#jk it probably will not happen
theatrevampire · 8 months
loustat vs loumand? what about when louis and armand both accidentally or not so accidentally think about lestat while fucking one time and we get a masterfully-edited threesome scene? hmm? what then?
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spookybeandoodle · 7 months
Because I’m trash, one of my own head canons I have is that Alexis was one of the “friends” Treasure had and was at the club that night and when Porter says “You’re friends suck” it was a double meaning. Also imagine Alexis listening and being in the corner of the bar like-
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And Porter just being like
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Anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk
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konakoro · 1 year
I was having a decent day, until I remembered a brief, easily-missable side story in one of the first levels of Bioshock 2, where a school teacher and a group of children on a field trip end up trapped in the amusement park level you’re in when the civil war started, and how you hear from her audio logs how she willingly gave up her own food to make sure all the children were well-fed, eventually finding a final audio log on how she realizes she’s dying from starvation but still worries about the kids she’s watching, and you find this audio log by a corpse positioned in a resting pose surrounded by candles and drawings and stuffed animals and I’m sobbing oh god -
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You really didn't think that one through huh?
idk if im sobbing, wheezing, or choking on my tea <3
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t3chborb · 6 months
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I'm one year older today, so I figured I gotta wrap a present or two~
... Wait...
... I got it backwards, didn't I...
... I'm supposed to be... uhh... the one opening gifts today...
... Oh, how incredibly silly of me...
Welp, I'm sure Ramattra doesn't mind~
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mitamicah · 9 months
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It's tattoo day!!
Drew a little vintage!transmasc Käärijä for the occassion :3 (the flag he is holding is the tattoo I am planning to get btw x'D)
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obviously it's wild that silver's response to flint telling him about thomas is to be like "sorry that happened but i noticed that all the people closest to you die, and now i'm the person closest to you so i'm worried about my safety," but it's even more wild that he follows that up with "but then i realized i'm so powerful now bc of how loved and feared i am by the crew that actually i'm probably going to be the one who causes your death, so..."
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summertimemusician · 11 months
Linktober (Shadow) 2023
Welp turns out my exam season throughly steam rolled through my general Linktober plans, so you get this VERY late thing for now folks who find this, at least until I decide whether to continue this until I finish it even though it's no longer Linktober or if I'll make whatever other stories come later their own thing after exam season is over (mostly because the original for this one is my preferred draft, and that I feel the one for the Link/Dark Link prompt would be kind of wasted if it just sat there collecting dust cause I worked hard on the tension and horror there lord darn it, along with a few others mainly involving Fae Hyrule, Twilight, Time, First, among other Links like Legend, Sky, Warriors, just all of the boys, I wanted to give them all proper spotlight and still want to do that in any way I can). Welp. *Downs coffee like a shot* Also really need to find out how to make a Masterlist on mobile, figure out how AO3 works and answer asks.
Anyway, not really any warnings this time besides Reader Not Being Okay (par the course really) and angst.
As always can be read as either romantic or platonic, Reader is gender neutral on purpose, technically is meant to be read as either Hero's Shade Time x Reader or First x Reader mainly, but you can interpret it as any Link really lol
Good reading!
This corner of Faron Woods was quiet this time of year.
The woods were solemn in this Hyrule, the sliver of moonlight barely enough of a guide through the mist, it was silent but for the soft padding of animals through the underbrush and the howl of a wolf in the distance (not Wolfie's, not musical enough). The stars were your only company as you were separated from the group, the air was cold agaisnt your skin as you attempted to find your way.
Being alone in the forests of Hyrule never spelled anything good for anyone, but as you felt the brush of a hand tenderly twined in yours, the ghost of leather and the faint clinking of steel, and a faint glow of pale gold and ivory cutting through the veil of the night, mindful of roots you may trip onto and never flickering too far out of sight you couldn't feel safer, even  if instead something like melancholy threatened to lock your throat with the chains of silence, you felt as warm as the soft twilight glow and as frigid as ice, frostburned with the bitter cold of your own warring emotions.
You can't help but chuckle a bit whille holding a old scabbard close to your heart, it's a wry sound, "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
There is no answer, of course there isn't, but you don't mind, you know he'll listen, thorns wrap around your heart and crawl up your throat, the smell of lilies and steel coats and sticks in your throat like honey, or maybe blood, "... I didn't think you'd show up, you know? I always considered the possibility but..." You trail off, you feel something brush your side, you can only see him in the corner of your eyes or with a passing glance, there but not, existing but gone, so you keep your eyes on the road and in the flicker of light, so you carefully don't look to your side, you don't think you could contain the shaking in your heart otherwise, to stare at inevitability and prophecy, "... I know, I know you're fine. At least for now, I apologize for all the trouble I gave you."
'It's alright. It could never be a hardship aiding you.', the voice echoes in your ears, and you swallow thickly, breath hitching, the warmth of the sun in the fields of Hyrule, the wind caressing your hair, the song of the animals in Faron Woods, someone holding you carefully, fondly. The warmth of your hand in his. Not really here, but not gone either, more feeling than true echo.
You chuckle, and try to pretend it's not a bit breathless, something like a wounded keen, "... You're too kind. Too, too kind, thank you."
Spirits in Hyrule never spell anything good, in this wild land of light and shadow in a gestalt of divinity. There are some exceptions though, even if it hurts to witness then. So you follow him through the dark, certain that as you've guided his way once, he'll lead you now to where you need to go.
... The clearing he leads you to is open, but by no means truly quiet among the trees, there is no peace to be found for the armored skeleton here. You choke on sorrow, on unfinished business, on the cruelty of being brought to ruin and being denied peace, and you stumble towards the familiar figure, almost in a trance as your vision blurs, roots and thorny vines wrap over rusted armor and a thorn cape, the skeleton's void sockets piercing through your soul, illuminated by the solemn gaze of the wretched moon and it's uncaring maids of honor in the stars.
You fall to your knees near the decaying skeleton, biting back against the wounded sound that attempts to leave your throat with enough strenght to bleed, you lay the scabbard by his side with a bouquet of lilies and shiver at the gentle, phantom touch, so soft, so loving it almost leads you to ruin all over again.
'... It's foolish to grieve for someone who isn't gone yet.' the thought comes to you, yet you can't help it. You still hurt for him, you still hold onto the fury at the heavens themselves for denying them quietus. For denying them rest over and over and over again. To watch this cycle and be helpless to stop it all due to the will of uncaring gods.
Alive. Dead. Alive. Dead. Denied full rest over and over again, to watch the chance at rest to the kindest of souls found in this world you found yourself in.
You barely register the touch to your cheek, ephemeral as it is, as you can't help but shed tears, can't help but grieve. Because if you don't, who will?
You know by now that some wounds can never heal, some rifts can never be mended. Even with the guarantee of cyclic, eternal rebirth, some things never return to how they were. And reminding yourself of this inevitability to them will never not hurt, even if you know it's futile to blame anyone but the one god who started this, and maybe the goddess who stood complacent to it. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth that it'll one day come to this, that the frost of death and the sharpness of pain will leave a mark the sands of time can't scar over.
You reach a trembling hand towards the one in your cheek, try to find catharsis in the remains of decayed, dead yet ever eternal, ever growing love. And you breathe.
'We'll meet again. So do not mourn for me, please.'
You don't think you could deny him if you tried. Not when you know he's trying to soothe you, to thaw your sorrow. To allow your heart's healing to fallow.
"We will, I know. I'm sorry for making you worry." You chuckle, leaning into the cold, trying to brand the memory of the shadowed, but not gone love given to you so you can return it in kind. Just until you meet again, just until you can give all you can to his not yet decomposing self, grasping onto what remains of him, "I love you."
'I love you too. Until we meet again.'
The cold is gone, the echo of love leaves. And you breathe, and pretend you don't feel empty.
(When you see Link again, reuniting with the Chain on the next day's twilight. You hug him as tight as you can, and hope you he doesn't notice the tears in your eyes. And that you don't feel the lingering traces of a frigid embrace.
When no one is looking, you wave goodbye to the shade. And pray he dreams of warmer days until he finds quietus.)
#linked universe x reader#hero's shade x reader#linked universe time x reader#first x reader#hylia's chosen hero x reader#first link x reader#also know as What Happens When Summer Watches Corpse Bride after Playing MJM#I'll never not be emotional about the Hero's Shade and how it's an inevitability that Time will always die relatively young#how First died alone in the surface and likely never got a proper burial#And the fact we never learn what happens to the heroes after the task is done and THE ONE INSTANCE#we do is to learn they died young in some manner (ex Time. The Link before Hyrule. First.#Probably Twilight if we go by the theory Wolfie in BOTW is a spirit sent to help Wild#Technically pre calamity Wild because losing your memories is technically death of identity although that's for another story#and related to Lost#Most of the more effective LoZ games present themselves as either dark fairy tales and I'm running with that concept#Plus it's literally LEGEND of Zelda. Hardly do things end well for protagonists in actual legends and mythology involving gods#I think I have a right to worry#Anyway I'll probably elaborate more later because I'm tired lol#gotta perish to tackle studying and THEN be free to start on the pages long LU/LoZ essays /jk#unless?#we'll see#summer writes linktober 2023#summer writes linktober shadow 2023#summer writes#this short fic was also brought to you by the death holiday we have here in my country because it always makes me sad#and thinking of the Hero's Shade and what happens to First basically made it Depression times 100 lol
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callsign-rogueone · 8 months
valentine's day celly / fluff fest 2024
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valentine's day is quickly approaching, and I want to write about our book boyfriends (and girlfriends!) just being loved and like, not in mortal peril for once. they deserve peace!! I'll writing short, fluffy pieces (under 1k words) for Fourth Wing characters, but I want my dear readers to decide who!
here's a list of the prompts I've come up with ⬇ prompts with character names beside them have been taken!
being teased by their friends about their crush - Bodhi
holding hands for the first time - Sawyer
going into town for a date on a weekend off - Ridoc
love at first sight - Ridoc // also Garrick & scribe!reader
them giving you a bouquet of flowers - Sawyer
picnic date, with the dragons of course - Garrick
love letter (long-distance relationship) - Garrick and Angel
secret admirer - Liam
love confession - Imogen
them looking everywhere for something important you lost - Bodhi
sneaking out to see them after curfew - Dain
getting a handmade gift from them - Liam
anniversary celebration - Brennan and Duchess
studying together - Xaden
I'll be writing each prompt once. send a message, comment, reblog, etc., letting me know which character you'd like to see for which prompt! if requesting Garrick or Brennan, please specify if you'd like a generic reader, or Angel / Duchess!
character options:
Bodhi Durran
Brennan Sorrengail
Dain Aetos
Garrick Tavis
Imogen Cardulo
Liam Mairi
Mira Sorrengail
Rhiannon Matthias
Ridoc Gamlyn
Sawyer Henrick
Sloane Mairi
Violet Sorrengail
Xaden Riorson
default will be a she/her reader who is a rider, but if you'd like me to use different pronouns or have reader be a scribe, healer, etc. just specify in your message! I want everyone to feel included ❤
and because I can't say it too many times: thank you so so so much for reading my work. It makes me so happy to see people interacting with my work and loving it as much as I do. if I could print out your comments and frame them, I would. y'all mean the world to me. I love you so much. stay warm and drink lots of water!
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rosethroned · 10 days
i can confidently say margaery's first kiss was actually with a girl i cannot however say who (because i don't know)
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dearweirdme · 22 days
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yamsgarden · 2 months
Just some more Still Wakes the Deep blah blah, but omg having just been diagnosed Diabetes type 1 myself recently, it makes me only love and feel for Roy 10X more...
This shit is litteraly poison, but so does the food we eat with how much sugar there is in ugh OTL
Never thought in a million year I had DT1, I had 0 symptoms and am in pretty good shape, but then suddenly, organs are starting to hurt really badly out of nowhere...
Don't wait too long poeple and check with your doctors even if there's ''nothing'' T0T and to all Diabetic ppl out there, keep on fighting 💪✨
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mochinon-yah · 4 months
I have proven once again that i am indeed a very good matchmaker hehe
Harmony (@.harmonysanreads):
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And you know who i matcher her with? Well, in short: sampo, aventurine, topaz (platonic?), and blade >:D
Context: this reblog of mine!
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tennessoui · 8 months
What’s your favorite prequels movie?
I think my favorite is RotS but my comfort movie is definitely PM (i feel like it has almost a fairy tale quality to it that makes it very comforting)
rogue one 💙
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moonchild1 · 1 year
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kideternity · 1 month
Love how like Ken had understandable hangups about jogress evolution and then like barely an episode later he got over all of that and seems to be completely on board with it like. Okay king you do you I guess
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