#kNOWIng that Gil carried her while she was asleep
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Gosh your hospital AU is crazy sweet! Would you do another one? Just loved the idea and their dynamic!
Thena looks up from her charts, finding a protein bar wiggling its way into her view.
"Delivery for a Miss--no, Doctor Thena?"
Thena smiles, no matter how much she doesn't feel like it. Because Gil can always get her to smile, even after she's pulled an 18 hour shift to cover for absentee residents, handled some truly uncooperative patients and just wants to sleep face down on the floor.
"How you holdin' up?" he whispers, sitting himself next to her on the on-call bunk bed. He slips his hands back into his hoodie pockets as she accepts and unwraps the snack (white chocolate and cranberry: her favourite).
"Better now," she promises, sighing as she chews. She flaps around the paper copies of her charts that need signing off on, "I miss Ajak."
The nurse who did indeed keep things running smoothly had only gotten off shift an hour and a half ago.
"These are all done, though, right?" he guessed, peeking at them in her tight little fist. "You're just signing off on discharges?"
"Yeah," she sighed, sagging on the bed even heavier. "I'm just about done. Just this last little stretch always kills me."
"Yeah, last run is always the hardest," Gil sympathises, and she knows he knows exactly what they mean by it. He pulls the papers from her hand before she can abuse them further.
"How was your day?" Thena asks, although she pauses in her chewing just to yawn.
"Pretty quiet, actually," he smiles, although really he's making sure she finishes the whole protein bar. "Kingo spent most the run making tiktoks, so..."
Thena gulps down her bite and laughs. Gil feels at least a little bit better at hearing the magical sound.
"I know you're dying to get home, but maybe a little power nap wouldn't hurt before you get behind the wheel of any sort of vehicle."
"I know, I know," she groans, taking another bite of power bar as he takes her stethoscope from around her neck and even pulls out her ponytail for her. She moans even louder as he massages her head, relieving the tension that has become subconsciously ingrained into her at this point.
Gil pulls her to lean against him, wrapping his arm around her and trying to, as subtly as possible, get his other arm out of the sleeve so he can secure it entirely over her shoulders as a blanket. "They need to assign more interns to this place."
Thena shrugs, already leaning quite heavily on him as the warmth of him permeates her tired bones and the smell of him on his hoodie lulls her into relaxation. "They don't come down here to learn trauma care, they come here when they need extra cash."
Gil just rolls his eyes. Thena works herself to the bone, seeing everyone from people who have very normal reasons to come in and just can't make it to clinics because of their work schedules, to very real and urgent traumatic emergencies. And she and Ajak get so little thanks for it.
Thena is actively and visibly drifting off, turning her face into his bicep as she makes her self more comfortable against him. "What about you? When are you off?"
Gil is technically off duty now, also supposed to be heading home. But he's here because he asked Ajak if Thena was heading out too, only to learn that she was fulfilling the last of her 18 hours. And he would be damned if he trusted her to take proper care of herself when she was exhausted.
And he certainly wasn't going to let anyone else take care of her in his place, either.
"Gil?" Thena asks again, although she wraps both of her arms around his one, as if he's her own personal teddy bear.
"I'm off too," he whispers, leaning his head against hers as she dozes off against him, sitting up and wrapped in his work hoodie over her scrubs.
But she's sleeping, and it's all he wanted when he came in here.
The door opens and one of the interns - either very early or extremely late - pokes their head in. "Um, is Doctor Thena-"
"Get out," Gil glares at them, utterly remorseless for the harsh treatment. His eyes burn a hole in them, "quietly."
They do so, pulling the door closed for him as quietly as humanly possible.
The trauma surgeon from upstairs will be coming down any minute to take over for her anyway. And Gil is ready to sit up with Thena for as long as she stays asleep. He'll carry her to her car and drive her home if he has to.
Although part of him wants to stay here and let her hold onto his arm like this forever.
Thena mumbles in her sleep, and Gil smiles. She denies it every time he brings it up to her, but she's a sleep talker--mumbles out anything from patient charts to what she wants to eat when she wakes up. It's an oddly cute habit for the Goddess of War to have, which is why she denies it so vehemently.
Gil kisses her forehead, "go home?"
"Home," she sighs in agreement, still holding onto him. She's very deserving of her next 24 hours off, he thinks.
She won't like it--she'll be mortified if she thinks about the interns seeing it. But Gil knows what has to be done. He tries to pull his arm out of her grasp, only for her to whine at him faintly. He laughs under his breath. "I'm gonna take you home, honey."
Gil manages to extract his arm so he can pick her up bridal style, bundling her up in his arms so he can grab her backpack on the way. He does take a route that's not out the main entrance to the ER, for the sake of Thena's pride.
He carries her out the ambulance bay doors, heading for his car to drive her home. The paramedics getting ready for their first run of the day wave to him. He nods his head, and they seem to understand that he has cargo far too precious to risk waking.
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
👑 - what’s the possession they brag about the most? (Cal)
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Aside from the wedding ring--which does some heavy duty, considering it's carrying four marriage vows--that she gleefully shows anyone who'd like to see it?
The Catte House itself.
C'allie spent... most of her adult life without a definitive address. She certainly didn't lack beds to occupy or bathrooms to borrow or kitchens to raid; she could've kept herself bed-surfing for another decade on one-night stands alone. And it never bothered her a whit; she kept the few truly precious possessions she owned at her father's camp. Beyond that, she could always get new clothes or toiletries.
Once she and Seifer became fast friends, she moved in with he and his wife, Anna. (Truly, C'allie's greatest feat in life has been surviving her role as Seifer's lover.) C'allie enjoyed living with the d'Latus until she learned about the yurei the house harbored. That sent her hunting for somewhere else to park the "fuckfort" (the name for her rather elaborate bed setup.)
And she met L'upus.
However, C'allie didn't move in with her. Instead, she found an apartment in Shirogane--all the better to be close to her professional contacts--and then... basically dragged Lulu to Kugane. While they could've simply lived in C'allie's apartment, by that point, both of them were emotionally involved with Targur Steelfist.
A Hrothgar in a crowded apartment is a wee bit uncomfortable for the poor Hrothgar in question.
C'allie realized about the time she found Lulu sound asleep on Targur's lap that they'd just... need a bigger home. Which she found and financed with a combination of savings, her inheritance (that C'kyho parcels out to his living children a bit at a time,) and stolen goods.
Largely from Seifer's pockets, which led to quite a bit of hassle for C'allie later.
Now, however, the house is hers, free and clear. She's sunk thousands of gil into multiple remodelings (rather than fucking her way across Eorzea and back, ya know?) and with the recent birth of children into the family, C'allie's gearing up for yet another one. Lulu being pregnant again lit the fire under C'allie's tail to get the house a bit more "more kids" ready.
And she's... just deeply happy with owning a house full of her spouses and children. For all that C'allie laughed at her father's "nunh face" when he dealt with family responsibilities, she's finding herself mimicking it more and more often.
So, of course, she brags about the house and those in it constantly.
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Letters to the Sea-Uma
Uma X Auradon! Reader
Soulmate AU: Everything that is written or drawn on your Soulmate’s skin will appear on your own
I created three days of the Sea Three, Ending it with the Captain. Uses They/Them for the reader 
   They started to wonder if their soulmate didn’t exist, some people did end up that way. Or maybe they just always had ink and paint on their hands already and that’s why they never saw something appear on their skin? Maybe their soul mate didn’t use ink or paint, just pencil and color pencil for things, that would keep things from showing up on their own skin. Or perhaps, they didn’t like writing on themselves? The royal thought of a million reasons why they wouldn’t find something on their skin. They weren’t ready to except the fact that not everyone had a true love. Frustrated, the cap of a pin was yanked off, falling to  the desk as they put the tip of it to their skin, maybe they could just write to them?  “Hello, my name is (Y/n). Is anyone out there?” 
   Felling the tingling of her soulmate on her skin, Uma jumped to check it. The words stared up at her, “Is anyone out there?” Uma traced the words, she loved when things appeared on her skin. Paint in royal blues and shining silvers would randomly cover her fingers, black and red ink smeared on the side of her hand and arm, grocery lists and chemistry notes appearing on her wrist. Whoever her soulmate was, they were artsy and forgetful. And that was precious to the sea witch. She knew this was something she had to respond to, reaching under the bar for her own pen. “Uma, remember the name.” 
    (Y/n) was in class when they felt the tingling on their arm for the first time, the words stared up at them in a handwriting that they found charming. Uma’s ‘r’s were sharp, ‘e’s held a slight point to them, the ‘a’s were hooked, the top nearly touched the loop at the bottom. “Remember the name” as if they would forget, their soulmate existed, that was the most exciting thing to them. Days went by after that, they didn’t feel the tingling again. Apparently making the first move at a conversation couldn’t get them anywhere unless they carried it past the first introduction. So there the royal sat, writing a letter on their left thigh to a person they had never met. 
    “Uma is a really nice name, I’ve never met someone with a name like that. I guess I should tell you about myself? I don’t really know how to do this whole, letters to a stranger thing, but it would be nice to get to know you. I love painting but I guess you can tell that, surely you’re covered by the works of that the same way I am, sorry for that by the way. I also always wanted a cat but I’m allergic so my parents won’t let me, I’m not even deadly allergic though so I don’t see how that’s fair, I’d be fine managing.” 
     Uma sat on her bed, staring down at the letter with a laugh, is that what they were doing now? The girl grabs a pen out of her bag, writing on her right thigh so it wouldn’t cover her soulmate’s writing. She didn’t exactly know what to say to them, the whole soulmate business was weird. Villains weren’t supposed to care about true love, yet there she was, writing a letter the the person who was meant to be the love of her life. 
    “(Y/n) is a nice name, no one has that name around here either. I don’t mind the paint, the ink smearing down my arm can get annoying though, but I won’t hold it against you. I’m not a fan of cats, I always wanted a sea pony though, we have two at school, I help take care of them, even took them home twice. It was the most exciting thing, I love them, I swear to you one of them can recognize me when I walk into the room, she swims right up to the glass of the tank when she sees me. I should stop talking about them though, I don’t want you to think I’m soft.”
   So the pair wrote their letters, (Y/n) on their left leg, Uma on her right. It was a daily thing the royal’s letter would appear while the sea witch was in class, she’d respond when she went home to sleep. (Y/n) would wake up to the words of the girl every morning, smile planted on their face. Everything was perfect, going smooth, the royal loved to hear the girl ramble about sea ponies, the sea witch would smile as she read about the new paints and shoes the royal bought. Then one day the sea witch was hit hard. At the end of the letter stood the worst thing she could imagine. “So I never asked who your parents were. Mine are royals, (Your favorite princess) to be exact.” How would they react, knowing that Uma was on the Isle? They would never meet, they couldn’t. Villain kids were stranded in that barrier, no way she’d ever know the royal’s face, how they laughed. So she didn’t respond. 
     “Uma? I understand why you never responded to my last letter, it was rude of me to ask,” the waterproof ink started to cover their arm, “I was there, at the cotillion, it’s crazy to think that I was just a few yards away from you. I’m not quite sure where you are, I know you won’t respond to me, I doubt there’s pens in the ocean. But I hope you’re safe, I’m sorry. I missed you, that’s weird to say I’m sure, the only time we met you probably didn’t know I was there, maybe you did. But you were the best part of waking up every morning, I worried about you staying up so late you know. I just, hope one day we can actually meet, restart.”
     The sea witch thought about those words for months, rising to the surface for the first time to meet her first mate and her, Gil, was exciting. But all she wanted was a pen. Hearing about the sleeping spell from the other VKs was the worst feeling she just wanted to know that her soulmate was okay. Lucky enough for her, Evie had one that she let her borrow. “(Y/n), I don’t know if you’re asleep or stone or if somehow you escaped the spell. But I’m in Auradon, and I hope that you’re okay, somehow.” 
    Waking up to see that Uma had written back was the most exciting thing the royal could imagine. She was here, she was in Auradon, and she worried about them. Hearing from Carlos that the sea witch had left was the earth shattering to the royal, but they understood, if they could stay home forever or never go back, they’d stay home too. The letters started back, an apology from the both, a tearful recognition that the two were destined to be in love yet destined to never meet. Then, Mal announced that she couldn’t be queen without the barrier coming down. (Y/n)’s stomach was doing summersaults, this was their chance, their real chance. Their lip was trapped between their lip as they stared over the bridge, watching their soulmate dance across it. As they bowed with the other Auradon  kids for the citizens of the Isle, their excitement was growing. She was here, really here. She made it to Auradon, just a few yards away again, and (Y/n) was going to see her this time. “Uma!” It was her first time hearing the voice of her soulmate as they ran towards her, body crashing into her own. “(Y/n),” it was breathy as she relaxed into their touch. They did it, they were never truly destined to be apart. 
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Physical Affection Headcanons for Gil Grissom
(A/N: Because I'm super in love with him and need all the self-indulgence I can get.)
- Okay, first of all, LOOK AT THIS GUY.
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- You can just see that he is so GENTLE.  You know that his hugs are the most comforting, and his touches are the most delicate.
- But, I should set some details right before I get carried away any further.  The setting up is gonna be in the past tense, and once it reverts to the present tense, you'll know it's over.
- You started out as friends before dating, so you were already used to shaking hands, hi fiving or fist bumping if Gil was up for them, and even hugging each other once he was familiar and comfortable enough with you.
- But with the shift in the relationship, things became a little different. Previously, your hugs were brief and reassuring, like how Gil hugged Catherine and Warrick.
- You both noticed the changes in how you felt when you became more nervous to touch each other because your touches became more inherently romantic. You stood directly next to each other, so much so that the backs of your hands were rubbing against each other's, and you interlocked your fingers.  Touches on the arm lingered before being retracted with great reluctance.
- Your hugs became longer, and there was a special longing in them.  The one of you held the other as if you were afraid to lose them.  He rested his chin on the top of your head, and allowed you to place your nose where his neck joined his shoulder and inhale his scent.  You rubbed your hands more vigorously on his back.
- Since you were a detective, the both of you did not care to keep these touches private.  Catherine was the one who approached you two about the matter. She did not do it on purpose; you were embracing in the break room, a very communal area, where anybody who came just to get food had to deal with whatever you two were doing.  And, of course, it was not a hug that would be just between friends; he was holding your face while your hands were on his chest.  The both of you had your eyes closed with your faces almost touching each other's, yet neither of you dared to actually close that final gap.
- And when she entered, you did not break apart.  You still kept up with that hold.  So, seeing as neither of you cared about discretion, she did not either.  She came to stand about two and a quarter metres away from you and spoke in a soft voice, "Um, just what exactly is going on here?"
- Gil turned his head to look at her.  He still held your face, and you did not want to come out of the blissful feeling, so you kept facing him, but with your eyes open then.  Gil, in his usual matter-of-fact and oblivious manner, stated, "What does it look like, Catherine?  We're embracing."
- That got the poor woman shaking her head.  "Uh, no, I mean, what is going on between you two?"
- Knowing that you would have a more tactful answer than Gil, you plucked your head out of his hands, so he rested them on your shoulder.  You answered, "Um, actually, we haven't talked about it...as in, not between ourselves...so..." You sounded guilty when you said that, and after you spoke you cast your gaze down to the floor.
- Catherine gave a few short nods of understanding, putting a hand on the table to support herself as she stepped backwards.  Since she was further away she raised her volume and said, "Well, I came here to eat, not to watch," she gestured in your general direction with both hands and shook her head, "whatever this is, so if you could take this elsewhere, that'd be great." She made her way to the fridge. Gil and you looked at each other.  Then, he held your arm and guided you to his office.
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- You had a talk.  It was easy to converse about the matter at hand, because your mutual romantic attraction was so obvious to one another.  An external force had been required to get the situation to progress.
- Once your relationship was officially established and announced to your friends, you displayed it a lot more.
- He deliberately holds your arm more obviously whenever you are walking along the hallways and discussing evidence.  Praise and thanks are shown through kisses on the cheek, forehead or top of the head.
- Don't ask me why, but he loves his nose being kissed. He just does, okay?
- Towards the same effect, you love it when he kisses the bridge of your nose, especially when you're sitting down and he bends down to kiss you.  There's just something about the way it feels when he's pressing his lips to the bridge of your nose and his beard is tickling that particular surrounding area.
- When he's sitting at his desk and mulling over the current case, he likes to have you sit across from him and stretch your arm out on the desk so that he can play with your hand.  It helps him think. He will also bring your hand to his lips, making you blush.
- The both of you like to put your fingers on one another's wrists and necks.  It is a nice substitute for when you're separated by a table and can't put your head on the other's chest.
- Cuddling while watching movies is a must.  During sad movies, or emotional scenes, he holds you tight as you cry into his chest.  This always takes place in his bed, since it is the most comfortable, and you do not have a television in your own bedroom.  Besides, the only time you get to watch movies is after shift, so you can fall asleep right after.  If the both of you go for a cinema date, you will try to suppress your reaction, so he squeezes your hand and smiles at you comfortingly.
- Speaking of sleeping together, it happened the first time the both of you fell asleep during a movie. You were so tired after work, and thought you could make it through the film - after which you yourself would drive home - but you were both deadbeat. You fell asleep on him; your head drooped down on his shoulder. He shifted his half-open eyes to you with some effort, then pressed the buttons on the remote to put the film on standby and then turn off the television. He slid the both of you to lie down; you were already dead asleep. He pulled you close. With you at his side (and halfway on top of him), he fell asleep the easiest he ever had. When you woke up the next morning, there was not the slightest form of surprise on your part. It was somehow natural to sleep with him. In fact, you soon moved in with him.
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sullina · 3 years
Have you ever think of an Au where Mel and Eli swap curse but not like there clan or something but the curse like Mel got the reincarnation curse and Eli got the immortal curse
Not much tbh, I can see it though.
Mel would get adopted by Baltra, and Margaret and Veronica would be so excited to have a younger brother.
Eli has her goddess wings, because in her original life as a goddess, they're a physical part of her body, that she never lost and would be fully restored everytime she revived. She keeps them hidden by wrapping them around herself and wearing a cloak though, so not many people even know she has them.
The Sins and Zaratras, Baltra probably too, eventually find out, because she still has to stretch them out sometimes. Lucky for her though, goddesses are worshipped, so she doesn't have to fear being hunted down. She explains though that she would rather not have people know, because she doesn't want the attention and worshipping, it just makes her... uncomfortable. Everyone understands, and helps her keep her secret.
When in battle, she does use them, but with the excuse that she uses magic to create and fly with them, which isn't completely unknown for humans to be able to do (I would guess). And when asked why the cloak then? "I get cold easily."
Gil would occasionally be trained by Eli, and be really excited to show what he learned to tiny Mel and totally show off a little. Mel would be amazed by his skills and mimick him, picking up his own sword skills surprisingly quickly. Elizabeth would just laugh and take it upon herself to teach him properly, not just from mimicking Gilthunder. Mel is a fast learner, and as he gets older quickly surpasses Gil in skill. Gil is jealous at first, but Mel still watches him practice with excitement in his eyes, and Gils negative feelings simply cannot take hold when he looks into Mels sincere eyes.
Howzer would try to show off in front of Mel, too, but Mel is just bored with him and even critizices his sloppy form. When Howzer gets his magic though and starts experimenting with that, Mel gets interested.
To say that Meliodas is an energetic little bundle would be an understatement. As soon as he can crawl, he tries getting out of the room (unsuccessfully) and look for his favourite person (it's Eli). The maids and his sisters are pretty good at preventing that though by simply closing the door. The one time it's left ajar though? Everyone had a heart attack until Elizabeth, who was luckily just down the hallway, brought him back. He even had the audacity to fall asleep in her arms while everyone else was panicking bc "FUCKING FUCK WE LOST THE PRINCE, THE KING IS GONNA KILL US!!!"
When Veronica and Meliodas sneak out and fall from that old bridge, Meliodas tries to carry Veronica out by himself while crying, but can only help her stand up, which is a miracle in and of itself, which may have been his demon powers showing through for the first time. They make it far enough out of the grove though, for Elizabeth (who came looking for them) to see them. She heals Veronica and brings them both back to the castle. This event is what spurs Meliodas on to become stronger and eventually become a knight as well.
As for Meliodas' demon powers, he doesn't have them initially, but they do awaken at some point. Specifically when he was a little older and exploring the higher parts of the castle after running away from his caretakers. He leans out of a window and, amazed by the view, doesn't notice for far out he's leaning. He falls, but doesn't scream. He's not even scared, even though he should be. Then, to his surprise, his body subconsciously does what it always does when he falls from a great height: it unfolds his wings. Far below, Elizabeth notes a tiny flicker of very familiar demon magic and looks up. When she sees Mel flying high up in the air, she books it through the air as fast as she can to catch him. "Meliodas, what happened?" "Ellie, I flew! When I fell from the window, I suddely had wings!" And that's Elis cue to start teaching him to control his magic. Any out-of-control magic is dangerous, but demon magic, typically used to survive in the much more dangerous demon realm, especially so.
When Meliodas officially starts his training, he becomes pretty skilled fairly quickly. And seeking to learn more, he secretely watched Elizabeth and the Sins train. He thinks he's hiding himself pretty well, but he's really not. They can always see him and absolutely adore him. Eventually, they even call him down to come and watch from up close. Mel is lowkey petrified at first, because aside from Elizabeth, the others are like celebrities to him. He's so embarrassed to be caught watching them in secret. Eli did take him to meet them though, he actually gets along pretty well with them, but due to the Sins' missions and his own royal duties, there aren't many opportunities to interact with them, not counting Elizabeth who kinda does what she wants half the time anyway. And even when they have free time, the sins aren't too interested in the youngest prince. They don't dislike him, but intentionally seeking him out isn't on their minds at all.
Out of all of the sins (except Eli), Mels favourite Sin is Ban, because of his combat skills. He doesn't use a lot of magic and neither does Mel, so Ban is almost like an idol to him. He follows him around occasionally and when the sins train, Ban invites him to spar a little and teach him a thing or two bc he totally notices the princes interest in him. And also Eli told him that Mel really likes him. Needless to say, Mel learns a lot from him, despite Baltras disapproval of Ban of all people teaching his son.
Baltra absolutely adores all his children. He does the things they like with them when he has the time, and for Mel that means teaching him a thing or two about fighting as well. Baltra was a holy knight himself once (evidenced by his 400+ powerlevel in the chapter where Gowther went kinda wild and put every below a certain power level to sleep), and when Mel learns that, he wants to know. It's clear by then that it's not just that Meliodas wants to be a holy knight, but that he has a sort of special interest in fighting. Not to the death, but he loves a good sparring session, preferably without any weapons. In fact, his favourite sparring partners are the troublesome trio, who despite being older than him, just can't win against him (Mel would be like... 13 or so by then?), but boy do they try. They spar every day, at some point even all three against Mel at once, but nope. The youngest prince is untouchable.
Now, at some point while growing up, the Sins get framed and have to go. Due to hitting his head when they escaped, Mel doesn't remember much about them, also because he was rather young. He kind of remembers them, like when Elizabeth helped him with controlling his magic, and Ban teaching him a thing or two about combat, but it's like a far away memory, and doesn't remember their faces.
Mel does gain the privilege to drink alcohol though. He may or may not have persuaded Howzer to sneak him some ale once in a while. Gil and Griamor do not approve of him drinking alcohol, and would rat him out immediately if they knew. Mel makes Howzer swear not to tell though. Howzer, extremely worried about getting caught, also watches Mel and is impressed at how well he handles it. He can't not get drunk, but while a normal human would be drunk after two pints ale, Mel would be tipsy after five. Howzer rarely sneaks him that much alcohol though, because he has experienced drunk Mel exactly once and Would Not Like To Experience That Again. Also because if he lets Mel wander around while drunk, they're 100% sure to get caught and Howzer would get in so much trouble. So would Mel, but he doesn't care. Initially he just wanted to know what was so great about alcohol, and then he got hooked. Not in an addiction kind of way, he just really liked it. Actually, the first time he got his hands on alcohol wasn't Howzer sneaking him some, but actually Mel discreetly drinking some from Baltras mug. Baltra didn't even notice until his cup was prematurely empty and Mel fell asleep leaning against him. He got his son to bed and from then on made sure to hide any alcohol from Mels grabby little 14 year old hands. You'd be surprised how hard it was. So Mel, wanting more and having friends who are old enough to drink, turned to other people to get some. He really doesn't see why he can't have it though, getting drunk really isn't that big a deal, is what he thinks.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth has opened a tavern, knowing how much Mel likes to drink, and because she has grown to like the humans alcohol as well (and also because I couldn't think of anything else). She's amazed when she meets Hawk for the first time, absolutely overjoyed to meet a talking pig of all things.
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Mornings Off
oh whats this? a post? How the ME:A romances wake up next to Ryder on a morning off
--- Liam - Liam likes lazy mornings. Days were he can just wake up next to Sara and relax. They usually wake up around the same time, pressing small kisses to each others faces with giggles and whispers. He prefers to have her sleep curled against his chest, one arm wrapped around her (even if it fell asleep ages ago) so that he can run his fingers along her arm while they talk about last nights dream “have i died in my sleep and gone to heaven?  because surely your an angel” “its too early in the morning for pickup lines, Costa” “its never too early for pick up lines”
Cora - Cora wakes up first, laying on her back with Scott  practically pressed on top of her. She never really could relax, even on days off. It was always an endeavor trying to wiggle out of his grasp without him waking up and he pouts like  a puppy when he realizes shes gone. Normally Cora shoves a pillow in her place to keep him sedated  and gives him a forehead kiss, before she does her morning routine and puts on a fresh pot of coffee, making it jsut the way he likes it and leaving the cup by the bed. By the time Scott even bothers to sit up she's already pressed, dressed and watering her plants.  ”Im starting to think you love the plants more than me” ”good morning to you too, Scott. Did you sleep well?” ”yes i did. Thank you for the coffee, by the way” Peebee - Bold of you to assume PeeBee even gets up in the mornings on the days off. Shes a heavy sleeper, so  she can and will sleep in any time she gets. (She sleeps alot to regain all that goblin energy)Ryder, bless their hearts, cannot escape PeeBee’s octopus grasp, as she raps herself around them and clings to their warmth, happily snoring until its nearly noon. When she actually does wake up, she still remains in bed for another 10 minutes and always jokingly calls ryder a weirdo for watching her sleep. please, please let go peebee, they really have to pee. “i know your awake. Come on babe, my legs are going numb” “snore” “did- did you just say snore instead of actually fake snoring?”
Jaal - Jaal tends  sleep with Ryder on his chest, the skin to skin contact really does him in. He tends to be an early riser, though unlike cora hes content staying where he is. He watches them sleep, carefully running his thick fingers through their hair  committing every detail to memory as if it were the last time he will see it. He just holds them until they wake up, giving them soft rapid fire kisses (that he totally doesn't use that as a tactic to wake them up early what are you talking about). Every time Ryder cracks open their eyes they are instantly met by his vivid blue ones, grinning at them as he nuzzles their face. 
”Good morning my darling one” ”I swear if you ever wake me up in any other way i would never forgive you” ”*Chuckling* good to know” Vetra -  Early riser by nature, and usually gets out of bed instantly , even if ryder is clinging to them. However, modern problems require modern solutions and she will literally carry ryder around while doing her morning routine and checking her logs for any supplies she has to pick up. Vetra is a busy body,even on days off and it isnt untill she’s resituated on the bed when ryder wakes up, pushing her data pad down and demanding kisses “ugh do you ever stop? Can i at least get my morning kiss before you start jumping into work?” “Not with that morning breath you’re not. Go brush your teeth.” “oh, so cruel to me” 
Gil - Like PeeBee, gil tends to sleep in. Though not as late. He usually tends to take his time wake in up in increments, always ending with a big stretch and  loud, obnoxious yawn before “gracefully” flopping back down on the bed full force, causing it to bounce a bit.  Gil runs like  furnace, so Scott usual has his arms rapped around him as soon as he sits up, nuzzling into his neck befoe the two go to do their morning routings together, constantly messing with each other as they do.
“Did you just give me a shaving crème moustache?” “you look ever handsome with it” “Scott i don't even shave. And i  already have a  great beard and mustache, thank you.”
Suvi-  Suvi sleeps curled into Sara, and  Sara complains the moment she rolls away from her. Suvi is a long time practicer of “late to bed, early to rise” often sliding in and out of of bed at the weirdest fucking hours. Though is alot more difficult on days off because ryder wraps around her like a vice grip, knowing that Suvi actually doesn't have anything to do and is forced to stay in bed jsut a little longer. Suvi can easily be convinced.
“Let go, Sara. I have some reports i need to go over in the lab.” “5 more minutes” “....You’re lucky you’re cute”
Reyes -  Waking up next to Reyes was rare in itself, so you bet your ass Ryder is going to take advantage of it. Reyes wakes easily and normally slides away from Ryder without being seen or heard, leaving them feeling just a bit colder. But after things settle down, so does he, slowly but surely. If they ever do share the same bed, Reyes likes to sleep with his arms wrapped around Ryder, holding them close  to convince himself that they are actually there.  He always wakes up first, no matter what, and sits up with their head in his lap, letting them rest as he checks his omni tool, running one hand through their hair. “ Hmh- wait. Your still here?” “Dont sound so surprised to see me, amore” “Its a good kind of surprised, Reyes”
Bonus Evfra (i will never not be thirsty) - Like Vetra this man does not know the meaning of the words “a day off” and will rise with the sun in order to get to the resistance base. He wakes giving Ryder a kiss on the face before getting ready for the day, taking extra preparation to make them breakfast before he leaves and placing it on the nightstand as a form of apology, kissing them again before leaving. on the rare days Ryder actually does convince Evfra to stay in bed (usually after a long night of “passion”) he sleep on his stomach with ryder on his back (he likes to feel their weight, it grounds him) and he is content just lying there and listening to them breath with his eyes closed until they get up, placing g a kiss along his spine. “oh ho? what's this? a handsome stranger in my bed?” “Firstly this is my bed. Secondly, you just woke up how are you this annoying already?” “Good morning to you too, big blue.” 
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karoiseka · 3 years
((yes, again, posted on time, but... screenshots.  Then I got REALLY carried away last night because... omg, I finally created Karo’s Da an Pa, and... then passed out promptly.  Pre-Cal backstory goodness!  [of which I really wanted to write more of, and will prob later, but... writing gremlins are starting to wear out...] Also, much thanks to @kukurubean​ for helping me with some mild lore-points/flavor which kept me from making a decent lore mistake while at work and not really a whole lot of access to looking things up!))
“Go on! Get! You feckless stray!” the words stung, thrown as if stones to Karo’s young ears as she ran from the market booth, ears pinned to the back of her head and tears pricking the sides of her eyes.  She hadn’t even had a chance to show the gill clutched tightly in her small hand before being chased away from the stall.  Her small frame shook as she darted through the sparse crowd searching for her Da’s sturdy presence.  It was her first visit to the Drybone with her Da and Pa, and they had given her free reign to explore while they bought supplies and bartered their own goods.  She had protected the gil Da gave her, not even putting it in the pouch at her side, preferring to hold onto it as she wandered wide-eyed through the riot of color and sound.
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The smells from the food booths made her mouth water, but she had wanted to spend what gil she had on a gift for her new parents.  As young as she was, she had learned much in the time she had already spent with them, knowing that everything they had needed to be useful for life on the road.  The booth tucked away behind the well that had drawn her eye was filled with cups and mugs etched with varying symbols.  The merchant also had leather mug frogs meant to carry the cups when not in use.  Karo hadn't even had a chance to ask how much they were before being chased off.
She found her Pa first, a good hand taller than most in the little oasis, he saw her coming and scooped her up, holding her close.
"Sweetling,what has you all worked up?" Feophaux's voice was just for her, even as his eyes scanned the aetheryte plaza for what had harmed his little girl.  She only buried her face deeper into his neck, clinging tightly, her words gone once more.  Not seeing anything obvious, he turned his attention back to the Miqo'te kitten in his arms, and with a sigh headed back up the path to where they had left the wagon that was their traveling home. Seirlait would find them there bells later, Karo curled up asleep with her head in the duskwight's lap, a lullaby still on his lips as he played for her. Carefully extracting her, he got up slowly making sure not to wake her and went to his partner with a slight shrug about the situation and an embrace before settling in for the evening.
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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Not just a Monster
Warning: drinking
19: Another Infected
Ji-Soo laid on the recovery table fast asleep. She was still kinda pale but that will soon go away once she starts healing. The group managed to find antibiotics if she got an infection.
I would have given her some of my stuff but it burned up in the car explosion. I've been in here for a while, making sure nothing went wrong. Watching to see if her side was turning red, or started to swell.
It could get infected easily and-spread throughout her body if not watched or treated carefully. Soon Jae-Heon came in, I smiled. He was pretty badass for a man that worships God and is also a great swordsman.
( please note that this is not meant to offend anybody, my religion is Christianity )
He took a seat, laying down some white candles he brought with him. checking over Ji-Soo. I could tell something was going on between them but neither announced it yet. I guess in a world like this it was hard to.
" What are the candles for?" I questioned but waited as he lit them with a lighter. Clasping his hands together he bowed his head and began to Pray. Watching him, I haven't prayed in a long time.
I use to think what was the point, thinking it wouldn't do any good since I did a terrible sin. But seeing how Jae-Heon is still keeping his faith even after killing monsters it was the same difference.
Killing is killing.
If I ask for forgiveness will it help? will I finally stop feeling guilty and move on? Will I be able to forgive myself? I wish I knew what to do I was uncertain. But I closed my eyes and bowed my head.
Dear lord
I know I shouldn't be asking for your forgiveness... but please lift me of the sin I committed and if possible I could somehow forgive myself someday and in hopes, they can too. let my family Rest In Peace.
I finished reopening my eyes, I jumped a little realizing Jae-Heon was watching me. " God will forgive you Soo-Nico for whatever you've done." He reassured me, I felt my heart was weighing heavy.
I had to ask since he's was the only one that I could talk about religion. " how are you so sure?" Was he going to forgive me? For something as terrible as that? Jae-Heon had a knowing look on his face. " Because he's a merciful God,"
With that answer, I nodded, " I don't mean to pry but what were you praying about." I wanted to ask, I probably seem nosy. I saw him glance at Ji-Soo," for someone to live a long, healthy, happy life."
Now it was my turn to give some words of encouragement. " They will," it was short and simple but effective. Jae-Heon patted my shoulder. " you're a good kid, I'll watch over her. you should go eat something to build up your strength,"
he informed, me I had to laugh, now that he mentioned it I was pretty hungry. Rubbing my stomach I got up, bowing. Leaving the room, heading to go get something to eat.
His words somehow made me feel better. They were having dinner in the day-care-center walking in I had grabbed my plate sitting down beside Hye-in. I guess it was better to eat with people than being alone.
She was happily eating, away I noticed she had a white face mask on. She looked like a puffy marshmallow, it seems like they have all washed up. I needed a wash. Taking my spoon, I scooped some rice and took a bite.
" Ms. Cha, " Hye-In spoke up getting the woman's Attention, She had looked up. " I thought that you were tan but you're just really dirty." Hye-In laughed, I raised an eyebrow.
" Thanks.." Ms. Cha stared at her I couldn't believe she just said that. " I'm saying you look good now." what she didn't look better before?
" I got these masks in the mail. Want one?" Hye-in offered to pulling up her shirt, revealing a couple of packs of face masks. Well, that's one way to hide them.
" No, thanks. I know That I look pretty without it." This earned all kinds of laughs around the room. " wait, Seung-Wan needs it." Byeong-ll point making  Seung-Wan clap back defensively.
I have I admit it was pretty funny, as we chatted, Sun-Young walked up to our table she seemed nervous. I wondered what about it? " I should go outside." Before I could take another bite I stopped looking up at her. What for?
" I think I'm starting to have symptoms." that's when all the attention turned towards her. It was quiet, " I should've told you sooner." Sun-Young had a long face as if she was disappointed for not telling. " I guess I didn't want to believe it. I'm sorry."
No one can blame you it's scary finding out your showing symptoms it's like your life just has been ripped away. It's hard to accept. " I just don't want to put everyone in danger. So I should go before it's too late—"
Ms. Cha, interrupted Sun-Young, " still you shouldn't go outside." She dismissed. " she right. You're still human, you'll die if you go outside." Hye-In agreed. But Jay-Hwan thought otherwise.
" –We can't let her stay here?" I rolled my eyes, " why don't you shut up!" I fussed that's when Eun-Hyuk Entered the room. " why don't we all hold a vote?" Byeong-ll suggested a worried look was plastered on his face.
Then he all turned to us, " just vote how you feel, because this is like... taking part in a murder." I remembered those words, the day Eun-Hyuk guilt trip, everybody, to so they could vote for Hyun-Su to stay for selfish reasons.
But that was over and done with now, " I vote she gets to stay in the arcade." He raised his hand, I did also Even Seung-wan, " Me, too. Maybe she'll be able to hold out as Hyun-Su did?"
After that everyone raised their hands. I was Surprised when Eun-Hyuk's hand was raised, he has changed, well a lot of them have. It looked like Sun-Young was about to cry.
Soon everyone said their goodbyes, I felt bad she was going to be locked up. But it's what she wanted to keep everyone safe it's better than being outside.
At least they won't discriminate against her as they did to Hyun-Su and now be there for her. Things were changing for better than worse. Hopefully, it stayed that way.
After finishing my food, everybody was in a gloomy mood. They moved around sitting in different seats. " I could definitely use a drink on a day like this," Byeong-ll grumbled moving his pointer fingers around a small candle that was lit.
" There you go again." 
I didn't mine alcohol, but it sounds good right about now. Jay-Hwan told putting in one earbud," well, do you think Sun-Young will hold out like Hyun-Su?" Seung-Wan rethought his words he said earlier.
" I hope so. I thought it was just her husband, but her whole life is awful."  Hue-in announced, yeah I remember Suk-Hyun.
" lady you're face is Awful." Eun-Yoo sneered, I had to smirk, shaking my head. " well I think Byeong-all it right. We could definitely use a drink today."
Ms. Cha agreed I hadn't noticed she left, she was carrying a glass cylinder it was a beautiful dark red juice with raspberry in it.
Setting it down on the table unwrapping the top taking off the plastic wrap. " What is this Korean wine? Please tell me it is." Byeong-ll pleaded.
Everyone began to turn their heads to see. Gil-Seob sat up smelling the wine, " it's at least four years old." He looked up at Ms. cha and she nodded. He smelled it again as Eun-Yoo and I came over sitting beside each other.
" it could be as good as Medicine." I smiled, taking a glance at Eun-Yoo we were both too young but I already had some wine before but it wasn't that great but I was willing to give it another try.
Eun-Yoo Leander forward smelling it, " Yu-ri left early by the way." She informed him, she then moved pushing the Cylinder to me. " go on," she smiled I did to smelling it. God that smelled so sweet, my mouth watered.
" shall we finish this off before Eun-Hyuk comes?" She suggested, talking about her brother. Gil-Seob stuck his pinky in the jar getting a taste. We all began to laugh.
But stopped seeing Eun-Hyuk, he had a straight face, considering he was the leader he made the choices around here shit. " speak of the devil." Gil-Seob mumbled.
I was for sure he wouldn't let us drink, but to my shock he did. " just don't forget your duties." Eun-Hyuk then left, turning back around we quickly Gil-Seob began pouring the wine into small cups.
He handed them out giving me and Eun-Yoo one. I gladly Excepted it before I could take a sip Eun-Yoo nudged me. " hey, I saw you and Hyun-Su almost kiss." She whispered in my ear. My eyes went wide, feeling my whole body go stiff.
I took a sip avoiding her stare, wow this was good and sweet, " don't be embarrassed you guys are cute together might as well hook up before you know what happens." She hinted, smirking at me.
I took another sip, gulping it down. Is this girl talk? From an actual friend? I wanted to be together with him and I confessed in way that was out of my comfort zone.
" Thanks... And yeah, what is better than two Infected's getting together in a world where anything and everything could go wrong." I said lowly enough just for her to hear.
She Seconded that. " his lips were this close!" I wined, showing her pinching my thumb and pointer finger together symbolizing how close were to kissing. I could feel my cheeks heat up, was I getting drunk I only took a few sips I must be lightweight.
I leaned my head on her shoulder kinda upset, she brought her hand up patting my head. " don't worry you'll get your chance, and you'll be the one to do it." She added.
I thought it over, " Me? why me?" My eyes glanced up. She huffed, " because Hyun-Su is too nervous, plus you made the first move he still wouldn't have done it if you didn't say anything." Eun-Yoo finished her cup like me.
I think that is enough Wine for today. I sat my cup down, feeling all fuzzy. Thinking about Hyun-Su's lips they were chapped and dry but it didn't matter I kiss them either way.
I then heard Eun-Yoo laugh loudly. Did I say that out loud? " you did!" She confirmed I was embarrassed hiding my face in my hands. Only me.
"All Alright!" Gil-Seob clubbed his hands together, " who's in for a story?" He recommended, " aren't we too old for stories?" Eun-Yoo stated, he only smiled. " not this one." is all he said
Taking a seat where everyone slept. We followed I laid my head on a pillow. " it was a very dark night with no moon. I lay down between the corpses and pretend to be dead, but u were watching them carefully." so this was a scary, story the Irony huh?
" the remnants of the people's army went inside the building, and the allied forces that were after them fired hundreds of shots at the building." He took the weird stick Jay-Hwan was holding and reenacted the gun fire-making Pow sounds.
He was on his knees saying it loudly but he suddenly stopped. " Hey, I know I saw them go into the building with my own two eyes," he said as if he was so sure. " they all went into the building but nobody came out of the building." I was interested now raising.
" and there were no dead bodies found. How baffling that building." He sucked in a breath looking around as if remembering something. It seems like everyone was on the edge of their seats. " Was here." Everyone gasped, raising hearing this.
" then?" Jay-Hwan gulped, " we have no idea what's buried underneath where we are. That's what I mean."
He Motioned towards the ground, " -what? -jeez." Someone asked not to believe this scared, I mentally laughed the only thing scarier than that is me in this room.
They had no idea, well except Eun-Yoo but then there was a loud bang since everyone was tense they all screamed. An unfamiliar man came running into the room wearing a black soldier suit." He came towards us seeing the jar of raspberry's sticking his hands in it eating them.
We all scooted back, Gil-Seob held up the stick ready to attack if needed. But Yi-kyeong strode in. " who are you, someone yelled. " I think he's a runaway soldier." He continued to eat, as the raspberry juice dripped on the table.
He then looked at his stained red hands, he kept mumbling something I think it was run? But from what? " quickly!" He freaked out then started shaking falling to the floor. What the hell?
Yi-kyeong grabbed onto his collar as the boys got up to help her. They dragged him away. " well that was unexpected." Hye-In blurred out. The girls nodded.
Seeing there was no reason to stay anymore, I got up and left before any more surprises popped up. I said my byes to Eun-Yoo, I figured I should search around for Hyun-Su.
Finally finished with this chapter. And please I'm sorry if an offended anyone talking about god, I don't mean to if you guys worship a different religion. I did it because it fits in with the characters' plot. And I also smell a great friendship coming up.
Thank you guys for the reads, votes, and support!! 🖤
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Final Fantasy prompts # 31
1. Sephiroth uses Cloud as a therapist.
Sephiroth going on about his life while Cloud is tied to a chair and gagged is just hilarious to me.
2. AVALANCHE, Sephiroth and the Turks are all turned back into 10 year olds and booted, (by Aerith probably) to the Pokémon world and have to survive as Pokémon trainers. The problem? They were all separated and no one has any way to contact eachother.
(Inspired by Viincentsvalentines pokemon/ff7 post. I adore Cloud having a overprotective and murderous Shinx as a starter pokemon. I also love AC Cloud with a Luxray)
(I have a set of rules I use for the pokemon AUs if you're interested)
3. Cloud is ace/aro and is just working on Fenrir, blissfully oblivious to everyone fighting over him just inside the bar.
Those who aren't fighting are fueling the fire and making the situation worse.
In short, Reno starts a shipping war with an actual war.
There is no mercy.
Featuring: people trying to flirt with Cloud only to be full-body tacked away mid conversion, Cloud shrugging everything off, Rufus being a manipulate weasel, and Cloud choosing to "Date" his motorcycle just to get people off his back. No one is respecting Clouds boundaries or sexual orientation.
4. Cloud gets thrown back in time but loses his memory. He has no idea who he is or how he got to this snowfield, luckily this energetic, spikey haired man befriends him and is dead set on showing him off to Angeal.
Genesis had to do a double take, the blond wasn't just well armed. He was practically prepared for war. A massive overly intricate sword was the mans back, his gaze was unwavering, even when faced with the three most powerful men in the world. The redhead barely had to glance at him to tell that all the materia on him was at max level, even the supports.
"Well, my dear friend," he began, turning to Angeal, "it seems your puppy has brought home a wolf."
5. Sephiroth appears to Cloud in his apartment, intending to torment him again. Cloud doesn't seem to acknowledge him, no matter what he says or does. He even grabbed his puppet by the throat and pinned him against the wall.
Nothing. Cloud just closed his eyes and began counting backwards from thirty. The former general released him and Cloud went back to making his sandwich.
The silverette was thoroughly miffed at this point and stalked Cloud throughout his apartment as he sat down the plate of food down on his table next to a glass of water. The blond then darted into the bathroom for a moment and came back with a small orange pill bottle.
Intrigued, Sephiroth watched the blond down two pills before picking up the bottle.
He looked back at his blond, quietly assessing him as he ate his sandwich.
"So. You've been hallucinating."
6. Cloud bursts into a packed SOLDIER rec room disguised as a SOLDIER 2nd and yells, "Who knew about the cat?!" Then sprints across the room and breaks through the window, leading down to the streets below.
The room erupts into chaos.
Later Yuffie pays him 2000 gil
7. Sephiroth not understanding the symptoms of a crush while Genesis tries to teach him how to flirt.
Genesis is not having a good time.
8. Cloud and Sephiroth are trapped in a small enclosed space. So there they lay, pinned by debris, pressed against eachother, and making awkward conversation cause Cloud will be damned if he let's Sephiroth go on about the whole "Sailing the cosmos" thing again.
9. Vincent and Cloud secretly sing duets together when no one is around. Poor Barret winds up listening to them sing (and dance to) "Instruments of cyanide" (DA games version) and is thoroughly shook.
On the plus side, he now knows why Valentine always carries around those small Bluetooth speakers
10. Time traveling animal version of Cloud who reverts back into a human while being petted by Sephiroth.
"....I can explain."
11. Doll AU where Jenova creates an AC Cloud doll for Sephiroth, a CC Zack doll for Angeal, and a FF7 Aerith doll for Genesis. All of the dolls are life-sized and perfect copies of the originals. The three generals didn't know what to do with them at first. Sephiroth shoved his in a closet, Angeal sat his on the couch and poked fun at the real Zack, and Genesis layed his lovely maiden in a glass coffin filled with lillies, using her as a center piece in his home decor.
It starts with Sephiroth occasionally brushing his dolls blond hair, eventually coming to brush it every night. He became obsessed with caring for the doll, until one night, while he was laying in bed pretending to be asleep in an attempt to do the real thing, his doll came to brush his hair. He remained still while the doll lovingly groomed him. Even after the doll left, Sephiroth did not sleep.
The Zack doll...was another thing entirely. Angeals things would go missing on a regular basis. His laptop, his keys, his keycard. He couldn't tell you how many times he'd been locked out of his own apartment. The weirdest time, was just ofter he had comforted Zack, telling him that he cares about him more than any doll, no matter how lifelike it is.
Angeal had night terrors for a week strait and every pair of pants he owned disappeared on the day of a military presentation he was required to attend.
Genesis's doll has full on disappeared from her case, sometimes for days at a time. The redhead is always furious, convinced someone is stealing her. He sets up cameras, but they catch nothing. One moment the doll is there, then she's gone. He always felt like he was being laughed at when this happened, on the other hand, the flowers in the case mysteriously never wilted and new materia would appear around his house sporadically. Which was weird because he was always meticulously organized regarding his materia.
Aka Eldrich Doll au horror story slowburn.
12. Sephiroth realized his puppet was growing stronger at the same rate he was growing weaker
(Not related to no. 11 unless you want it to be)
13. Sephiroth shoving a ring onto Clouds finger and proudly declaring them married.
Cloud thinks he's gone completely off his rocker.
14. Sephiroth devolving into base animal instincts to court Cloud.
Example: giving him shiney rocks and materia, blankets, and basic food and hygene products, killing people the blond hates, complimenting him on both his looks and skills, and of course, preening himself to look the absolue best for his precious.
The best part is that it actually works
15. Vincent and Cloud cuddling in Vincents coffin. Cozy.
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
The phone call
Here's some notices or warnings before reading!
A trans man giving birth, Seungchuchu, Trans Phichit, Haikyuu x Yuri on Ice.
Seung-gil pov-
I entered the rink, sat down my bag and took a sip out of my thermos of coffee, "Hi coach." I greeted, tired and already done with my coach for the day.
"Greetings Seung-gil, sit down we need to figure out your skating routine for the next competition."
I nodded at my coach and sat down. I sat there, listening to my coach's instructions.. Well I wasn't really listening, I couldn't bring myself to focus... Phichit, my husband, had been really sick recently. I knew that he knew why but he wouldn't tell me, while some secrets were fine, it just felt to serious to be kept a secret. But if he wants to keep that stuff to himself, then I have no wish to pry into his business.
My coach, Min-so Park, must have noticed. She gave me a light flick on the ear and raised her voice by a inch, "Pay attention." She said.
I had to restraint myself from saying something else other then sorry, "Sorry, stuff has been happening at home."
"Don't carry that onto the ice, Seung-gil."
"..Sorry.." I said, trying to sound like I was actually sorry which I wasn't.
"Alright, now how about we do this song?" She said pointing to a list of songs she had written down.
"Sure, when are we going to figure out outfits though?"
"Probably tomorrow, we need to make sure this song is good for you before we figure out costumes."
She put the list down and walked over to the music-playing setup, "Lets start practice, Seung-gil."
I nodded as I re-tied my skates and went onto the ice, ready for a tiring day of practice. I just hope Phichit is doing alright.. I'm worried, so fucking worried.
Phichit pov-
I flushed the toilet, washed the disgusting taste out of my mouth out and exited the bathroom, I took my time walking down the stairs, holding onto the handle for dear life even though my feet were fine. I still don't wanna fall. Eventually after what felt like a lifetime, I made it to the couch where I flopped and grabbed my phone. As I massaged my headache, I hit Yuuri's contact, his nickname in my phone being 'bestie' I let out a silent swear as a sting of pain came but I hit the 'call' button and sucked up the pain.
Thankfully he picked up, even though he is at practice
"Hey Phichit, did you need something?"
I let out a small fake sob, "I feel like shit.."
"Oh, is Seung-gil with you?"
"No, he wanted to stay home but his coach made him come in.."
I could tell the Japanese skater was rolling his eyes, "Have I told you how much I hate his coach?"
After snickering I went back to the original topic, "But I wanted to ask you what you think I've come down with. Its been a week! I have never been sick for more then 2 days and I am scared!"
Yuuri clicked his tongue, "Ok.. Tell me more, I think I have an idea.."
"Well, I have been puking a lot.."
"That happens when you're sick typically.." Now that I think about it, yeah I do puke a bunch when I rarely get sick.
"Yeah.. And you know how I hate pickles?"
"I now wanna dip those in chocolate and have it for breakfast."
"Any body pain?"
"Well my stomach and hurt like a bitch and my back wants to break."
"...." Yuuri went silent.
"Uh, Yuuri? Bestie? What's wrong?"
"Don't think I'm weird for saying this alright?"
"We've been friends for like 19 years, nothing you say will make me weirded out."
"You never got a bottom surgery when you transitioned right?"
"No, I still wanted kids so I never got much done, you know, minus getting my breasts removed."
"So, I think you should go get a pregnancy test.."
My eyes went wide, "Wha?! Why?!"
"I just think that you have a lot of the symptoms that pregnant people have. I may be wrong but its better now then later, right?"
I went quiet before speaking again, "...What will Seung-gil think?"
Yuuri went out a little chuckle, "Well, if he's as good a husband as you say, he'll stay there and help you."
I chuckled along, "Yeah.. I'll talk to you later."
When I hit the end call button, I threw my phone to the other side of a coach. Upon hearing that, Seung-gil's Siberian Husky came running over and hopped on the couch to try and make me feel better by rubbing his head against my hand.
I smiled bright "Hi buddy.."
"You may be getting a human friend in a few months if Yuuri was right.." I chuckled.
This made the dogs head perk up, his tail started wagging and he went out a bork of excitement.
"I know! so exciting!" I gave him head scratches before walking to the door and grabbing my keys
I turned back to Snow, "Dads gonna go out for a bit, don't cause too much havoc while I'm gone, ok?"
After hearing another bark from the grey-white dog, I left the large apartment and started to walk down the hallway. Even when I was in the lobby and out the front door to my car, I couldn't stop opening and closing my husbands contact.. 'Save it until you actually know..' After taking a breath and by that I mean about 10 breathes, I put the keys in and drove to the store to get the test.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I unbuckled slowly and got my hat and my mask. I did everything slowly, I was just nervous.. I then thought of how lucky I would be to have a kid.. All the happy moments, seeing Seung-gil falling asleep with a baby atop his chest, and that babies adorable face.. With those ideas in my head I opened my car door and practically ran into the store.
Once I entered, I walked to the pharmacy section and after scanning the shelf like 4 times, my eyes finally landed on the pregnancy test, "Damn I must have been staring at it for like 2 minutes." I joked, I grabbed it and walked to the counter to pay, I walked back out to my car and went about 9 miles over the speed limit to get home.
Seung gil pov-
It was coming to be the middle of practice, which was when I was allowed a really quick water break before starting practice again.
"Ok Seung-gil! You can have a water break!" Coach shouted
I nodded and walked over to the bench, right when I was about to grab my water, I heard my phone ringing. When I checked the name.. It was my husband, Phichit.
"I told you to not have your phone out during practice!"
"My husbands really sick so I couldn't really NOT have it on or out." I retorted
"Just answer it."
I rolled my eyes and answered, "Hello?"
Phichit's voice on the other line was nervous, "Uh.. Hey Seung-gil.. Can you come home? Like right now?"
"Why? Are you ok?"
"We just need to talk."
"Now?" I repeated
"Yeah, sorry for interrupting your practice dear.." He sighed
"No, no! It's ok, I don't wanna be here anyway."
Phichit laughed which made my heart glow, "Alright, see you soon."
"See you soon." And with that I ended the call, grabbed my stuff and walked to the exit.
My voice went back to being cold instead of sweet like when I was on the phone, "Home."
The brown haired woman started running in my direction, "Oh hell no!" But by the time she said that the door was open and I was walking to my car and quickly on the road.
--When he got home--
Once I opened the door I hear the muffled tv in the background, I kicked off my shoes at the door gave the dog some love and went to sit on the couch next to my husband.
"Welcome home.." The Thai's boy was quiet.
"So what did you wanna talk about dear? You never call me back from practice...."
"Uh.. You know how I said I was trans? How I was born a girl not a male?"
Phichit stood up and walked in the direction of the bedroom, "Its best I show you, wait here.."
I nodded and waited. he came back a minute later, holding a something that looked familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Once he sat down he handed the long stick to me,
"Guess what.. You're a dad.." His voice was nervous
I looked at the pregnancy test.
Then back to him.
"I get it if you are mad if I didn't tell you sooner that this could happen but, I have always wanted to start a family with you so, please, help me parent our child."
I couldn't even speak, I just wrapped my arms tightly around Phichit, "There is no universe where I would pass up to take care of a child with you." I breathed before continuing to speak, "I love you so much. We are going to have a happy family here, ok? I will do whatever I can to support our family."
When I finally looked up at my husband, tears were streaming down his face, I panicked, "Why are you crying?! Did I say something?!"
He laughed, wiping his small tears away, "No, you're just fine. I'm just.. happy."
I gave him a kiss on the forehead, "Are you hungry? I was thinking of ordering pizza."
"Can you get me pineapple pizza..?"
I let out a snort, "Sure."
--After ordering pizza--
Once we sat down, we happily ate, I smiled as I watched Phichit devour his pizza and his cute little face have pizza sauce get dotted on the cheeks and his chin. After he chewed he started to speak
"Hey I have a question about your coach."
I put down my pizza and looked at the cute boy, "What of her?"
"Well, I think you either need to talk to her, or get a new coach."
"I mean I would love to, but why?" I asked
"She never lets you have any holidays off or anything, no special days, no calling in before hand, no calling in sick, nothing! The only way you get out of practice is just walking out. I feel like when the kid is born, that wont be an option anymore."
I nodded my head, taking a bite from my pizza, "Yeah, you're right. I wanted to find a new coach anyway, I just needed a reason."
Phichit chuckled before gasping, "Hold on! I need to go call some people!"
I rubbed my forehead, giving a small smile, "Who are you calling?"
"Y'know, Guang-Hong, Leo and Yuuri! Imma tell them they're uncles now!"
"Alright! Don't take too long!"
A few minutes later I could hear excited gasps and congratulations coming from the kitchen
---A few months later--
Phichit pov-
I was on the phone panicking, Seung-gil couldn't be here, his coach wouldn't let him leave no matter how hard he tried so I was on the phone with Yuuri.
"Stay calm till I get there! I'll get you to the hospital Phichit."
"It fucking hurts!"
"I know just hold on!"
A few minutes later of trying to talk to keep the pain away, the door swung open with Yuuri behind it, he came over, helped me up and we got into the car.
"You're going to be a dad.. Mom? What do you wanna be called anyway?" Yuuri asked
"Whatever the child prefers."
"Do you know the gender yet?"
"No we decided to wait till he's born, which I guess is soon!" I was excited but also nervous.
"..Seung-gil will find a way to get to the hospital to see you, even if he has to jump out a window or something."
I snorted, "Victor did that didn't he?"
"I mean, yeah~"
We finally made it to the hospital and after circling the parking spot a few times, we got out and walked through the entrance.
"When I come out my life's gonna be so different.."
"Mhm! But that's a good thing!" Yuuri reminded me
--About 15 minutes later--
Seung gil pov-
Once I finally got away from my coach by jumping out the window of the boys locker room and was able to maneuver my ass through the rush hour traffic, I arrived at the hospital. When I entered I instantly spotted Yuuri Katsuki, my husbands best friend and ran over to him.
"How is he?!"
"Thank god you're here."
I sat down and panted, "Yeah, my coach forced me to stay at practice, I had to crawl out through a window."
"Knew it."
"Anyway, is Phichit doing ok?"
Yuuri nodded, "Yes, they have him back there now."
"Can I not go in?"
I started tapping my foot from nervousness I didn't notice Yuuri get up but when I did he was holding coffee in his hand, "Here. They had a coffee cart over there, I figured you would want something to drink."
I took it from his hand, "Thanks."
"So what are you hoping for?"
"Heh, Phichit was hoping for a boy and I would be dead if I said a girl." I laughed
"Do you have a name in mind?"
"Not really, we know we want to change his last name so he can live a normal life though."
"Any ideas for that?"
"We'll figure it out. Phichit is a spur of the moment person, y'know?"
"Oh I know that too well." Yuuri took a sip of his drink before speaking again
"So, you remember when I was watching your dog at my house?"
"Our dogs cuddled."
My mouth went wide, "Do you have photos?!"
about 4 hours later-
"Family and friends of Phichit Lee may come in now." The doctor called
I looked at Yuuri, "You go by yourself first Seung-Gil he wants to see you more then me."
I got up and walked to the room and sat on a chair next to the hospital bed,
"Say hello to your son!" Phichit said, a smile from ear to ear on his face.
"He's adorable." I said, reaching out my pointer finger, which the little boy grabbed and held onto with his tiny hands.
The child blinked a bit, "He has your eyes." I pointed out
"Just as cute too." Phichit added
"So, what are we thinking for names?"
"Uhh.. I was actually thinking about it in the car."
"Oh? What did you come up with?
"I was thinking of naming him Sakusa Kiyoomi."
"That sounds good."
"Do you want to hold him?"
I reached my hands out and Phichit handed me my son, "I'm really a father.."
"Mhm. I love you so much."
"I love you too dear," He reached out and booped Sakusa nose
"And I love you too, Sakusa."
-16 years later-
Sakusa pov-
I was texting Atsumu, my boyfriend about practice and such.
'Tsumu: Hey sweet, adorable love of my life ♥♥! I have a question
Omi: Please use normal pet-names
'Tsumu: Nah
Omi: 😶😑Yes, dear?
'Tsumu: When am I gonna meet your parents? 🤔
Omi: You can come over after practice, if you want.
'Tsumu: Woah! 😲 Really?!
Omi: Sure, I don't care.
'Tsumu: Wait, aren't you at practice too?
Omi: Yeah we're taking a water break
'Tsumu: Well, I'll leave you alone! Love you! See you later tonight Omi-Omi! 😍😘💗💓
Omi: See you then, 'Tsumu <3
When I turned off my phone I didn't realize my cousin, Kimori, was standing right over me reading my texts.
"So, hows the married life?
"CHRIST!" I yelped
I regained my composure as the rest of the team looked over, "Great, how are you and that snake boy?" I was referring to Suguru Daishou, who was the captain of the Nohebi Academy volleyball team.
Kimori let out a gasp of betrayal, "Rude!"
The coach called us back onto the court, I stood up and ran back to the court with my team.
--After practice--
I sat there at the train stations coffee shop and sipped on a thing of tea while working on my laptop. I wanted to finish up school work before 'Tsumu got here, after all. While I was typing away on a writing assignment, my phone buzzed, it was one of my dads, Phichit Lee. I finished typing the paragraph, I placed a period, picked up my phone and went to answer the message.
Pops: Hey Kiddo👋, me and your dad will be late coming home from practice. Stop by the rink ⛸⛸ if you need anything! ♥♥
Kiyoomi: Will do. Also I will be having my boyfriend over.
Pops: Oh! 😲 Me and your dad can stay out later if you need us to😁
Kiyoomi: No, he wanted to meet you and dad.
Pops: We'll try to get home early in that case!
Kiyoomi: Alright good luck with that pair skate practice
Pops: We're gonna need it 😗
After about 15 minutes I looked out of the store and saw that Tsumu's train was pulling in, I got in and waited closer to the train for him. Once he got out I called out for him.
"'Tsumu!" I called
When I did that he ran full speed at me and wrapped his hands around my neck, with my hands wrapping around his waist.
He started placing kisses on my cheeks, "Its been so long!"
I laughed, "Its been a week."
"Same difference!"
I gave a final smile before I grabbed the fake blondes hand and led him to my car.
"So, I'm meeting your parents today?"
I nodded, "They may be late home, but yes."
We got into the car and kept talking about what was going to happen tonight,
"I'm so nervous, y'know?"
"Heh, you don't need to be, don't worry."
I then remembered something, "Also my uncle is dropping by so you'll get to meet them."
"Oo! Cool!"
I plugged my aux cord and handed the phone to 'Tsumu, "Its your turn for music this weekend dear, please don't play The Bee Movie sound track the whole way home."
"Awh! You're lucky I love you Omi!"
He put on Shinedowns new album Amaryllis, so I was happy.
"Nice song choice."
Tsumu rested my hand on top of mine which was already resting on his thigh.
"Do you want me to stop and get coffee or something? Or do you wanna head straight to my place?"
"Meh I had coffee earlier, we can head to your place."
"Oh you haven't been to my place before have you? It's always me visiting you."
"Yeah! That just makes me more excited!"
I smiled.
We finally pulled into the garage of the apartment complex and exited the car. When we entered the lobby Atsumu spoke up, "This is a really nice looking place."
"Yeah my folks make good money so we have a good sized apartment." I explained as we walked to the elevator
I hit the '8' button and waited till the doors re-opened, we exited as an elderly couple entered and walked to the apartment as the numbers went up across the doors, 801, 802, 803, 804... Finally we reached the apartment, with the silver plaque reading 810. I twisted the key and was instantly greeted by Snow and Makkachin. Makkachin was staying here just because Victor and Yuuri were in Russia and Makkachin was getting too old to travel, y'know, being 15 and all.
Atsumu instantly got down on his knees to give Snow head scratches, "Oh my god! You have dogs! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Snow is my parents and Makkachin," I said pointing to the dogs as I mentioned them, "Is just staying here till my uncle comes to get them today."
"They're so pretty!"
Me and Atsumu took off our shoes, I went to the kitchen, filled up the dogs bowls, washed my hands and then crashed on the couch.
Once Atsumu noticed my presence he laid his head on my lap "Your place is nice, Omi-Omi."
"..Can I change positions so we can both be comfy?" I asked
Atsumu nodded and sat up so I could lay down, Atsumu then laid onto my chest, listening to my breathing and heart beat.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
-10 minutes later-
After we laid there and watched tv for a bit, I heard a knock on the door, "That must be my uncle." Atsumu shot up, and followed me to the door.
When I opened it, I saw my uncle, Nikiforov-Katsuki Yuuri and his husband Victor standing to his left. Once they took a step in the door Makkachin came bolting towards them
"Makkachin! My baby!" Victor called out as he lifted Makkachin into his arms.
Atsumu stood in surprise for a minute while I talked to them. Does he know that they're famous figure skaters? No, I think his twin brother Osamu and his team captain Kita are into that stuff.
"So, before you go I want you to meet someone," I started, I gestured to my boyfriend as I spoke, "This is my boyfriend, Atsumu Miya."
Yuuri smiled and shook his hand, "Its a pleasure to meet you, Atsumu."
After Victor did the same they turned to leave before Atsumu spoke up, "Wait! Can I get your autographs? My captain and brother are big figure skating fans and they would kill me if I passed this up."
Victor and Yuuri laughed and nodded, "Sure! We'd love to!"
Victor and Yuuri signed the autograph to Osamu and wrote below it, "Your brothers cool!" and the one to Kita with "The best captain ever! Kita!"
"Thank you."
"Of course! Your family now after all!"
After we said our goodbyes, Yuuri and Victor left me and my boyfriend alone again. I looked at Atsumu, grabbed his hand and we walked back over to the couch to watch tv while Snow slept on her bed near us. Atsumu kept insisting that we watch Gilmore Girls until I finally gave in and we ended up binging to season 3.
"I'm telling you! Luke is the best!"
"Aand why do you think that?"
I shrugged, "Meh Lorelai is better."
We kept bickering like children for a few minutes before I pulled my lover in for a kiss, that managed to shut him up. But his red face was too cute to not kiss over, and over, and over again. So that's exactly what I did.
"A kiss here." I said giving a kiss on his cheek, "And a kiss for the other side," "A kiss here," "And a kiss here,"
I laughed, stopping my kissing spree after I kissed every spot on his face, "I love you."
"I love you more, baby dearest."
I smiled, "Just call me baby or dear. Baby dearest sounds weird."
"Awh but its cute!"
Snow barked as they awoke from their nap
"See? Even snow agrees that its cute!"
I looked over at Snow with a deadpan look, "Really? I know you like my boyfriend because he gave you belly rubs, but, really?"
--When Seung-gil and Phichit got home--
I was too focused on the snoring Atsumu on my chest to hear the clicking of the front door, the removal of shoes, or the hanging of keys. It was only when I was a flash off a camera did I know that my parents saw my boyfriend laying on my lap.
My dad started rapidly typing on his phone, "Seung-gil! Get in here! This is adorable!"
The black haired Korean walked into the room, "Phichit, lets let them relax and get dinner started ok?"
"OK!" After that, Seung-gil was walking to the kitchen and Phichit speed walking to keep up.
After a few more minutes Atsumu woke up from his nap with a yawn, "Hey Omi-kun."
"Good morning dear."
I started petting his head when spoke, "Did your parents come home?"
"Shh.. I just wanted you to sleep, its fine."
Then I heard a gasp from the kitchen
My dads had came peaking out from the corner 2 seconds later, "Atsumu, this is my dad."
The cheerful boy sat up and shook my dads hand, "Hi, I'm Atsumu Miya."
"Im Phichit Lee."
"Hold on im gonna go get your other dad." My dad said before leaving the room to go grab his husband.
"You never asked."
"Humph." Atsumu huffed, turning his head.
"Oh come on.. Look at me dear."
"I'll let you see baby pictures of me later." I offered.
I sighed and grabbed his hand, "We'll go get fatty tuna tomorrow with Kimori and his boyfriend."
Atsumu head perked up, "Yes! I love you!"
After that, my dad came in the room with my other dad, "My name is Seung-Gil Lee." He greeted before shaking Atsumu's hand.
After that we sat down at the dinner table, with me and Atsumu on one side and my parents on the other.
"So how long have you two been together?" Phichit asked
"Since our first year of Highschool." I answered
My dads smile grew, "Wait! Are we the first ones in the family to know?!"
"Nah, Uncle Leo and Guang-Hong know."
He gasped dramatically and put a hand on his chest, "My own squad betraying me like that, so tragic~"
"Also heres a question." Atsumu started
"Whos your favorite character in Gilmore Girls?"
"Luke." Seung-Gil said
This caused my dad to look at him with bewilderment, "Am I just getting betrayed tonight?! Lorelai is SO much better!"
After we finished eating we went to the living room and chatted.
"So what happened at practice?"
"Oh I got a story," Seung-gil started, putting his cup down.
"So you know how me and your dad are skating on the same rink as the Russian team till our rink gets redone?"
"So apparently Georgi is dating that one French skater."
"Which one?"
"Jean.. Douche? Y'know that Akaashi boys dad."
That comment made Atsumu nearly spit out his drink, Phichit's dark eyes went wide, "Are you ok?!"
"Yeah, my best friends just dating Akaashi so it was just surprising that he's part French."
"Wait, I thought Oikawa was your best friend?"
"I have multiple best friends, Omi."
"Anyway, so, I heard that Kimori got a boyfriend~"
"Phichit, dear, love of my life, please don't tell me your using your sisters kids life as blackmail."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Yeah he does." I answered
"Do you have photos?!"
"Dad, I wouldn't be your child if I didn't have blackmail."
I quickly pulled up a photo and showed it to my dads,
(Here's the photo, credit to the artist)
Tumblr media
And with that my dad started gushing over the photo, "Awh! Thats so cute!"
"Speaking of cute, do you have Sakusa's baby photos?"
"Oh you bet I do!"
For the next half an hour they looked at baby photos.
Once Atsumu got ready to leave, he asked for a final thing, "Can I get your autographs? My captain and twin brother love figure skating and you two are some of their favorites."
They nodded and signed the papers, and with that, I gave Atsumu a kiss on the cheek and he left.
"Sooo whens the wedding?"
6 notes · View notes
A very rare Pokémon accidentally (gets spooked) poisons Gil, while he observed it and took some notes. and because this Pokémon is usually not here the berries and medication in the poke Centre are not helping him. Thena sees his notes and tries to find a antidote for him, while Gil’s health gets worse and worse by every hour!
It’s time for some drama and angst 😳
Thena ran her hand over the crescent moon in Teddiursa's fur. He was finally asleep after a harrowing couple of hours. She couldn't blame him for being upset, of course. He had been a mess of tears when Gil came into the medical wing for poisoning.
She had been at the ranger centre already to check in on her little cub, busy on a day of junior ranger duties. They had both been told that Gil was on the way back from the field with an undetermined cause of poisoning.
Dragonite had brought him in, carrying him in its arms and letting out distressed moans like a suffering Wailord. It hadn't seen what poisoned Gil; they didn't know if it was a pokemon, a plant, some kind of spore, a latent effect, an attack etc.
"Chansey," the nurse tending to Gil turned to her. The doctors had done all they could, and the Chansey and Blissey and Audino were administering antidotes and psn cures and pecha berries every half hour. They had even turned to using Heal Bell and Calm Mind on him, but nothing seemed to be working.
If anything, he just kept getting worse.
"Thank you," Thena whispered, nodding to the Chansey on its way to attend to the rest of the patients in the medical wing. Gil was privileged to have a private room, and she was grateful for it.
She stood, leaning over him to look at the continual damage the poison was doing. His lips had a bluish undertone, his skin was pale and sallow despite his high fever. The only reason his face wasn't contorted in pain was because he was sedated so heavily by not only medication but she had even asked Gallade to use Hypnosis on him.
"Oh, Gil," she whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear as she ran her free hand over his cheek, around his oxygen mask. She leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
"I'm sorry, Luvdisc," she whispered as Teddiursa turned to look at her, rubbing at its eyes. He was tucked into Gil's side. "I didn't mean to wake you."
"Ted?" he looked up at her with watery eyes.
"No, I'm afraid not," she sighed. Teddi looked at Gil and then up at her, holding out his paws to be picked up. "Oh, come here."
Teddiursa had actually put on a very brave front when Gil had first arrived in his condition. He was a junior ranger, after all, and so followed procedure. He notified the rest of his team, checked in with Dragonite, informed the scouting team of the approximate region where it happened.
Only when Thena had brought him in with her to see Gil had he broken down into tears, wailing into her shoulder.
She had told him he was being a very brave little bear. But every time she thought it, she dreaded to think that she might have to tell him that more and more. She might even be the only one to ever call him that from now on...
"Teddi," he turned his face from her shoulder to look at her, swiping his paw pads - careful of his long claws - against her cheeks. "Ted-Teddi."
Thena sniffled, letting him brush her tears away, "thank you, darling. I'm sorry, I won't cry."
"You're right, he will be," she agreed, no matter how out of reach that optimism truly was for her at the moment. She picked up Gil's notebook again.
They had all scoured it, looking for any clues as to what could have caused this. His condition was worsening because they couldn't narrow down the effectiveness of a cure. They needed more information.
His ranger team couldn't make heads or tails of his notes, turning to canvasing the whole route where he had been and collecting all the samples they could. Dragonite was heading that team, all of them with the case details in their ranger dexes.
Dragonite had left Thena the actual notebook, determined that if anyone had a chance of deciphering them, it was her.
Thena unfolded the little notebook again with a sigh. They had at least narrowed down the particular route within the valley where he was. He had drawn some truly horrendous pine trees, and a few blobs they had determined to be Oddish and Gloom. All of his notes were such a loose stream of consciousness, they weren't very coherent.
wild flowers!--pick some for Thena
Thena sniffled again but blinked her tears away. They weren't helping anyone.
There were a few musical notes drawn in the corner. The rangers had discussed which bird pokemon they could be referencing, but she had said that he would have just drawn the pokemon if that were the case. She was willing to bet that it meant it was windy wherever it was.
Pine trees and a lot of wind - as well as dense enough forest for Oddish and Gloom - indicated the north eastern cliffs, housing a lot of grass and bug pokemon.
someone DROPPED in to see me!
Gil loved silly jokes like that. They were stupid, and dumb, and by all the legends alive did she love them. She hated the idea that she would never get to tell him that.
Was it a Spinarak? Or even bigger--an Ariados? He hadn't been bitten, though. Maybe it was a poison sting, but they couldn't find any actual barbs in his skin when scanning him. Maybe it was toxic, but he wouldn't be incapacitated, he would be shaky and sick to his stomach and flushed with fever.
"Dropped in," she sighed, looking over the last filled out page again, and again and again. She hadn't stopped looking at it, until she was so frustrated that she wanted to start screaming.
There was a little drawing in the corner that looked like...well, it could look like anything. It could be a tomato berry, or a colbur or a babiri berry, for that matter. But they wouldn't be in that location, let alone high enough to fall on him. The little bumpy ball could be a Cascoon/Silcoon, a Ferroseed--even a Koffing or a Whirlipede would make some sense. Honestly, it could be a terribly drawn Quilfish or Goomy, they were desperate enough.
"Dropped in," she repeated again, running her thumb along the drawing he had made on the side of the page in the margins. It just looked like a blob on a stick, really--like a cattail blowing in the wind.
Dropped in; something had fallen down and spooked him, or he had spooked it. He had been able to write that note down, and sketch the thing before it attacked him, or he touched it, or whatever had happened. It wasn't Poison Sting, or Toxic, or even Pin Missile. All of those would have physical evidence on him.
What if it was something that dissolved?
Thena stood and leaned over him again. She tilted her head this way and that, looking for small details--constricted veins, bloodshot eyes, signs she could recognise when her pokemon experienced them. She run her thumb along his bluish lip before pulling his mouth open just a little. "Purplish tongue."
"Teddi?" Teddiursa rose from where he had been leaning against her in her visitors chair.
She opened the book, angling the drawing as right side up as she could guess it was drawn. "What does that look like to you, sweetheart?"
"Please, honey, just think," she encouraged, ruffling the fur between its ears. "If you saw this pokemon, what would it be?"
Teddiursa made a face. It wasn't like any pokemon it could remember seeing. "Teeeeeeeeeeed..."
Thena stayed crouched down, holding out the picture, "I think it's a bug, or at least a poison type. I don't think it attacked him--I think it was a defense mechanism. Maybe he tried to pick it up and it had effect spore?"
"Ted-Ted," the little bear tilted its head at the funny drawing. He was trying to determine if it was hanging down or standing up. "Teddi?"
"A what?"
Teddiursa jumped down from the chair, mimicking first a little ball, and then splaying out his paws and claws and flailing them. "Teddi!"
"Drops from the trees," Thena narrated as she tried to extrapolate what pokemon Teddiursa was describing purely from young memory. "It's a ball?"
"Ted!" he waved his paws around again.
"But when it drops, it opens up," she guessed, and he pointed a claw at her. "So it's not a Ferroseed, or even connected to a Ferrothorn."
"Teddi!" he continued, now spinning around on his paw.
"Spins," she groaned, searching through every pokemon she could think of in her mind. Kids these days had it so easy with their pokedexes right in their pockets or on their wrists. "A little ball that drops down and spins...spins?--Rapid Spin?"
"Teddi! Teddi...ursa!" her little cub described, miming and Explosion.
It used Explosion and Self-Destruct. They weren't looking for a poison barb, they were looking for a defensive pokemon. One that didn't have much attack power and relied on high trees for its habitat. It dropped down when frightened and could only defend itself in close proximity (no limbs).
Thena reached for Gil's ranger gear, calling Dragonite. "It's a Pineco!"
It asked if she was sure, which she could understand.
"It's a Pineco--it dropped out of a tree when he found it," she continued, looking at the drawing that was now so obvious: it was a bagworm. The little blob was the Pineco itself, but the other drawing was because Pineco wasn't the pine cone pokemon, it was the Bagworm pokemon. "Sometimes they can know Toxic Spikes when they're young. Toxic Spikes are proximity based, and they dissolve into the skin once they've made contact."
Dragonite let out a roar on his end, directing the rangers with it to the area with Pineco in the trees. It let out a softer howl to her before signing off.
Thena dropped her head, letting her tears fall freely. They had an answer--it wasn't a solution yet, but it was a hell of a lot closer. "Thank Arceus, thank Celebi, thank anyone out there."
"Teddi?" her little cub latched onto her ankle as she hunched over Gil's bed.
She sniffled and smiled, picking up her little bear and pressing kisses to his furry cheek. "You deserve the medal of honour, you brilliant bear, you."
"Teddiursa!" the cub laughed as she tickled him. He didn't know what he had done, but he was glad to see her tears fade.
"Audino?" the nurse for the next treatment poked its head in.
"Please," Thena waved in the Hearing Pokemon. "I just called Dragonite's team. I think it was a Pineco with Toxic Spikes that did this."
"Aud!" the nurse gasped, its ears fluttering and snapping its fingers(?) at the realisation.
"It makes sense, right?" Thena sighed, to which the medical assistant agreed. She nodded, "Dragonite will be back with a sample as soon as possible. But if we know it was Toxic Spikes, then-"
"Aud-Audino," the nurse assured her that they could use a more specified - effective - treatment, even before they started synthesizing the antidote. It went to Gil's equipment, making a few adjustments to certain levels of things (whatever they were). "Aud!"
"Thank you," Thena nodded as the pink pokemon left to alert her colleagues to the situation. Thena leaned all the way over the bed, pressing her tears into the shoulder of Gil's shirt. "Thank Eternatus you're okay."
Gil's eyes fluttered.
"Sh, sh," Thena cooed, not wanting to wake him if he was just going to feel awful.
He blinked at her, "hey."
Thena blinked as tears started streaming from her eyes again. "Hey."
Gil moved his eyes around a little (the most movement he could muster at the moment). "Is...am I dying?"
Thena shook her head, kissing his forehead, "not anymore."
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Through the Valley - Chapter One
IT’S FINALLY HERE. The long awaited murder family au that I promised back in February is finally in motion. This chapter takes place seven months after Jessica killed Endicott and from here we’re completely throwing out the canon arc of season 2. This is the direct response to my first fic of the series Playtime’s Over, which acts as a prologue to this AU. I will be linking that just below. I hope y’all enjoy this first chapter and I’m so excited to jump into this new story with y’all.
Playtime’s Over
It’s been seven months since Endicott died, since Jessica killed him. She thought it was over. She knows it isn’t.
It had been seven months. Seven months since Gil was stabbed, seven months since her family was irreparably torn to shreds, seven months since Nicolas Endicott died.
Since Jessica killed him.
Her life settles back into normal with far too much ease. She takes the role as Gil’s caretaker, nursing him back from his injury. He stays with her longer than either of them expected. Ainsley moves back in after the incident. If she suspects anything, she doesn’t tip her hand.
Jessica taught her far too well to give away information too carelessly.
Malcolm, however.
He’s absolutely beside himself. The longer time stretches, the longer they go without hearing from a dead man. The more it hurts him. The more she hurts him.
She wonders when is the last time he had slept for more than 2 hour increments. He hasn’t sat down and had a proper meal with them since. She doubts he’s feeding himself properly. If hearing from Gil is any indication, he’s just as bad at work too. Falling asleep on the job, springing up in a terror, excessive use of his favorite phrase I’m fine.
Guilt gnaws at her stomach every time she looks at him.
She arrives at the hospital again, hours after. Eyes more vacant than when she left.
It changes the second Ainsley crashes into her arms. “Mom, thank god.” She returns the hug, squeezing her daughter close with all her might. Knowing she’s safe, that they both are safe. It almost loosens the tension in her chest. “Malcolm’s with Gil. He’s ok, surgery had some complications but it’ll just be a longer recovery. He’s going to make it.”
She lets out a breath, at least something is going right. Less so than Adolpho who’s cleaning the house as they speak. Ridding of the blood stained rug before any of them are the wiser. “Thank god.”
“What happened? I thought-” Her voice catches in her throat and Jessica pulls back. Sure enough Ainsley’s bottom lip quivers.
“I was not letting Nicolas Endicott take our family down. Certainly not me.” She strokes her chin with the best comforting grin she can muster. “I kept him busy long enough. I was trying to get authorities there but I couldn’t just reach for a phone.” She tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “He got away before I could. I actually believe I managed to scare him.”
Ainsley’s smile tells her enough. She believes the story. Malcolm will be a harder sell. “He’s running?”
“For now.”
“Good. We’ll be ready when he comes back.” She kisses Ainsley on the forehead, the weight of lying to her settling into her bones. He won’t be back. Not now. Not ever.
“Mom.” Malcolm’s voice cuts her spiraling thoughts. He’s wrapping his arms around the both of them before she can even turn to face him. She frees her arm from between them, looping it around his shoulders. She clutches the back of his coat holding both of her children close.
If she’d just been a second too late. If she’d have hesitated.
But she didn’t.
Malcolm breaks the embrace first. Eyes already ablaze with questions. “Where is Endicott?”
It only got worse. Constant questions forcing her to recall the night over and over. Dani, JT, hell even Gil had questioned her when he was finally cleared to return to duty again. All worried about the lingering threat, all more worried about Malcolm unraveling at the seams.
Her fingers hover over the phone. One call.
An anonymous tip. 
This could all be over with. She could end the agony after all this time.
One call.
The knock startles her. She’d been waiting for it, waiting for him. Yet, ever since Endicott she jumps at loud noises. She’s good at masking it, for others. When she’s alone it’s harder. She gets stuck into a whirlpool of thoughts and-
“Gil.” She smiles at him when she opens the door. “I didn’t know you were coming, I would have put on something nicer.”
“You look beautiful, Jess.” Her chest swells with the compliment. They put this on hold while he recovered. Despite the many times she’d helped him up, how many times she fell asleep beside him. They hadn’t moved past the first kiss. God she desperately wanted to move forwards.
“What brings you here unannounced?” She knows exactly why. She’s been waiting for the news to circulate.
“Have you watched Ainsley’s broadcast?”
“No?” She hadn’t. It hurt too much. She tried. Yet the second Ainsley’s face appeared, glee filled eyes and a dazzling smile, she clicked the television off.
She would be happy, Jessica thinks. Happy that the man who haunted her family for the past 7 months is dead. Finally found and free of the fear he carried in his grasp. “Jess,”
“Gil.” She takes a breath. “You found him, didn’t you?”
He nods in confirmation. Jessica wishes she could say she was faking her reaction, exaggerating it somehow. Yet the fear is too real, her relief that the secret is finally out is too real. “A camper called in skeletal remains at a clearing a couple of hours from here. We ran the dental records, they’re a match for Nicholas Endicott.”
“He’s dead.” It’s not a question.
“Yes. I wanted to get the news to you before you saw anything.”
“Thank you, Gil.” It hurts when he looks at her like she’s bound to shatter. His movements are careful when his hands settle on her shoulders. “How’s Malcolm?”
“He’s gonna be ok.” She smiles sadly. That’s not entirely true. They both know it. “He’s relieved. He can finally take a breath for the first time in months.” He won’t. He doesn’t know how to. Gil’s hands run down her arms until he is holding hers. His touch sends a shiver up her spine. “It’s over Jess.”
His words make her breath catch in her throat. For months she’d worried, she paced, sprung up from nightmares. He’d witnessed it all. He pulls her to him, his arms wrapping tightly around her and everything gives. Tears she didn’t know were there slid down her cheeks as she buried her face in his shoulder. 
“It’s over.” He repeats, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. She wants to tell him. She wants to tell him so badly that for her, it will never be over. The smell of smoke lingered on her with every passing breath. His unseeing eyes watched her in every reflection.
As her shoulders shake, Gil holds her tighter. As if trying desperately to hold her together.
And she thinks this could be enough.
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marvel-ousnesss · 5 years
The pirate and the witch (part one)
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Pairing: Harry Hook x daughter of Narissa!reader
Word count: 2477
Summary: Y/N, an orphan VK who was taken to Auradon at a young age, returns to her old home by request of the crown prince. However, things tend to go south at the Isle of the Lost. 
Warning: Mild cursing 
A:/N: Okayy, here goes nothing. This is my first fic and I'm really excited about it. Comments and feedback (and title suggestions 'cause I suck) are appreciated. I think the whole story might have five or six parts which I'll be posting ASAP. 
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE DISNEY DESCENDANTS CHARACTERS NOR THE SANDERSON SISTERS. All credit goes to the creators, writers, and producers. Same with the HP charms, credit goes to J.K Rowling. 
Part two       Part three         Part four       Masterlist
I can’t believe I agreed to do this. Of all places, it had to be the Isle of the Lost. I look at the empty sky as I waltz my way through the lonely, and dark alleys; desperately trying to forget that the clock is about to strike midnight. 
Even though I’m currently in one of the scariest places that I can actually think of, I pay attention to every detail as I walk. Particularly, I notice the poor construction of the buildings and the few people that I see asleep against walls or trash containers. Every minute that goes on here makes me wanna go back, yet I’m motivated to help make this a better place — or, at least that's what I tell myself. 
Last week, my friend Ben approached me after a meeting he had with his father. He wouldn’t stop talking about how terrible the conditions at the Isle are and insisting on doing something about it before the preparations for his coronation. So we talked to my parents, the king and queen of Maldonia, and concluded that we needed to see the situation first hand to come up with a good set of solutions. But, given that Ben’s parents would never let him go, I begged mine to allow me, arguing that I could blend in, being a VK myself. 
I grew up in Auradon, and not on the Isle, because my mother died years ago, in another realm. According to Fairy Godmother, she was one of the most dangerous villains ever seen, and one of the evilest. Yet, instead of abandoning my on the Isle, like most would have done, —and after some arguing between royals— the king and queen of Auradon allowed Queen Tiana and King Naveen to raise me as their daughter; but I never forgot the piece of The Isle that runs through my veins. 
By this, I mean my magic. According to my parents, my mother was a very powerful witch. So, when I turned twelve and officially celebrated eight years on Auradon, I asked the king and queen for permission to learn magic; which they granted, under very specific parameters. 
Since my powers have a dark nature, or so says Fairy Godmother, she asked the three forest fairies, Fauna, Flora, and Merryweather, to tutor me at their cottage —this being the only place where I’m allowed to use my powers. 
I arrive at the small loft —or should I say hideout— that the royal guard of Maldonia had prepared for me, and take off my black cloak, setting it on the bed, right next to the few notes I have taken. Finally, after the longest day that I’ve had in a while, I let myself fall on the firm bed and drift off to sleep. 
Woken up by the sound of my alarm, I get up and get ready, repeating the steps of my plan like my life depended on it —who knows, it may. 
Fairy Godmother warned me about the gang rivalry that has been going on for a while and told me about some VKs who have shown to be the most dangerous. 
The one she talked about the most is Mal, daughter of Maleficent. Apparently, she is the leader of the most feared squad of the Isle; which happens to be formed by none other than the children of Jafar, Cruella de Vil, the evil queen, and well, Maleficent. 
Aside from them, the headmistress mentioned the pirate crew that hangs near the docks, which is the biggest competition for the so-called ‘Core Four’. It’s most known members are Uma, Ursula’s daughter; Gil, son of Gaston; and Harry Hook, Captain Hook’s son (obviously). According to my notes, Uma is the captain and Hook is her loyal first mate. 
I should be fine, as long as I stay away from their little gang battle. But, being as stubborn as I am, I decide that being part of this will be the ultimate Isle experience. 
I do my best to blend in as I stroll down the market and grab a few things, earning a few glares and weird looks as I pay for them. I don’t like being the center of attention, so I put on my hood and avoid all eyes. Preparing to head back, I grab a small bread loaf from a stall to my right and, when the woman behind it is about to protest, I hand her a few gold coins. 
Then, I abandon the market, unaware of the two sets of eyes that I have on my back, those belonging to a certain Arabian young thief and the son of Cruella de Vil. 
I become aware of their steps lurking behind me when I’m a few blocks away from the market, so I walk faster and then I find myself running from them. I manage to keep them quite far until the two of them jump their ways to the ceilings above me. 
I curse Fairy Godmother for not telling me about Carlos’ talent with parkour. She said he was dangerous because of his way with technology, nothing more. Yet, here I am, running from a thief and a thirteen-year-old geek who happens to be a fucking ninja. 
I run and run, without looking up or behind me. I’ve always been pretty active, so I lose them after a few minutes. Nevertheless, I don’t stop running and continue in whatever direction my feet are taking me. 
I should’ve taken a right. That way, I would’ve arrived at my place ten minutes ago; but my dumb ass decided to take a wrong turn so I ended up in the Sanderson sisters’ hut. And, just before I turned on my heel to make an exit, I find the three awful witches standing right in front of me, displaying wicked and hungry grins.
—What have we here?— inquires the redhead, — seems like today’s our lucky day, sisters. They’re both a teeny tiny bit big, but that’s what you get here. Kids are running out these days. 
I try to run but my feet fail me, and I feel an electric shock running through me before blacking out. The last thing I hear is a chorus of excited voices singing ‘double food delivery, double food delivery,’ and a strong thunder of psychotic laughter. 
I wake up in a small, round cage that hangs from a bronze chain, next to a boy who I recognize as a member of Ursula’s daughter’s pirate crew. What’s his name? Henry, Howard, Helio? Harry, the first mate, that’s it! Anyway, I look around for a possible exit, but find nothing but the front door, which is right next to the cauldron and the three witches —who remain oblivious to me being awake. 
Minutes go by and they remain carried away by whatever they are brewing; at least until my cage mate decides to wake up all grumpy. 
—Hit my nappeer, them howling witches…— he grumbles, trailing off; but it seems enough to draw their attention. 
With wide eyes and wicked grins, they make their way to us with their arms intertwined. When they are close enough, the youngest takes a look at us and licks her lips and the raven-haired one pushes her nose against the bars and sniffs us, sighing in content when she’s had her fill.
— They’re so cute, Winnie, can we keep them, pretty please?— she asks, jumping in her place a couple times. 
—You can play with them until the potion is ready, but not a second more. Do remember, — she sing-songs. — Youth and beauty, beauty and youth. 
—Hear that? We’re gonna have a good time!— States the ebony-haired witch, as she pokes Harry, who’s still semi-conscious, with a wooden stick. That seems to fully wake him 
— Oi, watch it!— he hisses while trying to dodge the harmless, yet annoying tip. He doesn’t have much success due to the lack of space, which amuses me a bit.
—Ooh… a feisty one! — grins the blonde one. —Too bad we can’t keep you, handsome; it would’ve been delicious. 
The look on her face seems to be full of physical hunger, but I detect a not so faint tint of lust in her demeanor. The reason why, with those words and the witch’s obvious intentions, my face contours in disgust, which I immediately regret. 
—What’s your problem, dear one— she says, as she surrounds the cage, — don’t like me talking ‘bout your little boyfriend like that? Didn’t mommy teach you to share?—. When she’s right behind me, she sneaks a bony hand through my hair and grabs a fistful, to which I reply with a groan. 
As she is about to continue the teasing, Winnifred calls her sisters. 
—We can’t feed them the potion yet — she scowls.
—Well, duh… my playtime hasn’t finished— replies the blonde. 
—no, Sarah, were missing the knotgrass, the fluxweed, and the rat foot— clarifies the third sister, with her pointy nose buried in the cauldrons aroma, — it hasn’t turned green yet. 
—At least one of you isn’t completely dense. Come on, sisters, off to the market we go. 
As if on cue, they head to the door and close it behind them.
A faint ‘don’t go anywhere’ is heard from outside, followed by another chorus of wicked laughter. 
—Gaunnie hook ‘em— spits the pirate, stretching his arm in a miserable attempt at grabbing the hook that lays on the floor beneath us. 
I shrug, and then proceed to peak my nails, — Might wanna get out of here first, Hooky. 
—Any ideas on how, lassie?— he asks between gritted teeth, growing impatient and tired of failing at hook fishing. 
— A few, actually, but the sight of you in front of me, struggling like that, is quite lovely and entertaining. 
With my comment, his demeanor changes completely, becoming cockier and self-assured. This, although he’s still desperately trying to recover his signature weapon. 
—Then come to the docks with me,— he smirks, as he changes positions to find himself sitting in front of the lock, and begins picking it with a rake that he had inside his left boot, — we’ll get hammered with me crew and, you know, keep the heid. 
As he works,  his nose wrinkles, his brows come together in concentration, and his lips tighten in a thin line. 
 —As tempting as that sounds, I do have things to do.
It would be convenient to go with him. Ben and King did me specific instructions for my little trip, and this would make it easier. However, it just wouldn’t be my type of scene. I feel like I’ve had enough ‘new experiences’ for a few years, maybe.
—Aww, lass, ya hurting my feelings,— he fake pouts and, to no avail, tries to use a different rake. 
 —Feelings? Didn’t see that one coming,— I mock, gently pushing him to the side, and claim my turn with the tricky lock. 
He’s about to complain, but I shush him and close my eyes. Due to the wards placed on the Isle, my magic is significantly weaker than it is on Auradon, but I can concentrate enough to channel it thanks to a locket that the king gave me for emergencies. 
I grin as the cage opens itself, and immediately jump down, followed by my slightly shocked companion. Before he can, I grab the hook by the handle, and point the tip at him, just to swiftly turn it around for him to grab. 
With his hook safely in his hand, he approaches the table and grabs a book, together with what seems to be a shell necklace. Then, he catches up with me outside the front door. We walk in silence for a few blocks, given that there is only one way out, and he breaks the silences that lingered between us. 
—So, you know me name, yet I don’t know yours— he glances at me with curiosity and caution, —ain’t fair, lassie. 
—What can I say, Hook, you are quite famous around here. I, on the other hand, am quite a lone wolf.
—Haven’t given me an answer yet, doll face,
— Name’s Y/N, daughter of queen Narissa.
—Y/N,— he tries it out, —and how come you have magic?
—Let’s say I found a loophole in the barrier. 
—Uma’s gonna love this, — he says, giving me a smirk. 
—Assuming I go with you, that is. I said I had things to do — I quirk a brow at him. 
Before he can reply, we hear three sets of boots approaching us in a rhythmic pattern. It can only be them. 
— Shit, — grumbles the pirate, then he grabs my arm and pulls me behind him and into a dark corner. 
We remain silent as the steps die down, and then continue walking. 
—Now that was close, thanks Harry,— I say, patting his left shoulder. 
—Ya know how to properly thank me, lass,— he shrugs. His cockiness is beginning to become annoying but, to be honest, I cannot say that I don’t enjoy flirting. So, I decided to follow his game. 
—Kind of sad, really,
— Away on, dollface, the hell ya mean by that? 
I give him a sigh and shrug, — I just thought your game was better. Can’t believe that you sway every girl off her feet with a thick accent and a smirk. 
— I did just save yer little witchy ass. You’re a buck eejit if that ain’t impressive. 
— Not a ‘buck eejit’, whatever that shit means. — I chuckle dryly, — I’m just not gonna fall for your oh so great pirate act. 
He shrugs, seemingly unbothered, — same here, doll, mysterious past ‘n shit gets boring real fast.
— Yet, here you are, still following some like a lost puppy. 
Between flirting, bickering, and some laughter in between, we arrive at the corner that connects the docks to the way to my place. 
— As much as I enjoy your gentlemanly antics, time to part ways. 
— You’ll come to the ship tonight, I know it. 
— You know, you’re not even my type, Harry— I claim. 
He is kind of my type, you know? Handsome, witty, cocky, and fun to be with. Not totally boyfriend material, but maybe just for a good time; a rest from Auradon’s Perfect Peachy Prince wannabes. 
Without a second glance, I start walking to the building I slept in but, before I’m out of view, I hear him say,—You do one me one, little witch,— and I grin. 
— See you ‘round, Hook, — I reply over my shoulder. 
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thewatermelloncat · 4 years
A/N: Not exactly how events worked out when the barrier was taken down. But close enough…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Soulmates were a tragic myth as far as the Isle was concerned. Over in Auradon it was fundamentally a law to seek out your soulmate. Young girls would spend hours talking at sleepovers about finding their true love. How they were going to be swept off their feet and have lots of children, when they were just as little as eight. Not even old enough to grasp the true concept of love.
Teenage boys would gather with friends running around the kingdom, following the direction the compass on their wrist would point. Most of the time it didn’t work, sometimes it did. Love was a funny thing like that.
On the Isle things were different. Uma had learned to stop questioning the tattoo of a frozen compass needle on her wrist pretty quickly. Her mother would only tell her that no matter who it pointed to; they would break her heart. Love was only meant to hurt you.
Harry had never questioned his tattoo. He’d heard his father angrily lecture Harriet when she was younger, telling her that love was a child’s game. It was pointless to run around trying to find something you could never reach. Love didn’t exist.
Everyone on the Isle knew that whether love existed or not, they could never find their soulmate. Even true love didn’t work under the barrier, so their compasses stayed frozen in place on their skin. Love would get you killed anyway. It was just another leverage for people to use against each other.
Yet, despite this. Uma and Harry still stared at the unmoving compasses on their wrists, far more often than they would ever admit to.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Feet shuffled and quiet voices murmured nervously before the barrier as they waited for it to be opened. In the distance they could see the palace of Auradon, its people gathering bellow it. Either to welcome them into their new home or to kill them, no one was quite sure yet.
Uma stood at the front and centre of the crowd both her boys standing beside her. While everyone moved with nervous energy around her, she remained still, her eyes fixed on a spot of purple in the distance up on the castle balcony. Faintly she could make out a sliver of silver held in its grasp, the one object that could grant their freedom.
All of a sudden, the voices quietened down and the shuffling stopped as the wand was raised. Collectively the people of the Isle held their breath as in the distance a spell was said.
Gold shimmers rained down as the barrier was broken, leaving a glittering line where seconds ago they would not have been able to cross. It was if the world slowed down and no one was willing to move. All that they could do was stare at the line left by the broken barrier, slowly processing that their lifelong quest for freedom was no more.
Ever so slowly people began to break out of their daze. Some running over the line, leaping and cheering with glee. Others stepped over it with beaming smiles on their faces, their arms stretched out as if they would grow wings. A few others held onto each other as the stepped over, tears spilling out of their eyes.
But Uma and her boys stood frozen watching on as others experienced their first taste of freedom. Gil was the first to move, kicking up sparkles from the barrier as he passed through it, laughing as they shimmered in the sunlight. It was only when he turned back around to gesture for his friends to come through, did they finally find it in them to move their feet.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Uma felt a pulse jolt within her body as she stepped over the line, she had never experienced it but she knew it was from the presence of magic. She felt electric as it coursed through her veins filling her with new life. As the tingling in her limbs faded away and she became accustomed to the magic which was her birth right, she took a deep breath of the new air. It felt cleaner, lighter, as it filled her lungs. The space around her seemed to open up like stepping out of an enclosed space. On the Isle she had never felt suffocated in her captivity but now that she was free, she knew that she had been.
Around her she saw people beginning to look around at their surroundings. Up at the sky where the white clouds were no longer grey and parted so the sun could shine through. Looking off the edge of the new bridge watching the clear blue water rippling peacefully bellow. But Uma found herself looking back to the Isle, a place which she could now leave behind.
Distantly she became aware of excited voices as groups formed together looking at the tattoos on their wrists. People pulling up their sleeves and taking off their gloves, their eyes following where the needle pointed. She hadn’t thought about the tattoo on her wrist for so long that she’d forgotten it was there.
Without even knowing it she reached for her sleeve and pulled it back. Although it had been a while since she’d looked at her tattoo, she swore that it was darker than before, as if the barrier had dulled its colour. Curiously she ran her opposite thumb over it. She made to turn around back to the groups ahead of her still looking at her tattoo, but stopped in her tracks.
Her heart fluttered and a laugh escaped her when she found that it moved. It moved! All of her mother’s words about love only existing to hurt, faded at the sight of the needle pointing to her left instead of to the tips of her fingers where it had otherwise pointed to all her life.
For a little while she let herself sway on the spot watching as the needle moved from left to right. Unbeknownst to her, Harry stood next to her doing the same thing.
It wasn’t until they turned to face each other in synchrony that they both stopped, as if fate had told them to. For the second time that day it was like time slowed down as they looked up from their wrists and over to each other.
When their eyes connected, it was like all the memories they had shared together crashed into them all at once.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
When they were kids and Harry had found her crying under the wharf after the shrimp incident. He had been so small back then, and had let her hold the hook he was carrying which was far too big for his hand.
Then they were older at the Chip Shop, where he had helped her do the dishes one night when she was tired after her mother had given her an extra shift. Smiles lit up their faces as they threw bubbles from the sink at each other before Ursula yelled at them to keep it down. But they had continued laughing quietly to themselves after she had gone.
The memories shifted to them both up in Uma’s room, Harry stitching up her hand from breaking a bottle in a fit of rage after Mal had been accepted into Auradon. Afterward he had stayed with her all night, letting her cry into his shoulder until she fell asleep. He had never brought it up.
It showed them on Lost Revenge after Uma had won the ship, Harry instructing the newfound crew on how to fix things. Only just starting to grow into his lanky build.
Next, they were sword fighting on the beach, taking time away from the crew and the stresses of the Isle. Afterward they would sometimes race into the water to cool off before wading back to dry off on the sandy shore, side by side.
Suddenly, Uma was in Harry’s arms as he carried her back from the beach after her defeat at the Cotillion, her being too tired and weak to walk.
They were shown all their adventures together: the search for the Triton’s trident, the duels with Mal and the other gangs of the Isle, their quest to save Auradon. All leading up to the point where they are now. Looking into each other’s eyes.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Uma felt so small looking up at him, so vulnerable under the piercing gaze of his icy blue eyes, and yet so safe. Before she knew it, their lips were against each other, their bodies fitting together so perfectly like they were built out of the same stone. She melted into his touch as his hand cupped around the back of her head, pulling her closer to him. Her own arms slunk around his waist, not wanting to let him go.
When he pulled away her neck reached up, her lips wanting more. They stared at each other, their eyes saying a million things that they would have never been able to say on the Isle. It was only when Harry reached back down to her lips, did she relax again.
Cheers sounded from around them as their crew saw them together. Their lips broke away from each other, but they did not release their hold. Uma couldn’t help but let out a laugh, seeing her crew so happy for them as she held her soulmate in her arms.
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Book Three: Pestilence (Ignis x Reader) Chapter Two
(Y/n) carried the sobbing boy all the way to the outlook. She stroked his back as the setting sun casted its final colorful rays across Eos before being vanquished by the moon. After an hour of silence, the boy had stopped crying and lifted his head from the Horseman's shoulder. She tore her eyes from the stars above and smiled at him, seeing his eyes were swollen and where the tears had dried on his cheeks. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better," he smiled back. "I'm Talcott."
"A pleasure, Talcott. My name is (Y/n)."
"Your hair..." He started. "It's white."
Pestilence couldn't help but giggle. "It is, indeed. Strange, isn't it?"
Talcott shook his head. "It's like snow! I mean, I've never seen snow, but I've seen pictures of it." He grabbed a few strands and felt the texture of her hair. "Hey, it's soft, too!"
"My hair's soft? Feel yours!" She giggles, running her fingers through his hair and making him laugh. "I'm quite jealous of how soft yours is!"
"You should let me comb your hair sometime!" Talcott cheers.
"Just tell me when you want to. My hair's always knotty."
Once Talcott and (Y/n) continued chatting, a yawn slipped from the boy's mouth. The Horseman noticed and allowed him to fall asleep in her arms before heading back to the Leville. She went to Iris' room and dropped the boy off. She tucked him under the covers before turning to leave.
"Hey," Iris called out to her before she reached the door. "It's (Y/n), right?"
"Yes. And you're Iris, correct?"
The young Amicitia nodded with a grateful smile. "Thank you for cheering Talcott up. It's nice to see him finally sleeping. He hasn't really gotten any sleep in the last couple of days because of...y'know..."
"I understand."
"You're pretty good with kids. Have any siblings?" She curiously asked.
"Three sisters. Two are manageable while the other has the temper of a behemoth," (Y/n) chuckled.
"Oh, my gosh! Gladdy has a horrible temper, too! I hope he hasn't snapped at you. He can kinda be rough when his temper's through the roof."
"Not yet. I've only been traveling with them for a few hours. They...saved me from a band of highwaymen," the Horseman lied.
"I've heard a few people around town say there's this group of highwaymen known as the 'Saints of the Apocalypse' terrorizing random people. It's horrible! They didn't hurt you, did they?" Iris asked in concern.
Pestilence shook her head. "No, and what an odd name..."
"Yeah," the younger girl agreed. "It is kinda weird. I hope you guys don't have to worry about them, but that's all everyone is talking about now. People are scared to travel because of them."
"Understandable, but I feel they won't be an issue much longer."
Iris sighed. "I hope you're right."
Around six in the morning, (Y/n) found herself lounging in the lobby of the hotel. During the night, she had wandered around Lestallum and eavesdropped on the night owls for any information regarding her targets or the highwaymen. She knew more about the Saints of the Apocalypse than she did of the whereabouts of her prey.
While she was deep in thought, the Horseman didn't notice Ignis walking down the stairs. The advisor sauntered over to her, the sound of his shoes clacking against the tile floor snapping her out of her thoughts. She lifted her (e/c) gaze and smiled softly at him. "Ah, good morning, Ignis. You're up rather early."
"Morning, (Y/n). I've been quite an early riser for years," he stated.
"Early risers are usually the ones that have the most to accomplish. Tell me, what is your role besides being an advisor?"
"Chef to all," he replies. "Though we are in civilization, we shall visit a nearby eatery."
"Ah, so today is your day away from the stove. If that's the case, how does a cup of coffee or tea sound? The sun is rising and a warm beverage sounds lovely right about now."
"I couldn't agree more," Ignis replied with a hint of joy in his tone.
"Great! How does homemade sound?" (Y/n) offers.
"Sounds lovely, (Y/n)."
With that, Pestilence disappeared out of the hotel and left a puzzled Ignis behind. He wasn't sure if he should go after her or remain where he was. Deciding she didn't need a chaperone like a certain heir, he sat down in the lobby and relaxed until she returned. When she did, she had two cups in her hands and handed the one in her left hand to him. "It's a blend I created many years ago for a...friend. He was an avid coffee drinker while I fancied tea. He enjoyed the blend and I hope you'll enjoy it, too."
"Much obliged, (Y/n)." Ignis was picky with his coffee because of his love for ebony taking over his life, but he was willing to try something new, especially since it was homemade and the girl had gone through some trouble to make it for him. He took a sip and was mesmerized with the delicious and slightly bittersweet flavor that spread across his tongue. He had never tasted such coffee before. In his mind, he admitted it tasted better than his usual ebony blend.
(Y/n) smirked when she saw the pleasant look cross over his features. "By your expression, I assume you enjoy the blend?"
"It is quite delectable, I must say," he confesses. "What all is in this blend?"
Pestilence smirked, placing a finger over her lips. "It's a secret."
The sound of heavy footsteps grabbed their attention. Ignis and (Y/n) glanced toward the stairs and spotted Gladio. He eyed the two before casting a smug grin in the advisor's direction. "You hittin' it off with ladies, Iggy? 'Bout damn time."
Ignis cleared his throat, unfazed by the brute's teasing. "Nonsense, Gladio. We are merely keeping each other company."
The shield's smirk only widens. "That's how it all starts." Without another word, he leaves the hotel.
Ignis pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a sigh. He looks at the girl sitting across from him with an apologetic expression. "I must apologize for his remark, (Y/n)."
"Don't apologize for the sake of others, Ignis. I'm afraid it seems that comment was directed toward you and not myself," she giggled.
The two chatted for another couple of hours until Prompto was the next to make his way down. The blonde had informed them Noctis was still sleeping and wasn't sure when he'd be up. Deciding today would be a day to relax, Ignis told him to let the prince sleep in for a change.
Once they decided to leave Noctis to sleep, the three decided to hit the streets of Lestallum. They rendezvoused with Gladio at the market and did some necessary shopping. (Y/n) helped by aiding Ignis in picking out the best and freshest ingredients the market had to offer.
During their shopping spree, Prompto stopped Gladio and Ignis while Pestilence continued to scan the market for fresh ingredients. "Uh, have you guys noticed...?"
"All the guys staring at her?" Gladio scoffed, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Kinda hard not to."
"Uh-oh..." Prompto muttered as he watched one of the men eyeing (Y/n) approach her. "Wonder how this is gonna go down."
"Betcha a hundred gil she'll turn him down before—" The man dashed off after only approaching the Horseman a couple seconds ago, pushing past the shield in the process. "Damn, that was quick. Might be a new record."
Pestilence regrouped with the boys after turning down the stranger in a heartbeat. She noticed they were staring at her in amusement. She blinked owlishly in confusion. "What?"
"What did you tell that guy?" Gladio pointed his thumb over his shoulder, gesturing to the man that darted off.
"I didn't say a word," she confesses, speaking the truth. "I was talking to the stall owner when he tapped my shoulder. When I turned around, he took off."
"It appears his confidence shattered the moment he came face-to-face with you," Ignis said.
"Beauty slew the beast," the brute chuckled.
"Indeed," the strategist grinned.
Procuring what they needed, they dropped off the items at the Regalia before heading back to the hotel. Noctis was up and reclining back in one of the seats in the lobby. He flew to his feet when he saw the boys and girl enter the Leville. "I'm starving. Let's go get something to eat."
Pestilence glanced at the clock and realized it was a little past noon. She hadn't realized how much time she and the others spent in the market.
"'Bout time your ass woke up. We've been up for hours," Gladio stated.
Noctis rolled his eyes and ignored his shield. He stepped around his friends and headed for the door. Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis followed him out of the Leville, but all four of them stopped when they realized the Horseman wasn't following them. "Hey, (Y/n)," the raven-haired boy called out to her. "You coming with us?" She pondered for a few seconds before nodding and following them out of the hotel.
The boys decided to head to Surgate's Beanmine in the middle of Lestallum. They sat down at a table, Noctis and Prompto on one side while (Y/n) sat across in between Gladio and Ignis.
After they ordered, Prompto looked at the girl sitting across from him. "Do you miss eating and sleeping?"
Pestilence crosses her legs and leans forward, cupping her hands around one of her knees. "I still do both, but...yes, I do. It made me feel...human." She realized how her answer dampened their cheerful mood and cleared her throat. "Enough about me. What will your next move be?"
"Uh, well," Noctis started. "Not sure yet."
"What about the other tombs? There's gotta be someone who knows where we could find 'em," Gladio suggested.
"Actually..." (Y/n) smirked. "I know where to find a couple. You'd be surprised the places I've visited during the time I've been here."
"Really?" Noctis sounded shocked. "Where?"
"The top of the Rock of Ravatogh and Costlemark Tower."
"Costlemark?" Ignis questioned, brows furrowed.
"The tomb in the Fallgrove was raided by daemons. They managed to procure the royal arm before retreating to Costlemark."
"Guess we know what's next on our list," Gladio said.
"We depart once we finish here," Ignis exclaimed.
The boys ate their lunch while Pestilence sipped on a cup of warm tea. While listening to them chat as they ate, she delved deep into thought and came up with a decision. She finished her tea just as the others munched down on their last bites of food.
After paying the bill, they headed to the parking lot. Before any of them could enter the Regalia, (Y/n) stopped them by addressing the royal advisor. "May I speak to you in private, Ignis?"
"Of course, (Y/n)."
He followed her down the stairs and to the outlook. She glanced around to make sure no one was around to hear their conversation. She clasped her hands together, tapping her thumbs together. "I know this is sudden, especially since we only met yesterday. But..." She unclamped her hands and fished the orb out of her pocket. "I want to entrust my summoning orb to you. I've a terrible habit of dropping it, but I know you will keep it safe."
She grabbed one of his gloved hands and placed it in his palm. She pressed her hand against his fingers and curled them protectively around the artifact. "I know I'm forcing this upon you, but I trust no one else to be its keeper." She encased his hand between both of hers with a smile. "If you feel it's a burden, you do not have to accept my selfish request."
Ignis stared into Pestilence's (e/c) eyes, seeing the sincerity and the trust she spoke of gleaming in them. He lost himself in her beautiful gaze, but he kept his mind on track. "I'd be honored, (Y/n). Fret not for I will keep it safe."
She smiled brilliantly at him, gradually removing her hands from his. "Thank you, Ignis. You've no idea how much this means to me." With a ghost of a smile, Ignis places the orb in his pocket and heads back to the car with the Horseman walking alongside him.
Back at the Regalia, Prompto snapped a quick picture of the two before deciding to pry. "What's with the secrecy, (Y/n)?"
"Let the lady have her secrets," Gladio remarks. "There's no way we're gonna get a word out of either of them."
"Wait," (Y/n) called out to the boys as she saw Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio climbing into the backseat of the vehicle. "Prompto, you should have the front seat. It would make more sense with my small stature."
"I'm not gonna let you sit between these two!" He protested. "I'll be okay, (Y/n). Just take the front seat."
Pestilence saw no need to argue and nodded. Ignis, being the gentleman he is, opened the door for her. His action earned a smirk from Gladio and a snarky comment. "Iggy's flirting game is strong. Better step it up if we wanna beat him."
The tactician ignored the comment and closed the door once (Y/n) was safely in the car. He walked around the front and hopped into the driver's seat, started the Regalia, and drove out of Lestallum.
Since the boys weren't yet familiar with all of Lucis, the snowy-haired girl gladly provided them directions to Costlemark Tower.
By the time they arrived, it was evening. Ignis parked the car on the shoulder of the road and they trekked the rest of the way on foot. As their destination lies in front of them, Prompto commented on the structure. "Weird building, eh, guys?"
"It's like no architecture I've ever seen," Ignis stated.
"Wouldn't want to meet the weirdo who built this," Gladio scoffed.
"Oh, he's a horrible man!" (Y/n) gasped in feign shock. "Good-looking, but a terrible personality."
"Really?" Noctis asked.
"No," the Horseman giggled. "I've no inkling who built this place."
"The lady's got a sense of humor," the shield chuckled.
They climbed up the stairwell and crossed a short bridge. Reaching the other side, the royal retinue was puzzled when they couldn't find an entrance. "Uh..." Prompto muttered. "Where do we go from here?"
"This way, gentlemen," (Y/n) said as she took the lead. They walked down a smaller set of stairs, reaching a dead end.
"Looks like a dead end to me," Noctis said.
"Quite the opposite." Pestilence placed her hands on the wall and concentrated closely. Her hands radiated with an eerie and chilling darkness, activating the faded blue light in the center of the wall. As the light pulsated, the wall lowered and revealed a passageway.
"There. Now we've a way into the tower." The Horseman turned around and faced the boys with a smile, but it vanished and turned into a look of confusion when she saw the shock written across their faces. "What?"
"W-What did you do?" Prompto asked.
"Used magic," she wiggles her fingers. "Shadow magic, to be more precise."
"Sounds mysterious and...creepy..."
"Save your questions for later," the girl chides. "We've a royal arm to find."
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Proto Pop Pt 4 (Proto Gil, Hakuno)
Previously: One, Two, Three
There was warmth wrapped around her this morning.
She wasn’t sure why this was so special, but it felt so good. Her body was all snuggled in, her head cushioned on the most comfortable selection of pillows that she’d ever been on. She’d never been this comfortable before. At least, she couldn’t remember anything like this before.
Her eyes opened slowly.
Stretching out a little, she could feel the warmth continuing around her. There was something nice about the feeling of being wrapped up like this.
Even the colorful pillows in front of her, with their deep emeralds and their pristine golds-
Hakuno sat up, pulling the blankets over herself a little as she looked at the room.
Where am I?
Her room was plain, a stark black and white around her that held no real uniqueness. Her company and employer had set up the place for her, designing it to look sophisticated and cute for a couple shoots and interviews.
The room around her now was grand. The room looked like someone had exploded a color bomb in the place, creating cushions and blankets and- Her eyes fell to the tapestries, taking in the strange images and frowning. It was weird to even see tapestries. Did people actually still have a use for such things or was it just whoever owned this place?
She shifted, noting she was still in her outfit from last night.
The bra was uncomfortable, but she didn’t want to take it off.
First, she needed to figure out where she was and she needed to get home. Things would be better from there.
Or rather- she was telling herself things would get better.
Her eyes looked around the room again, taking in the position of the doors and the windows. There was the same skyline as her own room. The doors were in the same place.
Was this another condo on her floor or something?
Again though, her bosses would never allow that. They would have slaughtered anyone who dared to take up the same space as her. It wasn’t like she could afford to lose fans either.
“It would seem that you’ve finally awakened.”
The voice had her jumping. Her eyes fell to –
The blond laughed, nodding. “Ah, it is me. I’m glad that we don’t have to attempt another introduction. Unlike the videos I just watched of you, our introduction to one another was rather awkward.”
“Where am I?” She pulled the blanket around herself more, glaring at him.
“Hmm?” The man frowned. “Do you not recognize it? I did add a bit of décor, but I didn’t think it was that drastic-“
“Where. Am. I?”
“Your tone is insolent.”
He clicked his tongue before pushing the bedroom door open more.
“Obviously, you are still in that pathetic home of yours, although I did redecorated, as I mentioned before. It felt cold in this place, like I was permitted only to look.”
She didn’t trust that. Moving a bit closer, she slowed her pace, keeping her front to him as she shifted and slipped through the doorframe.
“I have food on the counter for you. Eat something before you faint.”
That was not going to happen.
Her eyes ran over the room, noting the sun streaming into the room and her original couches and television. The kitchen still had a scratch on one of the cabinets from one of her bad interviews.
They were home.
“The food is this way,” the boy told her. “I had something ordered, since it didn’t look like you had anything that wasn’t green mush or strange bottles. Your body is too weak. It’s little wonder you slept for so long.”
Her eyes fell on the food, her mind running over his words.
“Is something-“
“How long did I sleep?”
The blanket wasn’t warm anymore. Her eyes roaming over the room could no longer take in any of the designs that had been added. Her bones felt brittle and her blood felt frozen.
“Sir, how long did I sleep?” She asked again.
“Two days.”
He had to catch her. Her legs gave out from beneath her. She could feel something running over her face as her chest tightened and her mind raced. The pounding of her heart was beating in her chest, warning her of the same thing as everything else.
She was dead.
Two days of not reporting for work was death.
All that time, no one had come to look for her. No one had thought to contact her. If they had, this guy would have answered and there would have been policemen or the building security up here. There would have been hell to pay and she would be the one paying the devil right now.
“Breathe,” the other insisted. “Deep breaths. Your heart is racing right now.”
“I’ve lost everything,” she choked out.
“No, you have me now. There is nothing that you have lost. You’ve only gained.” His arms pulled her in closer, pressing her to that steady heart that beat against her ear. “Focus on your breathing. I’ll carry you over to eat-“
“I’m not hungry!”
“You are. You just don’t realize it because you’ve just awakened Post-Gilgamesh.”
Post what?
What the hell was he talking about?
She pushed at him, but that didn’t seem to work. She squirmed, but those arms held her tight as she found herself lifted from her spot and placed in one of the chairs by the kitchen. Food was pulled out, set onto a plate a moment before she held it before her.
“I’m not hungry,” she told him again.
“Do you not trust me?”
The blond watched her a moment before he acted.
He took the same fork on her plate to fork a mouthful of the eggs and the bacon. He speared the potatoes on the end and ate them, shrugging a little as he did.
“They’re average, but there is little I can do about this at the moment. I’ve been slowly learning about this world while you’ve been asleep and have only just discovered the joys of food delivery this morning. Before that, I was reading through your binders.”
Her- Hakuno groaned, pressing a hand to her face.
The medical binders for her physicians that were occasionally called.
Now there was a civilian that was reading tabloid worthy gossip about her anxiety attacks and her malnourishment. What a great thing to have someone know about…
“Eat a few bites,” Blond continued. “A master needs her energy.”
“I’m not a master.”
“The command seals over your heart say otherwise.”
He flashed a smile.
“I’ll introduce myself properly if you will do the same.”
“You know who I am.”
“I do not.”
“You do.”
She almost continued, but paused, finding the fork too close now. She took a bite, finding her vision watery as she tasted the warmth and the heartiness of the food. The eggs were so fluffy…
“Is that a smile from you?”
She covered her mouth.
“No no no no no,” the other pulled her hand away, setting the plate on the floor next to himself. “You are safe with me, Master. They won’t put anything in you anymore. I am Gilgamesh. Tell me what your name is.”
“It’s Hakuno.”
“Hakuno,” those red eyes gleamed, his chin coming to rest on her knee. “I will tell you what progress I have made in learning of this world and of this place, but I need you to eat. I can eat with you, if you are still wary of the meal, but we are overdue for discussing this situation.”
“I don’t know what you want.”
“What I want is simple: nothing.”
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