#jesper being jesper
dreamtigress · 5 months
Vindingrijkheid (Fabrication/Invention) is a spinoff story from Kanej Wensen, featuring Jesper starting his apprenticeship with Tij Bashnya at Toren Leder.
This takes place during and after Verbanden & Geesten. Jes begins learning how to better focus his powers, some leather crafting, and a good chunk about his mentor as well. We get a section from Tij’s POV, and see how she views her new found apprentice. We also get to see Jesper and Tij trading stories as they work on a custom order for Kaz.
CW for some discussions of past trauma, death, grief, and torture.
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applecidersstuff · 10 months
You know what makes Kaz a great boss? What makes him a better boss then both Pekka Rollins and Per Haskel?
He gets to know his crew and basically any people he’s working with. I know it’s basically an opposite of what he says about barrel gangs, but hear me out.
The main reason why Kaz was able to know that Big Bolliger was a traitor is because he knew that Bol was lazy. And knowing what he did in the "Crow club" it would be hard to know if he was lazy or just relaxed while on the job. Kaz knew that he was lazy - he took time to know the guy.
And also the thing that makes Kaz's plans good is that he keeps in mind all his crew's bad habits and vulnerabilities and plots around them. Its really easy to see that if you look at Jesper.
He keeps in mind that Jesper is late and that he can accidentally give up important info. We see that clearly in the beginning of the book. During the “set the wolf free” plan he made sure to tell Jesper the “wrong” time so that he would “be late” and free the animals at the right time. He knew Jesper would(or could) give up info by accident so he took precautions(saying this again: no one arranges an extra ship just to gather in front of it)
And we also have it in the end of CK.
I think both Inej and Jesper had been told the wrong time. Kaz knew that Dunyasha would be there, so he added some time for Inej to fight her. He talks with Jesper about kergud(I have no idea how to spell that, sorry) and also adds time for that fight. He might have actually putted the wyvil it Jespers pocket(as I do not remember Jes actually putting it there, or mb he just made sure it was there).
I mean, it would have been weird if there would be just the sound of one shot fired, but after the siren it would sound better.
When Kaz told Dregs that he won't be their father, he meant it, your father doesn't know you that well, but your sneaky annoying little sibling does.
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
stop saying "Kaz would be jealous and possessive over Inej if he thought she and Tolya liked each other" no he wouldn't! Kaz isn't like that! He defends Inej's freedom, autonomy, and desires at every single turn in the books. He spends the entire duology pining over her and yet gives her every single chance he possibly can to walk out of his life forever if she wants. It's the foundational cornerstone of their entire relationship! It's why they work in the first place!
literally the only Crow who does petty jealousy is Wylan and that's that on that, folks
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bubblegumbabycow · 2 years
Kaz: [tapping fingers on table]
Jesper: [taps fingers back furiously]
Wylan: …What’s going on?
Inej: Morse code. They’re talking.
Kaz: .-- -.-- .-.. .- -. / -.. --- . ... -. .-..-. - / .-.. .. -.- . / -.-- --- ..-
Jesper: [slams hands on table] YOU TAKE THAT BACK 
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diangelosdays · 1 year
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i may be a little obsessed with wesper
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kazz-brekker · 1 year
the book ice court heist has big group project involving people who don’t like each other vibes but the tv version is just going to be forced couples counseling via trying not to die together
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Just a reminder that when the worst things in their lives began:
Kaz was 9.
Wylan was 8.
Matthias was 12.
Inej was 14.
Nina was 16.
Zoya was 9.
Genya was 11.
Kuwei was 15.
Alina was 17.
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timesomewhere · 2 years
I will simply NEVER shut up about how each of the Crows have a parallel character who then foils them in other ways.
Nina and Jesper are both outgoing, flirtatious characters who struggle with addiction. However, Nina's addiction was something she induced to save herself and the others, and something she knew she would have to fight to overcome. On the other hand Jesper spends most of the books in denial of his addiction, and it has dire consequences (Inej's stabbing and his father's farm being put at risk.) They are both Grisha, something that has had a devastating impact on both of their lives, however, Nina was able to grow up learning to harness her powers and Jesper was taught to fear his instead.
Matthias and Inej are both faith-driven people with strong beliefs. However, where Inej's beliefs have made her stronger and positively guided her decisions, Matthias' have made him full of hatred and eventually lead him to his death. Their respective romances cause them to go against part of their beliefs, or, in Matthias' case, completely unlearn the prejudices that he used to justify through his beliefs. They also both arrive in Kerch a captive and spend their first few months there imprisoned in some way.
Wylan and Kaz are the only characters who grow up in the same country, and while their class differences mean they begin their lives in very different ways, this does not stop them from arriving in the same place. Both of their stories in the Barrel begin with them narrowly escaping death, dragging themselves out of a canal and simply making the decision not to die no matter what the cost. Morally they are starkly opposite, with Wylan being the only Crow to blatantly confront Kaz on his actions and motives throughout the series. They are both quick-thinkers and good liars. By the end of Crooked Kingdom, Wylan begins to match Kaz' intelligence when it comes to 'criminal mastermind' thinking. They are also the only Crows who subvert expectations from their own POV, making you think they've failed when actually that was the plan all along. (They also have the same number of 'WANTED' posters in that one scene in CK.)
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ramen8008 · 11 days
Kaz would drag every one of the crows if they were stabbed during the attack when Inej was, or any other situation that had any of them get hurt.
Sure maybe not during the beginning (and even if it'd be because they were essential to the plan) but he would because that's his fucking family whether he admits it or not.
*Vin diesel voice* And Family is important
Jesper, Kaz is dragging him out of there whether it's Jesper's fault or not. He'll either full on fireman carry that man or support him using his shoulder insulting him with every step.
"You're an idiot for getting stabbed"
"what was I- then why are you helping me?"
"Don't take it personally, you're still in debt to me"
"fuck you"
Wylan, Kaz is throwing him over his shoulder or princess carrying him. Wylan does not like it, and somehow with his pain he still manages to voice his displeasure.
"I don't like this"
"you're not the first, nobody likes getting stabbed. I'd be surprised if you did"
"I mean you carrying me bridal style"
"you're dying and you still have the ability to be nitpicky? Pfft- merchants"
Nina, Kaz isn't leaving her behind, he's either one, supporting her by the shoulder like Jesper or two, also carrying her in bridal style.
"[slipping in and out of consciousness] huh, expected you to leave me for the dead. Awww you care"
"don't die on me, I swear if I'm carrying you to the ship with my crippled leg just for you to die-"
"how chivalrous of you"
"don't get used to it"
Matthias, pfft if you think Kaz is letting that guy go when he can do anything about it you've never been more wrong. Kaz is dragging that giant hunk of a man by any means necessary.
"couldn't let me be at peace could you?"
"I'm a demon, aren't I? Well, hell needs you for a little while longer"
"How are you even supporting me?"
"purely by will power and spite"
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ejga-ostja · 7 months
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six of bunny hare rabbits
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jkriordanverse · 30 days
Inej falling prey into the slaver's hands as a child then taking the role as a hunter later on to hunt the slavers down.
Kaz falling prey to the Barrel Bosses then becoming a hunter,being feared by the same Barrel Bosses that now fall prey in his hands.
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arana-222 · 1 month
I HATE NETFLIX FOR CANCELING SHADOW AND BONE. Imagine an epic fight/ action shot of all and I mean ALL of the crows to nobody’s soldier by hozier. Now we’ll never get it
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applecidersstuff · 9 months
No, but thinking about the original crow trio is so funny sometimes, because:
Kaz understood in two minutes what Darkling couldn’t in two weeks.
Inej visited a coronation, talked with her privater friend and his dragon queen and then went - “oh and btw that blond lady over there looks a lot like a dead saint that you were friends with, is it sankta Alina?”
And neither of them had ever even seen Alina or Nikolai before.
And then we have Jesper, who couldn’t tell apart his crush and the guy they stole from the Ice Court about a month ago….
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lilisouless · 25 days
Wylan: what do you want me to do about it?
Inej: what’s the problem?
Jesper: Wylan was never in the middle of a love triangle
Inej: which is….good?
Jesper: good? I don’t know where I stand in this relationship! Guys all fit in the “wholesome but safe” or the “dangerous but enticing” label, and without a love rival i don’t know which I am, am I the friendly ,reliable farmer boy that’s better than a jerky mercher son? Or am I the dangerous yet charming sharpshooter that Wylan would choose anyway over a clean rich guy? My identity it’s in danger
Kaz: that’s ridiculous, I didn’t have a love rival either
Nina passing by: only cause I let you win,buddy
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they-call-me-whiskey · 4 months
"where do you think the money went?" he repeated.
"guns?" asked Jesper.
"ships?" Queried Inej.
"political bribes?" offered Nina. they all looked at Matthias. "this is where you tell us how awful we are." she whispered.
he shrugged. "they all seem like practical choices."
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swiftiepanini · 4 months
the crows' favorite book genres
kaz: mystery. horror just kind of bores him but mysteries are fun to solve and he gets super frustrated when the ending is predictable
inej: historical fiction or romance. historical fiction helps her understand what people had to go through from the pov of an ordinary person and she loves romances that are angsty and emotional. girl likes her books to be moving
matthias: usually nonfiction shit because he was raised to believe fiction is useless but bc of nina he's getting more into it. reads mostly realistic fiction
nina: 💖romance💖 all day all night. she'll read cute romances, trashy romances, emotional romances, whatever. matthias makes fun of her for it and she'll rant to him about her books
wylan: obviously doesn't read so he listens to audiobooks. his favorite genre is fantasy because ✨escapism✨ but he also likes dystopian books because they're cool and horrifying to think about
jesper: doesn't read that much but if wylan says a book is really good he'll try to read it. he and wylan will get into arguments because he'll watch the movie and say it's better but wylan argues that it is NOTHING compared to the books so the rest of the crows watch as they have potentially relationship-ending drama over harry potter book vs. movie
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