#kitchen/living/dining rooms kill me
lesbin · 3 days
idk if this is controversial but i hate open plan living. i do not want to see the kitchen from the sofa. i like cosy spaces. i like rooms dedicated to a specific purpose. bring back walls and doors for the love of god.
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nerdy-novelist017 · 3 months
i'm so in love with your little bunny series and i'm so glad you're writing for benny! i was wondering if you could write something about reader being a yapper, always talking a lot about things with so much excite and benny finds this the most cutest thing ever, but one day someone says that she's annoying for that, which makes her feel very self conscious and she starts to think that benny might feel the same since he's a very much quiter person, and benny assures her that is not the case? just fluffy and comfort to warm my heart <3 thank you already!
Anon, this is literally the cutest request ever omg!!! Thank you for the request, I had so much fun writing this! I paired this as another one shot for my Benny x Bunny series, hope you enjoy!
Word Count- 2k+
Summary- See request above.
Sweet Talking (Benny Cross x Shy!Reader)
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You pressed a kiss to Benny’s cheek, whispering to him that you’d be right back as you stood and made your way around the bonfire. You pulled Benny’s jacket tighter around you to fend off the chilly evening air on your trek back to the house. The night was still young, the sun having just set an hour ago and these bikers would be up until the sunrise, all having caught their second wind from the race held earlier in the fields. The loudness of the bikes and the sheer excitement from the crowds was something you were still trying to get used to, but you found that you actually liked talking to these people. Once they included you in their conversations and picked topics that you could relate to as well, you found yourself talking a lot more than you ever have in your life. They laughed at your jokes, they called out to you when they saw you approaching, they really seemed to just adopt you into their club. You supposed, in the beginning, a majority of that was from Benny probably intimidating some members into being nice to you, but regardless of that, they still seemed to enjoy your company and your silly stories and random facts – especially the women of this club. 
Stepping through the back door, you were immediately greeted by the scent of cigarette smoke and booze, things you were also still trying to get used to. Several members were lounging on the couch, smoking and talking as you passed them on your way to the kitchen. You went to the fridge, opening it and lowering yourself to search for a cold pop for yourself. Voices filtered into your vicinity from the adjacent dining room. Just as you grab another beer for Benny, your ears perked up when you heard your name being said in passing and you froze behind the refrigerator door. 
“–She does have a sweet piece of ass on her though,” a male voice, sounding muffled most likely by a cigarette hanging from his lips. You smiled to yourself, biting your lip. You probably shouldn’t be listening to this, but curiosity rooted you to your spot as you tried peeking over the door to catch a look at who was speaking. 
“Jesus Christ, you can’t get her to shut up anymore.” another voice replied, much deeper and raspier than the first. “I miss when she would just stand there shaking like a leaf, all nervous and quiet.”
“Would it even be worth it to hit that? C’mon man, she’d gab your fucking ear off during it, totally kill the mood for me.”
Your smile slowly at their words, heart sinking. You should get up and leave, you told yourself. But you couldn’t force your legs to move.
“I’d put that mouth of hers to work on something else,” the first man said, chuckling darkly. You squeezed your eyes shut at the insinuation. 
“Don’t know how Benny–boy puts up with it. I’d have to gag her just to hear myself think–”
You stand abruptly, unable to listen to anymore of their hurtful words. Using a bit more force than you intended, you slammed the fridge door shut, the glass bottles rattling harshly inside from the force. Tears stung your eyes as you rushed back through the living room to the backdoor. You paused once you rounded the side of the house, sniffing in order to keep the tears at bay. They were just drunk assholes, you tried to tell yourself. Who cares what they think of you? 
But a few traitor tears escaped your lashes at the thought of Benny finding you annoying too. Benny– that quiet, easy-spoken man who you loved with everything in you. That quiet man who maybe didn’t like how you squealed with excitement when you saw someone you knew from across the room. That quiet man who maybe didn’t like when you giggled loudly at jokes told around the bonfire. That quiet man who was your exact opposite.
Benny could tell there was something wrong the second you came into view again, your figure illuminated by the orange flames of the bonfire as you moved to sit back down by him. Your hands were shoved in the pockets of his jacket, head tucked low. And beside him? It was rare that you didn’t sit on his lap anymore. 
You handed him a beer and he tried to catch your eyes because was that tears he saw coating your lashes? But you avoided his gaze, instead curling into his side and that’s how you stayed for the rest of the night, quiet as a mouse, until you eventually tugged on his sleeve and asked if you could go home. The ride home was also weird. You didn’t tap his shoulder and point to things that interested you like you normally did on the back of his bike. You stayed glued to his back, silent. 
Benny watched, brow furrowed, as you went about your nighttime routine in silence, the house you shared no longer filled with your usual chatter. He sat on the edge of the bed, wracking his brain with the possibilities of you being upset with him. (The silent treatment was often a go-to method of torture you used when Benny pissed you off) but he was at a loss. Something had to have happened when you left the bonfire. Anxiety spiked through him at the thought that maybe someone had done something to you, but no, you would have told him. He made you promise to always talk to him if someone at the club was bothering you. 
You changed into your nightgown and Benny’s heart squeezed at the sight of you avoiding his gaze once again as you turned and began brushing out your pin curls in the mirror. 
“Did you have a good time tonight?” he asked, unable to bare another second of your silence. 
“Mh-hm.” Came your short reply.
Benny swallowed. You were definitely upset. “You seem . . . quiet.”
That was definitely the wrong thing to say because you’re shoulders stiffened for a moment and he thought you might turn around and throw your brush at him. But instead, you responded in a small voice, “Just tired.”
He frowned. He’d seen you when you were tired, this was something else. He tried a different tactic. “Tell me about your day, Bunny.” 
You shrugged. “Not much happened.”
“Well, tell me about it. I wanna hear it.” He tried to catch your eyes as you put the brush down and stepped away from the vanity.
“Well, maybe I don’t wanna talk about it? I just want to go to bed, Benny.” you tried to move past him to go to your side of the bed but Benny reached out gently tugged on the hem of your nightgown, stopping you.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly, looking up at you. 
You nodded, but still refused to make eye-contact.
“What’s wrong?” he questioned. “Did someone do something to you tonight?”
You shook your head quickly and relief swept through him. “No, no. Nothing like that.”
His hands slid up to your hips and he pulled you closer to him. “Talk to me, Bunny. Please. I don’t understand what’s wrong.”
You swallowed, chin wobbling slightly. “Nothing happened . . . I just–I overheard some guys talkin’ is all.”
He remained silent and you continued hesitantly. “When I went to get a drink . . . they didn’t know I was there. And–and I should have left as soon as I heard them talking but . . .”
“What were they saying?”
You clenched your jaw and gave him a distressed look. 
He squeezed your hips encouragingly. “What were they saying?”
“It doesn’t matter–”
“It does to me,” he was quick to say. 
“They . . . they were talkin’ about how I talk . . . a lot. They said it was annoying. They were saying crude things about using my mouth for . . . other things.” you said slowly, voice wavering and you looked down in embarrassment.
Benny nodded and breathed out of his nose, counting to ten in his head to cool his suddenly white hot anger which bloomed in his chest. He had worked so hard to get you to feel comfortable around the club, to get you to come out of your shell and now someone had something to say about his girl—his sweet shy girl—talking? “Who was it?”
“Oh, Benny–” You pulled back from him. “Don’t go saying anything to them!”
“Why not?” He planned to do much more than talk to them.
“Because!” you cried, your voice going an octave higher. “That would make it worse! Besides, they’re–they’re right anyway.”
“Right about what?” he asked, bewildered at how they could possibly know you like he did.
“Well, I do talk a lot. A–and I know it can be annoying for someone who’s a lot more quiet.” 
“Annoying?” He laughed at the inaccuracy of that statement and you must have thought he was laughing at you because you took a big step back from him, out of his reach.
“I just don’t want to embarrass you,” you murmured, looking down at the carpet below you. 
Benny’s stomach fluttered apprehensively. There had been only a few times in his life where he wished he was better at talking, at communicating his feelings. He wanted to console you, to reassure you, that you could never be annoying or embarrassing to him. He wanted to tell you just how much you gave him purpose and helped him in his life. How you were his life. This was one of those times. 
He rose from the bed and approached you passively, trying to gather his thoughts. “I like when you talk. When we spend the day apart, I look forward to hearing about your day and what you did and what you saw while I was gone. And when we’re riding and you point to the little things like the flowers on the sidewalk or the sunsets, I like that. I really like that. And when you tell stories, you get so immersed and you start talking with your hands, I like that too. You’re so friendly to everyone, no matter what they look like or how well you know them and that’s one of my favorite things about you. You talkin’ could never embarrass me, Bunny, because it’s one of the reasons I love you.”
Tears welled up in your doe-eyes and he swallowed nervously. “Why are you crying?”
Suddenly, you were pressed so tightly to his chest, face burying into his shirt, hands holding onto him with such grip that Benny stumbled. He recovered quickly, wrapping his arms around your small frame.
“Oh, Benny,” you choked up. “You’re so sweet!” 
He wasn’t so sure about that, maybe only when it came to you. He sure as hell wasn’t going to be so sweet to those guys that spoke about you like that. He’d take a trip tomorrow to visit them personally, but for tonight, he belonged to you. He’d discovered that about himself from your relationship, from you. Even though he wanted to do things right when he wanted to, he couldn’t always. That’s what love was, putting others’ needs before your own. And tonight, you needed him, so he would be here.
His hands found your jaw and he tilted your head back to press a kiss to your forehead. “Will you come lay with me and tell me about your day?”
You nod, sniffing and Benny nearly melted at the smile you gave him. That was the smile he’d come to recognize as the one you had reserved for only him. Soft, sweet and totally perfect in every way. He pulled you gently back to bed and relished as you curled up against him. His heart was filled with warmth as he listened to you chatter on about your day and your friends and your thoughts, anything that came to mind. He’d ask questions every once in a while to keep you going, but he mostly stayed quiet, because to him, you were so captivating and cute. You both talked throughout the night, you slowly getting lower and lower into his side until finally falling asleep, your conversation temporarily paused until the morning.
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Girl Next Door- Pt. 2
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader
Word count: 3k
Summary: Simon finally accept your offer for dinner. Did you mention you can cook?
A/N: I was a little slow on this but the idea of them getting close was stressing me out, okay? Also my MIL was in town and I couldn't get in the groove. All the support so far is amazing, thank you guys so much! If y'all like it there will be more to come. Warning: still slow burning
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Part I
Simon sits across from you at your tiny dining table pressed against the wall of your cramped kitchen. You managed to lure him in with a fairly nice bottle of unopened scotch you found in the back of your cabinet that had potentially fallen into one of your own boxes when moving from your ex's house. 
He looks around your quaint little one bedroom apartment. It was a lot different than his own. The literal layout was the same. No extra rooms or walls but you’d done something different in here. The whole space had a cozy feeling to it. Every surface was decorated with useless gadgets and trinkets that he didn't understand the purpose of. Lots of blankets, pillows, soft things. You had music quietly playing through your TV speakers in the living room. A few lamps fill the dim room creating a subtle yellow glow that hits the high points of your face, softening your tired features.
"Do you think there's something wrong with me?" you suddenly blurt out.
"S'cuse me?" Simon asks, caught off guard by the question.
"Lately I've been feeling like there's something inside of me that attracts horrible guys. Like, is there a beacon coming out my head that says 'hey, come over here. I'm vulnerable and easy'."
Simon pauses, unsure how to respond. He watches your face closely. You're sad eyes looking to him for an answer he doesn't have. "I think you're...nice," but he has a feeling that's not what you wanted to hear.
"nice?" You let out a humorless laugh. "Maybe that's the problem. Nice must translate to doormat," You sigh and drop your head into your hands. 
Simon takes a sip of his drink. He's growing concerned this is entering too friendly territory. Then you pop your head back up.
"So, how much did you hear?"
"Not much"
"Yeah right," You toss him a coy smile. “Can I tell you what happened?”
“Alright, so” you take a sip of your own drink and a deep breath before recounting your story. "I met him at work. He was really nice and offered to pick me up a coffee on his way in one day. I haven’t made any friends at work yet so it was nice just to chat over a coffee. Then we started having lunch together. Nothing serious just in the break room but it felt good to hear about something other than notes from my editor. I wasn’t looking for anything serious, I mean I moved here to focus on myself not continue dating more crappy guys. So of course he started texting me and he was really sweet. He complimented my outfits and thought all my jokes were hilarious apparently. I really wasn’t trying to get involved with this guy though. He said something about hearing I can cook and of course I said I do. It’s part of my job, duh. He’s giving my shit about it so I invited him over for dinner. I made this creamy potato gnocchi with Italian sausage that I got from that great butcher on the corner. I even hand rolled the gnocchi. I mean, who wouldn't kill for an authentic Italian meal?"
"He's sounds like some guy"
"Not really, I was testing out a new recipe for the column so, two birds one stone. Anyways, he comes up and we have some wine and listen to some music. It was going really well so far. Then I go to bring out a nice charcuterie board for an appetizer while the pasta finishes baking. While I'm bringing it to him I can see he's on his phone, texting someone and literally giggling. I walk up behind him and he is sexting. On my couch!" you throw you hands up incredulously. "Well, I thought he was. He’s looking at a picture of some girl bent over then I realize it’s me. He took a picture of my ass, while I was making him dinner. I couldn't fucking believe it. What kind of a scumbag does that to a woman preparing a fucking meal for him? Now, this is not something I'm proud of so let the record show this is very out of character for me but these were extraordinary circumstances. So, I dropped the fig chutney on his head. Right in his stupid quaffed hair. He jumps up and he's all mad and starts yelling and I'm yelling back. He calls me a crazy bitch then I call him a perv. After that he left." you conclude with a shrug.
"Wow" Simon responds, truly taken aback by the series of events. 
"Yeah, then you know the rest from there. I don't know what came over me. I guess after my last breakup I haven't felt very good about myself and this guy made me feel, I don't know- fun? That feels silly to say. I should’ve known better from a guy that works the celebrity gossip section. I probably looked like a big baby out there, how dramatic. I'm sorry about that, again."
"You don't need to apologize."
"After I moved here I thought things would be different. I thought guys in the city were classier I guess. Turns out all guys are the same. Just take what they want and go. Do you want another drink?" You point to his now empty glass. 
"Sure." You snag his cup and stand. He watches you walk over to the counter in your silky slip dress. The sleek fabric clings to your waist. Flaring around your hips and down your thighs. The warm light reflects on the shiny material, shifting with each step you take. It tightens perfectly about your waist and cinched with a neat little bow in the back. He wonders why you would wear a dress like that for this guy.
"So, do you date?" you question in a seemingly casual tone.
"Yeah right," you laugh and look over your shoulder to see his stoney expression and your smile fades. "Oh, sorry, I just- I find that hard to believe."
"Why is that?" He tilts his head and you focus back on filling his glass. 
"It's just, you're a good looking guy. I would think you'd get plenty of female attention," You pivot back around and place the glass before him. You lean on the table with one hand and prop the other on your waist. 
"'M not interested," his gaze stays fixed on the brown liquid, grabbing it and taking another sip. He doesn't miss the way you deflated the slightest bit. 
"Maybe I should take a page out of your book, as in maybe swearing off men completely" The oven timer dings. "Oh! pasta!" You jump over and grab your oven mitts. You drop the oven door and slide out the sizzling dish. An aroma of cheese and basil fills the air. Your stomach audibly growls.
You pull down two plates from your cabinet. You serve up the steaming pasta, sprinkling parmesan and fresh chopped herbs for garnish. You proudly carry over the two dishes and place them carefully on the table. You place your hands on your hips while gazing down at the platter.
"This looks...great." Simon is truly taken aback by the incredible looking dish. 
"Wait, don't eat yet. Let me get a picture." You scamper into your living room, grabbing your phone off the coffee table and scurrying back. You hold your phone high above for a birds eye view. Simon scoots his chair back to avoid the gaze of the lens. The camera clicks with a flash. You examine the photo, seeming satisfied with the quality and finally taking a seat in your own chair. "It was okay if you were in the picture. I don't mind." 
"I do," he says simply. 
To anyone else, Simon comes off as rude or callous but you, you never seem to let his shortness affect you. You take his words and just keep going. You don't mind his lack of conversation. It seems you are totally satisfied with having someone there to listen. He was starting to think he didn't mind listening so much. 
"Oh," You shift uncomfortably in your chair. "Sorry then. Well, let me know what you think. Try to be detailed with your feelings about it if you can. You're my guinea pig and be honest. I don't want to put this out when it's garbage."
He proceeds to take a forkful in his mouth. He cannot control the groan that escapes his throat as the bold flavor hits his tongue. This is far cry from his usual take away food. He can't remember the last time he had a home cooked meal now that he thinks about it. 
"This is quite good." He grumbled between bites. Not caring to finish chewing before he's stabbing at the pasta on the plate once again. 
"Really? You don't need to be nice to spare my feelings. I don't mind criticism."
He shoves more in his mouth. "I’m serious"
"Thank you" You giggle watching him scarf down the still steaming hot meal. 
The two of you finish your respective plates without much more conversation to be had. On your last few bites you meet Simon's eyes as he reclines back in the creaky wooden chair, hands laying across his stomach. His head tips back with a satisfied grumble making a proud smile play across your lips. This may be the first time you've seen him express a true human emotion in your presence. 
"There's more if you want?"
"No, I'm stuffed." 
If you know one thing as a part time chef, food is the way to a man's heart. You knew if Simon tasted what you could make his ice exterior would melt away. You stand up and walk to the fridge. 
"Too stuffed for dessert?" you pull out a glass bowl filled with layers of custard, strawberries, cake, and whipped cream. "I made a traditional English trifle. Y'know for the holidays coming up and who doesn't love custard?" you shrug while carrying the bowl over to the table. You hurry back to the kitchen to grab two saucers and plate up the dessert.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to butter me up." he comments, intently watching as you carefully slice through the layers. "What do you know about English food?" 
"Not much, which is why this is a special occasion. I can get some insight from a genuine Englishman," you slide the saucer to him. "Everything happens for a reason, I guess you were meant to be here tonight" you don’t realize how weird that comment is until it's already left your mouth. You suppress the feeling and internally cringe. You take a seat with your own plate and try a bite. "Hey, that's not too bad. I think Gordon Ramsey would be proud"
Simon actually chuckles when you compliment yourself making you giggle in return. This whole night is very different than you expected. Not that you were complaining.
Your leg bumps his underneath the narrow table. Your bare foot brushing up the edge of his pant leg for the briefest moment. A deep blush rises to your cheeks the second you realize it's his leg instead of the table's. 
"Oh, sorry!" you quickly draw your legs underneath your chair. Simon pauses his eating and meets your gaze. 
"S'alright," he slowly slides his long leg across the distance and nudges the shin of your tucked legs with the toe of his boot. "You scared?"
"What?" you allow your legs to relax, your calves sitting on either side of his outstretched leg. It felt natural, almost domestic. "You don't scare me." you're lying paired with an anxious laugh.
"No?" As he says this his foot shifts underneath the supports of your chair and yanks it forward causing your chair to skid a few inches across the tile, pressing you further into the table as you let you a surprised yelp. Hands brace against the edge of the table. Simon maintains his calm composure. "Are you sure?" he takes another bite of the fluffy dessert. 
You weren't sure if it was the liquor going to your head or the rush of adrenaline but you felt bold. You rest your cheek on your propped up hand, offering the most innocent eyes you can muster, as you delicately slide your foot along the smooth leather of his boot. Simon swallows and gently places his fork back on the table.
"What do you think of it?" you question in a hushed tone. your foot travels further up his ankle, dipping under his pant leg to feel his hot skin underneath. 
"It's sweet," He states simply but his words roll off his tongue smooth as butter. 
"Not too sweet?" You tilt your head the slightest bit.
"Hm," he hums in contemplation. Your eyes drift down to watch his hands grasp his drink. He grips the glass in his large palm. The rolled sleeves of his long sleeve reveal the muscles in his arm shifting when he raises the glass to his mouth. For the first time you notice a faint raised scar cutting through the outer corner of his lip and stopping just shy of the edge of his nose. He takes a long swig of the brown liquid, not quite finishing the drink. As he pulls back his lips glisten in the warm light. "Not bad when it's paired with a stiff drink," his tongue is quick to swipe across, collecting the residue. 
"I'll be sure to make a note of that." you smile sweetly. "Can I get you another drink?" You look down at the last sip coating the bottom of the glass. You make sure to flutter your lashes when you look back up at him. 
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" A smirk raises the corner of his mouth.
"No," you laugh. "Why, do you want me to?" 
He releases a deep gravelly laugh that makes your stomach stir. Then he glances at his watch and your stomach drops. 
"I need to get going." He mumbles. He pulls his leg away from yours and rises out of his chair. 
"Wait," you rush to stand, almost knocking your seat over in the process. "Can I- uh- get you a bit of pasta to go? There’s plenty left" Trying to think of any excuse to keep him here a moment longer. 
"S'okay, save it. Maybe I'll come by another time." He turns and steps out of your kitchen and into the hallway leading to your front door in only a few wide strides. 
"Are you sure?" You don't intend for your voice to come out as needy as it does. You follow on his heels like a lost puppy.
"I've got an early morning." Before he reaches the door he turns, seemingly surprised by how close you are to him. He looks down at your big round eyes. 
"Okay," you smile trying not to look defeated. "Well, you're welcome over anytime. I mean it, just knock and I'll probably be home. I'm gonna try writing at home more. Try to avoid that guy." You let out a halfhearted chuckle. "Maybe, you should get my number. Y'know, in case you want to check if I'm home."
"I'm alright, I'll just knock" His hand finds the doorknob. "Thanks for dinner, it was nice" Then he turns to go. Closing the door politely behind him. 
You rush to the peephole, watching his distorted figure step out of sight followed by the sound of his own door shutting. You rest your hot forehead against the cool wood grain of your door. 
You step back in the kitchen and begin putting away the leftovers. Piling the pasta into tupperware, rinsing the plates, collecting silverware. His glass remains in place with a sliver of scotch leftover. You hold the glass up in the light and see a faint smudge on its rim. You twist the cup around so your own mouth lines up with the imprint he left. You swallow the last bit slowly, savoring the way the sharp burn eases into a smooth, smoky aftertaste. You never liked scotch, but now you are starting to understand the meaning of an acquired taste.
The low atmospheric music is abruptly interrupted by an ad loudly cutting through the calm space. You rush into the living room to find the remote, hiding among the cushions and various throw pillows. Growing frustrated you end up walking over and manually hitting the power button. The silence that replaces it isn’t much better though. You step back and let your weak legs carry you until you collapse onto the comfort of your couch. The wine followed by the glass of scotch you polished off makes your head feel light but your limbs so heavy. You turn from your back to your side, realizing the used glass is still clutched in your hand. 
You reach across the gap and set it down on the coffee table with a thud. Your hand retreats back to rest under your head. You stare at it, taking in all the imperfections left on its reflective surface. Your eyes trace the rim once again looking for the smudge. On the corner you see the shadow of an impression peeking out underneath the red lipstick mark you have smeared over it. 
Across the wall Simon falls back on his own couch. He looks around his dull apartment wondering what you have done differently to make your place look so welcoming. He never minded the minimal decorations he had. A photo frame with his team that his buddy gifted him and a couple of books always seemed like enough. After comparison though it just feels empty. 
He can hear you stomp across your floor. Footstep rushing from the kitchen until you're straight ahead. The sound of your TV turning off bathes the room in sudden silence. Only thing he can hear now is the rushing of his air conditioning unit. He considered your music annoying but now he couldn’t deny the way it added an unconscious energy to the small unit. Now sitting here, the cool tone of the overhead kitchen light illuminating into the living room he feels as though something is missing. Maybe a nice lamp would help. 
@azkza @neurolept @contractedcriteria @hidden-treasures21 @sprokat @stark-red19
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thewordswewrite · 2 months
Be My Guest
Pairing | Kate Carter x Tyler Owens
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Summary | One time Tyler stays in Kate’s guest room and one time she stays in his
Warnings | discussions of trauma/injury associated with storm chasing, SMUT 18+
W/C | 6.6k
A/N | We wanted to hop into the Twisters fandom before it took ao3 by storm and this is *so far* what we've come up with. So...if you feel it... -smoe <33
AO3 | Link
Donations | Link 
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She came home for safety, familiarity, to find her way forward but instead, she found herself more lost than when she’d arrived. 
It was only supposed to be a week. Sure, Kate thought it would be difficult to be back in the field but she hadn’t anticipated this. She hadn’t anticipated him. It shouldn’t matter. She had a job in New York, a life, a stable, safe job, her own apartment–everything she needed. But was it everything she wanted? 
What Tyler had said crossed a line but that didn’t mean it wasn’t the truth. It was just something she probably already knew, deep down, and hadn’t wanted to accept. She was running away from the storm but she should know better than most that it would always catch up.
With an aggravated sweep of her arm, all of her past research was on the floor, pages floating around her before finding a place to land. She almost immediately regretted the mess but it had felt good. For the last five years, she’s avoided risk but now it almost feels hypocritical to say that she misses it.
Kate bent to gather the papers but only grabbed a few before stopping at her Cloud Physics notebook which had fallen open to a familiar page. She sat down in front of it and traced the impressions of her writing on the pages. It was too much to retrace her steps, to consider what had gone wrong. She needed to get out of her head and she couldn’t do that without getting out of this damn barn.
She knocked lightly on the kitchen door so as not to startle her mom. Being an adult, Kate felt an aversion to putting these things on her mom. Her mother had always been supportive, even when knowing her daughter’s passion was actively putting her in danger. Maybe she just didn’t want her mom to repeat the same sentiments as Tyler but she also knew she wasn’t about to come to any decision without some guidance. Just like seeing her middle school science project again, she felt like a child standing in the kitchen.
“Yeah, it’s just me.” She sighed and pulled out the chair at the dining table that had always belonged to her. The smell of whatever her mother was stirring made her stomach grumble. “Where’s Tyler?”
“Oh, he drove pretty far so he’s getting cleaned up.” Kate could tell her mom was trying to sound uninterested, maybe for her sake but still she asked, “What’s his story anyway?”
“He’s just some internet star from Arkansas,” She explained, picking at a stain on the table. For a moment she thought about leaving it at that but the fire he had lit in the barn was still burning inside her. Sardonically, she added, “He’s made a living as a so-called ‘Tornado Wrangler’ but so far he’s only shot some fireworks into a cyclone and nearly killed the reporter signed on to cover him and his team.”
Her mom chuckled and replied, “Sounds like a man looking for a thrill to me.”
Again, she felt like a child relaying the latest gossip from the schoolyard but she couldn’t help but continue.
“And his whole team is this ragtag group of people who’ve never been to school for this either!”
“I see.”
“I mean sure he’s studied meteorology but they could get seriously hurt.” Kate had busied herself by fiddling with a napkin she’d pulled from the homemade holder. The shreds of it were getting smaller and smaller.  “They’re no professionals.”
Her mom hummed, acknowledging her annoyance but countered with, “Well he doesn’t seem too bad to me, he did drive all the way here.” Although her mother graciously spared her the ‘for you’ that they both knew completed that thought, she felt its weight. It was easier to make him seem unlikeable than tell her mom that it was her that was in the wrong.
“You’d believe me if you saw the shirts he sells, his face all sprawled across them.” Kate laughed, thinking of the cheesy slogans. It wasn’t lost on her that she had assumed the worst of him. She thought back to what Lily had said and felt ashamed. “Though,” She conceded, “the money does pay for food for the aftermath survivors. They were handing it  out at the last town we were in after the tornado hit.”
“Not all bad then?” Her mother turned fully to face her and Kate knew her teasing expression said all she needed to know.
“I guess not.”
_ _ _
Dinner had been passable, if not enjoyable. Kate had figured it would be awkward, that the dynamic between her and her mom would be offset by Tyler’s presence but it had flowed easily. The only gripe she had was that her mother had gone over her head to invite him to stay the night. In her ideal world, she would’ve ushered him out right after dinner saying a quick thanks for his concern but sending him on his way knowing that she’d never have an obligation to speak to him again. 
Tyler had, of course, helped her mom with the dishes, leaving her to watch awkwardly so as not to take up unnecessary space in the small kitchen. She’d shot him a tight smile as he’d excused himself to his room for the night. 
“Well,” Her mom said from the doorway, “I’m off to bed. Shut the lights, will you?” She didn’t wait for an answer as she made her way past the living room to her bedroom. 
Kate tapped her fingers sporadically against the table, the sound echoing in the quiet house. She hadn’t been fully present for dinner. Every time she looked at Tyler she could only think about what she was doing wrong, what she was missing. As much as she resented the fact, there was no way she could make peace with the past couple of days if she didn’t get in another word with him.
She flipped the last of the switches off and made her way up the stairs, avoiding the ones she knew were extra creaky. At the landing, Kate considered just going to her bedroom but her feet kept their integrity and trudged her towards the guest room.
Her hand was poised to knock when the door opened.
“Kate?” The sound of his voice combined with the unexpected image made her jump. Whatever she had been prepared to say had left with her surprise but Tyler was already speaking again.  “Listen, what I said in the barn was out of line I shouldn’t have–”
“No you shouldn’t have…but you weren’t wrong either.”
Stepping back, he opened the door a bit more and though it wasn’t quite an invitation. It was a line she wasn’t sure she wanted to cross with his apology and her admittance the gist of what she’d hoped for. She promised herself that if he didn’t try to say anything else, she’d just turn around and walk away. He bit his lip, seeming to wrestle with something the same way she was.
“What’s the story behind you and Javi?” The question surprised her and she felt a vague excitement about his interest or rather the fact that he was interested at all. But the story itself was not something she was sure she could share.
“We met in college, he was friends with my…my boyfriend at the time.”
Tyler’s eyebrow raised in a silent question before he said, “And your boyfriend he was…”
She couldn’t stand in the hallway any longer where she was fully open to his scrutiny whether the story inspired pity or something else. Kate stepped past him into the room and started to explain,
“He was in the accident, along with two of my best friends.” She folded her arms across her chest, in a way trying to shield herself from the memories. “We were testing the polymer on what we thought was an EF1 but–”
“It was an EF5.” She nodded and his lips shifted into a sympathetic frown. Kate sat on the edge of the bed so that she didn’t have to face him head on.
She continued with, “So, I quit school and packed up to New York. Javi went back to Miami but because of the outbreak he thought he could use a second pair of eyes and invited me on.” From her peripheral, she could see the way he nodded along as she spoke, the genuine compassion still written in his features. She shrugged, unwilling to allow herself to feel the extent of the situation and the memories in front of him, “None of it matters though, I’ll be back in the city by the end of the week anyway.”
“You mean you’re giving up?” Tyler asked like it was somehow a personal affront to him or some greater injustice. Kate wasn’t sure what he cared. They’d only just met and he didn’t know her, not really. 
“I’m not giving up. I can’t live like this again, risking my life every day.”
“Because of the accident?” The way he said it, like it was only a passing moment and not something that monumentally changed not only her life but her, made her response sharp. 
“Yes, because of the accident.” 
He was unshaken by her hostility and placed a hand lightly on top of hers where it sat between them on the bed.
“Kate, I’ve seen people get hurt too, I’ve–” She couldn’t listen to this, couldn’t have him reduce her experience by comparison. If he thought this was the way to change her mind, he was sorely mistaken.
“Yeah, Tyler, well I got hurt. I watched people die, and I’ll bear those scars for the rest of my life.” Her body filled with tension of the memory as her breath began to quicken. She let the anger take over, the simplicity of it easier than the complicated truth. “I don't know why I even–”
 “Hold on–Kate!”
Kate could feel the air his failed reach created as he tried to grab her wrist to stop her. She was fast though, spurred on by the singular goal of getting the hell away from him. When she made it to the threshold of her room, she moved to shut the door. It almost slammed fully closed but groaned as the wood crashed into the foot he’d managed to snake in.
“Go to bed,” She demanded.
“So what, you’re going to help Javi line the pockets of Riggs for the rest of the week? The real estate shark that's directly profiting off the suffering of these people?” It seemed he couldn’t help, was adept at, pushing her buttons. If she were any bolder, she’d have already struck the self-righteous expression off his face.
“I didn’t know about that, I would have never–these are my people but this isn’t the way, the polymer didn’t work and people died because of it.”
“More will too, but only if you don’t do anything.” He tried to reach for her again but she shrugged away, “It could work. Together we could do this.” Tyler’s expression was pleading, his eyes urging her to make the right decision.
“Goodnight, Tyler.”
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The flight was thankfully uneventful and much easier than her last flight to Oklahoma when she’d been dreading the very idea of her return. There were still memories that haunted the place she called home but now she could rest assured that they weren’t losses for nothing and that she may very well be able to save someone, hopefully many someones, from the same suffering she had endured for years.
Kate dragged her suitcases through the airport and the bustle of people coming and going made her feel oddly comforted. New York was easy to get lost in and for the time, it was exactly what she needed. But it had only ever been a place she ran away to and after a while she was running too fast to ever see it for what it was. Here, in Oklahoma, she was home.
She made her way out to the pickup lanes and was met with a calm blue sky, one that she knew–or maybe even hoped–wouldn’t last. At the five-minute mark, Kate was unbothered. By ten, she considered concern. By twenty, she was on the phone. It took three calls getting sent to voicemail before her mother picked up on the fourth.
“Hey, are you alright?” She tried not to sound too concerned but it wasn’t like her mother to forget an obligation or to not pick up the phone. 
“Oh, sunshine, I’m fine. It’s my truck that’s acting up,” Her mom replied. “I was on the road already when it decided to quit on me. I’m not sure how long repairs are going to take. You want me to call someone for you?” Kate sighed, more relieved by her mother’s well-being than bothered by the situation.
“No, don’t worry about it,” She answered, “As much as you don’t like it, I am a big girl. I can take care of it.”
“I know you can, baby. Don’t worry about making it here tonight, just take care of yourself.”
They exchanged ‘I love you’s before it sunk in that actually did have to take care of it. She found herself a spot on a nearby bench and tucked her luggage in beside her. Scrolling through her contacts, her thumb hovered over Javi before something urged her to keep going. Kate wasn’t sure if this was a bad idea but lately, she could handle a little risk.
“Hello?” She bit her lip, knowing this was her last chance to turn back. Still, he might not even be around or available to get her.
“Hey, Tyler?”
“Uh, yeah?” His voice was in performance mode, his uncertainty no match to his inherent charisma. Kate found herself filled with an urgent hope.
“It's Kate, Kate Carter.”
“Kate!” She could hear the smile in his voice. It was the first time she’d called him since he gave her his number and she was just beginning to regret not using it sooner. “What uh…what's going on?”
Her stomach flipped at the realization that she had to explain herself, that she wasn’t just calling him. Oh god, was this a mistake? Kate had thought there was something there when they were saying goodbye but maybe this was pushing it.  
“Are you in Oklahoma by any chance?”
“I am actually,” Tyler replied before he, with a hopeful tone, asked, “Are you here?”
“Do you think you could pick me up from the airport?” She fought the urge to cross her fingers like a little girl. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if she had to call Javi but she couldn’t help but want to see where this path led.
“Of course!” Her chest tightened, a mix between excitement and worry. “Is everything alright with your mom?” Kate’s cheeks flushed, touched by his concern. 
“Yeah–truck just wasn’t starting, don’t worry,” She said, hoping she sounded nonchalant.
“Alright then, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” In the background, Kate could hear his keys jingling already and she smiled to herself.
“Thanks so much. Bye.”
_ _ _
Kate had been inside, sitting at a cafe when her phone buzzed in her pocket, Tyler letting her know that he’d made it. She tossed out her empty coffee cup before regathering her things and taking a deep breath. If she was being honest with herself, she was excited to see him but she didn’t want to endure the inevitable teasing she’d be subject to should she seem too eager to be in his presence.
The sliding doors opened and it took her a minute to spot the familiar red truck. Her eyes followed the path to where Tyler was busy basking in the attention of an adoring fan. What more could she expect?
“And did you want this signed cause I could definitely sign this for you.”
He didn’t notice as she siddled up, even with the rumble of her suitcases on the concrete. She shook her head at the display of his ‘Tornado Wrangler’ persona and thought better than to let him off the hook.
With the exaggerated voice of a dedicated fan, she implored, “Oh my goodness! Is that Tyler Owens? I am your biggest fan!”
“That’s me darlin’, what can I do for–Kate.” He cleared his throat and straightened out his posture, putting on the real Tyler at the sight of her. Kate bit her lip, sparing him the laugh that threatened to escape her.
“Tyler,” She said, “You look good.”
“Well, I feel good.” Tyler stood with his hands on his hips, the two of them alone now and it seemed neither of them knew just what to say. She laughed at his remark and began to heave her luggage into the bed. Before she could lift the larger of the two bags, Tyler was stopping her with a hand on her wrist. Kate looked up at him, confused. 
“Don’t make me make you get in the truck.” She glared at him, gauging whether or not he was serious. He only matched her expression. “Get in the truck,” Tyler repeated.
Kate rolled her eyes and climbed into the passenger seat. She couldn’t help but lean over toward the shift, running her fingers across the buttons. Her pointer finger landed on the tape labeled, ‘Kate’s Barrels’ and traced over his writing. When the driver's door opened, she jumped at the movement and tore her hand away. 
“Headed to your mom’s?” Tyler asked, fingers tapping a rhythm onto the wheel.
“Uh, no actually just any motel close would be good. Home’s a bit far and the flight was long. I just want to go to bed.” She reminded herself that that was the only reason.
“I’m close,” He told her. Since when was he close? “I mean you could stay in my guest room and I could take you back to Sapulpa in the morning?” The idea sounded as equally dangerous as it was appealing. With a motel, she was in control of the situation but his place? There was no knowing.
Clearing her throat she answered, “That…sounds fine.”
Tyler tipped his hat toward her and then he was making his way out of the parking spot. For a little while, they sat in comfortable silence, the radio filling the empty space between them. Once they were outside the city, it was comforting to watch as farmland made up her view. The word rattled in her head again. Home.
“So, how did it end up going with the investors?” He asked. “Good, I assume since you’re back in Oklahoma.” Kate couldn’t help but smile knowing well enough already how happy he’d be to hear. Not to mention how happy she was to achieve something she’d been chasing since the possibility entered her mind.
“Yeah, it went very well actually. We uh–we got a lot of people interested and the offers were so good…I quit my job and sold the apartment. I’m back, back.”
Tyler’s smile grew to a million watts as he exclaimed, “Kate! That’s amazing!”
“Thank you, we’re really excited.” She thought she saw his grin falter a bit but she couldn’t pin down why. Still, after a moment he let out a whoop, honking the horn at the expense of the car in front of them. Kate laughed, placing her hand over his to keep him from doing it again.
“So, where you planning on living? With Javi?”
“Actually I’m not sure yet. Javi has this new girlfriend from back in Miami and they’re pretty wrapped up in each other.” His eyebrows raised and she continued, “My mom's kind of out of the way too. Plus, she’s thinking of selling since seed prices just keep going up. Says she’s sick of the weather.”
Tyler’s jaw went slack, exaggerating his shock. “Sick of the–Sick of the weather?”
“What can I say, she doesn’t appreciate the beauty of the storm.” Kate sighed theatrically. Her hand went to her forehead in a ‘woe is me’ gesture. He chuckled, punching her playfully in the arm.
“On the topic of prices though, she is right.” Tyler sighed as he turned onto a new street.  “That’s why I bought land and started from the ground up.”
“Land?” She repeated. It hadn’t been that long that she’d been gone. When and more so why had he decided to put down roots and outside of Arkansas for that matter.
“Yes, ma’am.” His mouth quirked up in a prideful smirk.
“And here I thought I’d be sharing some shitty motel room.”
They pulled into a long dirt driveway, the grass surrounding it still young. While the house was clearly new, the style had a nostalgic feel to it. It was painted a fresh shade of cream and the white wrap-around porch just screamed summer nights. If she didn’t know better she’d think she was going to visit some sweet old lady.
“Here we are, home sweet home.”
Tyler opened her door for her like a proper gentleman and she stepped out into pleasant fresh air. The whole thing was picturesque. Kate supposed she shouldn’t really be surprised considering she didn’t really know his tastes but the whole thing surprised her nonetheless. 
She followed Tyler through the front door as he carried her bags inside. The interior was just as sweet as the exterior had been but Kate could see the signs that were uniquely him. There were various piles and pieces of gear strewn about that she recognized from having filled her mother’s house with. Even with the classic style, the appliances and layout were tastefully modern. She was impressed.
Kate stepped into the kitchen which seemed to be the most lived-in room. There were pictures of the Wranglers and what she assumed was his family stuck to the fridge. Her eyes drifted to a bulletin board hung up next to it and tacked up in the center of it was a page ripped out of their article from Ben, one with a picture of her. She could feel her cheeks flush even with him still in the other room. Though she wanted to, Kate knew she wouldn’t mention it.
“You hungry?” She jumped at the sound of Tyler’s voice.
“No, I couldn’t–” The same look that urged her to ‘get in the truck’ painted his face and she reconsidered her answer. “Starved.”
Tyler seemed satisfied. He pulled out a seat at the kitchen island where she could have a clear view of him whipping something together. The whole thing felt unnervingly domestic but she enjoyed it all the same.
“This place is really nice, Tyler,” Kate said. Gesturing toward his tricked-out home office–that was maybe a little too nice for a YouTube star–she pointed out, “Got a nice setup too.”
“Yeah, the team has pretty much paired off and they live here and there but we come back for a warm meal more often than not.”
“Not you though?” It had crossed her mind that maybe the sudden home ownership had been a response to some sort of serious relationship. She tried to sound casual since it wasn’t really any of her business.
Tyler smiled and shrugged. “Nah, a fearless leader has to hold down the fort.” Kate rolled her eyes and laughed at his cockiness. It was better knowing that it didn’t run deep. She thought better than to push it but still, she wanted to know what this whole thing was for.
“No, but seriously, why a house?”
“Oklahoma is the past, present and future of tornadoes. That’s no secret,” He replied like it was some well-known slogan. Yeah, the outbreak they experienced had put Oklahoma back on the map but Tornado Alley spanned a wide area, including Arkansas. 
“How do you figure?”
“Well you’re here, aren’t you?” Her stomach sank, trying to decipher the meaning behind what he said. His focus was trained on the pot in front of him like what he’d said was no big deal. What was she supposed to say to that?
Without an answer, Tyler clarified, “You’ve got better instinct than anyone I’ve ever met, better than any Doppler too.”
He’d turned to her and winked in her continued silence. Kate nodded with a smile like it was casual to her too. She shifted under his intense gaze and thought it was an apt time to break the tension with something she’d been tossing around in her mind. He laid a plate of spaghetti in front of her before sitting down himself. She cleared her throat.
“I was going to wait to bring this up but…I was wondering if you would consider being partners.”
“Really?” The excitement on his face was genuine and Kate could see the surprise too. It made her feel secure in her decision. 
“Javi and I both have stakes in it but he’s avoiding the field as much as he can right now. He’s got the business side under control but, like I said, he’s got someone at home who’d prefer he didn’t get blown away.”
Tyler stayed practically frozen in place. Maybe she’d overstepped her bounds after all. She could tell herself all she wanted that she wouldn’t be hurt if he didn’t want to partner with her but that didn’t make it the truth. 
“What do you say, me and you?” Kate asked, bracing for his answer.
“You and me,” Tyler replied genuinely and with what she hoped was a hint of awe.
They ate silently, half from hunger and half in consideration of their future. As much as Kate didn’t want to admit it, there were other questions lingering between them. When her plate was cleared, he insisted on taking care of the simple cleanup himself leaving Kate to sit idly at the kitchen table, unable to get anywhere else without his direction anyway.
With the dishes washed, Tyler turned his attention back to her but it seemed he had just as much of an idea of how to proceed as she did.
“So, uh…” She began, uncertain where she was going.
“I bet you probably want to get cleaned up. There’s an en suite in the guest room.”
“Yeah, great.” As much as she wanted to bolt, Kate got up from the table slowly as if she were as calm as could be. Still, she didn’t wait for any instructions as to where to go. She didn’t turn back to look at him as she climbed the stairs, internally cursing herself for adding to the awkward atmosphere.
“First door on the right!” Tyler called after her because, of course, she hadn’t asked.
_ _ _
The warm water had been just what she needed, especially paired with the time away from Tyler to think. As much as there had been a sense of tension between them, her feelings had settled on contentment and maybe even excitement. They were partners now and they had plenty of time to figure everything and anything else out. They’d been through hell already and he would help her through it again.
She stepped out of the shower, her feet hitting the plush bath mat, and reached for a towel. Her hand grabbed only air. Upon further inspection, the towel rack was completely unoccupied. Shit.
“Um, Tyler?” Kate called. She waited a few minutes for his response and when it didn’t come she yelled louder. “Tyler!” She let out a breath when she heard his footsteps on the stairs.
“There are no towels in here!”
“Shit. My bad, no one has used that bedroom yet,” Tyler explained. His feet were already causing the wood floor to creak when he assured, “I’ll grab you one, be right back.”
Kate couldn’t believe this was happening. There was a good chance that she’d expose herself in the exchange. She’d even left her clothes on the bed, choosing to strip before going to the bathroom.
A few minutes later there was a hesitant knock on the door.
“Here, I brought you a few. I don’t know what you prefer,” Tyler said.
She had to assume that he was smart enough not to look. He’d been nothing but polite after all. When she opened the door, his eyes were covered by the palm of his hand, and his other arm was extended out to her. Kate tried not to laugh at the look of him.
Kate wrapped the largest towel around herself and used another to dry the excess moisture from her hair. She pulled the door back open, assuming he was gone but she was met with his figure, eyes still shielded. Nearly bumping right into him, she let out an involuntary sound something between a squeak and a groan. Tyler echoed the sound and quickly flipped his hand so he could see her. She had to assume that his subsequent turning around was motivated by her state of undress.
She didn’t know what else to do besides starting to dress. It seemed he wasn’t done talking to her just yet. After a moment, he spoke.
“Uh, Kate…I, uh, realized I didn’t say thank you just then for considering me.”
“Who else could I possibly consider?” She winced at her own words. By no means did Kate want to sound like she was unhappy, she just didn’t want to make it a big deal between them.
“Well, right, I guess there’s not many storm chasers to begin with and especially not ones who’ve studied meteorology.” Kate could hear the slight hurt in his voice even as he tried to tease and she couldn’t blame him. She’d said the wrong thing. She quickly finished pulling on her pajama pants so she could focus on the conversation before she said something else she regretted.
“Tyler,” She said softly. He still had his back considerately turned to her. Like a kid trying to pass notes in class, Kate tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Tyler smiled as he faced her and it gave her the boost she needed to say what she wanted.  “You’re the reason I’m doing this in the first place. You believed in me even when I didn’t. We’re going to be helping people and that’s because of you.”
He was shaking his head before she’d even finished.
“You can’t believe that, it's your polymer, your idea–”
She took a confident step forward, the action effectively shutting him up. The closer Kate got the more she angled up at him, his height towering over her. Her hand found its way to his jaw, cupping it gently, her thumb brushing over the stubble of his skin. Before she had the chance to close the distance, Tyler took his chance to capture her lips with his own.
It started slow, hesitant to the possibility of too much too fast but quickly gained momentum as they threw caution to the wind. It had been years since Kate had done this, never quite feeling able to move on from Jeb and the accident but now with a sense of closure and Tyler’s guiding hand she felt ready.
His mouth was eager as their kiss deepened, Tyler’s tongue painting the inside of her mouth, almost as if he was committing it to memory. Their heavy breaths filled the air and neither of them seemed willing to break the kiss as the minutes went on. It wasn’t until her fingers played at the hem of his shirt that he broke off, looking down at her through hooded eyes, his mouth swollen and flushed.
The sight was too much and she couldn’t help but bring her lips back to his skin. They found purchase at his pulse point, kisses littering his neck as she made her intentions known to him with every touch.
Taking a step back, Tyler’s hands cradled her face and he searched her eyes, looking for what she wasn’t sure but when he seemed to find it a smile broke across his face. It was the same smile he sported every time the wind picked up and the radar lit up red: a man ready to face a challenge.
“You still wanna stay in my guest room?” He asked, though his joking town was limited by his heavy breathing. Kate knew he was teasing but he was just as eager as she was.
“If you keep up with that attitude I just might,” She replied, smiling ruefully.
“Honey,” Tyler beamed, “all I’ve got is attitude.”
A chuckle escaped her lips and his face turned from cocky to sincere before he leaned in to steal a kiss once more. His hands moved from her face to grasping her own as he led her to what she assumed was his room.
Kate struggled to keep up as he held his hands behind him for her to grasp. She held them awkwardly as the unusual position did not grant her a good grip. The playful air gave her butterflies but also made her feel a sense of safety, knowing that things didn’t have to be heavy between them.
Tyler turned, pulling their hands over his head so that Kate twirled around with him. He used the momentum to guide her backward into his room with his hands on her hips, attempting a cheesily seductive smolder. She used her heel to kick the door shut behind them.
Kate walked ahead of him to go sit on the edge of his bed. She could tell he was watching her closely to consider his next move but she enjoyed the idea of playing coy with him. Ignoring him, she took in the space which was surprisingly sparse especially compared to the ground floor.
“Wow, real homey in here,” Kate joked, feigning awe at the blank walls
“Oh, hush,” Tyler chided, “It hasn’t been that long since we finished construction.”
She put up her hands in surrender and replied, “Sure, sure.” He rolled his eyes at her and then his expression became soft again. Tyler walked forward, kneeing her legs open and standing between them. With just a tilt of her head they were kissing again and this time when she grabbed his shirt, he let her take it off of him. Kate paused a moment to take him in, the image one she intended to commit to memory before pulling her own shirt over her head.
The rest of their clothes came quickly but when it was time for her to remove her jeans she hesitated.
“We don’t have to do this.” Tyler reassured her, misreading her reluctance. Kate shook her head.
“It's not that it’s–” She huffed in frustration and rather than continue to overthink, pulled her pants down in one swift motion, hoping he’d move past the interruption rather than linger on the issue.
Instead, his eyes moved immediately to her lower half and zeroed in on her leg…her scar. Kate’s stomach began to churn. She knew that he knew the story but she hated that it had to be part of this moment between them. He had been part of making it possible for her to redeem herself, to make sure the losses were not worth nothing. Still, the memories and the physical signs would never leave her. It made her insecure but if he had a problem with it, this wasn’t worth continuing.
“Is this from…”
“Yes,” Kate replied flatly. She didn’t have anything to prove and she wanted more than anything to move on from this as soon as possible. Tyler looked up from the marred skin on her leg and cupped her face with one of his hands. His eyes were filled with pure admiration.
“You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met.”
Tyler’s lips were on hers again as he leaned her back into the bed, his body sculpting to hers. She felt a hand trail down her body, over her ass, before he hoisted her leg over his shoulder, his face turning towards her thigh and kissing over her scar as he lined himself up with her entrance. He looked at her until she realized he was waiting for her cue. She grabbed onto his upper arms and nodded, making it clear she was ready.
He was slow with her, caressing in all the right spots and making sure she was comfortable until he was finally fully inside her and they moaned in unison at the feeling. She hadn’t felt like this in a long time and when he took a moment to brush the hair from her face it made it all that much sweeter so much so that she laughed. Tyler looked at her, concerned but when she kissed him, he smiled into it catching her drift.
As he began to grind into her, he coaxed mewls from her lips, her hips meeting his instinctually at the pleasure. The way he watched her carefully for her reactions made her heart soar. He made it evident that they were in this together, that he cared about making her feel good. One of Tyler's hands still held her leg while the other found her clit, circling it while keeping pace and she couldn’t help the words spilling from her mouth.
“Tyler,” Kate pleaded, “Don’t stop.” He listened to her demand but she could see how it made him falter. His expression was that of awe as if he couldn’t believe that he was here with her, that she was enjoying what he was doing for them. She curled an arm around his neck and played with the hair there in a way that caused him to flush.
“I gotcha,” Tyler promised, somehow pressing them closer together, “I gotcha.”
She could’ve been embarrassed at how fast she came but Tyler didn’t give her a chance, instead riding her out through her climax and continuing to thrust even after. It was almost too much as tears of pleasure pricked her eyes and her moans filled the room. Her hands gripped the sheets, his arms, his hair, anything that she could reach to keep hold of her senses as they were overwhelmed. All she could think or comprehend was Tyler.
“I–I’m close,” He stammered, the tremble in his voice radiating throughout his body, “Kate, I–”
Her vision went white when she came again, though she could hear Tyler moan her name like a mantra, his head buried in her neck. One hand reached into his hair while the other traced absent circles on his back. It took him a minute but eventually, he came back to her.
“Hey,” He said, letting out a breathy laugh. 
Tyler pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, clearly savoring the moment. Kate didn’t want it to end either but she was confident that it was only beginning. They both let out their own versions of a disappointed noise as he pulled out.
When he disappeared into the ensuite, she pulled his comforter up around her, the scent of him enveloping her as well. He came back with a damp towel and once helped her clean up, he flopped into bed beside her, pulling her into his side.
Kate placed a hand on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat under her palm. Tyler pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She wanted to bask in the moment a bit longer but before she knew it she was beginning to yawn. 
The last thing she remembered before she fell into a peaceful sleep was the sweet kiss they shared and the soft rumble of his voice.
“Goodnight, Kate.”
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jammydodger3579 · 2 months
Young Lust
Summary: Reader is an ex-widow. She escaped with Yelena and lives at the Avengers compound, though she denies being one. The X-men have been working with the Avengers quite closely lately. (I plan on making this a series so that's all the context you get for now hehe)
A/N: so this is the first piece I've put out in a long time so pls be kind, feedback is welcome as long as it's constructive. idk when I'll post the second chapter so enjoy this for now. Also couldn't stop listening to Young Lust by Pink Floyd and Closer by Nine Inch Nails while writing this iykyk ;)
18+, for mature audiences only.
1000+ word count.
Warnings: smut, p/v sex. cursing? I'm really bad at writing smut so apologies
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It wasn’t the first time they’d met, it was just the first time he’d noticed her. Her hair, messily curled. Her makeup, strikingly bold. It suits her. Y/N noticed him too. Drink in hand, leaning against the kitchen island. He seems to have put effort into his appearance for this night. His hair was done, his beard freshly shaven. He even wore his nicest jeans and jacket. Y/N was half listening to a conversation between Kitty and Yelena. Something about how Kitty had come to be at the mansion. They all got along, especially since the Avengers, and their associates like Y/N and Yelena, wanted to bridge the gap between them and the X-men.
Professor Xavier had come to the compound around 3 months ago to discuss with Stark the future of the X-men and how they should all work together. They were practically already neighbours, Stark remarked, the Avengers compound being only a 20-minute drive from the school. Logan had visited that day, sparking up a conversation with Y/N and Bucky.
“So you’re an avenger?” She looked up and smiled at the large man. 
“Only by association. They give me a place to live, and I help them out with missions” She shrugged and stood up. Compared to her, Logan towered over her. “So you’re an X-man?”
“Only by association” Logan nodded and noticed the Professor leaving Starks office. And with that, he was gone. Y/N sighed. Bucky stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. 
“Guess we’ll be seeing more of them,” He said. He was right, Y/N would be seeing a lot of Logan. She wanted to know more. 
The X-men had successfully worked with the Avengers for a series of related missions, Y/N only onboard for some of them, so as a celebration of their success, Professor Xavier hosted a dinner night for the Avengers. Y/N parted ways with the woman and walked over to Logan. She leaned over the counter and poured herself a drink. 
“Enjoying yourself?” They’d only spoken a few times during their missions. They seemed to work well together without talking. Logan nodded and took a sip of his drink. “I’ve never actually been here before, it’s nice” 
“It is, have you had the tour yet?” Logan pulled a cigar out of his pocket. “I need fresh air anyway, so I can show you around a bit” Y/N nodded and followed him out of the kitchen. They walked through the dining room and a living room. One of a few, Logan had said. They made their way outside to the back of the building. Y/N watched as Logan lit his cigar and she took this opportunity to light herself a cigarette. Logan scoffed slightly. “Didn’t peg you for a smoker, bub” 
She smiled and shrugged. “Sometimes you just need a cigarette,” Logan nodded, understanding. He couldn’t help but notice her face, under the moonlight. Her makeup making her features more prominent. He’d recognized she was naturally pretty before, but tonight was different. She was wearing casual, nice clothing. Not her usual tactical gear. Her hair was down unlike how she usually had it. She looked almost regular, someone you wouldn’t expect to have a gun tucked under her skirt. But she was raised to be prepared for anything. “Tell me, how does the Professor feel about his teachers smoking on school grounds?”
“What he doesn’t know won’t kill him. Besides, it’s a stressful job” Y/N was drawn to him, especially tonight. Maybe it was just the alcohol or the moonlight. Something in her stirred. She needed more. His massive body, his arms around her…
They’d had a moment, about 3 weeks back, a one-time thing. Logan was at the compound with Bobby and Kitty, discussing some information they had with the team. Y/N wasn’t a part of the conversation, she had just been training with Yelena. As she walked into the room, the conversation died down. Stark called the meeting there and everyone piled out of the room. Except for Logan, he stayed behind. They made small talk, but there was tension between them. He’d seen how she’d fight, still looking gorgeous after each punch. Even after she’d been training, she barely looked bothered. Logan was collecting files from around the table when he leaned past Y/N, brushing past her shoulder. He held his breath, fearing something would happen if he moved. 
“Good workout?” he finally said, breaking the tension. 
“Could’ve joined, y’know, since we’re a “team” now” She replied calmly, leaning against the table. “God knows I need a new training partner, Yelena is relentless” 
“You guys are very close.” Logan was still standing right next to Y/N. He extended his claws out to retrieve the last file on the table. 
“We were raised together, in the red room... We escaped together, and when she found her sister, she offered for us to stay here. We were family, shared trauma and all..” she trailed off, shaking her head “Sorry, I shouldn’t be dumping all this onto you” 
“It’s okay, I get it” Logan looked over. He saw a vulnerable woman, not the same snide-commenting one he’d gotten to know on the battlefield. His gaze flickered between her eyes and her lips, hurt washing over her face. And then it happens. Y/N had leaned in and kissed Logan. By instinct, he pulled back, shock all over his face.
“Oh my god, I’m so sor-” Y/N was cut off by Logan's lips crashing against hers. His hands dropped the files and moved to her waist, pulling her in flush against his body. He was rough, his lips chapped. She was comfortable, her lips soft. Y/N lifted a hand into his hair. That caused Logan to pull away again, second-guessing what he was doing. 
“No I’m sorry, you’re upset and I’m taking advantage.” Logan grabbed the files off the table and left the room, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts. It felt like second nature, the act itself feeling so normal that it left Y/N feeling confused. Why had she done that? Why did she open up like that? Logan was an X-men. They should be working together, not getting together behind closed doors. 
“You’re cold, here” That snapped Y/N back. Logan removed his jacket and put it around her, his hands lingering on her shoulders. Y/N leaned in and kissed his cheek without thinking. Stupid. Logan smiled and kissed her forehead. It was instant. Y/N put her cigarette out, took Logan's cigar away from his mouth, and kissed him. It was hungry, desperate. To her surprise, logan leaned into it this time, putting one hand around her waist and the other on her face. Then he pulled away. “I wouldn’t take a man's cigar away from him, sweetheart,” he said, taking it back. 
“What are you gonna do about it” The words escaped before she could think about it. Then, without warning, Logan took her hand and pulled her inside the building. This was exciting. He found an empty broom closet and the two went inside. Before she could ask what was happening, Logan had her pinned against the door. They could hear talking and laughter. Logan locked the door, just in case. Y/N was drinking in his scent, the cigar still burning between his lips. He removed it, put it out against his hand, and placed it back in his pocket. He was thinking about it, a suitable punishment. 
“Let's see, what would a dirty woman like you deserve” he snarled before kissing her again. It was heated, sloppy. Y/N had been waiting for a moment like this for months. Before this, it was stolen looks and glances towards the other. He would casually ask if she was okay during their missions. Constantly checking in. This was different. This was heading somewhere. Finally.
She moved her right leg to wrap around Logan’s left leg in an attempt to bring him closer. He kisses her roughly, poking his tongue inside his mouth to show whos boss here. Logan’s hands roamed her body, smiling when he found the gun she had hidden for emergencies. He removed it carefully before returning to explore Y/N’s body. He left marks down her neck, causing a loud moan to escape. Logan placed a hand over her mouth, the other returning to her leg. She leaned into him, desperate for him to feel her. She could feel his growing erection against her. She muffled something against his hand quietly. He moved it away.
“I need you” she panted, she was eager, he’ll give her that. He wanted to devour her. He pulled down her underwear and traced her clit painfully slow. 
“So wet for me already,” he purred. Her hips moved closer, wanting more. Her hands roamed his chest, then moved down to his belt. She started to unbuckle it, fumbling as she was very distracted when he stopped her. He moved away slightly, taking in his view. He quickly took his belt off with one swift tug and then freed himself of his pants. Y/N’s eyes widened at the sight, daunted by his size. Logan smiled and returned his lips to hers. He placed his hands under her thighs and lifted her onto him slowly. Y/N moaned against the contact. “Shh, I’ll need you to be more quiet sweetheart” 
Logan got a good rhythm going before returning his lips to a special spot on Y/N’s neck. She whimpered, not wanting anyone to hear her get fucked against a door. Her legs wrapped themselves around Logan's waist, not wanting him to leave. His hand covered her mouth, not wanting any noise to escape. He nibbled and licked and kissed all along Y/N’s neck. Her hand reached into his hair, holding on for dear life. She was already close to her end. She bit the inside of Logan's hand. This made him speed up his thrusts, knowing she was almost close to coming undone around him. 
“Such a dirty girl, taking me so well,” Logan growled against her skin. His movements were getting rough and sloppy, also close to his climax. Lust filled his eyes when he saw the pleasure on Y/N’s face. He became animalistic almost, kissing her, dominating her mouth. Y/N could feel the build-up coming, moaning against Logan's mouth, no longer caring about the possibility of being heard. He placed his hand back over her mouth as she came around him. Logan continued until a deep grunt left his mouth, coming undone inside her. Y/N felt him fill her up, and it drips around Logan's waist. They're both breathing heavily and kissing each other sloppily. They rode out the high together for as long as possible before Logan placed her back down. Her heart was racing, she couldn’t believe what had just happened. Logan pulled his pants back up and adjusted his belt. He didn’t know what to say. Y/N was still trying to catch her breath when he handed her gun and underwear back to her. She put everything back into place when Logan broke their silence. “I hope we can do that again sometime bub” and before she could reply, Logan had left the closet, returning to the dinner night.
Part 2: here.
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theocddiaries · 16 days
[CLARK IS IN THE KITCHEN WITH A TODDLER CONNER]. Bruce: Good morning, little baby. Good morning, Clark. Clark: That's very adorable, Bruce, but I'm having kind of a rough morning. Conner: Daddy, up. Clark [Robotic]: I'm sorry, Conner. Those days are over. Now, here's your lunch. Go get your bag. We will be leaving shortly. [CONNER LEAVES]. Bruce: Clark, you don't have to ice him out completely. Clark: Do you think I'm enjoying this? But I need him to detach from me before the new thing comes, or who knows what he'll do to it. Bruce: Why are you saying "thing" instead of "baby"? Conner [Ominously in the distance]: Kill new baby. Bruce: …Oh. Look, I-I know this is hard, but I really appreciate what you're doing. And believe me, I take no pleasure in seeing you suffer like this. [V.O.] Bruce:I take a little pleasure. No, but there are very few parenting issues where I come out on top. You know, I'm distant, I work too much, my pancakes are "bland". Finally, you know, something that isn't my fault. [BRUCE IS DROPPING CONNER OFF AT DAYCARE] Teacher: Hi! Have fun, sweetheart. He is so sweet. Bruce: Oh, thanks. Well, you should've seen him yesterday; he pushed a baby off of Clark's lap. He is so possessive of him. But, Clark's really working on trying not to coddle him so much, so-- Teacher: Mm-hmm. I'm not really sure it's about coddling. Sounds more like a sharing issue. You know, we've noticed Conner has a hard time with that. I wouldn't worry. Kids usually pick that habit up from other kids. Except the ones who pick it up from their parents. Bruce: … [V.O.] Bruce: I have been told that I might have the teensiest issue with sharing. But is that something Conner would even pick up on? [WHILE DINING] Clark [Goes to grab some food from Bruce's dish] Bruce [Slaps Clark's hand]: My chicken. [IN THE BEDROOM] Bruce [Takes his pillow]: My pillow. Clark [Hits the headboard while laying down]: Ow. [LIVING ROOM] Conner [Drawing with a pen] Bruce [Comes out of nowhere and takes the pen from his hand]: Daddy's pen. Crayons. Your crayons. [V.O.] Bruce: …Okay, it's possible, and I suppose for Conner's sake, I-I should work on that. Yeah, privately.
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changetyre · 1 year
Squeaky Clean II Charles Leclerc Ⓢ Ⓦ
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Warnings: ** 18+**
SUMMARY: Your soon-to-be husband is always up to no good with new purchases except this time the newest purchase is not as bad as you thought.
You walked into your home expecting to see your fiancé around the corner at any second except this was one of the times he didn't
You knew this meant one of two things, he was outside in the garden and didn't hear you come in, or he was up to no good and something told you it was the latter.
You were cautious as you continued walking further into your home not sure what to expect from your soon-to-be husband who sometimes had a mind of a toddler.
"Charles?" You called out to him after not seeing him across the whole open space of your home which was the living room, dining room, and kitchen.
You were startled when you heard a loud clink coming from your room. You rushed your pace towards it hoping you hadn't accidentally killed your fiancé by alerting him of your presence.
"Cherié!" You let out a small yelp as you almost crashed into Charles as he was coming out of your room, your chest hitting his as you were attempting to go in.
You looked up at him a sly smirk on his lips. "What was that noise?" You asked him.
"What noise?" He giggled.
It was hard to try to be intimidating when those dimples were directly in front of you. "What the hell did you do this time?" You tried to look past him and the fact that he didn't try to block your view actually increased your nerves.
"D'you want me to show you?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
You hesitated for a second squinting your eyes at him. "I swear Charles if you've bought a bigger bed I'm blocking your credit cards." You threatened.
This wouldn't be a surprise to you as Charles in the past 3 years had already bought 5 different beds getting bigger in size claiming it was just not enough space for your nightly activities.
"Not this time but-" He was about to argue.
"Not buts Charles we are not getting another bed this one already takes over half the bedroom, 20 people could fit in it." You countered and he finally shut up.
"Okay well, it's not even that, c, mon let me show you." The smirk was back on his lips. He grabbed your hands and walked you inside the bedroom.
"Charles, can I shower before you show me whatever it is?" You asked your fiancé as he neared the bathroom.
"I was hoping you'd ask that." He wiggled his eyebrows once more, turning around and facing you stepping closer as he began sliding your blazer off your shoulders.
You couldn't help the smile that crept on your lips, the heat suddenly rising to your cheeks as you realized Charles's intentions but were still confused as to what he was hiding that involved...this.
"What are you doing?" You whispered as Charles slips started leaving wet kisses across your neck, his hands not stopping from undressing you.
"Shh just trust me, baby." He whispered into your ear making the hairs stand up all over your body.
You were never good at self-control once Charles got his lips on you so you knew that from this point you would do anything he'd ask.
He reached for the zipper in your pants undoing it and your button before letting them drop around your feet. He grabbed your waist lifting you off your pants.
You instinctively wrapped your legs around Charles's waist which you just realized was now bare completely oblivious to when he had taken his shirt off.
He walked you into the bathroom placing you down on the counter which caused a shiver across your body at the cool contrast against your hot skin.
He continued trailing kisses across your body as he began removing his pants along with his boxers leaving him completely bare.
As he did so you noticed a wrench outside of the shower reminding you of what was possibly Charles's new purchase but before you could let your eyes roam around the space Charles's fingers were dragging your panties down and removing your bra.
It was embarrassing how wet you already were from simply kissing and undressing but Charles loved to see the effect he had on you.
You bucked your hips when Charles's fingers ghosted over your mound, you knew he was teasing you. "Charles please-" You begged.
"What d'you want Cherié." He whispered into your neck where he was leaving his marks like he liked.
"Your fingers...please." You moaned.
He didn't have to be told twice as he let his finger slide through your folds collecting the juices that had already formed between your legs before starting to circle your clit at a torturous pace.
Your head fell back onto the mirror. "Just like that-" You moaned. You knew Charles didn't need to be told since he knew your body inside and outside like the back of his hand but the fact that you were always so vocal was one of his favorite things.
Your mouth opened in a gasp as he slipped two fingers inside you know you could take it as his other hand wrapped around your neck putting just the right amount of pressure around it like you liked it.
Charles watched and enjoyed how you were becoming putty in his hands but he couldn't forget what he had planned so he reluctantly pulled his fingers out of you just as you began rutting your hips against them.
"Charles!" You would've been embarrassed at how pathetic you sounded at the sudden lack of contact but you were so close to reaching your high it didn't matter.
"C,mon." Charles lifted you once more walking you now into the shower where he turned the water on.
"What are you doing? Please, Charles." You tried to reach his member but he kept you up high on his hips preventing you from doing so.
"Patience mon ange." He smirked against your lips before kissing you passionately once more.
After a few seconds of kissing and having the water reach its desired temperature Charles took the detachable shower head and began soaking you.
You jumped at the new sensation at first but you'd had this shower experience with Charles before so this wasn't unfamiliar to you. You'd both normally be soaked before he'd finally fuck you against the wall so you expected something similar.
What you didn't expect and completely took you by surprise was suddenly feeling a high water pressure on your legs. You didn't have much time after looking down before Charles had turned the shower head up into your pussy.
Your legs went weak but it seems Charles had been prepared for your reaction as he held tightly onto your waist.
"Charles! Oh my-" You gasped completely losing control of yourself, unlike anything you'd experienced before. The water hit the perfect spot overwhelming you with pleasure. "I can't-" you tried to voice your lack of control but Charles could see it perfectly.
The smirk only increased on his lips as he knew he'd made the perfect purchase, he carefully set you down on the bathroom floor hoping to be able to get a better look at what he was doing.
His steady pulse and incredible aim made it so the pleasure you were feeling seemed never-ending if you had been able to open your eyes for a few seconds you'd see how painfully hard Charles had begun from simply watching you writhe in pleasure in a completely new way.
Now that one of his hands was free Charles took it upon himself to stroke himself in attempts to alleviate the now uncomfortable tension accumulating between his legs.
He watched how you fought to keep your legs open which is why he scooted closer placing himself in between your legs using his body to keep your legs open. For a few seconds, you felt his member hit your stomach which made you jump from how overstimulated your whole body felt.
Although it felt like hours it was only a few minutes after Charles had set you down on the floor that your pleasure had reached it's piqued and you trembled as the fireworks erupted not only in your center but all over your body.
Reaching for Charles for some sort of stability a few seconds after you felt and were finally able to see Charles also finished over your body, his cum running down from your chest to the rest of your body quickly from how wet you were.
You watched as Charles twisted the shower head the pressure going back to normal and the water streaming from multiple holes before he rinsed himself of a little.
He then took it upon himself to help you rinse off, lathering his hands with soap and being careful to wash you not going anywhere near your most sensitive zone in order not to cause any pain.
"Did you like that cherié?" Charles smirked as he kissed the top of your head.
You laughed to yourself. "I think a little too much."
"See not everything I spend money on is bad." He laughed too.
"Maybe not bad but definitely naughty." you teased looking up at your fiancé with total adoration as he rinsed the shampoo of your hair.
His eyes met yours and the same feeling could be seen in his eyes as he admired you. "I love you." He whispered leaning down for a quick kiss before helping you get up from the shower floor.
You hissed in pain feeling like Bambi as you tried to steady yourself on your shaky legs but ultimately knowing Charles was holding you tightly enough to not let you fall. "I love you." You finally said back as Charles reached for a towel and wrapping around you carefully.
He lifted you up bridal style not bothering to wrap himself up in a towel. "I can't wait to marry you." He smiled as he led you to the bedroom.
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feasibilities · 6 months
Sight and Smell - Tom x Married!Reader (NSFW)
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Synopsis: Tom has feelings for you and won't let anyone stop him from telling you how he feels. Warnings: Drug Use, Infidelity, Allusions to Cuckolding, Sex as Punishment, Choking, Pining, etc. Author's Note: Readers need love too! I did some research on luxury hotels in Dublin as well (because I want a late-night rendezvous with Cillian in one of them). Also, thank you @mothhball for tagging me in the prompt that spawned this insane story. I hope you enjoy it!
The sight of your beautiful smile and the smell of your redolent perfume were mainstays of Tom’s psyche. He knew your husband, Seán, since they were kids. You came along during secondary school. He knew it was wrong to lust for any woman who wasn’t Marianne, but you were different. For the first time, he felt a deep-seated jealousy toward his friend. Knocking on the front door, Tom was finally prepared to tell you how he really felt. This party would go down in history. 
“Hey, Tom. Seán will be here soon. Won’t you come in?” You smiled sweetly. You noticed that he looked disheveled and restless. 
“Of course.” Tom replied. While you led him to the kitchen, he admired how your black dress hugged your figure. He hated that Seán got to see the treasures that lie underneath. 
“Where’s Marianne?” You inquired, going back to cleaning the champagne flutes. 
“U-um, she wasn’t feeling well so she stayed back.” Tom faltered, taking quick peeks at your cleavage. 
“Ah. Well, I hope she feels better soon. How have you been?” You asked.
“Fine.” Tom answered plainly
Walking toward him, you placed the back of your hand on his forehead. 
“Are you feeling okay, hun?” You asked innocently. 
Taking your hand away, Tom hurried to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. You heard him lock it shut shortly after. You stood there stunned before continuing to prepare for the party. 
After separating the thin white powder into lines, he gummed what was left over on his fingers. Snorting each line was like a hard reset for his body. His heart felt like it was clawing its way out of his chest. Collapsing near the bathroom sink, he trembled and cursed himself. He sat himself up in a corner and breathed deeply. The palpitations of his heart subsided. 
Hearing offbeat jazz come from the living area, Tom jumped up and gathered himself. He had to get this out of his system before guests arrived. It was now or never. 
“I need to talk to you.” Tom blurted out, watching you arrange hors d'oeuvres on multiple platters. 
“Fucking hell, Tom. You scared me half to death.” You jumped. 
“Listen, it’s very important-“ Tom started.
“Can it wait until after the party, hun?” You corrected.
“It can’t.” Tom said, growing irritated by the second. 
“Fine. What is it?” You said, exasperated. 
“I have loved you since I met you all those years ago. I think about you all the time. I hate that Seán got to you first.” Tom confessed, staring into your eyes. 
You stayed silent and stared back at him. You felt a mix of panic and curiosity. Seán would kill Tom with his bare hands if he heard this conversation. Tom’s advances made sense—especially since you felt the same way. You loved your husband with all of your heart, but you can’t say you never thought about leaving. He was away for work way too much. When he was here, he wasn’t present emotionally. Intimacy was poorer than it had ever been. You yearned for something different—rather, something electrifying. Tom was the closest you could get.
“We can’t do it here, Tom. I can meet you in a hotel after the party. Now, take these platters into the dining room. Be careful to not let anything fall.” You ordered. 
Tom’s eyes widened at your proposal. You’ve never seen him move so fast in the time that you knew him. Guests, including Seán, began to arrive. He kissed you deeply and gave you an embarrassingly hard smack on your ass. It felt like he was putting on the show of a happy couple in front of everyone. Tom was left to brood angrily as you gave him sympathetic glances throughout the party. Shortly after everyone’s departure, you got a text from Tom about your impending rendezvous.
Room 427 at The Westbury. Hope you’re still up for the challenge. 
“Challenge?” You murmured as you applied your makeup at your vanity.
“Where are you headed, love?” Seàn slurred, toying with your hair. He was too drunk to notice you flipping your phone over. 
“Out with friends. I’ll be back late.” You replied. 
“You know, I want to spend more time with you. I miss you.” He said, kissing your shoulder and starting to untie your house robe. This was another empty promise. You politely moved his hands and went back to finishing your makeup. 
“We can spend time together when I get back, Seán. I need some time to myself, ’s all.” You said. Finally getting the message, he stumbled to the bed and fell asleep.
“Fuck, right there…” You moaned as Tom thrusted into you at steady pace. You raked your nails down his back—marking your territory for the time being. He stared down at you with the same admiration earlier. He loved the way your breasts moved with each thrust. He loved the resplendent noises you made when he bottomed out. You clenched around him as your legs began to shake.  Your eyes fluttered shut before you felt his hand grab your throat. He squeezed enough to limit your blood flow. You were lightheaded, but still conscious.
“Open your fucking eyes. This is what you wanted, right?” Tom hissed, speeding up his movements. This time was much more brutal.
“Yes.” You whimpered, feeling like you were about to break in half. 
Tom kissed you harshly and watched as you fell apart. Unintelligible praises came from you as he pounded you into the plush mattress. Your walls spasmed frenetically as you came. He wanted to make sure that you thought of him every time you fucked Seán. To his own perverse wish, this was payback for not choosing the better man.  Flipping you on your stomach, Tom yanked your hips backward and started taking you from behind. He put a pillow underneath you to soften the blows, but to no avail. He was reaching depths that your husband dreamed of. You weeped quietly and 
“Would be fucking sick if Seán came in and saw me nailing his wife, eh?” Tom teased, panting in your ear. A cruel part of you got off on the thought of him listening in on you two. Maybe he would give you the attention you deserve. A faint “Mhmm” emitted from you in response. 
“Cum inside me.” You cooed, looking back at him with heavy eyes. You bit your lip and clenched around him once more. His thrusts staggered as he came with a loud groan. You sung his praises as he came down from his high. Pulling out, he saw his seed beginning to spill out of you. He caught some with his fingers and pushed it back inside.  He pumped himself mindlessly before laying next to you. His stark blue eyes studied your features. He traced his fingertips along your back. You looked back at him lovingly before drifting off to sleep. 
Grabbing your lace underwear from the floor, Tom huffed them desperately. Similar to cocaine, he felt a sense of euphoria. He took in the sweet, earthy scent as he grew hard again. He didn't want to disturb you, so he walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He finally got what he wanted. 
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oval3000 · 10 months
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Chapter 4
Yandere Teacher Nanami x Student Reader
Warning: Abuse, smut. Abduction, violence, rough play, toxic behavior, age gap, everything from all above. Mainly from his point of view...somewhat... modern au- ish idk. College teacher x student.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Soft music was playing in the background as he spread the condiments onto the fresh, crispy, bread. He felt his body feeling the rhythm of the sweet melody that was playing at the record player. He placed the rest of the ingredients, placing the finished sandwiches onto a white plate. He placed the plates on the other side of the small kitchen table that was in the corner of the room. Don't worry though, there's a dining room so you and him can have family dinner nights with your many future children. He opened the fridge and got out the glass pitcher of orange juice as well as two glass cups that were on the cupboard. He placed the cups on the side of the plate and poured the freshly squeezed orange juice into the clear, glass cups.
He went over to the living room where the record player was sitting perfectly in a cubical section of the large bookshelf that was against the wall, moving the needle off the vinyl record. He walked up the staircase, and he could hear you ruffling around on the bed. He wasn't concerned about your movements around the bed, the rope wasn't long enough for you to leave the premises. He opened the door and saw how you immediately stopped and curled yourself into a ball. He walked closer to you which made you squeamish. He took your wrist and quickly untied the rope. "please don't hurt me." Nanami didn't reply, he pulled your body off the bed to make you land on your feet.
He still had a strong grip on your arms and body that made you unable to run off. He led you to the kitchen where the kitchen table was. He sat you down on the chair and pointed at the food, "Your lunch is ready." He walked over to his seat and sat down.
You couldn't move out of your seat, not because you weren't able to, but because you were a bit too scared. To be quite fair, even if you did get up and make a run for it, he could easily catch you since your back was facing the wall. Nanami kept you caged in. You saw that he was already half done with his sandwich, taking a few sips of his juice. "Are you gonna hurt me?" He looked up at you, chewing the piece of sandwich in his mouth, still not saying anything. You gently picked up your sandwich, taking a small bite from it chewing and swallowing it quickly. "A-are you going to kill me?" He took another sip of his orange juice to wash down the food. He was about to take another bite of his lunch when he heard you say, "Why am I here?" you felt shivers going down your body with the way he stared at you. He was your teacher. Someone who helped you when you were having difficulty understanding an assignment. He was someone that you should've trusted right? Someone whom you so foolishly trusted. Now you're in a place where he keeps you tied up to a bed. You know it's only been two days since you have been here, but you know you'll soon lose track depending on how long you might be here. You don't know exactly why you are here. You kept asking him but all he replied with was "This is your new home." When you ask about your safety, he replies with "I'm not gonna hurt you." however, should you really trust someone who is keeping you captive. It still doesn't answer your questions.
Before he could take another bite he reassures you with, "If I was going to kill you then I would've done it already. Eat your lunch."
You did just that. You don't know if your teacher was a serial killer all along who is psychotic and tortures his victims. You don't know if you are ever going to see the light of day ever again. Just the thought of it made your tears start flowing. You didn't want to cry. You wanted to stay strong. Just not knowing and being kept in the dark, scares you. You covered your mouth trying to conceal the low sob you couldn't keep in. Nanami got up from his seat and went towards you. "I'm-I'm..sorry," you cried out. He kneeled down to your level placing his right hand on your back while his other hand grabbed your cheek and made you turn to him. You uncovered your mouth taking deep breaths to calm yourself.
He wiped away the tears with his thumb, "I'm not going to hurt you. That's the last thing I want to do." He leaned closer to you, "You're beautiful and perfect. You are perfect for me."
Your heart felt like it stopped. You felt like an elephant was sitting on your chest. Everything wasn't clear for you to listen to, for you to see. You felt your head feeling light. "You're gonna.....ra......rap-"
You didn't finish the sentence when you saw his head turn away in a sharp turn and heard his low scoff. "That's what you think of me?" He straightened himself up making a hard fist. "I would never do that to you. Not like that at least. I want our first time to be special. "He sat back to his seat. He sighed, rolling his eyes, "If you don't want me to hurt you then don't give me a reason. And just to let you know, escaping is one of them, not listening to me is another. Now finish your food."
You took more deep breaths before continuing to eat the sandwich he prepared for you. Once you were finished, he took you back to the bedroom and tied you up again. He fixed his tie and hair, putting on his specs. "I'm going back to work." He checked his watch and raised an eyebrow, "Might be 10 minutes late before my next class. I'll be back for dinner. What do you want so I can pick it up."
You sat there with your knees to your chest. 'What do you want?' as if it was a nothing question. 'Dinner?' the second time you spend dinner time with him. "uh....mm...pa-pasta?"
"Pasta?" He looked at you as you nodded. "Okay. Pasta it is."
He walked out of the room closing the door and that was the end of that. He doesn't tell you anything else like your friends or relatives. He still doesn't let you roam around the house freely, which wasn't shocking. So you just sat there for hours waiting for him to come home. Even though he keeps tied up, he's the only other human interaction that you get. Still not knowing what's going to happen to him. Human isolation might just drive a person crazy. You could ask for something so you wouldn't be so bored. Maybe some books, or a sketchbook, maybe he could let you watch some TV or give you some puzzle games so at least your mind is being occupied.
You aren't sure if your family is even looking for you or if anyone even noticed you have gone missing. Were they ever going to find you? Are you ever going to leave this place? Is this where you're going to live for the rest of your life? Is your teacher a complete psychopath who kills people? Are you his next victim? Or what he says is true? Is he not going to hurt you? Only time will tell for you. Of course for Nanami, he knows your fate. So, yes you're going to live here for the rest of your life. As for the rest of the questions; who knows?"
You reached over the nightstand by your side and opened the little drawer only to find nothing. You opened it before, you guess you kinda hoped that there was something there for you to do. The light bulb of the fan ceiling was shining throughout the room. The barricaded window prohibited light from going through, so you aren't sure if it's cloudy or sunny. The only thing you can tell time is the clock on top of the dresser and Nanami's work schedule. You know Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, he has four classes, and on Wednesday, and Thursday, he would only have three classes to teach. On the days he would have four classes, his first class would start at 8:00 am. His second one was in fact the 10:00 am class, the same class you were in. His third class would be at 1:00pm and his last class would be at 5:00pm. He would come home at 6:30. The days he would have three classes, his first class would also start at 8:00am. His second class would start at 10:30 am. His last class would start at 2:00pm. However, he would come home at 5:00pm due to him staying a bit late so he could help students who might need help. He has mentioned to you that he might just come home after his last class since no one comes in so you don't have to be alone all day.
He also mentioned how he will change his class time the next semester so he could come home early to you. Nanami being the only person that you could listen to and talk to makes him the only source of entertainment for you, so knowing all this makes sense for you.
You lay down on the bed closed your eyes, covering your face with the blanket to shield you from the bright light. You didn't know how long you'd been asleep, but it was long enough that you heard the door open and close.
You could hear his footsteps you could hear that he had come home already. He opened the door and went to untie you. He. once again, lifted you up by grabbing the side of your arms and pulling you off the bed. He pretty much dragged you to the kitchen, either way, it's not like you have any freedom to move wherever you feel like it. He sat you back down on the chair from the square, light brown, kitchen table. He moved the bowl, that had pasta, closer to you. He went over to grab two clear, glass cups and poured ice and cold water. He gave you the black plastic fork that came with the food while he had the silverware.
You didn't ask any more questions. You didn't hesitate to eat the food. You simply sat there and had dinner with your teacher; with the person who is keeping you captive in a nice, cozy home.
He poured himself some wine into his wine glass, taking a sip. "I missed you today. During class when you weren't there" That's right, it's Friday, you were supposed to be in his class today. You were supposed to be in school today before lunch. 'If it was high school, would it notify anyone that you weren't there' you thought. "But then I realized that I have you here, so really I get excited to come here." He took a bite from his food, swallowing it. "I'll eventually have family pictures of us on my desk or wallet so I can stare at them. You know and have a family portrait of us and our kids."
kids? He wants to have kids with you. You placed your hand on your tummy, trying to really process what had said. You never thought about having kids, you're too young. You still have a life to accomplish, having kids was not on your mind. He wants to have kids with you. That changes everything. Does he want kids now? You'll have to go through painful childbirth. You'll have to put your body through something that you hear horror stories about from other women who experienced it.
"Of course, we'll have kids when you're ready. When we're ready. I don't want to have kids now when my schedule isn't exactly consistent, but once I change that then we can try. Once you're ready then we can try to have multiple children." He continued eating his food so nonchalantly. " I want to have four kids in total. I always wanted a sibling growing up and I think it'll be nice for our kids to have siblings as well. I won't rush you to give birth to all four quickly. Childbirth can be hard especially for someone to recover." He picked up the last few pieces of pasta with his fork, " finish your food so I can give you a bath."
Bath? you're gonna be naked and he's going to bathe you. You finished your last bite, drinking the cold water. He's going to give you a bath? Is he going to ask you to strip? Or is he going to strip you himself? He did say that he won't force anything on you, so you shouldn't have to worry right?
He got up and dragged you back to the bedroom upstairs. He shut the door and went to the bathroom while he held your wrists together. He towards the tub and turned it on. You felt your heart rate going up. You felt nervous. "I can bathe myself." you huffed out.
He looked back at you, "I know you can." He checked the temp of the water, letting the water fill up the bathtub. He stood in front of you holding to your waist, keeping you still for a moment. He reached over and started to pull down your shorts. You felt the shorts falling and landing on your feet. Your eyes widened and your breath began to be uncontrollable. He reached to the bottom of your top and started to pull them up, but you quickly crossed your arms making him stop. "I can do it myself. I can bathe myself." He stopped and then released your top from his fingertips. He moved to the side walking to be behind you. You felt his chest on your back, "Please I can do it. I'll feel a lot better if I do it. Please, Nanami."
"Say 'Kento'" He whispered in your ear. It sent a shiver down your spine.
"Kento." You said back to him.
"From now on call me Kento. It's my first name." He said, taking a few steps back. He leaned back on the bathroom door. "Now strip."
"I don't need someone to watch me." You turned your head to look at him as he crossed his arms staring back at you.
"No, sweetheart. You can bathe yourself, but I'm not leaving you alone. So either strip and bathe yourself while I stand here and watch or I go and do it myself."
You turned your head back around and started to lift your top off. You went down and pulled your panties off. The thought of how he can see your bare ass made you feel weird. You went on and unhooked your bra. You let the bra strands fall down from your shoulders. You quickly slid in your one hand over your breast to cover them. You were completely naked in front of Nanami. He could feel his crotch area getting tight and hard. This was torture for him. It was torture for you. You carefully took a step inside the tub with lukewarm water, getting more comfortable. You eventually sat down in the middle of the bathtub. Your back still turned to him. Even though you barely had any room to move around, you tried your best not to turn around. Nanami's eyes wandered else in the bathroom to calm his area down. You quickly washed your hair with the nice scented shampoo and washed your body with the body wash cloth.
When all the soap left your body you knew it was time to get out. "I'm done, Kento."
Nanami turned his gaze back to you. He pulled the towel from the hook that was installed on the bathroom wall. He walked up to you with the towel extended to his arm's length." Get up."
When you stood up, you felt his arm embrace around you covering you with the soft, dry towel. You got out of the tub, feeling the towel land on your wet legs. He dragged you back to the room where he pointed to the folded clothes that were resting on top of the little stool in front of the armrest chair, "Change into your pajamas." You felt his grip letting go. You quickly dried yourself with the towel he gave you before putting on the set of pajamas and undergarments. When you finished you finally turned to him and faced him. He moved to the side to reveal the white vanity. " There is a hair blow dryer for you to use." You sat down on the chair that matched the vanity and grabbed the blowdryer that was being plugged in by Nanami. Mist while you were drying your hair, you could hear Nanami's belt buckle drop on the floor. You knew that he was stripping behind you. He removed his tie and started to unbutton his blue dress shirt. You looked at the mirror in front of you and saw Nanami exposed. You saw all of his muscles clearly. You already knew that he was fit so seeing his muscles was something else. He went and put on some grey sweatpants and waited for you to finish drying your hair.
When you finished, you got up from the chair as Nanami took your hand and placed you back on the bed. He tied your hands and pulled the blankets over you and him. You lay on your side as you felt his arm wrapping around your torso, pulling you closer to him.
You could tell that he had already fallen asleep. It took a while for you to do so as well. Your mind kept wondering about all those questions you had.
Are you ever leaving here?
His strong hand kept you in tight.
Is this your new life?
His chin rested on top of your head.
Did you regret walking to his class that day?
You could hear his light snores.
You're never leaving.
This is your new life.
Just accept it already.
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sinkovia · 7 months
Black Market: III
Hitman Simon Riley x Doctor Fem!Reader
In desperate need of money to clear a million-dollar debt, you accept Simon's offer to become his personal doctor, earning twenty percent of each contract he completes. But as you plunge back into the black market, ghosts from your past emerge, threatening to unravel everything you've worked so hard to run away from.
Mention of sexual assault, mention of Simon Riley's canon backstory, light angst.
Masterlist - Black Market Masterlist
A few weeks passed and with thousands of dollars now sitting in your bank account, you began to reassess the deal you had made with Simon, realizing that it wasn't as terrible as you had initially thought. Slowly, you found yourself lowering your defenses and growing more at ease in his presence and the space around you.
Simon respected your wish to not accompany him on contracts, so you found yourself reluctantly harvesting organs from someone he had killed just minutes ago. It was a grim task, but you saw it as the least you could do for him being so cooperative with your demands.
As you worked, Simon leaned against the counter, watching you tear apart the insides of the man and carefully placing his organs into iced containers. "Thought you wanted to save lives? Here you are tearing into a man I only killed minutes ago," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips. You rolled your eyes at his comment.
"You offered me twenty thousand knowing I'm in desperate need of money. You're a sick man, Simon," you retorted, continuing your work without missing a beat. Simon simply smiled, crossing his muscular arms over his chest.
He looked at the dead man split in half on the table and then to you, marveling at your focused precision and fast hands as you expertly took him apart.
"You think you could've brought him back?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. You smiled as you took out the last part, carefully placing his heart in the ice chest and sealing the container shut. Then, you turned to Simon, your smile lingering.
"I know I could have," you replied confidently. "But he would have been brain dead."
With that, you took off your gloves and sighed before heading up the steps to your bedroom for a much-needed shower. Simon remained in the basement, his mind swirling with questions about you. He had never cared for anyone before; his life had revolved around accepting contracts and killing people for money. 
No socializing, no interests, no curiosity for other people. But you were different. There was something about you that intrigued him, something that made him want to peel back the layers and uncover your past.
Simon formed a plan in his head to extract any sliver of information from you that would allow him to delve into your history. He needed to know what made you such a skilled doctor at such a young age, considering that medical school takes years of study and experience to achieve the level of proficiency you display. 
You were lying in bed, engrossed in the book that Simon had so graciously bought for you when the savory aroma of garlic and herbs wafted into the room.
Your stomach grumbled in response, prompting you to abandon your reading and make your way to the kitchen. Simon looked up as he set two plates down on the dining table.
"Made you dinner to make up for earlier,"
You raised a skeptical eyebrow as you surveyed the meal before you, but your doubts vanished the moment you took the first bite. "Holy shit, I didn't think you knew how to cook like this," genuine surprise evident in your tone.
A smile tugged at Simon's lips at your reaction. "Wanted to be a cook when I was younger," he admitted casually.
Which hadn’t been a lie, when he was younger he dreamed of opening his own restaurant.
Your eyebrows raised at his revelation. You hadn't expected him to be so open about himself. Relaxing into your chair, you took a sip of wine before sharing a bit of your own past. "I wanted to be a florist."
Simon's interest was piqued, finally getting a glimpse into your backstory. "Florist to surgeon? Pretty different occupations," he remarked, taking a sip of his own wine.
You laughed as you finished your glass and reached for the bottle to pour yourself more. "From a cook to a hitman?" you teased lightly.
Simon grinned in response. "Fair enough.”
Curious about what had steered him away from his childhood dream, you prodded gently, "What steered you away?"
Simon's expression shifted briefly, a flicker of memories passing through his eyes as he glanced down at his plate. "Different circumstances,"
Reflecting on your own past, you nodded in understanding. "Yeah, me too," you murmured, the weight of shared experiences hanging in the air between you.
As the evening wore on and a few more glasses of wine were shared between you and Simon, you found yourself loosening up. Eventually, you began to vent about your past jobs, particularly about a hospital where the nurses were brain dead fucks. You launched into a rant about all of them, each one seemingly worse than the last.
Simon listened intently, his grin widening as he realized the wealth of information you were unwittingly providing him. With each complaint, he mentally cataloged the names and details, knowing that he now had enough clues to get a glimpse into your past.
That night as you slept upstairs, Simon delved into the depths of the internet, scouring through various websites until he stumbled upon a list of old employers associated with your previous job. It didn't take long for him to piece together the missing parts of your identity, and soon enough, he discovered your last name.
Simon navigated through the dark web, his fingers typing in your name with a mixture of curiosity. What he found made his stomach clench.
Before him lay a website, one he was all too familiar with, an organization specializing in sex work. As he scrolled through, he saw old listings featuring you, offering your services for hire. He glanced away when he clicked on a link and saw pictures of you dressed in scant clothing, your eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and fear.
You were only a teenager, no older than seventeen.
His eyes read over an old listing offering a hefty reward for anyone who could locate and return you to them. 
It didn't even cross his mind to entertain the idea of betraying you. In his eyes, you were worth infinitely more than any sum of money or reward. As he sat there, reflecting on your past and the horrors you endured, he couldn't fathom the thought of dragging you back into that nightmarish world.
Your value to him went beyond any material gain, your skill as a doctor made you irreplaceable. And as someone who understood the pain of being used, he couldn't bear the thought of subjecting you to that kind of life again.
With a heavy sigh, he leaned back in his chair, everything suddenly made sense, your reluctance to work for him, your aversion to joining him on contracts.
He hadn't expected you to be remotely tied to the black market, let alone be a victim of it. He had unknowingly brought you back to a world you were desperately trying to escape.
You find yourself unable to sleep, plagued by a throbbing headache that refuses to go away. Desperate for relief, you make your way down to the basement in search of Advil, hoping it will alleviate the pounding in your head. As you reach the last step of the basement you see simon at his desk with his back turned toward you.
Your eyes glance at the computer screen and your heart plummets.
Images of your younger self, captured and exploited, sold into a life of servitude and suffering. The shock of seeing your own face reflected back at you in such a vulnerable state leaves you reeling, the pain in your head momentarily forgotten in the wake of this unwelcome intrusion into your past.
"Happy with what you found?" The words escaped your lips before you could stop them, your voice tinged with bitterness. Simon's startled expression told you he hadn't anticipated your arrival, his eyes wide with a mix of surprise and guilt.
"Just wanted to know who you were… wanted to know why you didn’t want to work for me," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of remorse.
You couldn't tear your gaze away from the screen, the images of your younger self serving as a painful reminder of the horrors you endured.
"Sometimes people want their lives and past to be private," you murmured, your words heavy with the weight of years of suffering and trauma.
Simon knew that feeling better than anyone.
"I'm sorry," Simon offered, his apology hanging in the air like a fragile thread.
"No, you're not," you muttered bitterly, turning away and ascending the steps. As you disappeared from view, he sighed heavily, sinking back into his chair.
“Fuckin hell.”
The next morning, you found Simon waiting for you with breakfast prepared, a silent acknowledgment of his attempt to bridge the gap between you. Awkwardly, you took your seat at the table, the tension between you thick as you both ate in silence. The weight of his invasion of your privacy hung heavily in the air.
But then, as if unable to bear the tension any longer, Simon spoke up, his voice carrying the weight of his own past.
"The reason I didn't pursue my dream as a kid was because I enlisted in the military… my captain sold me out and I was captured, tortured, and used... anything to break my will and force me into blind obedience to their commands."
"I escaped," he continued, "After being buried alive and digging my way out with the jaw of the rotting corpse I was buried with. I made it home, went to therapy, and fixed my family troubles."
As he spoke, you could feel the weight of his trauma, the scars etched into his very being. "My teammates were also captured, but they were brainwashed. When I returned home one night, I found my family dead, my former team being responsible for their deaths. I hunted them down with the help of the black market and killed them. Since then, I've remained in this line of work.."
You sat there in stunned silence, his words sinking in like heavy stones in a pond. Simon continued to eat as if what he had just revealed was just another fact of life.
In that moment, you realized he already knew so much about your past; perhaps it was time to lay it all bare. With a heavy heart, you met his gaze, finding a shared understanding in the depths of his eyes.
“I was seventeen when a few men broke into my house one night, dragged me and my parents into the living room, and made me watch as they tortured my dad and had their way with my mom before killing the both of them.”
Your focus shifted to the small droplets of water falling against the side of your cup, each one mirroring the weight of the memories you carried.
“I was sold around before I made my way to the organization you were looking at last night. There was a group of us, we were sold to different men for our services.” The room fell silent as you paused, your gaze dropping to your lap for a few moments.
Simon, ever perceptive, sensed your discomfort in revisiting those painful moments from your past. “You don't have to talk about it, love,” he said gently, his voice carrying an understanding tone. “I understand—”
“A lot of the girls were rebellious, so they would get taught lessons,” you cut him off, your voice carrying the weight of each painful memory.
“That's where I learned how to patch up the girls with very little supplies. The man in charge noticed, so he made me start patching up the men who worked for him.” You picked at the skin around your nails as you furrowed your brows. Simon’s gaze never left you, his eyes bouncing over your facial expressions.
“Their injuries weren’t just simple scratches and cuts. They would get stabbed, or shot, and when I failed to save one of them, he made me watch as he tortured one of the girls, killing her slowly as my punishment… It happened two more times after that. I wasn't a fucking surgeon, I didn't know what I was doing.” you recounted, your now fingers picking at the hem of the place mat, the memories still haunting you.
“My lack of skill resulted in the deaths of three girls. I spent five years there, playing doctor for him when he needed it and earning him money with my services. During one of my transports for a service, the car was attacked by one of their rivals, which allowed me to escape. Now I'm here.”
The weight of those years is heavy in your voice. The barriers between you seemed to dissolve, replaced by a shared understanding of the pain and suffering you both carried within you.
"I became skilled out of necessity; failure meant the death of innocent girls."
You took a deep breath before locking eyes with him. “I'm sorry about what happened to you and your family. You didn't deserve that."
You paused for a second before continuing, "I wish you never enlisted.” His brows furrowed as he studied your expression. “Why?”
“Because you’d be working at some restaurant, and I would have never met you or been dragged back into this business.” Simon exhaled deeply, leaning back in his chair.
“You're safe here. We're nowhere near Russia, and if someone tried to fulfill the contract, I’d be here to protect you.” You furrowed your brows, your voice tinged with confusion. “What contract?”
“There’s an eight hundred thousand dollar contract open to whoever can deliver you back to Finn.” Your expression twisted with disgust at the mention of his name, recalling the fear he instilled in you for years.
“When was the contract posted?” Simon shook his head. “Years ago.” You nodded slowly as you picked at your food with your fork.
“I'm sorry, for digging into your past and dragging you back into this, you didn’t deserve that. If you want to leave you can.”  You smiled and scoffed, “And pass up a free bodyguard, free five-star meals, and easy money? Yeah right.” Simon laughed and you smiled.
“Resourceful girl.”
“What can I say.” 
You finished off your breakfast with a comfortable silence and some light back and forth about a new contract Simon was thinking about accepting. Simon picked up both plates and rinsed them off before putting them in the dishwasher.
“A colleague of mine is coming in two weeks or so, he’s going to help me with a contract.” 
You hummed and nodded your head, “Where is he going to stay?”
Simon grabbed a bowl of fruit out of the fridge and started picking at it. “He’s staying here.” You furrowed your brows and leaned against the counter next to Simon, your arm grazing his slightly as you reached for a strawberry in the bowl.
He watched as you brought the plump strawberry to your lips, looking away before you glanced back up at him. “What’s he like?”
“Don’t worry, you're safe around him, he is Scottish though.” You lifted your brow as you looked up at him, “Is being Scottish bad?”
“Bastard will talk your ear off.” 
Black market tag list: @shinchanboi @talooolaaloolla @lieutenantlashfaz @neothewitch @birdienotting @jupiternighties @samiiii333 @silverianni @elowynnlane @lotionlamp @ssc7514 @iloveloveeducks @rejectedbytheempty
If you want to be added or removed from the main tag list or the Black market tag list just lmk!
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Where they like to do it?
description: basically locations where the diaboys would have sex with their lover/gf.
note** Obviously the bed is a common spot so I won't mention it for all.
hi all, I thought this would be really fun to talk about. I came up with it a week ago in my bed, laying down out of pure boredom, and decided to work on it today. So just a gift to you all with me being busy consistently.
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Requests are open
slight nsfw
on the living room sofa
and if his brothers walk in its a plus for him
he's too lazy to move
Another common place is his room either on the bed or the floor.
music room
Mausoleum bc if he's there and you're there, he's too lazy to move
plus there are plenty of benches to sit on there and with the cold stone hitting your skin he can see your reaction.
(That one episode in season one of DL, we see Shu in a Mausoleum in which he is greeted by Yui. Since it's one of the places he goes to outside of the mansion, it's possible he'd have sex there if he happened to find himself there)
Normally his bed
but if you push him or its a full moon, its his lab
And if he gets really bold he'll leave the door slightly open
Just so if his brothers walk by they can hear and slightly witness his dearest underneath him.
Other times it's against his bookshelf
Or on his work desk/lab bench
Bathtub--he will casually walk in on you having a warm bath and from helping you clean to fingering you and then it goes further than that.
And then very rarely the shower.
dining room after all his brothers have left for the 'monthly dinner party' that they have and you are left to help clean up, he can't keep to himself because of your nice dress and appearance.
Church, it was wrong😭
school--the locker room
Piano and piano bench and just the music room in the mansion itself.
By the fireplace
the school rooftop
his room usually on the bed with the millions of pillows he has to support his princess's body
out by a lake with moonlight (canon) so on the grass
outside of his room in the hall (wall sex)
And if his brothers see him, he absolutely loves it.
the balcony against the railing or on the wall (not in a way that you'd fall, he's too careful)
the rose garden
graveyard (mostly does this with a bride)
scheduled room in school
his doll room (with a bride only)
he's an almost anywhere kind of guy, but unlike Laito he has some limits.
the pool area in the mansion
school locker room and empty classroom
the gym matt
his closet
in one of the dungeon cells (with a bride only)
in a subaru, kill me
the rose garden up against the wall of the mansion.
his coffin
the shower
no bed, unless its yours
he's pretty private about this since he won't want his brothers to watch
but if he's certain no one is around he will do it somewhere at school
his gaming room... where ever that may be...
this guy probably lives under a bridge
locker room
closet, anywhere sneaky tbh
really similar to Ayato because they have the same places it's not surprising if they have run into each other.
the red room ;)
against the bookshelf
the school library
in front of the mirror
bathroom counter/mirror
by the dresser in your bedroom, or behind the dividers used when you are changing into clothes.
limo, when none of his brothers are there or if you're leaving school early
your parent's house, if he was over and meeting them and felt needy with you around.
his garden
the shed!
up against a tree
grass fields
on a boat, if there is a lake nearby the mansion he has a small boat there and you can best bet you two have done it there a few times
especially when his brothers have been bothering him all day every time you two have tried to have some intimacy for the day
kitchen tiles
or by the window in his room, hardly ever on the bed--he's too adventurous.
he'd even do it on the staircase if it was possible
and if Kou walks in on it, it's a plus.
"Yeah, he can't do what I do." He'd boast.
the floor of his room
the car/limo
school rooftop
if you're with him at work it's backstage or the dressing room
he's simple and he doesn't do it just anywhere
bed, because he believes it's the proper way to create children.
plus he's very traditional given how old he is, lol.
although he sometimes bends the rules
a secluded area at school like somewhere that is empty
a secret room in his castle
the bathtub/shower when he really can't wait.
behind the dividers used when you are changing into clothes.
like his older brother, Shin usually does on the bed because he believes it's the most effective and proper way for you to conceive.
Even if it's not your main goal it's what he always reminds you about because he's old-fashioned.
but so are the rest of these mfs
the mirror, his mirror
up against a tree
the forest
by or in a lake
in the rain
your room (he likes it more than his) on the floor
supply closet at school (canon, he was going to do it there)
the bathtub, if he finds himself around and he's really needy.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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funnylittlelad · 2 years
Trailer Park Blues - Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader
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summary: You don't think much when you start letting Hellfire use your trailer for their meetings. Dustin asked and you caved, as per usual. What you weren't expecting was the rollercoaster ride that becomes your relationship with your little brother's best friend, Eddie Munson.
wordcount: 15.8k
tags/notes: SMUT (MDNI), gn!reader (nonbinary coded if you squint), reader is Dustin's older sibling, name-calling, degradation, hate fucking i'm ngl it's hate fucking, unprotected sex, power play, mentions of bad past relationships, queer eddie munson, talks about dead parents being dead
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You might kill Dustin. The windows of your trailer are illuminated. He told you they’d all be gone by the time you got home from work. As you get closer to the door and hear the excited shouts you know that they’re all still here. You’re tired, you smell, and the last thing you want to do is look at a bunch of high schoolers playing some table top bullshit. 
“Dustin,” you shout as you swing the front door open.
 Everyone at the dining table jumps and snaps to look at you. When you enter your trailer you’re immediately met with a view of the living room to your right and the small kitchen to your left. Your table is in the middle, creating a makeshift dining area turned D&D area. 
The normal crew is there, Mike, Lucas, and Will. There are some new, and semi-new faces. The semi-new face is one you’ve seen, but never spoken to. Eddie Munson, four trailers down, and originally part of your graduating class. 
“Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of us!” Dustin exclaims, holding his heaving chest.
“You’re not supposed to be here for me to scare the shit out of,” you remind him, the annoyance evident. 
“I know, I’m sorry. We’re almost done, I promise. Can we please just finish?” he pleads with big eyes and a quivering lip. 
This fucking kid knows he has everyone in his life around his damn finger. You’d like to smack him.
“Fine, but you’re explaining to mom why you're not home yet,” you point at him as you speak. 
His face breaks into a smile. 
“You’re the best!”
“Call, now,” you order.
 When Dustin goes to the phone on the wall next to your fridge, you exit to the short hall. The company isn't going to stop you from showering. Eddie is frozen. His eyes follow you as you leave the room, mouth parted slightly. You barged in a little angry and it knocked him through a loop. His poor little bisexual heart felt ready to explode. You must get more shit than he does looking like that. Doesn't matter that you’re stunning, being the picture of androgyny in Hawkins can't be easy. He wants so badly to examine that picture up close and in detail. Dustin was right about one thing. Jesus Christ.
When the kid told Eddie they could use his sibling’s trailer Eddie was surprised to find he lived so close to a Henderson without realizing. Now, he really can't believe it. 
“Okay, let’s finish before I get my ass kicked,” Dustin says as he comes back to the table. 
Eddie snaps out of the trance he fell into.
“Uh-we can call it here,” Eddie says, sounding far away.
 The rest of the table balks at him.
“You’re calling the campaign early?” Dustin questions.
“When I asked if we could cut last week's campaign short you said you would strangle me with your bare hands,” Mike adds in disbelief. 
“We’re in the middle of a fight,” Will protests. 
The rest of the table starts voicing their own arguments creating a cacophony of disgruntled nerds. 
“Okay, okay,” Eddie gets loud to quiet down the table, “Dustin’s next in initiative.” 
The boys cheer triumphantly causing Eddie to smile. If his eyes keep darting to where you disappeared down the hall… Well, that’s his business. Your trailer is close to his in layout, but it’s much more well-kempt and put together. Makes sense since you live here alone and two grown men live in Eddie’s. 
When you reappear, toweling off your hair, they’re wrapping up. Your sweatpants that sit just below your belly button and short cropped shirt don't go unnoticed by Eddie. His eyes glide over your midriff and the soft dark hair that it's home to. It seems no matter what you’re in you remain more androgynous than Boy George.
 A trait that absolutely entices the queer disaster that is Eddie Munson. Dustin only ever uses sibling to talk about you. He doesn't use any language that would give any more away than your appearance does. It doesn't matter anyways, Eddie is infatuated regardless. Maybe even partially because of. 
The boys all throw you a goodbye as they exit until only Dustin and Eddie are left. Dustin is cleaning up any dishes or garbage left behind while Eddie packs up all the D&D materials. You didn't realize how much goes into this table top bullshit. Eddie has books, binders, and notebooks worth of information and ideas. There's stats and prices of various items on the screen he puts up so no one can peek at his notes. Then there's the velvet drawstring bag of different shaped dice. Shapes you’ve never even seen dice come in before. 
“How long were you guys playing for?” you ask the two of them from where you lean against the counter. 
You don't know what time they got started, just that they were supposed to be gone when you got home.
“Six hours,” Dustin says sheepishly.
“Six hours?” 
“It took longer than expected,” he shrugs with an apologetic smile.
You chuckle and shake your head. Your eyes flicker over to Eddie, catching him staring at you with wide dark eyes. Once your gaze meets his he looks down and hurries to finish packing up. You choose to disregard it. Eddie Munson can eat dirt if he thinks he's in any position to judge you. If only you knew he wasn't judging you, he was admiring you.
“It’s getting late. Do you want to just spend the night? I don't like the idea of you biking home when it's this dark out,” you say to Dustin softly. 
You don't have a car of your own to drive him. Since everything that happened with Will… Yeah, he’s definitely not biking home alone at night. 
“I can bring him,” Eddie offers as he zips up his bag.
“You can bring him?” You question thinking about the death trap of a van you’ve seen him drive. 
Somehow, that feels even worse. 
“Yeah, I can bring him,” he repeats and finally meets your eyes again.
 He sees the distrust, the anxiety. It hits him in the gut. 
“That’s okay, he can just spend the night,” you refuse him politely. 
“How d’you think he got here in the first place?” Eddie asks with raised eyebrows and an amused smile.
 Your nostrils flare a little at the smugness.
“Then I should consider myself lucky he’s still in one piece,” you shoot back. 
Eddie dramatically grabs his stomach and doubles over with a grunt as if he has just been punched.
“You hurt me, Henderson,” he huffs as he looks up at you from his bent state. 
A smile grows on his face when he sees you fighting off your own. 
“Hello, I’m right here, y’know,” Dustin looks between the two of you exasperatedly, “I can go with Eddie.”
“I can go with Eddie,” he cuts you off to repeat himself. 
You exhale sharply through your nose. The two of you glare at each other for a moment. You still lean against the counter while Dustin stands beside the table. Eddie watches from where he stands on the opposite side of the table. Then your smoldering gaze turns to Eddie, stopping his breathing.
“Do the speed limit,” your voice is even, but so stern that all Eddie can do is nod. 
He swallows the lump that forms in his throat as a result.
“Cross my heart,” he uses his pointer finger to draw an X over his heart. 
Dustin hugs you goodbye. You make him promise to call tomorrow. Eddie gives you one last wide eyed look, a small smile plays on his lips. Then you’re finally alone. You love having Dustin over, but you’re also glad to have peace and quiet. 
You moved out a few short months after graduation. Your overbearing mother proved too much to continue living with. Dustin was pissed at first. He came around when he realized it meant having a space to escape to and be himself. Something you're more than happy to provide for him. 
He was thrilled to learn that Eddie lives only four trailers away from you. When Dustin asked if Hellfire could meet at your place to continue a campaign they had started you agreed for this one time. Even when you said it, you had a feeling Dustin will end up begging for 
more and you’ll end up caving. The kid really does have everyone wrapped around his finger. Eddie included it seems.
“So, are they always so…,” Eddie struggles to finish his question as he drives through Hawkins. 
Hot, breathtaking, pulse pounding, awestriking. He can't really say any of that to Dustin. 
“Protective?” Dustin offers.
“Protective works,” Eddie nods. 
Not exactly what he was thinking, but that applies too.
“Pretty much.” 
“How long have they lived in Forest Hills?” He tries to keep his tone casual, but ends up sounding just a little too interested. 
He can feel Dustin’s eyes burning into the side of his head. 
“Year and a half,” Dustin answers.
“So they're… nineteen?”
Eddie glances over at Dustin. He looks one part irritated and two parts suspicious. Eddie adjusts his grip on the steering wheel. 
“Wait, we were in the same grade?” Eddie asks, surprised.
“You were supposed to be,” Dustin ribs. 
“You wanna walk from here, Henderson?”
“You wanna get murdered?” 
Eddie shoots him a glare knowing he’s right. His threat is hollow with you around. If you found out he let Dustin walk halfway home he’s sure he wouldn't see morning. 
“Why are you asking?” Dustin inquired after a moment of silence. Eddie shrugs.
“Just curious.”
“Uh-huh,” Dustin sounds entirely unconvinced.
“Whatever,” Eddie mutters to himself. He pushes you out of his mind and focuses on driving. 
He can feel Dustin’s occasional glances. The younger Henderson has clocked his strange demeanor, he knows it. It’s not hard. He isn't as goofy or teasing. He’s more lost in thought than he'd like. He just doesn't know how he's never noticed you before. How has he never noticed the one person in Hawkins that seems to tick every single fucking box he could possibly have? 
The next time Eddie sees you it’s raining. The weather is only noteable because he sees you walking home with no umbrella. He catches you as you make it under the awning of the movie theater. It gives you temporary shelter from the pounding of the rain. Eddie pulls over to the curb in front of you. He had been going to the store to grab some munchies, but that’s something he can do later. 
You eye his van curiously. He doesn’t bother with his hazards. Cars go around him without issue. He leans over and cranks the window down.
“You need a ride?” he calls out.
“I’m good, thanks,” you call back.
“Seriously? You’ll catch your death walking all the way to Forest Hills in this. Just get in.”
You sigh, but do as he says. It's not like you want to walk in the rain. Keeping a distance from Eddie just felt like the right thing to do. He gives you a feeling in your gut you can't quite place. He always has. Is it possible to admire someone and not like them?
“Thanks,” you say as you close the door. 
You’re shivering as you drip on his seat.
“Yeah, no problem,” Eddie says as he blasts the heat. 
His typically loud music is soft as he drives. Something you appreciate. Work was a headache. Having to walk home in the rain was a pain in the ass. A pain in the ass Eddie has luckily saved you from.
“Where d’you work, anyways?” he asks after a few minutes.
“I’m a manager over at the general store.”
“Shit, really? I steal-I mean I-uh go there all the time,” Eddie doesn’t course correct quite fast enough. 
To his surprise, you laugh. It’s a nice sound. Calming like the rain is when you aren't stranded in it.
“I’ll remember that next time I see you in there.”
There’s a comfortable silence after that. Eddie is actually a better driver than you assumed. It makes you feel a little better about Dustin driving around with him. You don't even notice you've stopped shivering. The van is warming you up, but you’re still soaked. 
“Sorry about your seats, by the way,” you say.
“Eh, it’s just some water. These seats have seen worse,” he shrugs.
You grimace in disgust.
“Like what?” 
Eddie lets out a hearty laugh.
“Probably better you don’t know.”
“Jesus, you’re nasty, Munson,” your laughter betrays you. 
“Oh, you have no idea, Henderson.”
Another round of comfortable silence as Forest Hills comes into view. You expect Eddie to park at his trailer. You don't mind walking the short distance to your own. Instead he pulls right up to your door. 
“Seriously thank you, Eddie,” you give him a smile.
“Don’t worry about it. If- y'know, if you need a ride again you can give me a call.”
“Sounds like you’re just looking for an excuse to give me your phone number,” you tease.
Eddie chuckles.
“Two birds, one stone,” he smiles.
“You’ll need to try harder than that, Munson. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” You flash him a smile and then you’re gone.
Only the wet imprint of your ass lets him know you were ever really there in the first place.
“Please,” Dustin pleads over the phone. You sigh.
“Dustin, it’s my day off. I don't want to sit here and listen to you guys for six hours,” you tell him.
“We’ll only be an hour, two tops.”
“I can stay over after and we can hang out. We’ll watch E.T.,” he sweetens the pot. 
He knows that's your favorite movie and he knows you’re a sucker for quality time with him. Little asshole.
“Fine, but you only get two hours before I kick everyone out.”
“Two and a half.”
“Thank you, you're the best, bye!” he hangs up before you have a chance to change your mind. You chuckle and shake your head.
Two and a half hours stuck in your room isn't too bad. Besides, you’re not really stuck. You just don't want to get in the way, or listen on in utter confusion. You know a little about D&D from Dustin talking about it, but not enough to follow. Sure you’ll pop out to grab a drink, maybe something to eat, but overall you intend to stay removed. 
Part of you wants to stay away from Eddie. You know he’ll just start flirting and you'll be too weak to stop it. Too weak to resist giving it right back to him. It shouldn't surprise you when Eddie is the first to show an hour later, but it does. He gives a quick rhythmic knock on your door. 
“I'm surprised you made it so early. I know the commute is killer,” you quip when you see him standing outside the screen door. 
With a grin, Eddie braces his lower back beneath his old bookbag and leans into his hands a bit to dramatize discomfort.
“Yeah, my back is killing me from the long drive over,” he makes a face as he jokes to drive it home. 
You chuckle and push the screen door open to let him in.
“Dustin isn't here yet,” you tell him as he enters.
 He pauses just inside the doorway leaving him so close to you his body heat reaches the skin of your arms.
“I can come back,” he says and begins to turn.
“No, it's alright. He should be here soon. I’m assuming you need to get set up or something?” you tilt your head toward the cleared off dining table. He nods and you hold your arm out to tell him he’s welcome to continue inside. 
You watch him make his way to the table. Something about the way he’s joking back with you makes you wonder if you had things wrong. Maybe he wasn't flirting in the van the other day. Maybe it was just friendly banter. 
“Thanks for letting us play here. We usually use the drama room, but they’ve needed it more with that stupid musical coming up,” Eddie says as he opens his bag and begins to pull things out.
“Let me guess, Grease?” you shut the door and find your place on the couch.
 Eddie glances at you with an amused smirk.
“Sure is.”
“Figures. Thank God Dustin isn't a theater kid. I don't think I could sit through that every year,” you chuckle.
 Eddie’s smile is curious, maybe even a bit nervous. You're watching him and it makes his movements just a little less sure. 
“Instead you get a bunch'a freaks playing D&D at your table.”
“You calling my brother a freak, Munson?” There’s an edge to your words. 
Eddie’s eyes get wide.
“Uh- no, I-”
“I’m just kidding, calm down,” you laugh, “it’s okay, he is a freak. Besides, I don't think you’d ever be mean to Dustin.”
“Why’s that?”
“He worships the ground you walk on. If you were ever mean to him your uncle would need to pull dental records to identify you,” you say it light heartedly with a smile.
 Your voice and expression don't match the vicious threat. Eddie’s heart thumps hard as he spreads out the battle map.
“You’re a little scary, y’know that?”
“How else am I supposed to keep you in line?” 
Heat crawls up Eddie’s neck. His throat dries and he clumsily knocks into his DM screen. It clatters flat onto the table. You watch on in amusement as he fumbles with it. He’s flustered. A fact that goes straight to your ego. Eddie is Dustin’s friend so you had no plans to actually be mean or rude to him. Admittedly, your brother is pretty good at picking people. Even if others don't see what he does in those people. 
Is flustering Eddie by accident mean or rude? Is continuing to do it because you like that you can? 
“How is it I’ve never seen you around before?” Eddie asks once the DM screen is back up the way he wants it. 
“You have, you just never noticed,” you shrug.
“Trust me, I would have noticed you,” he glances at you as he says it. 
When he sees your attention is already on him, he quickly moves on to digging out the miniatures he brought. 
“Trust me, you wouldn't have. I haven't always been this comfortable dressing and existing how I want. Not everyone can be Eddie Munson,” you give him a small smile.
“What's that supposed to mean?” he pauses setting up to look at you. 
He half expects insults to start being hurled at him.
“You’ve always been yourself. Even when it would be easier to be someone else. I’ve always admired that about you. It took me a long time to be that brave,” you answer genuinely. 
His face reddens and his eyes nearly strike you down where you sit. They’re big, as always, and the distinct brown of them swims in an emotion you can't place. Eddie’s heart is in his throat. He knows he’s attracted to you physically, but you might have just sunk a hook in him emotionally. Whether you meant to or not, you nearly destroyed him with your words. He can't remember the last time someone has said such nice things to his face. 
“Always, huh? You been watching me, Henderson?” he bounces back, diffusing his own feelings with the joke. 
You shrug with an innocent smile.
“You make it hard not to.”
Eddie’s face somehow gets even hotter. He might need to peel off his jacket if this keeps up. As he struggles to come up with a response to that, Dustin bursts in. The large smile on his face drops when he sees the flustered state of Eddie. His eyes travel back and forth between the two of you.
“What’s happening?” he asks
“Just getting to know your friend,” you shrug casually. 
Traces of that smile can still be found on your face. That's when Eddie knows you’re doing it on purpose. You saw how flustered you made him and decided to keep going. He’s not sure if he hates you or just fell in love with you. 
“Right,” Dustin says, completely unconvinced. 
“Okay, well, I’ll make myself scarce before the rest of the nerds get here. Remember, two and a half hours, Dustin,” you point at him as you rise from the couch. 
“I know, I know.”
Eddie watches you disappear down the hall. His eyes stay on the beginning of the hallway until he hears your bedroom door click shut. Then he finally looks at the boy in front of him. Dustin has narrowed eyes on Eddie.
“What?” Eddie asks defensively and continues emptying his bag. 
“You tell me,” Dustin crosses his arms.
“I don't know what you mean,” Eddie lies as he spreads out his reference materials and notes behind the screen.
“We were just talking.”
Before Dustin can pry further the rest of the boys start piling in. Mike, Lucas, and Will are confident just walking in like they live there. Jeff and Gareth follow with more hesitation. Eddie happily dives in once everyone is settled at the table. Happy to continue the campaign and happy to avoid talking about you further with Dustin. He’s not sure how the younger Henderson will take his burgeoning crush. 
Around thirty minutes into their gameplay you appear for a drink. You notice immediately that Eddie becomes distracted when you pop into the kitchen. Eddie’s eyes track you the entire way as the others discuss their next move. You catch his gaze when you turn around from the fridge. Before he can try to act like he wasn't staring, you smirk. Then you’re taking a nice long drink from your can of coke. Eddie swallows, watching you, Adam's apple bobbing as he tries to regain the ability to speak. 
“Eddie,” Dustin waves his hand in front of Eddie’s eyes.
 Eddie blinks back into the game, feeling like he traveled a million light years and back. Dustin glances over his shoulder to where Eddie had been zoned off staring. You give your brother a small wave when he sees you. His eyebrows furrowed as he looks back to Eddie who is trying desperately to get back on track. Eddie hazards one more quick look at you. You throw him a wink as you make your exit. On their way back to the table in front of him, his eyes meet Dustin’s.
“What the hell was that?” Dustin questions.
“That was Mike getting knocked prone,” Eddie answers and reaches over his screen to knock Mike’s miniature on its side. 
“You’re deflecting,” Mike says smugly, happy to have some retribution for the hit Eddie’s NPC made on his character. 
“Uh, no, I’m DM-ing,” he makes a sweeping gesture to the layout in front of him.
“Holy shit, Eddie has a crush,” Lucas realizes out loud. 
Dustin groans.
“Are we gonna have to stop playing here?” Will asks genuinely.
 Will is the only one Eddie can consider innocent here. The rest of them earn a glare. 
“I don't know, Eddie, will we?” Dustin sasses with a pointed look at Eddie.
“No, we won't. We only have a couple hours here, can we get back to the fucking game?” Eddie snaps them back into focus. 
An hour goes by and you’re back. This time Eddie is able to drag his gaze away from where you’re digging around in a cabinet. You have to reach up in a way that exposes the skin of your stomach. A silky stripe of skin and some tufts of dark hair between your too small shirt and sweatpants. 
Instead of allowing himself to get distracted by you again, he starts putting on more of a show. His movements become more dramatic, he throws himself more fully into the voices he’s doing, and overall amping up the theatrics. He figures if you admire him always being himself, he'll dial himself up to ten. 
You find yourself leaning against the counter with a bag of chips in your hand watching. No one else seems to have noticed your arrival. They’re too taken in by the narrative Eddie is weaving. You can't blame them. Eddie puts his full body into it. After a couple minutes he lets the group deliberate their next move. His eyes flicker over to you again, a smirk on his face. The eye contact jolts you from whatever weird fog you’d fallen into watching him. As you make your leave you see the quick wink Eddie tosses your way. 
Your heart is loud in your ears when you shut your door. Oh, it’s on, Munson, you think to yourself. If there's one thing you are, it's competitive. It’s clear you fluster Eddie, which means there’s some type of attraction there. Truthfully, you’re attracted to him too. You always have been. His authenticity and ability to stay true to himself have always drawn you in. Now that you can tell he’s into this too, you’re ready to have fun with it. The two of you have officially entered a little game and you refuse to lose.
 An old pair of shorts is your next move. They’re Hawkins High green with white trim and stripes up the side of each leg. They’re long enough to cover everything, but short enough to draw attention. You give it another fifteen minutes before re-emerging. When you do so you fan yourself with your hand to pretend your room is hot. Without looking to see if Eddie has noticed you bend at the hips to start peering in the fridge. You look innocuous enough searching for a water bottle to cool down. Then you hear a clattering, a few shouts, and fumbling.
“Shit,” Eddie hisses. 
You turn around with a water bottle pressed to your forehead. Everyone, but Eddie, is frantically looking for something on the floor. A small red pointy looking die sits in front of you on the linoleum, a black number twenty facing up. You pluck it off the floor and hold it up lazily. 
“You guys looking for this?” you ask. A couple of them hit their heads on the table on their way up. 
When they see the D20 between your fingers they swarm you. Suddenly you’re trapped against the fridge by several manic nerds. Dustin grabs the sides of your upper arms. 
“Did you see what it landed on?” He all but demands. 
You shove him off and push through them. Eddie remains seated at the table watching with huge eyes. 
“First off, whose is it?” you ask.
“Mine,” Eddie’s voice wavers just a bit on the single syllable. 
With a bright smile you walk it over to him. He looks up at you when you’re next to the table, face getting more and more red. You place the D20 down in front of him, black twenty still up. His mouth parts slightly as if to say something, but nothing comes out. You have him all lined up where you want him. Now, you just have to make the goal by brandishing some of the only D&D knowledge Dustin has imparted on you.
“Natural twenty,” you say, your smile curling into something more mischievous, “Congrats on the crit.”
Eddie continues blinking his wide dark eyes at you. The rest of the boys groan behind you. Whatever Eddie just rolled for clearly isn't good for them. They all take their seats again. 
“You couldn't have lied?” Dustin huffs comically.
“And rob your DM of his roll? Never,” you chuckle. 
You lift his hat, ruffle his hair, and walk off. Eddie gapes after you, heart absolutely pounding. He won't be able to stand the rest of the game. His jeans got a little tighter when he saw you bent over in those fucking shorts, distracting him mid roll. It only got worse when you walked over his D20, looked down at him like you know the hold you have, and congratulated him on his nat twenty.  
“I think he’s drooling,” Mike’s voice pulls Eddie back to the table.
“He’s speechless,” Gareth adds.
“I’m not speechless. I'm contemplating.”
“Contemplating what?” Lucas questions unconvinced.
“How exactly I want this nat twenty to fuck up your day.”
You don't make another appearance until their time is up. By the time you make it out there it's just Dustin and Eddie. Dustin is on his knees in the living room looking through the different VHS tapes you have in a milk crate. Eddie is packing away all his stuff neatly. 
“How’d it go?” you ask them as you plop down onto your couch. 
Dustin launches into an excited and detailed account of the game. Eddie expects you to tell him to calm down, that you don't need a play by play of every second. You don't. Instead you listen encouragingly, ask questions for clarification, and let Dustin rattle on. 
“Sounds like you did a good job with this one, Dungeon Master,” you say to Eddie with a smile. 
His heart skips. 
“Even I have my days,” he shoots you a smile in return as he zips up his bag. 
“Yeah? Maybe one of these days you’ll be able to keep your dice on the table,” you tease. 
Dustin watches the two of you and it clicks. At first he thought Eddie was just taking a morbid interest. You’ve had plenty of that. Guys in Hawkins like experimenting, toeing the line you ride between genders, and then denying anything ever happened when they come to their senses. He didn't want to think Eddie would be like that, but as protective as you are of Dustin he is of you. The way you prop your chin on your hand and lean on the arm of the couch toward Eddie finally clues Dustin in. You're into Eddie too. 
“Eddie, you should stay and watch E.T. with us,” Dustin interjects. 
Your eyes dart to him curiously. 
“I promised Wayne I'd be home by eight. Next time, alright?” Eddie swings his bag over his shoulder. 
Dustin is disappointed, but doesn't put up a fight. Eddie knew he wouldn't last through a movie with you. Not if earlier was any indication of what you’re capable of doing to him. Not with Dustin around. As disappointed as you might be, you’re also relieved. If Eddie sat next to you the movie would have been forgotten immediately. You and Dustin bid Eddie farewell and start the movie.
Dustin is knocked out on the couch by the end of it. You throw the soft blanket you keep in the living room over him. It’s too early for you to be tired. You take to cleaning up a little, grabbing what Dustin missed when cleaning up after the campaign. When you go to toss the little bits of trash in the garbage can you find it full. You roll your eyes knowing full well Dustin left it like this for you when he could have taken it out. 
The outside air nips at your exposed legs. It’s a short walk to the dumpster, but in the dark it can be creepy. Forest Hills isn't the most lit up place at night. You hurry to toss the bag into the dumpster.
“Come here often?”
The voice startles you. You whip around with a small yelp. Eddie stands before you with a garbage bag in his hand and a teasing smirk on his face. When you realize it's him you recover quickly.
“Only when I’m hoping to see you,” you tease as you step out of his way. He tosses his own bag in the dumpster and turns to face you.
“You callin’ me trash, Henderson?” He raises his eyebrows.
“I didn't say that, but if that's what you took from it…” you smile playfully. 
He shakes his head chuckling.
“You're kinda mean,” Eddie points at you as he says it. 
“Am I?” You ask, taking a step forward. 
There's a foot of space between you and Eddie. You can see his breathing stutter in his chest. 
“Yeah, but I like it,” he admits quietly, heart pounding. 
You smile and take another step forward. You’re fully in Eddie’s space now. He can't even tell if he’s still breathing. You’re still in those fucking shorts, you're openly flirting with him, and you’re so god damn close. He might just die on the spot.
“Do you?” You're torturing him now.
 He knows it. You know it.
“Now you’re just tryna get me to say nice things about you,” he teases with a smirk. 
How he’s maintaining any amount of composure is beyond him. Maybe God is real and right now Eddie is His favorite little soldier.
“Is that so hard?”
“No, not when you're wearing those.”
He nods down to your shorts. You laugh, placing a hand on the breast of his jean vest over his leather jacket. 
“I thought you’d like’em.”
“You were right.”
“I’m glad I dug them out for you then,” you smirk, toying with one of the many pins on his vest. 
“You- for me?” Eddie sputters not expecting the bold statement.
 Light teasing and flirting, sure, but not that.
“You’re really surprised?” you chuckle.
“I mean, yeah,” he shrugs lamely. His composure is quickly slipping.
“Then you haven't been paying attention very well,” you chide playfully. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie breathes. 
Before you can say another word, Eddie breaks. He grabs the sides of your face and crashes his lips into yours. You grasp onto the denim of his vest as you melt into it. His lips are warm, urgent, and a little sloppy with desperation. The kiss sends a thrill through your entire body. It’s only when he pulls away that you remember where you are. Outside at night kissing Eddie Munson next to the fucking dumpster. Are you sixteen again? 
You just look into each other's eyes for a second. Eddie’s face is still just inches away from yours. His pupils are blown to shit and you're sure yours are too. You drag him forward again by the grip on his vest. This time your other hand finds a home in his coarse wavy to curly hair. He moans into your mouth as your hold on his hair tightens. You give a surprised groan when his hand grabs your ass. He rides the shorts up just enough for him to brush against the skin they once covered. 
It takes an extreme amount of effort to pull away. Somehow, you manage. Both of you are breathing heavily. After a second of just studying each other's face, you shake your head with a smile.
“I better get going before I try to jump your bones in the dumpster,” you say, but don't move. 
“Maybe you can jump my bones another time,” Eddie suggests with a smile. 
You chuckle.
“I think that can be arranged.”
“Aren't you eager,” you tease.
“Can you blame me?”
“No, I guess not.”
He gives you an expectant stare. You pretend to think his offer over. 
“Okay, tomorrow. Dustin should be gone by one,” you nod. 
Eddie fights off a groan. He forgot about the Dustin of it all. Maybe this isn't a good idea. Maybe he should call the whole thing off. 
“See you tomorrow,” he says instead. 
“I look forward to it,” you smile and leave him.
 He watches you walk back to your trailer. Without you pressed against him, he’s suddenly cold. He jogs back to his own trailer still in disbelief. His thoughts are spinning. One thing is for sure, his dreams are going to be full of you tonight.
Eddie’s fist hovers by the door for a second. This is his last chance to back out. It’s his last chance to turn around and avoid any awkward confrontation with Dustin later. Eddie cares about that kid’s opinion of him far too much. Once he has the thought to leave, he gives a quick rhythmic knock. 
“Eddie?” Dustin questions when he opens the door, “What are you doing here?” 
Eddie struggles for something to say. Dustin is supposed to be gone. 
“Oh, Eddie left his dice. I gave him a call last night,” your voice calls from deeper in the trailer. 
The lie is easy and smooth.
“So, you gonna let me in or what?” Eddie jerks his chin up at Dustin. 
His hands are shoved into the pockets of his vest. The left one is wrapped around the condom he brought just in case you didn't have any. He’s almost afraid if he lets go it’ll fall out and Dustin will have more questions. 
Dustin pushes the screen door open to let Eddie in. When he enters he sees you standing over the kitchen sink. You shoot him an apologetic look over your shoulder. He returns it with a small understanding smile. Clearly, you hadn't planned on Dustin still being here either. You turn off the water, dry your hands on a nearby towel, and face him from the kitchen.
“I have the dice in my room,” you tilt your head toward the hallway. 
You lead Eddie to your bedroom. It’s at the end of the short hall, similar to his own. An unmade full bed is pushed into the far corner under the singular window. A dresser sits in the opposite corner with a couple framed pictures on top and what looks like a small silver urn. The wall behind your bed is adorned with an intricate forest green tapestry with the tree of life on it. 
“I’m so sorry,” you begin in a hushed voice.
“S’alright,” Eddie assures you.
“He decided to stay and I couldn't exactly tell him no,” you explain anxiously.
“It’s really alright, Henderson,” he gives you a reassuring smile. 
Your heart skips a beat. Part of you feared he’d be pissed. There have been plenty of guys in the past whose tempers were as short as their sexuality was confusing. Eddie notices the way you relax when you accept his words.
“Well, you’re welcome to hang out as long as you’d like,” you tell him.
“Maybe I should go. This probably wasn't a good idea anyway,” he says with a quick look over his shoulder. 
Dustin is still in the living room, Eddie can hear the tv. When his eyes turn back to you, your whole demeanor has changed. Your face is suddenly unreadable. Your stance is closed off. 
“Yeah, maybe you're right,” your voice is cold.
 Eddie starts internally panicking. Clearly he said the wrong thing, but he doesn't know what. 
“It’s not you,” he rushes to explain, “it’s Dustin.”
You roll your eyes.
“Don't use my brother as an excuse for whatever sexuality struggle you're having,” you whisper harshly.
Eddie’s hands find either side of his head. His fingers sink into his hair as he tries to understand how this situation turned on him. 
“I’m not having a sexuality struggle,” he argues, frustration beginning to bubble up.
“Whatever, Eddie. I’ve been through this too many times.”
“Through what? You're not actually fucking talking to me. Just talk to me,” he gestured wildly in the air, shaking his hands in a pleading motion. 
“Through assholes chatting me up, making me feel special, like maybe someone actually fucking likes me. Only to find out I was nothing but a novelty. I don't know why I thought you could be any different,” you explain bitterly with a shake of your head.
Eddie runs a hand over his face as he processes. Your words sting. They burn tiny lacerations into his skin. I don't know why I thought you could be any different. He never thought he'd be compared to the rest of Hawkins, always an outlier. You’re grouping him in with probably the worst Hawkins has to offer. Now that really fucking hurts.
“I do actually fucking like you. Why can't you get it's more complicated than that?” 
“Oh, I get it. You can't figure out what you’re feeling and you’re afraid it’ll make you gay. So, test it out with me and then move the fuck on like nothing ever happened,” you say while crossing your arms. You fold in on yourself, becoming smaller and smaller before Eddie’s eyes.
“I am gay-I mean not gay gay but-fuck,” Eddie struggles. 
The heels of his hands dig into his eyes as he tries to collect his racing thoughts.
“Just go, Eddie. We can pretend this never happened,” your voice is low, almost a rumble. 
“Will you just listen to me?” he demands frustratedly, voice raised. 
“Is everything alright?” Dustin appears in the open doorway. 
His face is full of concern and confusion. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine, Dust. Eddie was just leaving.”
Eddie gives you a desperate look. He pleads with those big brown eyes. When it's clear you’re done and this conversation isn't going any further he sighs.
“See you later, Henderson,” he mumbles as he pushes past Dustin. 
You’re not really sure which one of you it's directed at. Eddie isn't either.
You actively avoid Eddie the following week. It’s painfully obvious. He wants a chance to grab you. To talk to you and explain the misunderstanding. He's beginning to think you can sense that and that's why you’ve been so slippery as of late. The only time he really could is when you’re on your way to work, but he doesn't want to do that. He doesn't want to make you late or upset you before a shift. 
Dustin opens the door the next time Eddie knocks. You’re still letting them play in your trailer, but you haven't been home the last couple sessions. He does his best not to let it bother him. It's fucking hard when Dustin keeps giving him these watchful, curious looks. Almost like he’s trying to decipher what happened just by studying Eddie’s face. These looks are peppered throughout the entire campaign, exhausting Eddie.
It feels like fate when you come home as he’s packing up. He gives you an unsure smile. You return it and go into your room. That’s something. That’s progress. At the end of the day, Eddie doesn't want you thinking so low of him. He hates knowing you think he'd use you as an experiment. He’s an asshole, but he’s not a piece of shit. 
“Dustin, if you need a ride home Steve is stopping by in a few minutes,” you call out from your bedroom.
When you walk back out you’re in a pair of dark blue shorts that fall to your mid-thigh, and a baggy white muscle shirt. You catch the expression Eddie was making before he managed to wipe it off his face. You pause between the kitchen and the front door. 
“What?” you question a little aggressively.
Eddie holds his hands up to his chest in surrender. The unwarranted attitude automatically sets him off.
“Put the gun away, jeez. I didn't know you’re friends with Harrington is all,” Eddie snaps back defensively. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on between you guys? I thought you liked each other,  but now you’re acting like you hate each other,” Dustin interrupts exasperated. 
“Shut up,” the two of you say in unison.
Your head snaps to Eddie.
“Did you just tell my brother to shut up, Munson?” you demand. 
“You did too!”
“Because he’s my brother. Who the fuck are you to talk to him that way?” 
“Will you calm down?” Dustin demands.
“No, this is so stupid. What happened?”
You grit your teeth. A sharp exhale exits your flared nostrils. Your eyes flicker to Eddie for a second. His face is red with frustration, his eyebrows are set, and his mouth is a thin line. You look back to Dustin's confused face.
“Jason,” you state flatly.
“Jason?” Eddie questions, absolutely bewildered.
Dustin’s face drops. His eyes squeeze shut as he sighs. You watch him slowly turn to look at Eddie. Eddie’s stomach sinks when he sees Dustin’s broken expression.
“Eddie, you didn't,” he pleads softly. 
Eddie’s eyes fly furiously between you and Dustin. He’s trying to grasp what the fuck is happening. Why did you bring up Jason? Why is Dustin looking at him like that?
“Didn’t what? What’s going on?” he asks, absolutely lost.
“You should go,” Dustin answers solemnly. 
“Jesus Christ, you fucking Hendersons don't know how to have a conversation to save your lives,” Eddie grumbles as he continues packing up his stuff.
“What’s that, Munson?” You demand, stepping forward.
“C’mon, don’t-” Dustin starts.
“Dustin, go wait outside,” you order without looking at him.
Your glare remains firmly on Eddie. Eddie who is glaring firmly back, only the battle map left on the table. 
“I’m not gonna wa-”
“Outside, now.”
Dustin huffs, but ultimately listens. Once the door is slammed shut behind him you march up to Eddie. Eddie backs up, but you don't stop. Soon his back hits the wall and there’s nowhere else to go. You stop directly in front of him and start aggressively poking his chest.
“Let’s get something fucking straight, Munson. If you’re going to be using my home for your stupid fucking childish fantasy game you're not going to talk about Dustin or me that way, got it?” you spat.
“Oh, now it's a stupid fucking childish fantasy game. That’s rich. You didn’t seem to think that when you were drooling over me DMing.” Eddie counters, still holding up his facade of confidence despite being cornered. 
“Please, don’t flatter yourself,” you scoff.
“I’m not. It’s pretty fucking clear you’re into me, sweetheart.”
“Yeah? And what are you? Completely indifferent? You get a hard on just from seeing me in shorts. You're pathetic.”
Eddie wants to be hurt. He wants to be hurt so fucking bad. His body has other plans in response to your words, though. Fire spreads to every limb. He has half a mind to bend you over the table right now and show you just how pathetic he is. He’s ready to make you an incoherent mewling mess so he can lean down and whisper who’s pathetic now? into your ear. 
“And you’re a fucking tease,” he snaps instead. 
“Holy shit,” you laugh sarcastically, “You’re getting turned on right now, aren't you?”
“Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn't you?”
“Me? Munson, you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
The front door slams open. You whip around and Eddie’s eyes snap up to the door. Steve is standing there with his hands on his hips, looking completely unimpressed. 
“Alright, kids, what seems to be the problem here?” Steve asks.
He steps into the trailer with Dustin at his heels. Both you and Eddie are red, breathing heavily, and still standing within an inch of each other. 
“Steve, can you just bring Dustin home, please?” you try to sound less irritated, but it doesn't work very well.
“Okay, well, one, you said I could borrow your blue jacket. And two, I’m not going anywhere until you two explain what the fuck is going on.”
“Nothing, I’m just dealing with Jason Junior over here,” you answer, crossing your arms. 
Steve’s head lolls back briefly in exasperation.
“God, Eddie, not you too,” he groans. 
“Not me too, what? Can you guys stop being so fucking cryptic and tell me what you mean?” Eddie demands.
He’s absolutely over being compared to Jason out of everyone. You huff and walk away. The three of them watch you wander into your room and then back out. You throw the blue bomber jacket at Steve. He catches it with a frown.
“Everyone just get the fuck out of my house,” you grumble and stomp back to your room.
The door slams with such force Eddie is surprised he doesn't hear the wood splinter. All three boys flinch at the sound. Eddie scoffs to himself and starts to barge out. Steve stands in front of the door, blocking Eddie’s way.
“Move, Harrington,” Eddie orders.
“Not until you tell me what all that was about, Munson.”
“Can we do this outside?” Dustin interjects.
The three of them leave the trailer. You’re left alone in your room with nothing, but endless silence. Endless silence and that heavy feeling you get in your stomach whenever you just get done ruining everything. 
“Okay, can someone please tell me what the fuck all this Jason bullshit is about?” Eddie turns on Dustin and Steve once they’re a good few feet from the trailer.
Steve and Dustin exchange a look that Eddie doesn't like. They’re both privy to something about you that Eddie isn't. It’s not surprising, but it's surely irritating. Especially when everyone is talking about it like he knows too. 
“You remember that black eye Jason had inexplicably about four months ago?” Steve sighs.
“Yeah, it was a helluva shiner.”
“I gave him that.”
Eddie spends a moment just blinking. How is this relevant?
“Okay…” Eddie trails off, shaking his head to tell Steve to continue. 
“I gave him that because he’s a little prick that really fucked’em over,” Steve continued with a gesture over his shoulder at your trailer. 
“Wait… Jason? They were with Jason?” Eddie questions in disbelief. 
“Yeah, behind locked doors. Until Jason was done playing queer and got with Chrissy without saying anything,” Dustin says bitterly.
Hearing queer from Dustin’s mouth kinda stung Eddie, he won't lie. He knows Dustin meant it in a sexuality way, not derogatory. Something he likely picked up from you. Still, there’s something about someone decidedly straight saying it. 
“When they confronted him about it he… He said some not very nice things. It really fucked with them. Like really fucked with them. I mean he wasn't the first one to do something like that, but he was the worst one,” Steve explained, sounding irritated at the memory.
“I still don't get what that has to do with me,” Eddie rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands.
“You tell us,” Dustin crosses his arms.
“I don't fucking know.”
“Just tell us what happened between the two of you,” Steve rubs the bridge of his nose, a hand in his hip.
Eddie tucks his hands in his armpits. He spends too long looking between Dustin and Steve. He really doesn't want to do this. He really really doesn't want to do this, but he also doesn't want to be put in the same league as fucking Jason. Frustrated that he’s backed into a corner for the second time today, Eddie wets his lips with his tongue.
“Fine, fine. We’ve been flirting. Last week we made out a little- the night you guys watched E.T.. I was supposed to come over the next day after you were gone so we could… y’know,” Eddie gestures awkwardly with his hands.
Both Dustin and Steve let out an ew.
“Yeah, anyway. You were still there. When we were talking in their room I said that maybe it's for the better that we didn't do anything. After that… I dunno what happened exactly. They started going on about me having a sexuality crisis, which isn't what was happening. I was just worried you would be pissed at me if we did do something,” Eddie finishes explaining. 
Dustin and Steve exchange a look again. Eddie hates this. He hates feeling put under a microscope. He hates that you’ve turned on him so quickly. 
“You sure you weren’t… experimenting?” Steve asks, jerking his chin up at Eddie.
Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I got experimenting out of my system a long time ago, alright? I know who and what I like.”
Steve nods and rubs his jaw in contemplation. He glances once more at Dustin who wears a troubled expression. That troubled expression is aimed directly at Eddie.
“You're both pussies,” Dustin states.
“Excuse me?” Steve scoffs.
“Not you,” Dustin rolls his eyes.
“I’m not a pussy. I tried, alright? Whenever we talk now it’s just a fucking fight,” Eddie says heatedly. 
“You used me as an excuse. That’s why they think you’re full of shit. You flirt and make out then all the sudden you get concerned with what I think? It’s bullshit, Eddie. You just got scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“Of the possibility you could have feelings!”
Eddie’s jaw sets. His hands tuck back into his armpits, now his arms apply more pressure. Acid rises in his throat. The kid is right. It’s not that he has any crazy feelings right now, but he can feel them coming. Like a sneeze building up, he can sense the oncoming rush. The way you carry yourself, the way you speak to others, the way you speak to him. Eddie knows he could catch feelings fast if given the chance. When an out was presented, he took it. It’s the feelings that make this feel messy, not your relation to Dustin.
“Can we just fucking agree that I’m not Jason?” Eddie sounds more desperate than he’d like. 
“You’re not Jason, but you gotta get them to realize that,” Steve tells him.
Eddie sighs.
“I’m going inside. I’ll see you later,” he mumbles, turning on his heel. 
This conversation has him exhausted. You have him exhausted. He knows he has to find a way to talk to you. Talk, not argue. Not fall down a rabbit hole of aggressive sexual tension. Right now, though, he needs to take a fucking nap.
The short rap on the front door startles you. You wait for a beat where you lay on the couch. Another set of three knocks. Curiously, you answer the door. When you see Eddie standing with the screen door open you go to close it again. His hand flies out and stops the door from shutting.
“Will you just let me talk?” He huffs.
“Fine,” you sigh and go back to the couch.
You don't bother checking if he’s following. The screen door creaking shut followed by the front door lets you know. He sits delicately next to you. There's a few inches of space left between your legs. Eddie fiddles with the rings that have become a permanent fixture on his left hand. 
“So, talk,” you order.
“I’m not Jason, alright?”
“Cool, that it? You can see yourself out.”
“What the fuck is your problem?” Eddie snaps. 
He tries to believe he made a valiant effort to stay calm. Your attitude irritates him more each time you show it. Eddie is a lot of things, patient in the face of unwarranted malice is not one of them. 
“You, you’re my fucking problem.”
“Me? Henderson, you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid,” Eddie turns your own words against you.
Your head snaps to look at him. Nostrils flaring, face red, and eyes full of contempt. 
“Please, Munson, you’re beneath me. You’re pathetic,” you sneer.
Jesus Christ, there's no reason your words went straight to Eddie’s dick the way they did. How are you able to play him with more skill than he does his guitar? 
“I wasn't pathetic when you were sucking my face off by the dumpster,” he counters.
“You act like I sucked your dick. It was a stupid kiss.”
“I remember you wanting to jump my bones after that stupid kiss,” Eddie mocks you.
Your fists clench in your lap. You’re about a second away from grabbing Eddie by his hair and showing him just how pathetic he is. 
“Yeah, then unfortunately for you, you kept running your fucking mouth.”
“Unfortunately for me? Trust me, sweetheart, you’re the one missing out. I woulda rocked your world, anyone else woulda been ruined for you,” Eddie’s voice is condescending with a challenging edge. 
You lean in slightly with narrowed eyes.
“I really doubt that.”
Eddie leans in some.
“Do you?”
You lean in even further.
“Yeah, I do.”
Eddie’s eyes flash down to your mouth before quickly moving back to your eyes. 
“Maybe I should prove it to you then.”
“Now who wants to fuck so bad they look stupid?” You smirk. 
“Fuck it, me,” Eddie breathes and closes the space between you.
His hands are on your face. His mouth moves furiously against yours sending shockwaves down your body. One of your hands takes hold of the back of Eddie’s hair. The other runs along his jaw until it’s circled around his neck. You force him away by tugging back on his hair and pushing forward on his throat. He looks so pretty like this with his big eyes wide as can be, all pupils. His face is flushed and his breathing is ragged. Eddie is pliant in your grasp.
“Look at you. Just as pathetic as I thought,” you coo teasingly.
“I’ll show you pathetic,” he grumbles.
In a blink, you’re flat on your back, wrists pinned above your head with one of Eddie’s strong calloused hands. He hovers over you. The heat radiating from his body soaks into your skin. The tip of his nose brushes against yours.
“You’re a real fucking brat, y’know that? Go on, admit it. Tell me you're a brat,” he hisses in your face, warm breath hitting your lips.
Your heart is pounding. Your body is heating up. Every part of you wants this so bad no matter how much you hate it. 
“You’re an asshole,” you hiss back.
Eddie’s rings are cold against your jaw. His grip is punishing as he manhandles your face. He presses his forehead to yours. Those huge brown eyes are commandeering as they lock onto yours.
“Am I gonna have to fuck that attitude out of you?”
You manage to let out a taunting laugh.
“You don’t have what it takes to fuck anything out of me,” you bite.
His grip tightens making talking impossible. Eddie's mouth brushes against your ear and his hair tickles your nose.
“I’m going to fuck you until the only words you know are Eddie, please, and more,” he whispers. 
You hate the shiver that runs down your spine. You hate how much he just turned you on, how much you want what he’s threatening you with. Every nerve ending is on fire. Eddie’s lips begin an assault on the soft bit of skin just below your ear. The sensation makes you squirm in delight. Eddie smiles against your neck.
“There you go, now you’re behaving. Now that you’ve finally shut the fuck up,” he taunts.
You glare at him, still unable to speak with his hand holding your face. That’s it. He’s been on you long enough. You’ve let him have control for long enough. Confusion flashes across his face when you smile. You lock your legs around Eddie’s waist. With a grunt, you launch your hips and legs up and over. 
Eddie lands with an annoyed noise on his back on the carpeted floor. You straddle him, wrists free. Now you grip both his wrists next to his head. You brandish a wicked smile as he looks up at you in surprise. Clearly he wasn't expecting to be bested at that moment. Your knees dig into the carpet uncomfortably around his hips, but you ignore it. Eddie’s slightly nervous expression takes your attention off of it. You lean in to brush the tips of your noses together like he did before. 
“What, big boy? Not feeling very confident anymore? You got no more to say?” you mock him quietly.
“I already said everything I need to say,” he mumbles back.
“What’s that, bitch? I didn't hear you,” your voice drips with venom. 
Something in Eddie completely snaps. He swears he hears the sound of it. A deafening CRACK SNAP POP. Then whatever wild animal that has been scratching at his insides bursts free. 
“Alright, I’m real fuckin’ tired of this attitude, sweetheart. Guess I’m gonna have to do somethin’ about it.”
You open your mouth to challenge him further. To berate him, degrade him. He can feel it. While it would only egg him on, only contribute to the growing erection in his pants, he won't allow it. He won't let you win control over this situation. Not this time. You’re already far too smug.
Eddie manages to rip his hands away from yours. In a blink, he’s sitting up. You place your hands flat on his chest to shove him back down, but he moves too fast. His hands are under your ass, scooping you up as he stands in a second. Instinctively, you wrap yourself around him to avoid falling. He has a firm steady grip on you, though.
“You won't be able to walk right when I’m done with you,” he growls, setting off for your bedroom.
“I just don't believe you’re good enough at sex for that,” you whisper into his ear with a smirk.
“Oh, I’ll make a believer out of you. My dick will have you meeting God and calling him by my name.”
He throws you onto your bed. The rough manhandling is something you never knew you wanted. It’s riling you up even more. 
“You got condoms or are we doing this raw?” Eddie questions.
“I have condoms, but we’re doing this raw anyway,” you answer smugly.
“Is that what you think?” he taunts.
He rummages around your bedside table. There’s a decent sized box of condoms that’s about three quarters of the way empty. Admittedly, you haven't touched the box in a while. It’s from another life that ended months ago. However, when Eddie teases you about them, you find yourself lying.
“Jesus Christ, you’re more of a fucking whore than I took you for,” he holds up the box, shaking it to emphasize how empty it is.
“I like sex, and I like cumming even more. Too bad only one of those things will be happening tonight.”
Eddie takes out a condom and throws the box back in the drawer. He unbuttons his pants and kicks them off unceremoniously. You can see the imprint of his dick hardening in his tight boxers. He looks down at you with hooded lustful eyes. Soon you’re staring at his bare dick, his underwear abandoned on the floor. It bobs throbbing and red, glistening with precum. 
“Get on your hands and knees. M’gonna use that big mouth of yours since you like havin’ it open so fuckin’ much,” he snaps.
You don’t know why, but you listen. Now that you’re on your bed with Eddie’s dick right there, all fight is gone. Eddie's hand grabs a fistful of your hair and pushes into your mouth. 
“Shit,” he moans as you welcome him in with a twirl of your tongue. 
He starts fucking your face slowly. You look up at him through your lashes. Eddie is watching you take him into your mouth like it's nothing. The eye contact makes you moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he brushes the back of your throat. 
“Never thought I’d get you to shut the fuck up,” Eddie grunts as he picks up his pace. 
You try to remove your mouth. A scalding remark on the tip of your tongue. His grip on your hair tightens until it burns. His thrusts don't break.
“Not so fast, sweetheart. I plan on cumming down your throat before that loud mouth of yours starts up again.”
And fuck if that doesn't send you on a mission. Eddie doesn't even need to guide you after that, but it doesn't stop him. He refuses to relinquish control. He refuses to give you an opportunity to flip this on him. Finally, his hips stutter. Then he’s holding your head, calling out a resounding FUCK, and buries your nose in the dark hair at the base of his dick. You moan as Eddie shoots hot streams of cum down your throat. You take every last drop.
Once he’s finished, his grip on your hair loosens. You sit back on your heels. While making eye contact, you use the back of your hand to wipe your mouth. It’s a move that makes Eddie’s softening dick twitch.
“You had something to say?” Eddie's voice is raspy, but still condescending.
You narrow your eyes at him. As if he wasn't just using your mouth to get off, you cross your arms petulantly. 
“No, it’s okay. I don't think your fragile ego can handle it,” you shrug.
Eddie huff in disbelief.
“I just fucked my cum down your throat and your gonna call my ego fragile?”
“Seems so.”
“Just tell me what you were gonna fuckin’ say,” he orders, climbing into the bed over you.
Eddie crowding you causes you to lay back. Even in the compromising position, you smirk smugly. Eddie’s hair tickles your cheeks as he hovers over you. He raises his eyebrows expectantly.
“It was nothing really… Just that Jason’s dick always managed to shut me up way faster than yours did,” you say casually, almost bored. 
“Jason’s di- are you seriously bringing him up right now?”
“Why, that bother you?”
“Considering I’m about to make you meet God like we talked about, yeah a little,” Eddie’s voice is breathy. 
He actually sounds a bit irritated.
“Never took you for the religious type.”
Eddie gets a wicked smile.
“‘M not, but you’re already in bed with the Devil, baby. Only one other Big Man to meet.”
“Big? Is that what you think of yourself?”
“Do you need a reminder? I’ll be happy to fuck that pretty mouth of yours again.”
Eddie leans down closer. Fuck, you want to kiss him. You don't. You won't let him know just how much you’re enjoying this. Instead you smile teasingly.
“You think my mouth is pretty?” You bat your eyelashes at him.
“Fuck, I hate to admit it, but… Not gonna lie, I think every part of you is unreal. Y’know, until you start talking.” 
You snake your hands up Eddie’s chest. Slowly and sensually, you make your way up his shoulders. Then you skirt up and around to the back of his neck until your fingers tangle in his hair. Eddie really likes when you play with his hair. You can tell by the way his eyelids droop a little more at the contact. He almost looks like he’s about to lean down and kiss you. So, you take your chance.
Your grip tightens tenfold. Eddie’s eyes widen as you pull him back, sitting up in the process. He hisses, but doesn't complain otherwise. You glide the tip of your nose up the side of his neck until you reach his earlobe. With a smirk, you angle your head up so you can speak into his ear. 
“I’m gonna use that big mouth of yours since you like having it open so fucking much,” you whisper, using his own words against him.
You swear you hear him breathe a curse. You let go of his hair, knowing he’ll follow you wherever you lead. Eddie is sure you could lead him into Mordor, up Mount Doom, and down into the lava like Sméagol. He’s sure that whatever painful obsession the ring of power imposed on Frodo, you just imposed on him. For better or worse. Eddie Munson is officially and completely captivated by you. You’re his precious.
That’s why he doesn't hesitate. He doesn't argue. He doesn't talk back. Instead he watches, waits patiently for you to settle into your pillows and peel off your shorts and underwear. Eddie happily, even eagerly, let’s you fuck his face like he did yours. You swear his tongue is magic. It’s hitting all the right spots, deft movements eliciting loud moans from you. 
“Look at you. Just as pathetic as I thought,” you say as your thighs clench around Eddie’s head, your fingers digging into his scalp.
All Eddie can manage is a moan as you fill his mouth. You don't take as long as Eddie did to finish. Him using you and cumming down your throat had gotten you close enough, closer than you care to admit. You cum with a loud moan, no actual words coming out. With your fingers tangled in his hair, you pull him up. He looks dazed, drunk on your taste. 
“At least your mouth is good for something,” you tell him with a slick grin. 
Christ, Eddie is a goner. He’s an absolute goner. This is so so bad.
“Look at you, you’re already all fucked out and we haven't even gotten to actually fucking yet. You’re really making me miss Jason…” you sigh dramatically. 
The mention of Jason again wakes Eddie up. A growl rumbles through his chest. His hand finds your wrist, applying enough pressure to get you to let go of his hair. He clambers over you, face real close to yours. There’s something hungry in his dark eyes. Something carnivorous.
“I’m gonna make sure you forget about fucking Jason,” he hisses.
“Fucking Jason is the one thing I like to remember,” you tease.
Eddie silently curses his own poorly placed fuck that gave you that opening. Hearing Jason’s name in the middle of this is seriously starting to grate his nerves.
“That’s it,” Eddie grumbles.
Before you can question him, he grabs onto your waist. With little effort he flips you onto your stomach. Your face is held sideways against your pillows. Eddie forces your hips in the air. You can feel the tip of his dick tease your entrance, causing you to twitch. 
“What happened to the condom, prude?” you spit at him from your compromised position.
“The whore wanted it raw, the whore will get it raw,” he growls back. 
It’s in that submissive state, Eddie’s rings digging into your scalp as he holds you down, him degrading you that you realize you’re a goner. You’re an absolute goner. This is so, so bad.
“What’re you waitin’ for then?” you question.
A loud SLAP rings out and a burning sensation spreads across your ass cheek. You gasp at the feeling. 
“This is for my pleasure, whore. This isn't about you. I’ll go as fast or slow as I like.”
On the last word Eddie pushes into you. He doesn't go too fast at first. Sure, he wants to fuck you until you can't walk, but he doesn't want to hurt you. The foreplay was minimal, slow is better for now. You whine as he bottoms out. Completely stretched out and full you can do nothing but grip the sheets on either side of your head. 
Slowly, Eddie begins to move. He’s so lost in the feel of you around him and his own mutterings of Jesus Christ that he doesn't register you speaking at first.
“What?” He breathes.
You cackle.
“Christ, Munson, you’re pathetic.”
There’s that word again. That fucking word. Eddie leans down, both of your damp shirts still on and sticking to each other. 
“Remember what I said earlier?” he whispers into your ear.
“I remember you saying you think I’m unreal,” you mock him.
He straightens back up.
“Yeah, yeah, keep talkin’ while you still can. Soon you’ll only be able to say Eddie,” he gives a single powerful thrust earning a moan from you, “please,” another powerful thrust, “more.”
Eddie sets off on a wild chase of his second orgasm and your delirium. Admittedly, that delirium was setting in very fast. His movements are quick, strong, and fluid. You can't think of anyone else who has fucked you like this. In a way you didn't realize you’ve been craving. In a way that doesn't make you feel like an object, a subject to be studied, or a novelty. Eddie makes you feel a person who is desired, even in spite of the animosity ripe between you. He makes you feel like a whore in the best way possible.
“Shit, you feel so fucking good,” Eddie groans as you tighten around him. 
He’s giving you so much already, but he was right. There are only three words you can think of right now. Only three words you think you’re capable of uttering.
“Eddie,” you moan.
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
“Come again?”
“Not sure I heard you right,” he says smugly, never breaking pace.
“Eddie, please, more,” you moan.
“Thought so.”
Eddie’s thrusts become animalistic. All the anger, frustration, name calling, and overall emotion from the rollercoaster that your relationship has been are being taken out on you. You start saying it like a mantra. Eddie, please, more. It’s a white flag, a surrender. It’s you telling him he’s won. Boy, oh, boy is it a sweet fucking sound. A sound that turns into a scream of a moan with your body tensing around him. He spills into you, hips flush against your ass. His own moans mingle with yours in the air. 
You collapse onto your stomach, Eddie close behind. He stays on top of you. After a minute of catching his breath he rolls off of you. You stay on your stomach as you come back to your senses. 
“You alright, Henderson?” Eddie’s voice is much softer than you’re expecting. 
You turn your head to face him. He’s watching you with wide eyes. How does he manage to look so innocent after everything he just did to you?
“Yeah, Munson, I’m peachy. You good?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
He nods, eyes never leaving you. Your eyes don't leave him. What’s the point in trying to hide staring after all that? You don't care that he is and he doesn't care that you are. 
“So, you still miss fucking Jason?” Eddie asks playfully.
“Good,” he smiles, looking awfully pleased with himself. 
“Do we still hate each other? I can't remember anymore,” you knit your eyebrows to feign confusion. 
Eddie laughs. It’s a low sound that rumbled through his chest. His eyes take on a gooey quality that you fear you may get stuck in.
“I think we might like each other now. I’ll keep you posted.”
“Sounds good to me.”
The scent of sex is thick and heavy in the air when you wake up. Golden light streaks across your face as the sun lowers beneath the horizon. When you shift to turn over and check the time on your alarm clock, a warm weight stops you. Eddie’s arms are around you loosely, holding you against his chest. Both of you are still in only your shirts. 
Carefully, you extract yourself. Eddie groans, but doesn't wake. You only bother with a new pair of underwear. Your stomach lets out a loud grumble and the hunger hits you. You take another look at Eddie’s sleeping form. The annoyance doesn't creep up at the sight of him anymore. Something else does in its place. Something you decide not to dwell on. All you know is if you’re this hungry, he’ll wake up hungry too.
Eddie wakes up to the smell of sex, bacon, eggs, and melted butter. It takes a second to get his bearings. The smell makes him think morning, but the position of the sun tells him it's evening. He crawls out of your bed and pulls his bottom layers back on. When he makes his way out to the main living area he finds you in the kitchen. You’re humming God Only Knows and pushing eggs around in a sizzling pan. Beside you is a plate of bacon and a plate of pancakes. 
There’s a moment where the only thing Eddie can do is watch you. You’re bathed in the last golden rays of the evening, nothing but that baggy white muscle tank and a fresh pair of black underwear. The song isn't one he goes out of his way to listen to, but Wayne has thrown it on a few times. Enough for Eddie to recognize the Beach Boys’ tune. 
“All that for you?” Eddie finally alerts you to his presence. 
You jolt a little in surprise and whip around to look at Eddie. A coy smile crawls upon your face.
“Uh- no. I woke up starving and figured you would too,” you shrug.
As if on cue, Eddie’s stomach lets out a loud growl. You laugh and gesture for him to sit at the table. The whole scene feels so… domestic. If something in Eddie snapped earlier, something else is connecting now. There’s a satisfying click in his head as the sensation of things finally being on the right track sets in. 
“Y’know, I didn’t peg you for a Beach Boys fan,” Eddie comments after a moment of only the sound of you scraping eggs around the pan.
You don't look at him, but Eddie swears he sees color rise to your cheeks.
“I’m not really. It… my dad used to sing that song all the time,” you explain, something close to troubled taking over your voice.
Eddie’s eyebrows raise. He’s never heard mention of Father Henderson before. Dustin only ever has complaints about your mom. Neither of you have mentioned a father until now.
“Dustin’s never mentioned-”
“He wasn't Dustin’s dad.”
You slide the scrambled eggs onto the last empty plate. Eddie watches you bring them over before grabbing a couple more plates for the two of you to eat from. Then some cutlery.
“I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject,” he apologizes with big eyes as you sit across from him.
You begin shoveling food onto your plate.
“You didn't. I actually love talking about him, but my mom and Dustin have never really felt the same. So, I just don’t.”
“Do you want to talk about him now?” 
You finally look at Eddie. Eyebrows slightly raised, eyes a tad wider than normal, and a soft smile on your lips. He wonders if it's okay to reach over and kiss you. 
“His favorite song was God Only Knows by the Beach Boys, but I guess you probably figured that out.”
“Not a bad choice.”
You chuckle.
“I can't imagine you listening to the Beach Boys.”
“I don't, but Wayne does sometimes. God Only Knows is one of the only ones that doesn't make me want to rip my hair out,” he flashes you a playful smile.
“My dad would sing it whenever he was doing something boring. Laundry, dishes, but especially cooking.”
Eddie nods as he fills his own plate. There’s a couple minutes where the two of you eat in silence. Occasional voices could be heard outside, some cats, and the clinking of bottles as recycling goes out. The average soundtrack of Forest Hills.
“Can I ask what happened or is that not cool?” Eddie asks genuinely. 
He really doesn't know how to navigate this conversation. He doesn't want to piss you off or upset you in general. All he knows is how he would want to be asked and, honestly, he simply wouldn't. You don’t seem as closed off on that front as he is, though.
“Pancreatic cancer. My mom ended the marriage before the cancer did, though. Said it was too much for her to handle.”
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Eddie suddenly felt very guilty for asking.
You just shrug. 
“Where’s Dustin’s dad?”
“Who knows,” you snort, “he ran off with some woman from his job.”
“Jeez, your mom really has-”
“Poor choice in men? Yeah.”
“I was gonna say piss poor luck.”
You laugh, which loosens some of the tension that's built around the conversation. Eddie chuckles along, scarfing some food down in the process. 
“We would fly kites when it was nice out. Sometimes he’d bring me to the lake where we’d fish and swim. He liked going to the library a lot, too. I basically grew up in the mystery section. A lot of that was lost when the cancer got bad, though. All of it, really. All of it except that song. No matter how bad it got, he always sang that song,” you rattle on sadly, but with a smile.
It’s been so long since you've talked about him. It feels good. Like visiting him after a long time away. Memories are nice, but there’s something special about sharing them. It’s easier to relive them. Easier to enjoy them when you get to do it with someone else. Maybe it’s just because that someone else is Eddie. You think if anyone will understand, or at the very least respect, how it feels it'd be him. 
“What was his name?”
“Jack. Jack Coleman.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow. He narrows his eyes and leans in, pointing his fork in an accusatory fashion. 
“Wait, so, you’re not a Henderson? You’re a Coleman?” He questions.
You break out in a smile. 
Eddie looks like he was struck by lightning. Like the heavens just opened up and revealed the meaning of life to him. 
“Shit, wait… I do remember you!”
“No, you don't,” you shake your head, attempting to hide how mortified that sentence makes you.
“Yes, I totally do! All your friends called you Cole. You had those sick green vans,” he wears a goofy smile.
You feel heat crawl up your neck.
“You remember my vans?”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to flush bright red.
“Yeah, like I said, they were sick.”
“I still have’em somewhere. Maybe I’ll break’em out one day,” you smile.
Both of you clear your plates after that. You really were hungry. It’s an amicable silence. One that grows more uncomfortable in your chest because you know another hard conversation has to be had.
“I know you’re not Jason, by the way. I mean, I know now. Sorry I jumped to conclusions. I've been through a lot of Jasons,” you tell him softly.
Eddie offers a soft smile.
“S’alright. Would you tell me what happened there? I can't imagine you with fuckin’ Jason.”
You chuckle.
“Yeah, he asked me for help at work and then started saying all the right things. The dating pool for me in Hawkins is small. So, when he said he didn't want anyone to know I said okay. When he pretended not to know me in public I said okay. Then, one day, he was just…,” you frown at the memory of them walking down the street holding hands, “with Chrissy Cunningham. I asked him about it, but he was pissed I called his house. Called me about every derogatory name you can think of.”
Eddie could actually kill Jason. He already hated him, but now he’s actively cursing the ground the asshole walks on. How could he treat you so shitty? How could he not feel grateful he gets to be in your presence in this capacity? 
“Well, I’d like to keep doing this. As public as possible. I want everyone to know I’m with someone this unreal,” he keeps his tone playful, but you can see the sincerity in his eyes. 
Your heart starts pounding against your chest. Eddie is sitting across from you offering you everything you’ve ever wanted in a relationship. Someone who not only wants to be with you, but is proud to be with you. It’s almost too much. 
“So, you're with me now, huh?” you tease.
“I sure am,” Eddie teases back with a wolfish grin.
“Maybe let's start with an actual date.”
“You asking me out, Hen-Coleman,” he places emphasis on getting the last name right. 
A smile forms on your lips. You don't have an issue with being called a Henderson. The different last name is why so many people don't know you and Dustin are related. So, you don't correct people anymore when they call you Henderson. The reminder that you're technically only half siblings has always upset Dustin.
“Yeah, I think I am, Munson.”
“Then I expect to be picked up at seven sharp. You better have flowers and chocolates. I’m expensive to date.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Eddie helps you clean without you asking. He takes over the dishes, scooting you out of the way and instructing you to dry and put them away. 
“I dunno where anything goes,” is his excuse.
Really, he just wanted to take on the more arduous task for you. A sort of repayment for making him food. The effortless kindness you've met him with after the sex you had. The angry, heated sex. Eddie finds it kinda funny how the two of you have fallen into this little exchange of kindness and good will considering how the day began. 
When the dishes are all done and put away, Eddie begins awkwardly fiddling with his rings. It feels like his time with you is coming to an end. He doesn't want to overstay his welcome, but fuck does he want to stay. Just hanging out with you like this makes him feel… normal. He doesn't feel like the Freak, the drug dealer, or the fuck up. He just feels like Eddie and, for the first time, he feels like maybe that's enough. 
“Is it really dumb to ask you to stay?” you ask him suddenly.
You’re standing across the small kitchen, having just put the last of the plates away. Eddie looks at you with wide, excited eyes.
“Awe, you wanna spend more time with me, Coleman?” Eddie coos teasingly. 
“Alright, forget I said anything,” you roll your eyes with a smile.
Eddie lets out a laugh.
“I’ll stay until you kick me out,” he smiles back. 
You don't kick him out until you have to go to work the next afternoon.
The next time Dustin calls to beg for permission for Hellfire to meet at your place, you agree without hesitation. The day before you work, but only until five. Eddie is waiting in his van in front of the store when you exit, a lit cigarette between his lips. You smile and hop in. 
“I wasn't expecting you to pick me up,” you say as you buckle your seatbelt.
You know he had work at the record store today. Eddie takes one last drag of his cigarette and puts it out in the cup holder on his side. He’s been doing that ever since you yelled at him for flicking his butts out the window. 
“Got out at four. I’m not gonna let my precious Coleman walk home if I can help it,” he shows off a goofy smile and starts to drive. 
“You think I’m precious,” you coo.
“More precious than the One Ring,” he coos back.
“Okay, you've lost me.”
Eddie glances at you in disbelief.
“You have Henderson as a brother and you don't know Lord of the Rings?” 
“Oh, that’s those books that read like textbooks, right?”
“Read like- Jesus Christ, I might have to rethink this whole situation,” he says to himself.
“Sorry,” you laugh, “I don’t have much time for reading. So, when I do, if it's not simple and to the point, I can't get into it.”
“Lord of the Rings is art. It’s a painting on paper.”
“Aren’t all paintings on paper?”
“Canvas,” he corrects, “you’re makin’ me feel real smart today.”
“Glad I can be of service,” you say sarcastically. 
“Seriously, though. That’s like… my favorite thing other than D&D and music,” his voice is more tender, more serious.
And you, he thinks. It’s far too early to admit that. Doesn't mean he doesn't feel that way, though.
“Maybe I can give it another go,” you shrug.
Eddie throws a soft smile your way. You hold onto the warmth it fills you with for as long as you can. Eddie ends up staying the night, which isn't much of a surprise. It was clear he was expecting it because he brought his D&D bag with him. It did make setting up the next day easier since he was already there. 
By the time Dustin shows up Eddie is all set up. You’re laying on the couch, Eddie is crouched beside you. His face is close to yours, a sly smile present. You’re busy giggling like a maniac at whatever he must have said. Dustin lets the screen door fall shut behind him. The sound of it slamming startles you and Eddie. 
“What’s going on?” Dustin asks suspiciously. 
Eddie smiles widely.
“Just telling Coleman here what’s in store for you guys today,” he says easily. 
Dustin visibly stiffens. He doesn't find this situation as amusing as the two of you seem to.
“Coleman,” Dustin states, eyes set on you.
You can see the hurt. It’s been so long since you've corrected someone on your last name. You didn't think about how the sudden change might make Dustin feel rejected.
“Yeah, y’know, their last name,” Eddie eggs the conversation on, unaware of the ugly feelings bubbling up.
“I know their last name, Eddie,” Dustin snaps. 
That clues Eddie into the sore nature of the subject. He glances apologetically between you and Dustin. 
“Dustin, don’t be rude,” you chide.
“You two were at each other’s throats the last time I saw you together and you’re telling me not to be rude?” 
“Well, we’re not at each other’s throats now. So, yeah, I am,” you begin catching Dustin’s own attitude. 
You sit up, causing Eddie to stand. 
“Whatever, it’s bullshit and you know it,” he rolls his eyes and throws his bag down next to the chair he usually occupies. 
“Excuse me, what’s bullshit?” You question and stand up.
Eddie is watching helplessly. He can't help but feel like he incited this situation. Dustin gestures widely at the air around you and Eddie.
“You telling me what to do. You guys are friends today, but tomorrow you’ll probably be fighting again. Isn't that how it goes with you?”
Any emotion falls from your face. Your hands shake a bit. You won't let them see you break. You won't derail their night. Besides, Dustin is right. You and Eddie are good now, but you like to blow up all the good things in your life. Ever since your father died, the idea that anything good may be permanent feels more like a pipe dream. It’s easier to discard good things before good things discard you.
“Yeah, it is. I’m going to be in my room. Have fun with your campaign,” you mumble and storm past him to your room.
The door doesn't slam. It clicks shut calmly, which is scarier. Eddie rounds on Dustin. 
“What the fuck is your problem, Henderson?” he demands.
“I don't have a problem.”
“You wanna talk about bullshit? What is it? Am I not good enough-”
“Eddie, you know that’s not it.”
“Then what is it?”
Dustin takes a second. He sighs, closing his eyes, and then opening them once more.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” 
The waver in Dustin’s voice throws Eddie off. His features soften as he looks at Dustin. Guilt washes over him. Sure, Dustin might be younger and Eddie might see him as a protege, or a younger brother, but he’s still one of Eddie’s best friends. Fuck, this was really shitty of him. He should have told Dustin he’s into you, regardless of how obvious it was. He should have told him you two have hooked up and are seeing where things go. Maybe not official, but exclusive. Instead, he acted like it didn't matter. Like it didn't matter that he’s seeing his best friend’s older sibling. Eddie runs an anxious hand over his face, stopping at his chin to hold it in thought.
“I’m really sorry, Dustin,” is all he can say in the end.
“I don't want an apology. I want an answer. I asked you so many times, Eddie. Every time you just dismissed me. I’m not stupid! And I don’t care! I’m happy for you, for both of you. I just… I just really wish you told me.”
Eddie takes a shaky breath. Dustin's words fall heavy on his shoulders. They're a weight he can tell he’ll be carrying for a while. 
“I should’ve. I was afraid of what you'd think. What you’d say. It’s not an excuse, I know, but… I dunno I think this is real, man. It feels real.”
Dustin does what Eddie thought he may never do again. He hugs him. It takes Eddie a second to register, but once he does he hugs back tight. He’s hopeful when they separate. 
“I think it’s great. Seriously, you both look really happy. But if you hurt them, Eddie, I’ll get Steve to beat you up.”
Eddie nods with wide eyes.
“Okay, I have to go apologize,” Dustin sighs. 
Eddie watches him disappear to your room. Mike and Will come strolling in. Eddie thanks whatever is out there that they showed after all that. 
“So, we’ve been doin’ this a while now,” Eddie says, head lolling over to look at you.
You’re in your bed, fully clothed. These nights are Eddie’s favorite. Together in bed for the sake of being together in bed and nothing else. Eddie’s hair is splayed out behind him. The singular telephone pole light outside exposes the blush on his cheeks. It makes you smile. You like that you do that to him. 
“I s’pose we have,” your voice is soft and quiet.
“D’you maybe wanna make this an official thing?” 
He looks shy, nervous. It’s adorable. 
“I’d love to be an official thing with you.”
“Metal,” he breathes with a smile.
You chuckle and press a joyful kiss on his lips. When you pull away Eddie can tell you have an idea. Your smile gets this funny little quirk when you get an idea.
“Since we’re an official thing, I guess you should formally meet my father,” you try to sound serious.
Pure confusion crosses Eddie’s face. You gesture to the set up on your dresser. A small urn and some photos. Understanding and then mischief lights up his face. He hops out of bed and stands before the dresser. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Eddie says and bows as if addressing a king. 
You let out a little laugh. Then he’s staring tenderly at the photos. One from your third birthday. You're on your father’s lap covered in cake. Another is from one of the times he took you fishing. You’re around six in that particular photo. The final photo shows you at eight. Your father looks so much older despite it only being a few years. He’s paler, thinner, and more tired looking. You’re tucked into bed with him, asleep. Eddie can only assume it's the last photo you took with him. 
“You were a cute kid,” he comments adoringly and jumps back into bed.
“What, I’m not cute now?” you tease.
“No, you're unreal now, remember,” he smiles.
You chuckle.
“You’re unreal too, Munson.”
One thing’s for sure, Eddie was right. This official thing is definitely real and it’s definitely it for both of you. 
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writingpastmybedtime · 8 months
You've Never Done This Before?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Reader
Summary: You really want to go ice-skating with someone and when Bucky agrees to go with you, you feel ecstatic. What you don't know, however, is that Bucky has never gone skating before.
Word Count: 1.8k, short but sweet
Warnings: None
Request: Yes.
A/N: I just love skating and the idea of Bucky never having tried out ice-skating made me write this small one-shot.
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The team had been completely ecstatic when Tony announced that he’d booked a cabin for the whole crew for a long weekend. And not just any cabin - a cabin in Alaska, in mid-January, which meant that everyone gathered their snow gear to take with them with enthusiastic grins. 
The cabin itself was beautiful with three floors, seven bedrooms with separate bathrooms, a huge living room, a smaller library, and a gorgeous kitchen conjoined to a dining room. The night of the arrival was spent celebrating the previous year and all of the accomplished missions. Some drinks were had, some laughs were shared and by the start of the new day, half of the team had semi-serious hangovers.
You walked into the kitchen in the morning, to grab a cup of coffee as you took a look outside. The sun was shining, which made the snow sparkle. And there was snow everywhere, in fact, you’d never seen so much snow before. Smiling to yourself, you took a sip of the hot beverage as you enjoyed the view outside.
“How in the hell are you looking so good?” Natasha asked, her hair all dishevelled and a grimace on her face. A headache probably. 
You just shrugged, before grinning at her. “A wise man once told me to remember to drink water while drinking alcohol.”
Natasha groaned at that, as she opened a drawer to search for painkillers. You looked back outside when you finally saw a sight that made your heart rate speed up in enthusiasm.
There was a pond a few metres away from the cabin, it wasn’t very huge, but it would be perfect for what you had planned.
“Did you remember to bring your ice-skates?” You asked Natasha, as she finally finished drinking her cup of water and looked at you as she furrowed her brows. “You want me to go skating with you?” She placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder before giving you a thoughtful smile. “I’m sorry, honey, but I’m honestly just regretting every single drink I had last night. It wouldn't be wise.”
“But you should ask one of the Super Soldiers to come with you, you know, seeing as their tolerance to alcohol is much better than mine.” You laughed with her at the comment before you heard footsteps nearing the kitchen.
“Ask us what?” Steve asked as he headed straight for the coffee machine. Your eyes trailed from him to the doorway, on which Bucky was currently leaning, his arms crossed. He gave you a small smile, which you returned.
“Y/N wants someone to go skating with her,” Natasha said as she pointed at the ice-covered pond through the window. “I’d love to go, but my headache is killing me.”
Steve looked at you and was about to agree when Bucky spoke up. “I can go with you,” he spoke with a smile on his face. 
“Really?” You asked, a small blush gracing your cheeks at his offer. Going with Bucky would be a dream since you’d been harbouring a small crush on him for a few months. The grin on your face grew when you saw him nod and you squealed, clapping your hands together.
“Perfect, I’ll just go change into something warmer and find my skates.” You said before you left the kitchen with a skip in your step.
Steve looked at Bucky with an amused grin and a raised eyebrow. “What?” Bucky muttered as he took a sip of his coffee. 
“Since when do you know how to skate?” Steve asked the man in front of him, making Bucky shrug.
“How hard can it be?” Bucky smiled as Natasha snorted and wished him ‘good luck’. Steve finished his coffee before nodding his head at Bucky. “Come on, man, I’ll lend you my skates seeing as you probably don’t even own a pair.” Natasha just grinned at the two men, excited that there was a window overlooking the pond. 
She was about to be entertained.
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You had walked silently to the ice-covered pond with Bucky, just enjoying each other's company. What you didn’t know, however, was that Bucky had never been ice-skating. It just seemed so obvious to you, that everyone had gotten a chance to try it out once in their life, not considering the fact that for most of Bucky’s life, he wasn’t in charge of his decisions.
“The ice looks so smooth,” You said eagerly as you looked at the frozen pond and began to put on your skates. Bucky nodded, trying to hide his nervousness as he watched you tie your skates and tried to do the same. Fortunately for him, he had great balance, so he hoped it would all work out in his favour.
Taking a first step on the ice, your legs shook, before balancing yourself. You laughed as you looked at Bucky. “Careful with the first step, it's always unusual at first.” Gaining your confidence, you started gliding on the ice, your face beaming with joy. 
Bucky just watched as you skated, mesmerised by your movements and skill. The sun made your eyes glisten and the blush on your nose and cheeks from the cold was making you look extremely adorable.
“Are you coming?” You had now stopped in front of him with a grin. He nodded and you watched him take the first step onto the ice. He was a bit shaky but tried to stand up straight and make the first glide. Suddenly, as he was trying to understand how to move, he lost his footing and fell on his butt. You looked at him in shock, before you started laughing.
Bucky just looked at himself on the ice, before looking at you and scratching the back of his head. A blush was starting to form on his cheeks, which you found very cute, and then the realisation dawned on you.
“You’ve never done this before, have you?” Bucky smiled at you sheepishly before he shook his head. “I’m afraid not. I thought I could figure it out on the spot, but it seems to be just a tad bit harder than I imagined it would.” You grinned at him, before skating over to him and offering him your hands to pull him up.
He shook slightly when he stood again and you placed your hands on his arms, trying to keep him balanced. “Okay, it’s no big deal, honestly. I’ll teach you. It’s really easy once you get the hang of it.” 
Bucky just looked at you as if you were the most enticing thing in the whole world. He thought you’d be mad at him for not knowing how to skate, but you just smiled and offered to teach him, like it's the least you could do.
“Just place your hands on my arms and I’ll start gliding whilst pulling you with me, okay?” You asked him and gave him a reassuring smile. Bucky nodded, and he did as you said while keeping his eyes on his skate-covered feet. You began to move backward, pulling Bucky with you. Bucky wondered how you even knew how to skate backwards since moving forward was already complicated enough.
“Okay, you're doing wonderful. Now just start moving your feel like so,” You began to show him how to move his feet and Bucky tried his damn hardest to follow your lead. After a few unsuccessful tries, he finally started getting the hang of it and he gave you a wide grin.
“Just like this?” He asked and you reciprocated his smile and nodded. You moved like that for a few minutes before you began to let go of his arms. His eyes widened when he realised your intent and he grabbed onto you, making you laugh as he gave you a pout. Seeing a 106-year-old, 6” tall Super Soldier pout was a sight that not everyone would believe.
“Come on, big guy, you can do this.” You pushed yourself away from him, making him lose his grip on you. Bucky tried to keep his balance with his hands before he tried to make his first glide all on his own.
As a surprise to him, he didn’t fall this time. He was doing quite well, considering this was his first time. He grinned at you and you began to skate in front of him, still facing each other.
“Are you gonna teach me how to skate backwards next?” Bucky asked as you just shook your head with a laugh. “I’m afraid we have to leave that to our next lesson. We need to get you comfortable with skating the right way first.” 
“Oh, so there’ll be more lessons?” He quipped as he smirked and started skating faster. You realised that he was becoming more confident and you started adding speed as well. “Maybe,” you smirked before you turned around and began to skate away from him at a speed that left him stunned for a second.
He admired you for a while before a mischievous glint appeared in his gaze and he began to follow you. It was now a game of whether or not he could catch you. 
You skated in circles for a while, your laughter joyous and loud, before Bucky suddenly turned around and changed his path. Now instead of being behind you, he was in front of you and coming closer at a very fast pace. Before you could react, he stumbled into you, which made you both twirl as you gripped him. You closed your eyes, waiting for the impact.
He fell with a thud, with you on top of him. 
You both stayed quiet for a second before you broke the silence and began to laugh heartily. “I should’ve taught you how to stop before we began to chase each other.” He laughed alongside you and nodded. “Yeah, that probably should’ve been wise.” 
You grinned at each other before Bucky suddenly grew serious. He raised his hand to brush a strand of hair behind your ear, that had fallen from your braid during the small accident. He didn’t remove his hand from your face, but let it linger on your cheek, caressing the skin underneath his thumb. You blushed at the contact, not being able to look away from his beautiful blue eyes.
“You’re absolutely stunning, doll.” He told you in a whisper and the nickname made your heart flutter. Bucky started to pull you closer to himself and you could already feel his breath on your face before a mischievous glint appeared in your eyes and you pushed yourself up to stand.
“You’re gonna have to catch me first,” you told him teasingly and began to skate away from him. He laughed before he sat up and looked at you, shaking his head but accepting the challenge.
He stood up and started to glide after you before he realised.
“You still didn’t teach me how to stop properly.”
Safe to say that the next time you collided, you weren’t able to leave his embrace.
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
No Dinner For You (Lucifer x GN!MC)
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Warning. (Most of) the Brothers doesn’t care about MC/Reader (the story takes place in season 1 when nobody in HoL gives a damn about MC). Hunger. Slight mention of demon eating human. Please tell me if I miss anything :3
Not thoroughly proofread
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Your first day in the Devildom was hectic. You were dragged down to Hell without your consent and without any prior warning and were forced to participate in an exchange program in order to promote peace between the three realms, the dream and desire of the Demon Prince - Diavolo. Living with you were the seven six demon brothers, who could kill you and eat you on a whim. At the end of the day, you were again dragged into another mess between the second born Mammon and the third born Leviathan, the latter of whom you had to help against the former. Needless to say, you were extremely tired, both physically and mentally.
Right after you managed to find your bedroom on your own (since you were technically abandoned by your caretaker Mammon), you threw yourself on the bed.
It’s so warm and soft. I wish my life down here would be like this bed. You said within yourself as you began to doze off.
You woke up, finding yourself still in the clothes you were in when you were dragged here.
How long have I been asleep? You yawned as you got up from the bed. You had the feeling you forgot something but couldn’t remember what it was.
Suddenly, your stomach grumbled.
Oh right, dinner. You finally remembered what the thing you forgot was. You grabbed your D.D.D and went out of your room, heading to the direction that you believed was the dining room.
However, what greeted you when you exited your room was a dark hallway.
Strange, why is the light not on? You wondered as you tried to find your way through the darkness. After 5 minutes, you reached the dining room but it was also covered in the silent darkness.
Wait, just what’s going on? Are those demons trying to scare me? You asked yourself. Let’s check the kitchen. With that thought you turned back because the kitchen was next to your room.
The kitchen was also covered in darkness. But there was a difference, the darkness didn’t cover everything completely, you could still see the light from the refrigerator. As you walked closer, you could still make out a large figure standing in front of the fridge and you could hear chewing sound.
Since you were in the Devildom, the literal Hell and the kingdom of demons, monsters and abominations of various kinds, you thought it would be better to not alert the creature and turn back.
“Oh, it’s you, MC.” Before you could make your escape, the large creature turned back and discovered you. In the darkness, you could make out the orange hair and a pair of purple eyes.
“Yes, it’s me.” The orange head demon nodded.
“What are you doing alone here in the darkness?” You asked.
“To devour whatever food I can find in the fridge of course. But I could ask you the same, what are you doing here, MC?”
“Well, isn’t it time for dinner? I came to the dining room but found no one there.”
“MC, uh…I think you should check your D.D.D. It’s midnight.”
What? At first, you didn’t want to believe Beelzebub but when you opened your D.D.D to check, you found his words to be true. The phone screen’s time showed 23:59, and you were just in time when it turned 00:00, officially ending your first day in the Devildom.
“So I missed my dinner.” You said as you tried to reassure within yourself that the demons must have left something for you, though even you doubted that.
“Yeah, we thought you didn’t want to eat dinner so we already ate your portion. There’s nothing left of it.”
“Oh, so is there anything left in the fridge?”
“No, nothing left in the fridge. I ate all of them.” Beelzebub answered then walked past you, exiting the kitchen, leaving you and an empty fridge.
Your stomach grumbled again. But you had nothing to satisfy your hunger. You could only hold your abdomen as you went back to your room. Looked like you would have to suffer hunger tonight. No one really cared about you here. You might even be dead for whatever reason that they probably not knowing anything until your body started to decompose and they only found out due to the smell. You wanted to cry but you manage to hold the tears back.
Don’t cry, MC. If you cry over a meal and the uncaring attitude of those demons, how are you gonna survive in Hell for one year? You shouldn’t cry because of those demons, they’re just like society, which doesn’t give a damn about you.
“May I ask what are you doing here, MC?”
You turned around and met a pair of crimson eyes. You knew it to be Lucifer, the eldest of the brothers.
Lucifer frowned when he saw your face. Even though it was dark, demons could see very well in the dark, they are creatures of the darkness after all. And what the Avatar of Pride saw were your red eyes that threatened to turn to two waterfalls at any given moment and quiver lips.
“No, it’s nothing.” You tried to dismiss the issue and walk away but the eldest already blocked your way.
“MC, it’s my duty to take care of your need while you are staying here and not letting you suffer any unjust discomfort. Tell me, what’s troubling you?”
You were unsure why but you felt attracted to the pair of crimson eyes when you looked at them. You felt that you could tell him any difficulty and it would be resolved.
“I’m hungry.” You said.
“Hungry? Didn’t you have dinner with my brothers?”
“I overslept and missed it. Your brothers decided to divide my portion among themselves. Beelzebub ate all the food in the fridge so now I have nothing to eat.”
“I’m sorry that this kind of inhospitality happened, MC. I wasn’t home at dinner and my brothers caused trouble for you. Nevertheless, it’s my fault for letting this kind of situation happened. Please let me make it up for you.”
“Ok.” You weren’t sure how the eldest was going to make it up for you but you agreed anyway, better than refusing and letting yourself suffer.
With your permission, Pride led you to his room, where he took out some high quality delicious dishes and a bottle of wine from a hidden cabinet.
“Wait, you store food in your room?”
“Well, yes. Sometimes, I need to enjoy a peaceful and quiet meal without my brothers’ interference, so I hide some dishes from Ristorante Six, a high end restaurant in Devildom, in there. I hope you will not tell my unruly brothers about this.”
“Ok. You have my word for that.”
“Very well.”
After the first bite, you found yourself eating the most delicious dishes you had ever tasted.
“These dishes are so good.” You praised as you were digging in.
“I’m glad you like Devildom food. Eat more.”
“Aren’t you going to eat? They’re yours after all.”
“No need. This is me compensating for you.”
“You should eat too. Or else I would be feel guilty of eating someone else’s food, being no different from your brothers.”
“Alright, if you insist.”
Then you assumed eating. You didn’t notice the pair of crimson eyes looking at you. The owner of those eyes didn’t care about eating, but only fixing his gaze on you.
It’s a good feeling. Lucifer said within himself and smiled. He even poured a glass of wine, whose name you later learnt to be Demonus, for you, saying the best food should be accompanied with best wine.
The next morning,
“MC, do you like our new chandelier decoration?” The eldest asked when you stepped inside the dining room for breakfast.
You looked above and found the five brothers being hung on the chandelier.
“Why am I hung up here? I have carefully disposed of all the bills. Why?”
“Lucifer, please let me down. I still need to watch that special episode of Ruri-chan.”
“I didn’t cause any trouble or prank you. This is you being prejudice against me.”
“Lucifer, being hung up will harm my skin.”
“So hungry.”
You looked at the decoration for a little while before smiling.
“It’s very peculiar. But I like it.” You said as you went to your seat and sat down.
“All of you,” Lucifer looked up and said, “Reflect on your action last evening.”
“Wait, what did we do?”
“Figure it out yourself.”
Why the others were complaining, the fourth born looked at you and frowned.
“Oi oi, I think it’s about the dinner last night.” Satan whispered to the others as they began to discuss among themselves.
It seemed that you would be receiving many apologies that same day. And it was all thanks to the Avatar of Pride.
Even if it’s out of obligation, at least he cares for my well-being.
Author’s words
I had this idea in my head some months ago before writing it. With the brothers don’t give a damn about us in early season 1, there’s high chance we will have to go hungry and have nothing to eat if we miss a meal or come to the dining room late.
Also, Lucifer having taken a liking of us since the start (evidence in Lesson 2-A normal) also inspires details in this fic.
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callmerhynner · 1 year
“You can’t expect to break into someone’s home and think they’ll be okay with it, Muzan.” ||
synopsis: After meeting Muzan Kibutsuji through a series of dreams he had, he searched for you. When he finally found you, he’s become adamant on you staying his. You’re a bit more deadpan about the lovesick fool you found yourself with.
tags: fluff, slice of life(?), Muzan breaks into your home, thats about it
Your insomnia has been killing you, finding that laying on your own nestling bed has grown uncomfortable each try you commit to falling asleep. You try different techniques or sleeping positions but still nothing. You fear that new pillows are needed with how much you try to squeeze them until you fall asleep. So, giving up, you put on a robe and head out to your kitchen to grab yourself a cup of tea and go out to your engawa to stargaze.
That was the plan, anyway, but a silhouette of man sitting on one of your dining room chairs ruined them. You halt your steps, fight or flight starting to engage. The silhouette was of a man with short hair and broad shoulders, accessories of a hat and a long coat. His back was facing you but the small shuffle of his body language made it clear he knew you were present.
“Good evening.” the shadow greets you, you stay frozen, trying to see through the dark room.
“Who are you?” you ask, taking a hesitant step forward. The man turns his head to spare you a side glance. That when you were greeted with a pair of red eyes that you could never forget. “Kibutsuji.”
“A pleasure seeing you as well.” he shows his dangerous sharp fangs as he sends you a smug grin. “If i may, you look as radiant as ever.”
You finally feel your body start to relax, taking a few more steps to take a seat in front of the demon progenitor. He had tea ready, with a porcelain cup in his hand filled with red liquid he pours you a cup of your own, though it was a humble cup of lemon tea. You inhale the scent, before taking a sip. This earns a laugh from the demon you were seating in front, your suspicions of his plans was something he found entertaining.
“You wound me, do you not trust me after all these meetings?” he teasingly says to you, sipping his cup of red liquid.
“You can’t break into people’s homes and expect them to like it, Muzan.” you retort.
You see a flash of his pearly whites as silence surrounds the two of you. You open your mouth to say something until a wind hits your shoulder. The demon was now right next to you, barely an inch away from your left. You shudder at the cold before he wraps his coat around your shoulders.
“Again, as radiant as ever.” he compliments, pecking your cheek before he takes a seat behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. You feel him take a whiff of your scent and smile into your skin, taking a gander and kissing the small mole on your collarbone.
“What do you want?” you ask, trying to push his head away from your neck but to no avail. The demon was stuck to you like a glue, you sigh before relaxing yourself against him and taking another sip of your lemon tea. “Another kiss? You finally gonna kill me? What is it?”
“Live with me, (Name).” he replies, his arms around your waist squeezing you gently. His head was not raised so he could see you from the side, resting his chin atop your shoulder. “Be my queen.”
“So it’s the latter then.” you mumble, sipping your tea once more, deadpanning at the lovesick fool.
“Come now, we can rule together! Just like we should be.” he adds to his offer, you just pat his hair as you sigh exasperatedly.
“You had a few dreams about me and now you’re offering to make me, a woman you don’t know, your queen.” you deadpan, side glancing at the man who was looking at you with the most loving eyes you’ve ever seen. “Are you sure you want that?”
He thought for a moment, crossing his arms around your body, taking his thumb and index finger and turning you on your chin to face him eye to eye. You hum in confusion, cocking an eyebrow at his actions, before stiffening up when he leaned in to feel his lips clash with yours. He was gentle and passionate, his hands on your waist and yours fiddling with each other at his sudden reaction.
When you two broke the kiss, he was still as smug as ever, and you were left panting. You balled up your fist on his chest, sending an unseen glare at the demon king.
“Stop that.!” you say, he chuckles darkly at you reactions. Leaning in to kiss you again, you throw unbothered punches before kissing him back, relaxing your body as he grows more passionate with his lips. You let out a groan when he finally separates, you continue to shoot him a glare.
“You know i won’t, so why ask?”
“Im a woman who believes in second chances but with you…” you eye him again, voice trailing off before crossing your arms and letting out a huff. “You’re hopeless..”
“You adore me.” he replies back, nonchalantly. He presses another soft kiss onto your neck, trailing them down from your jar to your nape. You could only sigh and pat his hair at his clingy attitude, how in the world did you get here?
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hii wifey!!! okay it's currently super late where i am right now and i can't sleep 😭 but ever since my post on @dirty-little-mind33 i- i haven't been able to stop thinking of dbf!tangerine 😫
it's giving your dad's hired hitman and they're friends or whatever (don't ask for the specifics, I'm half asleep) and he takes a liking to you and he treats you like a princess FR
keeps you in check so you stay out of trouble, little touches, "love", "princess", "sweetness", "SWEET GIRL" ANRJRNENDN like it's giving the same vibes as bodyguard!tan.
can just imagine him sitting in an armchair of your living room, legs spread bc he's a man and it's sometimes super hot (don't sue me), and he asks you for a lighter and so you hand him one and he blows smoke in your face as he thanks you and calls you his good girl 🥵
okay sorryyyyyyyyyy this is so long i just needed to share and hear your thoughts 🫶
on another note, dbf!logan is also sooo hot but that's for another ask 💖
my wife!! hi wifey! so this will be like im talking to you directly, like im typing everything my brain is thinking in real time. it makes it personal and intimate, I love it. enjoy 💞💞💞💞(also sorry only just got round to this)
no bc you’re so onto something EURRRGGHHHH!!!!
and like okay right so! he’s been working for your dad for a few years and bc it’s only been a few years he’s not known you long (meaning he didn’t see you grow up etc bc that’ll be😃🤮) and like when you visit ur parents or idk you live with them (pick what you fancy) you see him at the dining table with your dad and got all the papers out and laptops etc and they’re chatting about work stuff/ plan
idea time. you go past them and into the kitchen and your dad is none the wiser looking at the papers and maybe questioning the prices but tans looking at you in the kitchen. and tans like “do us a couple teas would ya darling” (ew tan, why would you say that? have you no respect? no shame?) and he’s being all cheeky bc of the darling. but your dad doesn’t think anything of it, like it’s a common petname kinda thing. and it makes your ears prick and turn to look at him and he’s all smug????? and nodding at you????
this is really getting away from me but im not done, you’ve got me going 😭😭😭
tan definitely tests the waters, pushes the boat out LOADS. like he’s so teasing and cheeky in how he does it. def touches your back when ur dads in the same room, looks at you during dinners, sits opposite you during said dinners and touches you with his foot (but not in an gross way bc feet are disgusting) or sits beside you during said dinners and spreads his legs so his thigh bumps yours AND AHHAAHHAGAHA OMG THIS IS KILLING ME has his elbows wide on the table so he takes up more space and feels your arm up with his
and if you’re in the garden after dinner getting some air bc of what happened at the table. he’d come out and join you. but not properly. you might be at the end of the garden sitting at the patio table or something and he’s on the steps by the back door having a fag. like he’s keeping an eye on you but not making it obvious for your family inside
he’s also always offering lifts! so like if you don’t have a car or it’s in the shop or idk blah blah you ask your dad for a lift and tans there and he offers to drive you. and you’re like “no it’s fine” bc sitting in a car with him will make you like idk but like yk GO CRAZY. and tans all like “it’s no fuss. gotta pick something up that way anyway” and your dad is still oblivious so he’s agreeing to it like “tan’ll take you” and tan grabs his keys and he’s nodding you along like (okay don’t hate me for this. I don’t have a daddy kink but this idea is sending me and I need to say it) he’s all like “what daddy said goes” 😫😃😫😀🫠👍😉😔😖😱😰🫣🤭🤔AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAHHHH!!! and it has a double meaning!!!!!!!!!!!! bc he means your dad but also him!!!!!!! and the ‘take you’ bit!!!!! he also means that he’ll take you. like fuck you. so it’s all a huge double entendre
GOD THIS IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!! making me wanna do something with dbf tan now
but he’s such a gentleman about it. like he’s teasing and smug and cocky but he’s still very charming and charismatic about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and when he drops you off he’s looking at your ass getting out and then opens the window to talk to you through the car and he’s like “call me if you need me”
and you’re like “why would I call you?” like shouldn’t he be saying to call your dad????
and he’s all like “you know why”
and you’re like “huh?” looking at him all weird
AND YHEN HE SAYS “he don’t pay attention to you like I do” GOOD DUCKING GOD SJJABSJDBS
im gonna have to stop there bc I know I never will. plus I have rice cooking and the timer went off 5 mins ago so I really gotta run😭😭😭😭
but you’re so right about him being the same as bodyguard tangerine!!!
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