#tigresse pourpre
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lineith · 2 years ago
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Commission for @/amalgamworkz31 (insta) of Purple Tigress from his project "Miraculous: Dark Reign".
"Listen very closely to me: Never come back here, understand? I don’t want to see you talking to Rose ever again, and don’t even think about going anywhere near my brother. If you ever lay another nail on either of them, if I even catch a whiff of your perfume lingering in the same air that they breathe, I will rip your dead heart right out your chest, then blast what’s left of you to dust."
--Purple Tigress The author is currently working on it so you could potentially find it online in the future! Commissions are currently open! Information in the link in my blog. Close-up from insta:
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kari-go · 1 year ago
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They're girlfriends <3
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 10 months ago
Honestly the class's plan to calm someone feeling negative emotions to avoid akumatization is pretty bad
I liked the scene in 'Guiltrip' where the class talks to Juleka and try to comfort her, which drives the akuma away
...and now in s5 (not naming the episode because those titles are not memorable, what was Astruc thinking??) Juleka is having a breakdown over having to redo school next year again and we have the class screaming at her and shoving her a giant picture of cute animals..
"Damnit, Juleka! Stop having a panic attack, or I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL KILL YOU!"
I don't think the animal picture thing happened in "Confrontation", but I get what you mean with how poorly emotional stress is handled.
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familyagrestefanblog · 2 years ago
Something I find quite ironic in "Revelation" is the little detail that Lila as Hoaxer/Infox is a red Volpina
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Which funnily means she is actually a Rena Rouge. Fox means "renard" in French but the d is not pronounced and the last r also only slightly, meaning Alya's hero name being Rena was always incredibly smart since that's very close to how you'd say it
And yet there was always the kinda weird thing that Rena Rouge isn't.. red:
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She's orange. The only argument you can make is Alya's hair but the fox miraculous itself has a orange color.
Rena Rouge is such a cool sounding name so sure it gets a pass but unlike names like Chat Noir and Tigresse Pourpre - which may be very simplistic but, ey, they got the colors right - is kind of an odd choice in the French original.
Cause the thing is Juleka's hero name Tigresse Pourpre and the English translation Purple Tigress are.. not refering to the same color. Like, at all.
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This is what the French color pourpre is, which is very obviously the color Juleka is actually wearing as hero:
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Don't ask me why they translated it with purple. The only way to make sense out of it is through Juleka's civilian design but that has nothing to do with Tigresse?
Anyway, it's an english dub oddity but what's new? My point was that Rena Rouge being orange is and has always been something that simply had to be accepted bc orange is close enough so I find it even more amusing that it's LILA in "Revelation" who actually gets her fox design in red.
Making her an actual Rena Rouge.
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years ago
Fanfiction Prompt
Purple Tigress, like Hawkmoth and Mayura, has the power to passively sense emotions. However, her power is much more limited. When she sees people she can tell how happy they are. Even after she gives her miraculous back to Ladybug she still has her tiger vision. At class the next day, she silently watches everyone's happiness level as they go about their classes. However, she becomes concerned when she watches Adrien's happiness level quickly drain as he enters his car. As her tiger vision slowly fades, she makes it her goal to make Adrien happy. Juleka's to-do list 1. Become better friends with Adrien. 2. Invite him to the Liberty. 3. Make him happy at home (stealth mission?) 4. Get him to date Marinette 5. Check in on Adrien next time I have stripes
Prompt by kingxuppu
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ladymiraclewings · 2 years ago
Rena Furtive: And this is Purple Tigress! The woman who once punched a tank unconscious. Ryuko: Actually that's a myth. Rena Furtive: No, I'm pretty sure that's true.
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starrynighttime · 2 years ago
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Miraculous Concepts Cuz I Hate the Canon Powers: Tiger Miraculous
Words cannot describe how much I HATE the canon tiger power.
Juleka is a shy goth, and tigers are known for their camouflage!
Bunny Miraculous
Pig Miraculous
Rooster Miraculous
Goat Miraculous
Peacock Miraculous
Butterfly Miraculous
Monkey (Bonus)
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milabeedoodling · 2 years ago
I'm going through a bit of an art block, so I'm posting some doodles 👉🏽👈🏽👀
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There's some fanart of tangled ribbons by @sadrien (i recently reread that🩷), Adrien as a cowboy, kiribaku being sweet, my His dark materials AU, old adrinette still crushing on each other 🩷💚, Viperion and Tigresse Pourpre being siblings, and an older Luka
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lucerocosplay · 2 years ago
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Tigresse Pourpre / Purple Tigress WIP
Patterning the suit file alone was nearly a six month process. I am not tech literate or particularly good at learning software so everything was designed pepakura style on a smaller scale. Then scanned, tweaked, reprinted, assembled, and tweaked again until it was perfect lmao. Then I had to scale it up to full size, account for seam allowance and pray it matched up at the printers. It did! Since then I've been screen printing and stoning on final details.
The glove here was the first one I made but I'm not using it. Yes it looks funky on a pool noodle but the fit is pretty decent on me. the issue is wet look vinyl made it look cheap I think. The combination of trim and bicolor stones did not help. So I'm remaking it a little differently. Still working up the nerve to style the wig but I'll get there ^^;
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year ago
Which AU? Could be any of them. Anyway, say there's an Akuma who has baseball powers, and he "coaches" a team of minions. Ladybug, in response, must coach her own team to play against them in a baseball game for the fate of Paris. But there's one question. Who's the Ump? Who's gonna make unbiased calls and argue with the coaches when they don't like the calls?
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bowser14456 · 2 years ago
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Got Purple Tigress in the mail today! Love her! 💜🐯
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afroeurobillionaire · 1 year ago
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Everything PURPLE
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kari-go · 2 years ago
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Cochon Rose, Tigresse Pourpre, Souris Grise, Serpent Bleu
I love LOVE Souris Grise like I I think it's my favorite mouse!! She's just so!!!! I wanna just chew her!!! Look at her!!
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 8 months ago
For someone who has far more outspoken and focused relatives, the show seems to treat Juleka as a vehicle for not one, not two, but three characters. Much like how Vanisher was the catalyst for Antibug. Jagged Stone is one thing, but since their introduction, Luka and Anarka are barely Juleka's brother and mother respectively.
Miraculous Ladybug sidelines yet another female character for the male characters. More at 11.
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artsocram · 2 years ago
Quiero hablar de algo q pudo haber Sido de genial o demasiado para el final de la temporada 5 de miraculous y le hubiera dado más protagonismo a los compañeros de marinett
Cómo muchos habrán visto, Gabriel transfiere todos los poderes de los miraculous a los anillos alliance, también el de la mariposa (este tenía la función de akumatizar a todos), también vimos como Gabriel pudo usar el poder de la abeja sin ser Monarch, lo que quiero decir, es que durante esa guerra, cualquiera que usará el anillo alliance tenía acceso a los poderes de los miraculous
Así q mi conclusión y una pequeña reescritura del final de temporada, es que todos los compañeros de marinett q estaban peleando, también fueran capaces de usar sus respectivos poderes de portador gracias a que alliance los estaba transmitiendo a todo el mundo, claro que con algunas debilitaciónes,
como no poder transformarse en héroe, obtener las habilidades sobrehumanas, el poder "segunda oportunidad" estaría baneado por Monarch, sin acceso a las armas, solo se puede usar un poder a la vez; así q básicamente el anillo solo otorgaría el poder y nada más
Un ejemplo de como se introduce a la historia, sería algo como, Alya siendo amenazada de gravedad por algunos de los akumatizados, entonces Nino quien aún no se habría quitado el alliance, por inercia y sin darse cuenta, se interpone entre Alya y su atacante, y grita su poder, y al no sentir el impacto de su atacante habré los ojos y descubre como protección está activo sobre Alya y el
A mí realmente me hubiera gustado algo así para los compañeros de marinett, cada uno con su respectivo poder y como no son tan fácilmente derrotados por los akumas, dando así mejor apoyo cuando llega Luka, los héroes unidos y Renren (ladydragon)
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familyagrestefanblog · 1 year ago
I rewatched "Queen Banana" and holy SHIT Zoe as Vesperia was even less actually needed for the battle than Tigresse Pourpre.
I already knew Maribug was unnecessarily giving the Miraculous out like candy to make her friends feel better and have them around herself, but I didn't remember it being THIS bad.
We are now at 6 unnecessary new miraculous holders in season 4 alone.
How many more were introduced again? Right now I remember Rose as Pigella and she was actually needed, thank goodness.
Rewatching "Crocoduel" for the first time after a long while made me realize just how unneeded Tigresse Pourpre was in it. It was genuinely just a case of Ladybug giving her civilian friend a miraculous to make her feel better, acknowledged and empowered.
But the battle itself could have perfectly fine gone without Tigresse Pourpre. She had no purpose there. The excuse for why she was there was that for some reason Ladybug and Chat Noir pretended like their space power up don't exist so they can fly up in the sky to the ship and then later on when said ship is diving towards the ground Ladybug tells Tigresse to "hold them [Juleka's parents] at bay".
But for real, if the episode hadn't forced Ladybug and Chat Noir to NOT have their power up with them (or even acknowledge that they exist) it legitimately would have clear-cut been Marinette giving the Tiger miraculous out for no reason as a little treat for Juleka to feel better and feel inspired by.
And I'm sorry, but as much as I love Juleka as Tigresse Pourpre - and thank goodness Chat Noir was treated well in the episode, thats RARE - but that really isn't the purpose for why the miraculous should be given out. Just like that Penalteam disaster of 4 new miraculous holder bc Ladybug agreed to play soccer for a while instead of solving the damn akuma, cases like this inherently devalue the miraculous and it's sad that Marinette's leadership is sometimes written in a way where the miraculous aren't allowed to be treated like the important and valuable ancient artifacts they are; and the way Su-Han did call her out for it in "Ephemeral" but it wasnt allowed to be taken serious at all cause he's a man who yelled.
This isn't "Paris comes first", this was Ladybug unnecessarily giving a dangerous miraculous out like candy bc she couldn't seperate her civilian life from her hero work.
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