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starrieshq · 5 months ago
Kit Herondale 🤝 Ash Morgenstern 🤝 Kieran Kingson
fae desendents falling in love with a Blackthorn and deciding "well fuck it might as well"
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derangedthoughtssideblog · 7 months ago
it's me and the same old ships I've loved since 2018 against the world i guess
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cityofdownwardspirals · 2 years ago
I just realized that in almost all the mlm relationships in TSC, yeeting is a very popular way to deal with feelings:
Exhibit A : Alec "I will yeet myself out this window if I don't get laid" Lightwood
"It's your first time," Magnus said. "I want it to be perfect for you."
To Magnus’s surprise, Alec grinned. "Magnus," he said, "I've been waiting for this for so long. If we don't do this literally right now, I will jump out of the window."
-The Red Scrolls of Magic, Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu
Exhibit B : Kieran "I will yeet myself off this mountain if you don't stop acting stupid" Kingson
Kieran’s black and silver eyes gleamed. “When you ran out into the storm, I thought only of how dangerous Mynydd Mawr is, how many have fallen to their deaths here, and how if anything were to happen to you, Mark, how I myself would die. You are unbearably precious to me.” “As a friend?” Mark said, completely dazed — Kieran was holding him, and touching him, half frantic and half adoring. It shouldn’t be possible. Kieran couldn’t feel like that about him. “Mark.” Kieran’s voice flared. “I beg you, stop being obtuse, or I may jump off the mountain myself.”
-Stars to Burn, Cassandra Clare
Exhibit C : Alastair "Oh, oopsie, I yeeted myself off this moving carriage cause I didn't want to talk about my crush" Carstairs
"Thomas helped you?" she said instead. "Thomas Lightwood?"
"Oh, look, we're here," Alastair said brightly, and threw the door of the carriage open, leaping from it before it had quite stopped rolling.
-Chain of Thorns, Cassandra Clare
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shadowhunterseditsblog · 6 months ago
Kieran from TDA
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Artist: @taratjah on Tumblr
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mrstarlightlove · 1 month ago
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Kieran’s hand tightened on the arrowhead his knuckles whitening. “The stars will go out before I forget you, Mark Blackthorn.”
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maldeldest · 8 months ago
My Top 10 Shadowhunter couples (Book and Show)
10. Jimon
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9. Sizzy
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8. Maruke
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7. Gabrily
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6. Clace
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5. Saphael
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4. Kierak (+Cristina but mostly these two)
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3. 🥉 Wessa
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2. 🥈Thomastair
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1. 🥇 Malec
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clockwork-carstairs · 1 year ago
I love the way faerie speech lowkey resembles the romantic way the victorian and edwardian lot talk. shit like “You are all under the earth and sky that I do love” and “The stars will go out before I forget you” compared with “My heart beats for you. Only ever you” and “You are the first dream, the only dream I ever was unable to stop myself from dreaming” like god help me
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year ago
Taylor Swift being name dropped in tda is so funny, especially when you think about what she was actually doing in 2012. like wdym on the 13th of August she dropped the first lead single of Red, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, and on the 14th of August the entire final fight against Malcolm in Lady Midnight happens. this includes Kieran's and Mark's (first proper on page) break up btw.
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clockworkbee · 2 years ago
when they're so desperate to be with the one they love that they don't even care if they get hurt in order to stay together
“Come with me, then,” he said. “Stay with me. I saw the look on your face when you saw the horses of the Hunt. You would do anything to ride again.” Suddenly furious, Mark leaned down over him. “Not anything,” he said. His voice throbbed with low anger. Kieran gave a slight hiss. He caught at Mark's shirt. “There,” he said. “Be angry with me, Mark Blackthorn. Shout at me. Feel something.”
—Lord of Shadows, Cassandra Clare
“We're staying together,” he promised. “You're not getting away from me. Never again.” Only then did she understand what would happen. A one-way trip. A very hard fall. “As long as we're together,” she said. [...] Then Percy let go of his tiny ledge, and together, holding hands, he and Annabeth fell into the endless darkness.
—The Mark of Athena, Rick Riordan
“I've been broken for weeks,” he said unsteadily, and she knew what that cost him, that admission of lack of control. “I need to be whole again. Even if it doesn't last.” “It can't last,” she said, staring at him, because how could it, when they could never keep what they had? “It'll break our hearts.” He caught her by the wrist, brought her hand to his bare chest. Splayed her fingers over his heart. It beat against her palm, like a fist punching its way through his sternum. “Break my heart,” he said. “Break it in pieces. I give you permission.”
—Lord of Shadows, Cassandra Clare
“Can I?” he asks. Can you what, Simon? Kiss me? Kill me? Break my heart? I touch him like he's made of butterfly wings. “You don't have to ask.” I say it loud enough that he'll hear me, over everything.
—Wayward Son, Rainbow Rowell
“You cannot hurt yourself, Daisy. You must not. Hate me, hit me, do anything you want to me. Cut up my suits and set fire to my books. Tear my heart into pieces, scatter them across England. But do not harm yourself—”
—Chain of Thorns, Cassandra Clare
Come home. Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you must. Just come home.
—Queen of Nothing, Holly Black
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starrieshq · 6 months ago
Aftercare [Kitty]
here it is!!! What you all have been waiting for
Enjoy <3
TW: some swearing, mentions of s3x
The sun pierced through the windows of Ty’s room, the curtains were pushed back, and Kit could see the coastline from his spot on the bed.
Ty’s bare chest rose and fell, dark Marks twining up his arms as he pushed his hair out of his face. Kit tried not to stare, but he was, well…
After several minutes, Kit managed to sit upright. His throat felt scratchy.
“We did use a silencing rune, right?” He asked Ty, who silently nodded and reached for him.
Kit scooted closer to him, and they sat together in silence for a moment.
“We should probably clean all of this up.” Ty motioned at the messy sheets, and Kit nodded, standing.
Pain shot through him, and he buckled against the bed. Ty was immediately next to him and hoisted him up into a bridal style.
“Bath or shower?” He asked.
Kit hated baths, but he could not stand to save his life.
“Bath.” He said reluctantly.
He placed him in the tub, and as Kit began filling it with water, Ty tossed in a bath bomb.
Kit fiddled with the hot water faucet. When he lived with his dad, he almost never had access to hot water. When he moved to the Institute, he became hooked on steamy showers. They felt…relaxing. He took one every day, and when he came out of the bathroom, the mirror was usually foggy.
He was so caught up in though that he didn’t notice that Ty had joined him in the tub until he said,
“Are you okay?”
Kit nodded, hands finding Ty’s and twining them together.
Ty began to lather soap across Kit’s back, which was really distracting.
“You know I can do that, right?” Kit asked.
He nodded. “I’d rather do it for you. You should relax.”
Kit settled in, sighing contently as Ty continued to rinse him off, as if any amount of soap would scrub away what had just happened between them.
After several minutes of content silence, Kit cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Did…did you like it?” He asked.
Ty stopped scrubbing him for a moment, considering.
“Yeah.” He said quietly. “It was…”
He trailed off, looking for the right word.
“Different.” Kit finished.
Ty nodded, and went back to rinsing him.
After getting out of the tub (with the assistance of Ty, of course), Kit pulled on a pair of sweats and one of Ty’s t-shirts.
Ty had taken the sheets down to the washer and was now at his desk, headphones on. Kit could faintly hear the classical music playing.
Kit was ever so slightly limping, and he prayed that the iratze he applied would kick in soon. If Dru, or God forbid, Helen or Julian saw him like this, there was not a shadow of a doubt in his mind that they would be having words.
Kit reached for his stele, but before he could apply another iratze, he felt Ty’s hand close around his, gently pulling it away from him.
“What are you doing?” Kit asked.
Ty nudged back the collar of his shirt, and began to draw the iratze.
“I’m the reason you’re limping, it just seems fair that I’m the one who takes care of you.”
Kit shook his head. “You know that I can take care of myself.”
Ty leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to Kit’s collarbone. “But have you considered that I want to?”
Kit’s head spun. Ty was skilled in dishing out compliments to him all the time, and he never had anything to say back to him.
“But why would you want to look after me?” He whispered.
Ty’s lips found his ear, and he said softly,
“Because you are what I want.” His hands curved around Kit’s waist, pulling him closer. “I am yours. Those years we spent apart, I learned that much.”
After a minute or two, they decided to inconspicuously go downstairs. They made their way to the kitchen, where Cristina and Mark stood, animatedly talking on the phone with who Kit presumed was Kieran.
“Julian’s looking for you two.” Mark said as Cristina nodded along to whatever Kieran was saying. “He’s been looking for you guys for a while, and Dru said that Ty’s room was locked, but she refused to open the door with a rune.”
Kit’s ears turned red, but Ty calmly said, “Where’s Julian, then?”
“Bye!” Cristina said, handing the phone to Mark.
“We’ll see you soon, love.” Mark said into the phone. “Make sure to talk to him when you can, ‘kay?” He paused. “Alright. Love you.”
He handed the phone back to Cristina.
“Julian should be at the beach. Emma’s with him.” She said, pocketing it.
Kit felt Cristina glance over him, a small knowing smile on her face.
“Don’t.” He warned her, his eyebrows raised.
“I won’t.” She replied, her smirk turning into the genuine smile it usually was. “It’s just great to see you two happy again.”
The pair headed out of the doors of the Institute, opting to go barefoot in the soft sand. Ty was slightly ahead of him, his silent footsteps refusing to stir up any dust.
He turned around, seeing Kit and smiling slightly. They grasped each other's hand, continuing to head alongside the coast.
Ty pointed in the distance. “I think I can see them.” He said.
A short distance away, Kit could see Emma and Julian heading towards them, along with a shorter figure that could only be Dru.
He tensed slightly. “What do you think they want us for?”
Ty shrugged. “Not sure. Maybe they were curious where we were?”
Kit doubted it was that. The fact that Dru had spottem them and was now eagerly skipping towards them did not give him any comfort.
“See?” She said to Emma and Julian, gesturing at Ty and Kit, “I told you that they were just making out in Ty’s room!”
Kit flushed.
“We weren’t making out.” He said.
“Alright then, Sherlock,” Emma said to Ty. “Explain what’s on Kit’s neck then for me.”
Kit had attempted to cover up a hickey on his neck with concealer he found in Dru’s room. Apparently, it must’ve come off.
“We weren’t making out.” Ty confirmed, slightly squeezing Kit’s hand.
Emma did a once-over of Kit.
“I agree.” Emma said, smirking. “I think they had more than a make out session.”
Kit turned redder as Julian approached them.
“There you two are.” He said. “I was thinking that we’d have to get Magnus and imbed you with tracking devices.”
“Or you could just use a Tracking rune.” Ty pointed out.
“Tracking devices would be cooler.” Kit counterargued.
“Regardless,” Julian intervened, waving his arms. “I understand that both of you are 18…”
“Oh, absolutely not.” Kit moaned, covering his face. “You are not doing this in the middle of the beach! Or in front of Dru!”
“I find this entertaining.” Dru said, attempting to cover her laughter and failing miserably.
Julian continued. “And obviously, there’s nothing any of us can do about you two sneaking off and doing…things-”
“To be fair, we were doing things, too.” Emma pointed out. “And we weren’t 18 yet.”
“Regardless,” Julian stated. “You two need to be safe.”
Kit stared at him.
“You knew that we were already in Ty’s room with the door locked, proceeded to go down to the beach to ‘look for us’, and now you’re lecturing us about being safe?” He asked incredulously.
Julian nodded.
“You are ridiculous.” He declared after a moment.
“Don’t worry, we’re fine.” Ty assured Julian.
“This is fucking hilarious.” Dru cackled.
“I’m glad you think it’s funny, Dru.” Julian said. “I’m giving both you and Ash the same talk when you turn 18, too.”
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blue-whale-supernova · 11 months ago
“I ran my fingers through your hair
And I thanked God to touch the flame
'Cause I swore necks were made for bruisin'
I swore lips were made for lies
And I thought if you'd ever leave me
That I'd be the reason why”
tell me that’s not Kieran
And um
“But I swore hands were made for fighting
I swore eyes were made to cry”
Followed by
“But you're the first person that I've seen
Who's proven that might be a lie”
UM???!!!! HUH?!!!!!!! Mark????? KIERAN???? HELLO???!!!!!
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hi02kitty · 2 years ago
When in doubt, make out?
Kierark in the first two tda books hshdhshdhsjkg
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xnicowritesx · 2 years ago
In the Cottage
Fandom(s): The Dark Artifices Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types
Relationship(s): Mark Blackthorn/Kieran/Cristina Rosales, Mark Blackthorn/Kieran, Mark Blackthorn/Cristina Rosales, Kieran/Cristina Rosales
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Series: Nico's Polyship Week 2023
Summary: Mark loved the cottage, but he wished they could have more.
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clockwork-carstairs · 10 months ago
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Cassandra Clare
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clockwork-carstairs · 1 year ago
My roman empire is Mark on his knees in front of Kieran saying “I wish that you could see my heart. Then you would understand” while Kieran is staring at him with his eyes wide as saucers and sinks to his own knees and STILL somehow believes Mark doesn’t want him
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clockworkbee · 1 year ago
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