#knowing that anniversary was coming up
cascigarette · 6 months
one year ago today i was forcibly hospitalized. wild how much can change in a year
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gunsatthaphan · 3 months
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people in love STINK. (except for them)
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dragon-spaghetti · 3 months
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I may be up to mischief
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Horse Yaoi trotted so Horsegirl Yuri could fly.
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018)
SEASON EIGHT — I will go on record to say this: that I have seen things that I cannot explain. I have observed phenomena that I cannot deny. And that as a scientist and a serious person it is a badge of honor not to dismiss these things because someone thinks they're BS.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
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Lucifer, as he once was
As a seraph, Lucifer was always consumed by the fire of divine love, yet his devotion ran so deep even his insides were devoured in flames. He was God's first creation, and so became His assistant in forming the primordial chaos which later evolved into his role as Prince of Angels. However, Lucifer was soon rejected from Heaven for his rebellion against God's rule - the narrative would see him twisted into a prideful and arrogant traitor, yet in truth Lucifer had only refused to accept Hell as a part of an all-good creation due to its inherent cruelty. For calling God's Goodness into question, Lucifer became the first resident of the very prison he opposed and resides there still, in one form or another.
Some additional notes under the read-more
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spaciebabie · 2 months
me in the wheatussy if im being quiet honest ☝️🤓
SOOOOOOOOOO TRUE MONNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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asexualbookbird · 3 months
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Immediately forgets everything that happened in June. Uh. I threw a tea party! Finished a knit hat! Did one (1) queer corvid piece! Started playing baldurs gate! Read some good books! SAW SOME SANDHILL CRANES!!!! Found new enrichment in the form of a new walking route! A busy busy month! Didn't read as much as I intended, but I did get to check off five more books on my Reading Books I Own chart so I call that a win.
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The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakranorty ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- WHAT A FUN BOOK! "Adventure" is the perfect word for this. Yes, it's a trilogy with only one book out, but this also works so well on its own, as individual books SHOULD! It's its own little thing. Wrapped up neat and tidy with little threads to pick up in the future. I had so much fun and the audiobook was a DELIGHT, I want to read it again immediately.
The Novice by Taran Matharu ⭐- This has been sitting on my shelf since its release. It moved homes with me. It will not be doing so again. Bland, generic, poorly written. Proof just because you were an internet success, doesn't mean you don't need an editor. Also proof that publishing is about Luck and Connections. I know goodreads ratings mean Nothing, but come on. Why is this one so high. Did people really enjoy it that much? HOW??
Translation State by Ann Leckie ⭐⭐⭐⭐- Okay. Look. This was not my favorite Leckie novel. In fact it very well could by me least favorite Leckie novel. HOWEVER. Even then, it was still fun and enjoyable. I wish it ended differently, but I still loved all the characters and how they interact. I do want to reread this as well, because I remember enjoying Ancillary Justice more the second time around and I wonder if the same will happen here.
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What Moves The Dead by T Kingfisher ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - A reread! To get ready for What Feasts At Night! Even knowing all the secrets, it's still a perfectly bite sized creepy read. My favorite thing about Kingfishers writing is how even with the darkest subjects she still manages to add humor. And it never seems out of place! It's a great breather for the reader but doesn't detract from the tension. Do not recommend reading this while walking through a field of bunnies.
What Feasts At Night by T Kingfisher ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I gave What Moves The Dead four stars at my initial read through, so I wonder if this will ALSO change to five stars upon rereading. I had to read the first few chapters twice for them to stick, and ended up switching to the audiobook which was very well done. I really didn't expect another book about Alex Easton, but I'm hooked now to be honest. I mean, stop putting this soldier in Situations, but also. I want to know what other Situations ka gets into. Angus and Miss Potter are adorable.
The library has a few summer reading games with prizes so my reading in the upcoming months will be influenced by those. Someone said there might even be a local bookstore gift package in the mix and I Want That. I do still want to do the Bone Season updated read, if for no other reason than to get rid of those books so I don't have to pack and move them. Other than that, no reading plans. I've read nearly every book that's on the shelf in my bedroom, which, wow, so it's getting harder to choose what to read. I guess that's a good thing! Leaves more room to reread old favorites.
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angeart · 2 months
today's hhau summer arc fluff, fresh from discord rambles:
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deweyduck · 9 months
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@pscentral​​ event 22: 2023 wrapped
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
Toss a Coin to Your Writer, O Tumblr of Plenty
Ahem, since my tumblr anniversary coming up, I'm at a loss on how I wanna celebrate with yall 🤔
Another fic celebration maybe 🤔 not sure, but feel free to send me ideas.
I'm always curious, since I've been writing for a whole year on this joint, out of allllllll 65 fics I've written for yall, which is your favorite? 🤔 which one yall still think about 🤔 which line broke you 🤔 which line do you still think about 🤔
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tswwwit · 1 year
So Bill doesn't have a birthday sure, but is there some sort of Bill Cipher Day? Demonic celebration?
..and if so, does dip know?
Oh man, there probably is! Bill's absolutely the kind of guy to have a whole Day Of Celebration devoted to himself. Likely it's not on any sort of earthly calendar basis, too, so it'll come up at some time when Dipper least expects it.
Because, c'mon. Bill's fantastically knowledgeable - but he's absolute shit at filling Dipper in on important information beforehand.
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chosetoseethebestinyou · 10 months
if I had a nickle for every time david tennant as the doctor avoided regeneration and changing his face by splitting into two so that ultimately his companion could keep a (domestic) version of him by their side and he could have "the one adventure he never had".... I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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doctorbrown · 2 months
[Date Unknown] 1985A Timeline
Thunder booms, rattling Heaven and Earth with its might. Count the seconds between the flash of lightning and the crack of thunder and it'll tell you how far away the storm is.
Two miles, maybe.
It feels like it's right on top of them.
The ground shakes beneath them, rattling her bones so hard she can feel it in her teeth, and rather than run for cover, she turns to George sitting on the grass beside her, pressed up against a rock, and nestles closer.
“It feels like every time we try and do something, there’s a terrible storm.” Lorraine smiles, but it never reaches her eyes. “Our first dance, our honeymoon—don’t you remember?”
Sighing, Lorraine closes her eyes, losing herself to the grainy film reel of memory rolling behind her eyes. Even soaked to the bone, his clothes clinging awkwardly to him, George was a vision—a dream—and his almost pathetic wet puppy-dog expression made her heart soar. “By the time we got to the hotel, we were soaked. You nearly walked into the door; you couldn’t see anything with your hair in your eyes like that! I had to keep brushing your bangs out of your eyes while you carried our bags.”
George smiles, indulging the trip down memory lane with a gentle squeeze to her hand. He’s cold again, Lorraine thinks distantly—he’s been terribly cold lately, as if the sun has refused to touch him, angry with him for some perceived slight against it—but that doesn’t bother her.
She’ll keep warm enough for both of them. Light that fire in her chest and her stomach and stoke it until he leaches every ounce of warmth through her fingers for himself and his cheeks glow with it.
It’s all for him, anyway.
“That was one of the happiest nights of my life. I can’t believe you thought you ruined it just because of a storm. ‘We must be cursed, Lorraine,’ you told me, and I thought that was one of the most ridiculous things I'd ever heard. Even more ridiculous than when you told me about Darth Vader.”
“But that—”
“Really happened, I know. I believed you.”
“Eventually.” Lorraine chokes on the laugh she tries to force out. The first drops of rain pelt her cheeks and she uses her free hand to furiously wipe them away, ignoring the stinging sensation on her skin.
“We should go inside—the storm’s coming. You’ll get soaked.”
Lorraine shakes her head furiously, squeezing George’s hand so tight her nails bite deep into her palms, drawing blood. The wind sighs as it whips her messy hair around her head, knowing there is no changing her mind.
“I don’t care about the rain. I like sitting out here with you. It’ll be just like all the other times, won’t it, George?”
Just like all the other times.
Just like last time.
A second wave of burning rain bites at her cheeks and George lets go of her hand to gently drag his thumb across her cheek. Lorraine chokes back another sob, her shoulders trembling with the effort it takes to keep herself composed.
Her cheeks are still burning. The earth smells like petrichor.
The next crack of thunder shatters her composure, leaving her ears ringing. Lorraine’s shaky fingers fumble at her pocket as she curls her fingers around the crystal clear flame protected within, sloshing around in its container.
George never did get wet when it rained.
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slavicafire · 1 year
sometimes, the cat that just had a litter will eat one of them, or all, and entirely unmoved move on, blood still warm in its mouth, no matter whether the kittens were healthy or not. sometimes, you will find a leveret left by its hare family and it'll be so ready to tackle life head on, cautious, restless, wide-eyed, and then an hour later you'll look at it and it'll be lying there dead and lifeless, not a shiver left in its small body. sometimes the storks will assess the young they sheltered so carefully and so patiently in their warm and deep nest, fought for so hard against hawks and falcons, and choose to throw one, or more, out from the height, to their quick yet so small and quiet death.
what cruelty, you'd think - and yet, unavoidable, and in its simplicity and honesty and inescapability, entirely natural. honest. not cruel, inherently by design.
perhaps in our hearts we could, one day, find this same peace towards the ways of nature. that it was her that dealt the hand which hurt us so. one day, my friends, against all odds.
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bizarrelittlemew · 6 months
pssst hey if you want an Ed/Stede wedding there is one in the epilogue of Something timeless going on 💕 my first multi-chapter fic that i wrote almost a year ago (37k, E, canon divergence/pining while fucking)
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