#juice cleansing
yang-certified · 2 months
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i made these a few months ago and refound them again
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blujayonthewing · 3 months
me: oh my god thank you for introducing me to pad thai by the way, it's SO good, we have it all the time now and it makes me think of you 🥰 friend: oh, I mean, there are other things too....... me: ..... okay well first of all we're cooking it at home, not just failing to be adventurous at restaurants, but also I was trying to casually connect with you as my friend over a small experience we shared that had a positive impact on my life but I guess I can just shut up instead
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sayobeth · 2 years
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Cleanse cleanse cleanse!!
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ginaszasfriend · 1 year
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mamayan · 10 months
Tw: Food/Sensitivity Discussion
Can’t wait for Holiday dinners when everyone starts talking about dieting/weight while I’m trying to eat—
I’ve got a good following count, so lemme hop on my soap box real quick for a little psa.
Some advice from a dietetic student specializing in ED recoveries:
You’re 100% guaranteed to like your meal/snack/dessert much more when someone isn’t commenting on it and making you feel guilty for eating it… even if it’s second hand comments not meant for you. (i.e. “I’m so jealous you’re eating that, I wish I could, but I’m bla bla bla bla”). Just put your hand up and stop them from talking, let them know you don’t appreciate their thoughtless comments, and leave. You’re allowed to walk away. You’re allowed to say something. You are entitled to eat your meal in a safe and comfortable environment.
If you or someone else is on their own personal journey that deviates from intuitive eating, please do not let them or yourself force it on others. It’s great to be proud, set goals, and have achievements, but remember that EDs are the most sneaky and harmful, and your/their journey could be someone else’s nightmare. This isn’t just telling people to not try and sell it (i.e. “Look how much I’ve lost on Keto/Exercise Program/etc.!”) I also mean it can be damaging to be presented a “gluten free/dairy free/carb free/keto friendly/ridiculously high protein meal” and have it used like a weapon. Grandma or whoever isn’t the enemy on Iron Chef, unless they/you/or someone in the family has specific intolerances/allergies/dietary restrictions (religious or by preference), there is no need to shove that dish in anyone’s face as if it’s better than a regularly used recipe. It isn’t better, it’s just different, if someone decides to make a dish like that and bring it, it should be treated like a normal dish and save everyone from hearing about it’s “health/detox/nutrient” benefits. If you see someone doing this, go ahead and call them out on their insensitive behavior.
Commenting on someone’s weight is not a compliment, whether they/you think it is or not. We’ve come so far, we can totally compliment someone on something other than than that right? If not, getting to know someone better or having them get to know you better is a great step in finding where to compliment away from someone’s weight. “You’re so beautiful! I love your boots/nail color/makeup/etc.” is so much better than “You’re so beautiful! Your waist looks thinner/butt bigger/etc.”
I am not a board certified dietician and therefore can not mention more on this topic (until I am~), but remember your time with family and friends should be spent enjoyably, and while we joke about the arguments and drama that comes with a big gathering like that, it’s good to remember that enjoyment from food is not evil and you should never be shamed or have to endure nonsense while spending time with loved ones. Those topics, if so important, can have their own separate time given to them, not while you’re trying to decide what to eat/plate up/eating.
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nebulein · 1 year
In addition to training facilities and workshop rooms, Jonathan Toews' recently expanded wellness compound includes a shiny new smoothie bar. The bestseller? Kale-mango-chia. All recipes have been developed by Toews himself and published in an ebook to recreate at home. The bar looks instagram-worthy, though and is well worth a trip. The juice cleanse is worth the squeeze is written in bold letters across the back of it, the pink neon sign lighting up with a nice, juicy lemon next to it. "Oh, that thing," Toews laughs, clearly embarrassed when we ask about what it means. It's an old joke, custom-made and gifted to Toews by a client, a pun on a mantra every one of Toews' clients knows by heart: the juice is worth the squeeze. At its surface, the saying sounds like Toews plucked it from a motivational poster pinned to the locker room of a high school gym. But for Toews, it runs deeper than that.
"I don't believe in the struggle mentality, the whole 'no pain no gain' kinda thinking, or 'nothing good ever comes easy'. That's such poisonous bullshit, excuse my French." -- Did we mention Toews actually speaks perfect French, courtesy of his francophone maman? We told you that man is hot. Anyways -- "If we put out good into the world, it comes back to us, and life doesn't have to be an endless struggle to be worthwhile." But that doesn't mean Toews believes in giving up easy. Instead, for him the saying symbolizes that you should always keep sight of your goals. "If you remember what you're trying to accomplish and why you want that, doing what's necessary to get there immediately becomes easier." So if life hands Toews lemons, squeeze some lemonade? But Toews isn't as goody two shoes as that. "Yeah, maybe. Or break out the Tequila," he adds with a laugh.
And if life hands you a neon sign? Open a juice bar.
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smokinlikemarley · 2 months
3 day juice cleanse
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good444me · 8 months
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desperate2lose · 1 year
i wanna get into juicing. any recommendations/tips?
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
In my continuing series of Bleach bit characters I am absolutely in love with, I present...Old Man Ken, the green grocer.
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I would bet you anything that Rukia was 100% aware that it was a scam and just wanted to see how it would bear out. You know. Professional curiosity.
Old Man Ken shows up later, when they go to see fireworks. I can only assume this is a different scam for avoiding liquor licensing/taxes.
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I feel in my heart that he has conned Urahara out of so much money.
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hestiaflames · 5 months
they should invent a reading a book that doesn't feel like tearing open my stomach
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butch-himbo-king · 1 year
what do they put in pussy that makes it clear up acne this is Wild
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smulsa · 1 year
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Made it through 4 juices of a 3 day cleanse before I ordered Chinese. 💕
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thedragonsfate · 7 months
since I'm thinking abt it, I feel like it's always a good time for the reminder that your kidneys main function is to filter your blood to balance your body's fluids and remove waste to be released out of your body in your urine
if your kidneys are functioning properly then they are already doing any "cleansing of toxins" your system may need automatically all of the time, just like they're doing in the bodies of countless other species
The human body is very successful at surviving and has evolved to do so!! it's a very cool thing the way your body works to support your everyday life in ways that can pretty much eliminate the need to manually enact basic survival functions like the beating of your heart or the filtering of waste harmful to your body!
I guess I just wanna say like. unless you truly have kidney disease or other organ failures/disfunctions - in which case definitely do seek medical intervention - you can trust your body to take care of that for you
don't let anybody shame you into thinking you should be out here doing cleanses and paying significant money to try to hack into what your body is already doing for you naturally,
and try not to let human intelligence and ego undermine the success of a body plan that has been successful for vertebrates for at LEAST tens of millions of years
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5-daycleanse · 9 months
5-day detox: juice cleanse prep
Starting a juice cleanse? Prep yourself
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