#jk i’m in the TRENCHES
damianwaynerocks · 2 months
thinking about dick grayson and tim drake. dick was SO good to tim when he was robin. and i think there might’ve been a reason for that.
he wasn’t great to jason. he wasn’t terrible, of course. but he didn’t make near as much of an effort. and then jason died.
we know it wasnt intentional, dick not putting in effort. we know he cared about jason, but he was hurt and he was an adult and adults get so lost in their own lives that they can forget to make an effort. we know he did nothing wrong, but dick probably didn’t know that. dick grayson, the man who shoulders so much responsibility that his hands are always shaking, probably was thinking if i was there, if i would’ve done more.
the guilt probably ate him up, and then when bruce got tim, dick didn’t want to make the same mistake. so he went out of his way to be there for tim, to be the best big brother he possibly could. because he had to atone. because of guilt.
because at his core, dick grayson is nothing if not wracked with guilt to his very soul.
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vicstenius · 1 year
There’s no bigger stina fan in the werld than me btw 🫶🫶🫶
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girl8890 · 2 years
JK | Virgin Sacrifice
⭐️ Currently #1 Post On My AC ⭐️
word count: 7.7k
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Summary: Since the day you were born, your parents prepared you for your sacrifice. The whole village knew, and with that everyone stayed away from you. Thinking even just looking at you would make the demon in waiting mad. The demon that has been praying on you since birth, but not for what you expected. 
Paring: Demon!Jungkook x Virgin!Reader.
Genre: demon!au, virgin sacrifice, smut, angst
Rating: 18+
Warnings: neglectful parents, grooming, minor character death, jealousy, loss of virginity, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, big dick!jk, marking, biting, rough sex, one-sided love, stalking, murder, blood
A/N: In the spirit of Halloween coming up, I’ve written this story. By that I mean the scenario has been in my head for months and I finally decided to write it out. It’s different than what I usually write, but I really like the scenario of demon JK being in love with the person he’s meant to eat. I know I’m weird, but I guess it’s better than being normal and boring. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic. Comment below if you want or message me through the request/ask button. I love to stay connected with you guys, and I’m sorry I haven’t been heavily active a lot lately. i’ve just been really busy with work, school, as well as an internship. I’m trying to be more active. Okay… I’ll stop talking now… Enjoy the fic! 😊
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
You always dreaded turning eighteen. You always dreaded turning the age that meant your death.
It was on the day of your birth that you were chosen. Chosen to be your village's sacrifice to the demon that stalked your town for decades before you were born. He came in a puff of smoke and chose you. Saying you were the next human he would take, so your village would stay unharmed for another hundred years. You never saw the demon, and even if you did at the time, you were only an hour old, so how would you remember it if you did? But the whole village saw him. Heard him cast you as the next sacrifice for their prosperity. 
You've been told since day one what you need to do and how you could ready yourself for him. Not understanding half of the measures, but also never getting answers. Your parents always treated you neutrally in the family since they knew what would happen to you one day and not really caring what you did with your life because of it. 
Well... they did care about one thing. 
You had to stay a virgin.
This was a request from the demon himself, but it was never asked from him before. You were the first. 
The sacrifices were always female and cast when the girl was born, but making sure you were a virgin was a first. And this first was also promised by the demon to be his last casting.
You will be the last sacrifice ever taken from your village if you stayed a virgin until the day of your reaping. And you did stay a virgin, although no one in your town gave you a choice on the matter. 
Everyone knew who you were because of the demons declaring, so no one pursued you. You were close to defying the rule one day when some travelers came into the village. They didn't know who you were or who you were meant to be. One traveler took your first kiss. You would have let him take more because you were always angry at age sixteen. Always mad at knowing you will one day die, and you'll never be able to enjoy the act of lovemaking. 
So, you were going to let him do whatever he wanted to you out of spite, but the second his touches became more intimate. Just when his hands caressed the sides of your breasts. His eyes, once as blue as the sky, turned as black as night, and he ripped himself away from you like you were on fire and left you there bewildered. 
He died the next day. Suicide they say. Jumping off a cliff into the pile of jagged rocks, they say. Killed by getting stabbed by a sharp rock into the stomach at the bottom of a trench. 
You didn't see the massacre, but you didn't need to. You could smell the blood from a mile, and that's how you knew his body was not just simply stabbed, and there was no way it was suicide. You saw it in his eyes that night. He was murdered.
Since then, you knew you were being watched. Not just by the people in the village, or your parents, but by the demon himself. You weren't sure why he cared so much that you stayed a virgin, or why he looked after you the way he did, but it angered you for a long time. It angered you until your seventeenth birthday. One year before your death.
You would think at least your parents would cry at the fact that you were dying soon, but just like yourself they groomed themselves to accept your fate. The fate that you will die by the hands of a demon in one years time.
And that years time... was today. 
The exact date you were born, on the exact time you were born, they prepared you. Prepared you to look your best for your death. Garnishing you with flowers in your hair with braids, and making you wear white to signify your still standing purity. It was a simple white wrapping of fabric, but there was nothing underneath. Making everything easy for the demon to access for when he decides to eat every last bit of you.
You didn’t cry. You cried too much over the years to not have to on the actual day. Even while the priest prayed over you, rubbing holy water on your forehead, telling you to have safe travels to heaven after your death, you still didn't cry. Even when two men in all black strapped your arms and legs to a stone alter, making you all spread out and be in the position of an ‘X,’ not a single pass of tears crossed your eyes. 
You were completely done with it all, and were opening your arms to death. At least your village would be safe for eternity now, you told yourself. At least another girl wouldn't need to go through this in the future, you told yourself. Anything to ensure that this will all end up okay... for everyone else but you.
It wasn't until a whole hour had passed that you knew the demon was in the same room as you. There was no one left in the alter room besides you, and the only light you had was from a few candles left on the floor surrounding the alter. You only knew he was there by the smell.
It was a smell you have never smelt before. You couldn't even describe it if you were asked, but it was almost other worldly. Like a smell that was only made in his dimension, and no mortal would ever be able to copy it. But, in a way, it was comforting. Everything reminded you of death in this room, so the one outlying thing gave you this comfort. You grasped onto that comfort, and continued to stare up at the ceiling. Not caring enough to look for the demon who's about to devour you whole.
Your suspicions of him being there were confirmed, when he spoke. 
“What a lovely set up. You mortals really outdone yourselves this year.” The demon then chuckled at his own comment, and you felt your heart stutter. You’ve never heard such an enchanting voice in all your life, and it almost had you turning your head in search to find out who owned that enchanting voice, but you stayed still. Only twitching when the bindings around your arms began to itch. 
“It’s all for you, mighty demon,” You said simply. You were couched early on how to act, and what was okay to say to the demon. Saying anything course to him would just invoke a painful death, so you followed the instructions from the town folk that you thought knew the most information about this ritual. 
The demon laughed this time. You raised an eyebrow, confused on what you could have said that made him laugh, but finding your ears perk at the sound too. Everything about this demon so far was pulling at your senses, but your eyes stayed trained on the ceiling. 
“All mighty demon, you say? Funny thing to call me especially since you believe I'm here to eat you up.”
His last three words made you shiver, and you tighten your arms on your retrains, holding onto the tattered rope. You can tell he’s getting closer to you by the distance of his voice echoing around the room, and you're not sure what to do with that information. 
“But that is what you are, and what you will do. I-… I have accepted that, and I'm happy to be your sacrifice.”
All of sudden, a gust of wind was felt. Making your stray hairs not in the braids move, and your skin crawl with goosebumps. 
“Lies,” The demon hisses close to your ear.
This time, you can’t help it. Your defense mechanisms kick in, and your bindings hurt as you pull at them, but once you turn to face the demon—you freeze.
Your not sure what you were expecting. Never seeing a demon before has rendered you speechless because out of all the things you expected him to look like, you weren’t expecting that. You weren’t expecting him to look like the most handsome man you’ve ever set your eyes on.
His once static expression turns into a smirk like he can read your thoughts, and knows that you’re thinking about him right now. You feel a soft hand caress your cheek, and twitch at the cold contact. Not expecting his skin to be soft either.
“My dear, you can’t still think after all this time that I’m here to eat you, do you?”
Your eyes go wide at this. Not understanding what else he could possibly want from you besides eating you. You’ve been prepared for it. You’ve finally accepted - although still not completely - that your death was going to be by this demon. What else could he possible want besides-
Your thoughts are cut short when you watch his eyes cast down your body. He bites his bottom lip and suddenly the cold hand on your cheek turns warm. It slowly moves down your cheek, across your jaw, and settling on your collarbone. Mapping out your features.
No… fricken… way.
“Yes, way.”
“What?” You blink up at him. Not only has all your worries been flipped upside down, making everything you’ve learned being completely unless, but he just read your-
“Yes, I can read your mind. How do you think I knew you didn’t accept this whole ordeal?” He waves his hand around like the prospect of eating or… making love to you, was such an easy one. “Did you really think I just wanted you to stay a virgin for the fun of it?”
You blink a few times, take a moment to process his words, then shout out, “Yes!”
The demon starts to cackle like a hyena. Like you thinking anything other then his cruelty was a joke. But he is cruel.
“Such a cruel devil,” You say without thinking, and instantly regret it. His laughter ceases altogether, and his smile completely falls. The eyes that once made you think the world was full of became black as night. His hand traveled up your trembling skin until it wrapped around your neck, applying slight pressure to your throat.
“First off, sweetheart. Names Jungkook. Not demon, not devil, Jung-fucking-kook.” His breathe fans your face as he talks. The demon now known as Jungkook is so close to you that he can probably see your hairs standing on end. “Secondly, your lucky I choose you instead of some other cunt with a death wish.”
Your once fearful state turns back into confusion. Jungkook backs away from your face, hand still wrapped around your throat, staring down at your defenseless form and making your squirm.
“W-what do you mean lucky?”
It’s a understandable question. In which way did any of this render you lucky? Your whole life you thought you were going to killed by a demon, and never able to enjoy any part of life including intimacy with others. Now, you were told you’re going to lose your virginity to a fucking demon that’s probably eaten girls like you for breakfast.
Yeah… no luck here.
Jungkook bites the corner of his lip, thinking over your question, but he decides to ignore it altogether. “Enough talking.”
Well, fuck me!
“I will soon,” Jungkook says, reading your mind, with a smirk. You gasp, surprised by his vulgar words.
His eyes linger running down your body again. Him licking his lips like your the most delicious thing he’s ever seen. He lifts his hand, going to touch you, and you struggle in your retrains.
“D-don’t touch me!” You say, but your words fall on deaf ears. All Jungkook does is squint at you, and continue to smirk. He slowly places his hand on your stomach over the white cloth you’ve been dressed in. The cloth you originally - and was planned - to be so he could eat you with no barer, but now there’s no barer for other things.
His hand slowly travels up your stomach to the valley of your breasts. You feel your face heat up when he brushes the sides of one of your breasts. He glances at your eyes one more time before gliding his singular finger around your breasts like he’s mapping out an infinity symbol. Teasing at what he’s going to do.
“P-please… don’t.” Even as you say those words, you don’t believe your own plead. This whole day has been about the complete opposite of what you want. The complete opposite of what you’ve wanted out of your life.
In all honestly, your done with trying for anything. He’s also a very beautiful being. Would it be the worse thing to just… let him? Maybe he’ll even let you live after. Even if, you would have let the traveler do anything he wanted to you. Why not let the person you’ve been preparing for to do the same?
His hand pauses on your sternum, his eye’s flash even darker than before, and his smirk becomes sharper. “Thinking about your last conquest, are you? How you almost let some vile man fuck you out of spite?”
Your eyes widen, and you feel his other hand travel up your leg. You start to struggle again, but not as much as before. Only moving because the feel of his hand on your knee surprised you.
Then it dawns on you that you were right. He knew about the man you gave your first kiss to. A guy that you barely even remember, but was significant enough in your life to remember what happened to him.
“You did it, didn’t you?”
Jungkook doesn’t need clarification on what you mean. Of course, he was there. You knew he was, but you just wanted to hear the demon say it himself.
“If you only heard his thoughts about you that day, you would be thanking me instead of giving me that death look. You should actually be thanking me.”
In no way were you going to thank him. Instead, you set your jaw tight and once again yell, with more urgency this time, “Don’t touch me!” Not wanting to feel the hands of a murderer on your skin.
Instead of doing what you ask, his hand travels further up your leg until it reaches the inside of your thigh. Making your core clench when his hand touches a part of you that no one, but you had ever touched before. You swallow, hating your bodies reaction to the new feeling.
“Enough talking about him,” Jungkook hisses at you. “Enough talk altogether. I’ve waited far to long for you, and I’m not waiting any longer.”
Before you could figure out what that meant, you gasp when his fingers touch your mounds for the first time. You don’t even realize how wet you were until he does. Maybe it was something he did to you. He can read minds, after all, but you have to bite your lip super hard to stop yourself from moaning when his fingers start to work you over.
You keep wanting to tell him to stop touching you, to stay away from you, but all that comes out is whimpers. His, clearly experienced, fingers working your neglected pussy over without even entering you yet. Flicking at your clit, rubbing at your entrance, and applying pressure in all the right places.
You feel a tear fall down your face, and you look away from him. Shutting your eyes, and trying to think that you’re anywhere else but here. His hand that was placed on your sternum then suddenly lands on your face. Gripping your chin and turning your face back to him. Jungkook’s face is once again inches from yours, and the heat of his breathe makes your eyes go wide open.
“None of that,” He says. And then his fingers are entering you roughly. Making you see stars and arch your back up into him. Your chests hitting, and you don’t even register that his lips are on yours until a minute has passed.
Soft lips colliding with yours roughly and impatiently. Like he wants to consume your entire being with one kiss. You moan into his mouth when his once singular finger turns into two, and this reminds you of all the times you were too afraid to do just that. Now looking back at all the times you pleasured yourself at night, maybe your body knew this would come.
That you would need to stay clean even from your own touches for the demon above you. Stealing your breathe away with kisses, and plunging his fingers inside you on repeat. It’s all so overwhelming. The smell of him, the taste of him, the feel of him. It has you tipping over the edge faster than you ever thought possible, to the point you almost shout out his name as you orgasm. Luckily, you had some composure to hold yourself back from doing so. Not wanting to give him complete satisfaction that his name was what you wanted to scream in euphoria.
Jungkook could tell, though. That you held yourself back. Even though watching you come undone was quite literally the sexiest thing he’s ever seen, it’s clear by the way his eyes twitched that he wanted to hear you say his name. That he’s been waiting for you to scream out his name as you cum.
Suddenly, and with no warning, he rips the cloth covering your entire body right off of you. Making you completely bare, and your nipples perk up when a gust of cool air that came from his action hits your body. Your checks were flush before from your orgasm, but you’re completely red in the face now. No one has ever seen you this bare before, especially the way Jungkook is now.
Jungkook drinks up your naked body with his eyes, and wets his lips. He’s been waiting for the chance to see you bare up close, and have the ability to touch any part of you. Fingering you was his appetizer, but the rest of you is his dinner.
He climbs on top of you, straddling your stomach, and smooths his two hands up your arms. You watch in embarrassment as he continues to gawk at you to the point you whimper. His eyes shot back to yours when he hears that sound. Smirk returning.
“By the end of tonight, beautiful. I’ll make sure the only name you’ll ever be able to think about is my own.”
“Why wou-“
Before you could finish your question, Jungkook resumes kissing you. Not as rough as before, but it once again steals your breathe away. Any words you were going to say in return, were sucked right out of you. Dizzying you further when you feel his tongue attack your own.
A moan is heard echoed in the room, but it’s not from you. Your eyes shoot open at the sound from the demon above you, and you're surprised with yourself when you want to hear it again.
His lips then detach from yours and travel south. With each kiss to your skin you quiver, and moan at the contact. Surrendering yourself to him, and giving up the victim act. You can’t deny that you want this. It’s always been a tease on your life, and always been a want of yours to feel like this. Wanted and praised by a man.
Maybe that’s why he wanted you as a virgin. To tease you from the very start and make this experience a hundred times better, and you a hundred times wetter on top of that. He smiles against the top of your chest, and you revel at the feel of his teeth against your skin.
Jungkook licks a stripe from the top of your chest back to your neck, and you receive a singular kiss there. Your feeling ten times lighter then before, and you think it’s because his lips alone have cast a spell upon you. Making every movement from him above you feel like electric coursing through your bones.
One second your feeling amazing, the next second a earthshaking painful bite gets driven into your neck. You open your mouth to let out a silent scream, and you look to see Jungkook is biting into your neck. His eyes rolling back when blood starts to pool in his mouth.
For a millisecond you think he’s going to eat you. That all his words of not wanting to kill you were lies, but then he’s detaching his lips from your skin and licking at the bumpy surface.
“Mmm - I knew you would taste sooo good.” He blinks up at you, rubbing his nose across your own. “Your everything I’ve ever wanted.”
You force out your question before, not wanting to be distracted again when he suddenly moves south on your body again. “Why did it matter that I was a virgin?”
His movements south stop at your words. His face right above your breasts, but his eyes on you. Widening for a second before he can compose himself. He cocks his head to the side, and smiles the most innocent smile that shouldn’t be on such a devilish face.
“Because I’m the only one that can have you.”
You get about five seconds to process his answer until his lips attach themselves to your left nipple. The sucking along with his tongue has your back arching up into him. His other hand finds purchase on your other breast, and you roll your head back. How is it that his hands feel so much better than your own?
It’s then, before you can stop yourself, that you let out his name him in a whimper. Unable to control the full extent of ecstasy you're feeling from his mouth and hands, and you think you’ve somehow lost a battle. But then he’s moaning against your breasts, and rutting himself against you... then your suddenly realizing your position.
He’s very hard, and very big. And that very hard and very big thing is going to enter you soon. Your nervousness doubles, but you moan again at the thought of him being inside of you. You feel crazy by just enjoying that thought, but don’t bring yourself to care.
Especially when he lifts himself off of you and strips himself of his shirt. Leaving himself bare from the waist up, and you feel your face redden again by the sight. Of course, he’s got fucking muscles. Of course, he’s cut like a god instead of a demon. He’s already handsome in the face, so why wouldn’t the rest of him make you wetter then a fucking fountain?
You bite your lip, trying and failing to look away from him and drinking your fill of this beautiful man in front of you. He smirks, the devilish way he has been all night, and looks you straight in the eyes in silence for a moment. You wonder what he's thinking, and wished you had his ability to read others thoughts. That way you could smile and smirk the way he's doing right now. As you think up all he ways he looks good. Boosting his ego by accident. 
“If I knew all I needed to do was take my shirt off to make you want me, I would have did that from the very start.” You roll your eyes at him stroking his own ego, which makes Jungkook chuckle at the fact that you just rolled your eyes at a demon, and him taking it as it was - funny. 
Jungkook bends forward, putting both of his hands on either side of your head, staring down at you. He slowly inches his face back down to you until both of your lips reattach into a gentle kiss. Each kiss has been so different.
Rough. Smooth. Gentle.
Almost like Jungkook can’t decide how to treat you. How to behave with you. You’re not sure how you feel about that, but then again you weren’t sure how to feel about all of this. Your head still spinning from it all. 
More caresses are given, and each time you get into the kissing enough, you move your hands to touch him or bend your knee to get comfortable, and then remember what you are to him. Just a virgin sacrifice. A virgin sacrifice that is now getting frustrated at the lack of action. It feels like it’s been an hour since you orgasmed last. You still feel the coating of your cum dripping down your leg, but besides Jungkook’s hands roaming your entire body he hasn’t even went down there since.
It gets to the point where even the kissing is making you ache. Is this how teasing is done? Is this how it feels when someone prolongs the inevitable? You guess so, since you’ve never been in a situation even close to this one before.
“J-Jungkook,” you say his name and it feels like your tongue is fat in your mouth. Jungkook just got done ravishing your neck and breasts to the point they are purple and red all over. The bite mark on your neck being only one of many now littered down your body.
“Yes, sweetheart,” He says with a drip of dark lust coming across his words.
Your eyes feel heavy, and your chest is heaving with air. You try your best to say what you want without completely embarrassing yourself. “When are you going to - you know?”
Jungkook bites his lip, trying to contain his laughter. He sobers quickly and fakes innocence as he cocks his head at you. “Do I know? I think you need to be a little more clear.”
You blow hot air out of your mouth in frustration, and wiggle in your restrains. “Come on, stop teasing.”
Jungkook raises a pointed eyebrow at you. “Teasing? I would never.”
Now who’s the lier.
He smiles.
“Fuck you too then.” He laughs at that. When his laughter ceases all of a sudden the aura in the room has changed. Like what was once a room full of sex and heat has turned infertile and cold.
You stare up at the demon and see something pass through his eyes. An emotion you can’t quite understand. Jungkook leans down to be close to your face again, but doesn’t touch your nose or lips this time. He pushes your sweaty hair out of your face, and pets the top of your head. Staring at you now like it’s the first time, and he's using new eyes to see.
Your stomach swirls as he does this. Like he’s looking at a lover that he’s been missing for years, and not someone he just met and is using for his own needs. Nonetheless, you drink up the loving look he’s giving you. Never being able to have that look aimed at you before, especially by someone as enchanting as him.
“I finally have you,” Jungkook whispers in between the two of you. Placing another gentle kiss on your now swollen lips. You don’t know what he meant by “finally.” You know it was always planned for him to take you, but it almost seemed deeper for him. Like he’s been waiting decades instead of eighteen years. You’re not so sure what he’s feeling, and your mind goes blank on the matter when you feel him start to rut against your core. Drawing out a long moan by you that is being swallowed by him.
Everything moves fast after that. He removes his boots, then goes right back to kissing you. He removes his pants, and you gasp when you feel the appendage that’s had your nerves spiking since the first time it rubbed against you through his clothes touch your thigh. Without even looking, you know he’s huge. Bigger then what’s considered average, and the thought has your core clenching once again at knowing someone as experienced and lucky wants you. Has wanted and waiting for you for eighteen years.
He says, “Breathe,” against your lips. And you do. You breathe through the pain that accumulates through you when he starts to enter you. Your body stretching to new heights it’s never expected to stretch to. By the time he’s bottomed out, his eyes still looking down at you with the same look as before, lips inches from touching yours, you’re feeling so full. So elated. So womanly. A feeling you never expected to be allowed to have.
Your breathing is harsh, and it takes you a moment to get adjusted to him. By the time you have, you realize he’s waiting for you. That you didn’t expect at all. Although he’s given you more reasons to like him then hate him this past hour, you can’t help but admit you thought this was always going to be a painful experience, but it isn’t. It wasn’t. Nothing even close once you’re fully accustomed to him.
Without words, you tell him, I’m ready. His eyes widen ever so slightly when he reads your mind, and once that second passes he starts thrusting into you at a slow pace. Making sure your body doesn’t feel any pain from his movements. You’re greatful for it but still confused. Innocence are like a demons favorite snack. Yet he treats you like fragile glass in this moment.
By the time you’re feeling so good, him hitting a spot inside of you that you could never reach before, you’re saying his name like a prayer, and that’s all Jungkook needs to be allowed to do what he’s been waiting for. What you’ve been expecting from the very start.
He fucking ravishes you.
Holding the end of the alter in one hand and your hip in the other, to steady himself, he piston fucks you into oblivion. You didn’t even know hips could move that fast, but then again, you’re not fucking a human… you’re fucking a demon… and you’re loving every second of it.
You wail, scream, and moan out so many profanities as Jungkook’s cock fucks into you with earnest. Your mouth not closing as each thrust pounds the life out of you. All the while his face is in your neck and only some grunts can be heard.
“Fuck- Jungkook - Shit! God!”
Your last plead somehow has Jungkook smiling against your neck.
“Trust me, love. There’s no god here.”
Maybe it’s him calling you love, or the way he explains how there’s no god in this situation. Only you and a demon. But it has your second orgasm of the night rippling through you. Your restrains tearing at your wrists, you want to hold him so badly, especially when he’s not letting up on you whatsoever. Thrusting into you like your not currently close to blacking out from how good your first orgasm since losing your virginity feels.
Losing your virginity. You’re no longer a virgin. That thought alone has you moaning to the heavens. Or maybe even hell. Your not sure since the only thing right in this world to you right now is the being on top of you.
Jungkook moves his hands so there on top of your hands still in your restrains. He only slows down to adjust himself to the new angle, then he’s back to fucking into you - faster then before. Your screaming from the overstimulation, but there’s no pain coming from your screams. All pleasure. All want, and need, and lust, and fuck!
“Fuck your so sexy, Y/n.” Your realize then that he just said your name for the first time tonight, and that has your mind coming out of the fuzz for just a moment. If he said anything else before that, your mind wouldn’t have been able to register a single word, but just your name alone has you focusing on the man above you even more.
Every sharp line on his torso. How his hips flex when he thrusts into you. The way his arm muscles jut out as he holds himself above you. Everything about his body is so erotic, not to mention his face is like the word sex was reincarnated into a being.
Jungkook’s licks his teeth, chuckling as he looks down at you. “Am I better then him?” Your heart stops. “Am I better then you imagined him to be?” You wiggle in your spot, barely moving besides when his hips thrust into you so hard they move you upwards. “I wish I could kill him again. Knowing he touched you first. Knowing kissed you first. But he never got this.” Jungkook thrusts into you extra hard to make sure you know the extent of his words. “He never got to feel how good you feel.”
Suddenly, your wrists are free. You don’t get a chance to feel relived on the matter, though, because then Jungkook is picking you up into the air and thrusting up into you twice as deep as before. Your arms are wrapped around his neck tightly, and your screaming into his shoulder as each earth quacking thrust gets driven up into you. Even his name from your lips is coming out as jumble because of the way he’s fucking you.
You scratch at his back as your third orgasm rips through you. As good as it feels, going though the roller coaster of emotions this man - demon - is putting you though, you realize he hasn’t even cum once, but you’re to much of a sweaty mess to contemplate that until another moment of rough fucking has passed.
Jungkook’s hands are full of your ass cheeks and he’s squeezing onto them so tightly that only that little bit of pain makes you come out of your dizzying post orgasm state. You take your face out of his shoulder, look at the demon that’s been making you see stars, and see something you haven’t expected or seen before.
You thought just the small grunts we’re what he does when he feels good, but his face is an entirely different story when it comes to pleasure. He must have been hiding it before, but the way his eyes are screwed shut, and his jaw is slack you can tell Jungkook is feeling just as good as you have been.
That’s why, for the first time, you kiss him first. You kiss his open mouth and hold onto his face as best as you can while still moving with each of Jungkook’s thrusts. He moans into your mouth, and it’s music to your ears now. You feel him grown even bigger - which is somehow possible - inside of you. All of this indicating that your demon is close to spilling his seed inside of you. Officially claiming in all senses.
First the orgasm by just his fingers. Then the multiple bites. And now he will claim you by pouring his cum as deep as possible inside of you.
You whisper against his cheek, wanting to drive him as crazy as he has you the entire time, “Fill me up, Jungkook. Make me yours like I was born to be.”
Jungkook hears you, widening his eyes, and then he’s slamming you back onto the alter, arms wrapped around your middle and head so you don’t get hurt by the impact, and thrusts into you so deep it's like he’s trying to split you in two. Then you feel it. The overwhelming heat inside of you as he spills every last drop into you. You start to tear up, it feels so good. Overly stretching you as each spurt goes inside of you.
Jungkook is praying it sounds like near your ear. In a different language you have never heard before. The only thing you’re able to decipher is your name being prayed along with whatever else he’s saying. By the time he’s completely emptied himself inside of you, your eyes have dried out too. Both of you breathing into each other’s necks, and looking like a mess of limbs. Your arms still wrapped around his neck, as his only get tighter around your waist.
It takes both of you a moment to look at each other, but when Jungkook makes the first move to exit your neck and look down at you again, you could cry all over again. That same look of pure love is clear as water now on his face. A look you’ll gladly see every day.
A bunch of thoughts cross Jungkook eyes that he wants to say. So many things you think he should say. But out of all the things he’s planned to say in this moment, only three words seem right. 
“You’re finally mine.”
Jungkook has looked over this small village since the beginning of human existence. Even before God was a known being to the mortals, Jungkook was always there. Feasting off of their prayers, until someone like God was born in their lives. That’s when Jungkook had to get creative when it came to getting praise from the mortals.
He cursed the village with his presence. Destroying it with fire until it was nearly gone, and eating up all the villagers that stood to fight against him. Each person tasting even more vile than the last. Eating humans was never a necessary thing, but it was entertaining to watch them beg for mercy before he bit a huge chunk out of their bodies. The ones that were meant to die young we're the only ones that tasted appetizing enough to have Jungkook’s gums itch for more. 
That’s how the ritual started. Every hundred years, Jungkook would search for a soul that was meant to die young, and let them live up until their eighteenth birthday. Stopping them from drying young since their paths would be changed. Each time he came to claim a victim, it was scary for the living to the point they would make their sacrifice have a terrible life, ignoring their existence, but that’s not what Jungkook wanted. He wanted to save them for awhile, but still get his praise and delicious feeding out of it.
It wasn’t until you were born, that he even considered stopping. Every hundred years he would view every mortal women that gave birth, and wait for the one that’s soul was meant to die before they turned eighteen. You had the worst way of dying. Dying by losing your virginity to the man, in fact. Him fucking you then murdering you at the age of sixteen. Some sick fuck you gave your purity too, indeed. 
But that’s not what changed his mind about the ritual, wanting to finally stop his torment on the village. Your soul was. He watched your entire life play out in a flash. Every time you laughed, cried, smiled, he watched it all.
By the time he blinked your world away, Jungkook was in love.
An emotion the demon never knew was possible for him, was suddenly fully opened up when he looked into your life. He wanted to hold you through every sorrow, laugh along with you to every joke, and hurt every person who hurt you. He wanted you to watch the world burn and then be reborn again with him. Things he never expected to want with another person, he wanted them all with you. 
To wake up next to you at daybreak, and fall asleep next to you at night fall. To watch the wars go through the motions, and be there when a new religion was created. He wanted you as his partner, his lover, his everything. 
That’s why, instead of his usual “she’s the sacrifice, see you in eighteen years” bullshit speech he’s always given, he added something new. That you were to stay a virgin until you were sacrificed to him on your eighteenth birthday, and that would be the last sacrifice the village would ever need to give.
You’re all he needed, after that. Although making sure you stayed a virgin has some selfish reasoning to it, since Jungkook didn’t want you to get any physical affections - especially like that - from anyone but him, but also, the fact that the person that was meant to kill you was also the person that would take that gift away from you.
He watched your entire life play out in front of him, and he watched every second of it in real time too. From your first steps, to your first successful grade, even your first skinned knee. Times he saw you cry were always the hardest for him. Even if you were a child, all he wanted to do was reveal himself and hold you close. Keep you safe, and promise you protection forever. To at least tell you everything was going to be okay. He did sometimes. Revel himself to you, but each time he sobered you he would have to make you forget him. That made Jungkook’s own heart hurt. Knowing as soon as he had you out of his arm, you would forget his face and that he existed. 
You knew there was a demon coming for you one day, and the thought of him like that only served to radiate hate from you. Something he never wanted you to feel against him. 
But nothing, and I mean nothing, was more painful to Jungkook than to watch you be with another man. The man that stool your first kiss was a traveler from another village. He had brown hair and tanned skin. He was handsome. So handsome that no one would expect him to secretly be a ripper of the night. He would have sex with desperate women, and then kill them right after with any object he could get his hands on.
Any other person, Jungkook wouldn’t even bat an eye at him for what he did, but because he set his eyes on you, Jungkook had no problem using his powers to kill the man in the most gruesome way possible. At first, Jungkook let you play out your little spiteful game with the man. Clenching his jaw so tight his teeth almost broke as he watched and heard you feel so good by someone else besides him. 
Unlike all the times he watched you pleasure yourself, Jungkook was not smiling. He was not wishing for the day to join you. He was not happy to hear you moan or whimper as the man kissed you. And when the man went to touch your breasts, he couldn’t take it anymore.
He consumed the man’s mind with his darkness, and had the man peeled himself away from you. The look of shock soon fell from your face when you saw his eyes. It upset Jungkook a little that you were angry. That you knew it was he who stopped you from going further with this man, but you didn’t know what Jungkook knew. You didn’t know that this man would have killed you as soon as he was done with you.
Although you only knew the barest of details about this man’s death, Jungkook ripped him to shreds. Throwing his body away in a deep trench, and making it look like a suicide. It was clear by the mass of blood that it wasn’t a suicide, but your village wasn’t as advanced yet to think anything else but suicide.
Jungkook continued to watch you closely after that. Even closer then before. He was surprised you didn’t feel him somehow. Since his love for you was so strong. But you never knew he was there, at least not a hundred percent. You had your suspicions after the man you wanted to give your everything to died.
But you still didn’t know a hundred percent until your eighteenth birthday. It angered Jungkook that the village people continued to make your life feel so lonely like they did all the other sacrifices, but he also knew you weren’t going to die today. After today, you were going to be treated like a queen in his kingdom. Both of you descending back into hell together after he claimed you as his.
Claimed you as his.
That thought alone had Jungkook stretching your wait for him. Usually the second the other mortals left the room, the one you were currently in, he would devour the girl on the alter. Instead, knowing what was actually going to go down, what Jungkook actually had plan for you, had the demon feeling nervous.
Nervous that you wouldn’t let him do anything. He could force you, but as someone who was actually in love with you he could never. He would never. He would butter you up and make you see and feel his love. The challenge was… well, that. Jungkook has never needed to seduce someone before. Women would always just flock to him when he reveled himself. But you’re also not just any other women crossing his path. You’re the one who stole his heart, and locked it away as forever yours.
He knew you hated him right now. Hated, but somewhat accepted your fate with him. A fate that was never going to come. You were never going to die tonight. You were never going to feel lonely ever again.
That’s why, after pining and waiting all this time, Jungkook says the first thing that comes to mind when he enters the room you’re in.
“What a lovely set up. You mortals really outdone yourselves this year.”
Because what else would a nervous, madly in love, reputation of being god awful, demon say for the first time when seeing the love of his life? It wasn’t until you spoke to him next, that Jungkook really breathed in the situation. 
“It’s all for you, mighty demon.”
And although you meant the room, Jungkook’s cock jumped in his jeans for what he took your words as.
You — being all for him.
And by the end of the night, you were exactly that.
The End.
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stormblessed95 · 20 days
Okay, I know this is inflammatory and if Stormblessed chooses to publish this ask I want all the weirdos out there to know this opinion stands only for me, but if there are parts of the show that lean more towards being “fanservice” (oh, how I loathe that word), it’s not the parts you think.
HYBE has no interest (and no reason to have an interest) in promoting specific ships. If you think that is what’s happening you are wrong, plain and simple. Just… what on earth could they stand to gain from that? BTS are seven or they are solo artists. Corporations care about money and there’s no money to make from highlighting one duo over another, and their content is, to a very great extent, done for the preexisting fans that already fill their coffers.
Are they making money from Jimin and Jungkook doing a travel show? Yes, probably. Would they have made the same money from any other ship doing a travel show? Yes, probably, especially if it involved at least one member from the maknaeline. (They’re simply more popular, I don’t make the rules.)
So IF there’s fanservice in AYS (aside from the members doing and filming things they may or may not have done if they were on their own and I’m not talking about their personal interactions I’m talking about playing with water guns and making up elaborate games, going climbing and riding go karts etc., they might have done those things if there were no cameras but they might also have spent the entire vacation sleeping) it’s reinforcing the OT7 brand. It’s calling Yoongi and Tae, it’s talking about missing the members, its Tae joining the show, it’s calling RM, or remarking that specific members would love this or that.
It’s easy to forget in between yapping solos and shippers fighting over crumbs in the trenches on Twitter that the single most important thing about BTS is that they are seven and that their genuine connection is their lifeblood, AND, it’s important to note, the members also know this. So I’m not saying it’s not genuine when they talk about missing members (after ten years attached at the hip I’m sure they’ve had a weird old time in the solo era) but leaving those clips in the show, highlighting them and using them for voiceovers is a conscious choice, one that flows like a thread through everything they’ve done as solo artists. There’s always a mention or a cameo, a little titbit that connects 1 to the other 6, because BTS are 7.
It's not just you. I'm cosigning this opinion. I'm also adding the fanservice was all the titties given to us 😂 y'all remember when ARMY would lose it over bare foreheads and were seeing JKs tattoos through a shitty microwave reflection 😂
Now, both anon and I are not saying the OT7 bond is fanservice, but it's highlighted within the show for a reason. I'm the reason. Most ARMY are the reason. We all fucking lose it over how much the members love each other. It's not "fanservice" but it's what pulls people in. Check how many "OT7 ARMY" accounts finally started posted about AYS when they would call a member or when Tae joined as proof. Their bond isn't fanservice. Hybe absolutely profits off it though. Let's not get all twisty and offended over y'all reading in between non existent lines here, okay?
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chaewonplzbiteme · 1 year
Gift from Work
{Kwon Eunbi / M!Reader}
Tags: top!Eunbi, bottom!Reader (so slight femdom?), slight feet, body worship, paizuri, penis-in-vagina, mandatory cream pie, breeding, established relationship, orgasm delay / denial, signature humor, plot what plot, did-someone-order-metaphors-galore?.
2,671 words. Read it on AO3.
Summary: Eunbi comes home after a photoshoot and is in a mood to bring a gift home.
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A/N: This was a digital-only straightforward top-to-bottom writing-in-the-dark, first draft churned out in three days (~16h, plus ~7h of editing), without any notes at all, after we challenged each other to a BFH.
Direct your complaints at the regional kpop branch office. Send likes to CK. First attempt at BFH. My conclusion is, I’m incapable of a ‘haze-fueled’ thing. No, really, I don’t write when horny. I hope it’s still a delightful read.
Disclaimers: Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I wish it were real, though (/jk my stories are not my fantasies).
No person or entity associated with this story received payment or anything of value, or entered into any agreement, in connection with the depiction of clothing products.
You were about to beeline straight to bed, past the living room and across the hallway, when the miniscule sound of the front door unlocking stopped you in your tracks.
In walked your girlfriend, Kwon Eunbi, her features hidden by a wide hat and sunglasses as idols commonly did when incognito. Loose jeans and ankle-high boots concealed her lower body; while the upper half was covered by a waist-long trench coat—even though it was high summer, where the temperatures stayed hot into the evenings.
You turned and pointed at the kitchen, greeting her as she sorted her boonie hat. “There’s food in the microwave, should I—”
“—Ah, I brought you something from work.”
“Huh, weren’t you at a photoshoot?” You scratched your head, watching her put the hand bag away; nothing worthwhile appeared to be inside, so this time perhaps it wouldn’t be branded pencils from the agency. But what would it be, then?
“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll like it.”
With her beautiful face uncovered, her blush rosé lip gloss parted and darted forward, the wooden heels jabbed the parquet and reverberated in the narrow convexity. You were given a very short countdown and no chance to evade. Eunbi slung her arms around your neck and her lips latched onto yours. Your breath had already escaped ahead of the impact.
After stressful schedules, usually you two made it to the couch first before dropping, maybe at least the arch of the living room when she had given some steamy performances (*cough* she was still wet after coming home *cough*). But today, Eunbi seemed extra avid, already completely unhinged at the doorway.
While staggering backwards, driven by her body pressing into yours, her breasts squishing into you, your back pushed open the door already set ajar. With wobbling steps you aimed for the couch. Well, actually you were wandering around blind. Her tongue attempted to give guidance, pushing yours around adverse to wherever you steered—but your clouded brain did not pick up any patterns from her moist stirrings.
Your leg got caught on the table; although low, that would prove to be even more fatal, sending you both in a tumble. Holding onto the tightness of her embrace, you two crashed short of the couch and the fall scattered the orderly arrangement laid on top. The mess was a hindrance to easy access for what you needed next.
Eunbi pulled off. “I think we lost the lube,” she laughed. Her wide smile wanted more. She climbed onto the couch. Her voluptuous body blocked out even the sun. Her curves in the shades turned your head with her movement. She turned and sat down with your head lodged between her thighs. Your face reflected her radiant gleam, so bright not just from the exuded warmth from her jeans.
“Do we need it?”
“Fuck you…,” she said nonchalantly, raising a corner of her mouth. You were not to question her, and you’d realize soon enough. Her hands reached for her coat.
“This is the gift, by the way,” she added. Her fingers untwirled the loops with elegant and smooth motions to open the curtains with the flaps flying.
Her jeans were unbuttoned, giving a peek at the infamous lettering stitched on brown cotton. Your eyes followed her waistline upwards across her soft stomach, until your gaze hit her mounds from below. Needless to say, you did not make it as far as her face, and she knew better than to not condone you for it.
Fit, toned, shaped, voluptuous. There were many words to describe Eunbi’s body, but the one thing she deserved the most: worship and appreciation.
Every day you had her felt like Christmas. You gulped hard. “Yes, fuck me….”
With haste, you quarried for the bottle, knocked over from earlier. Her thigh blocked your view and did not let you go. Under her watchful smirk your hand fumbled for the familiar shape, going through device remotes short and long, snack cans narrow and girthy, a bottle very viscous and a few ounces—yes, that’s the one.
You had a guess what she wanted the lube for, but you’d have to start at the bottom first.
Straightening your back and shifting your legs a tad away, you pulled your head down and unlaced her boots, gently sliding them off. Black was on the menu today. She changed her nail polish as often as her schedules, but black was a regular. It may even be your favorite (though the vibrant ones weren’t far behind) due to the stark contrast with her surrounding pale skin, so strong that the eye catching dark void was glossy even in this dim light.
Your hands rubbed her soles as your tongue circled around each toe before engulfing them in your mouth, where you could suck on them in reclusion and drown them in your admiration. Giving her your undivided attention, anywhere, unabashed, provided not just you with a sense of gratification and satisfaction, it also spurred the swelling excitement within you both. Finally, having paid her toes the tithe they were due, you pulled back again, this time to tug at her jeans.
In a wave she lowered the hem, and you picked up the torch to reveal her magnificent gems that were her sizable gams. While Eunbi was one of the shorter among her (very much) taller peers, none could match her in the shape of her legs. And you made sure to show how much you wanted to appreciate them by snailing a moist trail upwards—literally legs for days. Your dedication was answered with a satisfied smile. Your hands did not stay idle in treasuring her thighs, getting a good feel along the way.
Eunbi took loving care of her body, keeping it in a fit shape (the kind that fit her, that she’d be proud of) so well to the point where she often became horny when looking at herself. It was a natural consequence that she wanted to indulge in her body together with you.
Across the valley that was her toned stomach (especially when she lifted her arms, like right now), beyond the speed bump that was the elastic band with green lettering, you hit upon a steep incline.
The highly coveted crown jewels of idol royalty.
Your teeth grazed her mounds lightly a few times, giving her muted tingles, before kneading her breasts with your lips. The pressure on her flesh was not punctured, but firm enough to evoke a nasal sign of approval. The sheen of saliva you left on her, both the trail and from tasting her breasts, evaporated in just a few moments to an airy chill, so you kept adding more, going low and up again to freshen them up. Light bites once in a while stung her, brought her out of her trance of relishing the admiration she received.
“May I?” you asked, pulling away and shook the bottle, warmed to the touch.
Eunbi nodded and shifted around to kneel on the couch, as you lost your pants and worked the lube onto your penis. Another squirt on her breasts (“Fuck, this shit’s still cold!”) and you were ready to unite your scepter with her double orbs.
The bra parted exactly right, the triangular cut was wide open (while still looking decent), allowing you to align your cock between her breasts. She filled out the cloth even more now with you lodged in-between and her hand squeezing them together. Eunbi truly deserved her nickname, she was eunbig enough to wrap around and smother your shaft in a soft embrace.
This act was not an excuse for you to watch her knead her own breasts, though you could not help delighting yourself in such a gorgeous display, with her face looking up at you, searching for a reaction, and her voluptuous flesh being squeezed and shifting around like dough in a mixer. You aided her in the strenuous work by thrusting your hips when she was moving down, which was easier in intention than done, given that you couldn’t go far when standing.
“The CK is not exactly a… sexy cut…. But goddamn it, we can keep this pair, right?”
“Lube’s gonna leave a stain,” she said, ogling the dark blots below as they grew from the seams. The fringes were already drying up.
“I… hope that won’t be a problem?”
“Ha, yeah, well, no one knows I took them home. Yet.”
Eunbi flashed you a grin, cheeks raising into prominence before diving. Her tongue circled around your tip, choking you out of a reply.
You couldn’t be sorry for ruining the cloth now, not before you took the chance to cream the queen and added a few more spots yourself. Only then would you worry about getting rid of the blemishes. Maybe try the washing machine first, give it a spin. Oh yes, your head was in a twirl, thinking about the water sloshing around into a vortex, mind floating along with the flow. She increased the pace. The feathery tingles buckled your hips from the shudders induced by her slick actions on your shaft. Gosh, the shapes she drew with her wet organs. The cresting wave was about to hit the open door, threatening to spill out, and all the things you wanted to drench—
—someone suddenly stopped the drum. The colossal whirling forces of nature, with the rug pulled away, first crumbled, then collapsed into itself. The massive downward tides clashed, and from the bottom a rogue wave shot upwards—a single spurt managed to leave your cock to hit square on her chin before her fingers tightened into a ring at the base. Empty and confused quivers followed, ears rumbling from the hollow pressure, hips spasming from wanting to give, to provide, but nothing more came through.
You found a shoulder to steady yourself with jelly legs trembling. A strained throat struggled to curse whatever befell you. Her hand braced your waist, and she sure could feel the turmoil that your muscles had gone through just now.
Eunbi’s arched brow told you everything: nothing shall spill unless her will. “Don’t thank me yet ’til you get to come inside,” she chuckled.
She gave your groin a push for your weak legs to flop onto the couch. A fresh sheen of sweat darkened the surface. Eunbi followed you right after with a mellow giggle. Pulling the panties aside and swiftly ensuring alignment, Eunbi mounted herself on you. Your breath sank as she lowered herself. Only for the first descent would she go slow, then she picked up velocity.
You may not have come yet, but you felt just as sensitive. Eunbi knew that. Your groaning and hoarse muffles confirmed it.
With her body pressing you into the cushions, you gave in to the fact that you could not dictate the speed at which she took you. Her contour blocked out most of the hallway glow, visible faint around the corner. Some last scraps glimmering through her black hair. Her head lowered until the side of her face was underlined by scattered rays, bringing her ethereal beauty to light. She bent forward for her bosoms to fill whatever remained in your view; all residual thoughts of your day were squashed by her humongous tits.
Surrounded, smothered, with nowhere to go, you were in the happy position to charge in all directions. Anywhere your tongue lunged out, wherever your chin winded up for your mouth to snap at, you managed to grasp her skin and flesh. By roaming your hands and arms across her back you pressed on the attack with ferocity. But despite all your best efforts, Eunbi was relentlessly gyrating her hips on your cock, her tight muscles—concealed within the opulent body—clenched around your shaft and rubbed it up and down as her taut stomach glided on yours over the layer of combined perspiration. Any shiver caused by your numerous offensives rippled through her as a flinch, a shudder in her folds. It was not long until Eunbi matched her moans to yours in volume.
Each quiver of her core sent an electrifying tingle through your penis and your hips started twitching. Wide movements smeared your sweat all over the couch, with enough momentum to outright stamp the marks deep into the material. Dry slick soon turned sticky, but each of you powered through, the humping never let up the bouncing. Still muffled, you could not tell whose breath was hitching more.
Everything melded further together the more you focused on not yielding to whatever your shaking hips wanted to do. Was everything you tasted now actually her transpiration; maybe your own; the natural flavor of her skin; or even the glistening gold from the sovereign’s orbs? Whatever stray and irrelevant stirabouts of which tastes the liquid were carrying that your brain had concocted up would be dropped right now.
Eunbi lowered her voice slowly to your ear, luscious lips scraping across your cheeks. You already knew what she wanted, you were more than ready, and just the brush of her whisper had sufficed to let you loose.
The air carried the demand of milk for the queen’s tea. Without doubt, what better way to serve it than by her favorite regalia!
At her behest, your body was finally granted the permission to unbuckle any and all holds, to unleash the boy juices from their restraints. The rumbling of your hips churned even more ferocious waves into the already violent sea, shaking the ship that was your lap, and on this unsteady deck milk was attempted to be poured, actually more like spilled, straight into the tea pot, filling it to the brim and beyond. Mutual groans, as if thrilled following along the action, accompanied each time your penis pulsed and shot out more spurts. Copious amounts of the white liquid spilled out. What couldn’t be accommodated in time ran along your most intimate connection to blend with the abundant fluids and drip out as the purest testimony of your dedication.
Tea was ready to be presented. The frothiness of chai latte was one of her secret pleasures. Obviously, she had never divulged this favorite of hers to anyone before.
Eunbi drew her tongue across her lips. But when she took hold of the kettle, shifting higher to pour herself an aromatic cup of blissful sweetness, eyes already closed, she slipped on all the sweat that covered you both. Eunbi fell down your cock again, letting out a deep groan, and from the sudden impact the kettle was dropped. The capsizing turn of events spilled out all of her love liquids. A tide sprayed from your connection that infused with what was in the puddle.
Panting, taking long breaths, you finally had the opportunity to behold the mess made on the couch and around. The sprawled clothes barely did a thing to cover the objects thrown off the table. The intensity of your combined exertion was evident in how much the set of remaining clothes on her was soaked. A literal lake had formed beneath you, its reaches pooling in any crevice and the valley where you sank in.
All those waves and splashes were not just some lecherous metaphors your mind had come up with. “Fuck, we should have put a towel down,” you gasped.
Eunbi scooped up some with her hand formed into a cup and brought it to her mouth.
The queen was not quite amused from the spillage, yet more than content and satisfied with what she could savor.
Perhaps next time Eunbi should do a home & bath CF, then. You’d love to watch her come home in a bathrobe, still glistening wet (or provide a bucket load yourself, do we pick white or clear?).
“I don’t think one will be enough,” she said before seizing your lips once more.
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solarwynd · 17 days
“armys act like tae’s entire solo career never happened in the restricted playing field it did (it only exists when another member takes his records with quadruple the tools/support) and they throw a tantrum whenever jk’s solo career is acknowledged as successful and outside of group achievements. but at a certain point last year “he ended bts 😍” was happily being trended for….🤐”
This is from a Tae biased taekook account jkftkth. Jimin crashing the taekook “success” party really got them seething 🤣.
Saw the now (deleted) post somebody made that this is probably a response to lol.
But the question again is, who restricted that man?
What records did Taehyung have outside of Layover hitting 1B faster than FACE and its songs all hitting 100M first on a technicality?
Like I’m not understanding. Taehyung biased taekookers are always gonna be in the trenches cause they’ll shield JK and accept his numbers but shun Jimin’s out of hatred of him. They both had tools. Yet how is one organic with the reasoning of “well he’s popular” but Jimin who is also popular always seems to get questioned? They’ll allow Taehyung to play second fiddle to JK, but Jimin being ahead of Taehyung is what triggers the psychotic break.And all armys were doing is making tweets about how JK ended his own group last year. Hyping up articles about him being the sole breakout member and him being destined to be a star. What need is there to lie?
It’s pure entitlement as to why Taehyung stans have created a world inside their head that Jimin is the privileged and favored one when it’s simply the fact that Jimin performed better success wise. Taehyung got tools. Remixes and playlisting. Both first day for Friends. It’s not Jimin’s fault that he doesn’t have the pull nor fan interest to use them to their fullest extent. Yes Jimin got tools this time around, but LC had absolutely nothing and still outdid all the songs Taehyung has ever dropped so there’s really no victimization story they can give to make him seem like he’s being intentionally neglected label wise.
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quindread · 1 year
Constanstine starts acting sober on important missions/meetings for the JLD; he has a sanity-potion dealer
Zatanna reports this odd behavior to Batman, they interrogate him when his veins are swamped with alcohol.
C: … I-I know what yer doin’ [hiccups]
Z: We care for your well-being. You have bouts of sobriety that you seem to have control over.
B: Are you on something new?
C: M’yeah… is called a pwoz—piss—poise! Poise potion, yeah das it!
B: And who makes this “Poise” potion?
C: My dealah, my busniz. G’way! [stumbles out the door]
Z: … That went as well as expected.
Sober Constantine is actually more reasonable. Batman catches him after a meeting.
B: [observes his brushed hair and very high-quality, new trench coat] You’re sober… Congratulations?
C: Uhuh. Did you need something? I have some business elsewhere.
B: With your dealer?
C: [affronted] Wha—Who in their right bloody mind would dare call Celest that?
B: You did.
C: ….
B: Who’s Celest?
C: Oh, fuck me!
Constantine gives him an address - it’s in Milan, Lombardy (Region of Italy). He specifically instructs him to come as a civ along with Red Hood and Robin with the threat that he will erase their memories if they so much as go into detective mode.
Bruce Wayne and his two wayward children enters the teahouse and is led by the hostess to a private room. They are served with tea and light snacks that they know even Alfred would more than approve of.
A door opens - they didn’t even know it was one with the way the molding blends into each other seamlessly. And out came one of the most enchanting woman Bruce has ever seen. He’s seen his fair share of attractive females but he has never been star-struck like he should be - as if he were back to his pre-pubescent days.
M: Constantine said you’d be here.
B: [realizes that this person was Constantine’s dealer and was 100% magic] You’re his dealer?
*Jason and Damian who saw the look on their dad’s face snicker at his opening line*
M: [raises and elegant eyebrow at Bruce] And you must be his work associates?
J: Something like that, lady. I’m Jason, kid’s Damian, and the one who can’t stop staring at you is our Dad, Bruce.
*Bruce grumbles and Marinette smirks*
M: I’m Marinette. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
D: [gestures at Bruce] Pleasure is all his, Marinette.
B: [red at the ears] Their Grandfather thought them better, I swear.
M: Mhmm. I guess he didn’t teach them how to not die then?
The guys: ….
Jason gets a more potent version of the potion Constantine consumes - it’s a prescription that he has to come for every month. Damian gets a charm; ear cuffs because he does whatever her wants, a spontaneous orbital piercing is nothing. And Bruce gets Mari’s number.
(Tim also gets forwarded in his fave fashion label’s waitlist from the near thousands to the fourteenth - his first consultation coincides with Jason’s next appointment.)
AN: Some posts/fics call Mari Celestial Guardian. Idk where and when that happened - I have abandoned canon a long time ago. These are all pulled from my days in the maribat blackhole (still kinda stuck there). I basically pulled this out of my archives so they at least get the chance to see the daylight.
Addressing Brucinette: I have a whole re-written MLB plot in my archives where everything is more brutal and the miraculous aren’t actual pieces of accessories. Like there’s an initiation to the order and stuff like that. I normally don’t enjoy aging up characters in crossovers but Brucinette just works. I have a secretary AU somewhere (it’s tragic and I’m considering scrapping it if I find it). And I also have deep-rooted issues that wants me to write Good!Dad Bruce who has Mari breathing down his neck when he so much as raises his voice at his children (Muminette/Mominette is another breed scary). And those tropes where Mari sees right through Brucie? Has a second sense for the when the batkids are in/causes trouble? Love those. I WILL FIGHT FOR THIS SHIP. (Jk people are free to dislike this. I get it.)
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chevelleneech · 3 months
"Because from the outside it seems like such a serious commitment when you think about how serious the military is."
Apart from jkkrs this is thef first time I'm seeing someone actually acknowledge the importance of the companion system and jm and jk using that for their military service. you might be jkk biased idk anything about you so...at the end it might be coming from a jkk bias at the end but i love that.
Don't get me wrong but when jkk's enlistmemt news hit the tl i saw only the same 3 big army accts talk about how big that is all others were busy making their typical tweets plus "how dare you separate vmin", "how dare you separate taekook", "return hobi his jm back" like okay i get the sentiment but where is anyone acknowledging the fact that jkk will be together? nowhere. saw few About jikook having jin to guide them but there was nothing specific for jkk ever acknowledged. but given the fandom's record it's nothing surprising how they hardly would acknowledge jikook's moments like that.
Idk how it looks from outside cause I'm quite a jkkr (not the one who belives they're dating cause i personally don't think so but yeah they're my bias) so for me it indeed seems important for them. if we look at all these yrs of jm providing comfort to jungkook, how jungkook would chose jm as the hyung that gives him comfort the most, and how jm would always say that he feels protected and comfortable around jungkook their decision makes sense. tbh the news was a shock to me cause i like other jkkrs always thought jm would enlist months before jk's MS so it was shocking. But if you know the history then it shouldn't surprise you.
Jkkrs say not even military can keep them apart and if you think then they haven't been apart from eachother for longer since the time the first met. not saying haven't been apart enjoying their time with other ppl cause they did but they somehow always want to be present in eachother's business lol. Even when they left the dorm jkk were one the members who left it last when some members left it early. This was the time where they definitely could have taken break from being around same ppl all the time yet they said nope.
They're also the only idols that come up when you search for "idols that have used Buddy program" so it is interesting. Other members do casually shows up here n there post things yet we Hardly hear from them both. willingly choosing to go to frontline because you're using buddy prgrm is also something. I'd rather let my fate decide where i land my training in sk than willingly go to the dangerous part of borders. but if i had the chance to do my MS with the person who is my emotional support and is my comfort I'll take it in a sec.
I don't think we'll ever get the proper in depth answer to the question, maybe they'll say that since they're the ones with tattoes they decided to go together. i mean even if tattoed there's many options open for them, far well than the frontline and as you said saying (them telling us) they needed most emotional support wont look good on them so i know they won't be too deep with their answer. They're too private like that.
Thanks for your beautiful posts.
Just to put it out there, I am army, so I’m pretty deep in the trenches of Jikook. I don’t know if I think they’re dating with 100% certainty, but I am someone who doesn’t understand why people think it’s impossible. They grew up together, work together, and clearly really enjoy each other's company seemingly more than they do their other members. That obviously doesn’t equal romance, but acting like assuming they’re together is gross or ridiculous, it’s stupid. People date their friends and coworkers every single day. Celebrities more than anyone else, so why would presumed queer people be any different?
As for the rest, I’m glad you liked what I said! You also seem to be the only person who really got what I was trying to say. It’s clear JM and JK care deeply for each other and find comfort in one another, so them choosing the buddy system makes sense on the surface, but it doesn’t really explain anything. Which they aren’t obligated to do, but them making such a choice is a big deal when they had other options. So why make such a serious choice? What was the catalyst, when their friendships with other members are equally as important to them? What was it about their bond that caused them to decide, “We can’t do this alone like the rest of them. We have to do this together.”
Was it just them being close friends? Was it mental health related? Was it romance related? Was it work related? We’ll never know. We just know they’ve always been there for each other, and enlistment didn’t change that, no matter the missing (for us) context.
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seokjinsonlyone · 8 months
im about to rank bts members by how likely i would be able to successfully seduce them
i’m going from the bottom up
coming in at number 7 is jin like my beloved aged brethren my husband my love my sweetie honey bunny does not strike me as one that is particularly horny and even if he is i definitely don’t think i’d be able to shake him down on sight like we have the same personality type and i know that virtually nobody can seduce me and i mean i’ve seen his work on weverse like he’d shut that down so fast i’d have no choice but to die from embarrassment
at number 6 is jungkook idk about y’all but me personally i am NOT hot enough to seduce jungkook like if we knew each other and if we got drunk MAYBE but he very much gives “if he wanted to he would” so if he don’t i very much believe that i could show up in nothing but a trench coat and some red stilettos and the only thing i would get is a trip to the police station
5th on the list is hobi now hear me out i could DEFINITELY get hobi to go on a date with me like it’d probably be a pity date but we would for sure be having a candlelit dinner somewhere and then he’d realize he’s in love with me at some point okay we’re endgame but like if im talking tryna get him in bed off rip i just feel like physically im not his ideal type so if i just went and hit on him the punches would not land he’d do one of those judgmental stares and (gently) shrug me off unless we was in the club and no hands started playing bc my booty speaks for itself
smack dab in the middle at number 4 is mr min yoongi now he act like he ain’t but he done mentioned his tongue technology one too many times for me to not believe he’s subtly horny at the very least like if i caught him in a moment where he wanted to get his rocks off and i was putting the moves on him he’d for sure indulge me and even if he wasn’t necessarily in the mood i think if i tried hard enough i’d get him curious about it but there’s like a 55% chance that it ain’t happening which are odds im honestly willing to take
now my top 3 is interesting and very bold but considering the lineup is bangtan in general this is all bold anyway
at number 3 we have jimin bc like im thinking about how he saw megan and described her as innocent and pure im thinking about how he said lizzo was attractive im thinking about how he barked at the thought of usher im thinking about how when he sat in on yoongi’s concert (my show!!!!!!) he said that army was beautiful which leads me to believe that physically we have no problems a body is a body to that man pleasure is pleasure the only obstacle between me and jimin is the fact that he’s an awkward little guy so i would need to make him comfortable first and fortunately for me i act too comfortable with everyone!!!! like just give me an hour with bro and by the end of the conversation my lips would be on his
second place🥈 is namjoon now while i don’t believe im hot enough to bag jk on sight if i’m so sure i could get joon like if i’m dressed to the nines like hair done nails done everything did in my fancy bag i’d be unstoppable like i just know i’d have his attention even if he didn’t peep me from across the room or anything like that if i approached him he’d for sure be interested i know it and then the only thing id have to do is just let the tension build throughout the conversation like im not quite a genius but my iq is very high and i may not be as well read as he is but i’ve been through a lot i’ve heard a lot and i observe everything so i can definitely keep up and add to it and if i wanna talk i can go for hours and hours and by the end of the night we’d be in our jay park v era doing that body talk 🤪
and finally against all odds at number 1 the member i think i have the highest chance of seducing is kim taehyung like idk maybe it’s just me but he seems easy doesn’t he????? like i know this sounds so insane considering he’s got to be a contender for the top 5 most attractive people on this earth and really there’s no way that this should happen but you know what there’s no way that a bee should be able to fly either!! its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground but the bee of course flies anyway bc bees 🐝 don’t 🚫 care 👩‍🍼what 🤷‍♀️ humans 👯 think 💭 is 🫵 possible ✅ AND NEITHER DO I !!!!!!!! like give me a platform and not only will i have seduced kim taehyung but i will have him chasing after me we all know he’s a people person like loves making friends loves getting to know people and he a sucker for a compliment he said it himself on multiple occasions he’s a good boy i meet him we chit we chat i tell him i like his shirt then fiddle with the sleeve a bit maybe feel up his bicep and then walk away he’s HOOKED and maybe he gets distracted but then he sees me chopping it up with someone else and is like ❓then he’s finding me we talk a little again i compliment him again i part ways he’s following after me and engaging whatever group i join next i walk away again until he’s literally chasing after me and he corners me and that’s all she wrote like all i got to do is tell him he look good and we having a great night and an even better morning i’m soooo sure of it
anyway randomly had that thought while i was driving home from work feel free to share which member you think you could seduce so i don’t seem like the only mentally unstable person on this website 🎤
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oddinary4bts · 2 months
hot take……….if jk isn’t man enough to fight for her then he isn’t man enough to be with her
i know he has his own issues but he keeps breaking her heart over and over again.his self-destruction is keeping them apart and subsequently affecting both of them. oc better move on and find herself a man because girly needs her time out of the trenches😮‍💨
also how does it feel creating a community where people share their own opinions and theories for the stories you create? it’s just so cool to see people getting worked up and debating about fictional characters. on top of that, you’re doing all of this for FREE??? we thank you for your service🧎🏻‍♀️
Oh thanks bby! Some days it gets hard bc I feel like there’s a lot of negativity but at the end of the day I’m really thankful that I get to interact with y’all😌
She really needs her time out of the trenches but… what if Jungkook is the one to finally take her out of them🫣
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ballplayersxo · 10 months
“Her family is well known and it’s a small town he wouldn’t dare 😡”
Princess Diana from the Spencer family got cheated on by the now King of the Commonwealth who has married his mistress
Kate Middleton, the Princess/Dutchess of Wales (or whatever it is) is allegedly getting cheated on by the Prince/Duke of Wales and her family was also well known in their city before they got together
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter’s family was pretty much known by not only the entire city of Houston but the state of Texas before she got with JayZ, and now they are known by the entire world, and guess what???? BEYONCÉ herself still got cheated on
Jackie O “allegedly” got cheated on by the President when she was the First Lady and her family was well known before she got with JK
Hillary Clinton literally got cheated on by the President in the f*cking Oval Office when she was the First Lady of the USofA and got humiliated in front of not just the nation but the entire f*cking world
Im sure there are women who come from well known families in their hometowns who are married to local/statewide politicians or even just regular dudes who are getting cheated on as well
And the sad part is, guess what all those women (excluding the OG Princess Diana) have in common?
Once they found out about their partner’s infidelity: they stayed.
and there are people who most likely knew this was happening, but to those people, why say something against this powerful man (yes we would usually call those people cowards with no back bone) and it has nothing to do with them and ain’t messing up they pockets?
Im not saying JB9 is a cheater, I really hope he isn’t because that shit isn’t cool at all, and I have nothing against his girlfriend, but to say that she wouldn’t get cheated on because of her family is some top tier nonsense when the most powerful women in the world throughout history have gotten cheated on.
Y’all know the saying: “If Beyoncé got cheated on what does that say about what happens to the rest of us?”
(Of course, not everyone is getting cheated on, there are good men out there believe it or not and I want to believe JB9 is one of them)
Again, I’m not saying he cheats, I really hope he doesn’t because no one deserves to get treated like that whether they accept it or not, but she’s not exempt from it happening to her. Especially when that man is the franchise QB1 that brought that team out from the trenches and is arguably the 2nd best quarterback in the league
I personally don’t think I could stay knowing my partner is out there doing me wrong whether in public or doing it quietly,
but those women I listed above have the mindset that “ a power couple is better than what else I could get or if I stay single” (which is unfortunate, bc we deserve the force that a single Beyoncé would give). JB9 & her ain’t on that level, maybe in Cincinnati I guess, but ykwim
I don’t know what goes on in their relationship it really ain’t our business, but it seems like the girl is doing just fine regardless
But y’all fans need to be so forreal
And if it helps, I used to be painfully naive too, but then when growing up and reading blogs like this or LSA or hearing things in the news, or just seeing what happens in my city……yeah, unfortunately the rose tinted glasses fall off and get stepped on real fast without mercy (and this is coming from a 24yo hopeless romantic)
Sorry this is so long but last thing:
I’m rooting for all y’all ladies out there 😘 be safe girly pops!
It’s hard out here for women, and people (including women) don’t care about us when it protects their favorite men
this is such an excellent post lmao thank you for this anon cause the girlies have lost their damn minds when it comes to speculating about athletes cheating. none of us are safe and i think that’s the main point we have to remember
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kookjinnies · 3 months
bestie at least you’re in 2024. i never moved on from jungkook’s 2022 birthday live 😩
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…i was literally watching these today, my comfort lives :’( im also still in the trenches like every jinkook crumbs i’m devouring them so i can last until 2025 😭😭
and @astronautbyjin just showed me a jinkook moment so that will literally course me through until a new moment drop. whilst we wait, i’m with you in spirit replaying jk’s 2022 bday live
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matchakirby · 4 months
hi tumblr! I’m Eve, a queer Scottish poet returning to the motherland that is tumblr.com. I very much was in the tumblr trenches during my teen years (I spent a lottt of time on this platform between 2013-2018) but thought it was about time I returned with a new account, since I’ve been hearing tumblr is a very chill place to be rn?
embarrassingly, I used to run a fandom blog (think superwholock but heavy on the Sherlock, with some HP in there before JK Rowling showed her true terf colours) and a Muse blog (they are still my favourite band and I can now happily say I’ve seen them live 3 times!).
I’m now 23, about to graduate from uni with a English Literature & Spanish degree, where I specialised in creative writing poetry :)! I write weird, queer, eco-horror narrative poetry about transhumanism, bodies, gore, and other fun stuff. I probably won’t be using tumblr for that, but if I’ve peaked your interest you can find me on IG @ devilfruitpoems. I recently wrote a book (!) as my dissertation which I feel like tumblr would really enjoy if it still has the spirit of the site I remember lol.
right now, I’m really into mcr (obviously, I never grew out of that), old patd, other emo-aligned groups, post-punk, alternative 80s/new wave, Midwest emo, shows like the walking dead, aggretsuko, the breaking bad universe (lol), and a lot of film bro movies although I do not share their gatekeepy attitude about what’s good and what isn’t. my favourite movie is literally Lego Batman. I’m really into fashion and self-expression, so probably will document some scenemo outfits here (I am lucky enough to have a job where I can dress how I like!), and of course I’m heavy into literature. I’ve been on a real Ursula K. Le Guin kick this year, and she inspired a lot of my dissertation with her eco-horror feminist science-fiction. soooo before her time. I’m honestly into a lot more stuff, but it’s hard to think of it all compactly to write in one post lol so you can always send me an ask. I’ve recently started playing breath of the wild (I’ve put it off for years) and I’m a big Nintendo head so expect some reblogs related to games as well :)!
it’s lovely to be back, and I hope to find some cool blogs here soon! I love video essays, Internet lore, stories, as well as shitposts, so recommend me some good blogs if you can!
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
bts members as my skincare routine
(+ bonus smut recommendations)
inspired by @reliablemitten’s skincare & smut recs list that i was lucky enough to be included on. here, i will assign each member of bts a skincare product i am currently using with a smut recommendation to go with it. it is a little unhinged.
please enjoy. 🖤
park jimin • cleanser
i use the cetaphil gentle skin cleanser, and who is more gentle than jimin. he’s the person you want after a long, hard day. he’s the cleanser that’s going to see you fresh from the club, skin grubby from makeup and sweat and other associated grime, and he’s not going to bat an eye. he’s been in those trenches, too, no judgment. just make sure that water is room temperature. stop washing your face in the shower.
smut recommendation: the devil in his details by @johobi
jung hoseok • sunscreen
the obvious choice. hoseok is our resident sunshine, but sometimes he’s too hot and you need protection. i use the isntree hyaluronic acid sun gel. it’s spf 50+ and pa++++ so you know it’s putting in the work, just like our dance captain. it’s gentle and calming and protective. sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
smut recommendation: just practice by @lamourche
min yoongi • water
now you might be thinking, jewel, what do you mean yoongi is water. i mean yoongi is water! yoongi is our resident pisces with those little pisces teeth; he is water personified. plus, sometimes the best thing you can do for your skin is the simplest, and yoongi is a simple guy. you might think you like other things more, but you always return to water. (wash your face. btw i use tap water.)
smut recommendation: tear you apart by nutting on ao3
kim seokjin • moisturizer
water might be what’s best for your skin overall, but for a dry bitch like me, a good moisturizer is a holy grail. i use two: neutrogena hydro boost water gel, and seoul ceuticals multifunction all in one anti-aging snail repair cream. as a wise friend once said: jewel, you love your snail products. yes i do, but not as much as i love kim seokjin.
smut recommendation: all you’re giving me is friction by @hot-soop
kim namjoon • toner
sometimes i don’t know what’s best for me and i need an adult. also someone who’s way smarter than me. that’s why namjoon’s my toner. i use the ordinary’s glycolic acid 7% toning solution. it has solved all my problems, just like namjoon. ingrown hairs? gone. uneven skin? gone. the stubborn kp on my legs? mostly gone. however, they do both make me a little sticky…
smut recommendation: easy by tentigers on ao3
kim taehyung • exfoliator
let’s be serious, tae is a sweetheart but he’s also got an aries moon. as a fellow aries moon-haver, i get it. he’s baby but he’s also on weverse threatening to shoot someone in the neck, so he’s peak exfoliator. again, i use a couple: the slmd body smoothing system for my kp, the tropical mango tree hut shea sugar scrub for cheap general maintenance, and you can’t forget your noggin, so i use the kristin ess instant exfoliating scalp scrub there.
smut recommendation: pour up by @jungkxook
jeon jungkook • face mask
i need to be very honest for a second: i have a deep, deep fear that 2023 will be my jk stan era. a hot man with long hair and tattoos? he’s my type all over. but i’ve been strong. i’ve resisted. but i feel my resolve weakening, and that’s why jungkook is a face mask. i ordered the dr. jart+ ceramidin facial barrier mask to get free shipping from sukoshi mart, and joke’s on me, now i’m obsessed with it. i didn’t want to be obsessed with it, but sometimes the universe has other plans. i hate it here.
smut recommendation: city of trees by ginforink on ao3
[please note, some of these recs are mxm fics. totally cool if it’s not your thing! but don’t be a dickhead about it. thank u love u!]
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solarwynd · 12 days
You know locals praising members is fine but armys giving hit tweets to locals whose entire energy is "oh I thought BTS were talentless but this is decent" is embarrassing. Have some self respect lmao
The songs ok but I'm not really a huge fan of Megans music so I think that's expected. I don't think it's as good as Mamushi either but curious to see if it goes anywhere.
Also I'm very far from a Taehyung tolerator but him and Jimin are kind of in the trenches with their collabs no? I wonder if that's their choice, if there's more to come out soon or if those were the only options presented to them because RM with Megan Thee Stallion, Yoongi with Juice wrld, Hobi with J Cole, JK with CP, Latto, Jack Harlow, Usher and Justin Timberlake (kind of? Does that remix even count?), Jin with Coldplay kind of. Obviously one person's hogging the big names but the rest of them got at least one in their repertoire somewhere. I wonder if Jimin will release a big collab like that, if thats something he even wants and if it will actually be any good (I like his collabs but they do tend to be on the weaker side of his discography compared to his solos)
I agree. Like I’ve seen a few that are along those lines even one where somebody thought they were “kids” (which I’ll never get) but it’s a rapline member. One that they’ve always thought never got the exposure or praise he deserved. And Armys think that this is Joon’s big break (a ft lol) so of course they’re gonna take what they can get. But armys accepting bottom tier or ingenuine praise isn’t new. BTS got degraded so much in the past ,any positivity was shown immediate gratitude no matter how backhanded it was.
I also think the song is fine. It’s the typical Meg sound, but I do think the counting part could have the potential to get viral like the “star” part in Mamushi.
For collabs. (And being able to say that Jimin’s solos are stronger than his collabs is such a blessing lol) I feel like it’s a choice for Jimin. He reached out to LOCO specifically because he felt like he’d be a good fit. So if Jimin genuinely wanted a western ft, I’m sure he’d have no issue getting one. I don’t think it’s essential that Jimin gets one, but if he does in the future, I hope it’s someone who works well with his style and him as an artist.
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lunicho · 5 months
Also there r two wolves in me rn K and Euijoo one wolf says to stop blowing up ur inbox while the other knows ur ok with it 🫡 tbh at this point I think we’re close enough for me to come off anon but like…I’m scared 😟…being perceived is scary 😭
Also I’m dragging u back into the trenches here’s another angle of Fuma taking his shirt off 😋
im glad u know i don't mind i literally love talking to u. if u come off anon we can makeout ☝🏾😋 LMAOHSJS BUT IT'S FULLY UP TO U LIKE I WANT U TO BE COMFORTABLE
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