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v4guelyv4mpiric · 2 years ago
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years ago
how would your aus be like now that we know more stuff about the show?
oh god there would be sooooooo incredibly many changes. some I'm gonna leave alone unless directly asked but for some main ones atm--
Four Years: oh dear god so many changes. both just from learning more and also from the fact of being an au I came up with when I was 14 and I would never recommend anyone ever be the age of 14, my sincerest apologies to one luz noceda. I could make a whole other post about this but just to keep it simple lets sayyyyyy...first of all, Amity doesn't go into the Emperor's Coven. I personally still like the idea, but it doesnt really fit. theres helping her mom show off to customers, and then theres being forced into a Coven that wants to murder her crush and her crush's adoptive mom. Amity gives me the impressive of someone who would just start biting. Escaping Expulsion was Amity's "standing up to her mom" episode and I love that sm for her, I'm thinking maybe it could be redone in this au to also involve refusing to even consider the Coven? Dunno, but I know Amity doesn't join it, and neither do the twins.
Keene doesn't exist anymore, obviously. we're back on the Hunter show babey and his redemption arc (like most arcs here) take a much longer time to get on with. most remains the same, but he has a lot more interaction with Luz & the gang prior to Eclipse Lake. that episode becomes more of a "we were making so much progress but then the Panic Button hit in and everything collapsed in on itself" and then some tension between the gang of Hunter feeling shitty and not talking, the guys trying to figure out whats with him, and then Hollow Mind comes in an fucks up everything, as per usual
No more angsty fics about Camila missing her daughter because Vee's here now! yaaaaay. but this does mean Camila went a longer time without ever realizing her daughter was someone else, although I imagine at some point she WOULD feel that something was just Off. obviously shes a regular human shes not gonna think a shapeshifter took the place of her daughter, but shes gonna know something is Off and Strange but she cant put her finger on it and Luz seems happy...most of Yesterday's Lie remains the same but since it's at least been two years, maybe three, since Luz has seen her mom, she looks MUCH different than how Vee changed her appearance, so it throws Camila off quite a bit
smaller things will also stay, such as Luz becoming the Owlet and everyone being their own kinda brand of rebel. I'd have to figure out how to slide in Raine, Darius, Eberwolf, etc, somewhere in here. I'll figure it out
Beta: this one stays the most unchanged I think? granted I was updating it slightly more with updates in the show than Four Years. Hunter is still local nephew of principal and Belos's plan still involves killing all witches but its just in the "saving humanity from these evils" instead of "saving humanity from these evils and then going home". still unsure how the grimwalkers would tie into this, if my guy was just continuously making kids or if hes not actually a puritan and just a nasty old guy, and all the other golden guards are Hunter's older brothers? and he was possibly kidnapped when he was a baby or something? that part im the least sure on
Emperor: well, first of all, the duo of Amity & Luz becomes the trio of Amity, Luz & Hunter. none of them get along. Amity is constantly exasperated by Luz and her dumbassery & Luz thinks shes uptight and a tryhard at times. Luz and Hunter are dumbass on dumbass hatecrimes because Luz also thinks hes uptight but also a massive brat who thinks hes better than everyone & Hunter thinks shes annoying as hell and beneath him on every level. Hunter and Amity just take one look at each other, smell the Gifted Child With Parental Issues Trying To Be Perfect In Every Single Way on each other, and immediately drop into offensive hissing cat positions.
Luz and Hunter are the ones who get along first, mostly cause Luz getting brought over to the Emperor's Coven kind of guaranteed she'd run into Hunter first and they'd end up sticking to each other and realize they're massive nerds. Luz and Amity get along next through the power of Luz being stubborn and wlw. Hunter and Amity are last and technically it only really happens because they may be petty and spiteful but they can and will set that aside for one goal: being even pettier and even more spiteful to anyone being mildly annoying to Luz
This AU in particular hasn't had a lot of updates to it so theres a lot of room to work with her. Luz technically becomes friends with Willow and Gus because shes undercover trying to get new recruits (shes terrible at it). this also means that Hunter is more easily converted to the side of Oh Belos Fucking Sucks because he already has adopted sister Luz telling him to Run and her mildly okay girlfriend yoinking him along. course this also means it fucks up Luz even more to see that Hunter is a grimwalker and, per paraphrased word of Belos, she was the favorite. if it came down to it, Belos would've happily let Hunter die, hell, would've even done it on purpose. by virtue of being human, and Hunter being a clone, she was, in fact, given special treatment, and if anything went slightly wrong then Hunter would've died. these kids are fucked up
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2-rustywings-2 · 4 years ago
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Jerbric is adorable so here, have some!
They’re one of those crackships that just click and has adorable energy 👍
Read a Jerbric fic recently that was very wholesome…
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kai-strophics · 3 years ago
Edric [Pointing to Jerbo and Hunter]: My two boyfriends, yes they smoke weed
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Jerbo: Please, I need your help. I have no clue how to flirt.
Viney: Aw, no need to be so nervous. Ed asked you out, didn’t he? I’m sure it’s going to be fine. And flirting isn’t that hard, anyway. Just compliment his appearance! Tell him “you have beautiful eyes” or something.
Jerbo: Okay. Okay, that makes sense. I think I can do that.
Jerbo: *very nervously* I have beautiful eyes.
Jerbo: …hold up, no, I meant-
Edric: I mean, you’re not wrong. *smiles at him* You do have beautiful eyes.
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brokenpyscho · 4 years ago
If anybody has a fic of the blight kids not knowing how to do simple stuff like cleaning or doing laundry cause they're rich kids and it's BeNeAtH them that would be greatly appreciated
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samskaterguy · 4 years ago
Amity: I like girls
Emira: I do too.
Alador: Okay, Edric do you have any huge announcements?
Edric, holding Jerbo's hand: Well you see-
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obsessivlyanalytical · 4 years ago
Blight Siblings costume party
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Forgot to post this yesterday lmao. Also slight subtlety in their ships in the background. i.e Lumity, Jerbic, and Vinera.
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wetty-steady · 4 years ago
Jerbric HC: while lean, Jerbo is deceptively strong. Not as much as Viney, but people underestimate him
One time has carrying a box or bag under one arm and Edric offers to carry it for him. An "Awwwww, thank you" is given before Ed collapses under the weight of said box/bag
A Vinira version of this has happened as well
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badgirlcovention · 4 years ago
I wanna do little snippets of stuff but idk what... willing to take ideas.
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kais-brainrot · 4 years ago
Yay Jerbric fanfiction :)
Main blog -> @/kai-strophics
Jerbo brings Edric along to see the once-in-a-millenia chance to see the Lunos Lux in full bloom, but they seem to get a bit...distracted.
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years ago
Mer AU. Jerbo can pass as human fairly well. He is a gator mer which means he still got legs, but he also has spines & patches of tail. & a massive fucking tail. He mostly chills on islands that humans don't go to or in the water. People tend to not like him cause of the entire not entirely mer thing. Viney & him became friend because both of them are outcasts. Ed meets Jerbo when Ed tries to fight him & Jerbo panics & starts crying. Jerbo is not a fighter, Ed feels guilt for once. -Punk Anon
oh lmao I was imagining like with the mers where his entire lower half is just a gator body. he's just a funky little lizard boy. WHICH, actually, he'd likely be a croc! cause there are saltwater crocodiles, and he'd be able to hang with the others no problem.
Viney and Jerbo vibe on being the weridos that most other mers are iffy about. the saltwater crocodile Jerbo also makes this better because those guys are not only the biggest crocodiles, but also the biggest reptiles over all, in the world. nasty little boys, no wonder Ed would want to fight him and be a showoff. but then Jerbo freaks out because Oh God Its The Eel Kid Oh God He's Screwed and Ed has a moment of oh. oh i think i messed up just a smidge
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pixxyofice · 3 years ago
Gimme... jerbic please
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kai-strophics · 4 years ago
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Jerbo in the distance: Oh wow, library
Edric in his regal attire from lost in language. Was also gonna draw Jerbo but ran out of motivation :p
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Emira: *pretends to stretch arms*
Emira: *puts her arm around Viney*
Edric: *watching Emira*
Edric: *looks at Jerbo*
Edric: *pretends to stretch arms*
Edric: *accidentally hits Jerbo in the face with his elbow*
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brokenpyscho · 4 years ago
I need something about luz pulling human pranks on the twins plz
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