#just the wrong words in the right order
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I hope yall know I am never not thinkin about ponyboy post canon havin yet another fight with Darry n just on some anger n instinct n feelin he can't explain hittin him n realizin oh. God. is that all it takes?
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literallybyronic · 7 months ago
me and the Girlies (gn) about to make some objectively fucking terrible decisions in DATV:
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snnumntik · 8 months ago
there is no game that makes me feel like I'm the only one who's right about it than elden ring
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aturnoftheearth · 4 months ago
if i had a nickel for every time a 2000s show with jared padalecki goes from being a comfort show to being unwatchable for my sister and i then i would have two nickels etc
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the-knife-consumer · 2 years ago
Grah as someone who does sort of like zelink its just??? Disappointing? Disheartening? That people are SO hellbent on them being an explicitly romantic couple and getting mad at others for being like "oh i just see them as friends :)" and coming onto people's posts where they are portrayed as friends or just close with no romance and being like "uuuum actually theyre MARRIED theyre in a RELATIONSHIP! BC OBVIOUSLY you can NEVER share a house with someone without being married! Zelink canon 😏 cope seethe🔥" like do you understand how painfully annoying that is
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wasabikitcat · 1 month ago
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Do you think he realizes that this implies all humans are female?
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robinyourcreator · 4 months ago
aaaand a ranni meme made the front page of reddit time to seethe forever.
loveless marriage????
Ranni is so down bad for the Tarnished from the beginning that even fucking SELUVIS notices, my fucking god
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itspileofgoodthings · 1 year ago
I talk a lot about teaching and all the good parts of it and the powerful parts of it and it’s all true and also there is something so deeply messy and ugly and raw and painful about the real life exchange of it all and how much I just put myself on the line to communicate a truth and how little I get given back in any tangible or metaphysical way.
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thethingything · 11 months ago
our laptop's w key keeps having issues and not working properly when I press it so it takes multiple attempts to type that letter but also I've noticed I'm having way more issues with dexterity and hitting the right keys while typing and this is a bad combination when it comes to typing basically anything and trying to make it sound coherent
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save me local historical attraction
local historical attraction save me
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fstbmp-a · 1 year ago
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What is the universe cooking today?
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infiniteglitterfall · 10 months ago
Ok, let me put it this way.
Jews are from the fertile crescent.
The Jewish people began in the fertile crescent.
As in, there are 7,000-year-old archaeological sites in Israel with big piles of kosher bones.
Jews are indigenous to the fertile crescent.
As in, Jews are a distinct cultural group that developed there long before colonization. And whose diaspora maintained its cultural ties to the land.
Zion is one of the Hebrew nicknames for the land of Israel.
Jews were writing poetry about longing to "return to Zion" 2,600 years ago, after the Babylonian Empire invaded.
There's a daily prayer (actually a thrice-daily prayer) Jewish people have said ever since, begging for the diaspora to return.
The prayer itself was originally standardized to help us keep the Jewish diaspora together, culturally, instead of fracturing into a bunch of tiny spin-off cultures and disappearing.
Jews under Greco-Roman occupation 1,957 years ago staged a revolution and minted coins that said, "For the Liberation of Zion."
I'm writing this during Passover, the annual week-long Jewish holiday that has always included the phrase, "Next year, in Jerusalem!"
That's maintaining cultural and historic ties to the land.
Zionism is a Jewish word for the Jewish people's yearning to return to indigenous self-determination.
Zionists are from the fertile crescent.
Zionists are indigenous to Israel.
(for those of you who have heard of evangelical Christians saying they're Zionists: no, I know, and please can someone ask them to stop? It's creepy!!)
Appendix A: Would Everyone Please Stop Misusing The Z Word?!
Gentiles normally have no exposure to the term "Zionism," because it's not a part of their culture.
So it's been really easy for extremist groups to spread memes like, "Israel as a country is inherently evil, and the Jews who support it being inherently evil are called Zionists."
I've been told that Zionism means fascism, racism, genocide, white supremacy, and, most recently, manifest destiny.
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The way you can tell this is sus -- besides actually seeing what the people who call themselves Zionists say about what it means, (and again, I mean BESIDES my younger sister-in-law and her weird megachurch)
-- is that if Zionism means genocide, or fascism, or whatever? THERE'S ALREADY A WORD FOR THAT. It's "genocide," or "fascism."
Nobody needs a special word that means, "Genocidal Jews."
Appendix B: I Forgot I Need The Disclaimer For The People Who Will Read This In Bad Faith
I support an independent Palestinian state.
I am not arguing AGAINST an independent Palestinian state.
Every Zionist I know of supports an independent Palestinian state.
And the ones in Israel, who often live and work and hang out with Palestinians, fight for it more effectively than anyone in the West does.
I know a lot of people have framed October 7th as some kind of inspiring uprising by an oppressed indigenous group. Because that's how Hamas tries to frame itself when it's not busy absolutely crushing actual activism.
(And, hopefully, because many people don't know what October 7th actually looked like.)
With that rhetoric being so fucking common online, people are GONNA read "Palestinians are not indigenous to Palestine, they're indigenous to Saudi Arabia," or "Jews are indigenous to Israel," as "Palestinians should get kicked out."
Palestinians deserve safety, and self-determination, and democratically elected leaders who give them a voice, so they can build the state they want.
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op turned off reblogs on this post for safety reasons but gave me permission to repost it because it's an important message.
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ultravioletlesbian · 1 month ago
the solution to social anxiety is...to socialize...see the dilemma
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sweetteaanddragons · 7 months ago
I have been thinking lately about a universe where Bruce Wayne killed the Joker.
I want to be clear here, since there are so many longstanding debates on this topic: I do not think Bruce Wayne should kill the Joker. I have just been wondering what would happen if the circumstances aligned in such a way that he did.
And to be clear on a related, yet slightly different topic: when I say I have been wondering about what if Bruce Wayne killed the Joker, I do not mean as the Batman. I mean Bruce "Brucie" Wayne.
Maybe it's kind of an accident? Like, he definitely did intend to hit the Joker, but he's Brucie right now, so he's trying not to look like he knows what he's doing while still doing enough damage to keep the Joker from killing someone, and meanwhile the Joker makes just the wrong move and -
And here we are. Brucie just killed the Joker.
Bruce's reaction here is one thing; he has his one rule for a reason, he's just broken it, he's determined to turn himself in -
His family's reaction is a whole different story. How does Cass feel about this?
How does Jason? Bruce has killed the Joker, just like he wanted, but it wasn't for him, not really, and -
And meanwhile, this happens in front of, say, a gala full of people, so now all of Gotham gets to react to it too.
Average Gothamite, seeing the words BRUCE WAYNE, JOKER, and KILLED in the same headline: OH, NO.
Average Gothamite, once they've processed the order those words are actually in: . . . I did not have that on this year's bingo card.
The city's most famous mass murderer has just been publicly killed by the city's biggest employer/philanthropist/source of tabloid harmless nonsense! Three days before Brucie was making tabloid headlines by tripping into a fountain and somehow losing his shirt in the process! Two weeks before, the newspaper was running a retrospective on the Wayne murders and what donation Brucie was making to help the families of victims this year! The article mentioned how one of his adopted sons had also tragically become a murder victim!
Now this has happened, and Bruce is having a breakdown over breaking his one rule, and the rest of Gotham just assumes that this is because poor Brucie thinks this somehow makes him like the man who killed his parents. They send a huge outpouring of support his way. This in no way helps Bruce's actual breakdown.
Ninety percent of Gotham is sure Brucie didn't actually mean to kill the Joker, and pretty much a hundred percent of them support him whether he meant to do it or not. No one wants to have anything to do with prosecuting this mess. Bruce is trying to make it as clear as possible that he will fully cooperate with the justice system and meanwhile an entire gala full of people is suddenly acting like they could in no way have possibly witnessed events that took place ten feet in front of their faces. Did Bruce kill the Joker? Is the officer sure? That doesn't seem like him. Maybe the Joker just tripped on his own. Marble floors, you know. Very slippery.
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snekdood · 7 months ago
i honestly deserved none of the shit ppl did to me that lead me to this point
#yall made a victim bitter and hate everyone. congratz ig. keep convincing yourself its somehow activism.#me saying a slur i shouldnt have in 2013/14 bc the ppl around me irl normalized it to me and that repelling people online from me?#understandable. everything else? yeah you can all fuck yourselves with a rake.#plus- that was literally 11/10 years the fuck ago. do you really genuinely believe in all of that time that im still fucking saying it#the only way you could believe that is if you thought I was some sort of secret strategic right winger whos planning ???? something#god the fuck knows what it would even be#if you think im somehow tainted bc of that past I think you might be a lil controlling of a person#im sorry no one is a pure person who never does wrong. get over yourself bc you sure as fuck arent perfect my good bitch#it was 11/10 years ago AND i was a fucking kid. yeah. i think im bound to make mistakes bc of the inherent ignorance of being a child.#i dont think that deserves to be held against me my entire life especially since I now heavily disagree with the reasoning for why#i thought it was ok to say in the fucking first place#yall just want an eternal punching bag and thats really it.#i could become a fucking saint and it wouldnt matter bc dur he said bad word 11 years ago worst thing anyone could do ever fer sure#yall are impossible to please and its why no one but the people you've guilted and manipulated gives a fuck about trying.#and even they eventually see it for the bullshit it is.#yall want someone to control and do everything you say. not for people to become better to others. you dont give a fuck#you auth piece of shit.#thats why i had to learn that slur was still bad to say offline. bc all the people online wanted to do was control my actions#tell ME what to do. tell ME what to draw. when they have no fucking right to TELL ME what to do. you can ask- im more receptive to being#asked to not do something. but any type of behavior control? good fucking luck. you think I failed highschool just bc of the bullying#n shit? nah its bc I dont like being ORDERED to do shit. and I never fucking will! and theres nothing anyone can fucking do to#make me do shit and if they try to force me to do shit they're controlling as fuck and authoritarian.#i have learned SO MUCH more on my own volition and desire to learn vs when I was TOLD that I HAD to.#all my life ive rebelled against this shit. you bet your ass im not about to stop with yall. ask me like im a fucking person#not TELL me to do something like im a fucking slave to your whims.#fuck you
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vaguenotions · 8 months ago
I really hate feeling irrational and upset over food. One of the worst things to be upset about. It feels SO fucking stupid.
#txt#texas roadhouse fucked up my food apparently so I get fries and bread. and it's my fault bc i wasn't there to order it myself#(she didn't really word it that way but that's how it felt. like she was saying it's my fault. but im on new meds so i was literally asleep#+the entire time they would've been eating pretty much; i cant control when the side effects decide they want to kick in?)#anyway it's not exclusively this that I'm upset about anyway. like at least i still get a little somethin else yk?#but the other day my roommate came back with his fucking boyfriend from olive garden (genuinely one of my favorite places ngl) and they're+#+like ''oh we didn't know what to get you so we just got you breadsticks'' like. what the fuck. i mean i do like breadsticks but are you +#+fucking with me right now? if money is a problem just say you couldn't afford anything extra. Don't fucking pull that shit#we literally live in the era of smart phones. you can fucking text me. and one of the things i really fucking enjoy at olive garden? +#+LITERALLY JUST THE FUCKING SALAD. THE HOUSE SALAD. THAT THEY GIVE YOU. I am that easy to appease and you bring me. bread.#i love bread. but do you think this is all i subsist on??? it's genuinely so insulting and hurtful and I feel so fucking stupid for feeling#+that way#LITERALLY as i was typing this my sister text me again to be like ''sorry that came off wrong'' this does lick the wound#update we are now sitting here going back and forth trying to figure out how they even got it wrong to begin with 😭 im gonna be real with+#+you I'd bet actual money it was on purpose so they could push the order out quicker. bc what i wanted was their tatter skins and those +#+take more effort and time I'd wager. she said they were busy so I wouldn't be surprised
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