rosethroned · 55 minutes
i feel inspired (i just woke up) so like this for a starter on margaery's dance era au verses. you can pick the variation or I'll. choose at random
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rosethroned · 1 hour
mace tyrell couldn’t chose between gay son and thot daughter so the universe gave him both
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rosethroned · 22 hours
wherever margaery was sent to when she was to marry, even if she wasn't to be queen, she'll always miss her home. she loves highgarden (and the reach) dearly and not be allowed to stay will always hurt a little. it's also definitely reflected in her seeking nature where it is to be found in king's landing (with her trips to the kingswood for example), and it'd result in her having gardens no matter where she is. she needs the flowers and the plants or else she'll die
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rosethroned · 22 hours
i adore the scene where cersei visits marg in faith prison so much. it's so fun to see her initially being all 🥺 can you believe they treated me and my innocent cousins like that to 😠 thank the gods im not your daughter you evil scheming bitch
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rosethroned · 2 days
but also about that last post i think that's also why she's so! powerful. she can blend in with sansa and other perfectly well-behaved ladies, she can ride with someone like arya and not be afraid to dirty her dresses, she can visit the worst parts of the city and look at the people there as people instead of showing them contempt, she can act as befits nobility and manipulate a king, she's so incredibly adaptable and of course a lot of it is fake but she's so good at making it seem like it's true
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rosethroned · 2 days
Margaery hailed them when the two columns met and fell in beside the queen's litter. Her cheeks were flushed, her brown ringlets tumbling loosely about her shoulders, stirred by every puff of wind. "We have been picking autumn flowers in the kingswood," she told them. I know where you were, the queen thought. Her informers were very good about keeping her apprised of Margaery's movements. Such a restless girl, our little queen. She seldom let more than three days pass without going off for a ride. Some days they would ride along the Rosby road to hunt for shells and eat beside the sea. Other times she would take her entourage across the river for an afternoon of hawking. The little queen was fond of going out on boats as well, sailing up and down the Blackwater Rush to no particular purpose. When she was feeling pious she would leave the castle to pray at Baelor's Sept. She gave her custom to a dozen different seamstresses, was well-known amongst the city's goldsmiths, and had even been known to visit the fish market by the Mud Gate for a look at the day's catch. Wherever she went, the smallfolk fawned on her, and Lady Margaery did all she could to fan their ardor. She was forever giving alms to beggars, buying hot pies off bakers' carts, and reining up to speak to common tradesmen.
"You're not supposed to leave the column," Sansa reminded her. "Father said so." Arya shrugged. "I didn't go far. Anyway, Nymeria was with me the whole time. I don't always go off, either. Sometimes it's fun just to ride along with the wagons and talk to people." Sansa knew all about the sorts of people Arya liked to talk to: squires and grooms and serving girls, old men and naked children, rough-spoken freeriders of uncertain birth. Arya would make friends with anybody. This Mycah was the worst; a butcher's boy, thirteen and wild, he slept in the meat wagon and smelled of the slaughtering block. Just the sight of him was enough to make Sansa feel sick, but Arya seemed to prefer his company to hers.
Back at Winterfell, they had eaten in the Great Hall almost half the time. Her father used to say that a lord needed to eat with his men, if he hoped to keep them. "Know the men who follow you," she heard him tell Robb once, "and let them know you. Don't ask your men to die for a stranger." At Winterfell, he always had an extra seat set at his own table, and every day a different man would be asked to join him. One night it would be Vayon Poole, and the talk would be coppers and bread stores and servants. The next time it would be Mikken, and her father would listen to him go on about armor and swords and how hot a forge should be and the best way to temper steel. Another day it might be Hullen with his endless horse talk, or Septon Chayle from the library, or Jory, or Ser Rodrik, or even Old Nan with her stories. Arya had loved nothing better than to sit at her father's table and listen to them talk. She had loved listening to the men on the benches too; to freeriders tough as leather, courtly knights and bold young squires, grizzled old men-at-arms. [...]
sansa says she'd have liked a sister like margaery instead of one like arya, but margaery and arya have lots of similarities (and i think! especially as a child she wasn't at all unlike arya! would cover herself in mud and ruin pretty dresses and giggle at alerie's despair!). by the time they meet, margaery has been polished enough to be perfectly courteous and charming, but that restlessness, the ease to talk to common people and show interest in what they have to say (and in plenty of occasions be genuine about it, even), it wasn't erased it was turned into something she can use.
ned's lesson about knowing your men and letting them know you is so very in line with how margaery acts; i do think the tyrells are less genuine about it than the starks, but the idea is the same. people who love her are willing to follow her and there's power in that (see: the northern lords and ned's little girl, or when it comes to margaery herself the people shouting for her in the streets when she's imprisoned).
anyway. perfectly poised as she can act she's... really not that perfect lady at heart, and she does prefer to be out and about doing things and talking to people (regardless of their birth) than just the certified ladylike activities. she's much more like arya than sansa in that sense; she would prefer to go riding over needlework, she does go out to pick flowers in the wilderness as arya does, etc etc
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rosethroned · 2 days
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bold for always, italics for sometimes, strikethrough never.
aggressive | arrogant l authoritarian l bitter | brutal | callous | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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rosethroned · 3 days
throughout the series we see how cersei resents womanhood and the role westerosi society pushes on her as a result several times. she outright thinks she should've been born a man, or that she should be the one with a sword instead of jaime.
perhaps more importantly, she fails to see how her role as a woman could be of any value beyond using her beauty and sex to manipulate men around her to do her bidding. i think the battle of the blackwater has an exchange that makes it pretty blatant:
"Jaime told me once that he only feels truly alive in battle and in bed." She lifted her cup and took a long swallow. Her salad was untouched. "I would sooner face any number of swords than sit helpless like this, pretending to enjoy the company of this flock of frightened hens."
she knows what she has to do and she resents it, and she doesn't even see the value in the women themselves beyond what they mean to the men around them. given power later on, cersei emulates the men who held power over her. she doesn't seem to understand there is a form of power to be wielded in the spheres she has to play a role as queen.
margaery presents a contrast to that. where cersei chafes against femininity, she leans hard on it as a form of power. in one of her very first scenes (seen from the perspective of someone who didn't know her and to who margaery would want to project a certain image), it's her sweet and soft behavior that is noted.
King Renly looked surprised. "Lady Catelyn? We are most pleased." He turned to his young queen. "Margaery my sweet, this is the Lady Catelyn Stark of Winterfell." "You are most welcome here, Lady Stark," the girl said, all soft courtesy. "I am sorry for your loss."
the same goes for sansa, when they meet, and is generally true for how she's portrayed (except cersei is being a hater every time she's mentioned in her povs). margaery doesn't want to seem dangerous; she's energic and can be rather assertive when it suits her (she's very direct about sansa marrying willas, to the point of calling her sister after a couple days; she can definitely press the matters she wishes to press very directly), but she's also kind and sweet and soft. she leans on these qualities that westerosi society deems womanly, and she endears herself to others through them. this includes the way she is perceived by the commonfolk.
 Such a restless girl, our little queen. She seldom let more than three days pass without going off for a ride. Some days they would ride along the Rosby road to hunt for shells and eat beside the sea. Other times she would take her entourage across the river for an afternoon of hawking. The little queen was fond of going out on boats as well, sailing up and down the Blackwater Rush to no particular purpose. When she was feeling pious she would leave the castle to pray at Baelor's Sept. She gave her custom to a dozen different seamstresses, was well-known amongst the city's goldsmiths, and had even been known to visit the fish market by the Mud Gate for a look at the day's catch. Wherever she went, the smallfolk fawned on her, and Lady Margaery did all she could to fan their ardor. She was forever giving alms to beggars, buying hot pies off bakers' carts, and reining up to speak to common tradesmen.
she's active, friendly, sweet, kind, approachable. cersei doesn't seem to notice it, but this perceived restlessness is about how she exerts her power. women aren't expected to rule in the sense of sitting on the throne (or even the council) or making decisions. so she uses the spheres where women are allowed to (or welcomed to) act to make herself powerful.
she's out and about with her ladies (which might be a group comprised mostly of tyrell adjacent ladies, but is also useful to influence ladies at court. if they have such visibility, wouldn't it grow to be prestigious to be invited to be part of the queen's entourage?), she shows herself to be pious (and leaves the castle to pray at the same sept commonfolk can go to!), she interacts with crafters and traders (which is yet another way to bring her closer to them; not the individuals alone, but everyone that'll hear about the little queen treating them as, you know, people who matter instead of pretending they don't exist). a baker will remember that the queen bought from him and he'll talk about it. a beggar will remember her kindness. the commonfolk will take note of her presence as someone who listens and smiles and gives them her patronage.
the lannisters neglect it, but there is power in having the love of common people, and margaery ensures she has that on her side. and later on, when she's imprisoned by the faith, there's people shouting for her to be released, because she endeared herself to the people. the high sparrow couldn't get rid of her without causing a commotion, even should he want to. and that's just the tiniest example off of the top of my head.
she works similarly with nobility. margaery is pleasant and kind and considerate (the kettlebacks mistake it for her showing some sort of romantic/sexual interest, but giving them attention or defending them when other people tease is just what she'd do for anyone. it makes people like her! and people liking her is crucial to how she operates!). she tries to make people feel important and cared for because that in turn makes people either more pliable or more blind to her thorns.
margaery is not all sweetness; far from it. i personally don't think she's even that far from having a temper similar to loras, except he was socialized in a way that did not curb it, while she learned to bite back the anger and keep her cool because a lady must be pleasant at all times (the venom is just stored for later, really). but she doesn't resent having to pretend she is. she's great at it. femininity is her weapon to seem harmless and to influence others, without truly having to use her body (flirting is something else! there is influence in that, too, and she's not ignorant to it, but margaery only ever keeps things to teasing and empty promises of what could be.) instead of chafing against its constraints, she bends them to better suit her, unlike cersei.
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rosethroned · 3 days
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rosethroned · 5 days
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“ most have been forgotten. most deserve to be forgotten. the heroes will always be remembered. the best. the best and the worst. and a few who were a bit of both. ”
carrd / ask / meme / 21+ only / rebooted july 24, formerly goldenngore / c + c
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rosethroned · 5 days
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# ROSETHRONED. ♕ independent, selective, and book based rp blog for margaery tyrell from george rr martin's a song of ice and fire. as loved by mel.
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rosethroned · 5 days
tywin being set on making cersei queen mace being set on making margaery queen cersei's resentment (and ineffectiveness) against her role in it as a woman and the fact she had no support or guidance only a father who did see her as a thing to be gven as part of a bargain and good only to be a wife and mother versus margaery making use of her position and thriving in it because she knows how to best wield her power because she had support and guidance from olenna
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rosethroned · 5 days
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Charming beauty, Alexia Giordano
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rosethroned · 5 days
very fond of the idea that margaery influences king's landing fashion to grow more similar to reach fashion. she would not try to adopt the court fashion and hairstyles at all and i love the idea of other women wanting to emulate the styles worn by the ladies from the reach (and it being a very visible representation of her growing influence versus cersei's diminishing one)
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rosethroned · 6 days
"Doubtless you know your son better than I do," he made himself tell Cersei, "but regardless, there's still much to be said for a Tyrell marriage. It may be the only way that Joffrey lives long enough to reach his wedding night."
help i didn't remember this
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rosethroned · 6 days
“The throne brings trouble and grief along with the glory.” ( from Garlan )
@tymptir &. GARLAN // prompts.
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❝ It better deliver when the time for glory comes, ❞ spoken lightly, though the pretty smile does not reach her eyes. He can see through it. Garlan is her brother and he knows her better than the deception, knows there was a girl before there was a mask, knows she is still here no matter how she may feign otherwise. The deception is never for them.
He knows that, doesn't he?
Margaery wonders if there will ever be a life where the guise can be set aside, even if just briefly. The moments of honesty are few, fewer still when they can speak plainly. Alone though they may be, amidst their family's lodgings as they are, she is still uncertain. The Lannisters would be troublesome even before; after Joffrey...
She tries not to think of Joffrey. Cruel, disgusting creature that he may have been, Margaery remembers standing by his side, watching as he struggled to breathe and grew so desperate as to hurt himself in a vain attempt to tear open his throat and find air. How can she forget? There had been no realization he was going to die; there had been previous knowledge. He's choking, she had announced, as if unaware it was going to happen. They asked for help knowing there would be none. Margaery doesn't mourn Joffrey, but she almost wants to cry again.
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❝ Trouble and grief have walked closer to us than the other half of the bargain, don't you think? ❞ What follows is the hasty attempt to seem more confident than she feels, more at ease than she looks, more unaffected than she could ever be. Airy and lighthearted and meant to reassure herself perhaps more than him. ❝ I suppose I must strive to be a great queen indeed so that it will all be worth it in the end. ❞
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rosethroned · 6 days
“Even the small joys are worth cherishing, and they will lead to greater ones.”
@cubcrowned &. tommen // prompts.
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❝ Wise words, Your Grace, ❞ Tommen is a sweet child; any sweetness of her own is but natural reflex. Margaery regrets, at times, that an effort must be made to steer him in the direction that suits her family best. Yet her crown means little if there is another queen regnant, and thus it falls to her to undermine her would-be rival, often through her relationship with her young son. Seeding the right ideas in his mind, nudging the growth of certain feelings, tending a delicate garden so that it might eventually flourish into a tractable but not unwise young king.
But today her mind wanders from plans for a future that may never come to pass.
The little rose can't offer a sincere apology if aught in her pleasant smile is feigned. Her mind lingers on matters of little joy, and though she knows not gifting a king your undivided attention is scarcely the way to hold his good graces, she cannot be anything but divided. Her thoughts are in Dragonstone, with Loras. Margaery knows full well that Cersei intended to land a blow by giving her the news, yet even that means little in light of the news itself.
Her brother is a good fighter, the best — but she knows him well enough to know his blend of reckless and stubborn could cause great damage, not least of all to himself. And after Renly died...
He wouldn't purposefully ride into his death, though; not while she remained in the capital unprotected. The news has to be wrong, Margaery thinks for the thousandth time, chest tight at the idea they may not; one of their own would have sent word directly, were Loras truly close to dying. Lioness though she may be, Cersei speaks with a serpent's tongue. Nothing else makes sense.
But there is a little king in her company, and she wills herself back from that trail of thought. It lingers in her voice, perhaps, a hint of melancholy; the smile does not falter, but her eyes are sad.
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❝ One should always appreciate the little joys, especially those shared. They become priceless memories that you will be glad to have when others cannot be with you. ❞ A pause, as she strokes the fur of an appreciative black kitten. Margaery thinks of her brothers, yes, but her mind also goes to his sister. Warmth finally reaches her brown eyes as they seek the boy's Lannister green; this kindness isn't feigned. She wonders if anyone bothered to inquire about his feelings on her departure at all. ❝ But I am sure you already know. I heard you and your sister Myrcella are rather close. You must miss her greatly, Your Grace. ❞
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