#kryptonian hc
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donkoogrr · 2 months ago
Hey, I want to share my brainrot.
Broke: Superman is actually a bad person who doesn't love his bi son Kon because he thinks the kid is going to be a future villain.
Woke: Superman is understandably standoffish to his nonconsensually created clone made to replace him when he was dead. Superman didn't step up when and how he should have - that doesn't mean he didn't have character growth and learn to love Kon, even if he have the kids a name that is a Kryptonian slur.
Bespoke: Superman would LOVE to get to know and mentor this new guy, but whenever he looks at the kid his lizard hindbrain registers DANGER and it freaks him out. He doesn't know why, there's just something intensely Uncanny Valley about Kon. Clark has never understood humans talking about creepy dolls or being afraid of mannequins until now and he doesn't know how to process it? He doesn't even know how to explain it because everyone around him is acting like Kon is perfectly normal and fine and safe and Superman's the asshole for never engaging with him.
Human scientists fucking around with alien DNA made it so that Kon is permanently sending out Aggression in subtle, Kryptonian-only ways. By scent or sub-vocalizations, or posture, or some other alien subconscious way, Kon is both peacefully hanging out with his friends and at the same time indicating that he's about to murder them. Neither Kon or Clark know this! Clark unlearned most of these instincts when he was being raised as human and is used to the people around him not hearing/seeing/tasting/smelling quite right. Until there's this guy here, serving these VIBES.
(about the slur name. Consider that Nightwing is Superman's dear friend and nephew. Consider that he calls himself Dick. Imagine if Clark named Kon "Kon" as a way to honor Dick and like, it's his genuine belief that future Kryptonian speakers will think of Kon as a name first and a slur second, because this person is going to be so amazing)
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the-fyre-flie · 2 months ago
HC that Bruce knows Kryptonian. He's like conversation level and has been researching and learning and practicing it since he met Clark. He can read it, speak it with a heavy American accent that throws off Clark so hard, and is doing it all so he can impress his boyfriend hehe
Bruce, staring at a piece of debris from Krypton that finally fell to Earth: Hm... a sign for a science center... Clark, how common were large-scale laboratories on your planet?
Clark, standing next to him, about to read out the translation: Pretty common- wait... you can read Kryptonian???
Bruce, gesturing at the lettering and symbols: I can speak it too...
Clark, grabbing Bruce's shoulders: Since when?
Bruce: A few years?? Since I met you-
Clark, shaking him gently: And you never told me!?
Bruce, trying to stop his suddenly very excited alien: You never asked?
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frownyalfred · 11 months ago
oh the subtle, delicate angst of Clark never trusting himself to kiss someone with his powers and then the day comes where he’s temporarily depowered on the Watchtower and, in the scant few moments he has before his powers return, he quietly asks Bruce if he could just — try. one time. just to see what it was like to be kissed without having to worry about hurting someone else or pushing too hard against them or wanting.
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carmelitacreep · 15 days ago
An headcanon that I have about the Batboys:
Jason and Dick have a thing for redheads, and this is true both in fanon and canon,
some of Jason love interest in canon are: Barbara (yes, for some reason that is canon in some dc universe) and Artemis (the Amazon from outlaws). And in fanon: Roy and Koriand'r All of them are redheads
now Dick, in canon: Koriand'r and Barbara (again). In fanon: Wally Still, all of them redheads
so yeah, the first to robins have a thing for redheads, but the third and fourth (beacuse Steph is more like robin 3.5) have a thing for Kryptonians... let me explain
romantically in fandom, and in frienship in canon, Tim has Kon, and Damian has Jon and the fact that dc gave Jon a boyfriend, and the same goes to Tim, but that boyfriend isn't their bat/supes counterpart...
so yeah, this is my headcanon do what you want with it
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farshootergotme · 6 months ago
The batkids think the alias "Nightwing" is a reference to Batman, being the bat the flying creature of the night. Clark is very much offended when he hears about this.
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slightly-sad-sloth · 1 year ago
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Experimenting with how I wanna draw Clark and Bruce, decided it would be best to draw them side by side to make sure they don’t look too similar *cough cough* Dc *cough*, also been wanting to draw them in 1940’s suits so combined them into one.
As always click for better quality
+ Underwear version so that I could actually see their body types for reference later
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Bonus; Clean profiles!
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ID + refs under cut;
[ID; Digital drawing of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent standing, both are dressed in 1940’s clothes. Bruce is on the left in a dark navy double breasted suit, with a black tie and yellow shirt, he has a five o’clock shadow and a scar on his cheek and ear. Clark is dressed in a brown suit, with a mismatched jacket and trousers, his trousers are darker and high waisted with a thin belt, his jacket is open and underneath he’s wearing a beige knitted sweater vest with a red tie and white shirt. Clark’s glasses are thick and tortoise shell in pattern. There’s a second drawing, which is in the same poses as the first but both men are in boxers and vests of the period. Behind each of them is a drawing of their face at profile view, Bruce is in full Bruce Wayne persona in his, clean shaven, properly washed for once and with makeup to cover his eye bags, he’s in a black tuxedo and smiling. Clark in his profile is in his above suit plus a fedora with a red band holding a press pass in his hat, he’s looking up in interest. The background to both is faded newspaper clipping of the Gotham gazette and the daily planet along with the superman and Batman symbol. End ID]
Here’s the references I based their clothes on btw, in case you’re interested!
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lambcow · 7 months ago
Ok but imagine young Clark coming into his super-hypnotism powers as a young kid and Martha Kent is not having it because you can only argue with your two-year-old so much if they can sweet talk you into anything they want.
She figures out really fast that it's all in the inhuman eyes - and really, she should've known that gorgeous shade of blue was too good to be true - so when Clark gets in a fit and she just knows he's going to make a demand, she avoids direct eye contact with her sweet little angel. She knows he's not doing it on purpose, he's just a little kid, after all.
But then, he has to go to school, and Martha knows Clark won't do it on purpose, but her little baby is a charmspeaker and is accidentally going to manipulate the entire world around him into whatever he thinks he wants and that's just not going to fly!
So, Martha experiments a little. The next time they go into town for the day, Martha hands Clark a tiny pair of sunglasses to wear all day to see if lenses even make a difference. It's not that he's never worn them before, but she needs to know if he can influence anyone if he's not looking directly into their eyes. After a day of errands and several pleading looks and what are certainly puppy eyes from Clark from behind tinted lenses to no avail, Martha has her answer.
Their last stop of the day is an antique shop on Main. Martha greets the man at the counter like you only can in a small town and asks if he has any supplies of old glasses they can rifle through for Clark, just in the meantime until they can get his eyes checked. Just to limp along. It's a lie, Clark doesn't need a prescription. But in a box of used glasses, there's always the chance Martha will find what she needs.
Gary (that's his name) points her toward a dresser down the room and tells her there's a drawer filled with costume glasses and the like. They find a tiny pair of glasses for Clark and he complains at first that the world "looks funny" but then he blinks twice and looks around again and, with a grin, says "Never mind - I like them, can I keep them?"
And that's how Clark Kent starts wearing glasses.
As he gets older, continuing to grow up and especially while he's still shorter than his ma he'll occasionally glare up at her from over his lenses petulantly as he tries to get his way and it brings a whole new weight to the phrase "Don't give me that look, now, son," because Clark knows that she means not to use his Kryptonian eyes on her to get his way. It's not a secret any more than Clark being an alien is a secret that Clark can get people to do what he wants. But the few times he's done it have resulted in the biggest groundings of his entire life and more chores than he's ever wanted to do. And not just manual labor chores, but the kind of chores ma knows he doesn't like, because a ma always knows how to make a chore a chore.
In high school, for all that Clark is not very popular and has that whole quiet nerd persona going for him, he has that cute kid with the glasses Kryptonian Gaze™ down to a seductive art and he's not even trying. Because. Hello? B-i-o-l-o-g-y. So, yeah. That over-the-glasses glance from across the room? It's a whole thing and lots of girls (and guys?) are super confused by why they suddenly think Clark Kent might be super hot. Then when they look again but it's just Clark sitting there with his normal glasses again? They're not so sure...
He doesn't like to use his super-hypnotism because it feels like cheating, but depending on the circumstance he will. It's not that different than using his other abilities after all, right? If it's for the right reasons, is it?
While he's working at the Daily Planet, he'll use it on occasion to push his advantage for a story for that one extra detail, to get access to a room he might not have otherwise, to sneak into places he might not have, to make people forget his face, his name, their conversation if it was a particularly sketchy place... it's all a simple tilt down of the chin so he can look people straight in the eyes over the rim of his glasses and ask a pointed question or say something or suggest something and then....
As Superman it's different. As Superman, he never wears his glasses. He's all heat vision and x-ray vision, micro and macro vision. As Superman, he does what he needs to to save people. Sometimes that's telling someone to get to safety or go home, call 9-1-1, run, stay here, be quiet.. it's a hundred things as Superman. Sometimes it's asking guards for passcodes or entrance, sometimes it's to turn off surveillance altogether. Superman does what he has to do.
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h31fd3ad · 5 months ago
I feel like people should make Superman more plant like
Like the man straight up photosynthesizes I think it would be funny
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jirachuuu · 5 months ago
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Hey my lil rager teenager🤧
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dp-clarkjkent · 10 months ago
Isn’t pink kryptonite the one that turns superman into superwoman?
There's... More than one variant.
You're talking about PK-B, which does allow some biological tweaks in Superman's body. Red K also does that, but randomly. This is a variant of it, which makes the changes subtle but also very unpredictable. Not strong enough to hurt him, though.
Then there's PK-A.... Superman won't let me say what it does. Just know that it isn't harmful or anything, just embarrassing.
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frownyalfred · 2 years ago
Bruce learns Kryptonian secretly just so one day during a JL meeting he can turn to Clark and go “hal really thought that haircut made him look good huh” with the most deadpan expression ever
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audreyscribes · 6 months ago
Kryptonian demigods. Demigods whose mortal parents were Kryptonian.
what do you think?
I hope you know Anon you just reawakened my knowledge of DC stuff, and asked this because you saw some of the DC fandom works I posted in the early days of this blog’s time. [*CRACKS KNUCKLES TO START TYPING*] {Points to Long Text below}
Oh boi. Ohhhh boi. Where do we even start with this? So much to delve into.
Alright, let’s start of what we know Krptonians; they are basically very human-like but with advanced biology where they are able to utilize their body’s energies in elaborative ways. Depending on which Earths (universes), how they come with their powers depends but let's say in this case, they can get their powers from the Sun (Red or Yellow sun). Powerwise, full-blood Kryptonians, there’s the solar radiation absorption that allows them superhuman strength and stamina, invulnerability, longevity/immortality (under Yellow sun), superhuman speed, super senses, self sustenance, accelerated healing, super breath, heat vision, amongst a few others.
As demigods though, it’ll depend greatly on their godly parent because even half-Kryptonians and Half-humans have different arrays of powers or delayed. So imagine being half god and half kryptonian? Some of the Kryptonians' aspects may come forward alongside corresponding to the godly parent’s domain, with little wiggle room.
For example, Kryptonians have already accelerated thinking so they’re more calculating and process things faster, so imagine that being the probably their main aspect when they’re also a child of Athena. They probably have their super strength and senses, but they wouldn’t have stuff like laster heat vision or something. Trade offs if you will. However, they’ll also probably have telekinesis and telepathy instead with the Kryptonian genes being brought forward by Athena’s aspects. Think of all an Owl has and put those into the Kryptonian demigod with Athena. Other quick examples include: Demeter-Kryptonian demigod being able to grow plants and burst with their solar flare ability and photosynthesis with their yellow sun absorption. Ares-Krytonian demigod having even more insane super strength and senses. Zeus-Kryptonian demigod who comes to their power of flight much earlier than most half-Kryptonians. You get the point. Then there are some that are just being a child of whatever god and being half Kryptonian. Not really any different from any other demigod problems, just with the added learning of coming into their Kryptonian powers like Jon, son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
There are probably exceptions but what is probably an OP godly parent that makes them an exception to the whole rules is Apollo, since he’s the god of the Sun. An Apollo-Kryptonian who has access to the Sun is probably going to be a full Kryptonian nonetheless. If anything a lot of Kryptonians will probably worship Apollo more above Zeus because he’s the Sun god and is the closest thing to Rao, the chief god of Krypton who is also the Sun. 
Despite being so powerful, no matter who their godly parent is, they all have similar weaknesses that wouldn’t differentiate them from normal demigods. They’re all still going to be vulnerable to magic, chi, and other mystical forces. Maybe even more affected than their half-human counterparts since they can’t be harmed by mundane means with their Kryptonian part of them absorbing the sun.  It’s also a risk because Ambrosia and Nectar are considered godly food so who knows what effect it’ll have on them as well.   They’re aspects are also probably less flexible in adaptability as well so there are no gray areas or technicality in powers; due to the fact that we’re talking about the Gods, conceptualization and representation made up by human mortals on Earth of thousands of years of civilization, culture, and history. So those concepts might not translate over to Kryptonian aspects as much due to being from literally a different planet with its own history, civilization, culture and so forth.  Like if a Poseidon-Kryptonian demigod can only control sea water and cause earthquakes, but they can’t control fresh water or anything outside of Sea water since Poseidon is the god of the sea, talk to only actual horses and not Zebras, and etc.
However, what probably the Kryptonian demigods are going to face unexpectedly is the fact they’re going to have an unexpected connection with their own Kryptonian gods and boy, that’ll be fun and no I won’t expand on that.
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captaindeadships · 2 months ago
Thinking about that absolute angel who said that Clark/Kryptonians have sharp teeth/fangs and I can never give this up. It's there. It won't leave.
I need more fics and art of this. Show me that man's fangs
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mawshroom · 3 months ago
Thinking about speculative evolution for Martians and Kryptonians!
I feel like the key difference is that Martians were the apex carnivore in their ecosystems once but then slowly became a prey item over millions of years, which led to an evolutionary arms race that resulted in their bullshit op powers.
Kryptonians, on the other hand, were a prey item for the feral and dangerous creatures of Krypton and then had to adapt increasingly wild hunting strategies that (eventually) resulted in them becoming the dominant predators in their environment. Mostly.
Both of these fuckers still gotta eat rocks to stay healthy tho.
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supurman-a · 8 months ago
clark by all means was raised human, but at the end of the day he is an alien. what he does every day in public is second nature mimicry and masking of his true kryptonian nature. he has watched humans as child to an adult to react in ways they would. keep in mind kryptonians are not only a different species, but also millennia more ahead in evolution than humans so his instincts differ than humans, behaviors, etc. while it doesnt exhaust him to act so human since hes been doing it as a child, it does when hes stressed or bothered. when clark becomes more stressed he tends to act more alien than human in privacy. he will float around more than he walks, he doesnt sleep for days, doesnt eat for days, and prefers to be in areas that wont break so easily ( such as his fortress ).
ultimately what im trying to say here is clarks human behavior is mimicry! he is a alien and always will be.
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strunmah-mah · 2 years ago
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I keep seeing Kyle the Catboi, and my brain goes "Oh is he going get the nickname Streaky and become Kara's new love interest?" Because obviously she needs the chance to date all of her super-pets. 🤦
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