#just tiny. tiny feanorians
nailsinmywall · 2 years
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the sons of feanor on a snowy day in formenos ❄️
@officialtolkiensecretsanta . my secret santa gift for @violecov !!!! happy holidays, i hope you like it🥺 and merry christmas if you celebrate!
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youareunbearable · 11 months
Tonight is a great night to think fondly on Haleth and Caranthir. I think they would make such a funny couple.
Imagine??? The Big Tall Broody Scowling Kinslayer Who Is Also The One Reason The Economy Is Functioning At All Between The Different Races/Elvish Factions Who Probably Is Dying To Tell King Thingol/His Cousins To Fuck Off At Any Given Moment and hes looming over this short human lady??
This short human lady that Can, Will, and Already Has told him to pull the stick out of his ass and bullies him into doing normal townsfolk chores??? Lord Carathir, Master Economist and a Weaver with the skill to rival his grandmother, sitting there and darning socks cause his tiny mortal wife told him too. His reward will be a kiss on the cheek but she'll scold him while he does it because he said a mean thing about his Cousin Finrod in his last letter to her while he KNEW Finrod was visiting her.
Only three things in the world keep Caranthir in check: His Eldest Brother, The Lord Himring, The Current Head of the Feanorian Faction of Noldor, and Former High King; the idea that if he didn't complete his brothers' tax paperwork and run the Trade Routes then the Nolofinweans and Arafinweans would become more economincally important And We Cant Have That; and his 4'11 wife he met bloodied and wrathful on a battlefield screaming at an orc over the corpse of her brother-- it was love at first sight
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daily-smol-silm · 13 days
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Day #74 - ELVES
Emoticons in text form (feel free to copy + paste):
<(o - o)>
<(⟡ 0 ⟡)>
<(⟡ v ⟡)>
<(⟡ - ⟡)>
<(o ∧ o)>
<(o v o)>
<(o ~ o)>
<(o ⏟ o)>
<(o ∪ o)>
<(⏜ v ⏜)>
<(T - T)>
<(∼ - ∽)>
<(o ⥿ o)>
<(⪫ ~ ⪪)>
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aureentuluva70 · 2 years
We all know how much the Noldor love their jewelry but may I suggest the Feanorians having really fancy embroidery on their clothes to honor Miriel?
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One aspect of the House of Feanor I’d like to talk about is the idea that they all really love children. Like Feanor has seven sons more than any other elf we’ve ever heard mentioned. You’re telling me this guy doesn’t really love kids? So I like to believe that all the Feanorians are all inherently great with kids and just melt every time they see a child.
Feanor hates his half brothers for the whole Indis thing but he’s the only one who gets away with hating them. Anyone else tries it and they are hit with the full force of an angry Feanor. Yes he hates them but he will also be tutoring them because how else will he make sure it’s done right and they won’t disgrace Atar? And no he was not just bouncing Arafinwe on his lap what are you talking about?
Curufin is an excellent father which he inherited from his own father. Tyelpe also has six uncles who never tire of spending hours playing with him. They all fight for the title of best uncle and Tyelko very firmly believes it is him.
At family gatherings it is understood that no matter your reservations about Feanor’s side of the family if there is an upset child a Feanorian will know how to deal with it. Feanor himself will rarely object to being handed a crying baby regardless of it’s parentage. Maedhros has been the assigned babysitter for what feels like an eternity and his abilities are regarded as near magic.
This does not go away once they get to Middle Earth. The Feanorians all go to great lengths to provide adequate parental leave in their armies and frequently stop round to check in with any new parents to meet the child. They know all the names of most of their followers children and ask about them regularly.
One of the first things that endeared Caranthir to Haleth was how kind he was with some of her younger relatives. The children of the Haladin all love him because he plays with them sometimes and brings them little sweets. His good with children instincts are activated with any child regardless of race and it helps him build relations with other races more easily.
When Maglor brings Elrond and Elros back Maedhros is a lost cause within a month. He knows this s unhealthy on so many levels but children. They’re so innocent and tiny and he’s going to protect them. They are both referring to them as their children within a week.
Elrond inherits this. Erestor and Glorfindel see his adoption problem and immediately think oh shit our lord is definitely a Feanorian.
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doodle-pops · 8 months
House of Feanor | Having A Human S/O
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Request: Can i request a feanorian group headcannon about having a human lover? — @misfortunateleprechaun
A/N: I couldn’t resist including a short reader in the mix because I know most of us are tiny beside these elves :)
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Curious to learn all there is about you. Whether you’re naturally short, how you age, your life span, your features, culture, linguistics, everything, you name it. And when he does, it pushes for him to become even more intrigued with YOU.
Wants to follow you around as much as possible. Just picture a short you and a giant elf nearly 8ft trailing behind you asking millions of questions or silently observing you in your natural world.
Understands that humans are delicate and much more breakable than elves, so he treats you with the same care as he does for his jewels. You are fragile and deserve the utmost protection and care.
With that being said, you are not spared from being blessed with the great riches he is endowed with. Showers upon showers of gifts bestowed to make your mortal lifespan enjoyable and full of luxuries.
An enjoyment of his would be your vast size difference, as would all the elves when you lie, sit or walk beside him. Even when he needs to make jewellery, he marvels at the sizes and concludes that you are no larger than an elfling.
He will keep to himself knowing how you react when being compared to an elf child…or he might mention it because he enjoys your responses and phrases unheard of to elven ears.
Feanor takes great pride in having you as his S/O and accepts no criticism from anyone. He adores you with every fibre of his being and will worship the ground you walk on.
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“Why are you so tiny, unlike other mortals I have come across?” That would be words spoken to himself upon meeting you because he’s already a freaking giant. It’s worse when you must stand on objects to meet this over-eight-foot-tall figure.
Holds out his hand and watches as you wrap your entire hand around two of his fingers. He has to bite his lip to hold back the laughter, because you attempt to guide him, and it looks like a child leading him off to Eru knows where.
Prefers when you sleep on his chest while (awake) he reads or relaxes on the balcony. Never allows you to close when you’re sharing the same bed and he’s sleeping. Do you want to go flying through a window with one of his kicks? You’re fragile babes, sleep on the floor.
Deep down, he believes that you deserve a lover who doesn’t have to place a restrain on everything they’re doing to prevent hurting you…physically. Play fights are a thing that happens rarely because you once knocked your own hand on the bedpost, and he blamed himself for forgetting your fragility.
With that being said, he gets worried about you when you accidentally injure yourself because you’re a mortal…soft, squishy and delicate. Please, don’t make him wrap you in the duvets like a burrito for your safety.
Since your lifespan is shorter than his, Maedhros’ main goal is to in ensure as much peace can be granted in your life. Takes you to the most scenic places around Beleriand or just nearby Himring and keeps you far away from his brothers, minus Maglor. Gives you a Shetland pony to ride for the kicks of it and watches as you fold.
He doesn’t seem to understand how you joke so easily about ageing and grimaces every time you crack a joke about your soon-to-be wrinkled appearance or increased fragility. You’re set to give him the heart attack instead of you.
Loves to compare your size to an elfling and jokes about having to purchase ready-made clothes in the children’s section for you.
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Humoured by your size and delicacy, and equally motherly as Maedhros. Henning over every little accident with a read-to-scold expression on his face and incoherent words spilling out his mouth about needing to cover you from head to toe.
Maglor adores your compliments when he sings for you or writes sonnets or poems. He understands that his species differ greatly from humans, hence his voice would sound ethereal to your ears, sparking grand praises. It tickles his ego and spurs him into never-ending songs because he lives for your praises.
Adores carrying you around because you’re as light as a feather and he could lift you with his pinkie finger. Sit on his shoulders, piggyback rides, cling to his legs or chest as he walks around his fort and ignores all the strange looks his servants are giving him.
He’s someone who respects humans and mortal life, so at no point would he ever allow you to feel insignificant compared to his elven nature. Hates to hear you ill-speak your mortality or even condemn the relationship to failure because of your differences.
Still hesitant when it comes to playfighting and unlike a certain brother, he wouldn’t scold himself for your injury. However, he would still engage and quickly dissolve everything to cuddles or a nap.
Sleep atop his chest and he’ll fawn because you look so tiny and feel weightless. One time you both fell asleep, however, Maglor forgot you were sleeping on his chest (because you’re so light), so when he rolled, you fell right off the bed.
Surprisingly cool with your human ageing jokes, especially the wrinkly potato ones. Sometimes he’ll cruise in with an affectionate joke to make you swoon about being his favourite potato.
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It takes a long time to get it into his head that you’re delicate because, in his mind, he saw you performing hundreds of daredevil stunts, why stop the fun for safety purposes. Wherever Tyelko is, you are curled up under his arm like a sleeping bag being carried around on his adventure.
If he’s riding a horse large enough to carry an elf, then so are you—doesn’t matter if you’re four or five feet. If you fit, you sit. However, you prefer to ride Huan because he understands your comfort and safety more than Tyelko does.
Playfighting to the roughness degree and be prepared to end up in the healer’s room sporting bruises or a sprained joint, he’ll even lie down on you. He has an affinity for challenging you to your limits, solely because it’s thrilling to him. “Try lifting me off the bed and walking to the door.” (you collapsed under his beefy body)
As big and scary as he appears, start coughing or having a fever and watch as he crumples like a left. Clingy and never leaves your side the entire duration you’re resting or in the healer’s room.
Acts as though you’re going to die in the blink of an eye from a single sneeze and the next thing you know, he’s praying that you survive your common cold when the healers have informed him that you’re alright.
In addition, he’s the perfect teddy bear for a cold night with all those muscles he has going on. The issue is his ability to cuddle to the highest degree. You cannot escape his cuddle grip, even if you need to pee.
Tyelko has confidence that’s out of this world, so no one can attempt to shun or berate your relationship, not even mock him for choosing a human to be his S/O over an elf. Celegorm makes it clear that you’re his choice and he’s proud to have you.
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Someone who admires you day by day and how easily you overcome obstacles without lamenting the way his race does. For a human, you are quite fiery and able to keep up with his pace of living, though he prefers that you relax while he lavishes you.
Vocal about his appreciation towards you in private as you lay in his chambers on the sofa or bed, cuddling. Like his siblings, he prefers that you lay atop him, refusing to even displace an ounce of weight for fear of crushing you.
Spoils you, spoils you, spoils you more than you could even imagine because he wants your life to be filled with comfort and luxuries before your end. Complaining about how much he spoils you is like kicking a puppy.
The only thing you cannot do is tear this elf away from his duties when he’s locked away in his studies deciding who to conduct his next trade with. He’s married to his work and then you.
This brings me to you easily clinging to his body because you wish for him to stay in bed longer. All he does is roll his eyes at your antics and continue to walk around the room while you disguise yourself as a backpack.
Sneeze and there’s a deafening silence that follows before a grumpy Caranthir paces out of the room to call for the healers. You are not permitted to go anywhere, basically bedroom arrest. You want water, food, more blankets; he’s there. Want to go for a walk, sure; he’ll walk you around the room.
As much as he admires your resilience as a human being to the harsh reality of life, many of your natural occurrences terrify him due to rumours of terrible endings for others. So, expect the protectiveness to go up a few notches.
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Everyone was surprised that he had a human lover when he strolled into a ball with you decked out in jewellery from head to toe. Poor you were trying to breathe under the weight of the gemstones breaking your neck.
Curufin isn’t any different in my dating him headcanons with the addition of his protectiveness increasing. He loves to use it as an excuse to tag along with you anywhere when he really wants to spend time together (what a tsundere).
Finds himself confused at all your human terminologies because how can “Break a leg” or “Knock ‘em dead” mean best of luck. “You humans are strange with your words, why can’t you just say what you mean.” – Curufin
Finds your excitement and expressive manner endearing given elves’ lack of facial expressions and enjoys bestowing all sorts of gifts upon you just to witness your reactions. He finds them better than the simple use of words when accepting his creations.
Less inclined to school you like his father, but still peppers you with indirect questions to learn more about humans and their odd differences from elves. If you’re female, then be prepared to blow his mind with talks of your menstruation. He considers you a brave warrior for going through that every month.
Curufin doesn’t like talks of how your lifespan is short and you’re bound to die soon, and you tend to use this to your advantage when you want your way.  “But what if tomorrow doesn’t come, and I don’t get to eat chocolate cake? You should let me eat it now, so you don’t regret not letting me.”
 (Tries) Keeps you away from Tyelko because he’s a terrible influencer and causes the majority of your injuries which sends Curufin into cardiac arrest. If Curufin has never shown much emotion in his life, it was the moment he learnt that you were in the healing rooms.
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Excited because he has someone to love him, but heartbroken about your shortened lifespan, which means he’s going to cram all his years of adventure into your lifespan so it can be shared with you.
Every morning, he walks you up with a brilliant smile as warm as the sun before dragging you out of bed to go hiking or host a breakfast picnic while the sun rises (sorry if you hate waking up early).
You are not spared from his pranks or the confusion between him and his twin when Amras decides to trick you. Aware that you are human and more breakable than elves, but he’s still going to engage in roughhousing or lying half his body atop yours so you cannot go anywhere.
As I had mentioned before, he’s touch–starved being the youngest bunch in the family with less attention being directed. So when you entered the picture, as a human, it was natural for you to be overly affectionate which stunned him. Never before had Amrod believed that he was capable of receiving so much love.
He doesn’t care about the fact that elves aren’t physically affectionate, he accepts every hug, kiss and touch you gift him. He considers them your greatest gift, second to finding you.
Already protective of his younger brother, so it’s natural when you enter the picture. Prefers being your bodyguard so he can spend every second with you, never allowing for there to be a moment when you aren’t together.
I have mentioned that he’s into woodcarving, so you can expect figurines of you and him (more you) to appear before your door in beautifully wrapped boxes. You have a collection by now and can consider it a hobby thanks to Amrod.
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Prefers to spend all his time with you in tranquillity and away from his nosy and noisy family, including his twin who doesn’t understand the concept of personal space and attempts to chaperone each date.
The realisation of you being human doesn’t sink in for a long while because he’s pleased that he has someone whom he can love. Amras will be spending his dates surrounded by nature.
Waterfalls, hiking trails, rivers, ponds lakes or fields of flowers, you have seen it all in your human lifespan. Places you didn’t believe existed or could be viewed by the naked eye would be revealed to you.
Amras is more open to receiving affection from you and enjoys the lavish amounts you shower him in. He is stunned by the volume that humans are capable of delivering and how dependent they are on physical touch.
Like his brothers, Amras will shower you with tons of gifts, especially handcrafted ones. He is skilled in crocheting and competes with his brother for who can make the best look-alikes of their family. In between, you can expect to receive stuffed animals or a miniature of yourself.
Reaches out to his elder brother, Maedhros and Maglor for advice on how to date a human since they’re more aware of mortal mannerisms than him. It’s a cute sight to witness as Amras practices learning your mannerisms and culture so he can help you feel at home.
His major concern is ensuring that your time spent with him was the best years you’ve ever had in your entire life, and he was able to fulfil many of your wishes in the short space of time granted to you.
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Tyelpё would like to know what he has done to inherit a significant other in the first place. Forget that you’re human, he wants to know how you can choose a person like him after the history of bloodshed his family has left.
Like any normal relationship, he’s doing his best to control his temper and be as patient as possible. He would hate to make you go running for the hills with a terrible slip-up.
Eyes of a hawk at your every move, wanting to learn as much as possible with the stark differences between you in particular and him. He’s already aware of how indifferent elves and humans are, it’s just to learn your netiquettes and mannerisms.
Like his father, you will be gifted tons of jewellery—it’s his love language—with your neck breaking under the weight of the gems. Tyelpё adores seeing you decked out and looking like a disco ball; you’re his mannequin for his pieces.
As one who spent years in the forge, he’s far from small and will crush you under his weight. Thus, he’s cautious when cuddling or any form of play fighting. The last thing he needs to hear is that he injured you from his bulky muscles.
Please hold his hands and let him fawn over the size difference. You’re only able to hold two of his fingers when tugging him about the place when you’re eager to show him something.
Did someone say standing on chairs to meet his height? Yes, that is exactly what you would have to do because he’s a giant eight-foot elf. Or even parading around in his long robes pretending to be him? Yes.
Protective to a degree, but not as overprotective as his uncles since it’s the second age and let’s assume that our buddy hasn’t shown up yet to ruin the peace. Tyelpё will gladly allow you to roam freely without worrying about your safety tremendously and would even request that you return with treats.
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @ladyenchanted @mcwentfandomtraveling @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @a-tong @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora
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Bear with me while I rules-lawyer the spirit of the Oath of Feanor because I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Maedhros did.
The Oath is specifically targeted at anyone who "hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh, finding keepeth or afar casteth a Silmaril" which I do not believe means anyone who touches a Silmaril, despite "in hand taketh" because all the other stipulations are targeted specifically at people who keep the Silmarils away from the Feanorians, by hiding, hoarding, keeping, or even throwing it far away. It would also just be bizarre if, say, a Feanorian follower returned the Silmaril to their lords and the Oath required that they kill them.
However, the strongest evidence for the Oath only applying (or being interpreted to only apply) to people who deliberately withhold the Silmarils from the Feanorians are Maedhros'/the Feanorians' actions before the 2nd and 3rd kinslayings: in both cases, they send a letter demanding the return of the Silmaril. Now, if by touching/posessing the Silmaril, the deaths of Thingol, Dior, and then Elwing are already demanded by the oath, why in the world would they send a letter (losing part of the element of surprise), not even to declare war, but demanding the Silmaril's return? Sending that letter implies that this can still be resolved peacefully if the Silmaril is handed over.
It's my interpretation that Maedhros/the Feanorians are rules-lawyering this tiny loophole in the oath (regardless of whether the oath is present magically/compulsive/just their own dedication) by deliberately closing their eyes to the fact that the current holder of the Silmaril definitely believes it to be their possession and is deliberately keeping it from the Feanorians---which lasts as long as that holder hasn't confirmed that desire.
After all, Thingol, Dior, and Elwing didn't steal the Silmaril, they received it from family members. If the Feanorians ignore the intent behind their keeping it (before that intent is confirmed by the holder's response to the Feanorian's demand), then they could consider Thingol et al to simply...coincidentally...happen to be holding a Silmaril, not possessing it for themselves and therefore not liable to the oath.
Actually, one line in the text from after Thingol refuses to return the Silmaril even hints that even after that, the situation might be salvageable if the Silmaril is returned by free will: "Celegorm and Curufin vowed openly to slay Thingol and destroy his people if they came victorious from war [this is pre-Nirnaeth], and the jewel were not surrendered of free will" (emphasis mine, Of the Fifth Battle, The Silmarillion).
Of course, the Oath drives the Feanorians to reclaim the Silmarils, and so I view the letters to Thingol, Dior, and Elwing as last-ditch attempts at solving this peacefully (via exploiting the above loophole). (Note: this is not necessarily meant to make the Feanorians more sympathetic, this is just me trying to figure out why they sent those letters.) However, this also dooms them to a kinslaying, because as soon as Dior and Elwing reject returning the Silmaril, they have explicitly or implicitly claimed it for themselves and have now "in hand taketh" the Silmaril instead of just touching it and happening to have it around, which means their deaths are now demanded under the Oath.
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istaricelebelasse · 5 months
Let this moment last - read here on AO3
Flutes and drums and bells rang out in a brilliant cacophony of music that twisted through the air like the steam that rose from the food vendors’ wares. The rich scents of sugar and sweet spices warred with pastry and the cheese that Narvi had a particular fondness for in an attempt to whet appetites and tempt buyers.
Everyone wore their best jewellery and clothes - some even wearing things which had managed to survive Beleriand and that shone with the subtle glow of Amanyar objects. Bright colours were everywhere, the brightest dyes and gaudiest combinations saved just for this day.
It was Mereth Ithil, a day in which elves and dwarves alike celebrated the first rising of the moon and the hope it offered. For those who had crossed the Helarcraxe it doubled as a celebration of their arrival in Beleriand, of that great trumpet call which Fingolfin had let out when land, not ice, was beneath their feet once more.
(For those who did not cross the Ice, those who had come in the ships, they celebrated for a different reason. They celebrated the return of their king, for it had been exactly a year since the rise of the moon when Maedhros was returned from Thrangorodrim. It was a silent celebration, but one that Celebrimbor found himself partaking in nonetheless.)
The whole city sparkled with silver light, from Feanorian lamps strung across the streets and clever glass lanterns made by the dwarves, to the paper constructions that had once decorated Doriath.
There would be dancing, and shows of skill, and singing, and everything that one could possibly expect from such a celebration in a city builds for craftspeople.
Celebrimbor had promised his first dance to Annatar, but it appeared that his love was running late.
It was unsurprising really, outside of the forge Annatar had the time keeping abilities of a cat. A particularly orange cat.
No matter though, not when he had darling Celebrian to keep him company.
She had demanded he dance with her, and how could he possibly deny his niece? Especially when she stomped her tiny foot and crossed her tiny arms and looked exactly like Galadriel (or Celebrimbor’s grandfather) in a snit.
He led her through the dance as best he could with her balanced upon his toes. It would never be classed as the most elegant of dances, but it made him smile and Celebrian release a stream of giggles.
Her purple skirt swirled around both of their legs, a froth of frills and petticoats.
It was the same dance that he had once danced with his own uncles, balanced upon their feet under the light of the Trees. A dance that had travelled from Tirion to Barad Eithel, and then carried from Gondolin and Nargothrond and Himring into Eregion.
His face hurt from grinning so widely, and he knew that Celebrian’s surely hurt the same.
It was almost a shame for the music to die down, but with it came a figure that Celebrimbor had missed.
Even if his love seemed more occupied with Celebrian than he.
“My Lady of Loveliness, might I steal your dance partner?” Annatar said with all due gravitas, as he bowed with a flourish more suited to Taniquetil than Eregion.
Celebrian giggled again and then, obviously channelling her mother, she tilted her head imperiously. “Perhaps. It depends what my Lord of Gifts has to offer in trade for my favourite uncle’s hand.”
“Perhaps the lady might be persuaded by a new bracelet?” Annatar waved his empty hand behind Celebrian’s ear and produced a delicate silver bangle, much to her delight.
“Hmm.” Celebrian pretended to ponder the offering, “Very well, my lord, but I shall also require at least one excuse to get away from a Council Session my mother thinks educational.”
“You have my word.” Annatar bowed deeply, a strange edge to his smile, “She will not be able to deny the validity of your excuse.”
Celebrian nodded as if such a thing was her due and passed Celebrimbor’s hand into Annatar’s.
“You are good with her.” Celebrimbor said softly, watching his niece dash away in a flurry of blue fabric to show her mother the results of her trade, the necklace Annatar had given already swinging around her neck.
“She is a sweet child.” Annatar replied, placing a hand on Celebrimbor’s waist, “Certainly little like that mother of hers.”
“I thought we agreed: no antagonising Galadriel at the festival.”
Annatar snuffed haughtily, “You decided. I made no such agreement. Besides, I doubt she can hear me.”
“If you say so. Just do not be surprised if she makes your life miserable in the next council meeting in revenge.”
“I should like to see her try.” The pout that graced his face was worthy of Celebrian herself, and Celebrimbor found he could not resist tracing the shape of his beloved’s lips.
“Come now, let us celebrate. Let us have one day where you do not think of the best way to annoy my cousin, and instead let us simply be.”
Annatar sighed as though Celebrimbor was asking him for a great favour indeed. “Very well. If you insist. Yet I did think though that I had been promised your first dance? How was it I found you dancing with another instead?”
“You were late.”
“Late!” Annatar’s hand flew to his heart, “I will have you know that we of the Maiar are never early, nor are we late.”
A glint of gold on Annatar’s finger caught Celebrimbor’s eye. It was not something he recognised. He blinked though and it was gone.
Perhaps it had just been the last rays of sun. Perhaps he was more tired than he had thought.
“And yet, despite that, you were still late.” Celebrimbor softened his teasing with a gentle press of his lips against Annatar’s pout.
He pulled away with a laugh before Annatar could deepen the kiss and took hold of his love’s hand.
“Come! We shall miss the dancing altogether if we do not cease talking!”
“A tragedy indeed.” There was no escaping the sarcasm of Annatar’s voice, but Celebrimbor chose to take him seriously and led him straight into a dance of Nargothrond.
“I’m glad you agree.”
He turned into the steps of the dance, a strange thought tugging his head that it was a different dance to that he had been doing previously. A thought that was swiftly forgotten as Annatar’s hands cupped his waist and his forehead rested against Celebrimbor’s own.
“I wish this moment could last forever.” Celebrimbor confessed softly, his breath mingling with Annatar’s. “This moment when we are safe and happy and at peace.”
“As do I, my love.”
They swayed together, ignoring the world around them. Just feeling the music and enjoying the presence of the other.
“You know,” Annatar eventually said, a sweet smile on his face that sent strange chills down Celebrimbor’s spine, “This could be real if you wanted. Just tell me what I want to know and everything you’ve ever dreamed of will be yours.”
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tethysresort · 3 months
I am going to choose Erestor!  (Because I’ve already done Glorfindel and Elrond and I am succumbing to my lowest instincts.  LOL.) 
☆ - happy headcanon - Cook and Erestor have been great friends since they met when Erestor was an elfling.  They quickly arranged a system of Erestor getting to read “too mature for you books” (mostly densely written histories and essays) in the corner of the kitchen after his chores and telling each other all the latest rumors and news.  Cook laughs watching Erestor’s big mouth get him into trouble.  Cook is the one that introduces Erestor to chocolate when he gets a rare tiny sample while they are in Himring.  Even in Imladris, Erestor has been known to quietly add rare cookbooks and such to their book orders, just as a gift for Cook. 
♥ - family headcanon - I head canon Erestor as having two loving parents that are NOT famous or important.  Or alive.  And both are elves.  He is brought into Himring as an infant with a mother rapidly Fading - the last of her strength and determination was spent getting them there.  (I head canon the last stages of Fading looking like dementia or Alzheimer’s.)  She couldn’t tell them who she was, who her mate had been, where they had lived or even Erestor’s exact day of birth.  She could, however, tell them over and over that this was her beloved son Erestor and that her mate told her to “seek the red-haired lord” if she needed help.  Erestor grows up in the elf equivalent of foster care (which is thankfully MUCH less horrific than the US system) and always wishes for “a family of his own and maybe a mate”.  He gets family when Maglor and Maedhros hand him Elrond and Elros, and eventually a mate when he marries Glorfindel.  Glorfindel was SO unexpected: Erestor had always assumed a male OR female elf of Noldor (probably related to Feanor’s partisans somehow) or at least not Sindar or Teleri lineage just because of his history with the Feanorians. 
Instead a blond Vanya lord was dropped into his life and turns out to be perfect. 
▼ - childhood headcanon - I headcanon that while Erestor grew up being shuffled from family to family, he had a lot of friends that were in the same sort of boat because he grew up in a dangerous and violent time.  He considered himself lucky because he couldn’t remember his parents to mourn them.  (He still did, of course, but with wondering loss instead of the horrible grief of some of his peers.)  They ran about being children, both elf and Mannish.  (His teachers were appalled when he accidentally lit all the shoes on fire, his friends thought it was wonderful.  They had to be stopped from repeating the experiment a week later.)  He played games with them in the courtyards of Himring and they went to lessons together. 
ൠ - random headcanon - Second favorite food after chocolate?  Ham.  The nice juicy, maple roasted sort. 
Do you want to play too? Here is the original post: https://www.tumblr.com/tethysresort/753952903606239232/headcanon-meme?source=share
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imakemywings · 6 months
After the juicy "Celebrimbor not talking to any of his family" take, you've hit us with another equally juicy (but probably controversial lol) take of Russingon which is something I've been riding for a while now, @spiritofwhitefire spoke nothing but facts. Still, on a serious note (no offense, I really love that ship so much) the constant characterization of Fingon as blindy forgiving, and always siding with Maedhros (or like being desperate to be with him) was probably what made me sour a bit on Russingon. Fingon has other personalities and motivations besides being Maedhros' love interest or being his hype man but seriously, he's Fingolfin's son, and seeing how close and loyal Fingon was to Fingolfin, I am sure, he would be genuinely pissed at Maedhros. I can't imagine him instantly forgiving Mae or something, and even if he did, does his forgiveness mean something to Mae because, at the end of the day, Maedhros is still doggedly loyal to Feanor. Anyway, this is just me being fixated on your tags, "not wanting maedhros to die a miserable death at morgoth's hands doesn't necessarily equate to total instant and complete forgiveness, "honestly a huge fan of their friendship never fully recovering..." please tell me more. I love your headcanons.
I don't mean to be in opposition to so many popular fandom takes 😅I'm usually not this bad about that...
Sure, maybe Fingon is a saint who harbors no resentment...but I'm not particularly interested in that take. #1, Fingon is presumably made a kinslayer in Alqualonde for the sake of the Feanorians, whom he believed were under unjust assault, but who were, in fact, the aggressors. #2, Although Maedhros does not partake in the burning of the ships at Losgar (something it's implied Fingon learns eventually), neither did he make any effort to stop it, and that decision of the Feanorians' helped condemn the rest of the Noldor host to the Helcaraxe, where, among other things, Fingon's sister-in-law dies. I would say he certainly has grounds to be angry with Maedhros and furthermore, to distrust him going forward.
Not to say these specific things are entirely or even primarily Maedhros' fault...but I think it would be very hard not to be angry with a cousin/close friend who had helped to put you in these positions, particularly depending on how Maedhros handles the situation after their reunion (i.e. whether he apologizes or doubles down or tries to pretend nothing is wrong).
This definitely relates to my general feelings on Maedhros becoming the center of everything in this fandom but yes, the way Fingon orbits around him in so much fanon gets quite old. I'll be honest and say I don't ship Russingon even a tiny bit so it's doubly grating to see Fingon reduced to either Maedhros' hype man (if alive) or his angst-generator (if dead) and have that romance be cast as so core to everything Fingon (or Maedhros!) does. And I do think there can be plenty of crunchy drama even without the romance aspect (Anyone who's had a friendship go sour can probably attest to this).
But in terms of actual character motivation and reactions--I think it's just a lot more interesting if there are actual consequences to Maedhros' actions in terms of a relationship that was really important to him, rather than Fingon just completely forgiving Maedhros everything always so that there's no friction in the relationship.
For one, as I talked about here, their relationship already had problems before the rebellion of the Noldor. How bad things got between them in Tirion is really up to our interpretation, but it is very apparent things were not kosher between them even before Losgar happened, and before Alqualonde. I can't imagine that doesn't color later events between them.
For another, Fingon's motivations in seeking Maedhros out in Thangorodorim were political. They were also personal, but the first motivation mentioned in his decision to seek Maedhros as Melkor's prisoner is to reunite the Noldor. And as I mentioned in those tags, just because he didn't want Maedhros to die a miserable death or experience indefinite torment at Melkor's hands doesn't necessarily mean he forgave him, or even still considered him a friend. MOST of us would not want to see someone we know suffer Maedhros' fate, regardless of what they had done to us.
"Then Fingon the valiant, son of Fingolfin, resolved to heal the feud that divided the Noldor, before their Enemy should be ready for war...Fingon had been close in friendship with Maedhros...Therefore he dared a deed which is justly renowned among the feats of the princes of the Noldor." ("Of the Return of the Noldor")
If nothing else, I imagine their relationship was always complicated after this. To your point above, Maedhros is deeply committed to fulfilling the oath of his father, and as the Nolofinweans and Arafinweans were there when the Feanorians swore to deal death on anyone handling a Silmaril, they have to be aware of at least the possibility that that may cause trouble someday (I'm sure they did not anticipate the scale or severity).
So Fingolfin, Fingon's father, is king (thanks to Maedhros)...but Maedhros is loyal to his oath above all else. And Maedhros still holds considerable sway over the Feanorians (I would venture to say it's a common theory if not outright knowledge that, should push come to shove, the Feanorians will obey Maedhros, not Fingolfin). How does Fingon feel about that?
To me, these things, in addition to Maedhros' earlier behavior (being part of the initial kinslaying at Alqualonde, not trying to stop the burning of the swan ships) mean that Fingon can never fully trust Maedhros again. There will always be at least a sliver of doubt and mistrust there, wondering at Maedhros' ulterior motives, at his end-game plans. And I don't think Maedhros is very good at making this not the case because he is always trying to play 5-D chess, and he's not always sneaky about it.
That bit above about how the Feanorians are loyal to Maedhros over Fingolfin? I imagine that goes doubly when Fingon becomes high king. Whatever respect the sons of Feanor might have had for Fingolfin as their elder they almost certainly do not have for their young cousin. And I do love takes where Maedhros (successfully or unsuccessfully) sees Fingon as far more malleable than Fingolfin and is trying to manipulate him from behind the scenes. (Particularly if this interacts with any insecurities Fingon may have about his abilities as king--to think that even Maedhros sees him as a weak ruler/weaker than his father!)
I don't mean to suggest they were never close again after the rebellion (although you could perhaps make the case), but that there was never the same level of trust, ease, and companionship in that friendship that there had been before. Forever after, there was always political calculus involved, because of the kingship, because of the oath, because of Maedhros' refusal to disavow the actions of his family (Admittedly--we don't know what position he took on Alqualonde or Losgar afterwards; it's never stated or even implied, iirc. However, based on his response to Celegorm and Curufin's attempted coup against Finrod [nothing] and the attempted assault of Luthien [nothing] and attempted murder of Beren [nothing], I will extrapolate the headcanon that he was not keen to admit to either of the earlier instances as being a mistake.)
Anyway to me it's sooo tasty if they stayed (sort of) friends and yet there was this unspoken mistrust that was always there after that, perhaps alongside a kind of golden nostalgia for the "old days" of their friendship.
(Also juicy drama to me if Fingon becomes a lot closer with Finrod than he had been in Aman due to Helcaraxe trauma/responsibility bonding and Maedhros has to grind his teeth and live with the fact that Fingon trusts Finrod more than he trusts Maedhros now. And lots of love for fans who also explore Fingon's canonical friendship with Aegnor and Angrod! )
There's also the fact that Fingon bites the dust before the worst of Maedhros' actions. I simply cannot see Fingon justifying the assault on Doriath, or Sirion, or the kidnapping of Elrond and Elros, or the assault on Eonwe's Elven guard. Absolutely, there is grief in seeing someone you loved and valued become someone you cannot support, but I can never buy into post-Mandos takes where Fingon just handwaves everything Maedhros did after Fingon's death.
So yes, there it is. Maedhros and Fingon's political drama charged friendship fallout.
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qrovidcore · 2 years
what was the one thing @potatoobsessed999 and i were not supposed to do?
come up with another silm au.
and what did we do?
came up with another silm au.
anyway, because neither of us will ever write this but both of us WILL make pleading faces at the rest of the fandom until someone writes it for us we both independently started typing it up in bullet points Immediately after talking to each other about it and then had a spiderman meme moment about that, we present to you:
Would You Rather Fight 1 Morgoth-Sized Morgoth Or 1000 Noldor-Sized Noldor, And Why Is It 1 Morgoth-Sized Morgoth
in which
morgoth is, presumably, about 5% smarter, and keeps his mouth shut about the silmarils when he shows up to formenos to convince feanor to leave with him
or, at least keeps his mouth shut about the silmarils long enough that feanor does not say his girlboss line and slam the door in his face, and actually considers his offer
fine, says feanor, i do want to leave aman actually, but i’m bringing my seven angry sons and also my dad and also maybe a few hundred of my most loyal followers with me
(not that finwe would trust morgoth as far as he could throw him, but also is finwe letting his kid run off after him by himself? oh hell no, he’s going too)
i did say presumably smarter
because morgoth is probably not counting on all of this, he probably just wanted to kill feanor and get the silmarils and get out before the rest of the valar, who have at this point caught onto his shit, are able to toss him in the void about it
fine. morgoth does not have time to argue about this, so now he’s helping a few hundred feanorians cross the helcaraxe. This Is Fine^tm.
they probably all survive the ice okay, but of course morgoth turns on them and starts trying to kill them all the second he’s in shouting distance of angband.
because finwe’s job is to go down fighting morgoth when he should probably not be fighting morgoth, finwe goes down fighting morgoth.
because finwe’s job is also to die and emotionally devastate feanor in the process, feanor Sees.
and goes after morgoth himself.
and because feanor’s job is to die avenging his dad and then proceed to haunt the narrative, feanor, much like in canon, gets got.
at which point morgoth steals the silmarils and also the sons of feanor, and then runs back to angband before the valar can get across the ice to come throw him in the void.
because morgoth is busy trying not to let the valar catch him and throw him in the void, a decent number of feanorian followers escape. they have a very tiny baby celebrimbor with them!! no worries!! all babies remain okay!!!
unfortunately, the valar get there too late to do anything. fortunately, news does get back to the rest of finwe’s kids that suddenly a feanorian host, including feanor himself and also the high king of the noldor, have disappeared with morgoth across the ice? yeah that’s probably not good right.
yeah that’s probably not good right, say fingolfin and finarfin, resigning themselves to going marching over to middle-earth to rescue their stubborn older brother and also maybe to convince him that they do actually love him
not that that last part will ever happen. not when they just get there to find him dead.
because feanor is not there to go petition the teleri for boats, this job now falls to fingolfin and finarfin. without feanor there, the first kinslaying never happens. with finarfin there, the teleri can perhaps be talked into giving the noldor an uber ride.
the fact that the darkening also never happened, and therefore everyone is not panicking quite as much, does help also.
anyway, fingolfin and finarfin’s hosts show up just in time to find everything gone fairly to shit.
the sons of feanor are in angband, you say? maedhros is in angband, you say? well I’m going to angband then, says fingon.
this is definitely not as controversial, since there was never a boat burning either! but also it’s angband and clearly this is stupid and dangerous and Fingon Is Going Alone.
or so fingon insists
you see, aredhel and finrod probably never hung out themselves much, but they were both close with celegorm and curufin. they absolutely all used to go mud wrestling together on the weekends. and shared grief sure does have a way of bringing people together, and so they bond over missing their favorite cousins.
and, much like merry and pippin, end up Planning A Conspiracy^tm
and so this is how fingon, finrod, and aredhel go marching into angband on a mission to Get The Sons Of Feanor Back
unfortunately, none of them know how to find a good entrance to angband.
fortunately, they do find maedhros, who does know how to find a good entrance to angband.
maedhros’ rescue happens just like in canon, because maedhros’ job is to be a Symbol^tm, so of course he’s strung up on a mountain so that the rest of the feanorians will despair about it (separating him from his brothers so that maglor can do his job of despairing about being in charge in any capacity is also important). maedhros’ rescue happens just like in canon also because maedhros is frodo and fingon is sam, and if we are doing fellowship parallels then We Are Doing Fellowship Parallels, and who could ever take their singing rescue away from them <3
maedhros, dying of blood loss: i know where my brothers are and i’m going in with you.
fingon: maedhros you are dying of blood loss. no.
maedhros: yes.
fingon: no.
maedhros: yes.
fingon: fine.
and so fingon proceeds to lug a dying but stubborn maedhros down into angband. who, to his credit, is helpful in finding his brothers.
they’re probably all still alive because they’re useful (curufin, for smith reasons) or because it’s fun to make them despair. in any case, the team gets them out, and the rescue is going well.
well enough that amrod delays in an attempt to try to steal back the silmarils
instead of dying in the hopes of not having to reclaim the silmarils, amrod dies for the hope that such a thing is possible.
the others get out alive.
amrod’s death is what prompts the remaining sons to finish the job and get the silmarils back.
but! there is no oath! and there is no family feud! the finweans all reunite and successfully begin to plan an attack.
and well, there was no first kinslaying, or any kinslaying at all actually. thingol’s on decent terms with the feanorian survivors who wound up around/in doriath, and has no reason to distrust any of the noldorin leaders.
sure, there’s no humans involved yet, but also that means no traitors yet.
so the union of maedhros is much smaller, but also. it’s stronger. by a lot.
AND it happens like right away.
morgoth doesn’t have time to invent dragons. morgoth doesn’t have time to know what HIT him. a thousand angry noldor are In His House and they have a thousand angry sindar with them and morgoth folds in about five minutes tops.
and this is how a united front of angry finweans could’ve overthrown morgoth in a fun family weekend road trip. thank you for coming to our tedtalk.
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Ok I'm just pissed off now and want to share something with you so bear with me.
the thing about Tolkien fans the ones that love a certain character and make it their whole personality,
like they defend and always post about them and say they understand their character,
for now they are good ok everyone has their own opinion.
when someone hate or attack their favorite character they get furious like someone offended them fr!,
they don't accept any hate in any kind whether it's big or tiny, they immediately attack you aggressively and say you understand nothing.
they refuse when people hate their character but at the same time they hate and judge other characters and shame others for liking a certain character they hate.
Feanorians haters are pain in the ahh.
MF be liking Morgoth the big bad Valar and his servant Sauron, who done nothing good and the reason for all the chaos in middle earth.
they will attack you if you hate their favorite character and say you don't have any right to hate them and then have the audacity to judge what you like and proceed to tell you how bad your favorite character is..
I can't tolerate them any more!,
like just leave people have their fun alone, IT'S A FICTIONAL WORLD FOR FCK SAKE!.
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lamemaster · 1 year
Hello! Am sliding in here for the Silm Ship Event:
Blueish eyes, somewhat short blond hair because it always curls up
Prefers the comfiest and baggiest clothes for maximum comfort while working, counts hiking and reading as perfect dates, is somewhat sociable but only if the other people are already known, generally very shy in the beginning (I love reading through this event!! Thank you so much)
Heyyy I am glad that you like the event ;))
Based on my excellent match-making skills (jk) I ship you with the drum roll, curtains part 🧝🏼‍♂️Celegorm 🧝🏼‍♂️. The trouble magnet of the Feanorian household.
For your ship, I present the dynamic of innocent first love. Love reading, kinda of aloof. I imagine you as Maglor's friend. Visit the Feanorian household to hang out with your friend. Only for a teeny tiny Celegorm to have his first puppy love.
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"By Eru, Kano, I could not believe my ey—" Celegorm's sentence came to an abrupt halt as he came face to face with you.
All the wit and charisma that usually defined his barbed tongue seemed to escape him the moment he laid eyes on you in all your glory. He found himself frozen in place, captivated by the striking blue of your eyes.
But such an effect did not seem to bind you. Your gentle wave and a simple "Hey, Tyelkormo" entrapped him further. All he could manage in response was a hesitant "Hi," delivered with an awkward voice crack.
And with that, the third-born of Feanor promptly made his exit. His heart raced faster than ever before. It had never been like this, not even during his most intense runs. Just a smile from you was enough to set him on edge.
He cursed Kano, his elder brother, for never bothering to warn him when you were visiting. And because of Kano's carelessness, you had to see him like this, in all his disheveled and dirt-smudged glory.
Of course, you were older than him, an avid reader whom even Maitimo held up as an example. You were never seen without a book. As Celegorm gazed at his reflection in the lake, a sense of utter hopelessness washed over him.
Pulling out wayward twigs that had tangled themselves in his hair and scrubbing away dirt from his forehead, Celegorm couldn't help but curse Kano for his perpetual foolishness.
You had to see him like this because Kano was an idiot. If Tyelko had any inkling that he would be meeting you today, he would have dressed up. But he had been too preoccupied beforehand.
The entire morning and most of the afternoon had been spent scouting for the perfect meeting spot. Among all the things he knew about you, your passion for hiking had stuck with him the most. So, to a lovesick teenage Tyelko, hiking became the thread that bound you to him.
Perhaps, someday, when his brother finally got his act together, Tyelkormo would have the opportunity to impress you properly. Until then, he would continue searching for that one spot where he could finally reveal the feelings that had taken root in his heart.
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lordgrimwing · 5 months
Fics Living Rent-free in my Mind Game
I was tagged by @runawaymun to talk about the stories/AUs I have loafing around inside my brain but haven't actually written any stories for yet (whether of not said stories made it to the light of day for others to see). You might notice a pattern with the kinds of things I think about but never write 😳. Also most of them are co-parented with Nightie.
Anyone can send me an ask about anything on this list and I will be happy to talk at great length about the insanity of what's in my head.
The Breeding AU - look, Elrond is a blurbo and the only way I got through my theriogenology class was by inflicting what I studied on blurbos... and sometimes I need an au where the elves are desperately trying to rebuild their population at the end of the 1st age.
Tiny Erestor AU - an au of the rarely talked about Tiny Elrond au (which I've written several stories for but haven't got around to posting yet), in which both Elrond and Erestor are two inches tall. Everyone else is normal sized.
Balrog Porno AU - Glorfindel, Turgon, and Ecthelion get hired to act in a high budget porn movie with balrogs. Ecthelion's the only professional actor of the three.
Gil-galad's stressed about being the king. what it says on the tin plus Elrond distracting him with being sexy and then they work together to create a government that doesn't needs a king so Gil can retire.
Art Therapy in Mandos, Feanor-style - Feanor, a box of crayons, a meditative coloring book, and nothing but time.
Stealthros AU - The Feanorians are dragons, the silmarils are eggs, and Elrond just hissed and bit Gil-galad's hand.
[edit, how did I forget!] Marsupial elves AU - everything's the same except the elves are marsupial and they all have pouches for their cute little kids to hang out in, oh and Celebrian, Elrond, and Gil-galad are together. Being part human and maia, Elrond doesn't have a pouch, a fact his children greatly resent.
Ask away!
here's some low pressure tags, and if you don't have fic ideas, how about just aus or art ideas? Tagging @nighttimepatrons, @curufiin, @aroace-moron
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Hi! I don't know which characters you like to write so here's a few options for the Silm Prompts: Nerdanel & Indis (or just one of them) + forsaking the past Tuor/Voronwe + seeking the unknown Beren/Luthien (or just one of them) + joyful labours any character(s) + Havens of Sirion + unlearn in bitterness
Thank you!!
I decided to do the last two :)
I headcanon that Amras (& Amrod) were killed by the rebelling Feanorians at the 3rd kinslaying so wanted to explore that!
The first is 559 words. The second is 731, and cw - kinslayingesque violence, mention of beheading
Beren/Luthien + joyful labours
The mewling cry of an infant cuts through the peaceful quiet of Tol Galen. Beren groans and flops face down onto his pillow, pressing it around his ears.
It is the third time this night Dior has awoken. And the moon has not even reached its full height. He groans once more and then a third time. For dramatic effect.
His Tinúviel laughs, warm in her exasperation. “I know,” she says sympathetically. Then she picks up her pillow and whacks him with no little force on the back of his legs.
“I went last time, so, hmm whose go is it now? Let me think… Ah yes! It is the turn of Beren Erchamion, Beren Camlost, the son of Barahir, the hunter of Carcharoth, Bëor’s heir –” Lúthien punctuates each title with a thwack of her pillow.
“Ok, ok!” He laughs despite himself, and pushes up from the bed, edging away from his wife and her merciless use of cushions.
He walks out the room shaking his head in fond annoyance as Lúthien makes a great show of curling snugly up under the covers.
“You won’t be so smug when you have to hear my attempts at a lullaby!” He calls over his shoulder. There is, predictably, no answer.
Beren enters his son’s room and makes his way over to Dior’s cradle. His usually adorable face is red and scrunched up in miniscule rage, and his tiny mouth is open in an indignant cry.
Beren smiles as he reaches down and picks him up, moving the mobile out of the way as he does. It is an exceedingly beautiful one, made up of intricately carved nightingales. It had arrived the day of Dior’s birth, before they had even sent word to Menegroth. That and the fact he swears he hears the birds singing whenever he looks away, makes him suspect the Queen of Doriath may have had a hand in this gift.
Beren begins to pace the length of the room, gently rocking Dior, and humming to him a little.
“I know, I know, my voice isn’t a patch on your mother’s.” He murmurs. “But we Edain can’t rely on magic songs all the time, dearest. We had to come up with actual techniques for calming upset babes.”
His son shows what he thinks of the talents of the Secondborn by beginning to howl louder. Beren sighs and after a moment of thought, begins to make his way outside. The night is warm, and this way Lúthien may be able to get a little rest. The stars seem to shine brighter here than anywhere else he has ever known, and he is pleased to see his son calm a little in their silver glow.
Of course, the child of Lúthien Tinúviel is never quiet for long and soon enough he begins to cry again. Beren groans and sets off, walking around and around the courtyard.
He is so tired he could sleep standing up and he lets out a gigantic yawn. He startles as an answering little giggle rings through the night air and looks down in amazement to see that Dior is no longer wailing, but instead emitting joyful hiccupping laughs.
The sound is so infectious Beren begins to chuckle himself. It is an exhausted and slightly hysterical laugh, but it is also so, so full of love.  
any character(s) + Havens of Sirion + unlearn in bitterness
Gweririen looks at Lord Amras.
She had looked at him first as a child, when he and some of his brothers had been leading an archery class in Formenos.
Celegorm and Amrod had clearly not wished to be there. She remembers how flustered their cutting criticism and laughs had made her as she fumbled with the bow and arrow. But Amras had bent down beside her and spoken softly.
“Pay no heed to them. Why, I remember Prince Turcafinwë once missing a shot on a hunt because of a sneeze!”
She had laughed shyly and allowed him to demonstrate the correct way to hold the bow and aim. She had gotten her first bullseye that day.
Gweririen had looked at him in Alqualondë as she plunged her sword into the Teleri woman’s back. He’d been disarmed and knocked down, his attacker approaching, fishing spear raised. Amras’ eyes were wide in shock and thanks as he got to his feet, grasping her arm in gratitude.
“I am in your debt. Come, I believe the victory is nearly ours and I want you by my side on the first boat across the Sea.”
She had followed him back into the fray and to this day, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot remember if she had glanced at the splayed, silver haired corpse even once.
She had looked at him in dulled surprise when he made his way to her, amidst the chaos and carnage of that terrible battle. She had been sitting for how long she did not know in the mud and filth, cradling her son’s body.
He had kneeled there with her, in the churned earth, and slowly peeled her bloodstained hands away from where she clutched her son’s shoulders.
“Gweririen, I am sorry. I am so very sorry. But we must go now. The field is lost, perhaps we are all lost. I do not know.” He had looked at her and his eyes had been so dark. She had barely been able to discern the echo of Tree light. “We are retreating, my brothers and I. Come, let us flee.”
Gweririen had looked at him as they had sat around a fire, camped a little way from Menegroth’s eastern border. Amras’ hair had glowed dark red in the light, and she had gazed at him long before speaking.
“My Lord, I council you again to reconsider this assault. Yes, Thingol’s folk and the boy king have no right to the jewel, and they have aided us so little in our war. But if we follow through with this cowardly attack, creeping into their home in the dark and cold? I fear your House will be forever sundered from all the Eldar. Surely that can only harm our aims, in this Valar-forsaken land?”
He was silent for so long; she had been sure she would receive no response. But then –
“Pass me my sword, Gweririen, if you please. I believe it must be sharpened.”
She had looked at him only once before making her way to Lord Maedhros. He had already removed the heads of two of Celegorm’s servants. The third of those who had led Dior’s sons to their deaths, stood upright still, though he stared at the floor.
“My Lord,” she said, and he turned to her, his eyes dull and hollow. “May I do it?”
After a long moment, Maedhros had nodded jerkily, dropped his sword, and walked away. Amras had not looked at her after and she’d been glad.
Gweririen looks at Lord Amras.
The crashing waves can barely be heard over the clash of steel and the screams. She is so very tired of hearing Elven screams.
“Gweririen, I want you to search every house for Elwing’s sons. No matter which way this battle goes, they will be invaluable in our aim.”
She looks at him. This is not a battle; the woman whose blood is dripping off his sword had attempted to defend her house with a lantern. They do not have an aim; they are here to feed their oath with a little more slaughter so it will give them peace for perhaps five years or even ten.
As he turns away from her to deliver more orders, she reaches for her bow. As she notches the arrow and aims at Amras’ chest, her shot is exactly as he taught her.
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Lords of Gondolin | With A Short S/O
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Request: Beautiful blog! Absolute perfection! Never let anyone tell you otherwise!! So... can I please request either the Feanorians or Lords of Gondolin with a short!reader... please? - anon
A/N: Many thanks nonnie. I pictured these elves as the usual 7ft - 8ft because they're from Valinor, thus, super tall. Enjoy!!
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Elves are already tall beings by nature and mortals are already shorter by nature as well, but then there’s you – a different breed of short, and it makes Galdor’s eyes soften and his heart flutter when he sees your smaller frame running to meet him.
Your short legs struggle to keep up the pace just to cover the distance so you can launch yourself into his larger arms and have him swaddle you.
Sometimes, he’d walk into your chambers and watch from the doorway as you struggle to reach a book on your bookshelf. It’s the little jump you do with no success because your feet barely lift off the ground that makes him want to squeal at the adorableness.
He’s not the type to hold things over your head to tease you about your height, but at times, he’ll place little objects in too high to reach places just to watch you jump before asking him for assistance.
It’s one of two things, either he lifts you up, and being the gentleman he is Galdor would hold you by your knees and elevate your body to reach the object. Or he would stand behind you just to compare the cuteness in the height difference as he gives you the object.
Cuddling with Galdor is bliss because he’s so much larger that he would pass for a body pillow or giant plushie. He’s soft and warm so he makes perfect for sleeping already and you tend to cling to him like a koala.
Because of your height advantage, you make use of the opportunity and play hide and seek while running off to hide in the furniture because they were made for giant-sized elves. He has admitted that it was difficult to find you one time.
Ecthelion would have mistaken you for a toddler had you not confessed your age and revealed that you were a mortal and adult and not a child. You probably reached his diaphragm or lower.
He would hide his smirks behind his hands or his wine glass as he looks on at your tiny form climbing into one of the chairs made for elves and your legs dangling off the ground by a foot.
All the furniture is larger than you, even walking up the ladder in the library felt like going up a staircase. Ecthelion had to go through a process of having certain furniture made to suit your height.
It’s easier for him to pick you up and carry you around because he just needs to use one hand and wrap it around your waist and he’s carrying you like a pillow.
He does have to constantly tell people that he’s not courting a child because of the strange looks that people give him whenever they notice you both in public. Someone had once mistaken you for his child and congratulated him while you clung to his side acting like his child.
Whenever you two are holding hands, his two fingers are encased by your entire hand and despite knowing this, you love to compare hand sizes. His hand covered your entire face.
He does get worried about losing you in the crowds at parties and festivals, it’s impossible for him to spot your head.
“Are you such you’re not a dwarf my love, you do look like –” those were the last words spoken by Glorfindel, Lord of the House of the Golden Flower as you climbed his larger body in an attempt to stifle him with his pillow.
You’re the little bag pack that clings to him when mornings come and you refuse to let him roll out of bed, he’ll get out with your arms and legs wrapped around his body and walk around the room like it’s nothing. Or sometimes cling to his legs.
Unlike our loveable Galdor, Glorfindel purposefully puts objects in high places to watch you struggle and jump. The laughter that escapes him as he clutches his stomach watching you jump and not come off the ground is ridiculous.
If he knew what penguins looked like, then he would compare you to one, but for now, he calls you his little duckling because you waddle like one when you walk.
He loves to see you in his clothes. His shirt doesn’t even stay on your shoulders, the material just slips right off and pools at your feet.
This gives him the opportunity to spoil you with tons of clothes that are made just for you. As a running streak between you both, he once gifted you a bib because someone thought you were a young elfling.
Cuddling with him is a mess because he doesn’t like to let you go, you’re his personal stuff toy. He can’t wrap his legs around you but if you give him a chance, Glorfindel would attempt to.
I don’t know who’s worse, him or Glorfindel. Egalmoth is a menace when it comes to your height and uses every opportunity provided to remind you of how short and cute you are.
You’re his little fairy who he loves to shower in jewels just to see you sparkle and glow. Egalmoth makes no expenses in spoiling you now that you’re super short and tiny.
He gets a kick out of surprising you with miniature items or furniture from around the house. For example, his wine glasses are like bowls for you so he’d get a tea set that elven children would play with and gift it to you to drink and eat in.
Loves to randomly pick you up and place you on his shoulders or walk around with you in his arms like a pillow. He loves to throw you into the air like you would with a child and catch you.
One night as you were sleeping over, you were putting on a performance for him and re-enacting him in battle. When you reached for his sword, you and the weapon toppled over as you attempted to lift it. Egalmoth never forgets that moment and brings it up any chance he gets.
Whenever someone asks if you’re a child, Egalmoth would stroll behind you and rest his hand on your head and look the person dead in the eyes and tell them yes. To make matters worse, he’ll stick his hand out and call out to you ‘come little one’.
Being shorter than him just means that Egalmoth has a righter way of spoiling you and cuddling you to death. He just loves his short lover and can’t help but pinch your cheeks.
Rog is already a giant compared to the rest of the elves on this list, you’re definitely a dwarf when you stand beside him and he’s going to question it as well. However, Rog is more respectful with his approach and not like Glorfindel.
Rog is going to be staring at your tiny figure walking under his arm as he holds open doors for you or marvels at how you clamber onto chairs when he pulls them out for you to sit.
If you were to spend the night and bathe in his bathtub, you once commented on the fact that you could swim in it.
He doesn’t tease you the way the others do and leans more toward acting like Galdor when dealing with your height. He’ll reach for objects on higher shelves or lift you up gracefully. Though, he does get a kick out of watching you climb or jump for the desired object.
He does invest in building ladders and stools made for your height, so you don’t have to struggle to climb or jump. Not all the time he’s there to assist so he’d like to have helpers lying around, easy to use.
Very careful with his strength because he doesn’t want to accidentally crush you. He’s extremely cautious whenever you ask him to rest his head on your lap because to him, his head is heavy compared to your size.
You love to compare hand sizes with Rog. Since he’s a blacksmith, his hands are huge, and your hand barely fits in his palm. When you have to hold hands with him, he’d give you his fingers to hold because your entire hand wraps around them.
You were the first human Maeglin had ever seen, and he was sure from the description he received on them that they didn’t appear this short. Were you a child or perhaps an elfling?
Maeglin’s gonna be shocked to learn that it’s your actual height and you’re a fully grown adult, not an elfling or dwarf.
There’s this little smile that graces his face whenever he observes you running over to meet him or watching around the room full of giant-sized furniture. He hides his smile from you because he doesn’t want to tease and anger you.
He’s seen how displeased you become when people mistake you for a child and he tends to swoop in to the rescue before you throw hands at the elf for calling you a child.
Maeglin adores sleeping with you because you literally sleep on his chest and he feels nothing, your weight is non-existent. You cling to him as if he’s a body pillow or stuffed teddy bear. His muscles make for excellent pillows.
Another elf who marvels at your figure as you pass under him whenever he opens doors for you. Your little figure is just waddling around aimlessly among the giant crowd. He had to stop himself from fawning over you.
He uses your shortness and cuteness as an excuse to spoil you even further, implying that you are deserving of being spoiled regardless of what you looked like, but he just wanted to make tons of miniature trinkets for you.
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @someoneinthestars @aconstructofamind @mysticmoomin @lilmelily @hoshinokurasa
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