anonstucks · 31 minutes
do yall think that different aspects comes with different passives (for example: heart players can feel what others feel around them, blood players can hear heartbeats, time players know what time it is to the last second all the time etc.) i dunno what all the aspects would have but id like to hear other peoples take on this
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anonstucks · 1 hour
place your bets: how long until the twitter branch and the tumblr branch start fighting?
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anonstucks · 23 hours
I really don’t trust anyone who legitimately hate on Calliope, disliking her is fine, but straight up hating her and making up some bullshit about saying she’s actually really manipulative. When really she’s not, just kind of raises an eyebrow for me.
all this girl did was talk to her friends and draw and y’all really be hating on her.
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anonstucks · 23 hours
you ever notice how the people who go on about how positive and full of love hs is are some of the most bitter people around? now to an extent, i don't blame those people, cause you know: stupid fans, sites like twitter/reddit/instagram (which i still don't know why people give any amount of respect/knowledge to homestuck instagram), the modern day internet in general, real life bullshit, etc etc we can go down the list all day. but after a certain point, if the bitterness and complaining/mocking of said fans is equal/greater than this love being gushed about, then i'm sorry but they are as much of a whiny bitch as the little piss babies they bash.
its been 15 fucking year, you folks can learn to just ignore stupid people.
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anonstucks · 1 day
Being into Homestuck from a aroace perspective is really wild because you notice just how much shipping matters to people.. I sometimes wonder if others have felt this way but I have sometimes felt as though the characters I like are only valuable based on how much they can be shipped. I wish shipping wasn't put in such high regard.
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anonstucks · 1 day
anyone else see that ult dirk selfcest guy
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anonstucks · 1 day
about the davekat hate blog, i’m not talking about the fact that they hate davekat, I honestly think it’s a kind of mid ship
No no no, i’m talking about like most every other take that they have.
especially the unnecessary hate towards Calliope they have
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anonstucks · 1 day
i just finished homestuck what do i do now i know there epilogues but then also like hive swap and beyond canon what am i supposed to do first
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anonstucks · 2 days
realistic dirk looks mad goofy
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anonstucks · 2 days
gay yaoi kissing could fix ult dirk
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anonstucks · 2 days
I actually really like Jake's design, i know some people say it's ugly but i love it still.
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anonstucks · 2 days
never seen carapacian fan have wildly differing opinions either. like if a normal hs fan tells you something is bad, you have to consider their age, their biases, when they started reading hs, how many rereads have they done, did they start with the vns or the actual comic, is mars in retrograde, what social media platform do they use, etc. if a carapacian tells you something is good or bad, chances are that most of the others agree and that is infact good/bad. and they're unwavering in that opinion as well.
its like seeing someone order a grilled cheese from a sandwich joint, it ends up sucking, and then somehow every future generation of that person's bloodline ends up glaring/squinting at that joint when nearby due to the sheer level of grudge held.
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anonstucks · 2 days
hussie tuah sleuth on that thang
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anonstucks · 2 days
that one davkat hate blog has like.... the fucking worse takes ever
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anonstucks · 3 days
The Homestuck fandom feels like it normalizes abusive ships way too often
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anonstucks · 3 days
Everytime someone ships Dirk with Roxy or Jane i die a bit on the inside.
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anonstucks · 3 days
NOT a confession but do you guys think youll make a straw page? i think the straw page drawing feature is fun
We were going to make a strawpage, but it was never finished unfortunately. Please send me gimmicks though.
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