#juleka mention
wolfprincesszola · 2 years
Table Sitting
Uh so someone actually held me accountable so here’s more Miraculous shit. First fic of the new year, so it’s only fitting that it’s a new year fic~
Also can I just say *spoilers to season 5 (released on Disney+) in the next few words* THEY FED ME MARICHAT CRUMBS AND THEN IMMEDIATELY RIPPED IT AWAY FROM ME I’M SO MAD anyways enjoy~ ——————– Summary: Marinette decides to take Alya’s advice to sit underneath a table during New Years in order to see if in 2023, she could get a relationship. What she isn’t expecting is for Adrien, her very good friend and lowkey-crush to sit next to her underneath the table. Conversation ensues.
Trigger Warnings: None
Content Warnings: Swearing ——————– “What are you doing?”
Marinette looked up to see Adrien snorting amusingly at her.
“Trust me, if the world worked my way, I wouldn’t be under here.”
“Well, why are you here?” Adrien asked, kneeling down to be eye level with Marinette.
“Ah, Alya saw this new thing where if you are under a table during midnight, you’ll get into a relationship that year. Since she and I are the only two single people in our friend group, she begged me to try it. Unfortunately, when I agreed, I didn’t think we would be at a party for all of the class.” Marinette let out a small laugh. “I think Alya’s over there.”
“No, I don’t think she is.” Adrien let a smile dance around his lips as he turned to point to Alya talking to Nino on the couch.
Marinette gasped, “The traitor.”
Adrien shifted all his weight to the ground and motioned to the spot next to Marinette, “May I?”
“Oh please. Just as long as you’re not afraid of being judged about sitting underneath a table.” Marinette moved over so Adrien could have more room. He proceeded to back up until they were sitting next to each other.
“Don’t worry. I never judged you.”
Marinette felt her heart flutter. For some reason, Adrien always knew the right thing to say to her.
“Ah, I never thought you would.” Marinette clicked her tongue, “I’m afraid everyone else would.”
Marinette motioned to the plethora of classmates staring at them with a concerned expression before just waving them off.
“Well, it’s okay, but we’ll be in relationships in 2023 and those losers won’t. Especially your best friend.” Adrien smiled.
Marinette swore that Adrien lit up the world with every smile he gave. At least it lit up hers. She wanted so desperately to be brave enough to tell him her feelings, to tell him that she hoped that them sitting underneath the table would bring her their relationship. But staring at his grinning face, she knew he might not be ready to hear it. Not when they were such amazing friends. Not when he was just fine platonically to her. She wasn’t going to ruin it just yet.
“So what are we supposed to do within the 10 minutes left on the clock?” Adrien asked, looking up at the bottom of the table, tracing his fingers through each curve. Marinette wanted to do the same with his face. She had studied it so much that she memorized the outline. She resisted the urge to trace the air with his outline, his image popping up. There was not one hair out of place in the picture in her mind, and every dimple and mole was present in her image.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think this far.”
“Do you think that Alya just decided not to go underneath the table early?”
“I wouldn’t put it past her for not going underneath it at all.”
“Ah, that’s true.” Adrien snorted before staring off, “My father was supposed to be here today.”
“Really?” Marinette raised an eyebrow, “He doesn’t seem like the type of person to show up.”
“He’s a little controlling…and a lot reserved, but he tries. Sometimes I wonder if he’s ashamed we’re related though.”
“Because he never talks to you?”
Adrien motioned to the doorway where nobody was, “Well, I mean look at the evidence. He hasn’t shown up, and even when he does talk to me, he doesn’t feel like a father. Maybe I’m just not a good enough son...”
Marinette blinked, before turning to Adrien, “Are you seriously worried about not being a good son?”
“It sounds stupid, I know, but…my father is really important to me. He’s the only link we have to family.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow, “Still, Adrien. Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child. If anything, he’s not being the correct nurturing parent to you.”
“Debatable.” Adrien shrugged, “I mean, we stopped being close after my mother died. Now that he’s actually making an effort again, it just disheartens me when he doesn’t show up to parties I also go to. Maybe he’s just starting to understand that the universe gave us that space for a reason. Maybe he wants to create that space again.”
“Alright, stop it.” Marinette snapped her fingers, getting Adrien out of his trance and making him turn to her, “Before you start spiraling, I need you to look at me.”
Adrien struggled, but finally managed to look her in the eyes.
“Right, can I touch you?”
Adrien nodded.
Marinette grabbed onto Adrien’s face, bringing them inches apart. She didn’t bother thinking about how close they were, knowing she would faint if she thought about it.
“You. Are. Amazing. You. Are. A. Good. Son. I promise you.”
“Promise.” Marinette nodded, “Now repeat it back to me.”
“I am amazing. I’m a good son.”
Marinette tsked, “That was bad. Again!”
“I am amazing! I’m a good son!” Adrien gave a smile and Marinette returned it.
“Just like that, Adrien. When in doubt, remember what I said.”
“Thanks, Marinette…I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re such a great…”
Adrien hesitated.
“What? You don’t think of me as your friend?” Marinette bumped her shoulder against him playfully, “I see how it is. Don’t talk to me again.”
“No, no, no, no, no!” Adrien flushed, “Please, Marinette, come back. I do really appreciate you and think of you as a friend…I just don’t know if you’d be happy with me calling you a best friend.”
Marinette paused. She had assumed that Adrien was joking, but this was a new development…even if she was still stuck in the friend zone.
“Ah, you’re funny.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh come on, Adrien. There’s no way that you think of me as that close. I stutter around you. I fumble around you. I say the wrong things. Sometimes I say things that are hurtful to you. I mean, Nino’s even told me this before. We can’t be best friends if I make you feel horrible sometimes.”
“Do you actually think that?” Adrien raised an eyebrow, “Marinette, there are so many things wrong with what you said. First of all, you have never made me feel horrible. Nino probably said that as a joke. That’s a me decision though. It has nothing to do with you. Second of all, everyone says wrong things around others. I tell you if you hurt me, which is not a lot. You communicate with me why you said those things and I know you didn’t mean it the way I took it that way. Third, you have anxiety. Of course you’re going to stutter and fumble. I don’t mind. Seriously. Finally, I mess up all the time around you too. Just yesterday, I spilled my entire milkshake on you. You just laughed it off and helped me clean it off. You just changed outfits like you didn’t mind, but I could tell that a part of you was upset over the ruined outfit. You’re probably the nicest person I’ve ever met. I really appreciate you, and I don’t know how you could think that I wouldn’t see you as one.”
Marinette blinked, staring at the boy smiling in front of her. The golden haired boy with eyes that reminded her of the most beautiful evergreen forests. The boy she fell in love with. The boy she saw as her best friend. The boy she was starting to realize was so special to her.
She didn’t want to lose him. Not now or ever. He was starting to become everything to her.
And yet, she wasn’t sure if he thought the same of her. For all she knew, another girl could come along and become his everything while she was stuck there still trying to get out of the friendzone.
“I guess you’re my best friend too then.” Marinette hummed.
“Good, because I was going to grab that kitchen knife and go stab Alya if I wasn’t.”
Before either of them could say anything else, Lila spoke up.
“Alright guys! Listen up, there’s less than five minutes til midnight. I’ll put the countdown above, but I need someone to help with the ball dropping because of my sprained wrist. Anyone want to volunteer?”
Marinette and Adrien looked at each other before shaking their head.
“Marinette! Adrien! Want to help?’
“Nope. We’re under a table.”
“Just…get out from under it?” Lila raised an eyebrow.
“We’ll do it!” Alya volunteered, raising hers and Nino’s hand.
Everyone watched as the two went to help Lila set it up before the chatter started to bubble up again.
Soon, Adrien and Marinette were able to talk to each other again.
A minute to midnight, Adrien asked Marinette, “Oh, shit, I just realized. There was another tradition of New Years, wasn’t there?”
Marinette raised an eyebrow before it came clear as soon as Juleka grabbed Rose by the waist. “Oh shit.”
“Yeah.” Adrien laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “I mean…if you’re comfortable with it…I don’t mind.”
Marinette had been waiting for any moment like this to come her way. She had been wishing for a chance to kiss Adrien. Here it was, beating her up in the face with this opportunity, but she knew what her correct answer had to be.
“No, sorry. Is it okay if we don’t?” Marinette gave an awkward smile.
“Yeah, yeah, no of course!” Adrien nodded, turning away from her and towards the screen with the countdown. Marinette thought she saw a flash of shame flood his eyes. It was the first time he had broken eye contact with her since he started talking to her. It was always Marinette who broke it first.
“No, no, it’s your right. I’m not going to force you to kiss me if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s not that.” Marinette sighed, “I really don’t mind. I just…don’t want this to be the kiss between us.”
Adrien raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
“It’s hard to explain.” Marinette fibbed, knowing she just didn’t want to rat herself out.
“Try me.”
Marinette usually liked it when Adrien said it, as he always understood what she was trying to say, but this time, she wanted to strangle him.
“Well, I just-I don’t want you to-Adrien, don’t make me say it.” Marinette exhaled, almost pleading with him. “I don’t want to say it.”
“Say what?” Adrien asked.
Marinette turned towards the countdown. 30 seconds left.
Well it was now or never. She could leave it behind with the year. Deep breath and just take the risk.
“Adrien, I like you. Not just as a friend, but more. I like you so much that it infuriates me. And I know that you’re not like someone else I’ve liked because for once, you make me feel calm around you. Somehow, even when I think about you, I instantly relax. I am always so nervous around other people. My thoughts whirl around at light speed around me when something happens, but you put me right at ease. I don’t understand it. That’s why I don’t mind kissing you. I mean, I want to, but I’m not going to let our first kiss be because of-MPHF”
Marinette was cut off with lips on hers.
Adrien cupped Marinette’s face, pressing their lips together roughly as she could hear others around screaming the final three numbers to midnight. She felt her heart soar as they connected as soon as it hit midnight.
Immediately after, Adrien separated, flushing, “Sorry, continue.”
Marinette blinked, “I feel like you didn’t hear me when I said that I didn��t want our first kiss to be because of convenience during New Years. I wanted it to have meaning.”
“It did.” Adrien smiled, “Marinette, you have no idea how much I’ve been wanting you to say those words. I really like you too, and I thought that me kissing you was obvious!”
“No, it’s not!” Marinette shoved Adrien, scoffing.
“Well, next time, I’ll just tell you straight out. Maybe when we don’t have 30 seconds on the clock.”
“Agreed.” Marinette smiled. “...is there any chance that we might do that again?”
“Ah, maybe, if I get a girlfriend before I come out from under this table.”
“Oh yeah?” Marinette smirked. “And who are you gonna ask?”
“You tell me. Who should I ask?”
Marinette just grabbed Adrien shirt, pulling him closer to her, “Alright, Rapunzel, come here and give me an actual kiss.”
“First kiss of the year.” Adrien smiled into the soft kiss that they shared. “And maybe girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend.” Marinette nodded.
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edorazzi · 8 days
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Page 31 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix consciously experiences "friendship" for the first time and Ladybug takes a chance on Chat Noir! 🎧💿
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
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The first half of the zodiac - for a tournament style series, it’s basically guaranteed that not everyone is going to be an amazing, devoted player, so some have been delegated to casual players, retired players, and newbs. It was fun thinking of ways to incorporate the canon Miraculous powers into a battle strategy.
Main 4 Bad Girls Outer Zodiac
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here, have sum crack:
The next time she'll see Rose and Juleka, she'll gift then a basket of treats. Some of said treats will also have some beef cubes rather than bean paste as a form of payback. Because, good God, she shouldn't have listened to them the moment they said:
"It's a story about a reincarnated girl and her bully but it's really nice!"
Marinette blinked at the duo, who were holding up a set of novels. They've decided to have a spontaneous anime marathon after school and because of different reasons, Alya, Mylene and Ivan couldn't join them.
She read the title of the novels, 'I favor the Villainess' in pink lettering.
The two girlfriends insisted on watching the anime which was apparently complete and there hadn't been an akuma attack yet so she let herself get dragged into it. The story was interesting, very very interesting.
And Claire seemed very very familiar.
Perhaps she should have stopped Juleka and Rose when it was already past 10 pm and it was a school night. Maybe she could have gotten some bit of sleep before an akuma decided to annoy everyone in Paris by rampaging across the city at bloody 2 AM. Ladybug was irritated, moreso when Chat almost slammed into a building out of sleepiness. Thankfully, the Akuma wasn't much of a nuisance.
The lack of sleep, however, made up for it.
Maybe she should ask Master Fu if there's any way to recruit more Miraculous holders incase of Akumas in ungodly hours. They were still students after all, plus she doubts Hawkmoth doesn't work as well. Maybe she could ask Hawkmoth instead to create a schedule for all the Akumas. Negotiate and stuff.
Anyways, going to school sleep deprived, irritated and having an anime marathon the night before was brewing for disaster. Maybe her Ladybug luck can spare her for today.
"Well if it isn't my favorite person, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
Nope. Tough luck.
Marinette groaned, her irritation rising as Chloé's haughty voice reached her ears. Truthfully, the blonde wasn't that annoying anymore ever since she decided to get the help she needed. She's actually been doing pretty well, if her small progress at being a better version of herself was to go by.
However, Marinette was sleep deprived, hangry, and also very much a bisexual disaster.
Chloé Bourgeois, former bully turned hesitant all- wait, bully? Bully, bully, bull- oh. Aha, bingo. Didn't Rae almost made Claire back off because she kept flirting with her?
"What's with that creepy smile on your face, Dupain-Cheng?!"
Marinette smiled, her remaining braincells evaporating as she looked up at the startled blonde, "You're so pretty."
Marinette shrugged, completely unaware of everything happening around her, "I mean, if you're going to call me by my full name you can have it. Chloé Dupain-Cheng, it suits you."
Everything was dead silent. Dead ass? A voice eerily similar to Rae Taylor in her head, asked.
Dead ass, Marinette replied.
She doesn't remember much after what happened but she does remember Chloé going red in the face, sputtering something that was too fast that could give Hawkmoth's receding hairline a run for its money and Alya asking her after Chloé practically ran from the conversation if she's finally lost it.
Okay, Alya, rude.
After some explanation from Alya, a two hour breakdown and panic attack, and a three hour talk with Tikki, she was already down in their bakery on a school night to prepare Chloé's favorite treats.
Was she purposely making herself sleep deprived again to actually give the treats? Maybe. Would they talk about it? Hopefully.
Is she excited? Well.
Raise Y/our hands was playing in the background and Rae Taylor seemed to be lifting her spirits. And maybe her chances of being a masochist as well.
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german-garbage · 1 year
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Some of you really liked my JuleRose AU designs, so I drew them again!
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verfound · 15 days
FIC: "Luka's Secret" (MLB; Lukanette; LBSC Lukanette Month 2024)
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers is doing a Lukanette Month for September 2024, and we all just kinda tossed some prompts in the disco to compile a list?  We ended up with 71 prompts, so I decided I’d roll some dice to pick a prompt, do a twenty minute (ish, bc we all know sometimes they run away from me) sprint, and try to get some short fics out this month?
(Rated M for half-dressed smoochies)
Read on Ao3
05 September 2024
Prompt 66: Secrets
Luka had a secret.
Juleka was fairly sure of that.
It was pretty obvious – about as obvious as that time Marinette had been keeping a secret and their squad had gotten themselves akumatized trying to get her to come clean.  Luka and Marinette had that in common: they were both terrible at keeping secrets.  They had multiple tells, some pretty obvious and some less so, but what that meant was when Luka started jumping at the sight of her own shadow she was pretty sure she knew what was up.
…well.  She didn’t actually know what was up.  She just knew he was keeping something from her.  And while she respected that – they were both keenly aware of how important privacy could be, growing up in such close quarters as they had – it was still driving her a bit nutty.
Because Luka had always been big on truth and honesty.  Being open with people was very important to him.  So she knew, when he got squirrely like this, that he had a secret, and keeping secrets was bad for him.
She was pretty sure secrets were what had gotten him akumatized, the last time around.
She was just trying to be a good little sister.  Help him out.  She didn’t actually care what the secret was – that was his own business – just that he was being weird about it and she needed him to stop.  The weirdo.
She had been planning on confronting him when he got home, but as she walked towards their cracked door and heard his low voice on the other side she realized she had lost her element of surprise.
“I think she knows,” she heard him sigh.  “Or suspects.  I told you I was bad at this.”
…no shit, Sherlock.  At least he was aware of it.  It’d probably be worse if he tried to play it off like everything was fine when, clearly, it was not.
When no voice answered him, she assumed he was on the phone.  He chuckled, and then she heard a thump.
“Shut up,” he said.  “It’s easier for you.  You don’t share a room with her.”  There was another beat, followed by: “…she will not.  I promise you…she won…but…”  Another heavy sigh.  Another thump – the sound of his head hitting the wall, she was sure.  “Fine.  We’ll do this your way.  But…it’s not a bad thing, you know.  I think she might even be happy about it.”
Her brow furrowed.  It was obvious they were talking about her, but what exactly was she supposed to be happy about?
“I know,” he said.  “Ok.  Ok.  I’ll be there.  I love you.”
There was a harder clattering, like he had just dropped his phone on the amp he used as a nightstand, and another sigh.  She blinked as she stared at their door, fairly certain her heart had just stopped.
Luka…loved someone?
Who the hell was going to tell Marinette?
. : .
“I think we have a problem,” she said the next day from her place on Rose’s bed.  Rose was busy changing – she had just returned from visiting her brothers, and Frankie’s husband had taken her shopping.  She had called her over for…well.  Juleka was pretty sure for make up makeouts, since she’d been gone a week, but she’d also wanted to show off her haul.  She tipped her head back, looking at the closet door that blocked her girlfriend from view.  “Rose.  Did you hear me?”
“I did,” she called, tossing the lilac dress she’d just shown her over the top of the door.  Juleka had liked that one.  The hornier part of her couldn’t wait to peel it off her.  “I’m waiting for you to tell me what the problem is.  I need to assess for optimal reaction.”  She poked her head out, and the bra strap sliding off her otherwise bare shoulder was very distracting.  “I’m trying to not be so extra, remember?”
“I think Luka’s seeing someone,” Juleka said.  She dropped her head back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.  “He’s…been avoiding me.  And acting weird.  Like he’s keeping something from me.”
“That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s seeing anyone,” Rose said, stepping out from behind the door with her arms folded across her chest.  Juleka glanced at her before forcing her eyes back up, because if her shoulder had been distracting…  “He could just be busy, Jules.  You know he’s taken on a bunch of students over the summer.”
“I heard him on the phone,” she insisted.  “Didn’t sound like a student he was talking to.  He…said he loved them.”
Rose’s brow furrowed.
“…did he have the call on speaker?” she asked.  Juleka shook her head.  Rose sighed and looked down at her feet.  “Well.  Shoot.  Have you asked him about it yet?”
“Didn’t really know how,” she sighed.  Her eyes closed as she settled back onto the bed.  “I just…I guess I always thought he’d work things out with Marinette?  I like Marinette.  I don’t want to have to get used to someone else.  She was going to be a great sister-in-law.”
“…it’s been a long time since they tried to make it work, Jules,” Rose said, her voice sympathetic.  Juleka sighed and rolled onto her side, reaching out a hand for her.  Rose smiled as she walked over, climbing onto the bed beside her and cuddling up against her side.  Juleka smiled as she wrapped an arm around her, the skin of Rose’s back hot against her own.  “Maybe it’s for the best.  Maybe it’s time they both moved on.”
“…who are you and what have you done with my hopeless romantic girlfriend?” Juleka grumped, smiling at her.  Rose giggled and leaned up, kissing her slowly.
“It’s called growing up,” she said.  “It’s supposed to be good for you.”
Juleka hummed and leaned in for another kiss.  She’d worry about Luka’s secrets later.  There was entirely too much half-dressed Rose to occupy her attention to worry too much about stupid brothers just then.
. : .
A few blocks away, hidden in the depths of the Liberty (or: hiding out in the laundry room, where suspicions Captains and sisters couldn’t catch them), Luka was busy with his own…distractions.
Specifically the lapful of half-dressed Marinette, who had pushed him back onto the dryer and climbed on top of him the second he’d set the timer.  And while he had been the sole focus of his sister’s attention lately, he could safely say she was the absolute last thing on his mind.
It was a little hard to be concerned with worrying about her, when Marinette’s hands were in his hair and her tongue was in his mouth.  Or when she tipped her head back like that and made such delicious little sounds when his lips moved along her neck, lower and lower to…
“N-no one’s home, right?” she asked, breathless, and he hummed as his lips found her chest.  His hands slid up her back, toying with the band of her bra.  “Luka.”
“Jules is at Rose’s,” he said, nipping along the lacy edge of the cup covering her breast.  He was starting to think she had fallen into the river on purpose, though she should have known by now there were easier ways to get her shirt off…  “Ma’s…not home.  We’re safe.”
“I’d hope so,” she giggled.  “I mean…it’s bad enough if they catch us together, but if they catch us like this?”
She pushed her chest a little closer to him, wiggling as if to emphasize her point, but all that made him want to do was kiss her more.
“Don’t fall into the river, then,” he teased.  He glanced up at her, his eyes darker than they had any right to be.  “If you weren’t still such a klutz, we wouldn’t have needed to toss your clothes in the wash.”
“And wouldn’t a gentleman offer me a shirt, too, instead of making me walk around practically naked like this?” she quipped.  He hummed, dropping another kiss to her chest.
“I’m a boat kid, not a gentleman,” he reminded her, “and I happen to love you like this.”
“You love me anyway,” she laughed.  He chuckled, picking at the hooks of her bra again, and nodded.
“I really do,” he said.  He glanced up at her with a wicked little grin.  “…klutz and all.”
“…why you…” she huffed, and then he wasn’t sure what happened.
There was a brief moment where the world seemed to spin and flip, and then he was lying on his back across the washer and dryer with Marinette hovering over him, his shirt pushed up around his neck and her lips closing around a nipple.  Her teeth scraped the sensitive skin before she sucked, and he gasped as his entire body twitched beneath her.
“Who’s the klutz now?” she hummed, and his laugh turned into a strangled little sound he couldn’t bother being embarrassed about.
“M-my point,” he huffed, his hands sliding up her thighs and around to cup her ass, “is that your secret – our secret – is safe.  For now.  They don’t suspect a thing, and no one’s here to find out.”
It was just them for the foreseeable future, and he had every intention to take full advantage of that.
“…don’t say it like that,” she sighed, her teeth grazing his nipple again.  “We will tell them, Luka.  Just…not yet.”
“I know,” he said, squeezing her ass and encouraging her to look up at him.  He pushed her up, lifting his head to catch her lips in a slow kiss.  “I just…don’t you think it’ll be worse?  The longer we keep this from everyone?”
“We could always elope first,” she said.  “Then no one will be able to complain.  It’ll be too late to, by the time they find out.”
“Bullshit,” he laughed, pecking a kiss against her lips.  “Your dad will flip.  He’s probably been planning our wedding since you were in collège.  He’ll kill me if I marry you and he’s not there to see it.”
“And the Captain won’t kill me?” she teased.  He chuckled and shrugged.
“She’s more lenient,” he said.  “Eloping has just enough chaotic flair to make her proud.  Plus, she already likes you.  It’ll just cement you as a keeper in her books.”
“Papa loves you,” she reminded him.  She sighed as she settled against his chest, her ear resting above his heart.  “We’ll tell them.  Tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow,” he agreed, the word sounding more relieved than he’d probably meant it to.  “Until then…”
He rolled her towards the wall, and she squealed out a laugh as he was suddenly on top of her.  They’d tell everyone tomorrow.  Eventually.  For now, she was still his secret to keep, and he was determined to enjoy every last minute of it.
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sneak-a-cat · 11 months
fucking. miraculous au where chloe got sent to a damned private school. like that shit fucks you up - speaking from experience - and is where she should have fucking gone like girly is the mayors child why is she there. why. it makes no sense. not saying that children of people of import cannot be sent to public schools but judging by the Everything about Andre and Audrey she shouldn't have ended up in a public school.
like i'm sorry but i truly believe she and some of the other characters should have gone to private schools and then there would be that fucked up rivalry between schools that happens - [redacted] die please. your not better at hockey or rugby than us. your rancid (not really but its funny to get so heated) - and like the friendships people have across schools... fr they are so funny.
bonus points if they go to an all girls school paired with an all boys school. wdym i'm speaking from experience and projecting? of course i am.
but back to the original point. WHY IS SHE THERE. people explain it in fics like her dad was making a public statement being like "wow guys the public school system i fund and help organise is so good i sent my daughter to it" BUT NO ONE WITH HIS MONEY WOULD DO THAT BECAUSE A LOT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE UNDERFUNDED
like i get that thomas astruc was just wanting to put "bitchy rich girl with powerful parents" in there as a trope but like.. buddy please... think it through.... i know thats asking a lot when talking about this man but pls
miraculous would be ten times funnier if they were all at a private school and were forced to wear uniforms and got weird fucking assemblies about breaking the uniform "individuality is for after school girls!" - quote directly from my old headmistress
like genuinely with fashion as a core theme in miraculous it would be so much funnier if they had to wear uniforms, and on non uniform day - generally charity work, pay to not wear uniform money goes somewhere good, it works well - everyone would go buck wild except for Adrien who in my heart he would escape in a hoodie and joggers
Alix would have the exact same hair and probably more piercings, i'm sorry i don't make the rules every year has at least one person who looks like that and we love them for that (yes she would go to the private school IN THE WIKI IT SAYS SHE LIVES IN THE LOUVRE WHY DOES SHE LIVE THERE THATS A FUCKING MUSEUM)
wait. never mind. Juleka and Alix are dyed hair solidarity girlies for realsies, plus in my head Juleka has fire makeup and nails which are amazing for the goth aestehtic but don't really go with the uniform but She Sticks To It. she is committed
oh and Luka my beloved weirdo who doesn't seem to go to school, yess they would be there Jagged pays child support in droves for Luka which is also used to pay for Juleka to go (they aren't twins to me don't talk to me. Luka is older and they are half siblings ok. )
maybe i'll just fucking write this who knows. idk how the french school system works, never mind the private school one but i damn well could figure it out
plus from my experience, private schools have extensive grounds with just enough upkeep to be fancy but not enough to block the view of the fucking road like so its kind of funny like what were you going for
which could be a banger place for an akuma attack which isnt - yknow - the Eiffel tower. again.
objectively sending a bunch of them to poncy schools would do fuck all, however, its a really funny alternate universe to create... this minor change would fuck up the timeline because i'm in charge and bored
i don't know what this turned into. to be frank with you i think this idea is just actually so fucking funny so i'm going to stick with it who knows where that will take me
also, objectively, this is the funniest continuity error to focus on in miraculous
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spittyfishy · 1 year
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The fact I’ve posted six miraculous drawings in a row is bonkers lol, I feel like I’m back in the tenth grade
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Random question for everyone, but going more by canon, what ships do you guys ship? For example, I ship:
Adrigaminette. Kagami is prefect for both Marinette and Adrien. The right gal who not only loves them both, but to also tell them like it is 😊 I know this seems like a copout answer, but hey. That’s how I feel 🤷🏾‍♀️
I personally wouldn’t mind Zoukabrina, but I prefer to ship Zoe x Luka, maybe having a Zoe and Sabrina friendship?
DJWifi, obviously.
Jurose, obviously again 😊 They’re prefect for each other.
Eh….even though I’m pretty peeved off at Kim right now, IF he really tries to be a good friend and boyfriend for now on, I choose Kim x Ondine. I also don’t mind Ondine x Kim x Max as a poly ship 😊
Ivan x Mylene obviously again 💖
And you know what? I’ve come to like Lila x Felix a little. I understand that they’re both toxic and manipulative people, but…that’s part of the reason why I like it. If they’re going to be toxic, be toxic together I guess 😛 They’re both manipulative brats, but who knows? Maybe they’ll learn to love each other…
Sabrina…don’t really have anything. Maybe if Delmar moves to Paris or something? I also like the idea of her, Zoe and Alix becoming some kind of friendship trio or something? IF Chloe really is gone…
Speaking of Chloe, I don’t ship her with anyone in canon anymore. It’s just…as much as none of us don’t like it, Chloe’s “evil” now and that’s not going to change anytime soon.
I think that’s all I have at the moment. What are your thoughts?
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crazyw3irdo · 1 year
i’ve seen emo!marinette multiple times today and it took me fucking hours until someone else mentioned her being evil that thought even occurred to me. i was so caught up in the idea of cool outfit it didn’t even occur to me that children’s cartoons often use that style as a shorthand for villainy
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miraculous-romance · 1 year
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sillyangstfic · 1 month
Funny reveal scenario: they turn it into a game.
So post-sentitwins becoming human/freed from amoks + no identities ever being revealed so far, Marinette perfected her anti-akuma charms and started distributing them to very temporary miraculous user. Realizing that keeping all of the miraculous in one place is too risky in case Hawkmoth finds out her identity, Marinette basically gives out all the miraculous to their users permanently.
Cue emotional reve between Adrien and Marinette with love confessions, fireworks, tears, yadda yadda you know the drill.
Onto the fun stuff: the other miraculous users are told that they all go to the same school or are related to people who go there and they basically make a scavenger hunt where the winner is the one who knows the most identities.
Cue side effect shenanigans:
Nino realizing that Adrien purrs. Alya noticing that Marinette is eating a shit ton more meat. Zoe and Chloe having a sudden taste for nectar. Juleka suddenly becomjg one of the most athletic students in the entire school. Juleka noticing her brother's new habit of swelling food whole. Kim and Nathaniel having competitions to see who's the best climber. The entire squad needing to DIY their hair products because it's all turning to furs and feathers. Kagami witnessing how Felix's wardrobe slowly becomes a rainbow. Nino, Kagami, Juleka, and Luka suddenly having a deep love of water and swimming. Have of the class going vegetarian or mostly carnivorous.
Just everybody doing the spiderman meme whenever the figure each other out.
All I can imagine is the extensive research and gaslighting that would go on
Nino looking real hard at Alya winning a game of tag by pouncing on someone with a hands first nosedive. Alya saying that’s just what it’s like having little sisters. Nino, who only has a little brother, can neither confirm nor deny, and Chloe refuses to give him a straight answer
Adrien in the middle of an article about peacock behavior when Felix enters the room wearing a mix of bright blues, purples, and pinks. He begins to suspect Felix has a crush on Luka
Chloe and Zoe clocking eachother immediately after catching eachother in the kitchen at 3 am to sneak in their bug food. They both maintain the stance that its perfectly normal to eat nectar, and actually it does wonders for the skin. Frankly, Kim, it’s rude you even asked
Max getting caught be Alix and Kim when he becomes faster than them
Juleka catching Luka trying to eat an egg whole, shell and all. He swears up and down its boiled. She asks if its his. You see Luka, hognose snakes will sometimes-
Kagami tells people the scales that keep appearing on her skin are a genetic condition from her father’s side
Rose starts to snort when she laughs, but no one catches on
Marc catches Nathaniel trying to eat his pencil, which he says is normal artist behavior, which Marinette firmly denies
Marinette pointing out Rose’s new laugh, Marc’s new hair feathers (which he had tried to hide under his hoodie), and Zoe’s tendency to be drawn to light to stir up even more chaos
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chocostrwberry · 3 months
If yall have noticed, I often mention “seasons” when describing the timeline of my AU.
“Choco?? What are these seasons you are talking about? Why are there only three when the show has five??”
Sit down, little one, and let me tell you a story…
But anyways-
I have split the events that happen in my AU into seasons because then it’s easier for me to keep my facts and timeline in order! All episodes are in exact order/sequence of events!
Season 1: Gabriel can create sentimonsters.
In this season, it’s establishing the world of Miraculous. Marinette and Adrien is learning how to be miraculous holders while navigating their own lives.
Origins: Marinette becomes Ladybug for the first time alongside Chat Noir to defeat Stormy Weather.
Ladybug and Chat Noir defeat an Akumatized Mylène, Animelle. Together, they visit Master Fu for more information on their new duties.
Marinette has a hard time balancing being Ladybug and her civilian self. Ladybug and Chat Noir have to team up to defeat a game-themed teenage akuma.
Sweetpea: Marinette enters a design challenge with Alix, and Adrien is her model! Rose is akumatized into Sweetpea after a health scare makes her unable to help her team with their design.
To Be or Not to Be: There is a school play, and Chloe will stop at nothing to get the main lead. Ladybug struggles to win over Chat Noir, who seems oblivious to her attempts at flirting.
Boy meets Girl: Marinette develops a crush on the class’s most popular boy after defending Juleka against Chloe. LB and CN battle Reflekta.
Princess Justice: Marinette is chosen to submit a dress design to high-fashion company represented by Chloe’s mother. Jealous of her success, Chloe destroys her project, causing Marinette to be Akumatized.
Fish Food: Ladybug and Chat Noir have to defeat an akuma who goes by the name of Captain Kraken. For the Winter Ball, Marinette makes plans to ask Luka to be her date.
Winter Formal: The winter formal is here, but Marinette is worried about an akuma attack that might ruin her chances with Luka.
Be My Lover: Now that Marinette is officially dating Luka, Adrien’s jealousy becomes more apparent. Chloe’s repetitive and harsh rejections of Kim turns him into Dark Cupid.
Road Rage: Adrien has a fight with Chloe about her behavior towards others, and she acts out once again and Nino is akumatized into a foul-mouthed biker with a vendetta against her.
New Girl: A transfer student is introduced to the class, but Marinette is suspicious of her two-faced behavior.
Prophetica: Marinette’s constant lying and lack of trust makes her and Alya have a fight after she fails to bring cupcakes to her sisters’ birthday party.
Primadonna: After Chloe’s mother decides to take her half-sister to her movie premiere debut instead of her last-minute, Chloe becomes Primadonna and turns Paris into her own personal black-and-white film.
Sabrina seeks Marinette’s help to expose Lila after she comes between Sabrina and Chloe’s friendship.
King of Music: Jagged Stone is akumatized and it is revealed that Luka and Juleka are his children. Marinette’s duties as Ladybug become more demanding and her relationship with Luka strains.
Winter Wonderland: After Chloe misses one of Sabrina’s recitals, she is Akumatized into Ice Queen and turns Paris into an eternal winter.
Marinette misses one of Luka’s concerts, where he was going to debut a song he wrote for her. They break up and he is Akumatized into Heartrocker.
Liar, Liar: Marinette finally tells the class who Lila really is, but they have a hard time believing her. Lila is Akumatized into Miss Miracle and offers her services to Hawkmoth in order to take down Ladybug.
Lila strikes a deal with Gabriel when Adrien invites her over to his home out of pity. Hawkmoth’s identity and motives are revealed. Chat Noir takes Ladybug to see Master Fu for help because of Plagg’s warning against Lila.
A New Guardian: Master Fu makes Ladybug the new Guardian before Lila can get to the Miracle Box.
Goldbug: The peacock miraculous is fixed. Hawkmoth unifies the miraculous to become Shadowmoth. He creates Miss Miracle’s first sentimonster: Goldbug. Marinette becomes Firefly to defeat them both.
The time span for this season is about 4 months, starting in the beginning of Junior year.
Season 2: Emelie wakes up.
This season focuses on the lore of the miraculous. Ladybug unifies miraculous every other episode to defeat both akumas and sentimonsters. Lots of kwami-swaps and unified ladybug happen in this season! (Scarabella, Queen Bee, Carapace, Ladybee, etc.) Marinette is also warming up to Adrien.
Chat Noir is skeptical she’s the right pick to be guardian, and she takes that personally. She decides to unify against Reflekta and her sentimonster, Reflekdoll.
Mr. Midas: After rejecting an expensive present, Chloe’s father is Akumatized into Mr. Midas and wants to turn everything into gold for his beloved daughter. Tigerbug and Chat Noir try and defeat him and his sentimonster.
Sweet Dreams: Ladybug becomes Hercula after a sleepy akuma discreetly puts Paris into an eternal slumber.
A Spider’s Web: Ladybug becomes Mantigirl to defeat Arachnia, a kindergarten teacher who is Akumatized at the Paris Zoo and trapped Adrien and others.
Marinette comes down with a mysterious illness, and so it’s up to Scarabella and Chat Noir to save Paris from an Akumatized grandmother and her gang of angry sentidogs!
The Wailing Lady: Firefly and CN battle against a grieving widow and her sentimonster, a giant willow tree in the middle of Paris who she believes is her deceased spouse.
Sugar and Spice: Marinette faints while working at the bakery. This makes Sabine anxious, and she is Akumatized into Mother Desserts. Marinette and Chat Noir work together to save her.
Tikki suggests giving others different miraculous to help her fight the akumas and sentimonsters. Adrien tells Chloe about his crush on Marinette thanks to Plagg. Chat Noir visits Marinette and takes her on a trip around Paris.
Operation Ladybug: Luka suspects Marinette is Ladybug, and he recruits Alya to help him figure out the truth. Chloe starts treating Marinette with less disdain, much to everyone’s surprise. Firefly and Chat Noir fight another akuma and sentimonster.
Bon Appétit!: Alya’s mother becomes akumatized while working at the hotel. Ladybug and Alya work together while Chat Noir tries to keep Chloe and Sabrina. Alya’s suspicions are confirmed, but she tells Luka to stop digging.
Kwami Captor: After some mischevious kwami escape the miracle box with their jewels, Marinette becomes Multimouse to hunt them all down.
Queen Bee: Chloe decides to use the Bee miraculous she found to try and help Mantigirl and Chat Noir. Her need for attention makes the mission not go according to plan. Chat Noir and Marinette have an argument about his secret identity.
Protector of All: Nino and Adrien are in charge of elitist children for a day while Marinette and the class set up a school sponsor event. When an akuma attacks, it’s up to Nino to protect the kids while Tigerbug and Chat Noir defends them. Luka finally gives up his suspicions.
Miracle Team: The Miracle Team meet up for the first time to take down an akuma. But they struggle to actually work together! Chat Noir breaks up with Marinette, leaving them both devastated.
Soulmates: Marinette and Adrien spend the day together to find a gift for Chloe’s birthday. Nathalie finds out about Gabriel and Lila’s dark deeds with Hawkmoth.
Happy Birthday Chloe!: Chloe’s birthday party goes awry, thanks to Lila’s sabotage, and Chloe is Akumatized.
Sick Day: Marinette is too sick to go to school most days and struggles with night terrors. She is worried about her health, and talks to Tikki about it. Alya, Nino, Luka, and Sabrina try to clear Marinette’s name. Adrien visits Marinette at the bakery.
Marinette vs The World: Marinette’s friends finally has what they need to prove Lila is terrible once and for all. But Adrien isn’t sure it’s the best idea.
Cheer up, Marinette: After unifying once again to defeat an akuma, Marinette’s condition is so bad she is bedridden and cannot celebrate Chinese New Year with her family. The kwamis try to cheer her up. Adrien is growing worried about his father’s health and seeks comfort in Nathalie.
Like Mother, Like Daughter: Chloe’s influencer half-sister, Zoe, comes to Paris. Chloe humiliates her out of hurt and anger, and Zoe is Akumatized into Delightfulee.
Reign of Bourgeois: Chloe’s mother arrives in Paris after hearing about her outburst against Zoe. She is then promptly akumatized into Stylix and takes over the city. What’s worse, she has put a bounty on Chloe’s head.
A Sunny Day: The Miracle Team accepts Vesperia as the new Bee miraculous holder. Her outgoing positivity is welcomed, but her hesitation puts them in danger.
Never Trust a Fox: Trixx abandons Alya and runs away with the fox miraculous, pledging his loyalty to Lila instead. Volpina tricks LB and Chat Noir into thinking she’s on their side. Ladybug has to unify once again in order to defeat her and the akuma once she betrays them.
The Wish, Pt. 1: Because Marinette is out of commission, Scarabella, Vesperia, Carapace, and Chat Noir have to fight against Volpina, The Wailing Lady, and her sentimonster.
The Wish, Pt 2: Gabriel now has the Ladybug and Cat miraculous. Marinette and Adrien follow Volpina to the Agreste mansion, and Adrien learns the hard truth about his father.
By the end of the season, Shadowmoth has completed his mission and trades his life for Emelie’s. A part of Lila’s backstory is revealed.
This season ends at the end of Junior year, breaching into summer.
Season 3: Marinette’s Sacrifice
This is the final season of my AU!
Summer Break: Adrien’s doppelgänger cousin Felix attends the school after visiting with his aunt and uncle over the summer to help Emelie readjust. Lila now has a new name, Cerise Blanc, a woman sent by The Order. Emelie decides to give Cerise the butterfly and peacock miraculous in exchange for her having The Order keep an eye on Adrien. Cerise unifies the Peacock and Butterfly miraculous to become The Empress.
Return of the Butterfly: Rose is akumatized into Sweetpea once again after receiving devastating news about her condition. The Miracle Team return to take it down.
The Emperor’s Daughter: Adrien’s mother surprises him with his fiancé, Kagami, who he hasn’t seen in years. Her social class proves difficult for her to make friends.
Paper Flowers: Because of his shy nature, Felix makes an origami flower with a romantic poem written inside of it for Kagami. However, Kagami believes it was Adrien and becomes determined to make their relationship work.
Felix becomes depressed over Adrien and Kagami’s relationship while going out with them for the upcoming winter formal. Emelie grows jealous of how close Nathalie is with Adrien and sends her on a business trip abroad.
Boys’ Night: Emelie’s hovering nature makes Nino worried for Adrien. He starts to encourage Adrien to rebel a bit, but Nino didn’t expect Adrien to become so out of control when he’s off a leash. Meanwhile, the girls on the Miracle Team are having a sleepover to buy exclusive Jagged Stone tickets.
The Star: Adrien is akumatized into The Star after Emelie tells him she will unenroll him from school and return to homeschooling because of his recent behavior. She also fires Nathalie.
Tales of Scarabella and Kitty Noire: Adrien is under house arrest and Marinette’s sickness is coming back, so Scarabella and Kitty Noire have to keep Paris safe!
Hanabira: Kagami witnesses Adrien and Marinette together while waiting for their date at the Louvre, and is Akumatized and takes over the museum.
The Masked Lady and Me: When Cerise catches Felix looking for the peacock miraculous, Cerise later introduces herself as Madame Morphosis and makes a deal with him to avoid unification sickness. Felix’s backstory is revealed.
Our Frozen Hearts: Felix and Marinette find an unexpected common ground when they are forced to watch Adrien and Kagami dance together as Winter King and Queen.
Sentimaggedon: Madame Morphosis tests Felix to see whether or not she should let him keep the peacock miraculous she gave to him. In a desperate attempt to prove himself, Felix as Argos creates multiple sentimonsters that accidentally bring about the apocalypse. It’s up to the Miracle Team, with Dragonbug, to save the city.
Cat and Mouse: Marinette uses the Mouse miraculous once again to be undercover while dealing with akuma-related disappearances. But Chat Noir won’t take any chances and hunts her down to bring her miraculous to Ladybug.
The End of Us: Kagami breaks off the engagement with Adrien. Adrien then asks out Marinette, who delightfully says yes.
Motherbird: Emelie willingly becomes Akumatized by Madame Morphosis in order to keep her son Adrien under her watchful eye.
Sing a Little Song: Clara Nightingale, an American popstar and a close friend to Zoe, comes to Paris to shoot a music video. But her overbearing manager and strict schedule causes her to become akumatized into Frightingale.
Birds of Prey: While hanging out with Marinette, Kagami is kidnapped by Argos. The Miracle Team have to defeat Argos’s sentimonsters in order to rescue her.
Frenemies: Adrien is trying to get Chloe to warm up more to the idea of Marinette and him being together. Marinette helps Felix overcome his fears and talk to Kagami.
Bonded by Our Sins: After getting closer to Kagami, Felix tries to back away from Madame Morphosis’s control. However, she scares him into submission by threatening to hurt Kagami.
Who is Lila Rossi?: Argos is sent by Madame Morphosis to take Marinette’s miracle box after being informed by Trixx. But him and Marinette devise a plan to trick her.
True Love: Felix confesses his feelings to Kagami at the fashion show and shares his secret with her. Volpina hunts Marinette’s classmates one by one for the scattered miraculous, using extreme measures to get what she wants.
Let’s Do This, Together: The miracle team, along with Argos, has to defend Paris against Lila, who has unified most of the miraculous and become a magical hybrid monster.
Always and Forever: Ladybug and Chat Noir decide to take one last stand against Lila.
Happily Ever After: Marion, a 12 year old girl, discovers small magical creatures who live in her favorite music box!
Quick explanation for episodes 22-24:
Lila collects and unifies most of the miraculous, becoming a monster-animal hybrid and losing herself and all sense of rational. Marinette exposes her identity to all of Paris because of her, and Marinette is aware in a few hours everyone she’s ever known will forget her. Chat Noir reveals himself as Adrien to her before she takes his and the Ladybug miraculous, and unifies them to become Gimmi Marinette and destroy her for good!
Marinette feels Senti-Queen’s mixed emotions of betrayal and hate and loneliness, and her kindness shines through. She uses the Lucky Charm to rebirth Ah Lam as a child, giving her the opportunity to live a normal and love-filled life, the one she never had.
The time span is towards the end of Senior Year, when they were suppose to graduate.
So Marinette no longer exists, no one remembers her, and there’s a child version of Lila now.
Now what??
Child Lila is adopted by Marinette’s parents, who have always wanted to have a child. They rename her Marion. It means “wished for child” :,) But also “sea of sorrows”, symbolizing Lila’s life and the pain she caused!
After reading Marinette’s diary, the city knows she was Ladybug. They create a new park called “Ladybug Park” in memory of Marinette.
The Order of the Guardians come to reclaim the jewels unified by Lila, but the kwami refuse to be captured again and flee with their jewels. They all go back to the miracle box for safety. Marion finds the miracle box in Marinette’s old room, and unknowingly becomes the next Guardian.
Adrien only remembers Ladybug, and believes she was the one to unify the miraculous. He has no real recollection of Marinette, but subconsciously feels the loss.
Congrats for making it to the end heheh!
Have some cake! 🍰
Eat it under this rainbow for a break! You deserve it!
“You still haven’t explained why there are only three seasons!”
Oh yeah! Sorry!
It’s because I feel like it took 5 seasons in canon to explain what happened in 3. I imagine my AU to be a Disney-owned show that was about to cancelled.
How can I sum up the plot of Miraculous Ladybug in 3 seasons, 12-15 episodes each?
But yup! That’s it! Hope you had fun reading!!
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aloeverified · 1 month
au where marinette's parents own a small, struggling, but community-loved bakery outside of paris. she works after school and on weekends since her parents can't currently afford to hire any other employees, but she enjoys getting to know everyone in her neighborhood and uses her tip money to fund her sewing projects.
as the end of her junior high days approach, marinette is encouraged by her parents to apply to her dream high school, françoise dupont lycée of the arts, as a fashion student. she doesn't expect to actually get accepted, but knows her parents are right when they say there's no hurt in trying. after submitting her online store portfolio, where she does commissions and launches small projects like accessories, she receives feedback that the school board was beyond impressed with her work and would like to offer her a full-ride scholarship.
although it's hard for her to part from her parents for the first time in her life, they refuse to let her turn down the opportunity and practically pack her bags for her. after a very long and painful goodbye with lots of promises to call every single day, marinette leaves for paris.
she meets alya, her roommate and first friend at her new school. she's the daughter of a successful chef and is a promising journalist and creative writing student, she and marinette share many of their core subjects not relating to their majors.
marinette also meets chloé, the daughter of the mayor of france and alya's life-long enemy. the two go way back, with alya's mother being an old friend of chloe's father and having worked at his hotel restaurant before. the hate each other, and by association, chloé hates marinette — especially after finding out marinette is a fellow fashion major whose work scored much higher than her own.
then she meets adrien. adrien is a fellow fashion and modeling student who was eagerly accepted into the school despite his very late application. however, the principal was thrilled at the idea of having such a beloved model joining the student body, and didn't want to deal with chloé's threats of action if adrien was denied, so he was accepted with open arms.
adrien didn't exactly choose his majors, but rather just went along with what was expected of him. he already had a successful modeling career, so he took the classes despite there being little he didn't already know and have mastered. he was encouraged to join fashion classes as well, both by adults who assumed he was going to take after his father and by his best friend who wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.
adrien is easily impressed with just about every design marinette crafts and marinette admits it's a bit endearing the way adrien struggles to figure out where the sewing machine's on switch is. his father is equally impressed, if not even more so, and marinette is asked to become a paid intern upon winning a contest judged by gabriel agreste.
not to mention the kind old man she befriends, an older chinese man who owns a tea shop in petite asie. marinette admits to feeling a bit alienated without her mother, worried her classmates will look at her funny for cooking guangxi rice in the dorm kitchen or having late night gossip sessions on the phone in mandarin. he tells marinette she will always have a friend while in paris and that she's more connected to the city than she thinks.
eventually, marinette even finds herself befriending almost all of her classmates, and even one of her classmate's brothers. juleka couffaine is a modeling major and a fellow scholarship student, something she and marinette bond over. luka is just as sweet as his sister, and almost as quiet if you ignore his constant humming and guitar strumming.
he also applied to be a music major at françoise dupont, but was rejected. after a year of struggling and being bullied in public school, he dropped out to focus on working and supporting his family — taking some of the burden away from his single mother and making sure juleka never has to go without. throughout the course of their relationship, marinette is eventually able to discover the ridiculous reasons why luka wasn't accepted and encourages him to go back to school, as well as accept that he can't support his family if he doesn't let them support him as well (a lesson she also had to learn).
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salfishersimp2 · 9 months
I am here today to talk about marinette's school.
So, obviously, its a rich kids school
Lets go through the list
Chloe - daughter of the literal fucking mayor and a celebrity (i cant care enough to remember what her mom does)
Adrien - model and son of (apparently) Paris' only fashion designer (have you seen any other posters with other models in that show? Yeah, me neither)
Marinette - daughter of the owners of a very well known bakery (we're not even gonna mention how many contests she's won, and my girl designed an album cover for jagged stone, but thats out of topic)
Alya - daughter of the chef who works in the mayor's hotel
Sabrina - daughter of a police officer (idk about police ranks and shit but i'll bet my ass he makes a good amount of money)
Juleka - daughter of Jagged Stone (if he pays child support, there's no way a rock star like him is giving little money to raise his children) (oh yeah and THEY LIVE IN A FUCKING BOAT. That cant be cheap)
Alix - daughter of a guy who is in charge of most things at THE LOUVRE (he works there, and it seems like that to me)
Mylene - her dad starred in a movie, i am pretty sure thats not something that happens every day
Zoe - again, step daughter of the mayor, daughter of a celebrity
Kagami - i'm not sure what her mom does but the point is she's rich (i love kagami so much but i havent watched mlb for years and im only getting back to it now, what kagami's mom does is not important)
Thats as far as my memory goes, i don't know if we've seen the rest of the class' family
Plus, i think at least 2 celebrities have been to their school one day or another, i could be wrong tho
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Thomas Astruc when he asks someone about his favorite character on ML and they mention a minor/background character like Nathaniel and Juleka instead of the two main characters: 😡😡😡😡
(The post this anon is referring to)
Thomas Astruc when you actually acknowledge the supporting cast exists:
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