#king of castile
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royalty-nobility · 3 months ago
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Sancho III
Artist: Jose Madrid Castelaro y Perea (Spanish, 1801-1873)
Date: c. 1851
Medium: OIl on canvas
Collection: Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Sancho III of Castile
Sancho III (c. 1134 – 31 August 1158), called the Desired (el Deseado),[was King of Castile and Toledo for one year, from 1157 to 1158. He was the son of Alfonso VII of León and Castile and his wife Berengaria of Barcelona, and was succeeded by his son Alfonso VIII. His nickname was due to his position as the first child of his parents, born after eight years of childless marriage.
During his reign, the Order of Calatrava was founded. It was also in his reign that the Treaty of Sahagún in May 1158 was decided.
Painting Description
The king, in the representation imagined by the painter, is descending the steps on which the throne is located. He is dressed in a crimson-coloured overcoat, embroidered in gold, with a fur lining, and his left hand is resting on his sword. The neutral background is broken up by the presence of the curtain situated behind the throne that closes the composition. Deposited in the Congress of Deputies. Madrid.
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roehenstart · 5 months ago
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Philip the Fair (Philip the Handsome), Lord of the Netherlands. By Louis Gallait.
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rmelster · 6 months ago
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Son of a b-
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thefreelancehistorywriter · 19 days ago
Blanche II, Titular Queen of Navarre and Princess of Asturias
Contemporary paintings of Blanche II of Navarre (right) and her sister Leonor In doing some research in Spanish history, Blanche II, Queen of Navarre, appeared with her intriguing and sad life. Her story reminded me of another Iberian queen, a relative of Blanche’s, who came a bit later, creating one of those captivating historical connections. Family discord played a large role in Blanche’s…
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angevinyaoiz · 6 months ago
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All the blossoms in my garden 🪴
An Angevin-Plantagenets family tree I made for my medieval art collection zine, “If All The World Were Mine!” The physical edition is now available, so check it out if you can :D
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fotograrte · 1 year ago
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Silos's pharmacy.
In the ancient Abbey of Saint Dominic of Silos, the old pharmacy has been preserved to these days. In old times, it had a botanic garden, a pharmaceutical laboratory, a very interesting library and hundreds of earthenware pots for potions and remedies.
More information about the Abbey here (EN):
The monastery dates back to the Visigothic period of the 7th century. In the 10th century, the abbey was called San Sebastián de Silos, but acquired its current name when Dominic of Silos was entrusted to renovate the abbey by Fernando the Great, King of Castile and León. Dominic had been prior of the Monasteries of San Millán de la Cogolla before being driven out with two of his fellow monks by King García Sánchez III of Navarre, for opposing the king's intention to annex the monastery's lands.
Ps. Thanks to all the people who has reblogged and liked this post. 😊
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 9 months ago
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Emilio Sala y Francés (Spanish, 1850-1910) Expulsión de los judíos de España (año de 1492), 1889 Museo Nacional del Prado
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dreamconsumer · 4 months ago
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Joanna of Spain known as the Mad (1479-1555), Queen of Castile and her spouse Philip the Handsome (1478-1506), King of Castile and Archduke of Austria in 'El Culto de la Hermosura' by Juan Justo Huguet.
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illustratus · 2 years ago
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Alfonso XI, El Justiciero (The Avenger) - Siege of Priego 1341
by Rocío Espín Piñar
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ltalaynareor · 10 months ago
Petites Histoires du Monde
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Listes des personnes et des OC pour l'instant :
- Baudouin IV de Jérusalem (5 histoires). (Plus à venir. )
Il est souvent associé à Alix de Tripoli, personnage fictif qui est la fille unique de Raymond III de Tripoli et qui a grandi à Jérusalem. Alix est douce, gentille, mais aussi intrépide et courageuse. Baudouin et Alix s'aiment infiniment, mais ils savent tous les deux que leur amour est impossible.
Mini-série : Guérison. Baudouin est guéri de la lèpre et décide quoi faire de sa vie. (À venir)
- Édouard Ier d'Angleterre (3 histoires) (Plus à venir. )
Il est souvent associé à sa femme Éléonore de Castille. Leur amour est inspirant et unique. Un OC peut apparaître également sous la forme d'Aliénor de Mercoeur, qui est la dame de compagnie et meilleure amie de la reine d'Angleterre.
Mini-série : Seconde Guerre des Barons avec le point de vue d'Henry III, Éléonore de Provence, Éléonore de Castille, Richard de Cornouailles et lord Édouard sur la bataille de Lewes de 1264. (Publié)
- Bohémond de Tarente (3 histoires) (Plus à venir. )
Bohémond est souvent associé à Alix de Sicile, une OC fictive qui est son épouse. Ils mettent du temps à se cerner l'un l'autre, mais après avoir découvert que sa femme n'est pas qu'une jolie chose à son bras, il est son plus fervent admirateur.
Mini-série : Chefs de la première croisade avec Godefroy de Bouillon, Baudouin de Boulogne, Hugues de Vermandois, Raymond de Saint-Gilles, Etienne de Blois, Robert de Flandres, Robert de Normandie, Adhémar de Monteil, Tancrède de Hauteville et bien sûr Bohémond. (En cours)
Personnages sans lien avec Bohémond de Tarente, Édouard Ier et Baudouin IV ou une mini-série.
- Louis IX de France, Saint-Louis (1 histoire)
- Édouard II d'Angleterre (À venir)
- Alphonse de Poitiers et sa femme Jeanne de Toulouse (À venir)
- Sybille de Jerusalem et Guy de Lusignan (À venir)
- Agnès de Courtenay (À venir)
- Amaury II de Jérusalem ( À venir)
- Aliénor d'Aquitaine ( À venir)
- Henry II d'Angleterre ( À venir)
- Richard cœur de Lion (À venir)
- Jean Sans Terre ( À venir)
Et bien d'autres....
Si vous voulez en voir plus n'hésitez pas à proposer des personnes ou des événements.
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docpiplup · 2 years ago
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The Bastard Kings and their families
This is series of posts are complementary to this historical parallels post from the JON SNOW FORTNIGHT EVENT, and it's purpouse to discover the lives of medieval bastard kings, and the following posts are meant to collect portraits of those kings and their close relatives.
In many cases it's difficult to find contemporary art of their period, so some of the portrayals are subsequent.
1) Ramiro I of Aragon (1006/7- 1063), son of Sancho III of Pamplona and Sancha de Aybar; with his son Sancho I of Aragon & V of Pamplona (1043-1094)
2) His wife, Ermesinda of Foix (1015 - 1049), mother of Sancho I of Aragon. Daughter of Bernard Roger de Foix and his wife Garsenda de Bigorra; and Sancha of Aragon (1045-1097), daughter of Ramiro I and Ermesinda
3) His father, Sancho III of Pamplona (992/96-1035), son of García II of Pamplona and Jimena Fernández
4) His brother, García III of Pamplona (1012-1054), son of Sancho III of Pamplona and his wife Muniadona of Castile
5) His nephew, Sancho IV of Pamplona (1039- 1076), son of García III of Pamplona and his wife Placencia of Normandy
6) His brother, Ferdinand I of Leon (1016- 1065), son of Sancho III of Pamplona and his wife Muniadona of Castile
7) His niece, Urraca of Zamora (1033-1101), daughter of Ferdinand I of Leon and Sancha of Leon
8) His niece, Elvira of Toro (1038-1099), daughter of Ferdinand I of Leon and Sancha of Leon
9) Sancho II of Castile (1038/1039-1072), son of Ferdinand I of Leon and Sancha of Leon
10) Alfonso VI of Leon (1040/1041-1109), son of Ferdinand I of Leon and Sancha of Leon
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royalty-nobility · 2 months ago
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Ferdinand the Catholic
Artist: Bernardino Montañes y Perez (Spanish, 1825-1893_
Date: c. 1848
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Ferdinand II (10 March 1452 – 23 January 1516), called Ferdinand the Catholic, was King of Aragon from 1479 until his death in 1516. As the husband and co-ruler of Queen Isabella I of Castile, he was also King of Castile from 1475 to 1504 (as Ferdinand V). He reigned jointly with Isabella over a dynastically unified Spain; together they are known as the Catholic Monarchs. Ferdinand is considered the de facto first king of Spain, and was described as such during his reign, even though, legally, Castile and Aragon remained two separate kingdoms until they were formally united by the Nueva Planta decrees issued between 1707 and 1716.
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roehenstart · 1 year ago
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King Alfonso VIII of Castile. Unknown artist.
He was King of Castile from 1158 to his death and King of Toledo. After having suffered a great defeat with his own army at Alarcos against the Almohads in 1195, he led the coalition of Christian princes and foreign crusaders who broke the power of the Almohads in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212, an event which marked the arrival of a tide of Christian supremacy on the Iberian peninsula
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portraitsofsaints · 2 years ago
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Saint Ferdinand III of Castile 1199-1252 Feast Day: May 30 Patronage: Spain, Spanish monarchy, Spanish army corp of engineers, administrators, governors, magistrates, rulers, large families, parenthood, paupers, prisoners
Saint Ferdinand III of Castile became Spain’s king when he was 18 and was crowned King of Leon in 1230. He successfully fought the Moors as a trained Knight while devoting himself to prayer, fasting, and Our Lady. As a great and just administrator, he compiled and reformed the code of law, and oversaw the rebuilding of the Cathedral of Burgos, University of Salamanca, hospitals, and monasteries. He was a member of the Franciscan third order and had the virtue of a saint and the courage of a soldier when he died. His incorrupt body is interned at the Cathedral of Seville.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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ms-queen-c · 7 months ago
Isabel I
¿Una mujer reina de Castilla?
A woman queen of Castile?
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stonelord1 · 2 years ago
King’s Langley was once home to a massive Plantagenet palace, built out of the remnants of a hunting lodge of Henry III for Edward I’s Queen, Eleanor of Castile. She furnished it lavishly, with carpets and baths. There were shields decorating the hall and a painted picture of four knights going to a tournament, while the expansive gardens were planted with vines. After her death, the palace was…
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