#mcfly july 2024
doctorbrown · 2 months
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bg-sparrow · 3 months
mcfly july 2024 || 🌲 || day 2 "Something very familiar about all this"
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When Seamus saw Clint Eastwood to their barn for the night, he prayed for their guest’s health and gave thanks for the opportunity to share their blessings.
He did not interrogate God, much as he wanted to; why do you torment me with my brother’s face? What are you trying to tell me? 
When Seamus left the festival, he prayed for Mr. Eastwood’s guidance and gave thanks for that pie tin.
But when Mr. Eastwood caught that gun at the end of the bar, Buford Tannen billowing at the door, the only prayer Seamus could muster was: Not again.
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bgsbracelets · 3 months
mcfly july 2024 || bracelet edition || 🌲 || day 3
Book Signing
Some variants on the cover for A Match Made in Space!
A. Type: Glass || Metal: Silver || Weight: 0.5 oz || Beaded Length: 5.75"
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B. Type: Heishi || Metal: Silver || Weight: 0.2 oz || Beaded Length: 5.75"
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pepsifox88 · 2 months
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Here I am participating on the last day of McFly July for Pepsi Free Day ! Hahahaha just like last year ! I decided to just post fairly old art of mine from way back (which I haven't shared) Really am glad of how it turned out !
Imma treat you all with a drawing featuring . . .
❤️ 💙 ❤️ 💙 Marty & Jennifer 🩷 💜 🩷 💜
Ending off on a sweet note here folks ! A good ol fashion traditional pencil drawing ! Seriously ! There's not enough fanart of both of them together ! I plan to change that hahahaha since I love both of them very much and I just think they're the most sweet and wholesome old school high school movie couple ever !
Be on a lookout ! I'm definitely going to be drawing these two together more often !
Until next time folks !
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alex-a-fans · 3 months
McFly July 2024 //🌲🌲//Day 2// Video Rental
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Marty rents a silly goofy movie!
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inevitablemoment · 3 months
Into Steady Emotion
McFly July Day 4 - Backyard Cookout
The McFly and Brown families gather for a Fourth of July cookout, and Marty is still in the process of adjusting to the new timeline. But he's finally beginning to accept it.
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arumidden · 2 months
It’s the final day of McFly July! Today is the two Pepsi Free writes. I did one angsty one and one happy one, to end on a high note.
I’m sad the month is over! I’ve had so much fun! Happy McFly July, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I’ve absolutely adored being immersed in this franchise for an entire month.
I’m gonna try and keep up my new habit of writing at least once every day and get back to work on my other BTTF fic, Time is Just a Place. Wish me luck!
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mythical-bookworm · 2 months
McFly July Days 6-8
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freevoidman · 2 months
McFly July 16 🌲🌲- Synchronicity
Synchronicity [noun]: the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. Marty wondered if playing that arcade game in Cafe 80s was a sign.
Back in his Hill Valley, Marty was a wiz at the arcade. He’d go out with the band some weekends and played with the goal of getting his initials on every cabinet’s high score read-out. Sometimes he didn’t have a lot of money for tokens, so he went all-in with each attempt. Paul could get to the end of Donkey Kong without blinking, Bobby always beat him at the Space Invaders, and Lee was insane at Pac-Man. Marty saw him break the game by going for so long it just couldn’t handle it.
Marty’s game of choice? Wild Gunman.
He didn’t know why his reaction time was so insane, but it extended way beyond video games. He could turn on a dime and take off running in less than a second, and he knew how to recognize the sound of the garage door opening and race to his room in less than a minute. All that Wild Gunman did was actually time just how good Marty’s reflexes were.
When he saw the cabinet for Wild Gunman in Cafe 80s, he had to give it a go. He thought the kids would be impressed—look at this guy, taking out three cowboys in less than two seconds!—only for them to be annoyed that the game had to be played with their hands. Tough luck, Marty thought. They were young. They just couldn’t appreciate the pure skill that had been put on display.
Now, though, Marty was standing in 1885 (a different 80s from the futuristic cafe, but an 80s all the same) holding a very real, very heavy, insanely deadly gun, and the idea of playing Wild Gunman barely a day ago made his gut twist.
Marty had never held a real gun before. He’d seen them, sure. He’d watched The Godfather and Dirty Harry too many times to count. He’d even had a gun pointed at him by Biff in that alternate 1985. But holding one—a real, live gun—was different. He could feel the handle digging into his palm, hear the chamber spin as it was reloaded for him. The bang as he pulled the trigger and hit a distant target made him flinch, and the gun nearly flew out of his hands from the recoil.
Buford Tannen wanted a duel. Marty knew he had the reaction time to probably hit him dead on, if Wild Gunman was any indication. He even had the aim, if that shot put into the target wasn’t beginner’s luck.
Maybe that last game in the cafe was a sign—predestination or something’ like that. Marty’d never been a religious guy, but it’s hard to see point A leading to point B and not think something greater was at play. He really hoped it wasn’t, because as shitty as Buford Tannen was, Marty dreaded being the one to pull that trigger.
"I'll only post the first prompt for day 16 because I got that done ahead of time" wow look at past me being a liar and getting this written TODAY even though I'm trying to do the older prompts to catch up. Ah well, it's one more thing written and done lol.
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daryfromthefuture · 3 months
mcflyjuly 2024//🌲🌲//day 3: peanut brittle
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text version:
Mr Strickland is getting on my NERVES! The guy in all seriousness finds it appropriate to embarrass me in front of the whole class because I didn't know some stupid comma rule! I swear, hald of the people in my English course don't even know basic spelling, but their last name isn't McFly, so of course nothing's gonna happen to them. Strickland was lucky that I didn't really have time for detention today, otherwise I would've shot something right back at him.
To cheer me up, Dad tried to get me invested in an episode of "The Honeymooners". I don't have the heart to tell him that I think the show is rather boring for my taste - cinema and TV have advanced a lot since the 1950s. But hey, it's the gesture that counts.
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mcflythrills78 · 2 months
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Tom is a sleepy boi.......
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doctorbrown · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 ⸺ 「 7 / 31 * BACK IN TOWN 」
April 13, 1989, 23:51
1646 Riverside Drive
Marty had barely registered the walk in the evening air, his body functioning on autopilot to lead him to his second home, the place he thinks he could navigate to in his sleep. At this hour, not even the birds are awake, and Marty feels the stake of loneliness drive deeper and deeper into his very soul.
Doc should be here, he thinks as he steals the key from its usual hiding spot under the mat. This is where he’d greet me and ask what happened that brought me all the way out here at this hour.
The rhythmic ticking of Doc’s clocks is the only thing that greets him now.
The door screams into the darkness as it swings open and Marty makes a mental note to oil those hinges the next time he comes around. The old garage feels hollow without Doc’s larger-than-life presence filling it and his shoulders sag as he trudges to the couch, plopping himself down on it with a sigh that ages him twelve years.
His home feels like a prison. Jennifer’s asleep by now. He needed somewhere—anywhere—to be and before all this, before this new and improved timeline with a family that pays too much attention and smiles and laughs together so much it’s still a little unsettling, he would come here to escape from the world.
Even without Doc here, he still finds himself doing that. 
Maybe one day he’ll come back.
I’ve got a million and one things to tell you, Doc. I wish you were here.
I hope you’re doing okay back there.
He’d checked religiously that first month after coming home for another tombstone popping up in Boot Hill Cemetery, his heart leaping into his throat every time he walked from one to the next, terrified that everything he did was for nothing—that in the end, Doc was fated to die and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it now.
November came and went, the names on the tombstones never changed, and after that, Marty had allowed himself to check less and less frequently, limiting his visits to once a week, then once every two weeks until there had been only one visit per month.
Doc was still alive and well and Marty breathed a little easier, finding some small comfort in that fact. At least he wasn’t alone. Clara was back there with him, sharing in the moments of Doc’s life that Marty couldn’t be there for.
All he has left are ghosts of his best friend frozen here in time in this garage, collecting dust.
The time machine plans are safe, even if they’re all but useless now. He’d picked up a thing or two from Doc over the years in the sciences, enough to where he could keep up until he started speaking a second language, diving into fourth-dimensional mechanics that admittedly made his head spin. Three dimensions he understood fine. Four, however, made things confusing—it turned everything on its head, leaving him floundering to try and keep up.
The space-time continuum.
N-dimensional space.
What isn’t yet will be and what is never was.
Sometimes, he thinks about laying out every one of Doc’s meticulously kept notes across every available square inch of his room and burning the formulas into his eyes until something finally clicks into place, allowing him to recreate his best friend’s genius.  
Doc had wanted the time machine destroyed—Doc made sure the time machine was destroyed, stranding Marty in a reality without him—but if he stares long and hard enough, he could do it, he could reconstruct it, he could get Doc back—
Sometimes, he wants to throw the entire box into a blazing fire and watch until time crumples before his very eyes, reduced to nothing more than dust and a dream. Time-travel fixed his life. Time-travel had thrown him to hell and back, threatened his existence, warped his entire perception of the world, leaving him a stranger in a strange land he’s only still learning how to navigate, and now it had stolen his best friend from him and ensured that Marty would never see him again.
Tonight is one of those nights where he curses time-travel, where the reality of his and Doc’s situation hit harder than normal, throwing him into a dark cavern he bloodies his hands trying to crawl out of.
“I wish I’d never invented that infernal time machine. It’s caused nothing but disaster.”
—Me too, Doc. Then at least you’d still be here.
April 14, 1989, 01:31
The sound of a mechanical scream rouses Marty from his unintentional slumber with a start and the adrenaline now coursing through his veins makes quick work of any lingering sleep in his eyes and mind. He squints under the lights and grabs for the first thing within reach—a broken piece of pipe Doc had been using for one of his old experiments—preparing himself for the worst.
“Stay back, whoever you are! I’m warning you!”
An all-too-familiar shriek roots Marty where he stands.
“D—” The word catches in his throat and Marty runs through every prayer he knows that he’s not imagining this. “Doc? Is that you?”
Doc recovers in the blink of an eye, turning to face Marty with a bright grin on his face. “Marty! I didn’t think you’d be here—what are you doing here a—you know what, never mind that for now. I’m so happy to see you, Marty. It’s been so long.”
The pipe tumbles out of Marty’s stunned hands and he rubs at his eyes, half-convinced the illusion will disappear right before his eyes and break his heart all over again. Doc is still there, blurred slightly at the edges, and Marty lunges forward, grabbing his best friend in a back-breaking hug.
“Doc, I can’t b—how are you here? I thought I’d never see you again.”
Doc returns the hug with more strength than Marty remembers him having and he grunts slightly, wishing the moment to stretch an eternity to make up for the last four years.
After a beat, Doc breaks the hug, holding him at arm’s length with his hands firmly pressed on his shoulders. Marty knows that look; it’s that same conspiratorial you won’t believe what I’m about to tell you look Doc wore that night at the mall when he’d unveiled the DeLorean.
“We’re moving back to the Twentieth Century. I’m here to check on a few things.”
His breath catches. “You’re—that’s great, Doc, that’s—you mean it? You’re really coming back?”
“That’s right. We’ve still got several things to sort out, but once everything is taken care of, we’ll be moving here. We’ve come to the decision that it’s too potentially dangerous to stay in the Nineteenth Century for the rest of our lives.”
“Wait a minute, Doc—who is we?”
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bg-sparrow · 2 months
mcfly july 2024 || 🌲 || day 22 Lifelong Secret
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“Hey, Mom, have you ever heard of a TV show called The Manhattan Project?”
Lorraine bent her brow as she took the meatloaf out of the oven.
“A TV show? No, I don’t think so.”
“Why can’t I find anyone who knows about this show?”
“What’s it about?”
“I don’t know,” Marty said, leaning on the bar. “I just remembered Doc said he was on it when we first met and thought I’d get a laugh.”
Lorraine almost dropped the meatloaf.
“Crazy, right? I can’t imagine Doc on TV, either.”
“Marty, the Manhattan Project was not a TV show.”
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bgsbracelets · 3 months
mcfly july 2024 || bracelet edition || 🌲🌲 || day 2
Video Rental
Nothing says 1980s quite like renting a VHS tape on the weekends! How many people do you think saw BttF for the first time that way? This bracelet evokes all the loud colors of the 80s, and you won’t find a better example of them than at the video store (except maybe the roller rink)!
Available in 2 sizes! A. Type: Euro || Metal: Silver || Weight: 1.0 oz || Beaded Length: 7.00" B. Type: Euro || Metal: Silver || Weight: 0.8 oz || Beaded Length: 5.00"
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rose-of-pollux · 3 months
Title: Shattered Dream Fandom: Back to the Future Rating: K+ Summary: [AU for AU Roulette & McFly July] In 1945, Doc was so jaded by what he'd done in the Manhattan Project, that he vowed to turn away from science for good. Nearly 40 years later, an aspiring, stubborn guitarist has Doc regretting abandoning his dream to pioneer time travel.
For 1/3 of my @au-roulette assignments (Coffee Shop) and today's Twin Pines McFly July Prompt: “Don't need money/Don't take fame”
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alex-a-fans · 3 months
🌠🌲MCFLY JULY 2024🌲🎇
Doodles, drawings of different scenarios! (+tiny drabble sometimes)
Mountain Dew Hat Man
Video Rental
Peanut Brittle
Backyard Cookout
"Don't Need Money, Don't Take Fame"
Lite Beer
Back in Town
Manure Truck Driver
A New Puppy
Rite of Passage
Baking Joey's Cake
Jennifer's Porch Swing
"I think about it all the time."
Dave's Night Off
"Roll With Me, Henry"
Playing Hookie
Local Legend
"Duded-up, egg-suckin' gutter trash"
Marlene's sleepover
Out in the Desert
The Honeymooners
Clara's Diphtheria
Twin Pines Mall Santa
On the Radio
24-Hour Scientific Services
Pepsi-Free (Free Day!)
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