrities and professional FIFA gamers. A real shame, FIFA ought to simply be FUT now actually.
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The Brazilian has gone from energy-to-energy since breaking into the true Madrid first group. Dino Zoff, whose team successfully used the Zona Mista in 1982, was the Italian coach in Euro 2000 when Italy went in with the same tactics. Men's Nationwide Team veteran? Fans can learn the way Ronaldo fueled FIFA 18 by tuning into EA PLAY on June 10 at 8:00pm BST on EA.com. FIFA 18 Closed Beta begins August 10, 5pm BST. Nevertheless, most players see the worth in being ready, so when the sport comes out; they don’t have to attend to construct their FIFA 18 coin balance. The game is a two on two participant B Ball recreation and in case you hit some good pictures you grow to be, "On Fire". This younger player was additionally featured in FIFA 17 however, he didn't have a lot potential. EA Access customers can login the FIFA 18 at September 21, with 10 hours game time. FIFA 18 is all set to set the stage on fireplace on September 29. And all the eyes are at the moment on how the game is going to form up when it eventually comes out on the market. These recordsdata are 100% lossless in addition to MD5 good.
The same applies for the next months and the dates are confirmed closer to the time. It's already clear Brazil won't be the same after the house tournament. Supercharge NFL SUNDAY TICKET with SuperFan, benefits every recreation in crystal clear HD and Dolby Digital 5.1 encompass sound that delivers as much as 14 NFL games on Sunday and telecasts Sunday video games live on your cell phone and computer. I create games. I know what the game should really feel like. From the video, it seems like we are able to count on to need to decide whether or not or not Hunter should agree to a transfer ahead of his sophomore season and there is also a glimpse of a gathering with Cristiano Ronaldo. So, what else will we know about Hunter Returns? Only you need to comprehend it. What do I get? Reply to conceding a goal or lacking a chance with a fast sub to get back on the entrance foot with out having to depart the match.
The midfield would be in front of these three, with a solitary striker up front, leading to a 1-three-3-3 formation. Soupy central midfield play is eradicated, meanwhile, as you’ve a contact extra time to shield the ball and assess choices round you. Therefore, they have looked to make it extra potential for players to score wonder goals from vary or incredible volleys. In FIFA 17, a chasm of house is left when you decide to step up and problem the ball head-on, a difficulty that compelled many online players to trace again manually with their midfielders. Definition: Used to encourage gamers by generating a belief that they're working to attain one thing great, something awe-inspiring, something larger than themselves. Scalebound might have been cancelled, but don't worry because there are plenty of top notch 2017 games still to return. Individuals have been speaking about playing FIFA - within the VR glasses. FIFA 18 will formally launch on Sept. Simply wait a couple of months, you will notice the particular editions. Stay tuned all through the season to find distinctive and exciting methods to make your club better. Many believed that the demo was set to drop on the 12th at 1 am UK time.
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ntrending · 6 years
How the new World Cup ball was designed to not influence the games
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/how-the-new-world-cup-ball-was-designed-to-not-influence-the-games/
How the new World Cup ball was designed to not influence the games
Every four years there’s a new ball for the World Cup—and every four years players are unhappy with it. Maybe it’s too light and has too much lift, like the 2002 Fevernova. Or maybe it wobbles unexpectedly in the air, making it harder for goalies to predict its motion, like the 2006 Teamgist. Or maybe the ball suddenly changes speed, dropping out of the air and causing accidental handballs, like the 2010 Jabulani.
At the World Cup level, these tiny changes in a ball’s aerodynamics can legitimately impact a team’s performance, so the intense scrutiny of the World Cup ball is perhaps to be expected. “You could argue that it’s the most important piece of equipment in the most popular sport in the world,” says John Eric Goff, Professor of Physics at University of Lynchburg.
Adidas designs every World Cup ball, and on top of being a big seller for them, engineers at the company are constantly a little closer to the perfect ball, Goff says. The ideal soccer ball is a pimple-covered, perfect sphere, its surface just subtly textured enough to keep the airflow around the ball slightly turbulent. Unintuitive as this might sound, the ridges and pimples on the ball make it more aerodynamic, helping the ball to fly through the air more stably.
The Telstar 18, the design for the 2018 World Cup in Russia, is as close to a perfect sphere as you can get. It has subtle pimples and six thermally bonded panels designed to avoid knuckling, which is the characteristic bobbing and weaving movement when a ball is kicked without spin. All 32 teams have been able to play with it since November in preparation for the tournament, which runs from June 14 to July 15. But despite its similarities to the old ball, players have grumbled about the Telstar 18. Compared to the last few World Cup balls, the Telstar 18 is very similar to the ball used for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. It won’t fly quite as far down the pitch, and will wobble in the air a little differently, but aerodynamic testing suggests it will be more stable in the air overall.
“I kind of feel sympathy for the players and especially the goalkeepers that have to get used to a new ball,” Goff says. So far the Telstar 18 has received criticism from a few goalkeepers that played with it starting in November, unhappy with how it moves in the air and the way the surface feels. Goalkeepers, unlike every other player on the pitch, have to predict where the ball will go in order to block it, while also not having the freedom to run around the field to adjust as the ball flies. That means goalies often have the most complaints about a new design. “Every time there’s a World Cup and a new ball the goalkeepers complain, because they’ve been given a new ball,” says Goff.
Using a wind tunnel, Goff has researched the flight properties of the Telstar 18, drawing its drag curve to discover where the ball might dip and swerve in the air, similar to the knuckleball free kicks favored by Cristiano Ronaldo “Even if aerodynamically the Telstar 18 isn’t that different from the Brazuca, it’s still going to wobble a little bit differently because the panel shapes are different,” Goff says.
When any object goes through the air, a thin cushion of air wraps around it that stays relatively still. This boundary layer is why you get dust trapped on your ceiling fan. At slower speeds, the air around a soccer ball moves smoothly over the surface and separates off the sides of the ball at its widest points. Imagine a ball moving from right to left across a clock, Goff explains, so traveling from the 3 to the 9. With laminar flow, the air flows over the surface and then flows off at the 12 and 6, which creates more drag in the air. Drag slows the ball down faster. At higher speeds, the air moves turbulently across the ball’s surface and peels off at the 2 and 4. The wind effectively wraps around the back. This turbulent flow has less drag, which means the ball keeps moving at high speed for longer.
The trick is that as flying objects have a threshold where the air around them goes from turbulent to laminar (and vice versa). Depending on the speed at which a soccer ball makes that transition, players can run into problems.
In 2010, the infamous Jabulani balls for the World Cup in South Africa transitioned from turbulent to laminar flow between 50 and 45 miles per hour, right at the speed for corner and free kicks. The transition between these different types of flow causes even more drag on the ball, which caused the Jabulani to wobble in the air and drop in ways that players weren’t expecting.
“Had I seen the drag curve for Jabulani prior to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa I would have been calling FIFA and Adidas saying please don’t use this ball,” Goff says. The fact that the Jabulani became unpredictable and beach-ball-like during these long passes really helped Spain win in 2010, Goff says. The Spanish team relied almost entirely on short precise passes, without long kicks that became unstable with the Jabulani ball. “That was the perfect example of a team that really fit the style of play for that ball,” Goff says.
This year, the ball shouldn’t have that kind of impact on which team wins the World Cup. In wind tunnel tests, Goff found that Telstar 18 has a very similar aerodynamic profile to the 2014 Brazuca ball, which flew without the wobbles of the Jabulani. The Jabulani was the first ball to have six seams and despite having a roughened surface, it was too smooth, says Goff. When the Brazuca was released, it had 68 percent more seams than the Jabulani to help change the airflow around the ball. The Telstar 18 is even more improved. Instead of transitioning to laminar flow in the middle of free kicks, Goff found that the Telstar 18 goes through its drag crisis at a lower speed of 38 miles an hour.
Transitioning at this point is ideal because short passes will happen at speeds under 38 miles an hour, whereas corner kicks and long passes will happen at higher speeds. On the Telstar 18, the location of the seams, their length, and the pimples that cover the ball’s surface create subtle design elements that control how the ball moves.
In building the ball, Adidas was trying to create something that flies as evenly and consistently as possible. “The construction also provides enhanced power distribution and consistent response when struck,” an Adidas said in a statement. “The surface texture further optimizes the ball’s flight, touch and surface glide.”
Despite the similarities with the Brazuca, the few differences between this ball and what players have gotten used to over the last four years will have an impact on play, says Firoz Alam, an aerodynamics engineer at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia, who has also performed wind tunnel tests on the Telstar 18. “When the player is making a short pass, they have to push a little harder, because at less then 60 kilometers per hour [or 37 miles per hour]it has more flight resistance than the Brazuca,” says Alam. The mid-range passes and corner kicks that gave the Jabulani so much trouble have been resolved. Compared to the Brazuca, the Telstar 18 is also more aerodynamically efficient in the 40-50 mile an hour range, so Alam says players will actually have to kick a little softer or they’re likely to overshoot. Over 55 miles an hour the two balls will feel very similar.
However, in Goff’s wind tests, he and his team noticed that the Telstar 18 had a little more resistance at high speeds, and predict that the ball will go about eight to nine percent less distance down the pitch on long kicks. This means that Manuel Neuer, the goalkeeper for Germany who was considered to be the x-factor that brought Germany the win in 2014, might not have quite as much of an impact clearing balls from the goal this time around Goff says. “You’d see him just kicking the ball way, way down the pitch, and [this World Cup] you might notice that some of those kicks aren’t quite as long as before,” Goff says.
Although the length of kick may end up being a little shorter, the changes make the Telstar 18 more balanced, says Alam. On other balls, Alam and his team have found that there is a difference in how the ball flies based on where it’s kicked in relation to the seams. His tests have found that the Telstar 18 ball doesn’t have as much variation. The total length of seam of the Telstar 18 is 14.1 feet, 3.28 feet more than on the Brazuca. With the longer seam, and more symmetric panels, no matter how the ball is turned there is the same amount of seam exposed. “The other two balls were not like that, they were significantly different,” he says.
With the increased seam length, Goff says there was actually a risk that this ball would be too rough. “Very little changes in those textures can have noticeable aerodynamic effects,” he says. The fact that the Telstar 18 has almost the same drag curve as the Brazuca, with aerodynamic properties changing at about the same speeds, is impressive. “It has to be an engineering and technical challenge,” he says.
“We found that the grooves and pimples on the Telstar 18 ball are very orderly and a little bit flat,” says Alam. The pimples that texture the surface of the ball are not as raised as on the Brazuca, and the seams are narrower and shallower than they have been in the past. All of the elements of the ball—the increased seam length, the more regular pimple pattern, orderly pimple and seam shape—add up to a more symmetrical, balanced ball, Alam says. “We expect this ball to have better flight stability.” And since all 11 stadiums in Russia are at the same altitude, Alam says the ball should play the same way across all matches.
With that in mind, for this World Cup, we might not be able to blame the ball for weird plays and freak shots. It’s all on the players now.
Written By Dyani Sabin
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brazucabarbers · 5 years
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Here we are at our Xmas dinner sadly not all our team could attend due to commitments but all had a great time at Boteco Do Brazil in Glasgow Trogante 🕺💃🕺🥂💃🕺💃🎂🕺💃🍻🕺💃🕺💃🎉🕺🕺💃🍷🥃🥃🥃 We were all looked after and maybe next time we can get all of us in the Brazuca Group all together 🍷🍾🥃🍹🍸🍺🍰🥂🍦🍧 Birthday Brazuca Boys ! Yes several of our barbers have their birthday in January as well as our Queen bee so any excuse for a cake for us all ! 🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺🕺 .......🎊.........🥂.......🍻...........🍹...🍾..... 🍸 🍷 Call,Text WhatsApp For appointments on 📲07826909045 or feel free Walk In . . www.brazucabarbers.co.uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #brazuca #brazucabarbers #thebestbarbersincarlisle #brazucateam #brazuca2gentrygrooming #brazuca3gentrygrooming #brazuca1gentrygrooming #brazuca5gentrygrooming #carlisle #barbering #barbers #christmasbarbershop #barberworld #internationalbarbers #barbering #christmasparty #christmasvouchers #ukbarber #cumbriabarbers #thebarberpost #skinfade #stanwixlocalbarbershop #stanwixbarbershop #carlislebarbershop #brazucachristmas #brazucanewyear #brazucateamparty #party (at Brazuca 3 Gentry Grooming) https://www.instagram.com/p/B71w1WopPjE/?igshid=e0dgd4rx0srr
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5 examples of sports content marketing
When you think of sports marketing, famous campaign sponsorships likely spring to mind: Michael Phelps and Under Armour, Tag Heuer and Cristiano Ronaldo, Nike and well, everyone.
Big names and big money go hand-in-hand in the world of sports, but that doesn’t mean your business can’t get in on the action too. Major sporting events have a huge public appeal – appeal that can be leveraged to promote your brand.
Don’t think this fits into your line of work? You might be surprised. Let’s take a look at 5 winning examples of sports content marketing.
1. Starbucks and the Seattle Seahawks
Let’s start with a trip across the pond where football means something very different.
Three years ago, the Seattle Seahawks faced the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. To show support for their local team, Starbucks – also native to Seattle – decided to support them with branded cup sleeves designed to look like Seahawks jerseys.
The sleeves weren’t just cute either. They featured the Seahawks’ snapcode, which allowed fans to access exclusive content on Snapchat. In a world where everyone walks around with a coffee in one hand and a smartphone in the other, the campaign performed brilliantly and undoubtedly helped Starbucks rack up some great user-generated content (UGC).
Takeaway tip – Offer something exclusive. While you may not be able to score a sponsorship with a big league team, you can use your social accounts to go behind the scenes. This can be as simple as live streaming your staff viewing party or sharing photos of everyone in matching rugby jerseys.
Visit a Seattle @Starbucks to get one of these awesome cup sleeves. Scan the #snapcode for sweet #Seahawks snaps. pic.twitter.com/R7YJ1U1MiC
— Kenton Olson (@kentono) September 11, 2015
2. The North Face Never Stop Exploring Blog
Written for ‘those who never stop,’ the North Face Never Stop Exploring blog is a prime example of sports-related marketing done right.
While other athletic brands might run fancy ads of athletes in their garb, North Face puts their global team of athletes to work – tasking them with writing their blog content and recording videos. By telling their brand story through influencers, the North Face is able to get serious eyes on their site and their gear.
Takeaway tip – Don’t ignore editorial content. While videos and graphics may get the most eyes, it’s important to pump up your blog during major sporting events as well, especially if editorial content is your primary focus. For help, get influencers involved.
Discover the stories of women pushing the boundaries of exploration https://t.co/O7dAF8l9pG #SheMovesMountains pic.twitter.com/Xm3YDUsooA
— The North Face (@thenorthface) April 3, 2018
3. New York Times, the World’s Ball
During the last World Cup, the New York Times wowed us with this impressive piece of content.
The World’s Ball recounts the history of the soccer ball and tells the story of how the 2014 World Cup ball, the Brazuca, came into fruition.  If the facts described in the World’s Ball don’t blow your mind, the graphics will. This piece is packed with useful, informative content, complimented by interactive graphics and a slew of cool historic images from World Cups past.
Takeaway tip – Tell the untold story. The New York Times does a number of things right with the World’s Ball and one was choosing a niche topic. When it comes to sports marketing, leave the mainstream stuff to the big corporations. As a small business, it’s up to you to deliver the unique news – such as the history of piece of equipment. This will get more eyes on your content and help you stand out from the crowd.
4. Orlando City SC’s scavenger hunt
Here’s another example of football in America – the right kind this time.
When Orlando City joined major league soccer they needed to find supporters because well, there were very few around. To do so, they organised a social media scavenger hunt – posting clues on Twitter, Instagram and Periscope about where to find hidden tickets around Orlando.
The campaign was incredibly effective in building a social media following for this emerging brand. Plus, it got some people in the stands and cost the organisation very little.
Takeaway tip – Get your followers involved. Social media engagement is often the primary goal of sports content marketing campaigns. That said, comments and likes aren’t enough. To really stand out, encourage your followers to engage on a much deeper level. Take a leaf from Orlando City’s book and start your own social media competition or trending hashtag. Trust us, you’ll see the benefits long after the sporting event is over.
5. Nike’s #DareToZlatan
Another winner from this time four years ago was Nike’s promotion of their new clothing line with then Paris St-Germain star, Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
Everything about the Dare to Zlatan campaign played on the footballer’s massive ego – we mean, ‘daring attitude’ – from videos of the athlete training inside a volcano to the famous Twitter takeover.
Nike’s team took control of Ibrahim’s Twitter account and asked fans to reach out using the hashtag #DaretoZlatan. What followed was a slew of very funny tweets – both prepared and improvised.
Takeaway point – Be humorous.  Sports marketing is a break from your usual social media strategy so take some risks and even poke fun. This is your brand’s opportunity to adopt a slightly different tone and style and cover novel topics – embrace it.
Dear @Khaledsaifi. Zlatan used this simple thought process. #DareToZlatan pic.twitter.com/zshiqHl9eY
— Zlatan Ibrahimović (@Ibra_official) March 10, 2014
Yes @Tom_J_Webster. Zlatan is just a human. The same way a great white shark is just a fish. #DareToZlatan
— Zlatan Ibrahimović (@Ibra_official) March 10, 2014
In Conclusion
Five great examples and five tips for your own sports related content campaigns:
Offer something exclusive.
Don’t ignore editorial content.
Tell the untold story.
Get your followers involved.
Be humorous.
Any brand can – and should – ride the hype of major sporting events, whether it’s a big match in your local city or a global occasion like the World Cup or Olympics.  Follow these events to identify opportunities for your organisation’s voice to be heard. With the right content, you’ll increase your brand’s reach and make some friends among your target audience – that is, if they support the same team.
  from http://bit.ly/2LsxiUJ
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