#mlb akumas
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spittyfishy · 28 days ago
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That one scene from the Lego Batman movie lol. I was imagining in an attempt to hide from Ladybug they all just piled into Gamer’s mech and it was a bit cramped
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sillysiluriforme · 2 months ago
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Some people have asked about the collector so here he is !
He’s a real fun one because he’s the most glaring case of Gabriel’s misuse of his miraculous.
Akumatizeds are by nature emotional, irrational and scatterbrained- this isn’t much of an issue because they always have someone to tell them what to do.
The collector doesn’t…
Another aspect I find really fun is how piss-yourself scary the situation is for adrien :3. He gets to go from “my dad is so mad at me he’s destroying his office” to “my dad might be hawkmoth” to “my enraged dad has been akumatized” to “watch members of my akumatized dad kill everyone in the building” and he doesn’t even have anyone he can tell about it besides, like, Plagg.
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chocostrwberry · 8 months ago
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starlightwoofwoof · 7 days ago
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Info :
okay uh- I like to think Boxten got akumatized because of a really bad nightmare he had, I know this AU is kinda set in the cartoon and maybe he didn’t have any then but maybe Astro had a little slip-up or was busy with something else and didn’t realize Boxten was having one- idk
Lullaby is able to basically trap himself in his own little bubble shield, which finally gives the poor guy some peace
The arms coming out of his head (which is based off of his twisted design btw) constantly cover the sides of his head, which makes him not able to hear anything else but the music that’s playing in his head
The music plays out of his head as well, and makes his now golden wind-up key spin. The music is your usual music box lullaby melody, it’s very peaceful-
Lullaby usually just wants to be left alone, trying to calm his thoughts and forget about his horrible dream
The eyes on his sleeping mask are real, he can open them if he wants to. He also has eyes underneath his mask, but they’re completely black
The clouds coming out of Lullaby’s head and his cloud tail are very soft and puffy, perfect to rest on
He always has his blanket with him
He can usually be found quietly crying to himself
Lullaby doesn’t really get aggressive at all, if you get in his circle, you could probably calm him down pretty easily
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miraclechatbug · 6 months ago
Rena Rouge: How do you think the butterflies taste like?
Chat Noir: They taste bad
Rena Rouge:
Ladybug: You ate an aKUMA-
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mochinek0 · 1 year ago
Daminette December 2023: 13-Wednesday
Paris couldn't believe what they were seeing: Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in Gotham Academy, in uniform! They hadn't see her in four years! What shocked them even more was seeing her arguing with some guy and she wasn't backing down.
The students in Gotham Academy didn't pay them any attention. Everyone ignored the shouting and yelling; they just kept walking as if they didn't see or hear them.
"Shouldn't you get a teacher?" Nino asked a student passing by.
"For what?" asked the brunette.
The class pointed at the arguing students.
"Wat day is it?" the brunette questioned.
"Wednesday." Max answered, "Does it matter?"
"It's their 'Argue Day'." the Gotham student declared.
"Argue day?" Mylene asked, confused.
"Yeah." the student stated, with a shrug, "Like clockwork. Teachers learned to deal with it. They get competitive, too."
"My boyfriend wouldn't put up with this sort of thing." Lila declared, "He hates violence."
"Oh, who is you boyfriend?" the brunette questioned.
"Damian Wayne." Lila smiled.
The brunette started laughing and pointing at Lila.
"Dude?" the blonde nearby questioned.
"This bitch said Damian Wayne is her boyfriend! She also said he hated violence!" the brunette answered and continued to laugh.
The blonde joined, howling with laughter. The Paris class shifted uncomfortably.
"Listen here, Faker," the blonde spoke, "you're not dating our ice Prince. Not to mention Damian is one of the most violent Waynes to roam these halls."
Lila sniffled, "He just doesn't want the media to know. I'm not lying."
"Well, that's lie number two." the brunette counted, "Damian doesn't care about the media. They gave him the title 'Ice Prince'."
"Do you know how many reporters have broken their arms, hands, or fingers trying to get a scoop from him?" the blonde questioned.
"You the ones lying!" Aly shouted, "Lila said he was kind and helpful Damian Wayne does charity work with her, for the environment!"
"It's not that hard to look up." the blonde scoffed, :About every other weekend, he's in the park casually talking to Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and playign with their hyenas as they plan 'How to green up Gotham'."
Lila paled hearing how he associated with rogues. That hadn't been what she expected.
"Supposedly, his mother is just as bad as they are." the brunette declared, "If not worse."
Lila gulped, trying to figure out how to keep her classmates under her control as her lie began to unravel.
"If anything, it sound like you googled 'rich kid+my age in Gotham' and Damian Wayne popped up first." the blonde responded.
"How can you say that about our friend?" Kim demanded.
The boys pointed to Marinette and the boy arguing still.
"That is Damian Wayne." the brunette answered, "By tomorrow, they'll be back to cuddling and kissing, like they have been for the past three years."
"They basically chose one day a week to let their frustrations out on each other." the blonde spoke, "It just happens to be on Wednesday."
The Parisians turned to Lila for an answer.
"I-I'm sure that's not it." Lila declared in a panic.
"Oh, really?" questioned the blonde boy, "Yo, Mari! How many times did Damian drug your coffee and drag you to bed, last week?"
"Four!" she shouted, still glaring at him.
Damian scoffed, "It was three."
"Liar!" Marinette screamed.
The class watched on in confusion.
"Damian, how many times did Mari make you new clothes last month?" the brunette asked.
"Ten!" Damian exclaimed in frustration.
Marinette scoffed, "Like you don't complain about those 'monkey suits' and how uncomfortable they are."
"I didn't ask you to go out of you way, Angel, and make me those things!" Damian rebutted.
"Oh, so now my designs are things?" Mari declared, "I just wanted you to be comfortable!"
"I'm fine!" the young Wayne sighed, "You need to sleep!"
"How long did she stay up?" the blonde questioned.
"She didn't sleep." Damian growled.
Marinette threw her hands up before resting them on her hips, "I slept on the drive over. I drank Tim's coffee. It usually has at least five espressos. Not the most I've had."
"What?" Damian shouted.
"Ah, so that's the reason this time." the brunette spoke.
"Sorry, Liar, but no one in Gotham will believe that you are anything to Gotham's Ice Prince when there are pictures being posted, like this, by his very own brothers." the blonde declared.
He turned his phone around to see Marinette and Damian dressed in pajamas and curled up in bed together.
"Everyone in Gotham Academy knows they live together at Wayne Manor." he continued, "Not to mention, the moment someone tries to touch her or get in her personal space, he threatens to kill them."
"He had five knives taken away this month." the brunette stated.
"Actually, it was eight." the blonde commented.
"Oh, when did I miss those?" the brunette questioned.
"You were sick for a week." the blonde answered.
"Gotha." the brunette spoke, "So, good luck and welcome to Gotham."
"Have a good Wednesday." the blonde spoke as they walked away.
Marinette yawned, "Why am I yawning? I drank Tim's coffee."
"Todd switched his coffee with decaf." Damian smiled, "You just happened to drink it, instead."
"No." she whined, "You did this on purpose!"
"I did not force you to drink Drake's coffee not did I force you to stay up all night." he answered, "If anything, Todd is upset that you ruined his prank."
"But-" Mari yawned again.
Damian smirked and picked her into his arms, "We are going home and you are going to bed."
"School." Marinette replied.
"I already messaged the teachers on the ride over that e would be missing the next two days." the young Wayne answered, "I've also paid Todd $100 for messing up his plan. In exchange, he will bring you lunch and dinner."
Marinette didn't respond and curled up in his arms. Damian just walked out of the school.
"Okay!" someone shouted, "Who had them making up under fifteen minutes?"
"Awww, man!"
"I could have sworn they would argue longer today."
"Didn't expect her to not sleep."
"Or have decaf."
"If she had just had that coffee."
"How much did you lose?"
"Lucky; $30."
Paris watched on as money was exchanged. Marinette and Damian Wayne's couple argument had gotten so common that people were gambling on it. They started to turn to Lila, who obviously had no idea how to explain what had just happened.
"So, you really were a liar." Nathaniel whispered, "Marinette was right, all along."
"I don't think we'll get to apologize to Marinette," Rose sniffled, "But she looks happy."
"Can't say you will be by the end of this trip, Lila." Alix sneered.
Lila was out of her element as Gotham had quickly spread her lie about dating Damian. No one believed her and if she said anything, they would just laugh at her. Not to metion her own classmates were now ignoring her. This hadn't been what she had planned; it was just another Wednesday. Nothing special about it.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events@animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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karmaxxx130 · 2 months ago
Destroyed Memories
So I had this idea for a while, where Plagg as a god of destruction can destroy anything. So Adrien asked him to destroy a traumatic memory so he wouldn't be akumatized.
I made a little sketch to explain better but it's in french (with mistake) and not very clean/clear, sorry.
Hope you enjoy!!!
Disclaimer; reference to abuse and abuse aftermath.
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Panel 3: Adrien_ As a god of destruction, you can destroy everything, right? Can you destroy my memory of tonight? I try to be a good son, but I don't feel any love for him anymore…
Panel 4: A_ I don't want to be akumatized and be even more of a burden to Ladybug. Please…
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Panel 5: Gabriel_ Oh, Adrien… Look what you're making me do… A_ Father?
Panel 6: G_ You keep disobeying me. I'll think you're doing it on purpose… by making the same mistakes over and over again. A_ I'm sorry
Panel 7: G_ Go to your room.
Panel 8: G_ Let's hope you learn this time.
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Panel 10: Plagg_ I know I told you I'd destroy that memory, but I can't do it. Not again.
Panel 11: P_ Let's make a trade. I'll keep them for now. In exchange, take some of my energy. I think you'll need it…
Panel 12: A_ Hey Plagg!
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Panel 13: A_ Are you okay? You look tired.
Panel 14: A_ My teeth feels weird …
Panel 15: P_ Kid!!! You must just be hungry. I'm starving!!! I need some camembert.
Panel 16: A_ Now that you mention it, I'm hungry too. P_ Let's go eat!
There are some physical side effects and feline tendencies from having a bit of destruction in him, but Parisians are oblivious and it doesn't show much, nor does it feel strange to see.
Took me so long, it's 4 in the morning, already!!? Good night?!!
Ps (why is my photo so pixelated? is there a special way to post a drawing on Tumblr? any size or format limits?)
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certifiedducky · 3 months ago
can we talk about the eiffel tower for a second though. like, you can climb it. i’ve done it before. tourists are *always* on the tower.
how terrifying must it be if you’re on it only for it to come crashing down?? even if they evacuate it anytime an akuma attacks in the area, there’s a LOT of people and it takes a long time for the lifts to move everyone. maybe the protocol is to stay put because they know ladybug will fix it?
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gee-arid · 4 months ago
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Stormy Weather redesign.. 🤷‍♂️
Meh unsure if i like it, but magical vibes ✨️✨️ skirt and hair as clouds :3
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nixthelapin · 1 year ago
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Man, this special really said “let’s set off Marinette’s Chat Blanc PTSD!”
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spittyfishy · 30 days ago
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I’m not exactly sure why my brain decided it would be a good idea to redraw one of the new season 6 Alya Nino scenes with Bubbler and Ladywifi, it just seemed fun lol
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^the screenshot in question
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chocostrwberry · 7 months ago
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Akumatized Sabine and Marichat!! And a new chat noir design, I had this planned for a month but I NEVER draw him for some reason?? So I haven’t said anything ab it-
Nurse Desserts power is that she makes anyone within her vicinity contract an illness, which induces fatigue, sneezing, coughing, and greenish lumps/spots to appear on their body. Her sentimonster is a giant cake baby that can also turn into multiple of itself, but get smaller the more there are.
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starlightwoofwoof · 17 days ago
I think I’m already posting too much about this AU- uh and I just realized something that might be very awkward about it
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oh nvm they’re friends now
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clemnoir · 1 year ago
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“Chilocorus stigma is commonly known as the twice-stabbed lady beetle. It has two red spots on its wing covers and a solid black body.”
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mochinek0 · 9 days ago
Daminette December: 6-That's Mine
Damian walked into the classroom to find everyone shouting. He tried to piece the argument together, but all he heard was it had to do with Marinette. It sounded like some were accusing her of something and the other half were defending her. He looked at his Angel, only to see her trying to keep calm and deep breathing.
"Hey!" said a girl and shoved Mari, "Say something!"
He knew better than to anger his girlfriend, but it seemed this girl didn't. He smirked as she glared down her opponent; the same glare that subdued his father. A quiet flutter caught his ear and he turned to see an akuma aiming it's sights on Marinette.
Damian reached out and plucked the akuma from the air. The students fell silent, wondering what his akuma would be. Everyone had a reason, but what was his?
"A new challenger?" Hawkmoth called into his ear, "I am Hawkmoth and-"
He pulled his clenched fist close to his face and growled out, "She's mine. You stay away from her. It's not her time."
He closed his fist and squished the akuma into dust, glaring down at his hand. No one spoke a word.
'He's more dangerous than Hawkmoth!'
'Could he be a miraculous weilder?'
'What if he was Chat Noir?'
'He should be a weilder with Ladybug! They could stop Hawkmoth instantly!'
"Hey!" Marinette shouted, bringing everyone out of their shock, "That was mine!"
Damian turned to her and glared, "You wanted to be akumatized?"
"No." She sneered, "I already know how to make them leave me alone, but I do have a question. How did you make it go poof?"
"Killing instinct from Mother." Damian declared.
"That makes sense." she sighed, pulling him out the class door, "Come on. I think My Hero deserves some ice cream."
"Ice cream is a reward for children." he declared.
Marinette stopped, grabbed his shirt and pulled him down into a kiss. The class watched as he kissed back, shattering any doubt that they were together.
"There. My Hero is rewarded and is now treating me to ice cream." she smiled.
Flushed, Damian kept walking, leading her out of the classroom. Everyone else was just confused as to what happened.
'When did Marinette become a badass?'
'She was dating that guy?'
'Mari has akuma repellant?'
"Wait!" cried Rose, "Why would Marinette know how to repel akumas?"
The room fell silent. How many akumas had gone after her, for her to know how to get akumas to leave her alone. How had they not noticed?
TAG LIST- DAMINETTE: @meme991001 @umbreon-worshipper @stainedglassm @jasmine-the-fox @psychicdelusionwerewolf @vixen-uchiha @mysteriouschar @missmadwoman @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @dissarraymania @tundra1029 @abrx2002 @mrsjacuinde @ledalasombra @animegirlweeb
UNSPECIFIED- @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @tigresslily @legodetectivemalsblog
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burntwaffle12 · 7 months ago
Yearbook pic
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Bonus: Manon thought it was funny to draw a ladybug mask
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Year book pic series:
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