#n darry doesnt fight back
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I hope yall know I am never not thinkin about ponyboy post canon havin yet another fight with Darry n just on some anger n instinct n feelin he can't explain hittin him n realizin oh. God. is that all it takes?
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months ago
Hcs for pony’s track meets ily 😽
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heyyy ily2222 😜
since i got TWO anons about this ill just include em both in this ask🙏🏽🙏🏽
•he deserves a lil snack after it, wether one if the gang already has the snack darry packed for him or they go out to buy it, he DESERVES a lil treat, its like his scooby snack
•speaking of the gang, someones always there early so they can pick him up quickly, usually johnny just stays w him till its over tho
•i think to motivate himself, pony makes small bets/competitions inside his head
•shit he even does this off the track field, he could be walking w someone and in his head hes trying to see who can make it to that crack in the sidewalk first, and it actually helps him get faster for meetings
•imma tell ya, if they ever gettin chased by a serial killer, pony WILL b the first one running outta there, his track will come in handy
•this nigga can JUMP man, at first those hurdles had him stressing, but now he does pretty well w em, doesnt mean he doesnt get scared of them sometimes
•honestly pony rlly only picked up track so it could look good on transcripts n what not, but the gang jokes that its bc he wants to show off to the girls
•now this wouldnt rlly happen bc darry graduated before pony got into high school or at least before he got into track BUT if football practice and track was taking place on the same day, darry would take his small breaks from practice to see how pony was holding up on the other side, and theyd wait for each other to finish so they can go home together
•ponys gotten so tired that someones just had to carry him to the car and into bed, his track coach dont play at ALL
•curlys the reason ponys had to do laps around the track sometimes
•the gang TRIES to get pony to eat more filling stuff before track meets but pony SWEARS that will only fuck him up, just give him water and a banana and he’ll rock it out
•the gang will cheer pony on during track meets, not even to uplift him, JUST to embarrass him, darry and soda usually smacks the back of their heads but it dont work for long😭
•curly calls him that one stupid ass bird from the looney tunes cartoons and the gang started picking up on it and calling him that too
•curly makes jokes about how ponys all sweaty but ponys just not paying attention hes fighting for his next breath, he needs to lay those smokes DOWN😭
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violntfemme · 10 months ago
with marching band coming up(for me at least), id like to yap about my hcs for the gang if they were to be in a marching band..(exception of steve because i dont know his character well enough to make decent hcs for him😭)
-he would play a trumpet, he gives me major trumpet player vibes
-hes also not very good at playing it, he only joined because Soda did
-actually really good at marching
-either remembers all of his music or none of it
-he gets upset whenever the directors seperate brass and woodwind because soda plays a saxophone😕
-he would take football games very seriously
-NO extra playing in the stands
-fighting for his life every practice because marching at 180bpm and playing a trumpet takes a lot of air that he doesnt have
-thinks the uniforms are cool asf
-he almost died at band camp because he forgot water once
-Darry had to walk him off of the field
-Most hated section; percussion(dally hit him on the head with drumsticks once and he hasnt forgiven him)
-saxophone player !!
-he would be first chair because i said so
-WAY too lenient of a section leader but if you aint got your music memorized youre getting scolded
-really wants to be a drum major but he was never able to 'secure' the spot
-he fell a lot during his freshman year
-tries to teach ponyboy his music/drill spots as best as he can whenever pony gets confused
-not that serious about marching band, he's kinda doing it just because it sounded fun
-thought the uniforms made him look like shit(hes lying)
-remembers basically every show he did by heart
-really upset about quitting band when he dropped out
-Most hated section: Flutes/Piccs(Twobit rants about how much the section sucks)
-Drum major !!!
-he was like an overbearing parent to Soda and Pony during band camp(constantly checking if they had enough water breaks, ate enough each meal, etc)
-played the baritone in concert band and during his freshman year in marching band
-amazing at marching not so much marching and playing at the same time
-he didnt have enough time to practice at home so he only played during band and so his playing was mediocre
-drum major from sophomore to senior year
-he didnt mind the uniforms, he liked the normal uniforms better than drum major uniforms though
-HATED dally during marching band season. only during marching band season though
-director(s) loved him because the band actually listened to him
-got really upset when he graduated but the entire band said they were gonna miss him + the rest of the seniors so that makes it a bit better
-Most hated section: Percussion(Dally annoys him during MB season)
-Piccolo player.
-He thinks it sounds like a dog whistle and likes annoying Dally with it(he gets hit on the head with drum sticks)
-good at playing, bad at marching
-he has overall poor coordination from drinking so often
-his coverdowns suck
-god forbid he's backwards marching
-directors got onto him a lot about it he just couldnt fix his marching, he just sucked
-love/hate relationship w/ his section
-flutes n piccs gotta lot of drama overall, he just tried to ignore it
-(he started most of it)
-he's showed up drunk to a football game and he nearly got kicked out
-^darry had to talk the director out of kicking him out of the band
-annoys johnny all the time during practice considering he likes the clarinet section better
-Constant 'this one time at band camp..' jokes
-he adores the uniforms for some odd reason
-exclusively watches mickey mouse on his way to/from games and comps
-he complained a lot during band camp
-says hes going sober for the season every year(he lies every year)
-Most hated section: Flutes/Piccs(Its his own section, he just doesnt like the other people)(they dont like him either)(im not exaggerating this. flutes have the worst drama ever.)
-Takes marching band VERY seriously
-good distraction for him
-out of the house a lot because of practice
-he has to carpool to get back home basically everyday
-really good at marching, surprisingly
-soda was his marching band brother basically
-stayed as close as possible to dally during warm-up blocks
-liked talking about his music and drill to pony whenever practice ended
-dally told him he did good after a show once and hes never forgotten it
-really quiet during practice
-like pony, fighting for his life trying to get air he doesnt have during practice
-usually ends up talking to pony in the lot after football games
-doesnt really like wearing the uniforms but he thinks they look fine
-type of person to cry at championships
-LOVES stands tunes theyre so fun to him
-Most hated section: Trumpets(No hate to Pony, but theres too many.)
-Percussion - bass drum
-he used to be a snare but he broke 2 of them and the directors gave up
-really irresponsible when it comes to memorizing his music
-he remembers half of the show and just wings it for the rest
-comes up behind people and hits them in the head with drum sticks
-he doesnt even know why hes in band
-he complains about practice every day(who doesnt tbh)
-suffering at band camp
-pale bitch burned so badly its not even funny
-worst mischief during band camp and football games
-annoying the fuck out of darry during water breaks
-Sylvia is in colorguard so its really awkward whenever they see each other
-actually decent at marching
-he just doesnt take it seriously
-he hates stands tunes with a burning passion
-he has to tie his hair up to put on his hat and twobit makes fun of him for having a 'man bun'
-he touched the feathers of a plume with his hands once and darry yelled at him
-hates the uniforms but is convinced he looks good in it(he doesnt)
-Most hated section: Mellophones(He has beef w/ one of the guys who plays one)
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listofwhyyouloveher · 3 years ago
Hellooooo!! i was wondering if you could do a request for ponyboy and where the reader is best friends with him and knows him from school (and is also prolly really smart). and like him introducing her to the rest of the gang and then the gang sort of taking her in as a younger sister. (just a lot of platonic fluff bc platonic relationships are criminally underrated) Thank you!!!!!!
ofc! he's your best pal, your bud. sure you let him cheat off your homework sometimes, but, he tells you about all these adventures he's had, takes you to the movies so you can mess around and take more that just one soda, no matter how many times the worker Benny tells you not to. he's always rattled off about how he'd love to introduce you to the gang, but everyone's been rather busy around these times. he gives you excuses with a sad little pout on his face, like, "sorry, dally's in tha' cooler again.." or "darrys working extra, maybe nex' time" this time, ponyboys put extra effort in to making sure everyone's there. it has to be PERFECT. hell, he'd probably drive himself mad getting all these plans done. but pony's got a way, he made it happen, now your walking down with pony away from the drive in, sipping some pepsi-cola. he's flipping a coin back between his pointer and middle finger. when you both reach the door you toss the bottle into the trash and pony opens the screen door. "darry! i've got someone i'd like you to meet!" darry's head pokes out from the kitchen doorway. he side steps to get a good look at you. "who's this ponyboy?" you smiles at him and stick out your hand. "y/n, great to meet you!" he shakes your hand, it's still wet from washing dishes. sodapop steps into the room with steve holding a beer can swaggering behind him. they're cracking jokes until they see you politely standing in the middle of the room introducing yourself to darry. "who's the small kid superman?" steve asks taking a sip of his beer. darry rolls his eyes at steve. "pony's friend, real sweet kid too. be nice and introduce yourselves wont 'ya?" darry beckons the two boys over to you. "what's your name kid?" soda asks. "dont call them kid, they look older than you, babyface" steve jokes and nudges soda in the side. you grin slightly. "y/n, and you?" you ask. "sodapop" soda mocks a bow, steve tussles soda's greased hair. "i'm steve randall, probably heard o' me before, popular I guess you could say," steve pretends to be real slick. "what's all the commotion?" johnny and dally walk in. dally's wearing a smug expression on his face and his hand is covering his side. it looks like it's bleeding. he's leaning on johnny whos got a nervous shiver to him, he looks nice though. "got into another fight dally?" darry asks hands on his hips. "you know it superman" dally settles down on the part of the couch that doesnt have books scattered across it. "who's the chick" dally asks, no real expression on his face. "watch yo' mouth dally" ponyboy answers, "it's my friend from school." "yeah and they' real sweet too," steve puts a hand on your head. everyone is crowded in on you asking you questions, you can't say you aren't enjoying it. they really seemed genuinly intrested, except dally who asked if you knew any cute girls. what do you expect, he's only seventeen and he's been in and out the cooler more times than you have hairs on your head. "heey! why didnt anyone invite me to y'all's party!" two-bit hopped through the door. "this is y/n! they're nice!" "and smart!" "they have cool style!" everyone chimed in and excitedly proclaimed something intresting about you, even dally. "nice to meet 'ya y/n!" two-bit pretended to tip his hat, "now, who wants to watch movies!"
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johnnybby · 8 years ago
the gang @ the mall - hcs
requested by ponybboy!!
immediate fuckery 
thanks to soda, steve, and two
steve notices….the indoor fountain
“hey soda look this place has an indoor pool”
two would deadass climb in and yell "HOLY SHIT SODA GET IN HERE”
darry knows that bringing all the boys here together was a bad idea
homie just needs to shop for the house
and tbh?? somethin special just for himself like a new shirt or working boots or something
“i can’t take you guys ANYWHERE”
i know that darry FUCKING LOVES j.c. penney, target, macy’s and home depot (but since home depot is not at the mall, they have to make a stop after they leave the mall)
pony and johnny, at first, are sword fighting with tubes of wrapping paper at target
this is while darry’s buying stuff for the house at home that seems to magically disappear when all the boys are at the curtis house simultaneously….. like sofa cushions???? 
he doesnt know where they go or who takes them
but he knows it’s annoying as fuck
soda?? american eagle, express, j crew (if darry lets him)
stocking up on ALL the high quality flannels
if u leave stevepop alone, there’s a possibility that steve will drag soda to old navy, gap and target 
they’re probably building a paper towel fort in target
and they try to stay overnight
and everyone’s looking for them frantically
dally……doesnt give a fuck
kinda like darry?? as long as it’s cheap n practical
has this unexplainable soft spot for hot topic
two is just hangin at the foodcourt at first
then he’s probably chilling at the store that presses the customizable shirts
unashamedly bought the “thug life? drop the t and get over here” t shirt
also unashamedly bought a “i like the sound you make when you shut up shirt”
“darry every time i wear this just know it’s directed towards you”
“which one?”
“that’s for u to decide”
“pls don’t hug me”
bath and bodyworks??? yankee candle??? JOHNNY
dally? shOPLIFTING & fuckn sleeping on the display mattresses
after they get out the mall and get home johnny’s like
“dally why does ur jacket look like that?”
*opens jacket onto kitchen table*
*17 candles roll out*
pony…. my dear boy…. he’s either deal-hunting in macy’s with good ol darry
or he’s shopping at aeropostale or a&f
and making hour long stops at hot topic
two is SLIDING DOWN the escalator that goes down
and soda is touching the hands of the people going down as he goes up
two gets a shoelace stuck in the fucking escalator
how much do u wanna bet
that they accidentally leave pony behind
like they’re all in the car, ready to go, bags in the trunk
and then soda & johnny finally say something
“where’s pony”
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theootsiders · 7 years ago
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Imagine your OTP has just had a small, petty fight or argument. Neither one of them is really upset, they’re just both kind of annoyed. “Come on, you know I love you.” Says person A. “Prove it.” Says person B. “Sure. I’d do anything for you.” Says A. Person B then proceeds to tell A to do something absolutely ridiculous. A gladly does it, much to B’s amusement. -yall are at the drive in with twobit, soda, pony, and dal -you were jokin around with two bit because thats how he isssss -but you know how dal is, hes the jealous type. -dal comes back from getting popcorn for the gang and hes FUMING -all the creative swear words. all of em. -he makes a big fuss over throwing the popcorn in the trashcan so literally everyone turns around and you catch a glimpse of him running away -”oh my god! not again dal!” -you run home after him cause yall live pretty close to the drive in -and everyone knows not to mess with dally winstons girlfriend so you know that no ones gonna try anything on you -you can take care of your own but yknow how he is. overprotective. too overprotective -no seriously he once flipped a blade on someone talkin with you. just talking -you didnt even know the guy you were just standing outside of school waiting for dal to pick you up and the guy just asked if there was a quiz the next day and boom theres a blade -”dallas winston.” “y/n y/l/n.” “why are you like this?” “because i am.” “oh my GOD dallas. i dont fucking get it two bit talks like hell to anyone and everyone. you cant expect him to stop. am i not allowed to talk to anyone anymore? what the hell is your problem?” “god, y/n.” “what now?” -it was short but it was enough. -he just storms into yalls room and slams the door shut -and you just feel hopeless and scared and you wonder if you hurt him too bad even though hes taken more but youve always been delicate around him cause you dont wanna push him around more than hes already been pushed -but still both of you are way too stubborn to actually talk to each other -and you know hes just annoyed and he just doesnt wanna lose you. two bit has his humour. soda is (to put it lightly) an angel sent from heaven. ponys sweet and smart. darrys hardworking and caring. steves got the same interest in cars as you. hell even johnnys got somethin, even if he looks like a baby and hes like yours and dallys kid but what does dally have. he always wonders what he has cause hes just a troublemaker and hes in jail a lot and gets into fights what does he HAVE. -but you know he has so much more than just being a troublemaker -so much more. -finally you get up cause you cant stand being without him for a long period of time -spoiler alert -it was like 20 minutes -you walk in and say in your shitty impression of him “come on doll, you know i love you!” -hes lying down turned away from you but you can still hear the smile in his voice when he says “prove it.” -you sit down on the bed and say “sure. i’d do anything for you, doll.” -he sits up and says,” do somethin’ stupid.” -”ok well,” you thought and remembered,” one time, i shit my pants at a rodeo because I thought the whole reason they were doing this was to ram the horse into the crowd.” -he laughs his weird laugh and you melt again and everything's alright -”you were a smart kid, eh babe? thats my y/n” -you turn off the light and nuzzle into his chest -and he thinks you're sleeping and he whispers,”why was I ever mad at you, hon? You didn't do nothin’, baby.” he smoothes your hair down and kisses the top of your head and even quieter he says “I love you.” -a minute later you say,”I know.”
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an-outsiders-sunset · 8 years ago
West Side Doll
part five/final part
Dallas Winston x soc reader
*two weeks after events of last part*
Randy’s p.o.v
Walking around the greaser neighborhood, I was just trying to pass time. I don’t see a need to fight when there isn’t a reason. Speaking of a fight there’s the Curtis gang. I don’t think they see me yet. ‘Glory, I can’t believe that broad actually thinks Dally cares for her.’ Two bit said laughing. I pity that broad man. Not another one of Dallas Winston’s toys. 'Maybe we shouldn’t be messing with her I mean, Randy’s going to kill Dall. And Y/n isn’t a bad girl.’ Johnny said angrily at Two bit. Dallas is playing my sister. Those guys are gonna get it. 'Hey!’ I yelled walking up to them. 'Fuck, Randy what are you doing on our turf?’ Ponyboy asked. 'Whose idea was it?! Whose. Idea. Was. It.’ I yelled looking at them. 'Oh boy, I’m scared. Randy please don’t hurt me.’ Steve said laughing as he feigned fear. Without thinking I lunged towards Steve. Holding him by the collar I pushed him into the fence. 'You fucking idiot. I want to know the entire thing before I pound your face into your skull!’ I yelled into his face angrily. 'Ok ok, we wanted to get back at you for being well…you. We had ol'Dall ask your sister out knowing it would really get to ya. And it did. But of course Dally had to get soft and tried to back out but then I offered him money and he agreed to go through with it again. I suppose he is going to let her go some time soon.’ That bastard winked at me. 'I’m not gonna fight you. Im gonna go tell Y/n.’ I said walking away. 'Wait, Randy.’ That Johnny kid called after me. 'What?’ 'Don’t, don’t do that. Dally, he really likes your sister. Now imma tell you something and you bes not tell Dally I told you cause he would skin me, but he came to me one night man, he was almost in tears, he was worrying about what Y/n would think of him if the truth came out.’ He admitted struggling to look me in the eye. 'Your not a bad kid, I heard what you said about my sister. But Dallas deserves this. So do you guys. Consider your gang member count to be brought down by one.’ I said walking away to go find my sister. That Johnny kid, he was the one Bob jumped. I felt bad for him. He wasn’t a bad kid.
Running to the first place I think of, the park, I see two silhouettes near the swings. Hearing footsteps behind me i swiftly turn around to see the entire gang behind me running to stop me. I start running faster to the two near the swings. 'Y/n get away from that bastard!’ I yell coming to a stop in front of my sister. 'Randy, what the fuck are you doing?’ 'Don’t do it. Randy he was forced into it. It’s not his fault.’ Darry strongly said from behind me. I looked over to Dallas and he was looking at me with a pleading looking. That bastard should of thought about that before. 'She deserves to know the truth.’ I state firmly. 'What’s going on?’ Y/n asks leaning closer to Dallas. 'Come one baby. You don’t need to be here.’ Dallas replied trying to get her away. That ignited something in me. I darted towards Dallas grabbing him and pulling him to the ground. Hitting him square in the jaw multiple times as he struggled to get me off of him. My sisters screams were faint as someone lifted me off of Dallas. 'HES A LIAR!’ I yell. 'HE LIED TO YOU. HE DOESNT LOVE YOU. THIS WAS ALL JUST TO GET BACK AT ME. HE WAS PAID TO KEEP DATING YOU, YOU MEANT NOTHING TO HIM.’ I YELLED towards Dallas. 'Dallas?’ My sister questioned from the side. 'Look baby, that how it started but then I met you and you were amazing and I fell for you baby. Please you gotta believe me.’ He said going towards her, putting his hand on her cheek. 'You lied to me? YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME?’ She choked out. 'God no baby you gotta understand please. It started out like that but it changed. I changed please, I’m sorry.’ He was in tears by now. That bastard. 'Don’t touch me. Don’t talk to me. DONT EVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN. I FUCKING HATE YOU.’ She yelled running away. 'NO BABY PLEASE!’ Dallas sobbed trying to run after her but being held back by Steve and Darry. 'Let her go man.’ Steve said holding him back. 'I fucking hate all of you! You made me hurt her!’ He yelled pushing Steve and Darry away. 'Rumble. Tonight.’ I say looking directly at Steve. 'No weapons.’ With that I run in the direction my sister went.
Y/n’s p.o.v I trusted him. I loved him. He didn’t even care. I was all a bet to him. Coming across a tree I decide to walk over to it and climb it. Sitting on top one of the branches I finally let the tears fall. How could I be so stupid? I believed a no good greaser. God I’m suck an idiot. I let out a frustrated scream as i hear the twigs snapping on the floor. 'Y/n.’ Randy. 'I’m sorry. But you deserve to know the truth.’ Hoping down from the branch, I run to my brother hugging him and sobbing into his chest. 'It hurts so much.’ I admit as he just holds me. Comforting me. 'He’s a greaser, you’re a soc. It would never work. Plus he is Dallas Winston, self centered, cold, heartless.’ My brother said making a face at the end. But Dally wasn’t heartless, he wasn’t cold, he wasn’t self centered. He was guarded, scared of showing his vulnerability. He hated being emotional so his best way to deal with it was to get rid of it. I mean, that’s what I thought before all this shit happened. I thought he actually cared about me. Dare I say loved me. 'There is a rumble tonight. You wanna come?’ Randy asked. 'No, Dallas will be there. I don’t wanna see him.’ I stated clearly. 'Come on sis let’s go home.’ Randy said before picking me up, bridal style, and carrying me home as I fell asleep.
Dallas’ p.o.v God damnit! What the fuck is wrong with me man. Go ahead, say it! I’m going soft for some soc! But I don’t care. She’s my girl and I hurt her. I hurt my Doll. I’m dumb fucking shit man. 'I’m sorry Dall, I didn’t think you would like this broad man. She’s not your type.’ Steve said trying to make me feel better. It just angered me even more. 'Not my fucking type! Steve she was no ones type because no one fucking deserved her. But yet some how she chose me and my dumbass had to listen to you man. I had to go along with that stupid fucking plan. My self centered, dumbass, shitty self had to fuck this all up. Cause that’s what I do best. I ruin everything I fucking touch.’ I yelled at him. Making me choke up even more. 'God I’m done with this shit man! I’ll see you guys at the rumble.’ I said frustrated walking out of the house. I’m fucking done. I fall for someone and I get hurt. That’s what you fucking get for being soft, man. How could I be so fucking stupid she trusted me. She was mine and I let her go. You get tough and you don’t get hurt. I loved by that man, then that broad had to come in and fuck shit up. Steve had to fuck it up. My lowlife, dumbass self had to mess it up cause that’s all I fucking do. How am I supposed to live without her? She came into my life like a whirlwind man. I wasn’t expecting her but now I don’t want her to leave, ya know. What is that west side doll doin to me man? 'Hey mister, you gotta dollar? A dime? You gotta dime?’ Some annoying little kid asked me. Trying to hide my face with my sunglasses I turned away. 'No I don’t got any money!’ I yelled at the dumbass. 'A dime? A nickel?’ She kept asking. 'I don’t got no money get outta here man!’ I yelled shooing her off. As she walked off my mind starts drifting back to Y/n. I’m just gonna have to forget about her after the rumble tonight.
*Time skip* I walk into the Curtis place as all of them are getting ready for tonight’s rumble. 'Hey Dall, glad you could make it.’ Johnny said from the side. 'Dall you fighting?’ Darry asked walking over to me. 'It ain’t a rumble without me man.’ I laughed. Walking to the field I couldn’t help but feel nervous thinking Y/n would be there with Randy. I doubt it man, she hates me. 'You alright Dall?’ Johnny asks from the side. 'Ya, man just thinkin.’ I stated. 'Oh that’s dangerous. You thinking bout that soc?’ He asked seriously towards the end. 'You know what man? Yes I am cause I was finally feeling something for someone I finally felt the slightest bit of trust within someone and she doesn’t trust me at all. She hates my guts. Do you k ow how much it fucking hurts man, to have the girl you like, you love to hate every fiber of your being?’ I blew up at the kid. 'Wow Dall you really liked her huh? Don’t worry man if it was meant to be you guys would find a way back.’ He stated before walking away. As he walked away the socs showed up. Randy got out of the car with his posy following behind him. No sign of Y/n. I don’t know why know as expecting her to come. She hates me. 'I want Dallas.’ I heard Randy say. 'Ok you got me.’ I stated toughly looking at him and taking a drag from the cancer stick. 'You don’t know half the shit you caused for my sister. She hasn’t gotten out of her room since todays encounter. Hasn’t eaten since. She’s in fucking pain, all because of you no good hood. I want you to fucking pay. You’re dead tonight.’ Randy spat at me. 'Bite me.’ I stated throwing my cig at him. That’s how the fight starts. The fight was a blur but now we got them all running. 'Ya you better fucking run!’ I yelled in their direction. Steve hollered and yelled cheering. Everyone is happy, usually I am too but not tonight man. I miss my little light weight. I walk off towards the side walk. I check my pockets for anything that I might have lost during the rumble. Nothing really, still had my heater. It was a bluff though and my bullets fell out of my pocket. I see a convenient store ahead. Perfect.
Y/n’s p.o.v 12 hours. 12 hours since I found out. 12 hours since I locked myself into my room. 13 hours since my last meal. I hate him, I hate how he used to call me a broad, I hate how he used to smoke, I hate how he lied, I hate how I trusted him, I hate how I thought he was different, I hate how I don’t hate him at all. Not even in the slightest. I am unconditionally, irrevocably in love with him, and I hate that. I need to see him agian. Just one more time. I should call Cherri. 'I can’t believe him!’ Cherri yelled. 'You don’t still have feelings for him, do you?’ She asked looking at me. 'Oh my god. You do.’ I guess my silence answered it. 'I want to see him again.’ I stated. 'I don’t think that is the best idea.’ Cherri said shaking her head. 'God please, Cherri I’ve never wanted to do anything more in my life! Please you gotta understand I have to see him, I love him!’ I yelled out in a rush. 'Go.’ 'What?’ 'Go I’ll stay here and pretend to be you if your brother comes by. Go.’ She smiled pushing me towards the window. 'Thank you Cherri.’ I said smiling brightly at her. Climbing at the window, I waved to her receiving a thumbs up.
Walking around the greaser neighborhood trying to spot Dally wasn’t really working and plus, I’m starving. Oooo a convenient store. There has to be food in there.
'I’m calling the cops!’ I hear some one yell. Turning around I see the man, the myth, the legend, Dallas Winston running out of the store, found him. Gun shots go off pulling me back to reality. I look over to Dallas to make sure he is still running, which thank god he is. He’s going towards the lot. I run to the lot going a different route trying not to run into Dallas. Finally I reach the lot and Dallas in no where to be found. Good, I got here first. I go over to the monkey bars and climb onto the top of them, waiting for Dallas to get here. I hear loud footsteps of some one running, Dallas. He turned into the lot, stoping to take breath. I jump down, walking over to him. Nervousness started forming in the pit of my stomach. What if he doesn’t want to see me, what if he never really liked me? What if all his apologies were just fake? I- 'Y/n?’ Dally breathed out as of questioning if I was real. 'Dallas.’ I responded. 'Listen man, you shouldn’t be here.’ He said trying to act tough. Failing to hide the guilt lacing into his facade towards the end. 'Stop it will ya? I came here to talk to you.’ I said tried of his act. 'I’m sorry.’ He said. Evident that he was apologizing for more then what happened just now. 'Why?’ I breathed out. 'I was stupid, a jerk, I wanted to get back at your brother and the socs.’ He said looking down ashamed. 'Did you mean it?’ I asked. 'What?’ 'Did you mean that you love me?’ I asked looking at him with hope. 'I don’t say things I don’t mean.’ He stated. 'Listen doll, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You showed me what it was like to not hate everything around you to not hate the world for doing something to you. Life gives you the worst things for free. I am completely in lo-’ he was cut off by the roaring of an engine and tires screeching. I look over to where the sound is coming from. A blue mustang makes its way into the lot, onto the grass. Bobs driving and he’s drunk. He stops the car getting out with Randy following him. 'Hello Dallas.’ Bob said. 'Bob.’ Dallas sneered walking in front of me. 'So I heard you hurt one of our friends.’ Looking at him with a look saying he was taunting him. 'I don’t like when people hurt my friends.’ Bob states. Dally stays silent clenching his jaw tight. 'Say something!’ He yells. Pulling out a gun cocking it and pointing it towards Dally. Bobs always carries a fully loaded gun with him. 'You don’t need to do this.’ Dally stated strongly.
Dallas’ p.o.v 'Bob please.’ Y/n said softly from behind me. 'Say one more word and I’ll blow your brains out. Ya know baby, it was supposed to be us. I don’t want Cherri I want you. Can’t you just picture it us together in our big house, our eight beautiful children and us, in the bedroom, working on number nine. Me ramming my-’ I cut him off by pulling out my unloaded heater trying to get him to back off. He instinctively pulls the trigger. I prepare for the blow but a body is thrown in front of me. Y/n. 'No. NO! YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!’ I yell at them bending down to Y/n. I grab her small body in mine, her shaking frame clings to mine, her blood staining my clothes. 'Hold me darling just a little while.’ She stuttered quietly. I pulled her closer. 'God, no baby. Don’t be sorry you are going to be ok. I love you ok. It’s my fault.’ I said letting the tears fall freely down my face not caring any more. 'I love yo-’ She started but unable to finish. She fell limp in my arms, eyes slowly closing. 'God no baby please, baby please stay awake. Stay with me.’ I said rocking slightly to get her to open her eyes. 'CALL 911, CALL SOMEONE!’ I yelled at the two of them. Randy was on the floor sobbing yelling at Bob. Bob was just standing there in shock. 'Ok, I uh I’m calling right um now.’ Bob said in shock. Riding in the back of the ambulance with her all I can think about is what I’m going to do if I lose her. She’s my angel, not theirs. Please, save my baby. 'I’m sorry kid.’ Some guy next to me says. 'It’s not your fault man.’ I said emotionless. 'What was she?’ He asked referring to her social rank. Was. Was. Past tense. 'She is a soc. Im a grease.’ I stated clearly. 'You guys dated?’ He asked Dated. Dated. Past tense. Again. 'Ya.’ 'I guess it was like a real Romeo and Juliet story huh. Greaser and soc fall in love going against everything. Wow. How’d she get hurt.’ He asked awkwardly towards the end. 'I was gonna get shot and my baby jumped in front of me taking the shot. I held her till she went unconscious.’ My voice cracked and gave out towards the end. 'She must’ve really loved you.’ He stated clearly surprised. Past tense again. 'Ya.’ My voice faded out. This guy man. Four hours. Four fucking hours. Four hours since we brought her here, four hours since I last told her I love you, four hours since I’ve seen my angel. Six hours since I’ve eatin. The gang is all here now and we are just waiting for news. Any news. Everything here is so repetitive man. Same boring walls, same boring people, same boring tv programs. The one who’s taking it the hardest besides Randy bob and I is Steve. He hasn’t talked to anyone, hasn’t moved from his seat, a few tears leaked out eye couple times but quickly wiping it away. It wasn’t his fault he shouldn’t be so hard on himself. 'Steve.’ I rasped out. He looked up at me. His lip quivering and jaw clenching. 'I’m sorry man.’ His voice cracked. I walked up to him pulling him into a hug. Crying on his shoulder as he cried on mine. 'It’s my fault Dall, I’m sorry man.’ He choked out. 'No it’s not. You’re not the one who pulled the trigger man. No stop with this mushy shit.’ I said pulling away from him and wiping my eyes. Looking around everyone had a surprised look on their faces. 'Eh get over it.’ I said sitting back down. 'Where is she!’ A female voice yelled from the entrance. Turning around I see a Cherri Valence walking up to us with tears streaming down her face. 'You will never speak to me again.’ She stated looking at Bob. Looks like when Pony called her he told her the whole story. She sat down next to me, looking at me with an apologetic look I just turned my head to stop myself from crying again. 'Y/n Adderson?’ The doctor came out saying. We all stand up, making the doctor confused. 'We are all here for her. But Randy’s her brother. He is the only one here related to her. Her parents aren’t in the country.’ Darry stated clearly. 'Well then. She survived. She isn’t waking up yet but she will soon. I don’t know what God you guys prayed to but it’s a miracle she’s made it. She was pronounced dead for several minutes on that table but she came back. I don’t know how, but she did.’ The doctor stated amazed and walked away after saying we could go in but one visitor at a time. She was pronounced dead. Dead. Past tense. I look over at Randy, who was standing there looking at me. 'Go.’ He rasped out. 'She wants to see you when she first wakes up.’ 'Ok.’ I croak out. Walking into her room seemed like a dream. I’m really walking, I’m floating. Turning the handle I brace myself for what I might see. I finally see her. My angel, my doll, my baby she was lying there in all white. She looks like an angel. The soft beeping in the background was the only sound you could hear. 'Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I love you so much and I understand if you don’t want to be near me. I get it I was a fucking bastard. I’m sorry. But please push through don’t do it for me do it for, I don’t know, do it for Johnny. But please, please know I love you.’ I said quietly. Holding her hand with my right I take out my ring from my pocket with my left. It was my skull ring but I got it for just for her. 'Dallas.’ She murmured scrunching up her face. 'I’m right here baby.’ I said holding her hand with both my hands placing the ring on the bed. 'I love you too.’ She whispered smiling her angelic soft smile. 'Oh god baby you scared me.’ I breathed out. 'I’m sorry.’ She said opening her big green eyes looking at me. 'No no no no baby don’t be sorry. It’s all my fault ok.’ I said softly to her. 'Will you be mine? Will you be my boy?’ She asked cutely giggling. Laughing along with her I respond with, 'Will you be my girl?’ And I hand her the ring. 'Oh god Dall, your ring, you don’t have to give it to me.’ She said pushing towards me. 'Too late I already got it made for you. Read the inside, baby.’ I said rubbing the pad of my thumb over the back of her hand. She turned it over and read aloud. 'I love you, my girl. -Dallas Winston’
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months ago
Could we get some slice of life hcs for papercut + the gang? 😊
the gang and their semi unwanted honorary member❤️
•the gang can tell when curly was over while pony was cooking, theres either more food on the table than normal, the seasoning a lil off, or the food is pretty burnt. they look at the food, then look at pony, then look at the food, then pony again, just to give him the look of “dude cmon”
•i hc that steve is black, so since curly and steve have the same hair type, and its different from everyone else, curly steals the comb steve b usin for his hair. pony is aware and he wooouuullldddd tell curly to stop but he hates steve rn so he doesnt fight w curly telling him to stop using it. if steve starts arguing pony just takes curlys side automatically
•sometimes curlys laundry finds its way into everyone else’s and darry ends up washing it, ofc he has to give it back but there r moments where he has TERRIBLE timing while trying to give it back. imagine curly trying to hit on pony, only for darry to awkwardly shuffle in and mumble “curly ur laundry🧍‍♂️”
•pony and curly r the main duo eating all the snacks, darry or soda asks what the house needs grocery wise and they r the FIRST ppl to tell u exactly whats missing, lil hungry hungry hippos. if u were wondering if we werent talking duos, steve and two r the ones finisbing all the snacks by THEMSELVES, they need 0 help
•pony and curly fight over who rides shotgun in whoevers car, they can yell it but curlys a big fat cheater, pony has to b SITTING in that seat before him he cant just say it or else curly will steal it and make pony sit in the back. its gotten so annoying NEITHER of em r allowed to sit in the front if darry or steves car (mainly steves)
•curly steals tims radio “he barely uses” as curly put it, to listen to music w pony and curly has to bribe dally into not saying anything. once they broke it and took it over to soda to try and fix, curly was forever in debt to soda for that, he was genuinely scared for his life that day😭
•”why r u in the kitchen” “i wanted to make pony breakfast🧍🏿” and he not only made thee biggest mess but just wasted like 3 different things, they were even more upset bc it was JUST for him and pony, just straight greed and gluttony😭😭
•pony has to push curly to do a LOTTTT of things if he wants to get something good in the house but curlys so lazy in the morning especially. he wants hot water??? gotta get up early before all 6 other members shower and get it. want a good plate of food??? hurry ur ass to the kitchen, etc etc, curly cant STAANNNDDDD it he hates it so bad, when he stays over he doesnt eat breakfast just brushes his teeth n leaves he’ll shower at home
•curly knows alllll the crazy thinks darry and sodas done, alllll of them, tims told curly the stories of darry in hs and angela loves ranting off about other ppls business, when they try scolding pony, curly just blurts out what he knows as a “haha gotchu”, ponys mostly mortified/disgusted hearing them tho
•pony bribed two bit numerous times for him to lead the gang away from him and curly for alone time and curly does the same, what they dont know is that two bit is tricking them both into BOTH of them secretly paying him. ofc he still does what they want, hess not a COMPLETE scammer give him his props!!
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pumpkinsy0 · 8 months ago
Can we get some hcs of how curly would help pony when pony gets in a fight with darry or soda?
honestly he has like two way of responding and its all dependent on how pony is
if ponys mad
•curlys pretty much an instigator, he lets ponys angrily rant and hes just like “YEA FUCK THAT GUY🗣️”, he WILL be taking that opportunity to air out his grievances w darry and soda
•would def bring pony to his own lil rage area he got he goes to when hes mad, takes pony a while to actually start lunching or throwing stuff bc hes just hsed to smoking till hes not mad anymore but he does some damage to the afea so its progress
•speaking of pony smoking a lot when hes mad, curly would b a bit concerned cause its like one cigarette after another, ponys just asking to get asthma or cancer or somethin, so curly just tries to keep pony talking so he doesnt smoke as much but can still vent
•honestly i could see curly making a small lil fire and just tossing shit in there while talking to pony and pony joins in a lil, not a big fire, just some small twigs n what not, he finds the fire therapeutic and just gets pony in on it so maybe he feels better
•hes like that bc hes familiar w feeling angry, thats like his top 5 most felt emotion, he can relate to that, he fights w tim sometimes
if ponys SAD tho???
•yea hes shit outta luck he dunno WHAT to do, sadness is not his thing, hes so awkward about it
•tries rubbing ponys back and sitting next to him and asking “whats wrong”, but u can tell curlys out of his element bc hes tapping on any surface, hes nervous and confused but wants to help
•if its not too late, he’ll stay to watch a sunset w pony cause “u like that right???”, tries cracking jokes and telling stories to lift ponys spirits
•when ponys sad he gets a little more poetic and curly just sits there and feels hopeless cause he doesnt know wtf ponys trynna say, hes just trynna b nice
•unlike johny and pony who would just stay in one place and maybe cuddle when pony was ranting and was upset, i think pony and curly would just be walking around, just think that would b an interesting difference
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pumpkinsy0 · 8 months ago
This one could get a bit chaotic but papercut going on a road trip? (And maybe some Pony trying to convince Darry to let him go??) Your headcanons keep me alive, i live and breathe papercut, so please keep up the good work or else I will die 💖
papercut road trip?? aw yeaaa baybeeee comin right up 🤵🏽‍♀️🍜
•it was def a spontaneous idea from curly, he was thinking one night and just wanted to drive somewhere, nowhere in particular just go around, he told tim and tim wasnt gonna fight him on it, if thats what curly wants thats his life, all he can hope is that he comes back in one piece (monkey d. luffy refrence⁉️)
•ik when he brought up the idea to pony it took a bit of convincing, not THAT much, but he still had to do it cause like, just a RANDOM road trip?????? pony joked that curly was trynna kill him, but curly did say they’d prolly pass the country side and he could take some pics as a remembrance so pony was down
•not gonna lie, ion know HOW, ponys ass is gonna convince darry to go, pony might be 18/19 but he is PUSHING his freedom here, ill tell u what tho it took a team effort from tim and buck (somehow), and darry probably slapped an airtag on pony or somethin so he knew where he was
•they were not taking curlys car, ill tell u that much, if u drove that thing for more than an hour i promise u theyre so dead before they even get to the 10th block out of ponys neighborhood, REGARDLESS OF HOW, pony kissed darry n soda goodbye (YES thats important to know)
•SKIPPING BORING DETAILS SO WE CAN ACTUALLY GET THE ON THE ROADTRIP, but they r STACKED w literally just snacks, no actual food, just chips, candy, juice and some water, lord help these two, they gonna crash on the highway🤦🏽‍♀️
•wether its a camcorder or just a regular ole camera, ponys documenting this, he also has a journal to write down his thoughts and draw, hes a man of many talents
•for every stop, when he can, he calls darry to let him know hes alive, even sends over post cards from the different places he’s at, stocks up on small lil knickknacks too!!curly also called to check in w tim and angela and pony made him send over letters too (curly HATESSSS writing letters)
•would it REALLY b papercut if i didnt say that one of em got them lost??? curly def cant read a map for shit and fucked up while pony was driving, that argument had ppl in other cars looking over
•they would take turns on who was driving but honestly just never let curly behind the wheel, be nearly missed an exit and pretty much drifted in the highway, curly would do WONDERS in a racing game, he did a “emergency” stop and almost catapulted pony out his seat when he was sleeping, hes such a lil asshole
•sometimes tho, they would just pull over completley and get in the back seat just to sleep, they had a blanket and like one pillow but its ok the one of em would just lay on the other, they had some pretty nice talks in there and pony wrote about it in his journal
•when they get to the country side, i could see pony having one of those nature books and finding what he could just to cross em off, hes a nerd like that, curly was way too fascinated by the insects to rlly make fun of him for too long
•took some good nature pics too, some silly ones as well, curly took some too!!
•one of em touched poison ivy, whoops
•how have i gone this long without mentioning that curly would def b the one blasting music, hes not the passenger princess, hes the passenger pain in the ass (pony doesnt wanna admit but video evidence proves other wise, he was singing too)
•pony is a pretty good driver i aint gonna lie, but maybe a lil too good, his eyes will NOT be leaving that road, curlys just gotta feed pony himself from the passenger
•they didnt pack enough clothes, they were def clothes shopping as they went, whoever car they took is a MESS by now
•at some point pony got sunburnt and curly was laughing at him bc it wasnt even all over his body, the sunburn just covered parts that his clothes didnt cover, had to make a stop at a gas station for sunscreen and aloe vera (if we r assuming curly packed enough money)
•they dont rlly go home for a while, they got too homesick
i need to stop here before i get anymore ideas,,,
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months ago
IK we hear a lot of Darry and Dallas probably clashing the most within the hang, but I could also see Darry clashing a lot with Two-Bit. Specifically I could see Darry unintentionally taking out some of his frustration on Two-Bit. Two-Bit like soda is emotionally intelligent, except as we see in the book he’s mostly an observer. He can’t comfort as well as Soda can or soothe someone’s worries. I just think there’s a lot of angst potential there.
NOT that Darry is bad by any means!! But I could see that Two-Bit’s calm demeanor to stressful situations would in fact bug Darrel to a certain degree. I think what would bug him more is Two-Bit just accepting the anger he throws at him. Not cause Two-Bit can’t fight back but rather cause he KNOWS Darrell needs to get it out of his system.
ALL THIS TO SAY: Hurt/Comfort HC’s of this??
OoOoOo rare two bit post, whats goodddd
•i think when it comes to two bit, ppl THINK he cant read the room and thats y he jokes, but its the exact opposite, he jokes BC he knows the tension in the room and is trying to settle it down, sometimes it just doesnt work/land, and that happens more so w darry
•when it comes to darry, i dont think two bit jokes???hes more so of a “look at the bright side” kinda guy, and darry can only take so much of that before he snaps, he usually just sighs and tries leaving but two but is always checking in on him and doing that over n over
•two bit knows darry holds a lot of things in, considering two bit is the oldest in the gang (darry canonically isnt rlly in the gang apparently, i just could him as an unofficial official member), darry doesnt rlly hold in his feelings near him, hes seen darry stressed out at the table n stuff, so he tries taking him out here n there
•atp sometimes thats where darry snaps bc he doesnt WANT to relax, he wants to do what he has to do first, darry never gives himself time to calm down, he has a pretty big “work first, play hard” ethic hes hard on himself for and thats what two bit is “attacking”
•darry does feel super bad when hes done being angry though, he truly doesnt WANT to snap at anyone, he just does at times, and its not like he says anything like, OUTRAGEOUSLY mean btw, hes not that kind of angry where he says something deeply personal unless u rlly pushed him there, more so venting about his own issues
•he still apologizes profusely and its just,,,,kinda sad to watch honestly, darry has his head in his hand (or hands) and looks like hes just crawling into himself, and its like, two bit CANT b mad at him
•two bit rlly doesnt take it personally, doesnt hurt his feelings either, of course hes a bit taken back, but he doesnt exactly argue back, he lets darry get it out of his system and THEN says what he wants to say (hes not called two bit for no reason he WILL add in his 2 cents) which is usually what darry HAS to hear
•two bit tends to give a heads up to anyone whos about to step in the house when darrys upset, mostly to guys space, but also bc he knows the others might take it to heart and fight back and just worsen the situation
•also!!!! if two hears pony talk badly about darry after an argument, he scolds pony for it, ofc he also sympathizes w pony, but theres this thing in the gang where sometimes they rub into darry for his anger bc theyre also angry at him and two bits the one to try and defend him, cause if he doesnt, who will (this excludes soda btw, two bit and soda talk about darry sometimes)
•nobody rlly, sees their outburst btw, the most ppl ever see is like, two and darry talking at the kitchen at most, and two bits just not his “up eat all jokester” self he looks genuine, but when they notice ur there everything goes “back to normal”
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pumpkinsy0 · 21 days ago
Omg...can we get fem pony and curl hcs 🥺
Love ur posts they brought me back into the fandom after straying from it for a bit 🫶
omg heyyyyyy im always lacing my post w a lil but of something something to get ppl into coming back im glad it worked for u❤️
AND i talked about them yesterday so heres the other hcs and take these as bonus ones!!!
•if peony wants curly to leaver her alone, she threatens that she’ll tell darry that hes bothering her, her ilder brothers do not mess around when it comes to her, in this neighborhood girls w older brothers dont fight and peony hates whipping out that card cause she doesnt wanna seem weak, but she will if she has to and its like the only thing that gets curly to leave her b
•as a kid peonys hair was way longer, but after this one time where curly cut part of it for shits n giggles, her mom had to cut it to make it even and it just never grew back as quickly as before, peony still brings it up till this day!!!! curly thinks she looks way better w short hair anywho so he doesnt feel that bad over it
•curly keeps randomly picking peony up, and slinging her over his shoulder, or on his lap and it grinds tf outta peonys gears, shes slapped him numerous times for it, take the hint man😭😭
•i feel like u could classify these two as enemies to lovers, its not that curly found peony as a rival, she is NOTTTT on par w him, hes way cooler, but when they were around 12 he messed w her and peony fully hated him. she stopped HATING him when 1) she was told if a boy hits u that means he likes u and 2) one of the gang threatened curly and he backed off of her. then they became friends anddddd now lovers, woooooo
•peony wouldnt hate if curly was a tinnyyyy bit romantic here n there, curly knows this but he feels too uncomfortable being lovey dovey and ends up pranking peony into thinking hes being romantic (think him licking her hand instead of kissing it). he tried being nice and baking her something but it made her have a stomach bug instead💔
•going back to peonys begging face looking like a big eyed scary doll, if curly wants her to stop he huffs air into her eyes, if he didnt he would b doin whatever she asked, hes saving HIMSELF!!!! GO KING GO!!!!
•they tried showering together once but peony likes her showers HOT wayyyy too hot for curly, there was no way he could stay in there any longer he nearly passed out, he didnt CARE for looking good atp he felt like he was gonna die if he spent any second longer in there
•peony doesnt even like “typical white girl things” but that wont stop curly from teasing her like she does
•peonys family is financially better than curly shes the one who pays for their food consistently, and that gets under curlys skin so hes glad ponys not rlly a high maintenance girl bc when he DOES have money that means he can buy her relatively affordable things for her thats in his budget and gives it to her as repayment🙏🏽🙏🏽
•even though theyre a straight QUEER STILL couple, they would try to hide their relationship for a while, but not on their own terms, they were told to by (mainly) tim, like think about it, black boy w white girl in the 60s???? yeaaaaa they gotta keep it under wraps for curlys safety. eventually though they do get caught, nothing physically happens, theyre safe but theyre still a tad afraid
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month ago
im the middle man of the stupidest most basic fucking highschool "drama" of my life so can i get some pony hcs of him dealing with smth like that?
heyyyyy srry for not resplying sooner!!! but i am
alive,,, i am back,,,
and omg?? at least ur gettin the real hs experience😭😭
•pony will always go to soda to talk about it, he feels free to do so bc technically he’s not involved w the drama at all, if he told darry it would turn into a “don’t get involved w that, that’s not what ur in school for” kind of lecture. not to say that soda doesn’t kinda do it but it’s more of a passing comment than anything else
•soda and darry were popular in school yet they were never rlly involved in drama like pony is, pony doesn’t have that kinda charm to stay out of trouble like they can, but he has enough likeability to not be at one of the end of drama, yknow what i mean?? that AND ppl know he’s a curtis bro so ppl just don’t wanna get a one way ticket to seeing how protective they r over pony, would soda and darry jump someone over pony??? unpopular opinion but i dont think they would for many different reasons, THE OUTSIDE WORLD DONT KNOW THAT THO so they keep pony at arms length
•god forbid the drama is w pony and 2 of his other school friends, at best he turns into a shitty messenger pigeon, being told to “tell ___ i said ____” but ending up not saying it to them, and the person finds out anyways from someone else. at WORST, pony has to pick a side, loyalty is big to pony so he tries not picking sides, sometimes tho??? he knowwwsss who’s in the wrong and distances himself away from em
•if its one of the gang though, like i said loyalty is a big thing, PLUS he in a way lives w some of em, if one of the gang is in deep trouble he stands ten toes down for em, he does it w a sigh and shakes his head, but still does it
•if u think ponys gonna b the one to try and quell the problem, ur WRONG!! hes just aboard for the ride, stepping in to stop ppl from fighting aint his strong suit, ofc if he feels like itll get outta hand he’ll try to do SOMETHING to stop em but typically??? its common in town so he doesnt care THAT much
•pony had smalllll issues w socs in school when he came back bc they thought bob didnt get his justice and since johnny was dead pony was the next best thing. it wasnt wide spread bc believe it or not bob wasnt wildly beloved, think of it like a “we all look like w gaf about each other but rlly we couldnt care less” american psycho type thing goin on there w half of those socs. but greasers had ponys back soooo nothing more than empty threats n glares
•first REAL big “this happened bc of me, kinda on my own here in this corner” drama pony found himself in was probably when angela tried to get him jumped, BUT EVEN THEN it wasnt rlly drama, there was a right and a wrong and most ppl sided w him anyways, so kinda short lived
•pony says he hates drama (bit of a lie, he doesnt HATE it just thinks its annoying) but hes a big gossiper, and he doesnt even realize it, “grrrrrr i wish u guys what shut up, but sureeeee tell me what he said in exact detail, word for word bar for bar, not that i care or anything🙄🙄🙄”
•noooooobody believes him when he says middle class kids r messsyyyyyyy, everyone says theyre chill but theyre NOT, theres beef between upper middle class kids who try to fit in w the socs and the lower middle class ones who try (keyword try) sticking together, its nottttt just greasers vs socs, the middle class has infighting BAD
•i say all this but genuinely, pony doesn’t pay attention to what happens in school, beyond classes (even IN class if it’s easy enough) he disassociates and couldn’t tell u who what who even though he’s been there for a good few years now, he finds out about a lot of things REALLLYYYY late, pony’s not THAT popular up to the point where ppl tell him everything that’s going on bc he isn’t rlly their force choice to do that w, everytime he’s put in the middle of something, it’s when that situation done boiled over, his friends have to fill him in and they’re like “where tf WERE u when this happened man cmon”
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months ago
Hcs for uhh uhh papercut and uhh ummm uhh umm... papercut.... uhhh going uhhhhhbh PONGBOY COMING HOMEFROM NYC WITH CURLG AND uhhh wait hold on lemme cook... lemme... hold on.... PONY REALIZING HOW MUCH HE'S GROWN FROM WHEN HE LIVED IN TULSA like uhhh hmm uhhh HE DRAWS AND PAINTS EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE HE SEES AND INSTEAD OF KEEPING THEM TO HIMSELF HE ACTUALLY GIVES THEM TO THE PEOPLE HE CARES ABOUT (SPECIFICALLY DARRY.) AND REALIZING HOW HE'S HEALED THAT RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS BIG BROTHER AND HIS HOMETOWN IN A WAY or smth like that I guess uhhh also curly beefing w/ everyone cause he is so silly ‼️
•now dont get it twisted, curly ISSSS ponys muse and he draws him the most out of anyone else, but in nyc pony also takes to just drawing strangers!! in a cafe, subway, park, wherever!! he always has a paper and pen so its pretty easy to do, and sometimes he just gives it to em to keep!!!
•if anyone gives pony shit while hes trynna draw em, he would totally get into a fight over it, curlys always told pony he cant b nice to every one and give em a chance but pony nevverrr pays attention to him so atp instead of stopping him curlys just took to looking over for ponys safety and happiness
•SO when they visit tulsa, pony doesnt rlly have that drive to draw others for some reason, but he still WANTS to draw and so he just does it for the whole gang!! everyone always gets a drawing from him and its usually of them just during their everyday life!!
•but if the gang allll came together and rlly compared who pony drew the most, darrys winning (if ur wondering, sodas second, then two, srry steve</33) and pony couldnt tell u y, darry just inspired him that way
•curly loves being dramatic and says that darrys replacing him btw, and the gang didnt even KNOW how many times ponys drawn curly till curly said it, and pony had to hit him to get him to shut the hell up
•ANYWHO if u looked even deepperrrr into em, u would see that w everyone elses picture, theres a while background and stuff, yknow makes it seem more full, but w darrys pics the only thing in em WAS darry, no background no nothing
•and thats bc,,,,hold my hand here everyone,,,,he was starting to see darry just for himself, woaahhhhh :00000!!!! but honestly, pony couldnt tell u Y he was only drawing darry, he just assumed he was too lazy or something bc he soent most of his time just trying to get darry right
•howeverrrr ponys realized that hes more open to talking to darry, like having full blown convos w him about his interest n stuff how he feels, and dare pony says it, darrys actually pretty funny,,,like wow,,,they talked about his art first and that just opened the flood gates for other things, like darrys interest!! one of them being gardening (remember that for later,,,)
•the gang have also definitely noticed and they will purposely leave them alone so they could catch up, for the time pony spent in nyc and for his childhood, sometimes the gang doesnt even HAVE to do that, darry and pony would just dip and u can find them in the backyard or in the lot away from everyone else!!
•id like to think that curly would poke his head in like “fuck yall out here for” only to get lulled back inside VERY quickly so he doesnt fuck up the mood, BUTTTT BUT BUT BUT, there comes a time where darry actually jokes w curly and ponys thinking “wait a god damn minute hes never done that before,,,” and THATTSSSS when pony starts realizing hes getting closer w darry
•u might b wondering, y is THAT the moment pony realizes that?? and for that i tell u, to pony, darry joking w curly shows that darrys rlly trying to b apart of ponys life!!! even the parts hes not particularly understanding of w the ppl hes not rlly close to and thats all pony has truly ever wanted from the guy as he grew up
•pony gets soooo sad when they get closer and closer to the day they have to go back to ny, so every chance he gets to hang w darry, pony takes and DONT THINK DARRY DOESNT NOTICE IT!!! HE DOES!!! and he thinks its cute, never telling pony that bc he knows pony would b embarrassed but he knows!!
•now remember when i said pony loses that spark to wanna draw other ppl/places when he gets to tulsa,,,bc its ALSOOOO around this time where he genuinely tries drawing the places around him so its etched in his mind, most importantly tho, he draws the lot!!!
•ponys only drawn the lot like ONCE and that was before johnny died, now the lot looks different, completely different!!! theres more grass, noticeably theres a few fucked up looking flowers, nobodyyyy knows how the flowers got there, but PONY does,,,bc darry grew them!!
•one of the more deeper talks they had together, was that after pony left, darry couldnt stop thinking about the lot, it was a place where the gang went to hang out but after everything happened, nobody rlly went there anymore so w his new interest in gardening he took that as his first place to start, as a way of correcting his wrongs and changing the look of it in hopes that in the future the place would b a place to admire!!! and to lowkey mourn johnny
•that got pony out of his artistic rut SO fast, and when pony left, darry went to his room and he found a drawing of him in the lot, the first drawing pony made of him w a background!!! yahoooooo
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months ago
ur breaking bad au hcs i beg,,,,,,
•CURLY W THAT RICIN CIGARETTE??? awwwww man,,,,pony w his nicotine addiction??? hmmmmm i hope ur pickin up what im throwin down here,,,idk if id actually make it happen tho just an idea here
•i do think curly having that w him all the time would mess him up tho, sometimes he’d just, stare at it
•i dont think darry would go down that path walter did and end up doing what he did for himself and not for his family, darry rlly does love his family, for him he keeps doing what he does bc he literally cannot leave the life and is trying to protect his family
•ok look, walter and jesse do physically fight a lil bit, and yes darry and curly DO fight, but its more so darry not trying to hit curly and just wrestle him down while curly actually DOES want to fight (darry knows he could whoop his ass he just doesnt want to lmao)
•FOR AGES BTW!!! EVERYONE is aged up a lil, darrys in his like around mid 20’s-early 30s, curlys like 19-early 20’s, around that time
•LIKE I SAID IN THE OTHER POST!!! soda finds out eventually and darrys relationship w soda is strained after that, and that also means soda kinda pulling pony away from darry as well, for ponys safety and i think that would make darry just fly iff the deep end
•IIII SAYYYY they should still have an RV, the RV is so iconic i cant write it away, as for where they ever have it??? usually in a junk yard, darrys friends w a guy who has one, neither if em can just TAKE an RV home w em
•since saul called jesse igor, and igor is essentially this servant, lets say igor is curlys alliace as is darrys is heisenberg’s, curly doesnt like it and he WANTED to b called “cap’n cook”, but darry just called him igor and it stuck
•yknow how walter recorded a vid for his family when he thought he was gonna get caught??? yea, darry did the same, but the thing is he still has it!!! its in his drawer, wayyyy in the back, sometimes he looks back on it and hopes that if he DOES get caught, soda and pony could find it
•considering pony n curly r in a relationship here still, darry has to hide just HOW much he knows about curly, while also telling pony he shouldnt b w someone like him, and thats hard to do when curlys mixing business w darrys own personal life and darry hates it SO much grrrrr
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months ago
headcannons of curly getting along w the gang
this is like asking someone for a holographic pokemon card ts is so rare
•NOW LET ME GET THIS OUTTA THE WAY, most of the time he doesnt rlly “get along” w them, more so just, doesnt fight, BUT there r small moments where they get along
•the person he actually gets along w most is two bit, two bits not THAT judgy honestly, they both joke around quite a bit, maybe play some slight pranks here n there, getting into some trouble
•curly and dally just do NOT connect and thats bc of curlys one sided beef w him, HOWEVER when they do get along its when dally is forced to help take care of him, even then curly just grumbles to him, theres like, no way of them rlly getting along😭
•i will say tho wants dally saved curlys ass in a fight and had to patch him up, curly was NOT a happy camper, but i could see dally kinda scolding curly and giving him advice and insight on tim, that would all around piss curly off a bit bc it ties into y curly doesnt like him but make him think!!
•w johnny, its not even that they fight exactly, its just,,,,so awkward between them, most i could see them doing is hanging out but only when ponys around, making passing comments, but of course curly tease johnny a bit for being so jumpy, johnny doesnt rlly say anything back😭
•HOWEVVEERRRRR theyve played card games together and curly was SO pissed he kept losing to johnny, now curly owes johnny some money (hes never giving it up)
•steve is a special case cause its like, rlly the only reason they dont get along is mainly bc of their ages, but if they were older, theyd find that they have some things in common and connect!!! i could see em teasing pony a tadddd bit and drinking together
•once soda and pony had to bail them outta jail and they found them in there chucklin n what not
• i think curly would see few similarities between him and soda, he doesnt seriously vocalize it tho, he just thinks its funny and teases soda on it and sodas like “i am NOTHING, like u”
•they will forever tease each other but sodas annoyance usually fluctuates, and theyre just being silly!! soda lets up on his “hatred” for curly as they get older, but not completely
•NOW W MY MAIN MAN DARRY🗣️🗣️🗣️, curlys already aware that darry takes care of him here n there and he has no issues w darry, its just that darrys way older, the most curly CAN do w him is like teasing him too, darry doesn't play into it tho, he has no idea what to say to curly like ever
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