#jersey city attack
dragoneyes618 · 7 months
"The delayed clarity on what exactly happened in Jersey City muted some of the public empathy that instantly followed the previous attacks. So did the identities of the attackers, both of whom were Black, and their targets, who were Hasidic Jews - who, it has progressively become clear, many otherwise enlightened Americans view as absolutely fair game for bigotry.
This was obvious from reporting within hours of the attacks, which gave surprising emphasis to the murdered Jews as "gentrifying" a "minority" neighborhood. This was remarkable, given that the tiny Hasidic community in question, highly visible members of the world's most consistently persecuted minority, in fact came to Jersey City fleeing gentrification, after being priced out of long-established Hasidic communities in Brooklyn. More tellingly, as the journalist Armin Rosen has pointed out, the apparently murderous rage against gentrification has yet to result in anyone using automatic weapons to blow away white hipsters at the newest Blue Bottle Coffee franchise. What was most remarkable about this angle, however, was how it was presented in media reports as providing "context."
The "context" supplied by news outlets after this attack was breathtaking in its cruelty. As the Associated Press explained in a news report about the Jersey Cijty murders that was picked up by NBC and many other outlets, "The slayings happened in a neighborhood where Hasidic families had recently been relocating, amid pushback from some local officials who complained about representatives of the community going door to door, offering to buy homes at Brooklyn prices." (Like many homeowners, I too have been approached by real estate agents asking me if I wanted to sell my home. I recall saying no, though I suppose murdering these people would also have made them go away.) New Jersey's state newspaper, the Star-Ledger, helpfully pointed out that "the attack that killed two Orthodox Jews, an Ecuadorian immigrant and a Jersey City police detective has highlighted racial tension that had been simmering ever since ultra-Orthodox Jews began moving to a lower-income community" - even though the assailants never lived in Jersey City and apparently chose their target simply through internet searches for Jewish institutions in the New York area. The Washington Post began its analysis of the murders by announcing that Jersey City "is grappling with whether the attack reflects underlying ethnic tensions locally and fears that it could spark new ones" - even though the rest of the article described in detail how "longtime black residents and ultra-Orthodox implants alike say that they haven't experienced significant ethnic tensions here." Nonetheless, readers were informed, "the influx of Hasidic residents comes as many of the longtime black residents feel increasingly squeezed." This was all abut gentrification, the public learned. The assailants, who wore socially acceptable clothing, were expressing an understandable communal sentiment. The newly dead Jews, on the other hand, were members of the unharassed majority, despite being the country's top hate-crime target according to the FBI. They were also rich, despite experiencing the same poverty levels as the rest of New York and New Jersey. On top of that, they wore unfashionable hats. So it kind of made sense that people wanted to murder their children with high-impact explosives.
I was not able to find any similar "context" in media reports after the 2015 massacre at a Black church in Charleston, South Carolina, or the 2016 massacre at an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando, Florida, or the 2019 massacre at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas frequented by Latino shoppers - all hate-crime attacks that unambiguously targeted minority groups. In each of those cases, as was true in Jersey City, media coverage included sympathetic pieces about the victims, along with investigative pieces about the perpetrators, the latter focused on how perpetrators were drawn into violent irrational hatred. But in reviewing media reports from the aftermath of these events, I found no coverage of how straight people in Orlando other than the perpetrator - in other words, reasonable, non-murderous, relatable "normal" neighbors - were understandably upset about gay couples setting up shop in the neighborhood and disrupting their "way of life," or about how white people with deep family roots in Charleston felt understandably wistful about the Black community's "takeover" of certain previously white neighborhoods, or about how non-Latinos in El Paso felt "squeezed" by ongoing "tensions" with Latinos who had pushed for more bilingualism in schools.
No one covered this "context," because doing that would be bonkers. It would be hateful victim-blaming, the equivalent of analyzing the flattering selfies of a rape victim in lurid detail in order to provide "context" for a sexual assault. That doesn't mean the intergroup tensions (or the problems with flattering selfies) aren't ever worth examining. It simply means that presenting such analysis as a hot take after a massacre is not merely disgusting and inhuman, but also a form of the very same hatred that caused the massacre - because the sole motivation for providing such "context" in that moment is to inform the public that those people got what was coming to them. People who think of themselves as educated and ethical don't do this, because it is both factually untrue and morally wrong. But if we're talking about Hasidic Jews, it is quite literally a different story, and there is one very simple reason why.
The mental gymnastics required to get the Jersey City attack out of my head were challenging, especially when the Jewish community int he New York area was treated in the two weeks following this massacre to more than a dozen other assaults of varying degrees, most of them coming during the festival of Hanukkah. These included Jews being slapped, punched, kicked, and beaten on the streets by people who made their motives clear by shouting antisemtiic insults, and many other variants on this theme that received much less attention. (One that shook me personally was when a young white man broke into my students' dormitory at yeshiva University at four a.m. and started a fire - using matches from the dorm lobby's Hanukkah candle-lighting.) All this was merely an intensified version of physical assaults on Hasidic Jews in New York that had been happening regularly for over a year - incidents that ranged from run-of-the-mill acts of knocking elderly people to the ground to the rather more advanced tactic of clobbering someone over the head with a large paving stone, causing a fractured skull.
This new normal culminated in a particularly horrifying attack, when a man entered a crowded Hanukkah party at a Hasidic rabbi's house in Monsey, New York, wielding a four-foot machete, and stabbed or slashed five people, all of whom where hospitalized; one victim, who fell into a coma, died several months later from his wounds. Stabbing Jews was apparently in vogue in Monsey, as this was actually the second antisemitic knifing in town in just over a month. The previous attacks victim was beaten and stabbed while walking to morning prayers, winding up in critical condition withe head injuries. Media coverage of these attacks also sometimes featured "context" (read: gaslighting), mentioning heated schoolboard or zoning battles between Hasidic and non-Hasidic residents - even after the perpetrator was identified as a resident of a town forty minutes away. One widely syndicated Associated Press article situated the previous week's bloodbath by informing millions of readers that "The expansion of Hasidic communities in New York's Hudson Valley, the Catskills and northern New Jersey has led to predictable sparring over new housing development and local political control. It has also led to flare-ups of rhetoric seen by some as antisemitic." In other words, the cause of bloodthirsty antisemitic violence is...Jews, living in a place! Sometimes, Jews who live in places even buy land on which to live. To be fair, there were many countries and centuries in which this Jews-owning-land monkey business was illegal, though twenty-first-century Hudson Valley, the Catskills, and northern New Jersey are sadly not among those enlightened locales. Predictably, this leads to sparring, and flare-ups. Who wouldn't express frustrations with municipal politics by hacking people with a machete?"
 - Dara Horn, People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC: The Dead Man at the Diner
Danny has a hard time maintaining regular jobs. At this point he’s pretty much nocturnal after years of being attacked at night, and possibly just part of his ghostly nature. He’s odd, and a basic google search brings up various news articles about him getting into fist fights with the mayor of a small town. He barely passed high school and college was out of the question, so who in their right mind would hire him?
What’s a job that would work with his odd hours, doesn’t require a college education, and a possible criminal record and a tendency to be ready to throw down is NOT an issue?
Danny is a cook at a 24hour Diner in Gotham
The man just needs to be able to flip a burger and make breakfast food and doesn’t mind a gun in the face because he’s well used to it. So what if the robber was dumb enough to pull that shit next to the fryer. If he didn’t want something to end up extra crispy he should have stayed out of Danny’s kitchen
Just think of all the folks he would meet.
Sure, the vigilantes of the city would be obvious and you can’t tell me spoiler isn’t dragging folks there to eat. Maybe they notice some weird things about the cook, like he doesn’t breath, his eyes reflect light like an animal’s, or the time he accidentally cut off a finger and it was fine the next day, or maybe the time a robber shot him and he just... didn’t react
Something is weird about that guy
And of course the person I think would love a jersey style diner breakfast at all hours: Harley Quinn
Technically she’s not supposed to bring the hyenas in, health code and all that, but everyone else is to freaked out to tell her and Danny doesn’t care. Frankly he spends his break petting them and they like him because he smells like food.
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I think it is extremely funny how New Jersey, the state Gotham is located in, is the only state where it's illegal to pump your own gas.
Apparently it's "Because of the fire hazards directly associated with dispensing fuel[...]"
Any Gothamite would be shaking their head at this.
They are used to attacks on Gotham by rogues on a daily basis. Just living in that city puts them at risk for dying in a gruesome way. Fear toxin, Joker Gas, getting frozen in ice, you name it.
But they aren't trusted to pump their own gas?
And the poor gas station attendants.
I bet they judge the supervillains based on how they treat service workers.
You stand at the gas station and Red Hood rolls up?
Yeah, they know him. He's nice. Yeah, they know how he opperates, so what? He bitched with Freya about her ex when they'd just broken up. He gave Alex a good tip when he'd mentioned how he had to work on his birthday.
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alchemistc · 4 months
Donato spots it first - Tommy's been fidgeting with the just-too-short sleeves of his shirt for the past ten minutes, fingers curling into the ends of the arms, thumb sliding along the hem like maybe he could make them long enough to fully cover his wrists just by thinking really hard about it. It's stretched tight across his shoulders, the neck hole feels too high, biting into his skin, and Tommy is absolutely certain it's been hemmed in at the fucking waist, because he can barely keep the damn thing tucked into his pants.
(The cost of having those fucking magnificent gazelle legs is apparently torso space.)
"You shrink your shirt in the wash again, Kinard?"
Tommy's been begging their vendor to switch to a jersey blend for years because 100% cotton undershirts are a goddamn bitch and a half to maintain.
Tommy thinks about ignoring the question entirely. They've been razzing him for weeks about the way every single smile line in his face has been putting in overtime lately.
And then she gets a closer look at it. The merch is usually the same cross-department, but every once in a while some probie will get stuck with the task of ordering a few extras to have as backups around the station and they'll go a little too hard on customization. Like, for example, the one he'd picked off the top of his clean laundry basket without looking in his rush out the door this morning.
Lucy's eyes narrow. She reaches forward, pinches the 118 emblem blazing across the breadth of his shoulder, takes in the color and sturdiness of a shirt he definitely can't play off as being old enough to have been from his own time at the One Eighteen.
Donato grimaces so mockingly Tommy nearly warns her that her face'll get stuck like that. "Christ, Kinard, how fucking domestic are you two?"
(Three days off together after a week of getting by with random texts, their schedules nearly opposite, and when Evan had stared at his overnight bag on day two and realized he didn't have any spare undershirts he'd pouted up a storm about the fact that if he had to go back to his place it didn't make a lick of sense to turn right back around to Tommy's, so Tommy had just thrown Evan's dirty undershirt in with the rest of his own laundry. And then prompted Evan to throw all his other stuff in the wash too. Halfway across the city, Evan is definitely rolling too-long sleeves over his palm with the tips of his fingers and Tommy does not have time to think about how much he likes the idea of that )
"He doesn't even know my how I take my coffee," Tommy snipes, like that avoids the question, and across the locker room Johnson slams his locker shut with a snort.
"Because you've been using his increasingly more desperate attempts to figure it out as some weird intricate mating ritual for three months now."
"It's about --."
"--the journey, not the destination," they both interrupt, eyes rolling, and Tommy doesn't bother to try to hide the grin in his face.
"He just wants to get it right so bad."
Donato's face is unimpressed. "Ugh. Can you please stop being so smitten right in front of me? I'm gonna throw up."
Tommy leans in for the kill. "Your wife ever buy you flowers, Johnson? Because I've been trying to decide how much thought went into the arrangement he brought me on Saturday, and I figure -." He dodges the palm Johnson extends towards his face with a bark of bright laughter.
Evan 2:15 PM
Boyfriend privileges are a SCAM
Evan 2:15 PM
Why is YOUR NAME on the back of this shirt? There's no way that's standard
Evan 2:16 PM
Chimney's being homophobic
Evan 2:19 PM
Nvm Gerrard saw it and now I'm just sad he didn't actually have a heart attack about it
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 2 years
Meat Cute
Danny was having a bit of a shit day. With him having graduated highschool last year, lunch lady was getting bored with how few opportunities she had to fight with him not frequenting her cafeteria and as such had decided to go big or go home. And by big he meant 'to Gotham'... for some reason.
Apparently, some weird-definitely-cursed city in New Jersey had an abnormally large Meat Packing district and was now paying the price. These were T-Bones everywhere, Rump roast sent through the skylights, and, the most aggravating of the bunch, sausage link.
The aforementioned mystery flesh chain was being sent flailing across the Facility, and since the commotion had long since summoned the city's native heroes, it was often nailing someone right in the soft bits.
The only gotham hero not being absolutely whooped by the Lunch Lady seemed to be the odd one out, a leather jacket wearing gunslinger who donned a red helmet and, since Danny could feel him letting off an ectosignature, seemed to be able to feel her attacks coming.
Swooping in close, Danny managed to land a few hits on Lunch but had no openings to soup her, being forced out of Close range by a well aimed ribeye, and right into the helmeted not-ghost, breaking off that glossy red monstrosity with the force and finding himself wrapped up tight in sausage face to face with the newly unmasked vigilante.
Oh, "I guess now would be a pretty awful time to ask for your number, huh?" Danny cursed his loose lips, but had committed.
The stranger seemed to become abruptly aware of how close they had been forced together by the links, blushing very slightly and going stiff as a board. "Um yeah, probably."
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Pro-Palestinian protesters briefly blocked entrance roads to airports in New York and Los Angeles on Wednesday [December 27, 2023], snarling traffic as U.S. airlines contended with a rush of holiday travel.
The demonstrations stopped cars on the outskirts of New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, where some travelers set off on foot to bypass the jammed roadway, as well as Los Angeles International Airport. A total of 62 people were arrested during the two protests, police said.
In New York, activists locked arms and held banners demanding an end to the Israel-Hamas war and expanded rights for Palestinians, bringing traffic to a standstill on the Van Wyck Expressway leading up to the airport for about 20 minutes.
Video posted to social media showed passengers, some carrying suitcases, leaving vehicles behind and stepping over barriers onto the highway median.
Twenty-six people in the protest were arrested for disorderly conduct and impeding vehicular traffic, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey dispatched two buses to help travelers caught in the backup reach the airport, agency spokesperson Steve Burns said.
Around the same time as the New York protest, a major thoroughfare leading to the Los Angeles airport was shut down by another group of pro-Palestinian protesters, who dragged traffic cones, trash bins, scooters and debris into the lanes, according to news helicopter footage.
In a statement, the Los Angeles Police Department accused protesters of throwing a police officer to the ground and “attacking uninvolved passerbys in their vehicles,” without providing further details about either incident.
The group appeared to flee when police arrived, though the Los Angeles Police Department said traffic around the airport remained impacted roughly two hours after the demonstration was declared unlawful.
A spokesperson for the LAPD said 35 people were arrested for rioting and one person was arrested for battery of a police officer. No officers were injured, according to the spokesperson. An estimated 215,000 passengers and 87,000 vehicles were expected to pass through the Los Angeles airport on Wednesday.
Since the Israel-Hamas war erupted on Oct. 7, near nightly protests have broken out in cities across the United States. In New York, pro-Palestinian organizers have responded to the growing death toll in Gaza with escalating actions aimed at disrupting some of the city’s best-known events, including the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and the annual tree-lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center."
-via AP, December 27, 2023
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Two Kings and a Heir
Ghost king Nico Di Angelo meets Ghost king Danny Fenton who meets Damain Wayne after some how being launched in to the dc univers ( Nico and Danny that is)
Danny needed a safe place as his univers is nolonger ( reaveal gone wrong)
Nico isn't sure how he got into the dc universe but he's knows that he's not in his new work any more ( takes place before the trils of Apollo)
Because ghost work diifertly in the dc universe Danny would have relearn how to use his powers: ie control over his ice core, intangibility, invisibility, ghostly wail, eco blast ect. His ghost sense is going haywire, half going off. There's no puff of mist leaving his mouth, but is has his entire body tense. Danny learns quickly that the ghost of this world works differently, no one but him can see them, and even then it's hard for him the see them half the time. ( it's just a slivery after image in hisn periphery but they disappear when he tries to look at them head on.)
Hunger still affects Danny, not as much as before the accident, but he's still half human and he still need to eat. Something cheep and greasy. There were no nasty burger here, just a place called bat burger where he clocks an nother kid around his age as being something more then a laminar but close to a halfa like him, developing core maybe?
Nico new that he wasn't in New York anymore when he woke up, and he's quick to learn that he's in jersey, in a city call gotham. A place that didn't exist before. he's half scared that he was placed in the lotus casino again, he knows that's impossable. but the fear lingers. ( it happens once but who's to say that it won't happen again?) Nico needed information, he don't know where he is, when he is , so he plans to summon a ghost. But first he needs a happy meal.
The clost thing to a mc' Donald's is a place called bat burger. There Nico meets Danny, and they both clock each other as pooled who has an extremely association with death, and the underworld. Another child of hades? Maybe.
Silent communication passed he tween the two of them. The cashier clears her throat, and Danny orders first before stepping to the side and lingering awkwardly behind the other boy as he places his order, a kids meal. The kid walks to a booth at the back, one shrouded in shadows. Danny is half compiled to follow, every time he meets a halfa they tried to kill him first and get to know him second. But so far this was going great. He joins the kid at the booth.
Silence lingers between then the boy stared out the window at the few passing cars, Danny decided to pick at napickn, a black stylized bat decorated the corner. How was she supposed to go about this with out fist flying? He's not at his strongest at the moment. He's been doing good so far at ignoring the ach of the vivisection wound. Hastily stitched half healed, sleeping and eating would heald the thing faster, he just need a place to sleep, and stock up kn canned food and granola bars. Maybe he could break into one of the abandon buildings.
" Nico." The boys said suddenly.
Name, name, names. That was his name. He should-
" Danny! Yeah... call me Danny."
This was a good start, names are good. It doesn't matter that he's on the sudden verg of panic, or that he was getting a migraine from the constant half use of his ghost sense.
" son of hades?" Nico asked tentatively as I'd he was sharing a secret.
" what? No my dad isn't-"
" Hecate then, she's your mother right? Your too old not to know who your godly parent is, and you can't be unclaimed." Nico said in a rapid wishper, his eyes darting around the room as if expecting someone to attack.
" No wait, dude calm down, I think I know what's going on." But before he could answer they were called to get food. Looking over his shoulder the cashier looked unimpressed. Right food, the original reason why he's here.
Part two later
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whitehotwild · 2 months
i've never done an anon before so i'm so sorry if it sounds weird 😭😭 but do you think billy and his younger s/o would go to like, those summer carnivals? like, the ones that are at night? idk if that's js in my hometown tho 😭 she most definitely dragged him there and he reluctantly went bc he loves her, but lwk he ends up enjoying it. idkkk i js feel like there isn't enough soft!billy content on here and you are my only supplier of it 🙏🙏
OUUUUUUUU OU OU OU you just scratched an itch... im so giddy about this. (also ily and i'll gladly be ur supplier)
we only have fall carnivals in my town which sucks bc summer carnivals sound so much more fun.
you like... heard from a friend that there's this one in NJ, you try to convince butcher to go with you. you tell him that it's only 2 hours by way of penn station (nightmare nightmare nightmare), that he doesn't have to drive you, that you'll buy the entry tickets.
"let's just go to coney island, yeah? i'm not goin' to bleedin' New Jersey for a night just because you wanna ride some roller coasters. you got a ride right here..." he smirks, thinking he's oh so clever.
all it does is make you whine and go limp in his hold, "but pleeeeeeease??? It'll be fun! you're such a fucking party pooper."
it doesn't ever take much to make him give into you, that's his one weakness, "i ain't no fuckin' 'party pooper'. you're just a pain in me arse."
"okay... so are we going or not?"
butcher sighs with an unimpressed look on his face, "fine."
and then like when you're actually at the carnival, you make good on your promise to buy the entry tickets (wristbands whatever), and butcher pays for the games/rides.
after half an hour, he's spent only about $20, "I ain't spendin' over 50 bucks, got it?"
at the moment, you're more worried about what you're gonna get from the food truck than anything coming out of his mouth, "mhm. yup, got it."
you beg him to get on one of the rides with you and he finally gives in after a while, but the second you get off the ride he's looking at you like he kinda wants to kill you... just a little bit.
"you're tryna give me a bloody heart attack. i ain't doing that again."
(i'll die on the hill that butcher hates roller coasters just because i think it would be very funny.)
$100 and two hours later, butcher's finally cutting you off after winning you one of those big teddy bears from one of the game booths.
(yes, he knows he said $50. yes, he knows he's wrapped around your little finger)
"you happy, pet?" he asks you once you both settle on the train back to the city. there's no snark in his voice like you'd expect, just genuinely wanting to know that you had a good night.
you nod against his shoulder, your legs propped up in the empty seat in front of you, "yeah, i'm happy. you happy?"
butcher looks down at you, the way your head rests against him, the way your arm is snaked through his. he allows himself, just for a moment, to believe that he does deserve this... that he does deserve you and the joy you bring back to him.
"i suppose so. you like your bear?" he nudges you gently, motioning to where you sat the big stuffed bear in the seat in front of him.
"mhm... gonna name it 'billy jr.'" you tease with a tired smile, you're halfway to falling asleep and the train's barely left the station.
billy (sr.) huffs, unimpressed, but there's a small smile on his face, he untangles his arm from yours and wraps it around your shoulders, covering your eyes with his hand as he pulls you a bit closer into his side.
"ah, fuck off... you're delirious, go to sleep."
୨ ♡ ୧
just wanna say sorry that im not getting to requests as quick as i'd like! got a lot of shit happening atm BUT im on vacay atm so hopefully i can pump some out this week! LOVE YOU BYEEEE!
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writterings · 2 months
city driving and country driving are such separate skill sets. same with suburbs, though i feel like they have enough signage that anyone can usually make it through okay. country driving is like all open road until it's dark and the city folk get scared that no houses or visible people around and they can't see past their headlights and then blind everyone they come across with their highbeams even though it's a bright night. country folk get scared in the city because everything is so close together and there's so many pedestrians that they could hit and everyone drives like super fucking aggressively and they are not afraid to hit you out of their own sense of pride. no point to this post, i was just thinking about how yesterday my mom and i brought a friend to a thing and when we were driving my friend home, my mom almost had a panic attack driving in urban north jersey because it was so different from our little jersey hick village that she's lived in her whole life. i drove home and she had a hand on the oh shit bar the whole time even though i know how to drive in cities.
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midnightbabylon · 1 year
Tumblr media
summary: Bucky Barnes is the only person in the world who ignores you. Yet you are constantly sent on mission with him. In this one you get hurt by accident and he is disturbingly nice and caring to you and that confuses you.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: fluffy and soft Barnes
Starting a new life is not always easy. After the Battle in New York City, you were faced with nothing. Your family was buried under your Manhattan apartment. An explosion had taken everything from you. Your ear rang violently and blood ran from it. You struggled through the wreckage of the streets, shaking, when it was all over. You fled the state and built a new life with the rest of your family's savings. Never again did you want to go through life without a fight. If such an attack ever happened again, you wanted to be ready for it.
"Good morning." you said as you entered the kitchen and adjoining dining room. Everyone murmured a quiet reply except Bucky. Sighing softly, you placed your cup under the coffee maker and pressed the button. Then you made yourself a sandwich and took the last seat at the other end of the table. Your ears listened to some conversations, but you did not participate in any of them. Silently you watched the morning hustle and bustle. If someone told you 6 years ago that you would be at Avengers headquarters, you wouldn't have believed them.
"Oh nice everyone is here, then I can start the meeting." Tony ate a handful of blueberries and stopped across from you. "Romanov and Clint you guys hit the jackpot. Fury will join." he handed Natasha the first file then they left. "Steve, Wilson and Wanda. Quinjet and the longest mission. Good luck." Steve took the next file. An uncomfortable feeling spread through you and inwardly you hoped he wouldn't mention you're and Bucky's names. But luck was not on your side today. "Bucky and Y/N. Warehouse in New Jersey." Frustrated, you exhaled and picked up the file. Shortly thereafter, the ghastly squeak of a chair broke the silence and Bucky stormed out of the room. You really weren't hungry anymore, so you pushed the sandwich over to Peter and stood up. "It gets better eventually." Uncertainly, you looked at Tony. "What?" you asked. "The nightmares. Friday evaluated last week's night logs for me. You can always talk to someone here Y/N." Nodding silently, you walked out of the common room to your room. As you did so, you flipped through the file.
You couldn't explain why he hated you so much. After all, you had some things in common. When you weren't on missions, you could be found in front of a good book or lost in thought in a quiet place. You especially avoided parties of any kind, simply because your social battery drained very quickly. Sam regularly tried to lure you and Bucky out of the room. It usually worked for the cold soldier, but not for you. You liked your privacy and have always been more of a loner. After freshening up and slipping into your new black suit, you came into the garage. You ran your fingers over the new fabric. Tony had completely redesigned your suit and improved it. "Took you long enough," Bucky muttered grumpily. Annoyed, you clench your jaw and stare at him for a few seconds. "Why are you always like this with me?" you blurted out. "I haven't done anything to you!" Shaking your head, you got into the car without saying another word. You slammed the door on purpose to make your point. You stared at the monitor and typed in the destination. "Are you coming already?!" you shouted out, as Bucky was still standing in the open driver's door. He mumbled something unintelligible and got behind the wheel. The drive to Jersey didn't take long, yet your mind wandered. Not that Bucky would talk to you.
"What is that?" your mother asked as she stood at the kitchen window. Darkness fell over Manhattan for a moment and you joined her. A huge crash echoed through the streets of Midtown. "Get away from the window and find your father." she said in a trembling voice. Something was wrong but you couldn't see. You almost tripped over your own feet looking for your father. As you took the stairs to the top floor, the building began to shake. "Dad!" you yell up the stairs. Staggering, you arrived at the top. Where your father's office would have been, there was a gigantic hole between the ruins and you could see the sky. It looked like an alien invasion. Your body froze into stone as you watched the giant animal-like ships glide through the air. Your father was most likely dead and you could do nothing better than watch in panic at a potential war. You always thought aliens weren't real, but like the rest of humanity, you were probably wrong. "Y/N" your mother's voice sounded from downstairs. She was standing at the foot of the stairs, eyeing you. "Come down, right now!" You had no control over your body but somehow you reached her at the bottom. "Here." she thrust a backpack into your hand and stuffed various things into it before fleeing to the flap under the carpet. She took out all the wads of bills and stuffed them into the backpack as well. "We need to get out of here, fast." She pulled on your dazed body to get to the stairwell. The building shook again and chunks of stone fell on the concrete stairs. "Dad's dead." you finally found your voice again, and it sounded raspy. "I know my darling." she said softly and you felt her hands on your cheek. "But we have to get out of here or we'll die too." Tears smeared in her eyes and you followed her downstairs. The neighbors who were still alive were also heading down to the streets, although this probably wasn't the best idea. There were burning and broken cars on the road. Parts of houses lay scattered on the asphalt. This was the greatest nightmare in the history of the world. You had never experienced anything like it before. Most people were running in one direction, but your mother was looking in the other. "We have to go that way!" You looked at her as if she was also from another planet. "Mom, are you crazy? Isn't that where everything happens?!" You pointed at the explosions and the alien ships. "And that's exactly why no one would suspect us there. We need to find a working car and get out of there. Get the hell out of New York." You nodded and followed your mother through the wreckage. She rattled some car doors, but none of them opened. "Shit," she muttered and looked across the street. "Let's try this." she pointed to the silver SUV. She looked left and right before she ran off. The only mistake your mother made was not looking up. Before she could reach the vehicle, it exploded. The wave hit and you were thrown backwards. There was a ringing in your ears and everything was spinning. Like in slow motion, you raised your head and saw your mother's lifeless body. "Mom." It was still ringing in your ear and you felt something wet flowing down your cheek. "Mom." Breathing flatly, she looked at you and raised her hand trembling.
"Y/N." Blinking, you stared at your fingers. "Y/N" That didn't come from your thoughts. Fingers appeared in front of your eye and snapped. You shook yourself back to reality and Bucky looked at you. "We're here. I parked a few blocks down the street." He pulled the key out of the ignition. "Sorry." you muttered softly and got out in front of him. In your head you went through the file again. "Now I'd like Sam's drone to take a look at this warehouse first," you muttered as you stood in front of the complex. "We'll do it the old-fashioned way," Bucky said without emotion, and proceeded to climb the surrounding rooftops. "I don't have super serum in me to just crawl up walls. It's more of a super soldier or spiderman thing." He looked down at you, his Vibranium arm shining in the sun. "Then take the back door bore." You imagined seeing his mouth wrap twitch before he climbed through a window into the building. Terrified, you stared at the window. He just walked in without you. You crept along the wall to find an open door or window. When you finally found something you could already hear gasping and grunting. Bucky seemed to knock out the opponents without a problem. That's why you set out to find the capsule that Tony wanted. Actually, you didn't like stealing things, but this capsule had already been stolen from Avengers headquarters, so technically it was just a matter of getting it back. Like a cat, you tried to sneak quietly through the storage shelves. Behind a shelf filled with barrels, you looked around the corner. Jackpot. There was this stupid capsule alone in the room. Anticipated, you went to get her out of the warehouse as quickly as possible. Before you got to the capsule, two strong arms wrapped around your shoulders. For a moment, you thought Bucky was playing a prank on you, but those arms were about to suffocate you. It took you a second to remember your self-defense. You rammed the guy's elbow in the side and he let you go. You immediately turned around and punched him in the face. He moaned and held his nose. "What fear of losing to a girl?" you joke. "Never" said the dark-haired guy before he pulled out a knife. "That's not fair." You could hardly finish the sentence before he came out. The first few times, you were able to dodge until he caught your rib and you hissed to the floor. "Fuck." you muttered and raised your arm at the last second to fire an electric shock at him. He turned to the ground. You were panting and crawling with the capsule behind the shelf. Thus, potential new attackers would not find you immediately. When you took your hand from the wound, your hand was dyed red. Breathing deeply, you pulled yourself up and clung to the shelf. A move to your right made you twitch and almost hit before you realized it was Bucky.
"Hey. You okay?" Nodding you turned your head to him. "I´m fine." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Really? That looks painful." „I said I‘m fine.“ The words came out of your mouth harder and louder than you intended. Typical defense strategy. However, Bucky could probably see the tears in your eyes as you pressed your palms to the fabric. "Hey, I'm sorry okay? I really just want to know if everything is okay." "Just a scratch, all right." you swallowed the rest of the emotions down. "Let me see how deep it is." he came a few steps towards you. "We'd better get back."you just answered. "Y/N, please." he looked you right in the eyes the first time and you were amazed at the light blue. He pulled the stretchy fabric apart to see the wound. "It's really not deep, but it should be stitched anyway." his cold metal fingers stroke over your skin, making you twitch. "Come." he took your arm over his shoulder and reached for the pod. "Back to headquarters. We don't want you to die." he grinned and you looked at him in disbelief. "You don't have to be nice to me now just because I'm hurt." He stopped in front of the car and furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not just being nice to you…. no." he said seriously after a moment's hesitation. "Why do you usually hate me?" Tears shimmered in your eyes. "I don't hate you, not at all Y/N." he gently lifted you into the car, trying to hurt you as little as possible. "Funny you always treat me like shit though." you tried to laugh but it hurt like hell. "Who do you think leaves books at your door at night after your nightmares." He got in and drove gracefully into traffic heading for New York City. "I always thought Sam did that." you admitted quietly. "No." he muttered. "I do. I have nightmares, too. I know what it's like and I wanted to help you." He looked at the road intently. "Thanks." you whispered, "I like you Y/N I just never knew how to tell you." Your eyes got heavy. "Funny way to express it." Your voice softened and your hand slipped from the wound. "Y/N stay awake. Please stay awake." Bucky voice got louder.
"I think she is waking up," somebody murmured. "Hey they're we've been worried sick." Natasha hovered over you and Sam who was holding your hand smiled big. "Man you scared the shit out of vibranium arm boy." Now you smiled. "Sorry." "Well leave you two alone for a minute." Natasha stood up and took Sam with her. "How you feeling?" Bucky sat down on the chair next to your bed. "I feel pretty good, thanks for the rescue." He sighed. "If I was a bit faster he wouldn't even hurt you." "It is okay Bucky. I am fine. Don't worry. Let´s talk about what you said in the car earlier." you smiled. He chuckled. "Okay darling let's have that talk. But if you tell Sam I have to kill you." He took your hand in his. "First of all I am going to tell you how you flirt in this century now. No cold hearted stares anymore and treating a girl like she's air." He nodded licking his lips. "Got it. Can in kiss you anyways?" "Cheeky bastard,"you laughed out loudly with a slight pinch of pain before his warm and soft lips came crashing onto yours.
Permanent Bucky/Sebastian Taglist:
@aya-fay @glitterydeputyshepherdwagon @queenofkings1212 @lilya-petrichor @dexter99 @dystopian-dez382 @xoxoloverb @yougottalovefandoms @justalostgirl
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thenightwolf51 · 1 year
So i just read this post about the Bats being Warlocks with Danny as their Patron and its super great, amazing work @aziraphale-is-a-cat and @percyisawesome
At first i thought Lady Gotham was going to be their Patron, because i immediately forgot i was reading a crossover, and that sparked an idea.
What if Lady Gotham doesn't exist and Phantom was the Gotham city spirit.
So DPxDC idea where Phantom was the first recorded Hero/Meta way back before the Justice League members were even born, because i love those stories, but if course no one knew that back then. Metas weren't a thing yet.
So things go as canon but eventually the GIW get worse and worse, especially as more and more of Amity becomes Liminal from ambient ecto leaking from the portal.
And the GIW, way too confident with the Anti Ecto Acts in place, decide that Amity Park is a lost cause. They launch a major attack the town and destroy the portal in the process.
And even though i think the surviving Amity Parkers would buckle down, stand strong, and rebuild their town. For the sake of this idea, lets say they don't do that.
Instead the survivors band together and decide they need to leave, get as far from the GIW's main base of operations as they can.
They go right.
They end up in Gotham, New Jersey.
Now, im messing with the timeline a bit. I still kinda want the DP parts to be early 2000s, maybe late 80s/early 90s at the least, so the uniquely DC events im pushing to later in time a bit.
So lets say Gotham, while still pretty old and with its history and subtle curses, never really expanded into the huge city we normally think of. No towering skyscrapers or really any huge buildings, is barely a small city at this point.
And then an influx of new residents from the west cause a need to expand. Over the generations the former Amity Parkers help Gotham become what we know in Bruces time. By then they're just Gothamites, and if their subtle limiality is to attribute for the modern Gothamite's durability and the eventual rogues' whole... thing well its been way too long to place blame on that random group of refugees.
And where was Phantom in all this? Watching over his people. The portal and his family are gone, he cant be Danny because the survivors believe he died when FentonWorks exploded, all he really has at the moment is these people who's lives he believes he inadvertently destroyed.
So he watches over them, then their descendants and the seemingly unfortunate people of their new home. This little city has afew old curses that are holding the residents back and making them miserable, its the least he can do to take some of them on for himself, just make things easier for the people.
Eventually the city becomes his new haunt, becomes a part of him as he helps it grow and expand. And some Amity descendants still spread the urban legend that is the Phantom of Gotham.
(Just a little side detail that im not sure how to add in but i really like the idea of Liminality eventually evolving or mutating into the meta gene if there's not enough ambient ectoto keep it active. Maybe the portal sent out a shock wave of radiation when it was destroyed. Not everyone was affected but for those who were it either was so subtle the effects fade within a month from the lack of enough ambient ecto or went dormant until it became a meta gene and no longer needed ecto.
I dont know, i mostly like the irony of Batman's "no meta's in Gotham" rule when most of Gotham was unknowingly built by the original "metas")
@hdgnj @dcxdpdabbles @nelkcats @nerdpoe @ailithnight @tathartiel
And @omnicrafts , hope your feeling better
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Surprise // Deyna Castellanos
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a/n: based off this request.
"Did everything work? Are you on your way?" Alex asked your girlfriend.
The two of them came up with a plan to surprise you.
Ever since the World Cup started, you missed Deyna. Talking to her over the phone was just not it. Due to the time difference and your busy schedule, you only had little time for each other. Either it was for one of you early in the morning or late at night which made it difficult to have a real conversation. Most of the time it was just written messages that the other person would answer a few hours later. It was hard. You missed her so much.
Every time the lionesses would play she would send you a picture of her wearing your jersey and comment on the game. She knew you wouldn‘t answer because you were literally playing but it was important to her to let you know that she was supporting you.
"Yes, I’m at the airport" she replied, about to take a plane to Australia, to you. "Good. She‘s already in bad mood since you texted her that you‘ll be busy the whole day and won‘t have the time to text her," the defender explained, thinking back to the situation where she saw how your face fell as you read Deynas text, "i need to go but I’ll see you soon."
The call ended and about 20 minutes later, your girlfriend sat in the plane.
Your day went on without a single text from Deyna. She said she couldn't message you but you were still hoping for it. She didn‘t even say what she had to do.
You spent the day with the team, preparing for the upcoming game against Australia.
Standing in the tunnel about to play a World Cup semi final was a whole new experience. You were nervous but you wanted to win. You wanted to win for yourself, for the team, for your nation and most all for Alex and Lucy who never made it past the semifinals. You've known both of them for a while, played with them at City and for the lionesses. They were great players and role models, they deserved to make it to the final.
While walking out on the pitch your eyes were looking everywhere and nowhere. The stadium was full with yellow jerseys, supporting their home country. It was nice to see the matildas getting so much support but you were also grateful for the english fans who were there to do the same for you. It's great to play in your own country with a nation behind you. You had experienced the same thing last year at the home euros.
Deyna sat in the friends and family section with your jersey on as she watched you.
In the 36th Ella scored the opener but Sam Kerr equalized in the 63rd minute. The score 1-1, about half an hour left to play. Your girlfriend was nervous she wanted to see you win, to see you happy. England retained possession, little to no missed passes. Australia got hungry. They wanted to win as much as you did. You fought till the end, you wanted to help your team win.
You didn‘t know how you did it but as the long shot from Millie came to you, you tangled away from Ellie Carpenter who kind of stumbled away from you and then your foot hit the ball.
Goal! You scored in the semi final, making it 2-1 for England. Some team mates jumped on you while others hugged you, the bench going wild.
Your girlfriend cheered for you, celebrating with the english fans. There was only one task now: defend. And score If possible. Australia had their chances which stressed you out but you fought. When you had the ball you started running out of your own half, no one was attacking you. Before the australian defender could reach you, you passed to Alessia who then scored.
All England supportes celebrated while your team mates ran to the bench. You‘re feeling energetic.
Finally, the whistle blows - England made it. They‘re finalists, you‘re finalists.
Despite the win, the first thing you did was thank and comfort every opposing player. It was important to you. As you finished your conversation with the last australian you ran straight to Alex, jumping on her, your legs around her waist, "We did it!" you screamed. You felt so happy. As you celebrated with your friends you still had no idea your girl was in the stands.
Sarina held a little speech before everyone swarmed out "There‘s a suprise for you" Alex said while her arm was around your shoulders. "What‘re you talking about?" you looked at her confused.
"Look" she pointed her finger towards the stands, family and friends section, following her finger you saw it or rather her.
You looked at Alex, then back to Deyna. Was this real?
"Go!" Alex pushed you away from her, in the direction to the stands. Your legs started running, wanting to be close to your lover. When you were finally within reach, you wrapped your arms around her, your head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. "What‘re you doing here??" you asked, leaning back yet not letting her go.
With one quick motion, you pressed your mouth on hers. You hadn‘t seen her in weeks, couldn‘t feel her touch or anything. You just had to kiss her. "I missed you so much" you whispered between pecks, happy to feel your girlfriends touch.
Next stop: final
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indulgentdaydream · 9 months
ive had this thought for ages about jason dating a southern girl/guy/person
I’m not southern in an american context (which i assume this ask is in) but I am very much southern in a Canadian context (which, in ontario, is pretty similar)
I’m thinking of this as also a from the countryside! type of reader headcanons…
Here are my thoughts…
(This is gn!reader btw)
So for whatever reason, you end up moving to Gotham City. Whether for school or a new life or a new job opening.
Rent is cheap, but you’re thinking you may need to put yourself into self defence classes.
Lots of pros and cons.
Luckily!! One pro is your new boyfriend!!
I really don’t believe Jason would date anyone unless he had known them and been friends with them first (demiromantic!jason truther right here)
Jason being a little shocked at the idea that you used to have to drive 30+ minutes to get to the grocery store before you moved to Gotham
Jason getting HEART ATTACKS because you’re way too busy staring up at all the buildings in awe while walking, too busy to be looking for highly possible dangers up ahead
“That’s so huge!! Look at all the windows at that one!”
“Please tell me you don’t do this when I’m not here guiding you.”
Later in your relationship, if you’re not afraid of heights, and he knows no one will see y’all, he takes you to the top of wayne enterprises to see all of gotham
One time during patrol, he catches sight of you walking back from one of your outings.
He’s not stalking… he’s making sure his partner is getting home safe!
He watches you wait for a crosswalk when there isn’t a single car around and finds it adorable.
Like… just cross. It gets you home faster and out of danger.
He finds your differences in growing up fascinating,
He was in alleyways, broken down buildings, only got to properly see the sun once in a blue moon when the clouds were gone and it was just at the right angle.
You grew up always in the sun, able to see the stars at night in such clarity, had the choice of seeing the sunrise AND sunset every day.
Please take Jason to the country on a clear summer night so this boy can look at the stars with you PLEASE
I was going to comment on accents, but Jason has no say against yours
I’ve always imagined him with the THICKEST new jersey accent, distinctly something that people associate with Gotham (or at least the poorer people of gotham)
He’s trained it away, but it comes back when tired, pissed off, distracted, saying something familiar, etc. (it happens to me at the best of times with that canadian accent😞 i catch myself off guard sometimes)
If he comments on your southern accent, you have FULL authority to bring up the one time he woke up at your place talking about a “cuppo CAUWfee” (cup of coffee)
Feel free to add on to this with your own hcs in the reblogs!!
This is kinda messy my bad
❤️- Missy
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eggmode · 26 days
my take on the bats in fnaf
(ik fnaf is in utah, but we're putting it in new jersey for our Purposes here.)
bruce: he would take the position of nightguard in under an alias in order to investigate the missing children cases. when the animatronics start moving in the night, he deduces how to survive, but ultimately his goal is to give the children the justice they deserve. he investigates during the night, evading attacks by the animatronics, and eventually discovers william afton is the murderer. but where is he...
dick: since bludhaven is gotham's sister city, lets say that freddy fazbear's has a sister location(!!!) in bludhaven. he's wary of circus baby, but ultimately plays along with her instructions, until she tries to direct him to the scooping room. u think he took this job without memorizing the layout of the place first? he ends up doing the extra night and seeing the fnaf 4 cam footage. hmm... also yeah dick would probably enjoy the the thrill of a def haunted facility, but i cant imagine he'd like how confined the space is, or that he'd prioritize the fun of a haunting over respecting the dead kids
babs: the job is easy for her. unlike bruce, though, she sees golden freddy and freaks tf out, tho she wont admit that
jason: one of the kids that went missing were from crime alley, so this case is within his jurisdiction. tbh he'd want to go after anyone who killed kids anyway. he would have an intense time. freaking out manifesting as "YOU GOT MURDERED AS A KID AND CAME BACK WRONG, I GET IT, BUT PLEASE DONT KILL ME OVER IT." he would not see the hypocrisy in that statement, but he would relate to the kids. when dick says he had to crawl through vents, jason was glad that he doesnt live in bludhaven
tim: he sees that the fnaf 3 location has an Authentic Animatronic and he wants to investigate. i think if it were any other game he'd manage fine, so thats exactly why im forcing him to have hallucinations. make things more difficult. he does determine that william is in the spring bonnie suit, tho! jason tries to burn the place down Immediately, but william ultimately escapes
cass, steph, and damian: after tim does fnaf 3, its pizzeria simulator time!! they decide to tagteam it. cass handles the scrap animatronics, steph decides what to buy, and damian handles lawsuits. they take turns with the end of night gameplay. when henry burns the place down, he did plan an escape route for them. the trio do try to save henry, but he insists on dying with his daughter.
by the end of it all, the bats all have solid evidence that it was william was the killer, and the full story of what happened to the kids to give to their families.
also they did in fact have a theory bulletin board put up in the batcave. it was a wreck by the end.
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deliciouskeys · 4 months
Cozy Corner Domaystic Prompt #18: Snow Day
Maevlander, 2.5K, rated T. AO3 link.
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Jan 23 2016
“I just don’t really understand,” Homelander grumbles, pacing back and forth in front of the large glass wall in Maeve's apartment, periodically stopping and looking out the window.
“Which part don’t you understand,” Maeve asks wearily, not looking like she really wants an answer, still in pajamas, still lounging in bed vaping as she stares blankly at the TV screen mounted on the wall with the news on silent, the red ticker-tape at the bottom listing school and university closings in New York and New Jersey. “It’s a city-wide travel ban. Vought headquarters had to close for business today and tomorrow. I’m sure some people came in anyway.”
“I don’t remember New York City shutting down because of a little snow in recent years. Don’t we pride ourselves on infrastructure? Don’t tell me they can’t clear the roadways. And come on, Vought should be one of the last places to shut down because of a little weather!”
“John, it’s literally the weekend. And there’s like three feet of snow on the ground.”
“They said 29 inches.”
“Well however much it is, it’s enough for them to declare an emergency.”
Homelander leans his forehead against the glass staring down. “If it’s really so dangerous, why is Central Park full of people sledding?”
Maeve cocks her head. “You really don’t know what to do with yourself on a day off, huh.”
“Nooo...” Homelander drags out the word, trying to be patronizing but Maeve is unfazed. “I’m just saying. I could clear the roads in an hour all by myself if the mayor or governor thought to ask.”
“I’m sure you could.” Maeve rolls her eyes.
“What, you don’t think so? I could melt Manhattan in a fifteen minute flyby.”
“Yeah, people will be delighted to see you light every street on fire.”
“I wouldn’t be setting anything on fire.” Homelander sounds defensive and it makes Maeve smile.
“Nobody asked you to melt anything,” Maeve says, groaning. “Why can’t you just give things a rest and let people enjoy a snow day?”
“Because it’s dangerous! Ambulances can’t get through. Just because there’s a snow day you think people stop having heart attacks?”
“I never knew you were so concerned about people not being able to get to the hospital. Maybe you should go on runs for the hospitals yourself then. Airlift the people having heart attacks.”
Homelander makes a scoffing sound, still staring intently out the large wall-window, the poor people who dared to go sledding on a Saturday not knowing that they were being scrutinized and judged from 90 floors up and 10 blocks away.
“So saving people is beneath you, but standing there bitching about how few people came into work today isn’t? You can really tell you never got to experience a snow day in childhood, Mr. Grinch.” 
Homelander turns toward her sharply at the last part. Maeve wonders if she’s gone too far now that his gaze has been torn away from the rabble on the ground and directed at her. It's never a good idea to bring up his childhood. But he cracks a smile instead of getting angry at her bluntness and walks over to the bed, sweeping his cape off to the side before sitting down.
“Fine, Maeve, enlighten me. Tell me what makes snow days so fucking magical.” The sarcasm in his tone is off the charts, but his gloves are off and Maeve has learned to recognize that that’s a sign that he wants intimacy, no matter what he says or how it sounds. She cautiously slides her hand into his and she can see an endearing uncertainty and neediness flicker across his face, his expression settling into something softer.
“It’s nothing complicated. You’d wake up in the morning and pray for the robocall to your parents’ landline to tell them school was out. And if you were lucky enough to have a snow day, you had the entire day free to play in the snow.”
“Like, what, build snowmen?”
Maeve smiles at the defensiveness of his tone. He’s so intent on proving to her that he didn't miss out on anything important. 
“When you’re little, yeah. Snowball fights, snowmen, snowforts. When I was a bit older, my dad would take me skiing sometimes.”
“Is skiing fun?” Homelander asks, looking away from her and staring off into a corner of the room, but still holding her hand.
“Yeah. I haven’t done it in a while. But when I was seven, I got my own skis and everything. It’s cheap thrills for a kid, I suppose. You can speed up like all hell if you go down a steep enough slope."
“Would you like to go skiing?” Homelander asks, and despite some misgivings Maeve realizes that she would like to. She relents and says yes. Anything has to be better than being cooped up in the Tower having an argument in her apartment about why people have no work ethic.
Homelander seems to brighten right up when she asks to go. Maybe Maeve underestimates how lonely and lost he feels without a daily agenda, without a script telling him where to be and what to do for most of the day. She's saved him from unstructured time.
“You’re going in that?” Homelander asks, wrinkling his nose slightly at the civilian winter clothes she's changing into.
“You don’t really expect me to ski in my skimpy uniform, do you?”
Homelander shrugs. “I’m just going as I am.”
“Yeah, you won’t be the only douchebag on the slopes wearing spandex, so you might as well.” Maeve looks him over. “You don’t think you can leave the cape at home?”
Homelander gives her a look that says she must be crazy to suggest that.
He flies her in his arms all the way to New Hampshire, where there’s plenty of snow but no blizzard going on, and where the slopes turn out to be more crowded than either of them would probably like.
They have to rent skis of course. Maeve is about to pay for both of them but the employees frantically shake their heads, and assure her it's on the house and that it’s such an honor that she and Homelander have decided to grace their humble ski resort with their presence. Maeve is pretty sure they wouldn’t have recognized her had her partner in crime been wearing anything slightly less conspicuous than full regalia.
Homelander looks skeptical when he’s asked to try on ski boots. As if the boots he came in with are any less of a fashion faux pas, Maeve smiles to herself. The poor teenager helping them starts to visibly sweat when Homelander waves him off dismissively after he offers them helmets. The staff are starstruck and ask for selfies with the two heroes, and a picture of the two of them to hang up on the bulleting board. Homelander and Maeve indulge them for a few minutes before finally heading outside with skis and poles in hand.
“Why are these boots so awkward?” Homelander asks as he follows her out of the lodge and into the snow.
“Because they’re not for walking,” Maeve grumbles. Homelander watches and mimics her as she puts the skis on. She should be grateful that he’s humoring any of this at all. Even if she’s wondering whether she’d enjoy this outing a lot more alone, there is something entertaining about seeing Homelander navigating mundane everyday life with none of his usual self-assurance.
She leads him to the ski lift, the people in line behind them clearly debating whether these were real celebrities or just really good cosplay. Homelander ends up signing a few autographs before Maeve tugs him forward to get in position for the lift.
“So this is just to bring people up the mountain?” he questions, looking around and swinging his skis like a bored kid. And maybe that’s what he is, Maeve thinks.
“Yeah,” she says. As they ski down the small ramp at the top of the lift, Homelander is clearly just taking his cues from her. Maeve hasn’t done this in so long that she hesitates and turns toward the intermediate difficulty slope. Homelander simply follows. He glides with relative ease for someone who’s never been on skis before. Then again, Maeve realizes that he’s not really skiing. As they head down the slope, she decide to stop abruptly. He glides down a little bit past her before halting and skiing himself backwards up the slope to stand in parallel with her.
Maeve smirks. Just as she thought. “Quit being creepy.”
“What?” he asks, and seems genuinely confused.
“What you’re doing isn’t skiing. Stop hovering and put your full weight on the snow.”
Homelander shrugs and visibly settles himself deeper into the snow’s surface.
“Skiing is about getting momentum from sliding down the mountain on two thin pieces of wood, not flying around pretending to ski.”
Maeve expects him to roll his eyes or get defensive and snarky. But Homelander just stares at her and even nods slightly as if she’s some guru dropping knowledge on him.
“You pivot and turn abruptly to stop. You can use your poles to help push off and change direction.” He’ll get annoyed at being tutored at some point, right?
But Homelander still nods. And before Maeve can push off herself, he starts down the slope, looking much less smooth this time, apparently testing things out, trying to do it by her rules. She still suspects he’s using his powers when he stops and looks back at her as if to ask ‘did I do it right this time?’ She skis down to join him.
“Yeah just like that. You’re getting the hang of it.”
They finish the run and get back on the lift, more and more of the crowd at the bottom wisening up to the fact that they’ve got a celebrity among them, but Homelander signs fewer autographs this time before getting on the lift again.
Maeve's getting strangely emotional, sitting here, legs dangling far above the treetops, feeling like she’s gone back in time, almost forgetting who this is. Homelander isn’t her dad. They’re nothing alike, even if she hates both of them. And yet, sitting here in the lift chair takes her back to the times she misses so much, before her dad impressed upon her that becoming part of a Vought-sponsored team should be her goal in life.
“Sorry, I know the lift must be boring when you can just ski up the mountain,” Maeve says. She doesn’t know why she’s apologizing.
Homelander shakes his head. “I don’t mind. I like sitting here with you.”
When he wraps his arm around her, Maeve can’t believe she starts crying. Homelander looks confused and retracts his arm.
“Did- did I hurt you?” he asks, and there’s not an ounce of disdain in his voice, only worry.
“No, it’s nothing,” Maeve says, laughing it off and furiously wiping the tears away. “I just remembered the last time I went skiing with my dad. We never really got along. But I did like to go skiing with him.”
Homelander looks at her, and– even though he can’t possibly understand how she feels– uncannily enough manages to look sympathetic, and she doesn’t even flinch when he wraps his arm around her again, squeezing her closer.
The moment is only ruined by a wolf whistle from the chair behind them.
Homelander’s head starts swiveling back but Maeve pushes his chin back so he keeps facing her. She doesn’t even mind when he takes that as a prompt to start kissing. It’s gentle and feels maudlin– the way he prefers it and she doesn’t. When he’s like this, she can almost forget how violently possessive he gets over her, can almost forget how Vought forced her to hide her sexual past and pretend Elena doesn’t exist. Can almost forget how she was forced into a relationship with him– first a PR one for the ratings, then a “real” one, still for the ratings. Can almost forget that Madelyn Stilwell volunteered all sorts of tips about how to navigate his capricious mood swings and exploit some of his strange vulnerabilities, which made Maeve wonder what sort of relationship they had and may still be carrying on. No, she won’t think about any of that while they’re sitting on this ski lift together, the air cool and crisp around them, his skis overlapping with hers.
She decides to go down the black diamond side this time. People gawk. Maeve feels invigorated, brave, fulfilled, and heads over the bumps so fast that she does end falling into the snow ungracefully. Homelander skis up beside her, looking concerned even though she gets up laughing, wiping snow from her face and hair with the back of her gloved hand.
“You okay there?” he asks, clearly not worried that she hurt herself, but maybe a little worried at other skiers witnessing this. There is someone who stopped further up the slope and whipped out his phone, probably filming all this.
“Yeah. Falling’s part of the fun,” she says. “You should try it sometime.”
“No thanks,” he bites off tersely.
“Yeah, wouldn’t want to get that cape wet,” she mumbles under her breath as she starts heading down the slope again. She knows he heard her, no matter how quietly she said it.
They keep skiing even after sundown, just like she used to do when she was a child, not bothering to take a break for a meal. Truthfully, she has no interest in walking into the lodge cafeteria and creating a commotion of people wanting selfies and autographs. Homelander is just taking her cues, following her around like a puppy the entire time. He doesn’t deign to fall over, not even for her sake, but he takes the lift up each time, never insisting on being an asshole and skiing up the slope or flying to show off. She suspects sitting on the lift with her is actually his favorite part of this whole escapade leaving Vought Tower for the day.
“Still bitter about the snow day?” she asks playfully on one of their more silent trips on the lift when he seems lost in thought.
He’s staring off into the distance with a strange look on his face, then seems to look down and study his skis. “I did have snow days as a child,” he says. “They just weren’t very fun.”
She tenses a little bit. When Homelander reminisces about his childhood it’s often the death knell of any fun, normal interaction between them, and a turn toward a morose angry mood. But he looks calm. 
“When there was a snow emergency, only a skeleton crew would come to work in the lab. Nobody interacted with me. Most of the scientists would stay home. The whole building was much quieter than usual. They never did experiments on me on those days, I guess, but it wasn’t a good tradeoff. I’d sit there listening to the snow landing on the roof of the building, without really knowing what it was. I’d only seen it in pictures and movies. I didn’t even imagine that it’s something wet.”
Maeve feels herself shudder and quickly pretends it’s because she’s cold, prompting Homelander to hug her in closer. He even wraps his cape around her, and she knows he hardly ever uses that for anything so utilitarian. She’s not going to let him know she shudders whenever she hears yet another tidbit about his lab days and realizes anew that the way he was raised means he can never be a balanced, pleasant person, and that it’s a miracle that he can mimic people enough to blend in. Vought have managed to raise an alien creature on earth.
Homelander leans his head in even closer and whispers “Can we have sex tonight? When we get back?” in a wheedling tone, and she nods automatically without even thinking, terrified of him and at the same time full of pity.
A smile spreads wide on his face and he releases her from the embrace as they near the top of the lift and prepare to ski off.
A/N: This blizzard was a real thing :)
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newsfrom-theworld · 5 months
Today's breaking news:
The National Autonomous University of Mexico joins the global student uprising for Gaza.
Palestinian families set up tents on top of the rubble of destroyed homes in the Beit Lahia project in northern Gaza.
At least 8 innocent civilians, including children, were killed in an Isr@eli airstrike last night which targeted a house for the Shaheen family in Rafah.
Isr@eli artillery strikes a location in the vicinity of the town of Khiam in southern Lebanon
The Turkish Ministry of Trade has announced the suspension of all trade exchanges with the Isr@eli occupation over the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip
Students at the University of Toronto, Canada, join the global student uprising for Gaza.
Hundreds of students at Seattle University join the international student action for Palestine. They are demanding their university divest from the Isr@eli occupation.
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has formally recognized the State of Palestine.
Isr@eli occupation forces block access of several worshippers into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied Jerusalem ahead of the weekly Friday prayer.
The United States and Saudi Arabia are very close to reaching a deal that would provide Riyadh with security assurances from Washington while moving the Gulf kingdom away from US rivals.
The Ministry of Health in Gaza says the number of healthcare workers killed by the Isr@eli occupation since October 7, 2023, has surged to 496.
Gaza encampments have been established in Japan at Waseda University and the University of Tokyo
Isr@eli occupation boats open fire on Palestinians off the coast of Gaza City
Isr@eli occupation aircraft bomb residential areas in northern Gaza.
Isr@eli occupation launch airstrikes on the towns of Maroun al-Ras and Aytroun in southern Lebanon.
Displaced Palestinians raise Palestinian flags atop the ruins of their destroyed homes in Gaza City upon returning to them after weeks of Isr@eli occupation attacks and the recent withdrawal.
UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese calls for global measures against Isr@el for deliberately targeting civilians in Gaza.
Palestinian civilians attempting to reach aid dropped on destroyed buildings in northern Gaza faced casualties as structures collapsed.
The World Health Organization (WHO) expressed grave concern over the potential for a bloodbath in Rafah, southern Gaza, due to a threatened Isr@eli ground invasion.
Isr@eli occupation forces detained the wife of Middle East Eye correspondent, Mohammed al-Hajjar, Inas Abu al-Maza, at a military checkpoint in the central Gaza Strip. Separating the family as they traveled south to Rafah
Students at Princeton University in New Jersey have initiated a hunger strike in solidarity with Gaza.
An Isr@eli soldier shares an image of a Palestinian abducted, partially stripped, blindfolded, and handcuffed in Gaza on his social media account
Isr@eli occupation airstrikes target tents of displaced Palestinians in Rafah
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