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dearfuturehusbandblog · 10 months ago
ZMAN CHEIRUSEINU aka "I'M the terrible communicator!?!?!?!!"
Dear Future Husband,
I hope nobody ever quizzes me on this blog because there are so many things that I've started and stopped writing that never got posted that I literally never remember what I've actually put here...
Not that that's really fully relevant to what I was thinking about writing now, but I currently have two unfinished posts in my drafts folder (amidst 25 others that will probably never get posted) that are just a recap of this year so far.
Because I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare.
Explaining what's going on right now is kind of problematic because I haven't provided the lengthy backstory yet (which is one of the drafts I have yet to finish...)
Suffice to say, MotherLivelyHeart is being a nightmare to me again.
I think I've shared before that MLH and I share a vehicle? If not... yeah, we share a car. I'll have to look through my posts to see if I've explained that situation before, because that's one more thing to check off the "my life absolutely f*ing sucks" list.
Usually this isn't the worst thing in the world because we operate on different schedules and there isn't much crossover when it comes to who needs the car when, and when there is I usually drop her off somewhere, do what I need to do, and pick her up after.
For the record, I HATE when she offers the opposite because I have a history of being abandoned in places waiting for her to pick me up and it gives me such severe anxiety.
So last week on Sunday I asked MLH what her plans were for the next day. I asked this because I overheard a phone call she received on Friday from the dentist's office about an appointment she had on Monday at noon that she hadn't told me anything about and I knew if I was going to ever find out she was going to take the car, I would have to be the one to ask her. So I asked. And wouldn't you believe it, she had a dentist appointment on Monday at noon! Shocker.
Now, I'd been out of work since the beginning of January (again, details will hopefully be in another post) so I had a lot to take care of at work last Monday and I told her that.
We agreed she would have the car for her appointment and I would take the car to work when she got home.
Come Monday afternoon, suddenly everything has changed.
You see, her boss called in sick and she had the day off because she has a specific job that requires her to work alongside her boss and if he doesn't work, she doesn't work.
So she had the day off. Joy.
Of course, did she tell this to me directly? No.
Did she message me this information? No.
I'm just supposed to approach her and ask, "hey, did your boss call in sick and give you the day off?" I guess.
So she went to her appointment and ran some errands and called me while she was still out. Apparently some specific water bottles she can only get in like two places were available at one store about 20 minutes away from our house and she placed a pickup order so she could get them before they were sold out. The order had to be picked up between like 2:30-3:30pm and she called me at around 1:30.
She picked a pickup time that was directly during the time I was supposed to be at work.
Which she knew.
Because I told her this literally the day before.
So I told her fine. She should do the pickup order and when she got back I would take the car to work.
"Well, I also wanted to go swimming."
*Deep breath* Ok, what time is swimming?
"From 2-9pm."
At this point I didn't know how long I'd be at work because one of the things I had to take care of could be like 4-6 hours and I didn't know if there would be enough time when I was done to get home and let her get to the pool with enough time to swim before they closed.
"Ok, well why don't you go swimming, do the pickup order, and then I'll take the car to work?"
"Well, I want to come home and eat something first."
Ok. So now, what was supposed to be my time to take the car is going to be "stolen" by her coming home (15 minutes), eating something (15 minutes), going to swim (40 minutes), getting the pickup order (30 minutes), and coming back home (20 minutes).
This is TWO HOURS off of my time.
So she came home, ate something, and changed into her bathing suit. She left around 2pm for the pool.
I assumed at this point I'd hear from her around 3:30pm that she was around the corner.
But 3:30 came and went.
4:00pm came and went.
4:30pm came and went.
5:00pm came and BigSis messaged that she would be done at work in an hour and could either of us give her a ride home?
So it's been three hours without an update from MLH, but then she responds "I should be on my way back from the pickup order then."
EXCUSE ME!?!?!?!
She left for the pool at 2pm. THREE HOURS have gone by and she hasn't even gotten the pickup order that was supposed to be picked up between 2:30-3:30pm!?!?!?!!?!?
But she tells me that I'M a terrible communicator.
I was supposed to get the car by 1:30pm latest. It was now after 5pm and I STILL hadn't gotten to work yet.
As much as I hate when she offers to drop me off at work so she can take care of things that will take a few hours, SHE DIDN'T EVEN ASK ME THAT. She made it seem like I would have the car all afternoon to take care of what I needed to at work. And when her plans shifted, she made it seem like I'd have the car by 3:30pm latest.
But I'M the terrible communicator.
At that point I was so frickin annoyed already. MLH messaged me "should I get her or just come home" and I was so peeved I said "just get her because if you come home and I take the car I'm not picking her up."
She didn't respond to that message.
No thumbs up. No "ok." Just nothing.
Then at 6:12pm I get a message from her "car's downstairs in front."
So no message from BigSis that MLH had picked her up and they were heading home. No "we're around the corner." No nothing except over an hour later "take it."
At that point it was too late for me to do some of the things I needed to take care of for work because, again, I was supposed to have been there FIVE HOURS EARLIER. And a friend messaged and asked if I could go with her to Costco, so I said to hell with it and I went to Costco with her.
While I was at Costco I messaged both MotherLivelyHeart and BigSis about what I was getting so we were all on the same page. Included in that message was eggs because, well, I was getting eggs.
I got home at like 10pm and MotherLivelyHeart and BigSis were already asleep. I made a couple of mini salami kugels with some spinach that oddly floated to the top, waited for them to cool, tried 1/4 of one before sticking them in the fridge.
Next morning I open the fridge and there's a new carton of 1.5 dozen eggs. Because apparently MLH went to the supermarket early in the morning and got eggs because "we were out."
Oh, but it gets better. Because the salami kugel I had tasted the night before was missing.
BigSis was working from home so I asked her about it and she said she had no clue.
So I asked MotherLivelyHeart about it, thinking maybe it slipped out of the fridge, smashed, and she threw it out.
But no.
Guess who ate it.
Yep, the woman who has been suffering from gout and avoiding meat for the better part of a year.
The woman who saw it in the fridge and said to herself "oh, that's one of the broccoli kugels LivelyHeart made for herself for Shabbos that she said wasn't good. I guess I'll eat that for breakfast without asking her if she really doesn't want it because although she's on a weird diet right now, there's no way she's made a meal plan for herself that includes this food item she made for herself."
Because, did she message me to ask if she could have it?
Did she knock on my door to ask if she could have it?
Halfway through eating it she realized it was salami.
And she still finished the whole thing.
And still at NO POINT did she message me AT ALL to even tell me that she ate it.
I had to find out by inquiring OF HER.
I shouldn't be mad.
It's just food, after all, right?
Except that it's not.
It's a frickin pattern of carelessness and disregard for me as a person.
And I'm so frickin sick of it.
I'm so damn tired.
It wouldn't have killed her to ask.
It wouldn't have killed her to apologize.
And what I haven't really explained here (because again, that's in a draft post) is that I've been on an elimination diet since January 1st which has cut most things from my available food selections.
But is she on an elimination diet?
So we have a HOUSEFUL, a PANTRYFUL, and a FRIDGEFUL of food she can eat.
And she chooses the ONE thing I made FOR ME.
Which she KNEW I made for ME.
Instead of the MYRIAD OF THINGS that she can eat that I can't.
Which means that she's not only taken a meal from me, but now I'm at a food deficit from the fridge while she lives in abundance.
So let's leap forward to today.
Today was Shabbos mevorchim. Pesach is in two weeks.
And MotherLivelyHeart decided we are going to change over the kitchen two weeks ahead this year.
So she scheduled her cleaning lady to come tomorrow (Sunday) to help clean the kitchen so it can be turned over.
Did she take into account that this would be motzei Shabbos and that we'd have to make Shabbos and that would involve dirty dishes and use of the stove/oven and pots and pans?
Yeah, no.
Did she take into account that the way she wants to clean the oven requires the oven to be self-cleaned before and after which takes a good several hours and creates so much smoke that we'd have to keep the windows open and also it's like 40F right now and she also wanted to go to sleep early because the cleaning lady is coming at like 8am?
Yeah, no.
BigSis went over the oven cleaning thing with her and she exclaimed "are you kidding me?! Then why am I having the cleaning lady come tomorrow?!"
Oh, but there's more. Because there's always more.
Thursday was another nightmare day for various reasons. One of which was that I ran errands with MotherLivelyHeart.
She scheduled an appointment for smackdab in the middle of the time I told her I'd be working.
And she wanted to drop me off at work and pick me up when I was done.
Well absofrickinlutelynot, thankyouverymuch.
I was supposed to work until 6pm.
I had told customers I would be available until 6pm.
Her appointment was scheduled for 6pm.
So of course "I need the car at 5:30pm."
She wanted to drive me to work earlier so that she could take the car at 5:30pm to her appointment that wouldn't be done until 7pm and then come get me an hour and a half after I was done working.
But I was supposed to trust that she wouldn't run errands or dilly dally around and that she'd actually get me at 7:30pm, which we know is never the case.
So I told her no, I'd be taking the car to work. But I would notify the customers I'd only be there until 5:30pm, at which point I'd get her and drive her to her appointment. Then while she was in her appointment I could do the Shabbos shopping, since it seemed pointless to have to wait for her to come home again before I could go out and shop.
For various reasons, we had three stores we needed to go to, one of which was about 20 minutes in the opposite direction of where her appointment was. I figured I could go there first, then on my way back to get her I could run by the other two stores, get her and then we'd go straight home.
But no.
Because it was raining and people apparently don't know how to drive in the rain. So despite me taking the highway, which should have cut like 10 minutes out of the ride each way, it took me about 30 minutes to get to that first store, which I was in for maybe 10 minutes, and as I was checking out MLH messaged "my appointment is almost over, where are you at?"
So all I had time for was turning around and going straight to get her.
Which, fine, whatever.
One of the stores we went to literally just for chicken.
And it was chicken for her because she wanted a specific type of breaded chicken for Shabbos.
So I figured I'd run into the store and grab it while she stayed in the car.
But no.
Because while I was unbuckling, she was unbuckling. Because she decided to come in.
So she went to look at side salads and I went to the chicken section where I waited but she never showed up.
Then I get a message from her.
"Where are you?"
Excuse me???? WHERE ARE YOU, WOMAN???
I told her I was at the chicken section waiting for her and she said "I already checked out. I'm going back to the car."
But she's checked out already!? WITH WHAT!?
Oh. Apparently something to eat. Because she's hangry.
Fine. Whatever.
So I bought her frickin chicken.
And then on the way home she got mad at me about three driving-related things that were out of my control (like the car started making a weird noise that might be the muffler, and there was a huge pothole I couldn't avoid, and I was coming to a stop at an intersection when some lady rounded the corner quickly and we barely missed colliding...) which resulted in her yelling at me that she hates the way I'm driving.
So, yeah, that was a fun ride home.
Anyway, on the way to her appointment she said "we never worked out a Shabbos menu."
I told her the same thing I've told her almost every week over the last three months: I'm eating differently from you guys, so you just tell me what you want and I'll grab it from the store, because I already have set aside what I'm going to eat.
And she tells me "my boss has off tomorrow, so I can cook."
Which is perfectly fine in my eyes because I'm still recovering from an injury (again, that's one of the drafted posts...) and I also had a horrendous cold for the previous two weeks so I'm still trying to get back to baseline. Any pressure off me is appreciated.
We basically worked out that for shabbos we'd do a big soup for Friday night (which I would make), then she wanted chicken (obvs) and I had bought green beans at Costco I told her she could have, and then Shabbos lunch would be fish and salady stuff.
Well, Friday rolls around.
The day already sucked because I tried adding some vegetables back into my diet during the week that are apparently problematic for my digestion. Fun.
But then MotherLivelyHeart decides to stick to her arbitrary Pesach cleaning schedule which says to clean the milchig dishes she's had piling up all week. So of course she decides to do this at like noon and doesn't finish the job and there are still milchig dishes in the sink at 3pm when I need to go in and make the soup.
Add onto that, one of my "chores" is the pareve dishes, some of which have been piling up too and also need to be done, which she feels the need to remind me of, despite her milchig dishes still filling the sink.
So I go in around 3pm and just start cooking, using the small bit of counter space that's available to me.
She decides that's the perfect time to finish the milchig dishes.
She gets them out of the way and reminds me YET AGAIN about the pareve dishes.
So around 4pm I'm back in the kitchen, doing the pareve dishes, of which I only got about half done because it was causing pain and I still had to cook.
So I pivoted and did the soup.
But nothing else had been cooked yet.
So I made the green beans.
And I had to separate the soups so I could add things to theirs that I can't eat.
At this point I'm still annoyed from her the day before, my insides are so unhappy with the newly tested foods, I'm in pain from the injury, and I'm trying to cook for Shabbos.
Around 6pm I asked BigSis if she could help with the chicken. She was like "I STILL HAVE TO SHOWER!!!" As though she didn't have all day for that and somehow me needing help is my fault. She said "if you had asked me like three hours ago I could have done it."
Except that three hours ago, the milchig dishes were still filling up the sink, so.... what exactly do you expect from me!?
Sometime a little earlier when MotherLivelyHeart had been in the kitchen it was clear I wasn't doing so well and she asked what was wrong and I described the pain and she was like "I'm sorry" and then disappeared.
So then she gets a "20 minutes to candle lighting" alarm on her phone, and she's been trying to light early in zchus of the hostages and chayalim, so she calls out "20 minutes to licht benchen." Which I responded to but she didn't hear, obviously, because she yelled again "LivelyHeart, did you hear me!?"
To which I responded an annoyed "YES!!" and she was like "you don't have to talk to me that way! I clearly didn't hear you. And BigSis and I can make Shabbos on our own, you know."
My responsibility based on our conversation was the soup.
SHE was supposed to do the chicken and the green beans and whatever else they wanted.
So now she's annoyed at me because I'm annoyed at her for not doing the thing she was supposed to do, but I'M the one in the wrong.
FINE. Whatever.
In the end I didn't do the chicken.
I literally didn't have the strength for it, let alone the energy.
Not that it was really missed at the meal, but she was a bit annoyed and gave me that same "BigSis and I can cook for Shabbos on our own, you know." To which I responded "You said you were going to cook." I literally don't even remember what her response was.
Well, fast forward through Shabbos to tonight because I asked her if she wanted the chicken for melava malka or if we should stick it in the freezer for a week since it's KFP.
She wanted it for melava malka.
Which, fine, whatever.
I told her if she could bread it, I would cook it.
She got gloves, she got bowls, she got the chicken, and she got eggs.
She did not get the other ingredients she needed for the breading. Or a plate to put it on. Or a fork.
She sat down at the table and then asked me to get the other ingredients.
Which, fine. Whatever.
I got an interesting piece of mail that I'll discuss in another post when I know more what's going on with it, but it basically called my attention to research something. So I was on my computer off to the side while she was breading the chicken.
The next thing I know, she's frying the chicken.
I went into the kitchen and asked her why she was frying it when I told her I would do it for her since cooking usually exhausts her, and she got all frustrated and exasperated at me and said something like "I DON'T HAVE ALL NIGHT TO WAIT FOR YOU."
And I was like, "what are you talking about!? I was waiting for you to finish breading it! you didn't tell me you were done!"
Which just pissed her off more.
But this is the time of year we celebrate freedom, right?
This is the time of year we thank Hashem for rescuing us from a horrible situation.
Well, where's mine?
We're supposed to celebrate every year as though WE ALL left Mitzrayim.
As though we were ALL saved.
But I am not saved.
I have never been saved.
The stupidity I've just described above is just a piece of the insane patterning of my entire life.
I have no escape from this nonsense.
And I'm just so done with all of it.
I want it all to be over.
I want it all to go away.
Where's my freedom?
Where's my salvation?
I really have to finish those other two drafts, because this isn't even the clearest picture of what I've been dealing with since 2024 started. It's barely April and I just want this secular year to be over.
There are a couple of people who have suggested guys to me over the last several months and, although they're not really what I'm looking for, right now I just don't have the emotional energy for a new relationship. I'm just so burned out from this one that I deal with every frickin day of my stupid life, which of course I can't even tell these people.
So... dear future husband, I hope you can hang in there, because I don't know when I'll be ready for you.
But maybe by then I'll be a good communicator.
And now for the story after the story:
So, after that disaster of a drive back from the store on Thursday night, we got home around 8:30pm and although she got something small to eat from that second supermarket I knew that MotherLivelyHeart hadn't eaten anything since lunch so when I made dinner for myself I made a second bowl for her. I brought it to her and she said "oh... you didn't have to do that." Not a lot of enthusiasm there.
She didn't eat it for about a half an hour, by which time it was probably cold, and the next thing I knew, she was in bed going to sleep without another word about how it was.
Now, I don't demand praise or feedback for anything I cook, but she usually makes a comment about whatever I make, so I found it odd that she was silent on the matter.
On Friday I went to ask her about something else and while I was talking to her I asked how her dinner was the night before and she said something along the lines of, "it was... interesting. ground chicken just doesn't cook well, it's not your fault. you prepared it well, it's just not that good. ground turkey is better."
No "thank you," no "it was sweet of you to think of me," no "I appreciate the effort especially considering that you're working through the pain right now."
Just meh.
I love when I'm appreciated.
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vesku56 · 2 years ago
Mauri Antero osaa boogin.
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flaminjoeuk · 3 years ago
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Pastrami bagel with sauerkraut and swiss cheese 🧀 #delifood #instafood #deli #foodie #foodporn #food #healthyfood #delicious #sinculpa #quedateencasa #sandwich #jewishdeli #healthy #saludableysinculpas #delivery #jewishfood #foodlover #smokedmeat #delicatessen #cuarentenasaludable #saludable #meat #deliciousfood #foodiesofinstagram #foodphotography #eeeeeats #nyceats #pastrami #comfortfood #ukbbq (at Flamin' Joe's UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU78aRGIHyD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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detroitpigout · 2 years ago
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Number One Authentic Jewish Deli located in West Dearborn for 37 Year's now. This week special got me to visit again, just follow the Facebook page for a new special sandwich each week. Yeah I always order Double Meat since we shared this mega delicious Slow Roasted Pull Pork Sandwich. Had the combo with Bbq Better Made Chips and Pepsi along with the Old School Topors Pickle a Detroit Classic. OMG what a marvelous treat comes with really great House made BBQ sauce for the Win. Lou the owner hands on, just as famous as Ernie everyone knows him. Jewish Deli delightful Potato Knish with Hot Gravy a must try Wowed everytime. Chicken Noodle Soup yo add the Matzo Ball for greatness on these cold winter days. Wife is addicted to the Broccoli Cheese Soup on the menu everyday, Soups come with a heel of Jewish Rye Bread perfect for dipping 😋. The Famous Cream Cheese injected Brownies be the best dessert in Dearborn. Place was converted into a Full Deli with indoor and outdoor dining area's with restroom. Was a 1930's Gas Station really cool retro design and has stools from SS Kresge's Downtown Detroit upstairs lunch counter. Thousands of reviews around the web Yelp Google Instagram and Facebook. #matisdeli @matisdeli #jewishdeli #potatoknish #matzoballsoup #pulledporksandwich #creamcheesebrownies #broccolicheesesoup #downriverfriendseat (at Mati's Deli) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoI2jcOsNGt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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johnnyprimecc · 3 years ago
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@thecakedealer and I revisited the NYC classic @katzsdeli last weekend. I always shy away from going here because of the obnoxious lines, but we managed to walk right in and eat. The hot pastrami + corned beef combo was killer. The liverwurst was velvety and tasty. The tongue needs a lot of improvement. The rye bread could use an upgrade as well. We'll be back again soon to hit the roast beef and brisket again. #pastrami #pastramisandwich #cornedbeef #cornedbeefsandwich #hotpastrami #deli #katzs #katzsdeli #jewishdeli #jewishfood #sandwich #sandwichporn #foodporn #food #nyc #newyorkcity #🥪 #eeeeeats #forkyeah #carnivore #liverwurst (at Katz's Delicatessen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaqAP3qujHa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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diningcondanielle · 3 years ago
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Huge thank you to @zeitlinsdelicatessen for delivering the most delicious break-fast meal for Yom Kippur! While Chicago has a lot of great food, I had yet to find good bagels and lox but not I 1000% have!! Amazing bagels and lox, plus potato salad, challah bread pudding, oatmeal cookies, and more! Everything was fantastic and I’m about to become a regular customer! Thanks for letting me try your amazing Jewish deli classics! 🥯🍪🐟🥔 . . . #breakthefast #breakfast #bagel #bagels #bagelandcreamcheese #bagelandlox #jewishdeli #deli #challah #breadpudding #lox #loxbagel #yomkippur #cookies #oatmealcookies #jewishfood #jewish #chicago #chicagofood #chicagoeats #chicagofood #chicagofoodie #coolfoodies #foodie #foodporn #foodstagram #jewishholidays #jewishholiday #supportlocal (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT7F7nJrL0X/?utm_medium=tumblr
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victorkjung · 3 years ago
New York City classic “Sarges Favorite” open face sandwich #beef #brisket #potatoe #pancake #jewishdeli #foodie #foodporn #food (at Sarge's Delicatessen & Diner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSujG1anINp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thomaspoovathur · 4 years ago
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Canter's Sunrise Sandwich with fried egg, bacon, tomato, and cheddar on pressed challah bread. Reuben Roll made with a challah bun filled with corned beef, cream cheese, kraut, and russian dressing topped with a slice of Swiss cheese. The Black & White Cookie is a classic cakey black and white with a hint of lemon. . . . . . #newrestaurant #jeffandjudes #jewishdeli #reubenroll #blackandwhitecookie #challahbread #kosherfood #chicagostreetfood #humboldtparkchicago #alwayshungrychi #chicagorestaurants #curbsidedining #madeinchicago #eaterchicago #chicagofood #chicagomalayalee #mallufoodie #fabfoodchicago #chicagosbest #chicagotakeout #chicagoeats #chicagofoodies #chicagobucketlist #strangefoodschicago #chicagofoodie #checkpleasepics #bestfoodchicago #tommytheswamy #americanmalayalee #chicagofoodauthority (at Jeff & Judes’) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5nUYHh6nL/?igshid=gj1celre3s0x
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thirstypig · 7 years ago
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This was a life changing experience - the pastrami sandwich at Katz Deli. I’ve had pastrami sandwiches in LA at multiple places and nothing compares. I was shaking my head the whole time eating. I had to show the 4 shots of sandwich. Yummy. Also had to get the coleslaw so we wouldn’t feel so guilty. LOL . . . . #pastramisandwich #pastrami @katzsdeli #katzdelicatessen #katz #sandwich #thirstypig @thirstypig @yalin_wu #nyc #bestofnyc #jewishdeli #eeeeeats #lifechanging #nothingcompares #shotoniphone #holyshit (at Katz's Delicatessen)
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vittlemonster · 5 years ago
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Grilled Reuben sandwich with pastrami, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, Thousand Island, rye bread, with cottage fries. Palm Springs CA📍 @shermansdeli 📱 ••• No visit to Palm Springs is complete without a thick, juicy sandwich from Sherman’s! I’ve tried many, and I like them all! 🥪 • • • #ruebensandwich #jewishdeli #pastrami #sandwich #lunch #palmsprings #psiloveyou #food #foodie #foodporn #foodstagram #foodphotography #vittlemonster #feedme #nofilter #instafood #eater #nomnom #foodgasm #yummy #tasty #sffoodie #bayareafoodie (at Sherman's Delicatessen & Bakery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRIujNFRuD/?igshid=1ul1xj59y22fy
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flaminjoeuk · 3 years ago
Montreal smoked meat X pastrami hybrid 🔥 #delifood #instafood #deli #foodie #foodporn #food #healthyfood #delicious #sinculpa #quedateencasa #sandwich #jewishdeli #healthy #saludableysinculpas #delivery #jewishfood #foodlover #smokedmeat #delicatessen #cuarentenasaludable #saludable #meat #deliciousfood #foodiesofinstagram #foodphotography #eeeeeats #nyceats #pastrami #comfortfood #ukbbq (at Flamin' Joe's UK) https://www.instagram.com/reel/CU7SELJI4nX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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floridafoodandwinejournal · 4 years ago
Zinger’s Deli West Boca -RIP
Rest in Peace! Boca East location still open.
Boca Raton. This is our favorite local Jewish deli. We ate ate both the east and west Boca Raton locations. The owner, Gary ZInger, previously of the Pastrami King in Queens, NY and the Pastrami Queen in Manhattan, NY, delivers the goods. Fast service. Thick slices of rye bread act as a foundation for the stacked deli sandwich meats. The standards pastrami, corned beef, brisket and turkey off the bone, are all $12 and come with a pickle and a taste of coleslaw. A double meat sandwich is $15. We tried the double meat combos of pastrami/corned beef and a brisket/turkey. Each sandwich was a hefty size. The meats were hot and juicy. The way they are in NYC. The beef quality was much better than the other local Jewish delis in the area. Both Zinger’s locations served the same quality sandwiches on our visits. Zinger’s is our go to for NY deli sandwiches
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diningcondanielle · 3 years ago
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Look at this gorgeous smoked fish platter from @benandirvs !! I am a huge lox lover, so this platter was heavenly to me this past weekend. Tons of lox, kippered salmon, white fish, white fish salad, and all the fixings for a perfect bagel sandwich. This was a huge hit for my whole family!! 🐟🥯 . . . #lox #loxbagel #bagel #bagelsandwich #bagelandlox #smokedsalmon #whitefish #kipperedsalmon #salmon #deli #jewishdeli #family #familytime #phillyfood #philadelphia #fish #smokedfish #bagelshop #bagellover #foodie #foodietravel #coolfoodies #foodporn #foodstagram #feedfeed #breakfast #brunch #brunchporn #treatyourself (at Ben and Irv's Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT5DKdhlEWb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gardenwife · 7 years ago
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Visited Scotty's Cafe in #bexley today. The Reuben was some seriously good eats! It suffered just a little from soggy bottom, but the fantastic, tender, house-made corned beef heaped on there made up for it. They make their own meats and breads there. The macaroni and cheese, made with a blend of cheeses, was nothing short of creamy comfort in a bowl. Meals are served with a complimentary sweet, ours coming in the form of fresh-baked coconut macaroons. . . The positive, warm atmosphere made the biggest impression. The owners, Scotty and Gina, were so genuinely caring and welcoming, just great folks. Our server was likewise as friendly as could be, plus provided great service. Actually, everyone there was great! . . The prices are very reasonable, especially considering the generous servings. I'm already looking forward to my next visit. I can't wait to try the blintzes and potato latkes at some point. . . #foodphoto #foodporn #exploreohio #ohioexplored #goodeats #foodie #cornedbeef #jewishdeli #deli #reuben #franklincounty #cbus #ohioeats #customerservice #restaurants #lunch #catering #caterers #sandwiches #reviews (at Scotty's Cafe and Catering By Scott)
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cookingwithjohnny · 4 years ago
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Cheese on Rye Bread. Have a great night everyone. Big hugs @sachinartwork @djcubanpete #pastrami #pastramisandwich #ryebread #jewish #jewishdeli #chef #world #cooking #lgbtq #ilovetocook #iloveyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLjjZRhQh1/?igshid=1lt3eysawf8j5
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jayallencampbell · 4 years ago
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Russ & Daughters shipping box, personal collection, August 2020
My wonderful friends made a rough summer a little better recently by surprising me with some bagels, lox and babka from legendary NY deli Russ & Daughters. All this mazing food, and I couldn’t stop staring at the box it came in. On a bright white box the Russ & Daughters’ beautiful R/Fish mark stood out in bright blue ink, with the name letter press-set underneath in Arial Black. Simple and perfect design.
A few years back the brand refreshed their identity to commemorate the opening of their new Orchard Street location, the details of which are fascinatingly covered here by the designer brought on board. There’s a lot to like about the redesign, but I have to admit I’m pretty happy the boxes haven’t gotten the update yet. I can absolutely see why Kelli Anderson made the choices she did, but I’m partial to the awkward imperfections of the original mark. 
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Logo Comparison. Kelli Anderson. Blog Entry, New York, NY, 2014.
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Final Logo. Kelli Anderson. Blog Entry, New York, NY, 2014.
Similarly, I find myself really appreciating Arial Black in this context. Anderson’s hand lettering, inspired by the deco-inspired lettering of New York’s municipal signage, really is beautiful, but it also feels oddly contemporary to me almost because it’s so reverent to these vintage forms- while the Arial Black feels so effortless in its simplicity. I say all this not to knock Anderson’s work at all, more just to highlight my own interest in these little details that mark something of it’s time- and how often these details end up being imperfections or slight misfires that end up working in this really interesting way.
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