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Be My Guest
Pairing | Kate Carter x Tyler Owens
Summary | One time Tyler stays in Kate’s guest room and one time she stays in his
Warnings | discussions of trauma/injury associated with storm chasing, SMUT 18+
W/C | 6.6k
A/N | We wanted to hop into the Twisters fandom before it took ao3 by storm and this is *so far* what we've come up with. So...if you feel it... -smoe <33
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She came home for safety, familiarity, to find her way forward but instead, she found herself more lost than when she’d arrived.
It was only supposed to be a week. Sure, Kate thought it would be difficult to be back in the field but she hadn’t anticipated this. She hadn’t anticipated him. It shouldn’t matter. She had a job in New York, a life, a stable, safe job, her own apartment–everything she needed. But was it everything she wanted?
What Tyler had said crossed a line but that didn’t mean it wasn’t the truth. It was just something she probably already knew, deep down, and hadn’t wanted to accept. She was running away from the storm but she should know better than most that it would always catch up.
With an aggravated sweep of her arm, all of her past research was on the floor, pages floating around her before finding a place to land. She almost immediately regretted the mess but it had felt good. For the last five years, she’s avoided risk but now it almost feels hypocritical to say that she misses it.
Kate bent to gather the papers but only grabbed a few before stopping at her Cloud Physics notebook which had fallen open to a familiar page. She sat down in front of it and traced the impressions of her writing on the pages. It was too much to retrace her steps, to consider what had gone wrong. She needed to get out of her head and she couldn’t do that without getting out of this damn barn.
She knocked lightly on the kitchen door so as not to startle her mom. Being an adult, Kate felt an aversion to putting these things on her mom. Her mother had always been supportive, even when knowing her daughter’s passion was actively putting her in danger. Maybe she just didn’t want her mom to repeat the same sentiments as Tyler but she also knew she wasn’t about to come to any decision without some guidance. Just like seeing her middle school science project again, she felt like a child standing in the kitchen.
“Yeah, it’s just me.” She sighed and pulled out the chair at the dining table that had always belonged to her. The smell of whatever her mother was stirring made her stomach grumble. “Where’s Tyler?”
“Oh, he drove pretty far so he’s getting cleaned up.” Kate could tell her mom was trying to sound uninterested, maybe for her sake but still she asked, “What’s his story anyway?”
“He’s just some internet star from Arkansas,” She explained, picking at a stain on the table. For a moment she thought about leaving it at that but the fire he had lit in the barn was still burning inside her. Sardonically, she added, “He’s made a living as a so-called ‘Tornado Wrangler’ but so far he’s only shot some fireworks into a cyclone and nearly killed the reporter signed on to cover him and his team.”
Her mom chuckled and replied, “Sounds like a man looking for a thrill to me.”
Again, she felt like a child relaying the latest gossip from the schoolyard but she couldn’t help but continue.
“And his whole team is this ragtag group of people who’ve never been to school for this either!”
“I see.”
“I mean sure he’s studied meteorology but they could get seriously hurt.” Kate had busied herself by fiddling with a napkin she’d pulled from the homemade holder. The shreds of it were getting smaller and smaller. “They’re no professionals.”
Her mom hummed, acknowledging her annoyance but countered with, “Well he doesn’t seem too bad to me, he did drive all the way here.” Although her mother graciously spared her the ‘for you’ that they both knew completed that thought, she felt its weight. It was easier to make him seem unlikeable than tell her mom that it was her that was in the wrong.
“You’d believe me if you saw the shirts he sells, his face all sprawled across them.” Kate laughed, thinking of the cheesy slogans. It wasn’t lost on her that she had assumed the worst of him. She thought back to what Lily had said and felt ashamed. “Though,” She conceded, “the money does pay for food for the aftermath survivors. They were handing it out at the last town we were in after the tornado hit.”
“Not all bad then?” Her mother turned fully to face her and Kate knew her teasing expression said all she needed to know.
“I guess not.”
_ _ _
Dinner had been passable, if not enjoyable. Kate had figured it would be awkward, that the dynamic between her and her mom would be offset by Tyler’s presence but it had flowed easily. The only gripe she had was that her mother had gone over her head to invite him to stay the night. In her ideal world, she would’ve ushered him out right after dinner saying a quick thanks for his concern but sending him on his way knowing that she’d never have an obligation to speak to him again.
Tyler had, of course, helped her mom with the dishes, leaving her to watch awkwardly so as not to take up unnecessary space in the small kitchen. She’d shot him a tight smile as he’d excused himself to his room for the night.
“Well,” Her mom said from the doorway, “I’m off to bed. Shut the lights, will you?” She didn’t wait for an answer as she made her way past the living room to her bedroom.
Kate tapped her fingers sporadically against the table, the sound echoing in the quiet house. She hadn’t been fully present for dinner. Every time she looked at Tyler she could only think about what she was doing wrong, what she was missing. As much as she resented the fact, there was no way she could make peace with the past couple of days if she didn’t get in another word with him.
She flipped the last of the switches off and made her way up the stairs, avoiding the ones she knew were extra creaky. At the landing, Kate considered just going to her bedroom but her feet kept their integrity and trudged her towards the guest room.
Her hand was poised to knock when the door opened.
“Kate?” The sound of his voice combined with the unexpected image made her jump. Whatever she had been prepared to say had left with her surprise but Tyler was already speaking again. “Listen, what I said in the barn was out of line I shouldn’t have–”
“No you shouldn’t have…but you weren’t wrong either.”
Stepping back, he opened the door a bit more and though it wasn’t quite an invitation. It was a line she wasn’t sure she wanted to cross with his apology and her admittance the gist of what she’d hoped for. She promised herself that if he didn’t try to say anything else, she’d just turn around and walk away. He bit his lip, seeming to wrestle with something the same way she was.
“What’s the story behind you and Javi?” The question surprised her and she felt a vague excitement about his interest or rather the fact that he was interested at all. But the story itself was not something she was sure she could share.
“We met in college, he was friends with my…my boyfriend at the time.”
Tyler’s eyebrow raised in a silent question before he said, “And your boyfriend he was…”
She couldn’t stand in the hallway any longer where she was fully open to his scrutiny whether the story inspired pity or something else. Kate stepped past him into the room and started to explain,
“He was in the accident, along with two of my best friends.” She folded her arms across her chest, in a way trying to shield herself from the memories. “We were testing the polymer on what we thought was an EF1 but–”
“It was an EF5.” She nodded and his lips shifted into a sympathetic frown. Kate sat on the edge of the bed so that she didn’t have to face him head on.
She continued with, “So, I quit school and packed up to New York. Javi went back to Miami but because of the outbreak he thought he could use a second pair of eyes and invited me on.” From her peripheral, she could see the way he nodded along as she spoke, the genuine compassion still written in his features. She shrugged, unwilling to allow herself to feel the extent of the situation and the memories in front of him, “None of it matters though, I’ll be back in the city by the end of the week anyway.”
“You mean you’re giving up?” Tyler asked like it was somehow a personal affront to him or some greater injustice. Kate wasn’t sure what he cared. They’d only just met and he didn’t know her, not really.
“I’m not giving up. I can’t live like this again, risking my life every day.”
“Because of the accident?” The way he said it, like it was only a passing moment and not something that monumentally changed not only her life but her, made her response sharp.
“Yes, because of the accident.”
He was unshaken by her hostility and placed a hand lightly on top of hers where it sat between them on the bed.
“Kate, I’ve seen people get hurt too, I’ve–” She couldn’t listen to this, couldn’t have him reduce her experience by comparison. If he thought this was the way to change her mind, he was sorely mistaken.
“Yeah, Tyler, well I got hurt. I watched people die, and I’ll bear those scars for the rest of my life.” Her body filled with tension of the memory as her breath began to quicken. She let the anger take over, the simplicity of it easier than the complicated truth. “I don't know why I even–”
“Hold on–Kate!”
Kate could feel the air his failed reach created as he tried to grab her wrist to stop her. She was fast though, spurred on by the singular goal of getting the hell away from him. When she made it to the threshold of her room, she moved to shut the door. It almost slammed fully closed but groaned as the wood crashed into the foot he’d managed to snake in.
“Go to bed,” She demanded.
“So what, you’re going to help Javi line the pockets of Riggs for the rest of the week? The real estate shark that's directly profiting off the suffering of these people?” It seemed he couldn’t help, was adept at, pushing her buttons. If she were any bolder, she’d have already struck the self-righteous expression off his face.
“I didn’t know about that, I would have never–these are my people but this isn’t the way, the polymer didn’t work and people died because of it.”
“More will too, but only if you don’t do anything.” He tried to reach for her again but she shrugged away, “It could work. Together we could do this.” Tyler’s expression was pleading, his eyes urging her to make the right decision.
“Goodnight, Tyler.”
The flight was thankfully uneventful and much easier than her last flight to Oklahoma when she’d been dreading the very idea of her return. There were still memories that haunted the place she called home but now she could rest assured that they weren’t losses for nothing and that she may very well be able to save someone, hopefully many someones, from the same suffering she had endured for years.
Kate dragged her suitcases through the airport and the bustle of people coming and going made her feel oddly comforted. New York was easy to get lost in and for the time, it was exactly what she needed. But it had only ever been a place she ran away to and after a while she was running too fast to ever see it for what it was. Here, in Oklahoma, she was home.
She made her way out to the pickup lanes and was met with a calm blue sky, one that she knew–or maybe even hoped–wouldn’t last. At the five-minute mark, Kate was unbothered. By ten, she considered concern. By twenty, she was on the phone. It took three calls getting sent to voicemail before her mother picked up on the fourth.
“Hey, are you alright?” She tried not to sound too concerned but it wasn’t like her mother to forget an obligation or to not pick up the phone.
“Oh, sunshine, I’m fine. It’s my truck that’s acting up,” Her mom replied. “I was on the road already when it decided to quit on me. I’m not sure how long repairs are going to take. You want me to call someone for you?” Kate sighed, more relieved by her mother’s well-being than bothered by the situation.
“No, don’t worry about it,” She answered, “As much as you don’t like it, I am a big girl. I can take care of it.”
“I know you can, baby. Don’t worry about making it here tonight, just take care of yourself.”
They exchanged ‘I love you’s before it sunk in that actually did have to take care of it. She found herself a spot on a nearby bench and tucked her luggage in beside her. Scrolling through her contacts, her thumb hovered over Javi before something urged her to keep going. Kate wasn’t sure if this was a bad idea but lately, she could handle a little risk.
“Hello?” She bit her lip, knowing this was her last chance to turn back. Still, he might not even be around or available to get her.
“Hey, Tyler?”
“Uh, yeah?” His voice was in performance mode, his uncertainty no match to his inherent charisma. Kate found herself filled with an urgent hope.
“It's Kate, Kate Carter.”
“Kate!” She could hear the smile in his voice. It was the first time she’d called him since he gave her his number and she was just beginning to regret not using it sooner. “What uh…what's going on?”
Her stomach flipped at the realization that she had to explain herself, that she wasn’t just calling him. Oh god, was this a mistake? Kate had thought there was something there when they were saying goodbye but maybe this was pushing it.
“Are you in Oklahoma by any chance?”
“I am actually,” Tyler replied before he, with a hopeful tone, asked, “Are you here?”
“Do you think you could pick me up from the airport?” She fought the urge to cross her fingers like a little girl. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if she had to call Javi but she couldn’t help but want to see where this path led.
“Of course!” Her chest tightened, a mix between excitement and worry. “Is everything alright with your mom?” Kate’s cheeks flushed, touched by his concern.
“Yeah–truck just wasn’t starting, don’t worry,” She said, hoping she sounded nonchalant.
“Alright then, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” In the background, Kate could hear his keys jingling already and she smiled to herself.
“Thanks so much. Bye.”
_ _ _
Kate had been inside, sitting at a cafe when her phone buzzed in her pocket, Tyler letting her know that he’d made it. She tossed out her empty coffee cup before regathering her things and taking a deep breath. If she was being honest with herself, she was excited to see him but she didn’t want to endure the inevitable teasing she’d be subject to should she seem too eager to be in his presence.
The sliding doors opened and it took her a minute to spot the familiar red truck. Her eyes followed the path to where Tyler was busy basking in the attention of an adoring fan. What more could she expect?
“And did you want this signed cause I could definitely sign this for you.”
He didn’t notice as she siddled up, even with the rumble of her suitcases on the concrete. She shook her head at the display of his ‘Tornado Wrangler’ persona and thought better than to let him off the hook.
With the exaggerated voice of a dedicated fan, she implored, “Oh my goodness! Is that Tyler Owens? I am your biggest fan!”
“That’s me darlin’, what can I do for–Kate.” He cleared his throat and straightened out his posture, putting on the real Tyler at the sight of her. Kate bit her lip, sparing him the laugh that threatened to escape her.
“Tyler,” She said, “You look good.”
“Well, I feel good.” Tyler stood with his hands on his hips, the two of them alone now and it seemed neither of them knew just what to say. She laughed at his remark and began to heave her luggage into the bed. Before she could lift the larger of the two bags, Tyler was stopping her with a hand on her wrist. Kate looked up at him, confused.
“Don’t make me make you get in the truck.” She glared at him, gauging whether or not he was serious. He only matched her expression. “Get in the truck,” Tyler repeated.
Kate rolled her eyes and climbed into the passenger seat. She couldn’t help but lean over toward the shift, running her fingers across the buttons. Her pointer finger landed on the tape labeled, ‘Kate’s Barrels’ and traced over his writing. When the driver's door opened, she jumped at the movement and tore her hand away.
“Headed to your mom’s?” Tyler asked, fingers tapping a rhythm onto the wheel.
“Uh, no actually just any motel close would be good. Home’s a bit far and the flight was long. I just want to go to bed.” She reminded herself that that was the only reason.
“I’m close,” He told her. Since when was he close? “I mean you could stay in my guest room and I could take you back to Sapulpa in the morning?” The idea sounded as equally dangerous as it was appealing. With a motel, she was in control of the situation but his place? There was no knowing.
Clearing her throat she answered, “That…sounds fine.”
Tyler tipped his hat toward her and then he was making his way out of the parking spot. For a little while, they sat in comfortable silence, the radio filling the empty space between them. Once they were outside the city, it was comforting to watch as farmland made up her view. The word rattled in her head again. Home.
“So, how did it end up going with the investors?” He asked. “Good, I assume since you’re back in Oklahoma.” Kate couldn’t help but smile knowing well enough already how happy he’d be to hear. Not to mention how happy she was to achieve something she’d been chasing since the possibility entered her mind.
“Yeah, it went very well actually. We uh–we got a lot of people interested and the offers were so good…I quit my job and sold the apartment. I’m back, back.”
Tyler’s smile grew to a million watts as he exclaimed, “Kate! That’s amazing!”
“Thank you, we’re really excited.” She thought she saw his grin falter a bit but she couldn’t pin down why. Still, after a moment he let out a whoop, honking the horn at the expense of the car in front of them. Kate laughed, placing her hand over his to keep him from doing it again.
“So, where you planning on living? With Javi?”
“Actually I’m not sure yet. Javi has this new girlfriend from back in Miami and they’re pretty wrapped up in each other.” His eyebrows raised and she continued, “My mom's kind of out of the way too. Plus, she’s thinking of selling since seed prices just keep going up. Says she’s sick of the weather.”
Tyler’s jaw went slack, exaggerating his shock. “Sick of the–Sick of the weather?”
“What can I say, she doesn’t appreciate the beauty of the storm.” Kate sighed theatrically. Her hand went to her forehead in a ‘woe is me’ gesture. He chuckled, punching her playfully in the arm.
“On the topic of prices though, she is right.” Tyler sighed as he turned onto a new street. “That’s why I bought land and started from the ground up.”
“Land?” She repeated. It hadn’t been that long that she’d been gone. When and more so why had he decided to put down roots and outside of Arkansas for that matter.
“Yes, ma’am.” His mouth quirked up in a prideful smirk.
“And here I thought I’d be sharing some shitty motel room.”
They pulled into a long dirt driveway, the grass surrounding it still young. While the house was clearly new, the style had a nostalgic feel to it. It was painted a fresh shade of cream and the white wrap-around porch just screamed summer nights. If she didn’t know better she’d think she was going to visit some sweet old lady.
“Here we are, home sweet home.”
Tyler opened her door for her like a proper gentleman and she stepped out into pleasant fresh air. The whole thing was picturesque. Kate supposed she shouldn’t really be surprised considering she didn’t really know his tastes but the whole thing surprised her nonetheless.
She followed Tyler through the front door as he carried her bags inside. The interior was just as sweet as the exterior had been but Kate could see the signs that were uniquely him. There were various piles and pieces of gear strewn about that she recognized from having filled her mother’s house with. Even with the classic style, the appliances and layout were tastefully modern. She was impressed.
Kate stepped into the kitchen which seemed to be the most lived-in room. There were pictures of the Wranglers and what she assumed was his family stuck to the fridge. Her eyes drifted to a bulletin board hung up next to it and tacked up in the center of it was a page ripped out of their article from Ben, one with a picture of her. She could feel her cheeks flush even with him still in the other room. Though she wanted to, Kate knew she wouldn’t mention it.
“You hungry?” She jumped at the sound of Tyler’s voice.
“No, I couldn’t–” The same look that urged her to ‘get in the truck’ painted his face and she reconsidered her answer. “Starved.”
Tyler seemed satisfied. He pulled out a seat at the kitchen island where she could have a clear view of him whipping something together. The whole thing felt unnervingly domestic but she enjoyed it all the same.
“This place is really nice, Tyler,” Kate said. Gesturing toward his tricked-out home office–that was maybe a little too nice for a YouTube star–she pointed out, “Got a nice setup too.”
“Yeah, the team has pretty much paired off and they live here and there but we come back for a warm meal more often than not.”
“Not you though?” It had crossed her mind that maybe the sudden home ownership had been a response to some sort of serious relationship. She tried to sound casual since it wasn’t really any of her business.
Tyler smiled and shrugged. “Nah, a fearless leader has to hold down the fort.” Kate rolled her eyes and laughed at his cockiness. It was better knowing that it didn’t run deep. She thought better than to push it but still, she wanted to know what this whole thing was for.
“No, but seriously, why a house?”
“Oklahoma is the past, present and future of tornadoes. That’s no secret,” He replied like it was some well-known slogan. Yeah, the outbreak they experienced had put Oklahoma back on the map but Tornado Alley spanned a wide area, including Arkansas.
“How do you figure?”
“Well you’re here, aren’t you?” Her stomach sank, trying to decipher the meaning behind what he said. His focus was trained on the pot in front of him like what he’d said was no big deal. What was she supposed to say to that?
Without an answer, Tyler clarified, “You’ve got better instinct than anyone I’ve ever met, better than any Doppler too.”
He’d turned to her and winked in her continued silence. Kate nodded with a smile like it was casual to her too. She shifted under his intense gaze and thought it was an apt time to break the tension with something she’d been tossing around in her mind. He laid a plate of spaghetti in front of her before sitting down himself. She cleared her throat.
“I was going to wait to bring this up but…I was wondering if you would consider being partners.”
“Really?” The excitement on his face was genuine and Kate could see the surprise too. It made her feel secure in her decision.
“Javi and I both have stakes in it but he’s avoiding the field as much as he can right now. He’s got the business side under control but, like I said, he’s got someone at home who’d prefer he didn’t get blown away.”
Tyler stayed practically frozen in place. Maybe she’d overstepped her bounds after all. She could tell herself all she wanted that she wouldn’t be hurt if he didn’t want to partner with her but that didn’t make it the truth.
“What do you say, me and you?” Kate asked, bracing for his answer.
“You and me,” Tyler replied genuinely and with what she hoped was a hint of awe.
They ate silently, half from hunger and half in consideration of their future. As much as Kate didn’t want to admit it, there were other questions lingering between them. When her plate was cleared, he insisted on taking care of the simple cleanup himself leaving Kate to sit idly at the kitchen table, unable to get anywhere else without his direction anyway.
With the dishes washed, Tyler turned his attention back to her but it seemed he had just as much of an idea of how to proceed as she did.
“So, uh…” She began, uncertain where she was going.
“I bet you probably want to get cleaned up. There’s an en suite in the guest room.”
“Yeah, great.” As much as she wanted to bolt, Kate got up from the table slowly as if she were as calm as could be. Still, she didn’t wait for any instructions as to where to go. She didn’t turn back to look at him as she climbed the stairs, internally cursing herself for adding to the awkward atmosphere.
“First door on the right!” Tyler called after her because, of course, she hadn’t asked.
_ _ _
The warm water had been just what she needed, especially paired with the time away from Tyler to think. As much as there had been a sense of tension between them, her feelings had settled on contentment and maybe even excitement. They were partners now and they had plenty of time to figure everything and anything else out. They’d been through hell already and he would help her through it again.
She stepped out of the shower, her feet hitting the plush bath mat, and reached for a towel. Her hand grabbed only air. Upon further inspection, the towel rack was completely unoccupied. Shit.
“Um, Tyler?” Kate called. She waited a few minutes for his response and when it didn’t come she yelled louder. “Tyler!” She let out a breath when she heard his footsteps on the stairs.
“There are no towels in here!”
“Shit. My bad, no one has used that bedroom yet,” Tyler explained. His feet were already causing the wood floor to creak when he assured, “I’ll grab you one, be right back.”
Kate couldn’t believe this was happening. There was a good chance that she’d expose herself in the exchange. She’d even left her clothes on the bed, choosing to strip before going to the bathroom.
A few minutes later there was a hesitant knock on the door.
“Here, I brought you a few. I don’t know what you prefer,” Tyler said.
She had to assume that he was smart enough not to look. He’d been nothing but polite after all. When she opened the door, his eyes were covered by the palm of his hand, and his other arm was extended out to her. Kate tried not to laugh at the look of him.
Kate wrapped the largest towel around herself and used another to dry the excess moisture from her hair. She pulled the door back open, assuming he was gone but she was met with his figure, eyes still shielded. Nearly bumping right into him, she let out an involuntary sound something between a squeak and a groan. Tyler echoed the sound and quickly flipped his hand so he could see her. She had to assume that his subsequent turning around was motivated by her state of undress.
She didn’t know what else to do besides starting to dress. It seemed he wasn’t done talking to her just yet. After a moment, he spoke.
“Uh, Kate…I, uh, realized I didn’t say thank you just then for considering me.”
“Who else could I possibly consider?” She winced at her own words. By no means did Kate want to sound like she was unhappy, she just didn’t want to make it a big deal between them.
“Well, right, I guess there’s not many storm chasers to begin with and especially not ones who’ve studied meteorology.” Kate could hear the slight hurt in his voice even as he tried to tease and she couldn’t blame him. She’d said the wrong thing. She quickly finished pulling on her pajama pants so she could focus on the conversation before she said something else she regretted.
“Tyler,” She said softly. He still had his back considerately turned to her. Like a kid trying to pass notes in class, Kate tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Tyler smiled as he faced her and it gave her the boost she needed to say what she wanted. “You’re the reason I’m doing this in the first place. You believed in me even when I didn’t. We’re going to be helping people and that’s because of you.”
He was shaking his head before she’d even finished.
“You can’t believe that, it's your polymer, your idea–”
She took a confident step forward, the action effectively shutting him up. The closer Kate got the more she angled up at him, his height towering over her. Her hand found its way to his jaw, cupping it gently, her thumb brushing over the stubble of his skin. Before she had the chance to close the distance, Tyler took his chance to capture her lips with his own.
It started slow, hesitant to the possibility of too much too fast but quickly gained momentum as they threw caution to the wind. It had been years since Kate had done this, never quite feeling able to move on from Jeb and the accident but now with a sense of closure and Tyler’s guiding hand she felt ready.
His mouth was eager as their kiss deepened, Tyler’s tongue painting the inside of her mouth, almost as if he was committing it to memory. Their heavy breaths filled the air and neither of them seemed willing to break the kiss as the minutes went on. It wasn’t until her fingers played at the hem of his shirt that he broke off, looking down at her through hooded eyes, his mouth swollen and flushed.
The sight was too much and she couldn’t help but bring her lips back to his skin. They found purchase at his pulse point, kisses littering his neck as she made her intentions known to him with every touch.
Taking a step back, Tyler’s hands cradled her face and he searched her eyes, looking for what she wasn’t sure but when he seemed to find it a smile broke across his face. It was the same smile he sported every time the wind picked up and the radar lit up red: a man ready to face a challenge.
“You still wanna stay in my guest room?” He asked, though his joking town was limited by his heavy breathing. Kate knew he was teasing but he was just as eager as she was.
“If you keep up with that attitude I just might,” She replied, smiling ruefully.
“Honey,” Tyler beamed, “all I’ve got is attitude.”
A chuckle escaped her lips and his face turned from cocky to sincere before he leaned in to steal a kiss once more. His hands moved from her face to grasping her own as he led her to what she assumed was his room.
Kate struggled to keep up as he held his hands behind him for her to grasp. She held them awkwardly as the unusual position did not grant her a good grip. The playful air gave her butterflies but also made her feel a sense of safety, knowing that things didn’t have to be heavy between them.
Tyler turned, pulling their hands over his head so that Kate twirled around with him. He used the momentum to guide her backward into his room with his hands on her hips, attempting a cheesily seductive smolder. She used her heel to kick the door shut behind them.
Kate walked ahead of him to go sit on the edge of his bed. She could tell he was watching her closely to consider his next move but she enjoyed the idea of playing coy with him. Ignoring him, she took in the space which was surprisingly sparse especially compared to the ground floor.
“Wow, real homey in here,” Kate joked, feigning awe at the blank walls
“Oh, hush,” Tyler chided, “It hasn’t been that long since we finished construction.”
She put up her hands in surrender and replied, “Sure, sure.” He rolled his eyes at her and then his expression became soft again. Tyler walked forward, kneeing her legs open and standing between them. With just a tilt of her head they were kissing again and this time when she grabbed his shirt, he let her take it off of him. Kate paused a moment to take him in, the image one she intended to commit to memory before pulling her own shirt over her head.
The rest of their clothes came quickly but when it was time for her to remove her jeans she hesitated.
“We don’t have to do this.” Tyler reassured her, misreading her reluctance. Kate shook her head.
“It's not that it’s–” She huffed in frustration and rather than continue to overthink, pulled her pants down in one swift motion, hoping he’d move past the interruption rather than linger on the issue.
Instead, his eyes moved immediately to her lower half and zeroed in on her leg…her scar. Kate’s stomach began to churn. She knew that he knew the story but she hated that it had to be part of this moment between them. He had been part of making it possible for her to redeem herself, to make sure the losses were not worth nothing. Still, the memories and the physical signs would never leave her. It made her insecure but if he had a problem with it, this wasn’t worth continuing.
“Is this from…”
“Yes,” Kate replied flatly. She didn’t have anything to prove and she wanted more than anything to move on from this as soon as possible. Tyler looked up from the marred skin on her leg and cupped her face with one of his hands. His eyes were filled with pure admiration.
“You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met.”
Tyler’s lips were on hers again as he leaned her back into the bed, his body sculpting to hers. She felt a hand trail down her body, over her ass, before he hoisted her leg over his shoulder, his face turning towards her thigh and kissing over her scar as he lined himself up with her entrance. He looked at her until she realized he was waiting for her cue. She grabbed onto his upper arms and nodded, making it clear she was ready.
He was slow with her, caressing in all the right spots and making sure she was comfortable until he was finally fully inside her and they moaned in unison at the feeling. She hadn’t felt like this in a long time and when he took a moment to brush the hair from her face it made it all that much sweeter so much so that she laughed. Tyler looked at her, concerned but when she kissed him, he smiled into it catching her drift.
As he began to grind into her, he coaxed mewls from her lips, her hips meeting his instinctually at the pleasure. The way he watched her carefully for her reactions made her heart soar. He made it evident that they were in this together, that he cared about making her feel good. One of Tyler's hands still held her leg while the other found her clit, circling it while keeping pace and she couldn’t help the words spilling from her mouth.
“Tyler,” Kate pleaded, “Don’t stop.” He listened to her demand but she could see how it made him falter. His expression was that of awe as if he couldn’t believe that he was here with her, that she was enjoying what he was doing for them. She curled an arm around his neck and played with the hair there in a way that caused him to flush.
“I gotcha,” Tyler promised, somehow pressing them closer together, “I gotcha.”
She could’ve been embarrassed at how fast she came but Tyler didn’t give her a chance, instead riding her out through her climax and continuing to thrust even after. It was almost too much as tears of pleasure pricked her eyes and her moans filled the room. Her hands gripped the sheets, his arms, his hair, anything that she could reach to keep hold of her senses as they were overwhelmed. All she could think or comprehend was Tyler.
“I–I’m close,” He stammered, the tremble in his voice radiating throughout his body, “Kate, I–”
Her vision went white when she came again, though she could hear Tyler moan her name like a mantra, his head buried in her neck. One hand reached into his hair while the other traced absent circles on his back. It took him a minute but eventually, he came back to her.
“Hey,” He said, letting out a breathy laugh.
Tyler pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, clearly savoring the moment. Kate didn’t want it to end either but she was confident that it was only beginning. They both let out their own versions of a disappointed noise as he pulled out.
When he disappeared into the ensuite, she pulled his comforter up around her, the scent of him enveloping her as well. He came back with a damp towel and once helped her clean up, he flopped into bed beside her, pulling her into his side.
Kate placed a hand on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat under her palm. Tyler pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She wanted to bask in the moment a bit longer but before she knew it she was beginning to yawn.
The last thing she remembered before she fell into a peaceful sleep was the sweet kiss they shared and the soft rumble of his voice.
“Goodnight, Kate.”
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In the Spirit of Helping
Pairing | Anthony Lockwood x Lucy Carlyle
Summary | Lucy has been alone most of her life, having found solace in a single friend long lost she grapples with being taken care of again. She must learn how to hold on and be held.
Or five times Lockwood looks out for Lucy and one time she looks out for him.
Warnings | mentions of suicide, canon typical violence
W/C | 9.6k
A/N | I’ve loved Lockwood and Co. since middle school (I’m in college now) and I even have my first book signed by the author so this is a long time coming. The show really captured the books and I hate Netflix for canceling it so I decided to give us a little more than we have. -smoe<33
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It’d been a tough case. Child Type-Twos were always difficult for them but Lucy tended to take it the hardest. Her listening was sensitive and her heart just a tad too big for the job.
While the team had been fighting off ghosts, Lucy’s senses had been overwhelmed by the cries of children. She almost couldn’t hear the boys calling her name over the cacophony of noise. Her own voice had soon joined the begging, hot tears streaming down her face to accompany the desperation. The memory of hands grabbing at her, holding her down; she just wanted it to stop , stop–
“Stop!” She yelled, thrashing around at imaginary hands. “Please leave us alone!”
Muffled cries of, “Lucy!” rang out from her left but she’d already dropped to the ground, holding her head in her hands.
Hands tugged at her shoulders, real ones this time, and she panicked. “Get off me!” She lashed out and the smooth metal of her ring caught Lockwood’s cheekbone, splitting it.
Lockwood took a second to compose himself before he approached her again, hands out and placating as if she were a wounded animal.
“Lucy, it’s alright,” She noticed suddenly that she could hear the comforting lilt of his voice with no interference “George got the source. They’re gone.”
The ghosts had all been tied to the same source: a stuffed bear stored under the floorboards. Lucy threw up while Lockwood held her hair and George called DEPRAC to come to retrieve the source as well as arrest their employer. Lucy couldn’t help but stare at Lockwood as they rode home, the gash on his face tidied up by a medic but there all the same.
Her eyes bore into his–guilt and anger rotting her insides but incapable of feeling it. She couldn’t feel much of anything on the ride home, just a vague sense of what she did and what had happened. She was numb and it was only when Lockwood had finally broken their eye contact that she registered they were back at Portland Row. Languidly, she exited the vehicle, her rapier loose in her hand and a blank expression on her tear-stained face.
Lucy found herself sandwiched between two boys, George in front, keying open the door, and Lockwood behind her, his hand hovering over the small of her back. Her things fell unceremoniously to the ground the moment she stepped in the door and George jumped.
“Christ, Lucy, you could at least–”
“I’m going to sleep,” she announced and sidestepped an indignant-looking George.
“Lucy, how about we all have a cuppa and–” Lockwood didn’t bother to finish his sentence as Lucy was already up the first flight of stairs and working on the next by the time he managed the first half.
Lucy’s legs felt like iron, her body forcing its way to her room through the difficulty. She’d lost control again. She saw the way the boys looked at her: George and his sideways glances, Lockwood with a pity that gripped her heart and tugged every time she so much as frowned. How could she not though? Every day they experienced more than any person should in a lifetime and they were only children, no matter what Lockwood insisted.
More than anything Lucy was angry . Angry at her mother for pushing her into this line of work, angry at DEPRAC for letting kids do this job, and angry at Fitts and Rotwell for profiting off the backs of dead agents. Her hands clenched as she made her way to the bathroom overwhelmed with how dirty she felt. The eyes that stared back at her in the mirror were as dull as her mousy brown hair and the freckles that scattered her cheeks and nose were muddled by smears of mud from her fall. Tear streaks were running down her face as she scrubbed at them furiously, the too-cold water making her feel raw. Grey water swirled down the drain, taking the dirt and magnesium dust with it.
Lucy noticed the hair on her arms had been singed as she removed her dirtied clothes similarly littered with burns and tears. The sensible blacks and blues of her wardrobe left much to be desired, George being the only one to stray into yellows and oranges but paying for it whenever he came out on jobs and ruined his clothes. The steam of the shower began filling up the small room, giving Lucy a reprieve from her reflection as the mirror fogged up and she stepped inside the scalding water.
As she scrubbed her body and massaged her scalp, Lucy felt the anger and sadness slip away from her, replaced by a bone-deep exhaustion. Tears mixed with the spray of shower as Lucy silently let out the day. She was just wrapping a towel around herself when a knock echoed from outside the door.
“Luce?” It was Lockwood. “Lucy?”
Heaving a breath, Lucy wrapped her towel tighter and exited the bathroom just as Lockwood climbed the rest of the way up the stairs. Lockwood was now staring up at her, surprise coloring his face and a blush starting to burn his cheeks. Lucy didn’t have it in her to be embarrassed around Lockwood like she always seemed to be, instead staring down at his red-tinged face.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, taking a step back down the stairs.
It took a second for her to respond, deciding whether to lie or voice a truth she hadn't dared to think on. “No.”
“Wha-” Lockwood blubbered, not expecting her answer and bounded up the last three steps to her room and walked over to where she stood. “Luce, what’s going on with you?”
“Honestly, Lockwood,” Lucy began, tucking a wet strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m tired.”
Lockwood grinned, a look of relief flooding his face as he spoke, “Well, a good night’s sleep-”
“No, Lockwood!” She turned around exasperated. “I’m tired of being an agent, I’m tired of risking my life, I’m tired of being tired!”
When Lucy turned back to see the stunned boy behind, her she immediately wished she’d kept her mouth closed. His entire demeanor shifted, eyes not quite meeting hers and Lucy wanted to take everything back.
“Lockwood…” Her mind flashed to him telling her, “everything ends and everyone leaves.”
Lockwood gave her a rueful smile, his arms flailing helplessly at his sides, “I wish you didn't have to do this either. And you don’t but I’ll be here for you…George too–the both of us–if you decide to stay.”
Lucy was suddenly all too aware that she was still only in a towel when she felt herself fluster at his attempted cover-up. “It was just a long night, I didn’t mean it. I’m not going anywhere”
They stood in silence for a few minutes, not looking at each other but she didn’t think Lockwood was convinced by her words. Lucy looked to the skull, its swirling green face taunting her as she wracked her mind for a way to tell Lockwood how much he meant to her when a yawn tore its way up her throat, breaking the moment. “You’re tired, I’ll let you go to bed.”
“Anthony…” She pleaded, not knowing what she would say if he stopped and he nearly did before he must have thought better of it.
“I want you to know, you mean a lot to us and we’re always going to be here for you,” He seemed put off by his own admission but added on assuredly, “I would be sorry to see you go.”
Lucy wasn’t sure what she was feeling as she watched Lockwood walk down the stairs. She knew the boys meant something to her, they were all she had left; her mother never meant much to her, and Norrie ghost-locked back north was likely never to wake up. They were all she had and by some strange feat, that was enough.
Lucy’s eyes snapped open, her body stiff and cold as she lay staring up at the dark ceiling of her attic room. There was a quick moment where she felt the echo of being trapped in ghost-lock but when she realized she was aware of her surroundings, Lucy’s stomach dropped. For many, nightmares were the worst of it, but for her , as the dreams ended the terror of real life began. At least in her dreams, she could do more than just watch.
Her breathing began to quicken uncontrollably. Realistically, she knew none of what was happening was real but the panic clawing its way through her chest and into her lungs didn’t give much leeway toward logic. Lucy felt herself break into a cold sweat as a shadow moved at the edge of her vision. Ghosts glowed, she saw them every day; they didn’t exist as the void she was experiencing, hell even shades were different than this. Lucy felt a scream bubbling in her throat, waiting to be let out but she was locked still. Her body was not her own, a mind inside an unwilling vessel that was intent on destroying her.
Her muscles ached as she strained against them, trying to force any part of herself to move or latch onto reality, her anchor being Lockwood's necklace but to no avail. Quicker and quicker she was losing oxygen to her heaving, her hands begging to grasp at the invisible noose around her neck that was tightening by the second. She lay there, choking on the air that she was able to inhale into her burning lungs when suddenly, her finger twitched. Another and then another came to until her body shot up out of the bed and a scream found its way out of the lump in her throat.
Once again her vision was clear and the shadow was gone but the fear that had only just consumed her still lingered in the air, electric, leaving her paranoid. Tears pricked at Lucy’s eyes, not out of fright but frustration; she hadn’t slept well in weeks and she was growing weary of the constant fatigue she lived with. Between the nighttime cases and overall lack of sleep, she was at her wit's end.
Lucy pushed the heels of her palms into her eyes, willing the tears to stop until she could swing her legs from under her blanket and take the first tentative step out of bed. The dusty hardwood was cold on her bare feet and creaked quietly under her. She didn’t like to walk around at night, knowing that the noise could be heard throughout the house but given that she’d already been screaming, if anyone was disturbed they’d already be awake. She glanced at the dull green glow of the skull on her window ledge and grimaced.
Grabbing her sweater from where it sat in her laundry basket, Lucy pulled it over her head, not bothering to worry about the two-day-old tea stain that marred the front. It was her favorite sweater, often smelling familiarly like lavender and anyway, she had no one to impress at three in the morning. Her hand found the reassuring iron of her doorknob and cursed the house for being so cold; the older construction did not lend much insulation for the chilly weather that plagued London almost year round. For good measure, she hurriedly grabbed the knitted throw blanket George’s mom made off of her bed and wrapped that around herself as well.
She began to descend the stairs, being as quiet as possible, her hand gripped the railing and supported her as she skipped the loose stair that always creaked when anyone stepped on it. The landing was home to three doors, two inhabited and, she could only hope, undisturbed . Her eyes slid past George’s but she lingered on his despite her resolve not to. Shaking her head, Lucy continued down the second flight until she reached the ground floor.
Just as she was going to enter the kitchen, the sound of the stove lighting stopped her. Had she woken one of them? Her heart rate picked up and she couldn't decide who she’d rather have awoken.
With a deep breath, Lucy pushed open the door and saw the clear outline of Lockwood reaching to grab a mug from the cabinet. She tip-toed in but accidentally knocked into a chair, startling the boy.
“Oh, Lucy , it's you,” Lockwood smiled, a defensive hand still clutched to his chest.
“What are you doing awake?” She asked but her voice was unprepared and it came out strained. She knew he needed the sleep just as much as her.
“You know, had to use the bathroom then decided on some tea.” He shrugged, gesturing to the kettle on the stove, mug in hand.
Lucy squinted her eyes in suspicion, “That’s my mug.”
Lockwood’s gaze flitted to the object he was holding and scoffed. “Well, it's hardly yours. Everyone shares these!”
Despite the feeling in her gut, he wasn’t lying; Everyone did share the mugs but that one in particular was different. That mug was the one she had bought specifically for herself after she discovered she was two gulps deep into George’s toothbrush cup. After that, she was deadly clear to never touch it, and to her knowledge they never did. Lucy felt a flare of annoyance, they knew that was her mug and here Lockwood was using it as if it was his, as if–
Her stomach dropped when she finally remembered why she was down here in the first place. That was her mug.
“I woke you up, didn’t I?” Lucy sighed.
Lockwood’s head dropped, “Looks like you caught me.” He set down the mug. “What was it this time?”
“Nothing specific, just shadows.” Lucy rubbed her arm trying to comfort herself and took a seat at the table. “Doesn't help when your brain won't listen to you. I know it’s not real but I can’t stop it.”
“I’m sorry.” He smiled in remorse.
Lucy shook her head and stood, letting the blanket fall from her shoulders. “Nothing to be done.” She moved around the boy, blindingly aware of their height difference when she had to strain to reach another mug. One for him this time. “What are you having?” She opened the tea drawer and pulled out an Earl Gray for herself.
“Just black is fine,” He said from where they kept the biscuits.
They met in the middle, Lucy with two cups of steaming tea and Lockwood with the chocolate-coated biscuits they saved for special occasions. Lucy raised her eyebrow in question and Lockwood shrugged.
“Don’t tell George and there won't be a problem,” Lockwood smiled and sat down across from her.
Lucy put the cups uneasily down, sloshing a bit of hers over the edge and burning herself slightly in the process. She hissed through her teeth and stuck the afflicted finger in her mouth. “You know he’ll notice,” She warned, noticing Lockwood’s eyes caught on her mouth.
“Yeah, but that’s a problem for later.” Lockwood chuckled, eyes flitting back up to hers and shooting her a grin before snatching a biscuit from the open sleeve and grabbing his tea.
They sat there for around half an hour just talking. Lucy nearly had forgotten what led them into this position at all and a warm smile donned her lips when Lockwood walked up the extra flight to her room with her to, ‘make sure you get there safely’. Her room felt warmer and she wasn't as afraid to fall back asleep with the lingering promise that he’d be there if she needed him.
Lucy felt extravagant. Because of their recent press and subsequent jobs, she could afford a new dress that hadn’t seen the bottom of the Thames. It was red and satin and showed more skin than any outfit she’d ever owned. When she had decided on it, the woman at the boutique exclaimed, ‘ If you're going to go red you must go red’ which scared her at first but when she pulled out the matching red heels and a brand new tube of red lipstick she listened to the voice in her head that was telling her to trust this woman. Lucy thanked the other side every day that she did.
After an appointment at the salon, she snuck up to her room past a cooking George and oblivious Lockwood to finish getting ready for the party. Normally she wouldn’t get so worked up over some company fluff but this one felt different. Before, no one bothered a second glance at her, except maybe Quill, but tonight, after a freshly printed front page issue interview about her abilities, she intended to make a good impression.
Lockwood had pushed her to do the interview despite her protests, ‘ Think about the publicity, Lucy! What it could do for the company, Lucy!’ and so she agreed because Lockwood looked so hopeful, so proud . How could she say no? So now here she was, slipping on a black trench and tying a blue scarf around her freshly curled hair like a woman grown instead of one just barely leaving her childhood all the while trying to ignore the snide comments of a disembodied skull that lived in her room.
With one last look to make sure nothing would be ruined between her room and the party, she ventured downstairs. The boys were standing by the door looking impatient and she rolled her eyes.
“Let’s be off then,” She tried to sound nonchalant but she knew they would open their big stupid mouths and ruin this for her.
“Is that you, Luce?” George sputtered, sounding on the edge of hysterics. She couldn’t look at Lockwood so she walked right past them and out the door to the taxi. As she passed, she could see George shrug and take a deep breath.
Of course, the boys were both dressed in basic black suits and to them, this was nothing new but tonight was undiscovered territory for her. She still refused to look at Lockwood throughout the ride and she didn’t know if the silence was a good thing or if the ice slowly forming over her heart was a bad sign.
It wasn’t long before they reached Fitts and were exiting the taxi. Her heart thundered in her chest as they got closer to the door because that meant she couldn’t hide behind the shapelessness of her coat. Lucy had always been conscious of her body, having grown up with six sisters, it was hard not to compare. The woman at the boutique had said she looked beautiful and she trusted her before but now she was starting to think the clerk just wanted to make a sale. Her heart was in her throat when she finally took off her scarf and unbuttoned her jacket to reveal the full effect of her outfit.
“Christ, Lucy, you look like a proper girl!” George exclaimed and Lock still hadn’t said anything .
She felt like she was on display for the world and all she wanted to do was catch the eye of the tall boy standing at her side. Lucy took a chance and looked at Lockwood. To her surprise, his gaze wasn’t on her but instead on the familiar necklace that lived around her neck. As if caught, Lockwood's ears went pink and he finally met her eyes.
“You look amazing, Lucy,” And he said it with so much sincerity both in his voice and in his eyes that she could do nothing more than believe him.
Her voice was small when she found it. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” He said as if it was mad she expected any other answer.
She saw George look between them and shake his head. “I’m going to find the food.”
“I think I’m going to go to the loo,” Lucy’s smile was tight and Lockwood just nodded.
She looked around as she walked through the sea of people, noting many sets of eyes on her, and began to shrink in on herself. Quill’s eyes alone were easy enough to avoid but it seemed as if everyone was looking at her. Lucy quickened her pace, remembering the path she used last time they’d been at Fitts but an artful step right into it stopped her in her tracks.
“I believe we haven’t met. I’m Jonathan Davies, and you are Lucy Carlyle of Lockwood and Co.” The man held out his hand and in good taste, Lucy could not refuse.
“Charmed, but I apologize. I don’t believe I’ve heard of you, Mr. Davies?” Lucy asked as more of a question than anything else. It was Lockwood after all that kept up with this kind of thing.
“Please, call me John. But I don’t suppose you would have. I’m a part of the Fitts research team,” He looked it too, old and pale; probably from being cooped up in the library. Lucy made a mental note to apologize to George later for the thought. His smile was too gummy and his breath smelled of champagne. She wanted to leave . “And might I say you look gorgeous tonight, nearly a woman you are!” The comment made her smile waver.
“Not too near, though. Still a good few years away,” Lucy tried to joke but the comedy was lost in her discomfort.
“Oh, don't be like that!” The man bellowed. “I’m just trying to give you a compliment. You’re maturing and it looks good on you. What’s so wrong with pointing it out?” Mr. Davies bellowed and he was getting closer.
Lucy shivered and began looking for outs; her adrenaline strung her out like she was on a case and her mind was switching to fight-or-flight. Lucy did not tend to lean towards flight. She nearly had the thought to hit the man when an arm looped itself through hers and she jumped.
“I believe I owe Ms. Carlyle here a dance. Isn't that right, Luce?” The arm and the voice belonged to Lockwood who held the older man’s attention while she paused to collect herself.
“Yes! He promised me my first one of the night. You understand, of course?” Lucy tried to come off as apologetic but surmised she failed by the look on Mr. Davies’ face. Lockwood nodded to the man and as they walked away, arm in arm, she inclined her head to speak lowly. “Thank you.”
“Always,” Lockwood smiled and pulled her so she was in front of him. He took her hands and at her confused glance chuckled. “I believe I owe you a dance.”
“Oh, you don't have to,” She said, nervous as he wrapped her arms around his neck and fit his hands at the curve of her waist.
Now he smirked, smart-looking just like she hated. “But I promised you your first one.”
“You are being a right arse right now, Anthony Lockwood,” She warned, feeling teased. Lucy was vulnerable around him, stripped bare and out in the open. Now more than ever in that bloody red dress.
His eyes crinkled around the edges and the smirk turned into his mega-watt grin. “And you are looking absolutely breathtaking tonight, Lucy Carlyle.”
“Oh, sod off!” Lucy exclaimed, but her cheeks warmed and suddenly she was red enough to match her outfit.
They danced for a minute or two and she took the time to look past the boy’s head and calm down. She figured he could feel her pulse from where her wrists were touching his neck, by how hard her body was trying to pump the blood back to her brain so she could maybe form a coherent thought. She was suddenly pulled from her stupor when Lockwood spoke.
“I do mean it though. You look better than every other person in this room. I didn’t even know what to say when I first saw you,” His voice was low and only for her.
And here she was, Lucy Carlyle standing in a room full of people whose eyes were all on her and she didn’t notice in the slightest. The only ones that mattered to her at that moment were Lockwood’s. His eyes, and his hands, and his necklace all on her .
“And who might you be?”
The old woman before them was quite kind looking in Lucy’s opinion, though her pale skin and white hair made her look almost like a phantasm which unsettled her–not to mention the biting tone of her words. Lucy was not fond of the older generation that remembered a time before the dead came back, their holier-than-thou attitudes at the problem they thought they should be exempt from. Lockwood on the other hand was all smiles and unwavering confidence, making him ready to take the lead as always.
“I’m Anthony Lockwood and this is my associate, Lucy Carlyle. We’re Lockwood and Co.”
The woman seemed unamused with the both of them, eyes instead searching for something behind them. “And where’s your supervisor?”
Lucy let out a small huff at the question. More than a few of their cases had been booked by clients ignorant of their status as lone agents ignoring that small detail in favor of the lower-than-average rates they needed to provide to stay in business. Lucy didn’t see why supervisors were needed at all, the bumbling adults just got in the way of their work. It’s what drove her out of her hometown and into the gangly arms of Lockwood and George in the first place.
The rain beating down on their shared umbrella was slowly beginning to drip onto Lucy’s right shoulder and she scowled, silently cursing Lockwood for not bringing his own. He was always trying to be the perfect gentleman, Lockwood, yet he always managed to fall short in some way despite his efforts. Lucy took a moment to compose herself, shutting her eyes and standing closer to Lockwood to try and get out of the rain.
Lockwood’s face fell a millimeter before he went to correct her but Lucy butted in, annoyance evident in her tone, “No supervisors ma’am, just us . You said you’ve just moved in and were feeling uneasy?”
The woman gave her another once-over and looked to be getting ready to slam the door in their faces before a man appeared behind her with a coat in his hand. “Edda, would you just let the kids in so they can get to work?” The man was soft in a way his wife wasn’t but a permanent crease had made a home between his eyebrows though it had been the only plane of his face that hadn’t seemed to possess a wrinkle before.
“These are unsupervised children you’re letting into our home.” The woman’s face twisted as her husband helped her into her coat and handed her her own umbrella before she swatted him away. “Get off me!” The coat was an ugly shade of puce that had Lucy wrinkling her nose unconsciously and wishing she’d never accepted the job.
“These agents are here to do the job we’re paying them to do. You head to the cab, I'll let them know everything they need to.” The woman pushed past Lockwood and herself, forcing them apart and out into the rain despite Lockwood thrusting his arm towards Lucy to try and keep her dry.
The man, whose name they learned to be Morton, told them how his wife had become agitated since moving to the house, the loud bangs they heard at night, and the ice-cold temperatures that seemed to move from room to room. Morton was distraught, insisting his wife had never been like this before they moved and that she was ‘a lovely woman. Truly.’ To Lucy, it sounded like a shade or lurker giving off residual emotions from their death which was–what she supposed–Lockwood had insisted: a quick case involving nothing more than a few harmless specters lurking around the property, no need to bring George.
Lucy and Lockwood were given a quick tour by Morton who walked with a slight limp in his left knee. Lucy tried to focus on the man’s limp rather than the incessant squeak of Lockwood’s shoes every time he took a step. Lockwood insisted on having his dress shoes resoled rather than just getting a new pair even with the extra cost and Lucy had laughed at the quirk merely days prior but now she was grinding her teeth. Finally, leaving them in the living room, Morton bid goodbye and headed out to his awaiting wife while the two agents got to work.
After setting up a home base in the living room, they’d searched all around the house but produced nothing. Lockwood was unable to see the faintest glow and Lucy couldn’t even hear a whisper. It wasn’t often both of their gifts failed them, the remnants of death often wanting to be heard rather than stay quiet as they had for generations before them. It wasn’t until Lucy got to the kitchen and lingered near the door that let out to the back gardens that she heard the distant cries of a woman. She ran a tired hand through her hair, fingers pulling at the roots at the notion of searching out in the downpour.
“Lockwood?” Lucy called out, “I think the source might be outside.”
She only had a moment of hope that Lockwood would call it a night before he rounded the corner, his eyes filled with elation. “Let’s hop on then! You first.”
As she turned, Lucy couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the look on Lockwood’s face. Of course, he would have fun trudging around in the rain. As soon as Lucy stepped outside, a gust of wind whipped the hood off her head and plastered her hair to her face. Lucy’s shoe– not her rain boot– squelched in the mud under her feet. Lockwood and her rooted around the garden of the old couple’s estate, pulling back thorny rose bushes that dug into her hands and trying to listen over the hammering of rain. Lucy felt her irritation boil over from where it had been growing in her chest when she managed to slip on a slick rock and end up hands first in the mud.
“I can’t believe you put us in this situation!” Lucy yelled over the pounding rain, “Really, Lockwood, it's like you don’t care about me at all!” She felt something solid in the mud and squeezed it tight in her fist, desperate for an outlet.
She didn’t bother looking over her shoulder, trying to work on grounding herself through the object in her hand, the grooves of the metal, the familiarity. Honestly, where did he get off on making her miserable during every case? He made her feel trapped. With a deep breath, Lucy closed her eyes and tried to clear her thoughts, focusing instead on trying to find the source and getting out of there.
Lockwood’s unintelligible voice interrupted her from behind and she huffed.
“Out where?” She tried asking.
“Your husband? What happened with–” Lockwood’s voice interrupted again and she snapped. “ Oh , would you bloody shut up, Lockwood? All you ever do is talk!” She screamed whirling around to look at him only to see that the scene had changed.
It wasn’t raining anymore, or even night at that. Instead, the garden was blooming with life. The trellis were bountiful with pink roses and light shone through a giant willow in the corner of the property. Across from her stood a handsome-looking man much older than herself. And she was afraid.
“All I ever do is talk?” The man asked deathly slow.
Lucy was sure she had no clue who the man was but her mouth was already moving. “Yes! You keep me trapped in this house, I have no friends, and you don’t even listen to me!” She was crying now and the man, her husband , stalked towards her.
“You listen to me woman, you belong to me now. You are my property !” Dolly’s breaths were heaving out at an exceptional rate. “Do you hear me? Mine!” Her husband was gripping her arms, his face mere inches from her own.
“Let go of me!” She pleaded, “ Please !”
“Listen to me, Dolly! Dolly!”
She felt herself slipping away, air caught in her throat. Dolly was frantically scratching at her husband's arm, trying to get him to release her through any means.
“I’ll love you, I promise –”
Lucy’s eyes snapped open to see Lockwood wrenching her hand open and snatching something from her clenched fist. Her lungs flooded with life, making her cough as her knees hit the ground; she was unsure when she even stood up at all but Lockwood was immediately at her side.
“Lucy, are you alright?” His shaky voice floated through the rain.
Any previous grievances she had against Lockwood had vanished the moment she looked into his eyes. “What happened?”
“You found the source,” Lockwood opened his hand and revealed a rusted locket covered in mud. Lucy went to touch it but Lockwood jerked his hand away. “Better not.”
Her mind went back to how she’d treated him since they stepped foot on the property and she winced. “Lockwood, I’m so sorry I–”
“No! Luce, it wasn’t your fault.” Lucy was poised to retort but there was a pure and unabashed look of concern on his face and she realized it had been a while since she’d seen his megawatt smile.
“She hated him,” Lucy started, “He told her he loved her and trapped her here…she killed herself.”
Lockwood looked concerned. “I think we should head back to Portland Row.”
They finished up at the house, contacting the elderly couple to tell them that the source had been found and disposed of at DEPRAC. The cab ride home was so quiet; whether from Lucy’s embarrassment because of her treatment of Lockwood or because he was hurt by her words she was unsure. It wasn’t until they were putting their gear away that Lockwood spoke again.
“I hope you don't feel… trapped here.” Lockwood was facing away from her when he broke the silence. “Especially not by me .”
“Lockwood, no .” She rushed to his side trying to meet his eyes with her own. “No, no, no.”
He finally looked at her and his eyes were sunken in, his face as sullen as she felt. “I know it was the ghost…but you were begging me to let you go. You were pleading that I let you leave, telling me you–you loved me and that you’d do anything if I would just let you go and I–”
“I don’t feel trapped here, I promise. You mean more than anything to me,” Lucy’s heart stuttered at her slip-up. “You and George both.”
Lockwood’s eyes flicked to the necklace sitting prettily around her neck and Lucy’s hand flew to it instinctively: a loan she was still indebted to him and went to take it off, her still-cold fingers fumbling with the clasp but he stopped her, gently grabbing her wrists.
“I want you to know the necklace wasn’t–wasn’t whatever that locket was to them,” Lockwood’s hands released her, his fingers tucking a loose strand of hair behind Lucy’s ear then trailing a path to the sapphire that sat in the middle of her chest. “My father… it was important , and I just wanted you to know you’re important to me.”
Lucy smiled, “I know.”
A shiver rippled through Lucy’s body in the London rain as the week loomed over her like the storm she walked through. Long nights with back-to-back cases–all too small to send more than one of them–had Lucy disheartened. She pulled her blue coat tighter to her body and stuffed her hands under her armpits in order to get some semblance of feeling back in them. Her tights were ripped, her hair soaked, and above all, Lucy was hungry. It took one smell of buttered croissants swept across the street by a gust of chilling wind for Lucy to cross the street and make her way into the warm cafe.
“No weapons!” The clerk shouted as soon as the bell jingled on the door, not even bothering to look at her.
Lucy’s eyes immediately welled up with tears knowing what was coming. “I-I’m sorry, can I leave it at the door?”
“Let me be more clear: no agents .” The man’s sneer was accompanied by multiple sets of cold eyes looking at her from around the room.
It was something she was unaccustomed to but common in London. Though agents were often looked at with a strange sense of gratitude and more often pity in the country, Lucy noticed it wasn’t the same in the city. People thought them unsightly: the children with sunken, pale faces who were typically only out at night mimicked the sight of the dead they were employed to rid the world of. Though somewhere in her head she could understand the adults' aversion to her, in the moment she could feel little more than resentment for the life she was sacrificing to give them the security they themselves could not provide.
Lucy chuffed on her way out, slamming the door and knocking the bell off of its hook in the process. Not bothering to wipe her face, she blinked away her tears and let them drown in the rain as she walked on towards 35 Portland Row.
It was night, and raining, and she was alone. But she was an agent, and Lucy knew how to defend herself. Therefore, in the face of her reservations, she turned down an alley she knew was faster than the main road despite the absence of street lights . She could handle a few shades and lurkers on her own.
The rain was coming down harder then; her mind had wandered to the doughnuts on the counter that sat untouched when she’d left. Lucy was so caught up in imagining the argument between her and George when she inevitably saw her jelly-filled missing from the box that she didn’t notice the man that slank from the shadows until she bumped into him.
Lucy ducked her head in apology and attempted to skirt around the man, “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t–” Then suddenly his hands were on her with a grip that told her this was no mistake. Before she could utter another word, the sharp edge of a knife sucked the breath from her lungs.
“Give me everything you’ve got,” He ordered, voice low and eyes darting behind her at the lit street.
Lucy tried to seem unwavering, after all, it wasn’t the first time she was at the wrong end of a blade and likely not the last. “I haven’t got anything,” Her voice shook and she silently cursed herself.
“How bout’ I take a look for myself?” He hummed, his hands skimming over her body, drifting across her waist, going lower, lower…
“ Please! Help– ” Lucy yelled but his hand was quick to cover her mouth and let the knife start to dig into her side. She thrashed around, trying to free herself from his grasp while screaming into his gloved hand in any attempt to get help.
It wasn’t until she managed to land a well-placed elbow that Lucy was able to escape his grip. “You bitch .” The man sagged over but as Lucy moved to run, his hand wrapped around her jacket and a knife planted itself in her stomach.
She almost didn’t register the pain at first until the man wretched out the blade. The feel of her blood oozing from the wound was stark in contrast to the chilling rain and she shivered. Lucy’s hand moved to the wound and logically she knew she was going into shock; George warned them about it enough should they ever get injured on a case but now she couldn’t think back to even a second ago.
The man looked from her wound to her eyes and sneered. Step by step he retreated deeper into the alley while Lucy stumbled out into the road, clutching her side. Her breathing was ragged as she frantically searched for anyone to help her though she knew the streets were clear because of the rain. Lucy knew she shouldn’t have looked but when she caught a glimpse of blood she couldn't help it. She felt close to hysterics; the blood wouldn’t stop and her teeth were chattering, from the rain or something else she didn’t know. She needed to get to a shop, somewhere that had people . Lucy’s vision was darkening around the edges as she stumbled towards the yellow lights of a restaurant two buildings over. She just needed to get there.
She needed to…she needed…she
- - -
It was the beeping that woke her, but the weight in her hand that made her open her eyes. The lights were blinding as Lucy struggled to open her eyes and the ringing in her ears made it hard to focus on the muffled arguing around her. She heard one final shout and the sound of a door closing before she attempted to move. A gasp tore itself from her lips when she tried to sit up. Her body ached and her mouth was dry but all she could do to ground herself was focus on the worried voice needling her brain.
“Luce? Can you hear me? Luc–”
Lucy cut off the voice with her own raspy words, “Would you shut up?”
Her eyes finally adjusted to the lights and she saw the lanky outline of Lockwood standing at her side. Any other time she was woken up to the sight of him, Lucy was more than often annoyed but somehow, with the beeping of machines accompanied by the smell of alcohol in the air, he was a welcome comfort.
“Lockwood,” She breathed out a relieved sigh, studying his face. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, his eyes sullen, almost bruised looking, and his skin somehow more pale than normal. “What happened?”
“Let me find a doctor.” His hand found hers again, only giving it a light squeeze before leaving the room in his search.
Lucy took the time to look around the room and spotted a vase full of orange and yellow flowers adorning the bedside table as well as a lone strawberry frosted doughnut left in a box meant to hold a half dozen. Based on that alone, she knew both George and his mother had visited at some point but as she looked towards where Lockwood had been it was as if he’d never left at all. His jacket was crumpled on a chair in the corner, with his tie folded neatly atop it and, given his appearance earlier, she could only assume he’d slept there.
Finally, she decided to give attention to the dull ache in her stomach and lift the blanket covering her lower half. Between the wires and tubes hooked up to her from all directions and having to wrestle with the gown they stuck her in, the endeavor was all the more difficult than necessary. When Lucy finally got a look at her bandage-covered abdomen she felt ill.
Her stewing was interrupted when a man entered the room, Lockwood hot on his heels. “Hello, Ms. Carlyle. I’m Dr. Stroud, I’ve been your physician since Monday night and–”
“Wait, what day is it?” Lucy coughed and Lockwood was quick to offer her a water which she gladly took.
“It’s Wednesday morning, Luce,” Lockwood supplied in a small voice. His eyes wouldn’t quite meet hers and she grew nervous. The angry blinking of the clock on the bedside table read 4:23 a.m. and she suddenly understood Lockwood’s state of disarray.
The beeping which she’d previously grown accustomed to had begun to quicken and she felt a sweat break out. “How bad was it?”
“Based on our limited knowledge Ms. Carlyle, we suspect it was a robbery.” Lucy nodded along, trying to grasp at the last thing she remembered. Shadows of a dark alleyway and the flash of a knife swirled in her mind but when she tried to imagine his eyes her head began to hurt.
“I remember a man and a knife…it was raining?” Lockwood’s hand found its way into hers once again and his thumb stroked the back of her hand soothingly. She motioned for the doctor to go on and kept her grip on Lockwood’s hand firm.
“You suffered a deep puncture that grazed the top of your liver and you lost a lot of blood. Luckily you weren’t out there too long before someone found you and called an ambulance.” The thought of herself bleeding out in the street forced Lucy to shut her eyes. “We’d like to keep you the rest of the week to monitor but considering you’re up and talking, I’ll leave you to sleep.”
Dr. Stroud left the room with a tight smile and Lucy looked at Lockwood. She’d been there for days unconscious, and Lockwood had been there at her side.
“How is–”
“You were… gone, Luce. You were white and cold and– you put me as your emergency contact ?!” He was incredulous, his grip tightening almost uncomfortably as tears welled in his eyes.
“Who else if not you?” She felt a lump rising in her throat. “My mother didn’t show last time and I’m not close to my sisters. You and George are all I have, you’re…” Lucy trailed off not sure what she wanted to say but knew it was too soon.
“Lucy, when I got that call…George and I rushed to meet you at the hospital. For days I’ve sat here and all I could think about was what if you hadn’t ended up in the road? What if you were in the alley and no one found you? What if–” Tears fell from his eyes and his voice failed him.
“What if I never came to London? What if I had gotten accepted to Fittes or Rotwell? But that’s not what happened. I’m here.” Lockwood brought her hand to his lips and all Lucy could do was watch. She, all at once, realized that it wasn't just her, wasn’t just Lucy who felt like the boy in front of her was her whole world, her whole future.
“You’re the one in the hospital bed, I should be comforting you ,” Lockwood laughed shakily and took a deep breath. “Luce, I need you to know that, no matter how far in the future, no matter the distance, I’ll always be there for you. You’re my family now…if, if you want.” Lockwood’s smile was unsure, hope gleaming in eyes.
Lucy sniffled, her emotions finally having caught up to her and smiled back, “ We’re family .”
Plus One.
The case had been cursed from the start. The day started out boiling hot, and Lucy’s usually protective extra layers were stuck to her skin by sweat but now, four hours into the case, a cold front blew in and a massive wind storm had been shaking the house all night. They were constantly unsure if the noises were ghosts or the storm and trying to use her listening had been all but useless.
They had been hired by the city to clear out a long-time vacant house, previously belonging to the lone heir before he mysteriously disappeared. It was uncertain if there were any ghosts on the property and the city wanted to sell so, there they were. She heaved the backpack up higher on her shoulder and a voice piped up.
“Watch it there, you drop me and I’ll kill all three of you.” The glow of the skull brightened on the walls around her. She opted to ignore it and kept on walking through the house.
“Alright guys, let's do one more sweep of this floor and I suppose we can call it a night.” Lockwood scratched the back of his head and George stifled a yawn.
“Lockwood, there’s been nothing the whole case and besides the disappearance, George couldn’t scrounge up anything about anything that would lead to a haunting,” Lucy was aching for a shower and she was tired of carrying around the skull all night because George insisted they bring it but declined to carry it because, ‘ only you can hear it, Luce. It would be a waste for me to carry it. ’ “Let’s just go home.”
“We will…just after we check the ground floor one more time, I–I have a feeling something is wrong.” He seemed more sullen than usual but Lucy attributed that to a boring case and long night.
“Whatever you say. I’m going to check the kitchen.” George walked off without a second thought and she let out a sharp laugh under her breath at the irony.
Lucy headed out, leaving a distant Lockwood in the living room and opted to traverse the dining room once again. The room sported a crystal chandelier, dust-ridden with time and fine silver and china still at their places around the table. Her eyes scanned over the room and she imagined herself in another life entertaining a slew of guests with not even a thought of The Problem on her mind. But then she crashed down to reality and realized that this was as close she's been in her life or ever will be.
“Lockwood, you seeing anything?” Lucy asked, despondent. With every look, the house was more ornate and lavishly furnished than she could stomach, obvious signs of wealth making Lucy grind her teeth.
“ You see something, northern girl?” Once again Lucy ignored the comments and continued on, simply huffing to herself rather than dignifying the skull with a response.
Of course, Lockwood failed to answer as he typically did when he was in the field and she sighed. With hesitance, Lucy trailed her fingers along the objects in the room, trying to detect any fleeting emotion or noise that could be connected but it was to no avail. There was absolutely nothing in this house that any of them could detect and Lucy was almost glad for it. A quiet night in a nice house was a relief that she needed, plus, they were getting paid, ghost or not.
Rolling her eyes, she trailed off to where she knew George was lounging in the kitchen and found him sitting at the dusty table gorging himself on the biscuits and tea they brought.
“Save some of those for the rest of us, huh?” Lucy chastised, snatching the package out of his hands. She took a seat across from him and took two for herself.
“Tell him he’s getting too fat not to share,” The skull laughed and she dropped him to the floor unceremoniously. “Watch it!”
“C’mon Lucy, there's nothing in this house and you know it! Might as well sit and eat while Lockwood fumbles about.” He emphasized his point by grabbing back the biscuits.
“Where is he anyway?” Lucy stole the thermos as well and shot George a challenging look when it seemed he was going to protest.
George waved off absently, more focused on the food before him. “He was going on about checking the perimeter. I just talked to him.”
“I wish he’d take a break every once in a while. Between the three of us, I’m the only one with a normal work-life balance.” She chuckled leaning back in her chair and using the skull to prop her feet on.
“Yeah…normal.” George’s eyebrows furrowed and she threw her half eaten biscuit at him in retaliation.
The skull chose that moment to pipe up again, “There isn’t anything normal about the lot of you.” This time she kicked over the jar and George screeched on about being careful with the Type-Three.
Bored with the situation and ready to leave, she decided to round up Lockwood and get them on their way. “Lockwood’s been gone a while, I’m going to go check on him.”
Lucy stood to leave and she made it just out of the kitchen when a chill shot through the room and her breath became visible before her. She turned back towards the kitchen and locked eyes with George.
“George, I think–” She was unable to finish her sentence when the double doors slammed shut separating them from each other. Without thinking, Lucy grabbed the brass handle with her bare hand and yelped. The metal was so cold it burned her, the skin ripping where it froze to the door. Lucy bit her lip, almost drawing blood at the action and took her handkerchief to press over her hand.
“Lucy, what’s happening?” George yelled from the other side of the door.
“I don’t know! See what you can find. The source has to be in the house somewhere for this to happen!” Lucy yelled back, still pounding on the door.
George sounded hysterical, his laugh high pitched and disbelieving. “Lockwood’s never gonna shut up about this after we get out of here!”
The wind began to pick up even more, blowing through the open front door and through the house. Lucy’s hair whipped in front of her face as she tried to focus on her listening. There was little more than the faint whisper of a man she hardly was able to make out.
Cliff…the cliff.
Lucy glanced outside, the doors still banging in the wind and made her decision. “Stay in the chain circle! I have to find Lockwood, you stay safe!” She yelled to George and turned for the front of the house.
Lucy drew her rapier with her good hand and made for the front door which was left wide open and banging in the wind. Using her forearm to guard her view, she creeped outside looking every which way for an incoming attack while yelling for her friend.
“Lockwood? Lockwood, where are you?” She tried to scream over the storm but her words were literally lost to the wind.
As she made her way further outside, she nearly tripped over something on the ground, the metallic clang catching her attention. When she picked it up, she held Lockwood’s rapier in her hand and felt her heart rate spike at the discovery. Lockwood was somewhere out there with no weapon and a ghost preying on them in a windstorm.
In the distance, she saw a figure moving farther and farther away in the direction of the ocean, a figure she could only assume was Lockwood. Her steps were quick yet strained against the storm and she was forced to sheath her rapier as it was getting too difficult to hold. She was closing in quick, just across the field and getting closer to the cliff's edge by the second, but he continued on.
“Lockwood!” She tried once more but still he seemed to be unable to hear her. “Lockwood, stop !” Her feet were moving faster now, breaking out into a sprint beneath her. She understood his unresponsiveness then, and the sudden activity once Lockwood walked off. He was ghost-locked . She was flying then, racing up the hill to meet him, the grass slipping under her feet and the wind doing all it could to knock her over. He was steps away but his cadence never faltered–the same one, two , of each foot–and she silently thanked the universe that, if nothing else, ghosts were consistent.
Her hands did one final reach as one of Lockwood’s feet went over and she grabbed the collar of his jacket, heaving him off the edge and back into her. Lucy wrapped her arms around his middle so as to not let him escape and began to yell, an action she was regretting as her voice began to go hoarse.
“Lockwood, please , you have to snap out of it! It’s me Lucy!” She felt him strain against her arms and held tighter, thinking he was still trying to throw himself off the edge.
“You think I could forget you, Luce?” Lockwood’s words tumbled out, unsure and attempting to be comedic.
“Lockwood?” She gasped out, wiggling out from under him to get a look at his eyes. When she was met with the familiar warm brown she’d grown to lo– she finally breathed a sigh of relief. “What happened?”
Lockwood’s eyes searched her own before looking away, a habit he seemed unable to break, and spoke. “He was all alone. No family, no friends, no one left.”
Lucy’s chest constricted in understanding. “Anthony…”
“He killed himself. Right here on this cliff.” His words seemed to choke him and she couldn’t help but bring her hands to cup his face.
“I need you to know that you are not alone,” Lucy brought his forehead to hers and he breathed in sharply, his pulse under her fingertips quickening. “I’m right here.”
His own hand found their way to hers, holding on as if a lifeline and he nodded. “You’re right here.”
When Lucy pulled back, she locked eyes with the boy before her again. They were softer this time but darted down to her lips in a flash. Her cheeks reddened when she noticed as did his in turn. Before she could think to do otherwise she surged forward, Lucy’s lips capturing his in a chaste kiss. It was a bit off and they were both chapped from the wind but it still had her heart pounding in her chest.
The boy before her had gone from stranger to family in the short time she’d known him. Him and George had become more to her than her family had ever been and for that she was eternally grateful. He had taken her in, given her a job, and protected her from everything a gangly teenager could manage. She loved him.
Lockwood’s eyes widened and he gasped. “Lucy–” His hands tightened atop hers and he leaned back in, kissing her slowly, reassuringly.
“You’re it for me.”
#fanfiction#thewordswewrite#ao3 stuff#smoe#lockwood and co netflix#lockwood and co fanfiction#locklyle#anthony lockwood#lockwood and co#lucy carlyle x anthony lockwood#lucy carlyle#fanifc#ao3 fanfiction#ao3#lockwood and co fanart#lockwood and co fic#lockwood netflix#george cubbins#george karim
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I just wanted to go ahead and boost (@)cordaiis on Instagram for creating fanart of Like Winter, Like Spring!! I was able to find it through a comment on ao3 and I appreciate it so much!!! I suppose if anyone is feels so inclined to create something based off this fic please tag me or DM me and let me know I want to see everything<33
Like Winter, Like Spring
Pairing | Mizu x Fem!Reader


Summary | After the events of episode five, Mizu stumbles into the forest barely clinging to life and you happen to be hunting.
Or what would happen if you found Mizu bleeding out and cared for her (in more ways than one)?
Warnings | NSFW 18+, mentions of injury/blood/killing
W/C | 7.3k
A/N | I’ve been consumed by this show and can't help but recommend it to everyone, so please if you haven't already done so, watch it. Please leave me some comments and lmk what you think!!-Smoe<33
AO3 | Link
Donations | Link
Part Ⅰ: Winter
In the moonlit haze, a spirit roams, lost and cold, whispers of vengeance unfold, onryo's bitter gaze.
The snow soaked through your socks as you took exaggerated steps through the powder, cold seeping into your toes and numbing them. Though you had enough firewood to last until the first thaw, your food stores were beginning to dwindle. It had been a harsh winter, one your father hadn’t survived, leaving you to fend for yourself. Your day had been one of minor success; three rabbits hung from the rope tied around your waist, a haul good enough for the next few nights based on their size and you decided to head home.
Food was becoming harder to come by, and without your father, you could not venture into Mihonoseki to stock up on more dried goods. Your father had always been of more liberal views but you were still a woman and he was still your father meaning you knew where you stood in society. Due to necessity alone, your father taught you to hunt; a bow and arrow the ‘only thing suited to a woman’ your father once told you.
You pulled your scarf tighter around your head as the wind whipped around you, snow falling harder and harder as you walked. You were sure anyone else other than you caught in the storm would be utterly lost, but you knew the place like the back of your hand. As the wind howled, it carried to you the sounds of the forest and with it a distant grunt of pain, just loud enough for your keen ears to pick up on and you stilled. You would have ignored it–a lone man more often than not meaning trouble–but he was headed in the direction of your home and therefore you needed to act. With your brow set, you sank into a crouch and rifled through the snow until your unfeeling fingers grasped a rock, waiting for another sound from the man.
A hunter knew how to stalk its prey and in that moment you treated the man as nothing more. With every sound he made you got closer, using the noise from the environment to mask your own as you trailed him. In the distance, you caught sight of someone clad in navy and in the opposite direction of your home, threw the rock. You hadn’t been too worried until you heard the ‘shing’ of a katana and the crash of a tree.
A samurai.
It could be no one else with that blade or skill, and though they were meant to be honorable, you knew, they were still men. You knew every road, every tree that grew in these woods and as you were coming back up on the main trail where the samurai fled, one was struck down. Your pale hand reached out to stroke the clean-cut trunk, not yet five years old by your count and yet it had fallen. It was mindless acts of violence like this that made you distrustful of strangers.
A quick glance at the area revealed a small trail of blood, likely left by the man, and you couldn’t help but let a rueful smile grace your lips. His death would be easier than you thought. Cold, lost, and injured was a dangerous combination for anyone, but for a man in your woods? It was lethal.
You were soundless as you descended upon your prey, a respectable distance away but close enough to see his profile. He was dressed in simple pants and a shirt, though the latter looked to be soaked through with blood as one of his hands pressed against his stomach, the other grasping a blue blade, ripe for attack. It was too easy for you to nock an arrow and draw, your breath steadying as you aimed for his heart. You were preparing for the release when suddenly to your left a twig snapped and the samurai’s gaze turned to the noise, and then onto you.
The man raised his sword, removing his hand from his side to give the encounter his full attention. “Who sent you?”
You were puzzled by the question. Not only were you clearly a woman, but who was he that he thought himself important enough to have assassins sent after him? You didn’t think to voice these questions aloud but they were answered anyway when you finally caught sight of his eyes: blue.
When he spoke again, he must have registered that you were not who he thought you were. “I am no threat to you. I am just passing through.” To prove his point he sheathed his blade and put up his hands.
You hesitated to drop your own weapon but since he was injured and still a good enough distance away, you let-down your bow and stood to your full height, noticing the man was not much taller than you.
“Leave here!” You shouted, hands still latched to your grip and arrow, ready to fire should the need arise.
The samurai began backing up slowly, nodding to you and returning pressure to the wound at his side. When he did so, he grunted and his eyes fluttered. It all seemed to happen in a single moment when he was suddenly face down in the snow and you were taking brisk but weary steps towards him. As you got closer, the extent of his injuries became clearer and you could see the tips of his ears and nose red from the cold. Your eyes closed in exasperation; you hadn’t intended to stumble across a half-white, dying samurai let alone bring him to your home, but seeing as you weren’t too far away and he had shown no intention of attacking you, you could not, in good conscience, leave him in the snow to die.
With a huff, you flipped the man over, grabbed him under the arms, and began to haul him toward your home, the dense snow making the task almost more difficult than you could manage. You knew he was alive based solely on the noises of discomfort he released in his sleep as you readjusted your grip and pulled harder. You were forced to stop every few feet, panting from the effort it took but when you finally were able to kick open your door and get him in front of the fireplace, you felt a sense of relief.
As you pulled up the samurai’s kimono, you got a glimpse of four deep gashes punctured into his stomach and your heart dropped. “Please stay with me.”
It was immediately apparent to you what had caused his wounds: Boss Hamata, or more accurately, his Thousand-Claw Army. That would explain why he thought someone had sent you after him and why he was covered in so much more blood than what was plausibly his own. Anxiety sent goosebumps down your arms. The thought of one of Boss Hamata’s men coming to your home and killing the both of you for whatever this samurai did entered your mind. You tried to reason with yourself; no man in his right mind would enter this storm and they must know the samurai was injured, likely only letting him go because he was sure to die. That was that you decided: he could stay until the storm passed and not a second longer. Enough time, by the looks of it, for him to heal enough to leave but not enough for anyone to come knocking at your door looking for him.
With your mind made up, you went about untying his kimono to get better access to his wound. Your still-warming fingers deftly undid the knot and moved to unwrap the samurai when suddenly a hand shot up and wrapped itself around your wrist, halting your actions.
“No.” The man’s eyes fought to open and you were once again treated to a glimpse of blue through thick black lashes. He was only able to mutter the single word before he once again fell unconscious and you stared at him a beat longer.
He didn’t have the luxury of his warning being granted, and you instead opened his shirt, only to find his chest already wrapped. Or rather her chest already wrapped. A gasp escaped you as you balked at the sight, eyes darting again to the face of the person below you and noticing not only the sharp curve of their jaw but the softness of their cheeks and decidedly feminine-looking lips. Yes, you stopped your thoughts from drifting, she was a woman, but that made your job no different.
With clinical movements, you cleaned her wound with warm water, being sure to be as gentle as possible. You retrieved a suture kit your father had gotten from town after you had cut yourself chopping wood one day and began to sterilize the needle over the fire. You ran your fingers over the inflamed skin and worried when the woman’s stomach felt warm. The stitches were quick and clean, the woman below you making no movements which worried you but did make the process easier. Once each of the four gashes was closed, you wrapped up her stomach with strips of fabric and struggled to remove her soaked shirt–though, you left her pants for the sake of her already violated modesty.
You looked at her face once again, now less troubled looking than before, and saw hints of purple peeking out from under her scarf. Much like her shirt you undid her scarf as well and were horrified to see a deep purple handprint marring her skin. With little else you could do you opened your door, the wind catching it as you did so, slamming it open in your rush to gather enough snow to compress onto the samurai’s neck.
Another gust wafted flurries into your home, chilling the room before you could close the door in time and you cursed. You wrapped the snow in the previously discarded scarf and placed it on the samurai’s neck in hopes it would ease the pain. As tightly as you could, you bundled the woman in your father’s blanket and placed your own rolled-up one under her head as support after taking her katana and placing it across the room. Just in case.
With nothing else to do to try and keep her alive, you finally got to skinning the rabbits and making yourself dinner. You decided to wait until the woman was awake until you tried to feed her and thus only made enough for yourself. The food was hearty and warm and after the exertion you surrendered to the day, you were exhausted. In lieu of having a blanket, you threw on a second kimono and huddled close to your guest and the fire and, in an act of trust, you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to drift off to sleep.
- ⚔ -
You startled awake at the sound of someone shuffling around your home but all at once the memories of the day before come back to you.
“You’re awake,” You yawned, rubbing your eyes as you looked over at the half-clothed samurai propped up against your wall.
“You stitched my wounds. Why?” The woman’s voice was thick and gravelly but you could only focus on her eyes.
Your answer was simple and steadfast. “I could not leave you when you meant me no harm.”
The woman seemed to scan your face and must have found what she was looking for when she relaxed and coughed at the simple action. You took the lull to stand and place your kettle on the fire, intending on making sobacha tea for your guest. Her entire demeanor shifted when you moved and she realized she was without her sword.
“Where is my katana?” The woman ground out, eyes darting around the space.
You gestured silently to where it lay on the other side of the room and went back to pouring the tea, steeping it to your liking and hoping it was to the tastes of the woman across from you. You handed a steaming cup to the woman and cleared your throat, intending to find out more about your mysterious guest. You watched as she took a sip of the tea and closed her eyes for a moment to savor the flavor or feeling you were unsure but either way were happy she approved.
“What’s your name? If you don’t mind me asking.”
The woman paused before she answered, “Mizu.”
You introduced yourself and went about using the final two rabbits you killed to make a stew as well as some rice to help fill up. The silence between you two was undemanding as Mizu simply sat with her eyes closed while you cooked. It wasn’t long before you’d finished, offering a bowl to your guest which she took while meeting your eyes.
Mizu bowed her head. “I want to thank you for your hospitality and for saving my life.”
“As I said, I had to.” You shook your head with a smile as you ate.
The woman’s face suddenly went solemn and she put down her bowl. “Yes, but now you have to keep my secret, or else I cannot allow you to keep your life.”
Your eyes darted over to where her katana was, still half a room away, and took a steadying breath. “I can promise you I will never tell another soul but I need something in return,” Mizu looked at you apprehensively, her eyebrow raised. “You must be gone by the time the storm ends. I cannot be caught sheltering you in my home or Boss Hamata will have me killed.”
Her attention drifted from you, her expression unbothered. “You needn't worry about him or his army.”
“Why? You were clearly attacked by one of his men and–” Mizu cut you off with a raise of her hand.
“I killed them all.”
You took a moment to revel in the shock of the admission, spoken as though it was nothing more than a typical day for the female samurai. In your revelation, Mizu slid her bowl over to you, the blanket covering her shifting with the action and your cheeks warmed. You go to look away but stop yourself, instead letting your eyes search over her bandages for any signs of infection or bleeding before Mizu goes to cover herself back up, shooting you an indignant look.
“Oh! No, I–” You backtracked, knowing how it must have seemed. “Your wound, I was just looking to see if I should replace the bandages and…” You gestured to the bloodied cloth, “It looks like I should.”
Mizu looked down at herself and grimaced at the sight. “Fine, but I can do it myself.”
You nodded and retrieved a bowl of water for her to clean herself with as well as a new set of cloth to rewrap herself. You watched her struggle to undo the wrapping for a total of two minutes before you couldn’t help but reach towards her in aid though as you did she jerked away, wincing at the action and your face tightened.
“Please, let me help you.”
The two of you were locked in a stare-down, neither willing to give up ground so you decided to take it, scooting yourself forward and batting away her hands. Mizu looked ready to put up a fight but instead, she relented, allowing you to reach around her torso. Your faces were close as you did so, Mizu’s warm breath wafting sharply across your cheek as you pulled on the dressing to release it.
She began moving in every which way as you passed the bandages around her body to try and help the process go by quickly but your hands must have been chilled because when you finally revealed her skin and ran a hand along the plane of her stomach Mizu shivered and you looked up to see her eyes already trained on you. Mizu kept a hard look on her face as you wiped away congealed blood from her wound though it looked to you to have already begun scabbing, causing a self-satisfied smile to grace your face.
“It’s looking better. I think you should be okay to travel in a few days.” The labored breathing of the injured woman forced another comment from you. “Although, I think it would be beneficial for you to remove your bindings for the time being.”
Mizu gave you another long look and you figured that she must not be used to conversing with people regularly, a trait you both now shared. In retaliation, Mizu attempted to take a deep breath though before she could, her lungs stuttered out dry coughs and her face screwed up in pain at the action.
“Fine.” She ground out, once again attempting to remove the wrap on her own and failing.
You were unamused at the sight and decided to skip the dance the two of you had been playing at since you dragged her into your home and just helped her instead. It was a similar tension as when you removed her bloodied bandage but thicker by about tenfold when your eyes met again.
You couldn’t get over the sight, blue as the sky and sea but clouded by emotion. She looked to be studying you just the same, her eyes languidly making their way over your features before settling on your mouth. You couldn’t help but let your lips part, overcome with the moment and Mizu’s increasingly seductive gaze. Your cheeks burned under her but you weren't alone in your fluster, Mizu’s own face tinged pink as well, shared heat radiating between you.
All you had to do was lean forward and–
You cleared your throat at the thought and pulled back, “I’ll let you finish on your own. I’ll leave you.”
- ⚔ -
Ethereal and pale, haunting tales of love's demise, echo through her cold blue eyes, as sorrow sets its sail.
Hunting always cleared your mind, which, at that moment, was racing with thoughts of feelings you’d never experienced before. It wasn’t the fear of attraction that bothered you, but the fear of who you’d grown such a sensitivity toward. It would be easy if Mizu was just a lone samurai, someone wandering through life, a man, but she was none of those things and you were but a woman.
You’d been stalking your prey for a few miles, a serow that looked large enough for four meals between two people. Clad in your lightest clothes, you blended into the snowy environment and stepped slowly so as to not startle the creature. A moment of pause and a softly spoken prayer was all that was in between the serow’s short life and its quick death. Your emotions peaked as you released your arrow and the animal hit the ground, its breaths stuttering wetly as blood filled its chest. The pure white snow tainted red as you kneeled and slipped your knife from where it rested in its holster before promptly goring open the beast’s neck, killing it instantly.
You sat in the snow, waiting until the serow bled out enough for you to take it back, and began to think. You had very little, living in the woods alone, but it seemed to you so did Mizu. You were unsure if she even felt that way about other women as you had just discovered it was possible yourself. Mizu had incontestable skill, having claimed to have killed the Thousand-Claw Army single-handedly and suffered only a single serious injury. To you, she meant safety, security, and companionship, but what could you offer other than a home you were unsure she even wanted to come back to?
“Give me strength,” You called out to the universe and stood, bearing the weight of your future dinner on your back.
It was a difficult hike home but you were greeted by an up-and-about Mizu when you managed to open the door and throw down the serow.
“I made tea,” She announced, gesturing lamely to the steaming pot, uneasy at your sudden entrance.
You smiled and removed your scarf, brushing snow off of you and onto the floor in the process. “I can see that. Thank you.”
She nodded at your gratitude, her eyes not quite meeting your own. “You’re welcome.”
“I’m going to skin and carve this, then I can get started on dinner,” You moved to begin your task but Mizu stopped you.
“I can skin it. You rest.”
Your shoulders sagged with a relief you didn’t know you would feel and you smiled at her once again. You took your time undressing down to a single kimono and looked back to see Mizu butchering the pelt of your kill.
You gasped and Mizu stopped, startled as she looked up. “What?”
“Have you ever skinned an animal before?” You accused, taking three short strides over to her.
“Yes!” She defends. “Just nothing ever this large.”
You walk behind her and place your hand over hers. “Here, like this.”
Her hands are warmer than yours, but rougher, hardened by years of training and being on the road. She was slightly taller than you, forcing you to lean your head on the side of her arm in order to see what you were guiding her to do. You feigned intense focus while skinning the animal to combat the feeling that Mizu’s stolen and frequent glances gave you.
“Where is the man you live with?” She asked suddenly, causing you to stop your movements and remove yourself from behind her, too distracted in such close proximity.
Your heart clenched and you sighed. “Dead. My father got sick a month after the first snow.”
“My condolences.”
“I just realized you’re the first person I’ve spoken to since he died.” You laughed mournfully.
A dark look passed over Mizu’s face and she handed you the knife, gesturing for you to finish the skinning with your superior ability. “Let’s finish dinner.”
- ⚔ -
Your third meal together was nothing special, grilled meat and rice being all you had to get through the winter. The days were growing shorter and your energy with it, not to mention the strain healing took on Mizu and you as her unstudied nurse, left the both of you exhausted and ready to go to bed. Though your eyes drooped when you laid down, you couldn’t manage to find sleep, instead tossing and turning as Mizu slept soundlessly across from you.
A deep yawn tore itself from you and finally, you felt yourself relax into your slumber. Little by little your eyes closed and your breath slowed, as you were lulled by the crackle of the fire. This was until Mizu’s voice echoed throughout the room.
“I need you to know, I am on the path of revenge. There’s no place on it for friendship…or love.”
You were hazy with sleep but the admission hurt. “I understand.”
“I’m planning on leaving the day after tomorrow.”
What else could you say?
The room retired to its previous silence but now you were fully awake and your heart pounded over what Mizu said truly meant to you. The little life you had constructed in your mind vanished into thin air, thoughts racing and consumed with every question you would never be able to ask her.
It was when you accepted you’d never see her again that you spoke. “I feel it's easier to talk in the dark so now I will ask: why do you dress as a man?”
Three seconds go by and Mizu fails to respond, making you assume she was either asleep or ignoring your question. When you’d all but given up hope she responded. “Because of my birth. And because it's difficult to be a woman in this world.”
“It is. After winter, I don’t know what I will do without my father. I have no chaperone to travel with and once spring comes and the roads become busy, I will have no assurance of my safety.” You curled in on yourself a bit tighter than before, your eyes welling up with tears.
“You have your bow and this house. That's more than many.” Her graveled voice sounded almost condescending and you were annoyed.
“More for a man, less for a woman.” You argued, turning to look at her.
Sensing your growing anger, you took a breath and opted not to continue the conversation instead looking angrily at the sword-wielding woman before screwing your eyes shut.
She cleared her throat and you opened your eyes once again, her pale eyes meeting yours before she spoke. “What happened to your mother?”
You sighed, decidedly finished with the conversation but Mizu didn't seem to catch on. “She died in childbirth.”
“You could always marry,” She suggested. “I was married once.”
Your brows set though the admission surprised you. “And now you’re dressed as a man in a pursuit for revenge,” Mizu gave you a look of defeat and you leveled with her. “I would be shackled to my husband and I have no desire for kids. I wish to live freely.”
Mizu’s eyes seemed to shine for a moment before she spoke. “You remind me of a princess I knew.”
- ⚔ -
Mizu had been antsy all day. Sewing up her clothes, checking and rechecking her wounds, stretching and eating her fill, all in preparation to leave you the next morning. You could assume she never stayed anywhere as long as she’d stayed in your home so you could understand why she felt that way though it didn’t help the growing pit in your stomach. You couldn’t wrap your head around it; you’d barely known her for three days and already you were, dare you say, truly sad she was leaving.
When seeing her pack became too much to bear, you used hunting as an excuse to leave, not bothering to go very far, but to a boulder you often frequented when you needed to sit in silence. The view was beautiful, overlooking a shallow valley that was currently coated in a layer of white, a calming sight while you attempted to reacclimate your mind to the reality of your solitude. Mizu was nothing more than a dream that you’d conjured up in order to live your fantasy life of freedom with. You should’ve known better.
When you got back to your house and walked in, Mizu looked you over and frowned. “Nothing today?”
You sighed, feigning defeat. “No, but I have more than enough for now,” Giving her a falsely nonchalant look you shrugged. “I don’t think I’ll need to go out again until after you leave.”
Silenced for a moment, Mizu just nodded and handed you a cup of tea. It seemed to have become a sort of ritual, her making you tea whenever you came back from a hunt. It was welcome and something you could get used to if the universe let you. Instead, you bowed your head in thanks and took a sip, pleasantly surprised to find it was made to your liking.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Mizu graced you with a small smile and your eyebrows shot up but you quickly turned to hide your quiet awe.
You moved over to your food storage and tried to come up with a meal that would be a worthy send-off of your limited time together but came up short. It would be meat and rice again though Mizu never showed any indication of being dissatisfied. Stubbornly, you rifled through your shelves and when your hand met glass and you realized it was a bottle of saké you smiled.
“Unfortunately it’ll be another meal of stew and rice but I’ve been saving this for a special occasion. Now seems as good as any.” You held up the bottle and Mizu looked dubious.
“I–I don’t drink,” She tried to deny you but you weren’t taking no for an answer.
You placed a hand on your hip and cocked it, looking at her unamused. “I think as payment for my food and hospitality you owe me this favor.” She looked conflicted but with an expectant raise of your eyebrows, she gave in.
“I suppose one would be okay.”
Dinner was mediocre but drink after drink, you and Mizu became more comfortable with each other and much to your amazement, began sharing stories.
“So…who was your rival again?” You wondered, almost sure she had already told you.
“He’s not my rival,” She mocked, rolling her eyes. “He’s just a samurai who I defeated in battle and has been chasing me around demanding a rematch so he can regain his honor.” Mizu seemed exacerbated at the prospect and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Why don’t you just fight him again?” You deadpanned. “I’m sure he’d leave you alone once he got what he wanted.”
“Because he wants to fight to the death, it would be him or me.” Mizu sobered up at that statement and swiftly downed another cup of saké.
“But…you defeated the Thousand-Claw Army alone,” You slowly put the pieces together and began to nod. “I understand.”
“He could be a good man, he just needs to let himself.”
That reminded you of a time in your childhood when your father was still young and strong, lending you wisdom that turned you into the woman you are today. Flashes of a house on the corner of a street, and a little girl with two missing teeth shot through your mind and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“That reminds me of something my father used to say,” You smiled at the memory and continued. “When I was little and we still lived in Mihonoseki, I lost my two front teeth at the same time and this girl who lived near me kept making fun of me.”
“What does that have to do with your–” Mizu hiccupped, looking confused. “Your father?”
“If you’d let me finish! So…she kept making fun of me and I made a plan to mess with her and when my father found out he told me,” You deepened your voice, attempting to imitate the way your father spoke with utmost sternness. “‘Daughter, you may be the more honorable, you need only allow yourself to be.’”
There was a moment of pause before the two of you burst into laughter. Though Mizu’s was much quieter, you were endeared by the sound. Your grin felt as though it would split your face if it got any wider and Mizu looked at you flustered.
“I like your laugh.” You found yourself giggling and when you tried to scoot closer to Mizu, the room spun.
She caught you as you swayed but nearly toppled over herself in turn. You found yourself grasping onto Mizu and she onto you, alone in your home as a blizzard raged on outside. You stared brazenly into her eyes, at a color you didn’t think you’d ever become accustomed to.
“Mizu, I–” Your voice failed when you attempted to continue, a lump forming in your throat when her gaze traveled to your lips as you spoke.
You’d thought about it once already, stopping yourself before the thought could develop but now, when you were a little more than drunk on saké, you couldn’t help yourself. A single tick of time went by, eyes flashing from Mizu’s mouth to her eyes and back before you were pressing your lips to hers.
She inhaled sharply at the contact but you pressed on, opening your mouth to her and sliding a hand around her neck. Mizu tentatively slid her own around your waist and gave an almost experimental squeeze as she deepened the kiss, letting her tongue trace yours and forcing a moan from your throat.
When she heard the noise it was as if Mizu was spurred on, advancing on you in a way you didn't think a woman in her state was capable of. Your back was pressed into the ground as she hovered above you, a heated look on her now more delicate-looking features before she descended upon you again. Her mouth was soft in a way her grasp was not as she trailed kisses down your neck, a moan escaping her lips when she sucked on a particularly sensitive spot and you pulled at the hair on her nape, loosening her bun in the process. Your hand cupped her jaw as you brought her mouth back to your own and stole another kiss.
Reaching up, you tugged the remainder of her hair down, allowing it to cascade over you like an inky waterfall. Mizu smiled as you tucked a strand behind her ear and kissed her once more. It wasn’t until you both had your fill that your actions began to slow and you saw her lips red with desire and knew your own likely matched, not to mention the state of your neck. You lay together in front of the fire, your head on her unbound chest as she traced unconscious patterns into your shoulder where your kimono had slipped during your escapades.
You reveled in the heat of her and the tingles she left in the wake of her touch, though knew she’d be gone when you woke and decided to ask your next question on a whim of hope. “If you think of me, even once after you leave, come back to me when you’ve found your revenge.”
You felt Mizu’s head angle towards your ear as she whispered two words: “I will.”
In the realm between, past and present intertwined, where a restless soul confined, seeks justice unforeseen.
Part Ⅱ: Spring
Beneath the sapphire moon, shadows dance in shades of blue, where love once bloomed, now askew, a blue blade gleams, a fateful tune.
Spring had been bountiful for you, animals re-emerged from the frost and the warming temperatures made it easy to forage. With the changing seasons came a margin of sadness in the lack of a certain samurai’s return. The roads had picked up some traffic but all had just been harmless travelers, no bandits busting down your door to attack you which you were grateful for but never had you been so disappointed someone didn’t come knocking. With a sigh, you shook your head, having no reason to expect Mizu to come back, especially considering you had no actual details on where she was going or how long she’d be away.
You managed a few martens in the short time you’d been out and decided it was enough for a decent meal. With a soft huff, you slugged your bow over your shoulder and began the hike back home, your stomach rumbling at your lack of midday meal.
The walk was no more than thirty minutes, cherry blossoms swaying in the wind and the soft earth beneath your feet lended to the tranquil mood. Your house was looking a little worse for wear after the snow had melted: the roof needed to be repaired, and a loose step in the porch stairs somehow always managed to trip you when you went out. Skipping that board on the way up, you pushed open your door and were met with a familiar sight.
Striking blue met yours as you saw Mizu standing in the center of the room, a pot of tea and two cups resting on the table to the right of her. Before you could manage to speak, your body carried you to her, dropping everything you held in the process to take her in your arms.
A small oomph sounded from Mizu as you collided with her and her hand came up to rest on the back of your head, you having already buried it in her shoulder. The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, just reveling in the feeling of your togetherness before you pulled back, though only far enough to be able to meet her eyes. Her bangs were longer, covering her forehead and you noticed she was without her sword.
It was a silent conversation only shared between the flitting of your eyes but when Mizu’s settled her lips captured yours. You’d longed for the moment you’d once again be endowed with the plushness of her lips and at the contact tears welled up in your eyes. Your mouths danced together and one of Mizu’s hands went to cradle your face, the other holding you firmly to her as she took control of your mouth. Her touch burned, kiss after kiss marring your skin and ruining you for anyone else.
“How have you been?” She asked, her voice lighter than you remembered.
“I’ve been well,” You chuckled wetly. “And you?”
Her eyes closed momentarily and she stroked your cheek with her thumb. “Still walking the same path I have my entire life.”
This puzzled you, having not expected to see her until she’d completed her mission. “You didn’t get your revenge?” Your shoulders sagged when Mizu shook her head, and you gave her a soft peck on the lips in apology.
“I trust Ringo found you?” She looked genuinely curious and memories of a handless man coming to you with rice, beans, and a travel pass resurfaced.
“You sent him?” You smiled but were still confused. “Who is he?” The man had brought you gifts and cooked the best noodles you ever had in your life before leaving and claiming he would be back in a few month's time.
Mizu nodded, letting your face go but sliding her hand from across your back and sliding it into your own. “My apprentice. He accompanied me on my travels. Before I ventured into Edo, I gave him instructions to find you should I not return.”
“Not return? But–”
Mizu handed you the cup of forgotten tea, effectively cutting you off and you took an annoyed sip. “You’re the only person I had to see before I leave.”
The tea lodged in your throat at the admission, sending you into a coughing fit as you tried to clear the liquid from your lungs. “Leave? Leave where?”
A haunted look passed over her eyes, darkening them. “My path diverged in Edo. I chose the sea and tomorrow…I’m headed to London.”
“London?” All of a sudden you felt the same as you did that night all those months ago.
After some much-needed discussion, Mizu explained what she had set out to do and the vow she made to her mother when she was a child. You understood, how could you not? With every chop of your knife, dinner came together and you learned more about the woman you devoted so many sleepless nights to. Four white men, a quest for revenge, and a chance to gain it across the sea.
Mizu looked away from you when she spoke her next admission. “The shogun is dead. Edo burned.”
Your eyes shot up from your work and a sharp pain sliced through the backs of your fingers as you brought your knife down onto them. A hand reached out and Mizu was already tugging the white scarf from around her neck to wrap around your hand. She looked startled at the sight of your blood but you assumed she was used to it by now. She handled you delicately, enveloping your injury gently but snug enough that you trusted it would not come undone. Your attention was momentarily diverted before you processed what Miza had said, questions darting around your mind.
“The shogun is dead and Edo burned?”
“There was a coup, but I stopped the man in charge.” She seemed pleased by the outcome and you were in awe of the feat.
“And the city?”
Her expression dimmed and Mizu rubbed her eyes. “I started the fire…and it raged.”
A meal finally suitable for a goodbye–because that’s what this was–was ready in another fifteen minutes, most of which was filled with soft looks and stolen kisses, the pain and fear from hearing of Mizu’s narrow escape melting away with each one. You ate in companionable silence as they often came more naturally than conversation to the two of you.
- ⚔ -
Through the veil of time dire, the pale visage lingers on, a tale of love, now gone, in shadows of a haunted pyre.
Once the meal was finished and you’d both taken the time to clean up, Mizu took your hand and led you to your spot in front of the fireplace. She did little more than let you rest against her, savoring your touch as she nuzzled into your neck, dropping small kisses onto your skin. When you tried to touch or reciprocate Mizu tenderly denied the advances, letting all her focus stay rooted on you.
“I’ll be gone before you wake,” Mizu murmured as she caressed you.
You knew as much, having been told not an hour before but the reminder stung. “I know.”
She grabbed your face, turning it so you could do nothing but study her as she did you, your eyes locked on one another. Her expression shifted from a subtle longing to an unabashed look of want and seized your lips with an intensity that she had never allotted herself with you. Mizu licked into your mouth, tasting of the food you made and the tea she prepared, and dwelled on what it would be like if this was the rest of your life.
“Let me do this for you,” She rasped, her hot breath fanning over you. “Let’s make the most of tonight.”
Her fingers ghosted over your body until she reached the ties of your kimono and looked to you for permission. Understanding the silent question you nod, letting her undo the knots and reveal yourself to her. Mizu hovered over you, one arm supporting her weight and the other fondling your chest as she tasted your skin. Your arousal was almost uncontainable, your core throbbing at every touch, mewls and groans barely kept to yourself as the woman continued to shower you in affection.
“Mizu,” You couldn’t help but gasp when she slipped her hand between your legs and began to touch you.
Your composure slipped entirely when her fingers entered you and you clung to Mizu, nails scraping over her still-clothed body. You distantly knew you wanted to see more of her but failed to scrape together coherency as she thrust in and out of you, curling her fingers as she did so. Her thumb was massaging a toe-curling circle of pleasure and it was all too soon before you were reaching a peak. Breathy moans escaped you and Mizu swallowed them with hot kisses, noises of her own making their way to your ears as she took care of you.
Your loud cries echoed around the room as you came, clenching down on Mizu’s fingers though she rode you out until you were practically begging her to remove her hand. She smoothed her hand over your flushed face and whispered soothing words of praise as you returned to yourself.
“Beautiful,” She smiled, kissing each of your cheeks and then your lips. “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” You tittered weakly. “I’m doing quite well.”
Mizu busied her hands by tying you back up and retrieving a blanket for the two of you to rest. “Good. I didn’t know if that was too much.” Her nervous tone was odd to you, given how easily she took control.
You gave her a peck to the cheek and took a breath to stare into her eyes that you’d grown to love. “It was perfect”
As you lay there, wrapped in Mizu’s arms and unsure of the future, you echoed to her a question you’d asked before.
“Will you come back to me?”
“I will.”
Yet, in the azure dawn, hope emerges, love reborn, fulfilling desires anew, as life unfolds, bright and true.
#thewordswewrite#smoe#blue eye samurai#bes#mizu#mizu blue eye samurai#mizu bes#mizu x reader#mizu x you#mizu x y/n#blue eye samurai mizu#blue eye samurai netflix#netflix#fanfiction#bes fanfic#blue eye samurai fanfic#ringo#akemi#taigen#samurai#mizu fanfic#mizu fanart#blue eye samurai x reader#blue eye samurai fanart#blue eye samurai spoilers#bes mizu#fanart#bes fanart#blue eyed samurai
550 notes
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Like Winter, Like Spring
Pairing | Mizu x Fem!Reader


Summary | After the events of episode five, Mizu stumbles into the forest barely clinging to life and you happen to be hunting.
Or what would happen if you found Mizu bleeding out and cared for her (in more ways than one)?
Warnings | NSFW 18+, mentions of injury/blood/killing
W/C | 7.3k
A/N | I’ve been consumed by this show and can't help but recommend it to everyone, so please if you haven't already done so, watch it. Please leave me some comments and lmk what you think!!-Smoe<33
AO3 | Link
Donations | Link
Part Ⅰ: Winter
In the moonlit haze, a spirit roams, lost and cold, whispers of vengeance unfold, onryo's bitter gaze.
The snow soaked through your socks as you took exaggerated steps through the powder, cold seeping into your toes and numbing them. Though you had enough firewood to last until the first thaw, your food stores were beginning to dwindle. It had been a harsh winter, one your father hadn’t survived, leaving you to fend for yourself. Your day had been one of minor success; three rabbits hung from the rope tied around your waist, a haul good enough for the next few nights based on their size and you decided to head home.
Food was becoming harder to come by, and without your father, you could not venture into Mihonoseki to stock up on more dried goods. Your father had always been of more liberal views but you were still a woman and he was still your father meaning you knew where you stood in society. Due to necessity alone, your father taught you to hunt; a bow and arrow the ‘only thing suited to a woman’ your father once told you.
You pulled your scarf tighter around your head as the wind whipped around you, snow falling harder and harder as you walked. You were sure anyone else other than you caught in the storm would be utterly lost, but you knew the place like the back of your hand. As the wind howled, it carried to you the sounds of the forest and with it a distant grunt of pain, just loud enough for your keen ears to pick up on and you stilled. You would have ignored it–a lone man more often than not meaning trouble–but he was headed in the direction of your home and therefore you needed to act. With your brow set, you sank into a crouch and rifled through the snow until your unfeeling fingers grasped a rock, waiting for another sound from the man.
A hunter knew how to stalk its prey and in that moment you treated the man as nothing more. With every sound he made you got closer, using the noise from the environment to mask your own as you trailed him. In the distance, you caught sight of someone clad in navy and in the opposite direction of your home, threw the rock. You hadn’t been too worried until you heard the ‘shing’ of a katana and the crash of a tree.
A samurai.
It could be no one else with that blade or skill, and though they were meant to be honorable, you knew, they were still men. You knew every road, every tree that grew in these woods and as you were coming back up on the main trail where the samurai fled, one was struck down. Your pale hand reached out to stroke the clean-cut trunk, not yet five years old by your count and yet it had fallen. It was mindless acts of violence like this that made you distrustful of strangers.
A quick glance at the area revealed a small trail of blood, likely left by the man, and you couldn’t help but let a rueful smile grace your lips. His death would be easier than you thought. Cold, lost, and injured was a dangerous combination for anyone, but for a man in your woods? It was lethal.
You were soundless as you descended upon your prey, a respectable distance away but close enough to see his profile. He was dressed in simple pants and a shirt, though the latter looked to be soaked through with blood as one of his hands pressed against his stomach, the other grasping a blue blade, ripe for attack. It was too easy for you to nock an arrow and draw, your breath steadying as you aimed for his heart. You were preparing for the release when suddenly to your left a twig snapped and the samurai’s gaze turned to the noise, and then onto you.
The man raised his sword, removing his hand from his side to give the encounter his full attention. “Who sent you?”
You were puzzled by the question. Not only were you clearly a woman, but who was he that he thought himself important enough to have assassins sent after him? You didn’t think to voice these questions aloud but they were answered anyway when you finally caught sight of his eyes: blue.
When he spoke again, he must have registered that you were not who he thought you were. “I am no threat to you. I am just passing through.” To prove his point he sheathed his blade and put up his hands.
You hesitated to drop your own weapon but since he was injured and still a good enough distance away, you let-down your bow and stood to your full height, noticing the man was not much taller than you.
“Leave here!” You shouted, hands still latched to your grip and arrow, ready to fire should the need arise.
The samurai began backing up slowly, nodding to you and returning pressure to the wound at his side. When he did so, he grunted and his eyes fluttered. It all seemed to happen in a single moment when he was suddenly face down in the snow and you were taking brisk but weary steps towards him. As you got closer, the extent of his injuries became clearer and you could see the tips of his ears and nose red from the cold. Your eyes closed in exasperation; you hadn’t intended to stumble across a half-white, dying samurai let alone bring him to your home, but seeing as you weren’t too far away and he had shown no intention of attacking you, you could not, in good conscience, leave him in the snow to die.
With a huff, you flipped the man over, grabbed him under the arms, and began to haul him toward your home, the dense snow making the task almost more difficult than you could manage. You knew he was alive based solely on the noises of discomfort he released in his sleep as you readjusted your grip and pulled harder. You were forced to stop every few feet, panting from the effort it took but when you finally were able to kick open your door and get him in front of the fireplace, you felt a sense of relief.
As you pulled up the samurai’s kimono, you got a glimpse of four deep gashes punctured into his stomach and your heart dropped. “Please stay with me.”
It was immediately apparent to you what had caused his wounds: Boss Hamata, or more accurately, his Thousand-Claw Army. That would explain why he thought someone had sent you after him and why he was covered in so much more blood than what was plausibly his own. Anxiety sent goosebumps down your arms. The thought of one of Boss Hamata’s men coming to your home and killing the both of you for whatever this samurai did entered your mind. You tried to reason with yourself; no man in his right mind would enter this storm and they must know the samurai was injured, likely only letting him go because he was sure to die. That was that you decided: he could stay until the storm passed and not a second longer. Enough time, by the looks of it, for him to heal enough to leave but not enough for anyone to come knocking at your door looking for him.
With your mind made up, you went about untying his kimono to get better access to his wound. Your still-warming fingers deftly undid the knot and moved to unwrap the samurai when suddenly a hand shot up and wrapped itself around your wrist, halting your actions.
“No.” The man’s eyes fought to open and you were once again treated to a glimpse of blue through thick black lashes. He was only able to mutter the single word before he once again fell unconscious and you stared at him a beat longer.
He didn’t have the luxury of his warning being granted, and you instead opened his shirt, only to find his chest already wrapped. Or rather her chest already wrapped. A gasp escaped you as you balked at the sight, eyes darting again to the face of the person below you and noticing not only the sharp curve of their jaw but the softness of their cheeks and decidedly feminine-looking lips. Yes, you stopped your thoughts from drifting, she was a woman, but that made your job no different.
With clinical movements, you cleaned her wound with warm water, being sure to be as gentle as possible. You retrieved a suture kit your father had gotten from town after you had cut yourself chopping wood one day and began to sterilize the needle over the fire. You ran your fingers over the inflamed skin and worried when the woman’s stomach felt warm. The stitches were quick and clean, the woman below you making no movements which worried you but did make the process easier. Once each of the four gashes was closed, you wrapped up her stomach with strips of fabric and struggled to remove her soaked shirt–though, you left her pants for the sake of her already violated modesty.
You looked at her face once again, now less troubled looking than before, and saw hints of purple peeking out from under her scarf. Much like her shirt you undid her scarf as well and were horrified to see a deep purple handprint marring her skin. With little else you could do you opened your door, the wind catching it as you did so, slamming it open in your rush to gather enough snow to compress onto the samurai’s neck.
Another gust wafted flurries into your home, chilling the room before you could close the door in time and you cursed. You wrapped the snow in the previously discarded scarf and placed it on the samurai’s neck in hopes it would ease the pain. As tightly as you could, you bundled the woman in your father’s blanket and placed your own rolled-up one under her head as support after taking her katana and placing it across the room. Just in case.
With nothing else to do to try and keep her alive, you finally got to skinning the rabbits and making yourself dinner. You decided to wait until the woman was awake until you tried to feed her and thus only made enough for yourself. The food was hearty and warm and after the exertion you surrendered to the day, you were exhausted. In lieu of having a blanket, you threw on a second kimono and huddled close to your guest and the fire and, in an act of trust, you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to drift off to sleep.
- ⚔ -
You startled awake at the sound of someone shuffling around your home but all at once the memories of the day before come back to you.
“You’re awake,” You yawned, rubbing your eyes as you looked over at the half-clothed samurai propped up against your wall.
“You stitched my wounds. Why?” The woman’s voice was thick and gravelly but you could only focus on her eyes.
Your answer was simple and steadfast. “I could not leave you when you meant me no harm.”
The woman seemed to scan your face and must have found what she was looking for when she relaxed and coughed at the simple action. You took the lull to stand and place your kettle on the fire, intending on making sobacha tea for your guest. Her entire demeanor shifted when you moved and she realized she was without her sword.
“Where is my katana?” The woman ground out, eyes darting around the space.
You gestured silently to where it lay on the other side of the room and went back to pouring the tea, steeping it to your liking and hoping it was to the tastes of the woman across from you. You handed a steaming cup to the woman and cleared your throat, intending to find out more about your mysterious guest. You watched as she took a sip of the tea and closed her eyes for a moment to savor the flavor or feeling you were unsure but either way were happy she approved.
“What’s your name? If you don’t mind me asking.”
The woman paused before she answered, “Mizu.”
You introduced yourself and went about using the final two rabbits you killed to make a stew as well as some rice to help fill up. The silence between you two was undemanding as Mizu simply sat with her eyes closed while you cooked. It wasn’t long before you’d finished, offering a bowl to your guest which she took while meeting your eyes.
Mizu bowed her head. “I want to thank you for your hospitality and for saving my life.”
“As I said, I had to.” You shook your head with a smile as you ate.
The woman’s face suddenly went solemn and she put down her bowl. “Yes, but now you have to keep my secret, or else I cannot allow you to keep your life.”
Your eyes darted over to where her katana was, still half a room away, and took a steadying breath. “I can promise you I will never tell another soul but I need something in return,” Mizu looked at you apprehensively, her eyebrow raised. “You must be gone by the time the storm ends. I cannot be caught sheltering you in my home or Boss Hamata will have me killed.”
Her attention drifted from you, her expression unbothered. “You needn't worry about him or his army.”
“Why? You were clearly attacked by one of his men and–” Mizu cut you off with a raise of her hand.
“I killed them all.”
You took a moment to revel in the shock of the admission, spoken as though it was nothing more than a typical day for the female samurai. In your revelation, Mizu slid her bowl over to you, the blanket covering her shifting with the action and your cheeks warmed. You go to look away but stop yourself, instead letting your eyes search over her bandages for any signs of infection or bleeding before Mizu goes to cover herself back up, shooting you an indignant look.
“Oh! No, I–” You backtracked, knowing how it must have seemed. “Your wound, I was just looking to see if I should replace the bandages and…” You gestured to the bloodied cloth, “It looks like I should.”
Mizu looked down at herself and grimaced at the sight. “Fine, but I can do it myself.”
You nodded and retrieved a bowl of water for her to clean herself with as well as a new set of cloth to rewrap herself. You watched her struggle to undo the wrapping for a total of two minutes before you couldn’t help but reach towards her in aid though as you did she jerked away, wincing at the action and your face tightened.
“Please, let me help you.”
The two of you were locked in a stare-down, neither willing to give up ground so you decided to take it, scooting yourself forward and batting away her hands. Mizu looked ready to put up a fight but instead, she relented, allowing you to reach around her torso. Your faces were close as you did so, Mizu’s warm breath wafting sharply across your cheek as you pulled on the dressing to release it.
She began moving in every which way as you passed the bandages around her body to try and help the process go by quickly but your hands must have been chilled because when you finally revealed her skin and ran a hand along the plane of her stomach Mizu shivered and you looked up to see her eyes already trained on you. Mizu kept a hard look on her face as you wiped away congealed blood from her wound though it looked to you to have already begun scabbing, causing a self-satisfied smile to grace your face.
“It’s looking better. I think you should be okay to travel in a few days.” The labored breathing of the injured woman forced another comment from you. “Although, I think it would be beneficial for you to remove your bindings for the time being.”
Mizu gave you another long look and you figured that she must not be used to conversing with people regularly, a trait you both now shared. In retaliation, Mizu attempted to take a deep breath though before she could, her lungs stuttered out dry coughs and her face screwed up in pain at the action.
“Fine.” She ground out, once again attempting to remove the wrap on her own and failing.
You were unamused at the sight and decided to skip the dance the two of you had been playing at since you dragged her into your home and just helped her instead. It was a similar tension as when you removed her bloodied bandage but thicker by about tenfold when your eyes met again.
You couldn’t get over the sight, blue as the sky and sea but clouded by emotion. She looked to be studying you just the same, her eyes languidly making their way over your features before settling on your mouth. You couldn’t help but let your lips part, overcome with the moment and Mizu’s increasingly seductive gaze. Your cheeks burned under her but you weren't alone in your fluster, Mizu’s own face tinged pink as well, shared heat radiating between you.
All you had to do was lean forward and–
You cleared your throat at the thought and pulled back, “I’ll let you finish on your own. I’ll leave you.”
- ⚔ -
Ethereal and pale, haunting tales of love's demise, echo through her cold blue eyes, as sorrow sets its sail.
Hunting always cleared your mind, which, at that moment, was racing with thoughts of feelings you’d never experienced before. It wasn’t the fear of attraction that bothered you, but the fear of who you’d grown such a sensitivity toward. It would be easy if Mizu was just a lone samurai, someone wandering through life, a man, but she was none of those things and you were but a woman.
You’d been stalking your prey for a few miles, a serow that looked large enough for four meals between two people. Clad in your lightest clothes, you blended into the snowy environment and stepped slowly so as to not startle the creature. A moment of pause and a softly spoken prayer was all that was in between the serow’s short life and its quick death. Your emotions peaked as you released your arrow and the animal hit the ground, its breaths stuttering wetly as blood filled its chest. The pure white snow tainted red as you kneeled and slipped your knife from where it rested in its holster before promptly goring open the beast’s neck, killing it instantly.
You sat in the snow, waiting until the serow bled out enough for you to take it back, and began to think. You had very little, living in the woods alone, but it seemed to you so did Mizu. You were unsure if she even felt that way about other women as you had just discovered it was possible yourself. Mizu had incontestable skill, having claimed to have killed the Thousand-Claw Army single-handedly and suffered only a single serious injury. To you, she meant safety, security, and companionship, but what could you offer other than a home you were unsure she even wanted to come back to?
“Give me strength,” You called out to the universe and stood, bearing the weight of your future dinner on your back.
It was a difficult hike home but you were greeted by an up-and-about Mizu when you managed to open the door and throw down the serow.
“I made tea,” She announced, gesturing lamely to the steaming pot, uneasy at your sudden entrance.
You smiled and removed your scarf, brushing snow off of you and onto the floor in the process. “I can see that. Thank you.”
She nodded at your gratitude, her eyes not quite meeting your own. “You’re welcome.”
“I’m going to skin and carve this, then I can get started on dinner,” You moved to begin your task but Mizu stopped you.
“I can skin it. You rest.”
Your shoulders sagged with a relief you didn’t know you would feel and you smiled at her once again. You took your time undressing down to a single kimono and looked back to see Mizu butchering the pelt of your kill.
You gasped and Mizu stopped, startled as she looked up. “What?”
“Have you ever skinned an animal before?” You accused, taking three short strides over to her.
“Yes!” She defends. “Just nothing ever this large.”
You walk behind her and place your hand over hers. “Here, like this.”
Her hands are warmer than yours, but rougher, hardened by years of training and being on the road. She was slightly taller than you, forcing you to lean your head on the side of her arm in order to see what you were guiding her to do. You feigned intense focus while skinning the animal to combat the feeling that Mizu’s stolen and frequent glances gave you.
“Where is the man you live with?” She asked suddenly, causing you to stop your movements and remove yourself from behind her, too distracted in such close proximity.
Your heart clenched and you sighed. “Dead. My father got sick a month after the first snow.”
“My condolences.”
“I just realized you’re the first person I’ve spoken to since he died.” You laughed mournfully.
A dark look passed over Mizu’s face and she handed you the knife, gesturing for you to finish the skinning with your superior ability. “Let’s finish dinner.”
- ⚔ -
Your third meal together was nothing special, grilled meat and rice being all you had to get through the winter. The days were growing shorter and your energy with it, not to mention the strain healing took on Mizu and you as her unstudied nurse, left the both of you exhausted and ready to go to bed. Though your eyes drooped when you laid down, you couldn’t manage to find sleep, instead tossing and turning as Mizu slept soundlessly across from you.
A deep yawn tore itself from you and finally, you felt yourself relax into your slumber. Little by little your eyes closed and your breath slowed, as you were lulled by the crackle of the fire. This was until Mizu’s voice echoed throughout the room.
“I need you to know, I am on the path of revenge. There’s no place on it for friendship…or love.”
You were hazy with sleep but the admission hurt. “I understand.”
“I’m planning on leaving the day after tomorrow.”
What else could you say?
The room retired to its previous silence but now you were fully awake and your heart pounded over what Mizu said truly meant to you. The little life you had constructed in your mind vanished into thin air, thoughts racing and consumed with every question you would never be able to ask her.
It was when you accepted you’d never see her again that you spoke. “I feel it's easier to talk in the dark so now I will ask: why do you dress as a man?”
Three seconds go by and Mizu fails to respond, making you assume she was either asleep or ignoring your question. When you’d all but given up hope she responded. “Because of my birth. And because it's difficult to be a woman in this world.”
“It is. After winter, I don’t know what I will do without my father. I have no chaperone to travel with and once spring comes and the roads become busy, I will have no assurance of my safety.” You curled in on yourself a bit tighter than before, your eyes welling up with tears.
“You have your bow and this house. That's more than many.” Her graveled voice sounded almost condescending and you were annoyed.
“More for a man, less for a woman.” You argued, turning to look at her.
Sensing your growing anger, you took a breath and opted not to continue the conversation instead looking angrily at the sword-wielding woman before screwing your eyes shut.
She cleared her throat and you opened your eyes once again, her pale eyes meeting yours before she spoke. “What happened to your mother?”
You sighed, decidedly finished with the conversation but Mizu didn't seem to catch on. “She died in childbirth.”
“You could always marry,” She suggested. “I was married once.”
Your brows set though the admission surprised you. “And now you’re dressed as a man in a pursuit for revenge,” Mizu gave you a look of defeat and you leveled with her. “I would be shackled to my husband and I have no desire for kids. I wish to live freely.”
Mizu’s eyes seemed to shine for a moment before she spoke. “You remind me of a princess I knew.”
- ⚔ -
Mizu had been antsy all day. Sewing up her clothes, checking and rechecking her wounds, stretching and eating her fill, all in preparation to leave you the next morning. You could assume she never stayed anywhere as long as she’d stayed in your home so you could understand why she felt that way though it didn’t help the growing pit in your stomach. You couldn’t wrap your head around it; you’d barely known her for three days and already you were, dare you say, truly sad she was leaving.
When seeing her pack became too much to bear, you used hunting as an excuse to leave, not bothering to go very far, but to a boulder you often frequented when you needed to sit in silence. The view was beautiful, overlooking a shallow valley that was currently coated in a layer of white, a calming sight while you attempted to reacclimate your mind to the reality of your solitude. Mizu was nothing more than a dream that you’d conjured up in order to live your fantasy life of freedom with. You should’ve known better.
When you got back to your house and walked in, Mizu looked you over and frowned. “Nothing today?”
You sighed, feigning defeat. “No, but I have more than enough for now,” Giving her a falsely nonchalant look you shrugged. “I don’t think I’ll need to go out again until after you leave.”
Silenced for a moment, Mizu just nodded and handed you a cup of tea. It seemed to have become a sort of ritual, her making you tea whenever you came back from a hunt. It was welcome and something you could get used to if the universe let you. Instead, you bowed your head in thanks and took a sip, pleasantly surprised to find it was made to your liking.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Mizu graced you with a small smile and your eyebrows shot up but you quickly turned to hide your quiet awe.
You moved over to your food storage and tried to come up with a meal that would be a worthy send-off of your limited time together but came up short. It would be meat and rice again though Mizu never showed any indication of being dissatisfied. Stubbornly, you rifled through your shelves and when your hand met glass and you realized it was a bottle of saké you smiled.
“Unfortunately it’ll be another meal of stew and rice but I’ve been saving this for a special occasion. Now seems as good as any.” You held up the bottle and Mizu looked dubious.
“I–I don’t drink,” She tried to deny you but you weren’t taking no for an answer.
You placed a hand on your hip and cocked it, looking at her unamused. “I think as payment for my food and hospitality you owe me this favor.” She looked conflicted but with an expectant raise of your eyebrows, she gave in.
“I suppose one would be okay.”
Dinner was mediocre but drink after drink, you and Mizu became more comfortable with each other and much to your amazement, began sharing stories.
“So…who was your rival again?” You wondered, almost sure she had already told you.
“He’s not my rival,” She mocked, rolling her eyes. “He’s just a samurai who I defeated in battle and has been chasing me around demanding a rematch so he can regain his honor.” Mizu seemed exacerbated at the prospect and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Why don’t you just fight him again?” You deadpanned. “I’m sure he’d leave you alone once he got what he wanted.”
“Because he wants to fight to the death, it would be him or me.” Mizu sobered up at that statement and swiftly downed another cup of saké.
“But…you defeated the Thousand-Claw Army alone,” You slowly put the pieces together and began to nod. “I understand.”
“He could be a good man, he just needs to let himself.”
That reminded you of a time in your childhood when your father was still young and strong, lending you wisdom that turned you into the woman you are today. Flashes of a house on the corner of a street, and a little girl with two missing teeth shot through your mind and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“That reminds me of something my father used to say,” You smiled at the memory and continued. “When I was little and we still lived in Mihonoseki, I lost my two front teeth at the same time and this girl who lived near me kept making fun of me.”
“What does that have to do with your–” Mizu hiccupped, looking confused. “Your father?”
“If you’d let me finish! So…she kept making fun of me and I made a plan to mess with her and when my father found out he told me,” You deepened your voice, attempting to imitate the way your father spoke with utmost sternness. “‘Daughter, you may be the more honorable, you need only allow yourself to be.’”
There was a moment of pause before the two of you burst into laughter. Though Mizu’s was much quieter, you were endeared by the sound. Your grin felt as though it would split your face if it got any wider and Mizu looked at you flustered.
“I like your laugh.” You found yourself giggling and when you tried to scoot closer to Mizu, the room spun.
She caught you as you swayed but nearly toppled over herself in turn. You found yourself grasping onto Mizu and she onto you, alone in your home as a blizzard raged on outside. You stared brazenly into her eyes, at a color you didn’t think you’d ever become accustomed to.
“Mizu, I–” Your voice failed when you attempted to continue, a lump forming in your throat when her gaze traveled to your lips as you spoke.
You’d thought about it once already, stopping yourself before the thought could develop but now, when you were a little more than drunk on saké, you couldn’t help yourself. A single tick of time went by, eyes flashing from Mizu’s mouth to her eyes and back before you were pressing your lips to hers.
She inhaled sharply at the contact but you pressed on, opening your mouth to her and sliding a hand around her neck. Mizu tentatively slid her own around your waist and gave an almost experimental squeeze as she deepened the kiss, letting her tongue trace yours and forcing a moan from your throat.
When she heard the noise it was as if Mizu was spurred on, advancing on you in a way you didn't think a woman in her state was capable of. Your back was pressed into the ground as she hovered above you, a heated look on her now more delicate-looking features before she descended upon you again. Her mouth was soft in a way her grasp was not as she trailed kisses down your neck, a moan escaping her lips when she sucked on a particularly sensitive spot and you pulled at the hair on her nape, loosening her bun in the process. Your hand cupped her jaw as you brought her mouth back to your own and stole another kiss.
Reaching up, you tugged the remainder of her hair down, allowing it to cascade over you like an inky waterfall. Mizu smiled as you tucked a strand behind her ear and kissed her once more. It wasn’t until you both had your fill that your actions began to slow and you saw her lips red with desire and knew your own likely matched, not to mention the state of your neck. You lay together in front of the fire, your head on her unbound chest as she traced unconscious patterns into your shoulder where your kimono had slipped during your escapades.
You reveled in the heat of her and the tingles she left in the wake of her touch, though knew she’d be gone when you woke and decided to ask your next question on a whim of hope. “If you think of me, even once after you leave, come back to me when you’ve found your revenge.”
You felt Mizu’s head angle towards your ear as she whispered two words: “I will.”
In the realm between, past and present intertwined, where a restless soul confined, seeks justice unforeseen.
Part Ⅱ: Spring
Beneath the sapphire moon, shadows dance in shades of blue, where love once bloomed, now askew, a blue blade gleams, a fateful tune.
Spring had been bountiful for you, animals re-emerged from the frost and the warming temperatures made it easy to forage. With the changing seasons came a margin of sadness in the lack of a certain samurai’s return. The roads had picked up some traffic but all had just been harmless travelers, no bandits busting down your door to attack you which you were grateful for but never had you been so disappointed someone didn’t come knocking. With a sigh, you shook your head, having no reason to expect Mizu to come back, especially considering you had no actual details on where she was going or how long she’d be away.
You managed a few martens in the short time you’d been out and decided it was enough for a decent meal. With a soft huff, you slugged your bow over your shoulder and began the hike back home, your stomach rumbling at your lack of midday meal.
The walk was no more than thirty minutes, cherry blossoms swaying in the wind and the soft earth beneath your feet lended to the tranquil mood. Your house was looking a little worse for wear after the snow had melted: the roof needed to be repaired, and a loose step in the porch stairs somehow always managed to trip you when you went out. Skipping that board on the way up, you pushed open your door and were met with a familiar sight.
Striking blue met yours as you saw Mizu standing in the center of the room, a pot of tea and two cups resting on the table to the right of her. Before you could manage to speak, your body carried you to her, dropping everything you held in the process to take her in your arms.
A small oomph sounded from Mizu as you collided with her and her hand came up to rest on the back of your head, you having already buried it in her shoulder. The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, just reveling in the feeling of your togetherness before you pulled back, though only far enough to be able to meet her eyes. Her bangs were longer, covering her forehead and you noticed she was without her sword.
It was a silent conversation only shared between the flitting of your eyes but when Mizu’s settled her lips captured yours. You’d longed for the moment you’d once again be endowed with the plushness of her lips and at the contact tears welled up in your eyes. Your mouths danced together and one of Mizu’s hands went to cradle your face, the other holding you firmly to her as she took control of your mouth. Her touch burned, kiss after kiss marring your skin and ruining you for anyone else.
“How have you been?” She asked, her voice lighter than you remembered.
“I’ve been well,” You chuckled wetly. “And you?”
Her eyes closed momentarily and she stroked your cheek with her thumb. “Still walking the same path I have my entire life.”
This puzzled you, having not expected to see her until she’d completed her mission. “You didn’t get your revenge?” Your shoulders sagged when Mizu shook her head, and you gave her a soft peck on the lips in apology.
“I trust Ringo found you?” She looked genuinely curious and memories of a handless man coming to you with rice, beans, and a travel pass resurfaced.
“You sent him?” You smiled but were still confused. “Who is he?” The man had brought you gifts and cooked the best noodles you ever had in your life before leaving and claiming he would be back in a few month's time.
Mizu nodded, letting your face go but sliding her hand from across your back and sliding it into your own. “My apprentice. He accompanied me on my travels. Before I ventured into Edo, I gave him instructions to find you should I not return.”
“Not return? But–”
Mizu handed you the cup of forgotten tea, effectively cutting you off and you took an annoyed sip. “You’re the only person I had to see before I leave.”
The tea lodged in your throat at the admission, sending you into a coughing fit as you tried to clear the liquid from your lungs. “Leave? Leave where?”
A haunted look passed over her eyes, darkening them. “My path diverged in Edo. I chose the sea and tomorrow…I’m headed to London.”
“London?” All of a sudden you felt the same as you did that night all those months ago.
After some much-needed discussion, Mizu explained what she had set out to do and the vow she made to her mother when she was a child. You understood, how could you not? With every chop of your knife, dinner came together and you learned more about the woman you devoted so many sleepless nights to. Four white men, a quest for revenge, and a chance to gain it across the sea.
Mizu looked away from you when she spoke her next admission. “The shogun is dead. Edo burned.”
Your eyes shot up from your work and a sharp pain sliced through the backs of your fingers as you brought your knife down onto them. A hand reached out and Mizu was already tugging the white scarf from around her neck to wrap around your hand. She looked startled at the sight of your blood but you assumed she was used to it by now. She handled you delicately, enveloping your injury gently but snug enough that you trusted it would not come undone. Your attention was momentarily diverted before you processed what Miza had said, questions darting around your mind.
“The shogun is dead and Edo burned?”
“There was a coup, but I stopped the man in charge.” She seemed pleased by the outcome and you were in awe of the feat.
“And the city?”
Her expression dimmed and Mizu rubbed her eyes. “I started the fire…and it raged.”
A meal finally suitable for a goodbye–because that’s what this was–was ready in another fifteen minutes, most of which was filled with soft looks and stolen kisses, the pain and fear from hearing of Mizu’s narrow escape melting away with each one. You ate in companionable silence as they often came more naturally than conversation to the two of you.
- ⚔ -
Through the veil of time dire, the pale visage lingers on, a tale of love, now gone, in shadows of a haunted pyre.
Once the meal was finished and you’d both taken the time to clean up, Mizu took your hand and led you to your spot in front of the fireplace. She did little more than let you rest against her, savoring your touch as she nuzzled into your neck, dropping small kisses onto your skin. When you tried to touch or reciprocate Mizu tenderly denied the advances, letting all her focus stay rooted on you.
“I’ll be gone before you wake,” Mizu murmured as she caressed you.
You knew as much, having been told not an hour before but the reminder stung. “I know.”
She grabbed your face, turning it so you could do nothing but study her as she did you, your eyes locked on one another. Her expression shifted from a subtle longing to an unabashed look of want and seized your lips with an intensity that she had never allotted herself with you. Mizu licked into your mouth, tasting of the food you made and the tea she prepared, and dwelled on what it would be like if this was the rest of your life.
“Let me do this for you,” She rasped, her hot breath fanning over you. “Let’s make the most of tonight.”
Her fingers ghosted over your body until she reached the ties of your kimono and looked to you for permission. Understanding the silent question you nod, letting her undo the knots and reveal yourself to her. Mizu hovered over you, one arm supporting her weight and the other fondling your chest as she tasted your skin. Your arousal was almost uncontainable, your core throbbing at every touch, mewls and groans barely kept to yourself as the woman continued to shower you in affection.
“Mizu,” You couldn’t help but gasp when she slipped her hand between your legs and began to touch you.
Your composure slipped entirely when her fingers entered you and you clung to Mizu, nails scraping over her still-clothed body. You distantly knew you wanted to see more of her but failed to scrape together coherency as she thrust in and out of you, curling her fingers as she did so. Her thumb was massaging a toe-curling circle of pleasure and it was all too soon before you were reaching a peak. Breathy moans escaped you and Mizu swallowed them with hot kisses, noises of her own making their way to your ears as she took care of you.
Your loud cries echoed around the room as you came, clenching down on Mizu’s fingers though she rode you out until you were practically begging her to remove her hand. She smoothed her hand over your flushed face and whispered soothing words of praise as you returned to yourself.
“Beautiful,” She smiled, kissing each of your cheeks and then your lips. “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” You tittered weakly. “I’m doing quite well.”
Mizu busied her hands by tying you back up and retrieving a blanket for the two of you to rest. “Good. I didn’t know if that was too much.” Her nervous tone was odd to you, given how easily she took control.
You gave her a peck to the cheek and took a breath to stare into her eyes that you’d grown to love. “It was perfect”
As you lay there, wrapped in Mizu’s arms and unsure of the future, you echoed to her a question you’d asked before.
“Will you come back to me?”
“I will.”
Yet, in the azure dawn, hope emerges, love reborn, fulfilling desires anew, as life unfolds, bright and true.
#thewordswewrite#smoe#blue eye samurai#bes#mizu#mizu blue eye samurai#mizu bes#mizu x reader#mizu x you#mizu x y/n#blue eye samurai mizu#blue eye samurai netflix#netflix#fanfiction#bes fanfic#blue eye samurai fanfic#ringo#akemi#taigen#samurai#mizu fanfic#mizu fanart#blue eye samurai x reader#blue eye samurai fanart#blue eye samurai spoilers#bes mizu
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Thank you to everyone for helping us hit 400 followers and keeping up with the fics we write!!! With that milestone we're going to use this opportunity to tease TWO new fics coming out very soon...
Smoe's Fic
Fandom | Lockwood and Co.
Ship | Lucy Carlyle x Anthony Lockwood
Summary | Five times Lockwood looks out for Lucy and one time she looks out for him.
Saph's Fic
Fandom | Daisy Jones & the Six
Ship | Daisy Jones x Billy Dunne
Summary | Billy’s never considered himself much of a believer, not in timers, not in God but what was Daisy Jones made for if not to be worshiped? Timer Soulmate AU (countdown to your soulmate’s death)
Fandom Taglist | @superpositvecloudshipper
#fanfiction#thewordswewrite#saphnsmoe#the drought of an ocean#the hunger games#fanfic#lockwood and co#lucy carlyle#anthony lockwood#daisy jones and the six#daisy jones#billy dunne#lucy x lockwood#locklyle#daisybilly#daisy jones x billy dunne#lucy carlyle x anthony lockwood#daisy jones and the six fanfic#lockwood and co fanfiction#lockwood and co netflix#400 followers#follower celebration#finnick odair fanfic#thank you#archive of our own#ao3
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Hello!! I kept trying to leave a comment on AO3 and it wouldn’t let me, so I came here!
I tried to post a reply but it said the connection was lost, so if you get two comments from me, I apologize in advance!! I just found this story and I love it. I can’t wait to see more of Finnick’s reaction to their separation and hopefully their reunion!! Also, I don’t know if you plan to write that far, but maybe a different ending for our dear finnick?? He deserves a happy ending 😭 lovely writing, thank you for sharing!
We've gotten quite a few messages like this and we're so happy to see the influx in readers with the release of tbosas. Things have gotten quite busy for the both of us since we last released a one-shot for the Drought of an Ocean but its not totally out of the question that we'll release another so stick around.
As for the fate of Finnick, the epilogue of the main story is set post-mockingjay so he's alive and well! (as he always should've been)
Much love
-- Saph n' Smoe
#the drought of an ocean#thewordswewrite#saphnsmoe#finnick odair#the hunger games#finnick odair fanfic#fanfiction#finnick#hunger games finnick#the ballad of songbirds and snakes
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Thank you to everyone who got us to 5000 likes!
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Just to pump it up a bit lol.
☆Stranger Things Masterlist☆
☆Masterlist Page☆
✓ - Completed
✍︎ - WIP
* - Denotes 18+/NSFW
Lonely Is Our Lives* - ✓ (Billy Hargrove x F!Reader) One fateful 1983 night you narrowly escape death on Steve Harrington’s property while Barbara Holland is presumed dead. Left jaded and angry, you carry on towards your senior year in a haze of sex, drugs, and alcohol just to get through the day. But, when Billy Hargrove moves to Hawkins, Indiana during the fall of 1984 things get worse before they get better.
My Knight In Shining Converse* - ✓ (Eddie Munson x F!Reader) You turned to see Eddie holding his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels. “So,” He starts, “I suppose thanks are in order.” He bows extravagantly, a grin on his face. “My knight in shining…converse?”
You roll your eyes, nodding your head, “Sure thing, Munson. Just keep your societal declarations to a minimum during lunch, yeah?”
Or five times you unknowingly stand up for Eddie Munson and one time he knowingly stands up for you.
Hawkins Prison Blues - ✓ (Steve Harrington x Hopper!Reader) A simple delivery turns into a night of unresolved feelings as you find the one and only Steve Harrington locked in Hawkins Police Station’s one and only jail cell
#masterlist#fanfiction#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#THE WORDS WE WRITE#saphnsmoe#Billy Hargrove#eddie munson#steve harrington#billy stranger things#eddie stranger things#steve stranger things#eddie x reader#steve x reader#billy hargrove x reader
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So we did boys. It only took me a year but actually only 2 days of writing once I sarted so for that I'm sorry. Please comment, reblog, like and whatnot. -Smoe
Taglist | @youcantbesirius @xronniexo @zzokks @marihoneywk @darlingjae @lem0ns77 @curlycarley
Lonely Is Our Lives - Masterlist
Pairing | Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
!!VERY IMPORTANT A/N!! | I want to preface this by saying I DO NOT condone Billy’s actions throughout the series. I DO NOT condone his violence or abuse, ESPECIALLY against Lucas but also including Max and the others. At the time season two came out in 2017, nearly FIVE years ago at the time I’m writing this, I was very angry and frustrated at the world, resentful of a younger sibling, and disconnected from the people around me so I kind of latched onto Billy as a character and what he represented. I absolutely DID NOT understand what his actions against Lucas truly meant and I DID NOT register it as the racism it was. Knowing what I know now I’ve decided to write a fic where Billy is able to let go of some of his anger and have someone there to check him and his actions in order to set him on a better path. I wrote this for me as a bit of a redemption fic for both of us.

Playlist | Link
Summary | One fateful 1983 night you narrowly escape death on Steve Harrington’s property while Barbara Holland is presumed dead. Left jaded and angry, you carry on towards your senior year in a haze of sex, drugs, and alcohol just to get through the day. But, when Billy Hargrove moves to Hawkins, Indiana during the fall of 1984 things get worse before they get better.
Warnings | explicit language, angst, abusive parents/behavior, explicit smut 18+ minors do not interact, heavy drug and alcohol usage
Donations | Link
| Archive Of Our Own Link |
Chapter One | Wild Side
Chapter Two | Dyer’s Eve
Chapter Three | Shout at the Devil
Chapter Four | Poison
Chapter Five | Love Gun
Taglist | @youcantbesirius @xronniexo @zzokks @marihoneywk @darlingjae @lem0ns77 @curlycarley
#billy hargrove#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#stranger#things#stranger things season 2#billy hargrove x you#billy hargrove x reader#billy hargrove x oc#Tumblr fanfic#fanfic#fanfiction#archive of our own#ao3#dont like dont read#spotify playlist#80's#saphnsmoe#THE WORDS WE WRITE#SMOE#lonely is our lives#dacre montgomery
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Lonely Is Our Lives
Chapter 5 - Love Gun
Pairing | Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
!!VERY IMPORTANT A/N!! | I want to preface this by saying I DO NOT condone Billy’s actions throughout the series. I DO NOT condone his violence or abuse, ESPECIALLY against Lucas but also including Max and the others. At the time season two came out in 2017, nearly FIVE years ago at the time I'm writing this, I was very angry and frustrated at the world, resentful of a younger sibling, and disconnected from the people around me so I kind of latched onto Billy as a character and what he represented. I absolutely DID NOT understand what his actions against Lucas truly meant and I DID NOT register it as the racism it was. Knowing what I know now I've decided to write a fic where Billy is able to let go of some of his anger and have someone there to check him and his actions in order to set him on a better path. I wrote this for me as a bit of a redemption fic for both of us.
Playlist | Link | Chapter Four: Songs 17-20
Story Summary | One fateful 1983 night you narrowly escape death on Steve Harrington’s property while Barbara Holland is presumed dead. Left jaded and angry, you carry on towards your senior year in a haze of sex, drugs, and alcohol just to get through the day. But, when Billy Hargrove moves to Hawkins, Indiana during the fall of 1984 things get worse before they get better.
Chapter Summary | Things between you and Billy come to a head as the anniversary of Barb’s death nears, inviting the ghosts of your pasts to get in the way of dictating your futures.
Story Warnings | explicit language, angst, abusive parents, smut 18+ minors DNI, heavy drug and alcohol usage, alcohol/drug abuse, implied physical abuse, injuries
W/C | 5k
Taglist | @youcantbesirius @xronniexo @zzokks @marihoneywk @darlingjae @lem0ns7 @curlycarley
A/N | LISTEN I KNOWWWWW!!! I know this is so ridiculously, idiotically late like by a year but I’ve been in college and had a surgery and my mom had two surgeries and we wrote The Drought of an Ocean and a lot of life things happened but its here and this is it. So PLEASE enjoy! -Smoe<3
Donations | Link
|Masterlist| |Chapter One| |Chapter Two| |Chapter Three| |Chapter Four|
Your feet ached as you stood watching the game before you. Raucous cheers and the stench of sweat filled the air around you as your gaze caught Steve’s on the court. Hawkins was losing and you could tell by the strain on your best friend's forehead that the continuous defeats were taking a toll on him. You’d been talking to Steve more, on and off but it wasn’t the same as it was before the Halloween party. Nancy was never around, typically hanging around Jonathan Byers and Steve had been glued to the kids even more so than normal, leaving you alone.
But you were never really alone with Billy hanging around. The smell of Marlboro’s clung to your jackets and a stray t-shirt that didn’t fit quite right found its home on your bedroom floor. Billy started opening up about his mom and even Max when you were together and the fleeting silences between the two of you had gone from awkward to comfortable.
“Come on, Steve!” You roared to where he stood behind the three point line, ball in hand.
But his confidence wavered and he missed. The team lost the rebound and Billy knocked into Steve, nearly bulldozing him over. Billy’s aggression was nothing new but it irked you to no end when he took it out on Steve.
Lakewood High made their final layup as the buzzer rang around the gym and once again Hawkins Boy’s Basketball took a loss. The gym started clearing out and the basketball teams went to their respective changing rooms leaving you to wait for Steve. The bleachers were empty and you sat at the bottom, flicking your lighter as you stared expectantly at the locker room door.
From inside you could hear the faint sounds of yelling and assumed it had something to do with the result of the game. All teenage boys had a temper but, when you threw Billy Hargrove in the mix, he dialed it up to eleven. Suddenly the door slammed open and Billy stormed out, his nose bloody and eyes wild. Your gaze met his and a tense moment passed before you raised your eyebrows in a well-rehearsed bored question. Billy’s stare sharpened and he clenched his fingers around the strap of his backpack and turned, exiting the gym without so much as a word.
You rolled your eyes at the display and stood when Steve finally exited the locker room sporting a new shiner on his cheek. It didn’t take much to put two and two together so you simply smiled.
You pulled Steve into a quick hug before shoving him, “Guess you finally learned how to punch back.”
“Yeah well, I figured if he’s gonna be sticking around I might as well,” Steve smirked at you.
“He’s not sticking anywhere. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You defended, crossing your arms over your chest as the two of you began to walk out of the gym to the parking lot. “You played well today,”
“No, I didn’t,” Steve hesitated for a moment. “How are you feeling about the anniversary?”
“Bad.” You deadpanned.
You weren't interested in continuing the conversation so you let your curt response hang in the air. Steve looked uncomfortable and you couldn’t miss the twinge of sadness in his eyes. You ignored the familiar ache in your chest that started and ended with his concern but refused to relent.
“I wish you wouldn’t do that. You could always talk about it,” Steve offered. “To me, or…whoever.” You knew he meant well but you were sick of talking, of thinking about it. As soon as your shoulder stopped aching and you got out of Hawkins, you’d never have to think about it again.
You were sitting in Steve’s passenger seat waiting to be whisked away to a burger and some fries but still he stood in the parking lot staring at you. “I don’t know who you think ‘whoever’ is but I’d appreciate it if you dropped the subject altogether.” You slammed the door closed and sighed.
Steve climbed in his side, throwing his bag to the backseat and turning the keys in the ignition. “Fine. I’ll drop it but if you start getting worse…” He trailed off, backing out of his spot.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.”
~ ~ ~
The week leading up to the anniversary was rough.
You knew they would’ve been no matter what but compounded by the impending dread you felt, Billy had been noticeably distant and had even started in on Steve over something dumb during gym, resulting in a fist fight that landed them both in detention. You were mad at Billy for getting in a fight with Steve but you were even more angry that he’d completely iced you out.
Before, you wished constantly that Billy would up and leave you alone, regretting your decision to instigate what you did at that damn Halloween party, but his absence left you annoyed. What right did he have to come and go as he pleased?
It shouldn’t matter to you, not at all, but you’d grown comfortable, almost unknowingly reliant on his presence and you were upset. Upset and alone and drunk. It was a Thursday afternoon in early November and you’d been drinking since ten in the morning after you’d tried and failed to fall back asleep. You were sat in front of a mirror in nothing but a thin tank top and shorts, staring at your body and drinking. Damn, you’d become your father.
A watery laugh escaped through your lips as you were sipping from a bottle of vodka, spilling the liquid over yourself. You stared at your reflection then, and looking back was a girl whose eyes were sunken and dull, her hair a mess, tears streaming down her face, and all you could see was your future. This was all you could ever be, after what happened to you nothing was the same and it never would be, you’d been able to accept that. Why couldn’t everyone else just-
A knock sounded from downstairs, but you ignored it. Probably the mail. You took another swig of your bottle when the knock came again, an incessant banging that was working its way behind your eyes, urging on a headache. You grunted as you stood up, bottle still clutched tightly in your hand as you made your way downstairs to the door.
You only had the chance to unlock it before someone was barging their way into the house. Blinking a few times to rid the remaining tears from your eyes, you recognized the intruder.
“What are-what are you doing here?” Your speech sounded slurred and it wasn’t until then you realized how drunk you must’ve been.
“What the fuck happened to you?” Billy’s eyebrows were scrunched as his gaze raked over you, pausing at where your tank top exposed you. “Why aren’t you at school?”
“I could ask you that too,” You walked over to your couch and plopped down. “Skipper.” You heard the familiar gait of Billy’s boots along your hardwood floors and huffed at his persistence.
“I was looking for you.” He deadpanned, staring down at you, though his eyes kept drifting to your shoulder.
You heaved a watery sigh and took another sip of the bottle. “Listen, I’m not exactly in the mood to-” You hiccup, “fuck right now so you can go.” You threw your arm across your face, trying to block out the light that was starting to make your head pound.
You didn’t understand why he was here. It wasn’t as if you were together and even if you were, Billy Hargrove didn’t seem the type to show up at your house just because you missed a day of school. The thought caused the space in the back of your eyes to feel as abused as a pin cushion quickly leading to full blown tears as you tried to hold back sobs.
“I don’t-” Billy stuttered in front of you. “What’s the problem?” You could sense he was closer now, probably crouching next to your head based on his voice.
You couldn’t seem to conjure up an answer though, unable to tell him about the Upside Down or the monster that ruined your life and took another, but the worst part was that it wasn’t even really about that. It wasn’t even that a year ago today Barbara Holland died clawing at your arms and begging for help or that your arm was nearly torn from your body and you were still recovering. No, it was because you lived and no one seemed to care. You were the third wheel to your only friends, who’ve since broken up, and left you for the company of actual children, and your only true family, your father, was never around and when he was, did nothing more than harass you. The only person who saw you on a daily basis had become your fuck-buddy. But you couldn’t even begin to explain all that.
“I’m ugly.”
“What?” Billy questioned, his previously almost gentle voice turned sharp.
“Go away. I don’t want you here,” You pleaded, looking at him through tears in your eyes.
“You’re acting like this cause of some scar?” He seemed incredulous, almost inspecting you with his eyes. “That's it?” He let out a sardonic laugh and you began to fume.
“‘That's it?’” you parroted. “Look at me! I almost died, Barb did! Barb did and I couldn’t save her…” You had started out screaming but your voice died out as memories flashed in your head.
Billy’s face was clouded as he took the bottle you were still clutching in your hand and set it aside. Your eyes were unfocused as they tracked him moving around the room, picking through blankets until he found the one he knew was your favorite and tossed it to you. He took a heavy seat next to you, bouncing a bit when he did, and hesitantly inched his leg towards you until your thighs touched. You were tired, too tired to continue to try to fight him so you let it all happen and spread the blanket across yourself, the plush fabric soft between your fingers.
Your eyes were drooping now that the adrenaline was out of your system and you couldn't help but let your head lull onto the warmth of Billy’s shoulder as your eyes fluttered shut. You weren’t sure how long the two of you sat there in silence, but you faintly registered the synchronized rise and fall of your chests.
“What happened to you?” Billy’s voice broke the peace, but you’d very nearly dozed off and decided to let him think you had. “I know you’re not sleeping.”
A sigh involuntarily slipped past your lips and you were officially caught. Through your drunken, exhaustion-induced haze, you tried to explain. “Last year, I was invited to Steve’s house to hang out with some friends,” you started. “And there was an…attack,” you felt yourself getting worked up and removed yourself from Billy, immediately missing the heat he provided. “Tommy and Carol had gone to fuck and Steve finally got Nancy up to his room so it was only Barb and me left,” You sniffed deciding to choose your next words carefully. “I was…different back then. I was ‘King Steve’s’ friend, and we didn’t associate with people like Barb, but Nancy did so we let her tag along.”
“‘King Steve’ huh?” Billy mocked, slinging his arm across the back of the couch, deliberately not touching you.
“We were all different back then,” You sighed. “Barb cut her hand trying to shotgun a beer and they told us that's what attracted the–the bear.”
“And that’s what did this?” He asked, his finger dancing above your scar, not daring to touch you.
You nodded, rubbing at your eyes with little care. “I tried to help but it took her and did this.”
“Where was ‘King Steve’ during all this?” Billy’s voice was that of thinly veiled annoyance which sparked your own.
“In his room with Nancy, but it wasn’t their fault,” You were quick to insist. “So, Barb died and I screamed and bled out until someone heard me. The end.”
You were thoroughly done with the conversation and grabbed the remote, switching on the TV to make your point. You wished you didn’t when scenes of The Evil Dead started playing and you shivered, causing Billy to finally slide his arm from the back of the couch to your shoulders, and gently, as if in question, pulled you to him.
“You’re not ugly.”
~ ~ ~
“Fuck!” You awoke all at once, neither slowly nor calmly, not to the steady thrum of Billy’s heartbeat but by said boy ripping himself off the couch.
Blearily, you stretched, glancing at the clock on the wall all the while trying to stomp down the urge to throw up. You watched as Billy tried to hastily tie his shoes but his fingers were clumsy giving you a childish sort of pleasure at his failure.
“I fell asleep.” It was the only thing you could think to say after all that happened the night before and embarrassment flushed your cheeks. You’d admitted to him nothing that everyone else in the town didn’t already know but you’d been drunk and cried, and for some reason let Billy sit on your couch through it all.
“I need to leave. Before my–I just need to leave,” He was quick to get the words out but you caught his stumble.
“Before your what?”
Billy paused, looking at you through his curls before going back to his task. “Don’t worry about it, I just need to leave.”
“Is it the same reason you’re beat up all the time?” You asked, trying to sound nonchalant. It shouldn't matter to you what goes on behind the closed doors of the Hargrove home but somehow in the few weeks you’d known him, Billy had wormed himself into the select group of people you cared about.
“Drop it.”
Billy stormed out of your house, the door slamming shut behind him and rattling the walls. It was coming up on six-thirty and you needed to get ready for school, despite your hangover; if your father got wind that you’d been skipping while he was away, you’d have hell to pay.
By the time you were rolling into Hawkins High’s parking lot, your headache had dulled and you were itching to see Billy. It was an uncomfortable feeling you were taking in stride, having decided to accept where this boy fit into your life. A spot was left open for you next to the familiar blue Camaro and, with ease, you pulled in before quickly exiting your vehicle and plopping yourself down in Billy’s passenger seat.
“I see you’re doing just fine,” You take his face in your hand, turning his head left and right, inspecting for injuries. Billy let you do this for no more than three full seconds before slapping your hand off him.
“He wasn’t home.” It seemed to be the only explanation you were going to get if the obstinate look on Billy’s face, compounded by the way he was digging around in his center console for his smokes, was any indication.
“That’s a good thing though, no?” You asked, offering one of your own cigarettes with one hand while smoking one with the other. Billy looked up briefly and scrunched his nose in refusal before going back to his search. “I thought you liked these.”
He shrugged. “I like how they smell. I hate the taste.”
“You’ve never even smoked one before,” You retorted.
Finally Billy pulled out his Reds, shaking them before plucking one from the pack and placing it between his lips. “You have though, and more often than not, baby, my mouth’s on yours.”
“Then why haven’t you said–that’s not the point here actually,” You huffed at both his admission and the fact you’d gotten so off topic. “Isn’t it a good thing he wasn't home? Time to cool off?”
Billy laughed, hollow and short, at the question. “It’ve been better just to get it over with this morning.”
Distantly behind you, the five-minute bell rang, ending your morning ritual and effectively cutting off your conversation. Billy swiftly exited his car, locking it as your own door slammed shut after you, and, as you walked together to the school’s entrance, a leather clad arm found its way around your waist. You debated shrugging him off but in spite of yourself, you let him–by all intents and purposes–stake his claim.
You caught Steve looking at you from his locker as you walked in so, dangerously, you veered yourself, and by proxy Billy, towards him.
“Stevie,” You greet him, a warning in your eyes. “You guys ready for the game tonight?” Glancing up you could see Billy staring down your best friend and you struggled to suppress a sigh.
“As ready as I can be,” Steve's eyes slid from yours to Billy’s and you tensed up, waiting for a confrontation to break out.
You couldn’t say if Billy noticed your worry or if he was already bored with the conversation but you were relieved when he simply tightened his hold on your waist for a second before letting go entirely. The moment was short lived when Billy suddenly clapped Steve on the shoulder, his fingers obviously digging into the flesh of Steve’s shoulder.
“Going for a win tonight, huh, Stevie?” The tone Billy used was nothing but mocking and before you could stop him, he dropped his hand and pushed past Steve, knocking shoulders with the other boy.
Steve wasted no time gaping at you in betrayal. “You’re with him now?”
“It just happened. He…showed up yesterday and stayed the night.” A disappointed sigh escaped your lips as you rubbed your forehead. “It was bad. I was drunk and disgusting and I told him the safe version of what happened and he stayed.”
Steve’s eyes were wide with disbelief as he floundered for words, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there but…I guess I’m glad he was.”
Billy wasn’t what you expected, or more so he was exactly what you expected but undercut with something you never would have guessed he was capable of. He’d been there for you on, no doubt, one of the hardest days of your life, so you decided he deserved some credit. He also deserved someone to be there for him.
“Yeah, me too.”
~ ~ ~
You needed to talk to him. The entire basketball game Billy had played like a man possessed, flattening every player in his path, whether on the opposite team or otherwise. Somehow, Billy’s playing and the uneasy truce between him and Steve had led the team to a much needed victory. During the game, you noticed a sullen looking Max, who you found out from Steve, had been sucked into the whole Upside Down situation by the boys. Subtly, you made your way over to her after the game had ended and the team left for the locker room.
“Hey, red,” You called her attention, “Stevie told me you’re caught up?”
Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment and you were struck by how similar she looked to Billy despite not being blood. Her face cleared when she seemed to realize what your words meant and immediately looked uneasy. Her eyes shot to your concealed shoulder and you felt yourself deflate a bit.
“Yeah, him and the stalkers told me everything. Does–does Billy know?”
You’re caught off guard by the question but immediately shake your head. “No, I told him what everyone else thinks happened: bear attack.” You sigh at the idea of him going home to his father tonight. “Are you getting a ride home from your brother?”
Her face morphed into disgust at the word ‘brother’ but she nodded. “I didn’t want to walk in the rain.”
“Do you think Steve could give you a ride home instead?” You asked, hopeful. Once again disgust marred her face but you were quick to rectify. “I just need to talk to him, about maybe getting…help.” You gestured to your face, circling it with your finger.
Understanding lit up her face and she nodded hastily. “I can get a ride with Steve.”
The two of you stood together awkwardly though it wasn’t long before Steve reappeared from the locker room and despite being confused by the request, walked outside with the red-head in tow. Billy on the other hand took his time, likely exhausted after the way he played, leaving you the last person left in the gym. His eyes first landed on you but searched the gym once he noted your presence.
You prepared yourself for the anger that was likely to follow your admission and spoke. “I sent her home with Steve.”
“You what?”
“Relax. He’s been watching the kids all year and I wanted to talk to you,” You hoped he would listen to you rather than storm out, leaving you feeling stupid for trying.
He huffed but seemed to calm down quickly, walking over to you slowly. “Fine. It's not like it’ll matter how late I am at this point.”
You sincerely hoped that was true when you held out your hand, by far the most domestic thing you’ve ever offered him. Tentatively, he took it and the two of you strode outside to your cars but rather than walk around to the passenger side you stopped in front of the driver’s and raised your eyebrows expectantly.
“Please?” Billy looked ready to protest but immediately deflated at your plea and tossed you the keys over the hood.
The car thrummed under your touch as you started the ignition and you suddenly understood why Billy loved it so much. Without any sort of exchange, you drove to the Quarry, knowing from experience the overlook was a place that offered some sort of reprieve. With the car parked and Billy looking at you expectantly, you figured you needed to tell him why you were out here.
“I need a cigarette for this,” You cringed when you realized you’d left your pack in your car and dragged your eyes over to the unamused boy in the passenger seat. “Can I bum one?”
Billy rolled his eyes and popped the glove compartment, tossing you an unopened carton of Djarum Specials. “Here.”
“Thanks,” You smiled to yourself as you opened the pack and lit yourself a cigarette, relishing in the dull buzz. You only had a moment of happiness before you steeled yourself and prepared for immediate rejection. “I think you need to talk to Hopper.”
Billy went rigid, all movement halting to instead look at you. “The police chief?”
You ignored his tone and soldiered on. “I don’t want you accidentally falling asleep at my house to land you in the hospital.”
“I can’t do that,” Billy had grabbed your wrist and was desperately searching your eyes. “You can’t do that. You have to promise me.”
“Billy, I–” You started to refuse but he cut you off.
“Nothing will change, he’ll just pack us up again and I’ll end up in some other hick town.” He reached to snatch the keys from the ignition but you pulled them out yourself and held them away.
“Again?” You urged him to continue.
Billy’s eyes were wild, like an animal cornered. “Back in California, someone snitched and I ended up here.”
“But you said…” Max, you realized, thinking back on your conversation outside the record shop. “That’s why you’re so horrible to her?”
“If she would’ve just kept her mouth shut we both would’ve been fine. Now…” He trailed off obviously revealing more than he planned.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest, the rhythm muffling your thoughts as you stared at Billy. She already didn’t want him in that house but now Max was just another innocent bound to be corrupted by the hands of Mr. Hargrove.
“You have to know this isn’t okay,” You pleaded.
“You think I don’t?” He had let go of you some time ago and was now running a ragged hand through his hair. “It won’t work. I just have to deal with it for another year then I’m gone.”
“And after that? What about Max?”
“He won’t touch her.” Billy’s eyes were sharp and you noticed he’d broken out in a sweat. “A roughed up boy with a shit attitude doesn’t draw an eye but a black and blue little girl? They’d be all over him in a second.”
You couldn’t help but shake your head, insisting on your plan. “You don’t get it. I can help you. Hopper ’ll listen and trust me when I say he will do something about it.”
Billy’s usual fire was snuffed and he was reduced to nothing more than a teenage boy asking a girl a question. “Why do you even care?”
You couldn't help but laugh at the question, a sarcastic smile gracing your lips. “Because you started hanging around after sex, and held me when I was drunk crying about a stupid anniversary–”
Billy tried to stop you there. “It’s not stupid, you–”
“And because you bought me these!” You help up the box of cigarettes now full on laughing at the same boy who’d told you he didn’t date only three weeks ago. “You wouldn’t leave me alone so now I can’t leave you alone. I won’t.” By the end of your rant you’d quieted down coming to terms in the process with just how much you truly cared about Billy Hargrove.
Billy’s hands found your face, cradling it with a care he’d never shown before and guided your mouth to his. The kiss was nothing like your others, instead he kissed you slow and deep, relishing in the taste of you.
You were panting by the time he finally broke the kiss and you truly smiled at him, “I thought you didn’t like clove.”
“I don’t. But I like you,” He kissed you again. “A lot.”
A giggle nearly bubbled out of you but you contained yourself and realized for the first time in over a year you didn’t feel like the weight on your shoulder was quite so heavy. You smiled at him once more before climbing out of your seat and into the back, Billy following close behind.
Billy’s shirt was quickly discarded and with it he slowly reached for yours, his fingers playing at the hem, waiting for your permission. Confidently you nodded, trusting him. His eyes raked over your body once your shirt was gone, left in nothing but a bra that was made quick work of by Billy’s deft hand.
“You’re perfect.” He praised, taking your chest into one of his hands and cradling your back with the other. The compliment made your body warm, but the remnants of doubt still clawed at your insides.
It was deja vu when you began removing Billy’s belt and he your jeans, there the both of you were once again in the back of his car. It wasn’t long before the two of you were bare before each other, the sight a familiar one to you but to Billy seemingly an entirely new experience. Billy’s mouth found its way down your neck, sucking and kissing along the way until he reached your boobs. He made sure to pay them special attention, but you supposed it was the first he’s seen of them.
“Billy, please,” You couldn’t help but whine, the anticipation making you ache.
He shushed you with a searing kiss and pulled a condom from his dash. “I’ve got you, baby,” He ripped it open with his teeth and slid it on himself slowly. “I’ve got you.”
Your underwear were nothing special: black cotton, simple cut, but Billy slipped his fingers in them like they were the most delicate lace. He shimmied them down your legs, not stopping until he had them bunched in his hand and finally stuffed inside the pocket of his jeans.
“For later.” He winked.
You chuckled at the comment until you felt the head of his cock at your entrance and you were once again kissed quiet. Slowly, inch by inch, Billy pushed in until he bottomed out and the two of you moaned in unison. It was cold outside, the early November night causing a chill to bite in the air, but inside the car was steaming. Billy began moving his hips, easily finding a rhythm in both his thrusts and his fingers circling your clit. You had nothing to do with your hands other than hang on, trying to find respite to the building tension in your core.
Your skin was hot as Billy picked up his pace however still taking great attention to your body as he chased his own orgasm. This felt different than all the other times the two of you had sex. You felt desired, wanted, claimed. You never thought you’d give yourself to someone so wholly, especially after the attack, but now you didn’t think you could want anything more.
“Ask me,” You whimpered. “Ask me to be yours.”
You had a moment of panic when he didn’t immediately respond, a stutter of his hips drawing an anxious breath into your chest. Billy simply looked down at you, his ocean blue eyes staring into yours as he asked.
“Be mine.”
You smiled and kissed him, your tongues lacing together as your hips met his, over and over getting closer by the second. The combination of his words and his fingers drove you quickly to climax, a broken moan echoing in the car as Billy continued to thrust until he met his own climax, and collapsed down onto you. The Quarry was silent barring your heavy breaths and slight shifting every few minutes in order to get comfortable.
As you laid there, Billy’s form grounding you to the earth, you felt your eyes well up with tears. Unlike every time before, this was not because of sadness, but instead because you were happy. You all but laughed at the realization that a boy from California you just happened to meet at a Halloween party managed to make you feel like everything was going to be okay. Tomorrow might be filled with uncertainties, and you didn’t know what Hawkins Indiana had in store for you. Knowing both you and Billy had a rough road ahead was a heart clenching thought but now, in this moment, you had each other and that was enough. Enough to know that things will get better.
#billy#Billy Hargrove#billy hargrove x oc#billy hargrove x reader#billy hargrove x you#billy hargrove x y/n#billy stranger things#strange#stranger things#stranger things season 2#stranger things fanfiction#things#fanfiction#fandom#fanfic#Tumblr FanFiction#Tumblr fanfic#archive of our own#ao3#ao3 fanfiction#AO3 fanfic#ao3 author#saphnsmoe#SMOE#writing#thewordswewrite#Fanfic writer#THE WORDS WE WRITE#lonely is our lives#80's
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JUST READ THE EPILOGUE OF TDOO AND I AM IN TEARS but i do have a question: what happened to their first baby, the one she was pregnant with in chapter 15 and also did CF happen as it does in canon? Would you ever write a one shot about that?

About the baby...Our Condolences
About Catching Fire...Wave Break
Thanks so much for reading! We hope you enjoy!!<333
#thewordswewrite#saphnsmoe#the drought of an ocean#finnick odair#the hunger games#finnick odair fanfic#fanfiction#finnick x y/n#hunger games finnick#hunger games#fanfic#tumblr fanfic#ao3 fanfiction#katniss x peeta#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#catching fire#thg fanfiction#finnick#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#snow x lucy
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New oneshot babes have fun with this one!!!
The Drought of an Ocean Universe - Masterlist
Pairing | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader

Summary | Finnick Odair was the youngest victor to ever win the Hunger Games but that didn’t earn him respect as a mentor, at least not until she came along. When a dejected volunteer from District 4 puts her life on the line, Finnick will do anything he can to protect her.
Warnings | canon typical violence, nonexplicit forced prostitution, 18+ smut, explicit language, mentions/situations of sexualizing minors, anxiety inducing situations
!IMPORTANT! | Now through the donations link below you can access exclusive content for this fic!! Also consider leaving a donation if you so choose anything is appreciated!! <3333
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Ψ・Main Story・Ψ
Chapter One | Annual Victor
Chapter Two | As Tribute
Chapter Three | Play Your Role
Chapter Four | Trained To Kill
Chapter Five | To Come Home
Chapter Six | Cannons To Say Farewell
Chapter Seven | Eager To Please
Chapter Eight | Ladies And Gentlemen
Chapter Nine | The Pearl Of The Capitol
Chapter Ten | A Hand Delt
Chapter Eleven | Rings Like Gold
Chapter Twelve | Home Sweet Home
Chapter Thirteen | Debts Paid
Chapter Fourteen | One Destiny
Chapter Fifteen | His Future
Chapter Sixteen | Epilogue

Our Condolences | Three months after they realize they’re expecting, things take a turn for the worse for Finnick and his girl.
Wave Break | Unexpectedly drawn into the third Quarter Quell, Finnick and his wife struggle to navigate the dangers of the arena while keeping both Katniss and Peeta alive.

Taglist | @lem0ns77 @lostintheendlessvoidthatislife @curlycarley @bela-nov @lilylovelyxo @jaydiann @shynypeacekitten @dd122004dd @jyessaminereads @aquawhore420 @qallaghereid @bazzaza @zulpix-blog @mrsjna @americanstarlette @lou-the-confused-bisexual @maxinehufflepuffprincess @cecepop15 @pavard-leto-girl @redsakura101
#thewordswewrite#The Hunger Games#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#catching fire#finnick odair#hunger games finnick#finnick odair fanfic#finnick odair imagine#finnick x reader#finnick x you#finnick x oc#finnick x y/n#finnick#fanfiction#Tumblr fanfic#ao3 fanfiction#katniss everdeen#Peeta Mellark#Katniss#Peeta#katniss x peeta#oneshot#the drought of an ocean#thg fanfiction#thg finnick#thg fanfic#Sam Claflin#johanna mason#beetee latier#Coriolanus Snow
1K notes
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Was Finnicks girl in the 75th arena with him? Or was she a mentor/stayed home?
Wave Break
The Drought of an Ocean Universe
Pairing | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader

Original Story Summary | Finnick Odair was the youngest victor to ever win the Hunger Games but that didn’t earn him respect as a mentor, at least not until she came along. When a dejected volunteer from District 4 puts her life on the line, Finnick will do anything he can to protect her.
Oneshot Summary | Unexpectedly drawn into the third Quarter Quell, Finnick and his wife struggle to navigate the dangers of the arena while keeping both Katniss and Peeta alive.
Chapter Warnings | canon typical violence, mentions of self harm,
W/C | 5.3k
Taglist | @lem0ns77 @lostintheendlessvoidthatislife @curlycarley @bela-nov @lilylovelyxo @jaydiann @shynypeacekitten @dd122004dd @jyessaminereads @aquawhore420 @qallaghereid @bazzaza @zulpix-blog @mrsjna @americanstarlette @lou-the-confused-bisexual @maxinehufflepuffprincess @cecepop15 @pavard-leto-girl
A/N | Alrighty guys here ya'll go with another ask. As you can probably tell this took a hot second to finish based on the w/c alone so we humbly hope you enjoy our version of Catching Fire! -Smoe<33
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“Ladies and Gentleman, this is the 75th year of the Hunger Games…”
A tense air had pervaded the Odair home all morning, terse conversation filling the time as the impending announcement sucked any pleasantries from their usual routine. It didn’t matter that their days in the games were behind them, the fact that they were on the cusp of never having to witness another was more than enough to spark their collective anxieties. Finnick had assured his wife time and time again that these upcoming deaths were not on them, not more blood on their hands, that the timing had simply not worked out in their favor but he knew that he himself would feel responsible for whatever uniquely gruesome fate would befall the tributes of the third Quarter Quell.
“...and it was written in the charter of the Games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh, for each new generation, the memory of those who died and the uprising against the Capitol.”
They sat on the couch, watching the broadcast, his wife’s legs pulled to her chest as she wrapped her arms around herself. Anxiously they awaited the reading of the card that would seal the fate of the last-ever tributes, hoping against all odds that it would be in any way forgiving. Finnick placed a tentative hand on her knee only managing a reassuring squeeze before she took his hand, lacing her fingers through his own instead.
“It’ll be okay,” She reassured, a wobbly smile doing little to convince him. “Whatever happens we’ll get through it. Together.”
He smiled in spite of himself, “That’s my line.”
They took a collective breath as Snow pulled the cue card from the envelope, his leather-clad hands revealing not even a tremor, no remorse for the damned.
“As a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, on this, the third Quarter Quell Games, the male and female tributes…”
Finnick’s breath caught in his throat, his hand unconsciously tightening around his wife’s.
“...will be reaped from the existing pool of victors in each district.”
The room around him went silent, his ears ringing as he sat dazed even as his wife stood with the hand previously held in his own clasped over her mouth. His instinct, of course, was to comfort her, to tell her that they’d be alright but his body was paralyzed as their plans–everything they had worked so hard for–slowly splintered in his mind.
“It won’t be us,” Finnick muttered, his wife’s widened and glossy eyes shooting to his own. “It can’t be us.”
“It could be, Snow he–” She swallowed cutting herself off, “He wanted a baby, and I–”
“No, you don’t understand,” Finnick placed a hand on each of her arms as he stood to meet her, “It can’t be us. We know too much. If anything happened to us…” He trailed off, not wanting to accept that reality. “We have the right people on our side. Our names may not even be in with the others.”
“And if they are?”
“We fight.”
A familiar face stood with their back to the two of them, giving the usual Games spiel with the added Quarter Quell jargon as their jet-black hair struggled to keep its shape in the wind. Under any other circumstances, it might be nice to see the shape of their gown, orange, white, and black swirls outlining the pattern of a clownfish. It was tight to their body and see-through almost everywhere but the design and skirt flaring out down the sides of their legs, mimicking fins. The whole effect created an eerie sense of deja vu, the kind that had her wishing she had never had to experience it in the first place.
The drone of Sagan’s voice fell to the back of her mind as her eyes traveled to Finnick’s across the stage. There were enough victors that if she hadn’t known their names wouldn’t be pulled, she would’ve felt some semblance of reassurance, unlike the victors of 12 who had already accepted their fates.
They had received word only a day prior, a coded, untraceable message from an anonymous member of the rebellion that promised the reaping was fixed. Only then had they released the breath they had been holding since the announcement. In less than a month’s time, they would put an end to the Games with their Mockingjay finally at the forefront of the rebellion. She and Finnick would follow along from the outside as those on the inside awaited rescue.
“And now, ladies first.”
Sagan made their way over to the pool of names, not sparing a glance her way. The only time they had made eye contact, they had given a sad smile and she couldn’t help but want to assure her former escort that they would be alright.
Even knowing that her name would not be called, the anticipation and the circumstances of the situation had her shaking, wringing her hands for something to occupy her. Across the way, Finnick nodded solemnly towards her and she wished she could close the distance between them.
Lost in thought, time seeming only to inch forward, she jumped as someone wrapped a hand around her own.
“Mags Flanagan.”
Her head whipped to the side, eyes meeting those of the only mother she ever truly had. This shouldn’t have been a possibility, this wasn’t supposed to happen. The smaller woman had a look of acceptance, as though she was ready, as if she chose this. Her heart pounded, eyes flooding with tears, not only for herself but for Mags, for Finnick. She couldn’t help from gasping in breaths, the air sucked from her lungs, she couldn’t–
“I volunteer!” Her voice shook and Mags tugged at her arms. Mags stubbornly pointed to herself, shaking her head at the peacekeepers coming to escort her away. Her eyes widened in realization, Mags meant for this, to protect them. In a moment of desperation, she had not only taken away a noble death but had put their entire operation at risk. “Wait, wait–”
A rough hand on her shoulder guided her toward Sagan’s placement at the microphone and when she made a pass to go back, another hand snaked around her waist and forced her into position.
“And now for the men.”
She dared to look over at Finnick, finding his eyes already on her, mouth agape in an expression of abject terror. Her vision blurred as another wave of tears fell and she hung her head in shame. Even with all the odds in their favor, she had somehow managed to sentence one or even both of them to death for if she knew her husband, and she did, there was no way he’d let her face the Games alone.
“I volunteer,” Finnick’s helpless voice echoed her own before Sagan had even reached for a slip of paper.
Sagan’s voice trembled as they introduced, “Your tributes of the 75th Hunger Games.”
“Beetee, you have contributed so much to Panem over the years. I don’t know who we’ll miss more, you or your brain.”
The crowd laughed as though Caesar wasn’t joking about a man’s life. She’d not known Beetee personally but she did know he was a part of the cause, using his brain for things other than the Capitol and its simpering citizens.
“The Quarter Quell were written into law by men; certainly it can be unwritten.”
“Yes, interesting concept.”
She knew he thought no such thing; the games were his life and the lives of every Flickerman before him, Caesar was just another cog in the machine. It was difficult to watch the other victors–tributes–make any attempt to save their skin. Even those who knew nothing of the Rebellion nor wouldn’t support it if they did, still tried to incite protest within the audience who loved nothing more than their victors. Sagan had specifically advised them against such a tactic but Finnick, although typically advising his own mentees to play along, told her to do whatever she could to garner sympathy in hopes of delaying or stopping the Games.
There were multiple plans in place after frantic correspondence and hushed meetings in response to her and Finnick’s unexpected involvement in the Games. Everything, including the arena, was arranged in their favor as they now led the Mockingjay extraction. Still, there were many unknown variables, the most deadly being the tributes who were genuinely fighting for their lives. No matter what, they would not and could not come out unscathed; the Games had to look authentic and if her and Finnick never seemed at risk, the plan would be over before it began. They had been promised that there would be nothing they couldn’t handle which was more than she deserved considering they were putting the whole operation at risk by being there in the first place.
The roar of the crowd as Beetee made his way back to the wings set her on edge, the scrutiny of the whole ordeal never getting easier. Warm hands found each of her shoulders as Finnick whispered, “You’ve got this,” before pressing a kiss to her temple.
Since the reaping, Finnick had been, well, Finnick. Whatever anger she feared he may have felt was replaced by concern and gratitude when it became clear what her intentions had been. Though she knew he would never, she had wished that he had just let her go alone, to face the consequences of her own rashness.
She took a breath, steeling her shoulders before she walked out on stage. She hadn’t done this in years and the bright lights combined with the deafening screams of the audience threw her back into her first Games leaving her feeling panicked.
“And here she is folks, our beloved Pearl and what a long time since we’ve seen her shine!”
At her entrance, she imagined what Finnick would do, putting on that crowd-pleasing smile with a wave and blow of a kiss that made everyone in the audience believe it was just for them. There was no seat to take, nothing to grip onto as a shield and she struggled to compose herself, to not let them see her cower.
“Hello, Caesar,” She crooned and turned to the seats, addressing the audience in feigned surprise as if she had forgotten they were there, “Hello everyone!”
“Oh, my dear, it is just splendid to have you back on this stage, even though the circumstances are so sad, having to say goodbye to all but one of you.” The emphasis on that detail not only spoke for last year’s Games but was a personal slight that caused her jaw to clench unintentionally.
“It is sad,” She conceded through gritted teeth, “my husband and I both being here.” Caesar clearly noted her attitude but had a stage etiquette that was afforded to him by years of experience.
“Ah, but you did volunteer,” He quirked an eyebrow before turning back to the audience.
“Yes, for Mags, Finnick’s mentor, and a woman who I’d consider a mother to me. And of course Finnick insisted he couldn’t leave me to fight on my own. I only wish both of us would be…” She trailed off purposefully, wiping a fake tear from her eye, “Would be able to win.”
“You and your husband, indeed” He let the comment hold the audience for a minute as they made the rehearsed sounds of dismay. “And if I may, I want to say I am so sorry you never were able to have a family. Maybe if you win, one day you could make that dream a reality.” A fire lit in her chest, the burn traveling up into her eyes until she was seeing red. She imagined what relief she might gain from screaming at them, sharing her pain and condemning their behavior but that wouldn’t fit their image of a contrite housewife whose grief was all she had to show for her efforts.
“Yes, indeed.”
Finnick awoke suddenly from a dreamless sleep, the covers kicked to the floor and the room icy around him. The missing intrusion of limbs alerted him of her absence immediately and he sighed. He couldn’t imagine the guilt his girl must be feeling but he had an inkling from the way it had radiated off of her since the reaping; the backlash they had received from other members of the Rebellion couldn’t have helped. Underneath the deep and ever-present fear of losing her, his wife and one true companion, he would be remiss to overlook what she had done for him. Mags’ name should never have been in the running and if it was possible, Finnick would’ve volunteered in her place immediately. It meant the world to him that Mags and his girl had grown close but for that to result in this, he wasn’t sure that they wouldn’t be all better off if it had never happened. How Mags had gone over both of their heads, he couldn’t have guessed.
Finnick rolled onto his stomach, soaking in the excess heat from his wife’s side of the bed before getting up, his body aching from training. There was only really one place his girl could be, especially at such a late hour. He grabbed a couple of towels and threw on a pair of old shorts.
He felt an eerie sense of familiarity at the scene though this time he didn’t go diving into the pool. He simply sat at the edge, watching and waiting while his wife sat at the bottom, though he began to fidget the longer she was down there. It wasn't until he submerged himself that she began to swim to the surface.
“You’re up late,” Finnick hummed, holding onto her arms to make it easier for her to tread.
“Oh, you know, just drowning myself,” She smirked, poking a finger into his ribs. He laughed, shrinking away until he began to blush, feeling oddly warm about her remembering a night that seemed so long ago and like yesterday all the same.
He broke the moment with a frown, “Everything changes tomorrow.”
“Katniss and Peeta survive, no matter what,” She replied firmly, echoing the sentiment from their explicit instructions. Finnick shook his head, wincing at the words as if they were physically painful.
“Not if that means you,” He refused, “You can't ask that of me.” His hands were on her again, unintentionally digging into her hips with the urgency of his words.
“The rebellion is what matters, taking down Snow and The Capitol is what matters. Not us,” She warned. Her expression was steely but it was clear in the way she avoided his eyes that she felt more torn than her words portrayed her. Finnick took her chin between his fingers, turning her gaze in his direction.
“None of that matters to me if you're not by my side by the end of it.”
She bit her lip, swallowing deeply before she pleaded, “If it comes down to it, promise me you’ll leave me.
“Finnick–” Not letting her finish the thought, his lips find hers. When she tried to pull away he tangled his fingers in her wet hair and deepened the kiss until she mirrored his desperation. He parted her lips with his own, tongue meeting hers, attempting to communicate everything he himself was unwilling to at the moment and when he pulled back her eyes were heavy with anguish.
Even with the darkness overhead, there was little reprieve from the sweltering heat save for their recently acquired water source. Their luck had so far been fair as they adjusted to the arena but the stifling warmth of their surroundings made even the simplest task that much harder. The bloodbath had dropped enough tributes to provide a certain sense of security but if the effort it took to wrangle Katniss and Peeta–Finnick nearly being shot by the former while she struggled to pull the latter ashore–was any indication of their impending challenge, they’d need their combined wits to keep them both alive.
The sound of a crackling footstep made her jump, grabbing her whip from her belt loop on instinct and rose to her feet. She had already settled down for the night, Finnick off bickering with Katniss about the night’s watch schedule while Peeta slept restlessly, but now she was on high alert. Just as she was about to attack the oncoming figure, Finnick’s form became clear from where she had propped herself against a tree.
“Oh, I see how it is. Now that we're in here together, you're finally gonna take your shot at me,” Finnick smirked, his hands up in mock surrender. She rolled her eyes, settling herself while a smile crept onto her face.
“I have my shot at you every night. I know where you sleep,” She shot back, her eyes heavy from the heat and the call of sleep.
“Right next to me,” Finnick huffed, taking his aforementioned spot beside her. They laid face to face, watching each other’s backs. At home, Finnick would’ve wrapped an arm around her waist at the very least but in this climate the only point of contact they were able to manage was the brush of their forearms as they inched closer together.
She lowered her voice, keeping her eyes trained beyond Finnick, “She wouldn’t budge?”
“She’ll never trust us,” Finnick sighed, shaking his head. “Better to try Peeta. As long as we’ve got him with us, she’ll be on our tail.” She started to smile but it fell into a frown as it grew. “What is it?”
“It’s not an act, is it?”
“The two of them,” She nodded in their direction, “they’re really in it. I thought maybe he was half in love with her already but seeing them now, I think they're both in deep. She’s not just covering her ass, Finnick. She loves him.” Finnick hummed solemnly in acknowledgment, reaching forward to brush back the strands of hair matted to her forehead.
“I love you,” He replied with a timid smile, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Get some rest.”
A scream rang through the air as a searing pain cut through her leg sending her reeling back. Again she heard the shrill cry and she covered her ears, stumbling through thickets of vines. It was only when she looked around for the source of the sound, her eyes landing on Finnick running towards her, did she realize that the screams were her own. She reached a trembling hand down to her leg, a tear in her suit exposing her abscess-covered skin.
Finnick placed a hand on each of her arms, speaking to her in frantic words she couldn’t decipher as her head swam, bile rising in her throat. More cries of distress echoed from where they had taken up camp but only one was clear.
“Run! Run! The fog is poison!”
Following Finnick, she tried to break into a sprint but almost immediately stumbled, her injured leg unable to carry her. He was already scooping her up and taking off again before she had the chance to call for help. She turned her head the best she could, her vision tunneled from pain, checking to make sure Peeta and Katniss were in tow.
With Finnick slowed down by the weight of her, Peeta surged ahead using his machete to cut through foliage while Katniss kept his pace. Even at their speed, the fog was nipping at their heels causing a chorus of pained howls. If the wall of vapor behind them wasn’t enough, they began to be surrounded on all but one side, their path forward narrowing by the second.
“Just hang on, just hang on,” Finnick was mumbling desperately, though she wasn’t sure if the message was exclusively hers.
There was only a moment’s difference between her being in Finnick’s arms to being splayed out on the forest floor. Peeta’s yelps were the only thing reminding her where she was, the blood pouring down from her head blinding her.
“I can’t carry him,” Katniss cried. Wiping her eyes, she could see Peeta’s prone body behind her, the only one left standing being Finnick who was trying to urge them forward. “Finnick, I can't carry him.”
“Take him,” She uttered without a second thought. If they lost Peeta, they would lose Katniss and there would be no rebellion without the Mockingjay, without their symbol of hope; it was a sacrifice that took little thought, considering all she had done to hinder them already.
“I-, I can’t,” Finnick replied, already reaching for her. She did her best to stand as her legs shook violently.
“Katniss, help me. Finnick, you get Peeta.”
With the decision made for him and the cloud closing in around them, they had no choice but to soldier on. Finnick could hold his own while carrying Peeta but he was hesitant, slowed by his concern for her.
“Go! Go, Finnick, run!”
Her and Katniss dragged behind, the horrendous pain eating into them both until they could no longer bear it. Katniss’ arms shook, dropping her to the ground and almost falling after her but Katniss didn’t leave her behind, instead dragging her–with any ounce of strength left–away from the oncoming fog. Shrill screams pierced through the jungle as her leg burned behind her though the pain inexplicably stopped at her thigh. When Katniss dropped her hands, she thought that the other girl was leaving her behind in favor of saving herself but as she looked behind herself she was met with a wall of poison traveling upward rather than the cloud swallowing her whole.
“It’s over,” Katniss assured her, “it’s gone.”
She nodded, her body left in incessant tremors from the shock of the pain. Her breath wheezed into her lungs and consciousness threatened to drift away.
“Baby,” Finnick cried, “baby.” The agony of being pulled into his arms was nearly unbearable but it was also the only relief she had. He tried and failed to find any inch of skin he could touch that wasn’t covered in wounds, his own hands deeply affected. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
She was barely able to make out a raspy, “Don’t.”
He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Katniss, her voice shrill from screaming, “The water–it helps.” They turned to see her sitting next to a small pond, her hands as clear as if they had never been touched. Finnick gingerly carried her toward the water while Katniss did the same for Peeta.
The touch of the water was a burn like no other, an acid coating searing her skin but the relief of a steady deep breath and control of her limbs flooded in after like a tidal wave, her hands unfurling from fists as her body’s tension faded away. She let the water hold her, exhaustion wracking her body.
The others had followed in their cleansing but the air wasn’t cleared. Even with the water muffling her hearing, she could hear Finnick and Katniss bickering once more.
“You said you’d take watch!”
“I did,” Katniss agreed, her voice sharp as a knife, “but I'm exhausted, we’re all exhausted.”
Finnick huffed with a dark laugh, wiping a hand across his mouth before turning back to Katniss, “Yeah, exhausted enough to let my wife almost die, my wife who practically sacrificed herself to save Peeta!”
Katniss shook her head incredulously, “She’s the one who said–”
“Look at her!”
Finnick’s gaze returned to her as she sat up but when she met his eyes, they were wide. She could see his chest rising and falling in quick succession even as he tried to appear calm. Slowly she began to turn her head but a slosh of water and a hand on her face stopped her.
“Don’t turn around, just follow me. Slowly.” When she turned back around Finnick’s eyes were no longer trained on his wife, rather the shadowed figure looming behind her.
The tell-tale screech of a predator and an abrupt splash of water was the only indication of the near miss as he pulled his wife into the safety of his arms. He slipped his hand around to her waist, pulling out her whip and placing it in her dominant hand. She glanced up at him briefly before turning away and Finnick mirrored her action so that they were back to back.
He raised his trident above his head as the animal in front of him bared its teeth.
“Get to the beach.”
“So besides Brutus and Enobaria, who’s left?”
“Maybe Chaff? Just those three.”
Things had progressed at a precipitous pace since they had staved off the mutts and found shelter on the beach. Finnick was glad to have the other rebels within arms reach now but it was evident Katniss’ suspicion was growing especially with Johanna’s outbursts. Johanna was as committed to the cause as any but her temper made her unpredictable and they were in a precarious place; it was only so long before Katniss would take Peeta and run and if they couldn’t uphold a common enemy, it would be sooner rather than later.
After nearly losing Katniss to the waters of the Cornucopia, his wife had volunteered to pull Johanna aside, reminding her of the end goal while Finnick stayed back with the rest of the group as they devised their next move.
“They know they’re outnumbered. I doubt they’ll attack again. We’re safe here on the beach.” Finnick eyed the trees behind him, unable to rest until he had his girl beside him again. The forest surrounding them was eerily quiet and with the way things had rearranged themselves in the whirlpool, they couldn’t say which area danger would strike next.
Katniss scoffed, “So, what? We hunt them down. And what then? I don’t understand–”
Agonized screams pealed through the trees, the sound of his wife’s pained voice sending Finnick running without a second thought. He called out for her as he navigated the obstacle-laden forest. No matter how far he got or how fast he traveled her voice remained out of reach and yet somehow deafening. If anything were to happen to his girl, especially under Johanna’s watch, there would be hell to pay; he’d already let her experience more pain than she should ever have to.
The rustle of leaves cropped up behind him, a small figure coming into view. Finnick was instantly relieved, running toward the figure until realizing it was only Katniss who was evidently caught up in her own search.
“You okay?” Finnick offered but Katniss only raised a single finger to silence him. Her face was turned toward the sky, the area silent where it was roaring before.
Again the cries filled the air with a voice he didn’t recognize but now, following Katniss’ gaze, Finnick could see the source. He watched as a small black bird darted in circles overhead. Jabberjays. The next call for help was cut short, an arrow landing precisely in the breast of the creature. Still, Finnick’s heart clenched in his chest thinking about how the mutts had managed to pick up the sound.
The brief reprieve granted by the animal’s death was short lived as a few screeching birds turned into hoards, diving down to torment them. The pleading and pained shrieks of those he loved filled Finnick’s ears as he ran back towards the safety of the beach. Katniss was scrambling to keep up with him and he could do little to help with his mind whirling with memories. Amongst the birds’ calls, he could hear even his mothers’s strained voice.
Finally, finally, Finnick could see his wife, his girl in the distance and trained his mind only on the goal of reaching her. It was only when he tried to wrap his arms around her that realized an invisible wall separated him from her embrace. He tried again futilely to reach through as whatever words she was saying was lost to the forcefield and the birds above. Putting his hands over his ears to muffle the sound as best he could, he leaned his forehead against the forcefield, his wife mirroring his action.
When the hour was up and the forcefield faded away, his body lurched forward falling into his wife’s arms as his knees gave out.
“I’ve got you,” She said, holding his head to her chest, “I’ve got you.”
The sound of a cannon made Finnick’s heart drop to his stomach, his feet stopping in their tracks.
“Peeta! Peeta!”
He cursed under his breath, leaving the search for Johanna and his wife behind in favor of making sure Katniss was still in their grasp. Their plan was falling to pieces but he knew his girl could handle her own. The only goal left was the first and foremost: keeping Katniss alive.
Finnick backtracked to the lightning tree, using the sound of Katniss’ voice as a guide. He arrived back to find Beetee’s setup abandoned, no sign of Peeta nor Katniss.
“Katniss, where are you?” He called to no avail.
Across the way, on the opposite side of the tree, another voice broke out, “Katniss?”
Finnick let out an audible sigh at seeing his wife, safe and poised to attack. It wasn't until he followed her eyes downward that he realized the concern in her voice wasn’t because Katniss was missing but because she had found her. He slowly raised his arms, surrendering in the face of the arrow that targeted him.
The archer didn’t flinch, didn’t turn to address his wife as she spoke.
“Katniss, put down the bow. Please, put down the bow,” She pleaded, a hand on the leather grip of her whip. “Please, I love him.”
Finnick swallowed, his eyes trained on his wife, “Remember who the real enemy is.”
It took a moment of consideration but Katniss lowered her weapon. Neither Finnick nor his wife moved an inch, not wanting to tempt their fate. Thunder rumbled around them, taking the attention from them and back to the abandoned plan. Beetee laid unconscious on the forest floor and Finnick wished he had paid better attention to the science behind Beetee’s mechanics.
The two women in front of them stared up at the sky and when he followed their gaze, Finnick could see a whirlpool of dark clouds as lightning illuminated the atmosphere. In a moment, he was filled with confusion and then dread as she eyed the impending lightning strike.
“Katniss, get away from that tree!” His pleas were ignored as she began to wrap the end of Beetee’s abandoned wire around the tip of the previously knocked arrow and slowly but confidently aimed it towards the sky. “Katniss, get away from that!”
As the arrow flew, Finnick’s eyes met his wife’s across the clearing, panic overtaking him before he was met with a searing heat and blown away from the tree.
Finnick was bleary as he awoke, his eyes unfocused as he felt himself begin to be lifted into the air. His body was slack though his muscles were rigid and pulsing with electricity, twitching uncontrollably. He used what was left of his energy to lull his head to the side, catching a glimpse of his wife surrounded by the telltale white of the peacekeepers’ uniforms as they dragged her unconscious body further and further out of his view.
He struggled to find any semblance of control over his body in order to reach his wife but he was paralyzed, by exhaustion or the explosion, he didn’t know. Finnick could do nothing but watch as his wife was carted away to the Capitol, to the hands of President Snow, before he was overtaken once more by darkness.

#thewordswewrite#fanfiction#finnick odair#the drought of an ocean#the hunger games#saphnsmoe#finnick odair fanfic#hunger games finnick#finnick x y/n#hunger games#finnick#finnick x reader#finnick imagine#thg finnick#katniss x peeta#catching fire#thg fanfiction#thg#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#coriolanus x lucy gray#finnick odair imagine#finnick odair x you#finnick odair x reader#hunger games fanfiction#hunger games catching fire#finnick odair x oc#snow x lucy#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#lucy gray baird
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New oneshot!! Thank you everyone for all the asks they have been so fun to do and we are making our way through them right now!!
The Drought of an Ocean Universe - Masterlist
Pairing | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader

Summary | Finnick Odair was the youngest victor to ever win the Hunger Games but that didn’t earn him respect as a mentor, at least not until she came along. When a dejected volunteer from District 4 puts her life on the line, Finnick will do anything he can to protect her.
Warnings | canon typical violence, nonexplicit forced prostitution, 18+ smut, explicit language, mentions/situations of sexualizing minors, anxiety inducing situations
!IMPORTANT! | Now through the donations link below you can access exclusive content for this fic!! Also consider leaving a donation if you so choose anything is appreciated!! <3333
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Ψ・Main Story・Ψ
Chapter One | Annual Victor
Chapter Two | As Tribute
Chapter Three | Play Your Role
Chapter Four | Trained To Kill
Chapter Five | To Come Home
Chapter Six | Cannons To Say Farewell
Chapter Seven | Eager To Please
Chapter Eight | Ladies And Gentlemen
Chapter Nine | The Pearl Of The Capitol
Chapter Ten | A Hand Delt
Chapter Eleven | Rings Like Gold
Chapter Twelve | Home Sweet Home
Chapter Thirteen | Debts Paid
Chapter Fourteen | One Destiny
Chapter Fifteen | His Future
Chapter Sixteen | Epilogue

Our Condolences | Three months after they realize they’re expecting, things take a turn for the worse for Finnick and his girl.

Taglist | @lem0ns77 @lostintheendlessvoidthatislife @curlycarley @bela-nov @lilylovelyxo @jaydiann @shynypeacekitten @dd122004dd @jyessaminereads @aquawhore420 @qallaghereid @bazzaza @zulpix-blog @mrsjna @americanstarlette @lou-the-confused-bisexual @maxinehufflepuffprincess @cecepop15 @pavard-leto-girl @redsakura101
#thewordswewrite#saphnsmoe#the drought of an ocean#The Hunger Games#finnick odair#finnick#hunger games finnick#finnick odair fanfic#finnick odair imagine#finnick x y/n#finnick x you#finnick x reader#finnick x oc#thg fanfiction#thg#fanfiction#ao3 fanfiction#hunger games fanfiction#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#coriolanus snow#snow x lucy#katniss everdeen#katniss x peeta#Peeta Mellark#Sam Claflin
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do we get to know what happened to the first baby? the one they lost? like from the vibes alone, it seems like either a miscarriage or stillbirth. what happened?
Our Condolences
The Drought of an Ocean Universe
Pairing | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader


Original Story Summary | Finnick Odair was the youngest victor to ever win the Hunger Games but that didn’t earn him respect as a mentor, at least not until she came along. When a dejected volunteer from District 4 puts her life on the line, Finnick will do anything he can to protect her.
Oneshot Summary | Three months after they realize they’re expecting, things take a turn for the worse for Finnick and his girl.
Chapter Warnings | loss of pregnancy, explicit language
W/C | 1.5k
Taglist | @lem0ns77 @lostintheendlessvoidthatislife @curlycarley @bela-nov @lilylovelyxo @jaydiann @shynypeacekitten @dd122004dd @jyessaminereads @aquawhore420 @qallaghereid @bazzaza @zulpix-blog @mrsjna @americanstarlette @lou-the-confused-bisexual @maxinehufflepuffprincess @cecepop15 @pavard-leto-girl
A/N | We're currently making our way through the asks so as they come in we will complete this type of oneshot for them. Please enjoy!!-Smoe
Donations | Link

Again and again, she watched the shadow of a figure cast across the living room from the front window as they had for weeks now. She buried herself deeper in the blanket and tried to fall back into the mindless dirge of whatever was on the TV. From the other part of the house, she could hear Finnick and Mags puttering about and even with the faint movements she knew exactly what room they were in; the room that she hadn’t stepped foot in in weeks, the room whose door Finnick would shut if she even took a step towards. The figure passed by again, blocking the sunlight from bleeding through the window and despite her best interests, she thought she might just go outside. It’d been days since she’d felt fresh air and she’d be in and out before Finnick could say anything.
Her bare feet hit the polished wood floor, sending a shiver up her spine and she kept the blanket wrapped around her, the end of it trailing behind as she made her way towards the door. It took her eyes a minute to adjust to the sunlight but as they did, she could see the front porch was once again covered with vases of flowers and various ornate gift bags and boxes alike. She filled her arms with as much as she could take in one go, though caution didn’t matter much when every gift was an empty gesture…
“Hey, hey, no. You shouldn’t be lifting that.”
“It’s just a couple of vases. I think I can handle it.” Her protests went unheard as Finnick gathered the gifts in his arms leaving her with a ‘don’t you touch those’ about the rest. They’d hardly accepted the news themselves before it was Capitol official and it didn’t take long for the gifts to come flooding in; they already had a full nursery with enough for a family of ten. Any significant spares they received, like the surplus of bassinets, were donated first to their own District, then to the others.
Finnick had barely let his eyes off her since she told him she was pregnant and despite being terrified, as the gifts multiplied and the entire country buzzed her excitement began to grow. She never thought herself a mother, having decidedly condemned her future to one as a failed career before she met Finnick and then a captive in her own life after. Though now she supposed things had changed, her life, though not entirely hers, was made tolerable by Finnick and now, their child.
A small smile graced her face as she plucked a card from the bouquet of flowers. ‘Congratulations! We are so…’
‘...sorry to hear about your loss, our condolences–’ She was unable to finish reading the note before it was torn from between her fingers, the vase of calla lilies obstructed from her view.
“Finnick, please–”
“You don’t need to keep reading all of these,” His voice soothed, leaving the numerous gifts out on the porch as he closed the door, softly nudging her inside. “I’ll throw those out later.”
“I’m fine,” She tried to reassure him but her stomach clenched at his pained face. “You don’t need to be the one to do everything. I’m okay.” Despite her words, she didn’t expect the grief she felt when they lost the baby. She turned away from him, heading towards the kitchen where...
Their lunch was forgotten in her haze. The memories of intense pain and blood running down her thighs as she yelled for help had left her drained, and nearly unresponsive in bed. The only one around to help had been Mags, Finnick’s elderly mentor. The older woman had rubbed her back and helped her clean herself up before making her lie down in bed.
She must’ve done something; she couldn’t wrap her mind around how it could’ve happened. Maybe Finnick had been right and she should’ve been doing less than she was, maybe she ate something she shouldn't have, maybe she wasn’t meant to be a mother.
Her eyes pricked with tears, salt running down her cheeks at the revelation of what this would mean for her and Finnick. President Snow told them before they left for their honeymoon his expectations from them and not even three months since the official announcement of her pregnancy had she messed it up. She didn’t know how they would be punished but once again she’d dragged Finnick down with her. She was deep in her thoughts when a hand gently laid on her waist, startling her.
“Mags told me that…” She couldn’t bear to look at him when his voice choked up. “That you lost the baby?”
“I’m sorry.”
Finnick circled around the bed and crouched in front of her, his eyes red-rimmed and hair disheveled. “It’s not your fault,” He clutched her hand in both of his. “Not even a little bit.”
“But President Snow–”
“Fuck Snow. He doesn’t matter, you matter.” Finnick’s face was earnest…
…his eyes swirling with worry as he looked across the room at Mags who was already pulling out utensils to start making lunch. Although she found it tough to be taken care of, she knew the woman was happy to have someone to tend to again, especially when it came to Finnick who had l been bending over backward lately to be there for her every waking need.
He’d done everything he could to help her. Never-ending assurances and thoughtful words were thrown at her constantly, but she worried for him. All he had left was Mags and now her; a baby would’ve expanded his family and she knew he was crushed over it. Selfishly, she’d felt almost a bit relieved to have been released from the responsibility of taking care of a baby. She was eighteen and Finnick only a year older, they hadn’t grown up with much of any sort of role model and she felt ill-equipped to raise a child.
After what happened, they contacted The President before he could decide they were hiding something from him and she was quickly ushered to The Capitol and met by the best doctors in the country. Though, it was too late and they'd confirmed what she already knew: that she’d lost the baby.
“Hey, Mags, could you keep an eye on her while I take care of the rest of this stuff?” Finnick called out from behind her. Mags shook her head, gesturing first to herself and then towards the door, indicating that she’d take care of it and in turn leaving him no choice but to face her.
As soon as Mags was far enough away, she bit out, “I don’t need someone to babysit me.”
“Sweetheart, I didn’t–”
She was already walking with only one destination in mind and though she knew it wasn’t something that would be good for either of them, it was something she needed to do. Finnick’s footfalls were quick behind her on the stairs and she felt a pit in her stomach growing at the knowledge that he had already realized what she wanted.
When she reached the door, his hand was already on the handle holding it shut, his strength overwhelming her own. She smacked open palms and then fists against the door to no avail. Snapping her head to look at him, she stilled, letting the look on her face speak for itself as it met his own strained expression. His head fell, the unspoken exchange leaving him with no choice but to let go.
Turning the handle she opened the door…
…to see Finnick in deep concentration, trying to assemble the bassinet that they had been gifted from Sagan when they heard the news. Despite Sagan’s flare for the dramatics, the bassinet was sweet and simple, a classic cream color with a sea-themed mobile to accompany it.
She didn’t want to say anything as she leaned in the doorway, watching her husband hard at work. While it was hard to get used to the idea of being a mother, it didn’t take much to imagine Finnick as a doting father. She must’ve made some noise as she thought for Finnick jumped, the paper detailing the instructions falling out of his mouth and onto the floor.
“I, uh, I wanted to surprise you,” Finnick blushed as he stood. She couldn’t help but grin and she turned back for the door.
“Well, I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything,” She called as she closed the door…
…and was met with Finnick’s grim face, her own likely mirroring his. Her heart was pounding at the sudden memory of a happier time and she felt sick. Their lives had been so strained recently that she worried for them.
She sighed walking past him towards their room. “I wish none of this had ever happened.”
A beat passed before Finnick spoke. “I’m sorry I did this to you.”

#thewordswewrite#fanfiction#finnick odair#the drought of an ocean#the hunger games#saphnsmoe#finnick odair fanfic#hunger games#hunger games finnick#finnick x y/n#finnick odair imagine#finnick#finnick x you#finnick x reader#finnick x oc#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#coriolanus snow#lucy gray baird#snow x lucy#thg fanfiction#thg#katniss x peeta#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#sam claflin
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☆Marvel Cinematic Universe Masterlist☆
☆Masterlist Page☆
✓ - Completed
✍︎ - WIP
* - Denotes 18+/NSFW
Look My Way* - ✍︎ (Sex Worker!Steve Rogers x F!Reader) When it comes to dollar signs and business deals, you know a lot but as for matters of the heart, well, you know very little. When a scantily clad Steve Rogers stumbles into your life, you decide to pay for all the help you can get. (Pretty Woman AU)
All in the Form - ✓ (Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova) Kate ‘teaches’ Yelena to shoot a bow but Yelena may know more than she lets on
#masterlist#fanfiction#fandom#MCU fanfiction#mcu#marvel cinematic universe#Kate Bishop#yelena belova#kate x yelena#THE WORDS WE WRITE#saphnsmoe
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☆Stranger Things Masterlist☆
☆Masterlist Page☆
✓ - Completed
✍︎ - WIP
* - Denotes 18+/NSFW
Lonely Is Our Lives* - ✓ (Billy Hargrove x F!Reader) One fateful 1983 night you narrowly escape death on Steve Harrington’s property while Barbara Holland is presumed dead. Left jaded and angry, you carry on towards your senior year in a haze of sex, drugs, and alcohol just to get through the day. But, when Billy Hargrove moves to Hawkins, Indiana during the fall of 1984 things get worse before they get better.
My Knight In Shining Converse* - ✓ (Eddie Munson x F!Reader) You turned to see Eddie holding his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels. “So,” He starts, “I suppose thanks are in order.” He bows extravagantly, a grin on his face. “My knight in shining…converse?”
You roll your eyes, nodding your head, “Sure thing, Munson. Just keep your societal declarations to a minimum during lunch, yeah?”
Or five times you unknowingly stand up for Eddie Munson and one time he knowingly stands up for you.
Hawkins Prison Blues - ✓ (Steve Harrington x Hopper!Reader) A simple delivery turns into a night of unresolved feelings as you find the one and only Steve Harrington locked in Hawkins Police Station's one and only jail cell
#masterlist#fanfiction#fandom#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#THE WORDS WE WRITE#saphnsmoe#Billy Hargrove#eddie munson#steve harrington#billy stranger things#eddie stranger things#steve stranger things
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