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keirawantstocry · 1 year ago
oh my gateway drug keirarktina
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tessa-gray-and-her-books · 3 years ago
Part 2 of so songs to define TSC ships:
1. Jemma/blackstaors: sweater weather by Kurt Hugo. They love eachother that much.
2. Keirarktina: welcome to wonderland by Anson seabra. They live in a faerie land and have their own wonderland.
3. Kitty: arcade by Duncan Laurence. Struggling relationship.
4. Diana and Gwyn: castle under the hill by ed Sheeran. Magical.
5. Jordelia: if by chance by Ruth b.
6. Kitty (ik again but still.) Go easy on me by Adele.
7. Jucie/ ghost writer: ghost of you by 5 seconds of summer.
8. Araidne and Anna/Kamala and Anna: I knew you were trouble by Taylor swift.
9. Thomas and Alastair: sad eyes by James Arthur.
10. Bruce and Tatiana's diary: hurts like hell by fleurie.
Hope u like it!
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larkace · 3 years ago
all i want is for twp to start with emma and jules having a housewarming party at blackthorn hall and ty and kit meet there, and clace announce their engagement/wedding and
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bookswrld · 4 years ago
I like malec, and I can see why everyone is obsessed with them, but I feel like there are so many awesome ships out there that are way more interesting. I get that malec changed shadowhunters views on LGBTQ+ and downworlder couples, but I think that other ships are far more interesting (gabrily, keirarktina, herongraystairs, blackstairs etc). I’m not putting down malec or anything, I really like them, but for me, there is so much hype around them and other ships are being drowned out.
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hands-dripping-ink · 5 years ago
Mark: The sky looks beautiful tonight
Cristina: You know who else is beautiful?
Keiran: Cat calendars!
Tina and Mark: ...
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blackthxrntree · 5 years ago
you mean to tell me that the blackthorn plant has been in the order rosales this whole time
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beclynn-herondale · 5 years ago
It's missing my otps/brotps hours
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Keiran: So, what do you want to eat-
Mark, staring at the screen behind Keiran: Whoa that dude's brains just fell out! Is that final destination?
Keiran: Whoa, you're right! I don't know what final destination is
Mark: We have to break up
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modernday-orpheus · 6 years ago
I'm literally so ready for Kierarktina to figure their shit out
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Aaaaaahhhh Julian Blackthorn rambling makes me crazy. Actually everything Julian Atticus Blackthorn makes me crazy. I just really want a letter from mark or cristina. To know how those three are doing. And the PS just hit me lol. And Jessamine. I seriously can’t believe Julian and Mark kinda knew. Sometimes I wish everyone can see her not just the Herondales
Julian to Mark
Mark Blackthorn
℅ Helen Blackthorn
Los Angeles Institute
Malibu, CA
Dear Mark,
Don’t worry about the parchment scroll yet, I’ll get to it at the end of the letter.
Hello from Chiswick! It’s pronounced like chizzick, it’s just outside central London, and it is a collapsing ruin. The house, I mean, not the neighborhood, which is cozy, a little suburban, lots of green space, quiet. You’d like it.
I should have been in touch before, I know that – and I’m sorry. We had to move fast to save this place and I knew a fire-message wouldn’t reach you. Blackthorn Hall may be a ruin, but it’s our family’s legacy, one of the very few things that we’ve inherited from Blackthorns past. I feel this sense of responsibility, a need to preserve the place for Tavvy and Dru, for Ty and Liv — well. You know.
It was us or the Clave, and they would have knocked it down and put something else in its place. It’s easily in bad enough shape that knocking it down would be the practical move. But it’s ours, and I kind of love it. I mean, if we don’t love it, who will? It can be truly beautiful again, I believe that. You should visit when you get a chance—all of you there are invited, of course—but be warned that if you come in the next couple of months you will be put to work.
This brings me to the parchment, which is the estimate and contract from the faerie builders for the renovation work on the house. I was hoping you and Kieran could look it over for faerie trickery, both in terms of whether their rates seem reasonable, and also to make sure they don’t get Tavvy if we’re late with payment, that kind of thing. They came highly recommended—they’re brownies? I think? They look like big garden gnomes. I mean, it’s probably the pointy hats. They could take them off, of course, but I guess they like them. They must know they look like garden gnomes. Anyway, they seem trustworthy and industrious and all that. But faeries do love tricking humans. Let me know what you think.
Oh, I should explain that there is one part of the house that is in all right shape and has all the “mod cons,” as they say here. It was redone in the Sixties and, well… it is groovy. The cons are Mod as well as mod. I am not sure you will get that joke but don’t worry about it, it was pretty stupid. The thing is, I’d never thought about it, but I realized this must have been fixed up by our grandparents. The timing works out. So this must be where Dad lived, once. And Uncle Arthur. It was where they grew up. And I realized: they, too, must have been groovy.
Arthur. Must have at one point. Been really groovy.
I just want you to sit with that for a moment, the way I did. It creates a feeling I believe to have never been felt before by any human being in the world.
You should see the clothes. I mean, really. You should see them. There’s a consignment shop’s worth of vintage stuff here and none of it suits me at all. You’re welcome to it but it is almost all synthetic fabrics and would not go over in Faerie itself.
Aaand I know I’m rambling. I was trying to avoid saying this, but there’s something about this house. It reminds me of some of the nights you and I used to ramble around the Institute back home. Which I know is weird, London couldn’t be more different than the Santa Monica Mountains — I miss the wildfire tang in the air, the smell of the chaparral and sage, the coarse dirt under our feet. (Do you miss it too? I feel like it has to be very different where you are in Faerie.) But there were plenty of times, especially when we were younger, when we’d tell ghost stories out there and scare ourselves that something was watching us. Maybe something was, though I’m inclined to think now that it was something friendly. Here in this house I get the same watched feeling, like there are eyes on me, shadows I see out of the corners of my own eyes that disappear when I turn around.
Anyway, I really wish you were here. I’d bring it up with Emma, but I don’t want to freak her out. She’s started the massive job of sorting through decades of papers and journals that used to belong to the people who lived here, and I’ve started painting the ballroom. I know Emma has been in touch with Cristina, please send my love to her and to K as well!
Your loving bro,
PS: I realize now I don’t know where this letter will find you, so let me clarify that “all of you are invited” from the LA Institute, not “all of you are invited” from the Unseelie Court.
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el-riel · 8 years ago
Lady Midnight/Empire of Storms
So this is something that’s been on my mind since my friend brought it up and I just wanted to organize everything into a tidy little tumblr post. 
I read Lady Midnight after finishing Empire of Storms (I know, I know don’t kill me for being late on that series I adore Cassie and her writing) but anyways-when I was reading the end of Lady Midnight I couldn’t help but think of how similar it was to the end of Empire of Storms?? Please tell me this was not just me. I’ll list some of the parallels: 
-Kieran = Lorcan 
It’s fairly obvious how the way these two play into the plot are similar. They both are the reason our beloved main character got whipped by someone they sort of-kind of-not really-anymore-used to follow and obey. Keiran for being scorned by his lover Mark and Lorcan simply FOR his lover. Said lovers are both incredibly betrayed and angry at their now-exes because of this. 
-The Beach Scene(TM)
*blushes* I don’t really need to go on about this one? Both sets of main protagonist lovers...made love for the first time...on a beach...Yeah...
-Aelin = Emma 
I can see how this is a stretch but I can’t help but compare these two amazing female main characters? Both are badass blonde’s who break the gender stereotypes set for women in YA literature and just society in general? Both have been with guys before making them not the ‘pure’ virgin characters that are expected? How are they so perfect?? Most who know me know The Mortal Instruments was my first fandom and the one that’s going to always be at the top of my list when I talk about my favorite series. So when I first read Throne of Glass, I couldn’t help but compare Aelin to Jace, and in the same way I compare Emma to Jace. So the obvious connection would be comparing Aelin to Emma. Though I, of course, acknowledge that these are two different characters with very different depth and personality-but they do share similar traits. 
-Kieran v Cristina = Manon v Lorcan 
Also not glaringly obvious, but I can see how these two are part of the many parallels between Lady Midnight and Empire of Storms. Though I recognize the Cristina aspect is  far (far) more canon then the Manon one, I know a shit load of people ship Manon and Elide (considerably less then the people that ship elorcan, but I stand by my case). I can see similarities between the relationship that Manon, Elide and Lorcan share compared to the one that Kieran, Mark, and Cristina share (putting aside the possible OT3 we may get that’s hinted at in Lord of Shadows, I’m focusing only on Lady Midnight here).
So, yeah, those are just a few similarities I observed (I’m sure I forgot a hell of a lot of them, it’s been a while since I read both books). Other than these things though the two novels and series as a whole are really really different, but because I read these two book within a time span of two weeks or so, I was still in the EOS mindset and kept trying to relate everything to Throne of Glass. I’m sure some of you have done the same post-maas withdrawl lmao
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sparklestheunicorn · 4 years ago
You are all that exists on the earth and under the sky that I do love
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infernal-crows · 5 years ago
I wanna . . . read The Dark Artifices again . . . but also I have so many new books I haven’t read . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is terrible ;-;
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xxawalkinwonderlandxx · 6 years ago
I was finally able to read Queen of Air and Darkness
No one talk to me for a week
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coffeeflavored-tears · 2 years ago
pieces of media that have had(imo) well written polyam representation !
dsmp - karlnapity
iron widow by xiran jay zhao - i don’t know what their ship name is
the dark artifices by cassandra clare - keirarktina
the penumbra podcast - rad bouquet
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beclynn-herondale · 5 years ago
Today I was thinking about the time Mark and Kieran and how beautiful they are and just look at them.
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